2HE ruANOASTtfER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1888. Tbe Story of a Masterpiece. By HENRY JAMES, Jf. UJ TWO rAttTS. rAtlT t tCepjTtfilltcJ.J (COKItKt'lD.) It was their mlsfortune2betli te be peer. They determined, in view of thl circum stance, te say nothing of their engagement until Baxter, by dint of hard work, should have at least quadrupled his Income. This was cruel, hut It was tmpcratlve, and Marian made no complaint. Her residence in Eurepe had enlarged her conception of the ma terial need of a pretty woman, and it was qulte natural that the should net, clese upon the heel of this experience, desire te rush into marriage with a peer artist. At the end of some days Baxter started for Germany and Helland, portions of which he wished te visit for purposes of study. Mrs. Denbigh and her young friend repaired te Paris for the winter. Here, in the iniddle of February, they wcre rejoined by Baxter, who had achieved his German tour. He had received, while absent, flve little letters from Marian, full of direction. The number was small, but the young txan detected in the very temperance of his mis tress a certain delicious flavor of implicit constancy. She received him with all the frankness and sweetness that he had a right te expect, and listened with great interest te his account of the improvement in his pros pres lects. He had sold thrce of his, Italian pict ures nnd had mode nn invaluable collection of sketches. He was en the high read te wealth and fame, and thcre was no reason their engagement should net be announced. But te this latter preposition Marian do-murred-idemurrcd se strongly, and yet en grounds se arbitrary, thnt a somewhat pain ful sccne ensued. Stephen left her, irritated and perplexed. The next day when he called, sheuas unwell and unable te see him; and the next, nnd the next On the evening of the day that he had made his third fruitless call at Mrs. Denbigh's, he overheard Mai tan's name mentioned at a large party. The in terlocutors were two elderly women. On giving his attention te their talk, which they were taking no pains te keep private, he found that his mistress wns under accusal of having trifled with the aiTocttens of an un happy young man, the only son of ene of the ladies. There was apparently no lack of e i dence or of facts which might be construed as evidence. Baxter went home, la mert dans l'ame, and en the following day called again en Mrs. Denbigh. Marian was still iu hsr room, but the former lady wcelved him. Ktcphsn was in a great trouble, but his mind was lucid, and he addressed himself te the task of interrogating his hostess. Mrs. Den bigh, with her habitual indolence, had re mained unsuspicious of the terms en which the young peeple steed. "I'm sorry te say," Baxter legan, "that I beard Mis3 Everett accused Inst evening of very sad conduct." "Ah, for heaven's ske, Stephen," returned his kinswoman, "don't go beck te that, l've done nothing all n inter but defend and pal liate her conduct. It's hard work. Don't make me de it for you. Yeu knew her as well as I de. She was indiscreet, but I knew the is penitent, nnd for that matter she is well out of It. He was by no means a desir able young man." "The lady whom I heard talking about the matter," said Stephen, "spoke of him in the highest terms. Te be sure, us it turned out, she was his mother." "His mother You're mistaken. His mother died ten years age." Baxter folded hU arms with a feeling that he needed te sit linn. "Allous," said he, "of whom de you speak?" x "Of young Mr. King." "Geed hcnens," cried Stephen. "Se there ero two of them?" "Pray, of nhem de you spcakf' "Of a certain Mr. Yeung. The mother is a handseme old woman, with white curls." "Yeu don't mean te say that there has been an) thing between Marian and Frederic Yeung?" "Voilel I only repeat whirl I hear. It seems te me, my dear Mrs. Denbigh, that you ought te knew." Mrs. Denbigh shook her head w ith a melan choly movement. "I'm sure I don't," she said. "I give it up. I don't pretend te judge. The manners of young peeple te each ether ure very different te what they were in my tiny. One doesn't knew whether they mean nothing or everything." "Yeu knew, nt least, whether Mr. Yeung has been in your drawing room?" "Oh, yes, frequently. 