-il.-i1' T1IK liACASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1888. Uf i i&e. K U'.T -THE KNIGflTS OF LABOR. flOLB A rVBIAO HBB11M1 IN THE CHTHOCSKXUESOAV xieiir. -'j j,aiB Aadlcnra te Uear the Address or el Swereten' Charles II, Utchman en f3 tM Fsrpeata of Laber Organlratlens, A Farad Before the Hul Mcetlcr. 'fl A mm meeting nndertfae auspices et the Kaightaet Liber waa held In Iho oeutt ; ..:,J awn Tueaaajr evening. ' TM liberty band promenaded tte i'Mitil, play teg apinted tnnea and gather. t; tog Ulhe Sir KnlghU en route. Bjhe rS OlaaJi ifaav MnhA thA mnrt tintiM'" fhnrft ! ;rtTeral hundred men In line, and xawTtnueuier uunureua oecupieu ew iu r tM,ratt room, The meeting was a de- jMatl large one, almost every seat being ipiea .&. a. .!.. t.w hn lianil Mr. Mlinnn v;s Aitwr uiubiu mj - - -- i Bki.u. ehairman of a committee of er- IMMHIW -" --' MMjtmenM for tne aeverai laoer erganir.a " -'-elty. aret e and In a brief speech gareeeme aoeonntof the rapid growth of the order In this city since 1SSG, alter whleh be Introduced the orator ofthe erenlng, Charlea H. Iichman, of Massachusetts, general eecretary et the erder. Mr. Iiltchman waa received with great applause. Be Is a eoecMcoltlng, bald headed man, rather below the medium height, and has a geed strong voice and Hewl delivery. reiNTs or mil litchman's addhl-iss. He advanced the usnal arguments of the Kafghta of Laber. -He held that en the prosperity of labor depended the prosperity of the state and the nation ; and ir these de net tee that labor receives Its Just reward, then 'civilization is a failure, and tbe laboring classes lapse Inte Slav- rj. The labor question la an old one, Md tbe agltatlqp el the problem shall go ea until tbe laborer every where shall re Olive an honest day'a pay for an honest day' tell. But hew shall we measure it ? We must first con old or what we must have, that Is a mere living ; second, what we ought te have, and third, what we would Ittetehave. Laber has created everything of value that exists ; It Is the magle that baa gene down Inte the earth and extracted lla untold wealtli, and has filled the world with untold works et art and manufac tures and the necossarles of llfe. The labor ara constitute three-fourths et the popula tion of tbe earth. They are both producers aad oenaarnera. The mines are due, the farms are tilled, the forests cut down for the benefit allke of producer and con Burner. The men In the factories and work shops are fed by the products of the farm aacb la dependent en tbe ether. THE LAUOIiEIt SllOULlI MVK. The salary a man receives la the measure ethla.means of existence. Ifthore be SIO, 000,000 laborers In the United Htates and their salary be f 1 per day, the total will be $20,000,000. With this sum or any olher sum reeelvedln wages they should enjoy the very best that their labor produces. They aheuld net be expected te llve en mutton scraps and shln-bone soup, but en tbe beet Ins market affords. Mr. Iiltchman went ou at eome lenglh te allow that many of the labor troubles were caused by under consumption and net by ever production. He said that no Blngle organization can fight labor's battle egalnBt monopoly. Notmeroly trades unions but a union of trades Is noeded. When capital organizes labor must dofietorotalu a decent ehare of its own products. After preeentlng statistics te show that the factory hands In Maasacliuietti and Rhede Island did net earn enough te keep their tamUler, and that " a mlne boas " In Pennsylvania received but 1 37 per day ., for bis dangerous work, while the Goulds aad Vanderhllts wero accumulating hun hun dradaef million, Mr. I.ltchrnan snld that tba present system was wrong and that ro re ro ferai l necessary. HOW ABUSES MUST UK COWtrOTKIl. Thla reform must be tecureu by the salted action of the laboring classes. JEvery boy should have a trade by which both bis bead and hand can be educated ; -; as boy or girl should be permltted te enter a factory befere eh9 Is fourteon yeara of aga While the emlgrants from ethor lands have done muohte buildup our wonder ful country, and while we should welcome te our shores all who ceme here te better their condition and work out their dcsllny, tie landing of 500,000 or 1,000,000 of unsdu unsdu eated foreigners annually at Castle Garden , li most undcslrable, and means should be tikente put a step te It. As long as thla Influx et foreign olemont continues the grade of the American laborer cannot be raised. Mr. Iiltchman argued agalnd strikes, and said that the men who rccnmniend them are the worst feja el labor. They w 1 1 the laboring classes millions of dollnrs,even whan successful and much mere when un un un aneoesstel, aa they usually are. Much morecan be dene by the clllcera et the order than by strike. The Increase el wages and the decrease or the hours of labor bave been accomplished without strikes Tba speaker referred te many Instances In Haw England and elsewbere wbore great results bad been accomplished by the erder, while strikes In like cases had i.'nest al ways failed. The only Btrlke the upeaker was In favor of was a strike against drunk enness, which had caused wero mlaery among laboring men than anythli ;r clue, Wblla tbe statistics et crlme show ihit 1)2 