rr!. py "jtv :T33 ,k i ;Tvf5f,v -;r T. a.1.V -C ti' n- . p - 1ST" rARDN.SElLSDEAD. T BKMORUBAOK Lima. K ,-t J : ! Bis career en el tha I aa im ttsunbtt Bmlga During , ar Paaniylvanla by the rM-Th fllcrl le Parade. IIU, Jeb 27. Edward N. Seal. ImmpUtyrt tfet) rinsylvanla rall- l ea TMaaaj ue nema ei hm ,Mt. Jaflaraea Gilbert, en Seuth ar Cherry. The doeeaxd H M Slat ytu et his sure and hi death MM dj Hemorrhage! of the ineg. r Mtriag la tha war he came te Celum- lai eMaUwtt MaplOTaaent In the Fenn- raureaa ami wm toen promoted kit eOBdncter. Be remained In town 1 ws, when be moved te Phlladel phis ieaa poaiuenon the Mew yetk He waa employed there until tMay. when alekntai compelled Mm te tm. ub returned te town and naa wQaed te hta home ever since. the war he served in the bistres! Penn. Volunteer, and waa dla- ! afeMfed ta ISC. When the Columbia "-MWM threatened by the Confederate Ma old guard dnty and waa one el as te leave the bridge. Ue waa a that of Pert Ma 56, a. a. B. end of the conductors. A wife and two l. Harry Stall and Mrs. Jeflersen , anrrlve. The funeral will be held I Jtrfcfay afternoon at 3 o'clock. Her vice fjlahetK.eharch and Interment In Mt L Bethel eeaetery. m. Clark's Parade. 'OaMeaday evening the clerks of town will bold a condolence parade, en account eJefceftUlure of the early closing move Mat. The elerka are compelled te remaln twerknntllalate hour, and every sum ,sjmt attempt an early closing movement, taiaiwcya meet with failure. The parade Will be headed by the Metropolitan band, eat banner will be carried with the In MrtpUea: "We are late, but we just get awt of the store." Their hata w 111 be deco MM With Hamburg edging. f Personal and Other Nete. Mra.JehaA. KauQman, of Mechsnlcs Mrg, Is the guest of Mrs. L O. (JUL vhUaeAmolUFry.apupllef the Millers Millers Millers yttleaoheol, has been brought te the home as her aunt, Mra. C. Uambright, in a sick Kdith Brnbaker, has relurned i from Frederlek. city, Md where ahe fee beaa attending school, f Dr. Gee. H. Kehler and wife, of Phils- eWyhla, who are driving te Gettysburg, ,eypea at the Tremont house last evening. 'jMaia. P. Emmerlne, living en Cherry street, had a severe fall en the pavement & ilwtTMlng, sustaining (a palnf nl bruise te b, Mr hip. Dr. IHrntueltel attended her. :5 Geerge Zerger, living en Seuth Third treat, had the thumb of his right hand i beAlyeut last evening by an axe falling en vifc ; 'The LTk club, com pc nod principally of ;iaMnbera et the G. A. 11, will go te Gettys- 3fcaig te-morrow for a camp of six days. '':t TM O. H. S. are sncndlnir the dav nt the fc, J-PW opposite Chlckies. t& r gsuj2sj IVUlUMUUDi Ul IUU UUIUUU 'Jsagl Will parade this evenlug headed by ;tlp MMropellUn band. The commandery 'WlU gote Mount Gretna te-morrow. p -,V' Tae ueiumbia Jiiue eiuu lieiu incir yweesiy praciioe en meir range ycsieruBy ' &ssenoeB .aiThe Saleme Lutheran Sunday school will ; ftenlc at Utile en Thursday. fr Fater'a convent will be held en Thursday top, SB. ''p'.The Bussell Missionary soclety of Trinity lltktBM church will meet this evening. Mistical and literary programme will be gtrea. v;",Aepeclal meeting of Gen. Welsh pest ( AwlU be held en Friday attorneon te attend I 'the funeral of Edward N. Seals. Qnalte centres are being placed In the .; gattere at Third and Union streets. t Hen. H. M. North, hsa given the Molre- jf,-, ,peuiaa nana feo, ierisisi in pnymg ler tneir 5.ftew uniform'. . iy' Officer Sehlll arrested four tramps for fC'ttatpasslng en the preperty of V. S. Blelz. ,tv uquire Bouy sent them te jail ter lite Unya - vf . mm this morning. liffi Msllla Grav was linfnrn .f nulrn Hnllv frr kt MlratV nt (hn nnanf. nrttlnrrtul hv AnnlA ' -a T&wrennA. rrim naan wnn Antillnuntl fy A Dear's Hide. &? A XaAV 1T1 m ntlrra,t AnnlnnitmnlAil A trnnii iV deal et excitement en Water street at an I' . early hour this morning. A gentlemnn who fc U lBr number or years had a larse stuffed Wbleb steed In