IHE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1888. LOTCTBBTttlBr. Aslwaseuta-Maylng On the bright, sunny sy. Tama Lere, the thief, a retmlng. And stele my heart away. nil cbeeki they were like rotes, llli ere like atari were bright He pressed me te hit bosom besom Then quickly took hU flight I Ob I Time he li a traitor. And Love he Is a thlet ! Be, 1 wander the world ever. My besom fllled with grief. IJntH ever I shirald meet him, I'll clip his wings se gay And than I'll die with Unghttr, When he tries te fly away. JtenrUUa Gardner in rhlla yeui. Botten' Dude Matrltd. MUi Al!e Folleok, a handsome young woman who (or lbs past three yearabaa been attending tbe conservatory et saaale In Bosten, in tbe daughter or a aalllieaatiw banker el Pittsburg;. Aboet a year age Miss Pollock formed tbe acquaintance of Frank A. Keake, a young man from Rat land, Vf.i whose occupation In Boaten bj that or a clerk. Keike la tall, allmaad good-leek teg, and by bis attention te drew baa acquired tbe title, "King of the Dudes," being considered the Berry Wall, of Bosten. He lives at the Seuth End, net farlretn tbe conservatory. Tbe pair met clandestinely nearly every evening. Their iriendsblp was net long In ripening Inte love and tbe ellmax was capped en Mon day evening last, when Mlsa Pollock left tbe conservatory at 7:40 p. m., under a pre text. Bbe waa met euulde by tbe " King of tbe Dude, " who escorted ber te tbe home el the Rev. Mr. GrlUlbs, pastor et the Bhawmut otiureb, where tbe marriage knot waa tied. Alter leaving the pastor's beuas the couple returned te the conservatory. Mr. Reake passed tbe evening pleasantly with her awwclatea, cot alluding te her marriage. The bride will graduate at tbe conservatory this year, and the newly married ceuple will later en take up their residence at Ne, 41 Dartmouth atreit, Fl.h Distribution la rnesjlvnla Streams, Fisb Commissioner W. I Powell baa re turned from Detroit where he had been at tending tbe meeting or tbe Amerlem Fish eries society. Mr. Powell took occasion at the meeting te call Uolted States Fish Commlsilener McDonald's attention te tbe faet that the Uh weirs In the Susquehanna along tbe Maryland shore have been very destructive te tbe young shad wbleh ibe federal authorities have, with considerable expense, planted in the stream, and spake of the refusal of tbe Maryland iiutherlttes te remove the flh dams. A car lead of rock bass will seen be shipped from Erie te Harrtaburg, and the Uih be distributed te several pelntr. Filteen cane et California trout (hybrids), will be shipped from the Cerry batehery for distribution In Central Pennsylvania streams. Fish Commissioner McDonald wilt place 25,000,000 chad, from the Bavre de Qraoe hatchery, In the Sus quehanna river, m m A Deg at tie lelrphoee. rrutn tin Woburn (Mass.) Advertiser. A deg story oeuiea from Manchester. A bright wltted girl telephoned te her father at his effloe asking If ber deg, "Curly," wsa tbete. Reply came that he was. "Well, take him up la your arms and held the receiver te bis ear ; I want te tell him te come home," said the girl. Her father did ae. The countenance were, momentarily, a leek of astonishment at hearing, "Ueme home ; Ou rly I Come home I" ; in the femi nine tones of bis mistress, but it took him only en Instant te understand what waa waetrd, and be made a break, for home as fast as he could go. An Assurance of Health. Among the assurances of health afforded ns by the regular dlscharge of the bodily func tions, nene Is raoie Important and reliable tLau that which regularity ul the bowels gives us. It there Is any even a temporary Inter ruption et this the liver and the stomach eulfer conjointly with inactive organs, and still greater mischief ensues If relief Is net speedily obtained. A laxative, above all cavil en the score of mineral composition or violent cllect, is Hestctter'a Stomach Bitters, ap- firecil by the medical profession and a most mpertant Item of the family materia medica of American households. It is botanic, painless In action, and if persisted in, effectual. The stomach and lHer, in no lens degrce and no less promptly and therughly than the bowels, nre regulated