V'e y m Tha Dally InteMncmr. -ieIwwJP T "" 1 k u.t maun"" publishes all the i2mihmmk the United rresa up te ' EfcSKpoMlblehenr. -'MglBS-TM DBy ditlen of Tm Irniiv -mmm it t!rerMt by carrion In the city a4 vaneandtng town for loe. per week i cajy wma. . a yearj W.M for ttz month , jui for ttree BMJnUu t eec per month. n Wmut Imixteiiicn (Deuble Bhcet) ,f --Ht rages, enlr ILW per annum, in ad--S fcWMerlben wishing their address changed ' if ' trartef-: tf,r ATrUwnenU from 10 te 25 cu.per line ;i ' Men nseruen, Becoming te tocauen. THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, Pa. Telephone Connection Allen 0. Thnrman. "Who Bays that Allen O. Thurman Is tie old for the vice presidency ? He will be Mventr.flve years old In November Mxt. If men of that age are net fit for public life, why should Gladstone be leading the movement for Heme Rule In Ireland, when in his Beventy-nlnth year V And why should Bismarck, at the age of seventy.feur, carry upon his shoulders the great burden of managing the Ger man empire. Lee XIII. is in his seventy ninth year, but that does net cause his laborious sovereignty of the lleman Cath olic church te fall into desuetude. "Wel lington, Falmersten, Gulzet, the late German emperor, and "Winfleld Scott, were all pretty well up In years before they bull t their enduring reputations. It la net needful te place a man en the re tired list when "lie gets te be mere than threescore and ten. It often happens that then his wisdom, fortified by long years of experience, is most valuable te the people. Tburman's name en the Democratic ticket along with that of Cleveland, makes a platform nlmest unnecessary. The careers of the men are the best pro pre mise te the people of their f uture works. Allen G. Thurman was a member of the Federal Heuse of Representatives when James K. Polk sat in the White Heuse. He has been a judge of the supreme court of Ohie, and chief justice of that body. Per two terms he sat in the United States Senate as Ohie's representative, and his record was snow-white in its purity. He It was who compelled the passage of the " Thurman act," requir ing the 1'acIDc railroads te provide for the payment of their indebtedness te the government. On all questions that came before him in his public career, he has been a tribune of the people, and nene is dearer in the rank and file of the Demo cracy te these who leve the party, than the " Old lleman" His nomination Is an excellent display of strategy. It forces the Republicans te leek after Ohie and accept the challenge with the name of Jehn Sherman. It Sherman is chosen. the Pacific states will go Domecratlc be cause of the Ohie senator's Chincse record and general unpopularity. Mr. Thurman will be chosen vice pres dent, and he gives every premise of liv ing te the end of his term, thus rounding out a career that has already been illus trious in the annals of the country. A Twenly-Fenr Mlnnte Scene. That was a very enthusiastic scense in the St. Leuis convention ever the Clove Cleve land nomination, it la very notable hew masses of men act and react upon ene another in working up their feelings. One may justly think that a national political convention is likely te have as little emotional feeling in its membership as ny known style of mas3 meeting ; cor cer tainly less than an assembly of women, or 01 men ana women together, or even of the average run of men. Yet these conventions ere always chamcterJs'ed by scenes of great exclteraent at cerlnln critical moments. Of ceurse it is do de aired te welcome tlie nomination with enthusiasm, and excitement is worked ud ; but it does net need n very big lift te take care of Itself. It grows with what it feeds upon, and every moment increases in strength until it dle3 away only from physical ex ex hamtlen. It takes a big hall and n big -criwd of people te give It fullest develop, xnent, and these are provided In the mod ern national conventions, which only ex position buildings are big enough te held. Our Methodist friends take advantage of this tendency of humanity te glow un der cultivation in a crowd, and their re vivals testify te the success of the plan. They get the crowd in the campmeeting, upon whom the exherters have free rlay and a fine chance of success in making converts. It the llepubllcana of tbe country could all have been brought under the magnetic lniluence of that2t that2t minute scene in the St. Leuis conven tion, they would have been converted in great droves. The rresldeul and the l'arty. The Philadelphia Xafycr candidly de clares that no president for fifty years has done better ineillce than Cleveland, and, barring his tariff message, which it charges upon his edvlsera rather than himself, It has little fault te find with him. It says the following just things