M (i r v f. t . .- ' .3 J&JS IJuA&vAfaa-JiAg "OAJa XteUGKSOJilfv, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1888. fciA r m fi e tVr I IS N?. &r ! & r it- r ,f m p t The Dally Inte IHgancer. ' JmUABTKM. MAY JI. !. '. L n.n.v imtuincii publishes all the ' uiMiiniiln rr " the United rress up te . ttw lattst possible heer. fimu-Tha Dally Idltlen of Tm 1tu v van I delivered, by canters In Iho city "(' Mid nmranaing towns for 10c per weck t t, hf wmxk, rear i ibe for U months p -.- SAJ ter three months) bee. per month. f'SfMi Waiir lsmmaiiicn (Donble Sheet) jfc Mgfct race, only ILK) per annum, in ad " wut,' ' abaerlben wtshln their addreu chanRed nnstalsotUUwhere the paper li cow lor ler " warded. li" si Jssrllsnn Hii It jsjm, , 1ft t UK ai. .. II & a yi wtwhiwbiheuw uvui u uj se Mim, ym 11IIV VMM UWWUUUt KUUIUIUI VU IWWUUHi THB INTELLIGENCES, Lancaster, Pa. Telephone Connection That DecIlaaTleii. Ui The declination of Blaine Is received sAWim great pleasure uy me iriuuus m me & ether candidates and-wllheut any great apparent regret en any side. Theio is a EMiS pronounced disposition te take Mr. vf Shrine' letter at Its face value and te fcs count uim out ei lue race ; but it must be remembered that was the disposition with which the first declination written from Florence was received, and that it - looked for a time ttien as though Mr. Blaine was out et the field. Ite seen tc- , appeared and his name would certa'nly Wt suave been presented at the Chicago con- 2JU venueq ana no weuia nave uccn neniina- ted but for this latest declination, which mi net published until about two weeks ri liav. AtaihftAfl atnna If. vfia urrtttfin U1WVIIWU U.UWW ... OT.M. IIII..VIII ',y, jar. maine nas se decided a rep- h.r t utatien for pursuing his aims by jfe'- indirection V letter Is and finesse that this net convincing that he does net dcslre the nomination. It Is f apparent, however, tiiat he doe9 net de li Blre it unless lie can get It by acclama tien. Ills idea may be that by standing back he will encourage the appearance of , a big list et candidates, all et whom will a be conciliated by his standlngoutef their r way ; and in the end, when nene et them are able te make the nomination, lie will fall heir te all their vete1. It la clear that bis withdrawal will net be considered absolute by the convention if it finds Unit it cannot make a choice nmeng the ether ewdidates. ' There are a great many pcople who think that Mr. Itlalne is sincere, in his declination and that lie will feci very much obliged te the Republican conven tion if it lel.s him stay oil its ticket. Tills opinion giv(B Mr. Maine credit for a shrewdness that detects the desperate ehance of election of the Iteptibll- can ticket In the coming contest. The ether men, who have net jet been candidates feel that it ia worth while te run even if they are defeated ; but Mr. Blaine does net care te run te be beaten. He has once had that distinction ; and he prefers te save his can didacy for a mero propitious occasion. It he should be defeated a second time, h9 could never be again a candidate, lie ia getting up in! years it is true, und can not afford te wait the return of many presidential campaigns. But he can afford this better than te invite certain defeat this tlms. His review of the situation does net premise Bepublican success; and this may be a fair inUipretatien et his decli nation, lie gives no substantial reason for declining te be the candidate of his party. He claims that his health is geed and bis faculties unimpaired ; and these who believe that he would be president if be could have ground for thinking that if he declines the Bepublican nomina tion it is only because he knows that he cannot le elected. Ta Upen Art. There Is a general conviction among artists that the Democratic caucus of the ITouse, en Monday, made n serious blunder wiien it decided te strike works of art off the free list as they steed iu the Mills tariff bill, and ro-impeso the tariff of IX) percent, en imported works of art. It is considered a reduction et the sources of education te the people of this country te place a high tariff upon works of nit thathe'p te elevate public taste and encourage home talent. It may le s.tld that it protects the maiket for tlie works of American nr. -ttats, but American artists de net want the protection. .Such men as Albert Blerstadt, IJIlhn Veddcr, V. 1). Millet, Eastman Jehnsen, H Swain ti.fferd, and hosts of lesser American artists, de claim indignantly against the pro pre cedure. Uicnard Watsen (iiM r, ed ed iter of the Centum Maya-fiu, sajs that l'resldent Cleveland has