'-f c' I - . ' t ",y IHE LANOASTEB DAILY UTTEIililGENCEB, FRIDAY, JUNE 1. 1888. 7 Tlie Story of a Masterpiece. By HENRY JAME9, Jr. IS TWO rjJlTS. rART I. tOeprrighteAj (oeKtiauio.) i pabt n. ' I One afternoon , when the picture tu nearly finished, Jehn Lennex went Inte tha empty pointing room te ascertain the degree of 1U progress. Beth Baxter and Marian had ex pressed a wish that he should net Me it in Its early stages, and till, accordingly, was hit first view. Half an hour after he had en tered the room, Baxter came in, unan nounced, and found him sitting before the canvas, deep in thought. Baxter had been furnished with a heuse key, te that he might have immediate and easy access te his work whenever the humor came upon him. "I was passing," be said, "and I couldn't resist tbe lmpulse te come in and correct an error which I made this morning, new that a sense of its enermlty is fresh In my mind." He sat down te work, and the ether steed watching him." "Well," said the painter, finally, "hew doet it satisfy yeuP "Net altogether." "Pray develop your objections. It' In your power materially te assist me." "I hardly knew hew te formulate my ob jections. Let me, at all erenU, lu the first place, say that I admire your work im mensely. I'm sure it's the best picture you've painted." "I honestly believe it is. Seme parts of it," said Baxter, frankly, "ero excellent." "It's obvious. But either theso very parts or ethers are singularly disagreeable. That word isn't criticism, I knew; but I pay you for the right te be arbitrary. They are tee hard, tee strong, of tee frank a reality. In a word, your plcture frightens me, and if I were Marian I should f eel as if you'd dena me a certain violence." "I'm sorry for what's disagrceblej but I meant it ill te be real. I go in for reality; you must have seen that." "Inpproveyou; I can't tee much admire the breed and firm methods you're taken for reaching this same reality. But you can be real without being brutal without attempt ing, as one mey say, te be actual." "I deny that I'm brutal I'm afraid, Mr. Lennex, I haven't taken quite the right read te plcase you. I've taken the plcture tee much au sprieux 1'va striven tee much tat completeness. But if it doesn't plcase you It will plcase ethers." "I've no doubt of it. But that isn't' the question. The plcture is geed enough te be a thousand times better." "That the picture leaves room for infinite Improvement, I, of ceurse, don't deny; and, in several particulars, I soe my way te make it better. But, substantially, the portrait is there. I'll tell you what you miss. My work isn't 'classical ,' in fine,-I'm net a man of genius." "Ne; I rather suspect you nre. But, as you say, your work isn't classical. I adhere te my term brutal. Shall I tell you? It's tee much of a study. You'te given peer Miss Everett the leek of a professional model." "If that's the case I've dene very wrong. There never was an easier, a less conscious sitter. It's delightful te leek at her." "Confound it, you've given all her ease, tee. Well, I don't knew what's tbe matter. I give up." "I think," said Baxter, "you had better held your verdict in abeyance until the plct plct ueo is finished. The classical clement is there, I'm sure; but I've net brought it out. Wait a few days, and it will rise te the sur face." Lennex left tbe artist alene; and the latter took up bis brushes and painted hard till nightfall. lie laid them down only when it was tee dark te sce, As he was going out, Lennex met him In the hall. "Exegi menumeutum," said Baxter; "it's finished. Ge and leek at your ease. I'll come te-morrow and bear your impressions." The master of the heuse, when the ether had geno, lit half a dozen lights and re turned te the study of the plcture. It had grown prodigiously under the painter's re cent handling, and whether it was that, as Baxter had said, the classical element bad disengaged itself, or that Lennex was in a mere sympathetic mood, it new impressed him as an original and powerful work, a genuine portrait, the deliberate image of a human face and figure.. It was Marian, in very truth, and Marian most patiently meas ured and observed. Her beauty was there, her sweetness, and her young loveliness and her aerial grace, imprisoned forever, made In violable and perpetual. Nothing could be mere, simple than the conception and com position of the plcture. Tbe figure sat peace fully, looking slightly te the right, with the head erect and the bands the virginal hands, without rings or bracelets lying idle en its knees. Tbe blonde hair was gathered into a little knot of braids en the top of the head (in the fashion of the mement), and left frce