i.-rTwn -"J1?, t CI .TV f "i KIT 1U-. . .' '- 'pSSRftv-y '. r .- . J T .: - . - -.-.. - - 2S ; r-tf. zi ' i JTHB liAHCASTER DAILY rNTBLLIGENCEB, MOHDAY. JULY 2, 1888, HAO TO HAM). By RBBIC01 HiRDIJW DAV18. (copyrighted. uile mentDi- sne ttua te herself again and gain. The sun was down, but the reflection from the mew en the reef threw a pleasant bright ness into the many windows, while the clock ticked cheerfully the last hour of daylight away. A noise below broke the sllence into which they had fallen. The ctalra were long and rickety, and stepe could be heard creak Ins; from one flight te the ether. 'It Jack!" The major spoke hoarsely, standing up. no had been thinking it ever aa ha sat. Howercr false and disreputable his ceurse bad been slnce he was n man, he at least was right, he tbecght, in this act of its close. " 'Nothing in his life se became him as the ending of it,,nhe quoted te himself. "But McMurray would call it a theatrical trick." Jack was at the street deer; in a few min utes it would be tee lata He thrust his Angers into hU pocket and secreted the little vial in his palm. He wept te the deer as it te clese It. At that moment Maddy caught sight of a yellow bit of writing en the hearth, steeped, picked It up. Bhe nodded as she read it without surprise. "His son! And Jack wants the old man new te deny itl Net te stand n his way P The first hint about that peer white rabbit Clara had turned her bleed te gall. Bhe was suddenly bitter and unjust as death te Jack, te whom sbe had given her whole Ufa of patient, sweet tempered trust. The steps tame nearer. The peer old ma jor backed toward the Inner deer, his un couth face white and wet. "I'm net well. I'm going te lie down en your bed. Take him way with you, Maddy. 1 can't bee either of you te-night." Yet even then it gave him a vague pleasure te hear hew light and gay and resolute the boy's steps were. Maddy came quietly between him and the deer. "Ne, we will both see this Jack, who puts you out of hla way." The deer opened. Thcre n as the old short, stout built Jack I The old sturdy, honest face under the same fur cap, the twitch in the mouth ready te make a Jeke at anybody or at himself. "Why, Maddy 1 I did nothepo te see you here, llttle woman," giving her a brotherly shake of the hand, and se figuratively setting her aside. Hew the dull morbid shadows that bad Oiled the room crept aside befere him I Madclinefelt that her llfe had been hut a passionate dream. Practical, common sense peepla en the same uJane of society saw each ether a month age iu Chicago, and mar ried rationally. And why should a prac tical, rational man encumber himself with this late discovered father, with his un doubtedly unwholcsemo fancies and stagey habits? "ilaj. StanuW Jack with all hU hearty manner was embarrassed "I came te fjpeak te you en business of Importance. Yeu have no secrets from Maddy P ' 'Don't speak, boy I Fer Ged's sake I In a littlowhileIwillEetitaU rightl Wait one minute I" retreating te the deer. "But I won't wait." Jack had his hands en the major's shoulders and forced him down en a chair. His face flushed as he spoke, and his volce grew unsteady. "Loek at this old man, Madeline. Twenty years age he came here n healthy, middle aged man, with a comfertablo living and a son; a boy that he could have educated plainly and had te work for him and be a companion as he grew old. But what does he dot Puts the boy wherelie will be tended like a prince, be clothed in purple and flne linen, gives up his income te him, while he leek at this cockloft, Maddy 1 Loek here I" He put his hand en the old man's head and drew it through the thin white hair. Once or twice he began te speak, but stepped. At last he said: "I knew the shifts you have made te live, the insults you bore, that I might sleep soft and live warml It's well I de knew them all. Yeu will neves want the care of a son again, se help me Ged 1" "Yes, yes, I knew you would say that," cried the major. "But of what use was it all? Yeu have ruined yourself. I knew what I am. Who told you thisP "A man who came from Virginia te find aw ana kind te me, naaMine. Her tttner was anxious ferme te Uke the First church here. But I'd made up my mind te that little home in the west if you would go with me." "I always thought jeu'd conie for me," said honest Maddy. The major was looking at them ever his spectacles. "Be? Bel" ha eeiJ, la I ID f laiWPpVw TV. TEUifli