i- f--- - - , "iT.. jf", Tvv"Pr ta 'we 3'i 'V, t- ' -. " V f ' I."' vV. V, i K jHE liANCASTER DAILY INTErjJGEKOER WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1888. - . f - .'".i t SSi HAND TO HAND; By EEBEOOA HARDISQ DAVIS. tctepjnhtd. " " PART 1. The managing editor' patlenca was al most exhausted. "Positively, MaJ. Btaml. isb, I don't see that wa can And any room for anything- of yours in The Camera thla eek. Or any week," he added with an In ward oath te himself, glancing impatiently at the heap of "revises" waiting upon his desk. He did net take them up, heweTer, but steed eutwardlj respectful, for he wu young fellow, and Standlsli, though a notori ous bore, was old and white beaded. The major patted him patronizingly en the shoulder. "My dear fellow," Ja his most luscious, grandiloquent tone, "let me give you a bint I've been twenty years In the very thick and beat of American Journalism, and you are" but" a neophyte. Yeu want te make The Camera weighty? I call It dull, sir, dull Toe much respectability kills a paper. It needs a different class of articles something at ence forcible and light. Philosophic and vif, sparkling and well, de you take my meaning f "Something like that iu your hand, chP laughed Stinger. "Precisely. You've hit It," complacently twitching his white whiskers. "Ne. Net today, major. " "Suppose we try a short thing en Ihh culture? I've get nijself up en fishes thoreuzhlv." "The Times did that en Friday." The major steed a moment anxious and silent "TbU new asteroid, new! When I was en The Londen News, Griffin used al ways te say: 'Fer anything taking iu the scientific line, Dan Standish is our man. Don't want it, chl Who's doing that hong heng hong ingdewn in Delaware for you? I'll make you a two column job of it for (5, and pay tny own expenses. That read always dead beads me," Stinger toot up his proof "We sent a stenographer reporter this morning. We really have no use for you, MaJ. Standish," "Yeu never were mere mistaken In your llfe. Where j ou need me, my dear boy, Is te take charge of your reporleriol cerja. I'd make these lazy fellows tee the mark." "Mr. Stingcrl" It was the proprietor Mc Murray'a voice, which rasped through the room like the filing of a saw. He came te the deer of his olllce. A sandy, flat built Scotchman, te uhose making up nature bad grudged every atom of flush save in the one matter of a keen, red, tomahawk shaped nose. "Have net these proofs gene up yet? Yeu encournge tee many idlers in the olllce. ) V. 1.-. f.. ... i ' u. ivu uciu uguni, aiauuisiif ' 'Teil litre again, Stantllshf ' "Ah, Mr. McMurrayl A delightful morning, sirl" Tlie major beamed en him effulgent. Stinger and Withrow, the news editor, both drhing their pens furiously at McMurra's appearance, winked at each ether. The seedy major, with bis grand brawny build, his imperturbable suavity and bis dauntless lying, al a) s came off first best in tbese encounters. McMurray, in bis fault less black clothes, with all his backing of wealth and conscientious religion, seemed te feel himself thin and sour, and cowed before him. "I wonder," he said, with a sneer, "that with jour higher literary occupations, you can spare timu te besiege this olllce as you de." '"Pen my soul, I wonder, tee. New that is precisely nltut my publishers say te me. 'Wiite n book, Standish,1 they say. 'Take the public between the eyes with a knock down blew.' Then theso mogaztne fellow sin New Yeik and Bosten nre crying out every month for me te ceme te their help. But I like te see, the old Camera suc ceed, that's the truth." "The Camera Is under obligation te you." "Net at all. I'm glad te help build it up. I've a pride Philadelphia enterprise, sir a pride in it," lacking te the deer. "What I nave here, sir," touching his forehead, "was meant for mankind, net te barter for fame or money. By the way, have you seen that last little thing of miue iu the Westmin ster i" I "Ne, nor nobody else," savagely. " ' "Ah," j ou don't take the quarterlies? I'll send it te jeu. I'll send it te you. Geed morning, Mr McMurray, geed morning," "Keep that liar and braggart out of the efllce, Mr. Stinger," said McMurray In his coldest, clvllest tones; for when ether men would hae raged, bis sense of duty kept him quietest. He smoothed his face before geiqg back into olllce. Yeung Jehn Proc Proc eor was there, the clergjmau te whom Mc Murray's church, through his influence, bad just given a call. He had just ceme from