'j. -r -T y i i rHB liANOASTER DAILY INTELLIGEKCER, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1888. DRIFT. Were you at the concert ter 8t Jeseph's he ipltal ea Thursday evealag T It whom of the flnest popular concerts we have aver had at Lancaster. Tbere were two things beat It tbet were particularly attlafectery te me. First,. lUlemenstreted tbet It te eet necessary, lu order te have concert en joyed lij general eadlenee, te epetl tbe elevating effects et clssele ptesee by later speratng among thetnoemto song and per formances te propitiate tbe "popular taste." Wbaterer relief li needed te keep an eyen Ing's psrformseco from becoming " heavy " can be better (applied by here and there a pretty balled, aa wat done at Ih'a concert, Iren Beetheren, Listen, Kabeaetela end neb masteri, than by aalnatrel aeaga'teet are la barab and painful oeatraet with tbe tone of the rest. Te be popular does net require te-be coarse, aer evea funny. Thursdaj'soenetrtwea eertala'.y popular, yet It wae refined and elevating la every part Tbe only fanny thing about It wae wbea tbe footlights had te be tuned op te how'eff tbe charm and graeee of tbe Utile btrltene exqilslte,ana mat waa an uninten tional diversion. Tbe second feature that delighted me waa tbe convincing proof allerded by tbe Rev. H. O. Osnes that a drat-elata pianist can alae be a flrst-elasa accompanist. Aa rale great pianists cannot, or at least dc net, oe Mnpenytheslngei's voice at all,but rather earn te try te drown it, and tee often tbey succeed. This falling Mr. Qanaa la net aub. J eet te. t have never In my life heard any. thing mere perfect thin hlaajoempanlment en the piano of Mra. Wagner'a wonderful vocal gymnaatlca from tbe Carnival or Venice, or Mr. Baker'a sweet and patbetie tenor aolea ; indeed all hla accompaniment waa as nearly perfect as anything ever heard In this city. Bat I don't Intend te talk about muale te-day. bnt about a oeuple of new boeka f tat Will, I think, Intereat you. I have J uat been looking through two boeka, both con trlbutlena te tbe Important at d Intereatlng nbjeec et folk lore, tbat la getting te be one et tbe most popular, as It la one et tbe meat fascinating subjects of study. One of them la a little volume, very quaintly yet appropriately bound, wblcb may be con sidered aa a acquel or a supplement te Joel Chandler Harris' famous " Uncle Remus " stone. It Is entitled " Negro Myths from tbe Georgia Cjast," and la tbe work of Charles C Jcne,jr.,tbe historian of Georgia. Aa Mr. Harris work gave aa the myths, legends and tales prevalent among tbe negrees of middle Georgia, ae Mr. Jenes baa diligently gathered these of tbe negrees of tbe coast region, tbe former alavea et tbe rlee awamp and the marshes ; and It must be raid tbat the harvest of bla reaearchea la a rich and highly Intereatlng one. It Is remarkable hew dlOerent (he tales et the' coast nogreoa are from tbeae of tbe negrees et tbelntorler, and no leia singu lar tbt their dialect should also be ae dif ferent Of oeurso we meet among tbem many et the ssmn character1, " Buh Kab bit," " Bub Wolf," "Buh Fex," and ethers. Bat even these play roles ellen quite ether than these of 'Uncle Remus'" "Brer Rabbit" and "Brer Fex." While the swamps and marshes preduce for tia a multitude of ether new characters appa rently but llttlohnewn In "Uncle Hemus'" cabin ; tuch are "Huh Alligator," "Beh Marsh-Hen," " Bub Galilnlpper," te say nothing et "de Crawllsh," "de Bullfrog," nd " de Grouu'-mele," and beat el ethers. Te gtve you a speetmen of tbe peculiar "lingo" of tbe coast negrees, and also of tbe humor tbat cbaraotetizsa meal of their stories, let me give you the fable of " HUH TUICIUS V IIUZZUD AN UK RAIN. "Bub tukrey bnzzuri, hfmyent'had no aense no hew. Yeu wa'ch um. " Wen de rain de pe down, eh set en de fencb an eh i qulnch up laself. Eh draw In eh neck, an eb try fur bide eh