"!FV VSAmLXL&te pHBIi SntdimmM. t mxfatif i rt i,V. VOLUME XX1T-NO. 255. LANCASTER. PA.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1888. 'A PRICE TWO CENTS, X Wj 5 - -& m A GREAT FESTIVAL. rRKPARAHON rOB TAB NATIONAL BLN UKKVEtTAT BALTIMORE. Three Theusaaa ! Hundred Wagers ed stvtnly.twa SetleHtt le l'anietf Tk Lied, rarest and the-Steaaweber ' secttiltt el ThU Olty te Attend. Baltimore) Jane 27. The people of thltctty are making great preparations te receive tha elaglag aecletlea for the moale festival from June 30 te July 5. Three thousand Ave hundred singers and eeventy eeventy twe aecletlea are expected te take part. The financial success of the affair la already lelly annred, aa a Urge Income will be contributed by tbe singers themaelver, which will be greatly Inereaaed by the re. eelpta from tbe four daya performances, while, te make all sure, besides many dena tlena of mpney direct, a guarantee fund of ever $25,000. haa been aubecrtbed. The prtze-alnglng aoeleUea will be divided Inte three classes : Ciaaa flrat wlU .Include aecletlea having 40 membera and evers elaaa second, memberablp of 25 te 39; elaaa third, memberablp of 10 te 24. Te avoid all oeoaalon for dissatisfaction en account of Influence, fallnsen or favoritism, tbe three Judjtea who are te pwa en the merlta of the perfermanrea wlll'be entirely un known te tbe alegera radTte each ether. Sixteen Baltimore aoeleiiea will take part. Many of tbe visiting aecletlea will have bande with them, and the festival proper will have an orchestra of eeventy-Uve muslelan", gathered from Baltimore, Phil adelphla and Hew Yerk. The visiting societies will be received by a torchlight precession through the princi pal atreeta en Saturday evening. Tbe first oenoert will bi given at Bay Kid go, the charming watering place en the Ohcsa peake en Sunday afternoon. This point la reached by rail and beat. Tbe first after- neon coneort In this city will take place In Harris' academy en Monday afternoon. The contest for prizes will be held en Tues day at tbe Bme theatre. Tbe big parade of the singers will start at 9o'elockontbomornlngotJaly4, Besides the singers a largenumbar of ether aecletlea Will take part. President Cleveland has been Invited, and will probably attend. Gov. Jacksen will beprosentat the two concerts at tbe Academy of Music, and with Mayer L'strobe will review tbe proceaslon at the city ball? OXIU BALTIMORE. Tiie Beclellea Will Leave Next Saturday Te Attend tneStungerfeat. TtoeHieegorfoator the Qerman societies et tbe country will be held at Baltimore next week, and tbe big parade will take place en Wednesday, which will be the Fourth et July. It is expected that there will be a tremendous crowd of peeple In attend an co, and Lancaster Is te be largely represented. The two societies of thla city have been buay making preparation for the trip for some time past. The Llederkranz will take at least CO membera and tbe full Liberty band of tbls city. Tbe Miunner Miunner Miunner ober also expect te take a large crowd. Tbe Pennsylvania railroad Is giving tbe socie ties tbe advantage of clieap rates with tickets geed te return until alter tbe Saftn Saftn gerfett. The dingers will leave Lancaster en a upcclal train at 2:10 next Saturday afternoon. Bo'ere leaving tbey will make a short parade. There Is no doubt that they will have a splendid time In the Mon umental city, which Is famous for Its hos pital ity. A Pineapple Festival. Tbe ladles of tbe First Baptist obureh have made extonMve arrangements for holding a pineapple festival en the beautiful lawn In rear of tbelr church building, East Chestnut street near Lime. The la wn will be beautirully Illuminated with oleetrlo lights and the tables will be provided wltb pineapples served In every approved atyle, both frozen and otherwise. There will also be strawberries, apricots, pluuiB, and otber fruits, together with Ice cream, cakes, cut flowers and ether attraction?, Including a corps of geed looking girls te serve customers. Admission te tbe lawn tree. I.irceny, lilie t r.tens'. A, ? Before Alderman Deen, Perclval Barte has brought a suit against Andrew Miller, ebarglng him with larceny, and another agalnat J en a L. Mlnnlcb, charging bim wltb emberzlement and falie pretense. Seme tltritT age Barte waa sold out by tbe Bherlir wben, a? he sayp, bis aen-ln-law bought In for hltn a let et farming Implements, wagons, 5c Afterwards, It Is alleged, Miller went te the place and took tbe things away saying they belonged te Mlnnlcb. Barte claims tbalby false representations Mlnnlcb Induced him tealgn a Judgment note. He also says that Mlnnlcb collected moneybalenglng te him henee the suit. A Hey Kidnapped by Tramps. Emlen Loutzenhelzcr, who mysteriously UlBappeaicu l.uui uiauuiuaiubnuwiij ---uiv-, asven weeks age, hat Just returned ragged and dirty, and relateBaromarkabletale. He aaya that en tbe day of his disappearance a tramp approached him at tbe Pett Wavne depot, and, pulllug out a handker chief, held It te bis face, lie became un un un oensolous, and wben he roeovered was In a cattle car wltb three tramps and two ether beya. He was kept In the cattle ear until Alteena, Pa., was reached, when he and bla companions were taken te a house In the weeds, where there were ten ether beya and two tramps guarding them. The youths bad all been klanapped and held ler ransom. All attempts te escape were In vain, until one night, lelgnglng Bleep, be managed te elnde bis captors and es caped. He was pursued and one of tbe tramps fired a shot that missed him. Wben he reached Alteena the polleo were In formed, and tbe tramps were arrested and tbe beya set free. d The Lawyers' I'lcule, Tbe lawyers remained at tbelr picnic at Tells Haln until alter dark last evenlng and all unite In pronouncing It one et the beBt tbey have ever held. During tbe afternoon tbey were visited by B K. Jamisen, who drove around tbat way, and tbe popular Phlladelpblan wua hospitably entertained. Mr. Jamisen left in tbe evenleg for Inter course, where he spent the night. Kicurtlen te Sit. Gretna. This mernlDg Unity Ceunell, Order et United Friends, of thla city, ran an excur sion te ML Qretna, where tbey are holding a plcnle te day. The main part of the crowd left in tbe C.