Jl' ' KtS.fi ; ."- , K- A iTOABTEB BAIXiT INTEIJ2QENCER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1888. r.-. Wi IW m c. !V Pallv IntellUfrncT. "rsigsfijji. jp . 'a tmblishe all tie T the United rresi up te hour. u Millien or Tna lirratu- mwnn by carrion in tee city lag town ler iuc per a TMirt K.M for six month months i tee per month. ,r lmiuonen (ueuuie Bneevj only 11.50 per annum, in aa- i wMtilnr their address changed IMa state where the paper it bow ler- rU from 10 te as eta.pcr line . according te location. Will IHWI.T.inKNriKK. V lncater. Pa. ICOIIBMIIOB A Easy Victory. &&!, net likely te be a very het cam- The iWDumican nominations iuiye ifryctlmlyrecelvil by the party, Mre u nothing in mem or in me they represent te excite great Mm. Great claims are made, In i wteidv nlatfenn. for the virtue of I party as exhibited in ita acts, but tlie etten or tne people, extenainR evi r I tag term during which the ltepubli- .'party held power, wm nei sustain tafias. It was cast out tour years MtMtanae It was found wanting. i i"uinnt ItA washed free, irem M Pb of emission and cenimls- by the virtuous declarations ! ita platform. "When the devil is sick I It a very nice devil; but he Is net te ltratted nevertheless. Its platform I that the ltepublican parly 13 op- I te all the publb abuses tliat were uracticed durteir its relcn, and i the Democratic party Justly claims l endlt of abating. The matter Is loe i in the publle mind te make II al nil , jaaMble for the Republican platform te Mmre te its party tue support h hiums gtrtware In favor of reforms that llie ;piecratic party baa Instituted, lis Mstratlen or tne civu service, ifcj treatment of public corporations nnd ''ltd disposition of the public lauds te say nothing of its policy upon ceo cee Jwmlc questions, entitles it te, nnd ebtnins fir it. tlie support of the best political itiment of the country. It enjoys the MevBdenee of the country, and we con- ; jMer it quite impossible that the decision flbis contest snail ue against u. we net believe the ltepublican lenders ct te win it. Harrison would net been their candidate it they had i their way te success, lilaine would fret have Bleed aside it he had such hope ' C election as might lave been borne Iran the unanimous nomination of nu attiusiasMc party. With such unan feftity of feeling in the party ns -would have made lllalne its heartily - inmerted candidate, lie might have been witeted president. But that is supposing ,-condition of things which does net '(Matt and could net be produced . There li be such unity and strength In the He- ; jttblkan party. It needs te be born i ana nave another name, periiaps,ai i, before it gets another cliauce at fefleehreta. nii, i - m sl Harrison's strength. ; '4i'It is somewhat tee seen te say whether i twBepubllcans could have dene better CP uVmIIK 1Tartfun Ttfrlrrnf! rnttlinm Rpnmn m the unprejudiced Democratic vision tlie stronger man te have named. Theio . aHVAtMnr llnrrlaftn'a wlilpll will return a bother him, notably his record en the ytiinne question, which will net be agree We te theraciQc coast that Is se strongly iwitpeaed te Chinese cheap labor. Callfe'- la took him, after Blaine, ns a patient , lUces caster oil; and very probably his fc ,omlnatlen will have a caster oil effect r jan California lteniiuiicans. When ther P. .wnld net get the man they wanted they ;.Mem te nave resolved te laice me worst ,ii medicine they could get, as a relief te their (trouble. It leeks as though they wanted , nominee tewicrincu uuu iciivu me way LV clear for lllalne four years hence. :1 JBnt the whole of the United States is nut 9a ue x'aciuc coast : anu iiarrisen comes & . .....'..... .. . . ht. pxrem an important political state mat no rjuejr luuuuuuij jiiiiu iu uaii , .11111 IIU ff Bad a grandfather whose reputation sheds ! lustre en ins name, via Tippecanoe" Ji still remembered by the elder voters, ;Shn Inva tn tail nt Mm Innl nl.ler yzy " v. : , 7 ,. . j;.ejsipiB;n iiiad miue nun pruaiuent. l'Itmust ba noted, however, that the Tvtaaces are against two Harrisons being :;lected president ; and this Harrison lias Known uereat in u gubernatorial election I.."" """"'"' """""" "u '" I""'" s'tebe as unfailing favorite of ferttn e. V. ... ... g We can congratulate ourselves that It 'Jja going te ba a clean campaign,! light ,' Annan issues, which the rpsnpntivn iMtwll. (Bte will worthily represent. The is. n mam " nut ua ii uistiituk ill iiiui, uuu ' S-frtnnal eilmtriitlnn nmv Iiuva inni-li lr 1'de with the result ; but there will be no Kd detraction et candidates te Increase thn tZZjZfmfXtMmnnl llArn 441i& faana AfiitlllA.. rTV W.MJWWVM1 WV.U VWV.JO .OllO Ufc (U U kCU tlUII ;ersus mere protection, ana te the con. R;,.ill4erfttlen et the divers ether questions rsuea uy tne piauerms ; tue main one MiEl.l fl HtnlnH rF 4tr .MltlfAil ...1 L.I.I.. 7 WU15 niiu ui tjiu 'untiuai iiuuilllllini- .jens has deserved be3tef the people. Ne Lenger Augniimps. The 2few Yerk Times and the 1'revl- dence Journal, that have been in the past ltepublican newspapers of the independent tariety, declare themselves in favor of tllA P.lftrt.lnn nf PlnvAlnml nml 'I'lmpmnn $heir reason being that they have confl cenfl confl isece in tlie present national adminiatra- . siuu iu iKjueve m tne iJcmecratic ixisl. '(vue uniu me lunu. tit The se-called Murenmn vntn ,.i,iei, fr;feas been chielly resident in Xe'w i:nt. iHliuul. will nrnhnlilv Trtl..l.r .