bead, an eh leek dat pittjful you rale sorry forum. Eb dub halt cry, an eb eay te Itself : Numminc, wen dls rain ober me gvvine leb dls rain lick me dls way no ma' " Wen de rain done gene, an de win blew, an dn sun ablne, wuh bub tukrey buzzud de? Eb net en de toper de dead pine tree weh de sun kin warn um, an eh tretcb eut'eh wing, an eh tnn reun an reun Ode win klndryebflder, an eh laugh te Itself, an eh say : "Dls rain done ober. Eh yant gwlne rain no me. Ne nse fur me far bull beuse new.' Caleas mau dls like bub tukrey buzzud." In Its way tbat la about as neat and rer feet a specimen of rable as can be found anywhere. It la infinitely better m every requirement et tbat form or literature than tbe wbole host of fablea produced, for ex ample, by the Ge man peetii who bad such a weakliest) for it until Leasing brought tbem te their senses. And ee with most of tbeae found In Mr. Jenes' volume ; though the majority of them are longer and cannot be called mere fabler. It Is highly Interesting te trace the real meaning and origin of many of the negre myths, which can quite readily be done with the help of tbe keys furnished by Prof. Jehn Flske iu bla admirable book en "Myths and Myth-makers." of which I told you some time age. The same can be done bIbe with tbe my tba and semi-myths erthe Iilsb, many of wblcb are given In tbe ether work te which I referred, Mr. D. B. MeAnally, Jr'a "Irish Wenderr," Just published, line the "Negro Myths," by Bongbten, MillllntV Ce, et Bosten. Irish Wonders" Is tbe fruit of Its author's recent expended visit te every county In lreland during which be bad abundant opportunity of bearing front tbe lips or the peasantry, all these fanelful tales be has recorded for us, be full et bread wit and rich humor, ae geed natured and sun shiny, tbat from them one would scarcely Infer tbat they who told them were among tbe epprts&ed of the eartb, with far mere of Berrow and darkness In tbelr condition and surroundings than of sunshine and brightness. 1 et under the laugh one can even In many of these tales discern, if one watches closely, the quiver as of a tear'ul voice; and under the Jeke a tone aa of outer despair. Tbe Irish are a story-telling race. Full of fancy, quick wit, racy humor, and net a little of deep pathos tee, they add te these a dramatle pernie aud taste that gives te tbe tellleg of their stories a peculiar charm te be found among no ether people. Te this Mr. MeAnally refers wbeu he says lu tbe pre face te bla aeiignuui volume mat, "we where you will In Ireland, tbe story-teller la there, and en slight provocation will re peat bla narrative ; amplifying, explaining, embellishing, till from a single faet a con nected history la evolved, giving motives, particulars, action and result, tbe wbole surrounded by a rosy wealth el rustic Im agery, and told with dramatic force au ac tor might envy. As, however, In perusing a drama each reader for him aelf supplies stage action, S3 In the follow ing psges, be is requested te imagine tbe charms et gesticulation and Intonation, for no pen ean de lustlee te a atery told by Irish lips amid Irish surroundings." Oat ct ee full a collection et auch rich material It Is bard te select auy specimens for quotation. I will, therefore, take quite at random tbe following related by an old peasant et Ceunty1 Wioklew, Introductory te bla explanation et bow a certain depres sion came te be upon tbe face of a large oreea In tbe graveyard of one of tbe churches there: ' Ye tnu.t knew," he raid, tbat among all the aatnta tbat went te heaven from Ire land's sod, tbere Isn't wan, barrln' Haint Patrick, tbat stands In a bettber place tbau the blessed Halnt Kevin av Glendaleugb, fur tbe wendberful tbinga that he done la past all tell In'. 