Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 12, 1888, Image 1

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je Itattfatgtef
0. B. Hmllb. Awintld Ik PrUc-BIl Subject
"Uaepeken Lstagruge" Abstracts f lbs
Orations er-tha CompsUters TtielUga-
Ur Extrckwe el the College Clese.
The college chapel wee well filled Mon
day evening by tbeM who eame te bear
3 and Me the result of the eoBteatfer the medal
' of excellence among the J an ler erateir.
President T. G. Apple, D. D., bad charge
or the pregramme, and after prayer and a
tow appropriate Introductory remark, In
troduced the orator In the order Indicated
en the pregramme. The Judges were Her.
J. H T. Gray, Rev. B. F. Alii
man and W. T. Brown, esq. After
all the orations were delivered the
Judgea retired te one of the class-rooms
and alter having made their deculen be be be
nonneed It through Rev. Gray. Mr. U. B.
smith was awarded the medal. The prlz9
was also Riven te the successful contestant,
Mr. H. K. Miller, In the recent German
contest Mr. Bruee Griffith of the aephr.
mere class, was also awarded a prize for bis
proflcleney in natural selenc , Mr. A. R
Craig was given honorable mention in the
eame conueetlon. Following are brief
extracts of each oration,
J. If. Bah war tr.-"Pelitical
The speaker went back te ancient Greece,
traeed development, then te Reme, then te
early France centred in Paris. France to
day when compared with France then
stands far in advance. He then pointed te
Germany and England. But after all
claimed the western empire te be the des
tination of the highest political advance-,
though through net a few hardships. Bete
are the United States, the first and only
government by the people and for the pec
pie. She has had her hardships. Having
such a geed government hew shall we pre
serve it and have purer politics 7 Hew can
we de away with evil ? Is It by abolishing
reimcsr no. jy always striving for the
best. Then tee there are the se called "ma
chines" run en the same principles as busi
ness concerns. They can be kept under
check. They must be.
"The Exile," by h7h. Apple. In the
forest of Western Siberia stands a lonely,
doaertcd pillar. Ages have witnosted It
tuns standing In lis painfully suggestive
manner, nundreds et thousands of exiled
bumin beings have taken their last leave
at this lonely deuelate spot Heaitrinllng
scenes, melancholy, gloom and despair,
where de these companions delight te
haunt mcra? Since one ei man's mes',
noble attributes is his living love of bis
country, banishment comes te be oneef Ibe
most severe punishments cxperlenceable.
Of all the conditions of man the worst Is
that of exile. Freedom Is gene. Nature
loses its beauty for him even from the very
vault of the heavens te the bottom et the
deepest grotto. He dreams of the past, of
bis country. Where can that spot be found 7
Sweeter by far is death. Such Is the life of
exile. But that time 1b fast passing away.
Ne mere St. Helenas. The light even
dawns upon Russia.
T. B. Appel ' Frtmlng the Constitu
tion. "The storm of war bad passed. The
eyes et the world were fixed en the new
arena. Thlrteen organized states new be
come a nation. Only a firm union could
preserve the liberty wen. The new nation
aeemed but born te dip. LUtle Interest In
legislative work. The flower et the na
tien's Btrengtb came tegether. Other na
tions looked en anxiously with various
topes and opinion. The Americans hsd
faith In tbelr leaders. Their work was
stupendous. Evil threatened. The llrst
question that arose was concerning the na
ture of the government. The form
or a ropublle was adopted. Various
questions arose In the consideration
of the details. Compromise came
te be the method of procedure. The ri
valry between the North and the Seuth was
foreshadowed. There were but few of the
delegates who were really Batlsfl&d wltb
their work. Tbey did net realize the mag
nitude or tbelr work, it was submitted te
the authorities. Mere contest followed.
Conventions in all the states. It wts
adopted. It steed, stands and will stand.
Tbe nation under It is the most powerful.
It la an Immortal monument te Ita framers.
jOur flag Is Its standard.
Unspoken language," by G. B. Smith.
language is tbe portal of thought. Hu
manity deals wltb spoken language. There
la a language coeval with tim. The star,
the mountain, tbe flower, the brook and
tbe swallow are all reservoirs or thought
from an infinite fountain where man can
queneh bis thirst hence a language net
spoken or beard. As nature has her Ian
go age, se has man. The crumbling bricks
of the Euphrates, tbe rulna of Egypt,
apeak loudly. Then Greeea speaks wltb
yolees innumerable. Secrecy is a
tandeney of our age. Yet language will
eviv be unrestrainedly uttered. The church
bell Is tbe unspoken language purged In
the bleed et Calvary. All spheres are
struggling and falling, but tbe footsteps of
a mighty host are sounding.
O. B. Sehaefler "The Side of Popular
Feeling" Tbe apeakar referred te Napo Nape
leon and his reception In France en his re
turn, then te Christ's reception In Jerusa
lem, then te the enthusiasm awakened by
Peter tbe hermit and the Puritans burning
tbe sorcerers at the stake. Thus Is tbe tide
of history iadvanclng. It is a meohanieal
age. Society steeps te a few individuals.
This tide Is apparent most en the political
seene. The echoes of tbe late strike still
ring in cur eats. What a van field for
reformation. Thought coupled with setlyity
la the remedy. Education of the right
kind is greatly needed.
After tbe decision we renderel by Iba
Judges tbe exercises were plesed wltb Iba
Maedie'.len by Dr. Apple.
Alnmnl friends and applicants fcr college
are coming in te sea and enjoy what com
mencement baa in atere for tbem. Hen,
Jehn Cessna, who never misses, Is here.
The regular exerelsea of the college and
academy closed this morning wltb tbe
usual morning service. The examinations
of tbe dltterent classes are all ever. Ex
amination for admittance Inte college still
The beard of trustees meets this after.
Tbe b.'ennlal oration will be dellvered in
the court Louse this evealng, beginning at
8 o'elock.
The senior class will bold their class day
exercises 'te-morrow at 3 p. m , en college
campus. Tbey will form, dressed In
Oxford caps and gowns, en West Ring
street at 2 p. m. Frem there, headed by tbe
.Liberty band of Lancaster, tbey will march
t'j the monument ; up North Queen te
James, from James te tbe college where
a well prepared pregramme will be glrea.
