tr -ivjr i.frjsuwr WwWz: . - . -- I - TT ,,- - -, -, ? , .-, .,- -;-. v i -ff rt , 4a aCE 3QANCASTEB BATGY iJOTCEULIGECEJ SATURDAY, MAY 20. 1888. :i. Jr 15-n " fr rtf-- 'ft rei - V sF" K6 f.s f te -! li KJu sv k KJI P- m. y m f L'i,V t M! w FtH Dally InflHgancer. "nA-UASMK, MAT , ISSS. rn.T publishes all tha ii jriMMkMMin or the United rrcM up te SsMMat possible hour. HMHn Daily xaiuen of t imtxi - mmi I eTallverea by carrier In the city Alts surrounding town for 10a per week ? a Mr Mil, ts.00 a rear t Hoe for six months Jsjji for tares tBentkst see. per month. 'ts-taU- rages, only 11.50 pet annum, In ad VMM. 'fkbierlberi wishing their address changed &, aaast also atat where the paper U cow ter- T MM , igMwnwiMiia rrem 10 te is cm. per una - s atinaanmri, according te location. TUB 1NTKLL1GXNCKB, - Lancaster, Pa. i;tVtopkeB Connection ym i I S .?. is at lBinrrnni. '. a.. aiatsual reform bill DOW ' & th- mvsnoref New Yerk for slg- '.kttinm k sharply criticised by the New rl'.du K I -ut1. Antnnva rt tA fl VssMB-.-iinwiekiiy and awkward device for Mlrtnrlaff the purity and freedom of the .-- Til. .1.1. ........ tt... T'rMilltli i ' arseem ui tuuiunuuicuu iui iui " pa, Srhieh the ballets must beprepared Each ft ?ij aMhta.. la ivlflAf1 tx-ltti a hallnf. nrlmpri RL ( .. M.klli. awm.A M.t.1 tntlntw tta MIltYlOa flf 3-4ft? .niUIU CApOUBO MiU UdllUjI VMO ut"t"t. v '. all candidates put in the field by cenven- Rjlttenserbya stated number of citizens. ' voter must inuicate ins iireiereuue uj .Mirklng with a cress the name of the gsfe person or persons for whom he Intends te '..,.i Atji. anil flvn mlnntea (ItaiI nfl tliA aft te, auu uvj uituuiea us nieu no me K$J,i limit of time that will be given for this tl Meritten. lie must then pass out and .ihvwi ilia yum. jl uetauuumniui ue F - I.b..a At t...11A I..MnAMtAM lmr.v tin . .aaua luiuim ws uuuui luabiuia uun ra Wlwkhfi te vote. The eblect of thlslast pre ;CSJTWen Is said te secure the secrecy of the but it eviaenuy puts uangereus ?Tower In the hands of the inspectors, nntl 'MZ 'T . . - t .!... a 1- 1. 1.1 ;;lBeTe is certainly greaiereewrecy m me uiu -ltplan by which the Illiterate voter may KfWS'teljupen a tried ftlend te ux ms baiiei iff "tot him. The Sun pertinently asKS who ta tn ftnlfl tha ura.h nn thft vnlAr U'hllfl hn iJ fcl-" V WW I.M1.WM WM w p.i't,j is In the compartment and will he lese I.?iF - kla rletifc fr. vntfl, If tm fjiVei flvn mlnntf'3 ii. --aju nnA aannnil in mark hln ballet z1 R?il It seems very probable that the gever- .Jev- W W.V VVVH. -w .. .- fgrsfcer will rete the bill, because It appears UA-'c'tn rinUtA tlin rnnntttntlnnnl nrnvlslnn for f j tbe secrecy of the ballet in the case of ik , JUiterate voters, it is quite surprismg 'ftbat se crude a measure should have ?p , passed the legislature, and the fact can ?"? g only De accounted ler en tne assumption e'iti , that careless legislators felt that some fe-k 4 thing ought te be done te silence the Ce- vtk i ana uus niu naa a cnarming tine. . ..... ... ... . .... France and the Canal. , Hatters In France have a quiet end "'psaceable appearance at present, but thet re Indications of a brewing storm. 'J. tie ratleee Iteyalists, Imperialists and tStr 'jEadlcals are doing some heavy thinking .1- wfellA thitv reBfl ami r.HLInlivt lleuluncer'a i'3- fanflV nn th irar nnd nnpr.nlntA ns te the aext move of the ceneral. There Is no t announcement as yet that any clear plan et constitutional revision has been t:,-i i adented bv his followers, and the nearest I . . i . V. -...,.... n; 'KPiweacu te a uecniraiiun ui wmiuy u ma xi ''' aaart.lnn (hat lift ban n nlnn. hut will ?i?,AH ... .. ar i il. Tifi. PrtT mBeP 16 secret, itiemeera ei we jiigiit 7x tkava 1aTiYai1 trt hn'il a hlnrmnfatirl lallnn iw i imAl.i.jiwtA antil... fnptli MiaIii Blm. Tk lauuuuuiauicuHi duiiuk iutiu iucji mjiubi WiPKit 1 hardly likely that this Instrument El"l"l1l 4..1 In nntl.lnn ev.anl nltl'xrtlin generalities. Meanwhile a Senate commltUe has given te the advocates of a fitngle chamber ground for a telling argument. The committee en the Panama canal lean has reported the scheme favorably, although it has been plainly shown that the company had again and again violated Its pledges and deluded trusting and patriotic Frenchmen. It was shown that by the Elfel contract, a trifling guarantee only was given for the fulfilment of aeon aeen tract involving the expenditure of many millions ; that 21. Elfel, the builder of tha famous iron tower, was quite safe no natter what might happen te the com pany by reason of his failure te fulfil the contract ; and n member boldly charged that the great tower rising ever Paris was being built with the money of Panama shareholders. It will net matter te a Paris mob whether It Is true or net and it Is quite likely that a mob will ap pear when the Panama company Anally disappears with all its burden of leans. That calamity appears as certain as the "riaiag of the sun, and it may come before the equally inevitable crisis of parlia mentary dissolution. A Geed Move. Many et the most pregresBl- mer chants of Lancaster, bave slgurd u paper agreeing te clesa their Bteres en Memerial day from the neon hour. It is a proper thing te de. We de net have enough holidays. Life becomes tee much of a tread-mill, when there aie no eases in the desert otweik en which we may browse for a time, forgetful et the goad of ncces aity that se many feel in the Ubering hours. Business Jealousy keeps some merchants from agreeing te close ou pub lic holidays, and their action shows them te have less public spirit than private sel fjahness. But while our merchants were en this question, why did they net close for the whole day V It all would de se, none would sutler. And if proper advertise ment of the fact was made, the rural customers would net complain. Ilut a halt leaf is better than no bro ,d , and se tie local merchants are te ba congratulated en taking a step which, if net as com plete as it might be, is still a step In the right direction. 