. v 1 V . i, ..,..,,-,- T -" "rja!' ,e . " THZS ZiflJffOASTBK DAILY JQTrETJtGNOKIi MONDAY. JUNE 4, 1888. J. -yr W. Ji. - M. SB vj L mr if At i & lew -,"" w, Sf . t-i" - a & . SJ f Th Daily Intgllttmcer. Ll ....(IAMB. JW " UHUMtW' ' Ka jfMPtUr sattien of Tb iimt.u 1 BaM li Hrered by carrion in Ute city jrWry pni year i n for nx month WaaKLr laTmiMHHcaa (Deublo Snoot) ; rates, only M.W per miram, iu w iMiimn wishing their address changed mat abas ttet where the pmper ta new ter- v-waNee.; . MtertMesenta frrrflTlO te K eta. per Una UMTUOB. according te location. .,i lUliniELUUCflUMS Lancaster, Pa. m Telephone Coaseetiea 'n.- EEuwiiuNnin publishes au we "P ?gLSirS the Ualted rresa np te -'. Vfl Hlf-nt-dA. i-'S in, aaunhlv at Kr. Txinti meets te CX- Hr caW we wen uceiuuneu ieuiouin" ieuieuin" v'.'tn t,t Plovelond nnil Thiirman shall J .. a .. a 4 A .. f .A "fc AAnntpft VIA ;i jiiiumwtviviw.- - -- i jT. . iv.k..i enMafca nnrl tlint rf (lllC. ir jW ei me muii ioycuue oueii " arty policy, 'xnere is iiHwexciwiuiein i" ud consequently little enthusiasm, be muse there is no uncertainty about can didates or policy, and no struggle. The awkward declaration of the Pennsylvania 9Ulferm,demandlng theMlllsblll, wlllct eoersenotbe repeated. Therewlllbe better kill than this In the national convention, a MHMu4hA navtv ffltrftr f nr I hn nrlnriiniA W ( the wars and means committee's bill, without cemmitting: It te the approval of K an undigested measure. There probably ?-.. never was a stupider declaration maae .. f bj an intelligent state convention than L I tkat et our state convention upon the E-'.irV . ... m m 11.1 II ttrliT, ana mere is no danger mat iue .. .1 11,1 I. .ft. II. ln f Muenai convenueu win iwuuiu im The Cevenanters. The general synod of the Reformed Presbyterian or Cevenanters, has adopted unanimously a resolution reaffirming the conviction held by them, that the con stitution et the United States is a virtual agreement te administer the government without reference te Christianity, and that it would, therefore, be an act et disloyalty te their religion te take part in the government by casting their ballets. This idea that they ought net te vote for elvil rulers, is the chief point et differ ence between the Cevenanters and the United Presbyterians, and strange te say they Eeem te grew mere Arm in their opinion year by year. A policy based en aa honest conviction and sober conscien tious thought, commands respectful at tention, no matter new unreasonable it aaay appear te be, and a body that re fuses te sanction the constitution be cause it cannot consistently admit that religion should net domieato in all hu man '.affairs, may be smiled upon as be bind, the times, but should rather be praised for the bold honesty, fearless of ridicule that Is one of the rarest et vir tue. The criticism of the Covenanter! calls for no new treatment et the much dis cussed and well accepted principle of tbe separation et church and state, but It aneuld draw attention te the great change in the character et the people, which is In fact the measure and guage et the character of the government. SVhen the nation was first formed the religious sen timent was strong in all the people, and Da Tecquevllle visiting America, was Beat powerfully Impressed with the all pervading and sincere trust in the divine guidance, se simply expressed In the na tional coinage se carefully reitrained from further development in the written law of the land. Perhaps it was because of the deeply sacred character of this sentiment that it did net affect the form of government in n mere matked degree, for men are net as a rule, disposed te talk much of the things they held most sacred, and that Influence their lives most seriously. However that may be, n traveler In these days would hardly be se deeply impressed with the religious emotions of the voting population, and the motto en our colnage seems u trills tee sanctimonious for the spirit et the age. The Cevenanters have reminded us that we as a nation nre net as geed ns ear fathers who gave us our great con stitution, and a government by the peo ple can be no no better than the people. Unreasonably Angry. A correspondent of the Lancaster In quirtr did net like Cel. Plater's ways when he was here working up a pest- office site ; he complains that he acted as though he " knew it all ;" and he pro ceeds te relate the colonel's history, de claring him te be a native et Kutztown, Berks county, Pennsylvania -, that he was a cadet at Annapolis ; at tbe out break of the civil war he helped te take a gunboat ever te the Confederacy; that be served with Lee. After the war he was a Republican in Alabama ; whence he returned te Pennsylvania with a full pocket and became a Democrat. Hew true this record may be we de net knew; but it does