1 am cry sorry that Marian is talked nleut. It's verjKwplensant for me. But what can a sick woman de?" "Well," said Stephen, "se much for Mr. Yeung. And new for Mr. King." "Mr. King is gene home. It's a pity he ever caine away." "In what sense " ' "Oh, be's a silly fellow. He doesn't under stand eung girls)" k "Upen my word," sald.Stephen, "nlllijer "nlllijer presslen," us the music MiH-ts say, "he might be very wise and net de that." "Xet but that Marian was injudicious. She meant only te be amiable, but she went tee far. She beenme adorable. The Urst thing she knew he was holding her te an ac count." . "Is he geed looking?" "Well enough." "And rich?" "Very rich, I liellevc." "And the ether!" "What ether Marian r "Ne, no; your friend Yeung." "Yes, he's quite handaome." "And rich, tee?" "Yes, 1 bcliuo.he's also rich " Baxter w as silent a moment. "And there's no doubt," he icsunieil, "that they weru IhjUi far gcnel" t "I can only answer for Mr. King " "Well, I'll nnsuer for Mr. YeunS. IIh mother wouldn't have talked as she did un less she'd seen her seu suller. After all, then, it's perhaps net se much te Murian's discredit, lleie nre two handseme young millleuaiies, madly smitten. She i of uses them both. She doesn't care for geed leeks and money " "I don't say that," said Mrs. Denbigh, sa gaciously. "She doesn't enre for theso things alone. She wants talent, and all the lest of it. New, if jeu wcre only rich, Stephen" added the geed lady, innocently. Baxter took up his hat. "When you wish te marry MUsEerctt," he said, "you must take geed care net te say tee much about Mr. King and Mr. Yeung. Twe days after this interview he had a conversation w ith the young girl in person. The reader may like hint less for his easily shaken ceutlUcnce, but It is a fact that he had been unable te inake light of these lightly made revelations. Fer him his leve had been a passion; for her, he was com pelled te belluve, it had been a vulgar j as time. He was u man of violent temper; he went straight te the point. "Marian," he said, "you liave been de ceiving me." Marian knew ery well what he meant; she knew very w ell that she had grown w eary of her engagement and that, hew ever little of a fault her conduct had lieen te Messrs. Yeung and King, it had been an act of gra e disloyalty te Baxter. Shu ft.lt that the blew was struck and that their engagement was clean broken She knew that Stephen would be sntlstlwl w ith no half excuses or half de nials; and she had nenit ethers te ghe, A hundred such would net make a perfect con feaslen Slaking no attempt, therefore, te save her "breMtxls," for which she had ceased te care, she meiely attempted te sae her dlgnit) Her dignity for lliu moment was well enough secured by her natural half cynical coolness of temper Hut this soma vulgar placidity left in Stephen's meineiy an impression of heart lessness and shallow uess, which In that particular quarter, at least, was destined te lw ferexer fatal te her claims te rial weight and worth She denied the young man's right te call her te account and te Interfere with her conduct, and she almost anticijiuted his proeal that they should consider their engagement at an end. - ribj) even declined the us of the simple logle of tears. Under thew) circumstances, of course, the Interview was uet of len0' dura tion. "I regard you," said Baxter, as he steed en the threshold, "as the most superlk-ul, most heartless of women " He immediately left Paris and went down into Spain, where he remained till the open epen t?5 of the summer. In the month of jlay aars. ifcntrsn nna ner pretege went te Eng land, where the former, through her hus band, possessed a number of connections, and where Marian's thoroughly un-Englhh beauty was vastly admired. In September they sailed for America, About a year and a half, thyrefere, had elapsed Iwtween Bax ter's separation from Mlw Everett nud their meeting in New Yerk. During this Interval the young man' wounds had had time te heal. His sorrow, although violent, had been short lhed, and when he finally recovered his equanimity he was very glad te have purchased exemption, nt the price of ft simple heartache, Itevlew ing his impressions of Miss Everett in a calmer mood, he made up his mind that she ' was very far from being the woman of his desire, and that she had net really been the woman of his choice, "Thank Ged," he said te himself, "it's ever. She's Irreclalma bly light. She's hollow, trivial, vulgar." There had been In his nddrcsscs something hasty and feveriib, something factitious and unreal in his fancied passion. Half of it had been the work of the scenery, of the weather, of mcre juxtaposition, nnd, nliove all, of the young girl's plcturesquelpeauty; te say nothing of the almost suggesthe toler ance and indolcnce of peer Mrs. Denbigh. And finding himself very much Interested In VeUsqucx, at Madrid, be dismissed