Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 03, 1888, Image 1

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Dr. Hlgbee Clivers AdaraM. la Whlek He
UskeeBoaaTAMssleni 10 naeulHIl
Edneatcriettka Fait, Who War
Wall-Known Laacaetrtaaa.
BenANTON, July 8, The Stat TeaeherV
tasssiatlen convened in thla city te-day.
There are a number et Lancaster eduoetere
present, among them Dr. H. E. Hlgbee,
atate superintendent Ha replied te the ad
drew et woleome aa fellows :
Citizens of Scranton, and Ftllew Teach Teach
tneftht &tate Aisecialiun : I bate the
pieaaure, and I esteem It a great honor, te
express in behalf or the teachers of the com
monwealth here assembled their thankful
appreciation of your kind and oerdlai wel
come te this great city. It was here, when
your borough, emerging from "Slecuna
Hellew," wa Just entering upon Its career
e( marvelous advancement, and when yenr
whole territory was as yet embraced In
Lucerne county, that thla association, thirty
3 eat. age, received a Ilka) hearty weloeme
from yenr then dlatlnsutahed cttlsen, the
Hen. G. Sanderson. Then, as new, able
men assembled here, wheae hearts were
warm In the great cause of common schools.
Heme are net nt rest, and their works de
fellow tbetn. Seme ere jet with us, rejolo rejelo rejole
log In their advanetng age ever the widen
ing power or the free school eystem for
whlcn tby and etbera before them ae
valiantly contended.
Here was Dr. Burrewea, new dead, wheae
whele educational work has the dear Im
press of masterly ability. Fer breadth of
thought and firmness of will, and for clear
5 rasp of the whole scope of pnLlle instruo instrue instruo
en from the lowest school te the highest
university, he hat had but few equals. HI
address at that curly day, following the
thoughtful remarks of Juuge Jessnp, slves
one of the clearest summaries of the princi
ples of our state school sytsem whleh have
challenged my attention. I well remember
him, as parsing me tbrengh a severe ex
amination test (or the prlnclpalshlp or the
Lancaster h'gh school, when I had hardly
enttr.'d msunoed. He was the able editor
of The 1'enntylvania Scheel Journal at
tbat early pertud, and was iee)gnixsd as a
lesdr or educatleual thought throughout
tte s'.ate.
Here wis DavIs, of Lancaster, oneo my
colleague In teaching a remarkably flue
elasalcal scholar, whose literary influence
has been felt and recognized by some of the
brightest minds In Cumberland valley.
Physicians end lawyers there have often
told me that their leve or Virgil and
Herace, and their right appreciation of
Hemer's epie beauty, or Theecritus' pas pas
tersi sweetness, and the lyrie thrill or
Sappho and Blen, were due in very large
measure te the Inspiration of bis teseblntr.
Here alserwas Dr. Wlekersham, In all
the vigor of young manhood, already mani
festing tbat high degree et administrative
ability which kept him ae long at the head
of our educations forces. Here tee was
State Superintendent Hfckek, still, at the
advanced age et three-score and ten, full of
educational zeal, and keenly alive te all the
needs et the school, who at that early day,
with characteristic foresight, defended
against mueh opposition the very principles
which have rendered our ayatem et county
superintendents ae valnable In elevating
the professional standard of our teachers,
and whose tlieugbtful state papers have
been et se much service te myself. Other
names might be mentioned, as J. B.
Rebert, a teacher of nete from Phlladel
pbla, and for j ears an Influential member
of the association ; also Unas. H. Oebnrn,
who read a valuable essay upon mathe
matics, and became subsequently state
anperlntendent, et whom I nave learned
much from my esteemed deputy Mr.
Henck; and Dr. Franklin Tayler, who as
auperlntendent of Chester county, was
elected president te Bucceed Prof. Stoddard,
and et whose labors in Philadelphia we all
These men, with the smoke of battle hov
ering around them, se fought that we new,
with enetn let vanquished, can gather the
Irepblea cf their victories. Tlme forbids te
enumorate thorn all. 1 1 is enough te knew
that In their foetsiopa we must lollew, that
their Imperial ensign we must carry, lull
high advanced, te fresh fields of cenqueBt,
and that their work we must crown with
laurels gained by kindred, firmness, Judg
ment and tell.
It may be of Intorest and profit te say a
word In regard te the discussions of tbat
early day, which were enlivened by the
musle et Soranten's high rchoel choir, and
eioeuragrd by Urn attention and still re
membered bespltalltlea of your city.
The ptoaldent, J. F. Stoddard, a mathe
matician of high repute, in an admlrable
addres-.brougbtberero the association these
toples whleh ha held meat worthy et re
gard. 1. 'Teachers' Ins'ltu'O"," handled
by htm with great vigor, and he clearly
saw In vision the very rcsultn whleh we
new hsppllyenJeyt-2. "The County Supsr
lntendency," dwelling upon the necessity
et rigid examinations, and the most earnest
weeding out of inoempetont teaehera. This
waa the subject which engaged the most
earnest dlscusalen of the association, and
the words of the preildenl'a address
touched npen points whleh may well com
mand our present regard. Certificates et
low grade should net be glveu, and exam exam
lnatlena should be deliberate and search
ing, te guhrd against all mistakes in refer,
anna tn ettalnuients and character, and
mistakes when made should ba promptly
corrected by annulling certificates, 3
Nermal So'jeol," te the establishment of
Whleh the association at tbat tlme waa giv
ing special attention. This portion of the
address has given me muert satisfaction,
and I have been benefited ry the sound
ness of view and the strength of argument
therein shown. 4 "Meral Training," te
whleh he rightly subordinates all else; for
without a bf art that Is right the truth can
find no laBting lodgment In tbe soul.
I have relerred te tbe men and 1 he dis
cussions of that early association cenvened
In yenr mtdfct thirty years age, te eooour eeoour eoeour
age ns in our present meeting, and te give
u u deeper sense of the faet that we, as
did they, are laboring for the oemlng gener
ation which muBt seen take up our tell, at
we fall asleep and are only remembered by
what we have been and have done.
Bat It may be asked, what ean we school
teachers cflar In return for your kind wel
come T What have we brought, or what
ean we bring, that has been or will be et
any benefit te your rapidly growing city,
with Its hum et industries and Its van
ihrnhblnur factories T We deal with chil
dren mainly, and with interests tbat are net
material, but spiritual. Frem theustnds
et firesides we gather them In ; from tbe
palace and tbe hovel, from the wealtby and
the peer, from tbe yeomanry of our shadowy
mountains and tbe begrimed delvera In our
mines they come, and receive from us al
most tbe nrst ruaimeaia 01 mental culture,
tbe first habits of study, the first Impulse
toward tbe formation of character. Hew
then can we be Bald te give any aid te your
advancing Industries, your restless stride
t traffic nr te veur marvelleus progress in
nevTr Wd wealth T .....
