. - -. ,' "O." , I ' J I, I V ?- . :t Js r'-stf-. k. &K wJ.. ' t ' w Bt, -' - ? '?-' A tmmmmmmmm 5 Dally InUlllgTicer. .vftjiuAMitt. july a, its. r imuisaiirn publishes kit the I newt or me unitea rrcu up te tBOMlWohenr. I-The Dally KfllUen of Thi 1htlu- i M MUrerea by carriers in tne our l MmnaAlM town for 10c. per woek i aui, M ft year i W.M ter tiz month 11 ww mw due. per monte. Whut limt.tleci (Deable Sheet) i races, only 11.50 per unua, la U wishing their addree changed DNMM where the paper H bow ler- U te 95 eu.ixr line ?f . amnrdtni' te location. TIM aKMLLUIBNCKH, Lancaster, r rW? b WMMphOM OeMea ik fteAre Leap. rv ? V. -....... .n rvmarxnarmr editors ts t1Y km aert of general acqualnt- WtUi the InlOgs mat uiey are uia- '. because it is a lair assumption Tall their readers are net Ignorant teat them : and this need Is the mere lawaraUve, as well as the mere easily W --ifjppueu, tne greater me juuiuw i w -: umiui &nA circulation. We are moved ?'teake this criticism by the Ignorance of t the Iren Industry, palpably and stead . Sam ttkAwn Viv thn Philndelnhla Recerd. . It te tee Important an industry in l'enn- 2!. ., i T.I. ... !... u ee Desvea cencermuK. tue nus uw ifALI-. lit. m am tftni. Ann. nil in mV li . . . 1 u.l..l. uVUh a mm :n frf 1 KfUCnUlJ DCCB.O JJiUtXWbluu fiMiwuwew rerCilurMt 3& . . . i sj.a .nil li 1. 1 ..i.nfl'in . .jr.wwetui te tne jfcceru, bus sun n uuhiu i n,YJy:a & J- jr Ul iuube w ocite uuiu me jr Wa aHlK-WlMi WJUKD '"il(J U1.VUJU u m Ky g St'aeme smatterlDK acquaintance with s& 4tH,0 that It may be able te talk about it "wlth some show or intelligent, inrerma- pi MOD. L.V . , e u aiscusses the " great Pittsburg a n.nf ! inn nfin JV'-. .. .. 1- f Mfllte, BUU OUdHMW turn "" vu,w BCnKe," anu BUKKeaus :4v workmen threwa into idleness tuereey ii wiH have time te rtilect upon the blcs ' sAbrs et the tariff. The workmen will be ". .-llkel? te find a very nrcat blessing In isnf :: . . .... .- .. .. .. ". tne tariu, n it is mat wnicu enauies Uwm te demand gS.CO per ten for puddling Imn a. tfivtnA na tnnnli nn "Purmiann mill. ? UK19 OV nU no uie juiuuuni, l'J 'whlch is the Recerd's party, docs net )C'A; propose te materially reduce the duty en i" -...lliul Imn 4ltA niiAatlrtn orleoa na ffi ',V" wherefore It would have the iron workers J reflect during their coming months of ;iiadustrlal idlencs) and political activity, -, 'yt upon tne wrengi uiness or a lariu en iron :H that is supported by nil tiie parties in the country. The Jitcerd displays conspicuously its ignorance in telling the werklugmcn In - the rolling mills and forges that while they " de net recelve higher wages than the average in ether industries in the United States, the manufacturers liave rapidly accumulated enormous fortunes," instancing Mr. Carnogle's alleged profit el one and a half millions of dollars in a p stogie year as " by no means an isolated Instance et the bounties which the tariff confers upon its favorites." Xe well informed journalist could have made such statements. He would have known that the iron worker is paid far hlgber wages than the avenvge of craftsmen, the reason telne found in the severity et lib ;r 'work, the unusual degree of skill required 3 la it ana tne sirengm or me union wuicu eenpels it. He would have known farthermere that the Eesseruer steel minufacture in which Mr. Carnegie get his great profit In aslngle year if he rr get it is net the manufacture which the hundred thousand men are engaged, upon whose strike ,and present idleness the Recerd Is com cem nentlng. It Mr. Carnegle ever made a million and a half dollars out of pud dling iron and rolling iron or steel, we should be surprised te hear it. In the temuigday3 of the wardeubtlcsi for tunes were made in the Iren business as in all ethers ; but outslde of the Beso Bese mer steel industry tliere lias been no great fortune made since that tlme in the Hf iron business, we leel very sure. The -uosBeiuei Dice i luiuiuca were wuuu uub of a protected industry and It was pro tection by a government patent ngainsl which our contemporary might reason ably direct its move rather than against the comparatively innocent tariff. The iron Industry et Pennsylvania has been for many years past in a dismal state of depression, out of which it comes by fits and starts for a brief breathing pell. There is tee much competition In the business te