1 a a. A Poisonous Suggestion. These are the days of curious theories. We see it seriously advanced as a geed thing for a busy man te occasionally get drank. It is said in favor of the sugges tion tbat it gives his overworked brain a ehaacefera geed rest. The advice Is uppesdd te have special weight for hard worked newspaper men and these who always carry their cares with them. Drunkenness is thebalm prescribed for the worn-out brain worker. Cju'4 anything have mere et poison m It than this suggestion ? There are thous ands en the brink of giving way te their appetites for drink, who would welcome jutt such a pretext as this for tbe satis satis factien et their desires. These wLe have bean struggling te held themselves from the reach et the tempter are insidiously told that a prolonged spree is a thing net all evil. Tbey forget the immeasurable fall which man, fashioned after Gcd's lavage, makes when be becomes besotted with drink. Prem the klcgly state of greatest of created beings, he falls te the Jettest place In the brute creation, "Come off the Hoef." The Presbyterian general assembly in session In Philadelphia has found away te make its proceedings quite as enter taining as the trial of Dr. Woodrew by the Southern ceneral assembly for his views en evolution. The assembly in Philadelphia gees back te days before the war for a live topic, and becomes very much excited ever the color-tine in the church, while the assembly in Baltimore concerns itself with new and hardly developed ques tions of the relations of a scientific theory te religion. The unpregresslve Seuth is boldly dealing with a question that seems as far in advance of the thought of the day as the color line is be hind it. Clergymen in Philadelphia are showing mere bitterness in debate than old soldiers who fought it out years age en the Held of battle. The latter, along with a veiy large majority of the nation, are content te let the matter alone for adjustment one way or another by Provi dence, nnd by tacit consent, dlscueslen of the destiny or tne race has been generally abandoned. The Southern assembly is perhaps forced te devote time and thought te evolution, but there is a homely popular expression that contains feed for deep thought and Is quite appropriate te both assemblies. 'When there is se much work te be done within the church, it would be well te 4I come off the reef." K a ai Tun Burvoyeta et the KaniM Oily, 1 I'ase it Mexican railroad anneunce many Interesting dUcoverles en Uiolrreulo.wJjIcn pasiea ttireDKb a country very little known and avoided by travelers en account of tbe scarcity el water. Great beds of lava and plains covered with aabea ahew volcanic activity In oeinrnrillvcly medern times and the railroad will pana near tbe ruins of Qrau Uulvera, a myateneua ancient city, with buildings of heavy atene and large proportions., l'erbapa a burled city may yet be found under the volcanic aahei of ene of theae Uttle known and much dread ed deaerta el the Southwest, and the civilization and Ufe el thoae elty butldorabe aa clearly shown ni that of the Hbtnana by tbe fmethered city of l'ompell. Government expeditions have visited and described meat or tbe iameua ruins, but after all we must wait for the railroads te penotrate a country before much can be known about It. It will be a sad Memerial Day If It finds Cloe. Hnerldan under the sod. Laneastbii ceuntv waa ably repre sented at tbe Democratic state convention, W. IT. Uensel was tbe c (flclent temporary chairman. Wm. B. Given was njaced en the state ticket aa elector ler tbe 10th Con gressional district. Jebn S. Hoever and Jebn E. Malene, esq , are tbe delegates te the national convention and Mr. I. G. Pfaula and W. U. Hensel, alternatei te tbe same. Messrs. Wilsen and McSpar ran, served en tbe committee en platform ; Pautr. and Malene en contested scats t Keller and Itaubonrermanentorganlzatlon Ferry and McCermlck aa vice presidents. Thk applicant! for wbolesale liquor li cences lu Philadelphia fared better tban the retailers. Of the 476 applications for whole sale licenses 18 were retused, 42 were wltL drawn and the teat were granted. Dn. UAnrc's book en "The Unity of tbe Truth In Christianity and Evolution," for sale In this city at Z .bin's book atere, la receiving very favorable notice from tbe critics thns far, In a review of It In tbe Philadelphia J'reit It la spoken of aa "a geed, wholesome book, brie! enough for the busiest Christian! an honest, untoehnlcal book of plain words, and therefore power, tul ;" whlle the Hoteruicd Church Messen ger, whlle net agreeing with tbe author en many points, thinks "it must