Trie answer 1 at ence evldent te him who
win bui reticst An uneducated man Is,
from this very fact, nnelvtllzsd. Only as
thewantsef our higher social belns are
aroused, only as culture makes Its myriad
demands known, raking material and Im
material resoureos te satisfy the vastness of
Its desires, can clvlll-atlen nioveeD. Hence
the education and culture el the people Is
at the very base of our Industrie.
Hew, had net the schoolmaster been
.hnJi nnniri in have bridged our riv
ers, sunk our shalts into our mines,
sent the ears winding through our bills
and mountains, and turned this once wild
weeded river vallev, which heard but
the barbsrie celie et Indians, Inte a valley
of thriving cities, blind with Industry,
c-ealtb and refinement T The uneducated
mind has no power te de this, It knows
nn mmimier theodelite, no geometry or
trl.onemetry-nr calcnlu. It has no vision
of earth's thousand subtile force whleh
mind subdues for the use et man. It Uvea
la flesh alone, and tbe tomahawk, and bow,
and canoe, and wigwam with Its patch et
ma'ze, are quite enough te satisfy Us
Your eleclrle railways, your m.gnln.
cently Illumined street, your telephone
and telegraphs, all show tbat tbe school scheol schoel
mssUr bM fetw bxcd, They are the re
suits et mtna calvare, the mastery 01
tkeacht la the field of Batter. The aoel
spirit, tbe MBae tbat pierced the haunt
obecnreefold philosophy, end bade with
lifted torch Ita starry walla sparkle, as erst
iney eparuea te tne name 01 oaerona lamp
tended by ealnt and sage," tbe seme soul
spirit, we repeat, bath aeat these ready
lightnings all cry leg, " Here we ere P
Let u feel, therefore, that these humble
teachers, these gnldea and guardians at eat
youth, these werkera at the deep solid
foundations of all popular culture, are en
titled te recognition aa eeaentlal faotera in
enr advancing growth. Let them nave
our warmest sympathy, enr Beat loyal
support and enr high regard. v
Again, In their behalf, thanking yen for
yenr meat cordial welcome, I close te open
tbe war for the mere direct labors of the
MMMSlag Hardware Works Dcatreied,
BT.n Randrad Werksaaa Idle.
Reading waa visited Monday night by tbe
largest oenfligatlon In Ita history. While
the watchman employed In the Beading
hardware werke was making hla rounds
eeily in the evening he discovered fire In
tbe polishing department, which la situated
In about the central part- of tha Immense
plant Hla eHerU te put ent tbe flames
proved unavailing. They spread rapidly
te tbe large quantity of oil used In Japan
nlng and finishing, and la about five min
utea tbe great five-story buildings, covering
several acres of ground, were one- maw et
rearing, bluing, seething flame, tbe latter
being thrown hundreds et feet high, and
reminding ene of the great fires at wells In
the oil regions.
In two hours the entire works, except
one foundry, were completely bnrned out,
leaving nothing remaining but the bare
walls The ellerts of the fire oempanlea
were unavailing, aa tbey were driven back
again and again by the fsartnl heat, and
although water was thrown en tbe iUmes
from eight streams It bad very little ellect,
and the fire literally burned Itself out
The fUmes were observed for a distance
0! 40 and BO miles from tbe city, and tele
grama from Lancaster, Allentown and
Peltsrllle teaebed there in the evening,
inquiring as te tbe whereabouts of tbe Are.
Tbe buildings are virtually a total less.
Hundred of tens of finished and unfinished
small hardware, such as is used in the
building trade, Is lying In tbe ruins. Val
uable papers were burned, besides all the
workmen's material.
The Reading hardware works were
among tbe largest of tbe kind for the man man
ulaeture of general hardware In tbe coun
try. They were operated by Waltbam
Harbater, who Is president of the company;
the estate of bis brother, tbe lata Wm.
Harbater ; Henry U. England and Wm. M.
Grltoem, the latter of whom has been
residing In Berlin, Germany, for the past
fifteen veara and has charge of the Euro
pean oClea In tbat city.
He Is new summering with bis family en
the Isle of Wight, cfl tbe coast of England.
The conflagration throws 700 hands out of
employment The less Is estimated at
fully (350,000, with an Insuranoe of aaversl
hundred thensand dollars. Tbe Are Is
attributed te spontaneous combustion.
rimt Baptlat Church Lawn a Pliatant
Plate te Spend an Evening,
The pineapple lawn festival for the ben
efit of the First Baptlat ohnreh was success
fully opened en Monday evening. The
beautiful church lawn waa decorated with
Chinese lanterns and in addition the Edi Edi
eon company furnished a number et elec
tric lights free of charge. In addition te
the pineapples, whleh are tbe special fea
tures of tbe festival, there were cak6s,frulU
and Ice cream for sale.
The Ice cream table Is In charge of Geerge
W. Clark and he Is assisted by Ann Me
gnlre and Suale Dieter.
Inthe centre et the lawn la a floral table
In charge of a number et the young ladles
of the Sunday school.
One of the cake and fruit tables Is In
charge of Mrs. A. F. Speneer, assisted by
Miss Mary Jeflries, Mies Kate Leuckp,
Miss Benlne and Mies Stouter. The second
cake and fruit table Is In charge of Mrs.
Geerge P. Rey and she Is assisted by Mrs.
Geerge W. Clark, Miss Llda Clark and
'Miss L'zzle Wiley.
The musle last evening was one of the
features of the festival. Geerge Kissinger
presided at the organ and was accompanied
by Ira Kendlg en the violin.
Tbe festival will be open this and to-mer.
row evenings and will no doubt receive a
liberal patronage. The object la a worthy
one and deserves enoeuragoment.
sracEr work euuehkd.
foatrnctlens Given Fer Ilepalr and O.h.r
Werk by Ibe Street Committee.
The street committee met en Monday
evenlng. The street commissioner waa in
structed te make necessary repair te the
sewer at Strawberry and Water streets, and
also te repair tbe gutter en tbe north aide
of Vine, between Sonth Queen and Beaver
streets, and te lay a gutter en the oerner of
Concord alley and Orange street
Toe mayor was reqaeated te enforce
against tbe street railway companies the
ordinance relative te keeping tbe streets In
repair along their lines.
Tbe city regulator wa? Instructed te have
a chsrt of all tbe sewers made, stating depth
and slz of same.
The street oemmlasloner was ordered te
tear up no mere new streets until these
maeadamlz)d last fall are finished.
