w-wr.n!!F?vrwr- T!r!s- v - ik, "1 -fi " E--t- , K j-v W" I' " JCHE INOASTER DAILY tKTfeJuUGENOER, THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1888. -f Melt latameaa fl lenders. Tba Bosten Ge6e publishes a letter written by Mra. Cleveland te a lady friend la Woreeeter, who had forwarded Mra Cleveland a copy of the alleged atatementa or a Worcester clergyman against the character of the president Ihe letter la aa follewa : KxkeutiviT Mansion, .Washixotew, June 3, ISM Mia. Nloedemua Dear Madam : I can en ly ear In anawer te your letter that every statement made by the nor. u. u. renaieten in the interview whleh you aend me la baaely lalee, aad 1 pity the man et hie calling who baa been made the tool te give circulation te auch wicked and heartleaa Ilea. I ean with the women et our country be greater bleaalng than that their hemea and Uvea may be aa happy, and their huabaada may be aa kind, attentive, ceaalderata aad ulltctieuate aa mine. Very truly, FltANCES F. Cleveland. Thexlergyman clatma that be was mis quoted In hla Interview. amity of carets? ana no, In Montgomery county quarter aeaeiena en Wednesday Samuel T. Yeung pleaded guilty te arson and larceny, He waa charged with ateallng a bone from the barn of Francli Naoe, near Norrlatewn. en April 7, and afterwards aettlng lire te the build ing ; and also with the theft et a herae from the atable of Milten J. Davis, near l'erktamen, and a chain and two watches from bis uncle, Jehn Themas, The aceuaed had confessed these crime te the ehlef of polio, who tMtlQed In oeurt te all that waa told him by Yeung In his confession. The culprit aald the barn waa fired by accident. Hentencewsssnspended In order te allow Yeung te ellar testimony of an extenuating character. UPKOIAL MOT1CBH. JUST AS GOOD. Don't allow anvone te make yen believe any Other remedy Is Just as geed for sick headache as Dr. Loslle's Special Prescription, for It Is net true. This Is ihe only remedy In the world that strikes at the root et the disease and art ves It out. Olve It a trial. Benis roellsh People Allew a cengh te run until It Rets beyond the reach of inodlclne. They often say. ' eh. It will wear away," but In most esses It wears them away. Cenld they be Indueed te try the successful meaiclne called Hemp's Balsntn, which we sell en a positive guarantee tecure,thry would Immediately see the ex cellent effect atter taking the drat dose Price 60 ceuls aud St. Trial tin frre At a Druggists. JsnltlydAw THK KKV. QKO.U.'rilAYEU.Of liourben Ind, says: "Beth uiyseir and wife ewo our lives te SUILOH'S CONSUMt-TlONCUKKS. for sole by H. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Me. is; North Uuoen street. (8) " Fire Illm Out." This la a common remark when roughs and ewdys Insult public decency by their un seemly ways. Dyspepsia Is a horrid bore. Fire It out with Burdock Jlloetl Bitter: Yeu can ,0Jt--1' or Bal bw u' u Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qjeen street, Lancaiter. Itcais the World. Thlj Is what H. C. Heberman, a drus-glst of aUrlert, Ohle, says: 3hemas JCcleclrie Oil beais the world Sold nine bottles yesterday anil te-day. Uue limn cured et sere threat el t.lght years standing. Is splendid for rheuma tism.'' Fer sela by 11. M. Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 1 JS North Queen strect, Lancaster; The Han Who Talks Much. We want te say a word te you who make a living with your tengue. Yeu certainly must have a clear, strong voice te engagn your list ener. l)r. Tltemai' JtcUctrie Oil ter sere threat, colds nnd hoarseness Is unexcelled. Use ana admire Fer sale by H. 1J. cechran. arupglst, W:na IX) North Queen street, Lan- Homers of l'tellt. Thore are many sources of profit te these who are Ingonleus and enterprising. Burdock wsy, y. They build up the health surely, speed and effectually, which Is saying u great y. v"- w nnia ujf xi. a. I.UCUIUQ UrUgKlSU 10 and 159 North Queen street. Lancaster. cloth is a, as a. gl'KlNO, 1888. Fine Tailoring. This Is te Inform my customers that I am new prepared te show them an Assortment et spiing suiting aim Xrewserlng that cannot be surpassed. The Latest Novelties In Spring Overceating et my own Importation and conflned styles. H. GERHART, Pitt KIM POUTING TAII.OK. N0.44NOUTU UUEEN ST., LANCASTKIt, PA. M YEKB 4 KATUFON. TiioreDglily-Made Clotliieg ! lliornuglily.JInile Clothing has grown mere and mere In ilcimuiflel luleyeitts. Wetreis Are Net S-iisflcd WITH Lceks ltd Gfneral OqIwiiiI Appta'ance. -T11KY WANT- GOODS COMPLETELY MADE, WELL TRIMMED -AND- MiTERIflL STRONG 1NU Durable in Celer, In the preparation et our stork we have met all tliu.e Mqulreuiunts, and have been well lewarJed by u uleadlly lncruailng trade. Myers & Eathfen, 1'01'ULAU CLOTlllKUS, NO. 12 BAST KLNQ ST., LANCASTER FA. HATS. E AHLY DEDUCTION POSITIVELY THK BI&&EST SLAUGHTER -OF- STRAW HATS Iver Soen In Lancaster. We nave hi overstock of HTKAW II ATS, and hve positively made the tallewing re re ducteons: si.Vi hirair Hati reducodte II & 2.00 " " Jul. 1.' ' " " 75 1IH "fU ,60 ' " " .VS. A full line of OUNtt MKN'a FasMe-able BS'taiidllJ llrtt-i In alUl.idujunauml pilcts. Trunks aud Traveling Bags Frem the Cheapest te the Best Grades. Stauffer&Ce. NOS. 31 A S3 NORTH QUKKN BT. T3KCO.UMKNDUD tiY KMINENT I'HYSICIANS The "Best "Tonic, A Concentrated Llgnld Kxtract el Halt and Hep Fer sale only at J. V. UOUGHTON A CO- Mea. v and 21 West King street, PALACM Or FASHION. A HTKICH'H PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Kid Gloves at less than half price! What does it mean ? It means that we have some what in the neighborhood of 40 dozens fine Kid Gloves, which we have sold at prices ranging from $t te $1.50 a pair. They are all first-class goods, mostly embroidered back, geed colors, goea sizes. The present price of them will be 75c a pair. This is the choice of our stock. Anether let will be made up, which we will sell at 50c a pair. Yeu should net miss this chance, as it may never be offered te you again. Our stock of Kid Gloves must be sold down; the prices win sen mem. Dress Trimmings. Tremendous reduction in black and colored Braid Trim mings and Gimps. The season for these goods has been late, and we must turn them into cash. Come and see them! One let of Fancy Worsted 13 raids, reduced te 10c a yard One let of colored Silk Cord Gimps, formerly 50 te 60c, re duced te 25c a yard. One let of 2-inch wide Fancy Silk and Worsted Braids, for merly 50c, reduced te 25c a yard. One let of colored ball Braid Combination Trimming, for