Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 18, 1888, Image 1

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    t IDtmfegttf
Soldier! I'rewem ilia Public Gathering at Cai Cai
eo rrledrlcb.aroe Twelre
of Regiments-Carry the CeBIn te the
lltnrse-Clinrch BIU Tell.
Potsdam, Jans 18 The fnneral service
ever tlie remains of the lute Hmperer Fred
erick begin at 10 o'clock this morning.
Pi Ince Blsmsrck, Oennt Ven Moltke and
the foreign ptinees arrived early. The rail,
way stations at Merlin and Potsdam are
closed against the public Large crowds
have congregated euUtde both stations.
Soldiers and police are visible everywhere.
The castle Frledrlchskren la gnarded like a
fortress The church bells are being tolled.
At 0 o'clock the ministers took thelr plsees
around the cclUn. The cathedral choir
sang two bymus, the first beginning "Moen
thou calltat me te higher Jeys " and th
second Jeius Is my trust"
Chaplain Ker gel then blessed the corpse
and the mourners, the choir meanwhile
singing tbe hymn "If I Am te Die."
Twelve commanders of twelve G liferent
regiments el whleh the late emperor was
chief carried the ccffln te the hearse whleh
was drawn by eight horses. Eight majors
took the bridles of the horses and the pro pre
cession started for FrledrlchBklrchp.
At 9:15 o'clock this morning Potsdam wat
In mourning, and emblems of grief were te
be seen everywhere. All the way from
the castle te the Frlodrlchskren, wbere the
funeral was te take place, torebes and cres
sets were seen Illuminating witff their
pallid fUmes the morning light. Every
here and tbere roBe huge ilagstafls and
poles bearing banners with mourning de
vices. The troops which were te take part
In the funeral ceremony were already mus
tering. They comprise the entire garrison
at Potsdam and a portion of the Berlin and
Spaudau garrison p. They consisted of one
combined Infantry battalion, two combined
cavalry squadrons, two combined batteries
of artillery, a regiment of the guard corps
from Berlin and similar combined bat
talions and ballerles from Spandau.
At 11-10 o'clock the remains w( re removed
from Caatle Frledrlchskren according te
the programme already published. Aa the
list Btralns of the chorale "Jesus Melne
Zuverslcht" died away Chaplain Keegel
arese and ollerod n prayer In which he
alluded In feeling tonus te the deuble
grievous visitation upon the Iinperial heuse
and upon tbe nation. Ue thanked Ged ler
all He had dene for the departed monarch
and Implored heavenly consolation for
the sorely tried members of the
l-nperlal family nd the nation. The
oherato "Werm I oil Elntnal Bell Soheldeu"
was then sung, aller which thecclllnwas
removed from the castle and placed en the
funeral car, the choir meanwhile singing
"I Knew That My Redeemer Liveth."
lhe precession was then formed and
moved te the church. Upen arriving at
the church the mourners took the seats as
signed thorn. After the service Chap
lain lCnegel pronounced the benedic
tion, Thore was no sermon. After tbe
firing of volleys and mlnute guns by the
troops the mourners took thelr departure,
flefore leaving, the widowed empress bent
ever the cc ill n and took a solemn farewell
leek at her dead husband's lace. Court
Preacher Perslus ropeated the closing
prayer and the choir intoned a dirge. In
tbe precession from the castle te the church
tbe Prince of Wales walked with the ein ein ein
porerand the king of Saxony. Among
tbose who took part in the precession were
Prince Hen ry, Bocend son of the deceased
emperor, the hereditary prlnce of Saxe
Melnlngen and the generals of the army,
headed by Count Ven Melike, who carried
a marshal's stair. The funeral ceremonies
ended shortly bofero 1 o'clock.
The Hi suit et Hie rest-Mertem Examination
el tbe Late llinperur.
Pro'eRierB Virchey, Waldeycr and Uerg
mann went te the Frledrlchskren palace at
the request et Kmporer William and with
Dr. MacKonz'e held a pest-mortem exami
nation. Dowager Empress Victeria was
avorhe te It, but it was demanded by the
public. The poit-uaertom examination was
confined te dissection or the neck, larynx
and lunge. In the larynx, which was found
te have been destroyed by suppuration, was
a cavliyiueub iu cizu ui n i-ieiiuuuu u.i.
Dr. MaeKeozte Btates In the report, which
be prepared at the command of Emperor
William, that the disease was beyond doubt
a cancer of the larynx. lie adds that the
diagnosis was rendered very difficult, as
the disease attacked the cartilage of tbe
larynx lit the outset and afterwards de
veloped chletly In tbe lewer part of tbe
The Rational Zeituny says that the au
topsy preved that the larynx was com
pletely destroyed by cancer, and that pu
trid bronchitis existed. There was also
Inflammation of the lloer ramlttoitlens of
tbe bronchial tubeti, into which putrescent
partlcleB bad ontered. The whole larynx
was In a Btate of suppuration and a soft,
lumpy macs, with scarcely any trace or car car
tllaglneua BtruUure remaining. Therewas
nothing te show theexlBtence of perforation
of tbe walla separating the trachea and
toiepbagus. The choking sensation from
which tbe omparer mill'ered during the last
days et his lifp, whleh was attributed te
such a perforation, appears te have been
leally due te a oellapso of the larynx,
owing te tbe destruction of the cartilage.
The cnuse of death Is given as paralysis of
tbe lungs. The post-niertoin examination
eccupltd one hour.
Tbe New i:mjerer Takes Ill I'Uce hi tte
Heed of ilifi German force
Emperer William II has lsstied the
lollewlng goneral order te the army :
While the army has only JUBt discarded
the outward Blgus of mourning for the
Emperor, King William I, my deeply
revered grandfather, whose memory will
ever live lu all heart?, it has sullered a
fresh and heavy blew by the death et my
dear and warmly-loved father. This Is
indeed a sorleus and sorrewlul time, In
which Ued's decree places me at the head
et tbe army. It is from a deeply
moved heart 1 address my first words te
my army, but the confidence wltb whleh
1 step Inte tbe place te which Ged's will
calls me is Immovably strong, for I knew
what sense of honor and duty my glorious
ancestors have Implanted In the army,
and I knew In bow grtat a measure this
feeling at all limes tat been manifested in
the army. A II rm aud Inviolable attach
ment te the war lord Is an Inheritance
handed down from fatherte son, front gene
ration te generation, and in the same way
I refer you te uiy grandfather, who stands
fresh in all your me trier leu as the porsonl personl porsenl
Coition of the glorious and venerable war
lord, such aa could net Le mere finely con
ceived or in a form mere speaking te tbe
hearL I refer veu te my beloved father,
who aa crown prince already wen a place of
honor In tbe annals of the army, and te a
long line of glorious ancestors whose names
shines brightly In hls'ery, and whose bearta
beat wtrraly ter tbe army. Thus we belong
te each ether I and the army. Thus we
were born ter one ane her, and thus we
will stand together in an indissoluble bend
In peace or storm, as ued may will It Yeu
wllLncw take te me the eat of fidelity and
obedienee, -and 1 swear ever te remember
that the eyes et my ancestors leek down
upon ine from the ether world, and that I
shall one day have te render an account te
them cf the glory and honor of the army.