The elerk was ordered te advertlse for
the grading et Fremont, Juniata and Union
Tbe city regulator waa Instructed te make
an estimate of the oest of grading North
Franklin street from East King street te
New Helland turnpike.
The street commissioner was ordered te
grade East King street from Franklin te
Bread street.
Tbe Marietta Turnpike company Is te be
notified te put In geed repair tbat part of
tbe turnpike between Orange and College
avenue ; and if It Is net done, It will be re
turned as a nuisance.
Illue Oreaa cattlt'a OOlcera.
At the meeting of Bine Cress Castle, Ne,
40, Knights of tbe Gelden Eagle, held en
Monday evening, the following officers
were elected for tbe ensuing term of six
menthB : Past chief, Jacob Neetel ; noble
chief, A. K. Mowrer ; vice chief, Goe. W,
Daveler ; high priest, J. V. Vendersmlth j
venerable hermit, Harry Kletler ; master
et records, J. Frank Bewman j clerk of ex
chequer, Jehn B. lleck; keeper of ex
chequer, Henry Eckman; air herald,
DtnlelW. Eckman; worthy bard, H. B.
Manby ; worthy chamberlain, Jacob Alla
bach ; ensign, Gabriel Sander ; et quire, D.
D. Overly; first guardsman. O. C. Carman:
second guardsman, Ed w. Heuser ; trustee,
J. V. Vendersmllb, CO. Carman, A. W.
Pinkerton ; representative te Grand Castle,
H. L. Simen.
The membership la new 223 ; admissions
during the past term 33 ; amount paid for
relief (297, and amount et funds en hand
and Invested, 1 2,378 2a
Tncqaan cleb Meeting-.
The Tucquau club held a meeting last
evening at tbe otnee of A. C. Relneehl, esq
It was decided te go Inte eimp st the old
spot at Yerk Furnace en July 13, te con
tinue for ten days. Tbe following annual
members were chesen: Jehn C. Carter,
N. Milten Weeds, A. P. Shirk, Albert
Rengler, R. M. Agnew, esq., and Jehn W.
Blckel, esq, of Norrlstewn, Dr. P, J,
Roebuck resigned as a permanent member
and ths vieincy will be filled whsa the
I Club get into camp,
The Jonlera Parade-A Flag Pre-
aeatad te tfee Ord.r Tna BaaqnM at Bafe-
l.aaan'j Ball-Bengs, Kseltalless aad
Addresses by the Leg U Members,
Monday night Oserge Bhtfllsr Cennell,
Ne. 177, Jr. O. U. A. M., et this city, bad a
gala time, the occasion being the oelebra eelebra oelebra
tlen of their first anniversary. Thla connell
was instituted en July 2 J, 1887, and they
new have 120 members and are In
flourishing condition. At 8 o'clock
Monday evening the members met
la their ball In the Inquirer build
Ing, en North Queen street Headed
by the I. O. of G. T. band of Straaburg the
members of the connell marehed down
Orange street te Prlnee, te Hager, te Sentb
Queen and te the reatdenee et J. G. Good Geed
man, Here a very pleasant Incident 00 00
eurred. The council waa presented by Mr.
Geedman with a beautiful flag, wblcb waa
formerly the property of the old Sblfller
Are oempany and came Inte bta possession
years age. Tbe presentation took piece in
front of Mr. Geedman's residence and the
speech was made by Geerge Kauumau. W.
H. Varnlek, esq , of Philadelphia, ex-atate
counciller or the order, received the flag for
Sblfller council and In a short speech
thanked Mr. Ooedman for the beautiful
present. At the conclusion of bis remarks
tbe line et march was again taken up and
the oeunoll proceeded up Seuth Queen
and Neith Queen aa far aa Chestnut
street. Then tbey counter-marched
te Betley & Basheng'a hotel where
tbe wives, slaters and sweethearts of the
members had assembled. The ladles fell
In behind tbe band and all proceeded te
Kahleman'a hall. Here four large tables
had been spread and tbey were leaded
down with geed things te which Justice
was done by everybody. These In attend
ance were net only members of the
ShlHIer and their lady friends, bnt there
were also members of Conestoga Council,
Ne. 6, O. U. A. M., and Empire, Ne, 120,
and Conestoga, 22, Jr. O. U. A. M , and of
the old Shlfflar fire cerflpauy.
The evening waa very pleasantly spent,
and the following pregramme of entertain
ment waa carried out :
Opening song, " My Country Tls of
Thee," by all ; song, Weloeme," Shlfller
Ceunell Glee club ; rocltatlen, " Barbara
Frltehle, Morgan Drnmm ; comic song,
Geerge KauOman ; address by ex-State
Councillor Varnlck 5 recitation, "Sheri
dan's Ride," Morgan Drumm ; song,
" Dancing Over the Waves," Sblfller Coun Ceun Ceun
oll Glee club.
At the oenolnslon of the pregramme, Mr.
Varnlck was presented with an elegant
large cake by the oeunoll, Tbe evening
was a very pleasant one te all who partici
pated In tbe festivities, and It will long be
remembered by the members et new coun
cil. amuttd by th. lteglatrr.
The following letters were granted by the
register of wills for the week ending Tues
day, July 3:
Tkstamentauv Jehn Pinkerien, de
ceased, late or Mr. Jey borough ; S. C.
Pinkerton, Mt Jey, executer,
Jonas Leuber, deceased, late of Clay
township ; Msggle U Lutz, Philadelphia,
and Sarah Lanber. Clay, exeouter.
Elizabeth B. Hersbey, deeeased, late of
Colombia borough ; Ephralm Hersbey,
Columbia, exeouter.
Jane M. S. Ksuflmsn, deeeased, late of
Columbia borough ; C. 8. KauUman, Col
umbia, exeouter.
Administbatiek Ellzt H. Lehman,
deceased, late of Polk county, Iowa; Chris
tian M. Hersbey, Mt Jey, administrator.
Ephralm M. Hersbey, deceased, late of
Mt. Jey borough ; Christian M. Hersbey,
Mt Jey, administrator.
Catharine MeCue, deeeased, late of Pe
quea township ; Jeseph C. Snyder, oily,
Miulenary Misting.
The semi-annnal meeting et tbe Sunday
soheol of Trinity Lutheran church last
evenlng te bear reports In regard te the
collections for missionary purposes was
held. These reports are made oaeh six
months, at tbe beginning et Jannsry and
July. Tbe reports last evening showed
tbat the sum collected exeeeded that
of any corresponding terms by 70
per cent. The class which was In
tbe lead In the collection was one com
posed et young men, who are taught by
Mica Clara Ream. They turned in f 20. Of
the amount reported f50 was contributed te
tbe mission at St Panl, Minnesota, and
f50 te the Emigrant mission at Castle
Garden. During tbe evening the Trinity
Sunday school orchestra furnished excel
lent musle and there was singing, A3.
