I "tl -V . ,-, ...',,' - ' TK& fcAHCAiaTEB DAILY immiCCER. TUESDAY. MAT 22. 1888. JSJ . :.?' tj , m ?i s&. arse ,1V 3$ xftJr i& Gnw J,- S3i? IC SSI s by? ' ShftifX i it' luJU. Wti' hi s frfr m "f t-r i. tT y! iff',. ; I J n&. jj ft i w 3 .s -;a - s '" fife !' (, ' mi iJtj & T irr J,4 t' Th Dally Intelligencer. -ZZJTuitT. mat n. i. BETTiiiriLuesitesm publlshca all the in fat t possible henr. Staa.TM Daily staiiien of Taa Irmnxi. awea li eliverea by carriers tn the city . MB larrenndlng town, for 10c. per week t v i M1, PLOT a year i rtwi ler six munmi ',UlwttiietBettht oecpertaenth.- wuu-t IXTBLUaaxcaa (Deuble Sheet) r-i) gukt rage, only ll.W per annum, In ad V vaaee. CHbtertben wishing their adflresa changed rf , MMtaUeiUla where ue paper U new ter. .. ward.: .i? AaVvartlaewenta from 10 te SB cU. rcr line ':.l A Auth teMrtkm. anenrAlnfr tn loe&tleiL. ''&, .. TUB 1MTK1.T.1UCMOKH. fft. . Lancaster, ra. i Vi t Telephone Connection '.$ Mr. William L. Scott eems te be es . .. a . i..m Iia innelfH . ii :. BtOne W BlUSlAienieni. wk ,-" pf?teBaporneeuslyM when he reaas ms J, , 1 nr, riifTell liaq Rlinwn that manuscript. -- a., hmu'ii atatamenta in the coHeouy he ' V! "" w"."w " ... .. t v,bd with Dalzell ana JJramm,were quite :,-s?v iiffetentfrem theso printed in me Jfcceru titer Mr. Scott had revised them ; and Mr. Scott did net deny them, it must ' te understood te be true that he with drew material assertions that he had Mde in the debate and substituted .ethers, which had net been made. t. It is the habit et congressmen, we be- rUit i A - 1 ll..l ..t jkVAM mn.rlA AW-i S.VfK INTO. TO revise men BtHJecuce mwe wu &&J''Vt fleer for publication in the official Ittcerd: but It is net permissible te de n(i thla. hpn thn Tpm arks of ethers have been n.'A? lamvti tVa tn(smiinl (VlO TCllhrltTlWal TS-. - MRCUUIA.UHIU JM WMv.vw,.w .,.-.. ;'". er alteration et which la desired, until theee ethers at least have been consulted nd have consented. Mr. Scott made a radical alteration et his speech, without consulting these who were affected by It, even charging Mr. DjJzell with being the epeclal counsel etTrus'a; a charge which he certainly out?ht te have made te his face it he desired te make It at all. Ve have said that we are dissatisfies with Mr. Scett'a Inaccuracy in this de bate ; and that we believe that he ns sumes a role as the leader of the Demo cratic party in Tennsylvanla which his characteristics and temperament will net enable him te maintain. Mr. S:ett achieves his prominence by the supposed favor of the president, into whose l'enn jlvanla representative he has been elected, or has elected himself ; we de net knew hew the fact is ; but we de be lieve that the president is a man of ex cellent sense, and that he has net handed ever his share of the control of the Dem ocratic party of Pennsylvania or any ether state te any man. The president's legitimate influence ever his parly is great. It naturally craves a leader, and is only tee glad whpn It finds a capable one in the chief magistrate of the country. Presi dent Cleveland undoubtedly leads the Democratic party, and its cohorts cling te him closely. It Is Inevitable that pol iticians, realizing this, should seek te get their hands en the rope , and natural that one se restless and pushing as Mr. Scott should rush out et the hose heuse at the head of the crowd, blowing the horn and handling the spanner. " .. Sane Suicides. r Five suicides a day is about the average cropet the morning papers, nnd It Is easy te believe statistics that show an alarm ing increase of this crime. .The reason and the best remedy ought net te be very hard te find, but the fact that the evil prevails where education and 'culture have beencarrlei te their highest point, nnd that we pride our selves en the rapid and steady rise et the whole people te a standard of Intellectual development never sfcfore attainable by any but the favored few, appears te Jus tify the fear that this variety of crime Is bound te increase. It te charitable, If net comforting, te class this increase of self slaughter with tbe increase et insanity, and te ascribe both te the wear and tear of mental machinery by the high pressure methods of the age. Unfortunately for this theory, the people who commit suicide usually give very little ground for the assump tion et lunacy, aud seem quite at home in the world, save In their manner