-25 train w tbe Pennsylvania railroad for wblcb 101 tlekets were add, Tbey bad observation ours of tbe Cornwall read. Quite a number of parsons lett en tbe 9:35 train alar. Alderman A. V. Uenntll)'. Conn. Henry D. Smltb, a Seventh ward colored man, has been prosecuted by II, Q. Rollins before Alderman A. F, Dennelly for drunkenness and disorderly ccndcct. lie entered ball for a bearing. Geerge Edwards baa been prosecutod for a similar oUense before tbe same magis trate. 1 Laneiiter Ceaii!). Crep. The weather crop bulletin Issued by tbe state weather norviee statea that In Lancas ter county tbe wbeat will be an average crop, corn Is backward, el tobaeoo tbere will be tbe average acreage and that rain U peeded. Way Ik Trent Ware Net Served, Frem the New Haven Palladium. few daya age one of the most prom!- aeatyesag busmeae men of New Haven wee eaieyiDK a drive in the vicinity of Birmingham, when he met a small lad who was lugging a big flth pole and a string of n.nv gum. BiEfia uaa. The New Haven man looked at theae flab and coveted them, lie la remarkably read of flahlnar, and alwaya has remarkably peer leek, lie Instantly made np hla mind te try greenback bait, and a dialogue resulted aa follews: "ButLwbat will yen take for theae trout?" "Don't want te aell 'em." I'll pay yen well for them." "Weil, yer can have them ter t'i" "Here is your easb, my boy. Threw tbe beantlea right under that rubber blanket" The boy did as directed and the lever of flsh returned te hla home. After he had exhibited the flth te hla wife and had ex. plained that the specimens were the finest worn uenaa ever seen, ne pieeea them In the lee box and started ent te invite eeme frlenda le dine wltb him the following day and sample some of the finest trout ever captured In Connecticut. Aa tbe gentleman thougbtef hla treasures he grew mere anxious te exhibit te some friend who could appreciate a geed thing when he aaw it. He he called at tbe resi dence of one of his neighbors and Invited him te come ever. Tbe trip te the Ice box waa made at a walking mateh pace and the proud owner removed the Ice from hla treasure and ex posed te view nine plump suekera. The friend looked at the suckers, and after he had laughed until he could scarcely breathe, be explained that tha flth were net worth mere tban five cents each. The cats dined en fish that evening, and tbe friends who had been invited te eat brook trout are still wondering hew It waa that their expected treat failed te material Ire. The ann te II lllch. Dr. Cresby In tbe Femni. Butnew one word te tbeyenng man who Is making haste te be rleh. Net one out of ten thousand who give talent, eneigy and lire te tbls race ever reach tbe goal. We have seen that tbe coal Itself la a s-rand delusion, but as you will net aee that truth, perhaps the tremendeua obaneea against you In the raoe may turn you te a wise course. Your oempetltots are legion, and they have no bowels of mercy. Tbey carry sharp daggers aud use them skilfully. The raoe bcoemesagame of hearties trickery and your dicceuitlture will excite co sympathy. Yeu oannet step a moment te rest or you'll be trodden under feet. Plot and oeunterplot will keep you buay day and night until your brain reels and your phy sical faculties fall. Your hair becomes prematurely white, your limbs totter, your feed baa no relish, your disposition grows sour, you are nervous wltb expecta tion or fear. Altogether yen are a very miserable creature, made se by your own wilfulness. Wltb mind and body thua weighed down, the tbeugbMbat all la done for a questionable advantage and also by questionable means, will haunt you In BplteofyeursolYund add a moral sting te the Intellectual and physical decay. Declare. Fer Cleveland and Therman, Kdlterlal In New Yerk Times, (Ind. Hep ) Fer the working outef the reforms wbleb the Tunes bellevea te be the ehlef Issues el our politics the Democratic party, with Its present candidate, Is the "better Instru ment," te use Mr. Tilden'a expression. Its candidates are Incomparably superior te these of the Republlcans,and tbe announce ment of purpeaea with wblcb It enters the contest Is mere satisfactory, and In respeet te the dominant Issue 1b firmly right wben tbe ether Is hopelessly wrong. Aa regards civil servlee reform, though we have bad occasion te crltlelse tbe present administration for some of It errors and failures, we have greater confidence in Mr. Cleveland's sincerity and fidelity tban In tbe written professions of a party wbeae leaders are unable te speak of tbe reform without a aneer. The Times will give Cleveland and Tburman Its hearty sup port, and will de what lies In Its power, and it Is net commonly an inactive newspaper In a presidential contest, te tnake their ma jority such tbat there will be no doubt it the morning after election. Will Net Acct.it a Redaction. The reports et tbe ledges of tbe Amal gamated association en tbe wage question are being made rapidly, and np te Tuesday evening between fifty and sixty or tbe re. perta Bbenld have been rocelved at the headquarters in Pittsburg. The offlelals will net dlvulge the result et the votes until tbe matter Is laid before tbe confer ence committee next Friday. It Is said, however, tbat tbe vote la agalnat accepting any roductlen In wages, and that wben the committees ceme together again next Fri day tbe Amalgamated people will Insist en a oentlnuance of tbe present wages, while the manufacturers will maintain their posi tion, tbat tbe depressing condition el busi ness will net permit of the in paving the same wages. Te Starca ter Valuable.. The BrltlBh consul at Mellende, In Peru, recently reported te his government that a limited liability company bas been formed tbere, with a capital et ateut 9,000, called the Cempanla Anenlma Exploradera de laa uucasiiet inea, wun tne object oiaearcning for antlqultles and valuables In tbe old lnca burial grounds In tbe district of Cuzco, a concession having been granted te tbe com pany by tbe government for tbe purpose. The consul Bays there Is no doubt tbat many valuable eurloMllee, and probably deposits et geld and silver, exist in tbeBe ancient tern db. Steeping en Herllatb.ua'. lre. Frem the