front of his stera Teadeyhesoldeut his entire stock and ,',)'lkl net knew what te de with the bear, 4BFt.. .araa Mf.AwkSMWitn Minna. ,a min I1 rnWAWVUl Un BUUAUUa ntMUUUU IU liuiiaU ' sssslaa "Enhrata" secured It end rosnlveil te f':;lsTTe some fun. The engine was attached 'W tee. freight trale, which passed through W 7 HHWWIIjr imj ii tvajr iu (uiuxjr viiiv, veiwvvu ; wma u e'ciccx mis morning. The ,Jfesr waa atandlng en the large hhweiper In front of the englnn looking watyBaree and lifelike. The men, women , sMslehlldren en Water street thought the .amlaul was alive. Seme did ml knew t What it waaandone boy sworelt was the ;IM devil. llsalhs Iu IliA NerlhArn fiitt f 3 Gideon lleyer, well known resldent of ,?.. HlnkletewD, died en Tuesdsy, nged 70 y'yeare. He was aelzed with crampon Men. j; ;sjey evening and uied early en TucsJay TiMwrttlng. T$,MUm Mellinger, of Kphrata, died en Kgaa nay sviicr a lingering nines irem oon eon oen r ijr.eeujepuen. He was 30 years old and leaves its wit and several children. gijt wsarly licit u ou a Het Hay, gte I Petersen, H. J., a well known young S,., butcher durlnc one of the recent het iIbvh r;j- eameneax fre7lng te death. Ue entered - mm tg j-emgeraier at an store te getoeoied ; eft The deer banged te. the BDrinir.ieck ;a,tsmepped and he was a prisoner In a polar it wiuwii.ir, &ii iiin euerts te gel out or . .1- naaka himself heard tuuirntvl fmtiiA nnH ! ifm wm beoemlng numb from the oeld 5 wis tnree neura isier, his employer. nun, looked for nud found him )y dead from the cold. if n- lwpreilDg Their btere. if,Hager& Brether have leased a piece of 'wSWOUBdlntherear et Ne. l!U ami m u'... E.Xtacatraet, en which they will erect a W . halkskisr which will be connexien .u. ,'Jthsar store te accommodate tbelr bus). .MM. in reeking the txomtlena for l'.Vm foutdatlen of this bulUlng ue v wewmen came across a ucep well whleh , i r k ism been oevered up for many years. Cles eftli fuhlle Schools. v The publle eobeola were closed te-iir.v P WUhent any formal exercises. The com- t.. Msaeeaeni exercises win be held at Fulton hell en Friday morning, when a large yi euss will be graduated. Under the new Sl-C".ttAB llAA 1II hd ulftMMO. n a. ... .- twenty of the graduates. The Nw0tMlceuiLaii, j.; The Litrebe Bteel company, of I'Jillade! IJUm, eepltal fOOO.000, was chsrlered by the departmtnt en Tuesday. ; V? '' Mute uelng bem. Tm morning a carload of deal mules hoei in Fhllsdelphla passed lUteeah thU cltv. Thev wmrn n,. t ta tkelr bennes te spend vacation. f J IHatUJall. t atarr ifenmtn. bb m riinn.ir , SSI f.'. .TI.,,1, ,nU "onhene, was MM te Jell tnts taarntaB'i, vr... J.. kfftrlOdu., " "" 'u B"'l TIIE Te DIM TSts Krsalat. The lawn fete at SL Mary's ehnreh closes this evening. There waa a large crowd there taat evening. The Ssa or Oblivion would long since have swallowed up 80ZO DOT In common with se many forgotten teeth pastes and eentlf rleta, did net the ex perlenee of a whole nation prove, that It pos sesses signal advantage. U thoroughly cleans the teeth, dissolving ana removing their Impurities i It revive thelrfadingwhlte ness and strengthens thelrrelaxlngholdnpen thslr sockets I It renders colorless, uleeratea gums hud and healthy l n" besides nentral Iflng an unsavory breath, Inveits It Willi lis own rrag ranee. Telephone Oonntctlen, V. r. miner A Sens, Ne. 1M North Water street, is connected with the telephone ox ex change. DEATHS, William U. Derwart, aged years. The relatives and friends of the family, alto Lancaster Ledgo, Ne. 63, K. of P., and inland City Ledge, Ne. Si, are respectfully Invlted te attend the funeral, from the residence et Miss i uerwan, no. ail West Walnut street, en Thursday attorneon at 5 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd UARKKTH. Mew Yerk Market. Naw Tem. June 87 rienr market sUftdyt rine.f2lMjiM. Bnperflne, 13 4)03 001 Minn Ext7Uii05, Wr "" , 0. Ml Winter W heut extra, 12 75Q5 SM. Whoat-Ne. 1. Ked, Blale. Wet No.J.IKej 10. 