, V. fe-. ' '.- .. ..- W -. . v . .; i ". . " F- i i w , , THE LANCASTER DAILY IHTEftlJJGEKCJEft. MONDAY. JULY 2, i88a 33S.ttf EEE! w ,5 i&j 6V 1W3 , iwi tiS" ? Iw m. :bJ IM if 1 A 1 'Me ?xs .' tm? h. jpr j. i ?4 Rw r$ It .. -'& ' ii fcii. &- LVl ysi r U ("f Cir .& R?' A Ms rV 8ft it r.-Vi jA Vf wwr TKAIW. JMltt I Ik Bersr s ItMiims mwim raatlma. ila Meat Balf-PMt nine o'clock tmet Musi oeienmg e we f eecapasy, wu standing en the m aI9ia nnarrwIllA rallrnait. Wat Mew Wart King, heading north, m isu obi or one or ma Daaemem I of the Stavna neus, and atrnck Mf herws frlfhtanlng It. The berae e water atreet diagonally, Kajai, iu batwaee .the big telegraph I Mia amd the eenar of Shirk' carpet atere. tM dJatanea batman the pole and the nenee HiagOBlj alz fact and one Inch. The pole ,wm a gw am scarred 07 thewnceis tMrtklngud aena et the wire with which Wibou4waaterB eff. The oellUlon flttljrekaokedjheAoraea, and Juit ahead at tha steed ena or the pole of the lire (iBfartaiiat, agaleat which the near hone ;" Hja with tall forea, bringing the team te a .' halt. rha Maaarkihla nart nf tha affair la ' kit the team and the big wagon get be- it AMkAa. tlHtwbt iIam m:A hA IUnv.nh nl A -si waltuint halns-nrnahnri T ;.- - fyi Bandar a veninjr. quite an excitement wa A'aaaaad en, North and Benth Oaeen ttreeta R- fit ft a rant war herae.and manv naraena who wlfataed It from the aide walka thought 0 that BesM ens would be killed. A gentle ?V; bbbb whoae home la In PitUburg wa out frtvlcg in a buggy with a lady. lie had a $-tmm belonging te Brimmer' livery. VB MIX TIVIO VUUIIU Ul CTVU.il .Qaaam atreet the breech-band of the t Mae tore and the animal atarted lattfarkrairata. The drlTer aeemed te m 1 control of the animal which daahed ! toward Centre Square. In passing the aar market henaa at Vine atrt the huce-v "', w . . . ------ - t gi H;HHliiniiivftiiiiiaui uiiv&a, ruu mm uiv ' J -.. 1 J-l vllakV kalnka km.1 kb II... -;:y HaHiiHauwciHHuiuie buddh ucwuub Ifft'luaa. The herae almeat flew through VV&Oasrtre Square, and up North Queen atreet f.M boggy fairly danced en the belglan r Meeka tfear the corner of North Queen 'faaj Walnut atreet the herae wa caught 5'' fcyiaUar-Carrler Barry Albright, whohap whehap ffeq f BBId te be there. The damage waa alight (ii Myend the tearing of the harness, but the 'M aoegpantaef the buggy were badly shaken w; InaeStransa was out driving en Seuth V klBlberry aireet yotterday when the kraech band of tha harncia broke. II U v, Kane waa rather spirited and he daihcd if, down Strawberry. The tern harnea ;', atruck him en the hips ea he ran, cbuiIdr h kin te go the faater. lie ran down Btraw- rffyv t iry atreet te uerman enu inence 10 ' ,;:lk-" Chnrch and Shlppea and In Walnut Be S.iSj; waa eaugnt at tne cerner 01 wainui anu 13 tW' aauDerry aireeia alter 110 maae an aimeai m ;kenplete circuit of the town. Ne damage Whatever waa dene te :ae buggy, and atranaa. who had remalned Inaldo. waa net Jwri t XBS KOBIU OCKB STKEKr BKWKB. Tiawtri Eeaagad In Aiatasleg the rieperlj Uwncra Fer Ita Coniuettlon. David Waller, Geerge Barmataetter and Rebert M. Merrow, viewer appoint te aaaaaa damage agalnat the prepertlea abut- ' Ung en the propeaed new sewer en North Bnks atreet, from Jamea te Clay, met at Jamea and Duke atreet,and began the work Jajaagned them. There were qutte a number or attorney a and property heldera preaent, Bdjb of whom wanted the aaseeament made alaonueQ per front feet (about 70 eantt); ethara thought the aaaeument aheuld be nada In accordance with the value of the vBTaral prepeitlea. The Tiewera made i-i.rt MnnflnlBi Al thai VAitiii nf Itrn na.nl nwtn KU'S? tttaa, but It la believed they will aaaeaa the y- aawpanieaatatout70eecU per front feet F-Pvi "tlBwaca waa, that the city aheuld pay for ftrt?kii InnwlVknTt rtt tliM nnnVaHi wttfMh nrnaaaB TatavtABa , ' t'vw. " Hwn w nuivu viuMva wauivi SM rv iiw wau -ji7 aire out 1 nut i ttm nem dj UM Vlfwein that the cltv wu ltbla tn ti.t -.. ia a a ... Uy for the inlet and manhole Uiie MkUre laagth or the sewer la 2.833 feet. 4r mm ,, . BTKDOK IN THB OIIEEK. A Bey