be evident te every candid mind that be Is sincere in bis purpose te further truth and prometo peace ; nnd bis book will, we hepe, aorve its in tended aim of preventing many a thought ful mind from tailing into avowed Infidel ity," Dr. Hark bas also recelved letters from scientists like Prof. Le Cente, ovolu evolu ovelu tlonlsta llke Jehn Flake, and orthodox theologians like Dr. Lyman Abbett and Dr. T. 1. Munger, containing slmllaraentlmenta and oxpresBlng tbeir Interest In his work. ai aa a. Ciinn Maueu Is for Cameren for presi dent, which la a netice for Quay te meve en. a aa m A si'.nsiui-ij stand baa been taken by the General Aksembly of the United Pres byterian church at Cedar Ilaplds, Iowa, en tbe tobacco qnoatten. It decided it had no rlcht te instruct presbyteries te roluse te llcenBocandldatea ler ministers who are ad dicted te the use of tobacco. Clergyiueu bave net many relaxations, and It they are lend of tbe weed, we see see no geed reason for the prohibition of its use te them. IMl'CltlTlES NOT FUOU. Uttccit of the riiuihte Uuklng- l'endcra. Tbnlr Largs Vuwholiseiua lletlituuiii. We have already oemmeutod upon tbe dangerous preposition advaneed by tbe phoxpballe jeast or baking powder makers te dally dose tbe entire oemmuulty, Irrespective et Its physical need or ali ments, with llmesutphateaand phosphates, Impurities tbat are found In their pewdera. It eeeuia ultneat incrodlble tbat any sat.e perseu should put forward as au argument m bebalt of au artlcle of feed Intended for dally usr, tbe claim tbat It contains umengst lta impurities a drug which under cerlulu conditions if properly prescribed by a iihslclan might bu useful as a modlclue. 1 uyslcaua will at once seu that te ouderso any such theory bs this Is even mere dun goreus than te recommend te tbeir patients the ludlecrlmlnute use of tbe various patent moillclnes adurtisucl ou every baud as specifics for all the dlbcsises which flesh Is bulr te. In the recent examination of baking powders made by tbe Ohie State Feed Commission the puospbatiebaklugoryeant powders were found te contain large quantities of lime phosphates, llme sul phates, eta, which appeared as Impurities. Their manufacturers bave be far found It luipocblble te get rid of thtse lmpurltlec, and tbla probably accounts for tnelr re markable claim that uuch Impurities are geed fur us te eat. Tbe preposterous character of this claim Is evident from the fact well-known te all physicians tbat the body gets with its ordinary fecd mere llmepheaphatia tlmu It can assimilate, Tbe vital organs are taxef, even In health, te threw this excess ell. Pure and wholesome baking powders, as is wbll-knewn, are made from highly refined cream el tartar, la phospimlle biking or yeast powders paosphatle acid la used as u substitute for cream of tartar ou account el lis cheapness. Tne ingredients and process used by a well-known manu facturer lu the preparation of phosphate baking powder are found lu tbe records et tbe patent cilice at Washington. Tula la tb9 formula : WO FOUNDSUUUNEDANDGUOUND HONKS are pUewl In 400 POUNDS HULPUUiUO ACID (OU el Vitriol), fretbly diluted with 1,000 POU.NDS WATKB, and stirred from limn ie tlme for ttirre y , 'iue peiu is luixed vtiih larltiaceeus material, or with freshly burned gyp sum, or with stearlnp, and dried itud puUerlzed , Tula pulverized wild la te he uted with bi carbenate et soda In baking powders. Benes of dtfuuet animals are githered from, In and about tbe great eltles, en battle fleldr, end wherever else they may be found In quantities. These bones are re re aueed te a powder with sulpburla sold, and this powder Is the substitute used In tbe cheap pbospbatie baking and yeast powders In lieu of tbe wholesome aud mero ex pensive cream of tartar. The aulphurie acid, with tbe lime ard phosphorus et tbe bones, preduce the sulphate and phosphate et llme found la the impurities of the pbospbatie baking or yeast powders. DRIFT. Last Mt I told you about Mrs. Margaret Deland'a dainty and beautiful llttla velume of poema, called Tbe Old Garden." That Utile book has secured for lta gifted author a high place among the female poets of our country, itut aba evidently waa net con tent with th If. Her ambition or Is It her genlus? urged heron Inte new and ether fltbls ; and the result la that sbe has written a novel, which net only has taken every body by surprise, but which, 1 feel positive will win her a place among American wrltera of fiction fully aa high as, or higher tban "The Old Garden" aeonred ber among our peetn, " Jebn Ward, Preacher," la tbe name of the novel j and If anything atronger In Us way has been written In American fiction slnce tbe appearance of He! en Jacksen's "JUmens," I haven'tseen It ; certalffly nothing has sppeared with a mere original plot and novel motif, nothing with mere skilfully drawn characters mero skilfully managed, with strength, assur assur ance and reserve that would be admirable In a thoroughly trained and experienced novelist, but tbat In a " first story " are wonderful, almost Incredible. "Jehn Ward " la a Calvlnlst preacher of the old Puritan strlpp, who bolleveiwllh all bis soul, net only In every tenet of his theology, but as firmly tbat sueh belief Is essential te salvation. In this way he holds le the faith In a llteral hell. He honestly, sincerely