2, Ued, Winter, .Inly, KiWei August, 87oireeolpUKiMOt shlpiiontsTtes E8l. " H Jaly.MXas Anauii, 6JKei receipts, 1!,J) shipments, 13,7Jf .a0,rNaJ' Mt, net Ne. S. de, R WehlSmrflS'ia?' Jn'y' 3'e roeo,,,U' Bye dull i Btaie 74c Muriey nominal. Ferkrintett Dirt Mmh.ih 14 se Larddullt June, (8 tot July,.s 4S Molasses dull; ler 80 boiling stock. IDWc. Turpentine eay at .'KWd Kesln dull 1 1 stmlned tugoed, II ItQII 17. retroleum dell i Kenned In ussmT BXe. JTrelgbu dell grain te Londen, jwe Butter steady i Western Creamery, naWte. Cheese dull Wostern Flat 7abJc.j ggs e)n utttU), lCKci Western, UK eusnuuij uennoe cnuear, 8c Qranula. led.TKc. Tallew qiileij rnme ctty, 4c. ti ii'iiiiiiHi.uareuna.xai (niilnaltC&rrllnfL.fAlrti.nni kia Coffee dull i Fair Cargoes. ter Ule. il.e. r.te Rteck Market. Cnioieo, .InnntT. CattleUecelptn, 7.SC0I 5. .''. '!!!,"," U"L rnarknt irregnlart lieevns, M waoeOj Mtnckers and feedeia. Si 250176 tTeoeapo1 na wlxua ' tc0;l 0 1 Tns Hogs UmselpU, 11.000 headj shipments, 109 1 mnrki-t Btrengj mixed, v, fiuea 70: heavy 3 cjflJ b'l ltgtxl, a ki3 07 plJ, 11 10 Bhebp Itneeipui. 4,oeo head i hlpmenU. 1,030 1 market nlewj mulfiif, 3 tin ei ''Hill. II 7:(2I7S; tn.u1r. tl li. . ,..i.. ei iA JDO. '""- "' . 4ST Lissirrr. CatUe KeeelpM. ISO , shtpmenU, 111,'.; market vcrydulli ihadnetr irem ytsii rflav's prices ; no curs sblpped te Mew i erk te day, Uegs-lteccipi, ree hnadt shipments, 600 : murkel nlew I'blladelphlas, as xsa nuej mixed, IS 7e te i Yorken, e5ei70i common te fBlr, AMXS t0 pigs. S5W)123: no cars shipped te New Yerk te-day. Hhoep-HcculptH. 1100 1 sblpinunts, CBOOl n-s-'ket nnn prime. II 2T,qi 65 i fair te i"-d, 1W)OI . common, llQlbi lambs, It 3 Q 0 Ze Chicago rreduea Marker, nmitAUO, .1 line 27, 0 30 a m, Markntopnned. Wheat June, BOHe I July, WHO.! Aug,, SuXoiHppL.bOJie. 8o"?C0Je.UO' U JUlJr' 'M,i A"g' B00' Oat'sJ ui.0. SlJde. t July, tlc. Aug , MKc I BCpt. 20c ll.M""' ""' JUl7' '" ",AUKUBt ctesiwa. Wheat-J une. HOJJe , J uly.gexc (Aug.. bee ; Beptexe"0' 4,'''Ci Jnly'4Ba' Au' '"J0' Bepue"0' Ke ',u:y' 81WC"! B' " W&felfie' JBS61' A- wK."BPra xei Ju,r' ,3 !5! A,,g-' bhiirt uibR-Junn 17 tO; July, 7ft) Aiir,7Wjaei)t..r7J(l. Oram and trrovuiens. rnrntntma by H. K. Yundt, llreker. (Juuuue, Jude 27, l.OO o'eloctr p. m. Wlieat, corn. Oii'. 1'erk. iJirfl. June S2 July 7v iVi llt.r,. sti A.UKUBI 7DK VnklSIU H Si Bepienibflr tvvj &u VAl 13.B0 b.w Doccmber Six limdeeu iiy Console in i.j, Closing l'rlces-2 o'clock p. in. Wlient. Cern. Oate. 1'erk. 1 nrd. June ' 4S w Ufa 8 se July wrti 4 H is ni n Angmit Mi 4'JK 2jJ 11 7J 8 SI sopiemlior .... BUS' tH ' 13 it s.40 UecetnlHir .. .. 8: " Cruduuil iii,e Uocelpu. Cur Lets Wlnter WheM , a Spring Wlieut ji Cern ,,, jm "a" bS itye littrluy ., ... Head. lloenlntn lloerK..,, isifie Uccnt.U-L'ulUu WfiW New Yerk Blocks. Naw Yerk, Junu27, lp, lnUoney closed at IK par cunt. ; Exchange unlet ; posted retas, II 8.XOI WKt actual rates II H7fJ 4 87Viferiflauy8 and aiEuattuxier demanai UoTernmunts cloied xteady t currency O's, II 10 bid i t'a coup , II 2 1 IJi's de, II 071i. bid. Tite stock market this morning opaned very dull, ivlille the 1'nctiiattens lu prices wie sligtit, '1 he enenlnir was weak and f run. tienally lower, Imt after the Brst hall hour thore 11.8 seinii liuylng or 8t. raul, New Kng. land mid Pullman t'alace, and by neon prices hud odMuiced i te 2 per cent. The market haselnce Leen extreuiely dull The sules ter the u ernliig BgBiegated only 17,700 slmrcn. Hterk ntarkau. UuntatlniK by Keed, McUranu, A Ce., bank. ew, Luiictwier, I'll. K1IW TUSt LliT. 11 x. m. 12 ii. 3 r m, Canada 1'ucinc O. O. 0.4 1 Colerado Ceal Control I'ncltie , Canada Sen tli inn Chi, bt I,. & rtig Den. A Kin (1.... tnl. LA W -trie Kneiuda Jer C it. t .;;: Leu.A N L. Shern Mich Cen ..., MlsMmr! l'nddc , HockVelloy M X x 7J" 21 ii 21 4'IK a.i teK 10 1-"H si ' llf'K P HI Mil '2. 11 7i tu 105)J 10IM I? M 1W M'?. 5.v ."" ' w l'i N.West H6',.