$u "i 'I. I3SB liAKOASTEK DAILY INTEIiUGESICER. MONDAY. JUNE 11, 1888. ti .l "... T ,T" The Treasure of Franchard. fly ROnERT LOUIS BTETE.NSO.V. OOXTIXtrSD endlessly pest the timber laudim; place atJ which he moored his beat Tliere was no time, he used te say, for making theories like the early morning. "1 rise earlier than nnv Attn niA in M. iii. t . I' .T.: i . . "" ' "lnKV no once boosted. I' "It Is a fair consequence that I knew mere ana msB te de less with my knowledge." The doctor was ft connoisseur of sunrises, and leved a geed theatrical effect te usher in tbe day. He hid a theory of dew, by which he could predict tbe weather. Indeed, most things served him te that end; the sound of the bells from all the neighboring villages, the smell of the forest, the islts and tbe be havior of both birds and fishes, the leek of t. wt In his ptnltfn, the dNViHen el h -tlir of II iu light, inn! last, tlieni t. i Im ntxMinl of iiieteorelouiml In. In n leuvre bunnled hutch tiH)ii im Kersiiice he hml settled nt Ulelz I l-vn griming liioreniul mere Intethe ji iut.iile,i(,t, the uiiKild champion of 1.0 l;iil I'liin ite lie thought nt II nit there uimmpliH-e m healthful Iu the nrromlta-ie-mciit. lly the end of the second vear. he lretesteil there was nene se w lioleseuie In the whehdcia!tnient. And for wwne time be bo be fere he met Jenn-Mnrle helinil Ixxm prepared te challenge all France nnd the better part of Eurepe for n rival te his chosen spot "Docter," he would say "doctor is a foul word. Jt should net be used te ladies. It implies disease. I remark It, as a flaw In our civilization, that we have net the proper hor ror of disease. New I, for my part, have washed my hands of it; I have renounced my laureatlen; I am no doctor; I am only a worshiper of the true goddess Hygcia. Ah, believe me, it is slie who has the cost us I Ami here, in this exiguous hamlet, has she placed her shrine; here she dwells nnd lavishes her gifts; here I walk with her in the early morning, nnd she shows me" hew strong she has made the peasants, bow fruitful she has made the fields, hew the trees grew up tall and comely under her eyes, and the fishes in the river bocemo clean and agile In her pres ence. Jlheumatlsml" he would cry, en seme malapert Interruption. "Oh, yes, I bclieve wo.de have a httle rheumatism. That could hardly be avoided, you' kuew, en a river. Aud of course, tbe place stands a little low; nnd the meadows are marshy, there's no doubt But, my dear sir, leek at Bourron I lJourren stands high. Bourron is dese te the forest; plenty of ozeno there, veu would soy. Well, compared with Grctz, Bourron is a perfect shambles." The morning after he had been summoned te the dying mountebank the doctor visited the wharf nt the tall of his garden and had a long leek at the running water. This be called prayer; but whether his adoratiens were addressed te the goddess Hygeia or seme mere orthodox deity never plainly ap peared. Fer he had uttered doubtful oracles, sometimes declaring that a river was the type of bodily health, sometimes eitelllncr it as the great moral preacher, continually - preacuing iwace, continuity ana Ulllgence te man's toraiented spirits. After be bad watched a mlle or se of the clear water run ning by befere his eyes, seen a fish or two ceme te. tbe surface with a gleam of silver and sufficiently admired the long shadows of the trees falling half across the river from the oppeslto bank, with patches of moving sunlight In between, he strolled ence mero up the garden and through his heuse into the street, feeling cool and renovated. The sound of his feet upon tbe causeway began the business of the day; for thovil thevil thovil lage was still sound asleep. The church tower looked very airy In the sunlight; a few birds that turned about it seemed te swim iu an atmosphere of mero that usual rarity; and the doctor, walking in long, transparent shadows, fllled his lungs amply, and pro claimed himself well contented with the morning. On ene of the pests bolero Tcntalllen's car riage entry be espied a Ilttle dark figure perched in a inedltative attitude, and imme diately recognized Jean-Marie. "Alml" he said, stepping befere him hi moreusly, with a hand en either knee. "Se we rise early In the morning, de we) It ap pears te me that we have all tbe vices of a philosopher." The boy get te his feet and miute n grave salutation. "And hew U our pattentl" asked Desprez. It appeared the patient was ubeut the same. "And why de yen rise early in the morn lug!" he pursued. Jean-Marie, after n long silence, profeaoed that he baldly knew. "Yeu baldly knew?" repented Desprez. "We