the almost childish contour of the ears and cheeks. The eyes were full of color, contentment and light; the lips wcre faintly parted. Of color in the picture, there was, in strictness, very little; but the dark draperies told of reflected sunshine, and be flesh spaces of human blushes and pallers, of throbbing life and health. The work was strong and simple, the figure was thoroughly void of affectation and st illness, and yet supremely elegant. "That's what it is te be an artist," thought Lennex. "All this has been dene in the past two hours." It was bis Marian, assuredly, with all that had charmed him with all that still charmed him when he saw her: her appealing confi dence, her exquisite lightness, her feminine enchantments. And yet, as he looked, an expression of pain came into his eyes, and lingered there, und grew into a mortal heavi ness. Lennex had been as truly a lever as a man maybe; but be loved with the discretion of fifteen years' cxpcrlence of human affairs. He bad a penetrating glance, and he liked te use it. Many a time when Marian, with elo quent lips and eyes, bed poured out the treas ures of her nature into his besom, and be hed taken them in his bands and covered them with kisses and passionate vows; he bad dropped them all with a sudden shudder and cried out in silence, "But ah! where is the heart T One day he had said te her (irrele vantly enough, doubtless), "Marian, where is your heartr "Where what de you meant" Mia Everett had said. "I think of you from morning till night. I put you together and take you apart, as peo ple de in that frame- where they make words out cf a parcel of given letters. But there's always one letter wanting. I can't put my hand en your heart." "My heart, Jehn," said Marian, ingen iously, "is the whole word. My heart'! every where." This may have been true enough. MIs Everett had distributed her heart impartially throughout her whole organism, se that, as a natural consequence, iU native seat was somewhat scantily occupied. As Lennex sat and looked at Baxter's consummate handi work, the same question rose again te his lips; and if Marian's portrait suggested it, Marian's portrait failed te answer it. It took Marien te de that. It seemed te Lennex that some strangely potent agency had wen from his mistress the confession of her inmost soul, and had written it there upon the can vas in firm yet passionate lines. Marian's person was lightness her charm was light ness; could it be that her soul was levity tool Was she a creature- without faith and with out conscience! What cUe was the meaning of that horrible blankness and deadncss that quenched the light in her eyes and stele away the smile from her lips I These things were the less te be eluded because in many respects the pointer had been profoundly Just. He had been as loyal and sympathetica he had been intelligent. Net a point in tbe young girl's appearance had been slighted; net a feature but had been forcibly and delicately rendered. Had Baxter been a man of mar velous insight au unparalleled observer; or hed he been a mere patient and unflinching painter, building infinitely better than be knew I Would net a mere painter have been content te paint Miss Everett in the strong, rich, ebjective manner of which the work was se geed an example, and te de nothing morel for it was evident that Baxter had den mere. He had painted with something mgre than kuewledge-wiln (maginjUM, wuazeeimg. neuaaannesT compesed: ana his composition had embraced the truth. Lennex was unable te satisfy his doubts, fie would have been glad te believe that there was no Imagination in the picture but what his own mind supplied; and that the unsub stantial sweetness en the eye and lips of the Image was but the smile of youth and Inno cence. He was in a muddle he was absurdly suspicious and capricious; he put out the lights aud lift the portrait In kindly dark ness. Then, half as a reparation te his mis tress, and half as a satisfaction te himself, he went up te spend an hour with Marian. She, t least, as he found, had no scruples. 