They sat together in a shaded comer. "1 ment "Why, Oed bless you, children! Yen plan better for yourselves than I did for you." J Jack langhed and drew his chair ever be tween them. "It will b hard work te live at first. But we three ero old comrades, and knew hew te rough it." "This is a duplicate of Rebert Btandish's will," said the major, striving te be legal and lucid, "and by it I find certain demesnes, messuages well, I don't knew, te tell the truth, If it's a fortune or a mere competency, Jack. But it's enough for us all te give Mc Murray and his cursed Camera the go by ter llfe. We may start a national magailne with it," In his old bragging tone. "There will be no mere of this for you, then, father," glancing around. The bare doers, and pinched poverty and the worn out old man th his white hair in the midst chafed ck angry and sero continually. "And here is the supper. At lastl" cried Maddy. "I had really forgotten I was hungry; but It is long past my usual dinner hour," said the major, loftily. He rose with alacrity te help her spread the white cloth and set the het, dainty dishes en It, managing, as he lighted the lamp, te empty a half filled goblet Inte the ashes. "Such abominable wine as these fellows furnish me novel" he muttered, and then suddenly stepped, looking at Jack, i shamed, defeated leek creeping all ever his big body. He went te him. "My son," he laid, humbly, "it would be better you left me behind, you and Maddy. I'm a miserable, faulty old man." "And I am a faulty yeng one," said Jack, hastily. "p cre's that between you and me, father, which Ged will leek, te find in us all underneath these weeds that grew atop." Maddy came closer te the two men. "I think I linew what you mean. And I, tee," ihe said with infinite love and very bad grammar, putting her hand softly into theirs. ins EWD. TIOOD'S BARSAPAKltliA. BLOOEMPOISON Whether ort fleeting ta disease, or from head lug chemical or vegetable poisons, la earn by Heed's Sartaparma, which thoroughly Cleanses, purine aad enrichee the Meed. After such disease aa tmall-pei, tsarlet fever, and Diphtheria, Heed's SartaparlUa U of great beneat In expelling the virus and teatagap and strengthening the body. 1 was poisoned by poison tvy. aad let It go tilt the poison get Inte my Weed, when I was ebllaed te give np my work, and waa eeaftaed. te my house for two months. Xhadsereeand sealae en ma FHOM HBAD TO KIT. my anger nails came off, aad my hUr and whiskers cameeuL I had two physicians, but did net seem te gat much better. Then I saw Heed'BBaraepanila advertised and bought a bottle. It helped me se mash that I eentlaaad taking It till 1 had ntcd three bottles, who I waa cured. I eaa recommend Heed's Beree paruia te all as the best bleed purifier I knew of." O. Vf. Veaa, 70 Paik Avenue, .Brock .Breck .Brock pert, N.Y. MALIBIA-IMPUHE BLOOD " I used te be troubled with fever and ague, malaria, pimples en the face, and ether affec tions resulting from bleed Impurities. I waa Induced te try Heed's SarsaparUla s as a result I have vigorous health. It keeps ma well throughout the year." W. Stswast, 008 Myr tle Avenue, Brooklyn, H. Y. HOOD'S BARSAPARILLA. Sela by all druggist. II t six for 6. Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Deaea One Dellar. TOBACCO. s TANDAKD CHEWING TOBACCO, DOYOUQHBW? -TURK UET THE BEST a eeB. QLOSINU QUI BALE. TXATMLMM QXttDM. N STAM1YI BROTHERS, Nm. 35 and 37 North Queen St -READING .COLUMBIA K. R. Arrangement of Passenger Trains en, and Slttr, SUM DAY, MAY 13,1389. -WHICH 13 ARE YOU CONSUMPTIVE T USE PABKBB'B QINOKB TONIC without delay. A rare medicinal compound thu cures when all else falls. Has eared the went cases of ueugh, Weak Lunts, Asthma, Indigestion, Inward Pains. Exhaustion. In valuable for Bbsumatlsm, Female Weakness, and all pains and disorders of the Stomach and Dowels. Boe. at Druggists. r LOBES TON CO LOON K. Most Fragrant and Lasting of renames. Me Druggists. W TMTANDRAKE FILL& The Opening of the Campaign. Te open the campaign with any hopes of epccily success, attack the enemy, malaria, before It has a cbauce te entrench. An ob stinate f oe 'twill preve if yea don't go right at It. if you are prudent, tee, you will have fortified, upon the lint Intimation of its pres ence In your neighborhood. Hosteller's Stom ach Illttcrs is the medicinal ammunition that you require Kvcry form of malarial fever yields te this flne preventive and remedy. Fer constipation, liver complaint, dyspepsia, nervousness anil klduey treuble it is no less effecthe. ltcfldents of malarial localities, and persons sojourning In or bound for the great Wet, should select this medicine as a meini of defence attaint! the frequent visita tions of miasma. Theso in delicate health, the aited and the enfeebled, should In every In stance renrt te this ulgnal Invlgerant. Use it ter weaL nerves. Biliousness! Symptoms : WANT OP APPETITE. FOBBED TONGUE. BITTER TA8TE. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE. GENERAL DEPRESSION. Treatment : Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. Finzer's Old .Honesty! Loek Out for Monday, July 2d, "WK HfARr TI1E- GREAT FINAL EFFORT Genuine Has a Red H Tin Tag Evdry Plug. en OLD HONBBTT Is acknowledged te be the POBEBT and HOST LABTlita pteoeef STANDARD CUEW1NO TOBACCO en the market. Trying it is a better test than any talk about It, UlveitafalrtrtaL JOrYOTJBDEALEB HAS IT.f nerlMydAw OROVKKIKS. SCABBARD'S MILD CURED KJ AND BUHAKrABT BACON. Uneqnaled for tenderness' and delicacy of flavor. We guarantee that there Is nothing te equal them In quality tn this market. Thou sands of the best families are new using them. They give universal satisfaction. Try them iDewi Tenr suugnner. mr uuea neei a Prteee reasonable. THIS IS SURB AMD BAFfl. ALWAYS Fer sa'eby all Druggists. Price 23 cents per box t S boxes for OJ cents t or stnt by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. H. echenck A Ben, Philadelphia. mU-lydAw IAINE'8 CELERY COMPOUND PAINE'S BAM led Beef and Bologna nteely chipped. UKUUUK W1AMT. TtTACKEREL 1 W. A. REIST 8c CO., GROCERS. CullNKIl E. KIKU AND DUKE STB. Mickerel! Mackerel! Mtckerel! Just received this morning M palls of nlee. large, fat and white mackerel, They are all positively new and no old ones packed under, neatn. We also received them In bulk and can pack pails at short notice. Large ntw white mackerel only lle per pound. PIUHICS, UAMP1NQ ANDHSniNa CLUBB, NOTICE t We are prepared te f nrntsh yen with the belt and iresheat plcnle specialties in the city. Whatwn would suggest for a r Ionic, camp ing and fishing party dlnntr Is nice, sweat ham, tongue, dried beef, petted meatr, lobster and salmon tn oil, Cresse and Blackwell's and Ulmz's plcnle specialties. American and Imported sardine, olives, Helmes' and CeutU' crackers and blacntt. MeMecben's Jsm jellies and preserves, Dntehhead or Kdam and Pineapple Cheeses. -OK OUR- CLOSING OUT SAUE A.M. ess UM KI3 IS SO It SO 1180 A. St. .40 KOBTHWARD. Leave a.jc. QuarryvUle cte King Street, Lane 730 Laneaater , 7.40 Chlcktes... 7.80 lfaTiAll& Jilnntlnn 1 Ml I Oelnmbla, 7 80 Beading s.w BOUTHWABD. Beading 7,23 ji.w Arrrlveat a at. r.. Kartntta J nnetlnn en. i Cblekles 9 80 te oelnmbla ...fl7 2.0.1 laaeasuir.... , a.w i.te Blag Street, Lane, ....... ft 30 aLteivUS uearrvvuie iu. yg 'f IN g.et ' SJt Are IV, see ? lie M sua .fy4 Mr ! 99: x aas f;: if'. .. vv Uecds will be offered without regard for cost', make this the most Interesting period of this Ne effort will be spared te CLOSING OUT SALE. We are tiylng te close up the business by August 18th or thereabout. rYeu will profit by visiting the BOSTON STORE. BOHDAY. Leave Quarry vllleat 7.10 a.m. . . King street, Lana. at . a. ni and IM p. m, Arrive at Beading, 10.10 a. m., and MS p. H, Leavej Beading, at 7.20 a, m., and 4 p. tn. Arrive at Klna street. Lane,, at MO a. maadlaietf.k QuarryvUle, at fun p. m. Trains connect at Reading with immk nna irem rmiaeeipnia, reitsviue, nam juieuwwnaaa nnw 1 or a, .via. Beuna UOUM. , , 3S At Columbia, with trains le and from Teem - aMa l&J ttMta fia? WM and s ",?ffli v?ms te am jhg nanever, Uettytburg, grederlcx UlUITi t At Marietu Junction With trains iruuumcEiea. Atatanheunwith trains te and lrem Leba non. At Lancaster Jnnetlen, with trains te aad from Lancaster. Qnarn vine, and Chlcktea. A.M.WIL0OW eneertnunaaat. LEBANON A liANOABTER JOINT L1NBBAILBOAD. Table Oils te suit everybody. avians alven away. Telenh tlen. uoeda delivered free and prompt. relephene conneo- you." 