alivays insisted upon works of art being Tree of duty. Mr. (Jilder makes a streii'- point when he says : Prance nnd Germany give our students every facility for pros pres f cuting their studies, nnd we respond by taxing the pictures of French and Oei. man artists when they are sent ever here. It is pretended that art Is a luxury. It is net. It is education. Pictures are net luxuries any mere than books are. .Sup. posing we could only read Shakespeare by going te Pngland. It is an analogous case. They say the duty keeps out rub blah. It does net. A hundred franc picture pays a duty of a few dollars, and rereign ret is multiplied all overthe land. Geed art is kept out and the mass of the people lese the opportunity for edtica edtica tlen." It is a move that will very likely he debatedlwheu the Mills bill comes te be voted upon. P. It. 11. Tracks ut MUdleteirn. The Dauphin county court lias dis. solved an injunction ugalnst the lVim. sylvania railroad, restraining it from raising Its tracks two feat where they creisthe most important business street et the borough of Mlddlete-vn. J t is ea'd that nearly all the citizens of Middletown were agretd that the read should be ele vateJ, becaubj this would give a street crossing under the railroad tracks. Uut adjacent prejerly ewneis claimed larger damages than the railroad thought fit te pay. The company then, probably in a fit et iplte, raked the grade of the read at this crossing about two feet, mikin? the pistare ever the railroad there much ere dangerous than before. It will also remove the station from its present loca tion te a pMnt some distance from the business centre of the town. The removal of the depot has the air of lllnil.niM..lnlln. ..j.i... j.-ummumi, auuiueierce or a pun UuBeat. Judge BImonten was probably 'ij"lca"y right In the position he took 'ea this question, remanding the citizens te the law for a remedy in n suit for damages. The railroad company must lisslU property in such a way as net te lnu!inceer damage te any one elj In the enjoyment of his properly. Whether that damage was ee ever, whelming as te require an immediate in junction te prevent irreparable less was left te the discretion et the court, and the court decided lu the negative. It the aggrieved citizens are in earnest, they will quickly bring suit for damages for what seems te be a petty exhibition et tyranny by a great railroad corporation. m Open the Window The advent of the electric light and its steady improvement gives hope that in lime accident like that at Elberon, N. J., en Wednesday, will be impossible. A child and nurse were found dead In a room filled with gas. The nurse had been accustomed te gas light all her life, and was a trustworthy and steady woman, ee that the ever ready explanation that the gas was blown out will net de. There were two burners in the room and it is explained that one had been lighted and was closed. The ether had net been lighted nnd was open. It is no, made clear hew this is known, but the plaus ible theory is advanced that the nuree could net make the open burner weik and forget te close it when shellghtid the ether. After she had turned out the light and retlred the pressure of the gas may have forced away a slight obstruc tion In tlie open burner. Let people always have a window of the bed room open, nnd they will net only avoid sudden deitli from suffocation, but will be healthier and sleep better. Improved systems of lighting may put a step te this smother ing of peeple in their sleep, but mean while n little attention le the supply of pure air in the rooms where most peeple pass a third of their lives is a most pres sing nnd vital necessity. CeNnunxsMAN JleuTi-.t.t.i:, el Maine, who I n Kroat Irlentl or illalne, ears of tlie latiat uttornnce et the leiter: "Any ene can rend tlie letter two vijn If he wants te." Tli In two-faced way of leek Inn at tbtnen haa caused ltlalne'H moral iipilnl. Hrnateu Hiikuman Imn compued lllO presidents nan of tlie veto le the dospetlsm of the cy.tr cf Kustil. The comparison mny be acoepttd ax nccurale with tliose Hilling dllloruiTet an neted : Tlie rzir nuver had a ctinnce 1 1 iilH llle te veto or appreve a bill. All the proccedlnRR el tlie government tire uniler llle n Imn Inte and unquestionable con trol. Coni(reH may overiuln tlie veto of tlie president, or tlie people, If displeased, may rufuBe te io-elcet lilm. Honaler Krier man H growing poetical and Imaginative In lili old age, and we may fully expect te hear hltn tracing a roremblanco net worn tbe proHldent and the Ah Hind of Muscat, Tin: Yerk Dtipatch la thlrleen ycarH old, Which liai