Albany Kxprcjs. Tbe strange bablt of an aged Albany woman of ualng tbe Rural cemetery for a dormitory en special occasions baB just ceme te light The woman In question la a widow named Brlggs, whose husband died about eight years age and was burled In the cemetery. Fer some time she has been In tbe bablt et making two day pilgrimages te her husband's grave. She always carries with ber a sufficient quantity of feed te last through her vigil and blankets te serve as a covering during tbe night She claims tbat she spends tbe night In converse with her departed Bpeuse. Lads Fatally MatiUte Smiller Hey, Twe boys living near Transfer, New Jer sey, named Mlnlck and SehwarU, aged 10 and Oyearr, allured two younger boys Inte tbe weeds, telling them tbere was a bird's neat there. They then attempted te bind tbem te a tree. The eldest one escaped but tbe younger one, named Reef, aged about G years, was secured and most horribly mutilated. His Bufferings are terrible and tbe doctor thlnkB his chances ter life very slight. There seems te have been no motive for the deed. Ilretberana Hl.ter Strangely Mtet. A woman with ber two daughters came te BlrdBbore, Berks county, en Tuesday Inquiring of rne station agent tbe way te Freneb Creek. William Meble, mining engineer et tbe Breeke Iren company, was atandlng tbere. Tbe woman tald sbe was going te visit ber brother, whom she bad net aeen for thirty-live year. What is his name 7" asked tbe engineer. " Wm. Meble," replied the woman. " Why, Kllza, Is It you 7 1 am William I" be ex claimed, and tbere waa anatteetlng scene. Glll.n WUbdrairt Frem tbe Franklin Centttt. As a result et tbe Chicago nominations, and rocegnlrlng the unity et tbe Republi can in Franklin county, W. Ruab tiillan withdraws from tbe race for tbe Democratic nomination for tbe Judgeship. He an nounces tbat he will support Ex Judge Ktmmell for tbe nomination, and tbe latter will undoubtedly be tbe Democratic can didate against Ex-Senater Jehn Stewart. m Tramps Wanted In Delaware, The Delaware Fruit Exchange met In Dever, DeL, en Tuesday and aa tbe mem bera reported an Immense peaeb crop In prospect tbey unanimously adopted a reso lution protesting against tbe arrest of tramDS coming Inte the peninsula, aa they will need them te help In picking peaches. TRADE IN TOBACCO. TUB LOOAL MARKET BUOM1NO, WHILK THE NEW TORK 13 AOTITB. Farmer Ktnert tha New riant la flood CndltlenTfc Acnes; Larger Tban Last Tear-Why Tfcere la Likely t R a Scarcity el aTllltr Leaf. The tobacco plant In aeme parte of the county have Buffered for want of rain ; Id ether aeotleaa mere favored they are grow ing finely, and tbe plantings en the whole may be said te he in fairly geed condition. Tbe acreage as far aa can be gneseedat ia larger tban last year, and it ia pretty evenly divided between Havana and aeed leaf. A few bnyera are In the Held looking for '87 aeed and Havana, but the leta are very widely scattered and it soareely paya them te buy It, Fer a number of years paat manufacturers et One elgara have seutjht Pennsylvania aeed and Havana Ba and C te furnish quality fillers for tbelr geed a, and they have by careful preparation et thla Bleck, produced a cigar tbat haa approached very near a Havana and aeed elgar. The question arises, where will thla ateck be obtained thla year.T It oannet be secured In the 1887 crop, aa the aeed leaf of thla crop la of large growth and there will net be an average of mere than three easea of Bi and Ca te the hundred, and aa great an Inquiry la pre dicted for the heavy short goods of the '60 crop aa there was for that of '81 and '3 crop. Transactions in old tobaccos have been light during the past week. SktleattPrey report tbe aale of 90 easea of all grade and tbe purebaae of a few email leta. B. 8. Kendlg k Sen bought 123 easea and Beld 100 easea ; D. M. Mayer Beld lue eaaea j David Lederman sold 300 eases; Frank Pentlarge sold 200 easea of '84 '85 and '60 Havana. In '87 aeed there waa a big boom In Mew Yerk. Jehn F. Brimmer sold 400 cast ; Frank Pentlarge 600 ; R. H. Bru baker 300 ; Jeseph Lederman 600 ; Cullman & Rosenbaum (reported) 400 cases making 3,000 easea In all handled by Lancaster packers a larger amount tban for any week provleua for years. New Yerk Heed Lear Market. Prem tbe U. B. Tobacco Journal. Business for tbe past week haa been very brisk. Tbe volume et sales will compare favorably with theae dnrlng any week of the busiest season. Aa naual, old Pennsyl vania moved In largeat quantities. About 1,600 caane of It changed banda at an averace prien of 11M- Of old atate aeed about 600 eaaea were disposed of at 13a. Heme smaller leta of Mew England tobaeoo and Little Dutch run the aggregate aalea In old seed leaf up te about 2,400 easea. But tbe most important event must be regarded tbe aale et 600 case et new Wisconsin at 15c. The'87 Wisconsin bad been neglected by our packers ter a long time. At least aeme of our shrewder packera found out Its staying qualities and they went for It In old fash ioned style. Tbey were able te buy it at low figures, and It leeks aa If they would realize a small bonanza from It because It appeara te be comparatively! ree of the old vicious draw backa Inherent in the Wisconsin, which have proved In some years paat of ratber tee expensive an experience te the Invester, If the Wisconsin will held after tbe aweat what It premise new It will certainly be one of tbe most available crops this season. It is from such a consideration tbat tbe re ported transactions In new Wisconsin de rives it Interest and Importance. The market waa also rather lively In Sumatra and the Improvement was visible, net only In tbe quantity of aalea but alto In tbe prices realized. The trade aeema te accommodate itself te the faet el tbe scarcity of avallable Sumatra In tbe new crop. Tbe transactions amounted te 600 bales at f LC5 te L00. Havana Is, of course, holding Its own in tbla lively race. Active, aa usual. Halts about 700 bales at stiff figures. Clan.' Weekly Repert, Following are the aalea et seed leaf tobaeoo reported for the Intklt.iuenekb by J. S. (Jans' Sen, tobaceo breker, Mp. 131 Water street, Mew Ycrk, for tbe week ending June 25, 1883: 600 easea 18S7 Pennsylvania Havana, p. t ; 160 cases 1SM0 Pennsylvania Havana, 0 15a ; 300 cases 1880 Pennsylvania seed tear, 0',' 12)40.; 100 eases 1885 Oble, 0)0. ; 200 case l&bd Wisconsin Havana, 6lue. ; 160 cases 1880 New England, ll10x; 100 ones sundries, 0Z0 Total, 1,550 cases. TUB FOUIITU OS JCLV. low tbe (.real Holiday Will no Celebrated in Oily and Gennly, Me arrangements have been made in tbla city for a publle display et fireworks of tbe kind tbat we had last year, aa tbe gen eral publle seem tee anxious te keep tbelr money in tbelr pocket se tbey will knew where It is. There will be several fine private displays In tbe city. The largeat et these will be at tbe City hotel, the pro prietors and boarders of wbleh have con tributed a considerable turn of money. Tbey bsve received permission te erect a platfern or arch across tbe street and from tbla the display will be given. Aa far as la new known tbere will be very few amuse ments beyond private plonles and race at MeUrann's park dnrlng tbe day. The small towns throughout tbe county seem te have much mere patriotism tban Lancaater, and tbere will be colebratlona In a number of them. AtLltltz the usual big time will be held wltb sjieecbea and a general illumination of tbe springs grounds. At Gap tbere will be a parade during the day and fireworks In tbe even ing. West Willow Is te have fireworks and a festival, and at Ellzabetbtewn the day will be celebrated In a bi fitting manner. Tbe probabilities are tbat a large number of our citizens will spend tbe day at tbe seashore. A number of fishing parties will go te the country. Teotenla Ledge OttHers. Teutenla Ledge Me. 105, K.P., bas elected tbe following cllicera for tbe ensntng term : P. C, Andrew Schmauderer : C. C, Jacob Uttbefer; V. C, Jacob Blnkele; Pr., Charles Reth ; K. of R. and S., J. H. Oitermayer ; M. of F,, Carl Bebn ; M. of E., QnstavE. Relebman; M. et A., Fred Velmer; 1. a, Qustav Neudorf; O. Q. Jacob Mlasbreuner; trustee, Wm. Balz; representative te grand ledge, J. IL O.ter reayer. Fb. Keller was recommended te tbe Q. C. as D. D. U. C. for the German ledges In Lancaster ceunly. Harry OeiUgher Arrested. Harry Gallagher, who figured in a num ber el rows last week and wbe skipped out wben be learned that be waa preaecnted, returned te tbls city en Tuesday and waa arrested by Constable Merrlnger. He Is charged with assault and battery by J, M. Walten before Alderman Deen and en three charges preferred by Amy btenee before Alderman Spurrier. In default of ball be bas been committed for a beating. Married by an Alderman, Grant l.lnxey, a colored hed-carrier, and Viela Jobntten, a dutky belle of Mertb street, were married by Alderman Spur rier en Tuesday evening. Tbe marriage was witnessed by a number et invited guests, after which tbe newly wedded couple repaired te their new residence en Merth street, where they received tbe hearty congratulations of tbelr frlenue. Arrestfd In Yerk. William Blelndlnst, of tbls city, waa ar rested In Yerk en Tuesday en tbe charge of being drunk and disorderly. The mayor fined him 12 and sent him te the lockup for a short term. TO-DAY IN CONQRKH. Th reblle Lead BlU rase the Iiea.e-Tbe Tariff Bill Hest Re Voted Oe. Washington, June 27. The Heuse re anaaed consideration of the publle land bill, and after adopting aa amendment retaining title lathe government te coal mlnta ea publle lands, the bill waa passed. Mr. Mllla called op the tarW bill, and Mr. Kelley, of I"nnaylvanla, aetlng ea hla own retpanalblllty, suggested, a meana et ex pediting adjournment, that the tariff bill belaid aside until aext sessions, Its fate then te depend upon tbe result et the presidential election, end that the surplus be redueed by repealing the tobaceo Ux. Mr. Mllla declined te aoeept the suggestion, but proposed that the Kepublleana should fix an early date for taking a vote en the bill. Mr. Reed aatd Mr. Kelley spoke for him aelt alone, and that tbe Republicans would insist upon pointing out the defects In the bUl in detail. la the Senate. In the Senate te-day Mr. Chandler intro duced a bill providing for a reorganization of the navy department. It abolishes the bureau et equipment and recruiting and consolidate into one the bureau of con cen con atruetlon and repair and of steam engineer ing ; authorize the selection from the engineer corps of fifty naval constructors, and tbe appointment by the president, by and with the advice of tbe Senate, of an assistant secretary of the navy at a salary or 15,000 a year. Mr. Jenes, of Arkansas, introduced a bill providing tbat in all easea herealter tried before tbe district court et the United States for the Western district of Arkansas the judgment et aueh oeurt en oenvlotton may, at tbe ault et defendant, upon a writ of error be reexamined and reveraed or affirmed by the circuit court et the United State for the Eastern district et Arkansas, holden at Little Reek. The Senate haa taken up tbe rlveratd harbor appropriation bill. Wrecking a Proverb or Tite. A diminutive West Philadelphia con temporary, tbe Public JNVu'i, says i "A aubaerlber and myself bad quite an argu ment tbe ether evening en the maxim i 1 Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.' I thoroughly disagree with it. She repeated It, but 1 tblnk It la useless for her te try tbe plan, aa she is always buying JOB LOTS in quantities and, net allowing ' tbe dellara te take care of them selves.' She only takes care of the pennies. " I don't 1 11 My pennies go for all small and nocor necor nocer sary things, such as candy, cake, eta ; but 1 save my dollars and alwaya have tbem. ' She busts into ber dellara and then haa none. I go for my pennies. 