Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 06, 1888, Image 1

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-'J ul
Th Sa'arlcs Paid the Scheel Masters and
BUatreseis-Wtiat th Annual B'porteftfca
Finance Committee aTshlblts
and Liabilities of the District,
The July meeting of (be Lancaster city
sobeol beard was held en Thursday even,
top In oammen council chamber with the
following mem bera present : Messrs.
Baker, Bernard, Byrne, Belenlus, Brene
tnan, BreMus, Cochran, Darmstetter,
Eoerman, Erlsmnn, Evans, Or lest, Bart
man, Hefner, Keu'z, Levergood, Lloh Lleh
ty, Llppeld, Marshall, MoCemsey, Mo Me Mo
Cermlck. McDavltt, MoElllgett, McKll-
llp, Oeht, Pentz, Shirk, White, Well and
Wlcketsbam, president.
The minutes et the June meeting were
read and approved.
Mr. MoCemsey, of the superintending
committee, reported that the Joint commit
tee ereated by the rules te report upon the
list of teachers ter the ensuing year were
In favor of retaining all who were In the
employ of the beard last year.
Mr. Evans, of tbe finance committee, re
ported number et bills for supplies fur.
ntabed during the month and the treasurer
was directed te pay tbe same.
Mr. Evens also made the following re re
pett! Te the Heard of Directors of the Common
Scheel of Lancaster CUu, Pa.
Your committee en finance, a required
by law, respectfully presentB the annual
tatemeut et rccelptB and expenditures of
the beard for the year ending with June
Int. 18SS, tegether with the liabilities and
Ilalance In Treasury June 1,1837 IJ,IM ?8 f
w. O. Marshall. taxes ter IBs; sa.Ase ri
Jehn Heat", tuxtsieritaj
Lean walnut street achuel
Premium en lean
Bt ate appropriation
County comnilastenon
County commissioners
Interest en deposit
Bue treasurer
.171,073 93
Salaries of toaehors 13M15 15
Inteirsten leans.
2, oe
5 010 00
Pilnclpal en leans
Beeks and supplies
Salaries secretary and mtsjenger.,
Gas bill
Ceal and kindling
Water rent ,
Scheel Journal
Ulgh school commencement
llalldlng '
Plre escape
Bewer ...
VommlsBleui ler collection
.. 11,19161
,. 2,100 67
.. 323 61
,. 114 71
2,133 83
., 211! en
47 25
2,771 69
, 114 60
1-5 Oil
,. 8.C68 70
K'0 00
aw .0
213 60
. 22100
. 935 43
$71,073 93
Illah school building and lurnlture .$1300 00
lV,nr,n ..rant ' " ,M W
James street
Maner street "
Prlnce street " '
Ann street "
Bnuth Prince strcet " "
Walnut street " ''
Strawberry street "
Dnke street "
Mne street "
Uhrstnutfet'rct " "
Kecklund street "
Newstrutt "
Lean, J n. 5, '81. R per cent
i,ean, May f, '81. 1 p-r cent
Lein.Pept 7, 'HI, 4i'Or cent
Lean, Jan. 4. '83. 1 per cnt
Lein, Hunt 6.V3, 4 per cent ....
Lean, Dee 6, '81, 4 percent
.Lean, Jan.i,'7. 4cr cunt
Lear, Jan. 1, , 4 per tent
13,000 00
13100 00 re
12 850 00
15 0.0 03
3000 00
25,000 00
1 ,763 00
13,500 00
10.V0 00
13.2 0 00
..1118,20 CO
...1 5000 00
... 10,000 00
... 1U000 (0
, . , 10,0011 (10
... 10 000 00
... 13.000 00
... n, 600 00
. . 14,601(0
... 6,258 09
Te'al l'nbllltlcs ',2 .2?
Kzcess of assets jm.bii si
Samuel K. Liehtt,
Kinanee C'euiirlUOC.
I.ANCASTKn, Junk 1, 1883.
Mr. MoCem.9ey moved that the property
oemmlttoe nlter two buildings en Seuth
Duke street by maklug thorn Inte three
school rooms, aud a third eie If deemed
expedlent. It was evldent that these
schools will have te ba used for some years
te oeme.
Mr. Hariman, while opposed te making
alterations in old buildings, favored tbe
proposed alteration because tbe beard
cannot new afford te build any new school
Dr. McCormlek miggcated that seme at
tention ba paid te lmproved vonlllatlen
when the repairs are made,
Mr. Uartman replled that tbe ventilation
would be looked utter by the committee of
the beard appolnted for that purpose.
The motion of Mr. McCemsey was unan
imously adopted.
Dr. lievergoed, of the commlttee en
school hygiene, reported that tbe ventila
tion of old sobeol buildings was a dlfllcull
iDBtter, but the ccmmlttue would de the
beat It could.
Mr. Ilartmnn moved that the salaries of
all the teachers ler the cemlug year be tbe
same as last year.
Mr. McCemsey moved aa an amendment
that the salaries of Misses Myers, Kehlfr,
and Bees, who teach both English and Ger
man, be raised te U5 per month. The
amendment was accepted by Mr. Uartman
after It was made te read that teachers of
the grade rtforred te by Mr. McCemsey
receive that salary without mentioning
Om motion of Mr. Uartman tbe teachers
of last year were elrcted for the ensuing
year : Following is the list and salaries re
ceived :
Iliyh Scheel-Male.
J. P McCaakej-, Principal ,7u0 01
James O. Gael, rim As.umnt... voe te
Mary Martin, Second Assistant 60 00
lllah bchoel-Female.
Sarah II Bnndell I'M te
Uacbel F. JacWaen, First AsalHiant. .. 65e 00
Margld 11. M. Erlstnan, becend Ausl.t-
ant 00
.Prince anil Chestnut -Combined Grammar and
Georgia nnndell. 1'ilnclpal U0 01
Bailie lleuvler. ASslstint 3JJ 00
Clara 11 Huber. Principal 4li oe
Annie C. lWthven, saUlaul 105 00
West Cl.estnut Street Schools.