net for It proved rii unlucky number ; n It wan never ee bright nnd prosporeus an fKw. Ne peeple nced te be mero toneerly catid for tlian tlioae who liave given their llvea te rol)Klen,and who In ttielr old ke find tlieniHulvca unable te de any mero hit. vlce ler the grcnt catise and nre without pecunlary roseurcep. They should be ten derly looked alter and inade te feel net the least illsconilert for tlie alma which In their Justtlfibt. Tbe Methodist conlerenco lu New Yeik receKul7.9d this whenat Wodnea day's meeting they inade a long-needed prevision for the carofer ltaauperannuated inlnlslera. TIiIm was dene by atleptlng a report from the commlttee en temporal economy, which recouimended the ureatlen of a beard of confurenco ulalmanta, conslat censlat conslat leg of iwolre tnlnlslerfl and twolve laymen, apH)lnted by llio'general oenforencp, with a oerrospondlug aecretary nomlnnled by the beard et bishops, who eball travel through the annual ronleroncea and ncctire pledKOR and make collectleiiH for a psruia psruia nent nnd dlHbiUHlng bind. It wrh decldtd that tlie beard Nhall be located at C'1i1"iike. I'lTTHiiriid salesmen have laked tlie bit in their teeth. In nearly all the large Hterea en Tuesday evenlug they etepped work at 0 o'clock, notwithstanding that the proprietors had ordered thum te reiunln until 1 o'clock, ThlJ la a novelly la fctrlkei. Ai.mtht overy day iu Heme putt et this city and probably Inovery city of the Union a auene lllce the following U cnacted. A peilCHlrlun Is calmly travellng along a well laid aldewalk with a feeling el security J uhII lied by the notorious and Ilrmly OHtabliahed habit el keeping heracH and carriages oil the pavement, aud fergellul of the new prltiol prltiel prltiol ple that human beluga net only trnvel en two lega, lint 1he en two or mero wIioeIn i.I varleua hI'ch. lUck of htm oemei veiy young America en a trloycle,er ahull cl07n of him with a toy r.xprcai wagon, or n mere tnature pprclaien ontwewhoolf. ThopoiUm ThepoiUm ThopeiUm Irian has tilM heiiI stlrred by the lnlhieuce el art exemplllled In a frcahly palnted red hetisa He steps te let It Hllr. The trlcy. clel or the cxprca wagon, driven by the energy el the rising generation, upHOtn hlH UDduititandlng, and a kind prnvideuoe In In In torlerea te save lilm from sitting upon Halil gnneratleu and crushing It out of exlsteucc. Or the small hlcycle rider attempts teeltulu the biitlilm dnnger and ekulea Inte the gut ter en his Hlinulder bladii. Art contra tr, Hllr the pedestrian and he feels as though he had taken ene Hlep tee many lu mounting an uufauilltiir stairway In the dark, luclilenta of thla kind are el Irrquent oeuurrenco but the resultlug datnafie appears le be lrl!llng,aml tlie only thing necesHAry te prot-ervo the penoe of the sidewalk Is n mero cenHtant ulortneHsou the part of the podestrlan. He must keep hli ears 11 tpped back, educatn liia hind sight, " and at all times " leek out for the locenirille." 1'EUSONAL. Ki: KlMAXiaSlAU, el thli clly, has acpted the call of tne Heoend Knglleii Lutheran church of llahiuiore. He will asvuiiie charge next Hunday, Hkkman Ktumi', of Harford retinty, has been uomlnntedastheDRinocratlooiiuthlate ler CeuKrckBln thoHicenil dUtrictef Mary, land. He has herved in both houses of the legislature el the utate. K, I). Wiiiti: waHen Wednesday oleclod by lLe Louisiana legislature te lm V. S. senator for the term beginning March A. 1M1. Hu will Hiicceed Kustl. He whh win rated at Mount Halut Marv'a colleiie, Ko. Ke. ltlaburj:, Maryland. at lunuieet Jt llie C'llei. Wilsen M. Campbell, who has been in Iho penitentiary in Teptka, KannaH, ter four yearn, and was sentenced te a life lm. prisenment upon Ulng convicted el as as Baultlughlsewn daunnler, has Uhi par par denpd by the Rovernor. 'l he htate beard of pardons, whlcn Iinestlcalcd the cabe, rr IMirted te the uoverner that they were m. lied that Campbell is lnuecent, Hnd that lila daughter itBtllled laUely uiialiist liln! through the Influence of her mother. A1TKK I1I.4IMI , WHO f Chauurey Ddpew, Jehn Bhl.iunu, IlarrtJn, William w. 1'helpj, Ureshtm, Allisen, AlKtll. A .Marrelens Illsreier, What thu eleetrla arollKhtlste illuminate or the telescope te optics, Prof. A. Loleette's System of Memery 13 te the development of this faculty. We can't describe It, but e de advise uvery reader te sen 1 at once te l'.of. A. LeUetU', 24j nub. Ave , New Yeik, for a pros, ptciur, glvluK detailed information or this most marvelous dUcevery of the csntuiy. BVKU1AL. NOTlOKtr. A Weman' JHeeTrj. " Anr.lhnr wnndtTful dlieevery hag been made nfl that tne tiy a lafly In this