Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 04, 1888, Image 1

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Bishop Kepfcart. el Teledo, lows, Ceaeaeratea
the New HoumeI Worhlp-Sraeaa by
Rev. Dr. J. W. Btter ana Olhsrs-Sab-serlptlesaaaMcleat
te r7 ths Debt.
Beehsa's Memerial onureb, a substantial
brlek structure, erected by the United
Brettarea In Christ at Reflen, en the
Qaarry vllle railroad, u dedicated with
Impressive ceremonleaea Sander, June 3d.
Ret. A. M. Hackman U peeter In charge.
Preparatory services were held en Betur
dajr evening, when Rer. J. W. Ktter, D.
D , of Lebanon, Fj., preached an eloquent
and logical discourse te very large con cen con
gregatlen en " The Faith of Abraham."
On Sundsy morning the pulpit wee filled
by Dlsbep K. B, Gepbart, of Teledo, Iowa,
wbeee theme waa Chrlet aa a teacher,
leader and commander of the people," Tbe
dlaeeurte waa a profound one, and waa elo ele elo
quently delivered and waa lutened te with
marked attention.
At the deae of tbe sermon an effort was
made te ecare subscriptions te pay off the
debt of the church and very liberal contri
butions were cflered.
Sunday afternoon there wan a sermon by
Rev, J. W. Etter, 1. D., his theme being
'The kingdom of Ged." The sermon was
an effective one.
After the sermon the Lord's snpper was
served by Rev. H. B. Dehner, presiding
In the evening there was preaching by
Bishop Gepbart, bis text being "Tbe Har
vest is past, tbe summer la ended and we
are net saved."
After the sermon another effort was made
te raise money by subscription te pay off
the balance of the church debt The sub
scriptions and CMh collections wero ample
for this purpose.
Tbe church was then duly dedicated by
Bishop Qephart In the manner and form
prescribed In the church discipline.
The only ether clergyman present at the
the dedication was Rev. P. A. Bewman, of
The new church is of ample elzatoacoom elzateacoom elzatoaceom
modate the membership and tbe congre
gation Jn and about Heltepjand the Sunday
school organized In connection with the
A Brave Soldier. Who Met an Untimely End
la Chicago, ea May S3,
Geerge W. Bewman, a switchman en the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad,
waa killed In Chicago, en May 25, While
en duty in the yards of the company he get
bis feet caught In a switch frog, and while
In that prsttien was run down by a train
and bad one of bis legs and one arm out
ctt. The aceldent happened at 8:20 a. m.
and Mr. Bewman died at 11:35 a. m.
Mr. Bewman waa a native et Lancaster,
a son of Mrs, Ellen Bewman, residing at
Ne. 310 Beaver street, who, owing te a nils nils
directien of a telegram did net receive no,
tiee of her sen'u death until Saturday, June
Mr. Bewman when only a lad enlisted in
CapL Geinpi's Ce. K., 79ctu Rest, Pa. Vels.
At tbe battle of Perryyille, Ky., onOoto enOoto onOeto
ber 8, 1SG2, he was shot through the body
and supposed te be mortally wounded ;
bat he recovered and rejoined bis company
and waa promoted te the rank of aergesn',
and served until October 3, 1804, when he
was mustered out at expiration of his term
et servloe. He was a brave soldier and bis
military record was a most creditable one.
On returning from tbe army he went
Inte tbe railroad business and continued in
It at one place and another ler mere tbn
twenty years, the three last years being
In Chicago.
Sergeant Bewman waa a member et G,
A. R., et the I. O. el O. F., of the Brother Brether Brother
heed of Swltcbmen and perhaps of some
ether societies. II Is reuaalns were interred
In Chicago under the auspices of tbe
awltchmen. lie leaves a wlfe and
three children te mourn hit? torrlble death.
His wife was Josephlne Walker, of Phila
delphia. His aged mother Is doubly be
reaved, her son Edwin having met a vio
lent death at Levan's mill some years age,
by being caught in the mill race and
drowned whlle attempting te shut down
the gate.
Manr.tgeI Die White Caps.
The "White Caps" of Spencer county,
Indians, have made a new movement.
They have written and posted In several
places a lengthy proclamation defending
their lawlessness en tbe ground of laxity of
the offleers in punishing crime, and say
that their attention Is especially directed
against wife beaters, letfers, Immoral eba
aetera and boys under 10 wbe run about at
night. Tbe remarkable part about the
manifesto is aceinmand that the newspapers
in tbe county shall publish tht Ir proclama
tion, under penalty of ebaatlsi'ment of the
editors for dlsobedlenoe One f tbe papers
bss oemplled. There Is much interest as
te what will be the result In the ease of the
A Italian ny.
North Queen street between Walnut ard
Lemen is partly bloekaded en account of
repairs being made. Ropes are stretched
aoress it at Walnut snd Lomen streets te
keep out vehleles. This morning David
Miller raised tbe repe at Lemen Mreet se
that his team could paw. A horse attached
te the truck of fire company Ne. t which
waa being exercised near by, toot fright
and ran furiously down North Quetn
street. William Atllebacb mounted the
truck and with mueb difficulty checked the
horse before any damage was done.
Committed Fer Trial.
Philip Bance was heard by Alderman
Halbaeu en Saturday evening en a charge
of larceny preferred by Frank Hinder, con
tractor. Tbe testimony was that several
pigs of lead were stolen and secreted In tbe
grass some distance from where they were
kept. A watch was kept and Benoe was
caught in tbe act et removing one of tbe
pigs of lead. Bence denied having stolen
tbe lead. The alderman returned tbe cane
te court and Benoe net telng able
te furnish security was committed for trial
st tbe August sessions.
The feast et Corpus ChrUtl waa celebrated
In tbe Catnolie churches en Sunday.
Tbe annual meeting rer ine election ni
officers or tbe Yeung Men's Democratic
club will be held en Tueeday even Id p.
Tbe bass fishing opened ea Friday last,
but few bass have been eaught up te the
present time.
The commencement exercises of tbe
Paered Heart academy will be held en
Tuesday June 19.
Seven Fer.en. Baptlted.
Over seven hundred persons witnessed a
baptism at tbe Big Springs, near Rohrera Rehrera Rohrera
tewn, en Sunday. Seven persons were
baptized by Rev, Nlcedemus, of tie
Church of Ged.
