Wj , ... H fcs - i( l 'V1- ?" t ,i K- a !- ,;c:& liANQASlJJJB &AJX.T nSiXIG-EHOKK, MONDAY. JULY 2, 1888. ErSSSS 355 .. .. r" PC : E? tyw m "ity$ cW,' v tlWW- 5W r. 5L w Pally Intelligencer. rZ2UMTkU. JULY , ItS). nanr imuancn publlshee ell the "nuki.i.Miiif tA IttilfjtA Pmfl tin tn Swmm penlUte btrar . IHM-tM Dally lOlUen of Tb UmttU. ifiiMi It Otttveraa by carrlera In the city Ml aammndlng towns ter 10a. per wee I , te ), . a yearj LM ter eixtncmtta ILS ler utreeiiicm that bee. per mentn. Ma WanctT larratLieBacam (Deuble Sheet) !h,Mg rates, only .W per annum, in aa- jitkMfftimi UltUBC tkelr addrvss changed ,aaat ale eUte where the paper U bow ter- tvcweemesu from 10 te eta. per ;' awe WllfHOM. according te '"""" t'Ji ., IHlHII'i'""'" '"" -,. - Lancaster, ra. ?W 'Telephone OemnttMem -i Tke GettjtbarK Celebration. VveraM of the war are having a great 4Uat) dedicating monuments ut ucuj flaw wad the town Is reaping ita annual karrest from the Jovial heroes of twenty, 'ar years age. The annual glorification et the great battle and the elaborate i'J aMiklnR of the ground by monuments premise te give it place In our history as , uw greatest struggle ei tue war aim unu ;eC the most lmpottantet modern times. vwaetnerlt la really worthy or una ever- l?M.atvilnwtnfr nmmlnpncn la another nue?- jiAsten. There were ether battles mere Vs' .eecWre In Immediate result ana marked wra tierce ana Dioeay uguting. utu, j&fMsfbt en Pennsylvania soil, this three ,?'4aje' conflict was mere near and terrible lA&i the people et the North, and of vital 'Mllaterest te the Southerners who hoped .i&l'tkfct Tlctery for them would at least ro re ro gpMerethe theatre of war te the fertile ,P Talleys of Pennsylvania. The North Is jftsslst first te recover from the exhaust ! lnf straggle and te find time Cfv and money for the celebration of Its great $ smq and gallant deeds, and the field of Sf Gettysburg Js near at hand, the Held of a $ Tlctery hard wen, and with a history full ?' of picturesque and thrilling detail;. It ? Is a geed thing for the suppression of ' actienal batethat It Is se. AtGettys b tmrg our victory was se clearly bought, I and the last desperate charge brought :-, ent se clearly the determined courage of f, the enemy, that both vloters and van. qulahed can unite In honoring the field, and the men of the North and Seuth will feel proud of It for many a generation. Erery summer the citizens of the geed little town will have a spasm of heroic joy at the visit or the dusty, hungry, I thirsty host of veterans, and many a 1 bogus here will tell his harmleu Uttle lie en the ground where the truth of battle surpassed In terror .any Action that hu sum mind can form. The BalUtnore Festival. The confederation of German sleglng societies of the Eastern states has begun Its festival In Beltlmcre. There are pres ent about one hundred singing societies from states extending from "Virginia te Connecticut, and constituting the great Northeastern Samgerbund with 3,000 lingers. It will be a gala occasion for the Men- .umental city te have for four days within M.'r , mm Derders some of tue most musical nnu i fX4 "Jelllest people en the face of the glebe. "Up; ' 'Tbme singing societies have been plo ple i& aeers in the musical development of the country, and they have been a great Im pulse in bringing about the teaching of music in our public schools. Titty years age there were few in the country. New very city with a considerable German element in'its population possesses a sing ing society. The effect of the Baltimore Samgcrbund will be te give n new Im pulse te their further formation. We hope that the gathering may In nil respects be as successful as Us most san guine projectors hope for. The German people are song-loving and industrious, and this country eilers the fullest ccepe for these attributes. Thty play with energy and work with spirit. Let them be encouraged In this disposition. The light-hearted Teuten is ene et the ineEt important factors in American citizen ship. Free Whisky. The Republicans are wincing a great deal under the Democratle thrust about their position en the question of internal revenue. In black and white in their platform they declare for the 'entire re peal" of the Internal revenue system In certain contingencies rather than " sur sur renderanypartet our protective sjstem." What does this mean it it does net mean free whisky? IUther than correct some