hardly knew an) thing, my man, until w e try te learn. Interrogate your conscious ness. Come, push me this inquiry home. De you like itl" "Yes," said tbe boy slowly; "yes, I like It" "And why de you like itl" continued tbe doctor. "(We nre new pursuing tbe Socratic method) Why de you like itl" "It is quiet," answered Jean-Marie; "and I have nothing te de; and then I feel as if I were geed " Dr. Desprez took a scat en the pest at the oppeslto side. He was beginning te takn an Interest in the talk, for the lxy plainly thought befere he spoke, and tried te nusn cr truly. "It appears you have a taste for fool feel ing geed," saldjhe doctor. "New, there you puzzle me extremely, feri thought you said youwereu thief; and the two are incom patible." i "Is it very bad te steali" asked Jeau Marie. ' "Such is the general opinion, Ilttle boy," replied the doctor. "Net but I mean ns I stele," exclaimed the ether. "Fer I had no choice. 1 think it Is surely right te have bread; it must be right te have bread, there comes t se plain n want of it And then they beat me cruelly if 1 1 ctumed with nothing," he added. "I was net Ignorant of right and wrong; for before that I had been well taught by a priest, w be was very kind te me." (The doc tor made a borrible grimace at the word "priest.1') "Hut It seemed te me, when ene had nothing te eat and was beaten, it was a diirerent nl'nlr. I w euld net have btelen far tartlets, I believe; but any ene would steal for baker's bread." "And se I suppose," said tbe doctor, With a rising sneer, "you prujedUodte fergive you, and explained the case te him at length." , "Why, sir" usked Jean-Marie. "I de net see.". "Your priest would see, however," retorted Dsprez. "Would hcP asked the liey, troubled for the first time. "I should have thought Ued would have known." "Kb. I'1 snarled tbe doctor. "I should have thought Ged would have understood me," replied tbe ether. "Yeu de net, I see, but then it was Ued that made me think se, w as it net f ' "Little iKiy, little boy," said l)r, Deprez, "I told you already j ou liad the Ices of philos ophy, if you display the lrtues also, 1 must go. 1 am a student of tbe blessul jaw s of health, uii ebserver of plain and temperate nature iu her common walks, and I cannot preserve my equanimity in preseuce of a monster. De j ou understand P , "Ne, sir," said tbe boy. "I will make my meaning clear te you," replied the doctor. "Loek there at the sky behind the belfry first, where it is se light, and then up and up, turning jour chin back, right te the top of tbe deme, where it is already as blue as at neon. Is net that a beautifuU'olerl Dees it net please the heartl We hae seen It nil our lives, until it has (jreivn in w itb our familiar thoughts. New," t hanging bis tone, "suppose that bky te be come suddenly of n li a and llery amber, like tbe color of clear coals, nnd growing scarlet toward the top I de net say it would be any the less beautiful, but would jeu like it us wellf "I suppese net," answered Jean-Marie. "Neither de 1 like you," returned the doc tor, roughly. "I bate all odd jieeple, and you nr the most cuileus Ilttle boy iu all tUe world " Jean-Maria seemed te jmnder for awhile, and then be raised his bead again aud looked .-or nt the doctor with nn air of candid In quiry "Hut nre iietymn v-ry curious gentle man C he asked, The doctor threw away hU stick, bounded ou the boy, clasped him te his besom and kissed him en Iwtli cheeks. "Admirable, admirable imp!" be rrled. "Whit a morning, what an hour for a theo thee rit of 121 Ne," he ceutinuud, apostrophizing heaven, "I did net knew that such U)8 ex (itfd, I na JkTJerau; tbsv made tbem w, t hart doubted or my race; and new! It is like," he added, picking up his stick, "like ft levers' meeting. I have bruised my favorite staff In that moment of enthusiasm. The injury, however, is net grave." He caught the boy looking at him in obvious wonder, embarrassment and alarm. "Hulle P said he, "why de you leek at me like thatl Egad, I believe lha boy despises mo.De you de- splse me, lieyP "Oh, no," replied Jean-Marie, seriously; "only I de net understand." "Yeu must excuse uie, sir," returned the doctor, with gravity; "I am still se young. OB, hang him P he added te himself. And he took his seat again and observed the boy sardonically. "He has, spoiled the quiet of my morning," thought he. "I shall be nerv ous all day, and have a febricule when I digest Let rae compose myself. And se he dismissed his preoccupations by an effort of the will which he had long practiced, and let his soul ream abroad In the contemplation of the morning. He inhaled the