Died la QaairTTllle.
Freddie, a bright two-year-old son et
Jacob and Mary Stlvely, et Quarryville,
died this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stlvely
have hosts of Mends in this city, wbe will
sympathize with them In their bereave
ment, He will be burled at Quarry rills en
Mere Tfcaa Oae Hnind Receive Bas aac
raaaaat a tbe Baads ef Bishop
BLMery's Catholic chureh was filled In
every seat st the 10:30 a. m. mass en Ban
day when Rt, Rev. Thomss McOevern,
bishop of Herrlabura;, administered the
sacrament or confirmation te 117 people,
consisting of 00 girls, 41 boys sad 18 adults.
The ohureh was very handsomely deco
rated about the altar, beautiful ferns being
s oeaeplonous feature of the adopt adept
meat. The choir nnder Mr. W. O. Krslley 's
sbls leadership sang Haydn's Second Mass
la meat excellent style, sad st ths offertory
the "Cor Amer Is Victims" wss sweetly
given. These who were about te receive
tbe saered rite occupied tbe front pews In
ths middle aisle, the girls en the left and
the boys ea the right The girls were
arrayed In white with white Telia snd car
ried bouquets of flowers : the be; were In
black suite snd white gloves snd each were
s buttonhole bouquet. The mass was cele
brated by Rev. Father Kenney and Rev Dr.
McOullegh acted as master of ceremonies.
At Its conclusion Bishop McGovern, array
ing himself In bis episcepal vestments and
with mitre snd crcsler seated himself upon
the altar and delivered s brief snd simple
sddrees te these who were about te be con
firmed, la plain and forcible language
he told of the nature of tbe ceremony about
te be performed, and Impressed en these
who were about te receive It tbe necessity
of laying te heart all its possibilities In the
spiritual sphere. Then, forming two by
two, all proceeded te the feet et the altar
and reeelved the sacrament. The services
closed with the "Te Deum" by the choir.
In the evening st 7:30 o'elock Bishop Mo Me
Govern celebrated vespers In tbe church,
whlen was crowded with devout wor
shiper. TIIK lEKNffUOU Q AM).
Indictments Agaluit Members et It Fer the
Muraer el Sharpie...
Judge Fnthey la te alt upon the Delaware
county bench, at Media, during the coming
week of criminal court, In the absence or
Jndge OlayteD, who la travelling In Europe,
and, if the West Chester Judge will consent
te It, tbe counsel for Samuel Jehnsen, tbe
condemned murderer of Jehn Sharpless,
will present, through Dlstrlet Attorney
Jehn B. Hsnnum, Indictments te tbe grand
Jury, charging Charles Wilsen, alias " Big
Charley," Christopher Cbepas and ethers
with the murder or Jehn Sharpless.
It Is net thought likely that Judge
Futbey will hear the case at all or allow
the indictments te be presented te the
grand Jury without their going te them In
a regular way trem a Justice of the peace
alter a preliminary hearing.
" Big Charley, " tee, Is the only mem
ber of tbe gang of suspects within tbe
jurisdiction or the county. The ethers are
in tbe Eaaternpenltentlary and they oeuld
only be released after a habeas corpus
hearing, en the testimony or whleb, It is
claimed, will prove their connection with
tbe Sharpless murder. Even It bills of In
dictment are presented and true bills re
turned, wbleb is very doubtful, tbe eases
cannot be tried until Judge Clayten'a re
turn In September.
Tbe new evidence recently taken In the
case, before Commissioner Cremelln, te be
presented te tbe beard cf pardena at tbe
rehearing et Jehnsen's case en the 12th
Inst., for s cemmutatlcn of tbe sentence te
imprisonment te life, oevera ever 700 pages,
Tbe most Important evidence tending te
show tbe Fernwood gangs' connection with
tbe crime is the evidence of a man found
travelling with a circus In Illinois, who
awears that Big Charley " sometimes car
ried a revolver Ilka tbe one found near the
Sharpless mansion after the murder.
Hurt Frem a Bicycle.
Little Stewart Calder, an eight year-old
eon et Geerge Calder, of 221 East Orange
street, waa painfully hurt by a fall from a
bloyele yetterday. it Is net certain bow
tbe accident happened, but tbe little fellow
was found en Sunday morning unoenaolous
en the pavement en Orange street, be
tween Sblppen and Plum streets and
with sevete contusions about the bead
He was conveyed home and a physician
summoned when it was ascertained that in
the fall he had also severely out his tengue.
Tbe little sutTerer bore his pain manfully
and at last accounts waa progressing satis
factorily towards recovery.
Funeral el AddUen Jteldenbaeb.
The funeral of Addison Reldenbaeb,
merchant, et Reldenbach's Stere, Earl
tewnsblp, who died suddenly en Wednes
day, took place en Sunday and was one of
the largest ever seen In that Motion of the
county. Tbe remains were viewed at the
home of deceased by hunnreds of persons,
and at tbe Union chapel at Epbrats. After
tbe services, which werecenducted by Rev,
D. C. Tobias, his pastor, the coffin was
again opened and ever nine hundred peo
ple viewed tbe remains. The Interment
waa made at Bewman'a cemetery, Ephrata,
Death or Ttederick Demnth.
Frederick Demutb, another of Lancas
ter's eldest cltlzenr, has passed Jaway. He
died en Saturday night, In bis 87th year, at
Ids residence Ne. SO Seuth Duke street.
It is health has net bten geed for the past
several months and for thirteen weeks he
has been confined te tbe beuse with dropsy.
His wire died a few years Bge and shortly
alter thatevent his health gave way. His
eldest seu, Samuel J. Demutb, was buried
ten days age. He leaves three children,
William and Albert Demutb, and Mrs,
Careline E. Becker,
Children's eey.
The services at Covenant United Brethren
church yesterday attracted large congrega
tions. They were specially arranged in the
Insert st of the children. The sermon In the
morning was wholly te the young folks
snd the evening service waa occupied
in the rendering of a printed
pamphlet of music, responsive read
ings, recitations and scripture readings
Tbe church was decorated with flowers,
vines and letterings across the recess of
pulpit. Singing canaries added their notes
te the Jey et the occasion.
Bandar at Trlnllr.