of leaving it. Suicides are often insane, but they are as often quite clearheaded and strong-minded. In such cases it will usually te found that they have net shown firm belief in a hereafter, nnd in fact very little interest in tbe question ;jb Si What might be beyond. Death was a S-fe life they probably tried te de right, and f& live happily, accepting the principle) that Virtue is its own reward. They would assent te almost anything about the great unknown country from which no traveller returns, for where was the use of think ing about a matter that did net concern their present life and duties 'i As a re sult their view et life was like a Chinese landscape, all foreground and no perspec tive. Their possible threescore years and ten was magnified out et its true proportions, and the little troubles of this life became great burdens beyond human s'rengtb. The la;k of the true idea et the relative proportion of a human life te tbe premised eternity, is the cause of most suicides of eane men. Cullrges. Tbe Presbyterian beard of aid for col leges and academlts has expressed a most decided opinion in favor of an Increase la the number et colleges, especially lu the West. The common complaint has been that tbe country already has mere college than it can support respectably, and one et tbe Epeakers at a recent meet lag of this beard in Philadelphia com plained that te construct colleges, gather students and then withheld financial sup port was an old story in the west. The truth is that money is tee scarce new in the Western country te expect very much of it te be devoted te Institutions et learn ing;, and it takes something mere than jBeney te make a college. It may be, as another delegate observed, that Germany has one hundred mere colleges and thir teen mere universities than this country , buiUieughsheis very much emaller In area than these United States she is very much elder. A great many generations have had a chance te die und leave their millions et property for the advancement of learning in Germany. Undoubtedly we need colleges but, ,swei ail, we need te bring these we have Inte a mere healthy condition. In f ae profession is ability and hard work .a poorly rewarded as in that et the American college professor, and te ? live this laborer the hire of which 4 k is worthy, It might be well te urge un ;f iaemue of colleges. The demand for his br Ins would ceitalaly drive up the price, but the colleges se founded mufti have wealth enough te pay respectable salaries and support a dignified establishment, or they will simply make matters worse for student and professor, by drawing Inte the field of competition inferior cheap labor. In a comparison of the wealthy colleges of the country, it must be ad mitted that these long established are thebest.nndfle It would be wise in seek. Ing te develop higher education te lend aid first te these colleges that have age, but net wealth., WiiH.ieniUy. What has become of Whlt-Menda) ? This year you could net tell it, en the a'reets et Lancaster, from any ordinary Monday. Yet in ether years they were se crowded with country visitors that they were hardly passable ; and the hotels were se full that you could scarcely enter them. Ths glories of the 'day have been disappearing ler some years, t nnd new it seems te have died altogether. Seme say that it is because there is nothing in the amuse ment line any longer provided te especi ally attract visitors. Hut it muit be remembered that It was the visitors that produced the amusements, and the latter must have censed te be profitable, te be abandoned. We de net have the flying herseB, doubtless because the flying horses ceased te pay ; and this was be cause they were net sufficiently patron ized ; nnd that was either because the Whltsuutid8 crowd becarae tee small, or because it ceased te have taste for the WhltBuntlde amusement. Doubtless, the last is the true 'reason for the decay of the celebration et the day. It never was clear te the ordinary understanding where the fun of Whit suntide came in te the country lad nnd lassie; especially the lassie, who was left by her beuu or her pa, standing along the wall of the hotel parlor, while he was searching around for fun or beer. And funny and Eelemn rewi they were et wall (lowers in gloomiest bloom. There was fun in the buggy-ilde com ing iute town doubtless, and perhaps, tee, in going