- .1 hft Democratic ticket, the voters nssmnw Mte full name and garb of Democrats ft maA this net withstand Inn thn iinAi,u Jr w-- n ...v IIHUUItl j?, tumable personal character of Harrison. Ui If Harrison had been the nomlnee of hla party four years age, there would have keen no Mugmumps, who were called late uemg uy the elrenslve personal char- ? Bcter or jiiaine. jiui new that thev Tavei,een afflliatlng with the Democratic r 'de. they find themselves weanmi fmm J ' Kielr Republican proclivity and ready te mmj wuu tne party meynave approved. afj rresiaent Jiiiet, or Harvard cellhgu, '-"-.' & Hint, irarrlenn le -n .! Hi ftiOB OS the HenublicnnR rnnld lin vn maAa JJi . -""- w .M , ....V. put he is a Democrat himself nnd pro pre tases te vote the Democratic ticket: und i'i.',""thuiks that all the Muewumns who ,fjraBet affected by devotion te nMoiier '. KetHlve tariff will de the same. rt j-tKaeazie the KleKiuaker. l, Tke North r.Br, .... -f(tL . V , ". nil. UU IUUKK3 a ir7: . . H "u acKenitie, who gftlf', ,n "MntlnUrvlew that he JM refralnel from declxing the malady et the late emperor te be cancer because he wished te prevent a regency. Ne wonder the Germans are angry. An English doctor calmly announces that lie undertook te say who should rule Germany, nnd furthermore there is no doubt that his plans were thoroughly and triumphantly successful. The Gastl (c calls for nn explanation, but the self satisfied Macken7le is safe at home nnd can afford te held bis peace. In their indignation the Germans will forget all about the Englishman's geed deeds and his firm opposition te nn oper ation urged by the ether physicians which would probably have ended Emperor Frederick's career much sooner. The Gazette undertakes te deny that either the late emperor or his wife de sired te rule even for a short time, but with regard te the lady the statement is quite beyond belief , unless she is a very different sortef woman from what report has represented, The great increase of her income ns nn ex-empress ever what it would have been ns the widow of a prince, and tlie authority nnd dignity et her position, would make a lack of such ambition seem unnatural in anyone net noted for rare and peculiar traits of char acter. On Mendiiy night the young Kepublt cans of this city sent a dispatch te Candi date Iiarrisen congratulating and assuring him that this county would give the ltepublican tlcket 12,000 majority. A l.an l.an caster dispatch te the Philadelphia J'rrm te day aaya the "Old (Juard." will glve liar, rlaen a thousand majority. It the returns show only a thousand majority for the Kepubllcana llie Democrats will have dene nobly. Tlie Damoeraey nre organ Izsd for the fray and are omlenvorlng te mirprise the a. O. V. Hunateu De.f Ua.mi:he.v was nottlieughi or by the Uhlrnge conventlon. Ills atale's dolegnteN wero wrapped up In Hliermnn entliiiBlasri). As long as Quay lias the key te the ltepubllcan heunu in this state, Uatnoren will have te centent himself watching the shoep following the stair et the new shoplierd.i m m Ne uiatler hew llie Henubllcan candi dates for prcsldentlal ollleo may loom up or be anowed up liofero olectlon day It Reems clear that the great issue of the einipnlgn wilt be upon tnoasures aud net in en, Tlie Damecracy can afford le let the men aleMj bcoause the records of the uom uem uom Ineos Kpcul: for thoensolvos. The Ke publican have bound thomaelvca firmly, te n liinlntonance et the proBent tarlll' and have nssumed that the cry of proteotlon le Amer loin labor could be relled upon te drown all talk about any lowering el taxes. They are uncompromisingly oppesod te any lowering of the tarlll evon If it can be dene without harm te industries, for they held that the emallest slop in (hat dlroctlen is perileus, nnd from this joslllen there la no retrrn The Democrat leldly nnd porslstently nrge h reduction of the tar III and are cager le show that It can be dene without the least dnnKer te American Industrie. Thin ground of perll te Industry Is the only ene en which the Kepubllcana ran light and Ills trcnohernus ground Indoed. I f the tarlll Is no tUllo.Ue of adjustnient that a mosuure of the cotiRervatlvo t7pe of the Mills bill can ondnnger the country II we must contlnue taxing the poeplo beynnd tlie needs of governmonl and trust te peli ticians te return the surplus te the poeplo through ponslen bills and pnblle works, then are we net nn the read te tyranny by way of n Htendlly increaslng tarlllT An Im poverished peeple, hii onormeusly wealthy governmont controlling