Tlifi beard of trustees of Franklin and
MarshaU-eollege met In annual sea sea
alen at 2 p. in. la the I'list Re
formed church te-day. Rev. Or,
Apple presided and tbe old committees
were reappointed. The report of tbe com
mittee en tbe sale of lumber en the WU
belm estate was received and dlseuated at
some length. 5,250 waa bid for tbe timber
of the Matlack tract, excepting tbe sngar
miple and young timber. Tbe matter was
fbw postponed until te morrow,.
Hts Fe ! Thieves te Cempel tha
Bartender of Bener.
An atrocious outrage baa been re parted
frea Falrohanee, about two miles from
Unlontewn, Pa. Saaausl Humbert, an old
resident of Falrohanee, was assaulted by
masked men at bis residence at midnight
en Saturday, and submitted te great tor
ture te make bias disclose wherebls money
bad been aeereted. At that hour Humbert,
Wbe Urea alone, waa aroused try aknenk
at bis deer. In response te bis Inquiries
as te wbe was there tbe men outside
aakad for a drink of water. When
tbe old man opened the deer te
comply wltb their request ba waa seized
and gagged. Twe reffians then eearebed
the beuse, but failed te find anything of
value, whereupon they commanded tbetr
uaimye hj Barrenaer nis money and valu
ables. He Insisted that be bad no money.
Tbe two fiends then built a fire in the grate,
and drawing the old man up te it roasted
bia feet until tbey were blistered and
shockingly burned. Still the old man
protested that he had no biemt. ami im.
plered tbem te release him. Tbey threat
ened te set the beuse en bra If be did net
confess. Alter turning everything In the
hense upside down and rlenlnir tin tha
carpet In their aeareh 'for money, tbey
bennd tbe old man bam) and feet and de
parted. Humbert, after adesperale struggle,
freed blmself and gave the alarm. "His
neighbors quickly gathered and organized
a search party tobuutiteracaladewn. The
luguivee were tracked a considerable dis
tance, and have, it Is said, been located.
The community is greatly excited ever the
outrage, and , If the perpetrators shall be
found the chances are they will be treated
te a dose cf Western Justice.
A Lancaster Contractor's CUlm,
At the meeting en Monday et the finance
committee of Philadelphia councils, the
olalmef Contractor R. A. Malene te be re
funded 13,481.23 exacted from him as a
penalty feres days' delay in cemplell-g
the Market street bridge evor the Schi I
kill river caused a short debate.
Mr. Thompson inquired If General Wag
ner, director of public works, waa present,
and, finding be was net, said It was very
Important that be should be consulted
about the matter. He said be objeeted te
ibe committee being saddled with a respon
sibility properly belonging te the executive
"Mr. Thompson," said Mr. Seller, conn cenn
scl for Mr. Malene, ' that erdlnancb was
drawn by me te overrulo tbe executive."
Mr. Sellers then explained the claim of
Mr. Malene, saying there waa no fault te
be found with the bridge, and that he was
delayed in the beginning through no fault
of hie It was because or tbe delay at the
start, he aald, that Mr. Malene was unable
te get through with the weik as provided
in me coniraet.
Captain Ferd speke In favor or tbe ordi
nance. He said the bridge was one of the
best In the oeuntry ; that the contractor
waa delayed by the elements and ether
causes and waa a loser anyhow.
Consideration of the ordinance waa Anally
postponed, en motion et Mr. Thompson,
until General Wagner la present.
The Knights et fjllitas Conclave.
On Monday the streets of Cincinnati
were a moving pageant et arriving ledgea
of the Knights et Pythias. It Is estimated
that nearly 20,000 guest arrived, and by
Wednesday there will be 70,000.
Beginning te-day the supreme ledge will
held dally sessions, wbtcb may last ler two
weeks. The most Important thine te be
brought before the ledge la the case of the
recently suspended Pennsylvania ledges
by Chancellor Douglas for disloyalty. Tbe
entlie grand ledge of the atate waa sus
pended for passing laws without the au
thority of the aupreme ledge, completely
ignoring that body. Subsequently these
who were loyal te the supreme ledge were
reinstated and a new grand ledge baa been
termed or the old members and will apply
for recognition. A member of tbe supreme
ledge said : Undoubtedly Chancellor
Douglas will be sustained in bis action."
Mejer General Carnahan, In his report
this week, will ay that from June 1, 1888,
te Match 31, 18SS, there were organized 205
new divisions of tbe uniform rsnk. Frem
Mareh 1, JSS8, te June 1, 1888, twenty-eight
new divisions. Total number of divisions,
Mareh 31, 1888, 625 ; total membership,
21,200 ; te whleh may be added since March
31, twenty-eight new divisions witb 875
members. Te Is as against a membership
of less than 3,500 when General Carnaban
assumed command May 1, 1834.
A l'reuilnent Amlih Dltlne Dreps Dead
While Out for a Walk.
Jehn 1'. Mast, a wealthy Amlsh bishop
residing m the Oonestega valley, near Mor Mer Mor
gantewn, died very suddenly Mendsy af
ternoon. He bad gene out en the moun
tain for a walk with a young adopted
daughter, and was in tbe aet of
steeping te cut oil a twig when be
dropped dead. Mr. Mast waa highly es
teemed, net only by the members of bis
chnreb, but by all who knew him. Liberal
In his views and kind and .consider
ate in bla bearing towards bis neighbors,
be commanded tbe respect of all wbe knew
him. He waa a director In tbe Honey Heney
brook bank, owned the largest roller flour
mill in that suction of the oeuntry and was
reputed te be worth about f 100, 000. He
was about GO years or age, and leaves a
widow and an adopted daughter. His
death Is ascribed te heart disease. He waa
well known throughout this county,
Speeding Heme Kale.
Common council chamber In PhlUdelph la
en Monday echoed with Ibe eloquence et
American citizens in behalf or Heme Rule
for Ireland, and at the close et the meet
ing a cablegram was sent te Gladstone
and Patnell, informing thorn that f6 000
had been subieribed for the causa. The
purpose or the gathering was te repudiate
tbe assertion of Jeseph Chamberlain and
ether Tery leaders In England that tbe
cause of Heme Rule had no longer tbe
sympathy of tbe American people. Presi
dent William M. Smith, of common ooun eoun oeun
ol', prea'ded ; Frank Slddall aeted aa aeere.
terr, and William Urles aa treasnrer.