home, if the young man was sober ; but there was the most meagre sort of show for pleasure In the crowded streets, outslde the pleasure of peanuts. The boys and girls of the country have found out that peanuts and buggy-rides are te be had en every day In the year, when they have time for them, in the country na well as the city ; and they have sensibly concluded te take them at home. , St Leuis completed Its crematory two weeks age, nnd slnoe then 11 ve bodies have been icolneratod. Who says tbe West Is net leaving primitive customs t Tnn Pittsburg Dispatch prints In fae simile a letter Irem Wm. L. Bcett, duted Match ft b, .1685, as president cl the Yougblegbeny Ceal company, directing tbe initie Btiporlntendent te serve the miners with notices te vacate their home, It they did net agrce te his preposition for a rcdnctlen et wages. Mr. Bcett, It will be remembered, aald In reply te Mr. Brumm that he would resign bis scat It It was Bbown that he evor uvlcted a tenant. It la said that tenants were evicted under this notice ; but pubapa It was only a threat. It comei very clone, howevor, It must be con ceded, te meeting tbe condition which would vacate Mr. Scott's seat. Men, whoa tbpy get tzelted, are apt te make rash wpremlecs. Mr. Hoett Is pretty generally In astntoef cxcltoment, but he has managed very well through his lire net te get caught In unprofitable contraetc I'erhaps It would be profitable te him te leave Con Cen grcH, whr.re tbe conditions are net suitable te tils temperament and tAlentti. He bandies fikets tee ctrelcaaly, Tbe Dtipitch reports tbnt the man who, Recording te Mr. Ucett, oarued llve dollars u day la til coal inlntH, Is nn old in nn with tbroe boeh, whose labor wm credited te the lather's UlilllD. Tin: Froiieh monthly Jltvut ties JJcux Mende. In epcaklng of the rich men of the Unlted States putf Jay Oeulu's weultli nt f275.000.000, and nays the late William II. VHiiderbtlt left 100.000,000 In gUts and charltler. The truth et theae statements la about en a par with tbe avorage Amer lean news In foreign paper. Barclay Peak, the unforlunate young man who In charged with the murder el Kitty Andersen, U new standing his second trial at Mount Helly, N.J. It will boa long and woarlaemo contest with tbe chances mere favorable for tbe accused than before. Tbe memory of the tragedy la growing dimmer and sympathy fjr the prisoner tecerucB greater In the same pro portion. Oengiiat. F. a. Walker, or Bosten, la a warm advocate of the cooking school, be cause of the economy of feed and materials thereby taught. lie says that at tbe Tenny son Mroet school In Bosten the range Is kept ready te cook from half-past nine te tour o'clock llve days In tbe week and yet only one-quarter of a ten of coal was used lu the first ntne weeks of the present school year, lie also argues that this kind of Instruction benefits nut only the child ren but tbe parentr. Tin; Kepubllcan organs of Harrlaburg are vielng with each ether in thelr en deavor te misrepresent some members el tbe Democratic state convention. Tlmlr following the bell of the Philadelphia Prttt will land the black sheep la a comer some of ihebonne days. Six steamers are new engaged In tbe banana trede te tbe jert or Philadelphia and, as It takes about six days and a hMt te rnnke a run from Jamaica, a steamer cornea In about every three days. A cargo averages 12,000 bunches. Bananas are also brought from Panama and the two oom eom oem panttsecgBgoa In the tropical fruit business In Philadelphia are also Importing great quantities of pine apples from Cuba, Flerida and Central Amtrlea. All this tropical fruit la handled very rapidly and much of It la shipped far west In refrigerators car?. This 1 quo of many striking Illustrations that may be found in the news of every dey of the wenderlnl Increase of luxury brought about by modern progreEH. Tun Onlamme Is n publication which for some jeara past has been a feature el Franklin and Marshall college. It may be doBcrlbed as a burltsque recital et tbe chief lncldmtser tbe celli go year compiled by tbe Junier class and palntea with tbe brush of humor. This year the OMlamm,wh!eh has Just been Issmed, la unusually excellent In the matter which composed tt "! in the r-i" '' ' ' j'ittu Uiiu,u. I'luu ure his his terlbs of tbe lour clatuts written In happy vein; well concealed but none tbe less pointed admoulttens te tbe