absolutely the whcels of Industry and the volutne of trwle nnd tllstrllmtlng vast muns at Ita own frce will. Could there be a strenger tyranny or ene uiore skillfully dnvtsed te cepe with fie poMer et the ballet nnd te defy It? J i'Txh: Tiiurman takes n geed bird's bird's bird's oye vlew of the situation. He speaks ns an old observor, and calmly and frankly. He ronslders the nomination of llnrrlseu n very geed ene, but novertholoss sure te I e bonten, sliice It Is net strouger than lis party. Multiplication et words can add nothing In this cnniprohenslvo HtatomenL Te llie unprejudiced Judgment thore Is nelhlng that odors any prospect of Itopub Itepub llcan Niioeota. PEitaeHAn. Wm. It. Hahnum hai been re olectnd clialrumuel llu Domnaratle uatlennl coin, iuittte. J. H. ri.Mtumtv, of Iowa, liai been EOloetod in 11. I JnneH' auoneaier ni chair man of the national Kepubllran committee. Mils 1'oi.mem, inottier-In-law of 1'rcBl dent Uloveland, arrlved In New Yerk Tuesday nvenlng by the stoamer Wostorn Westorn Wostern iand, I10111 Antwerp, hhe was met at the liotel by her daughter, Mrs. Oloveland. KDWAitn I), ltnu.r.v, son or Mrs. Mary A. Jtellly, nf this city, was graduated at ML Nt. Mury'ii coIIeko, Kmmitsburg, Mnry land, te day. The subject of hU graduation address was "Tiie l'rogressof Journalism." lli:v. lteiimiT J. McUank, a clergyman of the Heiiiau Citliolle chureh, who had been colleotlug funds for the erection el a chapel in Anney, County Antrim, Ireland, died middnuly In Philadelphia en Meudsy, aged -10 ycniH. Kiunuv IlewAltn Oav, Joint author with Wllllaiii Cullin llrjiini, of Kryaut and (lay's ' History of the Unlted Htates," died In New Yerk en Monday, altera ttiree years' lllnnee, due te nn alleatlnn of tlie pine. Mr. (Jai' was born nt Hlngham, MBStachiisetts, In 1SI1, l'itr.-.nif.Nr Ci. i:ur.ANii, accompanied by HecretarlcM Kayard aud Vila, Hsnator Hsnater Hsnator eloct Kariieur ami Jlojiresontatlvo O'l'er rail, left Waslilugten this morning by spo spe clal train for UhHrlottesvlllo, Vn., te attend the oeuimniicoiuoiU cxorcUes of the Uni versity nf Virginia. After the oxerolses ut the University the party wilt drlve te Mon Men Mon tlcelto, the old home et Themas Jollerson. OiiAiiiMv Kisnku, of the Democratic state committee, sas : " 1 propeeo te get as far away as potsdble from Iho 1(H),01K) ma jority that neneitil Hastings has promlsed Harrison as tliu Itepubllcau contribution of Pennsylvania. X have no promlses or braes te make new that we shall carry the state for Cleveland nnd Thurman, but 1 de say that there Is an absolute certalnty of a vigorous IlKht ever every square inch et territory within the slate limits." SuxATenOi'AV, says a Chicago special In the Pittsburg Jli'piitci, dated Monday nljjht, ordered Htate Chairman T. . Coepor etl the iloer of the convention this morning. Cooper was engaged In euglneerlng the Hlalne boom among the delegatus, when Quay told him If be did net get out and let tuem alone he would call the sergeant-at-arms and have him removed, Coepor, net detlrliiK tocrente a tonne, left the deirga. tlen and went back te the platform. He wbs lu urird humor, as he had just wen feOO from Colonel Hay no en a vsaeerthat BLerman would net be nominated. illuii en sniiuinluc. rrem the Kestflu Ulobe. Asthesoasenoiswlmmlugisat hand, a few hints te learncrs may be UBetul. Jho llrst essential Is te knew hew te use the hands aright, with the vlew ti keeping the head well out el water, and the next 1p te keep ene feet en the bottom until f niclent conlldence in r,crjulred toraHettutuuorali', After a few trials the learner will be able te ralee it altogethor. Then, be net in a hurry te use Iho hands, a If We decoded en striking out, but try and aequlre deliberation. Let every atroke have a lull sweep of the arms, and let the feet take care of thouseivos. it is net necessary that the feet should be raised te the surface el the water. The lejy. from the sheuldera downward,. should no kept at an angle of thirty degrees te the piano et the horizon. This Inclination, with every forward movement, will tend te threw tlie head out Hperui whales, when frightened sink thelr llukea and threw thelr beads out et water te obtain thelr highest ipeed, The head of the sperm whale I Hit at the front, sod U ena third the slzs of the body ; the head et a flnbuck la pointed j the en threw bla head out, the otner ruabca through the water horizontally. ,. The loarner who wlsues te acquire the art of wimmlnff for reoreilon anu net ler rrofeaalenat purpoies ought te pay little attention te the movement of the leetuntll be haa norfeet control of Ills hanilt; then the feet will Instinctively oeme Inte play and perform .their part without much theiurbL Who think of thelr feet when walking? In the tat y atagea of learnlng aawlmmer doc net aoem te be nallAfled until he bring his feel te iheatirlacc This haa tondeney te attain the body Jut above the hlpa and te bury the head. Mwlmmlne: In seaway the bejy will take many