country. uueate raaienea ua ciuuijm uiiu udi,bhu for neTcii rears ahe withstood the severest tests, but her vllnl erguns were nndermlned and ddalh stwrncd Imminent, She bought a bottle of Dr. K Inn's Mew Dlicevery ler Oon Oen Oon sumptien, and waaaomuchreilovedon taking nl ilme that she slupt all night and with ene bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther intx" -alius writes W. (J. Ilamrlck A Ce , of Shelby, M, C. Oct a free trial bottle at Cochran's UruR Stere, 1S7 and is North Uueen street. Lancaster, Fa. (2) Beeklan't Anlea Hatrs T nam BAtm in the world for Cnta,Brn!sea "i u'wrn eait worn, sever oeros, letter, 8 cent per box. rer sale by U. n. Cochran, DruRRlsl, Fes. 1S7 and us Werth uneen street, Lancaster, Pa. Jnnel7 ly WHY yVILL YOU OUUUH when Shlleh'i Cure will give Immediate relief. 1'rlca 10 cts.. De cu .and il. rer sale by It. II. Cochran, Uni gltt. Ne 1S7 North Uueen street. (6) JU8T AS GOOD. Don't allow anyone te make you liellnvn any ether rouiedy Is J list as geed fur sick headache as Dr. Lexlle's flpfclal Prescription, for It ts net true. This Is the only remedy In the world that strikes at tbe root el thu dlsease and drives ltent. O I ve it a trial. Ilaata the World, Thldswhat II. C. Ileberman.a druvxltt of Mirlen. )nl, says! Jhemat' Jtclrctrle Oil bra's the world Held nine bettlrs ysterdy anil today. One mtn cured et snre threat of (-lKhii)earss'nndlng Issplundld fur rhnuma t'stn." for sale by 11,11. Cochran. draft-Kill, Ki7and 1.19 North Uueen street. Lancaster. Heur cu ! I'lullt, There are miny sources orprellt tothee who are Ingenious and cnlerprliilnir lluriteek Jlloeit IHtlert ar.ia souice of pretlt In every wy Tin v build np the health surely, speed lly, and eltoetuatly, which l saylnK n urent deal rarnalebyil.il Cochran drugiclst, 137 and lS'l North (Jtietiu street. J.ancasttr. Fint-Olsfs Insaranr. Insure with 7Viemii' kclretrle Oil. It Is the cheapest and bast indtli'xl el tusiiranca we knewnf. Ily Its ms you aru sure le nuctpe many previous nehes and pilns I'ollcl'sure elilalnatile alall driiKKl.t la thu form nt nol nel nol tles HtMcenlsand II eieh rer 'iln liy II II. Cochrun, druKKl'MH and 1 V Neith (Jutun street, l.uncaU)i'. Well as Kver l.nl'ln Heward vriUis from tlnrra'n, N V. "My rynU'tu beenuie cri'iilly dulilMtiiliil threiiRh arduous prefiwutnnal cIii'Uh, hulfun d In ni imiuen. nick lK'udnili", and tillloiisnieH. Tried itiirilnck UUmtt llltlrri with the moil bnnellrtul i trout. Am wi-ll ax ever." rer h In by II II Cerhruii.dniKKlil, l.i; ami lu North Dm en street, l.ani'isler. The Man Who Talks Much. We want te iny a word te ou who make a living with your tniiKiin. Yen certainly must hiiTrt a clr, sirenif veire te eniif your llt eneia. J)r. Thnmnt' KcUctria Ull fur sero threat, colds and hearnt'iiiiMS Is iinexri'llnd. Hun mid ndmtru I'.ir sale by II. n. t.'eiliran, dnnritlst, 137 and lWMertlilJiiciiiistic.it, Lull easier. Tire Him (Int." 'I hli Mn common remark when rough nnd rn0M liihiill public dnrency by then mi mi Heemly ways, hjspi'pla Ih a horrid bore, I lie Until "Ull Hut dork tlued lllttrr. Yeu enn dolt for sale by II. It Uecluun, diulst, i:i; and 1311 Aerth (J.ioeu struut, l.aiKuitur. WAXAMAKKll'N. l'liiLAiisLriiu, Thiitsday, May .11, liws. Are you a housekeeper ? De you propose te refurnish one or mere bedrooms either new or next autumn ? Ue you expect te furnish a house at any time this year? Are you a hotel-keeper ? Are you fixing your house for Summer guests, and de you therefore want new Bed-room Suites ? Assent te any of these ques tions and your interests will net excuse a failure te read en. The story is about Bedroom Furniture. 2S0 Suites. Yesterday I he prices were 32.50 te $350. 1 e-day the prices are 2S te $250. Net a passe Suite in the let. Net a popular weed or finish lacking. Net a novel style but you may find it. Natural Mahegany: Ytslrrildi lti'ilroemii'tii f IV, lioilreoin ttulle hi llodreoin M11II0 ir.7 llndroeiiiBuuu ,. iu Dark Mahogany : I ted room Snltii u-ci llndimmiMiilUi w Itmlioetii bulle 17 lti'ilroeiiiSullu lia Sabicue : lldilremn Suite i; iltdroeiuaiilm jiu Cherry : Il0t riKllll SllllO J 141 I lml100111H.il 1 0 11. Iludioeiuaiitio tf, Sycamore : Te il'ij; IN' no 1 10 1:111 I Ml 110 1J.1 I") 1MI IIin) PHI tft iiHOioem Suite, whii Hiatal Kiu'H iniieau UodreoiiiMullu... Antique Oak : ItcdieiinSiil'ii... llidroeniHutui... iloilieouibiiliii.,, llrdreniiiBiitui .. Hi ilnHliu Hulle .. JledloemaiilH,.,. Iivdroe in suite II.MlroemMiili.i,.. ll.dioemautto... Natural Oak : f liJVI SHI ! 0 t-'lll . lft . Mil . lit . II'. . IH . 