of the absurdities et the tariff, the) would take off the entire tax upon liquor nnd tobacco. This is radically opposed te the tariff utterance of the Republican plat form of 1&51 which declared : The Re publican party pledges itself te correct the inequalities of the tariff nnd te reduce the surplus." And the present position Is In violent antagonism te that taken by their ablest leader, James G. Blaine. In his "Paris message" of December 7, 16S7, the Maine statesman enld : Te cbeapen the price of whisky la te In crease Its consumption enormously. There would be no sense In urging the reform wrought by high license In msny states, If the national government neutralizes the geed ellect by making whisky within reach of every one at '10 cents a gallon. Whisky would be everywhere distilled it the sur vslllsnea of the government were with drawn by the remission of the tax, and Illicit sales could net then be prevented ven by a policy aa rigorous and searching aa that with which Iluasla pursues the Nihilists, it would destroy high license at ones In all the states. . . . 8e long as there U whisky te tax, I would tax It. . . Thstaren whisky by the Kederal Kevern mat, with its suppression et ail illicit dlatUlstlen and consequent enhancement of pries, nsa been a powerful agent In the Ueaperanee reform by putting It beyond the reech of se msny. Free whisky is net a proper stream whereby a party may lleat into power. Tite Specimens. The Senate and lleuse illsagiee pretty unanimously just new, but there Is one bill at least in which the lleuse has clearly the Lest et the argument. The rrlcultural appropriation bill is encum b red with an amendment tacked en by fcSmaterriumb, of Kansas, which appre, prlates tlOO.WO for the purpose of con timing experiments in making sugar trim beets' and sorghum, at Fert Scott, Kansas. The Heuse committee will net ag-ee te this because 4200,000 lias already Jasea spent at Fert Scott for the purposes avleued under the direction of 1'rofes 1'refes r S wessen, and the only result seems t bs that the professor is the prosperous MA contented owner of several patents aw d -ceverlea made by him with the aid at gjvernment money, The committee Ttty properly declines te sauctlea an ap ap ap ProprUUen for the benefit et Swenson, ., Jsatti af another InteresUag spKlmtfl of legislation in tbe diplomatic and con sular appropriation bill. Twenty Ave thousand dollars was appropriated for an exploration of the Conge. The Heuse committee thinks this unnecessary, nna 11 would be well for some senator te rlse and explain the value te Uncle Sam of a knewledge et the diplomacy of Central Africa. Sound Doctrine. It is net proposed te entirely relieve the country of this taxation. It must be erbmsiveltr continued as the source of the government's Income ; and in a re- i adjustment of our tariff the Interest of should be carefullv considered, as well as the preservation of our manufacturers. It may be called protection, or by any ether name, but relief from the hardships and clangers of our ir(ent tariff laics should be devised tcith special precaution against imperiling the existence of our manufacturing interests. President Cleveland's Messaee. IlAnnisen'H strongest oath la ami te be Confound It." Ue wilt Ray worte than that la November. OnAMOE Neble, et Erie, Democratic candidate for state treasurer aeveral year a age, la announced aa a convert (or Harilaen for president William H. Pier, promi nent Republican et Pittsburg, leaves hie party ter the Dsmoeraoy aa did Heth Leir In Brooklyn. $Tut U going te be ayear when no akulkets will be permitted In elther army. Tui:ni: are going te be lively tltnea ahead In tbi atate In the Jtepubllcan camp. Quay, Magee, 3mlth nod C'oepor are gunning for eacn ether's scalp. Tun colored men et the United Htutca will bold acnnvfinllnn In Indianapolis en Wedneiday, July r.O, te con aid or whether trey will vete the Ilopubllcen ticket this fall. The circular leaued by Intelligent men et the oeloied race aska " Are we te atand up and be counted by this party or that, llke ae many dumb driven catlle, or, en the otlierjiand, sre we going te act as men, each In acoerdanctr with bis own unceerced conviction, and vete with that party which he may deem inent llkely te prometo the Intereat of hlmnflt nnd race T" It slae aaya : "Detcat.te the Itepubllcanstbla year will, no doubt, lead te a disintegration el their party and