of him: very He has eerfalnly been fearlcss Jn tlie dis charge of his duty, as he saw It. Certainly lie has dene brave things that would only M done by man conscious of his own rur POM te de what he thought ilghL He lias S2i?ter?d ? demaRoguery; hasehewn 5??te7J5,g.Mna til0aa f'ue recent) of being led by small cliques: has fexcent I'M0 taJ1lP. den8 h' thlnktagV Worked out bis own nnnrA nf ,ib' nnA hMi t.i. . . '. -.VI4 iJfmiSf.,JnP0rt'?t PPelntmenu. admlnUtratlen has been free mat- Ills from hftAn uuiuwt ur personal rcandal : has be&Mt and clean. There have b have been no BO war department corruptions no pr". fllala waste by United (States marshala ' BOtreMurycomblnaUens or speculations ' no corrupt operations In or through the land office. Ke American t E abroad has had occasion te droop nts eves In shame because of any such things undir Mr. Cleveland's administration. On the contrary, there has been a resolute ciiert te promote honest government, te Increase effloleney and te lessen expenses. The president is credited with meie radical vlewB en the taiirr than he really holds. He may believe abstractly in free trade as a great many de who aru thong advocates of protection. In fact, as we liave often pointed out, there are no prac tlcal free traders in this country. The Mills bill is a protective measure nnd is intended te adequately protect every bhu-xwiuie rerjrjeriEH : nn n im.i..:. -- MIUKJ juuusuy, It simply proposes such reduction of uty as our industries may Lear without lwy. That the president and the Mcracy favor, and no sensible man in te country ought te object te ; and none J2 ,l?Ztt? Krowseas te fmh ultimatly free tla3e. m h t if it does, if our industries are net then hurt thereby ? The St. Leula convention will net adept any declaration upon the tariff that any manufacturer can reasonably object te. It will declare for adequate protection. It will reafllrm the platform of 1881, and maintain the ancient pesJ tlen of the party en the tariff. It has net changed nnd will net, because it is siund nud fair. There is nothing new in Its position te-day. 1 r. Tne Lady and the Newspapers. t The fashionable novelist of the hour is a picturesque Virginian whose success is largely due te her ability, but mere largely te her own interesting personality. Miss Amelle Hives bj a beautiful and spirited girl, and correspondents of the press, and purveyors; of literary twaddle for the magazines, have given their pens full swing in description of the daily life of this flower of ene of the first families of Virginia. Many of these descriptions deserved as high rank in fiction as the work of the lady written of, and they created most ravenous hunger for the product of her genius, and aroused the jealous spirit of criticism that is always ready te operate en the vanity of every new light In literature. Her literary triumph had been forced by the unnat ural stimulus of personal interest in the author and her work has suffered terribly at the hands of honest but un gallant critics. Had she been content te win a place in literature by slew and steady work under another name, as Miss Murfrce did wltii the signature of Charles Egbert Craddock, she might net be half as widely known but her literary future would be brighter and mero certain. As it is,8he is new the victim of several sorts of newspaper cnterprise, and if her fame does net die of tee much handling by friendly and hostile critics it Is In danger of murder at the hands of the personal reporter and iuterviewer. A Cincinnati journal has reliable information te the effect that Miss Hives Is confined te her bed from the effects of the severe criticism passed upon her latest novel, and the Bosten Evening Jlccerd in its fierce deter deter mlnatlen te upheld the literary prestige of the "Hub" starts a wild rumor that tlie authoress is te marry the son of n Beacon street millionaire. Newspaper enterprise of New Yerk had already engaged the lady te n gentleman of that city, nnd the correspondent of the New Yerk JFcruU at once started In full cry en the trail of the Bosten sensatleu. Taking a large supply of brass, he called en the Beacon street millionaire and found him out. He r.esed out a few in tangible rumors as te the prcsence of the nuthoresi Romewliero In Cambridge, nnd found that the seu nf the millionaire had left a ring at a jewelry store for repairs. These awful discoveries wero duly wired te the New Yerk JtniM, and conspicu ously published nleng with the tele grain from illchmend, Virginia, announcing I that Miss Hives is atlierliome, and de-1 ...., ,. . . ..I nylng that the Bosten rumor has the I least foundation. The criticism of her work appears te have been well deserved, nnd en that bcoie she will net find much sympathy, but this onlcleus investigation of