Rev. F. F. Fry, brother of Rev. O. L.
Fry, occupied the pulpit of Trinity Luth
eran church en Sunday. His sermons were
very Interesting and well delivered. Rev.
Fry was reeently edalned by tbe minuter.
Inm and In a few months will assume tbe
duties of his position aa assistant te Rev,
Dr. Selts, of Philadelphia. A large delega.
tlen from the " Algonquin " camping club,
of this elty, of wblcbTitev. Fry Is a member,
were present at the evening service.
Held far Trial at Court,
Emma Clark, charged with concealing
the death of a bastard child, bad a hearing
before Aldermen Spurrier Saturdsy even
ing and gave ball te answer the charge at
Charlette Clark, the mother of Emma, In
default et ball was committed te answer as
being accetsery te tbe act.
Jane Buckram, the nurse, charged with
being accessory, waa discharged but waa
held In f200 ball as a witness at court.
Before tbe Mayer,
The mayor disposed of three caaes tbla
morning. Mary Heffman, arrested for
raising a disturbance In tbe Seventh ward,
waa sent te Jail for ten dsys, and Jehn
Mahler received a similar sentence for
fighting en Prince street near Faegley vllle,
Charles Stevens, arrested for peddling
rings without license, was discharged upon
premising net te repeat tbe offense,
The reaasyiTBBlaBS Are ter the OM Re
aa "-W. TJ. Beaasl Babstttnte for Del
egate HoeverBow the Keystone
Members WUI be riaeed.
The Democratic national convention will
assemble In St. Leuis en Tuesday. Frem
present Indications Judge Thnrmsa, who
baa consented te be s candidate, Is likely te
be theatmeet unanimous oheloeof the con
vention for vles president As Cleveland's
unanimous nomination la a foregone con
clusion, the absence of a straggle ever tbe
vice presidential nomination will tend te
greatly abbreviate the convention. Ex
Lieutenant Governer White, el California,
haa been decided upon for temporary, and
Congressman Cellins, et Massachusetts, ter
permanent chairman. It la understood
that the tariff plank et tbe platform will
be mainly constructed from tbe president's
messsge, mere Deing strong opposition 10
tbe radical desire for the endorsement or
he Mills bill.
It waa thought en Friday and Saturday
that the Thurman boom waa ephemeral :
that It bad no real strength ; that It was
confined te the Paoifle alepe people, wbe
were there with a hale of bsndannaasnd
numerous boxes of California wine ler free
distribution, snd tbat the delegates te ar
rive would see tbe danger snd felly of
nominating for vice president s msn who
Is 75 yeara of age, and ae Infirm that be
moves about with the aid of ethers. But
this calculation has been shattered by the
arriving delegates, wbe seem te have been
overtaken by the Thurman wave while en
route, and who arrive marching, behind the
Thurman banner snd deoerated with ban
dannas, A singular feature of this Thurman del
uge Is the fact tbat It receives arslstanee
from men who are opposed te It and who
speak or It aa bad politics." Be far as tbe
character, qualifications snd merits el
Thurman are concerned there la no differ
ence of opinion. Men like German, of
Maryland ; Morrison, of Illinois i Walter
son, of Kentueky ; Voorhees, of Indiana,
and Soett, et Pennsylvania, really depre
cate the movement because et Tnnrman'a
age and Infirmities, vet are nreDsred te
Jump Inte tbe current and drift along with
ice uue mat is te carry ine um Keman "
te tbe second place en the Democratic
Among ether Pennsylvania arriving
Sunday morning were the members of tbe
W. U. Hansel association, erganised for
this occasion only. Ths Henael men were
Mr. Hensel himself, who Is substituted rer
Delegate Jehn S. Hoever, or this dlstrlet ;
Fourth district (Philadelphia), Delegates
Jehn J. Shields and Geerge Thomsen,
Delegates E. A. Blgler, Pittsburg; Judge
Orvls, Centre county ; A. W. Lee, Clear
field ; Ed Wlersmsn, William Mutebler,
Northampton : J. E. Severs, Carben ; ex ex
Henater C. F. King, Sehuylklll, and Jehn
E. Melons, Lancaster ; ex Congressman
Jehn B. Storm, Menree.
All the Pennsylvania delegates who ar
rived Sunday morning attended tbe caucus
held before neon. Cbslrmsn Eisner was
present and announced one of the object te
be choice of members et the oemmlttees.
A roll call showed only 23 delegates pres
ent, snd It was said there was only one
ether delegate In tbe city. As 21 Is 7
less than a majority, Mr. Scott, Mr.
Hansen, Mr. Hensel and ethers
suggested postponement of sotlen,
snd it wss agreed te adjourn until
morning. In the informal talk of these
delegates it was intimated that the dele
gates would be a unit en all questions be
fore the convention, and the delegate-at-large,
Beyle, was tbe obnlee for chairman
or itee Pennsylvania ; Delegate-at-Large
Mutchler te go en tbe committee en resolu
tions ; Delegate at-Large Caaaldy, commit
tee en permanent orgaulzatlen, and W. U.
Hensel, committee en credentials, Mr.
Hensel, however, Insists that Judge Orvia
be put en the committee en credentials.
After adjournment most of the delegates
said there waa no doubt that Pennsylvania
would be a unit for Tburmin. Mr. Soett
eald he thought Thurman would Denomi
nated, tbat Mr. German would net oppose
him, and that any efforts te nominate Gray
would be the hardest kind of uphill work.
Tin, Phltadelpblans want Mr. Ssnsenderter
te be one of the convention secretaries, and
are confident that Mr. Patterson will repre
sent Pennsylvania en tbe committee te
netily the nemniees.
The Democratic Cleba,
The National League of Democratic clubs
is well represented, with headquarters at
tbe Lae(ede hotel. The Yeung Men'a
Domecratio club of New Yerk city sent en a
special delegation, consisting or Edward H.