Its relocation te Jein ethor like organi zational! ttbnve lived, flouriahedferailmo, snd, liaiiiK outlived their uaefulpcar, are new numbored among the things that were." It la tlnie that the colored man bteaka away from n party which has made n,m tce1' Tin: Rrle ITcrald has lasued a souvenir edition for the Pennsylvania Kdlterlal at aoclatlen, which vlalted tbat elty last week. It Is printed en twenty-elght pajoaelhoavy paper. The i.iany engravlnge of buildings and pictures et promluent citizens are ao ae ao eompanled by biographies, nnd thore are Interesting chapters en theolty'nlnduatrlea. Typographically It Is neat, and the Herald has shown considerable enterprlae In pro ducing a souvenir et snob character. Ar.i.r.N Q. Thurman ha thirteen lottera In hi name nnd was born November 1.1, 1813. The red bandana also has thirteen letters In It. And It Is likely that the "Old Reman" will have at leaat thirteen tnoie doctoral vetcn than Ills llopubllean oppo nent PERSONAL. llimtei- T,i:e Ha in was consecrated lu II iltlmeru en Huiiday at the Catholle cathe dral. Coi.e.nki. illciiAlin J, JlniaiiT, of In diana, la bure UiAt the atate will i(e Demo Deme Demo crateo. Mil, lli:uKAiti) Hi-u.r.Y, a nallve of lro lre land.dluc! In llalllmnru en Friday, sged 10'J yeati". At the last municipal and atate oleottons In that city lie walked te the polls and veted the Democratle ticket. BA.uiiEnTiie.MAn Williams, of Chicago, beat the record for one week during ihe Republican con vontleu porled. The reeepls of his sevaa days work were (131.40, en which his oemiulHilon was -15 per cent,, or a fraction ever (GO. IIli: CANOIS Hl'KSUS. On the great strtams the ships may go Absnt tnen'd business te and fro. Hut 1, the cgK shell pinnace, sleep Oj crystal waters, ankle detji j I nhosiidlmtnuttvedeslgn, 01 wetr cedar, plthler plne. Is laihtonea en se fruit a mould A laud may launch, a hand wltbh jld. I, the unnamea Inviolate, Urt'un, rutl'e rivers nnvlxate ; iy atpplug paadle soarcely shakes The berry In the bramble brakes. Ptlll forth en my grecn way I wena Uaslde thi cottage garden and, And by the nestled angler fare, And take the levers unaware. lly willow, weed, and watorwheel Speedily fleets my touehtng keel lly all rutlredund shady spats. Where proiperdlm lergnt-ma nets. Rebert Louit Met tnien in Altany Titmi. 'J lis Lips We Leve te fress Inclose pearly teeth, and exhalj fraifrnuce wheuopeeed. If thtsdoubleoharmwcre want ing they would lack their main attraction and probably lcmatn unklrscd. BOZODONT will securu It. Discoloration of the teetb, un. hcaltlitness et the sums, and a breath which routes repuKnaucH.are oexiplotely remedlea by this lncomparuulebcautinerand untlsupUc or the teeth, wtiluh Is as pleasant te taste and s m oil aa It Ii relliblu In Its action. t,M,WAw ai'KaiAL a'otjesb. Ilumriui;,) IinpDtterst Thletest Iho abnvaaru terms applied te thounrnlls theunrnlls blHundfiltUcnunt. J)r. Thomai' Xeltelrie Oil fnrdtpnttmria, envirrli, usihma, rheuuatlsui. ana all uebar, sprains, aua pitin Is net n thlnJ nl deoeptlen hut a pit nuntnud henest i-amuay It Is honestly put up, tienestly old, and dot what Is claimed ter It. rer sale bv II. U. Coch Cech inn, druKijIst, 117 and lMorthQaeon street iuuensiur. , The New Tricycle. Th's rrachlnu Is propelled by steam, and will csrry two people iwmty miles In an hnur, It Is said. It U quite nn lnvnten but does net ceinparu with Rurdeck Uloed Rttleri which will rtirry ih Invalid along the read te health te bun all l'.ir sale by 11. U. Cochran, drutr Klt,137 and 13J North Queen strwit, i.auciu- I hue been troubled with eatarrb from boyhood, aud considered tny ose chmuta Kntil about three earaage I procured lily's Ureim nalm.und 1 count myseli sound t enlay, an Irem the usa e( ene bottle. J, it. Coeler. Uardvtare Merchant, Montrese, i'a, Mr. I. M Harber bai used lily's Cream Halm for eitsrrn in his tainlly aud commends It very highly. A lady Is recovering the sense of until. A. Tuukbanneck lawyer, known le many et our readei", save he was cured of dealuoss-i',(en, J'.i., Untitle. JiVQwdeedw A fltiuaui Acauenlsdjruieut. Had Beur stomach and miserable appotlte for uienlLN. and grew thtn every day. 1 ucd Burdock ithed Bitten wlthlhe most marvel ous resultst feel splendid." Mrs. Jeseiih Jehnsen, 1'Itlsburg, i'a. ter sale by ll. U. Cechraii, druKKtst, 137 und U'J North Queen atrcet,Lanciter. w WU1KKIH AHHIONAHLK MIl llnery and Trimming store, Ne.SS North Queen btriet. contains all the hewrsl and liitest Ne vi It le. el the seasen, ) rl! na. renable I'nll andrroeur hew Ucelt. aiitud OTIOB IS UKKEHY OIVEN THAT the following decrlbed City llends are hereby ejlled In lorthebtnklngrundef the li,ue HUtharlrwt by erdlnantu annreved March 3. A. ). 