Fried rlcbskren.
The following erJer has teen Issued te
tbe navy :
J. biro te Inlcrm tbe navy, wltb a deeply
moved heart, that my beloved father, tie
Emperor of Germany end King of Prusslr,
Frederick 111, baa departed this life peace
fully la the Lord, end 1, stepping into the
Place assigned me by Ged's will, have as
s imed the government of tbe land falling
1 1 me by hereditary right, and therewith,
also, the chief oetumander of the navy, it
la, Indeed, a profoundly grave period In
whleh 1 address my first words te the navy,
whleh has only Just ceased wearing the
outward signs of mourning for myever-te-b-nwrimbered
and beloved grandfather,
Emperor William I, who only last year,
dating his presence at Kiel, expressed In
the warmest words the lively satisfaction at
and appreciation of the development of the
navy under his glorious government. The
Hags are already lowered for my much be
loved father, who se creatly reloleed
at and took se strong an Interest
In the growth and progress of tbe
navy. Yet a time of deep and aineern
mourning chastises and fortifies men's
heart?. Thus we shall leek confidently
te the future, faithfully preserving In our
hearts the raemerv of my grandfather and
father. Tbe navy knows that It net only
gives me great Jey te belong te It by an
external bend, but that since my earliest
youth a warm and lively Intereat has, In
complete sympathy with my dear brother
Henry, united me with tbe navy. I have
learned te appreciate the high sense of
honor and faithful fulfillment of duty pre.
vailing In the navy. I knew that every
member of tbe navy is prepared Joyfully
te give his life for the honor et the German
flag wherever he mty be. Thus In thlssad
hour, I can say with all confidence we
shall stand together firmly and surety, In
geed and evil days, in storm as In sun
shine, ever remembering the story of the
German Fatherland, and ever prepared te
shed our heart's bleed for tbe honor et the
German 11 ig In this, Ged's blessing will
be with us. William.
England fir ng dun.
Londen, Jnne 18, (neon) Minute guns
are being tired here at Aldershet, aud the
ether stations and forms generally through
out England, as a mark of respect ter the
memory of the late German emperor.
The Emperor", proclamation.
Berlin, June 18 The emperor's pro
clamation was published te day. It Is as
fellows :
" Proclamation te the Prussian people :
The grave had acareely closed ever Wil
liam before Frederick was called away.
Frederick bere his bard fate with herole
Christian resignation, and remained faith
ful te his kingly duties. In the few months
allotted te htm te rule, he exhibited all tbe
noble qualities of his mind and heart. Ilia
virtue?, his victories In tbe battlefield, will
be remembered as long aa German hearts
continue te beat, i have taken the govern
ment upon myself, looking up te the King
et kings for aid. 1 pray Ged that, like my
beleved father, 1 may be a Just and
clement prince; that I may fester
piety and the tear of Ged ; that I
may guard tbe peace and promote the
welfare of our land : that 1 may be tbe
helper of tbe peer and distressed ; the firm
guardian of the right, and that I may ever
thrive In the execution of my kingly du du
Heb, ,ln unison with my poeplo, who In
geed and in evil days have steed true te
their kings. I count upon the fidelity or
my peeple In tbe oensolousneas that I shall
return It heartily as a true prince te
a true people, both equally ready
te make sacrifices for the Father
land. 1 derive confidence from this belief.
1 pray Ged te lend te me strength and
wisdom te discharge my kingly office for
the welfare et the Fatherland."
A Number of Disposed of by Ills Uouer
Mayer Edgerley.
The mayor had five cases te dlspose of
this morning and four of these parties were
punished for their offenses.
Jeseph Lelbfrled was the first prisoner
called te tbe bar. The testimony of Oflieer
Cramer was that he was under the In lluenee
et liquor and disorderly at Centre Square
en Saturday night Wben told te cease his
nolse and disorder he became abusive and
be was promptly arreBted. On the read te
tbe station house be wai loud in his decla
rations that he had been arrested te make
costs. The mayor discharged him upon
tbe payment of a line of f 2 and costs. His
fun cost him 1 02.
The next Bubj eat was Frank Dally. He
Is a ene armed young man who has been
In numerous rows and Invariably gives
policemen treuble. He was arrested by
OlUeer Glass and before the ofllcer landed
him In the station house Dally had sua sua
cecded In scratching the eOlcer. The mayor
told Dally that this was his first oflense be
fore him, bnt be would give him the full
extent of thelaw,tblrty days,and every time
hereafter that he was brought In he would
get the full extent et the law.
Heward Miller was arrested en North
Queen strcet by Oflieer Olt en Saturday
evening. He was a nuisance by reason of
the big lead of whisky he was trying te
carry. His punishment was tbe cost.
Richard Mineral, employed en a farm a
few miles from tbe city, was found drunk
and asleep en Grant atreet en Sunday after,
neon by Officer Mossenkep. Aa it was
his firBt eflense he was discharged upon tbe
payment et cost.
Charles U. Dunn was tbe last subject dls.
posed of. He is a young mau who claimed
Chicago an hia borne. Officer Glass'feund
him en Duke street, near Frederick, this
morning between 1 and 2 o'clock, trying te
open tbe gates of several residences. His
story was that be was leaving tbe town and
lest his way. Tbe mayor gave him ene
hour te get out of town and Instructed the
eflicers te arrest blra If he was eeen alter 10
o'clock this morning.
hacted Heart Academy Concert.
The last et tbe sorleaef concerts at the
Sacred Heart academy waa given en Satur
day evening, when tbe following excellent
pregramme was rendered :
Souatle-Op. 27, Vel. I...M(, . L. lleotheven.
bong ' The Festival "...W..r. MuintoU.elin.
Mis M. UcUenmncb.
Benis Without Words" Krl King.'
Boek " Vbla Talor flal Carcore" crdl,
Mies M. K. Krtmp.
Cenrertituck Op. 31 CM V. Weber.
Itecluilnn atlas N Harvey.
bong "IhB Wanderer" Mendolasehu.