net strike us as serv ing the author's purpose of showing that Cel. Flster Is net a competent selector of a postefOce site and that he does net "knew it all." It seems te show that lie baa had abundant opportunity te knew a great deal, having been en a geed many aides and in a geed many places. And while here be talked te a great many peo ple ; we are sure that if be dee3 net knew where the posteflice ought te go, it was net for lack of advice. The fact was that he get such a variety of it aa te make it clear that every one In the town was notet one mind, and that there would be Berne one te damn him wherever aver it was put. He is net a greenhorn in this posteflice selection business. I'e knows that a Featcfllce location is an ad vantage te a neighborhood, and that there will bB as many different opinions as te locations as there are different in terests as te sites. And this interest Is conducive te a selection when the people interested put their hands in their pock peck eta and present the government with the , a'.te or wltha part et its value. The natural location for the Lancaster pos'-efflce is 'as near as pesalb'e te the eeatre of business, if a site can be there had within the command of the appie. priatien. People Mho want the pest- i office' located in an outlying quarler I must pre ent better ground and mere et .'" tt at a much cheaper price, and Wet put their bands down into c--v vcciceu ana make a free wm te the government of alley lets te get them considered. Cel. Pister may pet knew it all ; but he and the secretary ec h treasury between them will knew aaeugh net te place the posteflice in a aew quarter et the towe, unless strong reason Is shown for It. TTbnt Age Dees. Age is creeping upon General Sherman, with Its confounded imperfections, lie it losing his memory. lie Amis that he was invited te that Grand Array per fermince in New Yerk as long as three months age. It was se long ege that lie forget it. Ills secretary forget it, tee. The general explains that he gets se many invitations that it Is net surprising that he should net carry them all In his bead, rerhapsltlsse. And he need net de it, if he does net make a row about It, when be thinks he has been overleoktd. Feople who get Invited te everything nitunlly, doubtless get te slighting their invitations ; but It seems te hurt them nil the mere when they think that thay are slighted. General Sherman Is net tripped up in this Grand Army mat ter by his lapse et memory se much ai by his manifestation of wjunfel self esteem. It is hard for a man te be calm when he is kicked , and there is no r&rtlcular ncel for him te be; only he needs te be par tlcularly certain that he has been kicked by somebody else than himself. The Century publishes a loiter written by Herace Greeley te President Lincoln Just alter the battle et Bull Hun, In which he asks the president te doelde at ence whether the disaster la fatal, and aaiurea him of hla Arm support If ae believing he tries te arrange a peaoelul adjustment. He tells Lincoln that it la his buslueia te aacer- i.i- .a ........ i . .i ik.,. uiiu huu ueuiuu wueiuer vioiery 11 peaaiuir, and aaka him te write II auch la bis Judg ment that 1 may knew and de my duty." But It tbe dlaaater la fatal be urgca tbe proaldentnet te fear tbe lacrluce or him aelt te bla country. "11 that ta your Judg ment In view et all the light you can get then every drop of bleed honcefertb abed In thU quarrel will be wantonly, wickedly shed, and tbe guilt will rest heavily en the soul of every promoter of the crime. 1 pray you te doeldo quickly and let me knew my duty." The lotter repeats ttila thought in soverol forma and la from beginning te end an tarnest appeal and exhortation te de tbe beat tblrjR for the country without tear or favor, lleaayaltla bin aoventb aloepliss uigur, anu wuue oeniossing nimaeir a broken man calls upon Lincoln te meet bravely the hoary responsibilities that Cled haa thrown upon him. He tells him that If be thinks It best for tbe country and man kind that poaee should be mule with tha rebels at ence and en thelr own term he must net shrink eyen from that. But bear In mind the greatest truth : 'Whose would lese hla Ufa ter my take shall save IU' Da tbe thing that la tbe hlgbast'rlgbt, and tell me bow I am te second you." This letter Is strongly oharaeteiUllo of the man, abewlng at onee bis Arm and ardent patriotism and constant eUert te de the blgbeat right regardloiaef self, and also bis hamt of taking sudden plunges from bone te despair. It must net be forgotten that this letter waa written after seven aloepleas nlgbta and whoa greatly exaggerated ac counts et tbe disaster had made It plain te Urcelcy that his eft-repeated cry of "for ward te Hlchmend " meant a great deal mero et death and auUerlng than be had eyer