' fyiTC LANCASTER JDAHjY INTEULIGENOER, WEDNESDAY. MAY 23. 1888. ' r vmr.K WK MAT. The hands are such ear hands They are te lull t thy tnru at our demands Eoettoni they reach out, .. . , With ttlus scarcely thought about, t many timet they de 80 very nuny things for mr, for yen J t their fend wliu mtitake, We may wtU bend, net break. They are such fend, frail lips That spcnk te us Prav.lt love strips Them et discretion many times, Or If they apeak tee ilew or quick, inch crime We may pat by ! for ire may ae Days cot far efl when these until wetdatnay be lield net as slew, or quick, or out of place, but dear, Eocaute the lips arc ee mere bete. They are such dear, familiar feet that go Along the path with ours-fee t fast or alew, Ardttylngtekeeppace-llthey ra'stase. Or tread upe seme flower that w.e would lake. Upen enr breUt, or braise some reed Or crush peer Hepe until It bleed, We may be mute. Net turning quickly te Impute ttrave fault i for they and we Have such a little way te go-ean be Together such a little while along the way, We will be patient while we may. 8omanyltltle faults we And, Wu bee thorn; for net blind Is Leve. W e ste tbetn ; but if you and I Perhaps romember thorn some b and by, They will net be Faults then-grave faults-te you and me, liuijustedd ways-mis tike?, or even lejs llemembrances te bless. Uajs change se many things-yen, hours. We sce be differently m suns ana mowers Mistaken words te-night May be se charlshed ey te-morrow's light. We may be patient ; for we knew There's such a little way te go Ucerge Kinglr inthe JV. Y. Jncjfjjcncfenf. m m 11ALT1MOKI7S NEW HOSPITAL. Tlis I rgeit an-1 Meit Complete Institution In the World, Free te All Patients. Hiltlmore Correspondonco New Yerk Times Tne largest and flncst hospital la the world has been oempletod here after ten yeara of continuous work. It will be epened with formal coremenles next au lutnn. It bears the name of Jehns Hop Hep kins', which has been ee widely familiarized In both hemispheres by the university which he founded and which la said te be better known In Kurope for original works In BcieDce and education than any ether American Institution. Jehns Hepkins was a peer Quaker's son who came te lialtimere lrem Anne Arun del county. His uncle was a inorehantof standing In this city. The boy became a clerk In his were. He developed capacity that he seen had charge et the eHtabllthment, and his uncle started him In buslLesa for himself. The result was that In a lew years the young tnau had mnde tnoney enough te buy out his uncle. After that everything he touched Boomed te turn into geld. Merey making became bis ruling passion. His one idea was accumulation. Te his nat ural shrewdntss he added-pirstmnny. He never spent a cent mere tban he could bold, tjyea alter he had millions te his credit be would argue for a half hour If ne cessary te pet a reduction en the smallest purchase. He and Jehn W. Qarrett were the financial autocrats et the oily. He prea ted largely from Investments in Bal timore ifcOule stock, and when he dlul ne W rrjanv tlm a millionaire. The bulk of this fortune went te the '' llsuuieiitul Hhexpltal and a university Ui hear his name. Te the university he gave 17,500 shares of common sleck of the Balti more tt Ohie railroad and his large estate at Cllllen, just outside of the northeastern part of the city, an endowment worth ever f3,000,COO. Te tee hospital he left thirteen acres et ground en Broadway, in some respects the fines! thoroughfare in the city, Mecks and bends te the market value of 12,000,000, and real and leasehold property, mostly stores, warehouses, and commercial buildings, worth about 11,100,000 mere. The umveiHily beard et trustees and the hospi tal beard are distinct corporations, bnt the active mBUsgement of the llnances of the trust are In both corporations. The leading man iu the management of both trusts is Mr. Franelx T, King, a Quaker millionaire, who Is treasurer of the university truatrees and president of the hospital trustee?. In the management or the two greit truats there has been mutual co ojieraiien In the development et their plans. Tne university was epened in 187G, and lis growth since then has been without a parallel In the history of education. The number of students has Inoreased from 69 the first year te about 400 In 1888. The number of teachers has Increased Irnm 20 In 1870 7 te about 