Mies M. Kiernp
(fi) " Kntichwundens Ulnck " ...a., lfensnlt
iM Etufle " Appatslenate," Op. 10 r. ulinpln.
Hgj&y "Harmony " ...Miss K. Urlinui
Tbe piano selections were by MIbs
Etnllie Grimm, graduate of this year's class
In instrumental music
The art display was oxamlned en Satur
day and te-day by a large number of
friends of tbe Institution, and all the visi
tors were liberal In their praise or tbe works
et art en exhibition. The commencement
exercises will be held te morrow morning.
TLe ''Forty Ilenre'' at SI. War)'..
The services et tbe Forty Hours devotion
at St, Mary's Catbolle ehurcb were inatigu
rated en Sunday morning at 8 o'clock with
tbe high masset exposition or tbe Blessed
Sacrament. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock
tbe church was crowded at tbe vespers and
benediction service. Rev. J. C. Fein, et
KlizabethU.wn, t n elated with Revs. Mo Me
Cullagb and Kenney as assistants. Rev,
Feln preached an eloquent sermon from tbe
text " He wllleth net the death of a sinner,
but that be be converted and live." Tbe
masses this morning were at 7 and 9 a, te,,
ai they will be te-morrow. The evening
services are at 7:30 p. in. At tbe closing
exercises te-morrow nlgbt there will be a
precession and a sermon by R'.Rer.Themta
McGevern, bishop of Uarrleburr.
Auuther Charge Against Him.
Geerge Burten, who get Inte trouble at
the Pennsylvania station en Friday evening,
was prosecuted at Alderman Deen's en
Saturday evening. Tbe complainant Is
Frank S'.elger, who like Char-. Slinkmsn Is
an empleye of tbe City Transfer company,
and be charges Burten with surety of the
A Oef, That Ste:d Over a Blast, Takes
Seildeii KS While lUiklBf at the Bora Bera Bora
leg Pese the Charge Explodes and Pals
Him te Sleep few Moment.
A small terrier deg, belonging te Ellas
Snyder, who resides near the gas works,
met with quite an adventure en Saturday
afternoon. The animal does net like te be
annoyed. He formerly ran along and
barked at every train that passed through
en the Quarry vllle railroad. He kept this
up until he had his hip broken and that
cured him. At present workmen are en
gaged digging out a place for a large holder
at the gas works, In doing this they are
obliged te move considerable reek and in
consequence there la mueh blasting. Every
time a blast has been put off the deg wenld
run te the place and bark at the
smoke. On Saturday, the men put off
three blasts, whleh were lighted, se that
they would explode in rapid succession.
The deg listened te two et the explosions
and could oentrol himself no longer. He
rsn te the place and was standing ever the
blast, which had net yet gene oil", when It
exploded wltb great force. Persons who
saw the affair say that tbe deg was thrown
about fifty feet In the air. He came down
with great force. He lay en the ground ap
parently unable te move for a time, but
finally managed te get up and run. He was
net Injured te any oxtent by his sudden
Killed lu a Eight at llleuceeier.
Theodere Clemmer, a young clgarmaker
who resided at Ne. 723 Grcen street, Phila
delphia city, was killed Sundsy afternoon
at Gloucester City, New Jersey, by being
struck with a club, It Is alleged in the
hands et a man with whom he bad a fight.
The latter occurred between 4 and fi o'clock
en a let In the rear of Thompson's hotel.
There wero very few witnesses te the
occurrence, snd these who did see It Bald
they did net knew olther of the participants.
Twe young girls and a young man were
taken Inte custody aa witnesses. The
former gave the names of Msry Donersn,
and Barbara Deffern. Tbe man said his
name was Geerge King.
The murderer, Geerge M. Day, who ssys
be lives at Ne. 015 N. Twelfth street, sur
rendered himself at tbe Central police
station early this morning.
IUunloe or the OUIh Regiment.
The reunion and monument dedication
of tbe 09th Pennsylvania Veteran association
will take place en Tuesday, July 3, te tbe
left and rear of tbe Philadelphia brigade's
position at Gettysburg. The monument
will censlBt of base, shaft and eap efgranlte,
sixteen feet high, and will cost f l.COO. In
the caps en each of the four sides will be
Imbedded a diamond-shaped red stone In
dicative of tbe First Division, third army
corps. Above this will sppear a granite
glebe. The position la the one held whlle
supporting the Philadelphia soldiers en
gaged in fighting Piokett's division en
Julys. Twe companies of tbe 09th regi
ment were raised in this county and a
number of Lancastrians will be present
at tbe dedication ceremenler.
Sued Fer Wile Healing.
Geerge Heek, alias Goerge Hmilh, a resi
dent of Jehn street, was oemplalned against
before Alderman JJarr en Sunday for beat
ing his wife and drunkenness and dis
orderly conduet, Aire. Heek was very
anxious te have her husband arrested at
once and when the alderman, alter great
trouble, found a constable she changed her
mind and coneludod te give her liege lord
one mere trial, The warrant Is still out
for his an est, and notwithstanding her re
queet be will be arrested when the cfllcer
finds him, unless the complaints are
formally withdrawn.
Unclaimed Letters.
Following la the list of unclaimed letters
remaining at tbe Lancaster, posteflloe for
the week ending June 18 :
Ladies? List. Miss Margle Auxle, Mrs.
Ann Mag. Newell, Mrs. Ltzzle Scott (3),
Miss L!z7leShaelTer, Mrs. MlnnleSprenher,
Mtas M. J. Stirling, Mrs. Lizzie Trabert,
Mrs. M. Wiley.
dent's LUt.Yf. F. Birely, esq.. IL T.
Buck, Kev. Wm. U. Capers, C. H. Free
man, Gesbra Gey, Wm. K, Given, C.
Gredler, F. L. Herrlek, F. Heyberger, M.
A. Hoke, James T. Howe, Jr., Cerneluls
McCarty, J. M. MeR InBlry, William Miller,
Adam Oberly, Gee. Ittcbardsen, W. A.
Smiley, Jeseph Stem, W. S. Traale, Fred
Waldner, Jehn L. Warnock (2), J. M.
Will Remote teManbelm Township.
The electric light works will be remeved
in a few weeka from its present location en
Church street te a building adjoining the
chemical works en tbe Manheim turnpike.
A building is new being erected for tbe
plant and will be completed In a tew weeks.
The chemical company will furnish all the
neeeEsary steam power for the electrle light
oempany and that will threw out of em em
pleyment the engineer and several ether
empleyes el the light oempany.
A Cat's Ride en a fly Wbf !.