8he thought the portrait altogether a success, and she was very willing te be handed down In that form te posterity. Nevertheless, when Lennex came in he went back Inte the painting room te take another glance. This time he lit but a single light Faugh I it was werse than with si dexen. He hastily turned out the gas. Baxter came the next day, as he had premised. Meanwhile peer Lennex had had twelve hears of uninterrupted reflection, and the expression of distress in his eyes had ac quired an intensity which, tbe painter saw, proved it te be of far ether Impert than a tnere tribute te his power. "Can the man be jealeusl" thought Bax ter. Btcphu had been se Innocent of any ether design than that of painting a goecT portrait, that bis conscience failed te reveal te him the source of his companion's trouble Nevertheless, he began te pity him. He had felt tempted, indeed, te pity him from the first. He had liked him and esteemed him; he bad taken him for a man of sense and of feeling, and he had thought it a matter of regret that such a man a crjature of strong spiritual needs should link his destiny with that of Marian Everett. But he had very seen tnade up his mind that Lennex knew very well what he was about, and that he needed no enlightenment. He was marrying with his eyes open and had weighed the risks against the profits. Every one had his par ticular taste, and at 85 years of age Jehn Lennex had no need te be told that Miss Everett was net quite all that she might be. Baxter had thus taken for granted that his friend had designedly selected as his second wife a mere pretty woman a woman with a genius for receiving company, and who would make a plcturesque use of his money. He knew nothing of the serious character of the peer man's passion, nor of the extent te which his happiness was bound up in what the painter would have called his delusion. His only concern had been te de his work well; and s had dene it better be cause of his old interest in Marian's be witching face. It is very certain that he had actually infused into his pict ure that force of characterization and that depth of reality which had arrested his friends' attention; ibut he hed done se wholly without effort or with out malice. The artistie half of Baxter's na ture exerted a lusty dominion ever the hu man half fed upon its disappointments anA grew fat upon its joys and tribulations This, indeed, is simply saying that the young man was a true artist. Beep, then, in thg unfathomed recesses of his strong and sensi tive nature, his genius had held commun ion with his heart and had transferred te canvas the burden of its disenchantment and its resignation. Bince his little affair with Marian, Baxter had made the acquaintance of a young girl whom be felt that he could love and trust forever; and, sobered and strengthened by this new emotion, he had been able te rectimewith mere distinctness the shortcomings of his earlier love. He had, therefore, painted with feeling. Miss Everett could net have expected him te de other wise He had done his honest best, and con viction had come in unbidden and made it better. Lennex had begrn te feel very curious about the history of bis companion's ac quaintance with his destined bride; but he was far from feeling jealous. Somehow he felt that he could never again be jealous. But in ascertaining the terms of their for mer intercourse, it was of importance that he should net allow the young man te suspect he had discovered in the portrait any radical defect. "Your old acquaintance with Miss Ever ett," he said, frankly, "has evidently been of great use te you." "I suppose it has," said Baxter." "Indeed, as seen as I began te jwiint, I found her face coming back te me llke a half remembered tune. She was wonderfully pretty at that time." "She was two years younger." "Yes, and I was two years younger. De cidedly, you are right. I have made use of my old impressions." Baxter was willing te confess te se much; but he resolved net te betray anything that Marian had herself kept secret. He was net surprised that she had net told her lever of her former engagement; be expected as much. But he would have held it inexcusa ble te attempt te repair her emission. .4 (TO IK CONTIMDKD ) s If Yen Fear an Attaele Of rover and sgue, or bilious remittent fever, don't resort te quinine, a cumelathe and pernicious drug that lias ruined many con stitutions. L'se without delay a remedy whlan the leading pbystclaas of America hara recommended ler ever thirty years past Itestetter's Stomach Hitters. Dumb ague and ague cake, no less than the actively febrile forms et malarial disease, are promptly re lieved and ultimately uprooted by It. In the tropics, where febrile complaints et this sort are mere virulent than in the temperate zone, Ilestettcr's Meniach Hitters has established a reputation for preventive and remedial efficacy which competition bas net been able te affect prejudicially nay, has even served te strengthen. Disorders of the stomach and bowels, particularly these te which malaria gives rise, are speedily relieved by It, Kidney complaints, rheumatism, nervousness and sleeplessness, sick headache and constipation yield te it. Appetite md sleep are both im. proved by it. The Handsomest Lady In I antaster