and toned by It, and It Is an admirable defense ngilnst malarial and rheumatic ailments, and a benign remedy for klduey complaints, nervousness and debility Tne population et Lancaster Is about thirty thousand, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with Bome affection of the 'threat and Lungs, aa these complaints are, according te statistic, mere numereus than ethnrs. We would adylsn all net te neglect the opportunity te call en their druggist and get a bettle of Kemp's llalram le 10 Threat and I nngs. 1'iice 50c and II ou. Tiial I'ze frca. Iseld by all druggists. (4) . a ltoptnre care guaranteed by Dr. J. 11 Mayer , B31 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kase at once, no operation or delay from business, attested b? thousands of euros after ethers tail, advice Iree, send for circular. marlO-lydAw HPECIAL NOTICES. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbs Bsst Salvb In the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Hhantn. rever 8eres,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay ruquireu. it is Kuarauiwjp give per fect satlstactlen, or money refunded. Price SB cents per box. Fer sale by 11. U. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 1S7 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. Jnne27 1yd THAT HACKING UOUUllcan be se quickly cured by Shlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. Beld by U. B. Cochran drugglsu Nes. 187 and ue North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. (1) Don't Be Faint-tiearled. If you are in trouble leek up. held en, give the blues geed by. If you are In pain, have a lamenets, have an ache et anv kind, go te the druggist and ask him for Tliemat' JCcltclrie Oil. It will de yen geed every ttine. Ker sale by H. II. Cochran, dm (gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. COUGU, WHOOPING COUttU and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shlleh's Cure. Sold by H. a. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and IS) Nena Queen 8. Lancaster, Pa. (4) Hr Him. " I foci new. I was sflllcted with sick head ache and (,'nnnrnl debility, but Burdock Bleed Bitten brought about an iniinedlalu liupiove liupieve mentlii inv general bnalih. 1 consider them the beat faintly medicine In the market" Adolp La'lez, Murrain N. V, Fersalebyll.il. Cochran, drugulst, 137 and 1 North Queen Street, Lancaster, A Safe luvntineut Is one which Is guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or In case of failure u return et pnrctiase price, en this sate plan jeucan buy from our advertised liruggtat a bottleef Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring nllef In eviry cat e, when und for any affection of 'llireat, Lunga or chebt, such as Consumption, luiUmmatten of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cengb, Croup, etc, etc. It Is plnisantand agreeable te tbe taste, perfectly safe and can always be depended upon. Trial bottle tree at II. B. Cehran'g Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 13 Aertli Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. (1) BLKKPLKSb N1QIITS, made mtserable by that terrible cough. Shllen'a Cure Is the remedy loryeu. Sold by II. a. Ceehran, druggist. Ne. In and 189 North Uueen BU Lancaster. Pa. (S) Meilt Wins. We Oeslre te say te our citizen, that ler for yfars we have bven selling Dr. King's New DlSLOvery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bucklln's Arnica Salve aud alectrle bitters, and hare ntver handled remedies that sell as well or that nave given such uni versal sailifctlen. We de net hetltate te guarantee them every time, and we stand ready te refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results de net fellow their use. lhee remedies have wen their great popularity purely en their merit. 11. B. Cochran, Drug glsu M7 and 133 North Queen street, Lancas ter. Pa. II) AN UNrOUTUNATK PK1180N. The most unfortunate person In the wend la one afflicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved at once by using Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, bee advertisement In another column. (4) BIHLOIl'S COUGH and Consumption cure Is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. Held by U. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. (3) I bava been dcat In one ear ten years, and partially deaf In the ether for two mentns t have bfen treated by earspeclalty doctors and received no btrneat. Having used Ely's Cream Balm for about a month 1 flnd myself greatly Improved, aud cia bear well and consider It a most valuable remedy. 1 bad also nasal ca tarrh. with dropping of mucus Inte my threat iiu (wii, ue. uijr ejdi, .vuicu treuuies alie have entirely dltupt eared D. B. Kates. Up per Lisle Broeme Ce., N. Y. my7.IitdoedAw " Tlie Ded Line" H any old soldiers remember the dead line" at AuaeraunvlUe. It waa a mighty daugorens nelgbleixl. Djspepsls, bilious it, and liver uittn eiuiy iIIwmm aie lull et perils ler the sIckm tn be1?( Ulead lluttrt are a cer tain rwtiT . 7J "" Hvery wnere, tat sale by a. U. er. 'ltte preset, 137 and 134 North Queen iu, ia tte lamlly at , fq OOP'S SARSAPARILLA. agoeFn'ame. At hems Is a tower or strength abroad stye thsftmtlar proverb, and It la ; felly verltta by Use history of Hest's aarsaparllla. The first words et commendation and praise for tats medicine were received from ear Meads and neighbors and f re the Urae It was fairly iatrodueod up te tbe prese at, there baa been, and U new, mere of Hoed'a BsUMptrilU geld la Lewell, Mass., where It ts vntde, than of all ether s imparities an bleed purifiers combined. Thlt " geed same " among people who have kaewa Heed's aarsasaruia and Its proprietors fr year should certainly be strong evidence te people In ether eJtlts and towns of the excellence and merit et this med ietas. Bead f.r book containing slatementa of cures. M I bad salt rheum ea my left arm three years, suffering terribly. 1 took Heed's sarea partlla, and thi salt rhsnm has entirely dlstp peered." U. M, Mute. 71 French 81., Lewell, Hats.' Salt Rheum " After the failure of three ski ltd physi cians te cure my boy cf salt rheum, 1 1 led Heed's Sarsapartila and Olive Ointment. I have new used four boxes of Ointment, and one and a-hatf bottles or sarsaparllls, and the boy ts te a'l appearances completely cured. Hell new four years old, and has beensmlcud slnee he was six months of age." Mis, B. bab bab DBaaeK, te Rewsatl street, Lewell, Haas. Heed's BarMparilla Beld by ail drugglsu. lit six for as. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO, Lewall, 100 Deeea On Dellar. ROOD'S BARS APAH1LL A FOR BALE at H. H. coehran s Drug Sterr, nes. 137 and 189 North Queen at., Lancaster, Pa. apri-2mdw A xER'8 HAKSAPARIIiLA. High-Pressure Living- chiractcrls i s these modern days The result 1 a fearf ul increase et Brain and Heart Diseases -General Debility, Insomnia, Paraly sis, and Insanity. Chloral and Merphia aug ment the evil. The medicine best adapted te de permanent geed Is Ayer's Sarsapartila. It Durlaet, enriches, and vitalizes the bleed, and thus strengthens every iunotlen and faculty of the body. ''I have tiud Ayer's Sarsapartila, la my family, for years. 1 have found It Invaluable as A Cure for Nervous Debility caused by an Inactive llver aid a' low state of the bleed." Henry Bacen, Xenla,Ohle. " for some time I have been troubled with he art dlteaae. 1 never sound anything te help tne until I began using Ayer's Earaaparllla. I have only used this medicine six months, but It has relieved me from my trouble, and en abled me te resume work."- J. P. Carsanett, Perry, ill. " I haye been a pncllelngphyslclan ter ever half a century, and during that time 1 have never found su powerful and reliable sin alter ative and bloea-puriaer as Aver's Barsapa-rilla."-Dr. U. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayei's Sarsapaiilla, rsBranxn bt Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe , Lewell, Mass. Pr ce II t sis bottles, V. Woith ai a bottle. mayitlte27 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. VOR BALB XT IT. B COOIIUAN'B DltUd STOBK, Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen St , Lancaster, Fa. aprt-2tndAw "DAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S CUBES NKKVOU8 FUOSTBATION, NKIIVOUS HKADACHK, NKUUALQIA, NKUVOU8 WEAKNKSS, BrOMACH AND LIVKB D1S- KASES, K1IBUMAT18M. DYSPEPdlA, and all Affcotlens of the Kidneys, WEAK NBRVBB. FAINK'B CELKHY COMPOUND Is a Nerve Tonle which never falls. Containing Celery and Cocea, these wonderful stimulants, ft speclaly cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM. FAINK'S GELkBY COMPOUND purifies ths bleed. It drives out the lactic acte, which causes Uheumatlsm, and restores the bleed making organs te a healthy condition. The true remedy for Bheumatlam. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PAINk'-s OBLKUY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys te perfect health. Thlscnratlve power, combined with Its nerve tonics. Is why It Is the best remedy ter all kidney complaints . DYSPEPSIA. PAINE'S CKLEBY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach, and qnteta the nervea of tbe digestive organs. This Is why it cures even the worse cases of Dy spepsla. CONSTIPATION. PAINE'S CELEUY COMPOUND Is net a cathartic it Is a laxative, giving eay and natural action te the bowels. Regularity surely fellows Its use. Beeemmended by professional and business men. bend for book. Price, 11.00. Beld by Druggist. WELLS, UICUAUDSON St, Ce, Proprietors. Burlington, Vt. (?) PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Vl R BALK AT H. B. COCUbAn'S DltUQ STOUK. Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. aprl-2indAw TLY'B OKKAM HALM. OATARRH---HAY FEVER. ELY'S CBEAM BALM cures Celd In nead Catarrh, Ueee Celd, Uay fnver, Deafness, Head acne. Price Ge Cents. EASY te USE. Ely Bre's, Owego. N. Y., U.S.A. TOD WILL BAV MONEY, TIME, PAIN, TBOUBLE, And Will Cure OATABBH, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle is applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price 60 cents at druggists i by mall, registered, ee eta. KLY BUOTUEUS, ass ureenwlch Bt., New Yerk. nevU-lyd&w y ALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE OP LIKE. A VALUABLE MEDICAL VVOHK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,-by which they victimize thousands, and by thelrexaggeraUngdlaeaae, makes these peer sufferers Insane. Every young man. miadleged or old, should read thu book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Bend two cent "y " wva Auunwf, flwK8 North reurth at, phUadSp"1.'. QAKE, MURK AND SPEEDY OURK. O Bnptnre, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be bnmbuHKdbvanacki when you can find In Dr. Wright the onlvUao enlvUao onlvUae uui Pavsmua In PhUadalphla who makes a specialty et the above diseases, and utem ThsmT Curbs Ucaraxtbsd. Advlee rree dav and evening. Strangers can be treated and re turn home same day. Ofllces private. DB.W.H. WBIUUT. 241 North Ninth Street, Above Uace. P. O. Bex 673 Philadelphia. fh2Myflw -jLf L. FISHER, DENTIST. W particular attention given te titling and preserving the natural teeth. I have ail the latest Improvements for doing nice aerk at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex perlence In the large cities 1 am sure te give the best of satisfaction and save you money. best arUOelalteeUionlyaieoper set. mam-lyd Ma MMUJtXH qUMXN bt. CELERY COMPOUND BOOTS AXD BI10t XKW SHOl STORK. The Pedestrian I Te men desiring an easy and comfortable shoe we would leeummaud tea Pedestrian. The uppers are made or two pieces of calf skin, therefore doing away with the txtra top nsually found la snarl's shoes t hand-sewed ann without llnlar. consequently, there U netAlaa en tte inside of tte shoe te hart or eha:e the feet. LOW SHOES. A very desirable line of low-cut sheea tat cam's wear. A hand-made, oxford tee, plain bread tee. wakes wa king easy. Alse tte sassa ty la shoe In Dongola,soft ana easy te we toot, for young men's wear, la calf aad Dongola, narrow tea and Up. OXFORD TOES. Our line of Oxford tees ts large, cot prising everything desirable fat ladUs, mtssse and children In low-cut shoes. Tennis aad Blcrcla shoes of every descrip tion and at all prlets. Wigwam slippers for men s, boy's, ladles'. misses' and chUdren's wear. H . SWILKEY, . (New Cash Shee t tore) Ve. U North Qaeem Street. LANCASR,PA, wartMand LOOTS AND SHOES. D. P.STACKHOUSE, SS and 10 Edit King Street. SHOES. We will continue te move them. PHIOIB