V '- JK .' -?r? E 125.7 V. iV 'v ,4Z c "ffi liANOAKCEB DAJXY EbriTBIiLIGENOEIl, SATUBDAY, JUNE 0. 1888. .r . j. . . ;- CffV WfiS: i Sa'ftl.. tX -VTi X t1 S1 irA If Th Pally IntelllflfrncT, TTS?iatm. JP SlW0 M' "" WllW rre" nP i" 'j3 mwSkiWiir aioea of TM iitou,: iiteu,: ' -f ' "?rr."i.fti h carriers In the oily f v 2SinmBaiBr tewni for 100, pet woek ;;!. im ue ,or ,x lenUI, t vSTm, mt tkiM aentiu s tee ir month. "Ji5fwi.r lmu-usBKOsH (Deuble Sheet) ' nee, only WJO pet annum, in ! Si' iiMMMK wlhln tfcelr naflrew chongea satitidsoiuue'wneniuie jm' "" ilTntWwtnU trem 10 te as Ota. per line eefc tuerUen. aoeordlwr te location. THXlNXKLLlttBHCKK, lAiicwter, Ft. WXelephene Connection Vfggars la SHtnmer. Summer Li here, and se are the beggars. It is time tbat Lancaster should open its eres te the Increase of a most dishearten tag and ill favored variety of beggars in this town where beggars of all kinds were once as rare as millionaires. Streng women go beggln from deer te deer of houses, where their honest labor would be eagerly accepted and well raid, and llttle boys and girls hever around the postefflce and railway station, appealing te the careless charity of passers-by. Adult male beggars are mere rare, but this may only be because they are en their spring tramp, though they probably find stealing and swindling mere proflta preflta proflta tjte at any rate. The worst feature e it all is the absolute want of any feeling of shame en the part of the mendicants. They fall absolutely te realize that there la anything disgraceful In persistent ap peals for help when they are quite able te try te help themselves. Ne hospital ward can furnish ft spec tacle mere profoundly sad and pitiful than is given nightly en the city streets, when chlldren,whe should be brightening a home circle and founding in them selves the characters of worthy men and women, may be found trotting by the side of some geed cltfren, whining, cring ing, lielng, for the sake of a few pennies. In a great metropolis where individual ity is lest in the crowd, scenes like this are noted only as dark shadows In the whirl of city life. Somebody is te blame, of course, but who knows who t And we are mere spectators of dlre results, untraceable te clear causes. In our own city the responsibility comes home with force. What is the cause of this misery and degradation in ene of the New World's garden spots, this fertile, pros perous and justly famous county of Lan caster? May it net be that we have brought I these beggars here by the lavish and care-1 leas dispensation of charity. Very rich men are scarce among us, but very many are well te de, and et these many prlde themselves that no ene coming te their kitchen doers for feed was ever turned away. As a result we have people who are qulte satisfied te live en what they can easily collect In this way, and they grew dally in numbers and depravity. The rule should be that no! ene in real need and worthy should lack charity. 1 1 our charitable societies should knew all about it. If they are net, measures should be taken te rescue the children from the demoralizing training of pre f esalenal beg nary, and te protect the community from the impositions of bogus sufferers. Te let things drift along with a sigh of regret that they are thus, and no effort te bet ter them, is almost criminal negligence. We can net mind our own business and let the beggars alone unless by the logic et Cain's reply," am I my brother's keeper." The EtcdIdr Newspaper. The events et the last few days have te a mere than ordinary degree demonstra ted the superior excellence of the evening newspaper ever that of the morning. During the three days of the Democratic convention in St. Leuis, the sessions were se held that the evening journals were enabled te present the full news of the day, te be read nt the supper tables throughout the land. And se it is in seven cases out of. ten et the really important news of the day. When the world ceases te work, the lia bility of accident diminishes proportion ately, and the possibilities of crlme under the shadow of the night increase The morning Journal will therefore have the advantage in the priority of publication of deeds et bleed, butin theso things that make up the history of the r.re, it will be found that the newspaper printed in the evening, when the day's weik is fin ished, will have tbe freshest information concerning thesa events which have an Intrinsic inteiest for the people. The businessman and the mechanic, with the cares et the day ended, have tltnute peruse and enjoy the information and in struction with which It is replete. h Free Minerals. The Heuse ha3 been debating salt, and has determined that It should be en the f free list ; which is right ; but we de net knew any reason for making salt free of ' duty that will net apply te nil etlur minerals ; and there nre icasens for i taking the duty off Iren ores and coal which de net se strongly demand free salt. The idea is th'at salt is a roer mau's prevision, which should be made as chean as nnaslhlp. lint nn ii nnnl nni Jl$i' ere and coal are the bases of great mau- ufacturea which furnish employment te many people. The argument in favor of free raw materials, we think is very strong, and this movement should be at the base of tariff modlDcatien. The Deni. eeratlc majority in the Heuse does net em te beable te unite in making it. It affects important interests, but we de Het believe it Will ba inlnrtnim tn n,,,. J$gi that are based en natural conditions. It $rte will help furnaces en the seaboard, and 'its yN net injure these in the Interior. It ti . VtllraiiqArifltrinerAfnnn tnrmnrt.nnt mtttti a &,; ,r"rr --: ...."rrrr."'"'"'" r- uiKireBt. xue ores ei me ierin west nre i tee costly new for use upon the Atlantic seaboard ; and the great iron interests of the Seuth are founded upon the native t ores which de net fear foreign compel!