1 rA t JCmtf a$te ?M JfrrteUigenM XA .' -, 3 W ' M n J VOLUME XXIV-NO. 228.-SIX PAGES. . LANCASTER. PA SATUKDAY; MAY 26. 1888. SIX PAGESPRICE TWO CENTO i,.H m THE LOTHERAN SYNOD. llErURT OF TDK TUBOLOGIOAE. SI AM DIBBOTOBS aCBMlTlBD. Bew Members Admitted le tee Mlnaurti an- Turn application of Candidates far Ordasev tlea rreeanted and Apr mM-Aspra- prlatlen Fer MahUkbsrg call!. Synod opened Friday tfterBoea with the singing .of tha 261st hymn, followed with prayer by Her. K. H. Pohle, of Philadel phia. The tellers appointed te count the votes cut for members of the executive oom eom oem mlttee made" report, from wbteb It appeared that the following were elected : Rev. F. J. F.Scbsntz, Myetatewn ; Rev. Dr. T. Ii. Belp, Allentown (Rev. Or. & AT. Beh mucker, Pottatewn ; Rev. Dr. Jaeeb Fry, Reading; Rev. M. C. Herlne, Read leg ; and Messrs, A. W. Pettelger, Reading) F. M. D eh, Allentown ; O. R. Lata, Lebanon ; W. A. Henry and C. H. LeJe, Reading. "' " Tbe report of the dlrea'eiB of the theo logical aemlnarywaa read by Rer. Or. B. M. Bohmueker. Following la an abetraet of tbe report : Beard beld meeting en Oct 10, 1887, for tbe pnrpeae of determining en plana, arrangements and location of the new semlnery.bulldlng. Rev. R. Hill pre pre aeeted a general outline. It waa decided that the building ahenld be of German town and Chestnut Bill atone, and that It ahenld have rooms ter 100 student. The annual meeting of the beard waa beld May 21 and 22, 1888 Tbe report of tbe faculty showed that 04 students were In attendance daring tbe past year 21 In tbe senior, 23 In tbe .middle and 20 In tbe Junier class three of whom have withdrawn from their preparation for tbe min istry. Twenty members of tbe Junier class were admltted te graduation and will apply te this or ether synods for exsmlna exsmlna tlen and admission te ordination. Tbe treaaurer of tbe New Yerk mlnlsterlum showed tbat (717.15 bad been paid te the professor 'and that tbe endowment fund amounted te 6,991.45. Tbe report of tbe agent showed that f 10,706 bad been received for tbe seminary during tbe year, which with the balance of laat year of 15,764 84 mane $21,659 6& Tbe expenditures were $4,702 CO. Receipts from tbe beginning $57,008 42 ; expenditures $40,210.83 ; balance $10,707 50. A coutraet was made for tbe new budd ing at a cost of $40,375, exclusive of the work underground. Tbe new seminary building will bave a lengtb of 110 feet 0 Inches, and a width of 108 feet 0 lne"v, and will consist of two wings unitedly a central building 40 by 28 feet, at tbe bead of a court 37 feet wide by 80 feet deep. It Is te be three-stories blgb with a basement 7 leet blgb, rising 5 feet above tbe tenaoe. A HEBREW TEACUEH WANTED. Or. Minn, pro'esser of OldTestsm n'.ix egesls In Mublenberg college, requested that a tutor or Instructor might be appointed te whom tbe elementary teaching of tbe Hebrew language might be committed, and mere time be secured fortbeetber branebea under bis earn. By Dr. Mann's generosity tbe larger put of tbe compensation of aucb a tutor has been provided. Tbe beard oleaed tbe transaction of business atnoen May 22, in order te lay tbe corner-stone of tbe new seminary. Tbe corner-stone wsa laid by Dr. G. V. Kretel, president of tbe synod, Drr. Sehacfl-r and Mann delivering tbe addressee. Or communication was received from St. 'Jehn's Lutheran churcb, Philadelphia, re specting tbe seminary endowment fur nished by that congregation. Said com munication was considered and referred te a committee of synod te consult with St. Jehn's congregation. At this point in tbe proceedings the president weloemed with mueb cordiality tbe following ordained pastors wbe bad applied for, and by unanimous vote of tbe synod, been reeelved Inte full membership thereof : Rev. J. B. Fex and Rev. 3. J. Foust, of tbe Pittsburg synod ; Rev. J. O. Geepp, Rev. Uoge Wendel and Rev. H. Peters, all of the New Yerk mlnlsterlum of New Yerk. Rev. Reuben Hill, Philadelphia, finan cial agent for tbe collection of f unda for tbe Mount Airy semlnary,read a report, giving In detail a statement of tbe moneyeie meneyeie moneyeie eelvedln aid of the seminary. Tbe total amount was $57,003 42. ' v5V. H.Htaske, etn.., ceunael ter tbe thec thec thec loglesl seminaries lu tbe case of the legscy and devise el tbe late Henry Slngmaater te aald seminaries, read the report of the beard of directors which alter discussion was adopted. Tbe report favera the accep tance of the compromise made with Mrs. Slngmaater relative te Mr. Blegmaatet's de vised estate, tbe value el which la probably ever $00,000, one half of which la secured te tbe seminaries, and tbe bulk or tbe ether half will probably go te the aame Institu tions eventually. Tbe following committee en tbe applica tion of tbe German oengregatlona te or. ganlze a German conference was appointed : Rev. Dr. B. M. Schmucker, Reyr. Banner, Pettelsber, limning, and Mesara. M. Lau-" gensteln, F, W. Lelssman, and Charles Duerner. This commlttee was directed te meet and confer with tbe president of synod Satur day mornleg. Tellers were appointed te conduct the oleetlon el members of tbe beard of tbe theological seminary te tslte Ibe place of these whose terms expire at tbe present session. Billets were prepared and voted, but synod adjourned before the tellers re ported the result. SATURDAY MOHNINQ HE9SION. Dovetlonal servlee was conducted by Rev. Dr. 8. A. Repass, of Allentown, who read the lO'.h psalm. Tbe tellers appolnted te conduct the elec tion of directors of tbe theological seminary reperted tbe election el tbe follewing: Ministers Rev. J. Fry, B. M. Sobeiucktr, D. D , F. W. Wetsketlen, W. A. Sehseffer, Reuben Hill, G. F. Spleker, D. D. Laymen W. Staake, esq., J, Remmel, M. D , Henry Beales, J. G. Gelaeeubslner, T. H. Dlehl, W. W. Kurlr. The applications of tbe candidates for ordination Dave been presented te synod, and tbe applications approved. Tbe appli cants were presenter ueiere me