pareent. of all criminals ewo their Impris onment either directly or Indirectly te drunkenness. LABOR ANIJ POLITIC, The speaker next argued that the labor ing masses should net tle tbemselves te lther the Democratic or Republican parties, but should se shape their political action as te send representatives te the legislature that will vote for measures ameliorating tbaoendltlon et the laborers and protecting them against the encroachments of grasping corporations. Intelligent and independent voting Is the surest means of making isgtalatera knew that they are the servants and net the masters of the people. Mr. liltebmau put in a geed word for female sutirage ; for equal wages for men and woman, where the product or tlitlr tell was equal. He contrasted tbe many con veniences of te-day with the want el them fifty or a hundred years age the railroads, telegraphs, telephones, eloetrlo lights, Aa, but what are all thesD Inventions worth te the man who Is without a home, without work and sleeps en a doer-Btop. DEFENDING) THE T11AJ11-, Tbe speaker declaimed (gainst the leglu laters who met year after year and passed laws te suppreM "the tramp nuisance." What is wanted is a labor system that will protect the laborer In his Just rights and than there will be no tramps. The boeses it they bave a dltlleulty with au employe aUsebarge blm and blacklist blm from shop te shop and from mill te mill, until, finally, unable te get work, he bocemoB a tramp" and then Is hunted down by tbe police. Mr. IJtchman called upon the laberers who are getting geed wages (say three or lour dollars a day) te aland by these who are getting only one dollar. The true policy is te begin at the bottom ami lift up these who receive low wages, and tute .Who are at the top will rise with them. Mr. Iiltchman was greeted with applsuee during hla address, and at its oleso was Metived with quite an ovation. Oa motion of Ueerge Kelmensnyder a you of thanks was extended Iho orator and tba meeting then adjourned. Tba members of tbe several assemblies la thla city having Mr. Iiltchman In charge, te LUxlerkrsz hall, where a feast had UJSL!?1?.'0' th8m' There rer 125 Tsms lata and tbe banquet waa served In Mr. V, Besttnsr's beat style. Hhett speeches Ware made and the brethren had a ceed V?K Mr. lcbman HI? trfe ft ty ea tb SflO train. ut-esBii vmn belrhn skuviee.0. The Forty rtonrs:vetlou at St. Mart's Oatlm. lie Cnnrcti Cernea te an Knd. Br. Mary's Catholic church waa crowded with people at the closing exercises et the Forty Hours devotion last evening. Itev. Father Koeb, of Bhamekln, Fa, clllclated at the vespera and lit He v. Bishop Mo Me Mo Oevern, Fathers Kaul, Kenney and Mc Oullagh wero la the aanetuary. At the end of the vespers, the choir rendered tbe hymn Salve," after whleh Bishop McUovern preached an Impressive sermon. He said that tbe manners and customs et men have ever had a deep philosophical meaning. Man is a social being in the order of nature, and he Is accustomed te show bis love for bis fellow men by girts. Tbe salutation en the ttaeet, the kindly greeting and hospitality et the home are outward ovldencea of tbe Inward love we bear our neighbor. In all agea tbe beat meana et abowleg aggregated atlectlen was at tbe banquet beard, Thla has held geed as well In paganism as in civilization. Ged has made use of this natural disposition et man In the banquet ofthe Kucharlat, new being celebrated. The same feed of whleh we are new partaVIng has nourished count count less millions for the put eighteen hundred yeara. It Is feed we otijey in common with the saints and martyrs et old. We all gather at tbe same banquet beard, be be bo cause we are ene people, needing tbe same kind et feed and tending toward the same common destiny. After the acrmen the litany of the saints was recited by the prolate and prlests and then followed the precession of tbe blessed sacrament, In which were about sixty llttle girls In white, ene halt of whom carried baskets of llewcrs which they strewed In tbe path el the bishop carrying tbe sacred host under a canopy. The benediction waa then sung and the servlces came te a clese with the "Te Deum," The altar decora tions were very handaome and attracted much admiration. sr .iesiii'ir.1 PAiieciiiAi. setiuui. Names or ttin l'apll In Ilia Clauses Ilflnf i:. umlneJ at Ilia Oleia of llie Term. The annual examination et the pupils of 8u JoBeph'a parochial school at HL Joseph'a Calbolle church began this mera, lng. This la ene of the largest and most successful schools In the elty. It has .'CO children In attondance who are divided Inte sIxeIbsrcb. They are Instructed In both tbe KnglUh and (loreittn language and all branches are taught. Ne public commencement cxorrlses are held by the school, but at tbe cl aiel tbe year tximlnatlnns of the children nre made. Theso el the first, seoend, third and fourth classes nre being heard te-day, aud It'ivs. 1'itthern Urotemyer, Bohleuter and Hclunellz are In iittemlnnea Te-morrow the XUth and firth olasiea will be ox ex ox amlned. Owing te the very large uuuiber of pupllu It Is lmpoeslble ler them all te speak. Theso selected for te day and te morrow are as fellows : First c)asu-Uharles Hebeid and William Beerlch. Httoeud clw Toreea