'VTiat does he want." "He v,oelCL net tell me." Procter's face clouded. The major's quick eyes marked It. "He has a warrant for me, I supposer1 sul len and dogged. "I de net knew. He refused te Give me any bint. "Tbere were several litlle nffalrs tUere's no use In their stirring up muddy water, that I con see," peevishly. "But If it's criminal let me alone, Jack, catching the young man's sleove. "Yeu shall net drag yourself down for me. I'll net have my whele life thwarted," fiercely. Jack's nnswer was te glance around the poverty stricken garret, and at bis own costly, quiet dress. The tears ncre In his eyes. "IVu're ene new, ceme what will, father," be said, quietly. "That Is the man at the deer." The major went te open it, "I'll balk them vet." be muttered. "I'll net drag Jack down." no came back iu a moment, a huge yellow envclope In his hand. "He sent It In a letter. A man can't be arrested by letter 1 It may be" turning It ever. "What's thlst Ged bless my soul, w hat's this? Why, It's no arrest 1" "Thank Ged for thatl" muttered Procter. "Rebert StnndisU Is dead, Jack," poring and muttering ever a parchment sheet. "Is he, sir?" Indifferently. Jack was stand ing awkwardly nlene, for Madeline, nhem lie hud tlme te notlce new. was engrossed In tying up some drawings of hers, which sbe was going te take away with her. She would net leave ene vestlge of herself In her old home, she thought. The old man would go with his son te the delicate llttle rosebud of a girl. As for her, what did It matter that she had no home, nobody en earth but thcral that her life had held nothing but them? The drawings looked llke masterpieces of art te Jack; he had beard of Maddy'a genius. Hew cold and still she had grown In theso two yearsl It might be devotion te art and te her work. Blip looked as impassive and abstracted ns If she had geno into seme height unknown te him, from whence sbe would leek down en nil his fancies and his Jack never remained long In doubt about anything. "Maddy!" no crossed the hearth rug te the corner where she steed and took up her band. "Tbeiing! It's gene." Maddy glanced down carelessly. "Ring! Yes; I remember new. That ring was tee small. I took it off long age." Jack's eyes twinkled; he held her wrist tight. "Hew long age? "Within the hour? Bee hew red and bruUed the peer little hand Is I" ' The pity was tee much for heroic Maddy. She gave a sob, but held the tears back in her wet. miserable eves. Jack nevcr knew In all bis life hew deep the brulse went when that ring cam? off. He looked at her steadily, closer, closer; lifted the hurt hand till his breath touched it, then kissed It. Just as be used te kiss her lips long age; as no man had touched them since; as they never would be hissed again. Bhe drew back. "Yeu liave no right te play with me In that way." At the flrit tone of her altered voice, Jack steed startled and grave "Wliat?yeuraeuu,-aiueuuui j.uu need net feign that you did net knew I loved you when I went away two years agel" "Yeu were under no proralse te me," quickly. "I have no right te reproach you." "Ne premise. But I loved you." "And new llttle Clara has taken my place," wltb ley composure. "I de net think that That peer llttle crcaturel Oh, Madelinei" That touch of ceutempt was worth mera than n thousand arguments. "De ycu mean te say you don't leve her, Jackl" ..,tr..r ,ia wit lnncls with both her hand l've been se se micYablel I Bhe dropped her head end said no mere; but the lltUe Burgundy rose bad opened its heart te him new with all its sweetness and spicy pfume, and Jack knew pw flavor of It well. He had been waiting for it fera geed many years. The sat together In a shaded corner; the major was poring ever hlsimrchment by fire light, After ae hile Madeline referred te her rival again, patronizingly. "Clara Is pretty, c-eu must acknowledge, Jack. Though she is ' .- ., OT- nnnrrlitMll ?Vt311., J"i j 1 ,. . The Handsomest Lady In Lancaster Remarked te a lriend the ether day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as It stepped her ceuRh instantly when ethers had no enect whatever. 80 te preve this and convince 3 ou el It merit, any druggist will give you a Bam pie Bettle . Large size COe and tl.oe. Knptnre care guaranteed by Dr.J. it. Mayer 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kaae at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers fall, advice free, send for circular. marie-ly d w BPKC1AL, ItOTlOJCa; Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Tan Bbst BALva In the world for Cnts,BrnIses CELERY WMPiND W. A. Reist & Ce., Cor. EaBl King and DukeSts. reu- lt fs smaranteeD te s satislucuen, or money reiuuuu no pay required. ieci veper- i-nce cents per box. Ter sale by u. a.uecnran, Druggist, nea, in ana uw norm ijumra auwH, Lancaster, ra. JnneZ7-lyd a aanw .