- im)? JJ.Y.O.... leiQ in)2 Newkuxland X ajl . i". rmt WW East Tuuuoaace.. Omahn Oregon 'lrunsjiortatlen. Ontario A W Jf 2JH racinciui.il lucnmena Terminal v.'K st. llvul uiij Texas 1'acine w Union l'acltlc 6j' Wabash Cem., ,, ,. Wabusni'rul Western U 7Jv West8horeltonds PBlLADSLl-Uli MBT. Leh. Vel.... k.,n.y.a l'hua ;;: 22 f tui; 13i tnK Lek. hav llestenv. 1-uss N.cent , I'oeples l'ass.. f:::v.v:.v.v:. rhlla. Traction .'.V.'.'.'.'.', MX 2H 46, is . .20 tV-10 K b'J'4 7. JVAW A D VKlt TlMCUKKTiL " WANTKO-A WOMAN WANTM A . ailuallen. Candeanvkinrt .fl..' weik Apply at - . w, ..uilSl. 11 N0.4I2 1.0WBTUKI V. VTOTlt'l' AttentteD, Youner Democrats. II member el iheYoungUen's Democrats C'lub whu desire te accompany the delegatca te the National Couenlleu of DemecrailS Clubs te be luld at llalilmere. Julyl will pleose call ou or address the jecta'ry bVo.Tce! , ' ' Bcc'etary. 4Q.RANIJ CONCERT TUI3 liVXNl.SO ATTUK Commercial Hetel, BY PKOr. UUitaXK'S OIICHKSIIU OP TKN llerguer A Kngel's Tannhaeuter and Uael. ifr't Uubeuiliu Beer en up. . OUliiA KKND1G, ltd m and lis North quseu strtit, LAKCASTER DAILY NEW AD VMR TJBKMKATit. B AKINU POWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. 0 Absolutely, Pure- THIS powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesemenoss. store economical than the ordinary kinds, and can net te sold In com petition with the multitude of low test, short welght, alum or phosphate powders. Held enlu in cans. lterL IUkixe 1'ewDi Ce., 100 Wall Street, Mew Yerk. ly 18 yd Aw K TEAK OLD 1'UHE KYE WU1HICY 73CKNTSAQUAUT Qn illty unsurpassed for the money. UOIIUKIt-8 LIQUOUBIOUC, Ne. 22 Contre Square, Lnncaster, Pa. NEW HTOOK OK CaNKH. ALLBTYI.KB ANU LOWEST 1MIICK8. UI1IUTHM CHI All BTOKK, ... Ne. lllKast KlngHtroet. mW established, 1770. reb29-WA3litfd DON'T FOKOET THE DANOINQ Bchenl Beclslile te-morrow (Thumdsy) evenlnr, June 2, In Unlhfrnlltir's Hall. Ad-mlsslon-Ments, 25et Ladles, loe. Ne improper characters tdmltted. 1 id ANOAHTEH MINNEHOHOK. The semi-annual mcollngel the Lancnv Ur Mirnnorehor will be Held at thelr hall this ( Wodneftday l ovenlng at 9 o'clock, ler the pur pose et electing efllcur. By order el the prts IdenU U UENB.YBCHMIDT. Bccretary. E MAKE A Hl'EUlALTY OF ... 'Hh Orade 1'e'lshlng of ltrass, Copper or Whlle Sletal, as well as plating It. !ll work warranted and ptlces innderniii, at Illicit HILLICU'H I'LATINM V.OHK8. ap2I-6wdtt 130 North MatkotBtreot. UK GOLDEN LION AND MIA QUE III DA Be C1M A It are Clear Havana, hand made, In boxes of U'n nnd loe's. DlSUUTII'MCIUAHBTOUK, , HI Kast King ftiroeL KsUtbllthed 1770. te-WASlltld THE ULAOK DARKEN HPK1NOS llOUSK Is new prrpared te receive ? uests. Meed rooms, feu) te lluoe per week ave Lancaster ler llalneg station, via. Cel. umbla, ate Ma. in. er6 Mp. in. Carriage will betn WHlilugenly en iiriivieim notice of day and train. CIllllHllK UU.MUKIKJKll, JuneBlmWAl Manager. UU1IL10 NOIIUK NOTICE 1H BlVen that thn vlnwnrn nn. A hnreby pelnU'd by councils te view und ussuss en the inuiMjiij uwimra ma cim ei me construction nfftHOwur in Nerm liuke Btreet, irem neir Kast Jamei street te KiiHt clay gtrret.wlll iiiuetenMONlJAY, JULY 2, 168:1, nt 10 o'clock a. in , at the corner of North Huke and James strcnla. eM-Ml G HEAT CLOSING OITHALE or Musical Merchandise "hoot Music, organs, Ae.at alineHi. coil. JCjerytlitngMUBT UK HyL,u until Suturflay Nlgbi, JiineDO. , . W. I). MOSSKH'SMUSIU BTOKK. le 72t Ne. 131 M.O.ncuiibt, Lanct s ler. Pa. HO FOR HASH FIHU1NO I The brat and most cemnl risiiing-iaosielntown-ltods, llenl. rieatn. Lines, nooks, itn , at lowest prices. Pelui nnil Hed Mountings In great variety. ,. "J?, "Jfer'nK.Kreat epeclal bargains in Jointed IIeiIh and llcnlf. rUAlLKVaKASTKNI) I'll A KM AC Y. (Opposite Kostern Market,) VeineiiOer, woure iKadquattcrj ler fishing Tucl1"- M.W.YAw F MI'lVAL. LAWN FESTIVAL. WUl 'JS.W1 en tne 1 nwn f the I'lltST 1IAP- TH f CHU HUH Kaat Cliealnut 8t ,) TIIUUSDA AND KUIDAY KVKN1NUH, .limn? 1, Hurt mm. -Ailinl89len l'roe. Jn27 2t PROCLAMATION. i7..