A fhltf Uautht In a Bask.
On Monday Theodere Roop waa arrested
at the Merchants' bank, Ilarrlaburg, whe:e
he presented for the purpose et having It
cashed a certificate of deposit en the First
National bank, of Alteena, for f&00. Pre
viously tbe officers or the bank had been
notified tbat a fellow answering Roep'a
description bad stolen about fl,g00 from
Mrs. Lavinla Brown, at Lilly's Station,
Cambria county. The efllcera In tbe bank
pretended te telephone te another bank ler
money, but instead sent for tbe chief of
police, who took Roop into custody. Heep
bas confessed tbe robbery, and Is held
until a warrant arrives for hla removal te
Lilly's Station. He had ene of tbe certlfi
cates cashed en Saturday by forging Mrs.
Brown's name.
Why Tbera Waa He Meeting.
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock was the
time set ter the meeting et tbe Lancaiter
County Agricultural and Horticultural
society, but there being no quorum present
tbe few members in attendance adjourned
without transacting any business. The
farmers are busy bay making and harvest
ing their wheat, an occupation that Is much
mere Important te tbem at this time of year
than listening te essays and speeches, be
they ever se well written.
Frem the farmers in attendance we learn
tbat the hay crop Is a fairly geed one and
the greater part of It bas been gathered,
The wheat crop Is also geed and will be
garnered within the present week.
Joaeph 0erxeg Asking l'ardeu,
The beard of pardon will bold lis next
regular meeting en Wednesday, July 11.
Four new cases have been set down for a
hearing, as fellows : Jehn Cooper, et Phil
adelphia, embezzlement ; James Tannae,
Allegheny county, burglary and larceny ;
Jeseph Hei7eg, of Lancaster, forgery ; W.
A. uonner, juuuua county, procuring a
barn te be burned.
Arrest of Bcranten Intaranca Man.
Henry J. Everall, who has done an In
surance business at Boranten, P., for
several New Yerk companies, left that city
en Wednesday laat short (4,000. It was
stated tbat be took out polleltta In the names
of mythical people, and en stating that
they had died would collect tbe Insurance.
He was captured In New Yerk en Monday
and he waived extradition prceeedlngs and
left with an officer for Bcranten.
Ujlef a tier Forty-four Days Fatllug.
Jebn Zicher,tbe young farmer at Racine,
WU., who baa lived forty-four days with
out feed, Is dying. Up te Sunday Ziebsr
hai continued at work. Monday morning
hewss attacked with cramps, and la new
yvj low.
The Prise ttagtag contests Brgaa The Lan
caster Mjeaaeceber te caase Thre.
Tbsprlzs singing oentest of the fifteenth
National Fioegerfest of the Northeastern
Hinging Confederation of America was
begun la Baltimore en Monday afternoon
la Harris' Academy el Musle, the aoenitlo
properties et which are perfect Tbe socie
ties oempoaleg the " Siengerbnnd " are
classlPed la three divisions, according te
tbe number of their membership. Class 1
embraces all these whose membership Is 40
or upwards 1 elasa II, these whose mem
ship Is between 40 and 24 ; elass III, 24 or
under. The orchestra, oenduoted by Pro Pro
feseor Wllllsm K. Helmendabl, opened the
matinee with Mozart's overture, "LeNczs
de Figare." Alter this the soelotlee of the
first elass competed ter their prizes, of
whleh there are three, censtating of sliver
lyres, mounted en backgrounds of purple
velvet and handsomely framed. The teat
piece was tbe oberus, "Fruehllng," by
Rbelnberger, which was sung successively
by tbe following societies :
Germanla, of Newark, Arthur Classen,
director; Jnnger Maennercher, et Phila
delphia. Merlts Leefsen. director t Wash-
ingtener Saengerbund, E, Heler, director 1
Maennercher, et Philadelphia, 8. U Her
mann, director; Arien, of Brooklyn, A.
Rlbm, Director ; Arien, or Newark, N. J.,
F. Van der.Stueken. director. 'Of tbese tbe
Newsrk Arien, tbe Philadelphia Jungcr
Maennorcher and the Brooklyn Arien sang
with the grea'eat precision, and the finest
shading, and popular favor seems te
award the prizes te tbem, but tbe actual re
sult will net be announced until Wednes
day. Merltz Leefsen, E. Heler and 8. L.
Hermann were recalled several times after
their respective societies had snng, bnt the
greatest enthusiasm waa manifested after
tbe e (Tort et the Newark Arien, led by Van
der Htueken, who ia himself a con. poser of
considerable note. The societies of class
III then sang "Dle Llobe Kann Nleht
Eeden," by Ltnbe, In tbe following erder:
Lledertstel, nt Trenten, N. J., W. Kloler,
direoter) Virginia, of Richmond, O.
Stegel, direoter ; Elniraeht, el Newark,
Wm. Papp, director; Orpheus, et Phila
delphia, H, Peters, direoter ; Arbelter, el
Philadelphia, Phil. Jeat, direoter; Har Har
menle, et Reading, J. W. Jest, director ;
uoneoraia, 01 rauaaeipnis, v. a. usrtman,
direoter ; Concordia, et Brooklyn, W. Ven
Msltlte, director; Lancaster, of Laneaster,
Pa, Carl Maiz, director ; Kreutznr Quar
tette club, cf Philadelphia, ,0. A. Harluuaun,
The singing nt the Elntraeht, of Newark,
Philadelphia Quartette club, tbe Ureulzer
Quartette club, of New Yerk, and the Phila
delphia Concordia carried tboaudlenee by
aterm, especially that et the nrst, while the
last mentioned club, because ofthelr delicate
blending and shading, run a geed obance
for flrst prize of tbe third elasa. whleh will
be awarded en Wednesday. The competi
tion et tbe second clasp, which has mere
entries than either el the ethers, occurs at
the matinee te-day.
Oase Ifc.ll Newt.
Tbe League games playd yesterday
were : At New Yerk, New Yerk 0, Wash
ington 2; at Philadelphia, Philadelphia a,
Bosten 1; at Indianapolis (twelve innings),
Detroit 4, Indianapolis J ; at Pittsburg,
Chicago 2. Pittsburg 0.
The only Association game yesterday
was in Louisville when Baltimore waa
beaten by 13 te G. ' Phenomenal " Smith
waa batted all ever the auto of KeMneky.
The Keystone and Ivery cluba play en
tbe old Ironsides grounds te-morrow after
noon. Kelly does net like It that Philadelphia
down tbem and when n small boy guyed
him yesterdsy be said " We can't beat the
Cuban Giant."
If any one thinks "Buster" Temney Is
net plsylng a great game for Allentown
they only need tdrollew his soeres.