enable tire most successful managers toreallze mere than a fair profit out of it ; and it is ignerance and dema dema geglsm et the worst kind te charge that great fortunes are reaped fro a It by virtue et the tariff protection it gr s. But for that protection it could net. exist, with that protection it cannot obtain ex cessive profits because of the great home competition, which makes the sup ply generally greater than the demand. And these things every interested man (and certainly every Pennsyl- & tarda journalist should knew. And no such journalist should be found se ignorant as te say, as the Recerd says, the Pittsburg mill owners say that they cannot pay present wages because of a decline in their products caused by " the enormous development of the iron and steel industries of Northern Alabama, East Tennessee and ether portions et the Seuth and West." The " enormous do de do telepment " in these sections has been in the manufacture of pig iron, which is the mK- raw material et the Pittsburg mill owners, ana tne cheapening et which is thelr benefit. The Pittsburg mill owners, we bslieve, de net charge their inability te pay present wages te their ability te buy cheaper pig iron. That Is Rice.d brilliancy. Tae IVealher, Heys and Neise. The Fourth of July is upon us, aud m one groans about warm weather, or hopes that the firing may bring rain te cool the air. It will be In order for the eldest inhabitant te step forward and tell met a cooler and a mere pleasant inde pendence day than is premised. He is u molly quite eager te tell perspiring pa. triets hew much warmer and mere sultry wasa certain July 4th that scorched its memory upon his infantile brain, nnd he Is new invited te remember something p'easant If he can. II e might also try te recollect whether he ever knew the ordl erdl sary American small boy mere hilariously patriotic and enthusiastically noisy than tee Is in this year of premise and curious weather. There Is geed reason why elder Americans should make this an excep tionally Joyful Fourth of July, for the future et thenatlonneverleoked brighter than it dcei te-day when veterans of feetb tides are taking rart la funeral ervlces ever the bloedy-shlrt en the Gettysburg tattle-Held, and when the ,1'iaiKi great issue of a presidential campaign Is tae reduction et taxation, that a secure and successful government by the people may net be encumbered by an excess of wealth. We as a people are always peering co earnestly Inte the future, and trying te think out the problems that it holds for our solution, that it is quite pleasant te take a calm leek backward every Fourth f t.iW .nri pinrv a little ever what we have accomplished and bravely under taken. Ne doubt there is trouble enough ahead of us, but for te-day and te-morrow we need net borrow it and can cheerfully let the band play and the rocket whl7, while the small boy bangs us all deaf, and the long suffering citizen hopes that bis house will net burn down this year. i m Democracy and the Fablic Lands. One of the most important questions te which the people's attention will be called In this campaign will bB the situ ation of the Democratic party en the public land question. It presents a most credltable showing, and will have the frnnt nf Influencing many votes In a Democratic direction. Let theimpartlal citizen read the record of, the Cleveland administration, showing the land actu ally restored te the public domain from March 4, 18S5 te April 12, 1889 : Aorei. I I.na in granted rallreal llmiu re- I Itered !... J.10S.117 3J ,i?JIr""""w.lSI7M ltiflumtmy lna rnHorea.l,3.3.0J0U0 i.. .Inlin. w. If tirimwn Ann. rp.tnmd O.O.COJUJ Kntrlnn nnflnr ir-Pinpt!i)ii, lomo lemo lome (fad. tlmtxir culture, Ocaert, min eral and tlmtxir land lawn canceled In lejjular eonne of examination and i receedlnm In gnneral land cOlce ler abandon tueut, Illegality and ether rnuset x7,lMl3 7i Invalid utiite selections (Interna (Interna (Interna tlonalliclirevemoutgnnflawamp). vS3,7Ui Total actually rentored In tuopnwle A...nnn tittrt nriun In nnlrv mi a net UUIIIIMII ia.i aP - -- i tA irt at tlement w,wiww These are lands that have actually lmpn restored, and de net Include 02,052,. 