-N1Uce ' hereby Rlven that llin ordl erdl ?nD?J?T Inventing uccldiint by me and the hotter Ipmaonatlen of order In the city, nnd prohibiting the Bale or casting! hrJ.1w,VlK?r,"rl".1,".'l",b9' roeketa or etli-r llrowerks.befoni the Sil.ithandOlhdayer July wl llin airlotlyenforcod. The said eidlnance entirely preblbiu the firing et guns or ether nrearmj.er ilu HOlllng.eastlng. throwing or nrlngohiser r ether fireworks epemtlng a similar minnir, within the IIiuIIheI the city. je-iuta KOW- KuuKI' v. y J0-JWta Siayer. .ar- a - ..... .. . u&m.Ml,al,te 'r Souven"- Oemi audT'e 1CK WOOL-AH slmdes! sce what it la n,11.11 U,.,i10. 'fet joed ud the thought suggested Is oeollng. f hat'a worth a KR??,i,,a,a,,,,"ln xb0 thonnetnqtir I. lS thS nineties. Nocharge te loll you all uliPutlu Mil!. K. M. WOOD Wm IIII, UtaiSlvdWAS -'H Hast King St. HOP WEATHER. Het Wealber Underwear, Etc. Chliilreii'a tlaura Vesta. 10 te1sinrchea0 t,a'Uuiure '. ! rrents, The best urtlcle for lnfnntH ,'i,!l,oa',UttU!'9audLl9leThr.wd Vests. V5c up ,h.rf WJ;'!?..81""'. COII. cuir8.6uand7.'V unnts. cellars and 1 pair upward.01 aQa F'atuicl 8uI,t3' . ". .W and McenV! K0Ular Uaae "030, UK, 17. 25 te W cents, a 'l.f ai,nut'lin stiinmnr Susienilern. 15c Alie the Coiehrated Wlre lluckel eusponder. Linen and Hint llaudliorehlefa. uuuer' liHUdanna llaiulkerchii u. I.lnen Cellars and CulN. Ladlos'Cellau and Cutr and Uimhlng. ALL AT I.OWKST CA8U PUI0K3 JOHF S. GIYIEB, 0 & 8 North Queen St, m , M LANCASl'KU. PA. marlO-lv-flAw "' Bl'lNO FOil CASH AlTvVAYa HAtSjU UONKY. This Is se. generally GRABILL'S, The Original and Only Cash Grocery IN I.ANCASTKi:. Uoedsarosoidciia Caah mvpln t nel only ... H.T. . n--'-w.Bii wlwllCii, ... uiuer in uaicu trade, bit uv.irvurtlcln i buiubi, lowest possible pilmi Th what many people call "the fhunei "? i, , ' ' 5"j' lnl and Oely Ca! Jsy.LY In :e & liuckew at 4lic lomenallaruii Caahtlmi-nrir. cldodlycheap. "" "l Viu Rftl" a- llASKll'd hoot HKEU KVrilACT-Oni. , Hlre!iT8c,a "" ,"Mk0, 'y I heTtl.0', Dl.83lOATEl( Prepared COCOANUT, very J Ice, only 15e n ft II that U uet cbiun ler h iliet-clas anlcie, what Is T ""icncup iera K5iil (Ck" beaPeIt Laundry Seap in thU wri1-u.t-a.cu'"eeBW0lhsafc. " Bl,'ulne aft. "le ralner ' Nice irult, se onl'yie'tt'i"'8 ttr0 cheal6r' y'ne quallly NORTHWESr CORNER lHJICE AND VINE HTREETH. I rxelephene. Open eyerv evenin COMMENCEMENT ! i7....,.!,'nJ?." te. "'0n which may lm adopted, te rendijr this closing et the school llfn of 0 young lrlends a jnyem occasion A trlile ferKOUe0!!"' ulU,eu"h Iua. '" kluducas neie? ...?Jl"ou"' SISBUIT In ft Pickairna Re OINUKK SNAPS, very line, only Si Ta ft ' 8C nitYarAL I.UJli' hi Audi only Se a ft AHJ.VX u ,', LO.M P In 4 ft beies. ?ie. "tltlk O UlillNK Nil A 1 la stnanf rv evening wiHyair.WAr INTELUGENCEIl. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, A'JUf ADrMRTJBBMKTtTa. ALL TBS KKQU181TK8 FOR BAHS irithlng in the way of Llae. Leaderi. Keels. Ieat5, Heeks, rfiee, ana the TOteR sundie that go te make np an angler's outfit can be had at UUliLKYfioauuleTeM. . West Xing Btreet. 'VVMV-t. J30UOOLTAX, 1888-TBB DUPLIOATK KJ, Is new In the hands of the Treasurer. Offlee hours from 9 a, m. till I p. m. v.... W.O.MABH ALL, Treasurer. mie-tfdg Me. II centre Square. WANTKD-ONE THOUSAND OliD Common Pigeons. riKLIS BHOB.. Jelt'Imd Uhrutlana, Pa. CITY TAX, 188S-THE OITY TAX DU plicate la new In the hands or l he City Treasurer for colleeUon. DfJlce hours, B.00 s.sj Mil 00 ! sxm. J.Il.KATUrON, 16 " Ctty Treasurer. WANTED AUENT8 FOR OUK NEW Campa'gn Heeks. Kxpertenced men are making irem 110 te lira a week. U.S. WKKNIK. . . , Ne. 723 Chestnut BL, Philadelphia. J261wd IV1DEND NOTICE. FAIIKSRS' WlSTSRIf MARKST CO, ( June 20, less. ( The Heard of Directors have this day de clared a dlvldend of tnree per cent., payable en the nrst day or July, IN, at the nillce of the treasurer. ioiet ni. ma ii,n;u JOHN II. FHY. junrctta tec rotary. JACOB V. rJUEAFFER'U PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) MO. ISOKNTJtK SQOAUB. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 18 UERK by given that tha viewers appointed by Councils te view and assess en the preperty owners the ceit of the construction of a sewer in North Queen street, Irem Penn Square te Kast orange street, will meet en Tuesday. Julys, 1H38, at 10 o'clock a. m , at Zahm a cor ner. JtiOSld M ART1N BROTHERS. Tns Newest Ncglege Fer Beatinp or Beaching MeuntainiDg or Oycling. Shirts in Uauze riannel In Whlle and Colerr. Very Light and Dressy. Scotch riannslr. in many colors and very 'soft, 11 te te 3 03. rian nel Bhlrl, te be deponded en for satisfactory service, but net seflne, 4Cc, Wc,tas,8lc,ioe, ll.lt). Ne mere Dressy Bulls te be get than our Vlannels, Pergo and Cheviots, 110.00 and 112.00 for menj Wee and 13 01 for large boys t and I3.S0 and 5 oe for little boys. Ne cooler and strenger either. A lively tlmoamengour Hosiery and Under wear. Most Desirable Styles and Popular Lew Prices is the Keynote. A big cholce of Het Woather Coots and VsU, Yeu're sure te be sillied, many de lighted, l'rlces the Smallest. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing und Furnishing flood, 83 NOUTU UUKBNST. w 1LL1AMSON A FOSTER. Summer Clothing. Prodigious Shewini 0K let Weather Clothing -reu- QENTJ, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Ueuts PengM Silk Coats and VeiU Hit I pod riannel Coats and Vests. Light Colored Kngltsh Sergo Coats and Vests. Light Weight Welsh Flannel. Plain and Fancy Patterns Coats and Vests. Deinet Flannel Coats and Vests, rut). Slrlped Sucraucker Ceata mil Vests, 11.00. 11.21, 11.50. Uert' Seeiiiucker Coats, 7Jc and 5c. Chltdreu's Alpaca Coats, 75c. Clilldren'u Shirt Waists In Light and Hark Colored riannel. rsney Porcule and Plain White, 25e tell i Children's Knee Pants, 31c te II 1 Williamson & Fester, 3a. u, a a as e. king st., I.aNUAbTKP, PA. BRANCH STORE, II VltltlHIUIUU. IM. J. H. MARTIN CO. f A Hush for the Twe Cent Dress Challlcs, advortlsed yesterday, closed them out ;befere noeu. We thought we had enough te supply the city. Tc-Merrow (Thuraday,) We will put ou our Counters Until Sold, ecr ONK THOUSAND Dress Patterns, ( from s te 11 YarCu te the Pattern 1 7 Cents a Yard, AM) CONSISTING OK DrAcic .QaTinec Dress Ginghams, Dress Batistes, Dress Crepes. Dress Seersuckers, Crazy Crepes,. Crinkled Seersuckers. -Notanyel tha abeve goelj ever sold at less than UKc. J. B. MARTIN & CO. nMW ADTMRTiaMKMXTB, m nVwj.m. trt NOT1CK-F1VK PKR OKNT. WILL b added te all water mm. t n.i et before June 31, isss. -.-.- i..n 3- H TureN, JeJMtdB CltyTrwuiurer. SPRING, 188S. Fine Tailoring. This U te Inform my customers that I am B?w J?r"PJrea. le show tbem an Assortment of spring suiting ana Trewsering that tannet The Latest 'Novelties In Spring Overceating Of my own Importation and confined styles. H. OERHART. NHLiSi28.H,!;B"by eiven THAT v f,y,e,?.Ii2w.,DBael?r,bIcny Bends are f-.SVi.'SiJSt ,0f the Binklng Fund of Ue Issue, authorized by ordinance anm-evMi B..C S. a . r.X ' 11 at four ner cent. Of theSerlosef FIveleTwcntv Year, rial Nes. 27, 38, 89, 40. st, One 1 hen sand DeHara each i e. 2 1, fl. 24, ,, m, 2;, i !". sjl Ig a Hundred Dollars each I Nes. B. 4. 12. 27. ts in Se. do.Ia'rieacn!6'M'8a'1 l 1M: TbeabovenumberedbonOswlllbeprerenUid JK.5?,lIS?5tyl,l., ?fflce n or before the first day of July. 1838 1 Interest en said bends will ceaf e en mat date. leMUIIJyll jtew. KUOKitLKr, Mayer. OriOK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT In compliance with an ordinance, an. proved March 18, 1687, for the levy and oelloc. lien el a license tax within the cltvef Laneaa. ter.