- jL tkm. New that the Democratic policy fy is very distinctly declared demand for the retaking off of unnecessary duties it X behooves the party la Congress te dill- gently Inquire what reason there Is for imposing duties upon minerals. SM a. $&' The Counts. Count Mitkiewicz and Count Uarker ,! 'Wne te a passage at law ever their wwse business. We call Mr. Wharten r-" cot. because he is that Btyle 'iat fellow. and If .v..!!... i... ..it . t ,t - ----. - . vii. vucie isa jcuuw Kit- Ls!;fr,,,0f eun who W0UW adorn a handle te his same, we think It is Danker Barker, who is an editor likewise and a pelltlclan-and a man et many affairs and of mere than ene nation, being et America and China, and bidding fair te be mero than n half, it net a heathen Chinee entirely. The magnlDcence of his Chlnese plans has been great. Their scepe has em braced in China all the business that can be done en earth. Their fragility, how hew ever.has been in proportion te their extent. The millions in the enterprises have been en paper. Very little cash appears. While the talk was of millions the actual contribution was of dollars. Ten thou sand is the largest sum in- hard money that seems te liave been raised for Chinese enterprises out of Mr. liaikcr's pocket. He counted Count Mltklewicz out, after he had introduced him ie the Chi nese. The count was te have thrce-twen-tleths et the boodle, but does net gel it, and se brings suit and exposes the whole enterprise te public contemplation. There maybe Interest In it; there is hardly likely te be anything mero in the Chi pogo operation of the counts. The interest in Mr. Jarkcr's"expended ten thousand scattered upon the Chinese waters may net return te him, hut the public and the Chinese may profit in hearing nil about the adventure. Vfr. hnve received a clreular letler calling attention te tbe merits et the National Conservatory of Musle In Amerlca, the headquarters et which are In New Yerk City. Fer the pant term et eight months the National Conservatory el Music of Atnerlct has Rlven Iree Instructions In vocal end dramatic art, elocution, doport deport dopert niont,' fend tip, language, eta, te nearly two hundred students Irem every state and territory In the Union. It Is atated tbat thore nre soveral scholarships new estab lished, and It Is desired te havoenoor mero In each slate of the Union. Theso coat fS.OGO each, which should be nothing In comparlsem te the elevation of the muelcal taste that will result, Further Information can be obtained by nddresslng te the secretary, 123 Kast 17th. atreet, New Yerk. m Titr. iNTKM.iucxenii will publish until election day the btst of political lntormntlen. its facilities ler obtaining me newa ere being oxtended and all theso who deslre te be pouted en the Important events of tbe campaign will de well te aubacrlbe for the lNTi:i.i.Hii:N(!i:it. Hend nameand address and the nowspaper will be dollvercd a week, ineDth, half-year or year, according te order. A rAiu of eminent physicians liave had an ontertalnlni; wraugle ever the question 'whether hydrophobia exists as a disease. Dr. U. w. Ihillea was doputlr.ed n year age by the Btate M ml leal society te propate a report en liyilropuebU, and en Thursday he prosentod the result of his Btudlea lu the Bhape of jin attack upon l'asteur end lila metheds and a iosltlve denlal that hydro, phebln Is nspocllle dlsoase that cun be In In In noculaled. "Ne human belng ever had hydrophobia or rables. The term should be used te dlacnose a condition, net n dls dls dls oaeo. 1 llrmly bollevo that If my opinion was generally bollevod this hallucination would ontlrely disappear." He told hew he had canned n boy patient who could placing a hand en Ida breast and Phoning no tear, anu no ueiioveu mat ene et the otilel causes nt Koeilloil rabbles, Is antlclpn Hen of dj lug er the dlsoase i It Is death by fright. Anether cause, he said, was the nse or the test et water, than which he could Itungltie nothing mero cruel. Naroetlca should uever be used. All this f;Iven the Impression Hint Dr. Dulles really knows something about hy drophobia but among the physlelaua pro pre pro aent nt the reading of the report was J)r. K. O. HtiakeMprare, the eminent solentlst who was sent abroad by l'resldent uloveland te study thouhelora, nnd who had also passed threo v.-eekH with l'asteur. Dr. HlinUes HlinUes HlinUes poare referred te the vlewa Just oxpreasod aa taken from the ntandpelnt el study in the antiquarian lltornture of the subjeatand said that he had roached a very dlllerent conclusion from work In the laboratory. The oxis'.enoo or hydrophobia lu the animal kingdom he would net nrgue because tbe proof wai overwhelming and thore was no ground for holler that man was froefromlt. Ue referred te the cxporlments et .Londen doctors which he had wltuossed ns proving the peislblllty or h curing a virus which oeuntorActH the dlsoase, porfeotly or lmpor lmper lmpor feolly. Ue npokeot the lnuoculatlen of a rabbltvvltli virus takeu from a human vletlm el the dlseREO. Whoseovor Is right the trou treu trou ble Is certainly very real te the patient. A ytiiiflieN ()KIii:ai,tii. Willi lifthltiK l'udrKlinllWel)eV This plain (juoRtten cotnes home te overy hoiiHekeoper. We all doslre pure nnd wholesome loed, nud this cannot be had with the ufoel Impure or poisonous baking powder. There can be no lotiger a question that all the cheaper, lewer grades or baking powders contain eltlier alum, lline or phosphatle ueld. Ah loath as we may be te ud mitsi much, ngnlust what may hnve bceu soine et our hoiiNehold gods, thore cau bone gainsaying the unanimous testimony or the ntllclal ehumlHts. Indeed, analysts