1W1, and amended by orelnnuoe approved Msreh SK), issi. re refund liuii of the Indebtedness 01 the city et Lancaster Pa St four per cent. -,., Of the aeries of rive teTwentv Year, vli i Nes. X7. M. 19. 40. 61, ene -thousand Dollars eachj 04.2i,S ii I ,K.il,t', ), !,. ta CI. W, W. 100 101. PS. lie. I07.10i.iiU JiOMve llundrel UelUrseacht Nes S. i, lJLW.fci.M m. SI, Hi, S3,M,,A,S8,4(,4S,SI,61, CI. 64. W.tl.Ct) ? 70. 71. 7A 73 74. 7X 16, Si, tw, lOu, Jel, 10 J eau Uuu dred nellars each. i he above numbered bends will be preiented for payment at this ortlee en or before the first day of July. 18e8 1 interest en said bends will casta en that Oats. HMUllJyU lOW, XOQXRLEr, Mayer, WAXAMAKKR'B When you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms (or you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We rv te make you welcome whclicr you care te buy or net. t l' .- 1 eirvmu 9VA. - r- WANAMAKER'S I I4Aere ' ci enR SPACE ii pHILADELprilAP i. O- rMitrmrH'u IT -i r Yeu knew that there is no worthy het weather (or any weather) thing for wear or home use but we have it. If you can't come te the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods. Shopping by mail lias come te be simple and certain. A few scratches' of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. PAR ABO I A. R. n. a ii. Ladies, Loek te Your Interests. We began the parasol scmen with an en ttrely new stock. We want te de the same next year. And te that end offer Oreat llargalns In i'arasela and Sun Umbrellas. Prices are inarked away down, and goods must go. Call and see Bargains. R. B. & H., NO. 11KA3T KINUHT. anrS-Smd sAUASOLS I 1'AHAHOl.S 1 TUB. U.M'JtiailOKNTKD SAI.EI OK AT Til K- New Yerk Stere, During the pail two months, Is strong rvb denun of the urlfity, Correctnets of btyles and buporler Value ler the money, erilWEI.Ii KNOWN GLORIA, SON Oil RAIN UMBRELLAS Aie the most titflfut All IboYcnrlleiind Umbrellns, In 21, It) and "i Inch sixes, that cm be found '1 hey wear better than silk und the colon are last black. HU11MKR 6IIA1)K9 IK All-Weel Albatross, Feriy 1 ret os Wide, S7Xe a Yaid i faw better have been seen at O.e. KXCKL1.K.NT VAI.UK IN SOFT SURAH SILKS. Popular Shades. SO Inches wide. Ma a yard. HUi'KUluit hUUAU blbKtj, 7Juajttidi no better sold for II W. Still they Cnmel Kvery Day tilings Addi tions te our Large .Line of , TOILEUU-NOIU)3, BGKUSUOIIKUH, 1'IUNTKI) SATINKS, UUAIil,IK4, UATISIUi A l'KUUAI.KS, AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. WATT &SH AND 6, 8 & 10 BABT KINO 8T. BTRAM'JIATB. GKT READY FOR VACATION AND the Settinore. Tourists and ExoursieDists Wtll Kind It Much te their Advantage lu o e lictlega Trunk or Traveling Bag Te Kxamlne the Large and Varied Assortment bhewn ,by Stauffer&Ce. TKUNK9-AI1 sups and All Pilces from n.eu up. iitAVKbiNa liAua ireai tee te Il&.t0. Special Tmnks for I.tdlrs. with sn estra tiny for dresses. Quality and Price Uuumn teed. OUU LINE OK SUMMER HATS Was never larger and we guarantee you a cool head when we glve you a hat weighing 8Hei. auoharethe" IIUSION ilKAUllKS." All llUNLAF'SLaUstlltyleslnSTUPrANU sruAWHAiu. arBen't forget that we hve an Overstock of Straw Hats and are new Belling theiuut Closing Out Pilots. STAUFFER & CO., NOS. SI A S3 NOllTll QUKEN HT. PROCLAMATION. Netice is hereby ghen that the erdl rance ler preventing accident by nre and the belter (preservation et order In the city, and prohibiting the sale or casting, throwing or tlrlnx of -quies, rocket or eth-r Drowerks.beloro the Sd, 4ih andSth day of J uly, will be strictly enforced 'Inesaldeiatnanie entirely prublbtta the firing et guns or ether fli'earui. or the beIIIuk, custlnir, throwing or firing chasers nr ether flrewerna operating a sl etllar manner, within the llnutuei the city. JCUW. KuuEULLV, Je2)18td Mayer. "Vr01,1015 T TKKHI'AHHKRS AND a.- uuMNKtu.