MjwciBk HSTMI ' ffFyAe ' " ' '' jr r"' s 'V. "; fr - r rHK LANCASTER DAILY 1KTEIXIGBNOEB. MONDAY, MAT 28. 1888. P Tie Story of a Masterpiece. By HENRY JAKESt Jr. a- IS TWO PARTS. PART L L Copyrighted. O LOXOER ai than last numiiMr. during a six weeks' nay at newpert, . Jehn Lennex be- Miss Marian Er Er erett.ef New Yerk. Mr. Lennex was a widower, of large estate and ,1 with out children. He iwas 85 rears old. 'of a sufflcleatlr distinguished ap pearance, of ex cellent manners, of sound information, of irreproachable uauivs uju vi n M3iuiur nmen was unaer steed te hare suffered a trying and salutary probation during the short term of hiswod hiswed ded Ufa. Miss Everett was, therefore, all things considered, bolieved te be making a a very geed match and te be bavin, by no means the worst of the bargain. And yet Mia Everett, tee, was a very marriageable young lady the pretty Miss Everett, as she was called, te distinguish her from certain plain cousins, with whom, owing te her having no mother and no sis ters, she was constrained, for decency's sake, te spend a great deal of her time rather te her own satisfaction, it may be conject ured, than te that of these excellent veung women. Marian Everett was penniless indeed: but she was richly endowed with all the gifts which make a woman charming. Bbe was, without dispute, the most charming, girl in the circle in which she lived and moved. Even certain of her elders, women of a larger cxperionce, of a heavier caliber, as it were, and, thanks te their being mar ried ladles, of greater freedom of action, wcre practically net se charming as she. And yet, in her emulation of the social graces of these, her mere fully licensed sis ters, Miss Everett was quite guiltless of any aberration from the strict line of maidenly dignity. She professed an almost religious dovetionto geed taste, and she looked with horror upon the boisterous graces of many of her comiunlens. Bcside being the most en tertaining girl In New Yerk, she was, there fore, also the most irreproachable. Her beauty was. iwrharw. cnntmrfjilil . it -... certainly uncontested. She was the least bit lielew the middle height, and her person was mai Ued by a great fullness and roundness of outline; and yet, in spite of this comely ponderesity, her mevements were perfectly light and clastic In comploxien, she was e genulne blonde a warm blonde; with a midsummer bloom upon fcer check, and the light of a midsummer sun vreught into her auburn hair.. Her features wcre net cait upon a classical model, but their expression was in the highest ilegrce pleasing. Her forehead was low and bread, her nese small, and her mouth well, by the envious her mouth was called enormous. It is certain that it had an immense capacity for smiles, and that when she opened it te sing (which she did with in Unite sweetness) it emitted a copious flood of 6eund. Her face was, perhaps, a trlfle tee circular, and her shoulders a trifle tee high; but, as I say, the gencral effect left nothing te be desired. I might point out a dozen dis dis cerds in the character of her face and figure, and yet utterly fail te invalidate the impres sion they produced. Thcre is something es sentially uncivil, and, indeed, unphllosophi unphllesophi unphllosephi cal, in the attempt te verify or te dispreve , a woman's beauty in detail, and a man gets no inore than he deserves when he finds that, In strictness, the aggregation of the different features falls te makeup the total Stand . off, gentlemen, and let her make the addition. Beside her beauty, Miss Everett shene by her geed nature, and her lively perceptions. She neither made harsh speeches nor re sented thorn; and, then, en the ether hand, she keenly enjoyed intellectual cleverness, and even cultivated it. Her great merit was that the made no claims or pretensions. Just as there was nothing artificial in her beauty, se there wns nothing pedantic in her acuteness and nothing sentimental in her amiability. The enp was all freshness and the ethers all bonheramie. Jehn Lennex saw her, then leved her and offered her his hand. In accepting it Miss Everett acquired, in the world's eye, the one advantage which she lacked a completo stability and regularity of position. Her friends took no small satisfaction in con trasting her brilliant and comfortable future with her s-hnew hat precarious past. Lennex, neverthel, was congratulated en the right hand and en the left; but none tee often fdr his faith. That of Miss Everett was net put te se severs a test, although she was