seem te Had no baking ewder ontlrely rroe rrem Heme ene or these objeotlonablo mgrodlenta oxcept the Koyal, and that they report as ohemlcally pure. We Una some of tbe baking pewilers ndvortlaed as pure, te contain, iimler tbe tests et 1'roressorUhaud 1'reressorUhaud 1'roresserUhaud lor, llublrshaw nud ethors, nearly twolve per cunt, or lime, whlle ethors are made from alum with no cream or tartar. This, we persume, accounts for thelr lack of leavening rower na aometlineaoomplalned of by tbe conk, and for the bitter taste round lu the biscuits he frequently complained et by ourselvos. But nslde from the Inferiority or the work done by thote powders, the physicians aisure us that lime and alum tnken Inte the system In such quantities as this nre 1 iJurleiiH. Their physiological etltxita nre 1 idlgostleu, dyspepxls, or worne evlls. The question naturally arises, why de theso cneap baking new der iUBkers use t ieie things T Alum is threo rents a pound, 1 me still choaper, while cream of tartar costs thIriy-Uve or forty. Ttie ronten rer the chemical purity el the Koyal Baking Powder wero recently glveu fn the New Yerk Times In an Interestlng description or a new inothed for retlulug nrgelK, or crude cream of tartar. It scorns that it Is only under this process that cream of tartar can be frced rrem the lime natural te It and rendered chemically pure ; that the patents and plant rer this cost the Koyal Baking I'owder Cem pan v about hnlf a million dollars, and tbat they maintain exclusive control et the rights. l'rotesser MeMurtrle.late chler chemist of the Department of Agriculture, Washing, ten, 1). U, made an examination of this precMs, and reported upon the results attained lu the retinrd cream et tat tar. The following extract lrem his report would seem te answer the question repented at tbe head of this article, and whleh Is se frequently propeuudod by the house heuso house koepor : "I have examined the cream of tartar used by the lteyal llaklng l'ewder Com pany in the manufacture of thelr bakluu powder, and Und it te be perfectly pure and free Irem lune in any lerm. The ohemleal tests tn whleh 1 huve submitted the Bejat Baking I'owder prove It porfeotly healthful and fre from overy deleterious substance The Koyal Baking Powder Is purest In quality nnd blghest in strength of any baking pewdur of which I have knowledge." TIib Weir lJ.ucuttr Utrertur, TJlO OinVaSS ler the new rilrvtnrv ill Lancaster city is completed, nnd the can vassers are new taking nole of vacant houses. Parsons who have changed tbelr residences or places of business since the general canvass was made are rcqetmed te report the fact at the efllce et the directory, ever Ieng'a drug store. The "copy" will be placed in the hands of the printers In a few days, and te Insure ae.-uracy recent changes should be reported without delay, DIUFT. "Kara have they, but they hear net,' may be Mid of all the world. Tragedies and comeJIes go en continually before us which we neither aee nor hear ; crlea el dis tress and prattle of infants, aenga of leve and screams of war allke fall upon deaf ears whlle we calmly discuss the last book or tbenewafrnm Uorrlteolab Ulia,asobllvleiis as if all this stirring life did net exist." If you want te be convinced or the truth of these words of Mrs. Olive Tborne Miller youneod only read ber lateat and most charming bird book Just luued from the press of Mestsrir. Houghten, Mlfllln AUe, lioaten. When I used te have mere time than 1 have nowadays, 1 often spent hours, even days. In watching tbe "tragedies ana comedies" that are enacted In whatTherean calls the "upper atorleV' of earth, the treea of our erchardaand Rreves ; and I thought I bad made myself tolerably well acquainted with my frlenda and neighbor In loathera. But I did net see or hear a tenth part of what 1 might and should have learned. Of this Mrs. Millet's book, "1 n Nesting Time," has convinced me. 1 saw and heard enough, howevor, te knew that all the scenes and Incidents which alie describes In ber volume are true te life, occur all round us overy season, and may he heard and seen by anyone who will leek and listen. Ofcouraeono must knew hew te leek and listen. Mere depends en this than upon tbe mere activity of the eyes and ears. The heart haa as much te de with It as the mere outer aensen. Touseacommon but geed expression, "Your heart has te be In It," lltrda are tee llnely organized beings te reveal themselves, their persenal characteristics and Inner natures, te anyene who Is net In real sympathy with thorn, whose mind and heart are net In attllude of reerptlveness, appreciation, en rapport with ttem. TLe truly marvelleus dogieo In whleh Mm Miller haa been able te onter Inte the Inner life of the bird-world Is altogether owing te this. Uotero we can truly knew the birds, the birds muat have learned te knew us and must knew us te be the kind of persona te whom they can safely reveal thoniselvea. Certainly our author may feel proud of the extent te which alie has been taken into the birds' cenlldencp. Tnny evidently think as well of ber as slie doea of thorn. Mrs. Miller horseU says en this HUbJcct words te almost the earne ellcct. " A dellghtful Held et work awaits tbe young naturalist of te-day. Our nredeccHsniH have de voted the I r energies te classifying and arranging. They hnve dissected and welghed and mrniured overy part of the llttle bodies j they knew te h lnotieii the length of wines and tails ; they have pulled te pieces the nests, 'clutched' the eggs, nnd blown and mounted and hibeled and cot up In case the whele external of the llltln creature?. All that can be learned by vlolenco, all the characteristics evolved by fear and distress are duly set dnwnlnthe bepkR. Yeu nhall find n catalegue of tbe robin's