president, wbe delivered te them an Impressive ad. dress urging them te prepare themselves fortbelrerdlnstlon en Tuesday next, and for tbe ministerial work In which they are about te engage. Following are tbe candi dates : Charles Clinten Heyer, Lewis tiwn; Wm. Dreckbeff, Rosleok, P. ; Franklin Fester Fry, Reading; Carl Christian Adelf Eberbard Helm, Wrecker Renglu; James A. H, Hufierd, Wytbevllle ; K. O. Limen, Iowa ; Rebert B. Lynch, Pennsbury, Pa.; A. Miles Mehr kam, Little Gap, Carben county, Pa ; Been Reber, Berks coenty, Pa., Herman Hinrld Rlppe, Hancver, Pa.; Wm. A. Sadder, Baltimore, Md.; Adam M. Weber, Bern- vlile, Berka county, Pa.; Wm. Weleksel, ttadbankO arloe -county, Pa.; Herman Weigsflri, Hallerstsfl", Pruaala; Jehn H. Wjsa. Virginia; Ellas A. Teh), Leh'gh .county. Tbe report of trustee of Mublenberg col cel ilege was resd by Rev. 8. A. Zlegenlnse, of Bath, Pa. Tbe report was considered item by Item, and alter a long discussion by synod a resolution waa passed appropriat ing $000 te tbe German professorship of the eMlege. An approprtatlea of 11,000 te the a t!eje waa voted without debate. Rav. J. a. Cooper read a long Hat of ateaaerlal eeatolbatleaa te Mahleubergool Mahleubergeol Mahleubergoel lata freas coafetenooo, ehurehes aad Indi viduals. Tbe total ameuat of tbe oontrlba eontrlba oentrlba tloaa waa 94,9627, which nave Mas added te tka Oeraea eadewaaeat fund of the oel eel lata, wblcb bow aaaeunta te 910,827.37. Kev. Cooper aad a vigoreua addreas la behalf of the college. Rev. Dr. Bales offered reeoluUea cf tbaaka te the contributors te the aeveral cellet fuHda, which was uaaalmeualy adopted. The report of tba dlre-tera or Muhlen bars college waa adopted aa a whole. Tellera wan appointed te oendnot tbe eleotles for members of the beard of trns trns taaaef Muhlennert college. Having col lected tb baileU they retired toeount them. Bar. A. Rlchter preeented synod with a History of tbe New Yerk Mlnlsterlum." Ha waa given a vote of thanks. Tbe ayned proceeded te consider tbe question of oeaetltuUng a German confer, eaoe. After considerable discussion tba matter was postponed until thla afternoer. There wlU be services this evening In Christ Lutheran church In tbe Interest of tbe Geruantewn Orphans' Heme. Ad dressee will be made by Rev. Dr. Mann, Philadelphia, and Rev. T. E. Sebmauk, Lebanon. The ordination service of the synod will be held en Tueaday evening at 7:45. Thir teen young men will be Inducted into tbe ministry. Friday Evening SetTleas. Tba services at Graea church Friday evening a drew very large audience. Tbe ehurch waselaberately decorated with palms and flowers, stars, anohera, and cresses Rev. L. H. Gesehwlnd, of Wllkesbaric, conducted the services. Rev. C. J. Cooper delivered an able address en "Education" and Rev. Enech Smith, of Bethlehem, an address en missions, both of whleh were highly Interesting. TUB SUNDAY SERVICES. Msmbers el Mlntittrlam Wbe Will D.IUsr Ssrmans Morning and Bvenleg. Nesrly ,all the pulpits of this dry to morrow will be occupied by clergymen at tending tbe Lutheran ayned. Rev. Dr. Betas, of Philadelphia, will de liver the aermeu In tbe morning, and Rev. J. M. Anspaeb, of Eastern, in the evening, at Trinity Lutheran ohureb. t, I The festal aervlee of tba Sunday aoheol la the afternoon at 2:30, will be one or tbe chief featureeef tbe day. Three former pastors, Revs. Kretel, Laird and Grlsslnger, and three ethers. Revs, Frlek, Fasssvant and Sebmauk, will make brier, Interesting ad dresses, whleh will be interspersed with beautiful antbema and carols, rendered by hundreda of volees accompanied by the organ and orchestra. Tbe mualc at the con gregation el services will also be very tine. Zlen's German church, Reva. A. Spaeth, D. D , of Philadelphia, in tbe morning, and Bk W. Sebmauk, of Lebanon, In the even In tr ance church, Reva D. H. Qelsslnger, of Easien, and W. A, Sebaetfer. of German town. Christ obureb, Rev. Or. G. D. Bernhelm, of Fhilllpaburg, N. J., and Rev. A. B. Msrkley, or Jonestown, Pa. St. Jehn's Lutheran obureb, Rev. Dr. B. Badtler, of Baltimore, and Rev. H. N. Fealey, of Meebanlcsburg. Bu Stephen's German chureb, Knv. J. Grubler, of Shenandoah, and A. R. -Graeff, efMUleravlUe,N. J. Moravian, Rev. W A. Passsvsnt, Jr., of Pittsburg. First Reformed, Rev. D. M. Henkel, O. D., of Oatasauqus, and I. N. Krb, of Orwlgs burg. '. Paul'a Refcrmed, Rev. O. P. Smitb, of Cellegevllle, and O. D. Foust, of North Wslea. College cbapel, Rev. M. C. Herlne, of Reading. First Methodist, Rev D. Bernbelm. St. Paul'e Methodist, Rev. J. R. Shoffner, ofCelumbls. First Presbyterian, Revs. C. J. Hlrzel, Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia, and D. H. Gelaslnger, or Bosten. Memerial Presbyterian, Rer. B. E. Eramlleb, of Kutztown, and J. H. Nelman, of Catawlssa. A number of Sunday schools will also be addressed by the visitors. Market Slrtat Bridge Paid Fer. Dlreoter Wsgner en Frldsy approved tbe warrant for tbe final payment te R. A. Ma lone & Sens, contractors for building the new bridge ever tbe BehnylkUl river at Market street, Philadelphia, amounting te $58,013 78. The oentract price waa $271,000, from which waa deducted $150 for work net required by the specifications, $384.22 for expenses of engineer oerps, and $3,100 for delay In time of completing tbe work at the rate of $50 per day. The atrneture has been examined and approved by an expert se lected by tbe msyer. The oentract prevldea that tbe bridge sball be kept In geed repair by tbe contraetoia for three years. m Ald.rman sparrlei's Court. Jehn Mumma bad a bearing laat evening ea the charge of larceny of a aet or harneas, tae property of W. D. Sprecber and was held in ball for ti ial at court. Tbe suit agalnstt Jehn U. Buckley, In whieb Fen ten Harris charged htm wltb sorely of tbe peace, was withdrawn. The obargeet assault snd battery against Samuel Moere, wbleh wss preferred by Frederiek Miller, wss dismissed. Jehn Merrlsary, htrged