71 70 JI7t LIS 111) Ml W ; 1.1 (.1 15 Itodreom Suite me lltxlioeiu Suite hi llt'ilroeuiHutin , Black Walnut : llidroeiiitiulto u Iltiiiriieiiibuiie .. 7.n ItediiHiiiiHiiltu is JtdlloelllHlllUl 4 lit dioem Suite 411 1 Iazel : Pedioeinijiitip mi llodreoin bulte PJ White and Geld : llodreoin Sullc, 8 pti'cna ... I '0 Antique Oak Finish : Itedioein bulte 1 h ltt'droem bulte jj je ll'O 11 I II ICO A'l I 30 ill Imitation Mahogany : ...iu..njtiiTiiiiuta( Vi'ri'i?" "nu, unuuiains, uerns, ana ail Bkln Eruptions, and peslUvely cures Piles, or no pay required, ltls RuarnnteeptoatTeper. feci satlstaetlen. nr mnnni mfiinana. t'rim 3'l f VA s ai 31 II . St II M r 11 -.., are all collected en the second can see quickly JIOOIOOIIIHUltt' Hud room Hull It. d 1 Mini Hulm itefll jemballu. These Suites in one place fleer. Yeu and compare easilv. Kach Suite has a legible label giving the former price and reduced price. Yeu can cut out the list and easily identify any item that has impressed you, without the aid of a salesman. And bear in mind that we have yet te learn the trick of marking up prices te make a margin ler sham reductions. Every former price was a low market price. Why this reduction of 30 per cent ? Never mind, you need net care. The lact net the wherefore is important te you, and the fact is. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. fTIANNHAKUSKR llEElt, Tannhaeuser Beer lIUVDK MAUK.) THE B. & E. B. CO. 'J'JIUJWST 11KE11 nilEWKD. Bergner & Engel Brewing Ge. BEEIl AND DIGESTION What Dr. Hare, tif Ihs Uelriy or fjIimlU, HJ) About II. Dr. II, A. Hare drmonstrnler of expetlmen. tal therapiiillta and Instructor In physical dlufrnetta In tht I'nUersliy of Pennsylvania, says thnphfslctan urreiunntiypui7Ud when prescrlbliiK feracxinvatrsccntas te which al cnhollebevoraKnoi a uilld und pleasant char acter he ran reiotnmend with the least fearet "upieitln" the stnmaeh. The writer his, Umrefere, alteinptpd le decide this qiiostleti Ilefore passtnK te a direct consideration of the malhels uuipinyed and the results ob tained It Is necessary that a few ph slelnRlcal anil ihwrapnullcal points be lireuuht forward, avery one knows that n'ohel retards dlices dlices tteuln tfaoteattulje.butaldsltlnthestemachi and while theie facts seem snmewhst paradox ii.ihyai, inieallty, porfecUy logical, icr the fo'lewlnR rraiens : 111 loe IwHiib.) WHhavea Klven quantity of dlgcBtlVH tluld en which the alcohol may act, and we cannot haven y Increase In thequau. tltyel thatiluld, iHcansult Is aurrencdnd by Klass walla, in the stomach the aloebol acts unite as much en the digestive foiment as It uuvbuji inuui'iiuue, nutiiaisn, uy the pres ence el that vIscus.eicittM the Rsstrla glands te such an extent that an excni s of Ksslrle Juice Is secretei snnirlent te cuii-iterbalance any anll-dtnsttvu inrlusnces. In othrrwerds, tbeaotlenol the spirit en the living tissues Is Cluster than Its auien ou the dUektlve Itr merits. '1 henretlcally, alcohol rheald nover be used In liidlKOitlennr In conditions 01 Kastrle weak ness ( practically, every pbyslcUn of ixperl ence or education gives alcohol under Ju't these clreum nances, aad, very properly, tee, (fives the utienKT alcohella preparations In stead or the- weaker. In typhoid fever we Rtve brandy or whlnky In thu lliststases, almost jjilely for the rurpose el mireasliiK dliH lien. It Is also known, by these Interested In surh lrialUira In Ihu piolenslen, that beer aids dliris dliris tlen but little, or ut all, by means or Its alco hol, n nee that constituent Is present lu se dl. utodurermuudlnsuch smili quinllly Hut It can neither ad dlgeslleu teuny exleut by noting en thu coats el thesmmacn nor retard ltbyli.lluunclngtboUliri-sllvenuld It should net be lorKetten that while all alcoholic Holds theeietlcaily retard K'slrle dlitisiien, that bier iIebb te much less than brandy or whisky owing te lis sina'l amount el ultehnl, und whlle, as bus ulrrudy been shown, this fact ralher ebintns ngalii.t Hi, practical use, that this 1 oviTcemii by the carbunle acid and blu ter prlnclniiH el the beer, which stlmulati', exclie aud act as bitter tenlca en the gastric glands. Jleers, te be whnloieino, should, therefore, cniiUlncarbenlauLldund bitter prlnclpeste alatrdogree, thu alcohol taking asubsuivietit and aluiiikt uauless role se lar us digestion Is concerned. Te sum np tn results et these experiments, we Unit 111 tt Iho beers examined varied In their action as much as llltj-nlnu minutes, and that while mnu beers de net retard diges tion in all probability in the stomach, mat ethers, snen us ihoxe mentioned in ttenist part of ihe table, aid dlgtstleu very mite rlully. Thus, In Inn case of