Trlrs an Jtxpirlmcnt In Jtii'edlDi Carirldgda and la llurt. The Fourth et J uly aceldenu bave already begun and during the next few day the nail boy will no doubt be the nulTerer Iren the tee rtcklesa use el ponder. On Suday Frank, 13-y ear-old aen or Frederick aUiread, proprietor of theContennlalaaleon, at Vine and Mulberry atreet, wri plsylef; la the yard with a number of ether beya aad had a pistol cartridge. Be waa anxious te aee the tblDg explede and, aa he had no weapon, he concluded te lire It In hla own way. Be laid it en one atene and then atrnck It with another. This had the desired Sect and an explosion followed. The melt waa net aa pleasant s It might have been, however, aa the bullet atruck the boy la the cheek from which It was pulled by Albert Beheld, a companion. The wound bld BOmawhBt.htlt It u nnl ntall anrlnni Bad It been higher the boy 'a ej e might have necaLea our. Klllf d en tta IUIIc ead. froie the UarrUbarg I'atrleu Jehn Frederick, at one time a resident ,f Dauphin oeunty, and for many years the proprietor of the Kphrata Spring hotel, IBeater oeunty, wa killed at Perkins BSarJOB. N. J., nn Hllnrrl.e- -Tnnn no k. K " ; atruck by anenglne while crossing tfe track. Be wa in his 81th year, and aaas goeo uj ittraina aiauen te makoar makear nagsmenta te remove te that placi intend lag te apend the remainder of his days than. Interment took place in V Uatlol Uatlel phla en Wedneaday, the 27th ult. Ileal h or Mrs. Wittier Senrbeer. Mrs, Esther Seurbeer,an aged and highly atsaned woman of East Barrlsburg, died at tha residence et her aen Barry, en Sun- 7 morning jrem me (ueei el a fall. The daeeaed waa a Miss Schenk, of this county. ad wa In ber 75th year. She was the Bether of nine children, all new living ex cept eaa She leaves thirty-six grand, and thirteen great grandchildren. Ttie luuernl take placs Tuesday afternoon. ZMath or Abraham Suavely. Abraham Snavely died at his house, Ne. 335Weat King atreet, en Saturday after after seen, alter a long Illness from consump tion. Deceased waa a son of Benjamin Baavaly and was a member of the firm of Saavely Brethers, who ter years have been aarrylng en the tannery business at Grant and Uoneord street. Be leaves a wife and two children and hla funeral takes place te-morrow. Vnneral of X. C. rills, ThBlnneraletT. 0. Fritz, whose sudden death a Barrlsburg has been noted, took puee en Sunday from hi residence, Ne, Benth Mulberry street The remains JKtn taken te Manbelm where they were aBt by the American Mechanles, et which inland waa a member. The interment was nade at the Manheim cemetery, . Charitable Ileqertt The will of Elizabeth B. Bershey, el Columbia, was admitted te probate this nccnleg. She bequeaths fl,000 te the First MBtbedlst Bpli copal church or Columbia, payable after the death of her husband, or aha nya that he may pay it In his lifetime If aa wisher. The money left te the chuich te be f pplled te repairs whenever needed. m i Bpaclai liBUi jrer milt, Tha Beading railroad will run a tpedal Wan In lrem .Lttltz en Wednesday evening aauattheaa people who go out te see the juawerka can return In geed tlmr. It will MaTB JJUU at 10S0 and will run through te tjaawyvtlle. A uatn will leave JClnir nSfenaBat Isa T.ltllar -. .. -B"nuigeiv,03kJ AUltar Hiilt l.kn,.. ..- -, I -J2iu",?ffl0rlWlnB6l1H-Weaver MMMenlt agalnat the oeunty ler K076 tar 8nrlca oene by him M an cmcerVand ' 2!?". Kellc'aheBck suuck : n AMna Bpnrrler en Saturday Mxt at III! Hese Btokae. Saturday night aa William Deverter, aen "of Frederick Severter, waa walking In company of a friend named Hereof, en Rockland atreet, below the publloaebool house, they were net by a couple of teugbi who without any provocation applied te aching language te them. Dsverter In re ply Bald, "we are net talking te you," whereupon one of thoteagha atruck him a terrible blew In the face, and aa ha areae trem the ground, knocked him down again and again. Doverter'a neae la badly broken, and Dr. Ketcher'a aervleta were required te put It Inte shape. Peverter doe net knew who hla assailant was and knew no reaaen for 