possessions In the ttlinpe of feathers and bones, pictures el Ills Internal anatomy, Illustrations of his work In nest-bulldlng, and pptclmenn In all stages, but In the whele world of tliiwe books you ulinll net II ml the robin. The cnul el the robin has.escaptd thorn, It Is net te be laken by ferce. '1 de net II ml fault; It needed te te done, hBpplly let us hepe ttls done, and a mera enticing Ueld Is new open, immely : te make personal acqunlntance with the birds, llnd out hew they llve, thelr man ners nnd customs and thelr Individual characters. This la ene of the meat charm ing studies In the world, but much ruore Is required than n gun nnd n llttle or much Holentllla knowledgo. Thore Is Inllnlte pattonce, porsevornnco, untiring dovetlon, and mere, n quick oye and ear, mid a Hytu pnthotle heart. If you de net levu llu fl rdSyeu 'cannot understand" thorn Ofceursi?, she means we must leve thorn, net for thelr llue featliers only, nnd nt "lovelj" ornaments for bounds. In view or the provalenco of feather trimmings among the lndles, 1 nm n llttle dubious ns te the correctness or whnt Mrs. Miller says ns te the pecullar Illness of wemnu for the Btudy et bird Ufa 1 nm afraid the fenlh en still hnve mure attractions nnd Interest for the avorase woman than the characters, " thoneiiln," of birds I None tbe less fer vently, howevor, del wish that our girls would preve me wrong in this, and Mra. Mlller right lu her assertion that " lu eoiue ways it (the lire study el birds), la partic ularly suited te woman with ber great pa. patleuce and qulet manners. Unco Inter ested in the ltveM in the ' upper stories, you will And thorn luostnbserbiog; novels will pall upon you, hmoy-werk soeoi rrlv rrlv rrlv oleus, soclety dittles n bore, nnd talk loud enough te Intcrfore with llstentng an lm lm lm portlnenco." tl thlnl; thore nre, perhapi nome men In I.ancaater who will tlmnlc me for rcrnm. meudlngthlschnruilug study el blrd-Ille te the ladle. "In Nesting Tinie" li the Lest possible argument In fuver of Mrs. Mlllet'd nssor nsser nssor tlen. Per ue man's blrd-studleK, net evon Jehn Burrough's, or Bradford Toriey'u, or Mnurlce Thompson's, rovenl n mero intl intl intl matonequalntauoo Willi the mouners mid cubtemf, the weyn nnd hnblts, nnd cspe. dally the characters nud soul llfe, of birds than de the dellghtful chapters of this took ; nnd no ene, man or wemnu, has Biicceded In describing nil theso morenccu. rntely.BynipHthetlcilly, artlessly, nud "from the inside," thmlHherotleno. Itlsjusttle book te ttttce with ene Inte the country, te enjoy In the orchard or under the trees of the lorest. It li u book te read when ene wants te rest, te get nway from the com pany of human beings, or whleh we anmo anme times get tired, nway from the nrtlllolalltlea of society, away from thoughts of buslne, money.iuaklng, nnd the slruggle for ex' lbtonce; an Ideul vacation book. It docs seem strange that mero young ladles ospeclally de net lntorestthomselvos In the delightful Btudy of birds and blrd blrd llfe. It la a much mero rasclnatlng occupa tion thim, ler oxample, thnt et betanizing, lu which many of thorn ongsge with such euthuslasiu aud success, at lehst I leund it se, and 1 should think girls would llnd It much mero lutorestlug thau boys, nnd ns Mrs. Miller saye, they ought tohnveeortoln special tuleuts ter It donled te their less finely strung brethers. Perhaps they don't knew hew much that Is Interestlng is in the study. They need only rond"IuNestlnKTlmo" te Uud out. Huch n scene, rer Instance, ns this, surely would charm overy ene te boheld, and It is only ene or nn Inllnlte variety or ways and mnnucra that may baoberod by any sym pathetic Btudent or the bird world. It took place In Mrs. Miller's nvlary, but I have seen very simitar dramus enacted out In the weeds. 1 1 Is n description or n pilr or blue birds courting : "The first thing 1 noticed," kjjs our author, " was nt worm-feeding tlnie. One day 1 had gtven each e' thorn their portion. The lomale swallowed hers Instantly, nnd 1 turned te auother cage, when I heard a low, coaxing ery many timei repeated. 1 looked nreuud. The male Btoed en the upper perch, still holding his worm, which he usually dispatched as euicklv nu mate did liera ; and alie was en a lewer perch, looking up at him, mouth open, wings llutterlng, asking rer it. Whlle 1 looked, he hepped dewu boMile her, she opened her mouth wide, uud he red her as it si e wero a nestling. . , . The next day he compiled with her request again, and after that It was he who did the tender coaxing, begging her te accept the alight otlerlng of his leve. Boen, tee, she grew cequutttBh lu manner, ofien turned h cold Biieuiucr te hi in, epeund her mouth at him, and Bcolded In the sweetest nud softest voice; and ene n'ght, nlter they hnd tettled en thelr perch, I heard gentle talk, and mw a llttle peek or two en her part. Jle did the talking, and she dellvered the playful peck or push as reply. New, tee, in his desire te manifest his ntlectlen, he could net always wait for worms, but picked dainty bits Irem the feed-dish, and tendered them In the Haute pretty way, Klie always accepted, though elieu she went atonce te tbe feed-dish ana ate for herself; for with all this sentiment nud love making her appetite did net fall. 11 About this time, tee, the blue bird talk nearly ceased, and Instead of it the lovely song of three notes was heard all day, aud a little change they made In It throwing In a 'grace note' between the second and third greatly added te its charm New, tee, spring had really come, and I waited only tnr warm days te let them go and set up their hemestead lu freedom. The first mild day lu May the window was cpaned for them. The female flaw first te a tree In front et the noose, where she was