Beraarknd te a lrlend the ether day that she kn-w Kemp's Balsam for the Threat und Lungs was a superior rmneay, as It b top ted her cough Instantly when etberg bad neenect whatever. Be te t rove tbts and convince you 01 lu merit, any druggist will give you a Sam Sam ple liolUe JVee. Large size tee. and Slet). Rupture care guaranteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer 831 arch street, I'hlladelphta. Kaee at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cureB after etbers tall, advice free, send for circular, marle-lydaw BVECIAL XfOTJUKU. ISeaU tbe World. This Is what II. C. Heberman.a dreirclst of Marie", Onl, Bays: Ihemat' Xcleetria Oil beats the world Sold nlue bottles yesterday and te-day. One man cured et sere threat of eight years s'undlng. is splendid fer rheuma tism." for sale by II. 11. Coe bran, druggist, 187 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Beaters of I'lellt. There are mny sources of profit te theso who are Ingenious and enterprising. BurOeck Bleed Hitlers area source of prent In every wsy ' Thr v bulla np tbe health surely, speed liy, anrt effectually, which Is saying a great deal. For,aleby it. 11 Cochran druggist, 137 and 13ti North Queen street. Lancaster. Plrtt-Clats Insurance. Insure with Tfiemat' Aeleetrle Oil. It Is the cheapest and bust method et lnsuraneu we knew or. lly Its use yeuare sure te esospe many previous aches and pains Policies are obtainable, at all drtigil'tin the form of bot tle at 30 cents and II each. Fer sile by U. 11. Cochran, druggist, III and 149 Neith Queen street, Lancaster. Well as Krer. Let le Heward writes from lluffa'e, N Y, "Uv mtciii became itreatlv debilitated through arduous professional dutle. (-ufferea I rem uauum, sick hf-ftdachf, und biliousness. Tried Burdock Bleed BiUeri with the uieH benxtlelal erfact. Am whII a ever." Ker s-le by II u Cochran, druggist, is; und IIS North Qunen street. Lancaster. TU Man Who Tulks Much. , we want te say a word te you who maVua living with your tongue. Yen certainly must nave u clar, strong volce te engage your ll.t eneis. Dr. Themat' Xclectrie Oil for sero threat, colds und r'Oartuness Is unexcelled. U.e and admire Ker sale by U. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street, Lan caster. fire lllm Out." This is a common remark when renghs and rewtlys Insult public decency by their un seemly ways. 1 spuptla Is u horrid bore. Fire It out "llh Burdock Bleed Bllttri. Toucan dolt Fer sale by 11. II Cechian, dtuggUt, 13 and US North Queen street, Lancaster. One of my ch ldren, a girl about nine years e'd had a very bad discharge from her bead and nose 01 a thick, vellewltu matter. We had two physicians preicrlhe for her, bat without beneflt. We tried Kly's Cream Halm, and much te our surprise, there was a marked Improvement- We continued using tbe lla'in and In a short tltoe tbe discbarge was appar antly cured.-O A. Cery, Corning, N. Y. Ely Brether, I have been afflicted with ca tarrh. 1 purchased a bottle of your Cream Ualin. It a effected a complete euro. 11, u. Abbett, 97 Great Aye , Aiisgheny city. Pa. pyUUwdeediw OOD'S HARSAPAKILIiA. A GOOD NAME At home is a tower of strength abroad- says the familiar proverb, and It la ; rally variEta by the history or Heed's SanapartUa. first words et commendation and praise for this medicine were received from eitMUll and neighbors and fro as the time It was Miry Introduced np te the present, there fcae bee, and U new, mere of Heed's BetfMparlll Beld In Lewell, Mass., when It tantUU.taaB et all ether sirsaparuias and bleed pariaara combined. This " reed name " among people who hare known Heed's aarsaparllla and Its proprietors for yean should certainly lM strong evident te people In ether cttles ant tewas of the excellence sad merit of this med icine. Bend for book containing slatesaeats efeures. I had salt rheum en my left arm 'tare years, suffering terribly. 1 took Heed's arsa partlla, and th salt rhsura has entirely disap peared." H. M. Mitis. 71 French St.. Lewell, Mats. Bait Rheum "After the failure or three shl'lrd physi cians te cure my boy or salt rheum, 1 1 led Heed's BatsaparUla and Olive Ointment. X have new used four boxes of ointment, and one snd a-hal t bottles of BarsaparlUs, ana tbe boy Is te a'l appearances completely enrcd. He Is new four years old, and has beenafflleUd stnoe he was six months of age." Mte.B. . Dineejc, t Kewhall Street, Lewell. Mass. Heed's BarMparilla Sold by alldrugglste. 