11 Thla saying about pennles ' Is very useless and untrue. "Anether saying, 'Honesty Is the best polley.' Tbls la the most unlrue of all old sayings. I've seen enough cheating at Boheolto find out hew It takes some through and I've also seen honesty exercised. My meat intimate friend used the latter and at the end of tbe term at sobeol bn found him self nearly tall et the class. Mew Is thla geed polley 7 "Wben apeaklng of tbla 1 don't want try frlenda te tblnk tbat 1 am ene of tbe eh Of a because 1 get a'eng nicely. I usually have success whether or no, and never get left," FOBIV.TIIREK MEMBERS KI.LOrKD. Til Yeung Men's Democratic Olab arenrlng. Cleveland and Tberman Indorsed. A very largely attended business meeting et tbe Yeung Men's Democratic club waa held in their rooms Tuesday evening. Forty three new membera were elected, Action waa taken en tbe proposed trip te Baltimore te attend tbe national convention of clubs. There will be seven accredited delegates, and many mere will attend aa Individuals Tbe elub new numbers 250 members and is well organized for campaign work. A resolution was unanimously adopted enderalng tbe nomination of Cleveland and Tbnrman and tbe platform of tbe St. Leuis convention. A vote et thanks was given te Geerge M. Stelnman for the picture of tbe St. Leuis convention presented by blin te the elub. Charged Wltb Oblcken Stealing. Jeseph Williams, a young farmer, resid ing in Cecil county, Md., about a mile and a half from Rising Sun, and his stepson, Wm. MeMullln, were ledged in Jail at Elkton en Monday afternoon by Oonstable 8. J. Morrison, et Rising Sun. Tbey were cmmltted in default of (600 ball eacb, te answer a number of ebargea of theft of poultry, carpenter'a tools, ele , from Jacob Swayne, Jonathan Reynold, Leon Leen ard Harris and Jeslsb Reynolds. They are also charged wltb ateallng 45 cblckens, from Heward Coats, of Lancaster county, Pa., and a cress cut-saw from Themas Lee, of Lee'a Mills, Cheater county, Vi. Tbe tools, It la said, were found cencealed under tbe garret fleer and weather-bearding. Several of the farmera Identified chickens. Tbe discovery el tbe whelesale stealing caused considerable excitement. Last Day for Mercantile Tax. Saturday Is tbe last day te pay tbe mer cantile tax assessed against tbe merchants and buslnesa men of tbe city, boroughs, villages and townships of tbls county. Thus far only about ene-balf of tbls tax bas been paid at tbe county treasurer's efflce. After July lit the list is plaeed In the banda of an alderman for collection and tbat meanB the payment of oests In addi tion te the amount of tax. State Teacbere' Auoclatlen, Tbe 3ltb annual meeting et tbe Pennsyl vania State Tcaebers' association will be held at Scranton en July :U, 4th and 6tb, and will be attended by a number et Lan castrians. Rev. Dr. Ulgbee will respond te the addresa of weloemo, and Dr. J. P. Wlekersbsm is en tbe prograrnme for an addreas en free textbooks en July 4th, at 2p.ni. ' Will lUmalu in Uotrele, Tem Dally, of tbls city, wbe has been wltb Louise Arnet dutlng tbe season tbat haa juat closed, Is at present In Boflale, M. Y,, where be bas also bis wife. Miss Arnet finished her seasen'' work In tbat city en Saturday evening. Mr. Dally has charge of tbe advertising for tbe International fair in Buffalo, and be will remain In Cleve land's city. Htrli ken Willi ta ralj.lt. Jacob Olteffer, tbe well-known butcher, was stricken with paralysis en Tuesday night, and Is constdered dsngereutly III. He was at the meeting of Teutenla ledge, Knights of Pythias, early in the evcnlnp, and waa stricken scen after his return home. His right side is ailectcJ, and in addition be taapeeehless. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Tbe Wbeat Harvest. The wbeat harvest was commenced In Lancaster county te day and for the next tea days farmers will be busy, Wbeat was out tbls morning In tbe vicinity et Inter courj&Reperta from all sections of tbe county Indicate tbat there will be a geed crop of wbeat tbls year. i Lest a Welch. W. II. DMcbler, the blind huckster, lest a valuable watch yesterday while walking along Orange street between Market and Unh Onun. anil It ha. nnt vat hun in. covered. DIED ON THE GALLOWS. A WITH MURDERER'S CAREER ENDED BY Tilt. HANUMAN. A Man Who Stn.ni.Lil Bit Wit With a Tewel, I'rete.t. innocence el th Grim te th latt-n Tells th Sheriff te Cie Spesd in Ilia Etecotlen. Aliiien, M. Y Jnne 27.-Ueerge W. Wilsen was banged here at 10:15 thla morn ing for tbe murder of hla wile en January 10, 18S7. Wilsen Mnt bis last night en earth calmly and last evening wben a United Press reporter aaw him ha betrayed no emotion. He said t " I am feeling fira'-rate and will walk te the scaffold an Innocent man." Urged te tell the truth about the death of hla wife, aa it might be the last opportunity afforded him, Wilsen said : "Aa Ged la my Judge, I am an.Innoeent man, 1 never killed her and I will die without a stain en myseut" Wilsen repettedly said that tbe evidence of tbe colored witness, Berry Jack Jack eon, wbleh waa ehlclly Instrumental in con via ting him of the murder, was a tissue of lies, oenoocted through spite. At 10 JO o'clock Wilsen went te bed and alept until 0 o'clock this morning. He rose bright and eblpper. "I never alept better In my life," he raid, "and I feel first rate." Wilsen ate a breakfast of tea, eggs, toast and strawberries, after which Rev. Dr, Osberno called and remained wltb the prisoner until the oxeeutton. At 0 o'clock Sheriff Searle read the death warrant. ' Dave It ever aa seen as yen can, please," Wilsen said te the shot Iff, aa the latter Ien the cell. At 0:15 Wilsen asked ter strong oetloo wbleh he drank with a relish. At 10.-05 Sheriff Searle led the way te the deer. Wilsen walked firmly and oarrled a bunch of white llowere in his right band. At 10:11 the scaffold steps were mounted. Rev. Mr. Ojborne read selections from tbe scripture, while Deputy Rlee pinioned Wilsen's arms and legs. " Haye you anything te aay 7" asked Mr. Osberno. " I have net," replied Wilsen clearly and firmly. Deputy Rice then adjusted the noose, Wilsen moving his head te aaslst him, and the blaek cap waa drawn ever tbe face and at 10:15 tbe aherlll pulled the lever and the drop fell. Wilsen's orlme waa committed en tbe night et Jan. 10, 18S7. Wilten, who drank Bome and llked fast women, neglected his wire and left her, consorting with Laura Thompson, a dashing young woman empleyed In a hotel here. Wilsen re turned home en the .day of the murder, after a long abscnoe. He found his wire 111, he said, and toward morning raised a great outcry and went for tbe neighbors, telling tbem hla wlle waa dying. She was dead when they arrived and a bloodstained towel with which Wilsen said he bad wiped her lip when she choked