R lobar d Vauz and ethers made speeches.
tripped Bis Wits aad fatally Beat Her.
At Sunset, near Galnsvllle, Tex., en
Sanday, Dr. Wiley, a prominent physician,
stripped bis wife et all her clothes and beat
her unmercifully. She escaped from him
and ran through tbe streets In an entirely
nude condition. The doctor pursued her,
bring at ber from bis revolver, hut failed
te bit ber. She sought refuge in a neigh,
box's beuse, where tbe doetor, in attempt
ing te enter, waa disarmed and handed
overtotheoffioers, He was taken te tbe
Montague J ll te prevent lynching by tbe
Infuriated ultliena. Mrs. Wiley, who Is a
most estimable lady, will die from tbe
effects of the beating and kicks.
A Paitneithlp ejnarrel.
Jacob Adams and Kiaea Muekel were
partnera ler tbe past few weeks in tbe sa
loon under Ibe Inquirer building. Muckel
was Blck for a week and had te remain at
home, and when be went back te tbe sa
loon be leund that Adems bad disposed et
8)1 tbe stock and kept the pre:eedr,
Mnexil eptered suit against Adams (or
embezzlement bsfere Alderman Halbacb,
and Adams gave bail for e bearing. Adams
denies baying committed any embezzle
ment. Eitra 'ay Fer Lett r-OBrrleri.
Tbe Senate committee en appropriations
has incressed the poateOlce appropriation
bill by 11,59,000. One million dollars Is
appropriated te carry out tbe eight hour
law with respect te letter-earriers, and
1300,000 li appropriated for subsidies, tbe
prevision balna-' substantially that ad-
tQ9atf4 bf pttter Ff ye last er,
About aa Eqaal Amoantef Havana and seed
Ltal te he Fleated-rew Bales of Cased
Goods bj Lecal Packers-Barer After
ike Few Creps of '87 Remaining.
Tbe local tobacco market it quiet A few
beyera are making exourelena Inte tbe
county and gathering In tbe scattered crops
overlooked by earlier buyers, Tbe '87
planting baa been practically lifted j most
of tbe packers bave dosed their ware ware
beusea and there la nothing mera te be
said about tbem until tbe sweating process
baa been gene through.
The farmera bave been busy setting out
the young plants and tbey will net bave
completed tbla work for at least a week. It
la estimated that about one half tbe young
plants bave been set, and of these there is
about an equal division between Havana
and seed leaf. The acreage will be fully aa
large aa last year. Tbere are still some
complaints that the out-worm is destroying
many of the plants.
Tbe only rales of old tobacco that are re
ported this week are 70 cases sold In small
leta by Sklles & Frey and 200 cases by B.
S. Kendlg it Ce. who also sold 2d cases or
Imported tobaeoo.
Uana' Weekly Btpert,
Following are the aalea of aeed leaf
tobaeoo reported for the Intelligencer
by J. 8. Cans' Ben, tobacco broker, Ne.
131 Water street, New Yerk, for tbe week
ending June 11, 1888:
100 cases 1885 Zlmmers,p.t;200caseal8S7
Zlmmern, 1G18i; 350 eaaes 1880 Duteb,
9 12a; 300 eases 1880 Wisconsin Havana,
6 iecs 300 eases 1880 Pennsylvania, Ow
12a; 150 eases 1880 Pennsylvania Havana.
0tl.'e ; 100 eases 1880 New Knilmri
1213r.; 100 eases 1880 New England Ha.
van;, 1328a ; 150 cases 1830 atate Uavans,
oQlSe. Total, 1,760 case. '
In Whleh a Lancastrian Was Defendant and
In 1882 W. U. Heneel, of tbla dtv. belnir'
then ebalrman of tbe Demoeratlo state com
mittee, etTered a reward of 11,000 for the
arrest, prosecution and conviction of any
person for bribery or raise counting at tbe
gubernatorial election et that year. It Is
claimed tbe eUer waa made through band
bills and repeated by Mr. Hensel when, in
company with Paulsen and ether candi
date?, he made a speech at Bradford, Mc
Kean county.
A "detective" named Wllmetb. who had
his eye lixed en tbe reward, arranged a
snbeme by wblih certain persons Inter
ested with him issued bogus tax receipts,
auilered themselves te be arrested en Wll Wll
metb's complaint, pleaded guilty and then
bad sentence suspended se as te escape any
serious consequences.
Meantime Wllmetb demanded tbe re
ward money, which Hensel, satisfied it
waa a blackmailing seheme, refused (p pay.
Taking advantage et tbe cbalrman'a
presence In Bradford, while making
a campaign speech in 1883, suit
was brought against him and a
summons served upon him. The case
was arbitrated and Hensel wen it. Plain-
tin took an appeal and while Mr. Hensel
waa In St .Leuis last weak the man
waa tried before a Jury. Tbe plaintiff
waa awern and depositions offered; no
evidence waa submitted by defendants,
but ten points were died, among
them one te the tact that "there
was no conviction In law, unless
accompanied and follewod by Judgment or
sentence," and hence there oeuld be no re
covery. The oeurt affirmed this and di
rected a verdict for defendant. Henee tbe
scheme of tbe se-called detective te " work
up " a reward falls.
Anether 1'ast Uraml I'atrlarcli.
Klin, iNTKi.i.iuKNOKn : in your ao ae
count JuneO of a gift given te my es
teemed friend and brother, Dr. Jehn Lev Lev Lev
ergoed, by the grand encampment of Odd
Fellows aa past grand patriarch, you ssy
that the doctor enjoys the distinction or
being tbe only .Lancastrian who baa ever
beld that exslted position. Yeu did net
say In Pennsylvania, se 1 will have te take
an exception te tbe statement and say,
that although I bave been away from Lan
caster nearly 33 years, I still claim te be a
Lancastrian ; and among ether high honeta
tbe order. In the atate of Iowa baa conferred
upon me waa that et grand patrlareh.
During my long residence In tbla city I
have been a regular subscriber te tbe In-
Yours truly, Jehn GuNPAKKn.
Daves pert, lows, June 9.
Starving Ulinscir te Death.