merly 75, reduced te 25c a yard. Black Braid Ornaments, re duced from 50 te 37c, from 75 te 63c, from $1 te 75c, from $1.25 te $1, from $1.50 te $1.13. Black Flat Mohair Braid Trimming, leather-edge, re duced from $1 te 3ec a yard. Come early and get the best bargains. Ne chance like this will be offered te you for a long time. ASTRICITS P. 0. F., Lancaster. TJtUMKS. R lMNQSADDLKS. M. Haberbusli & Sen. RIDING SADDLES. The riding season having opened, we are prepared te show the largeat assortment In the city el Ladles' and Gent's Biding Baddies and lJrldles. Alse Whips. TiVKMYBTYLKBOF; Ldite' and Ge's English Biding Crep FROM $1.00 TO (0.00, AT M. Habertesli fc Sen's SADDLE. HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANOABTKU. FA. MAOUlNXKr. pA'XTKKNB, MODFLH, dtc. Central Machine Works, COUNKU or UUANTANDCUUIBTIAN BTUKKTB, (ttearet Court Heuse). LANCABTKH, FA. Engines, Boilers, Machinery and Repairing, Patterns, Drawings, Iren and llrass Castings, etc. Hest eqnlpped Ilachlne and l'attcrn Step In the city ler light work. syoeod Wera, Fromplness. lteasenable Charges. decS-tld COAL, gAUMUAKDNKR'H COMPANY, COAL DEALERS. ?KSiB.tlSg,-,,nMMttt.n'1 N0- anrulta lakcabtkh, fa O B.MAHTIN, Wholesale and He tall Dealer In all kinds et liUMBKK AND CO All . sT Yad-Ne. im North Water and I'rlne Btreets, above Lemen Lancaster. nv-lja BUSINESS METHODS MADE PLAIN. The system of instruction at the LANCASTXU COMMKBCIAX, COLLKQK, la se simple and plain that any yonnglsdver gentleman can easily master all the details of abusinesa edncatien. eLIIIKUALTKUMB. Kvenlng Sessions Tuesdays, Wednee and rrldays. Full lnlormatlen given by u. a. wkii .ii Lanewvaz Cemmarclal Ceiieaa, oeuma Laaeaaur.Fa. M w ALL PAPER DEPARTMENT. HAGER & WALL PAPER 25-27 West All Grades of Wall Papers and Decorations. Facilities for doing all work In the best manner. All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. DECORATIVE WORK. Te meet the demand for Decorative Werk we have made special selections of t ine Hangings andDecerattve Materials, and have socured the services of compe tent decorators. KECENTIiY DECORATE D-G. A. It. Themas Pest Ledge Roem, Fulton Opera Heuse, Farmers' National Hank. HAGER & Nes. 25-27 West SARD A MCELROY. bard & 33 And 35 Seuth Queen Street, WHITE jRJSJ Cheapest rieunclngs In the City of Lancaster, yard Irera a 10 M cents less than regular prices. EKKSSfifJ J? cenU nlar price. 76 cents. E!'HIU,2Sl?IHEt.fl0en,8 ' regular price, 87K cents. FLOUNCING at 75 ceuU regular price, SI en. PLOUNBINU at II mi regular price, sircl XOUNUINU at II a I regular prteeV tUX cnrJES piA- .. ,5ar,2IV lwns aw.ie. griSY'l,ySi,J'L8H. !" ou - -- H.wwststuu vwuia aa, w D"VU ad ana 35 Seuth Queen Street, - fcWVWVfc1 JKSIRABLR SHADES DRESS GOODS. m-jJRLILSP0!1 le7 PS08. ea Fleer ou Cleth, Hema-mado Has CarpfU. low priced ana m.S!u.ne.ln,l7ain Sarpe,J. Matting, Feathers ana Window Shades. Best Table Oil cloth. e! Carpet Bag. taken In exchange, and the highest nrlces paid for geed Bags. prlcaTlSlr' exlme ftre nt 6'h. We are laUstlea with sraair lirenta, and yen will And ou . bard & Mcelrey, Metzger & Haughman Have new in Stock from Latest Importation THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS -1N- Henrietta and Gebelin Blue, Serpent Green, Metzger & Haughman's 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. NOS. J-EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. NEW TO-DAY. 1,000 Yards French Styles American Sateens at 12 1-2 cents ; were 25 cents. Among them are many beautiml Mourning Styles, including Small Pelka Dots and Figures. 