- T..-im.nn swaaMn I.&ii.Ma l that terrible oengh. Bhllen'e cure Is the remedy beiu ny n. e. vouante, uuhkuh " North uneen dl, Lancaster, ra. tzj joryeu in and 1191 Mothers Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with tne excruciating pm ui uuiuug imu If se, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'BBOOTUINOBYBOP. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon Hi there la no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has eve used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic it is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the tase, and la the prescription of one of the eldest and beat female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld every wnere, cenia a uuiue. mayiaiydAw The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NEBVK, TONIC Celery and Cocea, the prominent Intrre Intrre dlents, are the best and safest erve Tonics. It strengthens and qnleta the nervous sys tern, curing nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, Ae. AN ALTEBATIVX. It drives out the poisonous humors of the bleed purifying and enriching it, and se overcoming these diseases resulting from Impoverished bleed. ALAZATIVX. Acting mildly but surely en the bowels It cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit. It strengthens the stomach, and aids digestion. ADIUBKTIC. In its composition the best and most active Aiuruttna nf iha Materia Medlea are com bined scientifically with ether effective remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relled en te give quick relief and speedy euro. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Bend for circulars, giv ing full particulars. Price, 11.00. Beld by Druggist. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Prep's, BUBLINQTON,VTiMvaAw(i) a OLAKKK'H RANDOM; I'lUUES CJ TKLLTUK TALB. Just leek I Three Nlee New Prunellas for SB01 Kvaperated Apples, the finest you ever saw, only ee t Heney running ever one pound te a cap, only lOoaeap; Marvin's Beef soda Wafers, 100 a a 1 Bile's Improved Heet Beer, make five gallons Delicious Bummer Bever-sge-eur price He. regular price, ase 1 Bakei's or Bnnael Brethers' chocolate, 18e a ciket Baker's or Bnnkel Brethers' coeoa, Xpps' co coa, tee t Nelsen's or Ceze's Gelatine, MeLelsh uelatlne, 100 ; rinest American Sardines, Mus tard or Upload, loe per' box, smallest else In elieet rinest Imported sardines at ISj per box, regular price 8a ; rinest Imported Kdam Cheese, Lancaster Cennty uutehllead Cheese, weighing about four pounds. C5e each 1 Pine apple Cheese, 65e 1 Beat Imported swettser Cheese, We It t two bottles Large Size, Kx Kx Kx traoU.fer Jftc, Lemen or Vanilla We handle Thurbur, Whyland Js Oe-'s lnst Extracts, which are said te be the best In the world. Try them. a. clarke's Is the Cheapest place In the whole world te bay your Wasting Materials. Just read this thtlce and then pause a moment, and then reflect that you negleeted te read Clarke's advertisement sooner. .... reur its. Held Dust Washing Powder for 16e. Bemember, that 4ft paekagee are equal te II Se packs of any ether Washing Pewdur In the inrki. an. in ether words, veu act CO (sixty) cents worth of W athlng Powder ler 2fie, a sav Intr et 8S0 en a single purchase 1 and then we TJABD ft MeKLROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. WASH DRESS GOODS. J nst openoa anethrr let of these choir styles 1 1 Tolle dn Nerd and Dress aingbn. Jm of the bet styles of the aeaeen. India Linen and Victeria Lawns from Te up 1 special bargain at lux, worth wa. Plaid and atrip-. Nam senk from fa up 1 extra valne at lSKe and iBe, worth aw at7d 2Se Corded pique or WeiU from 1 JXe up 1 the biggest drive at Its srsr offered, regu. lar price 40c, figured Lawns at Be that are sulci iv fast colon prleee sewbare (two. Lane BtrtpeJoentsatloo: regular piloeHKe. rigured Percales at Bai regular piles 1 We. l.MOO dozen Vegetable Ivery Buttens at Be per dozen 1 this is a geed waih button and sold elsewheie at be and Toe rer dozen, noening, six ysrds tn a box. only We per box. DBCO itATBD M AT JCBI aL- Malerlil for decorating purposes at Se per yard . CAMPAIGN HANDKERCHIEFS. Democratic Bandanna Handkerchiefs, size IS Inches squire, only 7e each or 4 ter JBe. Be. publican Handkerchiefs with ihe eurs and stripes, aame slxe, same price. Ten pay your Woenreetlo?ya?dwrde Bleaehed lfnsllnVemnants at 9e per yard t regular prlce lKe. The best yard wide Unbleached Muslin In the elty at eloper yard. This Is an eay washing Mus lin, after once tried, j ou will want It again worth se. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Btreet, - Opposite Fountain Ien. Arrangement of rassenger Trains after, Bcanar, Mat 13, 1W8. NOBTRWAKD. Leave a.m. r.x. unnrryTiiie...... &ll 12 43 1.18 116 itna Mreet. Lane.. 7.00 i.aneaster t ui Manhelm 7M Cornwall 7M Arrive at Lebanon. Ml BUUTUWAKD. Leave a w. 9. it. Lebanon 711 1180 Cornwall ,727 12.43 Manhelm 7.M 1,14 Lancaster. 82f 143 Arrive at Elng Btreet, Lane B.KB LBS r. u. Bli BM e.ev em e IJtff 7JD 7.S0 7.46 813 8 41 8.8O1 en, aad Bandar.' A.X. ., te 418 4.4S 9.17 AM AM 911 B.M A It. 7M 810 8.40 9.11 OKI rat. it iS .& A. M. wilben, Bupt. B. 0. BaUread. B. B. MBrr, Bnpt U. B. K, PJiHMN IllVAflU XUtllltUIAA .A BCHBDULX.-In effect from Juae II, .if-i: Trains uuva LAaeAsvaaand leave aad e rt vn at rhlladelnMa aa foliewa i; Leave WBBTWABD. raelfle zpreest.M. Hews Xxpreest...... Wa raaeenxert.... MafltralnvlaMtJeyi aaiauiTTuni Niagara xpress..... ttaaever Aoeota aaet Iaef ........... Frederick Acoem.... Laneastar Aoeom. .. . Barrisburg Accem.. oelnmbla Aoeem... Rantebnrf Bzpreai f Westera axpreest.. ABTWABD. Thtia. Bxnreest Karrlsbnrg Bxpren t MUDHWrAOWBlU Onmaibla Aecera... AUantte Xxpresst... eeasBera suipnai.... rattadalnhla Aoeom BaaaayMau.. Day Bxpreasi BarrlBbnrg Aoeom.. Leaye Philadelphia. 1UVIP.SO. 4:80 Lm. 4J0a.m. MOLB. via CelumbU 7:40 a. aa via Columbia lla&- an. nacolembte rnai, joy, HlliBk 4:40 b, as. Ap ra. fcsep.au Leave Lancaster. a.-2ea.. Bsa.aa. 8:10 a. aa. nee a. as. 11-.S0 a. m. trees p. m. jeeKau : 6. as. R4ep.at. kS?: vt. ' " -". A.'' ltVtK- . r !. ee. aa. t';.2 S jffi r JWOA1'1 N KXT DOOR TO COURT XIOUSB. BRAND NEW THIN THINGS Fer This Warm Weather. In te-day an elegant assortment of Beoteh Ginghams In tut oelors, made te sell at SO cents; Our price 12M cents. Loek ret them In our Bast window. -.... ., ... Mi.n AnotherTnvelcoof these beauUlnlChallles atlOeents. 'ranehMlftia and , fast eolers. A new Lawn opened i e-day. Celers and designs perfecu Jtaily seaen prles, HH cents n01CcchSce MunsilnV-AWf?ner and lighter weight fabrle than.Batl.te, a trifle less than a yard wide, In both mourning and faney coloring, at i?K eents. Many New Bateena at 10, 11. IS. 23 and 85cenlaayard. Ilenrtsttas. a new mourning material, at 87H and W cents. sMeaaa ;' UMBa.tav rJ 1 1:25 p. M, -ft Sea ? ' i88. 8a. - LaA88Mett '-' . t-'ni"- 4 waa lAneutu AneomBiedaMaa naearat8aei,aa.aaft amrea at TM Earutta AeaonaweMeaJea' bta at BMO a. tn. aad reanhee Mail Alaa leaves oelnmbla at UM a. aa. m reaehlng HarlatU at lktt aaeTl Marietta at MB p. m. ana amrea a aae i also, laavea a xaeiera , Qullbert's Warranlnl rait Black FAHNBSTOCK'S, BHILOH'B COD Gil and Consumption Cure li sold by ns en a guarantee, it cures Con sumption, held by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen BU, Lancaster, Pa. 1 A Veiling Baby Is something te be avoided. Bnbles with celdr, babies with croup, bablrs with scalds, burns, bltee, aches, sprains, or pains are bound te be come noisy tenants of the household. Dr. Thomai' Jteleetrie Oil will euro all these com- Iilalnu. ler sale by H. B.Cechran, druggist, SI and 139 Neith Queen street, Lancaster. The Itesorrecilen et Irntui Was a miraculous oiwratlen. Ne one thinks of raiding the dead these times, though idrne desperately close te death's deer have been cemp'etely restored by BnrOeek Bleed MUeri te genuine and lasting health, irnr sale by IU . Cochran, druggist, is; and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. Helped Her Out. "Fer years have been a severe su fTerer from pains In the bank. Tried various applications. One bottle of TAentat' Kcltctrie OU entirely cured me. Cured ethers equally qulek " Mrs. Banning of 14th St., Buffalo, wrote this. JTer f ale by H. B Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. TTTAtiUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the BC1ENCK Or LirK, A VALUABLK anuiiAunuitni have the Handiest Washing Beep yen ever saw, and at a lower prlee than ever was heard of slnee the world began II cakes for2Se,21 eakes for ene. Ana sun anetner uig Dargain : 6 Bis Iundry Ettreh ler 13e Just think, Ue for 5 Bis of Btarch I A few mere Big aye Openers and then we will give you a rest for 1 cePmUTci, fresh and pure, BVe a pack by the box. elelne Boap, bent