position, soeordlmr te the height of the wavea encountered. Homntlme, it will be vertical and at otber times mere or lese inclined te keen the head out. It Is well for beslncer te have rerir n With him te keep hi hand under the chin at ilrat, while the me of the hand la being acquired. Theae hints apply only te com mon horizontal flwlnimlng ; that having been acquired and confldenoe obtained, there wli be no dllueulty In learning all the ethor movetnenta, such as swimming en the aide or en the back, diving or turn ing heel overhoad, forward or backward. Hemeinborlhlii,teo, tbatlf aporsen taken with cramps will threw hlrnwlf upon hi back he will float without effort, evon If hla legs should be drawn up. Never neglect toatuilthe cars with cotton wool. Many person have attributed deafnwm In taking water through the eara when swimming. A 11AIII tJUOOMKU, A New Yerk Weman's Nevel Orcopnlleii for Sinking a Living, rrem the New Yerk Bun. The names of the occupations whleh re 11 nod wotnen In roduced circumstances are seeking newaday are loglen. A roperlor was Intreduced by a friend the ethor day te a lady who was earulng e very romfertablo livelihood as n hair groemor. "I'm net a halrdrosser,'sho said, "I'm a hair groemor. 1 don't de up hair at all. 1 only comb tlie hair and glve It that goneral attention which every woman's hair domain! two or three tlmeaawoek. There are let of wemen In this city who are In this business, and who would scorn te call themselves professional hair drosters, What de 1 de te the hair 7 Well, llrst I rub it dry with n selt and then with a hard brush. I don't put a let of water aud 'clean ing stiilf upon the hair at llrst, as soine de, but alter 1 have the dandrull all out I wet the hair with a sltnple solution, whleh 1 knew te be oflectlvo and net doleterlous ; then 1 rub and brush the hair dry again. Next oenies the trlmmlnL'. 1 null out the gray hair ene by ene, taking earn te pull thein ae that tbe Fcalplsnet lacerated and the halroellsthoinsolveadcdroyod. Thore Is a great art In pulling out hairs. Yeu must pull thein In the dlroctlen In whleh they He In the scalp, Just ns you would n si Iver of weed from your hand, in the dlroetlon In whleh It onlerod. Men or women can't pull out thelr gray hairs thomselvos, font Is utterly imposslble for thorn te no that they are pulling the hairs out en the proper slant. Of ceurse, you knew that poeplo are very touchy en the aubjeet of gray hairs in thelr head. It makes a woman have the bluei for a week when nor llrst gray hair come. New when gray hairs are the result of age 1 nover moddle with them; thn only thing In de Is te let thorn coma Hut they are nften tlioresultcl alekncds or aome ethor llttle trouble, and Itistheu often Imposslble te provent thelr coming, ilaldncss Is te be doctored In Just tlie same way. 1 can never euro, though, and nobody can euro tbe baldness of poeplo llke accountants nnd ethers accustomed te work all day with tbe glare and beat el gaslights or olectrlo lights beating down uiwhi their heads. In thelr casoHlbe hair cells have been morally burned out. "Well, llna'lyl trim llie hair. 1 cut each Individual hair separately, ae ns le make It evon with the ethers, When the hair Is gathored up In the hand and rut square acreas in a lump, as it wero, wuu tue scis sors the straggling halra are net roached. The result Is only te make the hair sherter and qulte as unoven ns botero. Then 1 partltie hair simply and de It up plainly. As 1 told you, If women want thelr hair dene up In any of the fancy styles they liniHu't oemo te me. "Hew much does It pay me 7 Well, 1 generally think 1 ought te get ft nt least vaah tlme I vlslta lady'it heuse. Jf a lady lives a great way up town, and It takes me all the afternoon or morning le go up nnd son her, I want mero money, nf ceurse. And, en the contrary, when two or threo patrnnH llve near cueU ethor, why, I can moderate the price a llttle te each one Jt Is nn humble way of gellliig it living, I knew, but It Is rospeotablo, and 1 shall stick te It." HIIOItTIWr OUAMMAU KVICIC Villi 11K.V. 1 liren llttle erils j en eltun seu Aiearllrles, a, nniind tlie. A noun's thu nauuief anythlnir. As school orgaiden, hoop or swing. Artjecllv es tell the kind of nean As gieat, siiiidl, pretty, whlte or brown Instead el nouns the pronouns aluiida - 111- head, her Uce, your ami, my hand, erlH tell somethlng te be dene Te read, count, laugh, Blnir, jump or inn. Hew things are denu the adverbs lull, Asalewly, uulekly, 111 or well. Conjunctions Jein the words together As man and wemen, wind or weaiunr, Tl.e preposition stands before The noun, as In, or through the deer, Thn Interjection shows surprise. As Oh I hew prelty, Ah' hewwlsn. The whole am called nine tarts of spenrh, V, htcli readlng, writing, speaklng, Icneh. .'lllOMJMIOIII. H'AA'AM.UiKlt'X Wlien you come te the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world. There are reading and sitting and retiring rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph, and mail facilities. Your parcels will be cared for without charge. We try te make you welcome whether you care te buy or net. j i i miAit L. JUMtPi V r WANAMAKER'S ! 