the IlKIM, "Klt A KN-,-"UK WINO COMl'AWVHTannhaeusurlt will hi neU'd that even In the lest-lnba the average delay lu gaHirle dlgi stlen equaled but 1MISU1E 0 SECONDS. Wern MrtHrttl AVici June 11. Till'. TANNII.Vl.USKIt HKKU Ian. Special UmwIiiK (it tbe UHHUXHU , KNGKI. HUKWINtJ COMl'AXY.nnd unqtiPsUeniibly the Finest Uplit Uerr extunt. It is In owed from the finest i'.iie Ciinntlii west, Hurley Mult and Sanzer Heps, ami highly receramendttl for its tonic and nutritive qualities Elegantly Packed Fer Family Use. Tlie liii?b rnputallen enjoyed by the ltertfnrr ,V. KiiRel Ceniinny ia due te the Tact that only the Finest anil Heat Ma. terials are used aud that the greatest skill and care nre exercised during Us uiauul.tctuie. ih3 BERGHEY & ENGEL BREWING CO- riin.Annui'uiA. KeciiiR Wieseman, Jr., Agent, UAKRISHURO, l'A. JIAnV CA h HI A UKH. PILINN KKKNKMAN. 100 Different Patterns or BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FLINN & BRRNEMAM. " Alaska " Refrigerators II K Nil I.IH1A1.. mm & BREHEHAN, Ne lea Nertti Queen Htroet, I.AMU8TIK l'A. ANl'HAl.r JU.UCh.S. AS I'll ALT 1'AVINO Hl.OCK. Asphalt Bleck Ce.. Olllce-dul Chestnut St, I'hlla, l-a. Works -l!rniceirU ea , A Cuuirten, N. J. MANUKAUTUltKUSOK Standard Asphalt Paving Blocks 8JZKSU5X11 ANII 4!IWxli In Keneralusu forstreetpavlnK.stdewalss.Kar dun path, mill yards aud drlvuways. Kuiurs. celluis vats und sea walls. Advantages' Ne's'less. dustiest, strictly sanitary, pracll. callyluilestruellbluane ehiaii. rerirlctaand lurther InlormMlen rvCilrcss: B. S. OSTER & BRO Agenu Irr I.ancaster Ce.. 321 North I'rlreeSt.. Ijinraster, I'a lil-tiiiut M US J UAL. UUI'KKIOR HUALIIY MUSICAL BOXES, HKNHY GAUT8C11I A SONS, Ne. luw Chestnut street, 1'blladrlnuli. Fiamlnatlen will prove our Instnunnnts 'y.fntairlorie any ether make, net spiwklnu el the worthless trash that abounds In the market, seen belnir. nl uiore annoy an en than lileaauiu te thulr owners. Old and Iniiier. !.t!??J.,la.ae 1U",C1 "x,, carelully repaired Hypir""lc','1,or,,m1ulreut the uianulao uianulae KH. ". w,urland. Correspondence solid ted. Send stamp ter catalogue fcnd prtca list. nevU-lyOAw IQBAVCO. "fineIi'iece or CFfEWING TOBACCO IB 1NUIED A I.UXUUV. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemes as near being a line piece el 1'I.UU TOIIACCU M It Is possible te make It, and Is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONO UKALXItS. We are; sure that ON B Till ALwl.1 Convluce Vouef IU Merlts. " Loek ler the red It tin tag en each plng.f Jno. Finzer & Bre.'s, MitriMVir i.k, kv M) UKOIUAI.. B KNSON'H PIASTERS. THAT Will binltendfdbyirrealdanKer te body and limb, nut hnndtrds UAMK et lending Players say they nnd mere prompt rellel (rem strains, Of sprains, hrulxis, rbenmatlsm, stlir and oularRed Joints. Ismx. UASKUALb nfs, etc by using Dskren'b l'tASTsn for mch trenblnsthan AT TUB any oilier external remedy Known le the prorerslen. All l'AUK iilhlules as well ss thrwe In the erdlnaiy avncatlonsef llle unite TODAY with baseball players In certify. lug te the value or this platter In such nrcldenti Ills prompt, pleasant and pleasing In aotlen and nnvnr tails te secure the beat remllH when used ncceidlng te prlnUd dlrecibns tlwlng te IU popularity many werrble-s subttliutes are otrerea. lluyurs should alwasask for Hensen's, nrmly teluslngqllother plssters (1) A RE YOU CONaOMlU'lVKT UHK PARKER'S OINQBR TONIO Without delay. A rare uiedldnal compos' cempos' compes' tlon that cures when all elan fal's. lias cured the worst cases of (.ouch, Weak I.nngs, Asth ma, Indigestion, Inward I'ulns, rxlmustlen. tOc at Druggists. lMNDKUreit.VB. The safest, surest and bet euro for Cerns, llniil'm, Ae. Steps all pain. Ensures com fort te tbe feet. Mcver rails te euro. IS cenU at DruggUls. 1113'JOX A CO , N. Y. (2) MiN DRAKE 1'IU.S. M. SCHENCK'S KAVSHAEE PILLS' STAND MM) IfVltnVEIt II ll.r ACKNTUIIY. l'UHSItDO.I KVaKKTUtAl.. CUHR Indlgesttan. Heur Stomach. Heartburn. riatuloney, Colle and ull dlseasosef the swuincht Coitlvenoss, Inlliitnnntlen, 1)1 nrrluii and dl, cases of the bowels; Con gestion, lJIHousiiess, Nausea, Headache, U'dlloess, Neiveusnesp, l.lver Ceinplalnt, and a'l diseases arising from a gorged and slugKlsh liver Ihny reduce congested conditions, break up stubborn complica tion?, restore Ine, healthy action .te the organs. They are l'UUKI.Y VEllKTAUI.K, STKICTIjY UKI.U 1ILEAND AUH0LUTK1.Y SAlfK. Ker sale by all DrugUU. Frloe 25 cenU per box j 3 boxes for Ci cenln; or Stnt by mall, pestage free, en lecelpt of prlce. Dr. J. il. fchenck A Ben, 1'hllaflelpbla. lnl7-lydAw SUUENUK'H MANDRAKE I'lhhH VOtt 8ALK AT II. II COCIIICAN't DllUnSTOIlK. NOS.137A ye North Queen St,, Lancaster, fa apt& Jiml.t w ' jqUMPHREYH' TTOMEUl'ATlilU s I'ECJIKICH. DH. IIUMl'IIKhYS' Unnk of All Diseases. Cleth and Ueld llludlng, lit Pages, with Steel Kngravlug, MAll.KD riiKH. AOdtess, 1". O. Ue 181U, N . Y. List of l'rlnclpnl Nes. Cures. Trice. 