believes that te doubt It is te be everlattlngly damned. Ills wife Helen, a lovely young woman, who ha never learned the Importance et creeds, but was brcugbt up in the a' me iphere of thnoleglcal lndlMurentlsm, oauuet tiring herself te be. Hove In ber loving and beloved husband's bell, much as she tries te de se. Ills con gregation, a narrow, Ignorant, pbarlsjle set, scent ber ' heresy," and bring all tbe Inquisitorial machinery of eccleslastlelsm te hear against ber and him. A coerd leg te bis faith abe will be eternally lest It she does net repent and be net couvertcd te hla Idea of bell. He tries te cmvert her. Htie tries te be converted, They fall. Finally, se doth bis heart yearn for her salvation tbat be drives her from blm, though It nearly kills him te de It, think ing that thus she may be converted, Ae. Itut I'll net go en. It sounds tee unreal and unnatural te tell It thus, whlle as elab orated In the story It Is all horribly, pathet ically, tragically natural and real. Tbat Is Just where the author's skill tecum most marvelleus te me. Hew alie can keep ua net only from despising and bating Jebn Ward as a mtaorable fanatic, but can keep up our sympathy for him, make us pity bun, almost bs much as we pity bis peer wile, Is almost Inexpllcable te mr. ilut novertheless she does It. Nerls Jebn Warden impossible charac ter, as from any attempted outline Ilka tbe abeve it might appear. He is, If anything, mere possible and real tban Uelen, I bave known fanatics Just as lovable, tonder, noble, In their humanity, and Just as bate- ful and diabolical In tbeir thoelcgy, Ua is thoroughly real and perfectly natural: a painful oharaeter but a fascinating ene, as the here of a novel; one of the most diffi cult ones, Justly and adequately te doplet tbat can well be Imagined. X don't xee bow Mrs. Deland could de It se admirably well. Ker are tbe ether leading cbaraotera less skilfully drawn. Net only the borelne, who winB the reader's heart from tbeatart and keepn It te tbe end j but capeclally ber unele, the easy .going, comfortable Kpleoo Kpleeo Kpleoe im I rector, who Is aa typical of bla class as Ward Is et the ether extrerne. 1 bae known morn tban oue Just llke hltn w have you. Tbe old bachelor lawyer Is also n fine character, most amusing yet pathetic In the Indecision and attempted Imparti ality of bis life long attention te the two de lightful old spinster staters. He can't make up bis mind which one be loves, or rather ought te love most, and finally dies still trying Impartially and Justly te divide his alleotlens and attentions between thorn. Take It all In all, the mero I think of it tbe mere 1 admlre tbe skill of tbe author. Tbe novel is a work te be proud of. I don't knew of a stronger ene In recent American fiction. Tnose who fail te read It will miss meet tbe best things of the kind tbat has been produced for many a J ear. The publication by Me'srs. Houghten, Milling Ce, utmost filuiultauoeualy with their publication of "Jebn Ward, Preacher," of a cow edition of HoweIIs'h "Their Wed ding Journey," with an additional chapter describing a visit te Niagara by husband, wife and children "twclve years after," led me te reread the whole book. I laid tbe velume aside when finished with net a Uttle regret. What a pity that an author who emild wrltoee charmingly, and who still can, as the "additional chapter" clearly shows, what a great pity tbat be has aban doned the Held ei his early triumphs te be come the champion, worshipper and preaoher of mere realism I Fer after all Mr. llowells hai never Blnce wrltten any thing mero genuinely enjoyable, mere truly charming In every reHiwxit, than lliose early stories ltkn "Their Wedding Jour ney," "A Chance Acquaintance," "A Fore gone Conclusion," and tbe reat of that kind, no; and it is certain tbat be never will se long as he Is Joined te bis Frencb and Kus.lan Idels, nnd tries te be resl for realism's rake. Let blm repent " and de the first works." Let blm ih himself again, and bla realism will be real and natural and ci tbe very beat kind. That "additional ehuptei," by tbe way, you want te read. Henoeferth "Their Weddlng Journey" is uet com plcte with out It. Whlle I am bilking aheut novels, I want te tell you about a projeet started by the fertile brain and untiring enterprise of tbe New Yerk publisher, Jehn 11. Alden. While ethers have been holding meetings, making vpeeches, petitioning Ceugress, aud what net, te pretect and oncenrsgo Amerlcau authors, Mr Alden bas gnne te work aud done something that will open a Held te American wrlterr, will soeuro them BKOlnBt forelgn competition, and at tbe same llme will glvu tbe American readers clean, pure, feed literature, at a cost se tri lling us hardly te be called cost at all, Ills projeet Is this : He Issues In weekly numbers part of a novel or entlre abort stories written ex clusively for blm and exclusively by American authors (no forelgn writer's work will be accepted and none is reprinted) paid for by blm and copyrighted, which numbers can be had by suDBcilbers atene dollar h year I That Is, for ene dollar jeu get every week aleut fifty pages et an original American story, as geed as Ameri can writers cau be t mi pted te prodiieu; se tbat every four te eight weeks you tiaean entlre net el of from 'J00 te 400 pages, and in a year you