with ssssult and battery upon Frederick Miller and Fred erick Menrer, waa beld in ball for trial at court B. F. Maynard was held for a bearleg for eng.glng In an affray wltb Franela Suter, Tbe Visiting V kars. After tbe visiting Yerk , ounellmen bad aeen tbe operation of tbe read roller yester dsy, they were taken In omnibuses te Engle's quarry where they saw tbe stone crusher in operation. Afterwards the ma jority of the members or the party went out te take a leek at tbe new car atable of tbe City Passenger Railway company. They returned borne en tbe 7:40 train. Hs BaUsd a Bew, Jaoeb Bebwsrta went te tbe saloon of Cbsrles Vogt laat evening under tbe Influ ence of liquor. He asked ter beer, wss refused and be wanted te raise a row. Con stable Bsrnbelt wss sent for and be arrested Sebwartz. Ball waa entered for a bearing before Aldeiman Hal bach. Decided By the Bnprsma Ce art. The supreme court concluded Its Phlls delpbls session en Frldsy. Opinions were filed in tbe following Lancaster county cases : Blesslngten vs. commonwealth of Pennsylysnls ; SchsetTsr vs. Zech ; Hsm Hsm mend, executer, vs. McClure, administra tor ; Shirk et al., executer's appeal. In all tbeae cases tbe lower court waa affirmed. Insane Ftepla Taken te Uanl.bus. This morning the Insane people were re moved from tbe asylum te tbe state asy lum In Hsrrlsburg. They were leaded en a special car, at tbe Plum street crossing, te avoid publicity, and it waa attached te Nia gara Express. Ne trouble was experienced. 30,000,000 Fer Beading. Mr. Cerbln baa arranged wltb a strcDg Londen banking syndicate for an Issue of four per cent blanket mortgage bends ler tbe Reading railway company te tbe amount of $56,000,000. It la retorted that blda have been made for tbeae bends at 02 par cent, THE PAGE ANNIVERSARY. aaMsmnmnaasBBBHaasa LiTKKaav Becucrre cbucbbatiun eif raieAT BVBXixa. The Kzeretses Bajeysw Mf e Large AaMHeaer. Bt or. B , M. I.stna Bourses tae Monet ary Address lasarasssasal aad Vecal Mntle belated M the riaaiaaaws. MiLLBRaviixa, May 26 One of the most soceesaiul aaalvateeriaa is the history of the Page Literary aeelety, of the State Nermal aoheol, waa held this evening. The large chapel was' crowded te the deer 1 all the standing room in the assies aad oeraere being oecnpied. The deeorastene oeasleted of flewera, rerna end' exestee teattfally ar ranged upon the stage. The annate ler the evening waa furnished by Carl Therbahn'a oreheetra, of Lancaster. Mlaa Anna J. Mever seng a sole entitled "Sprint Flowers." Mum Meyer Is noted aa a very aweet elager and this evening eeesaed te exeal all termer efforts. Tbe president, Mr. A. O. C. Smith, of Medls. Pa, and the secretary, Mlaa Carrie Myers, of Lancaster, officiated with dignity and grace. After the opening musle by tbe oreheetra, Rev. J W. GoedUe, of this place, la a farvered prayer eaked the blesjlnge of Ged te rest upon the society, tbe aoheol and tbe exerelses of the even ing. The preeldent then delivered the saluta tory add rear. He extended a hearty wel come te all and then apeke about preserv ing tbe Individuality of the peraea. We ahenld net become the Imitators of great men. Tbe life of Abraham Ltnoeln ahenld net lead ua te beoeme rall-epUttera la the hope of once being president, but rather ahenld Inspire ua te develop our own powers and our ewa IndlvlduaUty. Fellow tbe motto of tbe Page acelety : " Rich In Faltb, " and al way a be true te her colors. Tbe Page oration waa delivered by Wm. F. Perter, White Haven, Pa. Hla aubjeet waa A Vital Need.'! The speaker made a strong pies for greater patriotism and purer politic. The patriotism of the ear lier period of our national hlaiery waa de scribed aa having been especially strong. It waa nourished by the Revolutionary war, tbe war of 1812 and the war with Mexico. New we have no war te arouse our patriotism, and It has beoeme weak for want of exerelae. The late war waa a fra ternal strife and made the vital need of patriotism the greater. Tbe fact that in the last fifty years fifteen mllllena of foreigners came te tbla oenntry and brought with them their own Ideas of government and. lawa wbleh always differ from ear own creates a atlll greater need of patriotism. A surplus In tbe United States treasury Is also a menace te tbe liberty of tbe k nation. Se la also a moneyed aria aria aria toeraoy. The way te meet thla need la te teach patriotism In our oemmon schools and pnblle Institutions. Lee L. Grumblne, esq., of Lebanon, re cited three selections during tbe evening. All were mueb enjoyed by the audience and ha waa frequently applauded. Tbe honorary addreas wss delivered by Rev. R. M. Lulher, D. D , of Philadelphia, The apeaker began by saying that the aub aub jeot of hla address, ai printed en Hhe pro pre gramme, waa Secial Ethics." Unforeseen circumstances hsd prevented him from making the proper arrangementa with tbe society, alnea thla aubjeet waa assigned te him. He did net speak of aoelal etbles, but gave the audience an excellent addreas upon life and custema among tbe East Indiins. He had for aeveu yeara been prin cipal of a normal aoheol In India, la the oenntry between Slam and Burmab, and gave an Interesting account of his experi ences there. He described tbe Jungles, some of them aa being full el aerpenta and ferocious wild besets. Hs gsve a humorous description of bis first ride upon an ele pbantand explained aeme of tbssels ele pbsnts were trained te perform. He showed the power or the Gospel story upon the slmple natives and oenoluded by wish ing the members el tbe soelety tbe happy life of a successful missionary, teaching the truths of aolenee and of the Gospel la thla or In foreign lands. Mr. L. L. Grumblne recited "Irish Philosophy" se effectively that rounds of applause were given him. He alae recited Only a Leck of Gelden Hair." Alter another selection of musle by the orchestra the president adjourned the meet ing. m VIVE QHADUATBS. Commencement BxereUcs