-All persons are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any or the lands iw the uerawui ana epeeaweit estates in tiCDaoen or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or uttln. closed, either for the purpose of shuettng or nshlng, as the law will i utw wiu ee r rlffldl onfeiced against mji txes n&aainff en a en aald lands of the en- designed after this netlea. Parasols andSunsliadcs WM. OOIiXMAH FKEKSfAS', ILrmitOY ALUEM, Asliwfs'lBVvOrtisa,t;UU , YEIt'H 6AI13APARILLA. High Pressure I.tTlBgcharacteitzMtlieaeinedernaaya. lbs ret u It Ii n feartat toeroaie of I1KA.1H and I1RABT UlsKAHK8-.Uenersl Debility, In In aemnla, raralyitt tnd ImanJty. Chletntanfl Merphia augment the avll. The medicine beat adipted te de permanent goei U Ayet'aSkr. aipa1lla. It purifies, enriches anavlUIItt the bleed, andthns atrengthena every fine- iien ana racalty of the body. " I have nied Ayer'a Sarsaparllla In my fam Ity, for years. I have found It Invaluable ai T A CURE for Nervous Debility caused by an Inact.ve llvorandalew statu of the bleed." Henry Bacen) Xenla, Ohie. " rer some time t have been troubled with heartdtseaie. I never found anything tehelp rat until I began using Ayer'a aarsapuUla. I have only used this medlelne stx months, but It has relieved ms from my trouble, and ena bled ma te resume work."-J. 1. Catzinett, ferry, 111. " I have bten a practicing physician for ever half a century, and during that tluia 1 have never found se powerlul and reliable an al ternative ana bleed purlfler aa Ayer'a Bars parjlla." Dr. M. Maxstart, LeuUvllle. Ky.; Ayer's Sarsaparilla rasrAKsn nr Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe., Lewell, Mass. I'rtcn i ; six bottler, II. Werth IS a bottle. JuJteS SAKK, HUKK AND Hl'EEDY OUnK. ltuplnre, Vartoecole and Special Ulseasea ofeltherset. Why be humbuuedbvanacks when ion can And In Or. Wright the only Kso Kse clab I'nrtieiASlnl'hlladBlphla who makes a specially et the above diseases, and Ctmss Tiismt Curbs enasaaTBBD. Advice rreeday ana evening, strangers can be treated and re turn home i&me day. offices private. uu. rr. it. wuiuiit, 241 North Ninth Street, Above llace, P. e. liex 073 PhUadelnnla. friW-lVdw Fl UK WORKS AT IiaRHK'S. Fireworks ! Fireworks ! WHOLESALE AND BETA lb. The Keurth or July almost at hand. The demand for Fireworks large. l'aitles dunlrlng displays for towns, vl'lages, or private use who Mtu net alieady inade their selections should de lostenco. tiur stock is geed and can still aaa te It for a fxw days. Twenty nre years' experience In the busi ness enables us te help parlies te solect geed displays. our fireworks are all colored, our prices the and Chlncse Lantema. BURSK'S, NO. 17 BABT KING STREET, l.ANCASTKP.l'A. WTKLKI'IIONK CONNECTION. G 1VKN AWAY AtREIST'S. Read All or Mnine:! Did yen her ? Did you hear 7 lnclinn your tar I Incline your far 1 Hnuicthlnglnltl will whisper, Uoanatelt tttoyeurstster And her irlends ltclst, the greeer, foremost grocer, A I w ay s eq ual te the task t Will te-morrow all day offer. Imported fans leall who ask And only thoae. Imported Lanterns I Wohavetbennestllneol Imported Chlncse and Japanese Lanterns In the market, bought din et from the luipertnr In the original esses and can snve you much money with this im portation, we bought a let of .Upinese fans which we will glve away free all day le mor row (Snturdny ) tn all who ask. l'leme bear In mind YOU MlaT A8K. We are very busy, und ler this reason niake this request. Fireworks ! Fireworks ! Loek at our large display. Prices se tempt ingly low. Assortment se great. Quality se geed. We nre headquarters JTlags of ull sizes, (.all and seu our Immense stock. SPECIALTIES. New mackerel i new beef. He fc i new picnle hams, lle t ; crtum cheese, 3 lbs !Se t 8 As geed prum-s, 4Vj ; B Bj geed prunes, Se 1 4 Bts geed tituues, sSa t II Sis large prunes, ISO ; 3 Sis extra large prunes, 6e : 4 lbs new biineh ratslns, SOcj a 6n new cholce prunellas. SSet 2 tts fanny evaporated apples, e I Iks tigs, 26c : 4 lbs crackers, 25e t 3 fts dawr, iiJe ; Targes cakes lieraz soap, S3 1 large cakes white soap, be, regular prices, 8a s l.rgeboxes Indigo, te, small boxes, Oe j Oletue soap, 5e i pints, quarts and lialr galle i Masen fruit ars I honey in combs only lue fcj beat Heur in tue world only bee quarter.etc, etc KKEI'COOL-We have four Immense fans suspended from the celling in constant mo tion, and there Is no danger of our room get ting tne warm i besides we are net bjihtred wtlhnies. Uallnndsue us. Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, Cor, W. Slnr andFrlncn Sts., LANCARTKK.PA. liUJCRXSWARR. jalUU A MARTIN, Fiuit Jara ! Jelly Tumblers I CHINA HALL, MABON FltUITJAItMNALLSIZKa. JELLY TUMULKR9. JELLY cura. JELLY J AIM. Lir.IITNINQ rUUlT JAU8. (Iho Hest In the Market ) HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. ASPHALT BLOCKS Jl Ml'UAIiT PANOBLOOK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., Omce-01 Chestnut St.. Phlla , I'a. Werks-Ilrldgeixirt, ra., A Camden, N, J. MANUrACTUUEUS Of Standard AsphaltPaving Blocks eiZES 4x5x11 AND 4x1x12. In goneraluse forstreetpavlng.sldewalks.gar deu paths, mill yards and driveways, gutters, ceiuis, vats and sea walls, advantages: Nelssless. dustiess, strictly Banltary, prectl. callylndestructlbluann ehtap. j or prleis and further Information address: R. S. OSTBR & BRO., Agents Lancaster Ce.. 321 North Pilr.ce St, Lancaster, I'a tnl-emd POR BALK OR RXXT. EU)K RKNTKBONT AND KKAK Uneni-iits under lltrshAllre Clothing Stere i nent ene suitable for shoemaker shop i rear suitable f or eatlug hnnse or green grocery. Apply te lllabll i. mtu., Jul imd Centre tjqnare. OUMKWKOKtIAliK ON TUK MOST liberal terms, en Wett Chestnut, Wal nut, Lemen, Mar) , I'lnu and Charlette streets. Apply at luuatud SOJ NOKTU MAUY 8TUEET. "iJHIK KENT FllOM. APKIL 1, 1S88, JD lorenenrater'iiof years, the Strasburg Uallread, with Coel and Lumber Yard. Ware house, Locomotive aid Cars ! all in geed and running order. The lease of this valnable property presents a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage in a pleasant. Well established and preQt&ble business. Ver con dlUens, rent or ether in formation apply te THUS, or UXNUY UAUMU AUUNKU, mS-tld Laneatur Ctty, t a. BUMHMK RMBOHT8. TsKIAVKN HOUSE. XJ ATLANTIC C1TT. Atlantic and Connecticut A vennm, WILL H9W,U, Clerk J. W. BBUBAKKR, Prep. Ttrms-tJXOtellCOpsr day. Jezi-lmfl A TLANTIU CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIIl ntTV. M. X Larsen Most Convenient HeteL ftlegaetly VurnliihM). l.tberally Manaired. OoacbteauO from Beach and Xralni. u.-chettra Muile. OIlAS.MeULADiirl'rOp. lntsaf ilArtr. fshiMJnM W. X. CecHRilf.Cbtef UlerK, UK "CHALrONTB." Ocean Xnd of Keith Carolina Avpnnn, . ATLANTIC CITY. M.'t. r.BOnitBTSABOa. sprSHmd rrrKTHEKiUi," ATLANTIC CITY, K. J , Ocean xnd Kentucky Avenue. Onen seuruaty l, te November 1. Bex 1030, loe M.J.BCKRUT. B. ay 10.2m (1 ATLANTIC CI IY. CHESTEK COUNT! HOUSE, Thtt Ihorengh'y oemforUble and well, known home Is new open, 'iwenty-elgbtn ?f.n'. . 8T.a Management. Coel snd de lightful location very nearthn sea. junUSmd J.KBIUASONS. QTOOKTON HOTEL, CAPK MAT, N. J. OPKNfl JUNK SO New Ownership. Nw Management. Newly rurnlshed. I'rrlcct Appnlntmjnts. l'epalax Prices. Finest beach in the world. r.Hl ae. WAT.TON, Proprietor, JunlSltt Lale et St. James lietel, N, T. JJTI.ANT10 CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (ronerly Hetel Ashland.) WNOW Ul'EN.-ea UKFUUKISIIED. - . KBMOUKI.ED. UENOVATED. . s . . - ., . ,T98- " TiANIEN, .la. inart-4mA.Mar,Apr,Jnly,Ang, -jyfT. OKKTNA I'AKK. Mt. Gretna Park, reu Exouitaiexs and riONics, This Park U located In the heart of the Seuth Mountain en the line of the Cornwall U Lebanon Hnllreafl, Nine miles eulh of Urn city ( Lebanon, within easy dlstance of ll&rrlsburg, Heading, I.anoaster. Columbia and all points en the Philadelphia A heading ana Pennsylvania Hallreids. Tlw ground ure large, covering hnndieds of acres, and are FUKK TO ALL. The conveniences are a I arge Danr leg Pa Pa vl'len, a Spacious Dining Unit. Twe UlUhenr, Uaggage and Ceat lloems whlle the arrange ments for amusements conslstef croquet and liall Grounds. Hewling Alley, Sheeting Ual lery Quelte, Etl , Kie. Tneles ler Lunchars, Kuttle Heats nud llnncbes are scattered throughout the grounds. XU.!!lAJKiri,BKANOK Of the National Huaid of Pennsylvania has been located at Jit. Uretna, and tne Military HI lle Practice, fiiim time totlme at the itange, will constitute a new uttraoilen te visitors. Anether attraotlen'ls LAICKCO.VEWAGO, Cevering nearly twenty acres en which nre placed ii numher of elegunt New lleats, and along the banks et which are pleasant walks and lovely scenery. OUSKItVATIONnARR Will be run en the lloe et the Cern watt A Lob Leb anon BaPread, or wilt be I ent .te different points, when practicable, ter the accommoda tion of excursion parties. They are safe, pleasant and convenient. Patties desiring it can procure Meals at the l'srk.asthe Dining Hall will be underth a su pervisien of K. M. iiOLTZ. of the Lebanon Valley heuse. These who wish te spend.a ila' in vuh wuuauiiiiBran nnu de place se neautl fat or affording m mueh pleasnre as Mt. Urotue. MU INIOXIUaTINU UltlNKB AL LOWED OX THE PltKMlHKS. rer Excursion Ititcs and Goneral Infor mation, apply te NED IRISH, . , . 