Jehn Zieher, Jr., son et a wealthy Bohe
mian farmer living In Mount Pieaaanttown Pieaaanttewn
ship, near Raelne, Wis., has net tasted
feed for twenty-three days. During tbe
greater portion of that time be baa done
arduous farm work, but baa new grown se
weak that anything mere laborious than
light chores exhausts blm. Ue talks ra
tionally, and gives no ether reason for his
abitlneuce than that be Is net hungry.
Twe doctors bave been treating blm, but
their efforts te Induce him te take feed bave
se far proved unavailing. It la thought be
Is Insane.
l'ais Hall Stnt.
The League games et base ball yeaterday
were : At Philadelphia, Philadelphia 7,
Pittsburg 1 ; at New Yerk, Chicago 4, New
Yerk 3 ; at Bos'eo, Bosten 14, Detroit 9 ;
at Washington, Indianapolis 16, Washing
ton 3
Tbe Association games of yesterday
were : At Louisville, Kansas City 8, Louis
ville? ; at Cincinnati, St Leuis b, Cincin
nati 1.
The Brooklyn club played the Newark s
yeaterday and were defeated by 4 te 1.
Newark alwaya had a team that waa able
te surprise sny of tbem.
On Saturday alternoen the Aettva baas
ball elub, et this city, will visit Yerk te
play tbe Ancher club, of that town.
Wire Murder aad Snlclde.
About 7 o'clock Monday evening four
pistol shots were heard near the candy and
cigar store kept by Jehn Muncbthsler In
Dtrel', Mich. When tbe police srrlved
they found Mrs. Mnncbtbaler lying en tbe
fleer In tbe store, ber eyea already fixed in
approaching deatb. On tbe fleer of a baek
room lay Munebtbaler dying, with bleed
flowing In a stream from bis mouth. He
had ahet tbe woman three times, one shot
taking tfleet in tbe arm, another In tbe
threat and a third in the abdomen, and
then going Inte the back room shot blmself
in tbe mouth. Beth were deed Ave min
utes later,
Chopped !!! Sen's Head Off.
Last Welneaday, In Hazel Green town
ship, Iowa, an old man named Rethbaker,
who wan working In a stone quarry, under
took te whip bis boy, a lad of 12, but
was prevented by a fellow-workman, In
tbe evealng the old man again tried te whip
tbe boy, when the latter attempted te run.
Tbe father gave chaae, and, having cap
tured blm, kuecked blm down and cut bis
bead off with sn axe. Up te last nlgbt the
old mu was still at large. It be shall be
caught be will probably be lynched,
The Concert Te-morrow Nlgbt.
The Ceclllan orchestra, under the leader
ship et Prof. Haas, and the Meztrt Quar
tette will open the oenpert and festival at
King street theatre te-morrow evening,
t'lee rjeral dseoraUeni are being aruDasd
Mrs. Mary C. Tackle? and Jacob B. Rows Die
or Disease or Ike mart.
Mrs, Mary C. Yaekley, wife et J. Andrew
Yackley, residing at Ne. 442 Jehn street,
died suddenly en Monday night about 10
o'elock. Bbe bad complained et net feel
ing well for etveral days, but waa no worse
en Monday. She ate bar supper at tbe
asual time, a few hours afterwards was
aelaed wltb a pain In tbe region of tbe heart
and died before a physician oeuld be aum aum
mened. Corener Henaaan waa notified
and accompanied by Dr. Belsnlus, his
phyalelaa, be beld an inquest tbla morn
ing. The Jurer empanelled were James
Ueyle, Frank B. Marlen, Jehn Ulemena,
OharleeB. Fisher, William Gable and h.
R. Rete. After bearing tbe testimony or
tha members of her family, wbe were wltb
her when she died, and of the coroner's
physlelan, the Jury rendered a verdlet that
death resulted from apoplectle congestion or
tbe brain.
Aa Old Stan Dies noildseiy.
Deputy Corener Armstrong, of Provi
dence township, beld an Inquest en Men
day en the body of Jacob B. Howe, aged 73
years, a resident or that township, who died
suddenly en Monday morning. Deeeased
made bin home with Alfred Mewerv. and
early In tbe morning be left his home te de
some work near by wbleh tbe supervisor or
the township directed him te da After
working a few mlnulea be complained or
being ill and went back te bla beuse. Mrs.
Mowery saw that be went te bed, and ahe
went te a lewer room for some mustard for
whleh be bad asked, and wben she re
turned Mr. Rewe waa dead. The jurors
empanelled were Ames Shirk, A. H. Helm,
B. F. Milter, Samuel Kendlg, Harry Peos
and H. Unber. Their verdict waa that
death retn'.ted from an airoctlen or the
Silt. O. YKCKItll CANED.
Lecal Correspondents or Dramatic .Inernate
Preeent Illm With a fleld-Ueaded Stan;
The correspondents of the dramatic
pipers In this city lsst evening showed
their esteem for Mr. B. Yeoker, who has
Juat retired from the management et Fulton
opera house, by making him a present
or an elegant geld-beaded cane. The
donors or tbe gift were Harry Stelgerwalr,
of the Clipper: Cbarles .Smith, Dramatic
News; Geerge A. Shelly, Chloage Sporting
Journal; M. M. Bernard, New Yerk Mer
cury; Cbarlea Stelgerwalt, New Yerk Mir
rer; Daniel H. Sensenlg, Dramatic Times;
C. Reese l'-sby, Dramatic Truth; end
Christopher Hsger, Spirit of the Times.
The gentlemen gathered at the Stevena
beuse early In tbe ovenlng and proceeded
thence te Mr. Yecker'a resldence en West
Orange street. They sent for the ex-manager
and the presentation took place shortly
afterwards. The speech was made by
Harry Stelgerwalt, and Mr. Yecker, who
waa ae aurprlsed that he scarcely knew
what te say, responded. Alter the pre
sentation Mr. Yecker took the correspon
dents te Jehn A. Snyder's saloon, where
be gave tbem a splendid entertainment.
The cane is very handsome, and upon the
geld head are the words, "Blaslus Yecker.
Oemplraenta of Dramatle Correspondents,
A Lrge Audience In Attendance at Hie Uen-
rtrland Sociable.
The Lancaster Llederkranz gave their
farewell aoelable previous te their departure
for Biltlmere at their hall last evenlng.