the depot after two j ears' absence in the west, and McMurray was striving te de him honor iu his hard, ungeulal way. Procter bad been asoitef ward of his, and it was whispered about iu the etllce that McMurray would be glad te ba e him new for a seu in law. This church was his idol, and te bee his only child the wlfe of ene of its ministers was, In bis opinion, te inclese her in the pearly gates of salvation while jet alive. "The enice" felt n if the delicate, bright haired little heiress would be thrown away en Procter. "These ytnniless preachers knew hew te feather their nests," Stiuger bad said but a few minutes before. Mr, McMurray could net forget Standish when he went back te bis olllce. "Lazy old llehemlatil" he growled. "If you want the most disreputable ices, Mr Procter, alwajs leek for them iu en old man w he lives by bis wits " , "Who was itl" I "Standish the major. Yeu knew him." "What! Therer1 Procter dashed out into the olllce without his bat, and down the stairs, shouting, "Hille, major!" leaving McMurray astonished behind him. He took up his jen and began te write severely. Tlw carnal flesh was stronger iu theyeuugman than he had thought. Withrow, out of ca ca reosity, lounged down the stairs and found Jehn at the deer looking anxiously up and down the street. "Ah, Mr Withrow! de jeu remember me! Jehn Procter," wringing his hand in a hearty fashion which he used te hae when u boy. "I'm looking for a friend of mine, MaJ. Standish." "Yes? Maj Munchausen, we call him In the efllce." "He is a friend of mine," coolly. "The offlre does net knew him us well us I de, prebablj'." Withrow felt himself rebuffed, but only for a minute. "Theeld fellow has a cockloft et er a w are house semew here, w here be cooks for himself. Hew he lives, Oed knows. He has nothing new but the odd jobs we give him here lit the etllce. He's had nothing from us for two w eeks." "Is be alone! There was a little girl, or woman, ratherl" lVocter hesitated The story of the old major and Madellne was something w hlch be could net drag out be bo be fere this fellow. "Niece or something! She lltes Insome country town new, I bellete, and colors phe tegraphs. A. great artist, the major says, fcbe's a dull girl, I fancy. Women w itheut brains ha e te scratch bard for a H lug new days." Mr. Procter did net care te enter into the woman question. He steed whistling under bis breath, with some queer ideas iu bis cler ical bead, which Mr. Withrow would have hardly thought befitted it They grew out of tbrfimembcance of theso Saturday after noons when, for year after year, housed te escape from bearding school and repair te that same cockloft evtr the wariheuse, there te feel himself a Ujpsy or a Cruee for a few delicious hours. What a vagabond, uncer tain life it was) the poverty, the shifts, the fun. tbe inextinguishable Jollity and tender lore Mdw it alll Whet a prtace the major and Madeline made of him saving all week te compass the Saturday's roast chicken and cranberry tart! Procter had never known father or mother; his ideas of love or a home were all drawn from peer Standish and bis craiy menage. Se strong was this boyish In stinct in him just new that be actually steed breathless when anybody resembling the major came In sight If the old man should net recognize him, or should meet him with the formal deference of ether respectable people, why, then, geed-by te that old boy hood, se horribly dear and disreputable! New the major was In a restaurant a few doers down the street "Try an advertise ment In The Camera, Sam," he said te the bookkeeper. I swear It will pay you like llke" His talk baited; the ideas seemed te stagger through his brain. "I bellete you've bad a drop tee much. Btandisb," said Sam. "Ne; I've had te step drinking." Yeu can t get n glass of champagne fit for a gen tleman in this accursed town. But about the advertisement r (The Camera paid him a small percentage en this sort of business, and a few cents new would buy him bis din ner.) i.Net Tee major leaned en the glass counter for a moment It was two days since be had tasted feed. The steam of savory dishes be low was tee much for him. A collapsed stomach in a powerful frame like his is a deadly drag upon a man's pluck. He looked at Bam. The fellow would cive him bis din ner if he asked it, he knew, j ..,58.ga,th.wed,hlmMlf "P th'an effort. "I'd steal, but I can't beg," he said, silently. He nodded affably te Sam, and filliped te the Parrot as he