air, tasting It critically as a connoisseur tastes ft vintage, and prolonged the expiration with liygicnle gusto. He counted the Ilttle flecks of cloud along the sky. He followed the movements of the birds round the church tower making long sweeps, hanging poised, or turning airy somersault in fancy, and beating the wind with imaginary pinions. And in this, way he regained peace of mind nnd animal com posure, conscious of his limbs, conscious of the sight of his eyes, conscious that the air had a cool taste, like a fruit, at the top of his tlireat; and at last, in complete attraction, he began te sing. The doctor hail but one nlr "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre;" even with that he was en terms of mere politeness; and his musical exploits were always re served for moments when he was alene and entirely happy. He was recalled te the earth rudely by a pained expression en the boy's face. "What de you think of mysingingr' he inquired, stepping In the middle of the note; and then, after he had waited some Ilttle and re ceived no answer: "What de you think of my singingP he repeated, imperiously. "I de net like it," faltered Jenn-Marie. "Oh, cornel" cried tbe doctor. "I'esslbly you are a iierformer yourself P "I sing better than that," replied the boy. Tbe doctor eyed him for seme seconds In stupefaction. He was aware that he was angry, nnd blushed for himself in conso censo conse quenco, which made him angrier. "If this is hew you address your master I" he said at last, with a shrug and a flourish of his arms. "I de net speak te him at all," returned tbelwy. "I de net like him." "Then you like mol" snapped Dr. Desprez, with uuusual engerness. "I de net knew," answered Jean-Marie. The doctor rese. "I shall wish you a geed morning," he said. "Yeu are tee much for me. Perhaps you have bleed in your vein, jierhaps celestial Icher, or perhaps you cir culate nothing mero cress than rranimi.i. nlr; but of one thing I am inexpugnably as suredthat jeu are no human being. Ne boy" shaking his stick at him "you are net n human being. Write, write it in your memory 'I nm net n human being I have no pretension te be a human being I am a dive, a dream, an angel, an acrostic, an illu illu slen wlrnt you please, but net a human being.' And se accept my humble saluta tions nnd faitwclll" And with that the doctor made efT along the street in seme emotion, and the boy steed, mentally gaping, where he left him. ( fobe Continued.) Waste Ne Tlmi In vain attempts te eradicate blemlshes of the feet, but buy SO.ODONTnt ence and apply It vigorously. Never fear that Jt wilt hurt the enamel of your teeth Itke dentin: Ices you may have used. On the contrary It will keep the teeth Intact rentier them bright andperpetu andperpetu ate or restore the health of the mouth's In terior. Uetard flecty and stay time's defacing linger with rrjuvena'.lng, pleasant and whole whele whole semoHOZOOONX. The Steps of ftn Orsen, With such important functions as the liver arc of coarse productive of serious bodily dis turbance. When it relaxes its secretive and distributive activity, hlle gets into the bleed, and tinges the skin and white of the eves with yellow, the bowels becomes constipated, the loinrue coated, the breath sour. 'I hen coma headaches, vertigo and congestion of the or- Kan, accompanied with pain in Its vicinity, or vicinuy.er Shall blue uuuer me rigut sueuiucr uiaae. fill! he the remedy sought? Ne, for mercury n any form Is pernicious. What then? Kxpe rlcnce Indicates listener's Stomach Hitters as the true remedy for Inactivity of the lUer. It net 'only relaxes the bowels without pain, bnt has a direct stimulating effect upon the hepatic gland itself, the sent and origin of the trouble. All malarial complaints involves dis orders et the liver, and of these the Hitters is the most popular curathe. It also cummers dyspepsia, ncneuaness, rheumatism anu kid ney troubles. The Handsomest ljdy in Lancaster Remarked te a lrlend the ether day that she knew Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as It stepped her cough Instantly when ethers had neetfect whatever. Se te preve this and convince you et Its merit, uny druggist will give you a Sam ple Mettlo tYce. Large size 60c. and II ou. Rapture enre guaranteed by Dr. J. II. Mayer 831 Arch street Philadelphia. Ease at ence, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers tall, advice tree, send for circular, marle-lydA w 81'JIOIAL NOTICES. just'as GOOD. Don't allow anyone te matte yen believe any ether remedy Is lust as geed for sick headache s Dr. IamIIe's SpechU Prescription, for It Is net true. This