was found, All the olrenmatanoea aeemed te show tbat Wilsen had come back te kill bis wlfe ; tbat he strangled her with a towel, wiped tbe bleed from ber II pa which had been lacerated by her teeth and tried te make the face leek natural. Berry Jacksen' evidence was tbat Wilsen confessed te him the day after the murder tbat be had kllled his wire because she had been gelug to.tbe father of tbe girl Thomp son and was making trouble for him. Upen conviction Wilsen was sentenced te be hanged September 4, 1887, but an appeal was taken. Tbe conviction being sustained, Wilsen was again sentenced te be hanged te-day. Indian Kill Indians. SnATTLK, W. T., June 27. The ateam achoener Loe arrlved yesterday from Alaska. Among ber passengers were twenty two miners and prospector, who report a fatal con II let between two tribes of Alaska Indians, the Cbllcata and Bltkas. Tbe former held a monopoly of freighting for miners from the coast te the mine and reruse te allow tbe ether Indiana te engage In tbe business, and sometimes Interfere with whlte men who attempt te carry in their own baggage. Tbey charge .exerbi tant prlees and make ever 17 a day. Twe weeks age a large party el prospec tors started up tbe Yuken with a tribe et Sitka Indians, under Chief Geerge, as frelgbters. A combat resulted In wbleh tbechletpt tbe Cbllcata waa killed. The Indians demanded lire for llle, and chased the Hltkas into Haines, a whlte settlement. The whites proteeted the life of Cblef Geergo during the day, but at night be was murdered by the stealthy Chllcats. Fearlng a mastaere tbe whites sent te the oeaat for help, which arrlved Just In tirae In shspe of a man of war. Tbe prospeetora say tbe Cbllcata are very Insolent and are being urged te mere violence by the widow of tbe murdered chief. Tlinimttn I'refllcle Democratic Victory. Cei.umiil's, Ohie, June 27. In answer te the question, "What de you tblnk of tbe Republican nomination"? JudgeThnrman said laat night: "1 consider It a very strong tloket. I have no personal acquaint ance wltb General Harrison, and thought tbat Senater Sherman's nomination would have been tbe strongest ene, but under tbe circumstances the ticket as named Is proba bly as strong a ene as could have been nominated by tbe convention. However, I de net bellove It Is strenger tban lis party, and thorefero de net tee hew It can be elected. Mew Yerk, Indiana and Mew Jersey are naturally Democratic, and the tlcket natneU at Chicago cannot carry any et tbese Ntates. 1 bave no fears et tbe re sult In Movember. We shall have a Demo cratic victory." An Axeaa flood station. Viseknnks, Ind., June 27. Werd baa Just reached tbls elty tbat a masked mob went te the beuse et William Shells, who lives at Ilazleten, Y mlles south of this city, last Saturday night anil demanded Jehn Henry Kirk. They were apprised of bis presence and at once ordered him te leave within the next forty-eight hours. Kirk arese from bis bed, and, Jumping through trwlndew, took te flight. He waa discovered and pursued, but be escaped and remalned bid until Sunday morning. Mr. Shells bad no firearms, but seizing an axe be marched out among the white caps and dreve tbem from tbe yard. A Policeman Killed. St. Leuib, June27.-Oflleer Murty O'Hul llvan was shot In tbe abdomen and fatally wounded about midnight last night by a negre roustabout named Frank Parker, en Morgan and Klevetitb streets. The negre escaped. Wlls m, another colored man, and Jehn MeUale, a teacher In Jenes' com mercial college, were standing near during tbe sheeting and each received a ball, one In tbe knee and tbe ether In the shoulder. About a dozen shots In all wereexebanged. Tbe elllcer was trying te arrett Parker for disturbing tbe poaee. fthel Ills Dtecbter't ASMllanL 1'iteviiiKNci:, R. I., June 27. James Jewett, 41 jearBef age, shot and perhaps fatally wounded Arthur Craven, a young mill empleye In Wuntkuck laat night. Jewett says tbat Craven attempted te aviault his daughter, 21 years old, and he armed himself with a revolver and went te leek ler Craven. He aay, however, tbat 'Craven uiaulted him tint. TEUKlriLE TUAC1RDIK3. A llx-YearUld Bey Murdered A Yeung Man's Crime. Frankle Williams, the 0-year-e.d eon of James William, of Huntingdon, L. I., waa en Tuesday morning found murdered, hla little body terribly mangled an,d concealed In a bnneb et new-mown hay. Hla aknll waa crushed, one of hla lega broken in two place, and hla little body hacked with a knife. His clothing wa tern, and his gen eral appearance waa that or having been dragged aeme distance after death. The boy waa last aeen alive about 0 o'clock Monday night, running after Henry Soper, a farm hand. Soper waa arrested en suspi cion next morning. On hla person waa fennd a knife, the Targe blade of which waa stained with bleed. The coronet's Jury held Soper responsible for the crime. 8eper confessed tbat he killed the child. He aaya he told him te go home, and when he disobeyed he kicked htm In the forehead and followed it np with ether kick, and then hid hi body In the grata. Jeseph Sellert, a 19-year-nld bell-boy in the apartment house Ne. 135 and 137 West Thirty-fourth etreet. Mew Yerk, loved Rosle Sheridan, tbe cook. Hit leve was net re turned, and Reale resented all et bla affec tionate overtures. Tuesday morning, Just after ahe had risen, Heltert met her in tbe kltehen, drew a pistol, shot her in the bead, and then turned the weapon upon himself, In II let Ing an ugly wound baek of hla right ear. The cook died almost Instantly. Set fert died en the way te Bellerue hospital. The boy had followed the girl everywhere, and hla Infatuation for her had become a mania. qLaDsreNira urn r, n Haiti Uaet, With Iuteres', a Blur Frem Henry Chaplain. In tbe Brltlah Heuse of Common en Tuesday debate was retumed en Mr. Merley'a resolution censuring the govern ment for lta administration of the Irish erlmea act, William O'Btlen, Nationalist, said tbat the disgusting elaptrap about erlmea In Ireland was what Atnorlean pol iticians called tbe polley of tbe bloody shirt. It waa a polley et war and hatred between people who desired te live In peace. Tee Right Hen. Henry Chaplain, Con servative, aald It might ault aeme te forget, but evervbedy