'np'tC.A I'.ltttl'ioad.Labanen, Pa. , J(i23-3ilia COAL, OVUMUAltUNKK-a COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Ofos:-Ne. id North unoenBtroet, and Ne. H4 North Prluce street, Yabcs: North Prince street, neat Heading Depot, SilS-IMfS LANflAATKIt. PA B. B. MAltTlN. Whelesaln anil Itetatl Dealer In all kinds of liUailSKK ANU (JO AL. B9" Tabu-Ne. 420 North Water nnd Prlne Strents, ubove Louen Lancaster. nS 1yd TUMBKK, COAL, Ae. LUMBER, COIL -AD ROOFING SLATE. G. SENER & SONS, l'lUNCE AND WALNUT ST3 , Bell coil et the Uest Qutllty at the Lewest 1 rte s. iluy new, as H may be higher. ffUlsrrwsiwisirw ttiuua. . QAliIi ANO MKB -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP. BlxtyCandle-Llgbti Peats them alL Anether Letof CHEAP HLOBS3 for Qaa tn OU Steves. THB ' rnHFEOTIOK " HiClAL MOULDING A UUBBEU CCSUIOR WEATHER STRI? Deals them all.'ThU strip outwears all ether. Keens out the cold, Btep rattling of windows. Kxclnde ihe dust, Keep out snow and rain. Anyone can apply it no waste or dirt made u applying iu uan de nttea anyw holes te bore, ready for use. It will n here no net split, warn or shrink a cnBhlen strip is the most perfect. At the Steve, Ueater and Range -or- Jehii P. Sehaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEIi. FA. OARRlAUBa. s TANUAUD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY UAIUtUUE li'UILUEU, NOS. 10. 42, 43. 43 M AEKET 8TKEET, Uear el I'csteltlce, Lancaster, I'a, I have In Stock and llulld te Order Every Variety et the following styles : Coupe, ling eries, Cabriolets, Carriages, Nlcterlas, business Wagons, "T" Carts, MlCeII Wagons, hurries, Market Wagons, Phattens, Express Wagons. 1 employ the best Mechanics, and have lacll lacll itles te build correctly sny style of Canbige desired. The Onallty, Style and rtnlshel my work makes it decidedly the Cheapest In the market, M-WEUAVETHE BEST AND CHEAPEST CAltTlNTHE MAUUET. WATOHB. Gl'KOlAU WATCHES for rarmera and Ueilrruders, 14 Karat Cleld rilled BOiS cates, Elgin works, I A) each, Jeb Let. Best Watch and Jewelry Kepelnng, Spectacles, Kyelaa?ea and Optica) Uoeo. Cor. reel time dally, Dy telegraph only place in the city. LODI3 WBBER, Ne. lWi N. Queen St . opposite City Hetel, Near I'enn'a Denet. TJECOMMENnKD BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS The "Best "Tonic. A Concentrated Liquid Extract of Halt and Uep JTersale eulj at J.O. UOUQlllONACO, Nes.? and Ii West King sUMt. PALACU (if TABHlOir, ABTRIOH'B PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Still mere reductions ! Sash Ribbons. 25 pieces, all silk, watered, striped and satin edged, 9 inch ; colors, cream, light blue, pink and black, at 75c a yard, regu lar price $1.25, 10 nieces, black. 10 inch. ged Moiree Ribbon, all silk; price $1 a yard, formerly $1.50. 5 pieces, 12 black, Moiree inch, all silk, satin edge, at $1.25 a yard, worth $2 a yard. An array of bargains. All our finest Flowers, formerly $1.50 te $3 a spray, your choice ier 49c. Our Millinery room the cool est in the city new. Fans will be in motion by Saturday. Come and keep cool ! We have thrown out about 20 dozens Children's Leghorn Hats, the former prices of which have been $1.25 te $1.75, at the low price el qec apiece. This bargain beats them all. The Jerseys must go ! Four lets of Ladies' Fine Jerseys. Ne. 1, at 62c, formerly 90c te te$i. Ne. 2, at 75 c, formerly $1 te $1.25. Ne. 3, at $1, formerly $1.50 te $2.50. Ne. 4, at $1.25, formerly $2. Twe lets of Children's Jer seys, all wool, all colors, 25 and 50c. These are less than half price. One let of Beys' Calice Waists, in sizes from 4 te 1 2 years, reduced te 21c. One let of Scotch Gingham Waists, reduced te 29c. About 500 yards each, Real Torchon Lace, 3 te 4 inches wide, former 18 te 25c reduced te 10 and 21 c a yard. 50 dozens Ladies' Hem stitched Colored Ber d e r e d Handkerchiefs, worth 5 c apiece, price new 2c. One let of Cream Spanish Silk Ties, formerly 50c, reduced te 25c apiece. Ladies' Colored Straw Hat3 down te 21c apiece. Reduc tiens all ever the store, stairs and downstairs. up- ASTRICE'S P. 0. F., Lancaster. CLOTHIKU, tt O. rlKSH & BROTHER, KSTABM8HHD 1S5L By Promptness We Presper. Our promptness In keeping up