60 New Patterns Swiss Fleuncings at 90c, 87 l-2c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.37 1-2, $1.50. Full Stoek Zspbyr Ginghams and Batistes. FAHNBSTOOK'S, NOB. 36 & 37 HAST KINO ST.. JKWKLHY, T3KON7.K3 AND FRENCH CLOOKH. BRONZES AND FRENCH CLOCKS. A few Breii7es and French Clocks ere left in stock and these we are new Belling at lowest prices in order te close them out. The newest and handaemeat designs in Sterling Sliver and Silver Tlated Ware. Alse Lemane's Finest Opera, Field and Marine Glasses. Come and examine net only these but ether goods tee. srVe guarantee all llepair Werk done by u?. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. CAMPMT BAKUAINH I 00 SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - FOK WILTON, VMLVBT, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BILLDXB, Ac We nave the Largest and Bwt Btoek in the Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cernir Wet King nnd Water Strata, Lanc&sUr, Pi ASl'llA 1.T BLOUKH. A HI'IIAIr KA.V1NQ BLOCK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., O lllce -601 Chestnut St, 1'hlla., fa, Werka-UrlOKepcirt, la, Caraflee, N. J. MANurACTumcEser Standard ABphaltPaviug Blocks eiZKSlzSxll AND VtixiyixVL In Kener&luse (erstrMtpavlng.siaewalks.gar flen paths, mill yards snd driveways, Riiitvn, cellaxa. Tats and sea. walla. Advantage: Melssleas. dnsUess, strictly sanitary, pructl. cally IndastrucUble and cheap, rer prices and lartheriuiuiuiatlen addrsss; R. B, OSTJ6R & BRO., Agents Laecasurca. 321 North rrlnce st,. lABewtr, fk. ml-Caa Bp, BROTHER, DEPARTMENT, King Street. BROTHER, Hioe St , Lancaster. Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Inn. GOODS! filch pattern contains X yards j each UK. 18, 10, a. eenu. An eatra anallt; Itvatnwc. ana up. A special flrlve atsiei worthiec Plata atiiHc I.aaies'1'ure . Opposite Fountain Ien Albatross Oleths, Oream, Gelden Ecru, &e, &e. --rtj LANOA8TBR, PA, HALLH. BAKUA1HB I - NKVICWSAK WEST KINO. IIAND-FAINTKU MKCKTIM AT KIIIS HAN'S. 42 TJOVH' HH.K END SUHl'KNDKUB, SiCKMTS, ATKKISMAN'S Neit Uoer te Bayler's l'hote Gallery. e I'KN KVKUV KVKNINU, KKllSUAN'l, (Mill riynn's Old Stand.) OROCKHIB0. anBSARD'S MILD CURED HAM V AMD BRRAKFAtT BACON. tTnnanalnd tar UtndaranM' and dellcaer of flavor. We guarantee that there Is nothing te equal them In quality In this market. Thou sands of the beat families are new using tnara. They give universal satisfaction. Try them and ten your neighbors. Dried Beet and Bologna nicely chinned. Priens reasonable. UKOlluBWIAhT. T BURHK'8. POTATOES I FOTATOBB I We hare a let or Potatoes at oe abnsnelwa think ehrapi cost mera money, but must be turnea. Karly 1103, geed, at we , ana Peer- toss at ec. GANNXD GOODS I . 