Wbltney, Rebert Menree and F. Curtis te
represent the National League. The League
clubs,' as previously announced In the San,
will meet In Baltimore en July 4. Every
state and territory In tbe country will be
represented. The polltlc'aes sre taking sn
active Interest In tbe matter, and expect the
young men, who principally comprise tbe
National League of Democratic club, te de
very tiucieni wurt uuring ine oeming
campaign. A circular, setting forth tbe
general plan el work proposed te be ac
complished by tbe league, baa been dis
tributed among the varleun delegations
new therr, and reiimllteea represents g
the lesgue have been appointed te ap
pear before each delegation and present
tbe plan of organization proposed by the
league. Mr. Rebert Drain, oneet tbe Mary
land delegates and secretary ct tbe league
eummlttee at Baltimore, baa been appoint
ed te appear before the executlve commit
tee of tbe national Democratic committee
te-morrow, and ask the oe operation or
tbat body. Tbe lesgue clrculsr says : "The
league Is new rspldly Increasing In
Its membership, snd will held its first
convention at Baltimore en the fourth day
of July next. It will then complete Its
organlzitlen, and enter at one upsn tbe
campaign. Its members by united effort
will set with the clearest Intelligence and
least waste of force. They will distribute
documents, bold public meetings, canvass
tbe votes, help man the polls and in every
legitimate way work for victory. While
they will be lu harmony with tbe regular
party organization, still they will work In
dependently, bringing Inte tbe campaign
an element of active, Intelligent and prac
tical men who never have Joined In organ
ized political work before. The league's
convention en the Fourth of July next will
be the grandest opening tbat any presiden
tial campaign ever yet baa had. Delegates
srealrtaiy being elected from every por
tion et tbe unler."
The Ohie Dtlrgatien Hut its Cuanlmeualy
ler Htm,
St. Leuis, June 4, All Interest centres
this morning en tbe action te be taken
by tbe Ohie delegation In reference te
vlee presidential preferences. It was given
out last nl&ht tbat unless tbe delegation
decided te give a solid support te Judge
Thurman before neon te-dsy, bis nsme
would be withdrawn. Bat alter this rumor
bad gained gained circulation, tbe dele
gates decided net te meet until 2 p. m,,
when It will finally decide npen tbe man.
Indications are net favorable te the en
dorsement or Thurman by the delegation.
Ex Governer Bishop, who Is olese te the
Indiana Gray contingent, says: "The
principal opposition I offer te Thurman Is
one el policy, We cannot hope te carry
Ohie, while Indiana la the battle-ground
and It seems te ue we abeuld place our
forces where they can de tbe most geed."
Corener Messemer, the Tammany repre repre
aentatlveef the Yeung Men's Demoeratlo
club, aays that bis organization Is solid for
Thurman, first, lsst and all the time.
The aame msy be said of the County
Democracy wltb possibly two exceptions,
which gives Thurman at this writing 03
out of tbe 70 New Yerk votes. There are
two dissenting votes In the Georgia delega
tien, and aa ths unit rule does
apply la their case, it Ii barely
possible tbst the
will bold out, although every effort la being
made te bring them Inte Una, Tbe Wis
oeasla delegation Is solid for Thur
man with eae exosptlen, and tbe
chances are that before eight It
will be a unit. , Tbe Pennsylvania
delegation la bow In session and la the
opinion otene of ths leaders they will fix
op the committee elate and defer acties ea
the vles presidency till later la the day.
It baa been decided that the delega.
tlen will nnlte en every question
wblei may be passed by a two-thirds ma
jority. This deoUlen la construed te mesa
tbst unless s break oecurs Thnrmsa will
receive tbe support of Ojs delegation.
Senater Beck In conversation with a re
porter of tbe United Psess this morning
said he had nothing te add te his opinion
et last night, tbat everything was running
for Thurman aa rapidly ss possible, sad
while he esme here la favor of Stevenson
for second place, he of oeuree oeuld net con
sider any ether name as against the Old
Reman or Ohie.
Congressman Soett bas net wavered In
tbe least trem his opinion of yesterday and
considers lbs tastier settled for Thurman.
Tbe New Yerk delegation is filling tbe
town with red bandanna faaadkerehlefs
snd talking loudly for Thurman. Mr. J. J.
O'Donehue, of Tammany Hall la keeping
open house st bis quarters In tbe South
ern hotel, snd whoever visits .him are roy
ally entertained. About neon Mr,
O'Donehue entered his quarters with a
magnificent bouquet of out roses which
ha says was handed htm en tbe street by a
very handsome lady wbe declared that any
one wbe carried a red bandanna se conspi
cuously ss be did was entitled te the
choicest flowers In St, Leuis.
In Mr. O'Donehne's opinion It Is ten te
ene Judge Thurmsn will be nominated by
Senater Kenns, of West Virginia, sr
rived at the Southern hotel this after
neon. He has conferred with the
leaders of the leading delegations snd bss-
Ing his opinion en the Information received
sayatberecanbenodenbtof Judge Thur
man's selection for second place.
Senater Kenna asys the indications sre
st present that ths platform et 1S84 will be
readopted, and the president's message en
dorsed. Hen. Gee. Raines, of New Yerk,
Is mostly spoken of ss the msn who will
place President Cleveland In nomination.
FenntTIVBiila for Iherman.
St. Leuis, Jane 4 3 p. m. The Penn
sylvania delegation have Instructed for
Thurman, and the delegation will vote as s
unit. The natiensl committee Is still in
Te Die en Jnly 13,
St. Leuis, June 4. The supreme court
fixed July 13 for the execution of Hugh M.
Brooks, who murdered Preller in the
Southern hotel In April, 1885.
A Lfgal Holiday.
Washington, June 4. The Heuse bas
passed the Senate bill making Inaugura
tion day a legal holiday.
Tbe Heme Would Net Stay In a Failure Field
Bceanae lie Was Net Hungry.
Te travel tbe shortest route from this
city te tbe Susquehanna river one must
pass at least twelve milestones. Sue day
morning William Deen, William Rete and
H. U. Hoever started with a team snd In a
short time were In tbe company of genial
Cesper II art man. The horse was turned
loose te nip the high grsss In a field, and
then tbe above trio engaged themselves In
hunting wild flowers and In ether diver
sions. Tbe horse had s geed breakfast before
lie left his stable and no net care te
Invite oello by munching weeds. The
fence surrounding him was net tbe
kind te held a full-grown horse,
and no sooner had Dsen it Ca got
ten out of sight than tbe animal took a hop,
skip and Jump and scaled tbe rail wall.