Miss Ev erett from his thoughts. I de net mean te offer his judgment of Miss Everett as final, but it w as at least conscientious. The nmple Justice, memn cr, which, under the illusion of sentiment, he lind rendered te her charms end graces, gave him a right, w hen free from that Illusion, te register his estimate of the arid ices of her nature. Miss Everett might easily have accused him of Injustice and brutality; but this fact would still stand te plead iu his faer, that he caJVd with nil his strength for truth. Marian, en the contrary, was qulte indifferent te it. Stephen's angry sentence en her conduct had aw akeued no echo in her contracted soul, The reader has new an adequate concep tion of the feelings with which these two old friends found themselves fuce te face. It is needful te add, however, that the lapse of time had very much diminished the ferce of theso feelings. A woman, It seems te me, ought te dosire no easier company, uone lesj embarrassed or embarrassing, than a disen chanted lever; premising, of course, that the process of disenchantment is thoroughly com plete, and that seme time has elapssd sltice Its completion. Marian herself was perfectly nt her cafe. Bhe had net retained her equanimity her philosophy, ene might almost call it during that painful last interview te go and leso it new. Sim had no ill feeling toward her old lever. His last words had been like all words in Marian's estimation a mere faceu a parlor. Miss Everett was in se perfect a geed humor during these last days of her maidenhood that thcre was nothing in the past that she could net have forgiven. She blushed a little at the emphasis of her companion's remark ; but she was net dis countenanced. She summoned up her geed humor. "The truth is, Mr. Baxter," she said, "I feel at the present moment en perfect geed terms with the world; I see everything en rose, the past as well as the future." "I, tee, am en very geed terms with the world," said Baxter, "and my heart is qulte reconciled te whatjeu call the" past. But, nevertheless, it's very disagreeable te me te think about it." . "AU then," said Miss Everett, with great sweetness, "I'm afraid yeu're net reconciled." ' - Tin afraid you're net reconciled." Baxter laughed se loud that Miss Everett looked about at her father. But Mr. Everett still slept the sleep of gentility. "I've no doubt," said the painter, "that I'm far from being se geed a Christian as you. But I as sure you I'm very glad te see you again." "You've but te say the word and wo're friends," said Marian. "We were very foolish te have attempted te be anything clse." i "'Foolish, yea. But it was a pretty felly." I "Ah no, Miss Everett. I'm nn artist, and I claim the right of property in the word 'pretty.' Yeu mustn't stick it in thcre. Nothing could be pretty which had such an ugly termination. It was all falsa" "Well as you will. What have you been doing since we parted V "Traveling end working. V e made great progress In my trade. Shortly before I caine home I became engaged." "Engaged! a la bonne hcure. Is she geed f Is she pretty?" i "She's net nearly se pretty as you." r "In ether words, she's infinitely mere geed. I'm sure I hope she is. But why did you lcave her behind you?" I "She's with a sister, a sad invalid, who Is drinking mineral waters en the Hliine. They wished te remain there te the cold weather. They're te be home in a coupleof weeks, and we are straightway te be married." "Icen tulate you with all my heart," said Marian. i "Allew me te de ns much, sir," said Mr. Everett, waking up; which he did by in stinct whenever the conversation took a cere monious turn. I Miss Everett gave her companion butthroe mero sittings, a large part of his work being executed with the assiitance of photographs. At these interviews also, Mr. Everett was present, and still delicately scnslthe te the voperillc influences of his position. But both parties had the geed taste te abstain from further reference te their old relations, nud te conflue their talk te Itss personal themes. (TO K COHTINCKD ) Heme foolish People Allew a cough te run until It gets beyond the reach et medicine. They often Bay, "Ob.lt will near away," bat In most cases It wears them away. Cenld they be induced te try the successful medicine called ben.p's liatsam, which we sell en a positive Kuarantee teenre, thy would Immediately see thnex rellent edect alter taking the first dena Price BO cents ami I'. ZYIal i(n free At a Druggists. J&nlt lydAw (!) Ituptarecareguarantoeaby Dr. J. II. Mayer Kit Arch street, 1'hUiidelphU. Kase atenic, no operation or