0 at present Every state in the Union and nearly all foreign countries are represented. Meat of the famous men of science and lotters bave lec tured thorp, and the Institution Is having a very perceptible Influence upon the social Hie et the city, and is giving it an Intellec tual phase which it never pesseseed before. The tumble in lialtimere it Ohie Bleck attested the revenues et the university con siderably, but the censgrvati ve trustees had a geed reserve fund accumulated, and be fore this ia exhausted the railroad stock will probably be paying dividends again. Jehns Hepkins was even mere Interested In his hospital than in the university, as Is proved by the fact that bis bequest for it was much the larger. His Idea was that it should be absolutely the finest hospital in the world, and that it should be entirely free for all classes and conditions of hu manity) -in 1S75 the trustees decided te get the views of live of the most dlstlr gulshed pbyslclans chosen from different parts of the country who had made hos pitals their special study. The five selected were Lieutenant Colonel and As sistant Burgeon Jehn H. BIlllngB, United Htates army ; Dr. Nerman Folsetn, Bosten ; Dr. Jeseph Jenen, Iew Orleans ; Dr. Caspar Merris, Philadelphia, and Dr. Stephen Smith, New Yerk. The essays, with explanatory charts, diagrams, &e, from these gentlemen were published by the trustees in a handsome octave volume of SAO pHget, and It is te day the most valu able and complete manual overeontrlbuted te medical literature upon hospitals. Dr. Billings was invited le act us medical superintendent and director of the bullc IngB which were in course of erection. He was sent te Kurope te visit all the noted hospitals in England and en the continent The result 1 one of the finest collections of buildings in the world. They are 23 in number, and as they stand en three et the moetelevated squares in Baltimore, being 115 feet above tidewater, they are con spicuous from evety outlook in the elty, geme PoellHh l'eeple Allew a rough te run until It gets beyond the reach et medicine. They often say, " Ob, It will near away," bnt In most eases It wears them away. Cenld they be Induced te try the sueceauful modlclne called hemp's ltalsim, which we poll en a positive guarantee te euro, they would Immediately see the ex cellent eUect alter taking the tlrtt deje PiUtiSOceulsaud $1. Trial j(zi free At a Diugglsu. Janll-lydkw (2) liapturecuregnaranteedby Dr.J. II Mayer, 831 Arch struct, Philadelphia. Kase at once, no operation or delay from bustness, attested by thousands of cures alter ethers tall, advice tree, send for circular. marlO-lydA w UVKVIAL NOTICES. BHILOU'B COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us en a guarantee. It euros Con sumption. Beld by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and LSt North Queen Bt, Lancaster, Pa. ( Mether. Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Are you dhturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at ence and get a bottle of MBS. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING BYBUP. It will re lieeo the peer little snfferer Immediately de pend upon It; there Is no mistake about It There Is net a mother en earth who has ever nsed It who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use tn all cases and pleasant te the tase, and Is the prescription of oneol the eldest and beat female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. mavltHydAw Put L'pim Ills Peat. "Eetuplnbed and ceuxhed till the clothing was wet with penpliutlen. Mv wll Insisted that 1 ube Tioma.' Bclectrie Oil. Tbe first toaspeonlul relieved me. una two betilrs have cured me. lean honestly recommend it." K. 11 Perkins, creea Centre, N Y. Per tale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North yaeen street, Lancaster. SLEEPLESS NIGUTB, made miserable by that terrible cough. shUeh's cure Is the remedy ier you. Sold by U. B. Cochran, druggist. Ne. tn and U9 Nena Oneen 8U Lancaster, Pa, (tj TTOOD'S BARSAPARIIjLA. A GOOD" NAME At horns Is a tower of strength abroad- stys the fimt'lar proverb, and It U .lelly verlnia by the history of Uejd's Barsaparilla. The first word et commendation and praise for this medicine were recetved from enr friends and neighbors, and from the time It was fairly Introduced up te tha present, there has been, and Is sew, mera of Heed's Sarasparllla Beld In Lewell, Mas., where It U mvde, than of all ether sirssparlllas and bleed partners combined. This " geed nsms " among people who have known Heed's Barsaparilla and 1U proprietors for years should certainly be strong avldenes te peeple In ether cities and towns of the excellence and merit et this med icine. Bend fjr book containing statements of cures. 