Tbe attendance of members with their
wives and families waa very large and
everybody waa delighted with tbe enter
tainment afforded, Tbe Liberty band gave
an excellent aerenade and concert In tbe
garden, wbleh waa illuminated. Tbe con
cert given In the ball by tbe society was
highly enjoyable. The music, both vocal
and Instruments!, waa of tbe best, and tbe
pregramme waa aa fellows.
Mr. J.Uartsteln.
Overture-" Bridal KcV (LavAlloe) Lleder.
krauz Orchestra.
nor), Liedurkranz.
'aydrepathen Walter"-(fjung'l) Orchestra.
" Lobenwehl " llalUmera M ejttval ihu
cher) Ltederkranz.
Overture 'Undine,' (Koeeh) Orchestra.
Saingermarsch - (Kngelseerg) Lteder
kraiizaud orchestra, '
After the concert there was dancing in
tbe ball until an early hour tbla morning.
Tbere waa plenty of tun all evening.
The Mtenneroher will bold a family en
tertainment and acclable te-morrow even
ing. m
arantad by the ItegUter.
The following letters were granted by
tbe register of wills for tbe week ending
Tuesday, June 12 :
Administration : Rebert lleldwln, de
ceased, late of Salisbury township ; A, C.
Baldwin, Salisbury, and K. D. Baldwin,
Ceatesvllle, administrators.
Thes. Hllvlus, deeeased, late or Lancaster
city ; Simen H. Lehman, Providence town
ship, administrator d. b. n, a t a.
Anna E. Herabey, deeeased, late et Mt
Jey borough ; Levi Rlckaecker, Mt Jey,
Harry J. Bonsen, deceased, late of Co
lumbia borough ; Francis C. Bonsen, Co
lumbia, administrator r. t a.
Ltndley T. Brown, deceased, Inte of Sada
bnry township; Msrgaret C. Brown, Sails
bury, administratrix,
Geerge Finnefreca, deceased, late of Lan
caster city ; Jehn Kabl, city, administrator
d. b. n. p. t a.
Jacob R. Lehman, deceased, lateofMartle
township ; Geerge W. Waritl, Conestoga,
Maria Leaman, deceased, late of Lancas
ter city ; Jehn S. Beck, city, administrator.
Tkstamentajiv Samuel Geed, de
ceased, late of Sadsbury township ; Jehn
Martin Geed, Bart, and Mary Luelnda
Geed, Sadsbury, executers,
m i
Bt,Uur' "s:lal.
A meeting or the ladles et SI. Mary's
congregation waa bald en Mendsy evening
and It waa dseldsd te bold a festival tbe
latter part of June or early In July, It will
be beld in the beaiUfnl grounds adjoining
tha ohnreb, which will be handsomely
fitted np for the oeoaslon.
Shet and Killed Hie Meter.
Minnie Masher, aged 10 yeais, was acci
dentally shot and killed by her 12 year
old brother at their home In Lecke, New
YerK, Monday. The boy waa playing with
a gun, wblcb he did net knew waa leaded.
The Ureas Geerge Toek It.
1 rout tbe Philadelphia Beecrd.
Thurman may " take snufl," but se did
great Geerge, et Mount Vernen, Come I
Come I Can It be that we are tee goody
goody ter snuff 7
lite Men Commit Bel !!.
Cincinnati, June 12. Loensrd Klnck,
aged 23, single, bookkeeper for A. . Olos Oles Olos
aen & Ce., 160 West Fourth Mtreet, snldded
by sheeting himself through the tenpleat
8 o'clock this morning. Slcknesa and d i
spondeney are the causes assigned for the
raab aet
About 9 o'clock this morning an elderly
man entered Powell's gun store and
bought a revelver for M.W, While tbe
clerk was changing a 110 bill the purchaser
shot himself through tbe bead, He was re
moved te the hospital, where a eard was
found en blm wltb tbe came " II. Frailer,"
The man will die.
A Heavy fellote.
Ciikmcje, June 12. Hergraves Bres, it
Tripe de Hart, lumbermen, have (ailed,
Liabilities ITWJjOOQ, '
BOtineM or oeLVMiua ukevy-
Suitsrlntendtnt IletTman lttpeite ibe Over
crowded Dlgta Scheel and Itfcemmsnde
the Employment of Anether Teacher ler
the ntammtr and Sicendaiv Hehoets.
CetUMiitA, June 12. A special meeting
et school beard was held last evening with
the following members present: M sears
Allisen, Clark, Faatg, May, North, Slade,
jriur, ufuannua weiie.
A parent appeared before the beard lu
reference te the natter of the yearly
average of a member or the C. data In the
hlghsoheol. The parent claimed that tbe
pupil bad only been credited wltb seven
months average whleb waa averaged by the
entire term, and did net receive the
neeesaary percentage te be promoted. The
parent asked that the matter be investi
gated. On motion or Mr. May the superin
tending committee will investigate.
Aneiner parent also stated that his child's
Mnnrt TinWAT ayinia SMlateiiAB . aa
reeled would give her tbe required average
. . ..5 ... ..... "'""D
j w jnuuiuiuu. ue nan eaiiea te see Miss
Man, tUet.h th. n.i I .... t. .
sobeol, and was given no satisfaction.
...... j trw.-u, uu fJUUUllHM Ul IUU IlJKIl
On motion et Mr. May the matter was re
ferred te the superintending committee.
The following standing committees were
reported by President 'lay ler: Finance,
Wolfe, Allisen and Clark ; superintending,
Allisen, Slade and North; text book,
North, Urban and Wolfe ; library, Urban,
Clark and Allisen ; repalra and sunpllw.
Slade, May and Faalg.
Superintendent Heffman reperted that
thore would be forty-seven pupils left In
the high school. Twonty-Uve pupils were
promoted, making a total or seventy-two
pupils In the school next term. The room
would net acoemmodato that number, aa
there are but sixty-two desks and no room
te place any mero. The tltne la net fsr
distant when It will be necessary toeraanlza
a boys' and glrlh' high school. In tbe gram
mar school one hundred and one pupils
reperted that they would attend next term,
and nrty-elght pupils were promoted. The
superintendent recommended that an addi
tional teacher be placed In soheol. In tbe
second division or the secondary depart
ment thore were 250 pupils In four schools ;
snaverage el 01 pupils te ene soheol. He
thought the number tee many and advised
an additional school. In soheol Ne. 1 et the
primary department In the Poplar
street bulldlug thore wero 79 pupils. A
number will be taken te the Cherry street
building and distributed In the schools In
that building at tbe beginning et tbe next
On motion or Mr, May an additional
teacher will be ompleyod in tbe grammar
department, and soheol Ne. 8, In tbe second
division of the secondary department, will
be established at the same aalarieaas the
ether teachers.