delay from business, attested, by thousands of cares after ethers tall, advloe tree, send for circular, marle-lydAw BPEVIA L NO Tl VHH. TUB UKV. GKO.ll. THAYKBiOf liourben Indsavs: "Beth myself and wife ewe our lives te BUILOU'U CONHUMl-TIONLiUKK. Ker sale by H. 11. Cochran, Urugglut, Me. 137 North L)n04in street. (e) BUIL.Oll'SCUUK will limnbdtately rellevu Croup, Whooping Cough and bronchitis Jfer sale by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, He. Ii7 North Dueen street. (7) The Verdict Unanimous, W 1). Suit. Drusglat, lllppus, Ind., testifies : 'I can recommend Klectrlc intictrs as the verv besiremedy. Kvery bottle Beld has gtvonrrllef In every case One man leek six bottles, and was cured et Itbeumatlam of 10 years' stand ing." Abraham Hare, liellevllle, Ohie, atllrnis ; "i he best selling medicine 1 have ever ban. died In my 30 yuars experience, 1m fcleclrle Hitters." Thousands or ethers have added thelr testimony, be that the verdict Is unani mous that Klectrle Hitters de cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidney or Weed, for sale at 11. II. Cochran's Drug Stere. 137 and 1st North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (jj Tbelr ilnslness Uoemlosj. Probably noeno thing has caused such a rush Ot trade at Cochran's drug store as thetr giving away te their customers et se many true tmu bottles of llr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Their trade is simply enormous In this very valuable article from the fact that It always curas and never dlsappelnU. Coughs, Colds, Ast'jma,Uronchttls,Creup and all tin out and lung diseases qulcklyjcured. Yna can test It before buying by getting a trial betUe true. Xvery bottle warranted. (3) II. It. Cochran, Nea. U7 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a., 1 selling BUlLUU'a COUGU CUUB as a guarantee te cure all hreat and lung troubles. (8) OOD'S 8ARSAPAR1LLA, IF YOU FEEL TIRED Weak and weary, worn out, or tun flown from hard work, by Impoverished condition of the bleed or low stale et the system, you should take Heed's tfarsipatlilt. The peculiar ton ing, purifying, and vitalizing qualities of this successful. medicine are scen fait Ureaf bout the enllre system, eipelllns; disease, and liv ing quiet, healthy action te every organ. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and reuses the liver and kidneys, thousands who have taken It with benefit, testify that Heed's Baraapirllla mikes the weak strong." Heed's Sarsaparllla "I have taken net ant te a bottle of Heed's Sarsaparllla, and mnst say tt is en of Ue test medicines for giving an appetite, purlfyleg the bleed, and regulating the digestive organs, that I ever hi ara ef It did me a great deal of geed." Mrs N . A. Btahlvt, Canastelt, N.Y. "1 bal salt rheum en my arm three years, surfoilegt rilbly. 1 took Heed's rsrssptrtlU, and the salt ihnum has entirely dls tppeared." H. U. Mills, 7r French Bt,, .Lewell, Mis Makea the Weak Streng reeling languid and dly, having no ap petite and noamhlt'eu te work, I took Heed's Bars tpsrllla, with the best remits. Asa health Invlgnraterand for general debility I think It superior te anything clse." a. A. Hi a si, Ctlca, N. Y. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. Bell by all druggists, lit six for t&. Prepared only by 0 I. HUUIl CO., Lewell, Mm. lOO Doees One Dellar. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA FOR BALK at II. h. cechran s Drug Stere, Ncs. 1J7 and l.'M North Quoeu et,, Laneester, 1'a. aprl-2uid&w YMt'S PILLS. COMMON - SENSE' In the treatment of ullght ailments wenld savea v8t unu nut of Bliknes and misery.) ONKOF AYKIl'H 1'. LI,'', taken alter dinner, will nstlst Digestion t tak n at night, will re-1 ItoveConstl fin Ien t taken at anytime, will correct Irrt gnlarli l.a of the Stomach and Hew- j els, stimulate the I.Iver and cure Blck Head-' ache. Ayer'a rills, as all knew who use them, Rie a mtld cathartic, pleasant te take, and at wayn prompt and satisfactory In their resnl's. I can locemtnend Ayer's 1'1'ls above all ethers, having long proved their value ai a CATHARTIC fermjH3lf and family."