'the aatallant. reneral et JamrratcKsnn, The funeral of the late Jamea McKenna took place this morning and waa largely attended. The remalne were taken te BL Mary's Catholle chureh where a requiem mass wa celebrated by Her. Dr. McCul lagh. Interment waa made at St. Mars'a Catholle cemetery. Jehn Murphy, Mlebael MacOenlgle, Ooergo W. Slyer and Frank McOlaln, were the palNbearera, and Officers Weaver, Cramer, Stormleltr. and Sherlz the camera. The Vrtten Intpirlers. The beard of prison Inspectors held their regular monthly meeting at the prison te-day. All the membera were present except President Carter, tn whose absence Mr. Nlssley occupied the chair. A number of bills were approved. This was the day for opening the bids for aasollne and oeal oil. Than hut two In and as the city dealera did net have any notification et the matter the opening waa postpenod for a month. A l'oer Matting , The Republican meetlnga in this county se far bave been genuine llszlea. TheStras burg folks tried It again en Saturday even ing and had a ytty small crowd, la which the boys were as numerous as the men. Johnny Landis, Dr. Kencagy and Kdlter Eberman made sneeelie. The last named was the oelor-bearcrln a very amall parade, 1 m Itm Peattb at Kiihratn, Arrangements have been made for the oelobratlon or the Fourth et July nt Kphrata. There will be a pirade participated In by Silver Springs Union, Pioneer Fire com pany, ledges of OJd Fellows, Sens et America and Knights of the Mystle Chain, and the Grand Army Pest. In the after noon there will be orations dellvored en the spring greundr, Cass Illumined. Augiiet Kummlre was heard by Aldor Alder man liarr en Saturday evcnlng en a charge or cruelty te animals, preferred by James Tarr. The allegation waa that Kummlre cruelly ill treated his horse by beating him, but the commonwealth was unable te sub stantial the cuarge made and the alderman dlsmlsied the suit. Ileturned te lit Owner. K. I). Ilerr, or ltoiteD, reperted te Chlei Smeilr. en Saturday aftornoen that his team bad hcen stelen from In front et the Serrol Beroe hotel. The able! found the team In Iren t of the Orape hotel and returned It te Its owner. The suppoaltien Is that It was taken by a rrlend aa a Joke, but It might have been an oxpenslve Joke 11 he had been detected. Iteanil fiver fnr tlntirl. Some tlme age Henry Kubns and Frank Carrwore arrebted en the ohargeot lar ceny et a watch belonging te laaae Rey nolds. Alderman Deen has Just bound thorn eyer for trial at court. Charged With Trcipain. I'ourllttlnbeys have been arrested and nre held for a hearing bofero Alderman t'inkerten en the oharge of trespass. The complainant is Mr. France Kready, Kast Lemen street, who says that the lieys tram pled her grounds and did ether damage. Threatened Uli Wile. GeerRO Shay was proseouted befere Al derman Ilurr, en Saturday evening, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct and threatening te kill hla wlfe, lle gave ball for a healing. lidleie the Majer, TllOH. l'innni'Bn. arrnRfml fnr imnninn anddrunkennees and disorderly conduct, en Saturday, wai discharged by the mayor una morning, no hm work te go te in the country. Oae ledger was also discharged. The Niy Engine Cuming. Chief Knglnoer Vondersmltb, of the tire department, re.'olved a letter lrem the Clapp A Jenes company at Budseu, New Yerk, aiatlng that the new ongine for com pany Ni. 2 was shipped en Saturday. It Is expected here Wednesday. J U. A. McCeuktjr Dead. J. Q. A. McConkey,ouo et the most proml preml proml nent eltlzsns et Peach Bettem, dted rather suddenly at his home en Sunday. Be was widely known along the river from the bay te the upper waters, and had many friends In tblB city. Net n ltraldcnt or Colombia. A few davs ego the imtullieenrkr printed an account of the marriage of K. E Williams, in Steelteu, and stated be was a rcaident et Columbia. Mr. Williams is a brakcruau and resides In Barrlsburg. Te (JutoUaltluierr. The delegates te the convention or Demo cratic clubs tn llaltlmore en July 4 will toave Lttucmter et 2:10 p. m., te morrow for Yerk, hete they will