W II. Levergood. Heys' Grammar,,,. Cfi0 CO
Mary B, I'aliner, Heys' Secondary (93 10
Hannah It finger, Beys' recenuary SU5 W
ClaraU bplndler, frlntlpilLemblatd
lntermtuiate and l'rl i ary 3"5 oe
Mary iUhre, Assistant...... ........ 3 60
Bella Wettzall, 1'rlntlpal Leuiblnud In-
termedlate and Primary t3 00
BeuIeMeurann. Asalstant 302 te
jr( ll'afriul 5(rjf Schools
Emma L. Downey, Beys' and Girls' Sec
ondary 1331 CO
Mary Stahi. Intermediate 376 (0
Minnie A Kaub, 1'rlinary 313 6)
KinmaB. llech, 1'ilm.ry ;ij te
West James Street Schools.
Kmma Powers, Beys' and Girls' Gram
mar 1410 00
Ida Me M Ulan lutermedute 375 00
Carrie Hreeeman, Prunaiy , su 60
Battle V, cnitlj, Primary 311 60
Edit Lemen Street Schools.
A. U. Btatny, Heys' Grammar V60 01
IMa'lag neys' Secondary 395 00
alary u Mutseimsn.GlrU'urammar ... 4 oue
Matilda Zug.elrls' secondary h9l te
h.atephlik, mtermeelale ,375(0
BadlePltmlng. Primary 313 50
Mrs Anna McCemsey, InterinttdUt. 375 oe
him Hnlhie it. Intermediate K7110
LUrieKaby, Primary ., 311 re
MoeUe Vnderwoed, Primary,,,,,,,,,..,, nt 9)
PJ w
, 13,101 Oil
, J S3 12
. 2SI05
, 6,638 63
14 00
, 1.370 71
, 1 6,3 86
8i ys
6,263 60
Bailie King. Primary sum
New Street Schools.
AnntoCatter.... ti re
Sarah B. Smith, Intermediate 871100
An.ueu M. Huafenr, Primary sum
Kate Baldwin, Primary sis se
Ann Street Scheel t.
riaraB Ltrhty, Beys and Girls' ec'y..W 00
KmllyBnydam. Intermediate 7soe
Hentletta Uarfeln, Primary sis BO
cueu. uarsins, rnmary 3.3 te
aecmsAST umaieK.
Seuth Duke Strut Schools.
K.B. Uatei, Beys' GTrammar r.SOCO 00
Mary A. Dougherty, Girls' Grammar..!. 14 M re
Mary McNea, airu' loeondary S93 Oil
JUry J. Iirunlng, Principal Combined
Intermediate and Primary 375 00
K. Mile lrvln, Assistant nn en
Clara Oomph , set se
If zzte O. Marshall. Principal Combined
Intermediate and Primary S375 re
Mamie atchells, Assistant SOJM
Kalle Bandell, Principal German and
KPgllsh Intermediate. SleO 00
WilhulmlnaKehlfj. First Assistant 850 01
I.eulsa Myers, second Assistant s:e 00
Rockland ttreet Schools.
Kate Cliften, Beys' and Girls' Bec'y fro 03
Kse Bucklus, Intermediate.. .1,5 00
Unlsy enisling, Primary 313 60
Slrau berry Strtet Schools.
Frank thlbley $360 0
S.OCTHWIST division.
Seuth Mulberry Street Combined Schce's.
Carl Matz, Principal German and Eng
HthGiHmmar and Secondary ...1770 00
Minnie R. Wltwer, First Assistant SS5 00
Ella Hutser, second Asslstaut 383 CO
aiary Arnmns. rnncipai uerman and
Kngllsa Intermediate and jrrlniary.... (75 00
Annielless, Assistant 160 10
Sa'oiee carpenter, Intermediate,., 873 00
Mary Gnthrle. Primary Sis SO
Mary Sharp, Primary SIS SO
Maner Street Schools.
Ida Ltnfl, Beys' and Ulrls' (Secondary.. ..itas oe
Surah sti (Tel, Intermediate S7S 00
KmmaBrlmtper, Primary sis (w
Margie ilumphreyvllle, Primary 813 CO
Seuth Prince Street Schools.
Lizzie Neeper, Beys' and Girls' Becend
ary ...... ............,... ....
LauiaJ. ralck. Intermediate,...,
,t95 CO
37' 00
313 60
3.3 50
xiuuiti .. tuur.rjimury..,.
Hute Barnes, Primary......
Carl Matz, HlgA Schools and German-
Knglleb Scheel I W0 (0
Jehn B. Kevlnskl. Soceidarv and l'rt.
miry schools , SCO CO
Fer the two vacant scholarships in Frank
lin and Marshall college anven young men
were placed in nomination. Elmer Ream
and L J. Keed were the successful ones.
Dr. Wlekersham announced that he had
two scholarships in the college at his dis
posal and he would see that high school
graduates received them, and In addition
If there were any ether high school grad
uates who desired te attend college he
would see that they were furnished with
Following is the report of the city aoper aeper
Intendent for the month :
Lancaster, Pa, July 6, 1833.
Te the Heard ctchoel Directors
Gentlkmkn Your elty superintendent
submit the following report of the public
schools for tbe month of June :
The whole number of pupils In attend
ance was 247 in the high aoneols, 324 In tbe
grammar, 638 In tbe secondary, 34 In tbe
ungraded, 803 In the Intermediate and 1,415
In the primary, making a total of 3,30 L.
The number in average attendance was
231 In tbe high school, 313 In the grammar,
497 in tbe seoendary,27 in the ungraded, C91
In tbe Intermediate and 1,199 in tbe prim
ary, making a total of 2 9ia
Tbe average percentage was 89.
Tbe number of pupils net absent was
The number et teaehers present at the
taanhArn' mfiAflnira wan7fl
The number of visits made by the elty I
superintendent was 48, I
iiw uuuiuar ui visua uisup iy ui rector
was 80, as fellows : Ft. R. Breneman 16, Hen.
J. P. Wlcktrsham 15, Wm. McCemsey 14,
S.J. Owens 9, J. McKUiipa 8, Cbas. Lip Lip
peld 5, J. W. Byrne and E. J. Brlsman
eaeh 4, W. W. Qrlest 3, Philip Bernard 2,
The final examinations for promotion into
the bigh schools were held en tbe 25th and
20th et June. Forty three boy and sixty
three girls passed them successfully.