'eirsConiat7Xeaean.or ""' Tomatoes r: """""".siorieat or airing iieansaimree viiierxnai OTi'urea vanneii Peaches at l5e . w very enmn. in. tKnnfld unrn lUbM tlMlM Paris or Pride ei Maine at lSc at au. iiUOKtVfi aoui'g aeui'g aoui'g Chlcken, Meck Turtle. -Tomate, Ox Tall, BURSK'S, MO. 17 KsVBT KINO BTRMT. I.ANOASTKB.l'A. QHKKBEI W. A. Reist 8c Ce.'s, Cr. East Kin and DnkeSts. ( rermerly lllnkley's ) OIIKISK-Thn rlnMt tmnnMArt tlntchliMfl or Edam, unrolled and lolled, flnoapple and Uoquefert Cheeses. TABL OlI.3-8.Kae A Ce.'s Iahnrn Italian Oil la claimed le tee the beat In the market. Basil also bottles, handsomely nnolesnd In PV!'.'.""''""1- Msohnve Alexis Oodll Oedll Oodll letfs Mpttetfs and lAtenrs. which are all sUndard goods and put up In small, medtnm and large size betUes. OLIVKS We have them te suit everybody, Alexis Qodlllett's queen Ullves In half pints, pints and quarts, are line and will be into te ploase you. PIOHIO BFKOIALTIK8-lleltr.ru, A Ceutls' Oatmeal, Urabam, rrnlt and sea Feam Warers. These goods aie put un In one and two pound H.nJ!'LckB'0K W8 n thorn In bulk also, l'lekles. mixed and plain Chew Chew, Cault. flower anil White Onions, Cresse ft Blaekwell's and mini's goods In small and large betiles. FBKE DEL1VKUY. TKLEl'HONK. W. A. REIST & CO., GROCERS. F ANSI FANHl FANHI Beist ! Wholesale and Retail Grocer ! -WILL U1VK AWAY T6-Morrew Evening, Commencing a 7 o'clock, 1,0,0 Mere et these COI1IO rANH. Delay Is Dangerous uet One vviiiie Yeu Yet Have a Chance. 1 Carload of Eiiewerks. Vhtnk of It I Enough te snpplj the whole Buy seu oeuniy. jieskr in mina thU these goods will be sad for cash ealy, and no trade solicited. We will occupy two large rooms en second fleer for WHOLESALE ACCOM si O- OATlON.and reserve the flvs larva winSkiwa front and ample spsce rene tall purposes. We will net go te the expense or paying a man te solicit orders, but will save you his expense and the commission he gets, by having you oeme direct te us, besides you ean better tell what you want by seeing our Immense stock. The difference will pay your fare and all ether expense Incurred. Next week we will display goods. Loek out for them. We will have i mere te say In our next advettlsement. This Is simply a reminder. UlllKI) BKEr AND WIVTEU UOLOdNA The finest beet In the world, for the money, KKa a pound. Winter llolegna, the only gen uine made during the winter month, and soil ing fast, only 23e apeunil. Onr Mew Picnic llama i" can't tell thorn from regular hums t nlce and Itnn : swoet and tender i only UHe apennd. l'lcklnd Trlpeln kegs only II U a key. BPKCIALTiKH-Crescent Olives, llot llet tled Mushrooms, Boneless Anchovies, An chovy faste, capres, Mettelr, Latenrs, and uodllet's rinest Table oust Deviled Qam, retted Meats, canned llolegna and Vienna Bausage i Boneless Bardlnes, llroek Trout, Bar etarla Shrimps, liuckln's canned Beupa, Ac. Coffee ground by electricity. Four Immense fans te fleut against extreme beat. The Are Light. The Cash Hallway. Plenty of lielp and a heavy stock te seleet from. Come and see what we are doing. It will pay you, Reist, Wholesale Retail Grocer, Cor. W. Klip; utdPrluc 8ts, l-ANCABTEU.l'A. J3EAD THIS TWICE. SOAP THAT IS A SOAP. We Don't Wlah te Belt soap Yeu, but If Yeu III ceme te Our bloie Te-morrow, Saturday, June 2, We will give you riVK CAKK8 of the hard eitwffabtntf 8 (up you nver biw, wlihone-half pauna m vjE,uitja'e FAMILY XKA.onlyaeo perbUf peuua. READ THIS TWICE. & Cakes tioed Hard Seap with one half pound 80c Tea. 5 Cakes Uoed Seap with one pound He. 1 CetTee. S Cakes Boap with one pound Ne. 2 Ceirce. a Cakes Seap wllhenu pound Me. 3 Coffee at KM a pound. 