be entertained eu route. Wur .Vnllees Alirajt. The American hyglenlst Kohe well say, "woellen uudorgarments should he worn at all aeabeus." renrth et Jjly u McQrann's I'erlr. TJree Koea ruees, between the fastest horses In Lancaster county. Doubie teum trattlnir nice, tietllrig te aulkie.. and rnnnlnK race! UacescllatSJa Aamlitten.JS cents. Ker parilculars tee pouters. Jytsa This Is Where We Ue. I will have a large let of Deviled Crab. Eeft Sheli Oiabs, Cape Way Oysters, Bplced J-HUe Neck Clam, Lebiicr Palad ler July l. Alsen flne assortment of Crackers, Cheoje, Canned rish aed Meats suitable for picnics and Ush Ush leg parties, Leave your erders, or telephene t0 CUA8. KCKKItT, 11 K9 Kast King St. DKATUti, SwAvtLV.-June 30. 18M, In this city Abr. haul Hiiavely, In tho3Sihyeiret ilsage. The relalt-cs and fiends of the family are respecttully Invl'ed te attend the funeral trem hU lute resUonce, Ke. 8JJ West Klnir sueeuonluetdaynftarneonnta o'clock. In In terment at Woedwurd llttt cemetery. .Ji.??SK""74t 1,eaca hottem. Ju!y 1. m f.e.reVayatTpu.nUmeat Ut 8UtV,11 0n .Brf T 3rear'' 8 months ana li'dSya111 Therela ivisnnd friends of the family ere lespee fully Invited te attend the funeral fremhta par nta- rfeldence, Ne ej I Marietta avenue, en Wedneslay, Ju'iy l,at 2 e"lock Interment at Lim-astrrcemeiery mT MAJtKJClV, New lerk Market. inn tT,'i2- ,! JfS?.8t. 09le I Ne. 2. tiiie fflSSSVrfflV feroce'lue,' WJM Ne. 1, WWW. IttaW. 4IBi. Nn.5 n a mura, July, a . i7bi? I7J.000 shipment. 76.1X0. " ' reeelPi bye dnll i Btate 75c. lurley nominal. Perk qnteti Old Mens. 114 OU 21. Melasacidullt Jerw boiling sleck! 19V'c TnrptnUe.il steady atrBSXc rif!!"n. dull i strained te geed, II in Peuelenm duU i Mooned, Sm cases. icon it. FtfC rralghta qntett grain te Olosgew, M. Bnturstnaeyi Western Crcaujerr.KBlDHc Cheese dnll Western rtau 7CUa t State raetery, 7KTM fancy Whlta, iBfj le t Ohie rtat, 7e)se. Ka-g dull auie, lejiei Western, UH9 lOKe. berarfirmi Koflned Culleaf,eci Qranuhv tee, 7We. Tallew dnll rrtma City, 4e. afjni Klee nominal I Carolina, falrtoseoa. THu ceffee nrm t fair Cargoes, ler Stle, Ue? Chicago rrodeoa aurket. S,JSf?0,,,,u,J,a.vS?0 in.-larket opened. wt7ii-ne:-,L00-'.An, 79He t sent, eec Cop-Jely, 4TKe. Ang , Ue sept , 48e. gats-July, iofie.1 Aug.,ugeiR4ipt. tsSe. tlFeT)?. F' W"MX Anu.3S8pt; jg'-Ju'ri W 02Kt August, B3 IS) Beet., BeptTlf Mx!,nljr' ,7 "Xl ARnt?7Hi otesike. eSFVJcS1 " rn"-: eti,t-' " j,' 'uly. lis BO Aug., lis 60 1 debt, a3o-ci"lf.e.,8 "' An'- " "' flept' Uraln and Previsions. rurnlshed by n. K. Tundt, Breker. cioAeo.Jniy a, l.oen'ctock p. m. . Wbeau Cern. Oafa. Perk. Lara. ."'y mi 47W Buvt iii.ii a.rz f-ugusi itti 4HW V.H 1.1.U Boptembor. VJ'i 4h IVaU.HI October ttttf 2A& .... 8 10 8,17 8.17 iniuiiuil ...,0Vi curiae en., , 7.ii Consels Wt Closing l'rlces-2 o'clock p. m Whest. Cern. Oats. 1'nrk. Tard. July 7'4 '7a rv JO.(r e ' 44 2.V. IS CO 8, ml VH 13.7J 8. 8H 8 8 Ol August ;ni Eoptember 7M October Docember SOI Crude ou Winter Wheat 12 .20 78K CarLeu ... e S2 181 V) uoeolpu. ............. ........ ......... ............. Spring Wheat uern Oats ye ..r.............. Uojley wenlpU llrr.. llocetpu- Cattle, I................... Head. ..2i,(X .. .8,000 New 1 or BtecK. Nsw Veiut, July 2, 1 p. tnMoney closed at IX per cent. Kxchange t steady i posted rates, II 8704 B3 actual rates II BCX9 4 81); for BO days and It cSXO MJ4 for demand ( Governmenu clesed steady enrroney B's, II 19 bid 4'sceup, II 274l 4K' de, It 07X bid. Thn stock market opened dnll and frac tionally lower, and continue d diilltbreughsut the flr.t hour. After 11 o'u'.eck there was seme buying el Unlcn feclfl, Oregon Trans and Northern I'actbc p-efoired. This resulted tn a firmer tone and an ndvanoeof ViOIpir cent. by neon. The market bus since been dull. Up te midday only tw.ioe shares were sold, Stock markets. Quotations by lioed, UcQrann era. Lancaatar. Ha. ft Ce., bank 12 v, S r w. :::: W 84 an :::: !? lill" I27K 21 2lVi VH mwveRk tier. Canada l'acinc O. c. C,I Colerado Ceal Control Pacific Canada Southern. .... ChlBt L.Al'bff Den. AUle U Uel.LA W Krte.... ...... .......... Krle2nds or C......... ........ A 4t T................. Len.A N..... L. Shere , , Mich. Cen Missouri l'acinc Heck Velley..... 11 A. H 4'l . 127K ', i" K. 1. rref N.West... i................ filU N. I.U..................,.! MewKUKlnnd... . Bast Tounessoo Omaha Oregon 'llunsportaUen Ontario ft W '-HX J4V4 raoine siftii Utchmend Terminal.... Ht. l'anl Texas foctne Union ractae Wabash Cem. Wabash Prof Western U , WostBheroJSonds niuniriu list. l.eh. Val a, N.r.a rhtia s MtltltS44Mi JteadJnff lh. Nmr WX ui at 75i 7S MX 1IH " 484 .29 E-ll) W Ilestenv. r&ss I, J! cent... , l'eeplea Pass Udg, 4's tJi r.r::"tr. . 73 I'hlla. Traction 7S 74 POLITICAL. UeinocratleBlato Ticket. ren aurntua Judus. J. 11. .Mjt'ellum, of aufjuehanna county. sixcrens. At i.arge-lt, Wilten Sneer, A.P. Keating. 1. David W. Bailers. 'a. Alvln Dav. 2. Michael Maiiee, S.A.II. Ladner, l. William J. Latta, It. Jehn Tayler, (I. rauklln Walflen, 7. Ooergo V. I'nuUiig, 8. Jamea Smith, IMntulw.Hohweyor, b). W. U. Given, II. (tharlcs heblnsnn. It. Jehn II. ltovneld, U. Kdwa-d J. Uayner, 14. elmen 1. Lliht, It. William Dent, 7.ltuisell Kames, 18. Henry K. Woodal, IU. Ilermnn ltrt.1.... iu. William a. Uerman. il. William .Mahr, ' H. Jehn 11. llal.ey. a. Jehn lluokenttetn. H William 1 !...' . Davla . Merris, ' l7 S. 'I. N..I1I ' u.J.L.Ilrewn. COUNTY TICKET. Cenpren. 1IOUAUK L. HALDhM y, ChlcElei. Stale Stnater. CUItUTIAHllOWK.Btrasburg, (Northern District.) J. r. KClITKUNAdll. Slnnhm... JOHN HII.KY. Manhelin. KMAUJiL UOrrMAN, Kllsibotttewn. (Seuthern Dlnrlet.) J AMK3 G. MeU'AllltAN, Urumere. Jieeertltr. JOUN KEUM AN, Manheim. Ciiuntt Solicitor. WiX. II. ItlUNTeN, Lancaster. Jury Comminlener. KUANICL1.N CLAUK.Btrasburg. Virectert ethe l'oer. P. WALL, Lancaster J. MOM'UOMKltr, Meuntvtlle. 'rfie?i Intpccters. A t,.WIJfTKK, Provldeuce. rULVKYy.IlAltrMAN, East Lampeter. MWAIlWJtTJ8B.VBNTJI. jgAKINQ POWDER " ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. TUI3 powder never varies, a marvel of purity, strength and wholcsemonoss. Meie coseiaitcLl umu the ordinary kinds, and can Sr tow siaL ' .we? "j"1 "" mn'utudS Si.i? , l .1iert ,wu'bt, alum or phosphate powders, tfeld only; in cam. Uerit. liiiixa I'ewdsb Ce . lus WaTYatreut. New Verk. lylM lydftw WANTKD-A GIKu OF U YKAU3 of use wants a attuaiinn .......V. rhlldreiiHnd umIsi at housework ll North Mary street, "uu,n'eh - ----- !.. IWULIIIIIU sss App'yut tia 0 1 B KNIGHTS, NOTIO K-M EM BRKfj tp 01 Lancaster Castle, Nn ue, A O. K nf if uL'SS' r.tfluested te meet at their castle chem'. ber WirtiiMday neon at 12. with latlguecsp. baflga uud gloves, te attend Ihn uiSeral Si ti.l'n "y- StvnaCa.tlelilnv i"d jflVlW,,,, K. 8. - """-'"' & A TTENTIOV, 81H KNIGHTS 1 an Tu !?S"Jb0F .f ,l"a " Cemmanflery, A .V r M U . also t,ane wter Castle, ai mt?, Zl?7?S!!!Pi"? :??M5"'4 it hnhlliuV. Ti n .I. t'"" """ ClO0r, llrofe" artley!' C a ' aealn et C. J. "HULMYKH, J.J.lUi, I'res.cemmandeiy. etc. Lancutcr Castle. ltd NaW AD VEllTJBKMKNTti. TEAR OL-D PDRK RYK WHIBKY 7CKKT8AQUABT. Quality unsurpassed for the money. UtJilttRU'BLlQUUUBfOK, Ne.ll centra Equate, Lancaswr, Pa. W-ANTED-A GOOD COOK t NO OUT- w v nun wnra-1 Tnntii, ayivai mnna rnriirtinp AlAA VyitrsV Vnttst. a It al mrnJ f,aaaa naa. lnn1atTHtflnrirtii i...aisii Jat.2J-3ta ANTKD A GOOD OIUL. TO COOK and de areneral hmiuvnrlr.iA an tn Philadelphia at ence. fc,fc, ,"" '".""; - lnnalroef hbmbv nm Je7Std Ne, 111 North WateY street. TANTKD-ONH THOUSAND OLD v v common pigeons flKLBS BttOS., ChrlsUana, r. Jalllmd F1KEAOUKHI FIREWORKS t riUBWOUKSI riUKWOKKSt Dealers' Ifeeaquarters, All the new kinds. JOUN JC. WKAVBK, Agt.. V)2'dB 101 West Ming St. WANTEDA. GOOD BREAD AND Cake Ilaker wishes a permanent situa tion In city or country. Applv, ter three days, at N0.7SIPUI'4.AU8lUKKT, It Lancaster, Pa. T 03T A YOUNO YELLOW DOO, U leather cel'ar with brass sttias. A liberal re- hall pug nnd half terrier. II aa en a wara win de rata en mi return e L. rIMON'S UllOCIftr, 11 Cerner Orange and Mary btreets. CITY TAX, 18S3-TUE CITY TAX DU plicate la new In the hands of lbs City