imagined. Fer tbe II rat tluie he ap peared te realize that a very long and bloody war waa befere the peeple. CAliNKdiK wants Iltalue for prealdenl, but he la la a hopeloia mluerlty lu tbia wleb. KMFKneu Fiikukuiuic and Ulsmarck are said te bave fallen out again. The first ia likely seen te (all out et tbe ranks of the living. Kem:ni' T. Lincoln, wne was onre much talked or for the .Republican presi dential nomination, baa Bailed for Kurope, Mr. Lincoln ia aatute enough te knew that this li net a Kepubllcan year. WitMiNOTON, Delaware, Is a Demo cratic town, but the Democrats put up a man for mayor who represented tbe "b'beya" and theso alene, Tbe poeplo turned around and clccted tLe llopubll llepubll llopubll eu candidate. A UATAi.eaiTK of artificial Ilsh bait Issued by tbe Kntorprlse MRnufaoturlngceuipany, Akren, O., contains information which every angler abeuld have. There are nu merous cuta In the catalegue, ahewlug the d I Heren t styles et baited books. m mm m It la neted as a most romarkable fet;that while Ireland la new at war with the government, it la obedient evon te docility te two great advisers, ene auprouie In morals and the ether In peIIIIcm, who liave net at thelr command police, aoldlery, Jailers or excoutlenor. Hew the old cltlzena who cauie from fcrelgn shores te the United States lltty years age must wender when tbey read that the Uunard atcsrushlp Ktrurla made tbe voyage from Queenstown te New Yerk In sir daya two hours anil lirteen minutes. It waa ence a tbrce months' voyage In a sailing vessel. A vKioneus eirert waa made te break down tbe administration of l'estmaster Uarrlty, et Philadelphia, but it waa euded In tbe dlscetntlture or the attacking party. The recent sonaterlal Investigation turned out a llasoe ns seen as Jehn Wanamaker and dtber big merchants of tbe Quaker city gave unaolleltod teatlmany te the fill, cloney et the conduet of Ihoelllcn, Tbe ro re sult baa bceu that Mr. Uarrlty Is stronger with tbe poeplo than ever before. Ills geed qualities shene out better from tbe background of malovelonco that waa aimed at him. PERSONAL, ClIAIlI.KsHl'ISWAnT I'AKNKI.t. Is SU 011- thuslastlu levor of Hclence, Knglnoerlug Is tbe branch te which be ilovetes most niten tlen. Dh J. P. Wk'kimhiiam will talk upon lroe text boons nt the meeting of the 8late Teacberh'assoclatlen, which meets in Scran ten en July 1. Jehn Mann, of Maner tnnushlp, and Dr. O. T. lluebener, city, bae lieen up. pointed Btaie trustees of MUlersvllle Htule Nermal school for three year terms. Ven Meltkk, the great Oertsati aeldier, epeaka very highly of (Jen. Hberltlan'a skill ai a cavalry efllcer. II e aya that "Little Phil" oeuld get mero and better work out et hereca than any cavalryman of bis age. Kiwakd Ktahk, formerly manager of inu Wyoming vauey Hetel, died suddenly of hemorrhage, en the streetH el Wllket. barre, en 8aturdsy. lie became blind a few years ego. Miss Amelia Hivks will shortly be mar. rled te Mr, Archle Chandler, grandson of Jehn Jaoeb Aster. Mr. Chandler Uvea In Paris. Miss itlvea la at her Leme In Albemarle county, Va, where she has barn engaged in her literary work ler the past 11! months. ' L. W. WmciHT, secreUry of the VIcen. Bin fJeuiccratle oemmlttce, bsjs "Thur inan'a name uiakea Democrats cry up la Wlscenslr. 'J'bey lee the old man and would rle nrythltx" f-r hirn llonlne says tbe Demecratla presptcts la WltoeuBln are highly premising. Maou RecttK, el Cblcace, will yote the ordleance prohibiting the location of "any mere" saloons within liOOfeet of chutcbej or Bcboels In that city. This la the ordinance parsed by the fcelld saloon vete, Instead of the law aektd by church aud lempersnee reeple, requiring "all" saloena te be dis tant 00 feet from schools or churches, P. T. liARNUM baa decided te convert bla handsome resldeuce at Bridgeport, Connecticut, Inte a seminary for young ladles. Mr. Daruuin has also purchased a plot of ground, valued at 20.000, upon which be will erect a fireproof building te oeatflOOCOO. The entire plant will be pre sented jointly te the Pairtleld county Historical and Bridgeport SclentitleiccIetieH for their uie and btncflr, f Weary and Wert? I Whn lis tlrert factory epeMUra. lbs weary out-UeorUborcr, lb. OTertuled boelkceptr erdeikteeU atnedle" recerapeme ler ex. pcndJlnre of bodily foref. where thaU lieend li Cenld the rteerdc. cxperienw of thoo theo thoe inrl of worker- te t.lccil, the renllet would f.i iiftt IfeilMter'd Ftemsth Ulttfrii renew; I10..!'1" ....Vi. itimnUtn the ludcd mentM Iftllinn Biiw j.i..it. atwl lvl nnrltlA JI1RC. nun inlriible auxiliary In tbe rccetery of health by convMMCentn. J faitldleuii letneh l opt nllrnded by It, and te person! el lielli exet In delicate health he occailenMly feel the nerd olanefllclent tenle, the whele range of llie tilierrnariiaIa and the cat&loirue