get from alx te ten or mere such complete novels. iBa't that simply wonder ful? The publication is called Tht Novelist, la printed en gerd paper, in large, clear type and In neat aud attrautlve form and cover. The completed novels, then, will be republished teparately lu hatidsema oleth blndlug, and In this form eiti be had ut au average price of about thirty cents each I Itlsuredleas teaay tbat Mr. Alden will net, under any circumstances, publish In "The Novelist," or for that matter any where else, auj thing trasby or morally un un un wboUaeme or questionable In tone or ten dency. His whole record is guarantee of this ; lu fact bla whelu enterprise is a pretest aglnst the floods et cheap llterry poison that 11 led the country. He alma ie counteract their infiueuce by clfwrlng pure and wholesome reading at a price eveu cheaper thau thclia. Tbe first tour or five numbers of The Novelist" contained a bright and racy novel by " Hebert Tlmiel " entltlel " A Pessimist." The author, while net known in tbe realm of fiction before, U a tralned aud experienced writer In ether sphere et ileratuie. Indeed, 11 I were te tell you bis real name, which 1 happen le knew, I think jeu would be astonished, for yen would atonee reeegnlzi la blm a scholar and professional wan of high lank, hee sellu productions lu fceverul ether fields of literature are known and valued by student ; in fact, be is a gentleman with whom net a few of my readsrs, 1 think, are personally acquainted, and who is aet wholly a atrangar la Laoeaatsr seaaty, A Passimlat" waa eemplstaa taTfce Novelist " a few wasks age, aatl la saw eat la an attractive bound volume of ever 960 pagcfl which te sold at the rldlealeas prise of thirty cents I - The next numbsref the Novelist te the one containing the closing ebspter e'tie 'Pessimist" gave ua (we short stories The one " Kdblnaea Brown" by James T. McKay, 1 a strong end dramstle produc tion ; the ether Seven Infelicities ard Oee Ffllelty," by Mary Drlsler. is In lighter vein, foil el fun. The latest num -ber contains the first f3 pases of "Tne Story of Beryl," a tale et the Sentb, Just before the civil war, by Pro Pre Pro lesser Charles Woodward Hetson, already well known In literature by bla aonelarly work en "The Btglnnlngsef Civilisatien," and bla blstorieal novel " Out of a Besieged City." lie Is professor of literature and history In the University of Mb sa and a rlslna author of the New "The Story of Beryl" will be followed by a new story from the popular and ebarsaUR pen of Maurice Thompson, wbleb et course will bs first-class, for Mr,. Thompson doesn't write anything that Is net first-class. New don't you think such productions from such writers and te such an smennt are worth one dollar a year T "The Novel ist" is bound te succeed and sure te de geed. It will de mere te crowd out trashy "summer reading" tban all ether ageneles combined. UneAS. PERSONAL. Rkv. M. J. O' bas been assigned le the Catholic church at Danville, Pa. Gkn. Bukmdan's organle afieotlen of tbe heart complicates bla present serious nines. IIbv. Dn. Lyman Abbett has been elected permanent pastor el Plymouth church, Brooklyn, and the first regular successor te Henry Ward Beecher. Themas Bewmax, of Mennt Helly Sprlnps, Cumberland county, died Friday, aged 109 years. He was a negre, and the only ene of that ego who never waa In Washington's guard Borvlee. Bisnep Kkank, of the new Catholle university in Wssnlngten, was railed upon niter the oernoi-i'ono laving en Wednesday pind presented with 1100,000 fur the project uy a gentleman wne wiatied nts name with with eold. "AnninuiAi." or "Hely One" waa tbe name under which a pleua swindler at tempted te Impose upon some negrees In the vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia. When found out, he was severely beaten by hla dupes. POLITICAL, Democratic Slats Ticket. vex suraaxa J ecas. , n. M iCellum, et Bmquehanna county. SLXCTOH. At Large-It Milten Bpeer, A.F. Keating. 1. Pnvld W.Solleis, 8. Alvtn Dav. v. .Micnsei nasee, 8. A. 11. Laaniir, i. William J I.atta, P. Jehn Talnr. 0. sranklln Wulrlen. It. William Dent, 7. uusseu Karnes, 18, Henry K. Weeds!, iu. iiennan isoeior, H). William a. Uarman, il. William Manxr. 7. Cloerge Y. faullug, K. James Smith, 0 Daniel w.Bchwey or, 1, w. u. Given, 11. rharles hob In son. 12. .tnhn li. Kevnclds, 18. Ed a d J. Giyner, li. Blmen 1. i.laht, ti. Jebn li. nal ey, u. (Minn uueKunaiein, it wuiiam r. ianti, W.I) avian. Merris, X. James 11. Caldwell, 7.H.T. Nell I. Brown. COUNTY TICKET. Cengreti. IIOUACE b. IlAI.UhMAf, ChlcalCJ. b'lciti Senater. GUUPmAH 110 WC. Btraaburg. Auemlly 3. r. KCI1TKUN ACIf, Manhelm. JOHN H I t.KY. Manhelm. KMAMJKLlIOrMAN,KllrbotLlewn. Jieeerdtr. JOHN UKBM AN, Manhelm. County Solicitor. WM. It, 11UINTON, Lancaster. Jury CommUtlentr. FUANRLIN CLAKK.atraaburg. Dlrtttert of the Peer. V. WALL, Lancaster J. MOisTllOMKUr, MeuntVlllO. 