Koller, William Klrchncr and W. Weber. Third clHbB-Krnnk Market, August Men nlnger. Fourth rlnui Kche Klrchner, Annie Koerlch, llelena Danz, Annie Kaelr, l'lill l'lill l'lill omena llllduiann, Bophle Judltb, Katle Welpcrl, I.enn Uasohel, Annle Itutt, Lena Hahwntr, Katle Krlz, Clara Judith, Annle FaltlnewsUI, Henty QnttBellg, Frank Bpangler, JoBepli Weber, William Hrhults I'eter Hchwai7, Jehn Dllllcch, Frank Mchty. Filth (.Mans ChnrleB Klrohner, Adam Ilouser, Albert Flick, Charlea Binlth, (Jhnrles llatiolwander and Kmma Kloae. Hlxth Claps Harry liotzeg, Philip Fin Fin ger, Jehn Decket, Charles Gress, Frank tlerz, Faul Fralley, Hophle Vorndlek, Clara Kroekcl, Mary llorgeurothor, Annle Iloufler, The ch I kl i cm as far as they have been ex amined did reuiarkably well during their examination, nlltictlng great credit upon theuiKblviH aa well as the sisters who touch them unit tike mieh a deep Intereit In their wolfare. In classroom Ne, C, there is uew en cxhlbllleu a large amount el noedlo nnd frtney work. This was made by girls et the fourth, llfth and sixth closses who range from 0 te 1.1 yeara in age nnd It would de great credit te much elder por per por senp. At the olme el tr-iunrrew's examinations the rcheil term will be finished ler the summon Cluing it. sin Pranctsm. Fied ('Aiitieti, the well known trombeno player, leavtB tonight for Ban Francisce. Ills parents roil Je ut Donvor,Colerado, end he will pay them a visit, going thonce te thodeldon (iitu. Mr, t.'annen was with McNItb, Johnann A Blavln's mlnBtrela Inst season end after they had closed he came te I nucastrr te pay a visit te his many trlends. During hU ttiy bere he played with the Liberty band. Next season Mr, Cannen gern with Jehnsen A. Blavln, who start In New Yeik city the latter part et July, Jilnyer IMccrlny's Seu Murrlen. Edvvard K. lMgorley, Ben of Mayer Kd Kd Kd gorley.of this city, was married today In Al Al Al toena te MUsMary Hlckey, daughter of the late Jehn Il'okey, or that city. The ooro eoro oero mony was ptrformeil by llev. Father J. Hellly, at .S. J lhn's parsenage. The uroemsmflu wero W.HoettBhoborund Jehn F. Ileliiltsli, of this elty. The brldenmalda wero Mollle Cullny, of lle'lldaysburg, and Orace Wllhelut, of Alteena. A Lint utier Acreiiam. Jaci b 7 .11, a Lancaster man, will make a balloon Htcienaleu from Columbia during the centennial colebrallou In that town in Bepttmtier. He hn made arrangoment with l'rer. King, the 1'hlladelpbli aerenaut, from whom he will biro a balloon capable et carrying two people .ell has had aeme oxperlonco In niBklng aaconslens, having gene up twice with l'rer. Jehn Wlse. Prof. KltiK'i&en vMll go te Columbia te help Mr. Zsll et). tv IVntcrtVlienl MelT Je, June UO The boieugli fatberit have decided te put a new water wheel In tbe water works. 1 1 will be a big Improvement. The .Star Hteam Heater company, of this place, have been awarded the contract ler rurnlahlng a water main In connection therewith, CC Incbea In diameter, Inch thick and of the bent Iren. Cliurcli lteDeiatcit, rJhe Methodist Kplsoepal chureh at Ulrd-ln-Haud will re open ou Buuday next. It has uudorgeno px'ciibIve repairs aud a thorough renovation. Itev. T. A. Fernley, or Philadelphia, nnd J. It, t. dray of Lancaster, will dlllulate. The altorueou senlce will tKe the place of the Children's Day. A tlttril ItftUlllK. Te day h large barn la belug rained en the faun of Hen Jamln llerr, who resides near thoLlthzturuplke, net lar from the city limits. There la a ery large crowd In rutemlanoe at the oent, Including Mr. Uert'a neighbors and many gentlemeu of this city lt' fii-lluiruM. The lawn fo'.e at Ht. Mary'a Catholic o'uireh will epen te-morrow eveulng en the hnndrema grounds of the church en West Muoatieeu Dii It. A.Cnivuu of Philadelphia, will t atawdayseiKinaaruK stere at e 40 Seulb (jiten strict. OBSATOIearlniryaleel .lersejs at Aitrlch'g lUlacstt rashlen. Head their uavtrlUeuieut, Nlran berry Fc.tlral fit. Paul's M, K. church will he'Q a straw terry and Ice cream restlval en? bursday, rt day and Baturday evenings In Odd relleits hall, a large attendince and pleasant II a. b l. aatlclpaUd. Cheap Kxrnrslnn. V. O. H. et A. cheap excursion te Beading; en Thursday. June list. Train leaves yaarry yaarry vllle nt c I) a. m. fare II 70 j leave I.ancattcr (Klnic street) nt 7.J0 ft- m fre tin I loave Uolueiuln at 7.50n in , fare tl.30 1 leavoLnndla leaveLnndla leavoLnndla vllle at sce a. m., fare tl 03 1 leave Hanhelm te tl, fare 95e loave Mtllr at 8.31 a. m , fare sle lcave KphralAat 8.Ma. m , lare t8e. 111k day for Heading, lo.ego Patriotic Bees and CJ bands of rauila if 111 be In line. Jtl2,U,lG,ll,)dAUw VKATllH, HiKun.-ln this city, en the JO h lnt , Mnry A., wlle of William U, JUkei, In Urn OJth year of her age. Netice of fnneral horeofter. MAHKKTU. .! Bleck Mrkt. Cnioieo, June l.--Cattle Uecelpts. 8,000 1 shipments, nonei market loweri natlvrs, tl vegO COt atockers and ftxtdera, C.O' 7J I cows, bulls and mlxed, i oe 05 1 Xexana tl M94 05. Uerb Uecelpts. 