of prepnn. tary mcdlclnei deei net present a mere uieful afcr or mere declilve one. ltlftle Incem; parable for ferer and ngue, rUeamatua and kidney trouble, . - .. a iirnmnini nv 11. nim a ib mi ... - Tha Itend'emeat Lady In LaticA-ter Bomarked te a Irlend the ethor flay that he I new Kemp'i Halsam for the Threat ana unge IM a auporler remedy, as ltstepped horceneh Instantly when ethun had noelloot whatever. Be te r reve thli and ronvlnee y en of IU tnerlt, any dreKlt wilt Rive you a Barn pU llottle tt e. Large size COc and. 1.U. Tt ap tore core gnar&n teed by Dr. J. B. Mayer 831 Arch ttroet, l'hlladelpbla. Kane at onto, no operation or delay from bnitnes, attested by theuaandi of enrei after otben tail, advtce tree, send for circular, nmilO-ljdAw Hlnende L'Erclea, the colebrated rrench btnnty. enthralled heart sat the age of teyenty. Khe toekcareof nor teeth. Be ought all her charming sex Any lady whose totlet table lacks It, should proeuro 80ZUU0MT and use It regularly ller mirror will seen n-fiect a row of teeth shaming the pcnrls of the Orlent In beauty, innklnir a r.liarmlnir contrast with the vcrmll- llen tint of tbe llpa. Noteoth-wftih equals It. M1VH HVRQIA L N0T1 Ob.8. II. H. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 1TI North Quenn strret, ineajiter, l'a.. Is soiling BHILOH'S COUUK UUUIC as a guaruntwi te euro aU hreatand lung troubles. is) BIIII.OH'8 OUIIK will immediately relieve Croup, Whoepln Cough and tirencbllls Fer sale by Jt. II. Cochran, JDruggWt, Ne. 117 North Qtifwn utMvt. 7I Mothers Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a slek child suITering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting loom T if se, go at ence and get a bottle of MilH. WINHLOW'SSUUTHlNUHYllUl'. It will TO TO TO Itove the peer little suirerer Immediately de pond upon It) there Is no mlstake about It, There Is net a motheron earth who hus ove used It, who will net tell you at ence that 11 will regulate the bowels, and gtve rest te the mether, and rollef and health te the child, operating llke magla. It Is porfectly safe te use lit all caeca and pleeaint te the tase, and Is tbe prescription ofenoof the eldost and beat female physicians and mines In the United Status, Sold every where, U ceul a bottle, maylf-lydaw llxnia the Wurlit. This Is what II. O. Ilebnrman, u drniralH or Mtrle", Ohl", says: ZAemat' JCclectrlc Oil brals the world Held n I mi bettlCH ytrsterday ami te day. One min curt'd et soie threat of fight years standing, Issplendld lerrhauina. t'siiu" Ker snlH by 11.11. Cochran, druggist, bl and ISO North Uueen st met, l.nncnstur. Hmuers of I'tullt. There are intny sources of profit tnthote who are Ingenious nnd cnUirprlslnir. Hurdeek llloea Hitler t amasource of profit Innvery wy. Ihiy build npthn health surely, sped lly, and rlreclnatly, which li Miytng a grpnt dual, rer.nluby II, It Cochran druggist, 137 and 13U North Uueen street. i.ancusur. Flr.t-CISM Insurance, Insure with Thomai' Kclectrie Oil. It Is the cheapest and host met hed nt insurance we knew of. lly Its use you are sum le csoipe many previous acties and pains l'ellclfs are fibtiitniible at all druggtitiu thufarinef bot tles at SO cents and i each, irnr rele by II. 11, Cochran, druggist, 131 and UD Ninth Queen struct, Lancaster, Well as l'.ler. l.ottle Heward wriles Irem llnlTaln, N. Y . "My sjatcm brcavne trtntly debilitated thteugh arduous prelvsslnnal dutlna. autrerra In m iiameii, nick hrnduchc, nud bllleusmiiB. Tried Jlurtleck Jlloert Hitler i with the most bennflclal I'lTuet. Am wull ns ever." rer a.lu by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1!'J North yuiven strvet. l.aneastur. The Mud Who Talks Much, We want te t ay a word te you who make a living wlih your tongue. Yen certatnly must hare acinar, strong voice te engngn yourflst yeurflst yourflst enois. Dr. U'hemat' Kclectrie Oil for sero threat, colds and hearseness is unoieellixl, Use and ndinlre Fer culii by II. II. Cochran, druggist, m una 1W North Queun struct, i.an i.an caiter. On of my children, a girl about nlne yeara old hadaviuy bad discharge Irem lmr ticml and noseot a thick, viUewlsh mnttur. Wu hnd two physlclnns presorlhe for her, but without bemtfU. Wu triud Kly's Uieain Halm, and much te eursurprlsp, itiure was n markud lin lin lin pinvotnenU We continued using the Halm and lu a short ttme thudlsehargu was nppur antly cured, O. A. Cury, Corning, N. V. ly lirotherr, I have bcen mulcted with ca tarrh. 