During the term our onrellmentbas been
as fellows : High sobcels, 121 boys and 178
girls 302; grammar, 201 boys and 243
girls 444; secondary, 372 boys and 400
girls 772; ungraded, 23 boys and 39 girls
0i; Intermediate, 570 boy and 653 girls
1 129 ; primary, 1 053 boy and 9S8 girls
2 (ML Total, 2,349 boys, 2,401 girls 4,750.
Tnn average attendance was 3 108
Te these should be added 1C0 boy and 90
girls attending the night schools, making
our entire enrollment 6,000, of wbleb, how
ever, about 200 may be considered dupli
cate enrollments, leaving ua an Increase In
tbe enrollment, ever last year, of about 200
Of these tbe following made full time :
Primary schools. Mary Fester, Jehn
Rethlus, Annie Bees, Edna Hurat, Milten
Kamm, Elite Leibhart, Maud Hess, Guy
Brunn"r, Lizzie Moseman, James Musser,
Mary Samson, Vloler Westermaler. Harry
Intermediate May Biggs, Edith Ltndls,
Willie Hcrmen, Cairie Demes, Carrel
Sebum, Henry Peppier, Blanche Hebble,
Annie Keller, Jacob Kehler, Heward
Clemmens, Mary Gerher, Emma Hege, Ida
Lyens, Lily Arneld, Jehn Herman, Willie
HermaD, Gee. Geselle. Elam Reet. Bertha
.Samson, Emma Yeung, Bessie Snavely,
Frances Ktntz, uiara .Hare, ivzzie Hubert
Secondary. Miriam Herr, Carrle Herr,
Lena Heerel, Krally MeMnllen, Lily Her.
shock, Daisy Miller, Ira Bare, Ress Bare,
Win. Clemmens. Jehn Gerber, Harry
Huber, Harry Nelty, Annie McElroy,
Bertha Hersbey, Ella W. Connelly, Louisa
ErnBt, Klsle E. Krauskop, Mary Hurst,
Minerva Bees.
Uramii'ar. Ada Kloler, Kstella Klefer,
Viela Huber, Little Miese, Maggie Arneld,
Kate Kahler, Lettie Bauaman, Mary Ma
Mullen, Mellis Stephens, Annie Snavely,
Elite MoKlrey, Reaella Shoemaker, Frank
Eby, Jehn Myers, Cbas, Baker, Wm. Mus
ser. Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
R. K, Ul'ElUU.K.
Bate Ball Nerj.
The League games played yesterday : At
Chicage: Chicago 4, Philadelphia S ; at In In
dianaeolis: Indianapolis 10, Bosten 7 ; at
Pittsburg : Washington 3. Pittsburg 2 ; at
Detroit : Detroit 18, New Yerk 13.
The only Association game yesterday was
in Cincinnati, wbere the Brooklyn was de
feated by 14 te 7.
Tbe Chicago club plays in great luck.
Yesterday they had but aiz hlta oil Qleasen
and Btill they wen.
Old Jim White was oil the Detroit for
several game', two of whleh were let by
Uaere.'s attempt te fill the position. Yes
terday the deacon was put back, and again
all la well.
Tne Selar Tip club et Philadelphia is
making a great hit. They recently secured
and fitted up old Keoreatlen park, wbere
they are drawing great crowds te see geed
games. Yesterday the Kastern team of tbe
Central League defeated then by 0 te 8.
Te-day comes tbe tug of war, Brooklyn
meets HL Leuis and tbe Athletics will be
In ClnelnnBtL The question of leadership
will ba settled for a short time at least bv
tbe result of tbese games.
Weldman, wbe pltohed a while for De
troit last year, and la new with tbe New
Yerk, was put In against his old associate.
He was bit for a total of 23 bases.
Tee American Association, at a special
meeting yesterday, refused te return te 25
cent admissions. Tbe Athletics will be
allowed te charge that sum as long as the
Philadelphia League team does.
Te- morrow afternoon the August Flower
and Athletic clubs will play a match
game of ball In the Iiensldei grounds at
liglnls Will U True.
Cel. Jehn U. Cary, superintendent of
:bee!s at Richmond, Ya, and general
state agent of tbe Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance company, writes te Mr,
Gee N.Keyneldv, of this elty, as fellows :
Yeu may oeunt Mrglnla safe for tbe
St, Leuis ticket. Judge Tburman has
always been a favorite with our people, and
Mr. Cleveland's honest, courageous course,
ba wen him the confidence of the people
Who demanded hU nomination."
II I Made tip Chlsfly f use Tax ea Cigars,
Spirits and Bear-Only a Light la-
crtasa Dae te aae AddlUan a
Tear Age of Three Oeantle.
The Ninth United State Internal reve
nue dlatrlet of Pennsylvania oensUU of
Lancaster, Yerk, Dauphin, Cumberland,
Adams, lVauklln, Ferry, Snyder, Junlafa,
Lebanon, Mlfilln, Fulton Uuntlogdes,
Blair and Bedford. The three laat named
oeunties were added te the district Just one
year age. The amount of reveaue received
from them la oemparatlvely light A
glance at tbe large Increase from the Bale of
beer stamp will show that the new count U
drink, their fair proportion of beer. Th
total revenue for the nasal year ending
June 30, were 11,71)1,010 2&,
It will be eeen by looking at the annual
statement that tbe prlnelpal amount of
hue In the dlatrlet 1 oelleoted en beer.
spirits and cigars. Beside the eentral
office at Lancaster there are two ether
offices one at Yerk and one at Harrlr
burg at which revenue atamp are old.
Nine-tenths et these stamp are sold at the
Lancaster and Yerk ofBee.
Following are the amounts of taxe col
lected at the three stamp-selling offices for
elgar sumps alone for the past three yean,
during which time Oolleetor MsoQenlgle
has been oelleotor : Lances er, 11,962,170 68 ;
Yerk, tjl, 164,8(30.20; Harrlaeurg, $333,
30a03 ; tout for elgar stamps, 13,960,436 47.
The total amount of taxes oelleoted In the
district, from all sources, during the past
three years by Oolleetor MacOenlgle la 14.-
And yet he and his corps of assistants are
cooped np In a little inconvenient room,
whlie the high officials outside, breathing
the balmy summer air, have net even se
lected the site en whleh our new pnblle
building 1 te stand.