her private llfe,carrledonse recklessly by enterprising newspapers, is a modern penalty of noterloty that arouses pity for the victim. Miss Hives may loam hew te bear It gracefully by noting tlie dig nity nnd tact with which Mrs. Cleveland lias met and disarmed the same class of newspaper wi Iters. Tin: Domcerntlo chariot will carry (JIovo (JIevo (JIove lanil and Tmirmau te vlotery In Novembor. HATi'iniAvnext will be a big day for the local wliccliuei), as they will have a great blejclu meet nt MeUrann's park, Thore will be many strangers hore, nnd the ovent ilrHotve-i onceurogoniont from the roeplo of I.auoaster. It will glve h new im im pume te bicycling hore and will IntroUuce many new frlemls Inte tbe liospltabte tlo tle maliia of our fair oil)'. 1'eiTMOws wants a steatn reller. Wheu itgotaenc, Hwlll, llke .Lancaster, wonder hew It ever get along without one. Tin: niombers of the Heaalng bar com plain tbnt the proRent methed pursued by thoceutt In making appointments, uueli as ineaterH, oetntniaalonors, auditors, ote., Is net equitable, They demand a referm in that rospect, and au equal division of theso appolntmenla atunng all the members of tbe har without partiality. Heveral attorneys chared parll.illly en the part of the court In making nppelntmrah, claiming that sotne mombera of the bar had been Ignored for yeatH, whlle rolatives and faverites wcre lewarded. The loselutions were ndopted by the liar asoelation and a commltteo ai ai peinted le lay them bofero the JudgOB. l'i.KYi:r,sii ankTuuhmanI Why, the electeral t o'.lrjje will be nearly unanimous for thctu. Tun bandanna 'korehlefmarketls brisk ; although thore la but a Hllght advance In price slnoe yesterday's quotatlenc, the preHjiects niethat the stock en hand will b9 seen oxbausted, ICyoryeno wants a bandanne. 'lUii for lhe tiomlneus Ht. Leuis ronveutlon I selected by the Tun colerod man Is beginning te roallze lhat the Itenubllcan party Is net the one tn advance thelr Interests. This shows his new political foeling: "Nearly a hundred representative colored Demecrats from aiore than n dczsn itates, but chltlly from the North, met In St. Leula en Tuesday and forrned a National Democratic Leagur. A coumilttce was appointed toreprosent the loagueatthe goneral Uemocratle Leaguo meeting te be held in Haltitnore, July -1th. ltesolullens were adopted endorsing tie administration of I'reaident ClevelaniL The plan of organization and the purpose of imuuBguu is 1110 same as ether similar leagues of the great parties." m An, there, President Uloveland I Yeu will occupy ihe White Uoube uutll Maich i, Ib'.KJ PERSONAL. Misi i:ntA Union, of Manhelm. weu imwvM Kr. ."""'emental muita at tK Luthervllie, Mil,, female Beminary. J1ani;i:h 11. , Jamisen started nn ht Tu,e"uay!"'-h0 Ul1' " Sie en blibntunt ZA I)it. LmoineN Celeman, ofHsyre l'a has been olected bishop by the I'foteant -KJ,iI,'al conventlon of the dloese of I)el. I'lliclisnlwill Net i, Tflwli The flelaware county grand lurv baa Ignored the bill of indictment1 against Alexander i'rltcbard, colored, charged with perjury en the trial el Barnaul Jehnsen, for the murder of Jehn Bbarple8. Prltehani has been under arreat in New Yerk for wveral day awaiting tbe action of the grand Jury, and a dispatch was sent te the New Jferk authorities te release him. ffEE IjASOABTER PAILT Weary "id Wern. When the tire! factory operative, tlie WMr? out ilmir laborer, Urn overteiled lioeUccpcr or clerk cck a medical recompense for ex. pendlliireeMindily forcc.whcre shall lie find lt rmilil the recorded expcrlencn of then sand of nnrlrrn lie vslccd, (lie X crdlct would he Hint HnHrltcr's Memacb Hitler, renown falling ttrciiKlh. Mlmnlatca tlie Jaded rncnlnl powers in ireMi ncimiy, nmi rrmxei uncine iirniutt,nmiina nothing cite does. Dlgcs lien, n rrirulflr habit nf lrfxlr. annctlte find ik'i'p lira promoted by It. nm) It In an ml mlrnlile auxiliary In llic recovery of licallh liv cnmalcrrcnt. A fnttlillnu. stomach In net iilTpn.lccI by It, end te pcrenn nf IkiIIi cxea In ilrliruln health uhoeroulonnlly feci tlienccd of an cfllclcnt Ionic, the whole range of tlie plmrnmcnpiila nnd Hie cntalngtie nf proprie tary medicine, does net present n inoretiKcful safer or mere dccltlra one. Itl. ulie Incom parable for fever and ague, rheumatism nnd klducy troubles. Trie Handsomest udy in Lancaster . Uemarked te a f rtena the ether flay that alie knew Keinp'i Balsam for the Threat and Lungs was a suporler remedy, as It stepped: whatever. noreouxn insuinuy wnen otners baa noenc 6Ver. BOtOtirOYQ this and pnnvlnAA vnn u iui iiierii- any pin Bettle Y. of It mertl, any drngglst will alve von a Bam. Large size Wc nnd 11,00. ivn a Knp tore care guaranteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Ease at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of curea after ethers tall, advice free, Bend for circular! inarlO-lyd A w HVKOIAL KOT1VKS. H. U. Cochran, Nea. 137 anfl 139 North Qnenn treet. Lancaater, fa., I soiling; BIlIbOH'S COUUI1 CUHB us a Rnarnntee te euro au hreatanalunit tronbles. (8) BIULOII'SOUUK will Immeaintely rellnve Crenp, Whoepln CeurIi and iironehltta. rer sale by II. 11. Cochran, Drugfc'it, Ne. 117 North CJuiwn atrent. (7) ethers Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Aroyeu disturbed at night and breken of your rest by a sick child sufferlna; and crying with the excruclatlng pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at ence and get a bettle of MllB. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING a VUU1 It will ro re ro llevo the poerllttlo sufferer Imuiodlately do de pond upon It 1 thore Is no inlstake about It. Tborelsneta inotheron earth who has eve used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will rogulate the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and rollef and health te tbe chua, operating llke magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all caeca and pleasant te tbe tnse, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nnrses In the United States. Beld overy where, 24 cents a bettle. mayiaiydAw WUYWIU, YOU COUOll wben Bhlleh's Cure will irt ve lmmedlala rollef. l'rlce le eta. . Becu . and 1. Ker aale by II. II Cochran, Drug' gist. Ne. 1S7 North Uuoen street. ej One of my children, a ulrl about nine years e!d had a very bad discharge from ber bean and nose of a thick, vollewlah matter. We had two physicians piwcrtbe rer her. but without benefit. We trled Kly's Cream Halm, ana much te our surprise, thore was a marked Im provement, we continued using the Halm ana In niberttlina thaaiacbarge was nniiur antly cured.-O. A. Cary, Corning, N. Y. l'.ly llrotherc, I have been Mulcted with ea- tarrn. 1 purLhnaed 11 buttle or your Cream llaltn. It una niructed a cnmpletn enre. II C. Abbett, Wtlrunt Ave, Allegheny city, l'a. myjl-2wdoed&w A Weiiiau's IHacevery, " Anetner wonderful dlacover m - ...... . .- 'J ....J lonre hn. been innueaiin vnai loony a may In this oeuntrv. Illun..n f.ta.i.nn1 I... ....... . -. . - ","ji""' .wenj.iun il4 wiuiuiivH iincm nor. ana for soven sears nhe withstood the severeat testa, blither vltnl organs wero ttndonnlned and atfatli eeemed Imminent. Bhe bought a bettle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, nnd was be much relieved mi tnklnir llrjt doae that she slept all night and with ene bettle has been miraculously cured. Hot Het name la Mia. Luther 1 nix ilms writes W. I), llamrick A Ce , of filial by, N. C. dot a froe Klai beitL'? nl Uochren'a lig Stere, 137 ana 13 J North Queen stroet, 1-uncaatcr, l'a. (j) unckien-a Aruic Bat. BViS5HRft,?.?.I!;orJa,erSI,u,"n,,0 Bres. ulcera, Bait lthnutn, Kuver Borea.Toltor JPC00 "anas, chilblains, corns, ana i ail Bklu Eruptions, una positively euros l'lles. or no pay required. Ills guarnnuwn tnirivnnnr. lect satlslactlen. or tnntinv mUminX i.v.A 85 cents per box. Fer aale by 11. n. Cochran. Druggist, Nes. W ana 1!W North Queen atroet; 1-ancaster. l'a. June27.iya Virat-Claia Insurance. Inaure with Thomm' Aeleetrie Oil. It la the cheapeat and best inothed Insurance we knowef. Jly IU use you nr. aurn te oacipe inanygrovleus acties hii.I pains. I'ellclca are obtainable ntall rtrnggHtiii the form of bot bet bot tles at 5U cents nnd II each. -or sole by H. II Cochran, druggist, IS ami Uu Netth Uuoen street, iJincaster. '"i 93oenUperbox. ITer aale bv 11. II. n'nchrnn Well a Kter. I-otlle Heward wnles from liutrale, N. V , "My syxumi bocame gieatly ilubllttuted thiuugh arduous ltrolesslonal rtutlea. Butrorea .i!'V5i,m,"M'f ",e', heiidaelie. ana biliousness. tried riirtfucA: iffoeil JUtltn with the most bonellclal oirect. Am well as ever." Ker s"le K?,".'."-.Cec.hr?n,ar"g"lat1:l? d KUNeith Uui-en street, baucester. The Verdict Unanlmues. W. 1). Hlllt. DniPi'laf lllnnn. I... ..... "I can recemmund Kloctrle Hitters iu U10 verv boatrtJinedy. UvorybetUoBoUl has given reliel In every case. One man took six bottles, ana was cured of Uheuinatlsm of le years' staiid .HFiAb,?l,,a.m "are. llollevlllo. Ohie, fiiiinns : "lhe beat selling inodlclne 1 have uver ban h'i??35..,"Kww yea!?' ;PH"co, la Kloctrle lillters." Thousands or ethers have adaed tholrleatlmeny.so Uiat the verdlct human! human! inena that Kloctrle UlUers ae euro till au eases of the Liver, Kirtney or illoea. Ker sale "at il . Cochran's Drug Stere. 