of lbs Hlga Scheel at LUlis. Lititz, Msy 26. Never before la tbe history of tbeLltltz publle sobeols were Its commencement exercises msrksd with sueh pleasant fealuraa as en the occasion lsst evening. The exerelses were.held In tbe Moravian cbapel, and every aeat waa occu pied. There were five graduates, viz : Mary H. Tabudy, '.Vleletta Barr, Emma R. Erb, Pharea S. Frederick and Herace D. Urube. Mary Tabudy delivered tbe salutatory, Tbe End Net Yet;" and Herace L. Grube, tbe valedictory ; Emma R. Erb, read tbe elaia prophecy, and Pharea Fred erick delivered an oration en Our Next President," in which James G. Blaine waa hla cynosure. All tbe young speaksrs bad well prepared subjects, and they were congratulated en every side. la a felicitous speech Dr. Bbenk, president of the school beard, presented tbe dlplemaa te tbe graduates. Rev. Lewers wss booked te deliver a closing address, but excused blmself from a lengtby speech en tbe plea of tbe lateneaa or tbe hour. Mr. M. J. Metzgar, tbe principal, ad dressed a few well-cbeeen remarks te tbe scholars, in which be gave evidence of being satisfied with wbat had been ao ae ao eomplisbed ry blmself and teachers during the session ) ust closed. Mlaa Mary Tabudy sang a sole In ber best manner. Miss Lizzie Kemper, a former teacher of tbe Lltllz school, alae aang a sole, and waa entbualastleally applauded. Tbe Instrumental musle was furnished by the Lititz brass and reed band. Net Ell UenUlcb. Ees. iNTELLieKNcan 1 ssw an article In the iNTKLHOBNean that two executions were Issued sgslnst E1L Deutrlch amount ing te; $1,300. I wish te Inform yen that you made a mlstske. Tbe men's name la Isaac Deutrlch ; my name la Ell Deutrlch. Eli Deutbich, Emzauktutewn, May 25. Broke Ibe lerjgae. Tnli morning a countryman with a four berae team, was driving en North Queen street At tbe oerner et Lemen his lead bersee turned suddenly around and tbe tongue of tbe wagon waa broken cfl. CecgreMsnan Hieetand Berne. Congressman Hlestsnd returned from Wsthlogten last evening en a little trip and will go baek early in tbe coming week. Tensions Qmnted, Pensions were granted during tbe past week le Martin Keener, Lancaster ; Augus tus Brighten, Lancaster ; Increase, Jehn E. Hyatt, Colerain. Anether Patent. MUler W. Freim, of' tbla city, bu been granted a patent through Wm. R. Gerhart, ter aa improved pad-lock. CtlBBJENT COOBT BCSUtKea, The Bead rer 50,000 of tee Assignee of etaaaaa Bras. Approved. Court met at 10 o'clock this morning for the traaaaetlea of current business, aad the eelttotef thejadgmeatdoeket. Jeha O. Steber ead Jehn B. Zirtmae, of Clay tewashtp, were appointed guardian et the Bstaer ebudrea et William Steber, The bead of Wat. F. Beyer, aseltaee of rnaasBa Brether, la the anas of $60,000, waa pr mated aad approved by the oeurt, The beadeaaea are Jeha B, Warfel and R. J. Hoestoa. J. Fred. Suter, etty, was treated a re newal of hie aeldler'a neease. Albert Blsaaena waa appointed oenatable of Meaaelaa township la plaee of J. Harry Lytic, restgaed. L a Osiet waa appointed constable of Maehelm township la plane of Jeha Ferd, reelgaed. Tbe tavern llcenre of Elisabeth Kendlf, Ooaeatega township, waa tranaferred te Mary Kendlr. Albert Aeklea, who served a term for surety of the peace, waa dueharged under M insolvent law. Caspar Maurer. city, was appointed Ruardlan of the miner children of Mary Haglegane, diseased. A. e. Newpher presented a polltlea for permlaalonte traverse the finding of the escheat Jury who were empanelled te In quire whether or net Charles Waltera haa any helra. The Jury found that Waltera did net have any helra and hla eetate ea ea eheated te the state. Mr. Newpher who represents the Swiss oeneul at Philadelphia, presented tbe petition te traverse se that the oeurt ead ejury may review tbe testimony. A rule te show cause why the finding should aet be traversed waa granted. Jeanna Flery, wife of Evan Flery, waa granted the btneflts of tbe aet of aasembly or April 3, 1872, giving te married women the benefit of their separate earnings. Nineteen Judgments were entered for wantofeples,ajpca'auee and sill davit of defense. A. L. Musaer, B.G. Stark and Samuel MeMnllen, who aerved three mentha In Jail for misdemeanor, were dlsebarged under the Insolvent law. Albert Sharp, et Harrlsbnrg, against whom an attachment waa Issued for falling te pay ever trust funds whleh came Inte hla custody, appeared before the oeurt. After a discussion between counsel for the trust fund and hla attorney It waa decided te con tinue the matter until June 4. In the meantime arrangements are te be made by wbleh Sharps property In Harrlsbnrg la te be sold before November 1, by aeme parly te be agreed upon and tbe trust fund paid out of tbe proceed. Bbarp waa released en his own reoegnlzsnoe te appear when wanted. The motion te dissolve the preliminary injunctions granted restraining Samuel E. Lied, of Stevens, East Cocslleo township, from building ever a well of water which Jehn 8. Heiser liaa the right te use, waa argued. Jehn S. Graham, oily, was appointed guardian of Anna MaryFlagg, tbe miner grandehlld of Lewla Z sober. The following oplmena were filed : Stofer va, Mlssimar, preliminary tojunctlen te remain until case Is finally disposed of. Assigned estate of Jeseph Btark.the oeurt declined te direct auditor or advise blm te make en order for tbe purpose of oem pel pel pel llngtbeacoeuntant te produce certsln books and papers. A rule for a new trial was denied In the ault of Beck vs. Btaeffer. Hardly Fair le the President's Becerd. Frem the Baltimore Bun. Tbe many thousands of Republicans still In offlee undsr Mr. Olevelsnd will resd with some surprise tbe orltlelsms made In the Heuae yesterday by Mr, MoOemaa upon President Cleveisnd's sdmlnlstrstlen ettbe civil service lsw. Mr. MoCemas declared that In a whole century tbere bad never bean aueh a clean aweep of general officers aa there had been under Cleveland." He forgets the