1 had salt rheum en my left arm three years, suffering terribly. 1 took Heed's Barsa parilla, and tht salt rhram has entirely disap peared." U. at, Mats, 71 French St., Lewell, Hill. Bait Bheum "After the nil u re of three skl'Ud physi cians te euro my boy of tall rhenm, 1 1 led Heed's Barsaparilla and Olive ointment I have new used four boxes of ointment, and one and a-hair bottles of Saraaparllls, and the boy Is te a'l appearances completely cured. Ue Is new four years old, and has been amictid slnee he was six months of age." Mis. 11. Sam DBMOK.ts Kewball Street, Lewoll, Mass. Heed's Sarsacarilla Sold by all druggists, lit six for S3. Prepired only by O. L HOOD A CO., Lewell, 100 Deses One Dellar. HOOD'S BARS APAKILIjA FOR BALK at H. B. Cochran s Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and isa North quean et, Lancaster, Pa. aprt-2mdAw iBK'S BAUBAPARUiliA. High-Pressure Living character)?, t these modern days The result Is a fearful Increase of Brain and Heart Diseases-General liability, Insomnia, Paraly sis, and Insanity, chloral and Merphia aug ment the evil. The modielus beat adapted te de permanent geed Is Ayer's Barsaparilla. It pander, enilches, and vitalizes the bleed, and thns strengthens every function and faculty or the body. "I have used Ayer's Barsapatllla, In mi family, for years. 1 have found It Invaluable as A Cure for Vorveua Debility caused by an tnactlve llver and a low state of the bleed." Uenry Bacen, Xenla, Ohie, " for seme time I have been trenbled with heart disease. I never sound anything te help me until I began using Ayer's Earsipartlla. I have only nsed this medicine six months, bnt it has relieved ma from my trouble, and en abled ma te rosame work."-J. I. Car sane tt, ferry, ill, " 1 have been a prsctlclngphyslclan for ever half a centnry, and during that time I have never fennd se powerful and reliable an alter ative and bloed-purlHor as Ayer's Barsapa-rllla."-Or. M. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRIP1RED BT Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe , Lewoll, Mass. Prcett: Mx bottles, 15. Weithts a bottle. may21tei7 AYKR'S BARSAPARILLA. FORBALB AT IT. II COCUKAN'a OltUG STOIIK, Nes. 137 A 139 North queen at., Lancaster, l'l aprl 2indAw PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PAINE'S -CU11KB NEUVOU3 PHOSTKATION, NKHVOUB HRAUACUK.MEUUALQtA, NEKVOUS WKAKNKS8. STOMACH AND LlVKIl DIS- XABES, B1IKUMA.T1SM, DYSl'El'dlA, and all Affections of tha Kidneys, WEAK NERVES. PAINK'B CKLKKY COMPOUND is a Nerve Tente which never fatlj. Containing Celery and Cocea, these wonderful stimulants, ft speclely euros all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM. PAINK'B GKLKUY COMPOUND purines the bleed, natives out the lactic ado, which causes Bheumatlsm. and restores the bleed making organs te a healthy condition. The true remedy for Bheumatlsm. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PAINK'd CBLKUY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys te perfect health. This curative power, combined with Us nerve teulcs. Is why It Is the best remedy ler all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA. PAINE'S OELEBY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach, and qnleU the nerves et the digestive organs. This Is why It cures even the worse cases of D Bpepsla. CONSTIPATION. PAINE'S CKLKKY COMPOUND Is net a cathartic. It lsa laxatlve, giving tasy ana natural action te the bowels uegularlty surely fellows Its use. fiecommended by professional and business men. tend for hook. rrlce, ll.oe. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, U1QIIAUDSON A Ce, l'roprletors. Burlington, Vt (2) PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND TOR BALK AT H. B. COCUKAN'a DIlUG STORE, Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen Bt., Lancaster, l'a. apr4 2mdAw r ALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE OP LirE, A VALUABLE MEDICAL WOUK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works, by which they victimise thousands, and by thelrexegxeratlng disease, makes these peer sufferers Insane. Every young man, middle-aged or old, shenld read this book. It Is mere than wealth te thorn. Send two cent stamp for a copy. Address, V DBrTH09.TIIKEL. UH North Fourth Bt, Philadelphia, Pa. fiS-lyd tJILY'H OUKAM BAliM. OATARRH-HAY FEVER. ELY'S CBEAM BALM cures Celd In Heed Catarrh, liese cold. Hay Pevor.Deaf nesa, Head ache. Prlee 60 Cents. KASV TO USE. Ely Bres, Owego. N. Y u. S, A. ELY'S CllkAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Alla s Pain ana Inrtammultnn. Hais the Seres, llesteres the Senses et Taste and Smell. TBYTUE CUItK A particle Is applied Inte each nostril and U agretable. Price 60 cents at Druggists : by mall, registered, CO cents. BLYItKOTIIEIlS, W Warren BUejt, New Yerk. uovie-iyuAw SAKE, HOKE AND Hl'EEDY OUHE. Bnpture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either tiex. Why be humbnggea by qnecks when 70a can And In Dr. Wright the only Ube. cub PUTsiciAB In Philadelphia who mekes a specially et the above diseases, and Cdbbs ThsmT Curbs uuiaiMTBSD. Advlce rroe day ana evening. Btrangers can be treated and re turn home same day. offices private. DK.W.H. WUtGHT, 111 North Ninth Street, Above ttace, P. O. Bex 673 Philadelphia, febtt-lydAw ANGL.E1VH HUl'I'UKS. A VEKY complete stock of Jointed redi, brass and nleket reels, silk and linen line, hooks, red mountings, baskets, files and ether small juwuesat DUUOBTeUtVteu CELERY COMPOUND BOOTS AND UIIOUB. N' KW SllOK STORE. The Pedestrian I Te men desiring an easy and comfortable shoe wo'wen'd loecmmend thn Pedestrian. The uppers are made et two pieces et calf skin, therefore doing away with the extra top usually found In men's shoes t hand sewed and without llnlnr. Consequently, there Is nothing en the Inside or the shoe te hurt or chats the feet. LOW SHOES. A very desirable line of low-cut ske?s for men's wear A hand tnade.txterd U, ilsle bread tee rrakrs waking easy, Alse the same style shoe In Dotigela,sotianawy tithe feet, for young men's wear, In calf and Dongola, narrow tee and tip. OXFORD TOES. Onr line efOifird tees lj large, cot prising everything detlrable ret ladtts, mines and children in low-cut shoe. Tennis and lllcycle shoes of every descrip tion and at all prices. Wigwam slippers firman's boy's, Indies', misses' and children's sour. fl. SWILKEY, (New Cesh Shoe Stere) Ve, 21 North Queen Street. LANOASrEB, PA. inar22-3md B OOTB AND SHOES. D. P.STACKHOUSE, 28 and 80 L'usl King Street. SHOES. We will continue te mnvethem. PltlOKB CUl'itNK.tlllltUTOONK-llALrontuanyef our BOOTS AMD SHOES. UNDERVALUE. Our stock will undergo n thorough weeding out. Broken lets, eda slrep, and linns we In tend te drop, must go. V have net the room te quote th prices, tint cull and see for your sell Wa wllltrytepleu.eynti. Our stock must bn cut down and yen should tuke advunuge of this uunouncement, D. P. STACKIOUSE, 38 & 30 EAST KINO, ST., LANCA3TEB, PA. nTO lydftw F REYitECKEUT. HOW TO SAVE riteM 25 te 50 Per Gent. WE HAVE BOUGHT WITMKHHKRV KNTllth HTOCIC OP HOOTdANDMlOKS. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE 1 And net having room for them In our EAST KING Sl'UKETsrOltK, we resolved te open a Branch Stere at Ne VI West King street, whero we must soil thorn off Inn Vew Weeke, (as w cannot Itentth') sinrolungerthnn July 1st,) te de se we will positively sell thorn At and Belew Cost. Arreng tbe stock nre seme of the heat make s We will pOfltliely Biive ye'i fimn 25 te 00 per cent, en nil thngendH bought at this store. Inttnt's l'l bble and Kid Butten Bbnes, 'iC Child's Kid Spring Ileal Shoes, 4 tn 8's, Wn, Child's Kid and Cebbln Bptlng HoclSbues, regu'ar price 7c and M COe. Old Ladies' Loce shoes, llegular Price II 25 and 11.50, 1 00. Cblla's and Misses' G:atn Lace thecs, regu regu regu larnrlco9icandflen 51v. All kinds of Mi'sei' Hhoes, Hei Is ant Spring Heels, reguler inlets 11.2', 11.35, (1 5u, tlbjuuu 11.75,11 te and 11.25. Special Inducements. As we hsve a large l"t et 2i, 3 and 3K we nffet Speclul Bargains te l.i-dles who cin wear thGSHHlZO'- I. h dies' niove Kid Tep and Pcbble S1-.03S, II 25 : regular pi Ice, ti W. Ladles' 12(0 Bbn-fi ter $150:1-100 Phes for 12 25 and 2 00: tSftOHnoe ler r2.S; It IX) Shoes for I toe: B5i0andt5 25fihO(8 torsion. Space tails us te mention prices of our Men's Shoes, but we will sell thoce Just as cheap as the above mentioned