1 Cake of Boap with one pound et e. 4Ccf. fee at 23c a pound. Important te Ladies. Te any lady lulnglng In orders for TWENTY DOLLAUB WUttTll Or TEA. we will give thorn a One Imported Decorated Dinner Bet el 112 f leres; or a tine Imported Teaeea with TWENTY DOLLAUS WOUTU or curvEE. 1, H.-f.'mne and see the Ureat lUrgalns we are offering In BUU AKS, Ktc, SAMUEL OLAEKE'S W1IOLCSAI.K AND UKTAI L TKA AND CO". JTKK BTOUK, 13 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN BTRBBT, rOU UALH OK BUNT. RKHIDKNOE ON THE EA8T HIDE of Duke street, betweeu Orange and Chestnut, for rent. Innulrenf A.J.HTKINMAN, At this utrioe. m-Etd HOU8EHKOKHAI,E ON THK MOST liberal term., en Weit Cbrstnut, Wal nut, Lemen, Mary, 1'lne und Charlette streets. Apply at lnlCmd SO: N OUT 11 UAUY 8TUEKT. TJIOK KENT-KJiOM AFKIIi 1, 1B88, Mi forene or a Uirin of years, the Strtuburg Uallread, with Ceal and Lumber Yard, ware. house. Locomotive and Cars all In geed and running uruei. iug tuuu ui wis vaiaaDie property presents a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage In a pleasant, well Hstaullshed and profitable business, for con Oltieus, ivuv ur uiuur aaiuruiauen appjy u TUOB.Or UEMU1' UAUMaAUDMEIt, mt-Ud LascMter City, Va. MT CJOODE. jfT Q1Y1,EU'8 NE'WBTeItE: Summer Underwear! Ladles', gsnUsmsn's And Children's Bslbrirpui Quzi A Simmir Herlne TmU & Ftati. OABHMIB1 VJ3TB, rroin61n.te231n. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, UANDKEROUIEra, CeIebrledWlreUuckleSnipfBers, Linen Cellars & Cuffs. syEverythlng Cheap ler Caih. JOHIT S. &IVIER. Net. 6 & 8 North Queen St.' ...... 1AN0A8TEB, PA. marle-lrdEw JgliAOK HOSIEKY. Fast Black Hosiery! WATT&SHAND Always en the rulloek for the best prtstlble value In every departinenu Open te-day TUUKE SPECIAL LINES Or Ladies' Fast Black Hese, Wh'ch the Importers guarantee as fellows : 1st. Thatthe black Is el the pnreit pesilb'e dVP, and Will net Imnatrthn ilnmhllllv nf lh. goods. M. That they will neither creek nor grew " HaaMU loebut UUUDI lirUlUn IBs 3a. jnat taey wll! alwuyn reuin the perfect iiiclr, which cn nalther be romevea by re- iwwm wMuii uvx vjr AciiUi . 4lb, Any pair or Hese losing in color nfler rrinP TJ'JSfi?.0! '"i " otherwise In jure J UK TAKEN HACK ami the:purchasers, HIVV 9 VSUMUVUI These goods are mdi by one or the beat GhemnllK lnanufaeKirrra ana arn excellent valnes, at 29, S7H And DO CenU a Pair. We Alte Oren TO-DAY, New Lines of Ladies'Pure Silk Mitts, In lllack, Pull Length, 12Je a Pair. . 1'UEK SILK JEllSEYlUTTB.We nndlSea Pair. P5ttJF..B,,'lr JK8Y WITTS, Stitched Back, 37X and W fonts. rUI.L Ol'EHA-LSNGTII BII.K M1TTF, In Cream and lllaek, sultable ler Comuionco Cemuionco Comuienco uionls, at Lew Prlees, New Yerk Stere, 0, 8 & 10 B AST KI MO 8T. S TAMM 1IKOTUKK8. STAMM BROTHERS, Nes. 35 A 37 Ntrlh Qacen Street That's a Whopper. Was the remark made by many who read our rirst Announcement about a $ 1 00,000 Werth OP- New Spring and Bummer DRYGOODS, Notions, Embroideries, Etc, Just what we Kipeeted and Wanted. SELLING OFF -TO- OLOSE BUSINESS. Many or everybody