1. Kkvbrs, CeiigrHtlnn, Iptl'iinmatlnna !S 2. Worms, Werm Kever, Werm Celic S5 H. CnriNB Colie, or Teething of InatiU....Sl 4. Diabriiiea.eI Children or Adults n 6. DiBSHTaitv, Orlplng, lllllnus Colle vs n. Ciielbra MimauB. Vomiting..... 7. Couehh, Colds, llrnnehttls "s 8. Nhuhaleia, Toothache, Karnacbn vs 9. IIkaiiauiis, Hick lleadnche, Vtrttge M 10. DierKi-HiA. unions Sieiiisch... 11 BurriiKssKuer 1'aihvul l'ameus 11. Wen a, loe I'rntiisu 1'erleils II. Citeur, cough, DIDIcult llreathing 14. 8lt itiiKUM, Krystpelas, Krupttens 15. Urkumatihu, Hhnumnlle fains la. Fhvbham) aeub, Chills, .Miliaria 17. 1'lLBJ. llllnrt or uleedlmr " III. Cataiirii. Intlinn7.a, Celd In the Head... .2 .'a .it .'ii .as ss Nl 'M ai. "iioeeiNO toreii, violent Coughs M V4 Nknkhal Dshii itt, 1'byslcal Weakness. ,M 27. KlIlNUV DlSatNH f() 2S. Naaveus Huuilitv ifeii 30. lUiNAitv WaAaNiss, Wetitnir Ited Ml 31- DiaaABuaerTiiK Iikart. l'alpltatlen... i en Sold by druggUls, or snt pesfpald en re ceipt ei mice. ii uii I'll urn i' iikniciNK CO., 1W Fulton Bt.N. Y. Tn.1h.SAw (J) G OLDEN HPEC1K1U. DRUNKENNESS -OK TUK- LtgUOll IIA11IT POSITIVKLY CUIIKD HY ADUlNtSTKUlNO DIl IIAlNtS1 UOL1IKN 81'KCiriC. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knewledgu of the person tuklni; It : la absolutely hannless, and will effect a perma nent nnd speedy cure, whethur the patlunt Is a mederaut drinker or an alcoholic wreck. TheusaniU of drunkards have been made teuiperate men who have taken Gelden iBpo iBpe iBpo cine in their coffee without thelr knowledge, and te-day believe they quit drinking of their own free win. IT NKVKit T AILS. he sys tem once impregnated with the Specific, it bc bc bc oemos an utter Impossibility for the llouer apiietlte teexIsU Ter sale by C11AS. A. LOCHKU, Druggist, Ne. 9 Kast King Street, Lancaster, I'a. RprlS-lydTu ThAS "".- ' "iMi "srsawf VaRHIAUM. s TANDARD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY L'AKUI.KU: ItUILDKR, NO?. n,tJ.1,41MAUKKT 8TUBKT, Hear et foateltico, lJincuster, I'a, 1 have In Stock and Uulld te Order Kierv Variety of tholellowlng styles: Cetiie, Hiik. glee, Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, lluslness Wagons. "T" Car u. MeCall WaReus. buriles. Uaraet Wagons, l'bietens, Kxpress Wagons. 1 employ the laist Uechunlca. and have lucll. Itles te build correctly any style of Carriiute desired. The Duality. Stjle and rinlahei uiy work makes It decidedly the Uheapest In the market, 4S-WKIIAVKTHK I1KST AND ClIKAl'KST CAltrlNllIK AtAUUKT. MAOHJXHtr. pA'lTKRNH, WODITLH, e. Central Machine Works, CO UN Kit or tilt ANT AND C1IK18TIAN STUKKIB, ( Bear of Court Heuse). L ANCASTKH, r a, KngtnfB, Itnllers, .Machinery and ltepalrln?. I'alUirns, Druwlugt, Iren and Urass Cestings, Uust equipped Machine and Pattern llhen In the clly ler light work. -uoed Werk, I'remptneu. Iteaionable Charges, dect4 wa wen mm QPE01AU WATCHES for rarmers and Railroaders, It Karat Geld rilled WjsS Caws, Klgtn works, li) each. Jeb Let. Best Watch and Jewelry Hepalnng. Spectacle,KyealassesanflOpUeJOoei.. cer reci tlme daUy, tjf leietrapD only place In ui6 city, LOUIS WEBER, Me. 1KX N. Queen at, opposite city Uetel, Near Penn'a Depot. QlLL-JEWEliER, Ae. SPECTACLES. Having purchased the Entire Stock of SPECTACLES OF A DECEASED OPTICIAN, I will Mil them for lesa than one-fourth their value in order te close them out quickly. Spectacles that formerly told for 2.G0 cerualr I will new sell for Me. Understand, this U net a cheap Spectacle, but the finest lense and frame that is made. Will measure venr eyes with accuracy, and can guarantee a ut in every instance. As the line Is lim ited it will be well te call early. CHARLES B. GILL, Jeweler and Optician, Ne. 10 West King blreet, Lancaster, I'a. w ATCUE3. WATCHES! S1K 1I1KTK3T DISPLAY IN OUtt WINDOW OF TIIK Geneva Nen Magnetic Hatch, The only Watch made which Is guaranteed net te be affected In any way by ELECTRICITY. WALTER C. HEBE, Ne. 101 North Queen Street, LANCASTKU. VA. ni-ua FURNITURB. jrOHSA:inBS. "" "" Our Advice. New that house-cleaning time is here, send your old furniture te the Second - 1 land Stere. Yeu can get as much for it as you will pay us for New Style Furniture. Step up-stairs at 31 Seuth Queen street, see our large stock and get the lowest prices in this city. Have a leek at these new patent brace