greetMl In the rudeit manner by the bird tramp which Infest enr street, the house spar rows. They began te assemble around her no doubt prepared for attack, when abe gave lead cry of d Is treat, and ent flaw her valiant knight te herald. Alter a moment's paune by ber side, they both flew, and we saw the gentle pair no mere." This may serve as taste of the 270 pages of uniformly dellghtful (ketches In tbe book, about alt kinds and varletle of birds In all stages and conditions of life, In the Northern and Southern slates. Meat of the skotebca were originally contributed te the Atlantic Monthly, tbat pnerlesa magizlne which is the vehicle that first brings te na se much of what la beat In literature. In deed there la no ether American Journal that gives us ae much real and durable lit erature during the year as does The Atlan tic, belng the ' organ" of liowell, lielrae, Whlltler, KUke, Hondder, Oraildoek, AN drlcb, H trah Orne Jewctt, Kdlth Themas, Burroughs, James, and, Indeed, of all the greatest wrltera we have, the classics Of Amerlca. it It new publlshlngene of the best and most Important novels tbatbaa ap peared In magazine literature ter aleDg tlrne, T rarer te "VoneHanto: A Child of Japn." Kvery month, besides, it Is full of stories, sketche , essays, pcems of the very highest order of merit. In abort The At lantic la the literary magazine of America. Uheas. Till: HRD IIANDSKNA. llatkl hear, the wlnfls are sighing And gathering force afar Inte the valleys hieing, Soen te rend the clouds ajar. Sce, as the sun Is passing And Unhung the mountain Croats, Hew ha frowns at the tyrints massing Down 'neath the eagles' nests. llaih t Hear the wild contention And the various ratngllngtenes ; They are like a great convent.en Of men from several zones. The North and Seuth are bnttllHg Fer aupremacy and away, And the Hast and West winds battling ach ene te gain his way. Still : Thoencenntor's evor, Net n sound the bIIodce brenkj j A whlsper that soiindslike Orover Is patting o'er rivers and lakes. Trjn winds have gathered thelr terccs Inte ene ttupondeus whele. And crouching down In thelr sonre'a 7 e sweep Iretn pole te pole. Coe, tee, the sun Is setting, And has denned his cnrinlne coat. And the splro-tnpped hill Is fretting As well as tbe valley nnd meat, llie Vorm, ltcoinegnow renrtng I.lUn the sound from a thentaad tlirei's, And Inte the heavens snaring And flercu o'er the land It float, Htept forthcrelinoanKor In the vol.-e that Is coining heir, Nnne of the trot and danger Of a tempest we should fear s Were like a shout of gladness Hoehoes from hill te bill, 1)1 jpelllrg doubt and sadness And hearts with Jey new nil. Hark I 'tis the great hosanna Of a nn' Ien's trusted men, 'Its the sign et the Ited Uandanna Wnvlng en hill nnd glen. Kmhlein et all most chertshed in a pure nnd nohle life. King thit has nover perished, Standard of peaceful klrlle. yVem the A'cw I'erA. .N'fYir. Weary nnd Wern. When tlie tltcd fictery epcratlte, tlie wenry out duer Inlierer, tlie ercitasVcd lienkVccper eri'lrik feiks n medical recompense for ex pi n li'ure of bodily force, where nhall he llnd II' ( nnld tlie icrnnlrd experience of tlion tlien d.ii ilmif nrKcr lienlecil, llic venlict Would Im Unit UnMetler' t-tntnarh lllllers rciiens fi.lllne tlruimtli. stimulates llie Jidcd mental pun i is Ie irexli ucllvlly, nnd relaxes undue lni veiih tcimlun n uetlilnK elf 0 iIech. DIkcs DIkcs lien a iiHiilnr Inil.U of body, nipel!te nnd deep nre tnorneU'd hy It, anil It Ih nu ml mlrulilu auxiliary lu tlie lecmcry of healtli by cn iilPiieiits. A liii-llilleii Ftmiinrli Is net elli'ii'li'il l. It nnit te k rfein of lietli rc.cs In diliiiile hiMillli wlioiMTinleiinlly feci tlic need et nn ellli iimiI tonic tlie wlmle r.'mce of tlie plinriimnipula nml tlie cntnlngne et rnprli' t.'i i iimmIIi iiic iIupi net vri'tciit a nioreiinctul .iifirnr mure ilc ll e one. HIhhImi liinoil liineil pnrnlilii br tewr ami iiyue, ilieiiniatlim uud UJuey truuliles. Tim HnnilKemrst unljr In (.anraster Iteiuarkud te n friend the ethor day that she knew Kemp's llulmini tnr tlie Threat and JjiiiiRs wns a superior rnmady, ns ltstepiied harceugh Instantly when ntluns hud noeiluct whatever. Be n Viiove this nnd ronvlnce you of Ita merit, any drugutHt will gtve you n Bam Bam ple liottle lYec. Large slze fiec. uud f 1 Ou. Itupturn cure guaranteed by Ur.J, II. Mayer 8.11 Arcli Btroet, Philadelphia. ICase atonce, no operation or delay irem liuslness, attested hy thousands of cures after ethors (all, advice Ir,send for circular, uiarlO-lydAw VfaMe Ne TIiiib In vain attempts toeradlcnto blemtahcs or the lent, hut buy SO'OUONTnt ence and apply It vigorously. Nevor fear that It will hurt the enamel of your teeth like dentlfilccs you may havn uted. On the contrary It will kcep tbe U-eth Intact, render them bright, nnd perpetu ate or rcBtoie the health of llie mouth's in. torler. Uetnrd dtcty nnd stay time's defacing linger with rejuvenating, pleasant nnd whole whele whole semo 807.0 DON 1'. Bl'KUlAL IfOTJUKU 11. It. Coehrnn, Ne. 137 and 131) North Queen st rout, l.nncnsmr, l'a., U milling SIIILOH'S COUUI1 CUUB ns n guaruutee te euro ull hreat and lung troubles. :ii) BHILOU'S ClIltK. will luimcdlately rullove Croup, W hoeplu? Cough and luencliltla. Fer sale by 11. It. Cechrau, Iirugglit. Ne. 117 North Queen street. (;j Mether, mother! 1 1 JHethers 1 II Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suiferltig and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, go at ence nnd get a bottle of MU8. WlNBLOW'SSOOTiUNUSYliUr. It Will re lieeo the peer llttle sunorer lmmedlately de pend upon It; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has eve used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llke magte. It Is porfectly sate te use in all cases and pleasant te the tase, and is the prescript! en of ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld overy where, i5 cents a bottle. maylO-lydAw WHY W1I.I. OU COUGH .when Shtleh's Cum will glvoliiimedlaterullor. 