11,000 heeds shipments, none i market active ( tnxed, SS 0JS7S 71 1 liravy 13 0035 80 1 light, V US)5C5 pis, I3W ejscs Sbnep KecelpU, 4 030 head I shipment, none I market utrengnri Texas fAedHin.lM 00Q S : i natives, tl bOQI t lambs, 63J 79 Bast Libsbtt, Uattle Keeelpu, 22S ; shipments, 19): market very dull aud 10 also otrrrein yesterdav en common geed cattle un un chanKed i no cars shipped te Mew Yerk te day. Hebs Kncelpta, Cve beadt sblpmentj., "e t market firm t 1'hlladelnhlaji. tn Ta b 80 1 mixed, ts 7003 70 1 Yorkers, as coot a ; Nimraen te fair, aStOQS 60; p1. tSWa'i 1 ears shipped te New Yerk te-day. Bbnop-ltecelpU, 409 j shlpuients, 3!C0 matketslew. Obtoego t'rodnee Blaraet. Cntoieo, June 20, 9 se a. m. Market opened. Wheat June, bl'fe I July, 81e. Aug., WKc i fept., 63re. Cern .lune, el ; July, Ma; Aug,(2et Bept , 62X0. oauxTune, Slc I July, i-- AuK-i 2c f Bept. 270. . . l-erk-.Inne.S13 85; July, 113 G5 August, tIJ75iBept.,llJ87X . tra-Jun. tx 47X I July, I3 37X ! August, ts 4) f Hent.. 8 Ce. snort illtx-June, n M; July, 17 43) AugUBt, 17 b;xi eeit,l7B'JX. Drain and Previsions, rurnlsbed by a. K. Yniidt, Hrnker, Cbioeo, Juee V), 1 en o'clock p. in. Wheat. Cern. IM. Perk. I.ard, June trn M! .... h 12 July KlY, vx in iiu 8.w Auaust Slli IX 27 lin MM Boptemlior, ts b)i 2tl U.75 8 10 llecembur ....MJ.J limaneil 7i Consels W 3-;c CIesIuk l'rIces-2 o'clock p. m w neat. corn, iiais. perit. I ara. June July... AllKUSt ... Boptemlior Ducemhnr . CruduUlt .. 81 ..KM H4 32W 13 .12 8 1 13 f7 1107 13 77 8.VS 8 3 8.42 '.'7i ..8IH . Mi Closing IM lens 1 ') e'elnek r in. Wheat. Cern. Oats. Pnrk. I.ard. 8 03 8 12 8 21 8 10 Junn...., ii ai ;; mm 4'i 3H 11 !(!. VC(i 13.0 fxiJi 2iJii 11 74 .lulv..... August ......... Mipiuuilier .... UC"inlier rideun Winter whent.. Spring Wheat.., Cern Oats Uyn Uurley HU ..8I vim car i.eta. r. 27 311 6 iiucelpM. Head. ..25 ene . P'.OllO lleeelpta llnirs... Ueci'lpU Cattle Iluuselieiii ainrhet, IHlllV, Yfiftir..iry IhitterVft 2)e HutterV n. i(e Dutch Uiuose l lump ..( luc leuLTitr. ChlckeiiB V pair (llve) I041T0O Chlrknns l piece (cleaned) Hflo'e Ducks, cacu iv: miseullimiiuuh. Apple Itutter V'lt ISc Vkks Vdnr ;c ilininy t, "re llemlnv V) at lie I.ard 1 ft lueilc Bauer Uruut v li tic VKU11H. Cranberries cjt 10ai2e Apples Xl'k .inc ltunanan i dm 2ftt(iiie lAiinenn 41 Oat Mitfi c OrunirosVdez sua Ml wnuu urapes V . Vc Plnonpples i5c Btraweerrles Uer itc TomateeB y lit wc Coce&uuls lOftlta su KTA ULkS. Cnhbairn u head m13e Heets 1 bunch iec MwiiolI'etatoosfiXPk' 20O23C Turnips M pk..?.'. vSnoe Potatoes VK ik 10U12C Onions wlbuiieh soe "'nn vxy :::::: j6e Itadlshes i Ciineh be V,arre.rVuuiich no NowPetatoesVKpk mojeo Cucuuiburs each f,a J?" t'uas K pk oe Hhntmrb f) bh. SfJlOs HeudHalud .. jnjc Bquftshes luch fcuioe NowTematous Hpk ... .. .mujwe Asparagus V hh loaue liuans pk .4,,,, PcesyJiPk ; .. . LOUB AMD IIR4IM ramllyrieur v hhl a5.n0 Knncy lloller Heur 15 110 OaUhns 45,, Cern (sholled) hut :ec Cem w has :ue I'ye bus 710 rlpiirpei iiarter uQTc Wheat bus blHwe IIHAHriSH. Hay V ten IHffllS C ovurseert V bus 11 fronsen llmnthy V bus ....73(0 lleid (Iraki v bus u Hungarian ( ) M Orchard ti.w un fiue MBAlt). Mutten 1D. 8Olf,0 jsj! S I :.::::::::::-S0iSg biiusiiKO ID tt ".!mi Pudding V tb ""iite Ham W fb.wheln. ISO !""!!"!.'.".. !...I!'..2e luc lua 'ic Uli-e 160 1 1 11111 tn, tllced.... It'icnn W fc ,, Dried llrnf p qr.... liolegna W ir....,.., Cern Hoef t Perk V ft tiiuekud teugiiu H Salmen V lb ! i(w catnni b "."." no Oysters w cecflll W kola V ft. Blind each Hening Cirtei PnrgleH Eea Uilhv . ,. ..10c -2S05 10 15a UK .. 10c loom otiieK ua UBportedliyJ.il. Leng, Par l.ait velun. siiiii. Lancis'i eiiercent,, 180 mj I03U0 e iKii nu " " Boheol lennliOd liu " " HiIerMyeurs. luu " 4 In Ber'JO years. 100 H 4 InldorAiyears. liu ,". " lu BerJOj-ears liu H unbuln. liore ugh lean )m montr-iwieua BTeaxr, Kait llrandywlne A uynushurg . w Uuarry vine U, U be MIllurHVUIeHtreetCar tu tiuiulrtng Printing Company te (lasllghtand ruel ceinuuny ie Heveiis House(llonds)..,, 100 Columbia Uas Company a Columbia Water Company e BuMuohannalren Cempanp iui AlarettaUollew.waro..I....'. '.5 Blnvena HnuRO mi M liters vUle Nermal Bchoel ; Northern Market , be Kastnrn Market ' ... 113 11X1 1IIU Hrj 2fc 1. tl 62 '.31 IIU 3 11 SU6 25 210.1(1 lUS 18 6U 12 M Uas Company Hands ny Columbia Uoreugb lleuds )m ll'S 102 11U 1( 67.W CI MUU U1 b 27.75 27 20 2U 8..Ul 73 ((173 73 11 0.UO I'M 40 XJ 82 Mlft II 2 10 (tiinrrtrelllik if if ff iiiiu Ueadlna A Celnmbla It, u., b's liu UK) IV) B0 fkuinuii jjlgui v,utuuuy Western At erket Lancaster Ctty Btrvet Uallwuy Ce.. KastKud Street Uall way. .. ........ TVBNl'IKa STlkli lllz spring A lleaver Valley a HndgepnrtA Horseshrxi isi Columbia A Chestnut Hill , , 1X Conostega A Jllgbprtug , alarlelta A Mount Jey Lane, Kllrabothtewn A Mlddlut'n, lu) Lancaster A rrultvllle 60 Lancaster A Ltttts ij LencasUirA wuil&uutewu sa 1 ancaster A Maner te Lancaster A Manhelm 26 .uuuuiujr a naneua ,,,, a, uuicwiranei iieimna Lancaster BusQUehanua..... Lancaster A New Danvlllu Columbia A Marletla Maytown A KUiabotblewn...! Luncoster A Kpbrata Lunauter A Willow BUoet...!! luu !KO an 23 3 23 23 42(5 4123 22 U) MarlettaA Mavtnwn ,",), 2 24 B1MK bTUUKS. rirst National Hank... iui rikiinurK' National Hank tu rulteu National Hank i,7) Ijtncaster County National Hunk.. 60 Northern National Hank luu Peeples' National Hank iui lvtstone National Hank, iluntelin no Columbia National Hank luu Christiana NatlenalHruk jue Kntraui National Hank Jue Jjrst National Hank. Columbia.. .. 