faculty te Im prove the Bdcnce department ; end poems that ou!d dignify tbe collection of Sarah Ann Kelly, tbe IWrdet Shanty XIliu Beautt tul vlgeettea are scattered through the vol ume of 135 pages and these representing the class and fraternity mottoes are particularly bandteme. The book Is beautifully bound in ltusslan leather, tied with a cardinal oerd, aud contains across Ibe cover In beau, tlful geld leaf tbe title Oriftanme, It la an excellent specimen of the kind et work that can be done at tbe Imtellieenukh (nice, and all frier 1s of the college and levers eJ att should bave a copy, Mn. Br.Ain:t.r Uai.i., who represent the New Yerk .Vun In Ilirlln, write te til paper that BUmarck execles ever the preM of that Oermaa oily a autocratic way that wilt appear almeet lajredlble te these Bceuttmed te breathe the alreflbia land er the free. Recently there waa an eutbreak of Seclaliata In Berlin and thirty arreat were made. Mr. llall expected te see It printed In lull In the newspapers, bat net a line could he find about It In any of them. Then tie trled te teleRreph It te bin New Yerk paper, and alter several clferta which were balked by the pollee, he bad te go te Auitrla te send his narrative te tbla oeuntry. It la amaxlng that the German editors submit te the abselute dictation thus put upon them by the Iren Chancel lor. He could net presume te de this for an hour In any American city. Tub Alteena Timet la lire years old and brighter than a new silver dollar. PERSONAL. MAven O'BniKN, (Dam.), of Bosten, en Monday nominated 1Z. a. Walker, a well known colored lawyer, as a principal as sessor te fill a vacancy. This Is the flrxt time a colored man ha been nominated for such a poMtlen In that city. Jacob B. Hunhickku has been debarred by the Montgomery county court Iretn further practice as an attorney at la w, 1 he order was made en a rule te show canto prcsrnted by the Bar auoclatlen after the oinvlctlen of Mr. Hunalcker of forging tbe Indersement of. Jehn J. Corsen en a 1300 note. lie wa admitted te tbe bar en tbe 23d of May, UOI, and at one tlme cc Joyed a lucrative cilice. Mrs. Uknhy T. Gnnoenv, wife of the Ice president of Ulrard oelleice and a prom inent leader In l'reaby terlan church circle, died suddenly In the Calvary l'rcabyterlan Oliurcb, Philadelphia, Monday during tbe annual meeilnic or tbe Women's Korean Mlsulenary soeloty. Mrs. Urrgery hud been eslled en te open tbe meeting with prayer and waa In tbe act or stepping en the platform wheu alie fell dead. Ttie llemillcst Man In I.ancstt r. In well sa tlin hanaemrat. una nth era are lnvltnd te eall nn any aruegtst and gut fit a irlHl botlleof Kemp's UaUiui ler Ue Threat and Lun (tt.fi remedy test Is selling rntlrely apnn Its inerlts and is guamntmd te cum and rcllove&ll chrnnleand AimtoCeuKbs, Asthma, KrenchlUsand consumption. 1'ilue M cents nnu i JanlS-lyd&w (1) KANAKA KK 11 H. ' -V--v 1'uiLADit.rnu, Tnesflay,"Uay 22, 1888. That breezy bit of outdoor life which we call The Park is en the second fleer, north gal lery. Cut this out and bring it with you. It will help you te get there without trouble. About the store you will find the Ice Pyramid, King Cotten, and the Silk display. The merchandise news is fresh and important. The en tire store is a rich preserve for bargain-seekers only it's free te everybody. There's a daily wonder in French Sateens. Net that they come and go by the thousand, but that they can be se many, se pretty, and se different. A hint of May meadow-glories and bobolink song in every ford. 37lAct Choice American Sateens, 12c. Ginghams, gay and grave, ie te 50c. Chipper Chintzes, 1 2c. Coel, crisp Crazies, 2liC seersuckers, 5 te I2$c. Prim Percales, 12 te 15c, cesy cottons, and lets at unlooked-for prices in almost everyone. Fer instance: Scotch Surah Ginghams, 25c from 40 ; Scotch Zephyr Checked Ging hams, 25c from 40. Thrifty housewives arc carry carry ingeff these under-priced goods and storing them away for next season. Mulnly mrtliwestet contre 3,000 Men's Scarfs and Four-in-Hands. Yeu shall have at 25 cents today what you would have paid 50 cents for yester day. May last the week out. Mldate Market street entrance only. What de you think of a Blaisdell Reclining Chair for $3.50? Streng, well-looking takes any angle, and with ad justable head lift and feet rest. An unheard-of price. The maker never dreamed that you would pay less