'Twaa be tbat built all the churches (tbere are seven in tbe village, mostly In rulna new,) ye see In tbe vale here, an' when be lived he owned all tbe land round about, fur be reatered King ,0'Tcelb'a geese, tbat tbe king bad aucb dlvarabnn in, when it waa tee euld te tly, ae tbe king gev bim all tbat tbe geese 'ud fly ever, an' when tbe geese get bnr wings agin, tbe waa se merry tbat abe flaw ever mighty near all tbe laud tbat King O'Toele bad before she come back at alL Se he get It. "'Twee be tee tbat put out e' the eour eeur thryhvery Nit enrplnt ttut was left lu I , afther Hiut Patrick had drove the r. at Inte ma say, 'ur be met tbe baste wan day as be was walkln' In tte hills and tuk him home wld blot te give him the bit an sup, aa' the aarptat get aa dbruak aa a piper, ae 8slat Kevin put bias, la a box aa' stall It up an' flaag it into tat aay, wkara it is le thta blaiMd day. " 80 It geee ea with atery after atery lr. eJdeatally uggeated la getting at the atery et the wee. Tbe beautiful volume, with Its abundant Interesting Illustrations, does net, how hew aver, alve at only a oelleotloa of folk stories axmt the ghosts, giants, poekaa, desaees, lepreehawas, bantheea, fairies, witches, widows, old maids, aad ether marvels of the Kaerald lata) there la aeattarad through It much of description of aeaaery and localities, of arcbseilogleal lore, aad of onto? the way history, while Its delleoatleae of tbe oharaeter and cus toms of the Irish are among the meat graphleaud full we have met with any where. I have received a clearer Idea of the Irlah peasantry particularly, from Mr. MeAnally's book than I avtr had before, aad I think a truer one tee. In abort tba volume le ena of nermaneat Intereat and value te the student aa wall as a fund of freshest aaiuaemaat aad eatertalameet te the general reader. It must be a work of peculiar and laeStlmableintereetand worth te tba many thousands la this country whose ancestry oaeo lived among the scenes described and the legends told by me autner. tbb doeks is neauiiraiiy printed and bound aad Illustrated most satisfactorily by H. R. Heater. Uneas. m m Tbat Tired reeling Season li hare again, and nearly every one feels weak, languid, and exhausted. Tbe bleed, laden with Impurltlea which have been accnmulatiag for menths, moves sluggishly through the vein, the mind falls te think quickly, and the bed; la stilt ilewer te re spend. Heed's Sarsapatllla la Just what la needed. It It, In a peculiar aense, the Ideal spring medlelne. It purines, vltallaet, and enriches the bleed, makes the head clear, creates an appetite, tvercemet that tired feettnr, and Imparts new strength and vigor te the whole body. The Bolstereua Atlantic It terror te tlmlj voyagers, scarcely lets en account et the perils of the deep than the almeit certainty of sea slcknem. The beat curative of mat de mer Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, which settles the stomach at once and tirerenU Its disturbance. Te all travelers and tourists, whether by sea or land, It presents a bappy medium between the nauseous or In effectual resources of the medicine chest, and the problematical benefit tlertrable from an nnmedlcatcd alcoholic, stimulant, no matter hew pure. The Jarring et a railroad car often produces stemachic disorders akin te Hint caused by the rolling of a ship. Ker this the Hitters Is a prompt and certain remedy. The sua et brackish water, particularly en long Voyages In the tropics, IneWtahly breeds dls orders of the stomach and bowels. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters mixed with Impure water nullifies Its impurities. Similarly It eeunt-f. acts malarial and oilier prejudicial Influences of climate or atmosphere, as well as the off ecu of expesure and fatigue. he It for kidney complaints, rbcumatlsm and debility. Tbe Handsomest Lady In Lancaster . Bemarked te a friend the ether day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs way a snporter remedy, aa It stepped her cough instantly when ethers had no effect whatever. Se t J prove this and convince veu ! "f.m.e.rtfnlr druggist will give yen a Sim pie Bettle . Large site 60c. and si.00. m s Rnptere care guaranteed by Ur. J, B Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kaaoatence, no operation or delay from business, atteated b j thousands of euros after ethors fall, advlee tree, send for circular, mailfMyd w HPEGIAL NOT1VE8. Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. tfN Tin Bbst 8i.Lva In the world for Cuts. Bruise Beres, Ulcers, Salt Khoum, rover 8erue,Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChUbl&lru, Cernaand all Skin krnptlena. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it la gnaranteep te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prlee rs cents per box. Fer sale by II. u. Cochran. Druggist, We, in and 189 North Queen street! Lancaster. Pa. JuneZMyd THAT HACKING QOUQUcanbeaeqnlckly eured byShlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. Beld S7-?'"' Cochran druggist. Ne. 1J7 and laa north Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. (1) Uen't Be Faint-IIearteU. If you are In trouble, leek up, held en, give the bines geed by. If you are In pain, have a lumeeees, have an ache et anv kind, go te the flnigglst and ask hlin for Itiimai JCclectric Oil. It will de you geed every time. Ker sale by II. U. Cochran, diutalst, 187 aud 139 North Queen stieet, Lancaster. COUGH, WllOOFlNGCOUGHand Brenchi tit Immediately rolleved by Shlleh's Cure. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Ne. 137 and U North QaoenBt. Lancaster. Fa. (4) Btar lllui. "I feel new. I was anlleted with sick head ache and general debility, but Burdock Meed Bitten brought about an immediate lupiove lupieve lupiove ment lu my general bnalth. 1 consider them the best family medicine. In the market" Adolp Lallrz, ttufTile N V Fer sale by II. II. Cecbrau, druggist, 137 aid 1A North Queen street. Laneister. A Hal lavtstuieut Is ene which is guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or in case of failure a return 01 pnrcaase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advettlst.d Urugglst a bottle of lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, it is guaranteed te bring relief In every case, when used for any affection of Threat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, InfUmmatten of Lungs, .bronchitis. Asthma, Whooping Cough, croup, etc., etc. It is pleisantand agreeable te tbe taste, perfectly safe and can ikinajri ua ucjicuudu ujmu. Trial bottle tree at II. H. Cochran's Dru Stere, Ne. 137 and 13J north Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. 0) BLKKPLKSb NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough, shlleh'a Cure Is the remedy jer you, .Sold by H. H. Ceehran, druggist, Ne 137 and 139 North Queen BU Lancaster, Pa, (!) Mult Wins. We deslre te say te our citizen?, that for for year we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Ilucklln's Arnica Salve and sleetrle M Iters, and have never handled remedies tbat sell as well or that have given auch uni versal satisfaction. We de net hesitate te guarantee them every time, and we stand ready te refund the purchase price, If satisfac tory rrsults de net fellow their use. These remedies have wen their great popularity purely en their menu. II. a Cochran, Drus' BlaU 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter. Pa. ri) AN UNrOllTUNATK PERSON. The most unfortunate person In the world la ene afflicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved at once by using Ur. Leslie's Special Prescription. See advertbjemeut In another column. (4) SUILOU'B COUGH and Consumption Cure It sela by us en a guarantee. It euros Cen- uinpuen. cieia ey u. u. ueenran, aruggtst, Ne. Pa u sua uv florin yueen at,,- Lancaster, ul i bve been deaf In ene ear ten years, and Eartlally deal In the ether for two months 1 ave been treated by ear specialty doctors and received no bi-neat. Having used Kly's Cream lSalin ler about a month 1 nod myself greaUy Improved, and cm hear well and consider It a most valuable remedy. 