100 first National Hauk.Strasburg lue First NaUenal Hank, MarletUi 1U) flrstNatlonalHauk,MLJey 100 Lltlu National Hank ....,... luu MeuntvtllH National Hank...... ... lue Manhelm National Hank ieu Union Ntttloeal Hank, Mount Jey.. 60 New Helland National Hunk......;, luu Oan National lhnic ! lit.. 26 UI..B lib 13-2 S3 110 1W 138 123 143 IU lib 2)0 HO 1C7C0 luu 160 113 110 aaarryvlUe NaUenal Hank...r.'.'.'.'.'. luu ime Uiabvtitewn NaUenal Hani.,.,., iw I RswTomateeka. Raw Toek, Jane 30, 1 p. m-Meney closed at IX per cent. Kxchaega steady petted ratfl., 4 8;Hl,83Ht actual rates M 87 4 87Vt"rer0 0ays and 14 E9B RX for demand t Governments closed steady enrreaey fa, tl la bid tfc'a de, it 07W i t'a eeup , tl M, bid. The stock market this morning opened weak and subsequently declined sharply en a selling by the room traders and hammering by the bears. A reduction In the dividend of Keck Island caused weaknesses. At ttls benr prices declined. The market has since been unsettled and Irregular. Iteek Island Is firmer at this writing and Is new Ji per cent higher thin It cleied last night. Bteca atsrketa. quotations by lteed, McQiaan A Ce., bank bank en. Lancaster. Pa. liBW TOUK LIST. II A Mi 12 W. MX Canada Padna... u. v. v,m i Colerado Ceal Central Paclfle Canada Ben them.......... CnlBt UAPbg Den. Altie a... Uel. I, A W......... ........ Xrle... ........ ............. Krte2nds, ............ ...... Jer C... ............ ...... tx. A X.................... lxii. A N.......... .,,..... L. Bhere ....... ............. Mich. Cen Missouri Pacific Heck Velley..... M.P.......,................ M, 1. Prof N.West,.... N. Y.C. ........,,........ New England... ast Tennessee Omaha..... .....,,.. ...... Oregon Transportation.. Ontario A W Pacific Mall ltlcbmend Terralnal St. Paul taxiu Pacific Union Paclfle St waDasa uein Wabash Pre! Woatern U West Shere Henda raiLADSLratA list. 1-eh. Vel.... H., N. Y.A Phlla Pe.lt. It................,.. Uoedlng 2 lh. Nav llestenv. Pahs 4, A a...................... N. Cen t ,,,,... ..,....... Poeples Pass Udg. een's en... ................ ........ I'Mla Tnuitlnn i'OLlTJOAL. litinocratle State Tlcktt. yen ai'rnKXB judos. II M eCellum, of Bntquehanna county. KLKLTORS. At Large-lt. Milten Bpeer, A.r. Keating. 1. David W. Boilers, B. Alvln Dav. v. iicnnei nague, 3. A. II. Ladner, I. William .1. Latta, 6, Jehn Tailor, i. Franklin Waldnn, 7, Ooergo W. l'aullug, 8, James Binlth. 11. William Dent, .7. Hussell Uames, 18. Henry K. woedol, 12. Herman Hosier, 20. William A. Uarman. 21. William Maber, 22. .Jehn H. Halley, 11. Dantel w.Bchwoyer,! 23. Jehn Huckenstein, 24 William P. Lantz, 23. David B.Merris, ZC.Iamea II. Caldwell, 7 8.T. Nelll. 28. J. L. Brown. i". w. 11. un en. 11. Charles ueblnsnn. 12. .Inhn II. Hoynelds, 1J. l.dwad.l.(iayuer, 11 Bliiieu P. I.lhl, COUNTY TICKKT. Cenirrrsi. IIOltACK L. IIALUKM AN. ChlCStOS. .Stale Stnater. (JllKtrriAN UOVrX.Btrasburtf. AiiemllV' (Northern District.) .) r. KCItrKUNACU, Manhclin. JOHN ItlLKY, Manhelm. KUANUKL HOrrMAN, Ellrtbotlitewu. (leuthern District.) J AUKS Q. McJl'AUUAN, Drumnre. Jiceeriler. JOHN ItKHJt AN, Manhelm. County Solicitor. WM.1J. ItlllNTON, Lancaster. Jury Commltilener. r RAN KLIN ULAUK.Btrasburg, Dlrettert eftht l'oer. V. WALL, Lancosler, J. MO. VI UOHKIIY, Mountvllle. l'risen Jmpttteri. A I,. WINTKHH, Providence. 11. r. HAMILTON, WcslUeuipncd. ..Vfll'-AD VKRllHUMKNtS B AKING I'OWDRH, ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. nilliu powdei never varies. A marvel et X purity, strength and wholesomenoss. Mera economical than the ordinary kinds, and can net be sold lu competition with the multitude of low test, short wclubt, alum or phesphate ponders Held enlu'.in cant. H11r.LlliKi1.11 1'ewdsu Ce , 108 Wall Btrcut, New terk. tyl8 ly.lAw fT YKAUOLD I'UUKHVEWUISKY 73CKNT3 AQUAUT. Quality unsurpassed for the money. llUllllKRb LIQUOUBlOltr, No.22Cenlrut!quare, Lancaster, Pa. i;anteu-eni: thousand OLD i common pigeons. P1KLKS HltOS., Cbilstlanu, Pa. JulUind B4 AND 1NSTHUMENT8 N10ICKL l'latrd Musicians In cltv anil pnnntv wm juunBe iiiuu in .1. wu uiu xiiusui x laiing laiga quantltlosef btnd Instruments. Sam ple of our work can be seen In thu window at 117 North Qtieen stroet. Werk warranted and prices reasonable. IIUCUMII.LKII'H Plating and Polishing works. ap23 3wdtt ieu nurui uaiKet sirtiet. TTAM) I'AINTKD NO KLTlKd. A Onoef the special featurei of our lmH ness l4 8mall Nem'UIks, suitable for Hlrthaay or Cominuiiceiiioni Ulllj. as wemanufactuiu liiest et cur stock, we have New Uoedsto ehnw veu dully. Come tee them. Zephyrs. Baxeny and Columbia Wools llav lng luade arrangements te htudle New Hiandsnf .iphyis and Wools, and te make room ler a large stwk- that will be In seen, have maiked ilewn present iteclf at coat. All fresn Koean at cost. Mrs. E. M. Woodward, ll StH KAHT MSU B'l'HWKT. Orders takeu ler Small If Ire works at tfil K hlrgbtruet. mayBlydVVAS M AKTIN BKOl'UKKN. Ne use telling P, ll'a being felt tcivlciuble Summer Eerger, Boor Beor Boer Huokcra and sueh te keep cool In may Inter est ou. Thin us they are iney aheuld tit well Onrs de, and laojpon laejpon laojpen sl ve. Sergo and Che . let suits for men, 18 tu, 110.00, 12(0. Serge coats and usu, no lining, iloe. II (. S.ML 'I hln fn.il,. News from tbe Heat Quarter. and HiijUiiT, 43e te I3uu. Hlg Hey.' Streng uuiumer B11H.4, (ii 00, li w, no ve. I.ittle Heys' litleng Bnuimur BulU, 1 1 10, fieu, 3 0J. Coel Ceals and Ciutsand uslm r ,r i.I n, n,.i Iui) 4 ; every desirable kind COOL NECKWEAR. Much dlttoreuco lu " wilting " down cellars v, nother jou've u wluter kind era.ummer ktnit of He en, Ihe latest french Linen vmshable lour-In Hand Htjlis In last Celers and leek likH kllk, 23. BOand .3centi t Woveu btrlpes aud hmbreldurud figures. MARTIN BRO'S Clellilug uiul I'lirulslilug (.oetli, a NOUTU UOKKN bT. I P.M. KH UK H 41 eft ) 2V 4 42 ' .... .... 