A vete et tbanka waa extended te Hen,
Obas. Emery Smith and te the Mionner Mienner Mionner
cber for services rendered at the com
mencement exercises.
Secretary May reported the tax duplleate
for 1888 ready te baud te tbe 11 nanee com
mittee ; amount tl0,C97.35, an Inerease of
H33.51 ever 1887 and In two years of
Secretary May reported applications from
allteaebers for positions next term with
the exception of Misses LIllie Stevenson,
Annie Hlnkle and Katie Patterson.
Tbe matter of electing the teaehers was
postponed and a meeting will be held at
the call of tbe president.
Superintendent Heffman was glven priv
ilege Je attend the examining beard at
Wealeyan university, Mlddletewn, Conn.
Death of Mrs. AnpaM, Celt.
Mrs. Anna Mary .Celt, widow et tbe late
Henry J. Celt, died this morning at 0.-20
o'clock, at tbe rosldenoo or her daughter
Mr. GeergeTUIe, en North Third street, In
the58lh year or ber age. The deceased
has been alllngduring tbe past winter with
liver and kidney troubles, which caused
her death. Mrs. Celt waa born In Witten
berg, Germany, and came te tbe United
States about forty years age. She came
dlroet te Columbia and baa made tbla
plaee ber bome ever slnee. When a young
woman ahe married Jehn 8 homier, a well
known resident et town. Of this union
two children Mary, wife el Geerge Tills,
and J. Edward Sbemler survive. Bene
years after the deatb et Mr. Sbemler
she married Henry J, Celt, wbe
died abcut twelve years sge. Fer
msny yesrs Mrv. Celt lived en North Frent
street, but since ber Illness baa been living
with ber daughter Mrs. Tllle, She was a
devout member of the Salem Lutheran
church, a kind friend and a devoted
motber. The funeral will be beld en Fri
day alternoen at 2 o'clock, Services In
Salem Lutheran cbureb, and interment In
Mount Bethel eemetery.
several runeiale.
The remains of Mrs. Ella Rent, daughter
et ibe late James Dally, were brought te
town this morning, and were burled this
afternoon at 2 o'clock, from tbe beuse of
ber alater, Mrs. T. J, Brighten, en Housten
The funeral of May McFarlan will beheld
en Wedneaday aflorneon at 2 o'elock. Ser
vices at the beuse et her' father, M. J, Mo Me
Farlan, en Cherry street, above Fourth.
The funeral of Mrs C. C. Richards will
beheld en Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Services at St Paul's P. E. ehurcb.
The fnneral of Frank Llnard, who was
drowned en Sunday la Bla Cblekles creek,
was beld this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from
Saleme U. B. cburcb.
Ticket Asent fitape Keelgne.
B. M. Stape, ticket agent at tbe R. 4 V,
station, has resigned bis position and bas
accepted a position aa oenduotor wltb the
Wagner Palace Oar company of Bosten.
Mr. Stape left town yeaterday te aoeept tbe
position. Z. O, Hardy has been appointed
te bla vacancy.
Percy a Wilsen, assistant te W. U. Barr
at tbe R.4 0, station, bas accepled a posi
tion In the engineering department et the
Schuylkill it Lehigh braneh et the P. Jc R.
R. R., with headquarters at Slatlngten.
MrS. Susan B. Given has returned from
a visit te Baltimore.
Mrs. W. P. Evans and daughter Susie, of
Baltimore, are visiting Irlends In town.
Mr, and Mrs. W. 1. Given will leave
town en Thursday for a trip te tbe Paclfle
Council will meet In regular session this
evening at 8 o'clock in tbe council cbam
Tbe Presbyterian Church Aid society
will held a lawn party at Mount Bethel, tbe
residence of Mrs. U. B. Kaslck, this even
ing. Refreshments will be en sale.
A car Jumped the track at the P. R. R
welgh Bcalea last nlgbt, breaking through
the platform and breaking tbe main beam
of tbe scales. The scales will be ent of
service for repairs, which will take about
three days. Considerable Inconvenience U
caused by tbe acoldent,
Tbe Columbia Rltle elub will held a
match en July -lib, te compete ter tbe cap
taincy et tbe club. A committee waa ap
pelated te arrange for a tournament during
tbe centennial.
Tbe citizens et Meuntvllle will meet en
Saturday evening, at tbe Mcuntvllle Na
tional bank, te organize a natural gas
company, Bering will commence alter the
organization of this company,
"red Weli8l of Ltnewtter, wbe aitiuited
Conduetor A. H. Baldwin en Monday
morning, had a hearing this morning. He
paid tbe costs et drunkenness and disor
derly conduct, and gave ball for 1200 te ap
pear en Monday next, te answer the charge
or assault and battery before 'Squire Selly.
A majolica pitcher has been stolen from
tnegraveefa daughter of Reuben Beard,
In Mount Bethel cemetery;
ne Writes te Mrs. Anna Matilda Weldltr, Ac
knowledging a Present.
After the election et President Cleveland
in 1881, It will be remembered that a great
ox-reaat waa given at McGrann's park In
this city. Among these wbe were present
and partook et the roast was Mrs. Anna
Matilda Weldler, et Barevllle, tbla county
But she did net eit the piece that waa
handed te her. She put It carefully away
and coming te town went te a drug atoie
and secured a bottle and prevervatlve
liquid In which te keep this relic or a Dem
ocratic presldent'a election. A ahert time
age aba thought it would be a geed plan te
present thta gift te the president en the eve
or his ronemlnatlon. She accordingly pre
pared It In convenient form and forwarded
It te the White Heuse, The nreaent ar-
r'v.ed ''yt ?.nd .WM "knowledge.t by an
I BUtearanh letter Irnm ihn nrnlrtini . i
I " " " ""'
Exkeutivk Mansion, )
Wasiiinoten, June 1, 18S3. J
Mrs. Anna MatUila Wedller; '
Deaii Madam I received the souvenir
you sent me el the bsrbecue In celebration
or my election te the presidency In Novem
ber 18SI.