A cat with mero than the traditional ten
acity of llfe was rescued from a singularly
perilous perch in tbe lly-wbeel of tbe englne
The wheel was making 130 revolutions per
minute, and the intermittent howls of dis
may which escaped tbe terror-strlckea fe.
line attracted tbe attention of Simen Baker,
tbe onglneer. When the onglne was stepped
tbe cat was stlir with fright, and its whole
body seomed te have been absorbed by Its
tall. It recovered after a few spasms en
the ground. Tbeenglneer believes that the
cat bad been clinging te tbe wheel for at
least two or three hours.
Ten Year. Fer Arsen aua HerseThefl.
Judge Weand, el Montgomery county,
has sontenced Samuel L. Yeung te the
Eastern penltentiary for ten years. Yeung
pleaded guilty of stealing two horses, ene
el them Irein tbe barn et Francis T. Naoe.
The barn was burned te the ground, 41
head of stock perishing In tbe flames.
Yeung admitted setting tbe barn en fire,
out ciaimeu mat no aeciaeniauy areppea a
lighted match whlle looking for a baiter in
the stable.
Released ou lluliaBsesri4i
Benjamln R. Patterson, a Yerk county
drover, commit ted by the mayor en Friday
for 10 days for drunkenness and disorderly
conduct, was taken before Judge Patterson
this afternoon en a writ of habeas corpus.
Tbe mayor did net resist tbe discbarge of
the prisoner and as be has new become
sober and premised te abstain in the future
tbe Judge discharged blm.
Halt en gaturday.
During tbe storm et Saturday afternoon
aoine hall fell In this city. Tbe stones
were net much Isrger than peas, and tbe
fall did net last any time. Tbere was bail
also In Conestoga and Maner townships,
but It was net mueh greater than In
Lancaster and icaiccly uny damage waa
XneuljOne Mu Killed lu a Fight.
During the Balram feast In Constantino
ple en Sunday, tbe Albanians and Nubians
of tbe 1 mperial guard fought out an ancient
feud. Eighteen negrees and three Albani
ans were killed and dozens en both aides
were wounded.
Mallclubs Teeepas..
On oath or Jehn Reyer, Geerge W. Balr
was held ler a bearing before Alderman
Ieyuincruu ueuueeaay aiwrnoen te an
wer a charge of malicious trespass,
Tbe Ancher Clan el Yerk, Ut rested by the
Active, of This city.
Saturday afternoon the Ancher ball club,
of Yerk, came te this city te play a match
game with the Active nine. The game took
place en the Ironsides grounds. Tboatten Tbeatten Tboatten
danes waa greatly affected by the weather,
aa a heavy rain came up between two and
three o'clock and lasted for serns time. It
was at first thought that there wenld be no
game, but by loure'olock the sun waa out
and tbe game waa called. The Aetlve boys
expected considerable trouble In winning
the game, as their opponents bsd
net been beaten this season. The
home elnb put young Tranb, of
Manheim, in the box. He pitched
a beautiful game and tbe Yorkers had but
one hit, whleh was a two bagger by Mo Me
ll vain. Habn covered first bare In geed
style, as did Cllne at third. The battery
work of the visitors waa fine. Baugher
did well at second base. Owing te the fact
that the ball waa wet the fielding waa rather
loeso en both aides, the Aetlve getting the
beat of It Tbe Actives ran bases In a busi
ness like manner, while their opponents
were very slew te "get a move en." Tbe
soere In full Is i
activb. a. A. a
ahoheb. r n. re. A.
ta'Klney.el en l
Ilelsler, S...1
Cllne, 3 3
Qe'dhs'Ltit O
Tianb, P...0
Snyder, r.l
Hemer, e... 3
4 11
I 0
10 0
uenir., 3....U
HauBher. l e
tiann, i..,. i
Themas, m e
18 2
i an ie r, i..i
Total.... 8 10S7 17 6 TetAl 4 1 27 16 10
Active 0 0 4 0 14 0 0 0-9
Ancher e u e a e e e a 0-4
Karnedruns active, 4. Twe base hlt-Me-llvaln.
Stelen buos-Actlve. 9; Anoner. 1.
Htrnck out-Active, 0) Ancher, 8. wcubln
ntny Traub and Ilabn. Uniplre Tem Uuud
hart, Games or tbe nig Clubt,
The League games of base ball en Satur
day were : At Philadelphia, Philadelphia
8, Indianapolis 3 ; at Bosten, Chicago 3,
Bosten 2 ; at Washington, Washington 6,
Pittsburg 1 ; at New Yerk, New Yerk 1,
Detroit I.
The Association games of Saturday re
sulted as fellows : At Cleveland, Atbletle
11, Cleveland 1 ; at Baltimore, Baltimore 4,
Brooklyn 1 ; at Kansas City, Louisville 0,
Kansas City fj ; at St. Leuis, St, Leuis 0,
Cincinnati 1.
Tim Keefe pitched a wonderfitl game for
New Yerk en Saturday and the sluggers
from Detroit msde but two bits.
The New Yerk club has traded Cleve
land, a third baseman, te Pittsburg for
Arthur Whitney.
Tbe Atbletle club wants "Tip" O'Neill
and Ven Der Ahe la willing te trade blm
for Curt Welch. Tbla the Atbletle peeple
will net listen te at all.
Bosten baa drawn 00,000 poeplo te see
eleven games. Thore were 12,000 In en
Saturday. There It no doubt that It Is a
great ball town.
The Sunday Association garaes were :
At St, Leuis, St, Leuis 0, Cincinnati 2 ; at
Kansas City, Louisville 7, Kansas City 0;
at Brooklyn, Baltimore 0, Brooklyn 8.
Bosten, June 18. The game et base ball
this morning betwoen tbe Chlcages and
Bestens resulted In a daleat et the home
club. Soere :
Chicago n 00002
liosteu 0 1 0 0 u 1
0 '1
err roRemoAuo.
A Number or Lancastrians Ue te the Repub
lican Convention.
Fer two weeks past the Republicans of
this elty hsve been making the most active
preparation te attend the convention In
Chicago. Wben they asw hew comfortably
the Democrats went te their nstiensl
convention they at once concluded
that tbey must have ene et least
and perhaps two sleepers for their
trip. The railroad company gave
them their terms, bnt tbe travelera could
net agree among tbemselves. a number
signed a paper te go, but backed out. The
etbera could net agroe, and It was seen
found that tbe number necessary te get a
car could net be obtained. Many gentle
men In geed circumstances who wero
aaked te go made this reply, "We will go
ir we are glven passes, but will net pay."