11 1 six for IS. Freptma only by O. L HOOD 00, Lewell. Mass. 100 Deeea On Dellar. HOOD'S BARS APAR1LLA FOR BALK at H. H. Cochran e Krug Stere, Mea. 117 and 1S Nn'th Queen ML, Lancaster, ha. aprs-2mdw . TfhK'S PILLS. COMMON SENSE In the treatment of slight ailments would saveavsstamcunt of sickness and misery. ONK OF AVER'S P.I.M, taken after dinner. Win assist Digestion 1 Uken at night, will re lieve Constipation ; taken at anytime, will correct 1 rrr gularlt lea et the Stomach and Bow Bew elp, stimulate the Liver and cure Sick Head ache. Ayer's FUls, as all knew who use Uena, are a mild cathartic, pleasant te take, and al ways prempt and satisfactory In their resul's. I can lecemmrnd Ayer's fl'ls above 'all ethers, having long proved their value as a CATHARTIC for myself and family."-J. T. Uess, lelths vllle, Fa. " Ayer's Pills have bren In use In my family upwards of twenty year, and have completely verified all that Is claimed for thorn "Themas IT. Adams, San Diege, Texas. "I have used Ayet's Pills In my family for seven or eight years. Whenever 1 have an attack el headaehe, te whieh I am very sub ject, 1 take a dose of Ayer's rills and am always promptly relieved I And them equally bentnclal In celdst and, In my family, Ihey aie used for bilious complaints and ether dis turbances with such geed effect that we rarely If ever, have te call a physician." H. Voul Heme, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. AYER'S PILLS rMPARBO BT Dr. J. O. Ayer de Oe , Lewell, Mass. fold by all Dealers in Medicine. may21te!7 AYER'S PILLS. TOB SALS AT IT. 11 COCHllAN'ODKUQ TOU; Nes. 117 A iSD North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. apr-2mdw AINKS CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S CUUK3 NKUVOU8 I'ROBTBATION, HKRV0U8 UKADACUK, NKU11ALU1A. NKHVOU8 WKAKNKSS, SrOUACH AND LIVkB DIS- XASKS, U1IKUMAT1SH. DYSPKPS1A, and all Affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NBRVBS. PAINK'S CKLKHY COHFOUHD is a Nerve Tonic which never falls. Containing Celery and Cocea, tbese wonderful stimulants, It spcclaly cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM. PAINK'R CKLKRY COMPOUND purifies th bleed. Itdrtvea out the lactta ado, whleti cuuin lihuumatlsui, and restores the bleed making organs te a healthy condition. The true remedy ler Khuumatlsm. KID SET COMPLAINTS. PAINR' CKLKHY COMPOUND qulekly resietea the liver and kidneys te purfeet health. TbU curative power, combined wltu Its nerve tonics, is why It Is the best remedy ter all kidney complaints. UYePBPblA. PAIVK'3 CPLKHY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach and quiets the nerves of tbe digestive organs. Tula Is why 11 suras even the worse cases of D j spepsta. CONSTIPATION. PAINK'S CKLKRY COMPOUND U net I cathartic. It Is a laiatlve, giving easy and natural action te the bowels. EeguXarlty surely loUews Its use. Recommended by professional and bnstness men. tend for book. Price, si.00. sold by Druggists, WKLL8, Richardson A Ce., Proprietors. Burlington, Vt. (?) PAINK'H CELERY COMPOUND FOB S1L AT IT. Tt. COCHRAN'S DRUG STORK, Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. aprl-2iudaw TjlLY'H OKKAM BALM. OATARRH--JIAY FEVEE. XLY'S CRKAU balm cures Cela in Head Catarrh, Rese Celd, Hay lver. Deafness. Head ache. I'rtOO M) Cent. KA8I TO US1C. KlV Bre's, Owego. N. Y., U.B.A. KLY'S CRKAU BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passage, alia) Pain and Inflammation, Hrai tbe Hres, Restores the Senses et Taste and BmilL TRY T IIS CURE. A particle Is applied Inte each sestrll and Is sgie.ab'e. Prien W cents at Druggists! by mall, registered, te cents. KLY TIROTBBRB. K Warren Bueat, New Yerk. nevlMydAw T7ALTJABLK MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the S01KVCK Or LICK. A VALUABLE MKDICALWORK, the only true description of this time en Man. heed. Nervous and Physical Debtnty, Prema ture Decline, Krrers of s euth. and tbe untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works, by which they victimise thousands, and by tbelrexaggeratlng disease, makes these peer (nfferer Insane. Kvery young man, middle-aged or old. should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Send two cent stamp for a copy. Address, DR.THOS.TUKKL, rw North reurth 8t, Philadelphia, Pa, flJ-lyd " SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURB. Rupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases or either sex. Why be hnmbugted by quacks when you can And In Dr. Wright the only Rao Rae clab Phtsiuiak In Philadelphia who makes a specialty et tbe above diseases, and Cvasa THBMT CuBsa aeAKAKTtsD. Advice irree day and evening. Stranger can be treated and re turn home same day. Offices private. DR. W. H. WRIOIIT, 111 North Ninth Street, Above Race. P. O. llex 673 Philadelphia. feMMydAw " JLTTOHNEYB. JUTHKR a. KAUKITMAW, ATTOBNT-AT-LAW, NO.lBOLTTIf PUIHrlK it t. .... .,- tas-iyaftw H( CELERY COMPOUND I JJAYIMW SPECIAL REDUCTION! IN PRICE. ' French, English and American DRESS GOODS. Neweit Styles and Celere. AUt Spring has disturbed the trade of the Country and Manufacturers and Importers an compelled te stake sacrifices. We are new offering qualities of Dress Goods at s Urge reduction from early price. HAGER & TESIRABLE SHADES DKE88 QOOD& Metzger & Haughman Bare new in Stock from Latest Importation TBE NEW DESIRABLE SBADES DRESS GOODS -IN- Henrietta and Gebelin Blue, Berpent Green. Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the TKXT DOOB TO CODRT HOUSK, NEW TO-DAY. 1,000 Tarda French Styles American Sateens at 12 1-2 cents ; were 25 cents. Among them are many b9autiml Mourning Styles, including Email Pelka Dots and Figuree. 60 New Patterns Swiss Fleunclngs at 90e, 87 1.2c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.37 1-2, $160. Full Stock Z.phyr Ginghams and Bat late p. FAHNESTOCK'S, NOB. 80 87 BAST KING ST., B ARDAMOKLHOT. bard & Mcelrey, 83 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, . Opposite Fountain Inn. WHITE GOODS ! Tbe Cheapest riennelngs In the City of Lancaster. lach pattern contains X yards t each yard irem se te 60 cents less than regular prices. FLOUNCIHO at BO esnts t regnlar prien. TSeants. PLOUNOIXU at WeenUtregnlarprlei,87K cents. CLUUMC1MU at 7B cants t regular price, SI HI JTLOUWKINU at SI 00; regular price, si fO. FLOUKC1NO at 123; regular price, SUJ. India linens and Victeria Lawns at 0.10, UK. IS, te, 28. ai eenta. An eitra Quality at 12Wc Corded Hlqen at 18, SO, SS, si ets The greatest bargain ertrrffered at 21c t wenhtne. 1'iaid P. striped. White Goods at B, !4, . 1". lifi ets and np. a special drive at UHe. Ladles' V ure SUkiaieTes In black and colors at 2Se Heeh. We hara special low priers en fleer Oil Cleth, Heme-made Rasr CarptU, low priced and medium Ingrain Carpets Matiinr. feathers and Window Phades Hest Table Oil cloth, 8Jc Carpet Bags taken In exchange, and the highest rrlces paid for geed Ksgs. Jvnurexpensesaronethtgh. We are satisfied with small preUts. and yen will And ou priens low. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, STOCK CTOCK FAKM. ENGLETREE BTOBM KING, 21C1, nay horse, foaled 1882. IfUKMAtf MUIHVH.1M. M dam by Smith's Messenger, son of IJIlT's Messenger. ' aietttt KINO stands it hands, weighs WW as, and Is a very stout-built horse, with a great dral of style and finish. lie has never been defeated In the show ring, taking five first pre mlams ever some of the best her.es in ths country, ttterm King should enter the i:J list at any time. ureiner in Diera in HI I1E5BY, 4214, ByMaabrlM Dnaley, record 2,101. Bay horse, foaled ltM. sa due Nell (dam of Bateman. 2.K), by liambletenlan, 10. Id dam dam of Plate, 2.89, by Hhark, son of American aellpsA. HI HENRY stands 1H bands Mas taken five first premium. In the show ring. Wastwles Judged by the Scale of Points" and as a two-year old sceied 12i points, which has never been equaled. Many noted horsemen have pronounced him the most elegant young horse lu the country. Terms for Bterm King and HI Henry, tw. f heuld mare net prove In foal, the tame mare or any c her fan ba returned Ire In WW. prt-3maih,r5 DAN'L Q. ENQLE, MARIETTA, PA. JXWXLHY. B KON7.BS AND PKENUU CIX)OKH. BRONZES AND A few Urenzes and French Clocks are left in stock and these we are new selling at lowest prices in order te close them out. Tbe newest and handsomest designs in Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware. Alse Lemane's Finest Opera, Field and Marine Glasses. Come and examine net only these but ether goods tee. & We guarantee all Repair Werk doue by us.. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. i CAMFMT BAKfJAINH I -.ae SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - WILTON, VBLVET, BODY, BRDSSKLB, Tipcstrj, iegr-iiD, Damisk and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL 0L0TB8, WINDOW BHADMB, Ac We have ttaa Largest aad Best Stock In tba Oity. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oernif Wui KiDf aei WiUr 8trnt8, LinctiUr, Fa. BROTHER, Ne. 85 West King St , Lueuter. Albatross Oleths, Cream, Gelden Ecru. &e, &c. Cooper Heuse. X.ANOABTBR, FA. Opposite Fountain Inn FARM. STOCK FAML By Happy Medium, lira of 80 from 2:131 ( 2:80. The most prolific reservoir of speed that eyer llrrd." Dam Topsy Tayler, by Alnxsnder's Nerman, slraef Luia, t:li& Id dam lir llewird'. hlr ChurlHi (thnrnmihbmdl. Dam Virginia, by Volunteer, sire of St. Julten, 2.UK. Virginia Is sis Mr te Uaubetta (sire et Voliner, tiH), and t lorenee, grandson of FRENCH CLOCKS. ' r a HALLO. BAKQA1NH I TC JOB - . WAtvmt s PK01AU WATCHES S,J?,E??rS ara Ballrnatters, It Karat Geld rilled UOss cases, Klgln neris, tw each. JebIxt. Best Watch and Jewelry aepalrlnS Spectacles, Kytflass and Optical OoediT cor rect time dally, by Uwgrapn-enly place in taaeity, LOUIS WIBKR, He. WX R. Quern St, opposite City UeUl, ft ear Pann'a jfenet. Q.lLk-JEWKl,EK, Ae. SPECTACLES. Having purchased the Entire Stock of SPECTACLES OF A DECEASED OPTICIAN, I will sell them for less than one-fourth their value In order te close them out quickly. Speetacles that formerly sold for 12.50 per pair I will new ell for COc. Understand, this is net a cluap SptctaeU, but the finest lense and frame that is made. Will measure your eyes with accuracy, and can guarantee a fit in every instance. As the line is lim ited it will be well te call early. OHARL1S 8. GILL, Jeweler and Optician, Ne. 10 West King Street, Lancaster, I'd. w ATCHK9, WATCHES! BIC IIIKTKBT DISPLAY IN OUIl WIirDOWOfTUK Geneva Nen Magnetic Watch The only Wateh made which Is guaranteed net te be adected in any way by ELECTRICITY. WALTER G. HERE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. nl-lffl 3 rURNlTURK. quh3 a qibuu. Our Advice. New that house-cleaning time is here, send your old furniture te the Second-Hand Stere. Yeu can get as much for it as you will pay us for New Style Furniture. Step ur-STAius at 31 Seuth Queen street, see our large stock and get the lowest prices in this city. Have a leek at these new patent brace chairs, same price as the old style and much stronger. OCHS a GIBBS, 31 Seuth Queen Street, Up-stairs. aprlllyd w IDMYEK'S. FURNITURE WIDMTER'S CORNER. TUB OLD COllNEll is rvhh or geed hkw tiune?. Our stres: Is tee large and must be reSuced biforethesessrnclees. Te de this wu have concluded te vlTe the people a chance te net Geed Furniture! AT A LITrLK COST. WbhaTesome goods (net the neweit, bnt JnstasROuditbatwlllboseldlt the price put en them will ll them. These are ult MAT U4IIOAINS, and we ex pect te see them ineve llrely. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE Oer. Hast King & Duke Sts. e UU REPAIR DEPARTMENT. HEINITSH'S 87 AND 20 BOUTHIQUEEN ST., LAKCABTKU, l'Aj II yen fcavn'anythlnff te be repslred, send It te us We are prepared te attend te It ijulte promptly. Rfcuphelfltering of .All Kinds. Yenr Old Hair Mattress Slade Oyer Kiial te New, at Moderate l'rlce. A mil Unnef Ktff NOVKLTUB In Plush, Tapestries, French cretonnes (for Ueuphul stuilug) te select irein, HEINITSH'S. COAL. TQAUMUAitDMKK'H OOMfAHV. COAL DEALERS. Omai-.-Ne. 129 North queanStreet, and Ne. 184 North Prince street. Vaaosi-Nerth Prince Btraet, near steading Da Det. auvUUd LAMOABTEB. FA B & MAKTIN, Wholesale and ltetall Dealer In all kinds Cf liUMUKK AMU UUAU, aer Yaro-Ne. 420 North Water undPrlnc Streets, above Lemen Lancaster, uS-lyd TECOMMENDKD BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS The " Best ' Tonic, A concentrated Liquid Extract of Malt and Ueps. r e only atoueaTON4CO Nes. 80 and 88 Wst King suaet. TSA VXLHR9 OUIDB. READING A COLUMBIA K. U. Arrangement of Passenger Trains en, aiur, 8UNUAT,MAY IS, 1898. KOBTlIWAKt). and. aljCSTS a, f. A. M narmiila.. me 9v6 In turret, l.ane 7se 18 jjknrasuir 7.49 111s SI'S"!",' 780 urn MarlMla Junction 7M iim Columbia. 7Q une -Ejeat1 a.x. a.n. Ung bm -i.tu BOUTUWAltD. Helding 1M JLW Arrrlveat aw. r w Marietta J unction get i5' H,,.,ok, w se Columbia ... 5.00 laneaater a;e 1.4a King tUreet,lane nw 151 QnarriTtils 10.10 3i . BUNBAT. TeaTS Ouarryrllleat 7.10a m. King htreet, Lanu at 8.0S a.m-an3S..5 r.sfc IS r.n. 6.10 r.K. SfB OS AM p. a. Bfimlln r. 10.10 a. BL, and SJi p. ffl. LeaTc; w aeing, at 7 se a, m.( and 4 p. m. Arrive at Klna-street, Ltnn., at 0.20 a, m.,ana S.E0B, SE, JuarryTUle.at6.4np.ui. SBTTralns ennnectTTMcsdlng wllh trains te and Irem Philadelphia, PoiUTlile. Ilamsnrw. Allentewnand Mew lerk-,',Tla. Bound Uruek AentA. At cnlnmbtn, with trains te aud from Tort, nanever, ucttytburg, rrederlua and BalS mere. Ai ?Sll JcUen with trains te a from lihlekles. At Manheim with trains te and Irem Leba non. At Lancaster Juno'len. with trains te and from Queasier, y narr j viile, and Chies Us. A. M. WILeON Hupennteneent. EBANON A liAMOASrER JOINT UNKKAlLUOALI. Arrangement et Passenger Train 1 en. and alter, BniiBaT, Mat , 183$. MOBTUWARD. Leave. a.M. r.u. r.n Snnday. a.v. r.st, Uearryvllle m King hlreet, Lane.. T.re Kill 5 54 l.anraswr 707 12 6.0? 8.55 4X4 MS s.a uanbeim 783 1 in 81 1.4 0.17 uernwaii j.a) lit 9te Ariireat Lebanon ail 1.53 7.10,011 558 Leave ax. r it. i. W A K 7.6 410 8.4U 11 t ir. 8.48 4.(10 516 Ibanen 7 II 1280 Cornwall ,727 12.45 Manheim 7.M 1,14 Lantatter. ssr lu Arrive at 7 SO 1M SIS 812 Elng Street, Lane. 8 S8 1.68 R.B00 93 B.50 A. 11. WILSON, Bupt. IU A O. UaUread. M. S.NErr.Hnpt 1),U.1U KIMNHTliVAWlA KAIiltOAD 8CUKUOLE.