-for street .purposes, en all hacks, cabs, coaches, omnibuses, four-horse wsgens. two horse wagons, local delivery, drays, caru, ether vohieles, street railway car, telegraph telephone, and electric light poles. Is new due and payable at the eftlce el the Ctty Treasurer. Any person falling te takeoutallcensoor refusing te pay the license tax required by sold ordinance, or who shall violate any of the provlalensof any section thereof, shall sub. Ject the offender, in addition te ttie imme diate forfeit or his lloente. te a penalty of Ave dollars for oath and evnrv offense. , ,, .. J.H.KATHKON, Jell 2wd city Treasurer. Wiil VH O rAUUlOtt, AMTRIOU'8 PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Our Jersey sale is in its height new. People have found out that we mean te sell them. Refer te our price list in this paper of the 2 1 stand 2 2d, and then call en us. It will pay you well. Our Jersey department has been removed te our ground fleer. Very convenient. Additional room has been given te the display of Ribbons. We have placed a large table with two lets of Ribbons at bar gain prices. Let 1. Ne. 9 and 12, all-silk, Satin and Gres-Grain Ribbons, also Ne. 9, Metered In picot and crown edged, all-silk. Price 1 5c a yard. Let 2. 5, 6 and 7 inch Fancy Ribbons, embree, striped and satin edged, gres-grain and moire, in all the newest shades, formerly 75c te $1 a yard, price new 50c a yard. Sweeping reductions in Tips. One let of colored Tips, re duced te iec a bunch. One let of fine colored Tips, formerly $i, reduced te 50c a bunch. One let of fine Tips, formerly $1.25 and $1.50, reduced te 75c a bunch. One let of shaded Pompon Tips, formerly $2, reduced te $1 per bunch. One let of Black Tips, re duced te 25c a bunch, former price 50c. Come early, else some of these bargains will be gene. Children's Sailor Hats, re duced te 14c. Ladies' colored union Milan and Fancy Straw I Iats, formerly 50 te 75c, reduced te 25c. Ladies' fine Milan Hats, for merly $1.50 te $2.75, all re duced te $1, in white and col ored. New bargains in Swiss Em broideries, 22-inch, at 37, 45, 50 and fee a yard. 45-inch Skirting, at 39, 50, 65, 75c and $1 a yard. come and see them ! Our whole stock of Parasols reduced te cost price. ASTRICH'S P. 0. F., Lancaster. MAUUINKRY. QE.NTRAL MAt'UlNE WORKS. Central Machine Works, W. i LTJIMINOS, Proprietor, NOS. 131 A 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST. 1.AN0ASTKII, l'A, KNUMKS, UOII.KKS, MACUINKUY, SIIAITINIIS, PULLKYS, 1IANUKH3, .te 1UDNAN1) lilt ASS CASXINd.1, WOOD ANU iUTAL PATTKUNS Dl llest Largest and licet Stock In Lancastoref Cast Iren una Malleable lutings, lira; and Iren taives ana coots, mcam Gauges. Snreiv ...uuai.B. nuu eiuiiiu vnKju, jn general SVUupalllng promptly done, becend Engines, llelluia und Machinery Ueugbt hlnll neught and seid U0ODWOUK. UKAMIlfAKLK C1IAUOKS. PllOMPrNKiS. -.Selu tl.unge lu Address, decs ttd BOOTS A.XO SJIUK.S. SOMETHING N1UE Fer Little Meney. We have a very nue llutten Bhoe ler ladles In Pebble ueit, llrlght Klfl, or hid Pexed and OIote Ten, Werki uiuvu ion. ivurhe.i . .. TI" ... llutteu Heles, which we sen at fi.03. A full linn nf KI.1 nml Itrlfrt.t Ilninla II-. ford Ties and Opera bllnpei s. We claim te soil as cheap as any hruse In Lancaster, und would beplraaodte tme you compare our prlce i with thoseou hue been paylug. VM. H. GAST, JunllydWAr NO. 105 NOUTII gLECi( 8T, 1888. trmw ADVMSTISMUKMTB, White INDIA. LINON, , FRENCH NA1NZOOK, ENGLISH NAINZOOK, MASALIA, LINEN LAWNS, INDIA MULL, BARRED LAWNS, FLA1D LAWNS, DOTTED SWISS. LIUD.T AND DARK GROUNDS IN INDIA BILKS AND TRICOTINE9. HAGER & BROTHER, NOS. 25 AND 27 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. UMW SfUOJMS. "TEW YORK BTORE. r WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 te 10 BA.8T KING BT. slake It thctr study te provide goods ter all sort .of weather. An oztemlye assortment ei MEW WABH OH ALLIES. Exact ceple et the finest French designs, grlti toil en cream ground with tin best colors newn te ibe printer's att ats, 7, 8 and 10 cents a yard. Wehs.re been frequently complimented en our choice Une of nuest