sweep" made when tbe Re publicans first came Inte power In 1831. wbleh waa a vaat dsal "elsaner" and quicker than anything aeen elner. He for gets also that tba civil aervlee deea net con cern Itself with remevsls, but with api oint ments and promotions only. The president might remove every cffielal In one day and Set net violate a letter et tbe law. It la ardly fair, then, tocrltleise remevala aa if they were violations of law. Aa respects tbe provlstlen el tbe civil servlee law requiring oempetlve examinations for admission te the aervlee of the government, It la net denied that Mr. Cleveland baa honestly en forced It and haa extended Its application te branebea of tbe servlee net Included undsr It during Mr. Arthur's administration. It la well te keep te tbe facta. Aa It waa uncom mon te see wholesale remevsls et each change or tbe occupants of tbe White Heuse from 1861 te 1882, it wss nsturst te expeet a large number In 1885, when a new party eama Inte power. But statistic abew that the ebangea then and alnee en party grounds have been phenomenally few. The In In eompetency and unfitness et msny of tbe offietsls nnd6r President Arthur and ethers before him were of course tbe chief reasons for the passsge of tbe elvll aervlee aet, from whleh fact It followed that many re re eovala were neeesssry. But Jastlee re. quires It te be admitted tbat the olvll-ser-vlee lew baa been honestly and earnestly observed by President Olevelsnd in Its let ter and aplrlL TBE CITY AND COUNlY. Ezra B. Wolf has been appointed pest- master at uenver. Colonel Fister, chief clerk of tbe super vising architect's office at Washington, will visit Lancaster en Monday te select a site ter tbe new publle building. Abrebsm & Bblfler, tbe tell-keeper st Nsw Helland, bu net eaten solid feed for 10 yesrs, owing te a growth In bis threat. The fifteenth regular meeting of tbe Harrlsbnrg Bundsy Scheel association con vened In Bt- Jebn'a Episcopal ehurch, Marietta, en Thursday, at 1030 a. m., and adjourned tn the evening. Tbe ttrat municipal election will be beld In Lltllz te-night. Jobnaea Miller baa no oppealtlon ter burgees. Mrs. Msry Mitchell Winebrenner, wbe died at Mount Jey en Tueeday, the widow of the late Rev, Jehn Wlnebrecner, one of tbe feundera of tbe Cburcb et Ged, waa burled from tbe Fourth Street Church of Ged, in Harrlaburg, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tbe Linden hall seminary commence ment at Lltlts takes place en Tbnrsdsy, June 14. Tbeie are sixteen young lady graduates. Tbe commencement sddress win be delivered by Rev. J, Max Haik, D. D. Te the national Convention. It is likely that quite a number et gentle men of tbla city and county will attend tbe Demoerstlo nstlensl convention In Br, Leuie, Arrangements are new being made I jr low rates, and they will be perfected In tbe oeuree of a couple of days. In sll prob ability the Lancastrians will hsve e car of their own and will leave bare en Friday evening next. A meeting of tbeae wbe wish te go will be beld st W. U. Uensel's office en Tuesdsy evening, where every thing concerning the trip can be learned. Ueard Fer Treepaisleg. Carsen May, Jehn Beyenskl, Frank Smith and William Christ, tbe quartette et boys wbe were ebarged with trsspassing en the farm of Edward Geehey, were heard before Alderman Herabey laat evening. Tbe case could net be made ent against Sevlnskl, and the ethers were discharged ea payment of costs. FODND IN TBE RIVER. SHU BOUT OF A MAN MSMBU P1KBCK TABKN FROM THE BIVKR. Alter aa ltquest the Badly Deeoaapesed Be snalas Are Interred, Bat BeUtlves Clalaa and Bosaeva Thssa se Btevliee, Where the Man Betlded. Columbia, May 2a The body of an un known man waa found ea Friday evening, about 0 o'clock, floating la the river at Col umbia. The body waa seen by some parties en the ehere and waa brought In by BenJ. Reese, who waa out fishing. The body was fastened near the wharf at the Celum. bla Iren oempany's mill and Corener Her ehey notified. He empanelled the fellow, lug Jury: Wm. Boynton, H. H. Leckard, Wm. Gabriel, Samuel Read, F. R. Felmer, BenJ. Reese. The body waa thoroughly examined, but nothing waa found en It te give any elue te Identification. Tbever Tbever dlet waa that death waa eauaed by drown ing. The body waa vary much deoemnoeed aad meat have been la the water about six weeka. He waa about 6 feet 10 lnebes In height and about 40 years of age. Many persona are of the r pinion tbat 11 la the body of e man named Pieree, who waadrewned at BteelleB about six weeks ae. The body waa burled In Petter'a field. Latsr. Werd waaaent te Hsrrlsburg of the finding of tbe body of an unknown man In the river. Tbe relatives of riuee came te town tbla morning, and tbe body waa taken up. The remalna were Identified aa tbat of Pierce. A Child's Tenlbls Fall. About 11 o'clock thla morning an Intent eon of Mr. Lewla Uartman, living en Batbel street, fell from a aeoend atery window and received aerleua Injuilea. The child waa In charge of a slater shout 0 yeara of age and waa looking out et tbe window. Tn nnmn mennnr thn Ahllit Allnruirf fmm IIm I sister and landed en the brieka below. Tbe fail waa aeen by Mrs. Richards, a neigh- ber, who picked up the child. A pbyalelan wak hurriedly sent ler. Mia. Hartman wta la the eemetery and fainted when she hesrd tbe ssd news, Tbe child waa still living at 12 o'clock. Fer the eenteunial. Tbe following delegsteabave been elected te the general meeting en Thursday, May 81st: Artisans Order of Mutual Protection Messrs. Jebn A. Blade, 1L 8. Herabey, A. Redman, A. J. Musser snd Jehn 8. Msx Msx ten. Liberty Circle, Ne. M, a U. H. F. cf Pa Messrs. H. B. Rhodes, G. F. Bteiebelser, Eugene Snsveley, K. H. Reltzel snd A. P. Redger. Tbe Columbia Mmnnerober Messrs Abrem Bruner, H. B. Clepper, Harry C. Bruner, Wm. Yebe and Michael Bebalbley. Tbe Aurera Secial Club Measrr. Daniel Heek, Ferey A. McCaulay, Ralph Sweeney, Anner Hartman and Edward Fry. Ohlppeta Castle, Ne. 68, Knlghta of the Gelden Kagle Messrs. H. M, Sample, W. J. Btriekler, J. C. Mlltenberger, A. J. Cresby, D. K. Rettew. 