Tomorrow afternoon the Atbletloais: Atbletleais: Atbletloais:
elatlon nine will play a game with the In
quirer en the Ironsides ground-. The
Atbletle club will make their first appear
ance In bran nsw suits.
The Indianapolis elub Is said te be after
Billy Hlgglna, new In Syracuse. Higgles
was a member or tbe Ironsides or 1S84, and
after finishing tbe season or 1886 with
Virginia, Bosten signed him te take Bur
dock's place In case the latter refused te let
drink alone " Berdle " premised te de
hotter and Higgles was released. The
former has been released " for keeps " new
and will never play In Boten ngaln, Ulg
gins would come geed te Bcsten new.
Will Da Changed In tna l'otare.
Up nntll a short time sge the Pennsylva
nia railroad company carried such artleles
as peddlers' packs, baby carriages, Aa,
free. A new order has been Issued new,
however, and In the future the ewnera of
these things will have te pay for their
transportation. This has oreated conster
nation among tbe colony of Rnsslnns who
go ent from Laneaater every week and sell
goods or all kinds, without license,
throughout this county.
1 m
The Street Hallway ICztenaloe.
The workmen who have been laying tbe
track for the extension of the Laneaater
street railway ware kept busy all of yes
terday and laat nlgbt putting In the switch
from East King street te Beutb Duke. This
morning at nine o'clock tbey finished tbe
Jeb and there was but little delay te cars of
either of tbe lines. The track of tbe exten
sion Is laid ent Seuth Queen street as far as
ex-Mayer Morten's residenoe, and to-mer
row cirs will be run ever It for the first
Burned ly a Fira Cracker.
Minnie, a little daughter of Harry Bru
baker, of Ne. 230 Middle street, was ter
ribly burned last evening. She was stand
logon the pavement In front of her fatbei's
house when a rude boy came by. He
lighted a fire cracker and placed It imme
d lately In front of the child's eye. When
It exploded the contents entered tbe eye,
burning It terribly. The child suffered
Intense pain all night but Dr. Klnard, who
la attending her, says the sight will be
A mitlitFlre.
Shortly after four o'clock Monday after
noon the fire alarm box Ne. 47, located at
tbe oerner of Prince and Chestnut streets,
struck an alarm of fire and tbe flre de
partment quickly responded. A two-story
frame building, Ne. 420 Water street, be.
longing te Sener A Sens, bsd been set
en fire by a locomotive, but tbe flsmrs
were extinguished by tbe 'Sener Fire"
company before tbe arrival et tbe fire de
partment A Hank lloek.k.eper Htaala 8)11,100.
JEnssY City, N. J. July 3 Jebn H.
Vn Lean, book-keeper In tbe Second Na
tional bank et Jersey City, bas defaulted te
tbe amount el 1 11,100 and left for parts no
known. He bad been conneeted with tbe
bank for ten years. On enterlng tbe
bank en Saturday be wan surprised te
find tbe directors in consultation ever
hla books and he Immediately left tbe
building. He repaired te his home and
aobsequently left tbe city, taking his wlfe
and child with him. His wi ereabeuts has
net as yet been ascertained-
Te Attend tbe gtupgeire.t.
Washington, July 2 The president
expects te leave bore for Baltimore at 8
o'elock this evenlng. His purpose Is te at
tend the Pujegerlwt exercises and return
te Washington en a late train.
Us llaus Iter.
fJELQitADB, July 3. King Milan has ap
plied te tbe eeclealaatlcal syncu ler a Judi
cial separation from his wife, Queea Nata
lie, en the ground of insuperable aversion
te the queen.
lllll.Bhuoileg at Uusnyrllle.
rifle match between two well-known
S' - Q-yvme resulted a. foliew. :
tSjfrlkueJi:::;::;::::ie I ? S 8 8 818 S-u
Rntnere et Other Sales Tbal Could Met be
Yenned - Farms rs Finish Planting th Ni w
Crep Cut Worms Doing considerable
Damage, Vlants Having te be ittast
The planting of the tobacco crop of 'S3 Is
about ended. A few laggards have Just
finished setting out their plants, and hun
dreds of planters have been kept very busy
resetting the plants that have been destroyed
by tbe cut worm. Paris green and ether
poisons have been nsed in great quantities
te kill the worm, but only with partial
suoees. The planters say they have never
had mere trouble with tbem, having gene
ever their fields and reset the plants In
sems Instanees three or four times. As a
consequence the fields are very Irregular,
and even if the orep should turn out te be
a geed one It will net show up well until It
shall have been very carefully aisjrted.
The steady rain or Thursday and Friday
last gave the young plants a geed start, and
If tbey escape further ravages from tbe
worm we may aoen expect te see tham
grew vigorously. Seme of the early
planted atalka have leaves larger thsn a
man's hand.
The following sales or cased tobacco are
reported : Bailee Jt Frey, 100 eases ; L.
Gershelds Bre., 300 cases; B. H. Kendlg
sold 200 cases and bought 122 ; MeCallster,
ofCeoostogs, eeld 130 cases '80 Havana,
There are rumera et many ether sales.
Frem the U. 3. Tobacco Journal.
The most Interesting and Important event
In the market during the past week were
the transactions In new seed leaf. A Water
street firm sold te an up-town manufac
turer 0S0 eases or '87 Zlmruer Spanish at
about lO'ci and another Water street
firm is rnoerted te have added te Its erig
inal paeking of 2 000 caeca of Pennsylvaula
Havana sted 800 eases mere by purchase
from competitors. Tne new Pennsylvania
Havana Is considered a fancy crop and apt
te be handled for speculative purposes. If
It could be concentrated In tbe hands of a
low It may tben realm a profit en Its ex
pensive Investment. And tbe secrecy end
prlvscy with whleh tbe reported transac
tion ban been surrounded would lead te the
conclusions. If a "cornering" et tbe crop
were intended. Tbe msrket In this new
crop will be worth while watching, aa It
may dovelop some startling surprise.
Taking the usual run of old tear tbe vol vel vol
ume el sales In seed leaf for the ptst week
was no less than 2 00 case.
Havana I Jumping along at geed figures.
Salts about 450 bales.
Sumatra is gradually becoming the great
preblem of tbe leaf market for the current
year. The Importations up te date have
neon exceedingly smsll in comparison
with these et the past few years, and
tbere Is mero tban a likelihood,
we are almost Justified te say a
eertalnty, thul tbey will remain compara
tively email for tbe reat et the Insorlptlena.
The next Inscription, whleh has been Clare,
spectrutly fixed te tske place en enr glorious
fourth, will among Ita twenty odd thousand
bales contain net mere tban 3,600 balea firsts,
et wblcb two-thirds are reported te be very
peer. Fer tbe present, however, transac
tions In old stock de net run above tbe
averase. Hales for the woek about 100 bales
at f 1 CO te 1 1 85.