Following Is the official statement of the
revenues for the year :
s? as a 1
.t; e i-ra n 3 '
I m2mQ
-"'ff M
J 5
4 CA O) 9 j B 9 O 9 M CO
........ Mig J. I
(A) I 06 6 1 a-OO -Ci3uDf' I
fJJfff ri
3j SGSa22gSSaSi
88 2S22SS,DCfSSS
g'fssggasta s e a a i
5 I v3a
rr9 I te W
jrnug r I
2 1 g3l'S?':St8 1
oeovqox r" I
033vqOX r
J 8
31 KB
81 vgs?aae'sgss
xvx ivjOtdsi
8 SS83fli33S"SShI""M,l
8' ssgsasasssg I
VUH-Uh in.
Traded a Uersa Ker a vow.
Jeseph Josephs, a drover, ha been prose
cuted before Alderman Barr for lareeny a
a bailee. The prosecutor Is C, M. Powers,
and the facts or tbe case are these : Powers
was tbe owner of a horse and Josephs of a
cewv Power agreed te trade his horse for
Josephs' cow and (30, and Josephs ac
cepted the terms. Power delivered hi
horse, but Jeseph refused te deliver the
cow or pay tbe 530, and ler refusing te de
se was prosecuted for larceny as bailee.
Ball was entered for a hearing.
Aueluer Halt Against the Oennty.
Thursday afternoon the case of Alderman
Deen against tbe oennty of Lancaster was
heard before Alderman Spurrier, The suit
was for f 150. 15 for aldermanle fee, wbleb
tbe county oemmlnaloner refused te pay,
though Alderman Deen swore that hi bill
was correct and that the eharge were made
according te the fee bllL Alderman Spur
rier gave Judgment In favor et the plaintiff
for tbe full amount of the bill f 150 15, to
gether with interest, 121.03,
What Thlsni Get.
Er.irAiiETjnewN, July C Thieves en
tered the residence et Harry Wealand en
Monday nlgbt and stele a new pair of shoe,
a sack of Heur and a quantity of edible.
Mr, E. Utppard, of Youngstown, O,, ac
companied tbe remain of his brother from
Cleveland te this plaee, where the body
was burled.
The Old Brethren will held service at
Green Tree meeting house next Sunday.
Anether One Surprised.
Minnie, a twelve-year-old daughter of
Christian Bees, et 502 Seuth Queen street,
celebrated her birthday yesterday. She
was lured away from home and upon her
return was surprised te nod twenty of her
schoolmates gathered at her home. They
all had a pleasant time for several hour.
Thrashed UIs Wits.
Geerge Shay was arrested few day age
ler having threatened te kill his wife. He
was released upon entering ball te keep
tbe peace. He went te his home and at onee
amused himself by thrashing his wife. Be
was arrested and this morning secured ball
1 (or a hearing before Alderman Bur,
Pennsylvania Educators Uattier In 1'blU
dslpblat la Second Anaaal Masting.
Tbe College aesoelatlon et Pennsylvania
began It second annual meeting Thurs
day afternoon in the chapel et the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania In Philadelphia. Tbe
representative present were Dr. T, L.
Selp, Muhlenberg college, Allentown ;
Professer Edward H. Msglll, Swarthmore
college; Professer William P. Holcomb
and Arthur Beardaley, of the same col
lege t Provest Pepper, Professer Jehn U,
R. McElroy and H. P. Sadtler, et the
University of Pennsylvania; Professer
Enech Perrlne, of Bucknell University,
and Professors J. B. K teller and J. E.
Kersehner, of the Franklin and Marshall.
Proresaer Maglll, In tbe abtenee of Pres'
denl Thomaa O. Apple, presided and made
tbe annual address. The address was writ
ten by President Apple, in Londen, and
forwarded te Prof. Msglll. Dr. Maglll In
terpersed the addreaa with several Interest.
Ing remarks or his own. Dr. Apple's ad
drees dwelt en tbe origin aud progress of
the College association, and spoke et tbe
necessity or union among educational
bodies. He apeke favorably of tbe pro pre
pored admission of the colleges et Mary
land and the Middle atates Inte tbe associa
tion, and he seemed sure that these states
will be admitted. Among the gentlemen
B resent was Professer Jebn Fell, from the
ollegeel SU Jehn's, An spoils, Maryland.
At the conclusion of the president's ad
dree the executive commlttee of the asso
ciation presented Its annual report. A
oemmlttee was then appointed te nominate
tbe offleers for the ensuing year. The
oflleers nominated and elected were : Pre
sident, Provest William Pepper ; vice pre
sident. Professer iT. L. Selp, Muhlenberg
college; recording secretary, Professer
Jesse Y. Burke, et the University of Penn
sylvania ; corresponding secretary, Profes Profes
eor Edward Maglll, Swarthmore college;
treasurer, Prof, J. R Kleffer, of Franklin
and Marshall college; executive committee,
President Knox. Lafayette oellero : Prefes
ser Enech Perrlne, Bucknell University ;
Professer Sharpies, Uavonerd, and Rev.
Dr. Thomaa G. Apple, Franklin and Mar
Bew a Pretlaencs Tennsbtp Man Toek Ills
Own Life.
In Thursday' iNTKLLiciENCKn the sui
cide of Emanuel Winters, wbe resided In
Provldenee township near the village of
New Provldenee, was notleed, but only a few
particular had bsen learned. It seems
that the deceased bad net been In geed
health for aeme time past. He had lest tbe
tight of one of hi eyes and was afraid that
he would lese the ether. This and the peer
oendltlon et his health soemed te worry
him. Fer some time past It had been hi
oustem te sleep en a leunge Instead of In
bed. When the ether of tbe family, which
oenaltted of Mrs. Winters and Philip Geehe-
nsur and Bister, two of her Krandehlldren,
retired Wednesdayevenlng they left the de
ceased lying en the leunge. About three
o'clock Thursday morning Philip arose from
bed and found tbat Mr. Winters was net en
the lounge. The boy awakened hi Bister
and the two went te the barn with a lan
tern. They made a search and found Win
ter en the hay mew dead. He had taken
a rope, one end of which he wound tightly
around hi neck. He placed the ether end
through the rung of tbe ladder at the aide
of the bay mew and then drew It taut
with hi hand. When found he was In a
steeping poBltlen and still held the end et
the line.