137 and lw North Uuoen Blroet, Iumcaater. l'a. (-') Their llualneas Uoeiulng. I'rebablv no ene thin ir hnar-inand .... nril-iidniil f'nAhrnii'd1n... ... ?.. I'1".1 . Bu " r .. "-" - . ih afcFiui LllUlT IflVltl ...... .... Yr,;.ku.e i Buiimiiyiieu bottles of Dr. King's New Dlsceveiy for trial Ig y ler Cen- BUIMI1I.IUII. iiiuir irnuu li siinni v enariiiniie 1.1 tnis very valuabloartlcle fiem lhe fact that it i,w2y,i!U.V3" ftn.? "ov.er dltappelnts. Ceuglia. Celas, A8thma,llronchlUs,cieuii ana all threat and lung dlsoiwes quickly enred. Yeu can Uut 11 uuiura iiiiyiiig uyguiuuga trial botUelroo Kverv bettle warranted, (3) n'ANtfA m. ukj: V 1'uiladblvuu, Thursday, j,me 7, ibss. The Park will close this week. Second fleer, north cress gallery. Anether sensation in Furni ture. This time 75 Sideboards. Prices were $S te $225 ; are new?5 te 3175. Like the 2S0 Bedroom Suites reduced last week, all these pieces are except three rare Antiques at two-thirds prices bright and fresh goods. They include all the popular weeds and proper styles. Very few duplicates. If you are inter ested, come quickly. The following are the leading items: Mahogany (genuine antique) HMeinanl Mdobeunl Dark Mahogany Sideboard. ,, fldebeuia .Shlrlieard Utdcbeara rihlobeard,,,,, Hldebeird Yesterday. Tnda ("5 fliu' iUJ l.'i - Iire ") 110 17.S hhi I '4 IS" 1IKI KM 7S Natural Mahogany Sideboard fi5 Walnut: SUloheiM N-, BUltibeard no Antique Oak : t'.W (145 Hi Hlclcitieuril Hhleheaia rtloehoaia UlUebnara 175 Iu) l 70 ei 45 4U x ii'i hi ninotieaiil Hldebeanl ''.'.'.'.'.'.'. ..'.'.'. 711 til uiiiubenra Hiaebeara Hldsbeara M siaouearu Uidebeurd 3i Natural Oak : Mdebeard,, n klil.l.n... --.,... htilcbeara 175 HI Hldubeard Clierry : MldebraTd.., B debeara ... Mulhltnar 70 05 70 1 7.1 113 31 1 Bidcbend.;;. "::..: :::::: ks IS Light Ash, Imitation Walnut, and Antique Finish Sideboards, $5! were $8. 3J XtTEIaUGENOErw, THURSDAY. JUXE 7. 1888. WANA.itAKBlt'8. Bocend fleer, Juniper street side. 102 All-wool Saxony Com bination Robes. 8 colorings; were $12, and a few days since marked $8, but they arc new $6 for a quick move. Beth style and quality make them worth special attention. Seuth of centre and west of main aisle. II your heart isn't en the very latest styles of French Sateens, you can't afford te skip the just-marked-down-te-25-ccnts let. They've been ZV2 and 31 cents. Seme of the richest, finest, silkiest Sat eens we have are among them. Northwest of centre. In a very little time we have sold ever twenty thousand pairs of Men's Half Hese at y2 and 15 cents. Anether let of 8,500 'pairs, stripes at 12J4 cents, and plain colored ribbed at 15 cents, just here. Among the ribbed are 2,400 pairs of blacks, fast color. Of course it seems impossible. Ulddle Market strcet entrance. Rese Jars. Japanese, Big and little, for little or much, but always bright and cheerful : Owarl. 25te8Jc. bljl, BJote II. Kaga, WctetGM Se of Japanese Vases. There's sunlight in the plainest : HIJt. tee te II 7S each. Owarl, 7Bc te 11 71 each jwik, via 10 17 ou each. Uasoment, north west of contre. Steamer Chairs. Whatever kind your fancy leans te. $1.85 te $4.50. Delivered en beard steamer in New Yerk, if de. sired, without extra cost; 25 cents drayage en each let if put en beard en the Jersey side. ISoaemont, Maraet street slde. Keystone Culinary Beaters. Anether show of them. Twe or three turns of a crank, whiz-z-z, and white of egg is solid (20 seconds) ; new flavors te fruit, snenpe cake without baking powder, and a hundred ether things as strange. Small size $1, with glass jar; large size $2.75 ; pail 40c mere. llosemcnt, loot of conlie stairs, JOHN WANAMAKER, Phlladelphla. mkdiuajT. TIUl'S HAKSAPAKlLLA. REASONS WIIVAYKU'SBAUSAI-AnibbAlSl'IlKKKU- A11LKTO ANY Oril Kit roil Til KCUUK OK 111,001) DiaKASHB. llocauanne rolanneua or dclolorlouslngre dclelorlouslngre dclolerlouslngre aionta enter Inte the coiiipnjltleu or AYh'U'a Sarsanailllu. Aycr's BiUfmpail la cnntnlnB only lhe pur est una most eircctlve leinedlal properties. Aycr's Siraparllla U prepared wl h ox ex ox treine care, shin und clcnnllness. -Aycr's ."arsapiillla ii preicilutd by load lead lng iiliyslclaus. Ayor'sSarjiiparlllaljleraiilo everywhere, and loceininendod by all Hrl-cl8BjdruggUts. -Ayer's taiaiparllla U a bovuratfe In dlaguUe. a medicine, ana net Ayer's Barsapnxltla never falls tnnilnctu cure, when peislstently used, nccerdlng te dlrtetleus. Ayer's Barsapiiilials a highly conrenlr. ted ex tract, and thoreroro the meat economi cal llloed Mullctne In the uiatket. Ayer's Barsaparllla has had a aurceasful caroer el neai ly half a century nnd was never se popular as alptescnt. -Ten thousands of teatlmenlala are en flle from these boiienllod by the use el Ayer's Sarsaparilla. rnRrABBD Br Ayer & Ce., Lewoll, Mane, six bettle? , f5. Werth 5 a bettle. Dr. J. O. 1'rlceJi lunolleio AYKH'H HAMHAl'AKILLA. VOHUALS AT k ,.H. -OOCIlUAN'e liltUQ HTOHK. af ' YZ dl l" yaoeu st" l'ncaster, l'a. w ILL ALWAYS WIN. And for this very reasen thcrets TltUK net te-day a remedy within the reach of the public mere highly MKltrr prlzed for Us valne In the house hold, In the conntlng-reom, work werk WII.I. Bhep ana factory, than Uknsen'm l'LABTKit as a remedy for aches and ALWA1S pains of overy klna. In Coughs, Colds, lloarsenoas, l'leurlsy, Cheat WIN. Tains, Uheiimatlsm. Bclatlca ana . . . 