1'rlcti leats., 60cts .ana t. Fer sale by 11. II. Cochran, Onig. gist, Ne. 1S7 North Queen Btroet. (6) line of my ch Idren. a girl about nlne years old had a very bad dlBchargu from her head and nnse eta thick, yellowish matter. We had two physicians prescribe for her, hut without benuflt. We tried Kly's Cream llalm, and much te our surprise, thore was a marked im provement. We continued using the Ualm and lnnshottttme thodlschnrge waj nonar nenar nntly cnra.-0 A. Cary. Coming, N. Y. i:ty lirother, 1 have been nil Idea with ca tarrh. 1 puruliamMl n beltlii of your Cream lUltn. It em etrcoted a cemplete euro. II. C. Abbett, a7 urunt Ave , Allcgheny city, l'a. lnyil-iwdoeci.tw A Waiimu's Illiirevrry, ' Auother wonderful discovery has been uuuleRiid that tee by a lady In tills country. Dlsoase fastened Its clutches upon her, and for neveii jeiirs she withstood the soverost tO!'s, but her vital organs were undermined nud death seenied Imminent. She bought a bottle of Ur. King's New Dlrcovery for Con sumption, and was somuchreitoved ou taking tint doxe that she slept all night and with ene botUe has been miraculously cured. Her naine la Mrs. l.uther luti" Thus writes W. O lliunrlck A Co.et fehelby, N. C. Uetafroe trial bettle ut Cochran's lirug Stere, 137 and 1SJ Neith quoen alreut, Lancaster, l'a. (J) lluckleu'a Arnica Salve. Tan ItasT SiLvs lu the world for Culs,llrulscs Beres, Ulcers, Sidt Uheum, Fever Sores.Tuttor, Chnpped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, und all Bktu Kruptleus. and piwlttvely cures 1'lles, or ue pay reiiutied. It fs guomnleop te glvaiwr. lect satUlacUen, or money refunded, l'rtce SS cents per box. rer sale by II. II. Cochran. Druggist, Nes. 137 aud liW North y uoen street, Lancaster, l'a. JuncS7 1yd lirt-i:i Iusarnurs, Insure with Themas' Kclictric OH. It Is the cheapest nnd beat methrxl ni Insurance wu knew of. lly its use you are sum te cscape many previous ucbes and pains Policies are obtalnalile utull driigclttlu the form el bot bet tlen ut W cunts and II och. "or aale by II. II. Cochran, drugglat, Mr and liu Neith Queen street, Lancanter. (Veil n ier. little Heward uritei Irem llurTuln. N y. "My Kjstuiu became greatly debllltuted thrmigh uiilueus proicsaletml dutteii. Builerea Iri in nau.ea, Htck hrndache, and bllleutnuss. irled ydiritecJ; Hloeil Uttlrri with the most bununclal en"ei.t. Am vtrU a ever." rer stle Kf.iJ,,:.yc?,?l,,arulf'lt, W uud 1 Aerth Uuecn street, Laucaater, BPS01AL NOTICES. Tba Tardlct CBaounena. W. U. Butt, Dragglst, Ulppus, Ind., lesUfles t "I can recemmena Kloetrle Bitters ns the very tett remedy. rery bottle sold has given rr lief tn every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured et Ithenmatlsm of 10 years' stand lug." Abraham Hare, llellovllle, Ohie, amrms t "lhe beat soiling medicine 1 have ever han dled In my se years' experience, Is Kloetrle Hitters." Tbensands of ethers have added tbelr testimony, se that the verdict Is unani mous that Klectrle Hitters de cure all dlsnues of the Llver, Kidney or liloed. 'or sale at 11. It. Cochran's Drag Stere. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (2) Their Jlnslneta Ueauiuaj. rrobablyneonolhlng has caused sueharush of trade at Cochran's drug store as thelr giving away te thelr customers of semanyire trial bottles or Dr. King's New Dlscovery for Con sumption. Their trade Is slmpiy enormous In this very valuable article from the fact that It aiways euros ana never aisappeinu. nlnta. flmifrha. uuiuh, ABinma,urencam and lung dleeases qutckl Colds, Asthma,nronch1llii,Creun and all threat cBiycurwi. ion earnest ettlng a trial bottle rree. it uiun, iiuying vy Kverv botUe warren () JUST AS GOOD Don't allow anyene te make yen believe any ether rumedy Is Just as geed for sick boadache as lit. line's Hrwcial l'rcscrln net true. This Is the only reincdy In the world tbat strikes at tbe root el anvositeut. uive ltatnal, Bems foolish l'eepia Allew a cough te run until it gets beyond the reach of tiiudlclne. They often say, "Ob, it will wcur away," bit In most cases It wears thorn nway. Could they be induced te try the siiccnssrut itinOlclne called Kemp's ilalsam, which wu vn'.i en n positive guarantee locure, thry would Immediately von the ex cellent eUect after taking tbe first dose l'rtce BO cents and I'.. TrfaJ i(zi free. At a Urngglsu. janlllydAw TUK ItKV. UKO.il. THAYKB. of lkmrbnn Indsays: "Deth myseir and wire ewe our lives te BHILOU'S CONSUMPTION CUIIKS. rer sale by if. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Na 137 North Qucen street. (5) Fire Him out." This is n common remark when roughs nnd ewdya Insult public decency by their nn nn seemfy ways. lyppepla Is a horrid bere. Klre Iteut with Burdock JIloeU Btllert. Yeu can de It. for sain by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qacen street, Lancaster. llcats the World. This Is what II. 0. Uoberman.n dma-glat nt Marlen. OM", says! 7iemm' Selectrta OU beats thn world Beld nine bottles yesterday nml te-day. One man cured el sero thiontef eight years standing, lssplendld forrhouma ferrhouma forrheuma limn." Ker salu by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 117 and lxi North Queen street. Lancaster. The Alnn Who Talks Much, We want te tnyn word te you who make a living with your tengue. Yeu certainly must have it clear, strong volee te engage your list eners. Dr. Tlinmat' JCclectrie Oil for sero threat, colds nnd 1'oareenoss la unexcelled. Uee nml nrtiilre. rersalebyH.il. Cochran, arugKlat,137n'.id IXi North Queen street, Lan caster. Ndiiich