8 an rtar Mornleg Church Services. Rev. W. H. Jerdy, of Wrlghlavllle, will preach In tbe Beoend atreet Lutheran obureb. Rev. J. II, Knder, of Leblgb, Pa , will preaeu In the Bu Jehn's Lutheran churcb. Rev. A. H. Leng, In the Church of Ged, wUl preaeh en Bunday morning en the aub Ject,'Thti Ordination of Christian Baptism." Rev. Tbcs. Harrison, of the M. E. ohureb, will preaeh en Sunday morning en the aubjeet, The Other Prodigal or the Elder Angry Brether." Rev. Pret Bird, of Seuth Bethlehem, wll preach In tbe St. Paul'a obureb. Rev. E.Ludwlek, of Saleme U. B. churcb, will preach en Sunday morning, en tbe surjeet, " Olsdnees el Ged's Heuse." Trinity Reformed chureh will be closed en Bundsy, Rev. Pannebeeker sttendlng the Installation of a pastor st Hummsls Hummsls tewn. M mortal Services. Union memorial serviees will be held In the opera beuse en Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Tbechurehea will be oleaed. Rev. Q. W. Ely will conduct tbe serviees, and Revs. E. Ludwlck and A. H. Leng will assist. Rev. Tber. Hsrrlsen will preaeh en theenbjeer. "Tbe Hand or Ged la His tory." A seleet ohelr of mall volees will lead the alnglng. Gen. Welsh pest wul attend In a body, Mr. end Mra. A. C. Bruner left this morning for Pboenixvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Delhi, or Bhlppensbnrg are visiting Rev. E. Ludwlek. The funeral of tbe late Mra. Mary Elsen berger wsa beld yesterday afternoon, and waa largely attended. Harry Yeanlab waa before Squire Evana last evening ebarged wltb Insulting Mrs. Msggle Fisher. Tbe case waa aettled by Yeanlsh making an apology and paying tbe costs. Mra. Rebert Bpetten masbed ber thumb et tbe right bsnd lsst evening by having it caught lu the sash el the parlor window. A J.alens Hnsband' Crimes. Brunswick, Mr,, Msy sa Yesterday mornleg William Miller, a respeetsble eltl sen, ssw his wlfe snd Jehn Mergsn sitting together In tbe depot. Miller hsd hsd rea son te suspect bis wife of intimacy with Mergsn, and drawing bla revolver he began firing. The first shot struck his wife In tbe arm and tbe second pierced ber bressr. Bbe fell te tbe fleer mortally wounded. Miller next turned tbe weapon en Morgan and with one sbet brought him te tbe fleer dead, with a bullet through bla head. Miller at first fled snd sttempted te escspe, but later returned and surrendered. Killed a D.iperade. Lkavenwehtv, Kt., May 20 Ben Black, a notorious thief and despersde, wss sbet three times and Instantly killed yea erdsy rooming by Police Officer Goodell. Blsek fired st tbe efflcer, wbe entered a disreputable beuse te arrest blm, and waa about te fire again, when Goodell drew hla weapon and used It with fatal effect. Good Goed Geed ell waa dlsebarged by tbe coroner's Jury, but was Ister arrested en a charge of mur der preferred by some et Blaek'a friend a He waa Immediately released en ball. Tbe Northwestern Crep.. Bt. Paui., Minn., May 24 Crep reperta from all parts of tbe northwest are ex ceedingly favorable tbla week, (fbe rain in tbe. Red river valley has been of In calculable benefit and the condition of wheat in Southern Minnesota la mucb better tbsu wss thought possible a month ego. A Ynung Wemau Qlves OiO.OCO, BAvriuenK, Msy 2a In sddltlen te tbe $100,000 contributed le the Catbolie unlvir alty lund by a Catbolie gentleman, a lady of New Yerk, wbe la net ever 23 yeara old, te-day sent a subscription el $60,Q00. Ilubur Wlu. Londen, May 20 In the raee between Gee, Bubear and Cbaa. Carr, tbe young sculler from tbe Tyne, the former wen, WMAtMBM JBXMOAFJOjrS, i Washimqtew, D. O., Msy 20. Fei M Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer sey ; Slight ebangea in temperature, I local rains followed by fair weather, winds I baoeeUog light te fresh westerly. TBB HRAOQtiantKRS. tletsls la Bt. Leuie Which Delegates Will Make Headquarters. St. Leuis, Ma, Msy 2a The ofilelsl announcement of tbe head quarters of the memberaelthe Dsmoeratio national ocm ecm mlttee and the various stste delegstlena haa been completed by tbe local committee of arrangements, and la aa fellows i 8 STATS1. lMtH.iua Arsanus California Colerado........ Connectlent.. ) nelaware. U t. feillll ... MlCocarel', Jr., ou thorn. Uael.de. euthern. i .n( pay, u a 'Ihemaa, W B llarnnm. tllv nrnttl Planters Undell. eattmrn. southern. Mndn.l. Undel I Linden, 'lanu-rs. Llndrll. Planters, flanteis. 4eatheru. Planters. Southern, ritnters -leutbetn. Laelrde. Planter. V v UIUUV, . .,'.LV " IIBTHH., ueria ir.lnels., Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky. ..... ltUltiU , Maine........... Marvand t'atrtck wai.b. learning Jua.0, u urewn. II M Ham, U W Blair, it it Me Henry, n F Jenes. Ii jmtrnd Wilsen p i.nrman, rR Pries. J M weaten, 1' U Kollev. Massachusetts,, eiieniran. ...... Minnesota. Mississippi MlseeDiL Nebraska. Nevada. .. I Cl A Jnhnaien. 1 Q Prather, I M Buvd. 'J ii Daunt. Itty.prexyj teuthe'n Mndll. New Hampshlr. New Jersey..... New Yurs North Carolina. trhle ............. Oregon Pennsylvania,, . Rhede Island... bculh Carolina. Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia... Wltcensiu Arizona... Dakota Uls't. Columbia Idaho .tt auuuway, Btlea llnsr, rtcs Btalnwav. Uuial's. ieuthrn. LlndelL Llndell. U w Hansen, M W Armstrong nuiiner, WA WalUre. Lselade. leutheri. southern, i.tudell. Inulhere. J A Ilarnaby, vt uawenn. It F Loenev. OTllelt, rianters. Llndell. flnnurs. uunina'iey, J B harbeur, A U Davis. J J. Mltohell, siJames. i-iauters. Hurst's. (iursi'K. I aelada fr iv viuaue, H H Day. Wm l)lei son, Jehn Helev. Uurst's. Mentana W J Moceruilok, I uuuif.?.'