'WcfcaeliH, llKNeeM's 1'lastkii la ro re ro ceq;nlioa by jihyaiclana ana publle as un ex ex tenial remedy without au equal, it acta promptly, pleasantly, and utiecttially. Te atcure geed results always ask ler Hhkren's and tase no ether plaster Many worthless plasters are otleroa en the reputation of Hkn. son's, but ca'.elul buyers won't be deceived. () H UMt'UKUYS' llompepnthlc Veterinary Spcclllcs. l"or Hei ses, Cattle, aheep. Dogs, lleirs l'eul- , try. fe) l'AUK HOOK On Treatment of Animals ana chart Sent rroe. CUllKS-reverM. Congestion, InQatntnatlen. A.A. Hplnal Meningitis, Milk rover. U.li. M ruins, Ijimouess, Uheuinatlaiu. O.U. Ulatomper, Nasal Ulscharues. D.D.-lleta or urubs. Worms. K.K. Coughs, Heaves. 1'noamenla. K.K. Celic or Uilpea, llollyadie. 14.(1.-Mlscanlage, Hemorrhages. 11.11. Urinary and Klaney Diseases. I.I. Kruptlve Il9iuie8. MaiiKe. J. IC Diseases el Digestion. s'VA!".K..CiSKl with Speclllea. Manual, Itch lUrel Oil ana Medicated.... ......; 00 1'ltlOK, SluglolletUe(over Waeses). ." iu 801.1) IIY DltUUUISl'S s ok 8KNT 1'UKI'AIU ON HKUKlf'l' Ori'ItlCK Humphreys' Med. Ce., lw rulteu St., N. y Humphrey' llonicepiitlilcSpccllle e L'S. In uae 30 yours, lhe only auccesalul remedv for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness dni 1'rostratleD from ovor-werk or ethur causes 1 euiwr Ul. or B vials and large viol iowaer celSt letlricTa bT' 0r "ntPWtPildeii re HUMI'llUKYS' MKDICI HK CO . , , . . 1P: ,lM "ulten streel, , y. matl71yaAvTu,TbAd . SKVK, HUKK AND Hl'KKDV OUUK. Itupture, Varlcocelo and Sixiclal Dlseaana of either sex. Why be humbuggea by euactra when you can dnd In Dr. Wright the only Use. ulah I'll vhuun in l'hlladnlphla who mukes a rtHiclalty et the abeve dlseasea, ana cuum TlllMT CtlHKM UUilUNTSIl). AdVlr trnJT. ana uven'.ng. titraugers can betreateaand ru turn home sauiuauy. Ollleva prtvate. UK. W. II. WKIUHT. 241 North Ninth Street, Abeve Hare. . e. tiex en I'hiiadeiphiV !b lydAw "" AKE YOU CONBUMITIVE T USE PAUKKU'd U1NHKKTONIU without acluy. A inre inrdlclual compound luucurvs when all else IkIH. Has cuix'd the worst cases or Cough, Weak Lungs, Asthma. Indlgeatlen. Inwaid Pains, hxhaimllen. lu! yaliittlile rer Itheumatlsiu. Kenmle Weakness, ana all pains and dUerdnrs or the Stomach and bowels, wic. at uruggldts . i. "lOUEsrON UOI.OUNK, Urujgiluf.rnl "U1 Ltt,tluK' i'enumee. V), TOBA COO. I USD in A r " QLD H0NK8TT. 1NOUK rerULAUBUANO Old Honesty Will be feunda combination net always te be had, A. NE QUALITY OK I'LUO TOBACCO AT A KKAtONAHL 1'ttlCA Loek for the red H tin tag en each plug, HRST-OLASS AETIOLE IN- Chewing Tobacco. DON'T TAIL TO QlVlt OLD HONESTY A V Allt TltlAL. AskyourCealorforlt. Don'ttakeany ether. JNO.FINZER&BROS. LOUlflVILIiB, KT. iioetu and huekh. B OOT8ANDHUOKH. D. P.STACKHOUSE. BEASONABLE SHOES -A5D- SLIPPERS. Fdident bnyers will censnlt their own In terest by axamlng tha many bargains In sea sonable Shoes and Ullppers that we am new able le oirer, which we haye secured at a very low prlce. A s we nre able te sell them nt prices nover bofero heard or, It will pay you te call early as possible, rer they must be sold. D. P. STACKHOUSE, 23 & 30 HAST KINO, ET., LANUASTKIt. I'A. aMlydftw TKW HU01C Hronis. The Pedestrian I Te men dealrlng an easy and comfertablo M100 we -neuld lentmmeiid the Pedestrian. The uppers are made of two places of calf skin, Ihorerere doing nway with tl-.e extra ten usually feuna In men's sheeB! hana-sfiwea anri without llnlntr. coneauouUy, there Is nothing en tboinaideor the shoe te hurt or chule the feet. LOW SHOES. A very dcalrable line or low-cut shoes for mrn'sweir. A hand-made, oxfera tee, plain breaa tee. makes walking eay. Alse the same atyle shoe In Dongela.sou ana easy te the feet, foryeung men's wear, In calf and Dongola, narrow tee una tip. , OXFOBD TOB3. Our line ofOxferd tees Is larire. eyerythtng iletlrable fei ladlis, inities an cot prising children In low-cut nhrwm Tennla nna lllcycla ahees of every dcacrliv tlen nml lit all nrleia. ' Wigwam sllppers for men's, boy's, ladles', mines' and children's we'ir. H. SWILKEY (New Cash Shee Store) 'e. 24 North Qaecn Street. LANUA8TKK, l'A. martMmd F KEY.VKCKKUT. HOW TO SAVE riteM- 25 te 50 Per Cent. WRIIAVK IIOUUIIT W1TMKUIIKHS' KNT1UK HTOCK OK 1I00T3ANDHH0KS. AT A GRBAT SACRIFICE ! And net having room for thsm In our KA8TK1NO ai'ufieTSl'UKK, we reaeued te wnore we munt aril thorn en In a row Weeit At and Belew Cost. wn ?M?.J.b..?.te!lt nre 80U1 oriue D09t makes We will ppsitlvely sive you from ss te 6U per cenuen