went enf Tf u i.iu t.....t usually florid face, bad turned cold and blue under the mustache and whiskers, but he carried himself jaunt it v (Te be Continued) At His Peet Say and Night. The vigilant Imp, indigestion, goads us with his reany-lashed scourge. Kach lath Is a diabolic symptom. Ne comfort In eating, mii-ery afterwards, little or broken rest at night, visitations of the nightmare during fitful Intenals of sleep, an uprising unrefrcshed and without appetite, sleepiness and yawning during the day, ucrveusnecs and irritability of temper, even monomania In extreme rases, Hard te bear, all this. Necessary? Net a thousand times no, se long as llestcttei's Stomach Hitters, the nation's specllle for Indi gestion, acute or chronic. Is procurable. The commencement of a ceurse of this medicine Is the commencement of a cure, l'reuipt relief first, abselute eradication subsequently, a he truth of this statement, backed up by Irrefragable testimony, Is well known te the American people, fee are ethers, vis: that the Hitters averts and cures fever and tgue' and billens remittent, and removes ncnous ncneus ness, biliousness constipation, and kidney and bladder troubles. The Handsomest Lady In Lancaster Urmarked te a friend the ether day that she knew Kemp's lialsam for the Threat ana Lungs was a suporler remedy, aa it stepped her cough Instantly when ethers bad no effect whataver. Be te prove this and convince you of iu merit, any druggist win give you a Sam ple Uettle free. Large size Me and tl.eu. Itaptare care guaranteed Tey Dr. J. B. Mayer 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kase at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethors fall, advlee free, send for circular, marlO-ly d w BPEV1AX. NOTICES'. Buckien's Arnica Salve. Trb But Salvs In the world for Cuts.Brulses Seros, Ulcers, Bait Khenm, Fever 8eres,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Cerns, and all giu no fee IS cents per box. rer tale by IL B. Cochran. Druggist, Nee. Wand IS) North Queen street. Lancaster. Fa. June27-lyd Mether Mothers 1 1 Mothers I It Are yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINBLOW'B SOOTHING 8 Y11U1 It Will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon It; there la no mistake about It There li net a mother en earth who haa eve used it who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the niother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It U perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the tase, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, as cents a bottle. may 19 lyd w H. B. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen r.!S&nL?SfS,i'Br' rtt-' ,s ""'UK BHILOH'B COUGH CUUI as a guarantee te cure all hreat and lung troubles. ;g) BHILOH'B CUKK win Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough aud uronebltts. Jfer sale by II. U. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. W North Queen street (7) UAl'lOTKANSll. The latest and best form of rapid transit Is for a person troubled with a sick headache te take a dose of lir. Leslle'a Special l'ruserln. tlenandwhata rapid transit train the atllic atllic tteu takes for lta departure. Boe advertise mentlnanoUiercelumn. deCJO-lyd(l) WHY WILL YOU UuUUU when Bhlleh's Cure will give Immediate relief. I rice loots., W els .and 11. Fer sale by U. 11. Cochran.Drug Cechran.Drug gist Ne. 1S7 North Queen street v (8) Is Consumption Incurable. Bead the follewing: Mr. C. II. Merris, Newark, Ark. says: "Was down with Abscess et Lung", and irlends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bottle, and able toevorsee the work en my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Mlddlewatt, Decatnr,Ohle, says: "Had It net been for Dr. King's New Discovery ter Consumption,! would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best of health " Try It Sample bottles free at 11. It. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street Lancaster, l'a; (5) THK KKV. aKO.H. Tit A.YKB, of Bourbon Ind.,says: "Beth myself and wire ewe our lives te BUlLUU'd CONSUMPTION CUKK8. Ter sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist Ne 137 North Qtiben street (5) KUctrtc ultiers. This remedy Is becoming se well known and se popular as te need no tpecll mention. All who have U9Cd KloclHe Hitter sing the same song et pralse A purer mrdlclne does net exist, and li is guaranteed te de all that Is claimed. Kloctrle 111 tiers will core all dlieauui of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Mm pies. Bells, Halt Itheiun and ether affections caused by Impuru bleed. will dtlve Malaria from the systum and prevent as well as cure all Malarial rovers. JTer cure or Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Kleeule Bitters -Knllre satisfaction guaranteed or money ret auded. l'rlce 60c and II uu per bot tle at II. B. Cochran's Drug Btore. idj A Yelling Ilabr Is something te tw avoided. Babies with cold, babies with croup, bablrs with scalds, burns, bites, aches, sprains, or pains are hound te be come noisy tenants of the houieheld. lir. Thomai' Xeleclrie Oil will cure all these com- Tilatnu. for sale by 11. B.Cechran, druggist 17 and 159 Netth Queen street, Lancaster. llm Resurrection et Lazarus Was a miraculous operation. Ne one thinks of raising the dead these times, though some desperately close te death's deer have been cemp'etely restored by Burdock Bleed BlUert te genuine and lasting health, for sue by It. B. Cochran, druggist, 13 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. A fleasant Acknowledgment. " Had sour stomach and mlserable appetite for month", and grew thin ovary day. I used Burdock BI001X Bitters wltbthe most marvel ous tesulta; feel splendid." Mrs. Jojeph JobnteD, I'lltsburg, Ha. ler sale by It. 11. Cochran, druggist, j37 and 139 North Qaeen street Lancaster. Hambugtl Importers I Tnleveal The above are terms apnlled te the unrelia ble and dishonest Dr. Themas' Keltctric Oil terdlphlheru, catarrh, asthma, rhuumat'sin, and all ache , sprains, and pains Is net a thing of deception but a pit asint ana honest remedy It is honestly put up, honestly sold, and does what Is claimed rer it- 1 or sale b v II. B. Coch ran, druggist, 147 and 1J3 North Qaeen street Lancaster. Tbe New Tiirycie. Th'a rnachlue Is propelled by steam, and wll 1 csvry two people twenty miles In an hour. It ts ssld. It U qulte an Invention bat does net compare with Burdeek Bleed BlUert which will carry tbn Invalid a'eng the read te health te beat all 1 or sale by u. 11. Cochran, drug irlst, 137 and VH North Queen street Lancas ter. Hslped Uer Out. Fer years hve been a severe sufferer from pains Iu the baek. Tried various applications. One bottle et Tnemat' JCcleetrie Oil en 11 ml y cured me. Cured ethers equally quick " Mrs Uennlng of Hth Bt., Buffalo, wrote this, rer sale by it. B Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13 North Queen street Lancaster. I h been troubled with catarrh irem boyhood, and cepsldered my esse cbmnlc until about three years age 1 procured lip's Cretm r aim, and 1 count lnyselt sound te-day, all from tha use of one bottle. J. B. toeley, Hardware Merchant Montrese, Pa. Mr. P. M Barber bat used Kly's Cream Balm far catarrh In his family and commends It very highly. A lady Is recovering the sense el melt. A Tunkbanneck lawver. known in I many el our readers, savs he was cured el deatoess.-.tttfirenj Pa., Qatttti. jwawuveuaw COD'S S-HBAPAJU-L-. BLOOD POISON Whether erlflaatlBc la disease, or f kaat Has; chemical or Tegs ble polseas,M cured by Heed's Ssrsapaniia, which thoroughly cleanses, purines aad eartchst) tbe bleed. After such disease as stnall-per, scarlet fsver, and Diphtheria, Heed's Barsspattila is of great benefit In expelling tha virus and toning np and strengthening tha body. " I was poisoned by poison try. aad let It go till the poison get Inte my bleed, when I was obliged te glra np my work, ana was eenflaed te my house tat two months. I had sores and scales en me FKOM lllAD TO rKBT. my linger nails cama off, aad my hxlr and whiskers cameeut I had two physlelaas, but did net setm te get much better. Then I saw Hoed'BBarsapartiia advert ed and bought a bottle. It helped ma as mnea that I continued taking It UU I had used Ursa bottles, when 1 was cured. I can recommend Heed's Barsa parllla te all as the best bleed purifier I knew et" (1. W. Vcaa, TV 1'atk Avenue, Brock Breck tort, N.Y. MALsJUa-IMFUta BLOOD "1 used te be troubled with fsver and ague, malaria, pimples en the face, and ether affec tions resulting from bleed Imparities. I was Induced te try Heed's Saraapartila t as a result 1 have Tlgorens health. It keeps roe well throughout the year." W. Btiwast, 606 Myr- ue avenue, Brooklyn, n. Y. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. Sela by all druggist 1 1 six for IB, rrepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mas. XOO Desm One Dellar. HOOD'S BAKSAPAKILIi A. FORHAIiB at H. R. Cochran's Drug store, Nes. 117 and 139 North Queen Bt, Lancaster, fa. aprt-2mdAw- TyjANDRAKH PII.LS. Werth sending Fer ! Dlt J.U. SCHKNCK lus published A NKW AND KLAUOKATK BOOK ONTUKIBCATUKNT AND CUKK OF Consumption Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia which will be mailed rilKK te all who want It. lr you are, or knew or any ene who Is, a nileted with, or liable te any of these diseases, send name and address (plainly written) te Dlt. J. H.BCUKNCR A SON, Philadelphia. Pa. f Name this 1'aper ) marlT lydft w SOHENUK'8 MANDKAKK iUIiLB VOB SALS AT H.B COOUKAN'aDBUQSTOBB, Net. 137 A 1VJ North Queen Bt, Lancaster, l'a. apr5-2nidAw AINK'S CELERY COMPOUND PAINE'S rett- The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NKUVK. TONIC Celery and Cocea, the prominent Ingre dients, are the best and safest ervoTenlcr. It strengthens and quints the nervous ays tern, curing nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Bleeplossness, Ac. AN ALTKBATIVI. It drtves out the poisonous humors et the bleed purifying and enrleblng It, and se overcoming these diseases resulting from Impoverished bleed. A LAXATIVK. Acting mildly but surely en tbe bowels It cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit. It strengthens the stomach, and aids digestion. ADIUBKTIC. In Its composition the bestand most active diuretics or thn Materia Uedlea are com cem com blned scientifically with ether effective remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied ea te give quick relief and apoedy cure. Hundreds or testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with romarkable benefit Bend ler circulars, giv ing full particulars. l'rtce, 11.00. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, RICHiRDSON & CO,, Prep's, BUllLINUTON, VT lanll-lvdAw(l) PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND FOR SALS AT If. B. COCUBAN'S OHOO STOBK, Nes. 137 A IS) North Queen at, Lancaster, l'a. aprl SmdAw rALiUAUIiK MKUIOAL. WORK. jlRiUTH, Or the SC1KNCK OF LIFK, A VALUABLE MKD1CALWOHK, the only true description or this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, terrors of youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, aa well as an ex posure or quacks and their se-called medical works, by which they victimize thousands, and by tbelrezaggeratlng disease, makes these peer sufferers Insane. Kvery young man, middle-aged or old, should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te thorn. Bend two cent stamp for a copy. Address, Dtt THOB.TUKBL, 33 North Fourth Bt, Philadelphia, Pa. TnY'8 CREAM BALM. OATARRH-llAY FEVER. KLY'B nitKAM BALM ennta r.ntn in RtiS Catarrh, lioae cold, Uay "ever, Ueaf neas.Uead ache. Price HI Cents. KABY TO Usk. ly Bro's,Owege.N.Y.,U.B,A. ' KLY'B CBKAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Keiteres tbe Benses el Taste and Smell, TBYTlilTcUBK A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is agreeable. Price CO cents at Druggists : by mall, registered, CO cents. LY BBOTHKU8, M Warren Btreat, Mew Yerk. nevlMydAw G RAY'H HPEC1K1C MEDICINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The G rest Rngllsb Remedy will promptly and rtdlcally cure any and every case of nervous debility and weakness, result of Indiscretion, excesses or overwork of brain and norveua sys tem 1 la perfectly harmless, acta llke magic, and been extensively uted for ever 88 years with great success. uu parucniars in our pamphlet which we desire te send free by mall te every one. AVThe Bpeclflc Medicine Is sold by all arug gists at (1 per package, ix six packages for B. It wtu be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing the agent, H. B. OOOHR.N, DretTBiat, Mes. 157 A 173 North Queen BL, Lancaster, ra. THK GRAY MKDI01MR CO Ne. 108 Main Streeullurr-e, N lr. JunlSlvdAwMWAF Xafl'ROVKD CUSHIONED EAR DRUMB. COBB FOR THE DEAP. Peck's fatent Improved Cushioned Far Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natnral drum. Invisible com. fertable and always In position. All comer cemer comer satien and even whlaprs heard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials. FRKIC. Address or call en F. U1BCOX, S03 LreaUway, Mew Yerk. Mention this paper. lunslO-lyOAwMWAF H CELERY COMPOUND reii-eca QLO HONESTY. IWOtJE POrCLAR BRAND Old Honesty WU1 be found a combination net always te be had. A FINE QUALITY Or PLUO T01AOCOAT KRAbONABLR I-RlUA, Loek for t Bored a tin lag ea caeh plusTi ' FIRST-OLASS ARTICLE