218 33 aeres recommended for recovery, I and 2,305,330 acres of lands forfeited in Oregon and recemmenueu rer recovery i under grant for military wagon reads. Thus lias the Democratic party under, taken te restore te the peeple 115,711,288 acres of public lands. Suppese Jllalne had been elected, would one ncre liave beenrr 'eredV Italian Kmlgratlen. The misery nnd flltli of the Italians in Mulberry street, New Yerk, has been per sistently written up In magazines and newspapers, nnd New Yorkers are at IttU beginning te see that there Is some thing mere In It than a mere newspaper sansatlen. The Italian eclety of emi gration lias mnile nn nppenl for meney te beused in relieving these deluded for eigners, who liave been "victimized by speculative padrenes, and in aiding them te reacli colenics. The figures at Caslle Garden show that 10,000 Italians have landed there slnce January 1. A prominent Italian of New Yerk has written u letter te the JJcrull, showing hew his countrymen nre imposed upem nnd the large profits made by the padreneii who furnish cheap Italian labor. He de scribes an actual case in which two bun drcd men were imported te build a deck bynpadrone who had n contract with them te work for iilin for a year, until pas3age money advanced had been paid, The judrone collected a commission of S3 each en tickets sold them, nnd an ad ditional profit en passage meney, beard in a shanty llke it cattle pen, and en feed supplied te them at his own prices. The most Interesting part et the mat ter te New Yorkers, Is the way In which tho?e Italians live after they have settled In the city. They liave made of Mulberry street n most disgusting and dangerous plague Bpet.ai bid as any that travelers used te ilndin Naples and Heme. Aud New Yerk proposes te cleanse " Little Italy" by scattering its peeple broadcast ever the cenntiy, nnd calls upon Con gress te cstnblhh a labor bureau for the benefit et contractors, and the destruc tion of padrenes. The rest et the country may be very setry ter Getham and her Italians, but It will hardly give enthusi astic support te the distribution scheme. Tlu-sebaibarlans from SouthernEurepo nre swiftly erecting themselves into n puzzle of Clilnese proportions, and if they de net seen step landing at Castle Gar Gar den the whole Atlantic slope will be echoing the nnti Chinese cry of Cali fornia with ltalla-IIungarlan variations. Okni:hai. n.uuuseN, of Indiana, is net unllke Kinporer William of Germany. Jn fKO'. n striking Mmllarlty may be establish ed botwnen Ooneral Hen and Etnperer Hill, Hath nre remarkable men, as te thelr Kraodfntuerp, The emperor has fro fre fro riuently repoatei! In poiltlve language Ills Id fBi about trejdlng In the foetuteps et hi grandfather. The general has net said mueh about It, but hi supporter have been tryliiK te make blm atand up In the footprints et old Tippeoanea Emperor Hill leans upon tbe Iren chancellor. Gen oral lieu U eiipported by the "plumed knight." The emperor want te keep up taxes and eipenae en the ground of ferelgu menace te tbe peace. The general wauu te de tbe eame en the ground et foreign metiace te manufacturers. Peer llttle lilll ! Peer little Heal What trials the fulure baa In atore for them. Ot-it compliment are tonderod te the mnnaKfltnent of the centennial exposition et the Ohie Valley and Central state, whleh opens en July -1 and continue until Oaleber 27, for a preas complimentary ticket thereto. Tire American surgeon la net behind his European brether In the matter of dlsoevory. HabblU' eyes wero recently transplanted In a blind man' bead by a llaltlmere surgeon with geed result. The new new comes of the remat kable performance of a wlelder et tbe Unco in Ht. Leuli. A preaeher had a cancer en his cheek, It waa removed, and tbe large hole was covered by chlckeu akin, Whleh waa successfully ongralted te the human tissue. The lower animal exist for tnau'a boaettt, according te Hely Writ, and If we must use a portion of a rabbit or a eblcken or ether beast or (owl te make u whele, well and geed. The New Yerk lltrald prints a tale that in the campaign of 1S81 at a Kepubllcan gatherlnK In Olnelnnatl, Legan felt se aggrieved at the tusuner In which he was Ignored by Hlalne that In his roen-x nt the hetet he xpleleil In wv'h e-mn the Maine mm, terming blm "tattooed" and applying te him ether tovero designations. This waa In tbe presonce of a reporter, who was only rentralned from publishing U all by the psthetlc Bppesl of Mr. Legan. The Btery liaa InteifcHtai showing hew the datk halrid Illinois