1 purilinsecl a betlln or your drum lla4in. It mn nuVoted a complete enrrt. It, U. Abbett, W tl runt Ave, AlUightiny city, l'a. liiyJl-Vwdfed.tw A Weman's Discovery, " Anethor wnndnrful dlsoevory his been made and that tee by a lady in this country. Dlsmise (astened ltn clutcbea upon her, aud for sevdii juurs ebe withstood ihe Bnveirst ttn, but her vital organs waru uudnrmlned and dtath seninnd lmmlnent. Bliu bought a bottle of I)r King's New Dltcnvury rbr con. sumptien, and was eomuchruileved en talcing II rm ttesu that she slupt ul I nig lit and w Uh ene bnttle has been iiilroeulously cured. Hur nainels Mrs. I.uther tula" 'i hus writes V. U llamrlck A Ce., of Hbelby, N. II. Uetatren trial tun tin at Cochran's llrug Htem, 137 and 13a North l)ueen struct, Lancaster, l'a. (ij Ilucklen's Arulm Halve. TBI IIsst BiLvatn the world for Cuts.ltrulscs Sere, Ulcers, Belt Ubum, Jfuver Borua.Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblalnn. Cerns, and all Bkln Eruptions, and positively euros I'lles, or no pay niulrxt. it Is guaruuuwp te glveper. fret satisfaction, or inoney rufundua. l'rtee is cenu per box. rer sole by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ned. 137 and 1A North quoen street, Lancaster, l'a. Junetf 1yd l'Ait.VAUAJtKJI tf raiLADSLfuu, Monday, June 4, IS. Read carefully. On Friday last we printed the following : " Commencing first Saturday in July the store will close at i p. m. en Satur days until further notice." That's clear. But scores, perhaps hundreds or thousands judging by the number of questions have read carelessly and suppose that the Saturday early closing begins with June. Every Saturday in June open as usual. The Park will be continued another week north gallery, second fleer. King Cotten is dethroned. The ice-pyramid has gene into liquefaction and is net. A bit of experience. On Thursday last we told you a story ei reauceu prices en 2S0 suites el choice room Furniture. We have seldom had Bed- mere direct evidence of public cenfi dence in our statements. The news was hardly in circulation before the selling began. It still gees en. ihe prices were S3 2 50 te 5350. 1 lie prices $250. are JUS te The choice is yet unbroken and the special offering well worth your carclul examina tion. Stufl for Graduation Dresses. Seft, creamy wools, like ocean loam. We never before had se full and varied a stock te WAirAMAKKB'S. pick from. Light or medium weights anything from Serge te Veiling. Wblt. Ivery or Crsam all-wool Henrietta, 4J Inches, Sic, tl, '.M. Cream Flannel serge, a incaes, ajc. Cream rnn'a nmer. se, co, rs, 7e" Cream Albatross.' ' 37K, M, SS 7S. 830. Cream I.aOierls, 421nchea, .. Cream Mohair, ri, roc, it. Cream Lien Hunting, 84 inchrt, 60c. Crcatn rormesa, a figured novelty, 40 Inches, Well. Cream Albien Hargw, 41 Inches, 85e. Cream Diagonal, 44 Inenra. free. Cream Nun's Vnlllnn fUlDCOCS, UTC Northeast et centre. Combination Dress Patterns for a third, quarter, or fifth of the regular price. We told you something of them en Saturday. Made a word stand for volumes, and away they went by the dozens. We've never known the like. Choice plain goods, choice nov elty, perfectly matched ; enough for a generous dress at less than the counter price of the plain. Three hundred styles and mere : originally 17 sn, new It CO originally (17 75, new tiOO originally SUM', new St 09 originally 119 7V new B4O0 erlflnally 115 73 new MM originally 111 71, new 110 00 Handsome, fresh, desirable stuffs; seasonable weight and proper colors. A Market Street window full of $3 Robes. You'll doubt your eyes. ltcmnant counter, northwest or centre Women's pure Black Silk Mitts. Touch them. That's enough te set you feeling for the 25 cents. Chestnut street side, eighth ceunter. Flannels in piles and pyra mids. Fer any use. New comers among the striped French Printed Flan nels. Striking color contrasts. These are the styles that figure as " blazers" and Tennis Suits in uppertendem. We have all along had the biggest and finest stock et these Tlannels we knew of. Fresh patterns keep coming just the same. 65c. A new Ceylon Flannel. Made by the famous Gingham Ander sons. Twenty-one modest pat terns, stripes and checks. Scotch thrift and honesty in these Ceylens. Cotten and wool, light and strong, no shrinking. 50c. Norlhcastef centre. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. A Yilt'S SAltSAPAltlLLA. REASONS WHY AYKU'aBAU3AI,AIULLAIBlilKrKlt. AllIiK'lO ANY OrtlKU reUTIIKCUUK Or 1IL0OD IH3KASIB. Hocause no poisonous or deleterious Ingre dients enler Inte Iho composition of AYKH'S Sarsapailllu. Ayer's Farsaparllla contains only the pur est and meat eilectlvu re uiedlal properties. Ayet's Biraaparllla Is prepared wl h ex trome care, skill uud cleanliness. Aycr'a Jarsaparllla is piejcrtbtd by lead ing physicians. Ayer'e art aparllla Is for aale every where, aud recemuianded by all first class druggists -Ayer'sEaisaparlllali a medicine, and net a boverage In dlsguUe, Ayer's Sarsapur'Ha never falls toerrecta cure, when puislslenlly used, according te dlrtctlens. Ayot's Sarsaparllla Is a highly concentra ted extract, and therefore the meut econouil ecenouil econeuil