14 Acres pLOOKSfACE PHILADELPHIA I rmareajrti i 1 I ' I r Yeu knew that there is no wormy net weatner for any weatner) home use you can't tiling ler wear or but wc have it. If come te the store, write ler whatever you want, samples or goods. Shep'ping by mail has come te be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. JIAAl'hKliCJIIKVil. B ANDAMNA HANDKKKUlUKKH. -CJKT YOUll- Bandanna Handkercliiefs 3, 5 and 10 Cents, -AT- ERISMAN'S, M). & wks'j Jirxa S'J. . -Ncxt Peer te Bayler's VhotegrsihOal. lery, QUT1UURA. KBMXD1E8. Sere from Knee te Ankle. Skin entirely sene nh a rati of dlieaae, rme third in alt, r.nnai. 1ek dtralrilihed ene third tlen hopelci. lured by the Cntlcnra KcmeeiDS. Fer three your t wan almost crippled with an RWlul sorelfg lrem ray knee down te my nnalei the akin we entirely gene, and tee llflih win ene hum of Clatann. come phyl clan pmnennccd It Incnrabla. it had !! mlnltbed about one-thlrd thn tlze of Ihn ether ana wm in a henelcM coneitlon. Alter trj' Ing all kind el rvmedle and spending bnn dreOi et dollar, from which I get no rellnf whatever. I m nanuafled te Itrv venr CUTI- (JUUAHKMKUl ae, ana me reuitwaaarei low 1 After three day 1 noticed a decided change ter the better, and at the end el two months l was completely cured. My fleih was pnrtfled. and the bone (which bad been exposed ler ever a year) get sound Thefleab began te grew, and te-day, ana for nearly two years put, my leg H as well at ever It was, sound In every reipeet, and net a sign of tue QUoate te be irnen. B. U, AI1KUN, Dubois, Uodge Ce , Oa. Terrible Haircrleg Irem Skin DImbms t have been a lorrllde suirerer ler years from diseases of thn skin and bleed, and have been obliged teabun piiblle places uy reason ni iny nUSifiirlnt, hnnnn. ltAVnlmd lhn tMnt of DDVi mi slclsim and snenl hundreds of dollars, but get no roller until 1 nsnd theUtlTICUKA JtKM- kl Km, which have cured me, and left ray skin as clnar and my bleed ai pure a rhlla'a. 1UA M AX, 11 ASS.Ollve branch, f.O., Ullt. Tram 1 13 Pounds te 173 rounds. 1 have taken loveral bottles el Ctrriceru I' I' helvist with all the reaulU 1 could wish for. About this time last year, when commencing llun, I weighed 115 pounds, and te-uay 1 weigh 1 71 pounds. (JKO.OAMPHBM,, Washington, 1) C. Ketk The CUTIcenA mkelvkst,Ii royend all doubt the greatest bleed puriner ever com pounded. Ci'munA, thn great Skin Cnre, and Cirri tunA foil', an exqulntle Hkln lieauliner. ex ternally, nnd Ct'Ticuru Kkselvkkt, the new lllead i-iiriner, internally, are a potltWeeuro feruvcry lerin of ekln and mood Dlaoase, from l'linpltn te Screltila. Feld ovsrywhere. l'rlce, ruAr, oeo ; hrsulvkivt, vi.ii 1'reuared by the l'Ol-J'BIl DltUG A.NLI ClIttMlOAI, CO.. ltO. ten.Hiisi. aw-Uundfer "Hew toCure Skin lilsoaser," fll pages, 111 Illustrations, and lue lotlmenlai. Baby' Snitiii nnu ei'uii, ureeuivuu nnu bnautttlud by CUTIUUUA HKU- 1CATEI) HOA1', Constitutional Oatarrb. Notlnale dlnoae lin entailed mero suffer ing or hastened the breaking up el tbe consti tution than Catarrh. The some el smell, of tante, of sight, of htarlng, the human voice, the mind, one or mero. and sometimes all, yield toltadnBtructlvelnnuenco. The poison ltdlitrlbutes thiouuheut the system attacks overy vital force, and breaks up the met re- iiuni. ei cunsuiuiieni. jgnerua, uecauati urn. llttle understood, by roeat physicians, tmpo tmpe tantly assailed by quacks and charlatans, tbose suffering from It have llttle hope te be relieved el It this side nf the grave. Ills ttme, then, that the popular treatment of this terrt terrt bie illBvate by romedlos within the resch of all pned Inte hands at once competent and trustworthy. Tlie new and hllheite untried inathed adopted by ut. Banlenl In tbe prepa ration el his Kadiuil Ctina tins wen ' he hearty approval of theuiands. It Is Instantaneous lnaimrdlngiellef lnatl head colds, sneezing, snulllng and obstructed breathing, and rapidly remeves tbe meat oppressive aymptemr, clear ing the head, sweetening the breath, rtsteilng thu sunns of smell tan te and hearing, and neutralising the consul nllenal tendency of thoUlieiuio towards the lungs, Uver and kid neys. HAwrORD's ItAnieAi. CnnK conttaUef ene het llenf the UADiuALLVRS.onnbexof Uatabhiial Selvint, and lMi'RevKiMMALxn; price, tl. I'lrrrsn pnuii A CumtiaAt. Ce,, Hobteh. KIDNEY PAINS, Strains and Wesknesscs, Hellevcdln ene inlnute by thatmarvoleus An An lldetn te 1'alii, Inllaniinatten und Wnaknesi, ." Villi, .. .,,. .ail m .If.. AUV MID, enlvpalnikllllnr; strengthening plaster. peclally ailiptcd te Instantly relieve i no uuiirurs Aim i-ein I'lsiinr. The llrst ana Ku an fl speedily cnre Klpneynnd Utorlne 1'elns nnd Ueaknes? Warranted vastly :aunerler te all ethor plosleis. Atall drugglats, sicents t llve for I CM ; or, postage tree, el i'ei rxa ilaue and U1IKU101I, 1.