would be very much snrprU&d at the TUBMEN DOUH BTOCK we have. If It Is net I100.UK) worth there's enough for te make all economical buyers happy. That's all we are atter. WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO NOTICE Tills. One Hundred Denn MEN'S FANCY 8KAM. LXSs 1IUSE, 2ue a pair ; were 2ie u pair. AMO NOTICE TU1H. Ten Pieces KINK TA1II.K LINENS, fiOe a yard were 73c a yard. AND HTILL NOTICE TH1H. ritteen Thousand Yards FINIST HLK ACHED UUtl.lM, yard wide, 7Ke a yard: was Oca yard. . DON'T FOKQET TO NOTICE THIH. Ten Pieces AbL-WOOI. CHEAf bUIT 1NO, lKrdswlde,M)cayard was 75c. TJAY ATTENTION AND NOTICE A. THIS. One hundred Dezen LADIES' HAT.liitifi. UANUAUZE VE31U 17c each were Mc NOTICE TU1H ONE. Plfty Dezen LADIES' FINEST CHECK UOSSAMJLlU.tl te each; weretiw. Black Cashmeres and Henriettas. IN QUKAT VAU1ETY AT T1IKM.OWEST PttlCES EVEU KNOWN, AVUEUEM11KU YOU OKT II M WOETH Or UUODa VOU 1 00, AT THE BOSTON STORE SELLING Otr TO CLOSE 11U81NKBS. nn TRA VXLKRa QUID. i mm JEADINO A COLUMBIA K ft, & Afrangtment of Passen nger Trains at). , MAY 1 J, WW. aiwr, SUNDAY I.M 0ETHWABO. Quarryvllle b, a.v. : EM lias list Its 11 H last A.M. Lancaster.. 7.40 unicaies..,. n Marietta JuneUen 4m ;! ," wuumDia. fsg BUng .i.M ,,A BOUTUWARD. Leave . w ?nB .7. Arrrlveat . iM?Ali? Jnnc0en Uhleklea..,.,,,,, in Columbia en laneaster gm Kl A.M. )1.W Ml. H. tot UN l.S 151 3M wf oireem.anc nse ynarryvlU ia.9) SUNDAY. LeATS Qnarrv villa at 7 in sl m. Kin street, Lane at 8.03 a. m and ItBfs siv'S Arrive at vi "... i, iu,iu , m,, ana oe p. m. & KsQlnir!at7"i1ii m .inlli. m i- , l' Arrive at ' " .,k-i Kins- Street, Lane., at 9.20 a. m.,Aad UiBkasV-l limrryviHe,Rt6.4flp.in. 13 m.. -. nt?y. and from Philadelphia, Petuvllla, liar ui- WB""a ew erm,;ria. Beui Ai.cJ,lnm.bla, with trains te and front Tea men7 ' MeUTDur' "rederlcE aa aisVl iMsauVXSt: ncuen with trslas s I """imwith trains te andtresA AtLnncnster Junsllen, with trattu teassl from Lancaster, Qnarri vJlle, and ChJekSTT A. i. WILaON TTlsiit. T EUANON A LANCASTER JU LINE BA1LHOAD. "" JOH Arntngoment of .nt J rsseBger Trains hl askt i alter, bpdat, mat la, 1888. TJ NIlRTIiwinn ave a. at. t v. Qnarryvllle muuwmm.t tr:l"," !' King btroet, Lane.. 7.00 ILIIII KM B54 ae? 6 SO jwireuutr 707 Manhelm 73,1 Cornwall 7.69 Arrtveat Lebanon mi hciii i'iimt Aim 13 43 MS 146 0 1.88 7.10 . .Leave am. r k. v. x j.ouanen ;u 1230 7e uernwatl .., 7S7 liJ 7.48 ut"n ....., v.ne .ll Lancaster. S2f l Alrlvu At 81M40 B4S King street. Lane, 8.U l.M 8.86 A. M. WILSON, Bunt. K. C. "'llrpa B. s.Ni:rr, Bupt 0. k. k, JMireM PKHBHTLVAH1A BA1DIOAD w8 BCHEDOl,.-in ateet rreVay Trains LBAva LAaeusraaaaf lMvaaEA'saC rive at Phlladelrthla aa fellows! mwmmJ PWladeipkla.! ISvT WHTWJJU), raeUeBzprsMf.,,., .1, p. H. taeiuas. sag a. at. nws kapi vast...,,.. tntavta'atwieVi fUCelamWA Nlagaraixpres..,., Hanover Aoeoa rastLlnet rraeenek Aeeem.... Lancaster Acoem.... Harrlsburg Accem.. OelnmblA Aeoem.... Harrlsburg Ezpreet i Wasters Expresst... EABTWAKD. tisesu as. rtaoeioait Urftea-iw. via Columbia via sib Jey, Eisp.ta. 1:40 p. sa. tcMp'BS. KM p. as. Leava Laaeastec, aw a. as, eaisktsu fcie a. as. tJO.BU B0a.sn. lMap.m. kB,SB. p.M. 4:48 p. as. e.