1'riten Inspecter: A.L WINTKKH, Providence. II r. HAMILTON, West Ueuipfle'd. jtsriuieui. TELI0I0tJ8 SERVICES WILL BE helu In the following churches en Sun- dav. li: In the morning at 10 te, In tbe evening nt7.1.V Hnnrtay school at 1:4.1 p. m. When tbe hour It elirerentlt is specially neted: Ciiuitcii or Uou-Cerntir et l'rlnoe and Or aiiRu. Trenching at 10 30 a. m. and 7:4 p. in, by Un pastor. Sabbath school at 1:15 p ru. 1'itnsnrrsnuM Mkmebjjll Church, Seuth Queen street, Themas Thompson pastor. HHrviccs mernlDK at 10 30 a m , by litv. lr M. J-Hramllek, of Kutziewn, l'a , and In the evpnine cormen by Iter r It. Melman, of Cataw i'n, I'a. fcunaay school at 1:41 r. in. Yeung iioeple's meet ng at 7.15 p. in. Prayer nnl luaoners intullDg tVednesaay evening at 7.31 tiaeOKD Kvaxeklkul ( KnRlIah ), en Mul berry street, ubove Omugu-Preaching at 10-30 a. in. una at 7.15 p- in. by the pastor. Hun- day school at '1 p. in. UMITSD llRSTURSK IN CBRIST (COVKNAHT). Weal OrniiRnund concord struots-llev. J. li Funk, pastor. ITeaclilng at 10.JO a. in. and 7:U p. in. by the pastor Sunday school at 1-41 p. in. ollve JJranch ut 0 p. in., In Ue lecture room. St. Jehn's UsreimsD (Clennan) church, cer. ner Orungeand Mulberry streets, ltuv. Jehn Kuelllug, li. 1). puater. IHvlne services at 10.3 1 a. in. and 7.15 p. in. Sunday school at 1:41 p.m. Omvbt IUr-Tiar Church. Cerner et Wash ington and Duke struel. freachlng at 10 je n. in and t) 41 p in., by the pastor. Sunday school at 1:11 p.m. The mission banda will mtwi en Tuesday and Tburtdjy evening at 7.30 p m. auvknt CnrtiaTiaw Cneictr. Preaching morning ana uveulug by ltev. 1. O. lUuumn, ei Heutu Carolina, In ue Derwart street mis sion. St. Lcaa's UK-OHM an Marietta Avenue.Kev. Win. F. Llchlllur, pastor. Dlvlna service at 10 SO a m. and 7:11 p. in , Pre(. Lloyd U Cob- lenlz, eincmtlnir- funitay school at 'i p. in. nig at iu au a. me unnnan.tna aiT.ijp m. In the Kngllsh language, by tbe Ilev. J. u bchleuker, ei Tuuiixiua, l'a. Sunday echoel ut 0 a m. St. Jehn's LtmiirtAN. Uev. It. r. Alleman. 1). 11. pastor, -ihn pulpit will be occuplea by meineur! of the Kvnngellcal Lutheran Mints, t irluin et l'a. At 10 seu. in., liev. Ilr. Bad ler, D. li., of llalttlueru, aid. At 7.t0 p.m., ltuv. II N. replay, et Moehanlcaburg, Pa. Leeture and lira or acrrlcns nn Wednesday evening at 7 W 1 eung l'onnles' meeting en Thurs day evening at 7:30. Catechetical lectures en Sabbath evening at t).:e Sabbath schools at tit, Jehns' ml. 15 p. m and ut Uetwald Me nierlal chapel tit 1 1 in. rinaT luniST. services at the regular hours morning aud evenlug ey tbe patler. Iter. J, .V Kcleutl. Sunday school ut S p. m. s"ve. nlng sHrvlce at 7.11 lLSlcudef 7.15, sabject "blnit Up te Chrlt." rnidT UnreuiBO UucBcn. Itev. J. M. Tttzel, I). 1) , pastor, cervices te-morrow ut 10 Si a. in , by the uev. Dr. tl M llonkle of Cilia, aauqu i, l'a-, and In tbe evuulng by the Htv. J. it tre, of iiTRlgsbur-, l'a. Sunday echoel at 1 41 p. m. CuaiaTLcTiinnAMCuuiten West King atreet, E. L. Keed. pastor. IHvlne eutvie, b tomor row at 10.SO u m. and p m. llnv U. 11. iiernhulm. 11 II ,of I'hllllpiburg, N. J., will preuch In thu morning, una our, A. it. Mark. Iny.ul .10113 town. l'u , lu tbaavenlng. Suu day school ut 1.11 p.m. Addrvsses by visit ing (lergiiuun. 1'RKeBiTBBiAN I'nstnr. Kev. J. Y. Mitchell. I). H. frtuichlng hi the morning by a member et thel.uthurau aynrul, luthe evening Kev l II (Jilsolnner, et Cuteu, will preach te the brand Arm v Vests ei this city, i eung Men's Chrtilan Aigoetatlon Teung moil's meHilng In ussoclallen hall at S.iu p. m. Open te all eung uiu'i. worker's training Clata Wbdneaday evening atuo'cleok. tJiucs LirrUBRiN. Cerner of North Queen and Juinus atreuu ltuv. O. Klvln lleupt, iuu. ter. buuday school at 0 00 a in ltuv. tl 11, tielaaleaer will occupy tbe pulpit at the morn ing hx'Wcj 10 a m ltuv. Win. Ashiuead hiohattler, etrhlladeinhla, lathe erenlcgattl p m St. Paul's M.K. Chcrc-h -Charles Iteada, pas tor. 1'reueMtig at 10: JO a. iu by tha paoier. nrt 7 41 p. iu by Kev. J It. Bhetriirr. of the Lutheran mlnliter um. Sunday aehoei at 1-11 p. n , teung people's meeting ui6:te p. m, 1 em. ptrancH meeting Monday at 7-30 p. m. Cla meeting en -luvuday, 'inurnday ued Frldty eveuluga. l'rajer muetlug Wednesday even lug at 7 '0 First M. E. Ouuroh.-Ket. J. K.T.Gray. pas tor, class meetings,, le-.ti a. m preach ng by Uev U. J (Uriel, or tne Lutheran churce. 41 p in , Sunday school. 7 41 p. ui preaching by ltuv. u U. linrnhtluier, 11 u., of tbe Lutheran church 7.30 p. m, Menaay and 'i huraeay elats meetings. 7.30 n in , Tues day, b llnus luuettiiir. 7.30 p. m , Wednrsday, prajermeetnig 1X0 p w. Filday, young puo pue l'li s meotleg 3 p. in., Thursday, pastor's claaa Wkstxbn M. K. Cuckcu Ve prraelng funUiy toheo ut ip m. riayer Uiiuttngea JturHitny iivnlng-.i 7 :. Kast Mnis.ea M, K. CHL'RCU, bundiy school at le m, Meri vian. J, Max Hark, 1. II., pastor, lO-'O a. in Ltt-tuy ler Irlulty nunday, and aeriuen by tbe i et'. W. A. 1'aiaavitnt, et flttauuig. a P in. buuitay sche 1-7 11 p in. sermon by theutv. Wm.ll. uutcr, el Pert Wtuhlngler, Ohie. bT. Btki'uss's (KxreiiMKD) Cherch Cextxaa CuAysi.-lu:!W a. uu aerweu by liar. M, O, ..ortne.eflUaaius, l'n. WAKAUAKXKa. ratLaftstrau, Sataraay, May ss,U8s. Yeu can a till -see the features of the Summer Event Park, King Cotten, Ice Pyramid, etc. Small checks with evcrplaids : wool arid cotton suiting. In style and color it closely resem bles the finest English Weel Suiting, but the price is I2c; only the ether day 25 c. German Fancy Combination Plaids. Fine wool, striking patterns, brilliant colors. Among them some of the most attractive novelties brought from Europe this season. 