than $7 for one of these Chairs. Steel fixtures, solid oak frame, strong canvas cover. Toe geed for even 7 maybe. The business collapsed and 1,000 Chairs all came our way. The $3.50 you shall have one for is exactly what the making cost, se they say. Uasement, northeast of centre. Heuse-cleaning time is full of plagues at the best. It rests with you whether the worry and fret shall be little or much. The Housekeeping corner of the Basement is overflowing with things that will lighten the work. Scrubbing llrutbus C te 33c-; JUoeuis 23 te Me UUCkOUiUIOKVj Uiwtnisnotell.iS y ember Duller l.'e te 13 U nbl kia tn 720 Mops J.1 te 73e Sponges 60 te $3 1 uck liauiinrs 3ft up TacKi lawn 8 te t3 j Household Ammonia 93 plntbelUe ; Tartan's Ammonia, pluta sue, Quarts Je ttapolte Hen cake. rhainels 10c tot a S'eve llrui,be18 teMj rurntture f eliib S te 4ta a battle AH ktuds et ready mixed palms: aitteinlnt u 'i hoi Bluie. Campretsea Campher 30e a pound liauipaereue 'e apeima Tar f'aper Cc a ant or, rea a Coiea 1 ar l'tiiwr nag VU lole Cedar cheats sit, it , iw, fJ When the house is cleaned you can keep the bugs and flyers out for a trifle. Ash Frame Adjustable Window Screens, 2 feet high, fit any window, 2 or 3 feet wide, green or black wire, 35 cents each. Solid frame Screens te order. Yeu threw away money and work and lese your temper every day in the kitchen and al ever the house, very likely, if you fail te keep an eye en what WAiTAJfAKtVS.' Mwl wc arc doing in the House keeping corner of the Base ment. Werth wcater ceatr. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia.' MSDIVAL. M AN DRAKE PILLS. If Yeu t have abused your Stomach by eating or drinking tee much, or of the wrong kind of feed or liquid, you will Suffer because your Stomach is angry. New beware of all temporary expedients. TRY that never-failing, safe Itemedy, Dr. Sohenek'i Mandrake Filhf. for aale by all Druggists. Frtee 2S cent per box t 8 boxes for 05 cents t or stnt by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. 3. If. t cteuck A Sen, FhUaAelprila. lnU-lyflAw SUIIENCK'S MA.NOKAKB PILLS rea BALK AT IMJ COOllK&N'dllUUQ STORE, Nen. 137 ft 1-9 North Queen at, Lancaster, Pa aprJ 'iiiiaftw S OUND ADVIOK. Owing; te the Inclination of many WILL YOU people te be humbugged in the purchase of articles et necessity LIBTK.H in the household, we feel it our duty 10 sound a nnta et warning TO te these who seek remedies for the relief or the aehea and pains BOUND Incident te tblaaeaaonel tbe year. The great nd growing popularity AU VICK ? Of IISKSOK'S 1'lastbh bu Umptfd unscrupulous inanufaeturrra te effer many worthless substli utiena and Imita tions et that valmblnmmedy.hsnce we would advise these who wish faeeare prompt rwllet frim Coughs, colds, Hoarseness, Pleurisy, jum i n.i.a. euuuuh huduuuiiiiui. uuiuu.(u and Itackachn, te carelnlly avoid worthless plastera by always asking for Bbsseh's and let no persuasion nv the dealer induce yen te aoeept any ether plaster. (') B UMPHREYB' Homeopathic Veterinary Specifics, Fer Merses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Uega, Poul try. (0) PAUK HOOK On Tre&tment of Animals ana chut Bent Free. CU1IK3 Fevem. Congestion, Inflamma'len. A.A. Spinal MenlnRltla, Milk rver. it it strains, Lameness, Uheumatlsm. U C Distemper, Nasal Ulsehaigts. D.I). Ueta or wrubs, Worms. K.K CeuRhn, Hnaver, Pneumonia. x.r .uoneor uripea, jieuyacne. -.(.- Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. lt.lt Urinary nnd Klanny Diseases. l.l.-Kiupttve DUraiea. Mange. J.K. DUeaaea et Digestion. BTAKf.R CASK, with Bpfc'dea, Manual, Witch H-nfilOtl and Medicated 17.00 PU1UK, hlugloliettle (ever COdeses) te HOLD ltY DUUUGlSTK : lilt 8K.NT PHKPAID ON UMIBIPT Of PBTOB Unmphmys' Med. Ce., HU Fulton lit., N. Y. IIuniphreT6' Homeopathic Specinc Ve 28. In use SO years. The only aucceistul remedy for Ntrveus Debility, Vital Weakness and Prostration from ever-wnra or ether causes. II oe pec viol, or 3 vials and large vial powder, for 5W. fieinnr Drtrea:eTs, or sent postpaid en re ceipt et prien UUMPI1UKYH1 MEDICI "K CO , Ne. un Fulton Street, N. Y. mar 27 lydAwTu.Thas jmUY'fi OKEAM BAIim OATAERH-HAY FEVER. XLY'S CUKAM HALM cures Celd tn Head Catnrrh, Uese Celd, Hay Fever,Doafness,llead. aobe. I'rlce AO Cents. RABY TO UaK. Xly tire's, Owego. H. Y U. 8. A. KLY'3 CUKAM 11AI.JI Cleansen the Naal PussHgrp, Allajg Pain and Inflammation, Ha'a