Treasurer for collection. Ofrlae hears, 8.00 a-m.tlllS.D0p.in. J.H. HATIIFON, JcS tfdU City Treasurer. A TH-GENU1NE NMiPPKlt rhitp 3C for the 4th As everybody wants Kautt's ha ilh rt f lite etlne aita aavee 111 WE MAKK A HPEOIALTY OK nigh Grade Polishing of llrass, Copper or Whlte Metal, as well as plating it. All work warranted and prices moderate, at IIUCHMlLLKlt'B HLkTINU nOIIKB, ar2Wwd B. 130 North Market Street. JLT Ik F18UER, DENTIST. v Particular attention b-Ivai arflnt.fa alt.Hflnn ..hah .m ..! and preiervlng the natural Weth. 1 have ail the latest Improvements for doing nice tierk at a verv reaannahin mt. n.vintrn.MtifBT ponence in the large clties lam snre te give the best of satisfaction and save you money, best arttaclal Weth only as oe per seu marlS-lyd Da 64 NOHTH QUOBN ST. NOTIOK TO I. O. O. F.-MEMBEBII et ltershel Ledgo Ne INI, 1 O.e r will meet In their room, Inquirer Ilalldtng. un Wednesday, July 4, at 1 ft o'elock p. in., te attend the funeral of our Ute brother, A h Swart ley. Members et Lancaster, 'Monterey and Ilebal ledges are cordially Invited te a'.t.'!1 Aspeefal m-ettng of Iler-chel ledgo will behnldonTueidayevenlngatBo'clookln their room. .7. A. WOLrEUSUKltQEIt. K. O. Attest : Wm ll. Motejisir, ltoe. tee. Jy2-2td TKST1VAL. LAWN FESTIVAL. W'b?sWui7 MON1IAV AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, Jnly 21 and 0. "Admls9len Prec. Jv2 2td -p-UHN'H WII0LK3ALK AND UETAII. Ice Cream Manufactory. Cnlnmb'a Avenue, one square west of watch factory, eend In orders early for July 4. Alse riiied u llney CakM' auens alegently Jy2"l ' ADAMKUUN. DKOPOHALS FOR COAL. w-.f??1 "reppsals will be received by the 1t0fnr;O.m.?U."1O.n0r Un.U1 B P "'. JULY 6, 1833, for the best quality of HAltD PKA rtiiJltJ?a?er.fVJn',una-! aldceal te be delivered te Ot.0 WATait WOKKS llrem mmiiwiV01' nl OOTOBKB I, 1883. or until othetwlfle ordered. The Dame tk catl must be montlened in bids (also security ) The commissioners reserve the right te reject any rr1",,i(1". " "et satisfactory. All bfdi Trnust be handed te the chairman, "" J a ilk ltetiitKH, JODlUMUcu.cierk.0-M 1,0Un JSbSSS PJITY TREASURER'S REPORT OK .,.. Jnce ,n 'f re"T and where deposited 683- business Baturday, June SO, Au;vr DaresiTsn. BcJaucetn Treasury iioieso IB WUBHK nsresiTsn. rul ten National Dank asi.022 0J People's National Hank S4 era 01 flistNtttlOnttl Ilick ri 021 00 ' llWfft) Ifi 1, J, II. ltuhfen, Treasurer of the city of I nnraatei. Pa., de eekmuly swear that the aboveroport, It correct, J. It. uATliroN.Treasuror. .ubicIlupd.n.,ia sworn te bolore me this soceudday of July, H8I ltd OilAHLKBDRNUKEI. Pnnlrnller Q.1LL JEWELER, &a. WATCH ESI atchw bave never been se low In price, as at present, and we have never been better prepared te meet your wants Jthan Just new Would Invite your Inspeolleu botero buying. GILL. Jeweler. - !0W. King St, LANCAST4U, PA. HEADQUARTEH8 FOR WATCHES AND BILVKUWAUK. ""-fus-a Watches fi Silverware. ..W'0.wi10 "PPreclates what Ills te have ageud watch In thulr jioeket, should cjul and Geneva Nen-Magnotic. pTrin,1u,ye' r,"lsh, AernraoyerTimfinnd urHvorifr0ia?,a,D"tt"yiIagnetleIniluunco Ihey are Deetdtdiy Ahead, New Goods n Water lMtehcrs. lterrv T)lihe. Ktc. at LOWKSiMAumtri'lttCkS, WALTER C. mm, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTKK. PA. Cerner et Orange. nl-lfd JJARD RUllllER TRUSSES. SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES Will retatn the meat difficult forms elllE8NU(r t)letDgftrHdlcal-iV3l et all curable cjs s. lupsrvl-VvUKKouMemSl.turo. My be nsvd In bathing ; and flttlng peroeuv tolenn el body, are worn without incenvn- r"i - - -:- "e .M..u. must uejicaui hidy.nrthouberlng man. avoiding all sour swtHly, ptcdcdunpleasantnea. being Lluht' Coel, i leunly, and always reliable. " , CAUTluM -lie ware el Imitations. Aligenu Aligenu Ine are p'alnty stumped"! U.tctxjXLe RUPTURE. IU BlUllul Mechanical Treatineit u (Spe cialty Kitrierln Persen or by Mali. tlMeara ltelorene-s Prrjt. B. D Ureit 1) Jltiyti Agntu; Willard t'arktr W 11 ran ceair, Dr. Utemat U. Motion, and 6ure(0it Ucncraltc tht U.B A'myanU eii. Tu.,.lif.MStl;i",.c,"T',;al"jenv et Mrnla and liiuitrat d Catalouu-Cements : Hernia or itupiure dellneaied i It dlQerent deacrlutleus tauae. treatment and euro Ale Cerpulency, Abdominal Veakue.ea and Varicecele. Heet eiiiT.na.lb0 "lostrtllens. Mailed en n telpt of 6e postage. 