.??': II ui si's. & jeiiennif. Hurwt's, Ladide. Hum's. J Fliosebreugb, I & ' erriturj Wyoming .. i ii nunu. B Jt Pest, Uurst's. OBOOSINQ TBB OFF10EBS. Theae Wbe Ware El.eud By the General M. K. Oenr.rence. New Yentt,May 20-Bishop Warren epenel the day'a proceedings at tbe Metbedtst conference, and Presiding Elder Bpesk, el Baltimore, condueted the devotional exer exer olses. "the tellers who had taken up ballets for the eleollen of three missionary secre taries yesterday, were called upon te re port. They ennouneed t Total number of votes cast 4 16 i necessary te a choice 203, Chaplain O. C, McCabe, one et the present secretaries, reeelved 855 votes and waa therefore reelected. Vetes ter the ether oandldstes ranged fiem 10 te 140, Anether ballet waa Immediately taken up for the eleollen of the two remaining score scere tarlea necessary. In the mesntlme tbe election of e corresponding eeeretary te tbe Church Extension aeelety became the order. Rev. Dr. A. J. Kynetrwna tbe only nominee. He la practically tbe founder or the aeelety. The eeoend ballet for the missionary sec retaries resulted In no election. Tbe ballet for eeeretary of the Chureh Extension aoelety gave A. J. Kynett 331 votes out ere possible 883. While debating en tbe msjenty and minority reperta el tbe committee! en Freed men's Aid soelety, the election ere secretary for the Sunday Scheel and Triet aeelety began. Tbe third ballet for the election of sec retaries et the missionary soelety resulted In the election of J. O. Peck by 223 votes out of a possible 357 and of A. B. Leenard, who had about the aame vote. The salary Is about $t,5C0 a year. On motion of Gen. C. B. Flak, Dr. J. M. Rsed, who held tbe oUlee for sixteen yesrs, wss msde an hon hen arary eeeretary et tbe mlsslensry society. Tbe election or sn editor for the Attlheditt Iteview came next in order. The first ballet ler secretsry of the bun dsy Scheel Union and Tract aoelety did net reault In any election. Tbe Drat ballet for editor of tbe .Review did net 'result In sny election, Tetsl votes east 400; necessary te elect 2CC; J. W. Mendennall received 203 votes j C J, Little 05, and the ether candidates a leaa number. Anether ballet waa begun Imme diately. Tbe aeoend ballet for eeeretary of the Bunday aoheol union and tract aoelety resulted In the election of J, L. Hurlbut,et Plslnflsld, N. J., who reeelved 321 votes out of the 203 cut J. M. PhUUpa waa elected by acclamation treasurer of the mlsslensry soelety snd Esrl Cranston aaalatant treasurer. Tba aeoend ballet ler tbe editor et the Jttview reaulted la tbe election or Dr. J. W. Mendenheil, who received 291 voice out of 802 east. Dr. Mendenhall halls from Delaware, Ob la Rev. Dr. J. Buckley waa re-elected editor of the Chriitian Ad vocate, receiving 284 velee out of 896 cist, Miss Frances K. Wllllsrd receiv ing 105 votes. Rev. Dr. J. H. Bsylls waa re elected editor of tbe Western ChrUUan Advocate, receiving 841 votes out of a pos sible 381. Rev. Dr. Arthur Edwsrds wss re elected edltoref the Kerlhwutt.n Chrii tian Advocate by a vote el 83J out of a pos sible 319. Tbeconferencesdjourned before tbe debste en tbe majority and minority reperta et tbe committees en Freedmen's aid in relation te secretaries was concluded. Started Fer Princeton. PniLADELrutA, May 20 Mrs. Grever Cleveland and a party of friends, among whom were Mr. and Mra Gee. W. Chllds, Preeldent Roberts, of the Pennsylvania rail road company, and Mia. Roberts, snd Rev. Mr. snd Mrs. Weed, left this oily this morning in a special car whleh was sttached te tbe 9:40 express for Prluoeten, N. J. Tbe party will return en an evening train and Mrs. Cleveland will spend Sunt'ayln Germsntewn. Big Flre tn Wllkf sbsrrs. Wli.KK.suAitRB, Pa., Msy M A big fiie br ke out in tbe esatern part of tbe city st 3 o'clock this morning. Owing te a scarcity of water the flamee spread rapidly and two blocks of frame dwellings, a furniture and two grocery stores were destroyed. Tbe buildings were owned by D. W. Jenes and Jehn MoDenald. Tbe leta less 1 $20,C00 Insuranee $12,000. A Vagrant Beld, Marshall, Me,, Msy 20. Jee Betrlgbt, a negre, aged 22 years, wss sold under Ue bsmmer here yesterdsy stternoen at tbe court house steps for vsgrsney, the pur chaser taking possession of him for six months. Tne highest price bid wss f 0,50. There were seversl ether smaller bids. A Urge crowd witnessed tbe sale. Barclay Peak Flsads Uallly. Mount Helly, N. J., May 2a At tbe opening of the Peak murder trial tbla morning all were surprised wber- Peak pleaded guilty te tbe Indictment. Judge Garrison Instructed tbe J ury tbst they could sign a verdlet of murder In the second de gree, and the court would be responsible. llrlehinahers HurL.rt Out. Lavebtk, Ind., May 20,-D. W. Purring Purring ten A Ce., extenalve brlekmakers, of Gbes Gbes terten, Ind., bsd sll tbelr buUdlngs burned yeeterday while experimenting with crude petroleum as a fuel. One hundred; men are thrown out of employment, Lew $15,. COO laiuraneeparUai. sm NOT SUSTAINED; . j7ffl ARV. DX WOQDBOWS VIKWB OH EVsV,w LunusHonrraevsn. . r ri ThsBsatbsin Fresbytsriaa aensral i Sestala the Osetgta Bvned A oemaia tlea rreaa shelTerttiera Bedy ta Begtrd te CallhSaT the Twe Assesabttei. " w BlLTIUnns. Ma -- i-i- IMMV.1 lhaaM.1 ' ..- .... vi day or tbe BeutherB " rljtkilaaiat Tt three minute rule was continued, aAaa) te this time 14 delegstea have exsewMsS tbemeetvea en tbe question of eveletMaW i Tbe vote waa concluded at 1:18 p.' am, ajajt resulted aa fellows : Te sustsia Dr. Weed rows complaint, sit te sustain la Bast.! I K net te sustain, 109. Rev. T. O. WJMdawft et Seuth Carolina, gave notice that he weakt enter a pretest against the decision. , ,.' . A telegram waa then read from the Phflsv delpbls Presbyterian convention and re' ferred te the commlttee en bills aad ever-Y lures. In substance the cemmunleatMBi'' ssyst The assembly would oemariewd-the? ndeiity and efficiency et the committee sful oenferenoe In tbe performance of tba' deM.Ji-;' eate and Important work entrusted te Kw. TOhPn I. amM ha -..ln.. Ji I V ff" iuvuu.iu.1 IUO IS1IUII Ol lue) aSBBta-K ', W-AS lA I.A .lit., .k HK..AK A .