thuSjrc, Uesterts the Senses el Taste und Suit II, tbytiik cum: A partlcle is applied into each nostril and la agrtuubiH. Pilcu A0 cents at Druggists! by uiall, registered, CO cents. KLY ItKOTHKim, CC Warren Birest, New lertt. nevlWydAw SAFE, BUKK AND SPEEDY CURE, Kupture, Varlcocele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by quacks when you can find In Dr. Wright the only Bio Bie dlab PiivsieiAK in Philadelphia who makes a specialty nt the above diseases, and Cdhbs TuskT 1,'unns UCiaAKTSse. Advice Free day ana evening. Strangers can be treated and re turn home suine day. unices privatA. DB.W. U. WBIOHT, Sit North Ninth Street, Abeve Bace, P. O. Bex C7S PhUadetphia, fnh2Vtydw Ol'HOLSTKltr. J."" MAKTIN & CO. Shades. All colors, Scotch or Oil, put up promptly. Awnings. Largest line lu up promptly. Lancaster, put Slip Cevers. Fer Furnlturo.Ne eat Patter nr, Perfect fit Uuaiantccd. Coverings. Fer Chandeliers and Mirrors" all colors, put up promptly. Matlings. Largest Line le snJeet from. Competent wotlmen te lay then. Screens. ForDeorsand Vlni1en's,putup promptly. Newest patent Ox tures. Storage. Carpel and Bugs taken up cleaned (steamCarpetCleantug Weiks), stored till Fall, insured against less by fire or moth, and rulaldln Fall at very low rates, and no weriy or risk te you. J. B. MARTIN & CO. LANCASTER, FA, Summer Upholstery ! TOBACCO. A Fin at PIECE OF CHEWING , , TOBACCO IS 1KDIIU x Luxuur. f FINZER'S OLD HONESTY Cemes as near being a fine pteee of FLU Q TOBACCO as It U .'possible te max It, and Is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DKALZKS. We are; anre that OKI TUtAL will Convince Ten of Its MerlU. AsTLoek for the red II tin tagen each plngWjt J no. Finzer 8c Bre.'s, LOUISVILLE, KY ) aLQTHWU, Q. -jy-EKOUANT TAILORING. HAQER &BH0THEE. MERCHANUAILORING DEPARTMENT. BLA K FRENCH WORSTEDS. Te Purchasers of BLACK DBB38 BVIT9 we call your SPxntAL ATTENTION te enr oempUtd line el NKtV and STAPLE BTKLKS in BLACK FRENCH WORBTBD9. CUTAWAY FBOCK SUITS at 20, :S, KS andtM. DOUBLE BUBASTXD FBOCK BUIM at 2I, tandr. FINK DBESlSUITi, Silk and Satin Lined, from a:e UETTKB VALUES we have never effutcd. BETTER VALUES cannot be found.' PEBFE0T FITS OUABANTEED. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 & 27 WB3T KINQ BT. TLsrYERS A KATilFON. Ready -Made Clothing! IT WILL PAY "YOU TO TOOK ATOUtt $10 AO $12 SUITS FOU BUS UE3S WEAK. Oar rTaits for $15. $16 mid $1S AUK J UBT Wit AT YOU WANT FOBDKU3S A aOOD A330BTMENT OF Men's Working Pants -AND- OVERALLS -AT- WORKWOMEN'S PBI0E8! Wear the Cromwell Bhlrt. Myers & EatMen, POPULAU CLOTUIRUS, NO, 12 ESAST KINO ST.. LANCABTIB PA. N1? EW BPKINQ CLOTIIINO. L. GANSMAN & 8R0. Custom Department! COST BEWK1) ON EVK11Y SUIT AND ON XVEUV PAIB OF PANTALOONS. 110W CAN WE DO ITT THIS IS THE BEASON I We have taken advantage of an overstocked market and have bought enormous quantities et tbe 11 neat Reeds at a heavy discount from regular prices. In many cusei at luf a than the aotnalceit et manufacture. Such handsome ?:oedaa wenew offer have never been stun or the price. WE HAKE TO MEASURE. All-Weel Cheviot 8ults At 112 00 Ail-Weel Casslmem Salts , ..At Sift (O Ail-Weel Worsted Suits ... AttlSU) All-Weel Blue MtdUiesexFlunnciaultB Itsetaef buttons) AttlKOO All-Weel Scoteh Cheviot Suits Atl 800 All-Weel Diagonal Suits AttJ.bu All-Weel Finest Imported Worsted Butts At3andt30 Finn Trousers te Order at t, 19,10,17, 13.19 and l e. Headquarters Q. A. B full Indigo Blue 8u1ti at sb. as and aiu. We trust enr friends will take advantage et the abeve offering. L teman (6 Bre., S.W.OOIWBR NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE BT3. LANCA8TKK, VS. FOR BALB OR BBXT. RE8IDEN0E ON THE EAST BIDE of Duke street, between Orange and Chestnut, for rent. Inquire of A.J.BTEINMAN, ml2-Md At this eir.ee. -JJlOK RENT-FKOM APKIL 1, 1SS& JD fornneerateruiof years, the Btrasbnrg UaBreail, with Ceal and Lumber Vara, Wire house, Locomotive ai d Cars all in geed and running order. Tbe lease of this valaible preptny presents a rare opportunity te any party Ouslrlng te engage in a pleasant, sell established and profitable business. Fer con ditions, rent or ether taformauen apply te THOB. or UJCMtt V B AUUUABLNkK, mt-Ui LaaQajtar City, Pa. OHOCMBima. OAHBARD'S MILD CURED HAM ANDBBKAKrASTBACOSTr -UneqaatM for unSssraeM aa Matey ef fltr0.r We guarantea that taera is aethtBg te equal