fre quently reminded by acquaintances of a mor alizing turn that she had reason te be very thankful for Mr. Lennex's choice. Te these assurances Marian listened with a leek of patient humility which was extremely be bo be ceming. It was as if for his sake she could consent even te be bored. Within a fortnight after their engagement had been made known, both parties returned toNewtYerlt .Lennex lived in a house of bis own, which he new busied himself with repairing and refurnishing; for the wedding had been fixed for the end of October. Miss Eerctt lived in lodgings with her father, a decayed old gentleman, who rubbed his idle hands from morning till night ever the prospect of his daughter's marriage Jehn Lennex, habitually a man of numer ous resources, fend e&tcading, fend of music, fend of society, and net averse te politics, passed the first weeks of autumn in a restless, fidgety manner. When a man approaches middle age he finds it difficult te wear grace fully the distinction of being engaged. He finds it dllllcult te discharge with bocemlng alacrity the various petlts seins incidental te the position. There was a certain pathetic gravity, te these who knew him well, in Len Len eox's attentions. One-third of his time he spent in foraging Broadway, whence he re turned half n dozen times a week, laden with trinkets and gimcracks, which he always iinikbad by thinking it pucrile and brutal te offer his mistress. Anether third he passed in Mr. Everett's drawing room, during which pei ied Marian was denied te visitors. The rest of the time he spent, as he told a friend, Oed knows hew. This was stronger language than his friend expected te hear, for Lennex was neither a man of precipitate utterance, nor, in his h lend's belief, of a strongly pas sionate nature. But it was evident that he was very much in lets; or at least very much off bis balance. "When I'm with her it's nil very well," he pursued, "but when I'm away from her I feel'as if I wcre thrust out of the ranks of the living." "Well you must be patient," said his f rieud ; rou're destine,! ta IIva lmr.! vat n Lennex was silent, and his face remained rather mere somber than the ether liked te see It. "I hepe there Is no particular difficulty," the latter resumed; hoping te lnduce him te relieve himself of whatever weighed upon bit consciousness. "I'm afraid sometimes I afraid sometimes she doesn't really leve me." "Well, a little doubt does no barm. It's better than te be tee sure of it, and te sink into fatuity. Only be sure you le e her." "Yes," said Lennex solemnly, "that's the peat point." One morning, unable te fix his attention en books and papers, he bethought himself of an expedient for passing an hour. t He liad made, at Newport, the ncqualnt ncqualnt ncqualnt ancoef a young artist bametl Qilbert, for whose talent and conversation he had con ceived a strong relish. The painter, en leav ing Newpert.was te go te the Adlreudacks, and te be back in New Yerk en Oct. 1, after which time he begged his friend te come and see him. It occurred te Lennex en the morning I speak of that Gilbert must already have re turned te town, and would be looking for bis visit. Se he forthwith repaired te his studio. Gilberteard was en the deer, but, en en tering the room, Lennex found it occupied by a stranger a young man in painter's garb at work before a large panel, lie learned from this gentluuan that he was a temporary sharer of Mr. Gilbert's studio, and that the Utter had stepped out for a few moments. Lennex ac ferdJsdl prepared t9 wait h(s rtturn, Hi j;Sfccv snm H raS - IL lift H If MTf MIKiVl.VI .gsv9tx!Lr )f entered into conversation with the young man, and, finding him very Intelligent, as well as, apparently, a great friend of Gilbert, he looked at him with some interest. He was of something less than 80, UU and robust, with a strong, joyous, sensitive face, and a thick auburn beard. Lennex was struck with his face, which seemed both te express great deal of human sagacity and te in dicate ths essential temperament of painter. "A man with that face," he said te himself, , "does work at least worth looking at." Ha accTrdlBglr asked his companion It he might com and leek at his picture. The Ut ter readily assented, and Lennex plaeed him self before the canvas. It bera a representation of a half length female figure, In a costume and with an ex pression se ambiguous that Lennex remained uncertain whether It was a portrait or a work of fancy; a fair haired young woman, clad In a rich mediaeval dress, and looking like a countess of the Renaissance, Her figure was relieved against a somber tapestry, her arms loosely folded, her bead erect and her eyes en the spectator, toward whom aha seemed te move "Dans un dot da veleurs traluant ses petits plods." As Lennex inspected her face It seemed te reveal a hidden likeness te it faoe ha well knew the face of Marian Everett. He was, of coarse, anxious te knew whether the like ness was accidental or designed. 