-in effect from Kay IS, 18! 8 Trains taava Linuim and Ihm ui . tire atPhtlsdelDhlaas fellows t Iteava Laava Laneajtar, ia.ai... ea. m. fcJia.il. ... 8-JBa.BS, Bduataa, 88Sa. as, 8.00 p. at. 7BiSS:a- KeS: a WESTWARD. Paelne Bxprassf Hews Express! Way raasengart Mall tralnvtaMLJeyi siaSMaUTraint Xtaarara Eznresa. Philadelphia. 1171 p.m. 4J0a.m. 4:50 a.m. 7.-O0a.tn. rta Columbia 7:40a.m. Hanover Aoeom Vast Llnsf.,, ,..,..,,, Vtaderick Acoent , . . . Lancastar Aoeom. . . . Harrlsburg Aoeom.. Columbia Aoeom.... Harrlsburg Kzpresi t WMtera Kzpresst... ABTWAHD. via oelnmbtai uuwa.nL. vlaoelnmbta vumu Jey. Kieptia, 4:40 p.m. 8.50 p m. 8:60 p. uu Leara Lancaster, 2.-20 a. u e.ia.m. 8:10 s. m. 86 a. nt) 8coea.m. 118 p. m. iMSp.m, :uep.m. 4:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m. axrlvw at raua. i.-48a,at 8:28 a. a. ruurn, aipnui,,,,,, raatLlnef Harrtsbniw Kinreai I Ufcsea.Br, vlaMtJtf 1145 a.m.; 8:18 b. Bb lancastar Aoeom at. ueiuuDta Aceem... Rwuun inniit,,. Philadelphia Aoeom. Koen. m, 5:45 p.m. (UWn.ta, Dunaay iaau,,.,.,i Day Express) Harrlsburg Aoeom., rp.m. Taa UinrastBr Accommodation leaves Bar ns eurg as sue p. m. ana arnyaa at I, r.rx p. m. Taa Marietta Accommodation laaraa Oetam bla at 8:40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at 8)88, Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:48 a. m. ana 8:48 p. nu. reaching Marietta at 12:01 ana ets. Laavea MartetU at 8.-05 p. m. and arrives at Oelumbt at l:20i also, laavea at 8:58 and arrlvea ataJA The Tern Aocemmodatlon laavea Marietta at T-.10 ana arrlvea at lAneastar at StOB ana. nacUrgwlth Harnsbnrg Express at 8 OO a. at, s', aeiiac at Lancaster with FastLlne, wat4 . . at MO n. m.. will run through te Predertck. '', The rraderlelr Aeoemmodatlon. aaat, laavaa TV Tha rradenak AcoemmodaUon, east, taataf nemaMMa at Maaaaa raachas 1 anaastsc at aUMSi ttanovarAecemmoaatlon, East leaves Oel. UanovarAeaemmodatlon. East. leavaa'OQl. - :l nmbla at 4:10p. m. Arrives at Laneastag at 4.88 n. m oennaBtinsr with Dav Exnraas. Hanover Aoeomuiodatlon, wast, eennaettac uy at Lancaster with Niagara Express at s8a,.,,u: au wui run through tokaaevaf, Oally, axaafv ' 3' Snnday. JWi Past Liniv west, en landay, waaa tjajf t9t m wmstopatDewn7ngtown,t5oatwvlUa'ra. burr, 8ft. Jov.gllaarwthtewnandMldBUetowii. -. t rte only trains which ma dally, en Ssadat' Ua MaU train wst runs by war of Columbia, J: B. WOOD, (Jeneral Passenger Agaaf ,i uujae.ja.ruuu wenetai ssanaaex. COMPLEXION rOWDKU. e OMVLEX10N I'OWDEH. ladies; WHO .VALUE A RRPINKD COMI'LKXIOX MUST USE POZZONI'S MKDIOATKD COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te tha skin, lluuievis all pimples, Ireekles and als oeloratloi's, and tnikes the skin delicately suit and beautlluL It contains no lime, white, lead or arsenic. In thiee shades, pink or flash, wnibe anu uruueivu. V rea BALE BT AU Druggists snd Faney Qoeda Dealeza jBverywhere. aVBKWABE OP 1MITATIOHB.-W aprw lyd IIUMXKB RKB0RT9. VAi v fc.i 1. S UW SsawaWSPawtl..p.l "CUALrONTB," Ocean Knd of Werth Carolina Avnnun, ATLANTIC C1TT. N. J. P.BOIIKUTS A SONS. aprOmd 44 m-KTHKRlLIi," ATLANTIC CITY. S. J.. Ocean Knd Kentucky Avenue Open rtbruary 1, te November 1, I0 Bex 1030. M.J.jXCKKKX. mayle-Zmd TLANT10 01TV, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3. Largest Most Convenient Hetel. Kieaaatl rurnldhnd. i.lberully Managed. Coach leaad from Buach and X ruins, orchestra Music UH AH. MeciLAUA. Piesa. W. K. Ceciikam. Chief Clerk. tebmuia CAPON SPRINOH AND BATH8. ALKAINK Ml HI A AND BUPKUIOK IBON WAT8.US, UAMPSH1BE COUNTY. W. VA. Ihls celebrated Mountain Besert for health and pleasure, tlalhe et any temperatuie : a summer ulmata unsurpassed: a charming summer home with lis many improvements, aoeommodatlng 600 guvsts. opens June 1. Fer medical and ether testluieuy, send for clrcu lar. WAl. U. SALE. may7-2Jtd l'roprleter. MIOVBBWViiMUUlMm UUOMMt. j j-j-. u.ua irm e ALL AND 8KB THE ROCHESTER LAMP. Blxty Candle-Llghti Beats them iU. Anether Let of CHAPaLOBa ler Qaj an Oil stoves. XHB "FBBFSOTIOM,,'i METAL MOULDINO A BUBBEB CUBHIOH WBATHEFC STRIP Beat them all.'Thls strip entwaars all ethets, EeeM out tbe cold, step rattling el windows, axclade the dust. Keep out snow ana lata. Anyone can apply It newiute or din made In applying It. Can ba fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or sarin k-a cushion strip U tha meat ecu At taa stove, uuater ana Mange ters; -or- Jehn P. Scliatim & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUBKN ST., LAMCAaTUbrA n 4J ws t x' .& is I, 1&1& 1 KS fgfi T' 9 !& WS a 4 m .-