Tbe run te town was an easy feat ; net
near the task tbe horse expsneneed earlier
la tbe morning. Shortly after reaching
this city the eloper was put Inte bis stall,
and many people were under tbe Impres
sion that a serious accident had happened
te tbe tourists
After the men bade Casper Hartman
farewell tbey prepared te harness the
horse snd depart for home. They ap
proached the field where tbe horse had
been left, snd were thunder-struck te find
tbe once pastured steed absent Ibeugbta
varying from tbe theory tbat tbe heraa had
been stolen te tbe probability tbat he waa
In swimming were entertained for awhile,
but at last It was pretty eerlsln
te sll tbat the noble trotter bad
gene home. The party then con
cluded te fellow. They sought the soft
est aide of tbe highway and walked te Lan
caster, here and there stepping en the read
te quench their thirst at some generous
A horse was procured snd a messenger
sent after tbe wagon, and it was returned
te Ha owner.
The next time tbe river Is visited by
Messrs. Deen, Rote snd Hoever tbey will
take a leg chain along te keep tbe horse in
Uncle ita.iu. an Kdlter.
Gentleman And ae you are a newspaper
mn new. Uncle RestusT
Uncle Rastus Yes, sab ; l'se de editor
ob de Jeb deps'tment.
Gentleman Kdlter of the Jeb depart
ment? Uncle Rastus Yes, aab ; I carrys In coal
an' scrubs de 11 V, an' washes down de
windows, an' all such edit in' as Cat, sab.
A Weedy Witticism.
Wife You'll kill veurselt smoking se
much, Jehn.
Husband Bat, my dear, 1 must use tbe
weed ; 1 cannot step It,
Wife Ob, very well ; If tbat la se, I guess
I shall have occasion for weeda before long.
Going Ie Virginia.
D. M. Moere haa been awarded the con
tract for covering tbe root of a large hotel at
Cape Charles, Virginia, with alate. Mr,
Moere will go te tbat elty te superintend
the work.
Hure In Marcb.
Teacher Sammy, why de you
your name S. Smith Marcher T
Sammy Why, 'eus pa writes his
Smith, Junier. 1 was born in March.
Death el a Nurse.
Miss Alice Fisher, chief nurse of tbe
Philadelphia hospital, died yesterday morn
ing about half-past 3 o'elock, without auf
lerlug. Sbe was taken III about a week age
with an acute exacerbation of an affection
of tbe heart dating baek many years.
Appointed Uy the Coinmlt.leiiere
Jehn Brlllbart has been sppeinted as tbe
G. A. R. repreaentative by tbe oemrnlf slen-
ere of Ephrata and vlelnlty, te leek after
tbe burial et Indigent sc idler. He takes
the plsee et Menree wenger, resigned,
Ueatn el ,u Kdlter,
Previuencb, Jane 4. Claude De
Haven, editor snd proprietor et the Ju Ju
dicater, died at midnight et typhoid pneu
monia, sged 47,
Oeuld Says He Only Had Nenralfla.
Denvkb, Cel., June 4. Jay Gould and
party arrived In Pueblo yesterday. Mr,
Ueuld denies the recent report e! bla HI-
nets. He ssys be bad a slight attack et
tannlnli. With this exeantfnn ha haa
I been and Is In geed health.
A Small U.t te Be Disposed el this Week.
Clarien Waager Convicted el Assam!
and ratterr-Teetrmenj la the case.
Beady te Bs Tried Fer Berder.
The June adjourned court or quarter ses
sions waa opened at 10 o'elock tbla morn
ing, with Judge Livingston presiding.
There are en the list for trial 43 eases, but
nearly all are et a trifling nature. Among
the Important cases en tbe Hat sre: Jehn
W. Rudy, mnrder 1 Annie KUngler, con cen con
eesllng death of Illegitimate child ; Heraco
W. Beamsderfer, et at, conspiracy te de
fraud creditors.
The fslse pretense esse against aeerge B.
Rafreth was settled by tbe parlies Inter
ested, and the dlstrlet attorney entered a
Clayten Wenger, of Akren, was put en
trial for committing an assault and battery
en Christian W. Swalley, or the same vil
lage. The testimony showed thatWengei
was In the employ ct Swalley, wbe la a
cigar manufacturer, and en April 0 Wenger
notified Swslley that he Intended leaving
his employ. Wenger wss (old te oeme
after dinner for bis money due and when
he called there waa a dispute. Wenger
claimed that ha waa charged for tobacco
that he did net get, and Swalley said that
waa a lie. As scen ss Swslley said that
Wenger atruck Swslley, knocked htm
down and gave him a terrible beillng.
Swslley 's nose was cut, his eyes dlioelored
snd his fsee wss se badly used up tbat his
friends oeuld net recegnise blm.
Tee defense was tbst en the 0th el April,
when Wenger accused Swalley of charging
him with tobacco he did net get, Swalley
called him a liar, struck blm and caught
bold et htm. A fight followed and Weager
get the worst et II. It waa claimed by the
aerensn that all tbat Wenger did was In ser.
defense. It was also ahewn that the repa- j
of the defendant for poace and quiet I
xhI. I
Was geed
The Jury rendered a verdict of guilty.
Sentence was deferred until Saturday morn
Win, B. Given, Columbia, was appointed
guardian et tbe miner child cf WUlUm
Fergusen, late of Columbia.
Ileiollsel Mae Ball tlamer.
On Stturdav tbe League games m suited :
Philadelphia 8 Chicago 4 1 Bosten 0, Pitts
burg 1 ; New Yerk 0, Indianapolis 0 J De
troit II, Washington 1.
Association : St. Leuis 4, Athletic 0 1
Baltimore II, Louisville 6 ; Baltimore fj
Louisville 4: Brooklyn IS, Cincinnati 0;
Kansas Olty 10, Cleveland 15.
Sunday game : St. Leuis a, Brooklyn 4,
The game between tbe Aettvea el this
elty and the Nermal Scheel nine at Millers
vllle en Saturday resulted :
Active, i e e e e fc l e 0-4
Mermul l oeooo ie e
Tbe Lancaster Browns defeated tbe team
of the Lancaster Athletle elub en Saturday
afternoon, In a poorly-played game by a
B3oreef21U13. Umpire Deen called tbe
game at tbe olese et the eighth Inning en
soeount of darkness. Sener and Amwake
were In tbe points fcr the Athletic club,
snd Kline snd Weaver formed tbe battery
of the Browns. The batsmen or the latter
pounded Sener all ever tbe Held and be
was knocked eat of the box, First Bsssmsn
Wiley taking bia place and doing effective
work rer two Innings. Tbe Atbletles will
oreat bats with the Mlllersyllle club en
Wednesday afternoon at Athletle park.