(1 , UOblOIl, MUSS. JemiydW.SAlyw "X VKK'H VflTHSi "TryAyer's Pills" Ket Klicinnathin, NeuralgU, and (lout. Bto Bte phun Lansing, el Voukers, N. 1 , Bays : "ltec ominended ssucuru for chronle Cosllvenoai, Ayer's l'llls ha e relieved me fiem that tron tren liln and also UemUOUT, ix every victim of this dltoate would hued only threo words el mine, 1 could banlth (lout, from the land." T hute erda would be 'Tiy Ayer's Pills.' " ' lty Ihoineol Ayer's l'llls alone, 1 cured myself permanently of rheumatism which had troubled me sev oral months. These fills am at onee harmless und oirectual, and, I bo be bo UevnwouUlprovon9poclnulunll cases el In cipient RHEUMATISM. Ne medicine could have served me In holler fte.id."-U. O. Utrlc, Cmnei, Avoellua l'liilih, l,u. O. 1 . llepklii, Nevada City, writes : 1 havoiiBed Ayer's Pills for sixteen yearp, and 1 think they are the host l'llls In the world. We keep a box of thorn In tbe heuse all the time. Thsy have cured me of sick headache and neurulgla. Blnce taking Ayer'a l'llls, 1 have liceu lioe from nil complaints." " I have derived great bonetlt from Ayer's l'llls. Flve years age I was taken se Ut wllh iheumatlsin that 1 was unable te de any work. 1 took threo boxes or Ayer's rills and was entirely cuted. ttlucti that time 1 am never wllhent a box el these pills," I'ettr Chrlsleuseu, Sherwood, wis. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rnxrAnsn bt Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oo.,Lewoll, Maee. Held by all lUalers lu Medlclne. JtMteJyl AYIIK'H UAIK VlllOH. rnnsALu at ii. ii ceciuiAN'a niiua htehk, Neb. It7 .1 11 North yucen si., l.aucaster, l'i liprl.'.'uidAW . SAKH, HUKK AND Hl'KKDY CUHK. Uupture, Vartcocelo anil Uieclal Diseases or either nex. Why be humbugged by quacks when J ou can find In Dr. Wright the only Usa dlaii l'utsieiAM In I'hlladnlphla who makes a specialty et the nbove dlseases, and (Juass Til. XT Ciikks Uearantssd. Advloe KToe day una nvenlug. Btraiigers can botreatedund re turn home baiiiu day. Olllcea iirlvaU). Dll.W. 11. WUIUI1T, !tl North Ninth Stloet, Abevu ltace, 1". O. Jiex 67U l'hlladelphia. ll,lliVlvOw HUUsmwvitmtMHMmt en. Q.Mi AND HKR -TUK- ROCHESTER LAMP. BlxlyOandle-Llghti lients thein all. Auniber het el CURAT ei.uilBS forUes an ' Ull Steves. THH ' PEHPHOTIOK " UH'AI, MOULDING X UUltUaU OUSHIOM WEATHERSTRIP Katn them alL.Thi. strip eutwears all ethers. Koepseutthu cold, atop rattling of windows. Si 1411 ude thu dust. Keep ent snewandraln. Anyone ran apply It no waste or dirt made in iiiyinK u i. un iw Biiea anywnere n an be fUUd anywhere no holes le bore, ready for nse. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the niesi si perfect. At the Steve, Heater and ttange Btere; -or- Jehn P. Sehanm & Seus, 4J4 SOOTH QDEBN ST.. l.ANCASTkli. 1A. AtlVllALVU.OVKli A HI'HAI.T I'AVl.NH M.O0K. Asphalt Bleck Ce.,' Olllre-WI Chestnut Ht,, I'hlla, I 'a. Wtirks-llrldKeiKirt, l'a , A Cuinden, N. J, UANUFAClUUKUBUr Standard AsphaltPaving Blocks Bl.KS4l5xll AND 1x1x12. Inoneraliuo for street puvlntr.sldewalks.Ksr dun paths, mill yaids and driveways, RiiUvrs, cullrn. villa and sea walls. Advantages. Noiseless, eustleaa, strictly sanitary, practi cally Imlestruclllilu ana cheap, for prlcis and mrtbur Intormatlen nddre9S- R. S. OSTER & BRO., AKents Lancaster Ce.. Ml North 1'ilcrest., Umreatur. 1'a. inUiiiid jtTTOHXJIYll. T UlllKItH. KAUKFMAN, ATTOUN K Y- AT-1, A W, N0.2 BOUTU l'lUNOK ST., Lancaster, 1'a. IJB-lydAw BOOTS AA'D Hnei LOOTS AND HHOKB, D. P. STAGKHOUSB, A3 te 30 HABT KINO, BT. Net old stock but fresh, sew goefls coming In dally from the factory and bought for cash. That la why we can sell our Shoes te much cheaper than ths ether stores, and we glve our customers the benefit of close buying. Everybody abent here full of snap and vim ; a different Shoe Stere from what It was -a IIBTTKU one I but of all Shee Stores mere lire, mere geed goods of the right sort and right price. SSyueme and are tin we cheerfully show yen the goefls, whether you purchase ornet. D. P.STACKHOUSE, Mes. 28 and 30 E&at King Steeet, LANOASTKIl, PA. aBMydAw TO"KV HUOK STOKE. Summer Feet Wear! Xverythlng dealrable In low cut shoes, Ox ford ties and slipper in great vai1ty ler la dins, mimes and children. Ladles' French kid, hand-turn Oxterd ties In common sense and opera tees, very light and easy te the feet, A very stylish low shoe for ladles Is enr pat ent leather foxed Oxford lie with Leen XV or leather heel ; we also have the plain tee and Up oxrerd with the same stylish heels. A neat and geed wearing Oxrerd tie for la dles, plain loe or tip, at II .00 and II.25. Slipper In all styles. An opera slipper with common sense tee and heel, patent leatherllppers, opera tee slippers with high and low heels also n full line ei beaded vamp slippers, rer misses' war all no Dnngnla Oxford tie In heal and spring heul s the same shoe In na tent leather. Fer children Oxford and sailor tics. The Seuthern tie for gentlemen In Kangaroo Is as