of 1'tOllt. There nre miny sources of profit te thenn who are ingenious nnd cnterptlslmr. llurueck Bleed IHtttrt nren source of profit In every wy. They build np thn health snrely, spced lly. and eilectually, which la saying a great deal fur pale by II. II. Cochran druggist, 137 and 8 North Queen atreet, Lnneesuir. jtnLiaieu.. RKIjIOIOUS BKIIV10KS WILL IIK held In the following churches en Hun day, In the morning at 10..T0, lu thu evening at 7:15. Sunday schiKil at 1:4.1 p. in. When the hour Is dlirurent It Is specially neted: tmceND Kvanoklieal ( Kngllsh ), en Mul berry Btroet, nbove Ornngu l'reachlng at iu.juii. m , aim 7.ia p. va., by the paster. Sun day school nt 0 a. in. Church e Ooe-Oomor of 1'iince and Or- nnge. l'reachlng at lo.je n. m. ana 7:41 p. in. by thu raster. Bs,bbath school nt 1:15 p, in. l'nKSBvruniAN MKMeniAt. CnuRcn, Seuth Queen street, Themas Thompson pastor. Bervlci9 morning at 10.30 n. m., by Kev. J. II. Uubb', U. 1)., of Kranklln nnd Marshall cellege and in the evening by the pastor. Huntlay school nt e p. in. Yeung people's meeting nt 7:15 p. in. Prayer and tenchers meeting Wednesday evening at 7.80. To day Is Children' Hay, all nre welcome. Mbnkenitm The Old Mennenltes will held sorvlces lu their church, corner el Knat Chest nut nud Bherman streets, en Sunday, May 13, at 2 p.m. l'reachlng in both languages. Bt. LuKs'sUsreitMBU Mnrletln Avenue, Kev. Win. F. Ltchllter, pastor. lMvlne Bfrvlce at 10.30 a. in. nnd 7:15 p. m. Sunday school nt 2 p. in. Borvlce In the German language nt op in , l'rel it (l. Kclilnat.elllclatlng. KvAsiiBLuuL-l'Irst Church (Ueruutn) North Water si wet, liev. K. I'. Lehr, pastor, breach lug at 10.30 a. hi. In thu Uerman.and at 7: 15 p m. In the Kngllah language, by the pastor. Bun day ichnel at en m. l'rayer meeting Wednes day and Thursdav nnd Thursday evenlng. 'lenchers meeting l'rlaay evening at the par sonage. Umtxe l'.nimrnRK m cnntsT (Cevbnakt). West Orange nnd Conceid strcets-ltev. J. II. Kunk, pastor Pleaching at ir:M n. in. by the Caster. Sunday school ut 1:13 p. in. Ollve ranch anniversary uud Chlldreu's Uay pro pre pro grauime nt ":I1 p. in , rrnsT KKyeiutuDCunncn. itev. J. M.TItzel, 1). I)., pastor. Bervices te-morrow nt 10:3.1 n. m nun 7:15 p in- Sunday school at 9 a, in. bt. 1'aul's liKvoviMKu-Kev. j. W.Memlnger, pastor. Itcgulariuernlng and evening sorvlce at 10 30 a. in., aid 7.1) p. in. Sunday school at 1 43 p. in. l'rayer service WeOncsday oven even lnir at 7:15. ileiiAviAW. J. Max Hark, I). I)., pastor, 0 a. in. bunday scliealt le.W) 1. tinny aud seruien. 7:45 p. m., evening service. finsT M. K. Ciiuneii. ltev. J. lt.T. Gray, pas ter. Class meetings, l) a. in. 10: n. in. Child ren's Hay services, music singing and recita tions by ihe schools et the Main ana Mission schools. J!e imstul docemtlnns. Op m, ser mon hy ltev. e. w. Krlndle, (lonneny of l'hlladelphla conference) pastor of the M E, church, Jewa City. Monday nnd Thursday class mcetlngf, 7:30 p. in (Tuesday, holiness meeltnir,7.30p. m.t Wednrsday prayer ineot ineet ing, 7:J0 p in. ; KrlJaj-, young people g meet Ing. 3 p. m.; Thurtday, nasler's class jRiwiTr I.OTiiEiuN- Morning sorvlce con ducted by Ituv. l'ref. . K. Filck, oneol the young men, who went Irem this congrega tion into the ministry; new of Bt rotor, allnnosela. Afternoon and evening setvlces conducted by the pister. Sunday school at 1-15. Last of the ut ler neon sessions. Ueie alter In the morning at :I5. OnAUM LtrriiunAN, Cerner of North Queen and James street. Ituv. C. Elvln Heuni, pas tor. Bunday school utOUOa in, Latial di vine services at li'tw) a in , und G p in. Usual inldwcokservlctBen Wednesday evening. rinaT IIAITIST. Services ut Iho regular hours morning and uvcnlng, pastor, Kev. J. N. Kol Kel welh bundav school nt !) a. in, ltev. Swunk will preach lu the morning nnl Bocretary Sliecce, of the Y. M. C. A , will preach In Uie evening. Beats true. Alturoceidlally lnvlted te at tend praj er luuutln g w eduesday evening St. STKritBs's (Ubterukd) Cucncn Collkeb Ciiavbu 10AI u. in. uivlne sirice. ilacca ilacca ilacca luunulosprmeii by l'resldoutThes.U. Annie. l'KBSBVTBRIAM fustei, Itev.J. Y. Mltthell, I. 1). A vailed preKruinmu recital lu the morning, lnlunt baptism. Bervlcoef song in tbeovenlug. Cubist Luth bran Cucncit West King Btroet. K. L. Kecd, pastor. Uivlne servlccs lo-mer-row i Strmeuat lu.30n. m. by ituv. C. L. Fry and 7-15 p. in. by lti . l'ref. W.U. 1'ilck. of Bt 1'eter, Mlnu. Sunday school atea ni, St. 1'aul'b M.K. Cuuneu-Charles Henda, pas tor. Children's Kay. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. en " Js Iho hlber education disastrous te piety t' Kxeivlscs bv thu children at 7:30 p. in. Bund iv school at v a in. Sr. Jousts 1.UTUBRAM, ltev. It. K. Allenian. D. l. pastor. Services at 10.30 a m., and 7:30 p. in Cathecatleit cla3B Subbath evening at 6 30. Services preparatory te Iho holy com munion en Wednesday aud Friday oenlnu8 ut73J. Babbath schoelat St. Jehns' att)e.m, and at Oetnuld Memerial chapel ut ii p m. KNHIOSH. SOLUIKIIS who were dlsabted from wounds Injury, rupture, uxpesuie, olies, deafness, or who ere, lu conseo,uonco or thelr military nor vices. Incapacitated ter manual labor, whother iiviii wuuuus ur uisuose, uru eniiueu te pun Slen. WIDOWS.mlnerchlldren.nnd dependent ret. ntlves of soldiers who died of disabilities con tracted lu the service, are entitled te pension, and by Act of congress et Jan. 2J, liift7, soldlers el the Mexican Wur are also entitled te wen slens IN UltlS ASK.Theusands or pensioners are en titled te a blghur rating. Ne leeunless success tul. Can lolerto many suecesstul claimants. Beldters, It wtll cost yen nothing te wrlte me. aud It may result greatly te your advantage, M. l, MUl.l,, l'ens., Att'y, Vesansvlllu, Lancaster