Is the only remedy In the world that strikes at the root et the dlseaee and drives It out. Olve ItatrtaJ. Metnera stetners 1 1 Mothers I It Are you disturbed at night and breken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at ence and get a bottle of MK8. WIN8LOWS SOOTHING B YUU1 It Will re lieve the peer Uttle sufferer Immediately de pend upon It; there la no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has eve nsed It who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bewels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the lese, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld every where, 23 cents a bettle. maylO-lydatw StiKKf iiKSb MlUHTb, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shlleh'a Cure la the remedy loryeu. Sold by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, tin. 157 and 18a North Uueen 8U. .Lancaster. I'a. (3) for Vint I'Uce. A great amount of political engineering will be done by friends of candidates te se cure for their man the first place en the ticket and the best man will probably secure the covetod place, 'then if enaorsedby the maleilty et tbopeople.theelecllon Is assured. Kloctrle llltiers has been put te the front. Its merits passed upon, has been endorsed, and unanimously given the first place, aineng remedies peculiarly adapted te the relief ana cure et all Diseases of Kidneys, Liver and stomach KlectHc lUllers, belng guaranteed, IS & Bate uiveaiiuuuL Price We. per bottle at II. H. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 133 North Queen Street Lauras ter. I'a. (3) COUGH, WHOOflNUCOUUH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Sblleh's Cure. Sold by ll. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and I& North yieen st Lancaster, .Pa. () Their UtulueM lloeuilng. Probably no ene thing has caused Biich a rush of trade at Cochran's drug store as their giving away te their customers et semauytrue trial bottles et Dr. King's New Discovery ter Con sumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In this very valuable article from the fact that tt ulways cures and never disappoints. Cough, Colds, Asthina,UroncbtUs,Creup and all threat and lung diseases quickly cured. Veu can test It before buying by getting a trial bettiufne. Kverv bottle warrant d. (3) TUATHACKlNUUUUUUcanboseiiulckly cured by Saiteh's Cure. Weguanntbe it Beld by U. It Cochran druggist, no. 137 and 13a North Queen 8U, Lancaster, Pa. (l) One of my ch Idreu, a girt about nlre years old had a very bad discharge jrem her bead and nese of a thick, yellowish matter. We had two physicians precrlhe for her, but without benetlt Vie tried Kly's Cream Jialin, and much te our surprise, there was a marked I in. provement. We continued using the lJalui and In a ibert time the discharge was appar antly cured.-0 A. Cary, Corning, N. V. Kly Urelberr, I have been aftllcted with ca tarrh. 1 purebssert a bottle of your Cream Hal in. It rii effected a complete cure. 1. C. Abbett, Ifltiraut Ave., Allegheny City. Pa. my21-ltw0eed.tw liuckleu's Arnica Halve. THa ItssT 3alv In the world for CuU,IIrnlsrs no pay required. It fs guaranteep te gl ve per lect satisfaction, or meney refunded. Price as cents per box. for sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist Nes. 137 nd Vs North Queen street Laacftiier, Pa, June27-lyd OOD'a SA11SAPA1ULLA, Impure Bleed Appears In theasand different farms and causes a vast amount et suffering. Scarcely a single person Uentlrely tree from Its effect. II once the necessity of a relUbla bleed purl fler Ilka Heed's Ssrapartlla, which eradicates etery impurity, ana gives te the bloet vitality and health. It cures scrotal, salt rheum boils, pimples, and all ether affections canted by Imparities or poisonous germs in the bleed. Heed's Samparlll also overcomes that Urea feeling, ersatcs an appetite, cures dyipe'tts, bUlensnesa and headache, and builds up tta whole system. Beed's B&raaparllU " Prem childhood I was troubled with pltr. pies, and every remedy failed till 1 took Beed's BarsaparUla. I have taken five bottle and new the pimples are almost gene, my general health is much Improved, and I htgh'y lecem. mend Heed's Baruptrllla." W. Kviks, 461 Lexington Avenne, Brooklyn, N. Y, 8prefula "My son wts s lU'cted with the worst type of scretals, and en the recommendation of my druggist I gave him IleXI'i BarsaparUla. To day he Is sound and well, notwithstanding It was said there was net enough medlelneln llllnrla te effect ft cure." J, tniujTUK, llllpo llllpe lis, 111. ' " 1 had salt rheum en my left arm three years suffering terribly. I took Heed's BarsaparUla, and