Oana' Weakly Repert.
Following are the sales of seed leaf
tobacco reported for tbe Intellieencbb
by J, S. Cans' Sen, tobsceo broker, Ne.
131 Water street, New Yerk, for tbe week
ending July .1, 1888 :
600 eases 18S7 Zlmmer p. t ; 200 cases
1830 Wisconsin Havana, &10C. J 2(H)
cases 1880 Dutch, PUa ; 160 vw 1880
New England, 11016 1 1 100 eases 1SS0 Nhw
England Havana, I330j:300 cues 1880
Pennsylvania, 0j($t2e ; 100 cases It 80
Pennsylvania Hmvmub, 0f3l2)fe. 160 cases
sundries, tQUOj. Total, l,7u0 utser.
Other Iaf Market..
Edgerton, Ills., reports a fair amount of
business dene In tbe '87 orep. Fair weather
for planting, bat cut worms unusually
In Mlamlsbnrg, O , the market for 1887
Dutch shows some improvement ever tbe
past few weeks. There seems te be morn
inquiry and better prices are realized ; 8, 0
and aa high as 10a bas been paid ; 1880
Dutch aud 1837 seed lest are still neglected.
The condition of tbe cigar trade in Penn
sylvania Is thus reported In the 77. &
Tobacco Journal 1 Meadvllle, dull ; Allon Allen
town, very dull ; Philadelphia, cloudy ;
I'ettavllle, slew ; Leck Haven, dull ; War
ren, dull ; Wllllsmsperl, trade geed ;
Greenville, about medium ; Allegheny
City, fair ; Bradford, fair ; Heaalng, dull ;
TmeHllI, no geed ; Yerk, very dull, with
peer prospeets et gettlng better ; Usrr s
rurg, dull ; Lebanon, dull ; Erle, geed ;
Scranton, very dull; Lancaster, dull.
Attn rametiillittltll.M.
Gcttysuore, I'i , July 8 'Ibe numereus
regimental monuments having been dedl dedl dedl
oited, tbe mass et vlsiteis are new concen
trating en Cemetery Hill, where tbe gen
eral ceremonles will be held this afternoon
and wbere Mr. Geerge W. Curtis will de
liver an oration.
Gen. Gorden's opportune speech yester
day a'ternoen, quite captured tbe vast as
semblage en tbe Hill, aad te-day he Is re
ceiving quite an ovation from the numer
ous visitors present at tbe informal recep
tion he is holding at tbe Springs hotel.
Parker's Coufederate Battery association
arrived from RIobmend last night, 43 strong,
and are being entertained by the Pennsyl
vania G. A. R.,cfllclais at tbelr camp en
Cemetery Hill. Cel. Hufut B. Merchant,
president of tbe Stenewall Jacksen Memo Meme
rial aistoclatlen, representing tbe Con
federates et Frederlekaburg,ls here extend
ing an Invitation te ex-Federals e visit the
four bistorie battle field, of Fredericks
burg Tne FUherinan Rescued.
llAl.irAX, N. 8., July 3 The govern"
mint ettamer Alert from Sable Island
brought te thla pert two fishermen, David
McKay and Rebert Williams, belonging te
tbe Amerlcan schooner Gladstone. The
men left tbelr veaael en the 221 ult, te tend
trawl, A gale springing up, tbey were
blown away and were unable te reach tbe
schooner sgaln. Tbey were picked np en
the next dny by tbe schooner Fannle S.
Ornc, of Beeth buy, and after remaining en
beard of her two days, were landed en Bable Censul General Fhelan took charge
et tbem and they left for home laat evenlnr ,
Itankeis' Preii.rly Attached.
New Yebk, July 3. Judge O'Brien, In
supreme court chamber, has granted an
attachment against the property of James
Nertb, R. Milten Speer, David Barrlck,
Caleb C. Nertb aud K. Allen Levell, who
de business as bankers at Huntingdon, Pa.,
under tbe name et the Union bank cf
Huntingdon, In a suit brought by tbe
Uuntluicden Manufacturing oempany te
recover a balance of (10,000 whleh was
placed en deposit with the bank last
February, as a special account, and has net
been repaid although demand for It has
been made.
Damages Canted by Flreweika,
Habbisbuke, July 3. Shortly before 2
o'clock tbl. afternoon the pyrotechnics In
Daniel Bisen's confectionery store, en Mar
ket street near Fifth, commenced going etJ,
eauslng loud explosions, and causing con
siderable excitement About f 2,000 worth
. of fireworks were destroyed. The build
wg lelnlty wsre m.T bVnre
te .. amount oiP.eb.wy 13,000,
Atneatmants That Will
Be Provided
Fer the Fourth,
Te-morrow will be the nation's holiday,
and, In order that the Intelucibhebr
empleyes may property eelebrate tbe day,
no paper will be issued from this efllce.
There are net many great amusement"
booked for the day, but It Is likely that
most of the people will nod something te
de te pass away the time. There will ba
tbe usual number of private picnics but
very few pubtle ones, and many persona
will go te the country te spend the dsy In
fishing, Ae.
AtMcGrann'a park tbere will be three
races In the afternoon. Tbe first will be a
trot between double teams of gentlemen's
read horses. Following this will be another
trot In whleh the following horses have
been entered : 'William Flsa' Richard, E
H. Ksuflman'a L. G., and K. It. MscQonl MscQenl
Rle's MoDenongh. A running race will
finish up the day's sport, between Baker it
Bre's. Sam Walten, C. Geiter's Bcgardus,
and J. A. Balr'a Luella. The as races will
no doubt attract a large crowd.
At Penryn a number of Sunday toheol
fem Lebanon will held a picnic whleh will
no doubt be very largely attended. During
the day and evening there will be celebra
tions at Htllr, Gap, Ellzsbetbtewn, Epbrata,
West Willow and ether places,
The Conealegs creek will no doubt attract
many people, as tbat stream has a great
many beats npen It and many of the ynnng
men have the rowing fever. Tbe East King
street car line will de their annnal big busi
ness, and It Is likely that cars will be rnn
ever the Seuth Queen street extocsten for
the flrst tlme.
Thore will be qulte a number of private
displays of fireworks, but the largest and
by far the best whleh the pnblle will have
sn opportunity et seeing will be the ene at
tbe City hetel, whleh tskea place te-morrow
evenlng. The proprietors and bearders at
this bouse have expended a large sum of
money for fireworks and the display
premises te be very flne. Many et the
pieces te be set oil are entirely new.