county, l'a. mar9-lydsilyw . l'uiLADau'uu, Saturday, J une , lsss. 109 pieces 50 cent French Challis go down te $7)4 cents te-day. Cream grounds, va riety of neat colored figures. Net all the Challis have tum bled. Seme designs are newer than ethers. Weel and weav ing alike in all. Price turns en pattern, and your first choice may be a 37 center. Southwest of contra. A better 5 cent Crinkled Seersucker than we've had any season before. Cream, ', , and yt inch crinkles. The 9 cent Seersuckers are but lately down from 12. Fine, light, full of wear. They were excellent value at 1 2c NortUuttef centre, nexlMalu Aisle. Anether surprise in Ging- XXW AC rXMTIBBMSIlia 'ANNHAKUSEB BKBR. Tannhaeuser ! BERGBER&ENGELTAMHAEUSEB BEEB, PHILADELPHIA. THE TANNHAEUSER BEEU Is a ENGEL BREWING COMPANY, and extant. It is brewed from the finest Saazcr Heps, and highly recommended for ELEGANTLY PACKED The high reputation enjoyed by the Bergner & Eegel Company is due te the fact that only the Finest and Best Materials are used and that the greatest skill and care are exercised during its manufacture. The Bergner & Engel Brewing Ce,, PHILADELPHIA. Kbenlg & Weiseman, Jr., Agesta, Harrlaburg, Pa. WANAMAKKllH. hams. Fine, excellent quality, 32 inches wide, and the price but 15 cents. We never knew Ginghams of this grade less than 25 cents before. We took a big jag' straight from the mills. That settled the price. They come in two styles. Small hair-line checks, pink llRhtulue brown navy Hair-line stripes, gray navy brown black Every $1 you put in these Ginghams is worth $1.66 te you. Xorthweatof centre. Braided Gingham Robes, $3 from $4. Braided Sateen Robes, $4 from $6. Northwest of centre, next main aisle. 33 of the all-wool Saxony Combination Robes left; 6 yards plain, 4 yards novelty in each. $6 from $12. Southwest of centre. Combination Robes, $3 up, at Remnant counter. Remnant prices or less. List circle, northwest et centra. Stuffs for Graduation Dresses rich silks or creamy wool. Stylqs by the dozen ; prices te suit purses. West Transept ana nertneast of centre. Graduates desiring thesis covers should be prompt with orders. Stationery poctlen, south of Thirteenth street entrance. Fans and fixings All around the centre. Fine French Purses. Imita tion and real calf; stamped and fancy leather, long or square, with and without inside pockets, kid lined, 20 te 65c. Match them if you can. Northwestof centre. Japanese Summer fancies : ran?, fc tell 80. rertleres, Ii te (IS. l'erch Screen, Uxl2 it., $HM. And dozens mere. They fit in everywhere; use or leeks, or both. liaaotnent, northeast el centre. Scissors of all sorts and a little world of pocket and work basket requisites. liaieinent, east of contie stairs. Seal and Geat. The nob neb biest of the Men's Summer Shoes. Seamless russet seal vamp, ooze goat top. Hand sewed and of choicest stock, $6.50. Tan shades in Seal or Geat are the correct thing for men's Summer wear. Hixnflsowea Tan (loatOiferfl Tlos.ne lfla Beam, ensy, nexltile, Hunt, II te. Siuib, hitch out, fite. btlli hlgher grade, ooze oil f lop, 10. Men's Welt Leather Oxford Ties, oil finished. The tough est and most flexible of all the stiffish leathers. A dandy Shee for beating or seaside wear. Put a drag-net ever the country for Men's $3 Shoes and the " Wanamaker Wearwell " will top the let in worth. Ne guesswork. Sea m 1 e s s calf vamp, kid top, smooth solid leather insole. Lace or Con gress. Sent anywhere for $3. Say whether your feet is wide or medium. Women's high and low cut Canvas Shoes. Coel, dressy. Or the knobbly rubber bot tomed Tennis Shoes. A room ful of either. Market street front, west et Main AUle. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. Special Brewing; of tlie BEUGNER & unquestionably the Finest Light Beer Tale Canada West Barley Malt and Its tonic and nutritive qualities. FOR FAMILY USE. enr goods. D IRKOr FKOM TIIE 1MP0RTEB. BELGIAN RATTAN DOOR MATS. IN A VARIETY OP SIZES AND PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM. 25 Cents te $ 1 .00 Each. Fine Line of Nottingham Lace Curtains at Trices from ftic te $1.G0. Kaw Silk and Jute Furniture Coverings and Table Cleths at Prices hereto herete hereto feie unknown. Sixty.slx Inch Furniture Linens at a little ever half of last season's price. Stain Linens In Different Widths at Lew Trices. iJ-3"Any of the Above Goods at Less than Philadelphia Prices. Ne. 25 East King St. LAMCAiTKIt, 1A. inarll-lva&w w ILIilAMSON & FOSTER. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. PRICES RIGHT. Fit Perfect. Quality A One. I.ADIKS' Ilrltfbt DoriKeIa (ilrve Kitting ShiX'9, tinaroTeo and FleilbloSele, 12 50. LAIIIBS' Hand Welt or liana Turn :selr, llrUht Uonuelu, Kquare or Upeni Tee, a Su perior Summer Bhce, 3 90. UKNTS' Seamless Drea Sheps, 1 tire or Con Cen gitra, Unexcelled at the l'rlce, 1 te te $3 ou. Q K NTS' Lew Cut Calf Skin Bhepp, Urcad Tee, Veiy CoinfertablolorBniiiinor, JL60. YOUTHS' Ulgh Cut Lacs or Mutten, 11.23. HOYS' Sramlesi Shoes, Streng and Durable, lAniKS'and UKN1S' Lawn Tennis, Outing and lilcyele abeuj. I.OWK3T I'lUCKS. WHOI.KSI,K I'lUCKS TO IIKAI.KHS. Williamson & Fester, 32.S4,a(,.V38E.KINGST ' ANUAMTKII, PA. BRANCH STORE, . AUrUSiiUlia, l'A, The People's Cash Stere THH OLD UEHMA.N WATOUMAKKIl IN TOWN AGAIN. The old German Watchmaker, J. W. Heler, well known In this city ami turreundlnx neighborhood, has again located lu I ancaster and Is yr'pi'ea te repair Clocks, Watches, etc Will de tie work at) our re.ldenre It se desired, i.h-aper than au ere else, l'ersera having rim.it., Walcbe?, eie, te repair will tave tr uble ana expenta by leavlug th.lr orders at the reumatn Inn, Beeth Queen nrtet. orders promptly attended te. . , J.M. IMrKK, Ji lwd Practical Watchmaker. I' -a v a- v) - ji.t.at'i -