10 128Vi 1! 128V 232 23 KH )2 m H 81W Sll2 81 11Q n2 UK tVC ui M SJ 8 WW ii'x Ji 7iQ :::: :::: S" lev ieV ies'5 104K 1M' ! !!? ?... "SU mi hWi m 2J 23jJ 2Vi ..,. .... 13 83X 22'i 2 22H 1)1)1 C2S CIK 2.1CJ 5(l IOU KJi OI', 12M 22W 22 22 7SjJ 75J 78 i 62'4 11 32K 62J4 Mi 9 3-10 20 2J '.'.'.'. "is" 116 73TJ 74 74 JtfXW A D VSJl TIBKUKXTa. SCUOOIiTAX, 1888 THK DDPL1CATK Is new in the hands of the Treasurer. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 4 p. tu. . W. O. at AKBII all, Treasurer. m-tfdB Ne. u Centre square. TUB Al'l'LICATlON'eFFIllilJliHluii L.Vrey for tbe trnferef r. (1 Carpen ter' Hetel Lleense, In Warwick township. And 11 remosstrnnee thereto, will be heard en Wednesday, .Inly 18, 18'8. HKNJ. F. W. UR11AN, ' Jc20 3td W II. c. Quarter Sessions. T OST-ON HOUTU QUKEN htkekt, XJ oge'd ring with stone setting and fenr pearls. A liberal reword will be paid en re turn of same te Jl-2td S28 SOUTH qUXBN BTBKKT. CITY TAX, 1888-THE CITY TAX DU DllCOte Is new In thnhnndi nf hn mtv Treasurer for collection, office hours, 9.0b a. m. till 3 00 p. in. J. H. 11 ATIireN, jeStfdh. city Treasurer. OriOK 13 HICKBOY GIVEN THAT . . Ul0 ordlnanee ter preventing accident by nre end the better preservation of order In the city, and prohibiting the sale or casting, throwing or flrlnk of squibs, rockets or ethur flrewoTks.belere the 3d, 4th and 6 th day of July, wUl be strictly enforced. Tbe said ordinance entirely prohibits ths firing et guns or ether firearm, or the aelllng, casting, throwing; or nnngebasers r ether fireworks operating a similar msnnnr, within tbe limits of tbe city. Je2)-12ld atoyer.1 TO ALL MY LADY 1'IUKNDS AND CUSTOMRBBl I am prepared with the largest varlety el styllsb and beautUul Hangs. Ladles can wear them with greatest comfort In worm weetbsr. lbey don't need dressing all summer, and cheap. Alse a large let or hair switches et tbe best quality. Particular notice -A great varletv et arev mixed hair awltchM nn hn.nl. All tbe latest bang cutting In the ladles' de portment. Hair Wash te sell at Mltl. C.LILLElt, ltd 227 North Queen Bt. NOTICE 18 IlEKEBY GIVEN THAT In compliance with en ordinance, ap proved -March 18, 1887, for the levy and collec tion of allcense lax within the cltvef Lancas ter, for street purposes, en all hacks, cabs, coaches, omnibuses, four horse wagons, two horse wagons, local delivery, drays, carts, ether veblcles, street railway cars, telegraph, telephone, and eloctile light poles, Is new due and payable at the oft! c el the city Treasurer. Any person falling te takeoutalicenseor refusing te pay tbe license tax required by said ordinance, or who shall violate any of the previsions or any section thereof, shall sub. Ject the offender, In addition te te Imme diate forfeit of hla llcem e. te e penalty of fi ve dollars for each and every offense. .1. II. KATUPON, Jell 2nd City Trcaturer. s HKING, 18 Fine Tailoring. This Is te Inform my customers that 1 am new prepared te show them nn Assortment of Bprleg Bulling aud Trowserlng Uiat cannot be surpassed.' The Latest Noveltlos In Spring Overceating el my own importation and connned styles. H. GERHART, riNKlMPOUTlNO TAILOR. NO.I3NOUTH UUX.CN BT.. LANOABTKU. Pa. NOTIOK IH HEREBY G1VKN TUAT the following deicrlhed city Bends are hereby olled In lortbeBtnklng Fund of the Issue authorized by ordinance approved March n, A 11. 1881, and amended by ordinance approved .March 2U, 1881, re refund tare 000 or tbe Indebtedness 01 the city of Lancaster, Pa,, at four per cent. Of theBerle. of One te Twenty Ycaw, via l Nes.,27, 28, 39, 1(1. 81, One 'iheusand Hollars each ; Nes. 2 !, 23. 21. 2 , 211, 27, 2, 29. 1 1, 45, 49, 03, CI, 117, VS. lOfl. 101, l'B, 1(0, 107,108. HO.llOSlve Hundred Hellsrscacb ; Nes. 3. 4, 12, 27, 28, 20, 30, II, 32, SJ, XI, I , 30, 4 43, 61, 01, CI, &3. CO, fi7, t8 09, 70, 71, 72, 73 71, 73, 78, 82, 88, 100, 101, 102 One Hun dred Hollars each. J he above numberpd bends wtllbe presented fei payment at this olllce en or bnferu the first day or July, 1853! Interest en said bends will cente en that data. leJOUllJylS JtBW. KUUKULKV, Mayer. w IIiIilAMHON A KOaTKK. HO.N'I Bl'KNtl MlUlt mom:v uniii.youuavkluehkij TUltOUUH OUH LAKUK ASSOUTMK.S'J' OK fecial Shoes -AT- .cialPrices. LADIEJi'AND GENT'3 Higli aud Lew Gat Shoes Keu sr.iMi:u wiCAK. Ladle.' lltlcht L'ongela Kid Uulteu bhees, I2.CO Ladles' Lew Cut l.ace Frent OilerJs. 1'atent Leather nnd Plain lip, tl 00 Ladles' OpeptBilppers. 