all the goods bought at thla stere. i.l'.M,1 ".,lj2ub' "na Kla "utten Shoes, lie. J! 2 "'O Spring Heel Bheea, 4 te 8's, W. Uhlia's Kid and I'ebble Spring Heel Shoea regular prlce 7&c una We, wis.' B ' anail.w''ilroe.LaCO Bhoe, "8u'ar l'rlce l,25 Chlia's anil Misses' Ornln Lace Shoes, reiru. larprlco(X)eanaiiio, sei. u. ngu- All klnasef Mlses' shoes, Heels ana Biirlnir l.r5Wa,na&a,1-'-U1 'W' ""-S Special Inducements. As we have a large let et 2V.3nndSVwa theje "aSSgi1 UurKa,"a te " who ?5f ? lrupr.c'e.'W? ""ee.. for iuki t s.ie and ts SS shoes ler 4 ui! 00S Space iallsus te mention prices of our Men's Shee,, but we will sellthoaejustascheupas the above mentioned prices. " ""l.' as , tf'',t0800,oOeoas whether veu Intend tn purchaie or net, we will cnnsiaer It nii TKOU llbh; te show the goedi at these prices! The One-1'rice Ctsh Hotibe, RY I J The Leaders of Lew Trices in Beets & Shoes. HIUNril HTOItK NO. 29 WEST KING BTKEKT, (Xuxt Doer tollnger's Steie ) MA1NBTOKK: NO. 3 EAST KINO STUBBT, LAN OASTBR, PA. ,.JS.(.,.71S,l5r,A" w.0.V.u;sl P?Uly vacate ......:.. . ' ' " "'" l'iis oiero open every eveiilni:. ariili.Tn inVJlma CAHKiAuaa. OTANDAIU) WOKK. EDW.EDGERLEY CAKKlAUi: HUILDKU, N03 49,U4T,CMAUKET BTKRBT, ItCar Ol Poitiilllce, ljincaster. pa, 1 have In Stock and llulld te Order Every artutyet tholellowlng stylus 1 Coupe, Hui. Klus, CabrlnlelH, Currlngia, Victorias, Business JVttKena."l"Cttita, HuCa.ll Wagons. Surrles! Market Wagons, Phmtens, Express Wagons. 1 employ the bt at Mechanics, and have lnclU Itles 111 bulla correctly ny style of Canhure aeklred, '1 huUuiUlty, Style aud rinlsh 01 my work makes 11 ducldbdly the cheapest Iu the market, AS-WEIIAVETHK UKSTANDCUEAl'EST CAUT1NTUK MABUKT, "'""'0 PR TORT JJOOIVS 8AK3APARILLA. IF YOU FEEL TIRED Weak and weary, worn out, erinn down from hard work, by Impoverished condition of the bleed or low state et the system, yen should take Heed's Enrsaparllla. The peculiar ton ten lng, purifying, and vitalizing qualities of this sncoesirullmedlclneare seen fslt throughout the entire system, expelling ais? asr, and aly. Ing quick, healthy action te every organ. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and reuses the liver and klaneys. Thousands who have taken It with benefit, testify that Heed's Barsapirllla " makes the weak strong." Heed's Saraaparllla "l have taken net quite a bottle of Heed's Barsaparllla, and must say It Is one of the best medicines for giving an appetite, purifying the bleed, and regulating the dlaesUve organs, that I ever heard or It did me a great dealofgeod." Wis.N.ABTAi.i.ar.CanastetJ, "1 bad salt rheum en my arm three years. tufretlng terribly. I took Heed's earsaparllls, ana the salt theum has entirely dliMpeara." H. M. Mute, 71 rrench St, Lewell, Mtsi. Makes the Weak Btreng "Feeling languid and dimy.'havlng no ap petite and no ambition te work, I took Heed's Barsipamia, with the best results. Asa health mvlgoraterand for general debtllty I think It UtSesuW Y nyth,I,fcT eUe-" A BlltR' HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Beld by all drngglaU. l j six for IS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Doaea One Dellar. 0008 HARSAPAKlLTiA KOR BALK -,J5tJ1',?.echran'8 ,,n,B su"'' H0S.1S7 and 133 North Queen BV, Lancaster, l'a. aprt-SmdAw TUFKY'H MAL.T WHISKY. Duff's Formula. Composed rrlnclpslly of ltaw Ueef and Uurry'el'are Malt whisky. It will Cure the first Stages el Consumption 1 Knlld up the Tissue t Increase tbe Strength ; Add Vitality and Life ; Give Geed Celer te tbe race 1 Kerui a healthy appetite ; while as a tonic and bleed maker It has no rival. If your druggist docs net keep It, tend ene dollar te the Uutty Malt Whisky Ce , Kocbos Kecbos Kocbes ter, N. Y and they will send you a bottle by express, charges prepald. THE DUFIT MALT WHISKY CO., (5) KOCUKHTKIt.N. Y. jTANDRAKE 1JI,LH. DIUCHMOTS MABDRAKE PILLS STANDAIID CflltOVKK II M.r ACKNTUKY. 1'UAlSKl) ON KVAKY TlttAI.. CUKK Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Klatulency, Ccllc und all diseases or the stomach; Cestlveness, Inllammatlen, Dl arrtKci and diseases of the bowels; Con gestion, Biliousness, Nausea, Headache, Uiadlnesp, Nervousness, Liver Complaint, and all diseases arising from a gorged and sluggish liver. They reduce congested conditions, break up stubborn complica tions, rcstore free, healthy action ,te the organs. They are l'UUKLY VKOETAULK.8TKICTLY KKLlA ISLE AND A11SOLUTKLY SAyK. for sole by all Druggists. Price se cents per box ; 3 boxes for C5 cents ; or stnt by mall, pestage rroe, en receipt of prlce. Dr. J. U. Bchenck A Sen, Philadelphia. ml7-lydAw SOHKNCJK'S MANDKAKK MLLB rnn balk at n.K COGUKAN'dDKUaSTOKK. Nes. 137 i lse North Queen St., Lancaster, l'a aprszmaAw TJLY'B OKEAM BALM. OATARRH-HAY FEVER. r.LYla C,UKAM KALM