Twenty-tlr.t Anniversary,
The twenty-first anniversary of Rev. D.
W. Gerhard's pastorate of Salem (fleller's
Rtlermed church) waa celebrated en Sun
day. Rev. Gerhard 'a predecessor wss Rev.
Daniel Hertz, who served tbe congregation
from 1630 te 1807. During the last f7e
yesrsef Rev. Gerhard's pastorate tbe bm
munlcants bave averaged ICO. During tbe
last year 183 of tbe members communed.
Tbe membership of tbetchareh Is 224. When
Rev. Gerhard assumed ebarge tbe ohureh
waa aepsrated from tbe Krbrata ebarge
and attaebed te the New Helland and the
past yes It was separated from the New
Helland and became a part or tbe Willow
Street chat go. Tbe services en Sunday
were largely attended, and tbe pastor In
bis sermon referred te tbe steady growth
el tbe church.
Dnralling Heuse De.treyed.
The beuse of Mr. Mel linger, one fourth
of a mile north of Martin B. Weldler'a
hotel, Upper Leacoek, was destroyed
by fire en .Sunday afternoon. The
building deatreyed was a two story
weather bearded and leg and the file
originated In the flue en the garret. When
the Are was discovered the neighbors hur
ried te the beuse snd sucoee'ded In saving
some of the furniture. The surrounding
buildings were saved by tbe efforts of tbe
nolgbbers. Mr, Melllnger snd tbe children
were st Sundsy school when tbe fire was
discovered snd Mri. Melllnger was at a
netgbbet's house, Whea they arrived the
house was entirely consumed, Tbe Insur
ance en tbe building waa very light. Tbe
family were glven abetter by some of tbe
neighbors until arrangements can be made
for re butldlnft.
Singer Cruahed,
Edward 1'arker, an emp'eye of Ne. 8
cotton mill, bad a II rigor erusbed en Satur
day by having It caught In tbe machinery
while at work In tbe weave-room. Tte
probability Is that a ptrtef the finger will
have te be amputated. The weuad wts
dressed by Dr. Hess.
Altoe.t Drewner".
Jacob Hsrnlsb, living en tbe Old Factory
read, Is a dairyman by occupation. On Sat
urday as be waa getting some cans of milk
eat of tbe spring beuse be lest bis balance
and fell Inte the spring. His bead
atruck tbe bard bottom, rendering him un
conscious, and by tbe timely arrival et bla
brother he was saved from drowning.
m. Tobacco Facaer'e Accident
William Ferrest, while working In the
cellar et Sklles it Frey's tobacco warohenie
en Saturday, met with an accident. The
fastening of tbe lever en tbe tobacco pre a
broke snd tbe handle struck him en tbe
head, cutting a deep gash.
Itebbtry at the Wealern Market.
Thleves eUeoted an entrance Inte the
restaurant of Jehn H. Zellers, In tbe base
ment et the Western market en Sunday
morning. A number of bananas and some
ether fruits were stolen.
Net Tbla Year.
The Berks County Agricultural Society
has decided te have no lair this year. Tbl i
course was decided en in consequence et
there being Insufficient time te ertei tbe
neeessary buildings in tbe new fair ground.
The Betb.vllle Uaart.
The Rethsvllle band favored the
iNTKLLtOENCKU with a serenade en Satur
day. Tbe band is bsndtemely uniformed
and tbe selections played were very well
Feu.len Day,
This Is quarterly pension day and tbe
cilices et the magistrates and notaries were
thronged wltb teaaleners te have their
papers attested.
Protesting Against "I'lnck-Me" Stere.
On Friday at Ueulsdala an enthuslastle
mass meeting wss held te denounce and
oppose the attempt of the Berwln-Whlte
coal Mining company and ether operators
te relntroduee the store-truck system of
raying wages, snd 3,600 men crowded the
opera house te overflowing. Saturday
morning a meeting for 0 slmltsr purpose
was held at Oeceela Mills, and In tbe alter alter
neon the Ptilllpsburg opera house was
fairly filled with the miners and business
msn of the vicinity. Fer a year past, save
In Ueutzdale, the system has been growing
In magnitude, and the men have felt It ab
eelutely necessary te arise en masse and
pretest against Its further continuance. The
resolutions adopted bsve be-n vigorous,
snd the speakers portrayed eloquently the
evils growing out of the system.
' i i i
A Republlutn Majer.
Austin S. Harrington, the Republican
nominee, waa en Saturday elected, mayor
of Wilmington, Del, by 713 majority ever
ex chief et Police Jehn J. Dougherty.
Dougherty's defeat la wholly due te tbe
split in the local Democratic ranks. Tbe
better element et the Dntntcrsey largely
cut the party's nominee snd supported
The adherents of Dougherty, seeing within
tbe past tow daya tbat his ebancea for elec
tion were rapidly deteriorating, circulated
a repert tbat should he be detested the
Demoeratlo ticket's suecess in tbe oeming
national flectien weuiu ne seriously im
paired. This la but sn Illusion, ss can be
readily seen, for tbe ether prominent
Democratic candidates were elected by
bandsome majorities.
Krceted Ills Own UeaiUtene.
Jehn Burley, of Roundeut, N. Y., has
erteted bis own headatene In tbe main bury
ing ground there. The monument Is a neat
one, and nearly every year the color or It
Is ehsnged. This year It has been painted
white, it la said tbat Burley take pleasure
In visiting his grassy mound and looking
en the spot where be will one day prob
ably be buried. Ha waa a soldier in the
war, and a battered flag flutters in the breeze M
. mi ju iiju iieauauiiu ud una
placed the following Inscription :
"Jehn Burley, aerved G years In G. Ce ,
Sth Rest, and II. Ce., Si Dragoon, U. S.
aiuijr. nuuiirauiy uieenargfiu. '
BurlBV Waa hnrn In 1H19 TTn haa taft a
blank spaee en the stone for the ditto of bis
Moravian Provincial Synod,
The Moravian provincial synod, which
ineludes all tbe churches of the Northern
Amerlcsn province, will meat In Bethle
hem, Pa., en September 19. Besldes being
the regulsr prevlnclsl synod, this meeting
will be preparatory te the great decennial
synod In Germany. Part of its work win
be te eleet delegates te this synod, a new
governing beard for tbla province snd te
nominate two new bishops. The local
Moravian pastor, Rev. J. Max Hark, and
three lay delegates will attend from this
ltfgt.tta.tlen el Voters.