After all of this trouble tbe movers In tbe
matter became disgusted, and advised
every man te go In bis own way. This
tbey all did.
On Saturday night the first parly left
Lancaster en Cincinnati Kxpresa st 11:10.
It consisted et Delegates Franels Shroder
and Jehn M. Seldomrldge, II. Will Brown,
Knfield Walker, Dr. H. D. Knight and R. presldent, U. W. Hayes, of Bosten, and W.
M. Merrow. They took berths en a S, Bull, et Bull.le j treasurer, Wm. Brow Brew
Blooper. On this train tbere wero also Hter, et St. Leuis.
several carieaas ei Philadelphia Republi
cans, On one sleeper waa a streamer,
nuuwiug mat we uuuiuu ui luauucupaaiH
for president was Edwin H. Fltler.
Sunday night at 11:10 a number of persons
left. They were Samuel M. Myers, an al
ternate ; Jehn S. Glngrleb, who takes tbe
place et U. S. Eberlyas an alternate ; Gee.
Al. Smith, Sam Matt Fridy, Frank Mo Me
Lain, Jehn W. Menlzer, Casper Bruner,
Frederick Kngelhart, Frank Evans, (Llt
llz,) J. W. B. Bausman and Dr. Charles
Franklin. On Sundsy aflorncen several
Republican clubs passed west around this
city en Limited Express. Many who went
tJ tbe station te see them go through en
Fast Line were disappointed.
Complaint About Had Hey.,
Complaint comes from persona residing
in the vicinity of Orange and Ann atroeta
of tbe behavior et a gang of boys who make
that a leafing place In tbe evenings but
mere especially en Sunday oventngs. These
beya curae and swear, pitch pennies, play
bnse ball and insult passers-by. A icllable
gentleman says that there Is a icarclty of
police officers In that section.
Kiecutleu Issued.
Miller .t Hartman and Jehn 1. llartman,
trustees et Rebecca J. Marsh, have Issued
executions against Henry Marsh,wbe keeps
a store In the lower end of tbe county. The
amount of tbe execution Is (1,601.
Alrald ul Harm
Carrie Powers has brought a suit before
Alderman II or ahoy against Emma Brink
man, charging ber with surety of the peace
Bill was entered for a hearing.
Tite (ioeil Mn.lclan.,
Sllchter and Wilt, two Yerk beyr, who
are visiting this city, are musicians et mero
than ordinary ability. They play upon a
guitar and mandolin, and during their stay
hore tbey bave entertained many people.
lhe Ntu Directory.
Tbe elllce of Williams' city directory h.a
been removed from Ne. 10 North Queen
street te Ne. 33 Kast King street, The
managers say that the directory will be out
by the last of this month.
Te Celebrate.
The seventh anniversary of thoNeUevllle
Union Sunday school will be bold en Sun
day, Jnly 1st, at 2 n. m.
A .New fafeuieut.
J. (I. (lalbraltb, the contractor, this
morning began tbe work of laying a new
Imitation el stone pavement along the
Pennsylvania railroad station en Chestnut
street The brick pavement here has been
badly broken by tbe throwing of beer kegs
( oie tbe cars upon It.
Heme Frem Tbelr llildal Trip,
Mr. and Mrs. Jehn S. Olelm have Issued
eirds for a reception te-morrow evening at
Abbeyvlile, te their son, William S. Olelm,
and his bride, nee Mlas Coulter, of German German
te id. Tbe young couple bave returned
from tbelr bridal tour and are new In Lancaster,
.1. It. Kank, et This Cly t'resrh s at
lhe Afternoon SrrTiecs The I'aiter, Her.
Ulpple, Assists al thetaernlcg Sir- Ceremonies Interesting,
The corner-stone et the U. B. church st
Silver Springs, Rev. Clippie pastor In
eharge, was laid en Sunday In presence of
a very large gathering of people,
There were services in the morning con
ducted by the pastor In cbarge, assisted by
Rev. J. B. Funk, et this city, and ether
In tbe aftc rnoen the sermen was preaohed
by Rev. J. B. Funk, and the corner-atone
was laid In accordance with the form pre.
eerlbed In the church book.
The sorvlces were highly Interesting, and
the new church starts oil under highly aus
picious conditions.
Four rersens Killed and ne Injured.
The bodies of Cbsrles Maye, a telegraph
operator, and Loe Makely, fireman en the
train which was wrecked near Pope'sl lead
Run, Va., Saturday, were en Sunday found
burled beneath tbe engine The list et the
dead and injured se fsr as assertalned at
ibis time Is as fellows : Dead : Kdwsrd
Uantzman, onglneer ; Lee Makely, fir et
ui an ; Charles Msye, telegraph operator ;
H. T. Pest, biggage-master.
Injured: Tnemas Hardy, express sgent,
seriously ; Mrs. Judge Galne, et Warren Warren
ten, Va , bruised and suffering from nervous
shock ; Mrs. Goldsburg, of Baltimore,
seriously brulsed and cut; Jacob Uummel.
el Creamer, Pa , slightly brulsed ; Udward
Tayler, el Watorloe, Vs., slightly hurt
about the head,
The canse of the accident is net definitely
Clese of tlieSlrwlierrj Fe.tlial.
The strawberry festival, for the benefit el
St, Stephen'a Lutheran obureb, bold In
Central hall, Centre Square, closed Satur
day evening after a very auoeosstul run of
tbroe days. Tbe crowd In attendance Satur
day evening was very large, snd In the lac
guageorenoof tbe managera "overy thing
was eaten up except the dishes." The Sun
dsy school children rendored some fine
vocal music with organ accompanlment by
Miss Anule Ocba.
Anether (Ireile Cressing llurrer.
At the Philadelphia .V Reading railroad
crossings at RobOBenln, Berks county, a
team and wagon containing Isaac Leb,
aged 05 yearn, and hla granddaughter, Vir-
gtnla Wolnheld, aged 10 years, both of
trloklertown. Lebanon county, wero
atruek by a passing train, The oarrlage was I
erniinil In utiHntnru Mlea Wnltibnl.t waa E
Instantly killed, and Mr. Loeb austalned In
juries from which be will die.
AppreprlsUd Ills "llerse ErTetl."
William U lllotte has begun suit in New
Yerk agalnBt J. C. Dun" and Kdwln Atwcll
te enjoin tbe use of what Is known as tbe
horse clfoel" in the play et "His Lord
ship" The "home rlToel" Is tbe system et
producing the nolse of a horse's hoofs strik
ing tbe ground as the animal gallops In, or
Is aupposed te gallop in from a dlatance.
and was first used, It is asierted, in "Held
by tbe Knemy," Mr. Gillette's play, of
which It la claimed aa a featurr.