'I take this te be a portrait," be sold te the artist, "a portrait 'in character.' " "Ne," said the latter, "It's a mere com position; a little from here and a little from there. The picture has been banging about me for the last two or Unco years, as a sort of receptacle of waste ideas. It has been the victim of innumerable theories and experi ments. But it seems te have survived them all. I suppose it possesses a certain amount of vitality." "De you call it anythlngP gjgjggg-:k "De you call it anything "I called it originally after something I'd read Browning's poem, 'My Last Duchess.' De you knew Itl" "Pcrfectlv." Trti "1 am ignorant of whether it's an attempt te embody the poet's impression of a portrait actually existing. But why Bheuld I core! This is simply an attempt te embody my own private impression of the poem, which has always had a strong held en my fancy. I don't knew whether it agrees with your own impression and that of most readers. But I don't insist upon the name. The pos sessor of the picture is free te baptiiw it afresh " (TO BS COHTMUXD.) I' "Seu Fuer an Attaek Of feverand ague, or bilious remittent fever. SSSll .ro.ert te quinine, a cumulative and) pernicious drag that ha ruined many con cen ,i.h0fh'.'i..a w'lh?nt d'y a remedy E5i?mih.e l2SiDJs Phydaas of America have ff.0.7.7lc?dS? for ever thirty years pant !?1!?? Stomach Bitters.' Dumb ague ana fS5.caJe' n, i?.!hn the actively febrUe forms el malarial disease, are promptly re !nCi2.anluUlm?,,;!Jr unroeted by iC In the S2piSiwi'.ere fcrL' complaints et this ,ort fi.S?,rn.ylrSient than ln the 'omperate zone, Villl?T.? fetemcb Hitters ha. e.tabli.hed JfmS'jL'Ll?! ,or Preventive and remedial rSiriy.,lmc1nii0mV.eUUen h" net hccnahle IS a-ct J'.reiudlclally-najr. ha. even served ilTieng'he?- ,DIerders of the stomach and bpwel, particularly these te which malaria S,Tf ,r'f c.' are ,PeeJly, relieved by It. Kidney complaints, rheumatism, nervousness ana &?.?I,e,.,,.?e",r 8lck headache and con.iipatien proved by it, PPC and Bleep Me im' The Handsomest Lady ln Ismcaater Bemarked te atrlend the ether day that she knew Kemp's Balaam ter the Threat and Lungs was a suporler remedy, as It stepped her cough instantly when ethers had no eneet whatever. He te r rove this and convince seu etlu merit, any druggist will give you a8am pie Buttle Free. laxge size 60c. and tl.eu. Rapture core guaranteed by Dr. J. I), slayer 881 Arch street, Philadelphia. Base at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers tall, advice free, send for circular, marie-l j daw SPECIAL nOTlOSB. Metnera Mothers It Metnetslll Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at onee and get a bottle of MBS. wiNSLowaieoTUiNosyuup. it wtu re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon It ; there la no mistake about It. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly tale te nse ln all cases and pleasant te the tase, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and beat female physicians and nurses ln the United States. Sold everywhere, 35 cents a bottle, mavis lyd Aw H. b. Cochran, Nes. 137 and IK Merih Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., Is selling BUILOH'B COUU11 CUUB as a guarantee te cure all hreat and lu ng troubles. ;8) Beuir, Sweet Heme." This song la very geed ln Its way, but 1 there Is any sickness lu the household t 11 t home cannot be always pleasant. We take especial pleasure In recommending Burdock Bleed Bittert, a bnna tide and certain cure ter dyspepsia, and all diseases of the liver and klaueja. for sale by 11. 11. Cochran, drug, gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster- tut Upen Ills feet. "Bet up ln bed and coughed tUl the clothing was wet with perspiration, tly wile Insisted that 1 me Thomai' Xclectrie Oil. The flrst teaspoenlul relieved m, and two bottles have carud me. 1 can honestly recommend It." K. 11. rerklns, Creek contra, N. Y. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. SUILUU'SCUKK wUl immediately relieve Greup, WhoepInK Cough and Urencbltls. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 117 North Queen street. (7) 1 bare been deat ln one ear ten years, and partially deal ln the ether for two months t have been treated by ear specialty doctors and received no bunenu Having used Ely's Cream B&lm for about a month 1 nnd myself greatly Improved, and can hear weU and consider It a most valuable remedy. 1 had also nasal ca tarrh, with dropping of mucus Inte my threat and pain ever my eyes, which troubles alto have entirely dltappeared D. 11. Yates, Up per Lisle Broeme Ce., N. Y. my7-ideedAw a Weman's Discovery, " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by a lady ln this country Disease fastened Its clntcbes upon her, and for seven years she withstood the severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and ddath seemed Imminent. She bought a bottle of Dr. King's hew Dlioevery ler Con Cen Con snmptlenpuid was se much relieved en taking urn uese inai sne slept ail mgni ana witn ele bottle has been miraculously cured. Iler name la Mrs. Luther tuts" 'ihus writes W. C Ilamrlck A Ce., of Shelby, N. U. (let a free trial bottle at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, (3) The Deed Line.1' Many old soldiers remember "the dead line" at AuaeroenvlUe. It was a mighty dauserens neighborhood. Pyspepsls, bllleusaess, and liver and kidney disrate, are fall et perils ler the sick, but Burdock Bleed Bittert are a cer tain remedy. Sjld everywhere. Fer sale by It. 11. cechran, druggist, 137 and 13) North Queen street, Lancaster WHY WILL YOU COUGH when ahlleh's Cure will give Immediate relief. Price lusts.. 60 cu, and II Fer sale by ll.B.Cechran.Drug. gtit. Ne 137 North Queen street. (0) Hear 11 Im. 1 feel new. I was .filleted with .Irk head ache and gmieral debility, but Burdock B.oed BUUri brought about an immediate Impiove Impieve ment In uv general health. 1 consider them the best family medicine In the market." Adolp Lallrz, bufftln. N. Y. I or .ale by II. 11. Cochran, drugsl.t, 137 and 1 North Quetn street, Lancaster, JUST AS GOOD. Dent allow anyone te make you believe any ether remedy Is lust as geed fur sick headache as UT. Ijti.lle S OIWCl icivijiiuuu, ,u b I net true. This Is the only remedy In the world I that strlkss at the root et the disease and I artvMUeut. Give It k trial, OOD'S BARSAPAR1LLA. A GOOD NAME At home Is a tower of strength abroad- tys tike familiar proverb, ana Ills .tally verlflid by the history of lloed' Btrsaparllla. The first words et commendation and pratiefer this medicine were received from our friends and neighbor and from the time It was fairly Introduced up te the present, there hat been, and Is new, mere of Heed's Sarsaparllla Beld In Lewell, Han , where It Is inidf, than of all ether trsiparlliat and bleed partners combined. Tteli " geed name " among people who have known Heed's aaMaparllla and til proprietors for years should certainly be' strong evidence te people In ether cities and towns et the excellence and merit et this med icine. Bend fjr book containing statements cf cures. "1 had salt rheum en my left arm three years, suffering terribly. 1 took lloed's Sarsa parllla, and I In sal t rhmm has entirely disap peared." 11. at, Mius, 71 rrench St., Lewell, Mats. PaltBhtum "After the fillure of three sal ltd phjsl clns te cure my boy cf tall lheum, l led Uoed's Saisaparllla and-Ollve Ointment. 1 have new ased four boxes of Ointment, and one and a-halfbettles or Sarsspartlls, and the boy Is te a'l appearances completely enrtd. lie It new four years old, and baa been Rllllcli d etnee he was six months of age." SI is. 11. bak bak DatseK.tfl ffewhnll Street, Lewell, Mess. Heed's Sareaparilla BeidbyalldruBgtits. Ill six torts. lreprcd uaiy ey u. s. UUOl) A CO., IyOWeJl, Mass. 100 Deras One Dellar HOOD'S BARS APAHILL A FOHSALE at H. R. Cochran's Urnn Stere, h s. 137 and 139 North queen Bt, Lancaster, l'a. apr4-2md&w M ANDKAKK FILLS. II Yeu have abused your Stomach by eating or drinking tee much, or of the wrong kind of feed or liquid, you will Suffer because your Stomach is angry. New beware of all temporary expedients. TRY that never-falliDg, safe Itemedy, Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Fills. Fer sate by all Druggists. Price 25 cents per box i S boxes for 05 cents i or stnt by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. II. rohenck ABen, rhtlfidelphia. ml7-lydftw SOHENUK'H MANDKAKU PILLS VOK BALK AT H.D COOlllt AN'3 1111UO fiTOUK, Nes. 137 A U9 North Queen St,, Lancaster, Pa apr5 2mdw A1NE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S NKHVOUa PM08TUATION, NK11VOUS UKAUACIIK, NKUUALGIA, NKUVOU8 WEAKWKbS, STOMACH AND LlVfU DIS EASES, BHKUMAT1SM, DYSPKPS1A, and all Affections of the Kidneys. WEAK HERVES. PAINK'S CELKUY COMPOUND Is a Nerve Tonle which never falls. Containing Celery and Cocea, these wonderful stimulants, ft special? cures all nerveus disorders. RHEUMATISM. PAIHK'I CELERY COMPOUND purtlles the bleed. It drives out the Inctle aclc, which causes ttheumutlsm, nnd restores the bleed making organs tn a healthy condition. The true remedy ler Itbeuiuuitsm. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PAlNE'd CELEUY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys te purlect health. This curative power, combined with Its nerve tonics, Is why It Is the best remedy ter all kidney complaints. DY8PEP8IA. PAINE'S CELEUY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach, and quiets the m rvus of the digestive organs. This Is why Hetties even the worse cases of D epepsla. CONSTIPATION. PAINE'S CELEUY COMPOUND Is net a cathartic. It Is a laxatlve, giving easy and natural action te the bewuls. Iteguturlly surely fellows lu use. Recommended by professional and business men. tend for book. Price, llxe. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, UICUAUDSON A Ce., Proprietors. Burlington, VU (2) PALNK'H CELERY COMPOUND FOB 8 A LB AT H. B. COCUKAfe'S DllUO STOItK, Nes. 137 A 189 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa aprl-'iindAw TCTLY'B CREAM BALM. GATARRH-llAY FEVER. ELY'S CUEAkt 11 AI.ll euros Celd In Head Catarrh, Ueae Celd, Ilayrever,D(itn(H, Head ache. Price BO Cents. EASY TO USE. Ely Bre's, Owego. N. Y U. s, A. ELY'S CUEAM BALM Cleanses the NaiRl Paasagrs, Allays 1'aln and lntluuimutlen, Ilea's the Sorts, Restores the Seneca el 'luste andSmtll. TUY TUE CUIII. A particle Is applied Inte each nestill and Is agn&bie. Price M cents at Druggists ; by mall, registered, CO cents. EI.YniieTIIKIts, EtS Warren buudt, New lurk. nevlMydAw TTALUABLE MEDICAID WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIETIR or T.1KK. A VALUABLE MEDICAL WORK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema tura Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as wull as un ex posure of quacks and their se called medical works, by which they victimize thousands, and by their exaggerating disease, makes these peer sufferers insane. Every young man, middle-aged or old. should reiuf this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Bend two cent stamp for a copy. Address, 1) 11. TOS. TH EKL, MS North renrth at, Philadelphia, Pa. fis-lyd TM1' ROVED CUSHIONED EAR X DUUM3. CURB FOR TTIE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cnshlnned Fur Drums perfectly restore hearing and nerterm the work of the natural drum. Invisible com fortable and always ln position. Alt conver sation and even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with Ustlmenlals, ritKK. Addrcs or call en r. HlaCOX, tvvi Broadway, New Yerk. Mention this papxr. InnelO-lvdAwMW&r SAFE, HURE AND 8PEEDV CURE. Bupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by quacks when i ou can find In Dr. light the only lisu vlas PHVaieiA In Philadelphia who makes a specialty et the above dUeases. and Cvrhs Th.mT renin Uuaraktsbd. Adlce Freeday and even'.ng. Strangers can be treated and ru turn home same day. emces private. DB. W. H. WllIUHT, Itl North Ninth Street, A love Usee, P. O. ttex 673 Philadelphia. teb.lydAw JACOB F. HUEAFFE1VH PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) MO. It OKNTUK S QUAKE. H CELERY Mi CURKS M TMTAY 18, 1888 SPECIAL REDUCTION ! IN PRICE. French, English and American DRESS GOODS. Neweit Stylei and Colen. A lata Spring baa disturbed the trade or the Country and Manufacturers and Importers are compelled te make saotiuees. We are new offering qualities et Drees Goods at a large reduction from early prices. HAGER & TEXT DDOR TO COURT HOUSK. NEW TO-DAY. 1,000 Yards French Styles American Sateens at 12 1-2 cents ; were 25 cental Among them are many beautiful Mourning Styles, Including Email Pelka Dots and Figures. 50 New Patterns Swiss Flounelngs at 00c, 87 l-2c, $1.00, 81.25, $1.37 1-2, $1.50. Full Stock Zephyr Ginghams and Batistes. FAHNBSTOOK'S, NOS. 30 37 HABT KINO BT.. D i:SIRABLK 8IIADK3 DRESS GOODS. Metzger 8c Haughman Have new In Stock from Latest Importation THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS .!- Henrietta and Gebelin Blue, Serpent Green, Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. B ARD ft MeEIiROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, WHITE The Cheapest riennclngs In the City of Lancaster, yard irem 25 10 60 corns less than regular prices. flouncing at M cents t regular price. 75 cents. VLOUNGINU at MeenlstreBUlarrrtee.B7W cents. FLOUNCING) at 75 cenu rLOUNKINU at loe: JTLOUNC1KU at Las i India Linens and Victeria Lawn. at.le, 1JK.18, re, M.81 eents. An extra quality at 1 We. Corded HlnuH at 10, 20, 23, si cts. The greatest bargain ever rffcred at Slet worth sfte. Fiald and ritrlped White uoedi at 8. etf, g, lt, nft ou and up. A special drive at 12X0. Ladles' l"ure SUk Oleves ln black and colors at 2ta e.eh. We have special low prices en fleer Oil Cleth. Heme made Bag Carpets, low priced and in odium ingrain Carpets Hatting, Feathers and Window Bhades Beat Table Oil cloth, XSe. Carpet ltag taken ln exchange, and the highest Trices paid for geed Rags. U-Ourexpenses are net high; We are latlsned with small prents,and yen will find en prleu. lour. bard k Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Ien 3MWXLHY. B KONZES AND FKENU11 CLOCKS. BRONZES AND FRENCH CLOCKS. A few Bronzes and French Clocks are left ln stock and these we are new selling at lowest prices ln order te close them out. The newest and handsomest designs In Sterling Silver and Sliver l'lated Ware. Alse Lemane's Finest Opera, Field and Marine Glasses. Come and examine net only these but ether goods tee. t3Ve guarantee all Ilepair Werk done by us..4 H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. OAMPMT Ha.KUA.INH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VELVBT, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask tad Yenetlan, Rag ted Chain Carpets, OIL VLOTHH, WINDOW BIIADMB, dx. We buve the Largest and Beat Btoek in the Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wtst King ani Water Stmts, L&ncuttr, Pi AHP11AL.T BLOOKH. A HI'HALT PAYING BLOCK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., Onice-UJl OhettnntBU, 1'tella... l'a. Wcrkn-lJriaKupt'ft. fa, A Camden, N. J. m ANUKAcruuKiia or Standard Asphalt Paviag Blocks F17.KS 1x3x11 ANI) 4x1x12. In Konenvliue (erttreetrvIiir,illsiralkaEar den r"th. mill yard and driveways, giHUM, ctiiUrs vata aud nea walla. Aarautagai: eltle9. duatleM, mrlcuy lanltary, pntcU. Cully ludaalrnctlble una ebeap. aurprlctiandlurtlitirlnlorinaUen addragit R. S. OSTBR & BRO., AgenU ler Lancaiter Ca. 321 North Prtecfl 3t, Laacuter, l'a, mI4md ItlWi BROTHER, Ne. 15 West Kiag St , Lancaster. IiA.NOA.BTBB, PA. AlbatreBS Cleths, dream, Gelden Ecru, &e, &e. Opposite Fountain Inn. GOODS! JTach pattern contains li yards ; each t regular price, tira. reaular nrtce. slfe. regular price, L75. UJLZ.LB. BAKQA.IHB 1 VAHKlAUBa. 3TANDAKD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY CABRIAUryiOILDEB, NOS, 40, U. IT, 45 MARK T BTUKKT, lldar Ot ronteffloe, lAncatter, Pa, I have In Steca and Ilalld te Order Kvitry Variety el tbe lollewlng- itrlM: Coupe, Uuc a, CabrleleU, Carrlacaa, Vletetlaa. Bealnaaa Waueni, 'T" Carl. aluCall Wagen. Surrlea, Market Wageni, fnoteni, Xxpreta Wagcnu. I employ taa beet Mechanic, and have l&etL lues te build correctly ny ityla of canliixe deat red. The Duality, Style and Flnlth of my work make It decidedly the Cheapen la the market. -wa-UAVKTHEUE8TANDCUa.PXBT CAKX IN TUB MAUKKT. OROOKRIB. CA?52l8yi?LD CORED 1IAM AM DBBRAKr AST BACON. iJiSSuj2,i2L.M'.naera and delicacy el "'T0.rl We inarantee that there is nethlnW le qttal them ft quality in this nTaYaet , 1 1 fiou fieu aads of tfee best families are nnw using them. Taey tr universal satisfaction. irVuna and ten yoarnelfthbers. Dtled Beet and Bologna nleely rhtneed. Frleet reasonable. ukeeuk wiaVr. , T BUKSK'S. STKCIALI-OTOr IttBSUrOnXAF, GROCERIES. BBST COrrKKS IS THE OITt JOB THB UOMKY. We hare two neuten retdlng every day. Alway freti. " Extra help, premtit attention, tioed deity red tree, lelephene connection. BURSK'S, MO. 17 BAOT KINO ;8TRHBT, MNCA.STEB.PA. QUKESEl NEW GOODS AT W. A. Reist & Ce.'s, Cor. East King sna.DukeSls. Oheese I Oheese I Cheese I Biz deinn et the flneit Edam or Dutch Bead chMe the market afford. They ate SuarantMdtekrep in the waimeit weather 'ineapple cheetmln lanr and plonle Ue Alie KoquelettCheeie la one pound glaai Jar. TABLE OILS. Bnadqnarlen rer tine lable oil. Alexti aodlileitt.Motteit', lAtenr'a andB. HaeA Ca' Zucca Oil. Theiearalha flneit oil In tbe market, and we are prepared te tupply (hem te you in large, medlm and (mail aixe. . Ilia Jfoeal In Dried Href and llam. We hardly thoaeht tht would pay te 11 the