Deputy Corener Jcfl Armstrong was no
tified of the Buloide, and for the Inquest he
summoned tbe following Jury: J, M.
Shullz, Simen K. Eckmau, Jehn A. Bteele,
Daniel Eekman, S. E, Goehnaur and A.
H. Helm. The verdict was one of sulelde.
The deceased was about 05 years of age
and lived en a llttle farm that he owned.
He leave no family but his wife, who was
a widow when he married her aome yeais
Daniel nrennan aud Wile Try 10 Prevent the
BtaalDg Company Frem Laying a siding.
Before Alderman McConemy, Alex, WIN
son, superintendent et tbe Reading &. Co
lumbia railroad, has brought a suit against
D.nlel Brannan and wife, of Dlllervllle,
who are charged with malicious mischief.
Seme day age tbe railroad oempany began
oenatruotiug a aiding en whleh te store
cars, Just east of Dillcrvllle. Near this
point Brennan has a stone quarry and the
laying of this traek shut up the read leading
te the quarry. Brennan claimed te have
mere right than the corporation and when
tbe workmen began laying down the traek
he and hi wife appeared en the scene. As
fast as the men would lay the traek Bren
nan and wife would tear It up. They also
fought tbe workmen. Finally the track was
laid down and It has net yet been disturbed
lately. On account of this trouble tbe suit
was brought against Brennan and wlfe.
Itcv. Ptesldtnt Applr, el OUe "
la concluding his acoeunt of tbe opening
et tbe Pan-Pre&byterlan nounell, the Lon Len Lon
eon correspondent of tbe New Tork
Herald saya the delegates " crowded tbe
reception of tbe American minister, and at
Exeter hall Mr. Warner Van Nerden, of
New Yerk, occupied tbe chair. The Rev,
Dr. Craven, of Pnlladelpbla, read a paper.
The Rev. President Apple, of Ohie, and
Dr. Chambers, et New Yerk, made ad
Complaint Agslunt I'uj.
Complaint was made en Thursday by
Mrs. Mary Shrelner against three boys
named Beck, Herz)g and Elsenberger, liv
ing en Beaver atreet. The allegation Is
tbat these boys broke down the fence of her
yard, went Inte her premises and ruined
the growing vegetablen Bill was entered
by the boys for a hearing.
Slander Arbitration Continued,
Te-day was appointed for the slander
arbitration of M, M. Ssnsenlg vs. Jebn
Martin, but tbe case had te be continued
because H. S. Martin and Peter Amnion,
two of the arbitrators chosen, declined te
serve. They would net serve because tbe
parties te the suit are old friends and for
mer neighbors.
Anether Eighth Ward Club
Last evening a meeting of Democrats et
tbe Eighth ward was held at FrllE'd hotel
toeganlzsaclub. A temporary organization
was tllected by electing Lee Jacobs chair
man, and Harry Q. Keller secretary. They
adjourned te meet at tbe call of the presi
dent A lleaty Pallel lUln.
There was a heavy fall el rain In the lower
end of tbe county, espeeially in Drumore
and Fulton townships, last evenlcp. The
lightning struek In a field of Sanders Mo Me
Sparran and burned one aheck of wheat,
but the remainder was net dainsged,
Henry J. Batler, esq,, a mi'inber of the
Lancaster tar and termer realdent of this
elty, 1 visiting old IrlendB In Lancaster.
He I new practicing hid profession at Feit
Beott, Kansas, where he baa already built
up a Btreng reputation for ability.
Seut te Jail for Tneuly I)i.
Patrick Dillen was arrested en Thursday
for drunkenness and disorderly conduct.
He was one of a party wbe were fighting at
tbe reservoir, but tbe balance of tbe gang
get away before tbe arrival of Constable
Side. Aldsrman Haluach sent DUleu te
jail for twenty day.
tbsy Will Cease th Arrest or Tueie Labering
en Sunday Cennsel Employed and Meney
Backlog Secured-Coachmen, Printers
and Street Car Men te lie TrKd,
PiTTsnuBO, July 0 Influential repre
sentative of the druggists, (be milk and
lemenade dealera and fruit stand proprlo preprlo proprle
tor et this elty have effected an organiza
tion, the obleet et whleh Is te make tiarts of
the blue laws " of 1794 se obnoxious that
objectionable part will be legislated out of
A commit lee of fl ve have te day employed
n ex city ofHelal who will secure evidence
and make Information In ease et worldly
labor performed en tbe Sabbsth day.
Solid financial backing ba beeu secured
and counsel ha been retained.
Street car com pan le will probably be the
first te answer In the oeurta.
Tbe publisher of newspaper will be
called te account through arrest or empleyes
Who work en Sunday,
The uniformed llvorymen who drlve
their employer te ohureh en Sunday will
also be called upon.
In faet prosecutions are te be ontered
wherever posslble te de sr, and the new
organlzitlen hopes te make the publle be
hostile te the laws et 1749 that amendment
or repeal will fellow.
Forged Notts Amounting 10 S)J3,000,
Montreal, Qua, July a The oredltors
and oustemers of the absconding carriage
maker Quesne were startled yesterday
when they heard that mere than halt of tbe
paper he leaves behind him la fcrged. One
of the largest oredltors aays that of 40,000
of paper net mero than 15,000 Is genuine
Anether creditor, who has about $2,000 et
paper, aays only two small notes of 176 eaeh
are genuine, while a meney broker who has
discounted fS,000 holds a large percentage
et forgeries. The bookkeeper et the firm
admitted that he as well as his employer
had for some time past had been carrying
en a huge system el fraud, he even forging
the signature.
ratal tfemili yuarrel.
ErniNQFiELD, Me, July 0. Reperts
Just getting hure from the back counties
Indicate tbat the Fourth of July was cele
brated In typical berder style. At Mnrafleld
a party of drunken farmers engaged in a
free for nil fight. There were alx of thorn
and but one is left te tell the tale, the ethers
being dead or badly hurt. At Walnut
Greve Will Marrltt and Jehn Claypool get
drunk in a lively state. One bottle et beer
was left and with this Clsypoel knocked
Merrltt down under a horse' hoels, wbere
he was kloked te d eath. At Uallvllle, Dan
Mitchell sUbbed W. Soett fatally.
Poned Dead en Ills Wile's arava.