oil llloed Midlclue In the tuatket. Ayer's Bareaparllla has had a auccetslul cnreur of nearly hal f a century and was never se popular at ul present, Ten thousands et testimonials are en flle from theso bonetlttod by the use et Ayer's Sarsaparilla. rnsrAnsn or Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. rrtrnfl. six bettlur, 5. Werth si a bottle, lunulioie AYER'S SAHHAPAH1LLA. reiiHiLa at II. I. COCHKAN'S DKUO STOllK, Neb. 1S7 A 13-J North Queen St., Lancaster, l'a. npriViudAw HATS. E AKLY REDUCTION POSITIVELY TUK BIG&E3T SL1TOHTER -or- STRAW HATS Kver Eeen lu Lancaster. We have an overstock of BTtAW HATS, nnd hit e puallltuly made the tallewing re re ducteons: IS.M straw Hau roducedto II . if.eii J(. iM " " .74. 1 no .fu. ,60 " ' " ,85. A full line of YOUNCJ MKN'8 rashlennble Seil uud SUU lluu lu all sfcadet and and prices. Truuks aud Traveling Bag8 rrem the Cheapest te the Ust Grades. Stauffer&Ce. NOS 31 A W NOKT1I QUKKN ST. VfOlIOK TO TKKHPAB8ER9 AND -LI UUNNKU3. AII persons are hereby for. bidden te trenUAU en any of the lands i the Cornwall and Snoeilwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether IncloseC or uuln. closed, either for the purpose of shoettug or Ashing, as the law will be rigidly en te iced against all tres pausing en said lands of tke un un deslgneaaftur this notlee. Wat. COLBMAN ruXKHAM, U. 1'kliOY ALUKM, 1)W, O.riUIHAM, a,r- fnr K w ll.lnftn'fl tlal- zsz ROl'H iV MOSEK, MANUKAUTUKKIM of Kurnlturuef all kinds, upholsterlng, repairing, rt-paintlug and varnishing drne la niHt-clu s tlH. Ne 10) aaat Vine siuet, on en on peltu Nnibtck's earrluifu works, Lanruster, fu. Undertaking and oeuduetlng funerals at lowest rates, ui net attention given te ivory branch el our business. lnsyltlias TOB A coo. FINE PIECE OF CHEWING TOBACCO 18 INDIBO A LUXUET. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemes as near belng a fine piece et PLUG TOBACCO as It U possible te make It, and la known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DKALXBS. We are sum that ONatTIUAb will Convince Yeu of Its Merits. -lxk (or the red II Untax en each plng.-VS J no. Finzer 8c Bre.'s, LOUIBTILLR, KY (S) JIOOT8 AXD HIIOMM. B OOTH AND HUOES. D. P.STACKHOUSE. SEASONABLE SHOES -ArD SLIPPERS, Prudent buyers will oeniult their own In terest by examlng the many bargains In tea tea senable Bhees and Clippers that we are new able te ofTer, which we have secured at a very low price. As we are able te sell them at prlees never before heard of, it will pay you tD call early as possible, for they must be sold. D. P. STACKHOUSE, 28 & 30 BAST KINO, BT LANCASTKU. PA. aMlJdAW VTKW HUOK HTORK. The Pedestrian I Te men desiring an easy and comfertablo shoe we would lecnuimeiid the Pedestrian, The upper nre made of two pieces of calf skin, therefore doing away with the extra top usually found In ruen's shoes ; hand sewed ani without llnlner. Consequently, there ts nothing en the lnslde of the shoe te hurt or chale the foal. LOW BHOES. A very desirable line of low-cut hhees for mrn'a wear A hand-made, Oxford tee, plain bread tee, makes walking easy, Alse the same style shoe In Iougela,oltanansy ts the feet, for young men'a wear, in calf and Dongola, narrow tee und Up, OXFORD TOES. Our line of Oxford tees Is large, cot prising everything desirable fei ladles, latines ami children In low-cut shoes. Tennis and litcycle shoes of every descrip tion and at all prices. Wigwam slippers for men's, boy's, ladles', misses' and children's wettr. H. SWILKEY, (New Cash Shoe 6 tore) ye. 24 North Queen Btroet. LANCASTKU, PA. mar22-3md P REY A EOKERT. HOW TO SAVE rneM 25 te 50 Per Cent. WKHAVK 1I0UQHT WITMKKHKHS' KNTIKK HTOCK OF BOOTd ANUhllOKS. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE ! And net having room fnr thm In our EAST KINO srUKKTBlOKK, we resolved te open a llranch Stere at Ne '."J West King street, where we must sell thorn oft In a rw Weeks, (as we cannot Kent the mero longer than July 1st,) te de se we will positively Bell them At and Belew Cost. Anreng Ihe stock are some of the best makes We will polttvely save you Irem 21 te f0 per cent, en nil the goods bought at this store. In tint's Pebble and Kid liutten Bhees, te. Child's Ktd spring Heel bhees, 4 tn 8's, M'c Child's Ktd anil bobbin Spring Heel Bhees, regular prlce 75c and H3c, 60a. Old Ladies' Loce Shoes, Uegular Prlce II 25 andll.R0,l00. Child's and Misses' Oratn Lace Shoes, roau reau lar prlce 9ie nnd II oe, SOi, All kinds of Mlises' shoes, Heels and Spring luVldr,l.Ml'i,1SJ ,l50' ,lclBI"1 Special Inducements. As we have a larre let nt 2k.9niisun offer Special Ilargalns te Ladles who can wear thean sizes. Ladles' Oleve Kid Tep and Pebble Shoes, II 25 1 regular price, 12 en. Ladles' 12(0 Sheea ler IIM.