The registry books were furnished te the
assessors et the several districts et tbe
county te-day, It la new the duty of
these ofllelala te make a canvais or thelr
dlstrlet and record the name, residence aud
occupation et every voter. These books
are returned te the commissioners cilice In
July and copies made, oneet which la hung
In each polling place. In tbe early part el
September tbe assessor sits for two dsys te
register these who msy have been emitted
or moved Inte the dlstrlet after the regis
tration was made.
Harder aud Suicide.
The bodies el James Phillips and his wife
were found Saturday In a leg cabin en tbe
Krlder farm, near Legan, Ohie. It ap
peared from a note lelt by Phillips, snd
from tbe testimony et their children, tbat
be had cut his wlte'a threat wltb a pecket
knife and then had used the same weapon
upon his own threat. He Is said te bave
been a worthless fellow and elten abuttd
his wife, whose property be bad wasted,
Unclaimed Letter.
Following la the list of unclatmed letters
remslulng at the Lancaster posteUlce for
the week ending June 4 ;
Laditt' LMUt. Nottle B. Graham,
Miss Llzzle Keser, Ann K. Page, Mrs.
Agnes B. Smith.
Otnt LUtVf. XI. Brltten & Oa, Henry
Ruse, J. W. Bash, J. F. Cele, (J. Haltel, T.
Hall, K, Kovler, WItmer Lxfevre. Jehn
Lunbar, Jas. R.Talssber, W. G, William
son, Frank W. Woolson.
Band el Bena Affairs.
The following were eleeted oflleera et
the Lancaster Band of Hepe, at tbelr meet
ing en Saturday : President, Tbes, Thor Ther
babn ; vice president, Earl Kendlg ; secre
tary, A. Smith treasurer, Ir. Diller; as
sistant secretary, W. Warren: librarian,
Miss Wright; assistant librarian, J, Erli
man ; organist, Miss M. Kendlg.
Supreme Ledge of Ilia World.
Tbe Supreme Ledge et the Wcrld,
Knights of Pytbtas, meet In Olneinnall, O ,
next week. The members of Uniform Kanlr,
Division Ne. 0, of this elty, te tbe number
of about twenty-five, will leave here Sunday
night at 11:10. A limited number of tlekets
st f 10 for the round trip msy be had by per
sons net members of the order,
Old Meney,
Milten Keyler, or Celeraln, shewed us
tbla morning some old Maryland paper
money bearing date et 17G0 and 1770, and
yellow aud time-worn, He also bas an old
German account book et transactions In
1707 wbleh belonged te bis grandfather and
which he highly prizes.
Belied Wltb Vertigo.
Harry Trewltz, bartender at the Court
Avenue hotel, was seized with vortlge this
morning while standing behind the bir.
He was removed te his home en Plum
street In a cab and Dr. King, bis physleiar,
summoned. At neon bis condition waa
slightly Improved,
Dlreutlen. ou a Letter.
Frem the Alteena Tribune
A postal card was received at tbe roet reet roet
effice In Jamei Creek tbe ether day with
tbe following address lu German: "Te
my cousin, Who lives four miles from
James Creek en a farm of forty acrei. The
cars run through his land aud he bas tin
red heifers."
Diotrnlngef Twe Ueyt,
Rebert Ueldy and Boyd Guintner, aged
respectively 15 and 13 years, were walking
upon some Icese legs lu tbe river at Will Will
lsmtpert, en Sundsy, when tbe former
slipped in and tbe latter endeavored te
rescue blm, but both were drowned. The
boys were iedh et prominent citizens,
young Gulntner'a father being clerk et the
Suing the Bberltr.
Mrs. A. R. Moere, of M.oen, Oa., Is suing
Sberltt Sam Weacett for 120,000 frr allowing
a mob te hang her husband while be was
In bis charge la August. 1836". The men
was taken trem Jail and hanged te a tree
lersn alleged as.aulteu a young woman.
Subtequeut develepmenta weut te show
tbat he was net guilty.
Nlitcr of Mrs. Sarah I.eclir.
Mrs, Mary A. Beas, aged 43, widow et tbe
late Charles Beas, died lu Uarrlsburg en
Saturday of paralysis. Bbe was a sister of
Mr. Sarab Lecber, et tbla tl.y. Twe child
ren survive,
Ate Toe Much tVhcat.
Mr. J. Blnkley, et Lear M. B. Weldler's
hotel In Leacoek, lest a valuable cow en
Sunday, She get Inte s g alu field and ate
enough te bunt bwself,
IN Baten
The Sasday Scheel Decanted ler the Oust
st ob Henry Kerstetter, a Canal Beat.
man, raits late the (Water at
Beca tieea sad 1 Drowned.
Columbia, June 4. Children's darwi
observed en Sunday la Bsleaas Unite
Brethren chureh en North Fifth street, aael
number of people. Tbe services were fcatl,-?;
In the Sunday school room, which was pre. Mf
ttlV trimmed With .Tannun. inri tlnmmmt " ft.
In tbe morning tbe services were celled v
" A Feast of Flowers and a Flew nf Hrm. T
being prepared specially for the day, Tka",
pregramme oenslsted of singing, reading of VJ
the Psalms, recitations, having different $
flowers for the subjects, responsive read-
lnga from the Bible, making mention of
flowers, addressen, etc. The brass orchestra , "v
added mueb te the musleal portion of the 4
servlee. In the evening tbe pregramme was d
qulte lengthy but was enjoy ea by a C
congregation whleh overflowed the build- X
Ing. Tbe pregramme oenslsted et soles,
duetts, violin sole, musla by the brass or
chestra, reoltatiens, eta The persons taking
part acquitted themselves In n creditable
manner, and the children's day or 1SS3 will '
be pleasantly remembered by the mem
bers of tbe Salene church.