PlTTsnunu, July 0 Early this morn
ing the body of Jeseph F. Rapp, with a
bullet hole In his temple, was teund lying
upon the graves of his recently deceased
wife and child In St. Mary's cemetery en
Nunnery Hill, Allegheny. Since the death
In hi family, a few month since, Mr.
Rapp ha been tbe victim of melanobely te
an unusual degree. He left his motber's
residence aometlme between mldnlgbtand
morning. The empty weapon was found
by his side.
Fart el a Village Destroyed,
Warhkn, Pa., July 0 At 9:15 o'clock
last night lire originated In the 1'cnny Ttist
building, near tbe centre el Glen Run vll vll
lage, two miles distant from this place,
and rapidly spread In all directions. The
only building of value dostreyod were tbe
poBtefQco and Wllley's brick store house.
Six residences, four business places and a
number et shanties were destroyed. The
fire started from a leaking gas pipe, the gas
being Ignited by a fire-cracker. Less f 10,
000 ; Insurance unknown.
Three lleys Drewn.
St. Leuis, July 0 A river excursion
party from St. Leuis stepped yesterday
morning at Harrison's Landing en the Il
linois shore below here, and thrue St
Leuis boys who were In tbe party went
bathing in a small stream and were
drowned, Oae was Henry Doanner, son
of a restaurant keeper, and the ether two
were named Sissman and Kelly respec
tively. The bed 1 os were net recevered.
Tiiltvcs Itantack a Town.
Hudsen, W1p., July 0 Sherlir Camp
bell has received word that thieves had
raided tbe village of S'ar Prairie, a town
fifteen miles from this place. Tbey breke
Inte all tbe ateres and blew opeu every
safe In the town. After finishing thelr
work, tbey stelo a herse and oarriage be
longing te a resident and made their escape.
They sojured considerable plnnder.
Caleriunma Yurepsugti.
Fall Riveb, Msbh., July 0 Te day
four cars of Forepaugh'a circus train weie
wrecked In tbls city. Three men wero
injured, Jehn Weed, el Bosten, seriously.
They were cut out of the rulus. Dandy, a
trick horse, was killed ; n stallion aud a
racing mare were se badly hurt that they
had te ba shot.
A Witrutug PerLl
Bnoeui.YN,July C The reul OHtale elllce
of Levi P. Morten, tbe Republican candi
date for vlce president, was struck by
lightning yesterday afternoon.
CeDsplrury te Defraud,
Deputy United States Marshal J. V.
Uelrlck, of Yerk, arrested a young man
named James Boyd, en Thursday.
He U charged with conspiring
with ethors unknown te defraud
the United Stales government. Boyd was
Been te be in the possession of a large
number of pestage stamps supposed te be
stelen and as he would net tell whoie
he get tbein he was arrosted. He
entered bail for a hearing befere
United States Commissioner Kennedy for
a hearing en July 20,b. After he entered
ball he told the commissioner that he had
received tbe stamps from A, P. Shoo Sheo Shoe
maker, and a warrant was Issued for Shoe
maker's arrest. He was brought te this
city te-day and entered ball ler a hearlng
en the aauie date as that of Boyd.
Cluing Heme,
The Orand Army people are returnlug In
large numbers from Gettysburg and nearly
all Eastern bound trains are crowded.
This afternoon there were two soetlons of
the Sea Shere Express. One was leaded
with veterans who bad a small cannon
which they fired as tbey entered the sta
tion. In tbe train was a suspicious looking
beer car.
An Incorrigible Girl.
OlHeer Khrrean today arrested Kdlth
Wleker, a young girl living en Frederlck
street Sbe la ebarged with being Incorri
gible and beyond tbecontrel of herparents.
Alderman Spurrier will hear tbe case, after
which tbe Judges will be asked te send the
girl te the Heuse of Refuge.
Ilsld Per Court.
Clara Maney, of Mlfilln street, lias been
held In ball for court by Alderman Hershey
te answer the cberge et surety of tbe paace,
preferred by Sallle Blcey,
Th Trouble That Geerge and Hynien Krftart
Are Having.
Hymen Erharr, a huckster who resides
in tne upper part of this city, haa brought a
suit, before Alderman MoOenomy, against
bis brother Geerge, living near Rawlins
Vlile, charging him with assault and battery,
It eeem that several day age the personal
property of Geerge was sold by Constable
Senft, of Martle township. Geerge In
duced hi brother Hymen te attend the
ale and buy tbe geed In for
him. Hymen purehased the preperty, and
after paying ter It obtained a receipt from
the oenataMe. Afterward tbe two brothera
were walking through a weed near
Geerge's house and they heoame engaged
In a war et word ever the sale. Geerge
wanted Hymen te sign the receipt ever te
him. Hymen says that when he refused
te de this Geerge struck him a terrible blew
en the head with a big club, knocking him
down, He then tried te cut htm with a
knife, and said he would kill him If he did
net sign the receipt ever te him. Hymen
say that while he was en tbe ground, with
hi brother en top et him, he algned the
receipt for fear that he would be killed.
The prosecutor's appearanee Indicates
that hi story Is the truth, a his head show
that he haa received a terrible beatlny,
Constable Senft arrcsted Ueerge yesterday
and bremrht him te town. Hfnr Ih. .1.
.. T .H
". ?" 1
uerman no enierta Dan ler a
Geerge la a very strong, museular
He fermerly lived In this city and for a
tiine had charge et What Glen patk.
Botere Alderman Barr Geergo haa
brought suit agatnat his brother,,oharglng
him also with assault and battery. While
Geerge was under arrest en tbe charge
noted above belore Aldeimin MoCenomy,
Uyrean scoured a writ of teplevln, went
toGeorge'anomo and removed (he goods
In question.
Th Fourth at rtanriin.Tiiir.
Rawlinsvillb, July 0. The people et
this plaee oelobrated the Fourth et July
this year with even mero display than
usual. At six o'clock tbe parade, com-
posed of three soerot soeletles from the
vlllage and two visiting societies, with tbe
Willow Street and New Provldenee cornet I
bands, was formed at the square, after
whleh tbey marehed through the vlllage
streets. After the parade they marehed te
Jes. Armstreng'a orehard, where a stand
and seats had been eroeted, where the
meeting was called le order by T. J. Shirk,
who Introduced Samuel Jones as the chair
man of the meeting. An exoellent pre
gratnme was then gtven, consisting of pa
triotic songs by a ohelr et young ladle,
and ad dresses by Messrs. Trlpplc, Chand.
ler, Jehn H. Landts, Wm. Brealus, I, C,
Arneld, Dr. Gatobell, and Rev. Gaeka,
The display of firewerk was mere
olaberato than tbat et former years, while
the speaking was hotter than the average
Fourth of July oration.