Laneister Kducetersln Yerk.
At tbe commencement of the Colleglate
Institute In Yerk en Thursday, Rev. O. W.
Stewart, of Celeraln, tbla county, delivered
the opening prayer. Walter M. Franklin,
esq,, of this city, Is secretary of the beard
of trustees of this Institution and ene et the
mombers of tbe oxeentlvo oemmlttoo.
Officers el tbe American Wheelmen.
llAi.TiJteitr, June 13 The ninth an
nual convention of the National League of
Amerlcan Whoelmen began te day. The
beard of officers la oemposod of tbe chief
consuls el the different states, and ene dol del dol
egate for eaeh member In a state. Forty
mombers anawored te rolle.II. The repert
et the treasurer shewed that en Mareh lit,
last, thore waa a balance of I30.GO and tbe
rcoelpts during tbe year (1,100. Tbe repert
of the seoretary showed a total memberahlp
of evor 10,000. Tbe following ofllcera were
eleeted ler the ensuing year : Presldent, T.
J. Klrkpatrlck, of Springfield, O.; vlce
Increased Karnlugs,
Piiir.Aiir.i.i'iiiA, June 18 Reports, said
te be based en geed authority, are in circu
lation that the net earnlnga of tbe Reading
company for May will exceed theso for tbe
same month last year. Tbe Incroate la
said te be net large, and is gtven at
about 176,000, which may, however, be In
creased or diminished wben the complete
returns ceme In. This is considered very
romarkable, in vlew of tbe fact that the net
earnlngs In May last showed an Incroase of
nearly fOOO.OOO ever May, 1880. If tbe re
ported Increase is correct the net earnlngs
for tbe month wilt be about (l113r.,000
against (1,001,000 in May last year.
Te Ratlly the Nominations.
Nkw Yenir, June 18 A meeting will
be bold In tbe Metropolitan epera heuse en
Friday next for tbe purpese of ratifying
tbe nomination of the national Prohibition
convention. General Ftsk, Dr. Jehn A.
Brooks, llev. Sam Small, of Georgia, Prof.
Dlckle and all the promlnent Prohibition Prehibition Prohibitien
lata et the country will be present. Goneral
Clinten B. Flak, tbe notnlneetor presldent,
will make addreases accepting thelr re
spective nominations by tbe Indianapolis
Holiday lu llo.ten
Uoire.v. June 11 Te-day 'Bunker
IIIU Day " is being celebrated in about tbe
usual manner. Meicantlle business and
operations in the exchanges are generally
suspended, and the dally papers emit tbe
evening editions. Tbe interest of the day
centres In Charleston, wbore the paraden,
exercises, etc., at the monument take plaee.
There will be a number et clvle parade,
two base ball games botweeu tbe Bestens
and Chicago, regattas of the Dorchester
and Bay vlew yacht clubs, and a number of
miner sports.
The Three Dellar, liet Sli Mouths
Nkw Yenlf, June 18. M1h Diss Dellar,
Mine. Dlxi Dellar and "Goneral" Dlra
Dellar, who were convicted en Saturday of
conspiracy In awindllng Luther it. Marsb,
the lawyer, out et a portion of his property,
wero te-day soutenced by Judge Glider
sleeve te tbe penltentlary for Blx months
Blani I'muleWltnete IlieUtrsinenles,
Dayton, Ohie, June 18, Twenty thou
sand spectators, Including visiting Boelotlos
from all ever tbe state, wltneesed tbe lay
lag of the corner-stone of tbe Sacred Heart
cathedral yesterday. Archbishop Elder
outdated, assisted by yie Rev. Father Jehn
Mackey, nt Cincinnati, and all the realdent
priests. Tbe woather was inteniely het
aud several persons In the precession were
Captured and Jailed,
MANhrici.P, Ma, June 1& Lane ilritten,
the notorious Ozark desperade, who has been
a fugl'.lve for flve years and who Is wanted
te answer for tbe killing of eight men, waa
eapturcd here yesterday. In order te
prevent lynching a aherltl and posse Is
guarding the Jail.
A Large Number el Accounts l'reesnUd and
Centtrmed The Cases ler Argument.
The September term et the argument
court waa opened at 10 o'clock tnis morn
ing, with Judges Livingston and Patterson
oithebenoh. There are en the list for ar
gument 39 eases, of which 21 are In tbe
common pleas, 4 tn the orphans' court and
11 In the quarter seaateus. The court will
be occupied about 10 daya In the hearing of
arguments of eases en the list.
The account et 39 trustees, 207 executers,
administrators and guardians, and widows'
appratsoinents In 20 estates, were presented
and confirmed nisi.
Annle M. Hurterd wai sppolnted guar
dian of the miner crandchlld of Mrs.
Msrgaret Robinson, deceased, late et Lan
caster elty.
Jacob R. Wltrqer, of Kant Lampeter
township, wss appointed guardian et the
miner children of Benjamin R. Wltmer,
deceased, late of Kaat Lampeter town
ship, Clayten Wenger, who waaconvleted at
the last term et tbe quarter sessions court
of committing an assault and battery en his
employer, was sontenced te pay a line f20
and costs.
An Issue was granted te doteimlno tbe
ownership of certain property levled upon
by the sheriff, m whleh Annie Hertrler was
msde pialntlir and I. D. Ware dofendant
O. II. Snyder, of Ceney township, was
granted a ronewal or his soldler's llcense.
Want te He Divorced,
This Is divorce woek and up te neon to
day the following applications ler dlvorce
were llled and subpienas Issued: Mary
Paes,clty, vs Martin Pans, desortlenjl.li7.lo
IC. Apple, Manhelm borough, vs Daulel
Apple, desortlen and cruel troatment.
At tbe oenoluslon or the ourrent business
oeurt began hearing argument of cases en
the common pleas list.
,Seeral Personal Notes.
Denny Dennelly, brother of Letter-Car-rler
James R. Dennelly, who for several
years hss beeu In the Pennsylvania railroad
shops at Altoens, spent Sundsy In this
elty. He left for home en Fast Line this
A. Jsoksen Pent r., a momber or a well
known Lsneaster family, who for tbe past
few years hss been In the far West, has re re ro
turned te this elty, looking very well.
Prof. R. C. Sohetdl.ot Franklin and Mar
shall college, left this aftornoen for San
Francisce te attend the meeting of the
National Educational association.