1 had also nasal ca tarrh, with dropping of mucus Inte my threat and pain ever my eyes, which troubles alto have entirely disappeared D. 11. Yates, Up per Lisle llroemeCo.,N. V. ray7-2wdend&w Put Upen Ills Fet. 11 f et up in bed and coughed till the clothing was wet with perspiration. Mr wile intlsteu tbat I use TViemat' JCclectric Oil. The first teasnoeulul relieved me. and two bottles hare cured me. 1 can honestly recommend It." E. II Perkins. Creek Centre, N. Y, Ker sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and ltf Nertn viueen street, Lancaster. Heinr, Sweet Ilem," This song Is very goea In Its way. but If the re la any sickness la the household T If si home cannot ba always pleasant. We take expects! pleasure In recommending Iluraeck Bleed Bluer i, a bona tide and certain cure for dvspepsls, and all diseases of the liver and kldneja. rer sale by II. II Cochran, drug, gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter. Nertli Pel Expeditions, Prize fights, lotteries, walking matches, and balloon ascensions are usually hmnDiigs ei tbe worst s'rt. Or, Thetnai' JCclectric Oil U net a humbug, it Is a quick eure for aches and sprales, und Is Justus geed for lamene.s. Fer !,e.?. u' u- Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13J North Queen street, Lancaster. " Tba Dead Line." Many old soldiers remember "the dead line" at Auaersunvlile. It was a mighty daneerens neighborhood. Dvspepsls, bilious eess, and liver nnd kidney diseases are lull et pnrils ler the sick, but Burdeek Bleed Bitter t lire a cer tain remedy. Sjid everywhere. Xer ssle ny it. it. teenran, aruggist, vsi and 134 North Queen street, Lancaster. MyHWA tJUpkrllOU (iUAJJHYv' MUSICAL BOXES. UKNUY GAUT3CU1 4 SONS, Ne. ltae Chestnut Street, rhlUdclpliU. gzamlnatlen will prove our Instruments far suneriorte any ether make, net speaking of the worthless trash that abounds In the market, seen being of mere annoyance than pleasure te thulr owners. Old and Imiier iecuymade Music liexes careiully repaired by expenencnl workmen trem the manuiao manuiae manuiao tery In Switzerland. Correspondence sol IcUed. Bend itauip ler catalogue and price list. neTUaAw TJFFY'S MALT WBISKY. Duffy's Formula. Composed Princlpslty of Saw Bear and Dally fare Malt Whisky. It wBl Care the First Stages et Coatasaatleai BatM aptha tttsne t Increase tte atreagth 1 A Vitality aad LUsieireQeea Celer te theracal Ferm a healthy appetite 1 walla s a teata aa bleed aeaksrlt has ae rival. If your raggtst dees aet keep It, seed one dollar te the Dny Malt Whisky Ce . ftoehee fteehee ter, H. r.i and they will Bead ten a bottle by express, ehargts prepaid. THE DCFFI MILT WHISKY CO.. Ol aoeaKirgm.a.Y. neon AND HHOm. IOOTS AND BHOKa D. P. STACKHO.USE, 28 aad 10 Eut Klag Street. SHOES. $1. enntlnne te tanva them. PBIOIS CUTiiNr.t'HiHDTOONS-Hauronmanyef via vwviBsllV envjsaa, UNDERVALUE. Our stock will undergo a thorough weeding put. Broken lets. edOtlse, and line wain, tend te drop, must go. We have net the room te quote the prlces,lut call sad eea for your sell We will fry te pleas you. our stock must bj cut down and you should take advantage of this announcement, D. P. STACOOUSE, 98 & 80 BABT KOtQ, ST., LANCABTkB, PA. atO-lydgw N KW SHOE STORK. The Pedestrian I Te men desiring an uy ana comfortable shoe we weu'd ieei.mmend the Pedestrian. aJ".a uppers are made or two pleees of calf skin, therefore doing away with the extra ten usually found in men's shoes 1 hand-sewed an without llnlnr. Consequently, tbere. I. nothing en the Inside of the .he te hurt or cbale the f jeu LOW 8HOBB. A very desirable line of low-cut shoes for pun's wear. A hand-made, uzferd