quality, Be a case, vrnorThex. flOlla tea box. AfewefthOie rine4&e Peaches lei t. Won't last long, as v. a have made the price 23e., and also reduced our ualltemla Beedless Plums te loe. Remember, our bargains are net word bar gains they exist i but all we ask is te come at once and secure them. wrrAMnrersure this Saturday. They are dandles. Call and get one, If you think It warm enough te require one. f. a .Deepest inu uvib a.iucs ui cui and Coffees in the city . SAMUEL """OLAEKE'S WHOLBSALB AND BBTAILTKAANDCOr JrKK BTOUK( 19 and 14 SOUTH QTJBHN STRBBT. (A Few Dcets from Centre Square ) p. B. Loek out for our New rani this eat ntdsy. BOOTH AND UUOM. NOS. 35 37 BABT KINO ST.. LJUMMEH DRESS GOODS. L.A.NOA8THR, PA. . .. -' A ffiSKf y.jf;r ' aa ueveHPei. Bj8i8AB8aTwaajaat"- -. noeaaosi Mavea'apassni kt Laaeaatar at fm-wmr, Bnrg ajsreaB a iifB. jj.' with laetxaae. yet MMflBSff SB IIBBa r KtC? ' at tae ana amvea at aeetisg wita uarrui ka Yreaen&k Ac aaeuna at Laneastar at is p. a, wiu ran v ha Kadattakt Aaee OelajabU at lataTamd reaaaea i a. fM. llarrliburg Aenommedatlon WCtt l at CelumbU for Verk. . r'Sili'1'. Hanover aoeommoaaUon, Beat. leavafOst umbu at 4:10 p. ra. Arrtvae at IsiiategBg aa 4.8(1 p. mu, connecting with Day Bxpreas, rj -.- Kanerar Aoeemasodauoa, weet,eca8MjejBBf weet,eca8MjejBBf atLaaeasur wiu Mlagara BAMJes MfaWC aa, will rnn threaah toTganevef. ttaB. aapMfk nr day i also connect! at Columbia le,,Mie Harber. r Isai'' jraat Llaa, west, wUl aten at Dmrnl i Innr. lft. Jfnr.Klliabethtewa tna only tcalna wkleh nut dally, q tM Mail train west rnnsbrwayefC CHA8. B. ruak tsesecal Msaeaer, .17 m. BOMMHR UOODB. IDINQ SADDLES, Metzger & Haughman. Summer Dress Goods ! LAWKS, BATISTES, PERCALES, QINGfBAMS, "FRENCH 8ATJNE8, AMERICAN SATINES, BEAUTIFUL CHALLIRS, ALL AT LOW PRICES, AT letzger & laughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Ooeper Heuse. R M. Hatertusli & Sen. TA? . ftS 5 'iaa rS Tf, SUMMER GOODS 1 LAP BLANKETS; f BOH Kw. TO 86.00. ' "S nOHSE SHEETS, FLT NETS, Ei W" i mJt a" true description of this time en Man- ysicai ueDimy, rram- tnre Decline. Krrers of Youth, and the untold the enlv true descrlnt heed. Nervous and l'hi miseries consequent te same, as well aa an ex pesure of quae. arV ana thlr Recalled medical works,4 by which they victimise thousands, and by thelr exaggerating disease, makes these B OOTS AND SHOES. COUGH, WHOOPING OOUGH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shlleh's Cure. Beld by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Nea. 187 and 189 North QaeenBt. Lancaster, .Pa,' (4) Don't Experiment. Ten cannot afford te waste time In experi menting when yeurlungs are In danger. Con Cen Con sumptien always seems at tint only a cold. De net permit any dealer te Impose ji pen you with some cheap Imitation of Dr. King's Sew Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine Because he ean make mere profit he may tell you he his I USl as goeu, ur juaii luu something utl uvmivni, uuv King's New Dlsceve: but Insist upon . vnienui give relief In all Threat, Lung and Chest a same. Don't Belting Dr. guaranteed te Sfientinna. TiHl hnttlM tree at II. IS. Cech mn's drag store, 137 .and 139 N. Queen Bt , Lan caster, ra. (6) TUATUACKINO UOUQUcanbeseqnlckly ennea by sniieh'a Cnre. We guarantee it. M n. u. ueenran druggist. Nes, umn fnr & ROnv. Addreaa. ' DK,THOS.TnBEL, B3S North reurth Bt, Philadelphia, I'a, 113-1 y a -TJILTS CREAM BALM. eatabrh--hay fever. ar.v'H cream BALM enrce Celd In Head Catarrh, Bese Celd, Hay rever.De&fness, Uead ache. irlee M Centa' BABY TO Uak. Bly Bres, Owego. N. Y., U. B, A. BLY'B CBBAU BALU Cleanses the Maal Passages, Allays Pain and Innammatlnn, Heals the Seres, Besteres the Senses et Taste and Smtll. TBTTHBCUBK. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is agrueable. Price 50 cents at Druggists by mall.regUtered,6OcenUkLY nueTHJCIUJ (0 Warren Street, New Yerk. nevlMyd&w JKWKLP.Y. North Queen Bt.. Lancaster, Pa. Beld 137 and 13 HI E. Cla A Bound Legal Opinion. Balnbrldge Mnnday, Xnq., County Atty. also was very low with Malarial fever an? ,y Ce.. Tex., iex., says: -uave used Hitters wiin ine nappy resuiia. lectrte My brother n'ldon'tinew.fAldscwnowiSjhi' Science twleged blm with certain mewlliM jrSlkslnChlca0.J'fi& W6LTerXWMiiitt Janndlce. bnt waa eured by timely rue of thU medicine. Am satisfied XTectrle Bitters saved his Ule." Mr. D. LWllcoxsen, of Herse