CUTONtMmittiTOONjMlALronmanyef our BOOTB AND SHOES. UNDERVALUE. Oar stock will undergo a thorough weeding out. Broken lets, odd sixes, and Unas we In tend te drop, must go. Wu have net the room te quote the prices, but rail and see for your yeur selt We will try te please you. our stock must be cut down and you should take advantage of this announcement. D. P. STACKHOUSE, S3 ds 30 HABT KINO, ST., LANCABTEE, PA. aTO-lydhW rOJiNITOKB, fhOHtf A Gill 118. Our Advice. New that house-cleaning time is here, send your old furniture te the Second -Hand Stere. Yeu can get as much for it as you will pay us for Naw Style Furniture. Step up-stairs at 31 Seuth Queen street, see our large stock and get the lowest prices in this city. Have a leek at these new patent brace chairs, same price as the old style and much stronger. OCHS a GIBBS, 31 Seuth Queen Street, Up-stairs. aprll-lyd w IDMYER'S. FURNITURE WIDMYEBS GOBNEE. T1IE OLD COJtNEU 13 rULL or GOOD HEW THINQJ. Our stock U tee large and must be roaueed before the season cle.es. Te de this we have concluded te give the people a Chan 00 te get Geed Furniture I AT A LITTLE COST. Wohavesomo goods fnet the newest, bnt Just as geed) that will be sold If the prien put en them will c-ll them. ThesoareuitKAT BARGAINS, and we ex pect te see them move lively. WIDMYER'S FURNITUBB STORS Oer. Bast King & Duke Bts. e UR REPAIR DEPARTMENT. HEINITSH'S 87 AND 20 BOUTH.QTJBHN8T., LANCASTEB, PA. If you bave anything te be repaired, send It te us We are prepared te attend te it quite promptly, ReupbelsteriDg of M Kinds. Tour Old Hair Mattress Made Over Equal te New, at Moderate Price. A Pull Linn of NEW NOVELTIVB In Flush, Tapestries, JTrench Cretonnes (for Ueophol Ueephol Ueophel sterlng) 10 select from. HEINITSH'S. HUMMKR llEHOKTH. T UE "CHALrONTE," Ocean End et North Carolina Avnnnn, ATLANTIC C11 Y. N.J. E.BOBKUT3ABONB. aprO-smd llTETHERILIi," ATLANTIC OITV. N. J , Ocean End Kentucky Avenue. Open February 1, te November 1. lock BexltfM. , , M.J.ICKEBT. rxaylO-2 nd V TLANTIO CITY, N. J, THE MANSION. ATLANTIC C1TT, N. J. Largest Most Convenient Hetel. Elegantly FnrnUbed, Liberally Managed. Coach te and from Beach and Trains, orchestra M uslc CUA8. MeuLAOiS, Prep. W. E. CQCBjua.Chlnf Clerk. reliW-SiiTd APON HI'KINOH AND HATHH. ' .., ALKA1NE LITHIA AND BUPKUIOB IKON WAIEKB, UAMPHU1US CUUNTY. W. 1 his celebrated Mountain Besert for health and pleasure. Batha el anytemperatn a; a summer climate unsurpassed 1 a charming summer home with Its many improvements, aocpmmedaung beu guests, open. J nne 1. Fer medical and ether testimony, send for clreu-Ur- .. VTM. H.HaLE, way7-35td Proprietor. iYietiS6e SPECIAL REDUCTION! IN PRICE. French, English and American DRESS GOODS. Newflit Stylet A lata Spring baa disturbed the trade or the Country and Manufacturers and Importer! an compelled te make nerifleea. We ue new offering qualities- et Dreaa Goods t large rtdaotien from early priori. HAGER & W.'.-V11,fcl N; EXT DOUR TO COURT HOUSB. Mid-Spring The following list la a few of the many things weuia suggest an cariy visii, aa many 01 tnam Kamnania 01 Hrnnu..n.... ......... Wl 1 case Best Mieaehea Muslin, Be, worth ..10 ...Be Disuses baia iiraenvuiin) n tieBa Memla Towels, all Linen, Deaen Nanaias, tee a dot:, each, soed Hack Tewals ., 100 ..........se 00 Four Bargains In 1 takings, at r. 10, 11M and lae SO Dee. Ilea's Vfhtte Shtru at loe. wo7ta....7Se 1 sate 01 taa Best uneieacnea musiin, ejic, ' worth.,,... te 10 Hew i-prlng style Frlntf, best goods eWe 1 Let Toweilef ...te 1 Let Marseille Qullta iae 1 Let Lln.n Damaaa Bureau Cevers 000 Uoed AssettmentCurtalnaeiims.ln cream and rignrea. at..... , 8, 10 and like Twebpeclaicunatn roles SJandsJe Ladles' Hesular Made Hese 11K0 Ladles' Unbleached summer Hese te tamped Pillow ahams, jrintat Muslin, a pair we ttDeiea Damask Towels .....ll.e as ueasn euper iiamasa Towels. FAHNESTOOK'S, MOB. 80 eh 37 MA8T KIHQ ST.. D KS1RABLE SHADES DRESS OOODS, Metzger & Haughman Have new in Stock from Latest Importation .THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS -!- Eenrietta and Albatross Oleths, iSebelln Blue, Berpent Green, Oream, Gelden Ecru, &e, &e. 1 .. ' - . Metzger & Haugnman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Beuse. B ARDctMeEIiROY. bard & Mcelrey, S3 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, WHITE GOODS! The Cheapest riounclegs In the City of Lancaster. Each pattern contains i yard 1 each yard from a te 00 cents less than regular prices. KI.OUNCINO at GO cents 1 regular price. 75 cents. FLOUNCiMO at 60 eents ;regularprler,87K cents. . FLOUNCING at 75 cenU I regular prier, I1W. I VLOIINKINU at (lout regular prlee, 1 W. FLOUNC1NU at ll.U regular prlee, IL71. India Linens and Victeria Lawns at 9,10, UK, IS, te, S5. 81 cents. An evtra quality at 1 .Corded Flqnn at 10, 0, IS, si eta. The greatest bargain ever nlTered at JJe 1 worth loe. 1 and atrlped White Uoeds at 8. t. 8, 1", lift cts and up. A special drive at 12K Ladles' J 8Uk Ola-rmm In black .nfl enlnr Kt 2Ae esch. 1 We have special low prices en Fleer Oil (medium ingrain carpets Matting, Feathers iWarpet nags taaan in exenange, ana ine nignesi imees paia rer goea nags. kreur expenses are net nigh. We are latlsQed with small profits, and you will find en prices low. i BARD R, MnFLROY. . .- - 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, JKWBLKY. ,N ON-MAQNKTIO WATCHES, Nen-Magnetic Watches I All gradea of American Nen-Uagnetlc Watches new in itoek. They cannot be affected by magnetism or contact with the most powerful Dynamos or Electro Magnets. The movements can be had in Geld, Silver or Nickel Cases. We have also a full line of the Latest Novelties in Jewelry and Silverware. Come and examine them. ET Repairing of all kinds done and guaranteed. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. OAMPMT BABUAINBI SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VBLV1T, BODY BRUB81LS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Dimisk and Yenetltn, Rig and Gbain Carpets, OIL OLOTHS, WINDOW BHADMB, etc. We Have tbe Largest aad Bext Stock in th Oity, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oenur Wirt King and Wittr Strata, Luetstir, Fi uvmvAL. QUP2A10B QUALITY MUSICAL BOXES, BUST QAUTSCBI SONS, He. IPSO Chestnut Street, rnUadelphla. examination will prove ear Instnimuata tarsuperlorte any ether make, net speaking et the worthless trash that abounds In tbe market, seen being et mere annojranee than ileasnre te their owners. Old and tmper. eeuymade aiasle Hoses carelnlljr repairea bv ezpeneneM workmen irem the aennfae tery lnawttaarlana. Correspondence solicited. Bend stamp ter catalogue and prtee luc seTlyOw ANOLER'8 HUPPUE8. A VKRY complete sleck or letnted reds, brass and nlckei reels, silk and linen lines, hoekr, red mountings, basse, flies andetntr small supplies at UUflUU'dDKUuarestis, MWestlUBfSUwt. ! e. and Ooleir. BROTHER, Ne. 15 Weet King Bt , Luieuter. Bargains! wa are bow earerlaf at Bargain Pilots, and wui last out a raw nays 1 A 11. Weel Embroidered Stand Cevers t5e riush Mantle Trimming U and 7m Best Table Oil Oleth .....We Ladles' ay ring atoektnette Jaekets ss ee Smyrna begs, 7BO, formerly. Si 00 ataircarpeu , 10, is and no ninghams 1 ", ewandde Table Linen ls,ttaadK4 1-nrkey Ued Table Linen tOaadSSe KemnanUet White Hress Ooeds,..M. SVf, lOandllHO Twe Matgalns In Black Bilk Khadama at ll.oe and 147K worth II W ?. aad (1C0 All Celers In a 1 -Ilk Mortea II.W Frown, Blue and Black chambray eue Bestlndlge Bine rrlnu le 4lnchB aek Cashmere mtandrea Knotted Fringe Counterpanes S7We Toilet yuliu WT, tlbe Ladies' Fast Celer Hese lOandllKe Special Bargains In Oauie Underwear for Men, vr eman ana cnuaren. IsAKOABTaB, FA. Opposite Fountain Inn. atltke. rial a rure Cleth, Heme made Baa Carpets, low priced and and Window shades. Best Table Oil cloth. tM. ... ., - Opposite Fountain Ien BALLS. BARGAINS I I OaHRIAUK. STANDARD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY CABBIAGE BDILDEB, OS,40,l,4iAMABKET BTUIIT, Bear Ot .roetefllce, Lancaster, l"a, I have In Stock and Build te Order Krery Variety el the lollewloa stTlee i Coune. llu. glee, CaDneieu, camaaes. Vic terus, Uusluesa Watfens. "V caru, MeCaU Wagons. Burrles, Market Wagons, f ticiens, Kzpresa Wagons. . ..". .. r. .-Jr.