tee, plain bread tee. makes waking easy Alse the tame style shoe In Dongcla.teftanoToMy te the feet, for young men's wear, In calf aad Dongola, narrow tee and Up. OXFORD TOBS. Our line of Oxford tees Is large, comprising everyihlpg desirable fei ladles, mUse and children In low-cut shoes. Tennis and Bicycle shoes of every descrip tion and at all puces. wigwam slippers for men 's, boy's, ladles', misses' and children's wear. fl. SWILKEY, (New Cash Shee 8 tore) Ve. U North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA. marXMmd J1R KETOKVERYONK. A PAIR OF SHOES FREE TO EVERYONE Who can prove tbat the Men's Butten, Lace and congress (Seamless) Dress Shee we are selling for fleo Is net made of Genuine Calf Skin. We lake This Offer As the publle generally are under the lmpretj slen that a shoe of this description cannot be bought for lest than 12,60. TEE EEASOHS WHY We can tell this Shee for tee, are, because we buy them In Large Quantities, Strictly for, Cash, and sell for Cash, and ttlck te our motte: 'QUICK SALES AND iMiLL PROFITS.' ' This is net the Only Shee we are telling at a Bargain, bnt our Whole Line of Beet and' Bbeet are marked Down te Bettem Price. Ladles' and Hisses' Kid Opera Slippers, SO cent, regular price 75 cents. Ladles' Patent Leather Tip Lace Lew Shoes, 75 cant, regular price, II 00. Ladles' Pebble Butten Bhees, as cents, regu lar price, tt.oe. Men's Lace and Congress Sewed Drest Bhees, 11.25. lien's, Beys' and Youths Lace Shoes, ft 09. Child's Grain Butten Selar Tip Bhees, 8 te 10, Ileels or Spring Heels, 80 cents ; MUse', ILte. The Oae-Price Cash Heuse. The Leaders et Lew Prices In Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 EAST KINO BTRHBT, LAN CASTER, PA. ami ml J'HOJ'OtiALH. PROPOSALS FOR BTREKT MATE ttlAL. Sealed proposals will be received by h Street Committee up te Monday Kvenlng, Slay 21, ltM, at 7 o'clock, ter the following ma terial and work for the entutng year : Cressing Stone, te bn 01 bait Pert Deposit Granite, net less than 18 Inches wide, 6 luches telsk, and four feet long and upward. Back ing atone te be t Inches thick, te be delivered where needed. Jirick per thou land at yard. Brick per thousand where needed 1 aytng gututrs per loot, contractor te fur nlsh material. I.avlug gutters per feet, city te furnish ma Laying crossings per lineal feet, city te fur nish material. fand per cartload, delivered where needed. Sand per cartload at sand hole. Belgian Bleck by tbe squire yard, per thou sand. Proposal te be addressed te " Street Ora Ora in'ttee " and te be deposited in the street com inlttee box at the office of Uee. W. Pinker Pinker ten, ald-rman, Ne. Sis North (Jueen street. All bias must be accempanltd with proper security. Tee committee reserve the right te reject any or all bids rtcel ved, BY OH DKli Or BTKKtVr COM MITT EC. Gxe. W. PikxaaTOX, Clerk. mayU,le,l w ANTED TEMPERATE, KNER- eetlc men te at licit e'dera for our Choice Nursry Bleck, etrady work and geed pay. The business etslly leaintd. Iteferttnc lequlrtd. Address, K O. CHASB4CO., mll-etd Ne. 1130 a. Penn Se,., nn, L. FISHER, DENTIST. Particular attention given te tilling and preserving the natural teeth. I have iul the latest Improvements ler doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Ilavlegyearstif ex E nance In the large cities 1 am sure te give e best et satisfaction and save you money, best artlOdal teeth only at oe par set. snwlt-lyd MfcHJIOWraQUIgKaT, D PREY mm EXT DOOM TO COURT HOCSK. Mid-Spring The following list tsa few et the many things easraas sw ssnr Ttsit, as saany 01 teem Hjsaaaaia ec t Prints e icasa gsstt gaeaehea Muslin. e, worth tie M Dotes. Lette Llnn Cellars le H Desa Morale Towels, all Linen lOe pasaa Nsjata. eea a aet:, saea .....te woeaMBOatTowsis,.. .a.,....,,,.,..,,,,.,.,.,,. a wr awnsuea ns jseaings, at P. 10, ISM ana ISO te Des. Men' White shlrta at tea, we3fe....TM 1 Bale of the Beet Unbleached Muslin, tja, worth. ,......, .. ,,,., te at New sartag Style Ptlntr, best geed ..j.. two 1 lc Taweileg , , ,,.., le lLetMareatiie Quut.. ti-M 1 Let Utrsa Daaiaaa Bureau covers tee Ooetl Assortment curtain Betlms, In Cream aaa figures. at...... , 10 and Ilka Twe aneeJeJuartatii Pele Uaadk Ladle' tteaulAT Made Rese ive Laaiaa'Uableaeand summer Uem Tie IJrtaapea Pillow saama, finest Muslla, SI Wiir. ......... .....,....,. t ,,....... i SBB it Detea Damask -rowels itwe as uexea auper iiaraata tewsu.. N FAHNESTOOK'S, atOfJ. 