Te be thus kindly roraembered by ene
as advanced In years aa you, Is most gratl
lying, snd I desire te thank you for tbe
kindly reeling wbleh you exhibit.
Yours very truly,
. GllOVKnCl.KVEl.AN11.
The old lady Is dellghted with the letter
and treasurea it highly. She la a Kontueky
Demcerat aged 73 years, and expoets te soe
the prosldent serve four years longer In
the While Heuse.
A persistent Ylelter.
A tall gray-balred lady, whose appear appear
anee would never suggest the book agent,
oatlarepeatedlyataheuselnthlsolty,and tl e
mistress being absent, she sweetly refrains
from leaving ber card. On Monday she
uuuesua in getting inside the beuse, and
tells the servant impressively that the
wishes te see Mrs. . That lady, being
posted about her visitor, rofuses te see her.
Being twice told, the visitor announces
that ahe will atay In the parlor until ahe
does see tbe mlstress of the house. Then
opens the deer lesdlng from the dining
room te tbe parlor, and ensues the fellow
ing oeuoquy ;
Misthhss j "Madam, what business et
yours Is se urgent that you Insist upon seo see
lng me when 1 am net willing te see yeuT"
Visitor faweetly smiling): "It is very
important Take a seat and let me unfold
It te you."
MisTnKss (still at the deer and Icier than
before): "ir your business oannet be stated
simply and at once, I must beg leave te say
geed afternoon."
VistTen (still unabashed): "I must see
you and will remain until granted an inter
view." MisTnKss (wilh all patlones lest and
sweeping past visitor, opens front deer):
"Madam, my time la valuable, and I must
Insist en no further Interruption."
visiTen : "But" (deer olesos),
An Attempted Uurgtary,
Late last night an attempt waa made by
a burglar te break Inte tbe bouse of Geerge
B. Marrow, confectioner, at Ne. 402 East
Orsnge street Mr. Marrow la In Cincin
nati with the Knights et Pythias and aeme
one probably thought te take advantage et
blaabsonce te rob the beuse. About 12
o'elook Mrs, Marrow heard aeme one
working at a back abutter. She went at
onee te the front of the atere and lolepboned
te tbe station heuse for help. Officer
Slegler responded, but when he was near
the house tbe burglar saw him and fled,
running up Ann street Thecfllaerebased
him aeme distance, but was unable te catch
A Drunken Man Injured,
James MeMsnn, a stranger, waa found
en East King atreet last evening by Con
stable sides. He was under the lnfluonce
et liquor, had fallen en the pavement and
a deep gash waa cut In bla bead. Dr. Baker
dressed tbe wennd after wbleh MeMann
was locked up for a bearing before Alder
man Ualbaeh.
Commencement nt Linden Hell.
The commencement exerclses et Linden
Hall seminary, Lltllz, will be beld en
Thursday morning beginning at 10 o'elock.
The address te the grsduates will be de
livered by Rev. J, Max Hark, D. D. Tha
werka et art will be en exhibition from 2 te
4 o'elook in tbe afternoon and a grand con
cert will be given In tbe evening. The
baccalaurate aermen will be preached this
evening by Rev. O. H. Assy, of Etlrabeth
Died ntllarrtsburg.
Jacob Uumenter, who was recently sent
from tbe Lancaster te the Harrlsburg Insane
asylum died at the latter plaee last nlgbt
This morning Win. U. Musser, a retative,
went te Harrlsburg te bring the remains te
tbla city for interment. Mr. Gumenter
waa step-father te the Stapleferds, wJl
known in this city,
Lancaster Vtlitiky Toe Strang.
Frank Fex, a countryman, came te town
this morning and imbibed tee freely of
ancestor wnisny, The result was that be
fell by tbe wayalde and Conetable Eloheltz
scooped him. Alderman Halbacb will at
tend te bis ewe when be gets sober.
I tale or Waitr Jteut fixed.
The water commissioners met specially
this morning and passed a resolution fixing
the water rant for J. B. MeGrann, at 120,
theprlee agreed upon by a Joint resolution,
adopted at the June meeting et councils.
The Kleeel mil Foateffloc.
Recently a posteffloe waa established at
Kissel Hill, The mall la new being carried
by the Lltllr. stage and It Is oneof the regu
lar stepping places.
' m
Te Vlett Oregon.
The Pennsylvania Miller.' association
this year will have an excursion te Port
land, Oregon. The ezouralen Is from Phil
adelphia and will cost tlM).
Meet le-Nlght.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Lancaster Beard et Trade will be held in
their rooms in tbe Esbleman building ibis
evening at 8 o'clock,
A Parden for Celt In W. Itlcge.
IlAnitisuuRO, June 12, The beard of
pardena te-day recommended tbe pardon
of Calvin W. Klggs, of Montgomery county,
convicted of embezzlement
Tbe Jehnsen case was argued late last
evening, but nothing waa dene with It up
te the time et going terrenatbls afternoon.
Mrs. Sherldau Dead,
Wasiiinoten, June 12. a private dis
patch bas bsen reeelved here announcing
the death of General Sheridan's mother at
Somerset, Ohie, this alternoen.
Urenug tvejker,
Beblin, June 12. Bulletin 9:10 a.m.:
"Tbe emperor experiences Increased diffi
culty In swallowing. The taking el nourish
ment la becoming dlnleult The patient li
War tbla morning."
An Offlcer of the Steamer Nnntlceke Dleeevsra
the Corpse If ear tbe Scene of the colli
sion A netp Abrasion round en
the Back ernta Neck.
Baltimore, June 12, Tha steamer
Nantloeke has arrived here with tha body
of T. Harrison Gsrrett who was tfrawMtt
lsst week In the collision between kit a
yacht Gleam and the steamer Jepps. Than1
oeay waa recovered abent a mit im -Jh
where the collision occurred. '&.
xne oeay was round this mernlngvat
o'clock by the cfllcera of the stesmer Nantt Nantt
ceke, floating off the Magothy river, only a
mlle from the seene of the collision ba
tween the Jeppa and tbe yacht O leam.