-4e5.Bs. nua. Hznrassl Paat Llnel.... Harrlsburg Bzpreat ( ,Wi,,W VOX SWW3Uk m, oeinmbla Aeoem.,., mvmuww jsmpilMS..., PAUadsJphU Aoeom. BaaAayfiau.,, DayEzpressf esnsiDiug Aeoem.. jTke Lancaster AcoemmodtUoE mraaeniBg Marietta atUjq MMtettA ute p. as. and wrrii wsraji also, leaves at S:8t aad arriraa 1 " ymimnaMea,iaaTaa;. a me aad amvta at Lamaaatac 2 naeurgwith Harrtebnrg Enresa at td snunsi winnaiMMi Becuea at Lansaater wlU East at 10 n. sl. will ran tsmk in 1 11. The rrederlflk Aeecwraodatiea, aaat, 1 OalnMbia at UeVjaad raaaaailaiaitjiici .? 5H1. Biuiever Aoeommooatios, umbls. at 4:10 p.m. Arrives at 4.Bp.moennooUngwlUiDayEniiaaa ' atXasaastar with maauT Bi u. wju IBB UTOugE tO 1 Van Una, watt, ea Eat will atop at Downlpgtewa,C bur. ML Jav.BUlulintlitJnr trbaimiy tnUns which rtiadaUyTeisi w .. iiwa wat runs U3 OBAB. E. PUUU tienertl lUaAnc. &TA. VOMl'LKXJON J0 WDBR. c MI'LEXION POWDER. LADIES, mt WHOIVALUK A REFINED COXPLIXUMlt .yM VAAAWasVbiA4 X-JtV COMPLEXION &y?: POWDER,. It imparts a brilliant. taujspareac skin. Uemeves all pimples, froeklas 1 colorations, and mikM tfin .t,tiT7t. selt and beautiful. It contains no lltne.wk 'ihlte Vnfll.rnn..?-""""""' "" W ' FOU SALE BT ' , All DrusgiBta and Fancy Ooed; . m n 3 vs mi "i 1411 a3 9.17 Ml 9 IN V a sr V 7.SA aS S10 ASl' i -e Ei11 1I M aaa aa ill sssa.aB, Ki .aa- "S MKm ' m iia.ia - lea Tea "l8:10P.ai-sjid arnyaa atfiaiaUB a ks as. & Tta Martetu Aeeem medattew laavaa OajrfM' Ma at : a. m. and reaches Marletsaal HaV Alse. Mavaa Oelamhta at twsa a. aTaa3 XaTaT aainamsl raaat tlalaialam m. """ sivwywue, v: faj-nEWAUE OP 1MITATIONB.1 aprau lyd HUUUKR BEBOKTB. T UK " CUALPONTE." Ocean End et North Carolina Avenue, . t ATLANTIC CITY. KVJ. E, U011EUTS A BOMB. apr23-tsad Ty'ETHEKIljIj" ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Ocean End Kentucky Avenue. urwn s-euruary 1, te Neyember I. 1.00 1W1 .UJV, ,n - At.J.XCKEBT. mayl0-2md A TLANTIO CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. , . .. . ATLAHTIOCITT.H.J. Largnst Most Convenient Hetel. Elegantly Purnlsbed. Llberullv Manaired. uiwAaTLiBmA from lieach and Trains. Orchestra Muste. CUAS. MOULAD2. Ptap. W. E. Coeinuw. Chief Clerk. reexMand CAPON HlRlNOB AND BATH& ALKA1NK LITIIIA AND BUPEKIOE IUON WATEKS, UAMPSH1UE COUNTY. W. This colebrated MeunUIn llesert for bealUv M$ ana pleasure, uatns of any tempentuta 1 a jMa summer climate nnsurpassedt a charauajr v'iii summer home with its many improvements. aflcotnmeaaung biu guests, opens J nnei. Ear ..e medical and ether tesllninuy, send for ones. WJ lar. may7-Ktd T?. jl.aJU.Bii Proprietor. tievamruMMtMajMW moeb. lALL AND BUB -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty CandJe-Lignti BatU lham all, ABOUwr Let 01 CHffPOLOBaM 8M OA 011 surras. TBM "PMRTaKmOM3 METAL MOOLDIN9 BOBBBB CDUUOsI WEATHERSTRIP Beats them alLrrhls strip entwaara all etsaav Eeeps out the cold, step rattling et wtadawaT Bzelnde the dnsL Keep out snewsJtdMsaU Anyone con apply it no waste or din nit in applying It. Can be nttee rvjirlura sd holes te bore, ready for use. It will set spUt, warp or ahrlnk-a oushlea strip la the sual per&ou At the Btera, Haatax aad BAAfd "" -Off- JeLm P. Seliaiiin ft Sens, 84 SOUTH QUBMN BT I.MQAWBa.l'A. r ' j ii W: M ;" WM '".ii vtt. vy-a - Hi iV-TB SHfi ssssasaa t-4 '$ M 33 .m F! ihl D fe J. - ti Uj