-J. T. Hess, tclthi vllle, rii. " Ayer's Pills hwebroalnuselntuy family upwards of twenty yrarr,tnd have completely; verlfledHll that Uclalmel for thorn "-Themas' V. Adams, Can Hloge, lexas. "I have used Ayei's I'llls In my family for seven or elght years. Whonever 1 have an attack el boadache, te which I am very sub ject, I teke a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly reltoved 1 And them equally beneficial In colds and, In my family, they, aie used for bilious complaints and ether dls-' tut bances with such geed effect that we rarely never, have te call a physician." U. Voul Heme, Barategu Springs, N. Y. AYER'S PILLS rBxrAitxn nr Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe , Lewell, Mass, fold by all Dealers In Medicine. may21te!7 AYEIVS PILLS. TOR BALI AT 11.11 COCHItAN't) 1IHUQBTOHK, Kes. in A 39 North uueen at., Lancaster, l'a aprl imdaw AINK'H CKLEKY COMPOUND PAINE'S -KOtt- The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NKUVK TONICV. Celery and Cerna, the prominent lns-rc-dlenlH, are the best unfl mtcatJ-orveTenlCJ. ii Bireniunens ana quieis me nervous syt tern, curing Mirveus Weaknuss, tlysteiir. Sleeplessness, Ac. AN ALTKKAT1VK. It drlveB out the poisonous humors of the bleed piirllylnx and enrlchlne It, and se overcoinlng these diseases resulting from Impoverished bleed. A LAXATIVE. AclliiK mildly but surely en the bowels It cuies habitual cnnsttpailnn, and promotes a rrBumr imim. u tirungiuens me svomace, and aids digestion. AUIUUKTIC. In IU composition the best and most act I va diuretics of the Matnrtu Med lea are com bined tclentldrally with ethi-r effectlva lemcdles for OIsohses et the kidneys. It can be relied ou te give quick rullel and speedy cult). Ilundiedsnl testimonials have been received Irein rterkena who have ued this nmedy with reintirkublu bum IU. ftend for circulars, giv ing full particulars. 1'ilce, II te. Beld by Drnggtsts. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, UU11L1NUTON, VT. lanlllvdAw(l) PAiNK'a oklkkv"cemFounij rfR BALB AT II. 11. COCIIKAK'S LlltUQ BTOKK, Neb U7A 11M North Queen HI., Lancaster, l'a. apri 'iuid&w XJILY'H t'HKAM HALM. OATARRH-JIA FEVER. ELY'S CUKAM HALM cures Celd In- Bead Catarrh, UoseCold, liny KevergDoafnessJIead KevergDeafnessJIead ache. I'rtcfl vi Ont. KA3Y TO Uak. Kly tire's, Owege. N. ., U. B, A. KLY'i CUKAM 11 uTll Cleanser the Naal l'assugs, Allujs 1'mIii ana lutlaumifttlen, lira's thHSurts, ltesleri s the Bentes el Taste and himU. TBVTHK CUltK. A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and Is flgriwable. 1'ilca be cunts kl Druggists j by mull, registered, tt) cents. KLYIIKOTiIKKS, Ml Warteu Buejt, New Yerk. nevlMjd&w rALUABLK MKD1UAI. WORK. TRUTH, Or the BC1ENCK or LirK. A VALUAULK UKUlCALWOltK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Ueblitty, l'roma l'rema ture Decline, Krrorsef leuth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quarks and their se-called medical works,' by which they victimize thousands, and by thelrexagKeratlng disease, makes these peer suilurers lnsane. Kvery young man, mindle-aged or old. shenld read this book. It Is mero than wealth te them. Bend two cent stamp for a copy. Address, 1)11. TH03.THKKL, MS North Fourth Dl, Philadelphia, Va. flS-lyd SAFE, HURK AND Hl'EEDV CORE, Kupture, Varicecele and Hpectal Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by quacks when you can nnd In Dr. w light me only Uio Uie CLia PHYsieiAHlnl'hlladHlphla who makes a specialty nt the above diseases, and Ccsas la tut Curbs himhamtbid. Advlee rree day and evening. Strangers nan be treated and re turn home same day. unices private. UU. W. H. WIllUHT, Ml North Ninth Btreet, Above ttace, P.O. 110x873 PhlladelDhla. ttbanydw nu. CELERY COMPOUND JM JjTAY 18, 1888 SPECIAL REDUCTION! IN PRICE. French, English and American DRESS GOODS. Neweit Stylet and Celer. A late Spring bas disturbed tbe trade of the Country and Manufacturer and Importers are compelled te make sacrifices. We are new offering qualities of Dress Goods at a large reduction from early prices. HAGER & N EXT DOUR TO COURT 110USK. NEW TO-DAY. 1,000 Tarda French Styles American Sateens at 12 1-2 cents ; were 25 cents. Among them are many bsautiful Meurning1 Styles, Including Small Pelka Dots and Figures. 60 New Patterns Swiss Fleunclnga at 90c, 87 l-2c, $100, $1.25, $1.37 1-2, $1.50. Full Eteck Zephyr Qinghams and Batlstep. FAHNESTOOKS, NOB. 30 tk 37 BAST KINO BT.. D KSIRABLK SHADES DRESS GOODS. Metzger & Haughman Have new In 8 tock from Latest Importation THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS -1H- Henrletta and Gebelin Blue, Serpent Green, Metzger & Hauglunan's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. TARD fc MeKliROY. bard & Mcelrey, I 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. WHITE GOODS! The Cheapest Klennclngs In the City et Lancaster. Xach pattern contains K yards ; each yard trout IB 10 60 cents less than regular prices. FLOUNCINdatSO cents; regular price. 