Joe Reyor, who recently returned from
Pittsburg, where be waa engaged at Wil
liams' academy the past season, left Lin Lin
caster en Saturday evening for Vera Cru7,
Mrs. J. I1. MoUaskey and Mrs. Mary
Konnedy will leave at 11:10 thlsevenlng fur
Fert Lsavonwertb, Kansas, te visit Llouten Lleuten
ant Edward McCaakey.
Judge Livingston, who has been visiting
his nephew, Rev. U. C. Swentrsl, et Scran Scran
ten, has returned home.
W. U. Ilensel, esq , has roturned from
bis visit te Hen. A. G. Thurmau, In Colum
bus, Ohie. He says he never aaw tbe
"Old Reman" in botter bealth, and In this
het woather be Is capable et making threo
open-air speeches per dsy,
Installation or Rev, Bylvanue Nlall.
The Installation of the Rsv. Sylvanus
Stall, formerly of this city, ss thn pastor of
the Second English Lutheran church, Balti
more, took place at that ohureh en Sunday
afternoon In the presence of n large congre
gation. The Rev. A. U. Studebaker
dlrected the aervloes. The Rev. W. 1.
Evana dellvered the obarge te tbe pastor,
bis text being "Preach Christ and Him
Crueifleu." The obarge te the cengrega
tlen was doltvered by tbe Rey, Dr. Charlea
S, Albert, The Rev. Mr. Studebaker
addressed the quostlens prescribed by the
church laws for such oceaslons te tbe new
pastor and the church council.
Rede Nlnely Miles en ulryrles.
Six mombers of the Lnnoaster Bloyele
club started at U o'clock yesterday morning
en thelr wboela te ride te Baltimore, te at
tend the ninth national meeting et tbe
League of American Wheel men. On reach
ing Yerk two of the party decided te re
turn home, whlle the ether four rode
en te Uanover, where they teek dinner and
then continued thelr Journey, arriving In
Baltimore last night after a rlde et evor 00
miles. Over 1,000 whoelmon are already
gathered In Baltimore.
Visiting Four Directors.
L. W. Olomsen and A. U. Swepn, mem mem mom
eors of tbe peer dlroetora' beard of Dauphin
county, accompanied by tloergo A. Gar
wick, tbelr clerk, came te this city te-day
at 11:30. They wero met at tbe depet by
President Uerr,the peer beard and Stewaru
Worst. The directors were tsken te the
almshouse, where they bad dinner, after
which they made a thorough Inspection el
the county Institutions.
Astanlt and Surety Cases.
Epbraltn Dull, charged by Ames Funk
with surety of tbe peace and assault and
battery, was arraigned bofero Alderman
Spurrier Saturday evenlng and entored bail
ler bis appoarance at court.
Charles Sllnkmau and Frank Styer,
cbarged with surety of the poace en oath of
Geergo Burten, gave ball for a hearing
before Alderman Spurrier en Thursday at
3 p. m.
Hew He I.ust HIS Teetb.
Oa Saturday night soraeunfortunatowto
had a big lead et liquor en beard wandered
Inte the shed of MUIer it llartman along
the 1'ennsylvania railroad, Hore he left a
full set et upper jaw teeth which he oeuld
no longer retain. They wero found yostor yestor yoster
day and will be sent te u inuseum If net
called for. .
I'reseuted I.ttlni;tl'ti.
Heme thoughtful friend et Ooergn Steln
man sent him soveral very handsome lith
ographs of the national Democratic con von ven von
tlen In St. Leuis. Mr. Stelnman has very
kindly presented ene et them te the Yeung
Meri's Democratic club, and the
cikkekii'm sanctum and business cilice pos
sess each ene of tbem from the same source.
Te Ge te Ills l'russlkn Heme.
Peter Jeaerlh Wlngender, a well known
German, will leave for bis home in Cob Ceb
lentz, Pi ubs la, by tbe Red Star line steamer
Belgenland, en Wednesday next. He will
leave Lancaster en Wednesday morning,
and will be absent several months. His
ticket was scoured through Gcerge Rehr,
at tbe J-'i at l'resse elUce.
Illcycllsta l'bolegrlied.
An excellent photograph of tbe bleycllsts
who participated In tbe meeting at Mo Me
Grann'a park, may new be seen at tbe store
or I), F. Greve, en North Queea atreet. It
reflects great credit upon Mr. W. W.
Ames, of tbe Fewler gallery.
Moravian Dairy Maids Party.
A H the arrangements have been made fir
tbe Moravian Dairy Maids' party in tbe
garden et Ne. 30 North Prlnce atreet, to
morrow evening. The cause is a worthy
oue and deserves and will receive liberal
Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey t Light te fresh northerly winds,
slightly coelerj falrwestler,
Jehn H. Thursten, or NthrMka, Chese Tent-
periryCnalrmaa of IlieConr.nUen by the
te I'hefps-Frleudly,FMlicg far Blaine,
Chicago, June 1& Nearly all the dele
gations are holding or will bold the caa caa
enses today. Meanwhile matters an
wholly adrift, and such a thing as a eryr-
tauizttlen of sontlmeet en any moetSsl
point Is net te be found.
N.a II...-.I.1.. --A ....
non unui,iuru win nuiuci euner a, lAi, '
Cheney or E. H.
jieiuns ter inenauctMsl ?:s
committee In regard te candidates lk
delegation is all adrift There is no settler. -
luea. uarrieen has some friends, Allisen
la favorably regarded and everybody has a
friendly feellng for Blaine, There la no
Alger bleed In the delegation. The Min
nesota delegation will caucus at lo'eloek.
R. G, Evans will probably be ra-electM te
tbe national committee. C. O. Edwards
will go en the oemmlttoo en resolutions.
Gresham has ten et the fourleen voter.
Alger has two vetes. The second choice Is
Thore was plenty et enthusiasm among
the J or soy men this morning. They will
caucus at neon. State Senater Jehn W.
Griggs will be oheseu te represent the state
en tbe platform committee. U. A. Hobart
will be returned te tbe national committee.
Mr. Jehn Burt Brewer said there waa me
BlaldoeenttmentlntheNew Jersey dels-'
gallon, "We wenld be serTy te see MtV
Blalne brought forward. However, the
ohjeotlon te Blalne Is an outside one. Hs
would suit New Jersoy te a T. We bave
no soeond choice. We aie absolutely nnde nnde nnde
olded whtther we would ee If our man
William Walter Phelps wero out et the way.
We shall stick te him with the belief that
he ought te win. However, It there is te be
a'dsrk horse, we regard Mr. McKlnleyfbf
Ohie, as the man. New Jeraey will go for
blra te a dead certainty."'
There Is obses, as far as candidates go,
In the Arksnsss delegation.