the salt rheum bat entirety disappeared," It M. Maia, 71 French St Lewell, Mass. Heed's SarBaparilla Beld by all druggists. U six for IB. rrepared only by C. L HOOD CO, Lewell, Mass. 100 Deses On Dellar HOOD'S HAR8APAK1LLA FOR BALK at II. r. Cochran's Drug store, Mca. 137 and 139 North Queen HU, Lancaster, Pa. apr-2mdAw MKDIOAT.. VTANDKAKK PILLS. DB. SCHEME'S IAORAKE FILLS SrANDAKD rOUOVKH U ALr ACKNTUUY.' PUAIBHDON KVSUY TK1AL. CUBIC Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Flatulency, Colle and all diseases of the strmach Costlvenesp, Inflammation, 1)1 1)1 arrrteu and diseases of the bowels Con gestion, Biliousness, Nausea, Headaehe, Glddleesp, Nervousness, I.Iver Complaint, and atl diseases arising from a gorged and sluggish liver. They reduce congested conditions, break up stubborn complica tions, restore free, healthy action .te the organs. They are PUBXLY VIUKTAHLK, BTKIOTLY KK1.IA HLK AND ABSOLUTELY BAIK. Fer sale by all Druggists. Price 28 cents per box i 8 boxes for S3 cents ; or stnt by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. U. tchenck i. Ben, Philadelphia. mU-lydAw SCIiKNOK'H MANDRAKE PILLS TOR BALK AT II.B COCIIUAN'S DUUGBTOUK. Nes. 137 A ls9 North Qnoen at, Lancaster, Pa aprSiind&w AINES CELERY COMPOUND PAINE'S FOtt- The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NKkVK TONIC.'. Celery nnd Cocea, the prominent lns-rc-dlenta, are the host and safest fterveTenlcr. It strengthens and quiets the nervous sys tem, curing nervous Weakness, Hysteria. Sleoplessness, Ac. AN ALTKUATIVC. It drives out the poisonous humors of the bleed purifying and enriching tt, and se overcoming theso diseases resulting from Impoverished bleed, A LAXATIVE. Acting mildly but surely en the bowels It cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit. It strengthens the stomach, and aids digestion. AD1UUKTIC. In Its composition the bestand most active diuretics of tbe Materia Medlca are com bined scientifically with ether effectlve remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied en te give quick relief and speedy cure. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit Send for circulars, giv ing full particulars. Pilco, 11.00. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, RIOHiRDSON & CO,, Prep's, BUUL1NQTON, VT lanlMvdAw(l) PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND VOR BALI AT II. K. COCHKAN'S DUUG STOBK, Nes. 137 & S) North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. aprl 2md&w E LY'S CREAM BALM. OATARRH---HAY FEVER. KLY'S CUKAM I1ALM cures Celd In Head Catarrh, lloeeueld. May Fever, Dbafunss, Head ache. Price nn Cents. KASY TO USK. Ely lire's, Owego. N. Y U.S.A. KLY'S CUKAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, AllajH I'aln ana Innammatlen, Heals thuSeies, Kestercs the Senses et Taste and Hmell. TUYTillfcUUK. A partlcle ts applied Inte each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 60 cents at Druggists ; by mail, registered, CO cents. KLY IIIIOTIIKKS, V, Warren Stiest, New Yerk. nevlMyd&w rALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. J.Jl;U JLxi, Or the sciKNCK or i.iyk. a valuable Hk-DICALWOHK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nerveus and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,) by which they victimize thousands, and by thelrexaggeratlngdlsease, makes these peer surturers Insane. Every young man, intd die-aged or old. should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Send two cent stamp ter a copy. Address, DltTHOS.TIIKKL, U8 North reu rib St., Philadelphia, Pa, f!3 -lyd IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DUUM3. CURE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned lar Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum. In vial bio com fortable and always In position. All conver sation and even whisper heard dUUnctly, bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, ruicie. Address or call en r. lllecex, ia Broadway, hew Yerk. Mention this paper. lunblO-lTdAWAtWAr SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. Uupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases efetthersex. Why be humbugged by quacks when j en can find In Dr. Wilgbl the only Use ular PHVBiciAMlnPbll&dftlphiawhe makes a speclalty ei the above diseases, and C'ckbu TusmT Ccasa UCARAirrne. Advice rree day nd evening, strangers can be treated and re turn home same day. Offices private. DU.W.11. WU1UHT, Ml North Ninth Street Above lliie, P. O. Bex trra Philadelphia, leblye.W H CELERY COMPOUND TOBACCO. J-AW- . . s TANDARD OUKWINO TOBACCO, D0YOU-CHEW? -Til KM GET THE BEST -WHICH IS Finzer's Old Honesty! Genuine Hae a Red H lln Tag en Every Plug. OLD HONESTY li acknowledged te be the PUBKST and MOST LASTING piece of STANDARD CHKW1NU TOBACCO en the market Trying It is a better test than any talk about It Ulve It a fair trial. IVYOUB DKALKtt HAS IT.