1, 11. btSKLKa A CO . JyWmdecdwnsr PhUsddphla, Pa, 1 nrtla Hrtn n rn 1 1 time se we can supply all. Lawllutldtng Bei taurant, North liuke street. It" 1DUAKL K S.UTZ, Prep. uitiu uuu)i uii tiaiu viu va v uajr liionne ui ular NMW AD VMH TlBKitEHTa. TlARTin BROTHERS. Fer en tht Mountain 01 by the Sea. Summer Outfits. Coel atylish Bulls and Coats and Vtstsfer fen aed Beys. Fit and finish could net be tJdlerVg y paU1 Ul,r men for custom Men' 8uiu for Dress and Knockabout, plenty of pick, as.oe te 118.00. fummer Coats and Vest, of all the Lightest, Dressiest Stuffs. Fer Dress or Play, tasty salts te meet the wants el boys ana little boys. Dollars saved and longest wr aids te thetr attrastlen. .Te w.erk ,n or '" In U "e desirable In Flannel Shlru and Waists. Mere Nevel tie i in Bummer Neckwear to day and heaps of liatMles In Latest color celor coler lnas. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and i'nralaklng Goedi, NOKTH QUKKN BT. mELEPHONE 1 GRABILL'S Original and Only Caah Qrecerrj H. Mf. COB, DUKB AND VI Nl BIS., Vil'J Ji2,?,f Point for all caah paying peo pee peo CMhPrlees Pnrehase their Arecsrles at -r,.iNO?!lTE8 OOUHTT JBOLOONA. wVSSnf Ph0"? Ttlole In the market, D?cnlcs Ie J at " neeel for lunch, UKKKTONQUK8 i.r?!n?rrconvenlent ""e palatable art! art! aplees. mer ana t'en'c use. iej te 70c KIiBTia BTAHCH Pfcclriige.B ,nu!l1"'0 Celluloid. Only 8c a N'CNAC8 Ce a peund'1 qualltJr ar8 considered cheap at ' CANNED UKET ..hneP2'.,r. a" two pound cans, ready ler the tabic, at ISe and 20e a can. MiJYKIl'a UYSTK119 hrnn(R,lU,Vl,anJ 10e.-Thts la ene of the host f7oamsVtef0or,tSrSn,,I,0i eC,, A1LUllN'ji MIXED MU8TABD, . ,nil.ev?ryb??? news this brand-only 10c Uesariee? pT In B"P,nt "' NORTHWEST CORNER DUKE AND VINE BTREETS. uiHlydV.WAM J.U" MARTIN ft CO. SPECIAL SALE. Tomorrow, July bi, We will put en our Counters until se'd the following goeds: 2 OENra A YARD. About ,0U0 yards Dress Goods. 5 OENT3 A YARD. About 20M yards Drem aitlaeg, Light and Dark Shade?, 7 OffiNTS A YARD. Over loe Dress Patterns of 8, 10 and H yards te the putern, and consisting of Dress Ging hams. Dress aattnes, Drtsi Challles, Drejs Batlit p.etc. 7 OENTS A YARD. Prlnud Scrims In the newest patterns i eeld lest week at 12K cents. 10 CENTS A YARD. 6t Plcces Table Oil Cleth, l'J yards wlde regular price, 3) cuuu. 90 GENTS E'AOH. HO Gossamers, I.&dtes and Lhl'dren, regular prlce, fl.w. J.B. Tn"lL.LlAMSON ft FOSTER. WAVE Jnly Ming Bed, White & Blue, -AND- LET THE BOYS ItAVK A Cracking Fourth ! che0vniu,w7ormruaTeut,'t3uU8,nacotc'1 SeTt'.. SkaPoeeacoat2Sa,n8dUv?'r" 13' ,19' Gent's w ah and Detnet lannsl coats and Boersucker CeMs and Vests. 1, 1 is, l.6e. ikersucker coats, 85c .". lleya- fiwirsuckisr Ucats, 73c. Children' Knockabout Knee PanU,35c, 60e, 'children's Shirt WaUts.Sec, Me, 75c. THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, 1888. Political Club Kimlpments. Paniplea of Helmet. Caps. Tunic, Bhlrte, Coats, I'erchts, eta, nuw ready. ' 4WKSTIMATK3 lUHNlSUEU.-fea Williamson Si Fester, 82. 84, HO A: 38 E. KING 8T.. I.aNCASTKU, PA. BRANCH STORE, IltltKltllUUG, PA. TEVAN'B FLOUR. USE- LBVAjTS FLOUR. t Always Qlvea Satisfaction. M,Tt3 MARTINA x'WAD vanmKitBSTa- ae'dbVl7TAX,18e-THBBtJPa.lOAT. O Is new in ta hands et us Tieasarar! Officafaeur fremsa-m. tilUn. m. ""r' mnviMSi W MAaf "J.1" TreMnrsr. mle-tfdE up. a ceaue square. NOT1CE-F1VB PER CENT. WlLIi UBAtltltjtl te All WAtArranf flint mM nn or bsfere Junes), l&W, InM.lniiafl late " J. n. RATnreK, City Treasurer. JsI5-8tdB ESTATE OE DANIEL UIOKEY, ...lata of Lancaster ctty, deceased. Letters ofadmlalstratlenonsaldesutehsvlng been sranted tots nnderslaned, all persona Indebted thereto are requested te make Immr. aiatepayment, and these saving claims orde erde S..?5L.H,.n,i ,n ""n". U1 present thm JHH'S?1 ??! for setuement te the under, signed, at 52 north Duke street. Jemtdat Administrator. HO FOR BAHS E18U1NQ I The brat and most, eemnlat rishtna-Taeklatn town- Reds, lteelt, riests. l.lnu nwtfea ..A a. .... . '- .