FRENCH BATINH3. The styles are untrue, the colors all that can be deslrud, and the price always the lowest. AMERICAN BATINBS In choice styles, copled from the new rrcueb dcxlgns, superior quality, 12Xeayard. PRINTED BATISTES In Cream and Whlte Grounds, 8, le. uw cents a yard. " ORAZY CRAPES, 10 cents a yard, sold everywhere aU?X. KTery desirable Btyle In the new TO ILK 11U NelU, ezcollent quality, 1JH cents a yard. BLACK BILK MITTS nre new In great de mand and we are prepared te supply eveiy want. ,.A.SP,clal ,J,.arealn In ALL BILK LACK M ITTH only 12X cents a pair. '""I niiiii aii its, excellent Quality. 20 centganalr. JKKSlCY S1I.I C MITTS, pointed back, 23 cents a pair. New Yerk Stere. STRAW HATS. GEr READY FOR VACATION AND the Soasbere. Tourists and Excursionists Will rind It Much te their Advantage In So Se lecUnga Trunk or Traveling Bag Te Kxamlne the Large and Varied Assortment Shown .by Stauffer&Ce. TRUNKS -All Stzps and All Prices from 11.00 up. .IUAVKLlNb 11AG.S Iren Cue te I1&.CO. Special Trunk for I.adtrg, with an extra tray for dresses. Quality and Price ttuaran teed. s OUULINK OP SUMMER HATS Was never larger and we guarantee you a cool head when we give you a hat weighing SXez. Sueharethe" 11USION lUCAUTlKS." u AH.J'Mi'AJ"8 LatostBtyles In BTUrr AND JV Don't feraretthat wn lnvn nn nvAntnlr of straw Uats and are new Beiling laeiaat Closing Out meet. STAUFFER & CO., K08. 81 33 NOUTU QUKKN HT. BABY OAR BJA OX8. J-J. INN M BHBNKMAH. 100 Different Patterns -or- BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FL1NN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Refrigerators UAVK NO IKQUAL. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne le2 North Quean StreBt, LAMCA8TJCU PA. FOR HALM OR RRNT. EOR RENT-ERONT AND REAR baaemjnt under llirsh A llre.'s Clethlna Stere i irent ene suitable forsheemaker shon shen rarsu table ter eating beuse or grongreeerr JuI lma contre Square HOUSKSKORHAI.E ON THE MOST liberal terms, ou Weit Chestnut. WaJ. Ap Ii ' ry' l'lne ttna Charlette streeu. mlS-tmd S01 NOKTU 1IAUY BTBXKT. jlVIH itCXMX ritual Al'KlJj 1, 1888, 10 R RENT ju loreneorateroaof years, the Strasbnnr Uallread, with cool and Lumber Yard. Ware- house, Locomotive and Cor ; all In geed and running order. The lease of this valuable anions, rent or ether Information apply te Smiiiiiij Goods VM Goods! CLOTHlmi, SO. JEROHANT TAILORING. MERCHANT TAILORING -AT- EOMKNKWITUINQ8IN SUITINGS -AND- Treuserings 5?Ti!Peilln?,feJtuewarm season. We make SJf.SSS- e,rert te wndersausfaotlenioths customer In every case, -.- 1TULL LINES or Qeut's Summer Undeiwear generally011"' an1 Cntt" 8ncl urnlhlnas. iplSM' "tock ana ttlc" re- Gee. P. Rathven, .Ne. 25 East King St. Next Doer te the Lancaster County National liauk, I.ANCA3TKI1, PA. marlt-lvdAs H IRSU ifc BROTHER. Ibe RDsb CoDlinees! Saturday's storm was only eanaltd by Sat urday's ruth, te secure these Seersucker Coats aed Vests At si oe for Men and Heys. AND Flaemel Goats and Vests At 11 00, for Men and Beju. BETTER SEERSUOKERS. At 11.55, ll.W, H.75 and IICO. Muliairs, Drip d' d, ffilieienes, Alpacu, Coats iDd Vests, At the Very Lewest PUce. LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS, 4.5(Me 820. PKIHCK ALUKUTSU1TB, 111 te 118. 8COYC1I CIttVIOTBU ITS, HACK OBCUTA- WAY, $3.10, 110, 12. llOYV AND CHILUUKN'3 SUITS II DO tOU UNDKRWKAIt, UOSlKUi. KVKUYTUINQ IN yUUNISUlMUd. -A PLEASUUK TO SUOW TUKU.-W HIRSH & BROTHER, THH ONB-PRIOH Clothiers & Furnishers, COB. N, QUKKN SrUECT ANU OKNTltsl 8C1UAUK. LANCASTKB, PA. PARASOLS. K. A H. Ladies, Loek te Your Interests. We began the parasol season with an en tirely new stcctt. We want te de the same next year. And te that end offer Oreat Bargains In Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. Prlees are marked away down, and geed must go. Call and see Uargalns. R. B. & H., ThePeeple's Cash Stere JHU3, or UIHSI UAUalUAKUNXU, OMU Lancaster City, Ps. IxO. 11 KAST KINO SI. apr3-Sma