knew tbat If thete waa one man In England who waa mera responsible man anetner rer tne atrocities et tne ijeague it waa tbe leader of the Opposition, who aeemed te forget hew be bad encouraged thorn. Cries of "Shame," Withdraw." Mr. Uladatone might have forgotten what werda he used about the FarntSlllte chief, but tbat wenld net be attributed te less of memory through Infirmities et age. Mr. Uladatone, wbe upon rising waa ro re ro ee'.ved wltb eheert,ald tbat however much he waa afllleted with lets of memory through Infirmities of age, he hoped, for a tlrae at any rate frenewed ebeers), tbat he would remain able te oops with antagonist or the oallbre or Mr. Chaplain. What waa mere significant about tbe atate of Ireland than the faet that nlnoteeu out of the eighty six Nationalist members had been sent te prison 7 He ventured te aty that ir tbey went te thelr constituents all el these nine teen wenld be retured by larger majorities tban before, If only because tney were ant ferers through the wrongdoing or the gov ernment. The government's vote might be against them, but their ultimate appeal was te publle opinion. The couture motion was rejected 3C0 te 273. A Blew at Ambrosia. Tbe iiae et ambreala aa a bar room hover age was interdleted by Judicial decision Tuesday In Philadelphia. In Judge Reed'a criminal oeurt eight unlicensed aaloon aaleon aaloen keepers who bad sold tbe popular substitute rer beer across their bare plesded guilty te Indictments ebarglng them with tbe aale of liquor without license. Judge Reed aald tbat the Indicted atloon atleon atloen keopersbad net committed a grave violation el tee law, but It the aale et ambrosia or any ether method were employed te avoid lta previsions it waa proper that a firm stand should be taken at onee agalnat It "Iheentlre community," aald the Judge, "bave new lull warning of what the law it, and tbat the efllcera of tbe law are deter mined te onferoe tbe aet of assembly aa th legislature Intended It te be enforced." Tbe defendants wero dlsoharged and sen tence suspended. Six Laborers Killed and Four IrJar.D. Tuesday evening a wreck eccurred en tbe Penntylvanla Schuylkill Valley rail road at Cable City, near Shamekln, by wbleh six laborers were kllled and four fatally Injured. The names et the unfortu unfertu nates are unknown. They were Hungar ians and known only by nuinbera. A trelgbt train waa shifting cart, wben a gravel train bound for Shamekln ran into me rear ena or ir, ana ten eui ei eieven laberers who were seated en tbe front ear of tbe graver train were btiried in tbe wreck. The laborers aaw thelr train rushing upon the freight, bnt befere tbey could Jump they were caught In the crash. The train men escaped by Jumping. Has Dtll Newt. The League games yesterdsy were : At Philadelphia, Mew Yerk 4, Philadelphia 1 at Detroit, Chicago 2, Detroit e ; at Indian Indian apellt, Indianapolis 7, Pittsburg 0. Tbe Association gainea were : At Cincin nati, Cincinnati fl, Baltliuore 4; at St. Leuis, St. Leuis 10, Cleveland 2 ; at Louisville, Louisville 7, Brooklyn (1. 'rue unicages itirnea tne isuies en De troit yesterday. But three hits were made oil Van Haltren and four off Conway. Tbe Philadelphia! did net touch Welch up be lively yeaterday, aa tbey only made four bit. There I a great difference In the standing of elub as given by dlllereat newspapers. Kvtngallcal I'ublKhlng Company, A charter was Issued by the atate depart ment en Tuesday te tbe Kvangellcal Pub Pub Pub llahlngoempany, el Harrttburg, formed for tbe purpose of doing a nublltblng and gon gen eral book butlnets. The dlreotera are M. J. Otrethers, Milten ; U. P. Swenger, Bal timore ; A. M. Stlrk, Lebanon ; W. Lit- zanberger, Manbeltn ; Isaiah Bewer, Bar Bar wiek ; K. D, Uelnsel, Unldrldge, Meb ; F. P. Sayler, Johnstown : J. A. Relsnd, Can Can eon, O.; S. S. Chubb, llarrltburg. Tbe treasurer Is Rev. S L. Wlest, Uarrlsburg. Tbe capital ateck is fixed at (20,000, Politicians Pate Tbroegli, The soeond seotlen of Day Express was oemposod entirely et Pullman atra and en beard wero a large number ei Philadelphia politicians, including the Union "Republi can club. They all loekod weary alter their big fight for Filler. A Discharged Empleye' Crime.. M. B. Wilsen, one of the besies et the government building in oeurse et erection at Marquette, Mleb., was shot and danger ously wounded Tuesday evening by Louts Nlcelal. whom he bad discharged a few days age. Nlcelal then fatally shot himself In the mouth. lliunk arret;, Tbe story oemos from Mlllerab arg, Ky., that seven weeks age a farmer et tbe vi cinity swallowed "temethlng slick" while drinking water. Almest Immediately he felt a queer sensation In bis alemacb, and It continued until he oeugbed up a llve frog. A Uae.tleu Tbey May Consider, Frem tbe Philadelphia Recerd. Whether 'its better te be smothered by Charles Kmery Smith or drewned by Oolenol Rebert G. Ingeraell Is a question wbleb Messrs. Fitter and Oreaham may debate wben tbey shall meet en some future occasion. lue Ver for Malpractice. Dr. J, M. Llndsey was sentenced at Al Al eeona en Monday te two years Imprison ment for malpractice. flrwleated at Ueiijtbnrg. D. H. Kurtz, of this elty, Is et theclaas wbleh graduated from tbe Pennaylvanla theological seminary, Gettysburg, en Tuesday, ' V aT THU CTATP VHDU1T uu mlxxlu iiunaabi j t m Aitnirira-i -.- . .-........,,, . ..,,, iv Xt UK4Z .' - . 1'ORB THE TWO UTF.RARY BOOIETItM. . . -t The Left are en Twelve Tneatand rM Aaever -' th Level el in Sta la a Railroad Oar.' The OU.i Day met Draw a Lares Crowd le WHaata Thtaa. MiLMtnaviLLB, Pa, June 20. The two lltararv aenletlea nf Ihn Vnrnaal hmld m talma meeting thla evening. Prof. V. B. Saatfatel ! naa nnvu inoaiueni ana ansa uaia Bmtttw ',', secretary. ' The evening's exercises were betnn h ';'sl piano duet given by Misses Mae Byerly ?'i uu junrj m. uewman. m Professer Stnferd then IntrndniMwl the. H31 lecturer of the evening, the Rev. J. R. T. JkT Qrav. et Tiinnut.r. BhuMtiUnj -- .u- -v.r address entitled "Twelve Thousand Feat 3$ adove tbe Level of tbe Sea in a Railroad vmi. iu.uuiM wMiuueiviyia aeeenp. ifi tlena and many pretty pieturea et Roeky - J.-?