flntit Dried tteet at 11 cent per pound, but we are making it pay by elllng- two or three barrel of beef per week. Come leek at It. Taate It and be your own Judge, it'a Armour' beat rjhleivn Beef. Hetel and bearding hen. NOTICE-We will make ipeelal price en W pound leta. The Cerner Grocery,! liUJI.fiABa'lUNU ARU UUBK HT, F N8 I FANS I FANH I Reist ! -WILL Positively Give Away, To-Merrow, Saturday, 1,000 FANS. 11,000 FANS. 1.030 ITAN9. We premise tbent te you liut Saturday, but they did uut reach ui In time. We New Have Them. AND WILL DISTBIBDTK AFTERNOON AND EVENING. ASrYmi are expected te aak for the fan, oth eth oth rwltayeu will net get lu LOOK rOBBAHQ AIMS TO-UOUKOW. Reist, Wholesale Retail Grocer, L'er. W. Kleff and PrlecB 8ti., LaNOASTKB.PA, B IO DAY -AT- S. CLARKE'S, TO-MOBBOW (SATUBUAY), MAT 28. Loek what we are going te gire away. Peppy Oil Seap Comic Cards, Calendar. Paekaim Helder or Scheel Stran. K meat u.eiul preaentef all. 18 Bex raney Evaporated Pared l'eaehe given away ter 260 ai regular telling price, 5e. Call and we will explain why e cheap. rail LlneetrUKBUSTKAWIIEUBlES always en hand. Orange and Hanana. NOTE A FEW OF CL-ARKE'S PRICES. Coffee, freh reted dally at enr store, I2W. IS. 18, 20. 21, 23, 23 and 29 cent ffl S, Check with each and every pound. Try Clarke' New Crep Tea, rineat In Qual ity, Leweitln rilre, Maker' or Uunkel Ilrether' Chocolate. 18e a rake. 1'aker'a or Uunkel Brether' Cocea, Epn'i Cocea, 20e. NeUen'a ortezo'i Gelatine, McLeUU Gelatine, loe. Celbnrn'aEnglUhatui. lard, 120 a can. We have lu itecklhurber. w hyland A Ce Beat Extract, try them 1 two bottle Geed Extract for We. Sugar Coin. 7c, a can, or lour can for23e. Mara I'ea. 8 :. three for 25c Our Beit Cern reduced te lOe a can, BTABCUKS and bOAmW knew we have the largeil and bett itnck of the above geed ln the city. J ut think. Laundry ;starch,8al 8 1 Vlve-pcund Package for 15-. soap two cakes for 8c; eleven cake for 2S01 twenty lour cake ter 8O0, or yen can buy n vn cake of soap and live pound Starch for Ac, Beat Cern Btarch, three and four pack for ile. 1TLOUU. Beiler rieur from 49e a quarter up. Won't fall te try our Bite Cake flour and Martha Washington Creamery Buttered Fleur and beure tecall ertend for a shawl Strap te-morrow, or you will ml It. S. CLARKE'S WBOLESALK AND BETAILTBA ABO CUITjrKUBTOItK, 18 and 14 SOUTH QUBHN 8TRHBT, A Eew Deers from Centra Square. BTTELKrUONK, QUKHHUWARB. iSriau a maktim. " CHINA HALL. OLEABINQ SALS That lasts twelve month In tee year. The bestquailty ler the least money always te be SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Bet. White Granite, 82.00. Dinner sets, White Gnulte.. 4t.fi). Dinner Ceu, Printed, i?J. Me goods mlarepresented. All Ware ox ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & lartin, NO 16 EAST EONS SIKEET, LASgASTBB, PA a'l TXAVMLMRB GUJDM. ; V "i'ti in i -i -i-i 1 i " ,-- - -1- i- 37 TiKAniNn l?nT.TTURIA R. R. T'-t . v -wvvw m. en --. n Atrangement of Paaieiiger Train f alUr, BUNDAt, M AY IS, IBM. ir Train f em, aaA ti Lrare . w. 9?rrJ,l' ,e King Street, Lane im msssT (iblcklc, ,....,.,... 7 se SSI'S,1' Junction": ?m Columbia. ; 7,3 Arrive att a w Beading....: .5e BOUTUWABD. Leare . . BBidlng 7.S0 Arrrlreat -. Marietta Junction net A.K. 9 .:st U43 1IS0 11 8(1 i.re A W. Z.40 A.M. IIM in 1P4 l. 1SI 3 J mmW -aftS y.K. Chleklei , 93.) J(n pf lanewter , g;e l.ts aS King street, lne 930 isi bm guarrjYUle hum 3J 911 BUNDAT. Leave Ouarryyllleat 7.10 a m. King street, Lane, at .ej a. m and s.!S p. m, . AtHTtAt UjMiin w.10 a. tn , ana US p. m. UrauinK at 7 a. m., and 4 p. m. ArrlTe at Kln St reet. Lann. ) m.nuniKaa Mu.rr,Tuie,atB.teP:m. mJ$ ABTrflfnu rVktinaM Uaal.- ..la. aa- aw 'iv i'i,.l!2.m r""5'P. PetuvtTle. IlarrlVbMEv L1.nJewn'nd arerk,;vla. Bound Bwel-i? At Columbia, with train te and from Te, fflr Hanover, uetty.burg, Ercderlek ane BalS, & fr5mS'h'lSSle..JuncUen W,U- trta te JO Al ""beim with twin te and irem Leba- nun Atlanca-tr Juna'Ien, with train te ant from Lancaster, Qnarrj vl'le, and Chlektea. A. H. WILeON superintendent. LKMObaibe0A8TER J0INX NOUTUWAUD. Leave a.m. p.x nnday. P.M. A.. P.H, ftff euMis 4.P4 B(1.4S A14 0W9.17 B.M 7.10 9 M B.M p. it 1 c. r. 7.W 7J 8.M 7.IR 4 10 4.0S 815140 MB a 9.12 (,U unarryviue ,. King btreet, Lane 7.C0 Lancaster ,.., 707 Manbetra 7x1 Cornwall 7.59 Arrive at Lebanon Ml BUUl'ltWAKD . Leave a k, I-ebanen , 711 Cornwall 77 Manhelm... ,. 7.(4 Lancaiter. 82 mi. m it:t 12 43 118 113 IM p.v. 12 30 12.43 1,14 1(1 Xing Street, Lane 8 18 IM &S0923 6.59 lUUread, A. H. WILSON, Sunt B. C O. BtBK.TT, OUpi, U, It, 11. SCUED0LB.