75 cents. KLOUNCINU at CO cents ; regular price, B7H cents. KLOUNC1NU at m cenu I regular price, It TO. LOUNKlN( at 11.00 1 regular price, 11 te. FLOUNCING at SLttf regular price, 11.73. India Linens and Victeria Lawns at 9.10. UK, J te, 23,31 cents. An nvtrae,nallty atl2K". Corded PlquH at 10, 20, S5. si cts. The greatest baigalu ever rfftrefl atiSe i worth 4()e. 1'iald and striped White Uoeds at 6. C D, l", 12k cu and up. A speclal drlve at HKc Ladles' l'ure BUS: Qleves In black and colors at Vita ech. We have special low prices en Fleer Oil Cleth, Heme made lias Carpets, low ptlced and medium Ingrain Carpets Matting, Feathers and window Miaflcs Hest Table Oil cloth, 25c Carpet Itsgs taken In exchange, and the hlghest r rices paid for geed llsgs. -0ur expenses are net high. We are lullsfled with small profits, and you will And en prices low. bard k Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, HTOOK S' TOOK FARM. EMLETREE STOUM KIKG, 2101, y Happy "The most preline reservoir of speed that eyer lived." llay horse, foaled 1831. nam Topsy Tayler, by Alexander's Nerman, sire of Lula,2.1& Brether In blend te 7ddam by Heward's Mr Charles (thoroughbred). NOHMAN MkUIUM, 220 Sd dam by Smith's Messenger, son of UllT's Messenger. BlUstM alNU stands 18 hands, weighs l.ae H, and Is a very stout-built horse, with a grrat deal of style and finish. He has never been defeated In the hew ring, taking nve flrst pre miums ever seme et the bet horei In the country, Bterm King should enter the 2: M list at any time. HI HENRY, 4214, Hy Mambrino Dudley, record 2 10!. Dam Virginia, by Volunteer, slroef Ht.Jullen, 2:llVf. Virginia Is sis Biy horse, foaled 18? ur te Uambetta (tire et Veluier, 1lli), and I lorence, grandson of fpauletta. 219. 2d datn Nell (dam of Ilateman, 2.-22), by Hambletenlan, 10 sd dam dam of Plate. I.Srt. tiv Hhark. son of American HeIIdsa. HIIIKNKY stands 1J4 bands Has taken OveSrst premiums in tbusbewrlng. Was twice judgea by the" ttca'uef t'nlnta"and as a two-year old nceied WU points, which has never Iwen fqnaled. Many noted horsemen have pronounced him the most elegant young horse In the country. Terms for Bterm King and IU Henry, W. cheuld mare net prove In foal, the fame maroer. any e'herran be returned free In Vstfi. api&-3mdib,rii DAN'L G. ENQLE, Marietta, Pa. JKWKl.KY. B KONZE3 AND KRENUH OI.OOKH. BRONZES AND A few llrenzcs and Trench Clocks are left In stock and these we are new selling at lowest prices In order te close them out. The newest and bandsomeat designs in Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware. Alse Lemane's Flnent Opera, Field and Marine Glasses. Come and examine net only these but ether goods tee. G3rWe guarantee all Repair Werk done by us. .41 H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. CAM PUT UALIM. BARUAINH I BAHQAIHH I . GO TO , SHIRK'S CARPET HALL . ker WILTON, VBLVET, BODY BRDSBBLS. Tipestry, IegraiD, Damask ted Venetian, Rag and Cbaln Carpets, OIL VLOTHB, WINDOW BHADM8, Ac We have the Largee-t and Sean Stock In the City H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oernir Wut King tni Wittf SirMta, Uncuttr, P. SBIIg. BROTHER, Ne. 85 West Kins St , Lancaster. LA.NOA8THR, PA. Albatross Oleths, Cream, Gelden Ecru, &e, &e. Opposite Fountain Inn FA Hit. STOCK JAM. Mrdlnm, lire of 30 from 2:181 te 2:30, FRENCH CLOCKS. UROOKKIKS. CASBARD'H MILD CURED HAM AND DUKAKrABT BACON. Unequated for tenderness and delicacy et flavor. We guarantee that there Is nothing te eqnat them In quality In this market. Ihen sands of the best families are new tiling them. They gire universal satisfaction. Irv them and tell your neighbors. SW Piled Ileal and Bologna nicely chipped. Prices reasonable. UKOltui WlahT. , T BDRHK'H, SPKC1AL LOT Or K&tSii, CHKAP, GROCERIES. BEST GOri-KI) IM THE CITV TO 11 T1IK WONKr. We have two Housten roasting every day. Atwata freh. Kxtrahelp, prompt attention. Uoeds dnltv dnltv erja iree. lelephone connection. BURSK'S, MO. 17 DABT KING BTRBBT, I.aNCABTKH.l'A. QUKKSK1 NEW GOODS AT W. A. Reist & Ce.'s, Cor. East Kingend.llnkf Sis. Oheesc ! Cheese ! Ohocse ! Sir dnxen or the finest Kdam or Dutch Head Cheese the market arferdt. They are susranU-cd te keep in the wannest weather Pineapple Chtesea In large and ptonle ilze. Alse hoijueleitChooso te ene pound glass TABLE OILS. Headquarters for flne lable nils. Alexis UedPlnitH, Metlett'a, Lateur'a andS. liae.t Ce'a '.necaOlts. These am the finest oils In the market, and we are prepared te supply them te you In large, medlm and small slsns. 