chleltain despised hi run ning mate. TilK Senate Judiciary committee will net roeimmend the continuation of M, w. Fuller te be chief Justice et the supreme oeurt of the United Slates. Neither will they give a reason for ae doing. I'erhap it Is because they have no ether cbarge I xalnit blm except that be Is a Democrat. I IiASrOASXiiR DAILY SAM Jeicks saye this Is the hwt raee the ttepubllcane will mtke !n Amet lea and that the Prohibitionists will lt upon their carpte. Tux Penniylranla steel works, at Steel ion, nUrted with a capital eteck of 1200,000. It new has t7,uw,vuu invested in me onli ne, with an annual tncoine of 910,000,000. Tbereare a.Eftt persona employed In tte hops, and the wagespild out yearly amount te 11,(00,000. Yocse TIppocaneo And Boediotoo, And hurrah ler the el a war tire Protect II you ean I he working; man, That he may grind our ixca, .a, Tiik Wllllamipert Sun My : " Of ten young men who beard at Market street bearding house nine are Democrats and will vete en age and cast their first presi dential vote for drover Cleveland this falL" Were nine of every ten young men et this tale te cast their ballets for Cleveland and Tburman Pennsylvania's thirty electoral votes wenld leave the small Kopubliean column. "Wnv Is the selection et the silo for Ite Lancaster pnblle building delayed T" 1 the question often asked el late by the tlred-ef-waltlng oltlten. The reef will be en the etruelure by this time next year. PERSONAL. Oovkhneii Ames, of Massaobusetts, Is eotleualy ill with acuta Drencnuu. HKATenKuMUKDS makes this predic tion : " The chances are ten te one that Congress will be In session until Octeber 1." Wir.r.tAM YouNeur.ooi), Ilia Alabama member of the ItepulJllcnn executive com cem com inltteo. who was presumably, a Hberman man, bluntly esys that the lllly Hentbern voles taken iretn Hberman cett Alger ex acllp 7,fi00ln eash and all tbe lietrl and railway oxpensoa of the 'captured" dele gates. mm m ISO Teciur Me;tn lien Cunt. Tbe llothlelioru Iren oempany hni made a 150-ten casting, being the base for the the steel compressor In the new gun works. TliU Is thirty tens heavier than the renent big cast anu ir inn lareeHiever nnewn te have been made. j i win laice inree weeus wcoei. A llKAIlDKU llltlCA.M. '1 he .1 une Iiuk has n golden wln-, The Muhlnlnp bug the lUmej Thn bed ijf h no wlnits at nil, llulhogets thcrejnstthaiiame. JlrenJaz Smith, Ul'KUIA L A'OTJUKH. I inn been troubled with cntnrrh from boyhood, nnd considered my oiae chmnle until about thren years ime 1 procured lily's CreMn Hitim.nnd ) count wyeli Bound te-dny, all from thn usi of one boille. J. 11. Coelcy, Hardware Merchant, Montreie, l'ft. Mr. I'. M. Harber hni usnd Ely's Cream Halm for eitarrh in his Inmlly una commends It very highly. A lady Is recovering the sense et smell. A Tiinkhanneck lawyer, known te many nf our readuip, sum he was cured el duatuess. million, l'a., llatelle. Jtf-2irfloeflAw A t'Jehsrtin Acammletfgmeat. Had sour stomach nnd mtsnrnbte appntltn ir month', nnd amir thin every day. 1 until fnr menthr. nnd grew thin every day. jiurtiec moea ttutert wiinuiu meat marvel eus retilltB! fenl splendid." Mrs. Jorenli .lohnsen, l'lttshnrg, I'n. rer salu y II. it. Coehran, drugHlsl, 137 and Uu Netth Queen eln.et, Lancastur, n'AXAMAKKIi'll When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. City ma t Jimj t WANAMAKER'S M Acres fLOOHSpACE PHILADELPHIA J L- THIRreCUTH m 1 i r Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather weather) thinrr for (or any wear or home use but we have you can't come te the write for whatever you it. If store, want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. COZirLKXlOX TO WOKR rva M T' UKX 1 a npewde kT LADIES'; WHO VALUK A nEFlNKD COMl'LKXION MUST ueh; POZZONI'S micdieatkd; COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te tbe skin, llouieves all pimples, truckles and flls flls flls colerattODs, and tuikes tbe skin dolleatoly sett and beautiful. Itoentalns no lluie, -wblte, led or arsonle. In tbiee shades, pink or 11 tub, white and bruuotte. rait SALE I1Y AH Drusslsts and Faney Qoes Doalere flvorywhero. arllKWAUK Or 1M1TAT10.N8.