with the leaders lu the large cltles t one of the causes et our great snecets. Anether one is our Lew l'rlets. Anether our Assortment. We give you a few Instances. EEEH3CCKEUANDIL1NNEL COATS AND VESTS, $1.00. MOHMU9, LlffKKri, ALPAUAS, ell R aTBll'KS. 1LI0NKH, HUlLLlANIINRB. DUAP 'D KT4.M, FONUEES. WlllTK ANI) rinURBD DUCK AKD MAE. SEILLKS, LlMEN AND ALPACA VESTS. CLERGYMEN'S COATS, In Kegularand Extra-Leng Slr.cs Sumrner-Weight Suits. The fcetch rhevlits still in the Lead. Mens' EnttS, i 00, 110 Oi). S12.U0 iteys' Milts. S4 00, 7 Ce, 13 CO. children's Suits, 13 00, ft CO, S3 00. Flanne's, Casalmeres, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkserews-ln Back, Cutaway or Prints Alberts. Every thine in Furnishings. CALL AND8KSTUEM. H1RSH OROTHER, THB ONEJ.PRIOB Clothiers & Furnishers, COU. H. QUEEN BTKEKr AND QKNTltS PQUAltK. L ANOASTEK. PA. HUBWAL. QUrjtltiOIi (JUALUY " MUSICAL BOXES, 1IE.NUY OAUTSCUI A EOKB, Ne.'lOM Chestnut street, . Phlladnlphla Examination will prove enr Imtri mints far superior ui any ether make, net speaking of the worthless trash that abeundi in the mtrket, seen helng el mere annoyaneo than pluasuie te thetr owners. Old and Imper fectly made Musle Bexes carefully rsp&iied by expenence.1 workmen irem the inanufao inanufae inanufao tery In Switzerland. Correspondence sd Id ted. Send stamp for cauiegne and price list, uu vMlvCAw BDaiNKSS MKl'UUUS MADE PIeAlN. The system of Instruction at the LANCA8TEU COMMEKCIAL COLLEGE, la se simple and plain that any young lfly or gentleman can easily master all the details of atmslness education. LIBEttAL TKUMB, Evening Sessions Tuesdays, Wed net and rildays. full information given by U. a WEIDLEE, Lancaster Commercial College. ecUMfd . LaAeastsi, Pa. PVRN1TVRB. w IDHIKK'B. FURNITURE WIDKYEB'S OOBm TIIE OLD CORNXR 19 rOLL or GOOD HBW TBIHQ9. Our stock is toelarajssnd tnnat be relnsed before the season clt see. Te de this we have concluded te give the people a chance te get Geed Furniture I AT A LITTLE COST. Wehavesome goods (net the newest, bnt lust as gecdi that will beseld If the price pnt en tbetn will sll them. TheseareuHKAT HAROAINS, and we ex pect te aes thorn move lively. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE BTORS Cor. Bast King & Drake Ste. rVOBS A GIBBS. Roem Wanted. We need mere room for the stock which we have bought and are making up. We're go ing te get it by putting the prices se low that the present stock will move fast. Our necessity is your opportunity. If you're thinking of getting a Parler, Dining Roem or Bed room Suite, or any piece of Furniture, new is your time te buy. Come and leek at our New Stock en 2d, 3d and 4U1 floors of 31 Seuth Queen Street. OCHS a GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. sprlllyd I doelre te call the attention of my friends and patrons te the fact tnatl amrowpreparod te de general Undertak ing, te which my per sonal attention will be trlven at moderate charges. Respectfully,; WALTER A. HEIMT3H, 27 Si 29 S. Queen St. Residence 37 West Vine Street, opposite Bt. Mary's Church. F UKNITUKE ! FURNITURE 1 THE USDEHBIGNED HAS UEOl'EMEO HIS STOUE AT THE OLD STAND, Ife. 38 East King Street, Which was fletreyed by Ore gorae time age, and has a perfectly Mew stock et all kluds.ef FURNITURE. i'AULOH SUITE?, UKDUOOMSUlTKa, TABLES, CU AIBS, TO. UPHOLSIERING In All Its Branches. Alse Painting and Or namsLttng Old Chilra. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 Eaat Sing Btreet. J 09 tfd PART OARBIAOHB. F LLNM BKJKNEMAM, 100 Different Patterns -or- BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FL1NN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Refrigerators HAVE RO IEQUAL. FLDiN & BRENEMAN, Ne. Ida North Queen Etrest, LANOASTKK PA. MACHlNBKr. nCNTHAL MACHINE WORKS. Central Machine Works, IV. r. CUMMINGS, Proprietor, NOS. 131 & 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST. l.AHOlSTUlt, I'A. ENGINES, BOILEKS, WACUINKUy, SUArTINGS, PULLEV8, 11ANUEA3, de IBONANDBUASS CASTINGS, WOOD AND METAL PATTEUNS of Uet Quality. Largest and Pest8trck In Lanoasteref Cast Iren and Malleable IlUtngs, Ilrars and Iren talves and Cocks, bteam Gauges, Salely Valves, Try Cocks, Water Uauges, (iate Valves, Lubricators, ana nteum Ui eds la general -!lepitilng promptly done, becena-htnd Ei glnes, Hellers ana Machinery Bought and bold. GOOD WOUK. BEASONABLE OUABQE8. PKOUITNESS. sTMem Chant e In Address. daet-Ud