- W.a 1. T . w I emDler the best Mechanics, and have ltiell de uest uecnanica. ana nave lucii I correctly anv style of Canliure eunallty. Style and irinlahet my It decidedly the cheapest la the luea ve uuua renwuj u aesiree. Tne work makes market. STWl BAVBTUB BKSTANDCBXAPjUT CAUT1N 1UK MAUKKT. DRT UOODB. AT Q1VLER'& OPEN TO-DAY THIKD INVOICE OF Qenuice Btlbriggtn Shirts mi D;wf s, ALL SIZES, TIC. FINCr BALBRIG8AN SDIRTSAND DRAWERS ALLSUKS, 0JU.T BOe. JusTHAxr or IMFOXTSBS'OOST. GenVi Giazl Belbriu ud Sumner Heriie. LADIES' AMD CHH.DaiN'3 GAUZE UNDEBWKAB, 1JK0 UP TO 70. Loek at Our Stock et HOSIERY AND GLOVES. JOHN S. GIVLER, Uemember O ar Mew Stere, ' Nes. 6 & 8 North Queen St., ... ..LAHOABIEK, PA. marlO-lyflAw N KW YORK STORE. Extraordleary Bargains -ATTHX New Yerk Stere. The mistakes et tnanntaeturrr In making mere goods than they could sell at a profit enables ns te offer our customers many spec ial leta Interesting te purclmera. I BILK AHDWOOL8UlTlNQS.mae for this Season's wesr, In mixtures and double checks, te inches wide t nerer sold ter less thtn l 0J a jard our prlee se cents, JtEWSPHlNO-JBUlTINUa, In solid oelnrs, pin cheeks and silk mixtures. Si Inchns wide i manntaeturer's price, 42H cents a iard new selllDg at 31H cents. ALL WOOL SPH1NQ TBinOTK, In gTOys and brown nuxiurrs, jard wldei closing nut prlee a cents a yard nerer sold or less than iTMeents. One ease as Ineh ALL wool DEBKUr, in treys and tanr, BS cents a yardtma'e te stll at te cent. , GILBERT'! ALL WOOL BniTINQ9, In light and medium g.-ejs and browns i only W cenlsayarl, , LaTJIBB' PUBB BILK (1 LOVES, 8 button Iength,eleitant quality, biaek and colors, 21 cams a pair i real value, S7H eenu. LDIE8'8rBlHn KID GLOVES, embreld ered back, 4 buttons, suporter quality ,7J cents a pair imported te sa 11 at ll.ix IttOyerds OBBAM OUUTAIH H1BIU f Ave styles, geed quality, 5 esuts a yard. Can't be made (or the money, 100 dosen TURKISH BATH. TOWELS f S cent apiece) only halt prlej. E0 deten LADIES BLACK JKtlSKYP, all wool, 79 cents each) cheap eneugh at 11.00, Black, eream and colored BDBAII SILKS, 11 Inches wide, se eents a yard. WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 10 H4.BT KINO BT LAMCA8TEB, PA. S TAMM BROIHKRS. Haie Yen Heard et It ? STAMM BROTHERS, 89 & 87 North Quen Strut, HAVE HAD! AM ASSIGNMENT IH OBDKB TO D LOOK OUT reu a- Gyclene of Bargains ! WILL 8TUIKE THIS TOWN Saturday; May 19th. This ASSIGNEE'S BaLE will start andwUl continue until everything Is sold. REMEMBER, Every thing Must Be Sold. OL031NO OUT 1 SELLING OFF I In order te dispel the suspicion Irrni the mtnds of the suspicious we win here say that this assignment was made for the sole purpose el dl.selvlnn the partnership existing betw'en GHAUMCanTAMM and J. HAUuf bl'AHat forever. ATA SHERIFF'S SALE Ten could net buy as cheap as you will be able te buy aline Gieat Assignee's Sale, W1I1C11 BEGINS SATURDAY, MAY 19. EVEHT1IODV CDUK EVKIIY DAY YOU dTAY AWAY YOU LOSE." Glorious Oppettaniliea for Ihkieg Menty Lancaster rioedrd with Cheap Goods will be the result et this tfale. DONT FORQET. COMK KARLY. BOSTON STORE (Bight Acress from the Potteoicc.) Wit. r. BBYXB, Isq., Aitlguee. TttA VMLMR8 OUIDB. J JEADINQ &. COLUMBIA R. K Ar.-angmnt of Pasienger Trains ea, atur, GUMUAV, MAT 13, ISM. KOB1HWAKT). LaTA QnarryTllle A.M. s"ie,.... tin Lancaster ,' 740 Ohiekue ....,.. 780 atletta Junction 7M Columbia. 733 Arrtreatt x eaelni 9M 80UTUWA11D. Leave a. . Beading...,,,., 7,3) mm Arrrlreat a w. HarletUJnncUen 001 Oblekles je Columbia , ... 9 I aneaster ete King Street, Lane 9 30 (juarry villa le,a BUNOAT. Leave Onarrvvlltaat TIB a tn. a.k rrU-"i it st ' 12 48 S n itw $M i 1IM 4SJ ,& lire SssV-J a.w. r. sV J 1LS0 SJl "M rtt. .L.,j 1 JIB . -4 ' rt , a SOI '5 i.ts sS'tJ isi e. ' 'J' stmg street, utnc at 8.00 a. n, and s u 9. at. ;, . .z T L-" r . - i ArriTeai ' nauiuiK, 1u.1va.1a taau swwjnsb, -.Li ttraillnv ()! nt S S n. n ..Ftr . .,"" "RSh niui.unmnniViUIIlk Bl StBM .awftssi; t-; Mitf i h. m ,,,11 y, w, - itrki-t AVTralns oennect at Haafllnv with tralaa m'' '' . .... ..i-M-t .