111(4 lfOOM In Dried lln-f and Ham. We hardly thetiaht this would pay te sell the Bnvst Dried lleef at H cents er pound, but wnarti making It pay by selling two nr three barrels or href ixir weak. Ceinn leek at It. Taste It and be your own Judge. It's Armour's best Chlosge Hoef. Hotels and bearding hius". NOTICK. We will make spectsl prices ou M pound lets. The Cerner Grocery, COR. KAST KING AND RUKESTH, yA NHt FANS I FANS! Reist ! -WILL Positively Give Away To-Merrow, Saturday, 1,000 FANS. 11,000 FANB. l.CKM KANf. We proml'el them te you last Saturday, but they did net rtacli tu In time. We New Have Them. AMD WILL DISTlilUUTK AFTERNOON AND EVENING: svYeu are expected te ask for tliu fan, oth eth oth trwlssyeu will net get It. LOGIC rOU IIAUO IN8 TO-MOUUOW. Reist, Wholesaled RetairGrecer, Car. VY. Klef and Prince Hts., LANOABTEII.PA. TOIO DAY S. CLARKE'S, TO-UOUUOW (3ATUUDAY), MAYO). Loek what we are going te give away. Peppy Oil Seap Comic Cards, Calendarp, I'acksgn Helders or Pchoel Bttaps, . mojiutenil present of all. 25 Uex rancy Kvaperatnd Pared Peaches given away tor'aefl .i regular telling price, 45c. Cull and we will explain why be cheap. fall Llnoef KUBBUBTKAWIIKKUIK8 always ou liuiul. oranges unci Hananas. NOTK A lMiW OP CLARK B'H l'RICEH. CfilTcex, fresh misted dally at our store, 15K IS. lw, 20. 21, 23, 2) and VJ cents W t,. Checks with each and every pound. Try Clarke's New Crep Teas, finest In Qual ity, Lewistln Pilro, liakur's or Unnkel Ilrnther's Chocolate. 18c a rakn. 1'aker'a or Uunkel Ilrnlher'n Cocea, kpp's Cocea, 200. Nelsen's nrtoxe's Oelatlne, Mcllsh Gelatine, loe. Cnlbnm'sKngllshMnt tard, lle a can. We have In stock -Ihurbfr, w hyland A Ce 'a llest Kxtraets. try thrtit 1 tw e bottles Geed I'.xiracts for Vm Bugar Cern, 7c, a can, or lour cans for23e. Maru Pens, Oj, three for 25c Our IkstCern reduced te 0e a can. BTAUCIIKBandBOAPn. Wuknew we have the largest and best stock et the above genia In tbe city. Juittnlnk, Laundry ;surch. 80 V at Vive-pound Packages ler 15. Soup-two cakes for 601 eleven cakes for 2ftet twenty. teurcakna ler 60c, or you cjin buy nve cakes of tteap and five pounds Btarrh for .'.V, Hest Cern Starch, three and four packs for 2fte. 1TLOUU. Heller "lour from VMi a quarter up. Don't fait te try our ltKeCake flour and Martha Washington Creamery Buttered Heur and besuretocallersend for a shawl btiap te-morrow, or you will miss It, S. CLARKE'S WUOLKHALK AND UKTAILTKA ANU COflTKKHTOuK, 13 and 14 SOUTH QUEBN BTRBBT, A row Deers from .'entre Square, 4WTKLKPHONK. QVKKSUWARR. -TTIQU k MARTIN. CHINA HALL. OLEAEING SALE That lasts twelve months In tne year. The bestnuallty ler the least money always te be had there. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO JTEW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Beta. White Granite, K.0O. Dinner Bets, Whlte Unlte..IA!. Dinner fceu, Prluted i.T). Ne goods misrepresented. All Wares ex changed II net satisfactory, at ffigh felartin, NO IB EAST RTN8 STREET j LAKOAJXEK. TA, THA VJtLKRB UOIDB. J E AD1NU it COLUMBIA H li. Arrangement of Passenger Trains en, and atur, SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1888. MOUTH W A It D. Swava a.m. a.m. r. it, narryvtlle rm hw IM Ing Street, Lane 730 lm 840 Columbia, 73a me SM H Arrlveatt am a v w 80UIUWAUD. llni?SS AtK' '' UOldUiR. jw a,, w Arrrlveat am. r m. r w. Marietta Junction gei i Ublcktes bje 8M Columbia , ...ATI jm no lancaater ote 1.4s iea King street, Lane. ........ line 1 M gm (Juarryvllle 7... .10.91 3.v 911 BUNDAT. I.oave Ouarryvllleat710a m. King turret, Lane at 8.03 n. rn., and 3 .6 p. in. Arrive at Kemiiinr, 10,10 a. m , and SJS p. m. Leave: Urndlng, at 7.20 a. in., and 4 p. m. Arrlve at Kln8treet,I,ane,nt9.20a. in., and S 10 p.m. yuarry viUe, at 6.4! p. in. sTralns oennect"aTiicaaing with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsvlile, Harnsnrsr. Allontewnand Mew lerk,;vla. lleund Broek noute. At Columbia, with trains te nnd from Yerk, llnnever, uettytburg, rrederlcK and Balti more. At J?-'?!1 JncUen with trains te ana from lihlcklcs. At Manheim with trains te and from Leba non. Atlancaster Jnnelnn. with trains te and from Lancaster. Quart vt'le, and Chlcklts. A. M. WILsON aupertntendent. LEHANON A bANOASTKR JOINT LINKHAILUOAU. Arrangement et Passenger Trains en. and alter, Eukdav, mat 13, iks?. NOBTHWAHD. Lcavn a m, r. m. r. m, Snnflar. i . r m Qnarryvllle Mr! itingBireet, Lane. 7.00 um SM 8 0-1 151 4.14 MS 6.4S i.nncasicr 707 ftti II5 alanhelm 7.tt m 6.10 Cornwall 7.59 Hi) 65 4t 9.17 Arrive nc Lebanon 8.11 I.S8 7.10 933 BSS suuiunaau, . Lcave a m. r. tt. r. m a k r x. S.4I 4.TO MB 6.43 Leuanen 7 11 12.M 7M7 Cornwall..,.., .... 