them fnqtwlltr in Uis aiarssi itTou itTeu itTou saeds of the bet tasslllM am new Bttsw thsai. Thjjy gtva universal satisfaction, irythem and tell your neighbors sr Dried Beet and Bologna nicely rhlpned. Prices reasonable. HkOBUBWIaftT. QHEK3E I NEW GOODS AT W. A. Reist 8c Ce.'s, Cor. East Kles;tB4.I)DkeSti. Oheeee 1 Gheeee ! Oheen ! Biz dotes of the finest Kdam or Dnteh Bead Chats the market affords. They are guaranteed te kep intbe -wairaest weather Pineapple cheaaes in larva and plan I e site. Alse Roquefort Cheese In one pennd glats Jars. TABLE OILS. Hadquarters for fine labia oils. Alexis QodlUeit t, Mettett'f, Latenr'a anas. Use A Co'sEaecaOlls. Theasarethe flnrst Mia In the market, and we are prepared te supply ibem te you tn large, medlm ana small slaca. Btu BOOM In Dried Beef ana Ham. w hardly theunht this would pay te aell the flnsat Dried Beef at li cents per pennd, but wn are making it pay by selllDg two or three barrels of beef per weak, coma leek at It. Taste It and be your own Judca. it's Armour's best Ghlctge Beef. Hotels and bearding hsusns. NOTIOE-We Will make special prices en GO pound lets. The Cerner Grocery, COB. EAST KINO AMD DDKE8T8, AT BDRSKU Hammend's Slug Shet. OVEO, ,C0O.0 POUNDS OF BL1IQ BUOT UakS IN KIOUT TEABS. READY FOR USE AND SAFE. Kill the Petate Buss, Currant Worms, Cut Werm, cabbage Worms, Lice, fleas, Biellea and btrlped Bugs. A Preventive of the Rebo Bug. IT IS CHEAP. BETAILS AT THIRTY CENTS FOB A FIVE POUND PACKAGE. OUll FIFTH TKAB FOB THE BALE OF IT. Itnnlreds attest te its value by coming for tt eaeh ytar. Sold Wholesales and Be tall, at BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINQ ST., Wholesale Agent for Hammend's Slug Shet. R E1ST, Special Announcement! 2,000 FANS. We have ordered ?,re nf the most novel Fans ever made, and expect them In ter Sututday'a Free Distribution. Loek out, fjr thorn. IHLUJINK33-UEAD OVEXXARV Take a peep at us. and yen will wonder hew we can even And apara time enough te write a decent advertisement, ethers complain about bislness being slew. l.ettbem taae a gentle hint. VUlttur place and see hew we ethlnga It is net a secret, aut when we knew tbitveu will benefit by It, we fe-1 as though we had aene a gi eat act. Thus Is no occasion for oeuiplatut. lie up and doing. Don't alt and watt. POBH, PULL, and, If must be, HUN. Cater tit the wants cf yenr customers. Give them a large and vailed stoeir, nice and flesh, te select lrem. liny largely, te shrewd, but net tricky. Take advantage of tandsema dliceunts. and sell your goods just te the lime iranner as you have purchased ttiem. Let your customers have tbe benefit of your ga'n in buying, and you will aoen dlsuever that they will knew hew te appreciate your generosity. All this takes money. Youaie expected te have it Heavy bnyers vlstt larae stores. Large stores are easily located. Why. 8 ltd one men te an other. 1 accldenlly get down West King street en a hunt for a grocery. "I a trues it," and when 1 set inside I -'stuck." Yea, positively siuck" I was umiiKl Thought I wsa in an auction room at first, but -when I dtcovered the large armyef busy salesmen ehrettng their cash sales ever the wires, the four Immense electric fans, suspended from tUs cuillrg, in constant metlun, an electrle meter, tbe Aie light and ether attractions. 1 waa aoen con cen con vined that 1 ss in the largest grocery store I oversaw. I inquired, and was told It waa UKISI'S, 1 made a note of it. It la Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, Cor. W. King and Prince Sis., JVLenk for tbe large ninvai around the enttre front and side of this luiiueuse Stere Heuse. A GIFT WORTH HAVING. Package Helder or Shawl Strap GIVEN AWAY TO-MOUUOW 13ATUUDAT), MAT .9, S. CLARKE'S Wholesale and Retail Tea and CcfFje Stere llBlldltSOUTH QUEEN ST. NOTE A FEW OK CLARKE'S PRICES. Cnffeea, fresh roasted dally nt our store, 12X, 13. 18, iu a l, 23, '. and '-) cents fl rb. Cbceks with each and every pound. Try clarku's New crop Teas, Finest In Qual ltv, Lewest In 1'rlce, Baker'a or tlnnkel ftrethar's Chocolate, lSe a rake, laker'x or Itunkel Bretber Cocea, Xpn'a Cocea, 20a. Nelsen's ortexe's Gelatine, MeLelsh Gelatine, 10c telbum's English Slut tard, Via a can. We have tn stock i hurbtr. whyland A Ce 'a Best kxtrncts. try them; te bottlOiUeoS Extract! for 15e Sugar Coin 7c, a can, or four cans for 23s. MaraPea 9 j, three ter !3c Our Ib-stCern reduced ta lOe a I an. 8TAllCUK8andsOAPti.