The Nantloeke reached her pier In Balti
more at half-past eight Her flsg was at
half-mast, and these about tbe wharves at
once set In motion the repcrt that Mr. Gar
rett's body waa aboard the Nantloeke, and
a a abort time" Light street waa
crowded with people. Flrat Officer Venabla
Btatea that after leaving Sandy Point en tha
way te Baltlmore he took the glasses and
began te scan the waters. At 5:50 a. m. ba
spied an ehjtct and ordered the wheelman
10 Dear aewn en it It proved te be a hu
man body. The beats were lowered aid
twenty minutes later tbe body waa en tlsek
et tbe steamer, where It waa recognized a
that of Mr. Garrett The body waa placed
between sheets and blankets and a table
was prepared ter lta reception. The wire et
Rev. Gee. McCready, el Sbarytewn, one et
the passengers, placed a beautiful bouquet
en tbe body.
Upen arrival In Baltimore telephone
measagea were sent te the Garrett banking
house. Mr. Charles Nitze, manager eltta
bank, and aeveral frlenda cf Mr. Garrett
seen arrived, but being atransers te tha
captain, he refused te deliver the body te
them until they were identified by soma
one known te the captain. At 0:30 tha
body was given ever te IT. W. Jenkins A
Sens, undertaker, and la being prepare
jur uurjai. .
The body la remarkably well m tissual
The features are In natural repose, WaTO'l
faee Is net dlsflgursd, but en the baek stfS'
te thesunnesltlnn that hnmieht h. k . -'.r-
struck by something when he fell Inte the
water. The body waa much swollen.
The funeral will take plaee sometime te'
morrow and interment will ba made at
Tbe reward of $1,000 will be distributed
between tbe efflcera et the Nantloeke,
A Jury or Inquest waa summoned aad
alter viewing the remains adjourned nattt'
te night
CU ailllt AN J ON E9 TALK.
Be lleileves There la Nothing In the Keceat
Blaine Heperls.
I'lTTsnunu, June 12 Obalrman B, F, .
j ones, eitne Kepnoiiean national oeraaaK-
ni leavva iuus eny ler voieaso te-morrow .J
vening. M'j
"' uioeuug ui we committee.! aw.
mlla1 tnr Thnn.1., - IW. n .,--,.' hMa
w...WM .. mu.wm , uu uimiu A'enae
neiei," said Mr. Jenes tbls morning, " bat1
wbst it is for 1 have no Idee. 1 bare re '
nalvAfl m ifAn (iUhmm. ......-'
-.-- - . !.... uuiu uiamtimm Jf l
aieg wuy u use Deen caned. ideaaa .ws
think hslf of tbem will be en hanrt. itm
occurs te me Just new tbat tbe meeUas; J
will be held te bear the report of tbe anb-
committee having in obarge the prelbnl- '? '? '?
narleatothe convention." . ;
"Mr. Jenes, what is yenr estimate of tha
situation T Whom de you think will be
nominated T" ?
" I bave no Idea. I go into this oenyaa- "
tlen as Innocent of any ideas en that sab- ,
Jeet as yeurseir, and perhapa mere se. I
think with a geed ticket we stand a splen
did obance or winning, and the tieket we)
aball neminate can't fall te be a geed ''4
one. There la nothing, I think, la thaae r
recent Blaine reports. There la a greet- -rush
for tickets of admiaslen te tha hall, la
fact u is unprecedented. 1 have request
enough myself te fill tbe bait There will
belittle chance te duplicate tickets tela
time, as tbey will be renewed each day.
which will prevent tbelr being used ter
ethers. I think, however, that there wiU
be ample room, aa the hall la well adapted
te Its purpose."
Depew will Accept.
New Yeuic, June 12. Mr. C. M. Depew
en being asked by an Evening Sun re
porter whether be bad written any letter.
as stated, deellnlng the nomination It ten.
dered, aald cmpbatleally : it la aet true,"
"But are you a candidate T" asked tha
' I bave never sought tbe position," aald
Mr. Depew musingly, "it la a grand
honor te be a candidate. Te be elected
president et the United Statea la the great
est honor en eartb. It my party, tbe Re
publican party, thinks I am tbe strongest
man te carry tbe doubtful statea and
place me in nomination, oeuld I
retuse the honor 7 I would bave te make
great sacrlflees te accept tbe nomination, X
would bave te relinquish tha business posi
tion It bas taken me twenty-five years te
make. Would any ether man have te make
aa great saerltlcea 7 But if my party calls,
upon me te make them I wilt make them.
There are In aeme states prejudices against
me because lam a railroad lean. Tbe pre
Judlea against railroad men Is highly un
just." "Aie you going te Chicago, Mr. Depew V
"I am. At 0 o'clock Friday evening X
shall cease te be a railroad man and become
a servant of my party. I have been selected,
by the party of New Yerk te serve It and X
shall serve It at Chicago."
Slain By HI Bea.
Baltikebk, June 12. Peter Alt, wa.
prleter of tbe Arlington hense, nv tha
Plmlloe race track, waa abet dead but algat
by bis son William, aged 16 years. Tha
dead man had been abusing his wife aad
finally he caught her and threatened te kill
her. William, the son, hearing his mother's
cries, went te her aid with a shotgun. Ha
told bis father te desist, and net being
obeyed, bred, the whole charge entering
his fatber'a bead In the rear of therlgbtear.
Tbe boy was arrestedbeut midnight and
is new In Towaen Jail.
raised a Qjlet Night
Wasuinoten, June 12 Ox. si. General
Sheridan pansed a quiet night, but was dis
turbed a little after midnight by coughing.
His general condition this morning la
about the same, temperature being nerma',
pulse about 105, aad respiration atlU Ir
regular. Chare Ite-Klected senators
NKwreiiT, R. I,, June 12. In tbe gen gen
eral assembly this morning Jonathan Chace
was re-elected United Statea senator by a
majority of both Houses. A Joint resolu
tion of adjournment from Wedneaday,
June 13, te the third Tuesday In January,
IflSO, was pissed.
PWAsniNQTON, D. O., June 12.r-0t
Eastern Pennaylvanla and Mew Jer
aey t Fresh te brisk nertberlv winri.
becoming light and variable, warmer fait
4 '