-' and Hed MennUng-s In great variety. . Ya. 'J?, etrenng great special bargains In Jointed Heds and keels. JTHAILKI'S EAST KND PIIARMAOY, (Opposlte Kastern Market,) Femember, we ate headquarters ler sishing Tkckle. M.W.rftw QPEN1NQ 'XO-DAY. Ne. 25 East King St. Opening Te-day ! Dresa centa, Ginghams at 10 and 12 i Beat quality BaUate in tha elty In abort lengths, Oe ; regular prlee, 12 centa. New equal Qoede, styles in In Btyle Satlnss at 12 Je; te the French HOSIERY, &L0VES, Silk Mitts, GADZETJNDERWEAH,&c Gee. E. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING ST., LANCASXKU, PA umrM-lvdAw F IOR HARUA1NH. Hurry Up! -TO -reit BARGAINS IN- AS TU I1AI.ANCK Or THK1KETOCK rUOM Til BIB BttANCH STOUK, le. 29 West King St. UEMAIN1NU CNSOLD WILL 11 K BOLD AT TUKIB MAIN 8TOUB, Ne. 3 EAST KING ST,, AT SAUK PMICK3 OrfEtlKl) AT THE LAST WEEK. HURRY UP! BARGAINS, AeTlIK SMALL STOCK UKMAIN1NQ UN SOLD CANNOT LASTVEItyLONa. VliY iiOODU. OAROaIN PRICES?. Prices lake Goods Sell. Our COLOUTD ClllNKLKS and PKNK LOPK eUU'i.G3 aid golniratte j worth ear Handseme Assortment of FRKNCn and whUl-U. sa;ik5n. Olngham?. liauau" Whlta uoeds, Pleunclnifs, Pienes and Km Km breideries are moving en. PAHASOL9 at llargaln Prices. 8A1 EBN, the best thing tn the city. raCs"rmcAk!T ULA0K ne31 we reatttvely UUKSPWtEAU0rtment f H0SIEUT ND Oeme and Bee Our Goods. JOHH S. GIVIER, 0 & 8 North Queen St. , , LANCASTER PA. rcarie-lva-w The People's Cash Stere frey k mm WSheGS, VLOTUIBB. ASKEW -O UK, AT MOB. .WARDM vTEST KINO STREET. wn-lvd 8 FR1NQ, 1868. Fine Tailoring. This ts te Inform mjr enstemara that t asa nP Ptrparea te ibew them an Aaaertasaat of Spring nnttlng and 'rrewsertag thateajaaet be aurpajsed. - Tha Latest ireveltle tn Bprtna- orareeattek otmyeanlmporUUonand oenflnad stylaaT H. OERHART. riNB IMPOETLNO TAILOR. KO.49 MOBTH QUKKN BT.. LAWCA8TKE.PA. TJEDU0EU PRICKS. " L. GANSMAN A BRO. Fact and Prices. VTe are making te order Pine Xngllah Wor. Sted Snlt. tha lateat atvln rtii.rn...k at US and f 18. Wear making te order All-Weel Thin Cm aimers Suit at 112, lit, lis. PanU te order, S3.M, l, ss,e, 7, 8. " Thin Summer Goats aed Vests, Becuuckcr Ceat and Vest, tl.ce. Peys' coat n and Vests at 8Jc. Flannel Ceat and Vest, ft SO. Serge Ceat and Vest, S.2.S5, 12.71, ii,2j,uoe tVOO, 18 00, Mohair Ceat and Vest at 1-2.00, tun, as f 0. as m Children's Odd PenU at CO, 65, 75, 85 cents, tuoe. Men's Wcolen Pants, ll.M, W.7J, rxoe. HBO. 13.00, S3 SO. ass-Kctlre Spring Fteck nt reduced price -A Rlance at enr window's exhibit will omvlnceyou. L Gaesman d Bre., S.W.OORNBR NORTH QTJEBN & ORANQB 8TB. LANCASTER, PA TyTERCHANT TAILORINQ. Hl&EE & BROTHER. DEPARTMENT. MID-SUMMER Special Reductions. Scotch and English Cheviots, SCOTCH CHEVIOT) 1X00 TO $H 00 B U1T1NUS. ( 13.00 TO J.W). ENGLISH CHEVIOT 1 $2S 01 TO l!5 00. BUITINUS. JC0TOS00. The abeve arc TUB LATEST In Plaids and Stripes. The CLOSING) PUICK9 will warrant an ex amination. cnevieT aniTiNGs, r 00 te tis go. CUKVIOT SUITINGS. 118 00 TO 116 03. DESIE1BLE THIN MATERIALS FOU Summer Wear urn I . ............ A.. - .. . Mr A-m- -V ... ITO 1UIIWU ,11 1IU1 UlSUi I U113I1L Ul ffT tirSUWa. rianne:s, Serges, I) rap Ue Kles, Uehalis, Pon gees. lUl'OUTKU LtNKN KSTINCU. WH1TJS LINKN VJC3TINQ3. Hager & Brether, 25 & 27 West King Street. J-YERH 4 RATHKON. Sensible Clethin Sensible Clothing reK HOT WEATHER IN IJOOU YAKIETi. Men's Coats and Vests from $1.75 te $7.50, in Striped eni Tlatd Flannel. Men's Coats nnd Vest in Figured Mo Me hair and Alpaca. Men's Coats and Vests in Black Drap d'te. A Handsome Stock of White and Col ored Vests in high and low cut. Hundreds of Styles in Flaunt 1 Shirts for Summer Tourists and Travelers, Myers & Rathfon, NO. 12 ISAST KING ST., LtNCASTrU PA. j auur r. auEAFKER'a PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWK DISTILLATION.) jte. uekntbk eqrjAuc. Merchant Tailoring u :-r