Care, Ky adds a Hike testimony, saying: lie positively be lieves he would have died, had fs net been ler Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, s well as cure airMalarlal Diseases, and for all Kidney, Llveraud etomacbDlserders stands nnequaled rer sale ey our agent, u. e. liucuraurugKisi 137 and 139 H. Queen Bt., Lancastdr, pa, (6) JOBT AB GOOD. Don't allow anyone te make you believe any ether remedy Is JubI as geed for sick headache as Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, for It Is net true. This Is the only remedy in the world that strikes at the root M the disease and ortTWHeut, Give U r, trial, sr-JRAY'S-HPEOIKIO MEDICINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The Great EngllshBemedy will promptly and radically euro any and every case of nervous debility and weakness, result of Indiscretion, excesses or overwork of brain and nervous sys tem i Is perfectly harmless, acta like magic, and been extensively used for ever H years with great success. mw Trull particulars In our pamphlet whleh we desire te send free bv mall te every one. jV-Tbe Specific Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at 81 per package, or six packages for 88. Yt win be sent tree Of mail en reeelnt of tha money, by addressing the agent. B. B. OOOHR.VN, Druggist, Nea. 137 A 133 North Qeien SU, Lancaster, Pa. TUB QBAY UEDICINK COM Ne. 108 Main Btreet, Buffalo, N Y. junlSlydAwMWAr D. P. STACKEOUSE, SB Bt 80 BABT KINO, BT. Net old stock but fresh, new goefls coming In dally lrem the factory and bought for cash. That is why we can sell our Shoes se much cheaper than the ether stores, and we give our customers the benefit of close buying. Everybody about here full of snap and vim ; a dlffsrent Bhee Stere from what It was -a UETTEB one i but of all Shoe stores mere life, mere geed goods of the right sort and right prices. 4ssrCeme ana see ns ; we coeeriuuy suuw yen the goods, whether you purchase or net. D. P.STACKHOUSE, N03. 28 and 30 East King SUeet, LANCABTKB, PA. att-lydAW H. Z. RHOADS &. HON, Geld Pens, Pencils, Etc. BAlkUALL AMD TENNIS BELTS. Ladles' rine Worsted Belts in Blue aa;,;,, vrt.1.- W4y Chamois, Spenges, Weel and reatket DMg ters. , Vaj a m. M.Iauerl)usii&Sen'i A very large assortment of Geld, Silver and riatcd Tens, Penclla, Toothpicks, Ear Spoons, and all neveltlea In that line which we will Bell at wonderfully low prices. Many of them are new en display In our West Window. Alse a full line of new Scarf rins, Cuff Buttens, Locket, Tins and Earrings. These goods have just come from the manufacturers and are finely finished. We would like you te come and exaralna them. It you have any repairing te be done bring it te us. JIAND KttJl CJJIKfH. B ANDANNA UAMDKERCUIKfB. -GET YOUU H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. BABDLE, HARNESS, M kH -AND- trunk store:! iSrS Ne. 30 Centre Bquare, LANCABTEB, PA. COMPLEXION rOWDMM. iwifclvrVrV'"'' QOMPLEXION POWDER. .- jf-a 1iai 3 vs .vm ladies; WHO.VALUK A BKHNKD COMF1 MUST UBC MAKUA1NH I CAHPMT HALLS. GO TO BAQAINH! CUSHIONED EAR rMPROVED A. DBUUB. curb fob;the deaf. Peck's Patent Improved Cnshlened Jar Drums perfectly restore bearing and perform the work of the natural drum, invisible com cem com fertableandataays In position. All conver sation and even wblsptrs heard distinctly. Bend for Ulustrtted book with testimonial. JttKJt. Adores or call' en r. HleCOX, 6i3 Broadway, New Yerk, , MenUenjr. Bandanna Handkerchiefs 3; 5 and 10 CentB, AT ERISMAN'S, A'O. 4t WE&l KIXQ SI. 9Next Doer te Bayler's Photograph Gal lery. t O MOKE BOUND UHOULDERS. The Knickerbocker Shoulder Brace Is Belltbl. aaally Adlasted and can be worn with coin fort, blzes for ladles and gentlemen, rer sale at HUBLET'B DBUQ BTOBE, W West King BtrceL SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VKLVBT, BODY; BRUSBBLS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rail and Chain Carpets, OIL OLOTMB, WINDOW SBADMB, c We bv Um Largeart aad Beat Stock la tha Olty, H S. SHIRK & SO Oemtr Wirt King and WaUr Stmts, LancasUr, Fi N 3 POZZONI'S medicated; COMPLEXIO POWDER. it Imparts a brilliant transparency fcJW-w?rA."HaTaai S t and heantlfuL It contains no lime. lena or anwuiu- -. r White ana u umw.w. S'; t, , 3' reu BALK Br 111 Druggista n& Faney Dealwa alvBrywhara. armwAM ur istna,isu.-a , aprju-lyd wtTTOJurjm. J UTHER B. KATJW MAN, ATTOKUaa'-AT-LAw-. m i'i M0.3 BOTJTK rSlMOB ST., UffiJfeLl ( J n