-SIOO Shoes for K 2S and i 60 : (i&O bhees for li5U ILUU Shoes lertl-00: sS.te and 15 45 Shoes ter Mai. Space falls us te mention prlceset our Men's Shoes, but we will sell these Just as cheap as the above mentioned prices. tall in te sce the Uoedg whather you Intend te purchase or net, we will consider It NO TKO u 11 LK te show the goods at these prices. The One-Price Cash Ilonae, S The Leaders of Lew Prlees In Beets & Shoes. UUANOII STORE NO. 29 WKST KINU STREKT, . (Next Doer te Ilager's Stere ) MA1NSTOUE: NO. 3 BABT KINO BTRBBT, LA.N- aa-NOTIOK As we must positively vacate this room July 1, we 1111 keep this Stere open every evuulug. urst lmd A Sl'HALT PAVING HI.OOK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., Oltlce-601 Chestnut St., l'hlle., l'a. Wurks-llriagepert, t'a , A Camden, N, J, MANurACTUUKUs or Standard AspbaltFaving Blocks SIZES txlxll AND xXxl2. In general use fori"",'tpavleg,sldowalki, gar deu paths, mill yaif said drlteways, giiiu-rv, teiuis, vats and ca w lis. Advantages; Neiless, austless, rlctlv anltary, pi net I- wuny inuesirucuuiu bul hiwj. rerprlcisandfurthui lLlerm Uen nddrefi, R. S, OSTBH&BHO., AgenUI Lancaster Ce . Ml North Prince St.. Lancaster, Pa, mUmd FIT ECKERT, MKDIOAZ. JJOOD'8 BARSAPAKILLaZ IF YOU FEEL TIRED Weak and weary, worn out, or run down from hard work, by Impoverished condition of the bleed or low state of the system, you should take Meed's Earaapartlla. The peculiar ton ten tng, purifying, and vitalizing qualities of this successful.medlclneare seen felt throughout the entire system, expelling disease, and giv ing quick, healthy action te every organ. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and, reuses the liver and kidney. Thousands who have taken it with benefit, testify tat Meed's Sarsaparllla" makes the weak strong." X Boed'a BarsapajrUla "I have taken net nnlU . hettin nt If nod's Sarsaparllla, and must say It Is one of the belt medicines ler giving an appetite, purifying the bleed, and regulating the digestive organs, that 1 ever brard or It did me a great deatofgeod." Mrs.N.A.BTAiuiT.Canasteta, N, x. "I bad salt rhflnm en in v arm thmavaara. sufreilngtnlbljr. I took Meed's farsaparlll", and the saltiheum ha entirely disappeared." M. M. Mills, 71 French St., Lewell, Ms si. MakM tbe Weak Streng " reeling languid and fllxiy, having no ap petite and no ambition te work. I took Heed's BaraiparUla, with the best results. Asa health invlgoraterand for general debility I think it superior te anything else." A. A. liiaia, Utlca, W. y. HOOD'S SARSAFARILLA. Beld by all druggists. (1 1 six forts, rrepared only by 0. 1. HOOD CO.. Lewell, Maas. 100 Deeea One Dellar. HOOD'S BARS APAK1LLA FOR BALE at II. H. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nts. 1S7 and 13 North Queen ML, Lancaster, Pa. apr-2md&w D UPPY'B MALT WHISKY. Duffy's Formula. Composed Prlnclpslly et Haw Deer and Duffy's l'ure Malt whisky. It will Cure the First Stages et Consumption t Build np the TIssue t Increase the Strength ; Add Vitality and Life (live Ooed Celer te the race t Ferm a healthy appetite ; while as a tonle and bleed tnakerlt has no rival. It your druggist docs net keep It, tend one dollar te Ihe Dully Malt Whisky Ce , Koches Kechos ter, N. Y and they will Bend you a bottle by express, charges prepaid. THE DUFFY MALT WHISKY 10., (5) HOCHKSTKIt.N. Y. TyTANDRAKK PILLS. SB. SCHEME'S MABDRAKE PILLS 8TANDAHO reilOVXll II U.r ACKNTOlir. PUA1HKU ON K VaUK TU1AL. CUBR Indigestion, Heur Stomach, Heartburn, flatulency, Ccllc and all diseases of the stcmich ; Coitlvencsr, Inflammation, Dl arrt out and dlieabes et the bowels t Con gestion, Biliousness, Nausea, Headache, Ulddlnesr, Nerveusncsp, Liver Complaint, and all diseases arising from a gorged and sluggish liver. They reduce congested conditions, break up stubborn complica tions, restore free, healthy action .te the organs. They are PUUKLYVKOKTAIlLK,8TUiaTLY RKLIA HLK AND AUSOLUTKLY BArK. rer saleby all Druggists. Price 55 cents per box ; S boxes rer 65 cents ; or stnt by mall, postage free, en receipt of prlce. Dr. J. 1L tchenck A Ben, rhllaf-elphla, lnU-lyflAw SOHENUK'S MANDRAKE PILLS VOB SALE AT H.n COCHItAN'd DUUQ 8T011E, Ne 137 A 1M North Queen St, Lancaster, Pa apr5 2nid&w jnLiY'H UKU.AM MALM OATARRH-KAY FEVER. ILY'B CUKAM BALM cures Celd In Head Lutarrh, llese Celd, Hay rver,Dafnnss, Hood Hoed Heed ache. Prlce BO Cents. KAtiY TO U3K. Jtlv Bre'B, Owege. N. Y U. S, A, KLY'3 CUKAM UAl.M Cleanses the Naal Passages, Allaj s 1'aln ana lntlaiumatlen, Heals the Sares, Uestercs the Houses et Taste andsmtll. TIIYTIIK CUIIK. A partlcle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is sgretable. 