-S. aprju lvd JfOR HALE OR KKNT. H0U8K8 FOlTsALE ON THE MOST liberal terim. en Weit Chestnut, Wal nut, Lemen. Mary, l'lne and Charlette street. Apply at uilJ-Cir.d 301 NOUTll MAIIY BTUKKT. "aZIOR RENT FROM APRIL 1, 1S88, a; torene or a term of v ears, the Btraiburg utnttnr YHrd. IV&nv. UoUreod, with Ceal and Lumber Yard, Ware- house. Locomotive aitd Cars 1 all in geed and running erder. Tbe lease of this valuable Komeuve ai.a cars 1 all in geed and erder. Tbe lease of this valuable ftresenta' a rare opportunity te any ring te engoge in a pleasant, veil ed and prenu-lila buslnttes. Fer con property nartv des eatabllsbed ditiens, rent or ether Information appl .0, ivui u. umvi luiuiiiiminn anniy hi IllOS.erliKNin UAUMUAUitNku. mS-tfd Lancastvr City. J'a. NO MORE ROUND HUOULDEUS. Tbe Knickerbocker shoulder lirncu Ms Hcllablx, tmlly Adlusted and can buwnin ltU comfort, blzes for ladles and gentlemen, for sale at IIU11LE V'8 DHUO HTOUK, Stl Wei KtngatueU pECOMMENDED RY EMINENT I'HYSICIANJ The "Best "Tonic, I A Concentrated Liquid Extract of Malt and .uli rwruua uuivftl J. C. UOUOI1TON A CO JPM and U West Jtlnu utet. 1NTEIJJGEKCEE, TUESDAY. .JULY 3, 1888. fOOD'H BAK8APARILLA. Impure Bleed Appears In a taeasasd different forms an cautes a vast atnonet of sufferlag, Bcareely a single person U entirely tree from lis effects. Hence the neeetalty or a reliable bleed pari fler like Heed's Ban apart, which eradicates etery Imparity, and gives te the bleed vitality and health. It enres erofela, salt rheum, bells, plmpler, and all ether affections canted by IrapnrUles or polienoui germs la the bleed. Heed's Barsnparllla also overcome that tired e feeling, create an appetite, core dyspe-sia, blllensnes and headache, and build up the wneie system. Heed's Saraaparllla "I'xem childhood twaa troubled with pim ples, and every remeSy failed Mil I took Heed's SanaparUla I have taken flve bottle and new the pimple are almeat gene, my general health li tnnch Improved, and 1 htgh'y lecom lecem mend Heed's SanaparUla." w, Kvakb, 463 Lexington Avenue, llrw-klyn, N. x. Borefula My son was snt'eted with the went type of icrefula, and en the recommendation of my drngglatlgave him Heed' SanaparUla. To day hoi toued and well, notwithstanding It waa said there wa net enough medicine In llllntltoeffectacure.,, J. CnRMTia,Ullpo CnRMTia,Ullpe lla, 111. " I had salt rheum en my left arm three yean st suffering terribly. 1 took Heed' Banapartlla, and the salt rneum hat entirely dUappeared." U. M. Milui, 71 French St. Lewell. Mass. Heed's Baraaparilla Sold by all drngglsts. II t tx for ss. Frepared only by O. I. HOOD a CO, Lewell, Mas. 100 DeEea One Dellar. YER'S &AR3APARIIiLA. High Pressure f.lvlngc haracte' Izea these modern day. The refiilt Is a fuartat Increase of IlllaIN and I1KAUT UISBABKS-aeneral Debility. In- semnta, l'aratyals tnd Imantty. Chloral and Merphia augment tbe evil. The medicine best adapted te de pormanent geed is Ayer'i Bar sipaiUla. It pirtlles, entlchc andvlttlltc the bleed, aid thus strengthens every func tion and faculty or the body, " 1 have ujed Ayer' Barsnparllla In my f am l'r. for yeats. I have found It Invaluable at A CURE ler Horreus Debility caused by an Inactive liver and a low state or the bleed ."Henry llicen.Xcinlii, Ohie. " rorsemotlmol have been troubled with heart dUoaie. I nover found anything te help me until I began using Ayer's Saraaparllla. 1 have only used this mcdlolne six months, but ithasrollevod tun from my trouble, and ena ena bled mn te roaume work."-J. I. Uarzinett, ferry, 111.! 11 1 have be en a practicing physician for evar bftllaoentury, nnd during that time 1 have never found se powerful and reliable an al ternative and bleed purifier as Ayer'aSarsa parilla." Dr. M. Maxatart, LouUvllle, Ky.; Ayer's Sarsaparilla rnurAiiKD bt Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewoll, Mass. I'rlcn tl j sir bottles, i Werth 15 a boltle. Jll2te3 "JkTANnilAKK 1'ILLS. Biliousness! Symptems: WANT OK APi'KTlTK. POURED TONOUE. B1TTKU1ASTE. CONSTIPATION. IJEADAOUE. GENERAL DEPRESSION. Treatment : Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. THI3 13 SURB AND BAPfl. ALWAYS rertalnby all Druggists. 1'McoZScenUper box 1 3 boxes ter 05 cents 1 or stnt by mall, pestage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. IL tchunck A Sen, Philadelphia. mU-lydAw H UMPUREYS' iiuiHlupniine tcii'iinuij jieeineni Fer Horses, Cattle. Sheep. De9, Hogs, Poul try. tOJ 1'AuK llOOK On Trcatment of Animals and Lhart Sent rroe. CUHE9 Voveri. Congestion, fntlamma'len. A. A. Spinal Meningitis, Mtlk Kever. 