4se tell te. (ienl's I ew cut tall Shoes, tl M Uent's Heutnlt'ss congress or luce 1 rent Sbnei, II (0. Hey.' Beaiults Hutten or Lacs front Shoes, Youth's "eamltas Hutten or Lace rrent Shoes, f 123. Men s Cnnva lln.nball Sher s tl (e Morocco, Alligator aud Ciuva Batchels and allse. Crystal Z nc. Deck and Leather Covered Trunks at the Ver Lewest Pilcei. WilliamseD fl Fester, 3-J.3I..U.A. 18 K. HIM. ST., I. tN As I Ki't PA, BRANCH STORE, Ml SI8 31 VUKM' S I lit. It 1', II II.UllUILO, PA, pAit A SOI, Wl'.ATHKK. Parasol Weather. WATT cStSH AND O O & 10 BA.S1 B.I AQ sr. Wuie Quite prep m d te meet the oxtiaordl extiaordl oxtiaerdl uuty deumnd lur PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS Uunug the pisl lew days, and jeucnu still Hud wlitu eii naut In COALIIIM1 I'AUAS H., tAbCl PA It VBllLP, TWll.l.Mlhll I. bllNSUADHS. UI.01ilACI.OTH SUNSIIAIIKU, In all tlia aud every utletyet handles at the lOHi-at cuh prlc .. WASH OU ALLIES Make ii cool Summer Ins4. We open ndny sixty pli'ces lu choice stylui at the extieiuely low price et 7e a laid, selllug last lu ethor cltlen from 8 te 10 ctj. Al I WOOL ALII Tlt033 CLOTH, Uluchea wiae.bOctutsayurd, TOILB-DU-NORDB Js the name et a new make or Dxess Olnr Olnr tmiiis.excellentiiuillty, soil finish, beautiful combinations el tnieitngs. and se desirable that a hundred nifrchiiiitj uraelsmnrinir f.ir every cute Uiu mill can preducu. We have been succe.stul se far In supplying the wants et all ourciutemiri, lull width, 12Hc a yard. . SPECIAL! All hiik Crrm-llar hajb ttlhbenr. 0 Inches wlite, 8ie , north tl 23. AllMlk Bntln Kdun Mnlrn Itlhlmna. fllnrhc wide, only tl uiu vurd. Ne. 12, ail aiik Molre Ribbons, crown edKO, Meeritaa jard. Ne9a" fcllt atlu Ulbben. UK ctsa yard worth 20 eta. New Yerk Stere. If K WAD VKR TIH K um an. WAlSTED-A YOUNG G1BL WANTS v .,iiu.vk.uh caiiu m nnnHL Aypjy.et illBT.JUBKPUBTHKKT. ita BOATING-DU1UNQ THE BOATING Bet son the Kest Knd street car com cem pany will run extra cars at 11 p. m., leaving theeutern terminus at that tlmn. MAUTIN KBRIDKH, ltd President. OOMETUING NICK Fer Little Meney. We have a very flnollutten Shoe for ladles In Pebble Oeat, Urlgbt Kid, or Ktd Foxed end wleve Tep, Worked Hutten Heles, which we A full Una of Kid and bright Dongole Ox ford 71c j and Opera Slippers, We claim te sell as cbesp as any house In Lancaster, end would be pleased te bave you compare our prices with these you have been paying. WM. H. GAST, Junl-lydWAr NO.lOSNOItTII QUKEN BT. B OOTSANOHHOKS. D. P. STACKHOTJSE, 83 & 30 HAET KINO, BT. Net e'd stock but fietb, new goods coming In dally from the factory and bought for cash. That Is why we can sell our Shoes se much eheaper than the ethor stores, and we give our customer the benellt of close bnyleg. Every b:dy about here fall of snap and v'm ; a different Bhee store from what It was -a UBTTKll one i but or all Shee Stores mere lire, mera geed goods or the right sort and right prices. AWCome and ste u t we cheerfully show yen the goods, whetriei you purchase ornet. D. P.STACKHOUSE, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Steed, LANCAVTKIt, PA. a'20lydAw H1 CADQUAhTKRH FOR WATCUK8. SOMETHINa EOR ALL Have you bought a Present rer yourrrlend whouraduates; II net, you should Call and Select It. Aside from Watches, In which we lead, you will find a Large Bleck el Nlce Goods, Geed Goods AT A SMALL COST. Many Acceptable Llttle Presents tn Silver Goods iWe will Sell at Awsy Down Klgures. 2-l"all, we have something you will want, waiter a mm, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCABTEU. PA. - Cerner of Orange. nltfd riRKAT SPECIAL HALI2 -er-JKRSEYS! JERSEYS!! -AT- ASTRICITS PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street, Commencing Thursday, June 2 1 st, and lasting until July 3d. The extreme low prices will terminate this sale before. Over 200 dozen of Ladies' fine Jerseys will be sold at a great sacrifice. Read these reductions, and come and see them. The prices must either sell them fast or net-at all. There fore you must avail yourself of tins chance at once. All fine black and fancy Jer seys reduced te less than cost. One let of about 10 dozens, ranging in price from $1.50 te $4, have been reduced te "actual half price." $1.50 te 75c; $2 te$i; $2.50 te $1.25; $3 te $1.50. Fine imported Worsted Jer seys, reduced from $3.75 te $29S. Cashmere Pompadour Frent, reduced from $3 te $2.37. Military Beaded Frent, re duced from $3 75 te $2 98. Military, red, from $2.75 te $2. Norfolk, with belt, reduced from $2.50 $1.99. Cashmere Ceat Back, extra fine, reduced from $2 te $1.69, from $1.75 te $1.36, from $1.50 te $1,29. Pompadour, braided front and lapel, reduced from $2 te $1.58. Braided, reduced Irem $1.75 te $1.29, from $1.50 te $1.19, from $1.25 te 93c. Pompadour, reduced from $1.75 te $1.29, lrem $1.50 te $1.19, from $1.25 te Sgc. Navy blue, fine worsted, re duced from $1.50 te $1.19. Navy blue, braided, reduced lrem $2 te $i.5S. Cardinal, fine worsted, re duced from $1.25 te S9C Cardinal, braided, reduced from $1. 50 te $1.19. Gebelin and Tan color, re duced from $1.75 te $1.29. Pompadour, plain and em broidered, reduced from 75 te 62c. Plaid and Checked, reduced from 50 te 39c. ASTRICll'S 1'. 