chairs, same price as the old style and much stronger. OCHS a GIBBS, 31 Seuth Queen Street, Up-stairs. aprll-lya w IDMYER'B. FURNITURE WIDMYER'S COBMBa TIIK OLD COHNEll 13 KULL Or aOt)l NKW T1IINU'. Our Steele li tee Inrgn and must be le'ucrd before the season cleti'S. Te de this we have concluded te iclve the people a chance te get Geed Furniture 1 AT A LITTLE COST. We have some goods (net the nnweil, but Just as Knrdi that will beseldir the price put en them will sll them 'IliesnnrnullKAT HVWOAINS, and we ex poet le sej Iheui niove llve'y. WIDMYER'S FUJtNJTUJiE STOHJC Oer. East King & Duke Sts. e UR REPAIR DEPARTMENT. HEINITSH'S S7 AND 20 SOUTH QUE'EN ST., LANCASTKU, I'A II jeu have anythlner te be rep. tred, tend It tens yveure prepared te atUudtetl iiulte prjmptly. Reupholstering of ill Kinds. Your Old Hair Mattress Made Over Kauai te New, at Moderate Trice. A Full Line of NKW NOVII.T1KS In I'lush, Tapestries, French cretonnes ifer Ueuphul atuilng) te sulect from. HEINITSH'S. UOA L. T)AUMUARDNER'H COMPANV COAL DEALERS. wTrTSJK1' DeuHt. NO. Der!oL:Nertl1 l'rlucft Slrt, near iUiadJng ,""M", I.ANDAHTKK. PA j a martin W helcsale and Itatatl Dealer In all kinds of l.UMIIKR AND COAU u, bo-Ne 41) North Water and Prlne elreets, above Lemen Ltncuter. nS-lyd pKCOMMENDED HY EMINENT rilYSlCIANS The " Best '' Tonic, A Concentrated Lbiuia Kxtract of Halt and Heps, for sale only at J. O. HOUGHTON A CO.. Ne. W and 1 West King street. CLOTlltXa. ASKEW OR MX. AT NOS. WANDEC WIST KING STUKKT. OIMM JOKDUUEU VMOah. L. GANSMAN St BRO. Hea's, Bejs' ltd Childnn'd SUITS At Reduced Prices. Men's All Weel finltsrfdiicedlrem t9teSW Men's All-Weel Sulla reduced from I'.e telT. Men's Alb Weel Bults reduced from 111 ten. Men's All. Weel Baits rcdueed from IIS te 110. Men's AH. Weel Baits reduced from IIS te 111. Men's All. Weel Bults reduced from 118 te 113 W. Heys' A II. Weel Jnlts reduced rmn M te M. Beys' All. Weel Bults reduced. from 17 te H, Beys' All-Weel 8uiU reduced Irem 18 te 17. . Beys' A 11-Weel Suits reduced from 19 te 17. Children's Bulls at 11.50, tl 75, 2 te, 13, i, t 50, 15.00. Kzamlrn our great line ofTrensera at 703, II. I1.V5, f 1 7i, K, 12 50, II, 13.50, 14, II U), 5 All splendid styles and net te bu had anywhere elseat the price. urand Army Suits at tfi, 18 and 110. OurCattem Dopaumeut speaks for ltselt L. fiaeian I Bie., S. W.OORNftR NORTH QUEEN & OnANQH BTB. LNGASTKH, l'A. M YEKMdt RATUITON. U". -c. -Lu. Te every member of the Grand Army we offer n, suggestion quietly don't buy a Cheap Blue Suit that will turn its color be cause you can buy it for a few dollars less than seme one else has paid for a geed one. This la truly peer economy. Ne one buys Clothing at such extremely low prices as the members of the Grand Army. We've favored them because we think we're in debted te them for past service. "We have just offered them Suits at prices without profit. Our Suits at $0, $12 and $1 1 are the genuine " True IJIue," and if you've heard of any from our stock that were net "True Blue" we should like te hear of it. Twe sets of buttons with each Suit. Myers & Rathfon, llKLIAHLK 0LOTUIKU4, NO. 12 EAST KING ST.. l.N(!ASTCU FA TTIRHU ,V RROTHER. WK CLOSK, UKCOUATION DAY, AT NOON. Our All-Weel Indigo Blue, Asserted and Middlesex GRANDARMY SUITS AT $8.00 AND $10.00. with iwe skis or isurreN8 auk with- OUTDOUlir THIS CHKAl'KSr ASD BKST in LANCASTER. T11MU KN0KM0U3 BALK TIIK FAST MONTH JUSTIIKS US IN SAYlhU SO. CALL AND 8KK TI1KM. MKN'S BUIT3, 1IOV8 8Um, UaiLOIlKN'9 fclflTS. JTer llreis and Kyeryday Wear. Alpara, Dr.ipd' Et, Uehalr. Silk flttlre, Iml- ta.len l'ongee Coats, and Clnata and Vis'.s, fietrsuckur Coats and Vels, and Norfolk Jackets. $1.00, $1.60 AND $2.00 EAOH EVKI1YTHI.NG I 1TUUNI8III.'GS-An In In sptctlen will ray Jeu. Hirsh & Brether, THE ONE.F1U0B Clothiers & Furnishers, CO It. N. QDKKN STltKKT AND OKMTUX BUUAHK. LANCASTKU. l'A. FOR HA I.K OR RUNT. RESIDENCE ON THE EAST HIDE el Duke street, betxeen Orange and ChtHlnut, ferieuu Inquire of A. J.HTKINMAN, mt2-Btd At this Oltloe. OUShS KOR HALE ON THE MOST liberal terms, en Wet Chestnut, Wal nut, Lemen, Wary, Tlne und Charlette streets. Apply at inlSCmd JOJNOHTH alAUY'STUKKT. jOR RENT-FROM APRIL 1, 1SSS, Ai lorenoor ater'iief years, the Blrasbnrg Uallread, with Ceal and Luutt or Yard, Wiru hnuse, Locomotive ai.dCars : all in geed, and running order. The lease el this valaable property prevents a rare opportunity te any pan,y..,Lrtn le enKai(e In a pluisanl, sell esubllshed and profitable business, irer con ditions, rent or ether Information apply te . THOS. or UKNUY IlAUUUAUUNkU, awn Lancaswr City, r.