40 inches, 75c The price has been $1.25. Weel Diagonals, plain colors, 25c, 42 inches, Only a little while back they were 45c. Three items that show where Dress Goods prices have drift ed. Come for whatever you want all in one beat. Southeast anA southwest et centre. Pee rless Sateens. Don't mistake them for French. The colors, the printing arc hardly a whit behind. Threads net se fine, finish net quite se silky. That's where they fall short. I2c. New colors, new pat terns. Scotch Surah Ginghams, 25c from 40. Scotch Zephyr Checked Ginghams, 25c from 40. Prices are just as lop-sided all through the Cottens. Northwestof centre. Mere than three hundred styles of Combination Dress Patterns at the Remnant coun ter at remnant prices. Artisti cally matched; $3 te $14.75. Changing every day. Pick from the piece and you'd pay double. Northwest of centra. Braided Zephyr Robes, $4. Braided Sateen Robes, $6. Northwest of centre, next Main Aisle. Leghorn and Children's Trimmed Sailor Hats. Every thing that ought te be here, and the prices leaning your way. The balance of our Paris trimmed Hats and Bennets and a let from our own work-rooms go down today te three-quarters, two-thirds half. Present prices $3 te $25. North from Thirteenth and Chestnut streets corner. It's a Sash Ribbon season. Plain Meire, Satin Meire, Crown Meire are the leaders. Other sorts, te be sure, and we have them all. Here's a glimpse of the shriveled prices : S Inch Crown Metre, II SlnchBatln KOge Molre, 1 10 IK Inch Satin andlirea-Uralu Stllp", 75c East Transept. Eye helps of all sorts. An Opera or Tourist's Glass gives double pleasure te an outing. $4.50 te $15. Cameras and photographic things for boys 7 te 70 years. Near J unlper street entranee. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. hbw Anr muTjaKMmmTH. THE BEST WAY TO PRESERVE Clothing from Meth la te nae the ANTI-MOTH BAGS. Fer sale at CUCIIUAN'S DUUO STORK, 137 at 189 North Queen St. Alse for Sain -Ceal Tar, Campher, Insect l'ewdei. Tar Paper and .Campher, In lets te suit. TuTb8 J.B MARTIN & UO. Spring Dress Goods. Every yard Keduceel In Price, and we are offering some Immense drives in these goods ; 6,000 yards Dress Goods that sold at 12Jc, 15c and 20: a yard have been re duced te one price, 4c a yard. SATIN ES. Every day brings something new In Satlnes, and we new have by far the larg est assortment In the city. French Satlnes. 29j and 35;. American Sjtlnes, 10c and 121c. Silk Rhadamas Are the popular silks at the present lime. Our OSc finality equal te any sold at$1.2e. TABLE LINENS. Tifty Itenmant Pieces en our counters at less than manufactuiers' cost. CHINESE MATTINGS Ne auction or brittle straw goods. All new Patterns, new straw, at same price as auction mattings. j.e. MARTIN A TOBACCO. FINK PIECE OF CHEWING TOBACCO 19 1NDIBD A LUXURY. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemes as near being a flne piece of PLUG TOBACCO as It Ulpesstbla te make it, -ana is known as a STANDARD BRAND AHONO DKALKBS. We are; snretkat ONE TEIAL will Convince Ten of IU Merits. SV-Loek ter the red It Un tag en each plng.-VS J no. Finzer & Bre.'s, leuisvillf:, ky M) OASJtiAUJca. OTANDARD WOKK. ED W. EDGERLEY ClRniAOE DUILDEB, NOS, 40, 12, i 45 UABKRT BTUKKT, Bear Ot jrogteuice, Aiaucasuir, A' a, I have In Bteck anA Build te Order Kverv Variety of the following styles : Coupe, liug gles, Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, Business wagons. "T" carta, McCall Wagons, burrles, Market Wagons, l'n-alens, Express Wagons. 1 employ the best Mechanics, and have liicll Itlea te bulla correctly any style of Carriage aealrea. The Quality, Style and Finish el my work makes It decidedly the cheapest la the market. 49-WSlBATBTnKBKSTANDCaBAFXST GaltT IN 1HK MABKKT. -TfTHATlsyOUR OH1KF DBtilUHTT II" IT OS PLKASUKK HIDING, J. Hi NORBECK, (Successor te Nerbeck A Mlley), Proprietor of the Old Reliable Yellow Frent Coach Works, COBNEK OT DC UK AND VINlt BTUXKT3, Lancaster, Pa. Is nitty prepared te accommodate yen with l'hcatens, rurally Carriages, Uuggles, etc , of the Latest DesUns and Varlety of Springs and btylxu. and which for Comfert, Plraure, llfamy, rtnlah and superlmlty of Workman ship cannot be etcelled, either In the city or county et Lancaster, and as te Prices, compe tition is defied. liUUUAUls at special Bargains. De net buy elohre till yen have seen Norbeck's stock and Mske. My own make always sus tains my word it it be for uuMnns Intercsts.then and there yen will find liustntss and Market wagons, aieCall and Dayton Ulokery Wagons, etc, which will terre your purpose!, and can new be had at irtees and leiuij te suit your pocket-books. Alse. Mecenu-hand Werk of every del crip Uen rebuilt aa geed as new. Call and ; the 1 arge Stock. lienalrlLT, with care and promptness, still a specialty. fll 3mdAw watch mn OPKOlAIi. WATCHES for rarmers and Ballreaders, II Karat Geld ruled llUsS Caies, Elgin worst, 120 each. Jeb Let. Best Watch ana Jewelry ttepalnng. Bpectacles.Kyetflaasesand Optlcallloel. Cor real time dally, by uuegrapn only place In tne city. LOUIS WBBER. Ne. U9H fl- Queen St, opposite City Hetel, hear 1'enn'a Depot- G 1LL-JEWKL.ER, &e. SPECTACLES. Having purchaspd the Entire Stock of SPECTACLES OF A DECEASED OPTICIAN, I will sell them for lees than one-fourth their value in order te close them out quickly. Spectacles that formerly sold for 2.60 