The firing of orackers began lest nlgbt
and It has been oentlnuod evor siuee, mueh
te the dellght of tbe small boy and tbe dis
gust of the old men. This will be con
tinued without any let up for the next
twenty-four bourn, and these who de net
like it had hotter loave town or
make up tbelr minds te endure
tbe nolee. Within tbe past few
years it has become customary for
beya te erect stands and cfler fireworks
fersale. It new seems that every kid who
ean get a little money has set up a stand
and thore are at least CO ct thorn within a
short distance of Centre Square. On these
urowerks of nearly every kind, and espe
cially theso that make a nelae, are sold.
Everything la eflered from the nnelent little
sand eracker and pistol cap te the big ugly,
looking red cracker that Is next In size te a
cannon. A very noisy and dangerous
eracker that Is new ettered for sale contains
dynamlte and makes a fearful raeket The
enterprising beya who keep tbese stands
each have at least ten or a dozen assistants,
who are esger te assist, espeelally In putting
oft the surplus" fireworks. It will require
allot tbese te watch the festive drunken
man who will be abroad te-morrow and
prevent him from carelessly setting Are te
the tables, as he seems te haye a fondness
for this sport
At Gap te-morrow tbe festivities will be
gin at 3 o'elock when a parade will be
given In which the Knights of the Gelden
Eagle, Knights et Pythias and ethers will
participate in full uniform. The Gap abd
New Helland clubs play base ball at 4
o'elock. In tbe evening a fine display of
fireworks will wind up a big day for lbs
1 1
Tin: rnicrrr enk Aituuuine.
War Among Ibe Mongolian. Over the TSefl or
n IlamlKiine Weman,
Ban Francisce, July 3. War has
breken out In Chinatown again between
two powerful faotlens of Highbinders. A
rieb old pawnbroker named Ah Sing Sur,
belonging te the Soe Sup soeloty,purouaed
a geed looking girl In Heng Keng recently
and had her ahlpped te Ban Francisce as
his daughter. Heme hard swearlng had
te be done te get the girl through
the custom house, as she was only
14 years old and evidently a ball-breed.
Several Highbinders bolengtng te tbe Gab.
Sin Bur aoclety of professional robbers snd
perjurers corroborated the pawn broker's
testimony end be was allowed te carry eS
his prize te Chinatown,
Reports of the girl's geed leeks getting
around, a rival Highbinder named Weng
Lung, a head man In tbe lie Bin Seer
society, resolved te abduct tbe girl, and
Sunday nlgbt, accompanied by four
armed cutthroats be burst Inte tbe
pawnbroker's ledgers and carried away the
beauty after knocking the old man en the
head se tbat he lay stunned fcr an hour.
When he recovered he appealed te tbe Gab
Kin Bur Ulgbblndei s te rescue the girl, snd
incited by prcfeaslenal pride and a reward
et several hundred dollars the Highbinders
I opened war en the kidnappers. Beveral
BOl aailiui.ucn un,u uuiuucu vti.ijki iuu
last 48 hours and faslf a dozen Chinamen
have been Injured by hatchets and piatpl
shots. A detail or police bas been sent
Inte Chinatown te represi the heathen
Fropeiad Hallways in the We.t.
Dknvbk, Cel., July 3 The certificate
et Incorporation of tbe Chicago, Kansas it
Nebraska railway company with tbe
Chicago, Reck Island t Colerado railway
company, with a etpltal stock of M5,O0O,0OO,
wss tiled yesterday with the secretary of
state of Colerado. It contemplate lines
from Kansas and Nebraska te Denvir,
Colerado Springs and Pueblo, this atate,
and niae lines from Kansas te HI Paie and
Galvtsten, Tex.
(ItcarrdNlO.OOO la liallluu,
Madeira, CaL, July 3.-The !? "
nlng between this placeand Alldreth was
sterped yesterdsy afternoon by masked
men. They lumped from behind rocks and
compelled the exprtas messenger te threw
np his gun and then compelled blm and
tbe driver te hand ever the expreis bcx
containing (10,000 In bullion. The robbers
ManyUfputy Mar.hata Killed.
FenT Smith, Ark., July 3. The killing
et Deputy Marshal Jobs Philips at Mc
Laughlin and Deputy Hecter Themes at
Catoesi, Creek nation, makes the seven
teenth deputy marshal killed In the nation
during the last two years and tbe third
within the last week. The ether was Jehn
Trammell, killed by moenshiners in Mont
gomery county last week.
Te Jtriluc tbe Ariuameiit.
BnnLiN, July 3 In political elrclealt
la believed tbat Emperor William will pro
pose a reduction of Germany's armaments
after an entente bas been ts abllshed wllh
Glea Merchants Alt"
New Yeke, July 3. Seliginae Brethers
& Ce., cloaks, tnade aa assignment te-day
te Simen Herman, giving f7,000 prefer-
ences. .
mmATHM jmiJtOJlXltJIft,
P Washington, D. 0 July 3.ln 3.ln
dlcellens ler 30 bouts t r"tr Eastdrn
Pennsylvania and New Jersey ;
Wmsw'i tb weather, seuUisrly winds.
""-" VV4IVMtlwl JMI
e J
- $,
Iteprttr ntatlrra of the National Cessaametrt 'j
te Confer With the lVeegae's GaaatM
Committee Candidate Tk areata Tie.
lt.d by the Illinois Delegatfe.
Baltiuerb, July 3 ThesdVTiew,asarelt
n the clubs et tbe national DsusasHsIS ,
League has already arrived. EdwarsJ M
Whitney, secretary of the general oemiW
tee of the National League, F. K. Carta. :
cretary et the New Yerk State LesgneveM
Rebert G. Menree, et the Yeung Mem':
Democratic elub of New Yerk with a nam.''; nam.'';
beref delegates from tbe Empire state a, r
rived laat nlgbt The bead quarters of tknW. .
Yeung Men's Democratle clnb of Nv'V
Yerk were opened this morning at Bat.
num's hotel, and this will practically betW-S
headquarters et the state or New Yerfe"
rium an quarters telegrams poured into ' J
headquarters te day announcing that vert--' Jj
ciuua were en tne reaa. Tne Hstsm- -ni
chuaetts and New Hampshire and Dnrbaae; 5 V 4
N. C, delegations srrlved today. The Ohie ' j
cuius iriareacnnauimore pre
Thesrrsngementsfortbelscalreoeptlon and t-S
entertainment of the visiting clubs havie &i
been completed, thcie Is little mera te bexfe
dene until the meeting of the general eWBMj- (
mlttee or ths League te-night wbea tkef
work of the convention will be outline & A
This will be an Important meeting sudBV' t
committee from the Democratle national .3,1
enmmlltee, oenslttlnir ot-Benaters German.