0. P., Lancaster. xs w ad rxn TissMsyra. AOENEKALAGENTWANTED for the 8th Wonder. Positively the fastest selling arudeeu earth. Address , ,, , KMPIHKCO, J'll-lwd tEl Canal Bt.. N. Y.Utv. IV wvj xura MEMDKKii UlT -h , Wa,hlngten Camp. Ne. 27, P O. 8. or A , wAKiSa Iianiclpatlng In the parade et the ThnrVrtii' mSJ"?' wH' me ,n llolrhill.en Thursday Morning, Junefl, ate 31 sharp tw ". .,,., M.... MEMBEK8 OK - 'w., a auB.wuuti. H OtVAKIl I'errinu . . " ., Aiuuiiu CITV. owepon for tbe season. Geed rooms and every convenience. Ker terms appw " ."ASB.LL.'i" 'A-KSi'KJfws. ..u. U9UII a venue, Atiantle Cllr N. .1 4 )un!0,2J,7,3OJjB,; " "'' '' ' JACOB V. SUKAfKKK'H PURE RYE WHISKY, (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) NO. 15GKNTHK BUOAIIK N KW STOCK OJF OaNES. ALLBTYLKB AND LOWEST PK1CE8. iiiuuiua uiuaa SlUKI, -- . ... . ,Np.lUKast King Street. mW Kstehllsbcd. 1770, feb2.W Rtfd OUR GOLDEN UON AND MIA QUE. UIUArCI(iAKareclearUavana,hand. made, In boxes or be's and loe's. HBMUTM'8 CIO AH 8TOKK. ,,, , 1" Kast King nreet gstalillshedl770. 12WA8litia TUB BLACK BARREN 8PR1NOS HOUhk is new prepared te receive guests. Heed rooms, I & 00 te 110 00 per week. Leave Lancaster for Haines station, via. Col umbia, at e se a. m. or 6-20 p. m. Carriage win be In watting only en proviens notice of dav and train. CHK1S11K HOMBKHOEll, JnneO-lmWAi Manager. OU OAN BUY NAPHTHALENE, 1 be coal tar produet, at rilAlLltl'S KAST KND PUAHMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market,) l.ioap'ckReor2forl'c Just received a new let of getiulne cork floats and speat anotren books (Harrl.en make.) iba cheapest let of reels, line., etn , In tbe city. Lance tipped and all Lance Weed Beds at great bargains. M.W.KAw T HIH WEEK 8 SNAP AT- S. CLARKE'S. Prunellas only 103 per pound. Geed Heney, with glas cover, 10a p r box, Clarke's AA Fleur, 49j per quarter. Four cans Sugar Cern, 25e 1 we pounds New Prunes and two pounds Hates iei 232. five pounds Laundry Btareh and llve cakes Boap, 25e. One pound 45c Peaches for 25c. One pound 25e California Plums ler 18e. Three bottles Plckles for 25e. If c boxes Mustard or Bplced t-ardtnta 10c. awl 11 I'lcce Dinner fit with 120 worth ( t Tea. New for the Foertli of Jaly ! Dear Irlends, leek at this. A tegular picnic. Our new andsupetb FOURTH OF JOLY CAKES. BASEBALL COOKIES. VAXILLA WAFtillS, And PItKNCII GHKAM JUMHLKH, end as many mera UllTeient kinds as wenld 1111 half of thlB rnper te enumerate thorn all. Call and see tbnUrnnd Hlsplay and have yem palate tickled with these delightful Cakes and Crackers. IN SEASON. This Is the season for Picnics, and we assure you thitonrsteckorthoabove Uoeds cannot be surpassed for ussortmeut or prices. SAMUEL CIAUKE'S WUOLKBALK AND 1XKTA1LTKA ANDCOK. KKK BTOUK, 12 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. J-TKLEPHONK,-Ca R AMOND'H VAOATION BXOUR- BIONB. RAYMOND'3 VAOA1 ION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expenscs Included. Partlea will loa'e Philadelphia Monday, July 2J, Monday. AumiU2i, nnn Monday, Bnp leinberle, lerXHKKK UK AND TUIPStethe Yellowstone National Park, With a complete Round or all the polnUer Interest In AMKIUiiA'd HONUAiiLANH, and ample time rer a thorough Inspection or Its many marvels. Incidental visits te Niag ara Falls, Chicago. Milwaukee, tbe Dells of the Wisconsin, et Paul, Mlnnenpell;, the Fulls et Minnehaha, Lake Mlnneienka, tbe famous " Pad Lands ' of Dakota, etc. All Hallway Travel in l'aiace eleeplnif Cais The Parlies te he Limited In Numbers In con nection with the third excursion there will be a lour Acress the 1,'entlnenl, with a Bo Be turn thrcugb California. In addition te the above Bummer and early Autumn touts through tbe ltecky Mountains In uo'erado, and'len lilps In July te the famous Heseris et New .Kngland, Canada and the Middle Htutee. W UAYMONU. I A. WH1TCOM11. 4VSend ter descriptive circular, des'kua tln(f whtber Yellow mono Yaric 'Jeur, Colo Cole rado I'xcar 1 n, or book of ten BummerTrlrs U desued It VYMONU A WHITCOUII, Nn. Hi Seuth Mmh St (under Continental Hetel), Pbllalulphla, Pa. Jul9-3td HUHtMruxniettiHU wimijh,. IVliI. AND HICK Till! ROCHESTER LAMP. BlrtyCandle-LIght) Ee&ls thorn all. Anether l.otet CHEAP QLOURd for (l&a an OUBleves. THH1 " PERFECTION" StAIAL MOULDING A UUUUKK CUBUIUN WEATHERSTRIP Heats thorn all.! This strip eutwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold, btep rattling of windows. Xxciade the dust. Keep out snow and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made In applylnK It. Can be fitted anywhere no boles te bore, ready (or use. It will net split, warp or shrink-a cushion strip Is tbe most pernet. At th.i Blove, UeuUir and lien go Stera; -or- Jelin P. Sehauin & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST.. LANOAATX1L PA. HKDICAL. M ANDKAKE 1'II.LS. Werth Sending Fer ! UK. J . BCHKNUK has publlsu-id A NEW AND KLAllOUATK BOOK ON THH'lttKAIMKNT AM) ILBt'Or Consumption Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia which will be mailed ritKK te all who want It If you are, or knew or any one who Is, atUtcted with, or llshle te any of these diseases, send name and address (plainly written) te Dlt. J.ll.bCIIKNCK A SIN, Philadelphia, Pa. (.Nametr.li Paper ) marlTlydlw SOUENCK'H MANDRAKE PILLS rOB BILE AT ll.U COCHKAfi'aHKUaSTOKt:, Ntn.HU lvj North Qaeen Bt,, Lancaster, Pa. aprJ-iicdiw 'T -k