per pair I will new sell for 60c. Understand, this u net a cheap Spectacle, but the finest lense and frame tbat is made. Will measure your eyes with accuracy, and can guarantee a fit in every instance. As the line is lim ited it will be well te call early. CHARLES B. GILL, Jeweler and Optician, Ne. 10 West KiDg Street, Lancaster, Pa. PROPOSALS, SEALKD PROPOSALS WILL UK BE reived nnttl 11 o'clock, neon, en tbe SSlh day et May. lsfis. far tne sale of property suit able for a site for the Public BnUaleg author auther ised te be erected In your city. A e rnur let Is preferred and the dlmonalens should ba net In.. OlHT) 1111 f,ut. hv 110 fiutt If nnt a ,.. let, tha dluienalena henld be nei le-s than U0 lout ey iiu leeif me ieu laex, te ee street liout lieut age. llutldlngs en property selected te be re tained and re moved by tbe owner. The liepartiuentreiervea the right te telect any and all proposals. Proposals should be marked "Proposal ter the sale tt property fjr a site for tbe Publle lluttdlng at Lancaster, l'a ," and te be ad dressed te the fecietary of the 'ireasury and lerwurdtd te Pcstmasiur, Lancaster, l'a. myl9 7td LEUAL SOT1CKS. Ea ISTATE OF JOUN MePHKRSON, late et Salisbury township. Lancant-r county. The undersigned auditor, appointed te dUuibuie the balance remaining In the lianas of the Clerk el Orpbins' Court et T an an caster cenuty, l'a , bnlng me sum et IJSJ 75 and Interest, charged ou real estate new owned by James uoiebe-o, Jr., slluaioe In Salisbury tewrsbtp. Lanetster county. Pa, and paid Inte court by order of tbe Orphans' Court, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en Tues djy,My!, A. D f&. at 10 o'clock a. m.ln tne Library ltoem et tbe Court Heuse, In the City of Laneaatur. l'a, where all persons inter estetl In said dlstribntlen may attend. lnajBSlds A. S. llkUeUs.!. Auditor. r Ij. K18UER, DENI'IST. W particular attention given te filling and preserving the natural Uwth, 1 bave ail the latest Improvements ter doing nice, serk at a very reasonable cost, llavlngyearsef ex perlence In the large cities 1 am aura te give the best of satisfaction and save you money, best artificial teeth only as oe per set marlft-lyd Ne M NUIUH tlUBKN ST. T KV AN'8 FLOUR. USE- UNAWS FLOUR. t alwaysUlvei SatUfactten. MTbAS DUNiilOAM. BOLDIEUS who were disabled from wounds Inlury, rupture, eipeure, piles, deafness, or who tire. In ceusequence of thetr military ser vices. Incapacitated for manual labor, whether from wounds or disease, are entitled te pen slen. WIDUWS,mlner chUdren.and dependentrel atlves of soldiers who died of dUabUltles con tracted In tbe service, are entitled te pension, and by Act or Congress of Jan. 29, 18S7, soldlers of the Mexican War are also entitled te pen slens IN CKK ABK.Theusands of pensioners are en titled te a higher rating. Ne fee unless sncc ss ful. Can reler te many succeaalul claimants Soldiers, It wtll oeat you nothing te write me, and It may result greatly te your advantage. M. D. MULL, Pens . Att'y, Voeansvtll, Lancaster County, Pa aur9-)yalrw Dnr GOODS. GEASONABLK GOODS. SEASONABLE GOODS -AT TBI New Yerk Stere. ALL-WOOL HKNR1KTTAB, are still vary scares ArstrabU eolers. W ener fall lines ta all the Mem SkaSas, at am, S.c,71c,la yard. BptelalValuslH ALL-WOOL HENRIETTA, Xset llnt Qaallty. 40 Incbsi wide, tea a yartli be batter svia at 75c Tha Greatest Barrala of tks season, BILK AND WOOL BUITINQB, in Gray ana Brown Mix te rest also. lnl and Deuble cheeks, yard ana a halt wlds, Wj a yard never rutalltd for less than lu Twe Mers CUSS 6PR1NQ TRICOT BOITINOB, In Gray ana Brown Mixtures, t!s a yard ; regu regu UrlJHcOecdi. ALL-WOOL FRENCH DEBI1QES, In Gray, Brown and Bias Mixture, at Me ft yarai only half pnee. Anether Involes Bepsi ler PURE SILK GLOVES, In Black and Tan Shades, tse a pair ; last etic WXe. We open te-day a Special Drive la CREAM SPANISH LACE SCARFS, AU 811k, tie each j worth 759. Popular Celers In NO. 9 All Bilk MORIE RIBBONS, l5e a yard ; regular price, tee. BURAH SASH BILKS, In cream. Pink Blua, etc, n Inches wide, very cheap at coo a yard. WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 At 10 BAST KINO BT 1HE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Te trie Ladies. WI ABK AN INSPECTION OF ONE Of THK MOST DE31BABLK 8TOCKB OP ts ts KVKB OFFXBID IN TUU CITY. We bave a Cersrt at M which Is better than tbose usually sold at this price. Onr Brilliant at 7Se Is as geed as most 11.(0 Corsets sold te-day In this city. Oar SL00 Corset Is scarcely exceUed by any I1.SJ Ctrset in ibis city. Alse Misses' & CMldren'sCersets We buy these goods direct from the inanulac- tuier for cash, which places us lu the position te be en ' 1 he Ground rioer" with prices. It will pay youtetnspcctthesegoodiand price s, The FeepWs Gash Stere. G. F. RATETIB, Ne. 25 East King St. LANOaSTXB.PA. marli-lvdAw CAKPJtTS. fc,y-v- QARPET1NQS. McCALLUM & SLOAN Invite attention te lbs product of their ' HBW QLBN BOHO MILLS, Comprising WILTON, BRUSSELS, and INGRAIN CARPET1NGS In new and special de slgni. Axmluflter, Msqvette, Tapestry. rexileta uioitmentet ART BQUARBB In ilchett detljm and coloring!. AU at sea. MattlUffB, Fleer LlnertB, OU Oletha and Linoleum, All Grades I and our r fees are Lew ae tbe Lewest Corse Corse McCALLUM & SLOAN; 1012 -101 1 .Oheetnut Street, .PHILADELPHIA. arhc-taTu,Tb3 j