Connecticut will caucus at 2 p. m. If.
D. Speery will go en the oemmittee en res
olutiens. --.
Connecticut ran dkpcw. h'
Socretary of State Hubbard, et the Cem7"vP
noetlcut delenatlnn. iilil that If N.a Vnk- i's
should present the name of Depsw and be i
tnr lilm a.ll.t l ennniuid.M, hamIiI - J;
her In ber obelca with enthualaam. Other-.
wlse she will pay her compliments either
te senator liawley or Sonater Platf. Yea- "tl
terday'a conferences were purely Informal "T."
aud thelr results, it results thev had. were Ak
et no rest concern, Mr, Hnbbard aatd tint t&l
In thA Kaat. anil nartlnnlarltr In iUH.' "":t ,?!
cut, the popular Impression Is clearly Bad, '
empnaiiesiiy agsinst judge uresbam. ,-,
Alger and Allisen are both regarded aa'-v-'l
avauaoie, out uonnecueui is prepared toga -,?i
wild evor me insw veric railroad king, fj;
Nrihraaka mill naunna tvnlnht II irhnavffir
ten does net set the tBmDnrarvehalreeasi-,.!
-.Inn. thn -.-.-..(-. ft.,. ....... il at ,V5tt '
-H'w w- -u,umiuu uim ueiBgauuis WMIt ritrS
aive mm the ehairmanahtn et that. sir. TV rip i
O. Baler, a member et the delegation, Mid".
that while judge uresbam had saaay'"
friends In Nebraska. It waa felt that ba hat it"
.. ....... .. u.. .7.. ...j" r ",T e
ueuu a,iticu un uy urn irioeua, ana SO AIUjM
son and Ale-er ware irAttfntr favnrat.! tm.7':kV.
slderatlen whleh was formerly aoeordetlV'l
te the Chicago candldate. Mr. Bates a,t:'J
the qusrrel betwoen OroahamandHirrlaea "f, ';
.AnHaraH Knit, .rtl.r,) t ..... ..aa.u-'2r '
.u.,u..v. u... uu, lit sua UJI - WW ''-Vj i
of Nebraska. Antnhnnn. it.aa!.V
that be was net the best man, but should be 4v
be nominated, aa soemod mere than probe- j,Tj
uiu, iuuiaiaa wuuiu ue nor amy Dy BUB, y?i
m sbe would by any geed RsnubUaaB.AHV
whother from tbe West or from the Kaat, ?l
The national committee has aoleeted Jeb
-.., u. ..iu,,..,, a, rauajienrj- j'.
cnsirman or ins convention. vf-ia
it is reperted that tbe vote for Thursten
was 21 In -0. rnnrneAntlntr a ivimhu.iiM, -..
the Western and I'acltla oeaat atatm. a.aiaat ?S
the East, v7
12:10 r. M.-The New "Yerk dolegaUemvl)s
have organized with Chauneey M. Dspaw'i,
in inflnhn r. wnnl hia nil haaM -,.., a -53.3i
from thorn that the prospects of s protraetad -r? 1
u.-w..u, , auaa uiu .viuguiiuu II UUqU6aUOB- AW!
ably solid for D.pew at the outset bnt they ,S4
doslre seme understanding as te what la letti
be dene after the complimentary vat-'.-HJ.
lng ahall have reached its cllmaxTSS
A New Yerk city man said tejSs
a reporier et the United Press i3Sj
" The treuble Is going te bs en tbe nelnt of "&&
atanrllntr hv Tlanaav lr.iAf1nlial .... .. v?
- - - aa j w..m. tuuvuuiwivi VUE LH .. tl
ple are all doslreus of giving blm our com- -fej
piimencary veie, Dtu we de net desire te ba ' ?"?
tVaaTll.. -.. la 1 lA I -a.M -a..l iL . . aa. aa ltAlf'e
ue.u. iui uiiu auu -uug, uu iue question Of i
harmony will hinge upon what Mr. Dspew "
tt tin a mar 1 hnn. I -. t .u.a aa .
.-,., uu. . uuye uiBJT in UlUUV-'',j
1 1 m. me new xerk aeiejatlea bas,
decided unanimously te support Chauacey
in, Dupevr.
Oenll lent Illslne Will Ue Nominated.
Chicago, June 13. The News tbla
morning says editorially "It mar be that
tbe Blalne managers will allow the empty " JS
compiimem 01 a nrsc nattet ler the favorite -3
sons.' But even that Is new deubtfu'.
Still mero doubtful Is It that they will be
forced te make any show of awaiting a
deadlock.' In that new lies the greatest
risk et tbe failure et tbelr plot. Dire tbey
venture te Invite deliberation? On the
ether band, what preitige may attach te a
spontaneous nomination by acclamation en
tbe first ballet. Nothing else wenld te
wanting te compel Mr. Blaine te accept
without seeming te be guilty of Indirec
tion.' Ab it new leeks, about the only
questien which remains te be settled Is, ea
whlch ballet shall the tattooed knight be
nominated t"
Illslne anil eirestiain f aradei.
Ciiioaeo, June 18. Thore will be a
monster parade te-night In honor of Mr,
Blalne and at least 8,000 parsons from Chi
cago and abroad are expected te participate
in It. The Yeung Men's Blalne clubs el
Chicago, the Columbus, Ohie, club, Topeka
Republican Flambeau elub, Calllerala
delegation, Gartleld club, of Knexvllle,aad
etbera yet te arrive, are expected te take
part, Including several bands and trans
parencies. Tbe friends of Judg9 Gresbam will alie
parade te-night,
Mr. Serbin's Talk Willi lltalue.
New Yerk, June IS Mr. Austin
Cerbln, president of the Reading railroad,
who returned yeaterday en the Umbrls,
said that Just before sailing for home, he
paid a llylng visit te Paris, and dlnsd with
Mr. James G. Blalne at a fashionable res
taurant. " I am a Domeora'," s.Id Mr. Cerblr,
it but durlug my ebat with tbe M.He man,
he told me without any reservation what,
ever, that he was net a candidate and oeuld
net accept a nomination. Blalne likes pel. ,
Itlce but I bellove his wife has Induced bias
te stand aside. Although Blaine's mind iaaa
bright as ever, be showed signs et peer
health. Ne, he will net accept a nemUft.
lien, you can depend neon that."
A SucitM.lui t estiva!.,
Hersobel ledge or Old Fellows closed,
tbelr Btrawberry festival at tbe King street;
tbeatre en Saturday evenlng. About 1,0001
poisons weie present, and tbe affair wa
succeialul even beyond tbe expeoUtiea of
tba management,
. i.