A Class rlenlc
Tbe class of '83 of the high school held a
plonle at Roeky Springs yesterday. The
party met at the home of Katie Huber, ene
of It member, en Seuth Queen street
They then proceeded te the picnic ground
by atreet car and beat The day was
pleasantly spent playing games, beating,
Ac., and te make the occasion mere enjoy
able, a special pregramme had been pre
pared. Misses Mamie Barner, Nellie Llp Llp
peld and Mary C. Hantaan sang college
and popular airs, while Abram Adams ac
companied thorn 'en tbe guitar. Frank
Rudy amused tbe party by his Jeke and
funny sayings. Alter aupper, whleh the
ladles of the class prepared In tbe finest
style, the party turned towards home,whlch
was roaehod after dusk. The day was ene
that will long be remembered, as all
present enjoyed themselves end no acci
dents occurred,
A Villain and Ills Turpentine.
A small deg en East King atreet caused
qulte h sensation en Friday attorneon. He
ran Inte Fabnestoek'a store and hi appear appear appear
anoe Indicated tbat he had the hydropbebla.
The elerks became very aotlve when tbey
saw tbe deg and for a time they made
themselves at home en the oeuntor. The
deg ran from the atore Inte East King street
and theory el "mad deg" was raised. A
polleeman was sent ter te kill the animal,
but before the arrival el an oflleer the deg
was seoured and It was found tbat his pecu
liar aotlena were caused by aome evil dis
posed person having put turpentine en
blm. After the proper remedies te remeve
tbe turpentine were applled the deg ceased
hi yelling and went te his home.
According te Prlzs King Itules.
Jehn Kautz and Geerge Harple bad a
disagreement seme weeks age, and tbey
met en Friday evening for the first time
alnoe their quarrel. Harple Insisted upon
Kautz oceompanylng hlm te tbe corner of
Arch and Grant streets te settle thelr dlflor dlfler
ences according te the rules et the prize
ring. The young men, acoempaniod by a
tew friends, went te the point designated,
and hid only begun the fight when Cfllcer
Weaver put In an appearance and arrested
tbe Jebn Sulllvans. They spent the nlgbt
in tbe station house, and this mernlug
Alderman HalbacU, acting ter the mayor,
discharged them upon the payment of
An Exaggerated Picture.
Some time age an agent of the JVftce
Gazette and a drummer who were in this
city, went out fishing In the Conestoga and
oime back te town, with a story that they
had reaeued a woman from drowning. This
week the Gazette lllnstrates this Incident
One young man Is seen in the beat taking
en bis coat and tbe ether Is In tbe stresm
wrestling with a oetlla-shapod beat con
taining a woman. The water Is very swilt,
and tbe party, with the exception of tbe
man en the bank, Bcetn te be In danger
In theplcture a shaky looking brldtie 1
)cn which Lancaster people knew nothing
ICeturn el Lancaster's Seclellei
Thursday evening the Lancaster Lledor Lleder
kranz and M.uanorehor, the singing so
cieties that had been In Baltimore attend
ing the Snngertest for a woek, returned te
Lancaster, arriving here at 0:45. They
carne buck by Pert Deposit aud had a fine
trip. Frem tbe station the Mtonnercher
membera were escorted te their ball, after
which the Lloderkranz went te thelr hall,
where seme refreshments wero partaken of.
The membera of tbe societies speak highly
et their trip and thelr hospitable treatinect
at the hand et the Baltlmereans,
Successful llass rithlng.
Majer O. M. Hewell and Dr. A. A. Ilub
lfy went te Sate Harber Thursday, and
succeeded in taking 43 fine blaek bass.
Tbey had another ezponeneo that was net
ae pleasant. A turrlfie storm of thuuder,
lightning and rain passed ever the fishing
grounds about halt past ene o'clock, almost
drowning them; and another, scarcely less
severe, came en an hour or two later. Tbe
fishermen get home safely in the ovening.
lit lore Aldarmsn Ilren.
Adam Sellers, a Faegleyjville resident,
who was arrested several days age for being
drunk and disorderly, has been sent te Jail
for 30 hours,
Hairy Grlmaey, a boy who Is charged
with having assaulted Temmy Yundt, a
mueh smaller boy than Grlmaey, has been
held In bail for trial at court.
Hs Clears A war the Bamlclen Tkatrta ,. jy
- - -- w t.B
L tiers te Mr. Kgan-Jestln McCairby
te Address tbe Haas et Com Cem Com
eons en the Same Behjee.
' 'SJi
Londen, July O.-In the Heuse of Oe. &1
roeu this afternoon Mr. Parnell aM taVas,;
thnrntinliiatnn nf iha vrt-....ii 111..1 l-
-B---.. . -he uu iniicuini mm usssavjmi t$
testifying under oath te tbe falseneaa of tavtuv $
statements made in reference te himself. , &,&
n wmiM IhwAfnMtMirfA.ii.- - - - i - .h
. v. " i me jiwiaiaai 11,
10 tne ueursetbat he had never see t v
letter purported te have been written tsTS
hlmaftlf 1,. te r. ITiyan t?Akr.-. A4 lui X1
Tkta I-,,.- 1.- j ' - SSi
u- hiidi ui yiuuunucni m iergary, ui-i
Regarding tbe letter of hi saving : Thara .z$i
Is net the least llklllhoed of what von an. ,
prehend happening, Mr. Parnell atatatl ihM
u '" uiigut ua Keouine;ne cjuia Hof '
recollect It, however. Mr. Parnell cost--
imuea te speak for some time.
Jjater Mr. Justin McCarthy will ad.
dress the Heuse en the same subject.
,e;.'"""1 "" " '"" ! wioeer as,
"" m Ve7i -J'" ' " nave lent M.