7V7 Pits 7.4RSIO Msnhclm 7.8 1,14 R1&8.4H Lancaster...., 82 143 S42H11 itrriveai KlngHtrcnt, Lane. 8.S5 1.51 SSOJItt) B.50 A. U. WILSON, BupL 11. 0. llallread. B. B.MKrr.Snpt u.u. u. KNNBThVAHU KArLUOAD BCHKDULK. in effect from May u, 1818 Trains Laiva LAaaAaraa and lum ana r- rlvn tt PMladnlnhlaas fellows 1 Leave WKBTWARD. raelfle Sxpreasf tews xpressf Way Passengerl.... MalltrainvUMt.Jeyi ai Mall Tralnf Ulagara Xx press. .... Hanover Accein.,... rastLtnaf 1 rredenek Accem , . . . Philadelphia. AlOIkTD Lan easier, tuvtp. m. 4.80 a. nu 4-ae a. m. T.'OOa.m. erJaa. a. e je a. as, KU a. at. KH,ls. ft6BaBs. .oep.a, 4, Ifl M M via Colombia 7:40 a.m. via CelumbU ll:nea.m. vlaCelnmbla IMUHWlWAUCUIUMtl HarrUbnrg Accem.. oelnmbla Accem.... Marrtsbnrg Kxpresi 1 Weswrn Xxpresst... ABTWAKD. vtastt. joy.. KiapaDI. 4:40 p. m. bM-p m. fcftep.uv. Leave Lancaster, s-.'JO a. m. BAMa.ni. B:10a.M. l.wa.m. B-.00 a. m. lt:A8p.m. iteil p. m. fcoe p,m. 4:4Ap,m. 6:46 p. m. we p. a, lrv fw 4UBM 1110 p. m, vrrtv tt D.aisi f.Ml M SH IIHssi 4:48 a, xe. ruuwk. upraiiT rast Llnef Harrlsbnnr xnrea 1 - ". . Lancaster Accem at. iu-.au K. H . iaMtJiv IIU . a uoiemoia ccem... - z: r BW1U JLp41ll.. r&uaaeieBia Accem. anday Hall. Day stxpresst.., HirrUburg Accem.. A0P.IB. 6:4(1 p. Bt, T48p. B. TBe ltn caster Aocemmodatton leaves Bar Bar rUDurgatsaep. m.and arrives at LancaMsw at:3B.m. The Marietta Accommodation leave CelaB) bta at 6:40 a. m. and reaches HartetuatedB, Alaa leaves oelnmbla at 11:46 a. m. and t:46 p. nu raaehlng atarletu at 11:01 ana fcSS. Leavsa Marietta atKOB r. m. and amvaa at Celnmb4a at 130 1 also, leaves at :S5 and arrtves at M. Tbe Yerk Aeoemmodation leave Marietta at 1:10 ana arrive at Lancaster at 1:00 oea neettrg with HarrUbnrg Kxpress at B:lea. ta. Tbe frederlek Aoeommodatlon, wast, swektBs; Kb Mdtmmmver wiut as jjidb, wi at 9:10 n. m.. will ran thmnsrk ta rmdarlek. The rrederlek Aoeommodatlon, east, isjavea rjetnmbUatlUBBdnaeAMLsuiOMtaratlMi p. as. Uknever Aoeommodatlon, last, leaves Cel umbla at 4:10 p.m. Arrtves at Lancaater at 4 66 p. m., connecung with Day Xxpress. Hanover Aoeommodatlon, west, oenneouag at Lancaster with Nlasnua Bxpress at K60C m, win run through te Uanevar, dally, xesb Bnrday. fast, Line, west, en Bandty, vMi Itmt, will step at Downfngtown,coateivtll'rarks Dewnfngtown,coateivtll'rarks Downfngtewn,coateivtll'rarks borr, Mt. Jey, Eltxabothtewn and Mlddlstewn. t The only trains which run dally. On Bends the Mall train wnst runs by way of Colombia, J: B, WOOD, Qeneral Passenger agaat OUAfl. jt. PUUU iienaral Manager. COMVLKXION l'OWDKR, J-JOMPLKXION rOWDKK. ladies; WHO .VALUE A RKPINKO COMPLKXIOX MUST UBK POZZONTS UEOI0ATKD COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te tha skin, ileineves all pimples, freckles and Ots Ots Ots colerattocs, and mikes the skin delicately seu and beautiful, ltoentalns no lime, whtte, lesd or arsenic. In Uuee shades, pink or nesh, wblle and brunotte. reu SALE I1Y All Druggists and Fancy Cools Dealeia Everywhere. SWIIKWAUE Or IUlTATIONS.-C aprJJ lvd aUHUKlt JIKUOKTU. T UK "CHALrONTK," Ocean End of North Carolina Avennn, ATLAN11UC1TY. N. 1. r, U01IE11TS A BOMB. apr3-imd tk llTETHEKlLLi," ATLANTIQ CITY. N. J.. Ocean fcnd Kentucky Avenue. Open rebruaty 1, te November 1. led ISexluJO. m.j.eciceut; nayl0 2md A TLANTIO CITV, N. J, THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest Most Convenient Uotel. Klegsntlir rnruliibed. Liberally Managed. Coach te and from lleach and Trains. Orchestra Music Oil AB. MuULADK, l'JOp. W. E. Ceciirah. Chief Clerk. f eb22-t uia CAl'ON HPRINOB AND RATH8. ALKAINK LIT1IIA AND BUPKHIOB, IKON WATkUa, UAMl'SIUUE COUNTY. W. This celebrated Mountain ltesert ler health and pleasure. ISatbs et any tumperattiie a. snmmer climate unsurpassed) 11 charming summer home with Its many imjrevnmeni, accommodating te) BuesiH.epau junel. Fer medical and ether testimony, send ter clrcu. lar. WM.ll. BALE. may7-Ktd Proprietor. MuvmrnrytunMUum noena. 1ALL AND KB -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP. Blxty candle-Light 1 Beau them all. Anether Let of cheap 0 lobes for eu an ou stoves. THB "PKRKBCJTIONV, METAL MOULDING A KUBBEU CUSHIOM WEATHER STRIP Beats tham alL'Thls strip outwears all ethers Keeps out me cold. Btep rattling of windows , xclude me dust. Keep out suewandmln. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made In applying 1L Can be BtteJ anywhere mt holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is tha most perfect. At the Btcve, Heater and Kant) Kw; -OF- Jehn P. Schanm & Sens, 24 SOOTH QUB1N BTn LAXCAaTEK. TA. i f 9 d wvrl 4 . m 1 M i ,j,i ! :