- S Mountain scenery were presented te tha ffte mind of the audience, in an interestls manner the speaker described the vices etYii Denver, the erlmea et Leadvllle sad tha 4m beauties et the Royal Canen. The Mermal ohelr in a well rendered selection or musle closed tbe exercises at the evening. Propitious weather and a shady campea draws large orewd te witneas the open atr exercises et the elaai or 1883 this foreneow. ' Tbe exercises were well rendered sad very much enjoyed by the audlencf, Tbe following la the pregramme Music Class Bene- (LCVInnh. illntt. . Opening Remark, by President J. e. awarU r'fe ley. Norrlstewn, Fa. iJ-v Salutatory oratten-B D. Replezle, New la- A tornrl.e. fn.. The Te&ehnr ' - vjj Mntto-Vecal Dnet-MLs Kntgnt and Mr, J, ,,, K. Henon, " Thn IManUna of the Ivy." Ivy Omtlen-MUs L. Virginia Kheatt, Las- 4' caster, Pa. S ecluttnn-MIti Llxits Weeks, MlllertvlUe, in., " AuiuuiK iu nwr. .'i Ulais rroph.etea-Mlts Kdlth T. Knight, .Hi rhtladelphtV, Pa ' ff Muste-QuartaUe. J. ST. Ileneb, P. 8. Dlets, , V Class Poems Mr. T. (J. Helm, NewPrevt- ,!4y! ueiita, rn , - jiniuru-a rea.B." tv iiainni.t.nn nw .-maAni hw M n.Ai . 'jix peel, Pa,, no Pains. NeU.tnt." it Mii'io-"uea no wim xeu," vinn. Adjournment. .S TO A COOLER CLIMATE. 0ellin,Fa. ' ' """' SqgV Ve.liullf-tjirvnriLtlAnKdwfn tmwii. V.I imm. ,? ftfiJ e.n. aneiiaan le urn Taken ey ectaa tat laa "; w New England State. Washington, Jane 27. Tbe United States steamer BwaUrs, wbleh will ceavey General Sheridan away from thla elty, left &f, Hampton Reada yesterday ana will arrive ai me wammguja navy- yarn w uy. ajs jj seen a ahe arrive General Bherldaa'a nay. ,-,?;. alelana wlU banetlfiedandtbe patient tAka,(,f! nn hnanl. ltt Ihn Inlnnllnn (n taka that .i v ', general te a cooler climate and immediately rv!. after he la taken en beard the vessel, ska k?C will aall rer Fertreaa Menree, where a saa-V u, plyet milk will be purchased, sad taamilr proceed en her way along the oeaat te Ntr,M " Knalanri. , 3'.- t Itwaaatated at army head quarters ikaOj uv iDuviu twit yiuwuij mwm awy '3V te-morrow. Tbe arrangemeata had been oenolnded and It waa dealred te m ,&:. luoiemuvm iu juie. luwuinM piaaswa-v,, blr, aa it was considered a vary dslhaaa-vf!' operation. The use of the vessel watA tendered te General Sheridan verbally ayir $ Seeretary Whitney who assured thepbyat- ' , i Hani uiat vwwiun puatviv wueni a m done for the patient's comfort. Tfcd'A Galena waa the vessel aeleeted for aWifc servlee, but ahe had lett for Mew Yett; mender. Commander McGowan, of iaaivjvs ,7 naiarm wm wen nuuueu te au M ier wasningten. xi tne nees permit taa.' vessel will oeme np the river as far as taJa w elty and anchor off the arsenal. If tbla la.J;i'S ieunu 10 de itnpracueaDie ane win aaeaes' n.t at Alexandria or some place near that tewa and tha n-eneral will ba lakan en beard. f' there. He will be accompanied by Dra, j'.. O'Kalllv and Yarrow. Mr. Sheridan. Oei. yffl UtiatM.M an1 tltaaialata at ftnn CaMusaM . ft. T UUVituau eaua aaaw wivtvia v mwh Mewuntta)' fV-t ' from Baltimore, wbe bave nursed hlmniK through bit illness. The removal from the m;h houae te the vessel will be made la aa mhiltannA. - ..A(.B Tbe Emperet't Speech ilKni.itf, June 27, The nmnflWir enanad .J tbe Pruttlan Diet thla morning, r ... .w yKVT-.j la hla mt. TiMwh ha aald that the severnment llka.-s'fe' tbat or tbe late Kmperer Frederick's weuldsiv'.' be exorelsod aaa legacy from his graad-'f y. father and wenld equally guard taaiigawg of tbe people end orewn and pretest attffe rnlatfnn existing between the state aad'f Catholic church and aatltfied with the pras-, ent atate of Pruttla'a fleancea. He hoped 3V ...- a r.-.l.a. VAllAf frim tavkllna tf .fck lT?& . communes and persons or small meana wae?gv .naaihla. IT nnnnltlriftd liv nnntlnar IhA'Tv3 werda or Fredoriek the Great that "the klag4 It the first servant of the people." X?l . T. Chart.. Agatntt aa In.aranc Cempuy. Chicago, June 27. Judge Tuleyyester- day rendered a declalen against tbe Chicago Mutual Indemnity association. He found tbat tbe association was guilty of vlelatlag tbe law governing Inaurance cemvaales and restrained tbe efllcera from tranaaetiag further buslnesa until a receiver can be ap pointed. Tbe trial waa brought by Attorney General Hunt, who made 'forty ebargea against tbe company, but the Judge, finding 'r;: nine fully substantiated, ateppea tne pre- u- ceedlng and lsjued a decree of dissolution. Fatal Qearrel Over Weman. lNDiANArer.il), June 27. Last evening William Aldrldge, a tough character, aaet and kllled James Cunningham, a barber, wbose borne Is lu Danville, at tbe house et rt.innineham'a .later. The men Quarreled ...... lit. knm im.ie. kul r.iJr:.i OT B nuuiiu TIIIU CTMU.M ui-ti-.vw n'. been Intimate, but te whom uunninguaaa ,W was paying attention. Aldridge la under 'JE arrest. Mlv3 j Alleging LlbL ' Sr. Leuis, June 27. Hed. Jehn if Glever, member ei Congress from tka Klghth Missouri dlatrlct, haa filed enltfer 150,000 agaleat the Glebe-Democrat, of St Leuis, ter libel. i i , Sumac Property warned. Rkadine, Pa, June 27. Tbe scrsM' beasc. roller mill, ere house and ether outbuildings attached te Isabella furneer, Sa- ai jtaueua eutuuu ytdid uwuw .-. The less la estimated at 175,000 , covered by Insurance A Slate Ticket. MeNTr-EMEn. Vt., June 27. In tbe Re publican state convention te-day Hen. W. P, Dillingham was nominated for governor, , W. H. Dubois a'ate treasurer. C.W. Por Per ter aeeretary of state aud Hen.B. H. PaweU auditor. JTMaa JatJiJUASriOM. ' i Wahhikoten, d. (J., June 2 7. --Fer && M Eastern Pennsylvania and New ?jgl Jersey : Light te fteib northerly, fM brisk en the coast, slighly cooler, feAc,$j weather followed by cojaalenal light rabjuv. ,.M'j "- - - i m . New Pattern el Uaadaenar, A number el bandannas or a new pat inrn m.da their anesarance and were oea- tpioueusly displayed en the Demoeratla side of tbe Heuse et Representative la. ,IHUIUBWU jw.wm.ji uwj wv . a ' likenesses of the Democratle candidates for , fti .. .i.l-H-n l ..a-Iahm In tak ' IUO J(ta.UeUUJ Mill tlUv iIHuauv -ar centre, surrounded by a pretty border, with an eagte ana me Atnerieaa aau , eaeh corner, 1 M' 1. .rKJ .a f2- "BSMI .'.. ru-.i -. :i SI m .Xk 2Sl W&M 2km 'mii m .'Sl -f .-. d r'W(t,-',,