neat, comfortable a shoe as can be wein In warm weat her. Uongela Oxterds forgenllemen In pointed tee and tip, also In plain bread tee. enrllnenf 12 Wand 13 00 calf shoes for men with smooth Inner sole cannot be oxcellea ler the prlce. n. swTlkey, ( New Cash Shee Stere) Ve. 24 North Qneen Street. J.ANCASrKlt;iA. tnat-K-Smd BIO Hl.A U(liil Kit HI1UI1.3. OF HOOTS AND POSU1VELY -TUK- BIGGEST SLAUGHTER -or BOOTS AND SHOES KVXIl BEKN IN I.ANUASTKlt. As we limit positively meve by .Inly 2. and net having loom ler thu lulance et the goods nt our Kast King Direct atore, we have made Anether Swccpiug Reduction. The Child's KtdSprtnK Heel Shoes, sUfsR te 8. we were selling at Wc, we are newsellluKat tee. Child's l'elililn Heel 7'iO. Shoes, Bires 4 te AX, we weru aelllng at wa ; we aie new selling at '.Ac The box of Whtln Kid Shoes we were selling; at wc, reduced te iie. Iho Misses' Kid lluttnn 15 00;shoe, Opera or Common sensu Tees, we weie soiling ntll 60, leduced te tl 21. Ladles' Kid and l'ebble tl oe Butten Shoes, Opera, Common Hen se and Square Tees, we were selling at II 50, new reduced te 11.25. Ladles' Kid and bright Dengnlafl&O, K7J and 13 mi button Shoes we wero selling al r: en, reduced le II 60. l.adles' higher priced shoes lcducsd In the same proportion. Men's Dress Bhoes we wero soiling at II SO, new i 2.1; thoee we were soiling lioe, new II Milium. ?r: thoiSOiihhees we were se ling atUSO, newliOJ: the 11.00 Shoes we were soil ing nt 1 oe, new ti Ce. Afewet the Celebrated K. A. Perkins 13 00 Shoe left; rednced te uss. Thabalancalef the stock we new have en hand we are Selling Away Belew First Cost. The Onn-lVira Chh Heuse, BKANCH HTOHK NO. 29 WEST KING HTKKKT, (Next Doer te Unger's Stere ) MA1H8TOUK: NO. 3 HABT KINO 8TRHBT, LAN CASTER, PA. VVOTICE As we must positively vacate thUrenui Julys, we will keupthts Stere upon overyovenlni.-. anM-lnla WltKWOKKN 1770 1888. JULY FOURTH. Headquarterafer Fireworks. We ileslre te call attention te 1'IUK WORKS for tbe coming fourth el July Celebration, buying our works from the manufacturer, und vim Crackfia from the Impoiter In large nuantlilt'suQdrercash, we are In position te .1 HU at the lowest market prlce eull WOKK8 are all C'oleied erks, and for weight, size and beauty of colors am net surpassed. OUlt KIUK CKAl KKHS are long stem, best Ne. 1. We have all sizes Cannen Crackers, Japanoie nndblher star Torpedoes, colored riies. Unman Candles, Sky Kockets, Triangles Mlnen, Verticil W heels, irlewer l'ets, llrllliant reuntalns. Me, Ktc Chinese Lanterns and Flags ler the reurtn and rail Campaign. We have purchased largely et chlnese and tlspaneae Lanterns, and flags, which we can al.e .lOlt at tlie Lewest l'rlcus. HUNTING l.AOrt -we can lurntsh thorn or any alie at Short Nellw. ' BURSK'S, NO. 17 BA8T KING I.ANCAHTEU.l'A. BTRBE1T, QUJUCA'UWAKie. UlUH A MAKTJN, Fiuit Jars ! Jelly Tumblers I CHINA HALL. MASON rUlMTJAU9.1NAI.LSU4S. JUl.lA XU.MULKU3. IKLI.YCUPS. JKLL J A 111. I.llillTMINU ritUlT JAUS. ( I he best In the llaxkct.) HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street, I.ANUASTKU. PA. WKIKKIH FAHHlONAULi: MIU lluery and Trimming store, Ne. 3j North Uu eon btreet, contains all the he wet and Latent Novelties el the season. P: Ires rea sonable, call and tee our JtewUecdi. spratid FREY & ECKERT czsrcri. ASKEW OB MB.- AT NOS. .181 ANU XK WEST KINO STBKKT. 077-11 M YKKH A KATHfON. Sensible Clothing rek HOT WEATHER IN UUOD VAUIKTY. Men's Coats and Vesta from II. 75 te 17.60, In Striped and 1'lald Flannel. Men's Coats, and Vests In Figured Mo hair and Alpaca. Men's Coats and Vests in Black Drep d'Ete, A Hamlsorae Stock of White and Col ored Vests in high and low cut. Hundreds of Styles in Flannel Shifts for Summer Tourists and Travelers, Myers & Rathfon, NO. 12 BAST KINO ST.. 1,ANCATWK l' TlKDUGKU 1'IUUKH. L. GANSMAN & BRO. Fact and Prices. We are making le order Kine English Wor sted Suit, the latest style Cutaway or Back, aUISandlls. We are making te order All-Weel liln Cos Ces slrnere butts at 115, lit, lid. Pants te order, 13 50. f 1, tn, 0, f 7, 13 Thin Summer Goats and Vests. Eeei sucker Ceat and Vest, II CO. Heys' Coats and Vests at 85c. Flannel Ceat and Vest, 11.50. Borge Ceat and Vest, ti25, 12.73, $1,31,14 00, $3.00, 16 00. Mohair Ceat and Vest at nn 12 te, $3 fO. $.1 te Children's Odd rants at CO, CS, 75, 85 centf , $1.00. Men's Woolen rants, $1.25, $1.75, lioe. $2.60, $.100, $3 50. JVKntlre Spring Stock nt reduced prices. 49-A glance at our window's eiblblt will convlnceyou. L Gansman & Ik, S. W.OORNBR NORTH QUBEN & ORANGE BTS. LANCASTER. PA. UUMMEK GOODS. T1I)1NQ HADDL.ES. I. laberlmsli & Sen. SUMMER GOODS ! LAP BLANKETS I'liOM 50e. TO $1.00. IIOKSi: SHEETS, FLY ETS, EAR TIPS, 1IA3EKALL AND TENNIS 1IKI.TS. I.Hdles' Vine Worsted Helta In Blue and White. Ctmtnela, Hponges, Weel and Feather Dus ters. M. Ial)erl)usli & Sen's HADDLE, UAKNEHH, -ANU- TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANC1AHTKU. l'A. OAHRlAUKa. QTANDAKU WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY CARHUUE 11UILDER, NOS. 4il,42.41,45MAUKKT STtlKKT, llear Ol fostetllce, Lancaster, Vm, t have In StecK and llulld te Order Every Vartety el the following styles : Coupe, Hug. gles. Cabriolets, Carriages, victerias, liusliiess Wagons. "T" Carts, McCall Wagons. Surilus, Market Wagons, I'hiutnns, Express Wagons. 