11. tl Htralns, i.nmoueas, Kheumattsm. U.U. Ulstoinper, Nasal Dlscbaigts. D.D.-ltets or rubs, Worms. K.K Coughs, Heaves. Pneumonia, r.Vi Cellaer Mrlpes, llellyachu. J.(1,- Ml.carrlage, Hemorrhages. 11.11. Urinary and KlOney Diseases. LI. Eruptive lllnrases. Mange. J.K. Dlsouses 01 Digestion. 8TA1H.K CASE, with Bpeoifles. Manual, M itch Htzel Oil and Medlcnttd $7.00 PU1UK, Blngle liottle (evor CO doses) 10 HOLD llYDUUl)ai8T8: OK SUNT 1'KEl'AIU ON UUKIPX OT PUIOE. Humphrey' Med. Ce., 1C0 fulten BU, M, V. Uiiinplircys' Homeeimllilc Spcclilc Ne. -8. In "se 30 years. The only successrul remedy f r Nervous Debility, Vital W eakness and rrenrulum from ever-work or etliur causes, tl 00 per lal, or 5 vials and large vial powder, for 1 5 00. ueiDiir DrtuuaisTS, or sent postpaid en re ceipt 01 nrle llUMPUHKYH' MEDICI SE CO , Ne. 100 rnlten titreet, N. Y. man; lydAwTu,Tb3 G OLDKN BPKOIF1U. DRUNKENNESS -OllTUK LiyUOlt HABIT POSITIVELY' OUHED 11Y ADillNlMTKKIWU UK. IIAlNEa' UHLDBN Bl'ECiriC. It can be given In a enp of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking it t is absolutely barmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy euro, whetber tbe patient is a moderate drinker or nn alcobello wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Gelden tBpo tBpe tBpo clfle in their coffee without their knowledge, and te-day believe they quit drinking of thelr own froewllL IT NKVSU rAlLB. The sys tem once Impregnated with the Bpeclnc, it be comes an utter impossibility for the ilqner appetite te exlst. rorsaleby CUAB. A. LOCHEU. Druggist. Ne. 0 East King Street, Lancaster, Fa. aprlS-ljdTu.ThAS HTJIAW JIATa. G ET READY FOR VACATION AND tbe Beashore. Tourists and Excursionists Will rind it Much te their Advantage in Bo Be lecllngu Trunk or Traveling Bag Te Examine tbe Large and Varied Assortment bhewu.by Stauffer&Ce. THUNKS-All 8!r.fs and All iiicei trem I'.ie up. IUaVELINO ilAUB lreia (00 te 11510. Special Trunks for Lsdlfs, with n extra tray fur drtsse. Quality ana I'rlce Uuaran tued. Ol It LINE Of SUMMER HATS as never larger and we guarantee you a cool bead when no give you a hat weighing 8K01. tucharjttu"UUSION JiKAUTlES.55 aii DUNLAfSLatestiityleiinsriirrAND SrUAWllATS. e-Dentt forget tht we h we an Overstock of straw Hats and are new Belling them at Closing Out l'rlccs. STAUFFER & CO., SOS. 81 S3 NOM'll QUKKN MT. BVMHMR RBBOHT8. DELA.VKN BOUSE, ATLANTIC OITT. Atlantleand Connecticut Avenne. WILL BOWaU", Clerk. J. flr. BBUilAKEB, Prep. Trms-M0 tow M per day. jen-lmd flHB "CHALrONTSJ," Ocean Xnd of Netth Carolina Avenne, ff.BenKBTS A BOMS. aprO-4md UIOAQO COTTAQ TAQK. HBR MIR IfBACH. 136KffNTUOKTAVE,ATLIlfruCtTT Xj HOME LlKl:KOaNTClJla",HJ, je7-SmttTn,Tna Mas. jehk aTstahl. THn.,?JjA.0K BRBBM SPRINGS IIOUSB u new prepared te receive nests, weed rooms, rfl ft t5 sie.00 per weifc Leave Lancaster for tlalnei lUUen. vlaTueU binSfn Si"; or "" P- cirVuge will tein watting only en nrnvien notice of dav juneS-lmWAS Manager. riTBTUKKlLiIi,'' ATLANTin twr-r. w. .t Ocean lend Kentucky Avenue. BexluJ0.mnmry te NeTelnbr loe M.J.KOKBBT. tzaylO-tmd AThANTIOUllT. CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE, ThU thoroughly oemfortable and well known house li new open, awcnty-elgbtn f??,"'. . 8T.e msnagement. Coel and de Ihthtf el loeatlen very near the sea. JnnlJImd J. KBlMftSONS. s TOOKTON HOTEL. CAFX MAT. N. J. OPBKS JUMK 80-New Ownership. Nw Management. Mewly Famished. 1'erlect Appnintminu. t'epalar I'rlce. Finest beach In the world. , tm jr. alise. WALTON, Proprietor, JnnlSllt rate of 8U James Hetel, N. T. JJTLANTIO CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (Vorrrerly Hetel Ashland.) SS-NOW UPBN.-VS BKrUltNlSllKD. - - UBMODKLKD. UKNOVATBD, . - .. . JO'R-'tA!HllN, JH. marl-4ind.Mar,Apr,July,Aug. A ThANTIO OITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC ntTV. M. .t. Largest Most Convenient Hetel. KleganUy Turnlshed. l.tbernlly Managed. Coach teand from lleach and Trains. Orchestra Music. UHAB.MeULADZ, Prep. TV. K. Coeurak. Chlnf clerk. teu2&0-jid TiTT. GRETNA PARK. Mt. Gretna Park, roil E3.CUKSI0XS AMD l'ICMICS. ThU l'ark Is loctted in I he heart or the Beulh Mountain en the Una of the Cornwall k lielianea HailreaJ. Nine miles eutli of thn city ef Lebanon, within nasydlstauce et lUrrtsbunr, Heading, Lancaster. Columbia nnd all points en th l'Mladclpbla A Heading and iNmnsylvanta