prices. (.all tn te bee the Uoeds whether you Intend te purchase or net. we will consider It NO TUOUBLh, te show thogeods at these prices. The One-l'i-ice Cbh llouse, I The Leaders of Lew Prices In Beets & Shoes. BRANCH HTOUE NO. 29 WEST KINO sritEEr, (N'ext Doer te Uuger's Stere ) MAIS STOKE: NO. 3 EABT KINO BTRHET, L&.N OAUTE1R, PA, NOTIUK As we must pesltlely vacate this room J nly , we will keep lliU Stere open every oenlug. ur-.'JlmJ H U it MRU li KXO K TH. T UE "CHALrONTK," Ocean End of North Carolina Avenun, A1LANT1UCH Y. N J. K.BOIIKHTS A SONS. upi.S-lmd TXTETUEKILL," w ATLANTIC RITY. N .1 . Ocean hnd Kentucky Avunue. Open ITcbruaty 1, te November 1. lock Bex law. M. J.ECKEltT. nayl0 2md A TLANTIO OITV, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest Most Convenient Hetel. Kleuunlly Furnlahnd. I lberully Managed Coach te and from Beach ana Tiutus Orchestra Musle. CI1AS. MuuLADiC. l'l op. W. K. CoeHRiw.Chlel Cleik. teljfMuid (lAl'ON HI'KINOH AND HATHS. J AI.KAINK 1. II lit A AND hlU'KHIOK IKON WA'I'IUB, H&Ml'bUIKE COUNTY. W. VA This colebratel Mountain Uesnrt for health and pleasure. Baths et any temperutii 01 a snmiiier Oltnate unhurpRsstd; a ebariuing summer home with lis many Improvement, atcoiiuiKHliiilngbeOgut-stH.npnrm June 1. Xer medical and ether uslluieuy, send for circu lar. WW. II SALE, may;-:aa J'roprleter. Muvmmwvuniainmm uuau. f-1.i.L AND SEB -TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty Candle-Ugbt ller.ta them all, ArntherLolef CHKAr OLOli-3 fertiaa an OU B loves. THH PERFECTION " UAVAL UOULDINQ A KUlillKU CUBHIOM WBATHBR STRIP Baals them alL'Thls strip outwears all ethers, Keeps eat the cold. Btep rattling of windows. Kxclnde the dnst. Kbep out snow and rain. Anyone can apply lu-newaatu or dirtrnada In applying IU (Jan be fltted anywhure no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cnshlen strip Is the ineet perfect. At the oteve, Heater and Uange -or- Jehn P. Schanm & Sens, 84 SOUTH QUEEN BT., ItAXGABTM. PA. IE ECKERT, mn jTAY 18, 1888 SPECIAL REDUCTION! IN PRICE. French, English and American DRESS GOODS. New. Stylei and Colen. A lata Spring baa disturbed the trad of the Country aud Manufacturer and Importers are compelled te make Bacriucea. We are new offering qualities of Drees Goods at a large reduction from early prices. HAGER & N EXT DOUR TO COURT HOUSE. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. We open this day a large let of Fleer Oil Cleths, of the beat manufacture, which we have purchased very cheap and have marked accordingly. We offer at 25, 33 and 40 cents goods heretofore sold at 31 , 371 and 60 cents. The Cleths we open te-day cena'st et one yard, yard apd a quarter, yard and a-hnlf and two yards wide, of elegant designs and colorings. FAHNBSTOOK'S, NOS. 35 Bt 37 BAST KINO ST.. TKSIRABLK SHADES DRESS GOODS. Metzger & Haughman Have new In Stock from Latest Importation THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS -IK- Eenrietta and Gebelin Blue, Serpent Green, Metzger & Hauglman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. TARD MeEIiROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street - Opposite Fountain Inn. WHITE GOODS ! Tbe Chnapeat Kieunclngs In the city of Xaneaatar. Xach pattern contains H yards 1 each yard irem l!5 10 60 cent less than regular prices. flouncing at 60 cents; regular prlee. 75 cent. y louneinu at SO cents s regularprlee, WX cents. PteUNCINO at 78 cent t regular prlee, II Ml. JTLOIINKINU at noej regular price. Slfe. FLOUNOINU at alii i regular prlee, IL7J. Innla l.lnens and Victeria lawns at D.IO.HV. 18. TO, IS. II eenta. An extra qtialltjr at I3kc Cnrded riijUH at 16, 20, ft, si cts The gnaiest bargain evr efftred at Slet werih te. l'l aid and striped White Ooed. at B, CVi, . 1". KH el) aud up. A special drive at UXe. Ladles' rure silk nievus In black and colors at 8Ae each. We have special low prices en fleer OH Cleth. Heme made Uu Carpets. low prlced and medlum Ingrain Carpets Matting, Feathers and Window thadea Best Table Oil cloth, Jc L'arput Kagn taken In exchange, and the highest r rices paid for geed Ksgs. -(ur expenses are net high. We are satisfied with small preDU,and you will find en prlcuslew. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, 3MWKLHY. N' ON-MAQNKTIO WATCHES. Nen-Magnetic Watches I All grades of American Nen-Magnetic Watches new in stock. They cannot be affected by magnetism or contact with the most powerful Dynamos or Electro Magnets. The movements can be had in Geld, Silver or Nickel Cases. We have also a full line of the Lntest Novelties In Jewelry and Silverware. Come and examine the m . e3r Impairing of all kinds done nd guaranteed. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. OAMPMT KAKOAINH I JO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask in. Venetian, Rt and Chain Carpets, OIL OLOTHB, WINDOW SHADES, Ac We have tbe Largest and Bast Stock In tne Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wist King and WiUr Struts, Lancutir, Pa. AHVUA.LT BLOOKH. A Hl'UALT I'AVING BLOCK. Asphalt Bleck Ce., OUlce-MU Chestnut St., Ptilla, l'a. Works-liridgepert, fa , Camden, K. 3, MANUt-ACTUUKIUI 01T Standard AspbaltPdviDg Blocks PUKBIzSxll AMU 4xiKxll In general me ferstreetpavlug.sldewslka.xar den puibn, mill yards and driveways, guUirt, ceiurs. vats and sea walls. Advantages: Neln!lni. destless, slrlcUy sanitary, pr-:tl-callylndrstructlbleane cheap. tot prices and further Information address; B. 8. OSTOR & BRO., AbedU for Lancaster Ce.. 321 North rrlnce t , Lancaster, l'a. b144 ewt, BROTHER, Ne. 15 West Kins St., Lancaster. LANOA8TMR, PA. Albatross Oleths, Oream, Gelden Ecru, &e, &c. Opposite Fountain Ien ITALIA. BAKQAIBH ! 'QQ OABKIAUXa. OTANDARD WORK. EISVI. EDQERLEY carriage builder, N03. te. 42,41, 4SMABKET BTBRBT, Rear Ot I'oteince, Incaster, Pa, I have ln Bteca and Build te Order -Tery Variety of the following styles i Coupe, liug. glee. Cabriolets, Carriages. Victeria, Business Wagons, "T" Carts, McCsil Wagons, Bnrriea, Market Wagons, rnieiens, xpnss nagens. I employ the best Mechanic, and have laclU lues te build oerrecUy any style of Canltiga desired. 1 he Quality, Style and finish ei my work makes It decidedly the Cheapest tu tha market. II AVE TUB BKSTAMDCHIAPXST OAStriMlUK MAMK-T. OR00BRIK8. OABSARD'S MILD CURKD UAM ANDBRKAKrAaTBACOM; OnaquBJed for tenderness' and Oettcaey of nT0.rI We guaranteethat mere la nothing te equal them ftqualltytn this naraev 75 iheu. aaads of the beat lamlllea are new uslna- them. Xhjy alve universal satUfacUen.iry e and tn your neighbors. " Dried Beel and Bologna ntoMychlpped. Frieea reasonable. u keuu M l lWt, QHBfiSKI NEW GOOD3 AT i W. A. Reist & Ce.'s, Cor. East King atid.Duke Sis. Oheese ! Cheese I Ohecse ! 5'5 .?r,Bn J ln9 finest wdam or Dutch H.e5.c.he'iB tBa market alferda. ihey are tViSIS?a.t?kceP.,,,.tne wannest weather Pineapple Chresns In large and plcnle tlie. Alse -oqaefert Cheese Iu one pound glass Jais. TABLE OILS. n'i'..aJnaler, for fln" 'able oils. Aleils Oodlileu s, Mettetfs. Lateurs and B. Kae A Ui fZnc eus ThesBarethe flnest oils In ;SaMk,' BJ WB are mepared te supply 1 t.raiWlK,.un.,rls,26a'n, na ,n,1 "s h.ii1!2OMv,.n ilrtea 1Wtt "". We flntst Dried Beef at l cents per pound, but barrels of beef per week. (;ema leek at lt 2W.,t.ana b"T0"rownludge, It's Armour's best Chlcsgn Beef. Hotels and bearding lnus. NOTIOK-We will make special prUes en CO poundlets. The Cerner Grocery, COR. EAST KING AND DUKE 818, rjIKLKPflONK-Ol'EN EVERY EVEN IKO.ritBKDILIVXBT. wtvv Mn mrr.n .UlUU ttl n A va ., . air no matter whero he deals, psy CKBtilT Is It fair that nich a man should pay the same price as tha one who pays ence a month or onee In twelve months, or net at all? IsItT The Origiml ind Only Cash Grocery IN LANGA8TKU has all prices en a crjhbsl, and therefore, ovetybody Is treated altke Thn peer nun can bny as ehvap ns the rloh-ne distinct Ien hcru all get their goods at the LO WJCST l'UIUKH. SOM1THINQ NEW. The riNBBT TKAB, tn air tight sealed psck ages, thus reUlnlng all their aroma and fra grance. In qntrtor-peund packnge, Irtcnnd hair.poandpaekagos.Hfto. If you want somo semo some thlng fine, fry this. Kzuaf'lnol'runes, Be, 6 Is ler 25c. Valencia Ualslns, Se a ft. Mew l'rnncllsi. lle n ft. New ate wing f Igs, 7e a a, I as for tie. rrenared Ooeoanut, lVia ft. Mew Bvanerated Apples, lle a ft. Guiden's Prepared Mustard, ilea quart. Jrell'a Cern, 70. rinest Kvaperated Apricots, tie a a. Dater.Seaft. r 'ihe Much-atreii-Away " ACMK SOAP, rourCeMsaCako. GRAB ILL NORTHWEST CORNER DUKE AND VINE STREETS. mil lydM, YAf R E1ST. Speclal Announcement! 