&.. if mlttee as furnishing a definite and fnrnaaij uanis ei union, inssmucn aa test eev J set la net properly before ua, the; assembly does dealers lu heart nnmtii ei tne general principle enunciated ha Use X - replies et the committee te the In qu tries i propounded by our Southern brsthrsaiae lurnlshtna- sahatnntlallv reflantlnn nl ,-? i Vlsws of this body touching ths'ssvetal'' auhjeeta te which they relate. The eaw aemuiy nepes mat we centennial eeieMyJ , linn maw ftmn Iha h.Dl-Hl P M J ' wm m-mj g.ww M.V mgUM.UI W an era or closer fellewablp a mere cordial oe- operation la ,1 L oendnot of their work fnr CTaitUS.'f- .s S.f4 .AS .I.A -...H -MT.aIh.I - A K uu wi uiui. eucw.ua. itiuiiaiaBeBW sbta. this recommend that tha nnnmlliaa'tM enlarged by five new members, be eenv; tinned with Instruotlena te oenfer wttk aimiiar oemmlttee of the ether asatamely. ii it anaii de eppeintea, u devistet I mstneas ei oenuuoting our commeB, et home and abroad, aa shall the deer te the fullest aad co-operation. Tbla aasembly express left oenvlotlon that the most effective feral of co-eperatloa can be aecuied otUytkyeM organic union of the two cAurettea, mss hereby declares onee mere lie full eeeft,, deneeln the Southern aasembly aad tts. readlneaa te enter upon negotlMteas)ook Ih. An thl Manll k.n. In thAjw i"waJX .-m W - .WWW... .-WUW.W. .U w"WfJ-,rt. jj msnt It msy be deemed advisable. J""'i ;Sf -s - lf? - S.nhMI aan.kh.K ,!?K M FniLADiLPHiA, May 26.-Klder -3Lsf i."1 Pratt, of Missouri, led the devetleBal elsea In the Preabyterlaa aeseflibiy.N morning. . ,, ; The first business taken up was Ike U9f$l et Dr. Nathaniel West against the" Nfteft of the Judletal oemmlttee. CoeeldenMe dlsousstea only resulted la the peesBwaaw ment et tbla question la favor of thsuewe. of the dsy the report of theataadlateeav mlttee en theological aemlnarlca. Thsvre pert, whleh waa read by Dr. Cresby, afcewet a meat prosperous and statUlactoryeetee affalra Thstotslvslueerthe varte-Msaa. Inary prepertlee waa aet down aSfr,''?-) divided among Princeton, union,. ern, Lane, Auburn, Danville, McOetwajVv'y and Ban Francisce. jCTi', Dr. Nathaniel West rose Immediately , after the reading of the report and stteeseted te rslss at that Juncture a dlsousstea of 'hai complaint agalnat tha Judlelal esatatHlse, but wss ruled out of order. t Dr. Jenks, et Freeport, and Dr. rieghasB' -supported the re pert, and after aeme further discussion It wss adopted. ''yt t- ... .1 a ni.L . ,r;': assembly this morning that Mr. -JHaua" ut. vuiun a. AiuAejr soueubOBu ua aBS!;', r& wananuueer had invited the oemmlsstoke ' J anu weir wivss ana uaugatera w.vawe- Atlantic City en the final adjeuraaMat r the sssemeiy at his expense. applause greeted iuu annonneaaeas. T. -r y . . M 11 Twenty Mm Billed. . Jxi Ouicaoe, Msy 28. The JTewstriataUse; following : Montreal May 20. Ttmtwm gasemeter at the tea wntkantHnnkalaeaieF .' pleded between and 8:Mthteaaaiaaae There Is supposed te have been frost twelve) te twenty men la the building at the UaVVV -Five bedlea have been Uken out t the e - malndsr are burled la the ruins. ' Vv , - y '. mentbkax, May se. The expieatOBea sua nuuunii a -uuijjj sveexvwsrBm ij Hecbalsga, this morning, has been awsw.OB wltb oenaiderable lese of life. Four hsve been taken from tbe mine. Me tbe dead bodies were only etlghUy I and death la auppeaea te have jcuui euuuwsuwu. auv muuuui w ManivB ; r .Kama knilAl..llnM fh.hMllJ(MH..BaJuL.' going repairs ana tne men wne were peine-. lag en the root were biewa fifty feet la ttt;, air bnteacsned aerleua lnlurv. . & It Is estimated that thirty perseha wsrdnt'J mere or jo-eiujureu. iuu uuuuusg m m-;i iuuu wroea, uuuubk uui iiuu yiumim mjMjt mainieg. xue esuatuu us euppeassi SB), . have been caused by a leak in the rawer.-?? veir, the gaa being Ignited by a laaUrm.'-f It la thought that all the bedlea la the rata T nave new eeen reoevereu. t;,n j "i . . - rt Agreed te aa amendment. S- Washinotew, Msy 20. Conslderaueai Ol privnie peuatuu vui iu.it.ug utk uvtm?i ln alnS-f A.alnii SBsraan -ua sxM Jt eneeiell -H Jels UI(U eaiw weesej yssmywamtM t fgm J una iw ana me noiue wen into oeamiiii j; ik. uhnta nn hst 1 ssctImI atlwaa snwasissilas ' Ul tun wuviu waa stew vmsii avTVSMvawwi a L.lnl.t .nMn..liAM Kilt rps.. e. ' eUeU JJUUIWisl jyrVtsHV Utte AUI JjwMbwJb j S . ..ailAH mmm th AfMBfltmiaint - - - JlJgJ (JUOViiuu Tf ww sua sUM.uuaiBtii VUewTVVaV-v ' Dj wr. Aiouemu, ei MaryimnQ, ucrwWstWrgJ the clerical loreoot the ciyll xyteQmt, tmlawilnn. After mufh dlaonauaine IkaB... amAnrimnnr.tl BsTrtfWvl tiL. ainii tlial TTnint " ' t 1U35 p. tn. adjeuraede The RepabUeuM ' ' iaeineautely went Inte eeaciu. ? Otia. Hhaitdeim'a. Ooiidltleta. vi WAsniHQTOte, Msy 28. The foUowlat't, feUowlat't, foUewlat't, bulletln was Issued at 8:15 thla morning em 'U Ueoeadltlou elGen. Sheridan : "CeasulavfV ; tlea by Drs. Yarrow, Matthews ' aad n O'Reilly ! patient expressed himself eat having pasaed a reatiul night; says he bee -: no pain whatever anu teeis mst-raui, xe..-Ji material obanue In symptoms haa ecewied'-.Vv3 since report et last sight. ' i . t Cnaraed With Forgery. w Wichita, Kens., Msy 2a W. B. Arrrf m.n 7.1 vaars of sue. was arrested chsraetv "t i.k f...if utiirii.. Tha imnnst ieV.: W1VU m..J J WW.W.Wl-J, W VW.W W euly 170, but no sooner were they dseevh - ih.n inmA number of ether nates of n,...mih.TutFra breuaht te'liahti snd It la believed tiat the ameuat wttl ...k ..Mr.l hnndred dollars. A1 ' ---ii i FaUar are Brewer. '- , Kau Cjirs, Wl'., May 2a The tee lu Jeseph Lelaenkugel's brewery was es ' taebed yesterdsy stternoen by U. 8. onaclslmeff3,500. The Commercial I attached ter 8ua Other sUaeameats ass l expected. Tbe asseu are about 180,000 a-v litbllltte are estimated at 115,000, mesuyi j here and at Chippewa Falls. j Mr, Oeuid I. Better. , ' r j V.-tfVntir. Mbi 74l Th.r..MM1MAM i te-day that Mr, Jay Qeuld waa worse. Ue ( has been sufierltg from neuralgia for e few days, but hla seu Eddie tsys MM I M-aty. ;M r Si i a1 . - v.- 'i ' J--Tf