. jg,,. h-nwiii win 111
,K-. .Ul .,.... . - - - A
l0 ' wnen "m you undertake te get ih 4
I work done 7 Given value foreurmoMy,"
Mr. Parnell said : The attorney geaeraL-1
staled that the polies found tbe letter laCjSra
Came;' house. Doubtless genuine letters -''i.
genuine letters -,vh3I
from Mr. Egan were found there but Mr.
Egan was never legally ehtrged with wrK- j
iug iue ene in question, ana ni ctIa V .J
denial denouneos the letter a a forgery," N-
Mr. Parnell denounced as an absolute Y'si
forgery the lotter . said te nay
been smuggled from him while la
Kllmalnbam Jail addressed te Mr.
Egan. "I never wrote, signed, said -or
authorized it," deciaied ba He reiterate
that he had never aigned or authorized the
letter 01 May 15, 1832, which was published
'I have never," said ba,
""eu me signature similar te thai
attacbed te the letter. Blnee U7t
I h adopted a different atf.
,urei (uonservauve one 01 -unr) TM
latter et June 10, 1681 , was a forgery.
Byrne's letter was doubtless genuine, few ' s?i
1 naver sent Bvrne nnv menev. X tmt. IV
seribea a small amount te the Byrnt tJ iA
... .. . .. . - Str
meniai. The great majority 01 letter. Mb
muted uy tne Times," continue ar, zv,
Parnell, are palpable forgeries 1 If thajr ,-v
are credited, it must be auppesed that I ' V.
murderer, and was an aoeeaeory both bttet'M
Bud after the faet et the murder. The ta' ;
iin inn 1 dukiw juuuuuuiu jau uaar J'.fcj, s
ing 10 assassinate Mr. ersisr is an annue- -yUfst
uy. a no wnoie series 01 me mitn ' 5';
produeod, with a few exceptions, alew-;;
them te be forgeries." ' , M
t MUn
While Banning SB Miles an tlenr Tbey fteflfca J&
uaad 10 Head Many Passengers Mara.., '" V3J
I Wilkksbauiib, Pa., July a Atrrb ;S
-mMa-. ... th. 7 !"T "
railroad at Bulzbaeh atatlen, eight aJisr
from wiiaosbarre at iu. 0'oieok
morning. ," l'J?:
e wing te a wrong order issued by a tl-..-,?
m.nk -. fat nt naaaannaii walaa sWatkkaJ. & V '
OJjJU VDIHIV1 nu 'SBsssj eusCA BBBIUS JB bjh lfj
ing in opposite dlreotlexm w ere !Ieiti l
": . fz&s&'i
aud uaiuh tieiw a uuuiuhj) iuv va ; jim
tnlles an hour, nd Iruu eeglnM virft ;
Sasauehanne river. "M-S
The engineer and firemen escaped M-
rleus Injury by Jumping. Fifteen pasti-.'
gen were badly injured, three, it is feared,
fatally, The names et the Utter art) R,
Raefei, Jebn Leareh and Samuel Cretser,
all of Nantloeke, Pa., who were en their
way te Wilkeabarre. Tbe Injured were
tafien te Nantloeke and medical aid sbbs sbbs sbbs
moned. Entertalnmrnt rer the Dl gates.
Baltimore, July 0 Most et the dele
gates te the oenventlon et the National As
sociation of Dtmoeratio elub have left for
their homer. The flig still fly from th
headquarters, however, of the New Yerk,
New Jersey and Delaware delegation.
Secretary Whitney, et the association, haa
been busy all day registering the name! of
tbe various elub and their officer. '
The delegate wbe remain In th elty
will be taken down the bay this afternoon
en tbe steamers Columbia and Latrobe. On
tbe way up the bay tonight there will be
a msgnlfieent pjretechnlcal display fresa
tbe deck of tbe Columbia.
The oflleer of the association and a num
ber of the delegatea will call upon Presides!
Cleveland at Washington te morrow.
tkleorapuie nmrjrs.
BcLanADE, July 0. The tccleU'letl
synod has annulled the marriage et King
Milan and Quecn Natalia,
Montreal, July 0. The air here I rife
with news cf absconder and forgeries. A
Jeweler named Couture ha disappeared,
leaving debts te the extent of several thous
and dollars ; a young bookkeeper named
Bonaclea absconded with fjlO.COO en Wed
nesday and was brought back.
Bosten, July a The Rv. Robt Ful
ton, S. J,, ex-prevlnclal et the New Yerk,,
Maryland provlnea of tbe Society of Jesus
has been appeUttd te tbe presidency Of
the Bosten college, vice tbe Rev. N. Russe,
B. J,, retired. Father Fulton was presi
dent of tbe college from 1SC9 until 1880.
Bosten, July C Gov. Ames ptased M
reBtless night and his oendltlon this morn morn
leg Is reported as being no better.
Fought About a Deg,
Des Moines, lows, July 0. Yesterday
Peler Welabred, a farmer living southwest
or this elty, get Inte a difficulty with H. P.
Jehnsen, wbe own the adjoining farm,
ever the ownership of a deg. Twoaheta
were fired by Welabred, one of them strik
ing Henry Best, a bystander, in tbe breast.
Jehnsen was also hit Welibred was ar
Committed Eulclcle,
New Yerk, Jaly 0, The ccrener
held an autopsy en the remains of Samuel
E. Hendersen, or Cleveland, O., whose
death In room 112 of the Aster house was
surrounded with suspioleus clreumstanccr,
The result showed inflammation of the
stnmssb and the coroner said that tbe man'
death was undoubtedly caused by cax
bellc aeld taken with suicidal Intent
Unrglars at Salunga,
Salunea, July 0.-Lat nlgbt burglars
entered the residences etSam'iMcGerl and
Mrs. Hernberger. At tbe former place
they took butter, lard, meat, Oinned fruit
and etbelr edibles. At tbe latter place they
secured sugar, cetTee, soap and ether thing.
There is no clue te the burglars,
, m
Again ai tea. -
Delaware Ureauwateu, Del , July
0 5:30 A. m. The steamship Swatara, wlui
Gen. Sheridan en beard, sailed seaward
this morning.
wmaxhbm laujcaTiuira,
P Washington, D. 0 July 0 8
s. m. Indication ler 30 hours ler
Eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey : Slight changes In temperature,
followed by warmer, Saturday : fair
southerly winds.
It r t