2,000 FANS. We have ordcredVOO of lb most novel Fans ever made, and expect them In ter naturday's Tree Distribution. Loek out fur them. If BUJINKaS J1IAD OVEtt SAK1." Takea peep at ns. and yen will wonder hew we can even And spare lline enough te write a deeent advertisement. Othare oemplaln about bnslness being slew, Let them taken Sentieblnt. visit our plaea ana see new we e things. It Is net a secret, anA when we knew that you will benefit by It, we fel aa though we had done a great act. Tbete Is no occasion fur oemplalnt. Be np and doing. Don't alt and watt. PUSH, PULL, and, If must be, BUN. Cater for the wants of your customers. Olve them a large and Tailed atoetr, nice and fresh, te seleet from. Bny largely. Be shrewd, but net trleky. Take advantage of handsome discounts, and sell your goods Justin tbe same manner as you have purchased Ibem. Let your customers have the benent of your gain in buying, and you will seen dlsoever that they will knew hew te appreciate yenr generosity. All this takes meney. Yeu aie ozpeeted te have It. lleavy buyers visit large stores. Large stores are easily located. Why, said one man te an ether, 1 accldently get down West King street en a hunt for a grocery. "1 struck It," and when 1 set insldel 'stuck." Yes, positively sluek." Iwbs smtzed. Thought I was ln an auction room atflrBt.but when 1 discovered the large armyef busy salesmi n sheeting tbelr cash sales ever the wires, the four Immense electric fans, suspended from Ihe celling, in constant motion, an eleclrle meter, the Aie light and ether iittraotlens. I was seen con. viucrd that l we in tbe largest grocery store leverstw. I Inquired, and was told it wu H-tBl'B. I made a note et It. it Is Reist,Whelesale& Retail Grocer, Cor. W. King and Prince Hta., rLoek for the large einvai around Ihe entire front uml slile of this Immense Stere Meuse. GIFT WORTIT. HAVING. Package Helder or Shawl Strap GIVEN AWAY TO-MOIUtOW (SATUUUA1 ), MAT .9, S. CLARKE'S Wholesale and Retail Tea and CciTee Stere UandllSOUTUQUKKN BT, NOTE A KUW OF CLARKE'S PRICES. Coffees, fresh reistnd dally at our store, 12X, 13. IV, 20. 21, 23. fi and 2-J routs V &. Chtcks with uach and every pound. Try Clarke's New Crep Teas, rinest In Qual ltv, Lewest ln Price, Baker's or Bnnkel Brether's Chorelute, 13e a rake. Paker's or liunkel Bretner'n Cocea, Bpp'B Cocea, 20a. Kelren's orLexe's (ieiaiine, McUlili Gelatine, 10c. cnlburn'sKngllthMui. tard, Via a can. vve have ln stock I barber, Wbyland A Ce 's Best Bi tracts, try them te botOesGood Knriicti forl5e BngarCern. 7c, a can, or lour cans for Me. Mara Puis. Dj. three for 23c Our Best Cera reducd tolOea can. BTAltCIIKB and BOAPi-We knew we have the largest and best stock of the above goods ln the slty. Just tblnk. Laundry ;itareb, Se V at five-pound Packages ler IV. top-two cakes for 6c eleven cakes for 23et twenty, lour cakes ter 60c, or you can buy live cakes of Boap and five pounds Blared ter axs. Best Cern BUtcli, three and four packs for He. FLOUu. Beiler flour irem tve a quarter up. Don't fall te try our Hire Caae flour and Martha Washington Creamery Buttered flour and be sure te call or send for a Shawl btrap te-morrow, or you will miss It, S. CLARKE'S WUOLEBALSAKnBKTAILTEAAND COrfKKSIOUK, 12 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. A row Deers from Centre Bquare. ABT-TKLKl'tlONK. NKCKWBAJi' 42 6 WEST KINO. HAND l'AINTKI) .SKCKTIKS AT KIUSMAN'S. JOY8, BILK END BUSI'ESDKIH, 25CENTP, ATKUI3MANU Mezt Uoer te Bayler's Photo Gallery. aTaVEN KVXUY KVKNINO, EUUMA'S, (Mlu flynn'i Oil StuO.) TBA TMLSR8 ilVIDB. .- 1 f JJEADINU & COLUMBIA K. It. Arrangement of rastnnger Trains en. atur, BUXUAT.MAY 13, 1888. aad MORTUWARO. Iiiiva Snarryvllle , lng Btreet, Lane. Lancaster .-... Ohickles Marietta Junollen Columbia. Arrlveall Heading A.M. .. R49 .. 71 .. 7 40 .. 730 .. 7M ..733 A M A. X BTA lSSt 1143 UN) 11M 12 80 m. X. 2.10 A.M. 11.60 r k. 11W 204 ijen l.M 151 3. If ST.' A Uk JJO i.sa 404 IN r.K. 1H , 9W BOUTUWABD. Reading 7.J0 ., Arrrlvaat a w. MarlettaJunctlen... ...... eni r.v. 6.10 r.sf. Bit 80 B.W 11 Chlcktea b.v) Columbia ... en f nncaster me King Street, Lane......... ose OjuarryTllla la;u BUAJiai, tear Ouarry villeat 7.10 a m. King street. Lane at 8.00 a. m., and 3 15 p. m. Arrive at Beading, 10.10a.m., and tU3p.m, Leave; Beading, at 7 20 a. tn., and 4 p. tn. Arrive at . Klna- Street, Lane., at 9.20 a. m and .8.60 p. M. -" -1 -.'.. ... I1S.Ih. ,...ft .. t..a. .. . .