iiallreids. Tim Rreundu i.re large, covering hundreds of acrer, and are FllKic -ie i.r.. Tbe convenloncos are a 1 arge Uanrlnir l'a l'a Vl'len, a aptclens Dining Hull, Twe Kitchen. Uaggnge and Ceat Uoetn., whlle the arran.e meiita leraruuseuixnta consist of Lroquetand llallUreunds, Hewling Allejr, Sheeting Gal Gal lery Uuelts, Kt , Kce Tables ter Lunchar, lUntle Beut j uud Itunche are scattered throughout tbe grounds. TIIKBIATH.K1KLKKANGB; Of the National umil of JL'ennsylranla has been located at MUHretna, and trie MMtaiy Bltle l'ractlce, from tlme te tlme at the Range, w.11 vuubliiiuiu u iiuw uiinwiien 10 visitors. Anether attraction Is LAKKCONEWAQO, Cevering nearly twenty acies en which nre placed a number of elegant Mew lle.Ua, and nlnng the banks of which are pleasant walks and lovely scenery. OIISKltVATIONCARS Will be run en the linn of tbe Cornwall A Leb anon Hal read, or will be tent .te different points, when practicable, ler the accommoda tion of uxcurtlen partles. They are safe, plrastntnnd convenient. 1'artles desiring It can procure Meals at the Parlr, as the Dining Unit win be under the su su mirvlilen or K M. 11ULTZ. tt tbe Lebanon Valley heuse. These who wish te spend a day in the Mountains can find no plaoe se beauti ful or affording an much plcasnre as Jit. Uretna. U IN reXKJATlMl UlttMKS AL LO WKU OV THK I'KKMISKS. e- rer Kxcnriten lutes and General Infor mation, apply te NED IRISH, Fup't C. A I . Ual'read, Labinen, Pi. JeI3-tnd J'ARAHOLS. R." X H. Ladies, Loek te Your Interests. We began the parasol season with an en tirely new stock. We want te de the same next year. And te that end offer Great Ilargalns In farasels and Bun Umbrellas. I'rlce are marked away down, and goods must go. Cell and see Ilirgnlni, R. B. & H., NO. 11 K AST 1U.NU 3T. aerS-Smd COAL, TO AUMQAlTDNETeliPAKx'i COAL DEALERS. Ornci:-Ne. ID Nerm uueenstreet. and Ne, BM North Prln co street. yabd : North i'rtnce street, near ueadlng Depot, ur let aar lstfa LANOABTKB, PA B B. MARTIN. Wholesale and ltetall Dealer In all kinds of liUUlIKH AND COAL. WTAHD-NO.4J0 North Water and Prlne BtreeU. above Lemen Lancaster. nS 1yd T UMBEH, COAL, Aa. LUMBER, COIL A51 ROOFING SLATE. O. SENER & SONS, l'UINCK AND WALNUT STS , Brill Ceal et tbe HestQiuttty at the Lewest l'rte- s. lluy new, as It may be higher. JcSOtld AHMAI.T BLOCKS. A Sl'llALT 1'AVINQ UI.OCK, Asphalt Bleck Ce., Oftlce-M)l Chestnut Bt. l'hlla , l'a. Werks-llrldeeiHirt, ra , a, Cumden, N. J. U ANUrACTUUKUS Ot Standard Asphalt Pacing Blocks Pl.ESl5xll AND ixXxl2. InKencralusoferatrcotpavIns.sldewslks.gar den paths, mill yards and drUewayn, guturs, cellms vats and sea walls. dvautages: NetsMes, du3tles9, strictly sanitary, pructl. celly ludestructlble ana chiap. ferprlcts and turtherlutormatlen Lddress: R. B. OSTER & BRO., Aaents l.ancaster Ce.. 3-21 North Prlice st, Uancaster, l'a. nil-emd BUSINESS M15TUOD& MADK I'JjAIN, Tbe system of Instruction at tbe LANCABTKll COMMKHC1AL COLLKQK, U se simple and plain that any yennir I ay or gentle man can easily master all the details of abnstnsu education. L1UUAL TSUM3. Evenliif? sessions luesdiys, Wcdnei and filduys. full information Riven by u.v. fTAiui.au. Lancaster Commercial College, Lancaster, Pa. OSUMW PALACE Of TABHlatr. ABTRIOH'B PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Still mere reductions ! Sash Ribbons. 25 pieces, all silk, watered, striped and satin edged, 9 inch;. cejurs, cream, ugnt Diue, pin and black, at 75c a yard, regu lar price St. 25. 10 pieces, black, 10 inch, satin edged Moiree Ribbon, all silk; price $1 a yard, formerly $1.50. 5 pieces, 12 inch, all silk, black, Moiree satin edge, at $1.25 a yard, worth $2 a yard. An array of bargains. All our 'finest Flowers, formerly $1.50 te $3 a spray, your choice for 49c. Our Millinery room the cool est in the city new. Fans will be in motion by Saturday. Come and keep cool 1 We have thrown out about 20 dozens Children's Leghorn Hats, the former prices of which have been $1.25 te $1.75, at the low price of 50c apiece. This bargain beats them all. The Jerseys must go ! Four lets of Ladies' Fine Jerseys. Ne. 1, at 62c, formerly 90c te te$i. Ne. 2, at 75c, formerly $1 te $1.25. Ne. 3, at $1, formerly $1.50 te $2.50. Ne. 4, at $1.25, formerly $2. Twe lets of Children's Jer seys, all wool, all colors, 25 and 50c. These are less than half price. One let of Beys' Calice