1'ilee 60 cents at Druggists : by mall, registered, CO cents. XLYlUtOTHKUS, ..,. K Warren Street, New Yerk. nevlMydAw SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE, ltnptnre, Varlcocelo and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by quacks when ieu can find In Dr. Wright the only Kio Kie ulab FHTsiriAiilnl'hlladnlphlawhe makes a specialty of tbe above diseases, and emus IuskT OunaaUCARANTssu. Advice rroe day ana even'.ng. Struugera can be treated and re turn home same day. Olllces prlvnte. DU.W. H. WKIQIIT, mi norm ninm sueet, Abeve lloce, r. O. Itex C73 l-nneaeipbla. mnXHiyaw CTAIR BALSAM. PAKKKlt'S IIA1U UALSAU Ileantllles, CIean.es and preserves the hair. Keeps li soft and silken. Promotes a luxurl ant growth. A lwsya restores gray hair te Its original color. Prevents hair Tailing and Dan druff. Cures scalp dlrteases. 60,j. at arusKlsta. HlNDKIt COllNS. Safest, surest and beu euro for Cerns, Hun Ions, etc. Steps all pain. Never labs te cure. 18e at drugglats. JIAlh(3) TJAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S LUUKS - NKUVOU3 I'llOSTItATION, NKItVOUB HKADACUK, NKUKALQIA, NKUVOU8 WKAKNE88, STOMACH AND LIVKIt D1S- KASKS, UHKDMAT1SM. DYSPEPSIA, and all Affections of the Kidneys, WEAK NERVES. PAINK'S CKLKHY COMPOUND Is a Nerve Tonle which never falls. Containing Celery and Cocea, these wonderful stimulants, it speclaly cures all nervous dlserdars. RHEUMATISM. PAINK'S GELKIIY COMPOUND purines the bleed. It drives out thu lactic actc, which causes liheumatlsm, and restores the bleed making organs tn a healthy condition. 1 he true remedy for llbeuinaiism. SIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PAINK'S CKLKHY COMPOUND Quickly restores the liver and kidneys te perfect health. Thlscuratlvu power, combined wltn lu nerve tonics. Is why It Is the best remedy forallkldney cemplalnu. DYflPEPBIA. PAINK'S CKLKttY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach, and qnleU the nerves of the dltrestlve organs. This Is why it cures CONSTIPATION. PAINK'S CKLKKY COMPOUND Is net a cainamc n is a laxative, alvluc eaavaml natural action te the ueweis. uegularlty surely fellows Its use. Kecoimnendod by professional andbutlncss men. bend ter book. Price, flJW. Sold by Druggists. WKLLS, KlclIAIlDSON A Ca, Proprietors. llurltngten, Vt. (?) Xjil'KUVfcl) CUSHIONED KAR DUU11S. CURE FOR THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Kar Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform thu work or tha natural drum. Invisible com. tortuble and always In position. AH coner cener coner satleu and even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials. riiKK. Address or cell en r. HISCOX, 3 Preadway, New Yerk. , nHenhUn GELERT COMPOUND cLOTnma. ASKEW OB MB. - AT NOB. KM AH DM vTIBTKlKa BTBBET. OS7-ly JKUfleKi) FKlOaa L GANSBAN A BRO. Mea's, Beys' ud OMldrtn's SUITS At Beduced Pricei. Men's All-Weel Suits rrducedlromiateie U. Men's All-wool Suits red nend from tlO ten. 2en,'t!-I!0018ulUreauea fromtltteu. w!S 1! -001 8a,u "Oneefl rrem lit te 110. . I A";Weel Bnit. reduced from tl. te 111. Iiswr U'W001 BnU, duee from 118 te 85Juaren' B'l at 11.60, 1 JJ, tl w, )(, u, uie, tiK.7l.c,,.enr,r6at "no o'Trensera at 790, Sf l,l,i" Bna net te ba had anywhere else at the price. 0n,a Army SnlU at W, $3 and 110. enr custom Department speaks forliseli. L d Bre S. W.OORNHR NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE BT8. LANCA8TEB, TA DRY UOODB. rpHE PEOPLE'S CASH HTORK. Te the Ladles. WE ASK AN INSPECTION OF ONE Ol" TUB MOST DK3IBABLESTOCKB OK ts ts K VEU OF FEHBD IN THI8 C1I Y. We have a Corset at Mi which Is better than these usually sold at this price. Oar Urllllant at 73a Is as geed as mesttl.CO Corsets sold te-day In this city. Our 1100 Corset is scarcely excelled by any tl.25 Certet in this city. Alse Misses' & Children's Corsets We buy thoe goods direct from the manufac turer rer cash, which places us in the position te be en "The Ground rioer" with prices. It ti 111 pay you te I nspect these geed! an 1 prices The People's Cash Store. &. P. RATIVON, Ne. 25 East King St, LANOABTKB, PA. imarlt-lydAw BABY CAJiHIA UB8. F LINN ft BHKNKMAN. 100 Different Patterns -or- BABY 6ARR1A6ES AT- FL1NN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Refrigerators HAVE NO EQUAL. FLTNN & BRENEMAN, Ne. le2 North Queen Btreet, LANCABTElt PA. MUHJOAL. QUPhirtlOU liUALHY GaeMD Corse Gerse MUSICAL BOXES. HKNUY QAUTSCUI SONS, Ne. 1030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. anaminatien will prove our Instrument far superior te any ether meke, net apeaklnu or the worthless trash that abounds In the market, seen being nf mere annoyance than pleasure te thulr owners, old and lmper faitly made Musle ltexes carefully repaired by experienced workmen from the rrauutae. terv lnbwitterland. Correspondence solicited eendstuup loreautcguo and price list. nnMrlAw ATTetiyjsrF, TuniKita. kaukpman ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, N0.2 80UTH PIllNCK BT Lancaster. Pa. ra-iyw ! (' )i.-