- ..T". " .. -LTZ TTIZ . u uuui t'Ai-nuQipaia, reiiaTUie.uamsns Allentewnand Kew Yerk, ;vla. Bound neuia. , i A Colombia, with trains te and from Yeefc-.? HaneTer, ucttytburg, JTredertek aad JMtP ;j mere. t At MaHatta Jnnnllnn ll inln. IauA' from Chleklea. . AtManhelmwtUi trains te and Irem Le , HwU. .? At Lancaster Jnnnllnn. wltt, tntm sa fc'- from Lancaster. Qnan j vlile, and Chleklea V :;' A. M. WlLsON bunerlntenaeat. . '-. T EBANON & liAMOASIKR JOiNri Jt-m LiaaasiLauau, r arrangement et Passenger Traif s ea. i alter, ecspat. Mat 13, 168a. MOBTUWAHD. Leave. a.u. r., y.n. Qeanyvllle m h.lng street, Lane.. 7 re HM 5W laneaslrr 707 1241 .n Manhetm 7.W us e. innaay. l - -?. 0 ' in f"S 118 .4 Ul L" 1 SJ.4. Uernwsll 7.S9 140 65' ArrlvAAfc Lebanon Ml 1.83 7.10 in " euurnnanu. Leave a x. r . r.x a k. m. :;: Lebanon 711 1280 7wl Cornwall 717 12.41 7 4f r.ai j. 10 4.1 Manheim 7.M 1,14 ais Lancaster. 83 111 8.42 ArtiTA ut S.40 .ll 9tmm it Blng Btrret. Lane 8 ts l.M t.W, 021 AfU. WILSON, Bunt. II. O. BaUrOAd. B. B. M e r f, Supt 0. B. K. XNNNTLV1NU RAn.RnA rM BQUEOULB.-la eceet from Hay ;' irs Trains uava LAacAsra and leave savt asV,T' A Ive .t rhlladalnhlaaa follewai y J rtva Leave Philadelphia. WMTWAUJ. iraeuie Bxpreesf Wews Bzpreest....... War raaseaaert ssAfltnUBviastLJeyl MaSHaUTratat Mlagara SUrnreas.... Haaevar Aeeeai a v;in ih no. 4:80 a, m. 1H1. M tOOeVUe ' T!sWlssL. M. fi CelamW sTass Aiiaef.. ...,, rreisrlekAecem.... LaaoasterAeeom..., Harriabnrv Aoeom.. nelnrante Aeeetn.... Harrtsbura Express f Western Bxpressl.. A8TWABD. UsWsas. asBe ssssi wutejajn ra avtamast wwjr, asv u assaa 4:40 p.m. BAOp ta. e-.80p.Bs, Leave Laneaatec. a. as. KB a. as, 8:10 a. aa. 8a.a. 8-00 a. m. 189MP.BB. s.-0Bp.aa, fcoep.m. 4:4b p.m. 8:46 p. m. FkUa. Bxnreest Fast Ltnel. .......... Harrtsbura Bxnrea I Laneastat Aoeom at. Columbia Aoeom,.. n sneiw aipnsiMii PhUadalDhla Aoeom. annaay aiau. Day xzpreast Harrtaburg Aocem. The Lancaster AeeommedaUom leavea nsourgaisuep.ia.aBa arnyee at at-.sB,m. " tu Marietta aewotiisneatio lea' bia at 8:40 a. . aad reaches MarteteaaaMsV Alse leavea Columbia at 11:48 a. as. uiMi a, reaealna- Martatta at lfctn aad SJaTLsstf C aaanenaaisep.m.anaarnTea at maasaaaa at 8sb .also, leavea at tM aad arrtvaa MMT xae xera Aoeomaaoaauoa leavea at 1:18 aad amvae at Laaeastec naetlrg with Harrlabarg Bvprees rtebarg Bxpraaaat 8is8a a. AficcmmoeAtksa. wmey eaav later wtu raaTuaa. nn through te rraeasrstt. -tocemmrastton, east, ssMW areaenea aeeiiac at -' atW8.iru.wUlrunt: Tha rrederlGk Aeto. oeiaaiMa at iWB.and 1 Hanover AoeommodatloB, Bast, leaves "Oiil nmbta at 4:10 p. m. Arrives at LaBeastef a s.aa p. m oenneoung wiia iiay Jtxpraas. , v sianever Aoeemmooauon, weaveeassi atLaneajter wlthjltagara Bxprcse as I 04 win nus umrafsiansaTK any,' ssDesr. raat Lisa. west, em flaadav. wheat 1 will sum at Downlnitewn.CoatsaTUla' 1 Dnrr, sat. joy.aiiaapemtjwnanasaiaaisaufa, t Aa enl trains which run dallr. OaBaaala the Hall train west runs by war of CelaaiMb , afa jssss nWsVi VU)iSM JT 8JII.MPK OUAB. B. PUOH Oeneral Msnsasr. 4& BAy OAKBtAUM9, rr&f .aasssy wmmmwmt M0m F LLNH BRKJNHMAir, 100 Different Patterns ah. or- BABY GARR1AKES -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN. . Leavw'.H , SSi ie in ttssVlssV. J8L . 1 B i gH mm Uifiusa,;', sju.as.y Mlfi Me) eawKsa- , 46fVs,- "Alaska" Eefrigerateiil UAVK NO EQUAL. mm & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 Nertli Queen BtxMtt J LAKCABTEll VA. COMPLEXION re WDKR. -V,J pOMFLKXION POWDEH. LADIES'; WUO.VALUB A BVFIVXD COjII'LIZIOST '!r auiti' ar. jsv POZZONI'S HEDICATID COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. Removes all pimples, freckles and die colorations, and mikes the skin delicately seu and beautiful. It contains no lime, white, lead or arkenlc. in tnree snaaus, piu ur , white aud brunette. rOB SALE BY " All Druggists and Faaey Q00C Dealsra afverywhtrw. aWIIKWAUE or lslirATIONS.-S aprat lvd " COAL, TJAUMUAJlDNKil'M COatFANY. COAL DEALERS. OrnoiNe. 129 North Queeustreet, ad Be. tM North rrlnca street. Yaaca:-nerth rrtnee Btreat, near skadUisl Depot, aurlSifd LAMOABTBIt. rA B a MARTIN, Wholesale and Betall Dealer In all kinds Ol liUMHHK AMD COAL. SBrYAao-Me.4) Mertb Water end Prise Streets, abe ve Lemoa, Lancaster, c-l ' -' :zw W!i1 :? 1 "" w, SJ Si '41 m,i 'FiH i4 m SJTv v" K ,r$ M m rsi 'Vl