-In eireet from Hay it. Train lbavs LAaeaam and ImtbaM ar. rive at Philadelphia a fellow 1 """""" Leave Leave LaaeatteTi lav, a, a. eaa.M.. WE8TWABD. rwiadeiphla. rwagupmiliii. , ATewi Expreeat War Faaaencerr...., fcS0a.ra. 4 a. m. MDliil Ifafl tralnvlaatt. Jevl a.Bt. St! 5 aajwt a nunr , . , Ktasara Bzpreea,..,. Hanover Aoeom raatUaef Eradenak Aeeem.... Lanea tar Aoeom.... BarrUbnrg Aoeom,. Oeinmbut Aoeom.... HarrUmirg Bzpraei I Wei tern Bxpreeef... via Columbia Ti 40 a.m. StS: vlacelnbla uaea sa. auu 2:10 kBO via Columbia na Ml. JOT. J p. , 4:40 p.m. Wpa, Biaep.aa, Leave LaneMter, MOAH. 8:06 a. m, 8:10 a, m. tuanu BHam. ltp.m. sp.B. Hnp,m, A'4Bp.aa. 8:40 p.m. i:wiu m. taep., 11:10 p. g. Arrlva a BABTWABD, rail. Bzprawt feat LlnM raua. 4:48 a. at, 8aa.ai. Harrttbnrg Bzpreet t ijneaatAt Aoeom at. Columbia Aoeom.... eaaherm Hznrau.... loae a. ar. uvac; Falladelphla Aoeom.1 suBaayatau. 848 ., 5aJfpm awnD burg aoseib. rtttf K TS '"""- lamnmnflium le&waa . t,X.i rtbnrgatiaep,m.aaa amvae at isigssfT h.n wr-mv-m. -.'K-s tm atarutta AoeommodaUow leave eetaa S Alae leaves Oelumbla at 11:48 a, m. and t:4t p. .."?- 5m reaeatng atarietu at 1KQ1 ana . Lsavia v" 3 atarutta at 1-ej p. m. and arrive at OelnmMa - M at we 1 alie, leave at B:SB and arrive at 8J6. ?'".; The Yerk AeeenniyiaUnn Imm BtaxtM, Ktv S ei i:ui asna miiiwn &a - ma na etiau . . .rr r.. . r neeting with HarrUburg Bxpreaaat 8:10 a. as. gvtth HarrUburg Expr rredanek Accommedat Vk. Pill W.w - - '- - X neetwg at Laneuter with raatLtne, iratv 1aS at I'll IV in . will nn tbwueth Ui WlJbk ,r,if "AA rniliHAlr iMftmmrSi.llMi lur l.M iv & neipmbia at lfcSaaad reaahea Laaeattar at IM , i, J. ." . . . i.l.T.MiM Hanover AeaenunfldaUmi. Kaat. Intn fla. HmM. A itl. . Ah. m b t ku...am .A 4JB p. bl, oenneetlng with Day Bzprea. J-iV .' mi f.AsA. m.. ' - ' & ibZ7 4Ml. mwnu AnngwiBiaiBga, etp m iwiiiwwi wtbu nann aApnn, , mil l 76TT.S m wui M vareugm e naaevar, aauy, eaeef "J& Snrday. Sel rat Line, wast, ea Sunday, wba UmI, , "4' wUl step at OownuaiewB.OoaUivUe1 raflasa, ' '& . eurg, MUJov.ailiaiwthtewnandaUddletowB. rheonltralnwhlehrun dally. OaBaaaav , the Mall train wnt run by way.et CelumW, J 1 B. W OO U, General Faatenget Ageat 0UA8. B. ruei eeneral Manager. oeiiPLKXiorr te wder. QOMFLEX10N FOVVDEK. LADXES'i WHO .VALUE A REFINED COMPLKXIOB MUST USB POZZONI'S medicated; COMPLEXION POWDER, It Impart a brilliant transparency te the kin. lleine.e all pimple, freckle and dis coloration, and mike the akin delleately leltand beautiful. Itcentalna no lime, white, lead or anente. ln three shades, pink or flash, white and brunette. FOB BALK BT All DniEtflats and Faney Qoed Doalera Everywhere. AVIIRWABE Or IMlTATIONB.-tt apwe lyd "- J aUMMBH XX80KT8. f0wvww ' simji..wv4se j ! .wmawvi- muE "CHALrONTE," Ocean Knd of North Carolina Avennn, . .,.. . ATLABTIC CITY. M J. K.BOOEBTSASOMB. apr2S-4md 44 TETHERI1.L, ATLANTIC CITY. X. J.. Ocean End Kentucky Avenue. Open February 1, te November 1. loe Bex 1030. U.J.BCEEBT. uayl0-2md A TliANTlO OlTx, N. J, THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largeat Most Convenient Hetel. Bless ntlv Furnlnhed. Liberally Managed. Coach te and irew iHHkcu uu j num. vicuesira eiuua. CUA8. MeuLADB, Prep. W. E. Coehrak. Chief Clerk. 1 eb224iua CAPON HPR1NGH AND BATUS. ALKA1NB L1TIIIA ANO BUPERIOB 1BON WATBUS, UAMPSUIBK COUNTY. W. Tht celebrated Mountain Besert for hnalth and pleasure, llaths et any temperatme r a summer climate uuBurpaated: a cbarining tuinmer home with 11 many Impreveminu, accommodating MO guests, open J nne I. Fer inedlctd and ether testimony, send for circu lar. WAt, U. SALE, maji-Mtd Preprlewr. MOVBMTVmMUHIMW 0OOBW, I. ftJWtVW... . , w- .v.' .ywwwyVtr pjAL.li AMD bKhl -THB- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light 1 Beau tham aU. Anether Let 01 cuEAr glebes or Bag aa ou stoves. rt XH "PaBFWmOH". METAL MOULDING BUBUBB CU8HI0B WEATrlER STRIP Beats thorn aiL'Thls atrip outwears all ethers. Keep out the cold, step rattling et window. Exclude the dust. Beep out (uewandrala. Anyone can apply It no wtete or dirt made in applying It. Can be fltted anywhere no bole te bore, reedy for ute. It wUl net split. 4 -a art, or mnuHi ouauen atrip u tae mini perfect. At tae stove. Heater aad Sange awn. -or- Jehn P. Sehanm & Sens, 24 SOOTH QDIKN ST.. ItAMOAaXBaafA. i Ki i v,i tfi . . t$.f m .. .hS ra-, $a ? ffi . !.. It A M. rStJ ! SlVl au. It.-n. .. A .'; I'M T4 ii v.vsr; ar.-i wJ4i' fL y a t . h. v - "Ml W "i. w.. v -