IN- Chewing Tobacco. DONTFAILTO UIVK OLD HONESTY A FAIR TRIAL. Ash your dealer for it Don't take any ether. JNO. FXNZER&BROS. LOUlBVIIilil, KT. (5) OKOOMJilMa. CABSARD'S MILD CURED HAM ANDBBKAKFABT BACON. unequsiea ter tenderness' ana oenetcy 01 flavor. We guarantee that there Is nothing te Buu wen) is Dewlas; la 'In this marset iheu- eanai inem in ciuaiiiy in wis maraeu Jneu sands of the best families are new using them. Thev aiva universal satisfaction. Try them and tail your neighbors. SV Dried Beef and Bologna nleely chipped. Prlees reasonable. UJCUBURWIANT. K EKPCOOL! KKKPCOOIit W. A. REIST & CO., GROCERS. CCUMHK. KINU AND DUKKBTB. Will Give Away TO-MORROW, te Kvery One Caning at their etere, a BEAUTIFUL FAN. DUBKEE'S AND DAI8Y BALAD DBXBB 1NUB. TABLKOILB. BLACKWRLL'B PICNIO SPKCIALTIBB. ssVSpeclal Prices te 'Picnics, Csreplxg and ri.btng clubs. Uoeds Dcllvertd Prompt Telephone. W. A. Reist & Ce., OROCSIU, Cor. East King nfl DiikeSln. rpma WEEK'S SNAP AT S. CLARKE'S. PKUNRLLAS only 10a per pound. UUOD UONKY, with glass cover, lOeptr box. CL AUK'S AA l'LOUB,4a per quarter. Four Cans BUU AR COBN, 2Ge. Twe Pounds NRW PBUNKS and Twe PenndaNRWDATKS for tia. Five Peinds LAUNDUY 8TAUCH and Five Cakes BO AP,'25c. One Pound lie P K 1C1I RS for r,c. One Pound S5e CALIFORNIA PLUMB for 18C. Three Bettles PICK LBS for 55a. KlgbteonCentltezesMUSTAUDorBI'lOKD BAUD1NKB, IOC. 1 12 Piece Dinner Set, WITH 3) 00 WORTH OF TK A. New for tbe Fenrtb of JdIj ! Dear mendr, leek at this. A Regular Picnic Our New and Superb FOURTH JULY CAKES, BASK BALL COOK1KH, VANILLA WAFKKS, ANDFBKNCU CBKAM JUMBLKB, ml as many mere dltrerent kinds as wenld fill half of this raper te enumerate them all. Call and see tbe urand Display and have your palate tickled with these delightful Cakes and Crackers. IN SEASON. This Is the season for Picnics, and we assure Sen that our stock of the above Uoeds cannot e surpassed for assortment or prices. ' SAMUEL "OIARKE'S WHOLKBALK AND RETAIL TEA AND COF JfKK BTOBK, 13 and 14 SOUTH QTJEBN BTRBBT, SWTKLErilONK.-SA w HOLEHALE AND RETAIL. ORO- CRU. Reist ! WILL 1'OSITIVKLY GIVK AWAY TO MOR ROW (BATUliDAl ) KVRNINO, TFI VR HUNDUKD UOl'lEB OK'CS Barnelt'd Famous Recipe Beeks. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT TUKY AUK. And If j ou have net been fortunate enough In getting one wben we made our last distri bution six months age, you will certainly net miss this geed opportunity This Is lust the season of the year when you will need such a valuable guide. The retail price of the book la IVs. We cnarge you nothing. All we expect of you Is simply te ask ler the book t otherwise you will net get It. LOOK OUT I HIXT WF.KK WK WILL QIVR AWAY Twe Theuiand Large. Handseme, Imported Chinese sans, THIS IB A BOLD VKNTUBF, llut we are awake te thn Interests el our trade, and will spare neither pains nor cuh te carry out our wishes. HEEWORKS. The Laigest Stock of Fireworks In the city. Wholesale and Retail, and at prices fully 20 per cent, lewer than any ether house. 1'artles wishing te pui chase ler private and publle displays, will de well by getting enr pneea and seeing our immense stock, see Art lull windows, front and side. Reist, Wholesaled Retail Grocer, ler. W. Kins; ndl'rlefi Hie,, LANCABTKH.I'A. J3ECOMMENDED UY EMINKNT PHYBICIANa The " Best '" Tonic, A Concentrated Liquid JCxtract of af alt and Hep Fer sale only at J, C. HOUOHTON CO- Mes.1 ana a West Xing lueet. MI v. s TAMM BROTHERS. e IOOLTUINOS ABUNDANCE. pKINTKD INDIA DK I.IVKNS, Seil and ltaxy. uress uoeds Dept QURAU311.K3 or Hi.HU. OR DRESS. lAHIiK 1.INBNS loine are here, You're FROM Linen Department, NAPKINS. rRRBEYS. JERSEYS. QRIitlNa OFF VO D1S30LTB NOS. 35 AND PAHTNgliSUIl'. Hlght JTEXT DOOR TO COURT MOUSE. NEW ARRIVALS TO-DAY -IN- Sateens, Gballis, Batistes, Ginghams, AND OTHER WARM WEATHER FABRICS. The Chains consist of new styles of this month's production, and are shown te-day ler the fl rat time. Fast colors. 8 and le cents a yard. Very desirable Uetltn Bines are among the new Sateens at 17l cents. A Hare Bargain In Freneh Mourning sateens Is an assortment at 25 cents t were. 37K cents. Many New Olnghams at 10 and UK cents, New White Goods I Heavy I'lque Welts at WW, I7,ft), 25, and si cents. Don't miss them. One Let of Lace B tripes Just in at 18c, made te sell at S&e. Kltgant assortment el Swiss Embroideries add flouncing!. Cream Materia s in variety. FAHNESTOOK'S, NOS. 30 i 37 msYBT KINO ST.. TJiRD & MOKLROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, - Opposite Fountain Inn. SPECIAL ! Opanlng te-day a let of these choice styles TOILB DU NORDB, In Large Plaids, Bine and White, at 12Ke FerYard. These goods are ecarceand In great demand. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. LJUMMEK DREHS OOODH. Metzger & Haughman. Summer Dress Goods ! 1.AWNS, HAtflSTEH, I'EROALES, aiNQHAMH, FRENCH HATINKH, AMKltlOAN HAT1NKH, HKAUTIFUL CIIAI-LIES, Ahl AT LOW PRICES, AT Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Ooeper Heuse. jicwxi.Hr. ,. REIOADM A HON. NOVELTIES We have just received an Invoice of Oeld and Silver Brace lets. Many of the Styles are Perfectly New and have never ap peared before In Lancaster. Water Pitchers, Ice Tubs, Ice Picks, Berry Spoons, Etc., and all at Bettem Prices. Call and Examine them. Fepairing In All Its Branches. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. . OAMPMT BAKOAINH I GO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - WILTON, VELVET, BOpT. BRUSSBLS. Tapestrj, Ingrain. Damask aad Venetian, Rag and Chiln Cirpeti, OIL 0L0TU8, WINDOW BHADMB, etc We taw tbs LargfMt ad Swt Btoek In tn Olty( H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oernir Wist King ftui Water 8trnta. Uncuter, Pa. BUSINESS METHOUS MADE PLAIN. The system of Instruction at the LANCABTKK COUstKKOlAIi COLLEQK, Is se simple and plain that any young lady or gentleman etn easily master all the details of abuslness education. L111KBAL TBUMB. Evening Sessions Tuesdays, Wednea and Fildays. Full Information glyen by E. O. WKIULKU, Lancaster Commercial collage, eetU-Ud lneastarTPA, jwavswi Stamm Brethers1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. rpaeSK PRINTED INDIA L1NENB WK TOLD TfOU OF IIAVBHADARKMARKAULBKUN. TIIRBTYKANU MATRRIAM8 THK HR. 1'IUCK MAKES IT UO. Right B'de Back. URAHS IN VARIETY TO MEET THE WANTS OF ALU BOFT TO THK TOUCH III FIRM IN WB AVE. PRIORS Coe. A1YARD; ACTUAL VALUB, 78e. A YARD. Dress Uoeds Dept Right Bide Back. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKIN& We have been telling von about these Bargains. Perne are gene. wise If yen hasten. lfe. A YARD TO II M A YAKD. Left Bide Back. 1,000 IN ALL STYLES. HIQUT, SO BR THE PHIOE8. YOU CAN BUYOFUB. Bosten Stere, - 37 NORTH QUEEN BTBE1T. Acress from lVstefllce. NOASTR, PA FOR SUMMER ! UAL.LU. wWiAa BAROAIHHI FOK - I NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND aUNNKliB.-AH persons are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall and speedwell estates In Lebanon or ineaster oennues. wneuer ineitv t uwu- closed, either for the purpose 01 sheeting et ashing, as the law will no rtgialy enfoteed anlnat all traanaaalnar en said lands et the un- K,mei AVUUM. TKAVMLBHa UUIDM. TJEADINO A COLUMB1A.K. R. - -- Arrangement of Passenger Trains en. aM atttr, SUNDAY, MAY 1 J, lass. NOBTnWARD. A.M. K-tn Leave Quarryvllle. Aingstre itTMit- l.atif. tm LaneiLstAr Tin Chlcklts... 730 Marietta Junction. .1 jm Celnmbla. 730 Arrive at' a,. Reading,,, 9w BOUTUWAUD. il!t ""ng , 7,a) Arrrlveat a m. Columbia .. an lancaster ' Vi SS&SSS&.r?:::""- AS "-"i?" Wi "-" ,....,... st.iu.au J3 Mi- AiS- 'S 1: un a" -, . 1243 !f-f- use sss'; , AW. V W.Vfr H .W T. W- 11 w tu.; r.r. T.w.1i3jm 1 as i J jet pta 1.4a bus '.(." 8UNDAT, V. .Leare OnarnrvtllaatT.lOain. ,. Kins ngatreet, ane. at 8.03 a. m., and Sis p. m. V ' Arrimat Reading, 10.10 a. m., and US p. m. IieaTi Beading, at 7.30 a. m., and i p. m. Arrive at Ring street Lane., at . a. m.,aad.S.P.nt QuarryrUle,ate.tep.in. ' " rTralns connect at Beading wll tralMts J, ana from Pbtladelphta, FetuvlTle, IIarrtehM. , s ' sen,wnana New xerk. yla. Hound Mm ntiSM&XL i" S5? ?n fS&H "--. ...., vtiaiiw .uu wip:e j.i At "Jirtetu Junction with trains te e4H from GhiefeiM. At Manhelin with trains In inifmmfi.t" non. t At Lancaster Jnneilen, with trains te and from Lancaster. Qnarrj vllle, and Chtekles. A. M. wiLeON anvenntandeat. LEBANON A LANCASTER L1NRUA1LROAU. JOINT Arrangement of Tassenger Trains en. and after, Bvheat, if at IS, lsss. NORTHWARD. Leave. a.m. t.x, (inarryvllle, King Biroet Lane. 7.WJ 707 1 7 ,7.59 I neaater... Mannelm Cornwall , ArrlvAKt Lebanon.... Alt BUUT1IWAKD. Leave am. r x. Ibanen 7 if ia;n) Cornwall...., 717 12.4A Manhelm 7.W 1,14 Lancaster... 82f 148 Arrive at King aireet. Lane. 8 l.M A60 9K) A. M. wilben, Bunt. It. C. Railroad. d. ennrr, eupt. V. n. is. PINNSThViHU SAXLROAD BCHEDULR.