Barsral Meeting.
A meeting was held In tbe Prcsbyterfaa
ohureh en Saturday evening, when Archi
tect Hewitt, et Philadelphia, was eleeted te
leek after the new church. A meeting will . ,
be held this evening for suggestions or '
ehsnges. The committee will go te Phils- I
delphtaen Wednesday te submit tbe plans
te the architect.
The committee en subscriptions et the
centennial met en Saturday evening, and t,
divided the town Inte districts. Tbe meat
Lers will canvas for funds.
A. meeting of tbe nisle membership of &
tbe Methodist ohureh will be held that A
The Ladles Mite society of the M. A - '
church will held a meeting this evenlsg ' Si
at the residence of Mr. Jehn Shenberger, 'X
en Seuth Third street. Refreshments will
be en sale.
A meeting will bs held In the Y. M. O.
A. building this evenlng of tbe members
Interested In starting a base ball elub,
In nu Out or Town.
Miss Rens North left town this morning
snd will sail en Saturday for a trip te Ea- .-?
J. Ewlng Mifflin, of Philadelphia, spent ,4
Sunday In town with his parent.
Mr. Jehn Brown, et Brooklyn, Is In tewa
visiting bis old friends, Mr. Brown Is a
native of thla place and Is renewing tit1 ;,
acquaintance with the friends of bis boy- , J
heed. - 4
far lllahflh tn avian! tUm easu Ihaa sVaTlaaaa. JeK 1
-.,::.";;.,- vrxzzrrzjzri
ababiuu AiDiua iu wire mh xe xsuia-uua ui xim 7 y-rt-
ten, Mr. WsHyMarierwUUUendtlirw-, - $
Mr. Michael Shumae, of Uarrlsburg, waa "SP
In town en Sunday. sJkS
Mrs, Hunter, el Clearfield county, mwmx
vlaltlnff her staler. Mrs. Charlaa Malllnaarl ..2'
", ,-, r r
m kvuu.m .&'uuu. aiie w,ia umiw nw. ".-.
seen each ether for forty-flve years. " 63
cspt, F. A. Bennett and family spaat ?,j?
Sundsy with Mr. Charles Bennett, of Ham- Wj
molstewn. m "$&
Mr. Jehn K, Rynler and wife, of Phlla- i. ) S&
delphla, are visiting friends In Columbia, $fy
Colonel Samuel ShoeU and wile Will v
leave town en Tuesday for Cliften Springs,
n. x., ler ine summer.
Dr. W, A. Paine, of Soranten, Is spend
ing a few dsys with his mother, Mrs. Jeha
Paine, en Seuth Second street.
Drowned la the canal.
Captain Henry Kerstetler, et Pennsyl
vania canal beats Nea, 01 snd OS, was
drowned en Saturnay evening at 7 o'elock,
at Busk Loek. He was ateerlng ths
beat Inte tbe lock, when tbe tiller slipped
from tbe rudder pest, throwing blm ever-'
beard. He was unable te swim and was
drowned belore assistance was given butt,!
The body waa seen recovered and sent te
bis borne at McKeya, Snyder oeunty. Ha
was about CO yeara et age. He was it aU
known by boatmen.
Tbe Ollmau-aershey Napttalt.
At Mount vllle, April lStb, by Rev.
Lighter, Bern E. Oilman was married te
Miss Minnie Hershey, bothet Columbia,
Tbe first evening market waa held cm
Saturday evening. Twelve farmers were
present snd plenty.ef buyers. Butter aad
produce aoen disappeared.
Tbe strawberry festival closed en Satur
day evening and waa a aucecss.
Water pipes sre being laid en Poplar,
street above Third.
Emma Arehey, a well known oelored
woman, was arrested by Offleer Seblll for
raising a racket en Tew Hill. " Squire
Selly aent her te Jail for five days.
Werk was cemmenced this morning at
the extension te tbe Vigilant engine beuse,
which will beoetnploted by September 1st.
The extension will be three stories ; the
first snd seoend for the company and the
tblrd for ths use of Olen Ledge et Odd
Death en the Hall.
Aneka, Minn , June 4 On SaturJsy
ntgbt preparatory te replacing the rails en
a section of the Manitoba read, a gang of
men drew every ether spike, and yesterday
when a work train containing 70 mei
came down, i. the rails ipread and Ihs tnla
left tbe track. Tbe men were thrown Inte
heaps upon tbe Northern Paclfie track
alongside Jehn Gritlen, of St. Paul, waa
Instantly killed ; James Vertulle, bad bis
right cellar bone broken ; Jebn Burke aad
O. C. Foleet, were probably hurt fatally and
Peter Naugbten was seriously hurt.
Miners Berted AUie,
Hutte, Ment., June 4. Just as all bat
four men et tbe St. Lawrence copper mine
bad come te tbe surface yesterday, a cave
la occurred. The names et two of the ml
sing meu are Patrick Murphy aud Corneli
us Harrington. Tbe ether men's names are
unknown. Twe of them can be distinctly
beard hammering en the wall. 1( no freah
cave In occurs two will be rercued, aa tbe
rescuers were within 12 feet of them this
morning. Frem slgusls 11 w learned
tbat two et them are deid.
i m
Sheridan Helding Bl) Own.
Washington, Janel Sheridan has no t
fresh complication or relapses. The aetl- 5
lty of tbe kidneys Is undlmlnliht d. Thi xa
Is a temporary inereisj of heart's aetl(
and breathing, probably referable te attnoe attnee attnoe
pherie ehsnges. Dr. Pepper, of Philadel
phia, bas srrlved for consultation.
S-30 r. m. General SherUart is moert
worse. A bulletin Is memtntarlly ex
pected. Father Cbsppelle Is new wltk
Ulaerderlles Arretted.
Reuben Carney wai arrested this after
neon at tbe outer Reading depot fcr rats
tog a disturbance. Ha teslated arrest, and
It it quired tbe er v.'eas et O Ulcers Lehr and
Glaaa te laud blm In the station, A stran
ger named Dougherty was arrested for a
elmllar oHeece byiby Constable Side. AU
dermaa Uilcacb. w M dlspei e, of tha ease,
. ii
' J3