-K nevlMydAw PALACM Or FAHHION. AHTRIOU'B PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Kid Gloves at less than half price ! What does it mean ? It means that we have some what in the neighborhood of 40 dozens fine Kid Gloves, which we have sold at prices ranging irem $1 te $1.50 a pair. They are all first-class goods, mostly embroidered back, geed colors, geed sizes. The present price of them will be 75c a pair. This is the choice of our stock. Anether let will be made up, which we will sell at 50c a pair. Yeu should net miss this chance, as it may never be offered te you again. Our stock of Kid Gloves must be sold down; the prices will sell them. Dress Trimmings. Tremendous reduction in black and colored Braid Trim mings and Gimps. The season for these goods has been late, and we must turn them into cash. Come and see them! One let of Fancy Worsted Braids, reduced te 10c a yard One let of colored Silk Cord Gimps, formerly 50 te 60c, re duced te 25c a yard. One let of 2-inch wide Fancy Silk and Worsted Braids, for merly 50c, reduced te 25c a yard. One let of colored ball Braid Combination Trimming, for merly 75, reduced te 25c a yard. Black Braid Ornaments, re duced from 50 te 37c, from 75 te 63c, from $1 te 75c, from $1.25 te $1, from $1.50 te $1.1 3. Black Flat Mohair Braid Trimming, leather-edge, re duced from $1 te 3ec a yard. Come early and get the best bargains. Ne chance like this will be offered te you for a long time. ASTRICH'S P. 0. F., Lancaster. wAtvttmm. SJl'KOIAU WATCHES for rarmers and Itallreaders, It Karat (Jold rilled UObH cases, Klgln Works, sje each. Jeb Let. Beat Watch and Jewelry lie pairing. Bpectacles, Kyexlasses and Optical Geed". Cor rect time dally, by telegraph only place In the city. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. 1WK N. queen Bt. opposite City Hetel, Near fenn'a Oeneu G ILL JKWKLiEK.Ae. -A LIST or- Graduating Presents! Ueld and Silver Watches, Chains and Charms, Ueld Jewelry, , I'lrr'ntKinvn, Ueld Pen llelderj, Ueld Pencils, tiem 'loom fukt, rnuntalu Fens, Oliver Jewelry, Gleve VlnagretU, Silver engie uraceletf, lien llenalres, Silver Watch Itezrs, 8 Iver llair Tint, Queen Chains, rcarf Pins, Cellar Iluttens, Ulove Bulteners, rinwsr I'lns, fcllver Usrters, etc., tic., etc. GILL, - JEWELER, e. IU West King Street. NOTIOK TO TKKHKAHHKIW AND OUNNK1UJ.-AJ1 persons are hereby ter hidden te trespass en any of the lands or the Cornwall ana Hneedwell estates tn Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whetlier Inclesed or main, closed, either for the parpese of saoeUub or Bsblnic, as the law wUl de tiiaiy enfeicea a rainst all trespassing en sata lands of IM nu aeslimea alter this notice. WH. COLBMAH rUXKMAK, k. ymnat alum, idw. e.wummuAU, AMenty M K.w.oeiaaiaB'i Uau as J3ARDAMOKLKOT. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Btreet, Opposite Fountain Inn, The Cheaprst Dry Goods Stere In Lancaster. BlisVOK DBMS BILKS. We effsr special Inducements In Black Drrss Bilks at II 00 bettergoeds than anything evtr ("'datprtcei at IU5, worth LM at 1 W Is a special bargain, which we will match with any ellk that is offered at ) se. BLACK WOOL TUsck Caihmeres at We t annii i Black cashmeres, at33e I worth le. Black Canhinerea at la and de cts The beat tee Cashmere ever sold at the price. Black Cashnerti at Me, 7Vi and up. Black Henrletta Cleth at 43c i weith ClWe. V,ir.,.,2ri"i,If.1?.,lll J?.1,' a,'art rrgain. tt inches wide. We sf II quantities of when. Jnnr.7h .,."iiaii,CK,.l.lP.0?2r OWL. 1Hi,.uLtnST' W ""L0 ,"l,n '- " hy Because tteie Hi a..UM nii-nuui nuiWW -w . ... ,, ..... u. i.upim tow, ,cij law UUlWIIICqilSUt. .. , BLACK THIBBT8HA.V7L8. WH DON'T .i.'lM." f '.''X0 Ptnts. as our eipcases are light giving yen the ndv "" "" e"tDB. inenrs wiae. wun two holders, US per yard. ene Let of Percales, lata! ivIa. nniv Sa. v..f. h.im m. ... r,ma0,"Allt,ntnll5:lC,'S,0,r. JitSlvd let"f .allSiBhlrti made or the tKt MeV 75uand$ilnih?lty?' ' oeafl"1K.ony "ecach. The best White Shirts at 60, e-uasiiANiiA tiAnftftKCHiKFB, in bard & 33 and 35 Beuth Queen Street, - - . s TAMM BROTHERS. SELLING OFF Statm -TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! N9S. 35 AND 37 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Ulgbt Acress WK This Sale Will Be Over By August 18th, te you luve net much time left in whleh te tske advantage