Waists, in sizes from 4 te 1 2 years, reduced te 21c. One let of Scotch Gingham Waists, reduced te 29c. About 500 yards each, Real Torchon Lace, 3 te 4 inches wide, former iS te 25c, reduced te 10 and 21 Ac a yard. 50 dozens Ladies' Hem stitched Colored Ber dered Handkerchiefs, worth 5 c apiece, price new 2c. One let of Cream Spanish Silk Ties, formerly 50c, reduced te 25c apiece. Ladies' Colored Straw Hats down te 21c apiece. Reduc tions all ever the store, up stairs and downstairs. ASTRICH'S P. 0. F Lancaster. WAV II HIM. QPKOIAL. WATCHES for Farmer and Ballroaders, 14 Karat Geld Filled 110S8 cases, Elgin works, 120 each, Jeb Let. Best Watch and Jewelry Bepalnnj. Spectacles, Kyeglaaseaand Optical (teod. CeP root time dally, by telegraph only place In the elty. LODIS WEBER. Ne. 150X M. Qneen Bt , opposite City Hetel, Near Penn'a lienet. O. ll.li JEWKLKR, fte. WATCHESI Watches have never been se low in price, as at present, and we have ntver been better prepared te meet yenr wants .'than Just new. Would Invite your inspection before buying. GILL. Jeweler. - 10 W. King St., LANCASTER, PA. HKADQUAHTER8 FOR WA.T0HK8 AND BlLMCUWAUK. Watches & Silverware. Anyone who appreciates wbt Ills te have a geed watch in their pocket, shculd cill and see our Geneva Nen-Magnetic rer H'auty nf Finish, Accuracy of Time and Posl'Ive rrcet against uny Magnetic Influence they are ItecidtUJ y A bea ia. New Goods n Water Plteher?. Berrv Dishes. Ktc, at LOWEST MAUUKT 1'KlUtS. WALTER C. HERB, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTER PA. - Cerner of Oranae. nl-tfd JIAADKBRCJIIKFJI. TAN1)ANNA UANDKEROHIKfa. QKT TOUU Bandanna Handkerchiefs 3; 5 and IO Centu, AT ERISMAN'S, jve. 42 lyxs'i kixe si. TNcxt Ucer te Bayler's Pbotegrajh Gallery. FURNITURE. TTTDMIER'S. FURNITURE WIDKYEE'S OOBIEU TUB OLD (JORNIR 18 FULL or GOOD MBW TUIHUI. Oursteekls tee large and most be red need before the season cli ses. Te de thla we have concluded te alve the people a chance te get Geed Furniture I AT A LITTLE COST. We have some geed (net the newest, but Just a geed 1 that will be sold If the price pet en them will (11 them. These are M RK AT 1JAROAINB, and we ex pect te e them move lively. WIDMYER'S FUB20TUBS STORX Oer. East King & Duke Bts. qehs a gibbs. Roem Wanted. We need mere room for the stock which we have bought and are making up. We're go ing te- get it by putting the prices se low that the present stock will move fast. Our necessity is your opportunity. If you're thinking of getting a Parler, Dining Roem or Bed room Suite, or any piece of Furniture, new is your time te buy. Come and leek at our New Stock en 2d, 3d and 4th floors of 31 Seuth Queen Street. OCHS a GIBBS. Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd I desire te call the Attention of my friend and patrons te tbe faet that I am newprepared te de general Undertak ing, te which ray per sonal attention wlU.be given at moderate charge. Respectfully,', WALTER A. HEIMT3H, 27 & 39 S. Queen St. Residence 37 West Vine Street, oppealto St. Mary's Church. F URN1TURE I KURNITUREI THK UNOKBS1QNKD UA8 HKOPKNKD III) &TOKE AT THK OLD STAND, le. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by nre soiue time age. and ha a perfectly New stock of all klads.ef FURNITURE. PARLOR SU1TK?. BKOBOOM SUITES, TAULK3, CIlAms, (TO. UPHOLSTERING In All Its Branches. Alse Painting and Or namenting Old Ubdlrs. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Btreet Je9tfd ....'".. ... ' " , J . .... BABY CARBIAUMB. JIL INN BRh HUMAN. 100 Different Patterns -or- BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Refrigerators uavk ne;kq,ual. PLINii k BRENEMAN, Ne. le2 North Queeu BtreBt, laneabtku pa. MACUINHKr. MACHINE WORKS. rSENTRAI Central Machine Works, Y. r. LUflMLNGS, Proprietor, N03. 131 A 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST. Lancaster, Pa. KNGINK9, 1101I.KH8, UACUINIBY, BUArxiNtiS, PULLEYS, HANQKJtS, Ae IRON ANU BRASS CASTINOS, WOOD ANU METAL PATTKKNB Of Vest Quality. Largest and UChtStnck In Lancaster of Cast Iren and Malleable ratings, lirwsaudlrea Valves and Cocks, b learn Gauges, Safety Valves, T ry Cec k, Water Uauges, Uate Valves, Lubricators, and eteam Ui ed in genral VUepatiluK promptly done, becend-hind Knslnes, Hellers uud Machinery Bought and bold. GOOD WORE. REASONABLE GHAROKS. PEOillTN3S. -M-Nete Change la Adams. ,, I 'Vf , wv -