1 employ the best Mechanics, and have Iiicll ltles te build correctly any style of Carrhige desired. The Uuallty, Style and Finish nt my work makes It decidedly the Cheapest In the market, M-WIC HAVETUK I1K9TANDCUKAPXST OAIIT IN THE MAUKKT. COAL. T AUMUAKDNKR'M COdVAN V GOAL DEALERS. oie:-no, izi North QneenStreet, and Ne. 5M North JMnce street. Yaae: Nerm rnucs street, nearnoeaing OBpet, snrlM ta LaHOARTBH, l'A T a MARTIN. Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In all kinds et 1.UM1IKR AND COAU WVasd-Ne.4M North Water and Prlne BtreeU, above Lemen Lancaster. cHyd mm Mm ! rURNlTUHt. WIDMYKR'S. FURNITURE WIDIYER'S OOBIEU THE OLD COJtNKJt 19 ruLi, or oeod mw tiiinui. Our stock Is tee large and mnst be reSeecd beforethesessnncle.es. Te de this we have concluded te atve the people a chanee te get Geed Furniture I AT A UTILE COST. We have some feeds (net the newet, but Jntta geed) that will be sold If the prlee pnt en them will sell them. These are y It bat UAVOAtNS, and we x poet te see them meve llve'y. WIDMYER'S FUUN1TVRS STOBX Oer. Kaat Klnff & Dek Bta. "0HS & QIBBS. Roem Wanted. We need mere room for the stock which we have bought and are making up. We're go ing te get it by putting the prices se low that the present stock will move fast. Our necessity is your opportunity. If you're thinking of getting a Parler, Dining Roem or Bed room Suite, or any piece of Furniture, new is your time' te buy. Come and leek at our New Stock en 2d, 3d and 4th floors of 31 Seuth Queen Street. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers. aprll-lyd I doslre te call the attention of my Mends and patrons te the fact that I am no wprepared te de goneral Undertak ing', te which my per per nenal attention will be given nt moderate charges. RoBpectfully,; WALTER A. mnNITSH, 27 Si 20 S. Queen St. Rosldenco 37 West Vine Street, opposite St. Mary's Church. P URN1TURE ! FURNITURE I THKU.NDKUSU1NKI) UA8 UKOl'KNEU HIS B10UE AT THE OLD STAND, Ue, 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by tire semn tlme age, and has a perfectly New block or ull klnds.ef FURNITURE. l'AULOlt SUITES, 11KDU0OM SUITES, TAliLKS, CU11US, ETC. UPHOLSTERING In All Its Brinrhes. Alse fainting and Or namenting Old Chairs.; HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 FitRt King Btreet. JC9 tfd BUMMSH JiBBOKTU. DEIiAVKN HOU8K, ATLANTIC CITV. Atlantic and Connecticut Avenues. WILL It'JWICIt, Clerk .1. W. UUUUAKKU, lrep. Trms-3.00 te :.W psr day. 21 lmd A TliANTIO Oll'Y, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest Most Convenient Hetel. Xlegantly Furnished. I Iberully Managed. Coach te and from Ueach ana Trains, orchestra Musle. C11AB. MeULADE, frep. W. E. Cochran. Chtef Clerk. lebrMuid T UE "OHAI.rONTK," Ocean End of North Carolina Avenun, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. S.UOUKIITS A SONS. apilmd OWARD COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITV. Newnpnn for the season. Uoed rooms and tvery convenience. Fer terms apply u MIBSUKLLKr ANimiWS, Ne 55 Surf Avenne, Atlantic City, N. J.3 Jiin20,21,.:ejy5," tTTKTHKRILls" ATLANTIC CITV. N J , Ocean End Kentucky Avenue. Open february 1, le November 1. 1.0c Bex luse. M.J.KCKK1U'. mayl0-2md s T0CKT0N HOTKL. CAPE MAY, N J. OPKh.S JUNE soNew Ownership. Niw ManagemunL Newly Kurnlshea. perfect Appeintmints. l'emilar Prices. finest beach In the world, lloem plans and informs inferms informs slen et ltlasius A Sens' l'lane Waroroems, N. w, corner L'leventh and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, until Junut9. r.lllKO. Walten, Proprietor, JunlR Ut Late of St. James Hetel, N. T. e Al'ON HI'KINCIH AND HATHH. AI.ICA1NK I.ITHIA AND Slll'KHIOlt IKON WATEUS, HAMl'SUtllE COUNTY. W. VA. This colehrated Mountain llesert for health and pleasure, llatbs et any teinperntu'e : a summer climate unsurpassed; a charming summer home with Its many Improvements, aocnmmedallng &0 guests, open June 1. Vev medical aud elbvr testimony, send for circu lar. Wli. 1L SALE, msy7-a;td Proprietor. A TLANTIO 01TY. CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE, Tbti thoreugb'y coiuferiable aud well, known lioiue Is new open, 'iwenty-elgbth nmnn. Haine management. Coel and de lightful location very neartbntea jiinlMmd J kBIM&SONF. WU I'lHUKK, DKNTIHT. Particular attention given te filling and preserving the natural uxith. 1 have all the latest Improvements ter doing nice sort at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex perlence in the large cities 1 am sure te give tbe best et satisfaction and save you money, best artificial teeth only U 00 per set. xnaris-lyd Ne, 61 NOkvUI QUKN.ST. 'Att 1-