ct this Kl'TBAOUDlMAUY WALK. Will Any of These Interest Yeu ? Tfypr uezkn FINK MAl'KlNM, In lllearhed snd Half Hloached, at Less than Cost of Importation, QO8BAMKK8 rOKLADIKDANO CUIIiUUKN, At Less than It Cost te atake Them. TK TfOUH WANTS In Our Line Kver He Small, It will pay you te First Visit Us, gi'KOIAIi LOW ritlUKH On UU8LINB AND SHEKTING3 1IT T1IK l'IKCB. BOSTON STORE. MMMAIVHVlAMWIlVMM N EXT DOOK TO COURT MOUSE. Summer Dress Goods I Anether excellent selection of Ohallla at 10 cents received to day ; all colors ; all designs. With them came tome new Sateens at 12 l-2c in designs. Net Bhewn before this season. White India Linens at 6 1-2, 8 1-2, 10, 12 1-2, 15, 16, 20 and 25 cents par yard. Pique Welts, 121-2,15,20,25, 31 1-4 cants. All bargains. Alse many Fancy Checks and Stripes of various qualities. FAHNESTOCK'S, NOB. 35 Ai 87 BAST KINO ST.. D KS1BABLE SHADES DHK9.S GOODS. Metzger & Haughman Have new In Bleck from Latest importation THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS Henrietta and Gobelin Blue, Serpent Qreen, letzger & Haugliinan's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Ooeper Heuse. JKWKl.UY, H.z KHOADH & HON. SILVER! .Sterling Silver IJoek.Marks, Paper-Knlvea, Vinaigrettes, Jewelry and Knives, Ferks and Spoons, In fact anything you may want In Silver. Seme Musical Bexes we are offering at nearly halt their 01 Iglnal price and still greater reductions en ethers. We wapt te make room for new goods of different kind. Come and exam ine our stock. REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AM) GUAKENTEED. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. UAHPMT HAKOAINH I OO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL KOR WILTON, VHLVBT, BODY. BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Iegraln, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, d. We have the Largest and Beat Stock la the Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oerur Wirt ILing tnd WiUrStmls, Unnatir. Ft, BOB DRM98 GOODS. Black All.Wnel ftlbatmsa Clnlb. 10a. Black All-Weel Bebastapel, 13 reg. i rlce.TJc. Black All-Woof Annnrr. TSa. Black All. Weel Bltrltz, II 00. Alack All. Weel uatle J. cloth. II or mack Henrietta celli at tl.oe, sm, l 40 and 91 OU HAVB TO antagn of low nrlens. Ceuruuld's 0.4 Deuble Bilk and Impetltd Cotten, fromlOcspleteup. Mcelrey, . Opposite Fountain Irn .v .li.,. Brethers ) from the ;i'ostenico.) KVPKCT . OQQ KKMM ANTM OV FINK 1ILACKOAEIIUKKKB AND IIKNUIKTTA8 AT YOOlt OWN I'ltICK, TMMENHK VAMETX OK aUMMKUWABHUOOUS. I'rlnted, India Linens, Printed Mulls. This line of goods ts especially attractive, both as testyles and prices. Ql'KOlAL OKFE1UNU OF 10 1'loces All-Weel Check Buttings, 1H Yards Wide. 6Jc a yard worth ll.en a yard. -IKHHKYH I JKKHEYH t An Immonse Assettinent At Nearly Hall Price LA.NOABTBR, FA. IN- Albatross Oletha, Oream, Gelden Ecru, &c, &c. HALLS. BAKQAINH I TC TKAVXLRKH OV1DH. J3EAD1NU &. COLUMBIA. R, R. Arrangement of PassenCrer Trains en, an alter, SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1888. NOUTHWARD. Leave A, u. Qtiarryvllle .e King Btreet, Lane... ....... 730 Lancaster 7.40 Chlcklc ...,. 730 Marietta Junction 7W Columbia., , ,,., 7 se -Arrive at A. M Beading p.m A. )C. 9.98 nss 12 43 line MM 12 10 A W. T.M. lie 140 DUUNUblOATINGINTHEBAY. THE BODY OP A. naHRISON a4BMR ItliCOVKHED TBUMOBNINO. An encsr or the Steamsr Mantlceke Ulteavits tbe Corpse If ear Ike Bctne of the Celli- QnarryTllleat 7.10 a tn. &mK nireei, i.anc. at sxa a. m., ana 3 is p. in. Arrive at llnsdinir, 10 10 a. m, and BM p. m. Leave; T KendlnR, nt 7.30 a. m., and 4 p. m. Arrlve at Klna-Btmef, Lane, at l Ma. n.,an4 S.50p,M. qiiarryvlUe,nt0,0p.m. ' ' ' TTralns connect at ilcallnir with trains Ie I J. '"" """""jjuiii, nnmuiB, iiarnsrnnr, Allnntewnana Mew Yerk, via. Bound BteX At Celnmhln, with trains te ana from Tertt, "-'-" .-, uw..j.w...M, ..vumitK una mum mere. troinch"c!e,JnnCt,0n W,th ,rn,n tea nAitManhelmwlthk trains te ana front Leba. At Lancaster June' ion, with trains te ana from Lancaster, ijnarrj vlile, and Chlchlea. A. M. WILeON Bnperintenaent. LKHANON ,t liANOAHTKB JOINT LINK 11A1LUOAD. w Arrangeinnnt of VassenRer Trains en. and after, Sukbav, may 18, iste. NOUTUWAKU. Leave a, m. r. v, Onarrvvllln Bnnday. 1'. x. ftis Kins; tttreet, Lane 7.00 Lancaster 7.07 Uanhclin.... 7.11 Cornwall 7.6U Arrive at Lebanon All SOUTHWAKD. . .Leave a m. Lebanon., ;n Onrnwnll ., 77 Manhelm 7.r8 Lancaster. 82f Arrive nt King Btreet, Uine.. 8.R8 AM BOX 8.13 t.41 8.M, 4.11 A.16 5W 1341 LIS IIS Bail 0.17 1.M 7.10 32 r. v AM ! W . 