-In effect from June 11, Trains wan Laneisra and leave aad ar rtve at Phtladelnhia aa fellows 1 Leave WR8TWARD. Faetae Bxpresst..... Philadelphia linn p. m. 4.30 a.m. tdea.B. idea.a. m iwijupi it, . 1 war rassengerl.... Man tralav-Mt Jey NOklMaUTralnf....: tralav-MtJeyt iMaUTraint..... via Columbia Niagara Szpresa, . . . . Hanover Aeeesn . ntu a. n. via Columbia wt Linef...,.,,... FisdsilekAocem... uia.BV via Columbia naati. joy. MarnsbBrg A eoea una, AMpisa. t-ggp m. 9J0p.Bk Leave Lancaster, ,, :10 a.m. MS.BU ftena.ia, Usea m. Oelnmbta 11 arrlslmrt Bzprest I Was tens J up; r. Ant' ABTWARD. I PhUA Bxpresst...... Fast Linef.... Marrlsburg Rzprest 1 Laneaster Aoeom at. Oelnmbta Aeoem... Atlantic Express),,.. eashere Bxpress.... Phuadalphta Aoeom rnua. . - H & Hi1 fSw WW BM9CW tM A?K Utt B.tr MS AM .' 118 8s, MS W 140 8M9.17 Bl S 1A8 7.10 81 IN "i ., r,, jr.j AH, T f. ipl 7M 8.44 i& no can i-j& J.40 AM Tl!? 1.11 AM r M'a Leave T 1 neaater. fi i a& & at ft .r5 mm ?mz 100 F- BBa isj, 1 eCaa, 4jfe-i gfcft iloeCS,' I re aa tf"., . Wlm ss arai ii 1 -. loaea.a.V ..." itii ln, une UttHSJU aneayMau... Day Xxpressj Harrtabarg Ax ., sitep.Ba, e:4p.m. ibnrgj Aoejotn., .....a saaa lAHAaslaf am sfas-stiewtWtsk tyMi lust 11 1 rlacmrar ,fcMtn v m. tan it i ila tA t iisM-js-r i ' " iti-lk -iSl "--- -W - I -. - -- T'tt MfeeTMV ,t gaannnnindstUMi leawaa f ssacX'.. Ma at ftse aa. aad reaches Marietta at A left leaves Columbia at U:i a. ul Md sMi. Mj m reaehlnf Marletu at IfcU and kss7Leafi MariettA at wm p. m. and arrtvee at Oele-eggjl'n at taei also, leaves at tJi an damrea MM ii tetr Aeeommedawom leaves eiissjsay. .. u. ... rrTTTvrz.z:'n c: '?&! nset4Bg withHarrlsbnrgBxpteesat ItUa. .'r im Fredenajt AeeommeeAueev wes wsa. ,,.,- atfcieg.Bswinrantaronghte trUinisfi m through te FieeArtekri rtnmlatUksKs dresekesl sassteatff s'-4L- 001 HarrlsbnrM Accommodation west cennettg at?' at Columbia for Verk. !F . . . . L5J Hanover Aecommeoatum, Matt, leaves ose:; nmbla at :10 n. m. Arrives as inn mtm wm lir1' AM n. bl. Atenneettnar with Dav Bxiirsaa. aaever eeesn odattea, weseesuseetMgVV. atXaaeaster wiu Mlagara Bxprees at tmiZt' bl, wm ran thrmurh teHanewr. sially. sdBsassri "nrday 1 also connects at Oelnmbta for itiif Harber. Hi will stew SiboMUmSjevMtrnSm'nBBmWTj enrg, jab a or, auiaaDeunewa aaa awsi t Xhe only trains which mn dally. OaM iae asau uiis wass ran ey war cm weii J 1 K. WOOD, eeneral Passenger Aj ohae, sl ruuu wenerai staaager. gPEOIAT WATCHES for Farmers and Hallroaders, 14 Karat OeHj Man i55 15 ruiea hubs cases, Kigin works, sw eaaa.tf.t Ml Jeb Let. Best Watch and Jewelry aiE5Zyf?. i BpeetAoles,RyeglsAseanaOpUoalOooda. Oee-'jiCy, T V. TTTTifsl (IftllV. Fl- l I tlllll lllll llli " ' ' theclty. i'S LOUIS WMBMR, He. 1MX N. Queen Bt, 01 TOJ iite CitT HeteL'u.f Hear fenn'a oeu t4s .lLIi-JEWEliER, AO. -A LIST OF- Graduating Presents! Oeld and ml ver Watehes, , Chains and Charms, Geld Jewelry, v- Circlet Rings, j Oeld I'en Helders , Z ueld Pencils. , .-; Oeld Teeth ticks, Fountain Fens, - ' Bllver Jewelry, nievevinsgretu, Bllver Bangle Bracelets, Ren Benalres, "; Btlvet Watch Mexes, - Bllver Hair Fins, t)ueen Chains, scarf Pins, Cellar Buttens, s Gleve Hntteners, Flower Fins, Bllver darters, etc, etc, ete. GILL, - JEWELER,, Ne. 10 West King Street. -rTKADO.UAhTEKa FOR WATCHES. Jff - ij(. SOMETHIITG- TOR ALLs Have you bought a l'resent ter your Friend t ,;: he Oraduales t t.'Sfni if he Uraduales if net, yen should Call and Belect It. Aside irem watches, in waicn we icaa, jntA-f will find a Large stock et Nice Goods. Geed Goods AT A SMALL COST.: Many Acceptable Little Presents in fa s 1 x I e. iiwm g rtrtnpi.i'n OIIYCI VJUUUOW two wtU Sell at Away Down Figures. sTCall, we have something you will want. WALTER C. HEIR, Ne. 101 worm yueen Bwe5, i LANCABTKli. PA. sar Cerner of orange. "" . ffi MVaiOAL. s UPERIOR QUAIillY MUSICAL BOXES. UKKBY OAUTBCUI A BONO, KeVlOM Chestnut Btreet, PhUadalpMa examination will nrove ear Instrimenta far superior te any ether make, net speaking of the worthless Hash that abound U tha market, seen being el mere anneyaiire than Iileasurti te their owners. Old and Impar ectlymade Musle Bexes earetully repaicsd by experienced workmen trem the minosae minesae minosae tery InBwiuetland. CorrespeudenoesetleHed.' end stamp ter oatalegae and price list ea TMlywsiWj wi fh'if'' m "-fr iV ?, f.jf J "I.IJ 1 yM i;? ,l m 1 "'ry'l t'j M .v3 P 1 KvM' ! J.Mt1S.i, ?M , ..A," m tJVi.-n'fim :j aa 8 i 3 A"4 $ m - 'i ' It sf'fn n. '91 ' ,Lffl j, S.1 vff v..i $. i.je : -- i .