-Wiknew we have the largest and brat stock of the above geed in tbe city. Just think, Laundry ;3Ureb. Se ) ft : sive-prund Packages ler 13-. foap-twe cakes for 6e; eleven eakea for Vat twenty, tour cakes ter 60c, or you can buy nre cakes of Seap and five pounds Starrh for Sc, Hest Cern Bt&rch, three and four picks for 23e. FLOUtt- Heller Fleur from 49e a quarter up. Don't fall te tty our Ul-e Cake flour and Martha Washington Creamery Buttered Fleur and be sure te call or send for a Bhawl Strap te-morrow, or you will miss It, S. CLARKE'S WHOLESALE AVD ItKTAILTEA AND COFsKEBlOUK, 12 and 14 SOUTH QUBHN STREET, A Few Deers from Centre Square pTELEPUONK. JiKCKWHAlf ' 4t WEST KINO. niND.PAlNTUD .NECKT1K8 AT KUISMAN'S. DOYS' BILK END BUSPKNDEIl, 25CKNTJ?, ATKU11MAN3 Next Doer te Bayler's Photo Gallery. el EN KVEin MICNIKU, KUISMAN'S, (Kiss Flynn'a Old Stand) R ECOMMENDED BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS The " Best ' Tonic, a concentrated Liquid Extract of Malt and Heps. Fer sale only at . J. O. UOUailTON A CO, Nes. W and M Wast King street. palaeh or FABmeir. rlTRlOH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Read this surprise ! The earliest fall in prices of Millinery Goods ever heard of. Milan Hats All our colored Milan Hats up te the very fin est, reduced te $i ; former price $1.50 te $2.25. Everybody knows hew muth they are worth. White Hats for 'summers The largest stock . we ever carried and our prices must be the lowest. Canten, Union and fine Milan Fancy Straw and Leghorn flats. Come in and leek at them. f Our Whitsuntide display is ready. White and Cream Ribbons! Notwithstanding the scarcity of these we have managed te secure an immense stock of them early in, the season, and are prepared te show you a most complete line el all width and qualities, at lower prices than any ether store in this city. All widths, from Ne. 4 te 40, in Satin, Gres-grain and Moiree, plain or cream edge. Cream Sash Ribbons in gros gres grain and Moiree. Surah Silk for Sashes 50, 62 75 7C ad $r a yard. Jerseys, in endless variety, at our well-known low prices. Our Ceat room has new been arranged for the display of Jer seys and Children's Cloaks and Goats only, and we invite all te come and leek at them. Ne Jersey in boxes. Every style right before your eyes and the price en them. Prices from 25c up te $6.50. Swiss Skirtings, ever 50 dif ferent patterns, extra bargains, at 60, .65 and 75c a yard. Come and leek at them. Fans are all open new, from 1 c up te $5 apiece. All en the Fan counter, up te 50c apiece, with price en them. Gauze Underwear for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. The best 25c Balbriggans in Lancaster. ASTRICU'S P. 0. F., Lancaster. tr UNKa. R 1D1NG SADDLES. ffi. laberbusli & Sen. RIDING SADDLESs The riding season having opened, we are prepared te abew the largoitassertmentln the city et Ladles' and Gent's Hiding Saddles and Bridles. Alse Whips. TWENTY STYLES OF Lidies ani Genl'j Engli3h Riding Creps FROM 31.00 TO 8I.OO, AT M. Haberbusli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER. PA. QVKKNSWARK. H ItiU A MAKTIN. CHINA HALL. CLEARING SALE That last twelve months in tee year. The bestqualltylerthe least money always te be SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Sets. White Granite, Siee. Dinner Bets, White Granite. .st JO. Dinner bets, Printed ti.19. Ne goods misrepresented. All Wares ex changed II net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO IB EAST KDTQ STREET, l.ANCARTKK,PA. " ' sxouRHieys Da MILLER, TOUH1HT AND EMI . UKATION AOKNT. lpsues Tlctels te all parts of the World. fecial Axcursieu loine WEST Atene fire for the round trip. Grand aelect excuralrns te the leiemltn Val ey, Yellow atone ailnnal ark-, Les Angeles, nan Fran, clitee and Partfle Coast Points, with choieeoi routes returning and stay-ever privileges west of Chicago, clicular tours trnm rew Yorkte principal Knrepean cities, Palestine and the ilely Land at wry low rates, fortnightly ex. curklens from llaltlmore te Itoaten, Montreal und down the St, LawreneH. All information concerning any contemplated trip cheerfally given true by catling or addressing D. . MI LKlt, Agent. Chicago. Ueck Islandand Pacific U.K.. ha in North Queen street, .Laneaater, Pa, or Franklin uense. aprU-lmd '3tib'.w. , E&-swaaiiaKMftgte.s.r