12 no ii.43 i.t its 7 SO 7.S 8.W 7.40 S10 4.00 B.18 8 IS! 8 42 8.40 a.ll 0.48 i.i 8.6e;u 20 5.50 UallreaO. A. at. WILSON, Hunu H. A 0 8. b. k K.rr, aupt u, it. k. HKKHTLVAHU RAILROAD BC1IK00LK.-In effect from May it. 1883 TMlnitfllM T.saniaiMsi !.. a - mubbvsi uaauaBTH Mill 1WTQUW sU rlveatrhlladelntilaai fellows 1 . Leave Lancaster, la. sa. Sn4WM. e)a.a. ftasuS fcjaa,, WKBTWAKU. raoue zprosst.-e Mewi JCzprussf PhUadelphla. l 7n p. m. 4jS0a. m. 4:30 a.m. T4Ma m war fassensrert.... Mat tralnvlaMt Jey) mv. a mu Arauif Rtarara Sxprete, . . . . Hanover Aoeom Irtauelnmbls V'SOtm via oelnmbta Ba,as. !?? ! rassi4Xaett.... Frederic: Aoeom . . , . LanoasterAccem.... Uartlsbnrt Accem.. Oelnmbta Aoeom.... Harrisbnry Kzpreai I Western Jsxpreat) . . . ABTWABD. Faiis, Bxpresst Fast Line) JIarrlsbnrw KznrBsi I laua. nt ria Celambla xriu m. ram. via atb Jey bub! weum 1 Kie JM la. 4.-40 p. m. 8:50 p m. B-.B0p.rn, Lear , Lancaster. 2:10a.m. enaa, :10 a.m. lam. :O0a.m. ltJ8p.m. 8.-00 p. m, 4:tsp.m. B:4Ap. m. op.. T-BCw. . 11:10 p. as. lArrlve ba . raua. 44BB- vs. lOaVa. Lancaster Accem at. ueiumDia Acoem.... evHiiani uniw.... rhllaaelnhla Aoeom. ennaay itau.. 1. ...... Uav Kznrnast HaiTtsbnrs; Aoeom.. The Lancaster AeoemmoaaUoa leaves Bar Bar Bar rlsporatB:iep.m.ana arrlree at wklXm at Dist n, m. The Marietta AtMomaeoauoa leavea catw We at 0:40 a. m. ana reacliee Marietta at , Alse, leaves Oelnmbta at ll:4 a. m. ana Ml 9. m.. reachlnf Martetu at:0l ant tse. Leayii Martetu at 8.-0 p. m. ana arrtvee at UelBMkfi at MO I also, leaves at : ana arrive at Ma, . XaeYerk AccommeOaUon leave Marietta at TiM ana arrive at Lancaster at M mi nectlDg wit Harrubur- jrpres at HU a. as. Tae lrreaeriek AcoemmoaaUon. was, neetinft- at Lancaster with rastXlae. WM, at 10 r. m., wtu ran larenb te rreOariek. The Frederick Accommodation, east, MeTM oeinmbiaatl3e.andreachMLanoaiterui! vm. lianorerAceommoOatlon, Cast, leave Ool Oel nmbta at 4:ie p. m. Arrives at Laneaatar at coo i. m., oennocuna; wiui uay aipress. uniutvi JeamniaaumiMJUt SHI, I at Lancaster with Niagara Express at M wiu iuu uuBuisuBsaenu, aauj, Fast Line, west, cm BnnOay, wka liml, WUl step at OownlnKtewn,CoetemUe' FaraW bunr, Mt. Jov,KllaalethtewnanaMiaaietowB. trhe only trains whleh ran dally. OnanaSbv the Mall train wast run bv war et Columbia. J: U. WOOD. Ueneral Passenger Aa-eaV OHAB. B. ruull ueneral Manager. COMPLEXION re WD Jilt. e IOMI'IiKXION POYVDKtt. LADIES via sti 44f 11:46 a, mi aBp,7 ojea p. as, 8:48 S.. BflOp., tfcsjKas. WHO VALUE A RKriNKIl niMI'I.IlmM fi MUST USK "SHI POZZONI'S MEDIOATKO , COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. Removes all pimples, freckle and dis coloration and makes the Bkln delicately soft and beantlfnl. Itcentalns no lline, white, lead or arsenic. In three shades, pink or flesh, white and brunette. FOU SALE liy All Druggiats and Faney Qceda Doalera Averyvrhere. arllKWAUK OF IU1TATIOM8.-C apnu lvd HUMMER HXHOKTH. A TLiANTIO OITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. LarKOsl Most Convenient Hetel. EleRantly Fnrnliihud. Liberally Managed. Coach te ana from lleach and rains. Orchestra Musto. OHAB. MeULAOK. frep. W. K. CoeniUK. Chief Clerk. lebK-emd T UK "OlIALrONTE," Ocean Knd of North Carolina Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. F.ueiiKUTSAflONB. aprs-tma ry KTUEKlLili," ATLANTIC CITY, If. J Orean Knd Kentucky Avenue. Open February I, te November 1. Iec llex 1W0. , m.j.meukut; rrayle !md CAPON HP1UNOH AND BATH8. AI.KA1NK. MT1I1A AND BlIfKBIOU IKON WATUUS, llAMl'eIIlltK COUNTY, W. YA. Ihlscelobrated Mountain Uesert for health and pluasure. Hatha et any temperatuie 1 a summer cllmate unsnrpasued: n chanefna; summer home with Its many Improvements, aocemmoiUtlnK wJ ciicsts, opens jnne 1. Fer ineaical una muir lesuuieuy, sena iurercu. tar. nu.u.iAiii.. may7-2Cta rroprleter. HUVMMTtlMWlMMlMU HOOD VTVVV , vyvyvyvvVTT www arww w- c ALli AMD 8KH -TUK- ROCHESTER LAMP. BlztyCanOle-Uihtf Beat Umbi all. Anether Let of cuaAPOLOBKafertta aa XHB "FBRFBCmOMS METAL MOULUINO A BUB1WU CU8HI0M WEATHER STRIP Beau thsm all.rrnls strip entweati all elheia.' Keep en 1 the cold. Step rattling of window, xclude tbe dust. Keep out snow ana rain, anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made in applying It. tun be fitted anywhere no boles te bore, ready for use. it will net split, warp or shrink-a cushion strip 1 the most perfect. At the Steve, Heater ana Kange 5,W: -OF- Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens, 84 SOUTH QUBBN ST., bAXOAaXBJi. n. V . - A " 4i m '.i'3 a w Jl "j m m m j? nts -SV' wn M I: ?3 4J m " m t'r?-. M 4-,e . i f .Sjw 1 p. M ? i w sj 4 f 41 z -M 1 it I -J?t3 m ..- :