Kenna, Faulkner and Barbour and Mr. -,): ;3
Dicksen, of the District of Colombia, will -H
crime te Baltimore te confer with tbe gesv" Jfg
eral emmtttee. c
ifnT Mit. TitnnMAn'11 ctiHimr, '
A dispatch te the Sun from Oeiumtmt, S" ;
vuh.,iuiiui IUD 11I1UU1. uciHBIsa li
from tbe various Democratle clubs te tbeV.V
leagua convention stepped for an htmtmt.i
two this morning te pay tbelr respects $0 fe
Judge Thurman. Mr. Flekltr, chalraaem
ui in. ueirgauuu, presauiau lue vuiKHraaBttn:
ssld that tbe name or Thurman was a beweW
bold word In Illinois. It wss a name ttaaY
he revered, and he In common wltbtr
delegation felt tbat It waa an heOgXK. ,.. A-A -.A.At.,A .A .AAA .fc "l
most dlftln-ulshed man of tha DsaaaUW
rratle party. Mr. Thurman responds -if; '
happily. He launched at onee upetiv'&:
paner yrle of the Pemocralle party. Tbe' :
Democratle party," said he, 'ean never dli
as long aa tree Institutions exist There I )
net a single ngnt onjeyea ey any people e.'v
the glebe that la net acesrding te tbe teaOM;',;
Ingaeftba Democratle party." As usual hi
teferred toJeffersen and Jaoksen as theresn.'
tain beads of Democracy. After the Judge) ''
bid aroused bis visitors te a lively pwes.
et enthusiasm he remarked tbat heMs
cot make a stump spaceh. "Oar OftfW-
nents say," continued Mr. Thurman, wltzij'
a smile, tbat I am weak and deere4,.;
and one of the leadereef tbe epnaeMM
party aald tbat yen bad te rob tbe grave fclWv
a candid ate for the vice nrcaldener. 'TfaaV?
Is most likely tree, bnt it la tbe grave of 'J
th Ramihtl-an nertv " Thla ull anaiV "I
greeted wltb cheers and laughter. 'assA s
when quiet was restored be again awgejii
th-m .lnnm. tn hla hn ma mnA mttAm ---" ?.
ha wished tn nnunl tham tn tha mtm mt"Si'--i
the beuse, bis geed old wlfe. While watt
ing for Mrs. Thurman. oneet tbadsM.
gatlen, a colored man, Themas ejfji
Brown, editor of a pspsr In Sprlg-v
ueia, xiuneis, stepped rerwsra tsM.
addressed Mr. Thurman ai fellows,.-"
Judse Thurmsn. I brlnar von arraailau-"
from 3.000 oelored men of Illinois, who wlll'v ,;
be loyal te President Cleveland and toyen,";-'"'
and In behalf of these men I speak te-day." !'t
Te this Mr. Thurman seldi " I in Impress
ed with what yen have said. There baa beta fr
much said that Is wrong. Slavery Is dead $.':
forever, and we are glad 01 it That wbka. .-
oenuuoea meat te tne rroeuem new enjoyed W
hv nnlnmd mnn Wfre thA wnrrta nt thai 1
mortal Jeffersen Incorporated In our Deess- lfx 5
fr.llAH At T--nA.HAAAA .AA .1, AAA-. AAA & U
.JU u ,uuvfuuuliw UAS a,, 4JUVI. WW
--AatAfl nnal. rrhtaritr1 mnM tn trm Ilia
bondsman than all tbe polltleal abolitionists'
In the land; but there Is another thing te b Q&.1
guarded against a slavery te tbe Rspnte r
liean party. De as the white man does--' ,Jjff
divide your vote." Mrs. Thurman watwy?
then Introduced te the delegation by Mr. "Wi J
Thurman. The slver-halred old lady CiA
greeieu iub iuiuujj nnu a aiuu nuu grail) r
dlgn'ty. The elub will step at Washington ,-
te call en the president , -tx
- 'Hi
Testimony Addnc.d la the "Time."
Bult-Tb FialnlllT Sid Beetr,
Londen, July 3. The libel suit of MX.
O'Donnell sgalnat the Timet was continued :
Mr. Henry W. Lney, editor of tbe Daily
Newt, was croes-examlned with a view of
showing Mr. O'Donnell and Mr. Paraell
were chiefs el the Irish National Leagfte
and tbe Irish party when Mr. Gladstone
denounced the League. The proceedings et
the trial wero net se well attended te-day
as yesterday.
Cel. Edward Saundersen, Conservative
M. P. for North Armagh, was present
Lord Coleridge would net allow the tes
timony adduced by tbe cress-examination
et Mr. Lucy te be placed In evidence. Mr.
Cewen, el Newcastle, and Mr. Themas
Burt, M. P., testified and then Mr. Raegg
tben closed bis case. Attorney General Sir
R. E. Webster opened the case for the
defense. Ha animadverted npen the ab ab
sence or Mr. O'Donnell and prominent
members or the National League from the
witness box and declared that tbe arllele
prlntedlntbe Timet en "Parneillsm aad
Crime" did net refer te Mr. O'DeaneU
personally but te tte Nat nil Lsague.
Mr. Webster declared that counsel Ruegg
bad net proved bis case, but tbat he (Web
ster) would prove tbe Tmts' ease. Ba
said tbat Mr. O'Donnell had formerly con
trolled the newspaper, United Ireland, and
asserted tbat he did net dare te take tha
witness stand becausa be would be ques
tioned about Incidents tbe replies te wbleh
would Injure the,Natlenal League. The at
torney general said that be had read that tha
members et the national ueague man
speeches advocating boycotting and vio
lence and that sometimes murder followed
as a result et this advice. He said It was)
also stated tbat American money supported
tbe members of tbe Leigue, and that Mr.
Parnell especially crossed tbe Atlantic for
tbe purpose of collecting this menty. Aa
Mr. Webster made thla statement Mr. Par
nell entered tbe court room and htsrd tha
allusions te himself. Litsr the court ad
journed. m
Appointments by tiorerner (leaver.
IlAnitisui'ne, July 3 -Governer Heaver
te-day appointed tbe following numbers' et
tbe Btate beard et publle charltUs ; Dr,
Themas G. Morten, Dr. G. W. McLeod.
Philadelphia ; Dr. J. B. Hoett, Pittsburg
and Dr. 8. W. C. O'Neal, Gettysburg.
Tbe governor also designated as Pennsyl
vania Dayst Gettysburg Wednesday, Oats.
An liens. Harris,
Dayton, Ohie, July3. We.-dner'sepera
house burned at 3 o'elock Ihls morning.
Less 5,000 ; tnsuranea 110.000, Tha At.
was eaused by fl rtcrsekers exploding Inside
ths buUdlag.
5S 1