-- - and from Philadelphia, FelUvtUe, Hurnsnurg. AJ Allentewnand Mew Xerk, .via, Bound Broek ' fe Ueute. J Hanover, Ueltysburg, s"ruderlek aud Balti more. e,A MArleiu JneUen "Uh train te and from uhlckles. AtManheimwith trains te and from Leba non. Atlancaster Jnno'len. with trains te and from Lancaster, Quarr j vPle, and Chlckles A. M. WTlLeON Bnpenntendent. EBANON & LANCASTER JOINT LINK UAILKOAU. Arrangement of rasseeRHT Tmlnt en. and after, bumeat, Mat 13, us. NOUTU-AKU. Sunday. a. u. r.x. eave a, x. Qnarryvllle Ktngbtreet, Lane. 7 no Lancaster 707 Manbelm 7M Cornwall 7.59 Arrive at Lebanon Ml OUUIUWAIID. Leave a k. Lebanon............ 7 11 Cornwall.,..,,,,,.., 727 Manhelm 7.M Lancaster. 82 Arrive at Kin HtrAt f.Ann . M R r.u. r.M. ait 123 554 J2 41 Sir IIS C3i 14S 05- 1.53 7.10 r v. r.tt 12 se 7sr li 7.4( 1,14 815 113 812 SM 3.13 .4 IBS 4.r4 MB B.U 9.17 932 IH A U r v. 3.4 4.00 8.18 B.13 7&1 J 10 14.10 J.U l.M f.60 9 21 B.50B A. M. WII.BON, Bupt. It. A 0. BaUread. B.B.MF.rr, aupt e. it, it. KNN8YLVAH1A ItAlLKOAU BC1IKDOLK. ln effect from May U, 18 Trains I.BAVB LABTOAa m and laavaasa rlve t PhlladrJphla as fellows Leavu Leava Laaeaatefi LIB a. si. WBa.B, 630 a. BB. sun a. , :86 a. be, KS0a.a Bta.BB. WBBTWABP. raclfle Cxpreaaf..,. . Mews Bxpresst Way raasengerf Mali train vlaMUJeyt MasataUTraint Mlagara Xzpress..... Hanerar Aeoem..... PMladelphlA ii;vip,m. 4;S0a.m. 4:30 a. m, 7.-00 a. m. via CelnmbU 7:40a.m. via CelnmbI Vwt Liaef ........ BTedenek Aoeoat.... Lancaster Acoem..,, Uarrlsbnrg Aecem.. oelnmbla Acoem.... Barrtsbnrg Xxpresi t Weatern xprw-t ABTWABD. rfciia. Bxpresst rastLinef. UWABL ??P.- via Oelnmbla P.BB. mat. Jey, 4'tep.m. fcMp m. 8-.60p., . Leave Lanestar. a:a.m. (kOBa.m. K10B.BO. BAB a. a. lM0a.m. UfcBBp.au fcOBp. S KM) p.m. 4:15 p.m. 6:10 p.m. Hartlsbnra atxnreai 1 lAncaster Acoem ai. oeinmoia oeom..,, aaaahere rpress..., Philadelphia Acoem, Bandar Mall...., Day zpraaat Harrlsburg Aoeom.. The I neaatar Aoeommodatlom leaves Har nsDnrgats:iep,Band arnrM at ateB.. Tka Marietta Aoeemmodatlon laavaa CeIbb . Ma at 6:40 a. m. ana reaches Marietta Bt w . Alaa laavea Columbia at il:ia a. m. ana tMp, t, raacAlng Manetw at ltd ana fM. Leavea arwttaatinB)p.,anaarnTea at coin nta at l I also, leaves at sB and arrlvaa atBiM. The Yerk Accommodation laavea Marietta at ran ana arrives at t smb. aem neetlrg with UarrUbnrg Kzpresa at 1:10 a. as. xa b innunu coos ameawm ,tiet waat. ebm netting at Lancaster with Fast Line, waat. at a-lsB. ., will run through te fltaOMlak. XIU KWDh 7:40 Kbe. 7A0P.BB. 11-10 p.V. Arrive at . Paaa. 4:4Ba,as ta.T. ioaea.tr. iaMtJty u a. be.; KlBp.U 5.-00 p, BS. fcp, M. BJ0p.W Tttp. D. xaa rraaerut- coemmoaaaon, eaar- i-mvaa v'snf eeinBima at l.ad raaciiat Inaa-at a; -m KanoverAeeommodatlon. Ast. laavea tli '&.': umbla at 4:10p.m. arr.. at Laneaatsr at..?; 4.BS a. bu. m wM4Utt With Oar -znraaa. W' anever Aoeotnmodauon, weat,aoBmaetst PI atneaatiir wltb Bflamim Ixumb at BiAi. vrj Ba.wiiirnjatlmmghteHajsevar,aaily,axafV .'ig Bunday. ",;ui Il unav waat. taa BanflaT. wms assess 'iK. wui step at bownIngtewB,CoatasvUla' bars, ml Jov.BllEabathtewn and Mlddletewa, trhe only trains which run daily, enamnay Ua Mali train wust runs by way of celatM, Ji B. WOOD, General Passenger AsjaaV CBAB. M. PUUU General Manager. BABY CAKHIA OM3. m.y ' F tilNN -H-JU-MI. 100 Deferent Patterns or- BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FL1NN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" EeMgeiaters UAVK NO KQUAL. F-NN & BRENEMAN, Ne, leS North Queen Street, LAKCABTCB PA. VOUJ'IiKXWN BO WDBR. e OMI'LEXION POWDEE, LADIESi WUO.VALUK A EKKIVKD COMPLEXION MUST UBK POZZONI'S MEDICATED, COMPLETION POVTOER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te tha akla. uouievts all pimples, Ireckles and dls dls cel orations, and mskes ihe skin delicately seu and beautlluL ltcentalns no lline, white, lead or arsenic ln three shades, pink or flesh, wblte and brunette. JTOU BALK BY All Drugglata and Faney Geeda Dealeia ilverywhere. -IIICWABK Or IMITATIO.N8.-BB apru lyd COAL, TJAUMOAKDNKIVH fJOMVAMY. COAL DEALERS. omeat-No. 123 North QueenStreet, and Ne. K North Prince stmet. Yaaee: North Prlnee Street, near lUradlng iev'lAlfd IANHA8T-K. PA B B. MAUTIN, Whelesaln and lletail Dealer ln all kinds, et LiUUUKH AINU I'tUU tr Yabd-Ne. 120 North Water and Prlne Btreeta, above. Lemen, LaaeMtar, cl-lyd - Hi) "u. 5. : m &A m' $i 3kS T, 't ta 'it . TBS .' c?"l 5tv tf-i :wi M Hbii m M V U) 'k nci 'm S3 Vrf a M a f. r?5 U WJ 1 w t.-i 11 it