euros Celd In Head .Carrni1t080K.01.?'llBJ''HVOriueafneB,Head. ache. Prlce M Cents. KASY TO Usfc. Kly Bre's, Owego. N. Y., U. 8, A. y KLY'fl CKKAM HALM Cleanses the Naal nSf?iB,AJ"l,S V81" .?na inflammation and Silica "esteres the Seiues et Tusle TKYTUKCUK1C. A particle Is appllea Inte each nostril ana Is agreeable. Prlce W ceuta at Urugzlats : bv uian, leguierca, w cents. KLY ltltm'HKIfu K Warren Btreat, New Yerk. nevlWydAw G PLDKN HI'EOIFIU. DRUNKENNESS -OK TUK L1QUOK HA1I1T POSITIVELY CUUKI) BY AUM1N1STEKING Dlt, HAINJlS' , GOLDEN BPEC1K1C. It can be given In a cup of cotree or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It : ta absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate Orlnker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temporate men who have taken GoiaeniSpe GeiaeniSpe GoiaeniSpe cltle In their coffee without thelr knowledge. iu Kwiay oeiieye mey quit drinking of their un.. 1 mil. IIJIHIIHIAILU, Thn BV8- tem ence Impregnated with the Specific, It be- own freewill. ITNE comes an utter Impossibility let the llauer appotlte te exist, for sale by nyuer uiiAa. a. l,uuiiku, Druggist, aprisffaTffings" " L JA1NE'H OELKRY COMPOUND PAINE'S KOK- The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NEUVE TONIC.; ('elerj' nnd Cocea, lhe prominent Inpre Inpre dienls.ure the best and tafestfcorveTonlCF. It atrengthens and quiets lhe norveua svs tein, curing nervous Weakness, Hysteria. Sleeplessness, Ac. ' ' AN ALTEltATIVE. Itdrlves out the polaenous humors of the bleed purifying and enriching it, and se overcoming theso diseases resulting from Impoverished bleed. B A LAXATIVE. Acting mildly bnt surely en the bowels It cures habitual constlputlen, nnd promotes "''."'"r.'tngUiouslheilomach, and olds digestion. AD1UKKT1C. '.n Ita.compeslilen the hestand most active illurvtlcs of ihu Matena Medlca are com bined icleullarally with ether errectlve remedles for dliuutiiHa m thR irfin..- 1. can be relied ou te glve ijulck relief 'and speedy cure. Hundrodsef tftttlmnnlals have been rocelved Irem persona who lmve med this remedy with remarkable beueilt. Soud ler circulars. Hiv ing lull particulars. Price, ti.OO. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Prep's, HUKLINGTON, VT. lanll-lvdAw(l) 1 MAINE'S UELEKY COMPOUND VOR BALK XT If. It. COCUUAN'a IIKUG 8TOUE, Nes. 137 A lw North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. apn-?wdw ' mm compound ASKEW OB MR, AT KOS. 1M ARI) zw WIST KING 8TKRET. an-iyst JJKUtJUKD pkYcTS" L. GANSHAN A BRO. Men's, 3' icd Children's SUITS At Reduced rrices. Men's Ail-Weel BulUredncedfroml9te5EO. Mens All-Weel 811 iu reduced from 110 te 17. MiA-00!8u,Ureauc6a ftomnitelB. m2S A "2 5nl,s Tem 18 te 110. Men All-Weel Bulls reduced from no te 111. 11360? AU'We1 8n,u 'eaneed from 118 te Beys' All-Weel Suits reduced frcm s te 14. Beys' All. Weel Suits reduced from 7 te . Beys' All-Weel 8utu reduced from kg ten. Beys' All-Weel Suits reduced from 9 te 17. Children's Bulls at 11.50, l ;s, 12 je, u, 11, HBO, Eramlne our great line of Trousers at70e, l.ll.V5.ll.7J,2,2JS013,S3.K), 4, ,4.(0, 15 AH splendid styles and net te be had anywhere else at the price. Grand Army Suits at 9, IS and le. Our Custom Department speaks for Itself. L GansmaD & Bre. S.W.OOnMAR NORTH QUEEN & ORANQE 8TS. LANCA8TKK, l'A. DHX UOODH. mQE PEOPLE'S CASH STORK. Te the Ladies. WE ASK AN INSPECTION OKONEOrTffE MOSTDESIUABLESTOCK8 0K J 18 EVEB Or t'KUEl) IN THIS CITY. We have a Corset at Ma which Is better than thoje usually sela at this price. Our Brilliant nt 75c Is as geed as most II CO Cersets sold te-day In this city. Our 11,00 Corset Is scarcely excelled by any ll.ia Corset In this city. Alse Misses' & Children's Corsets We buy theso goods direct from the manufac turer for cash, which places us In the position te be en "lhe (J round Fleer" with prices. -It will pay you te lnsrcctthesn goods ana prices. The People's OaBh Stere. G. P. RATIVOU, Ne. 25 East King St. LANCA8TEK, PA. lnarll-lyd&w XABY CAKKlAllliH. JJUUNN HHKNKMAN, 100 Different Patterns -or- BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Mrigeraters have no;equal. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne, le2 North Queen troet, LANCABTXK PA. MVaiVAL. UUPKttlUK OUALliy MUSICAL BOXES. 11ENKY GAUTSCUI A BONB, Ne.,1030 Chestnut Street, . Philadelphia. ersets Corse Examination will prove enr instruments fir superior te any ether make, net siSSfluS of the worthless trash that abounds fcTtS5 market, seen being 01 mere anSSyinee thTn pleoaure te thelr owners. Old ana ImSSS fecuymade Music Bexes carefully renieS by expenence.1 werkmen lrem ihe manuftSS Bend sump ler caUilcgue and prlee lut. nev23-lydAw A TTUUNKxi - JUTHEK S. KAUFEAIAN, ATtOBNKY-AT-LAW, NO.J 80UTI1 PUINOE ST., LancastAr. Pa. flyAW .k,'. - k'H(' 1Ji