85 87 MAJTIsUMastT., D 1K8IKABLK SHADES DKKS9 GOODS. Metzger & Haughman Have aew la Stock from Latest ImportaUea THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS -IK- Eenrietta and Gebelin Blue, Serpent Green, Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. ABDdtMeEIiROT. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, WHITE GOODS! The Cheapest riennelngs In the City of Lancaster. Each pattern cenUlnt K rsrda 1 each yard irem IS te Neeau lsss than regular prices. FLOUNCING at W cent 1 regular price. 75 eent. PLOUNOINU at M) cents 1 regular prler.fiTK cents. FLOUNCING at cents i regular prlee, Ilea PLOUNBINU at SI 00 1 regular prlee, II re, PLOUNC1NU at II M 1 regular price, L7X India Linens and Victeria Lawn! at 9.10, tf. 15, :e, ss, II eenu. An eitra qnaltty at l3Hc Corded Plann at 16, SO, is, li eta. The grratest bargain evtr rir.red at Skit wonhtfte. Plaid Sr.S atrlped White uoedt at B, W, l", 11C 0U and up. A special drive at UKe. Ladle.' Pare Bilk ttleve In black and oelort at 16c eeh. We have ipedal low prleea en Fleer oil Cleth, Heme made Ha Carrta. low priced and medium ingrain Carpet Matting, Feathers and Window shades. Best Table Oil cloth, lie Carpet Bags taken in exchange, and the highest I'rtee paid for geed Rags. AWOuc expsases are net high. We are satisfied with tmall predls, and you will find ou pries lesr, bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, grecir QTOOK FARM. ENGLETREE STOCK EAM. STORM KING, 2161, D Happ Median, lire ef 88 from 2:101 te ZttlO, . . . " The most prollfle reservoir of speed that ever lived." Ray horse, foaled 1881 DamTepsy Tayler, by Alexander's Nerman, sire of Lula, :HK. u Brether In bleed le Sd dam tylIewardi elr Charles (thoroughbred). NOKMAN MKD1UM. 2:10. 8d dam by Bmltht Messenger, ten of Dill's Messenger. m Sl'OBM alQ stand 18 hands, weight LD0 at, and It a very ateut-bullt hone, with a grrat deal of style and flnlib. He has never been defeated In the mew ring, taking Ave flrst pre mium ever tome of the beet hordes In the oenntry. Storm King thenld enter the 2:,01latat any time. Ill HENRY, 4214, Uy MnBibrlaa Duaiey, receri 2.101. .... Dam Virginia, by VelunUer. tire of Bt.Jnllen,2:ttti'. Virginia Is sis Biy horte, foaled 1861, ter te Uaeabetu (sir et Velmer, t.tiM), and V lerence, grandson of Xpanlette, 1:11. . f d dam NeU (dam of Bateman, 12), by Hambletenlan, 10. Id dam dam of Plate, 2.M, by Shark, ten of American Bellpse. Ill II EN BY stands lHibandt Uss taken Bve nrst premiums In the show ring. Waa twlee Judgea by the " Bca'e of Points " and as a two-year old scored 1MM points, which ha never been equaled. Many noted horsemen have pronounced htm the mestelrgant young horse la the oeuntry. Terms for Bterm King and ni Henry, ISO. (heuld mare net preve In foal, the tame mare or any ether ran be returned free Li lsse. BprS-Jmdih,Fa DAN'L Q. ENQLE, MARIETTA, Pa. CAMPMT BARO AINB I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL JOB . WILTON, VMLVMT, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, .agrita, Dtmitl tnd Ycnetiin, Rig and Chiie Carpeti. OIL OLOTHO, WINDOW 8ILLDM8, c. Wa bavs tlu Lewgawt sad Sasrt Bttwk la the Oity. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oenir Wirt Kiec ud WiUr SUttts, Uncartir, Pa, - rUBNITDRB. m , sfcs.a.lisj l , QOHtl it GIBBa Our Advice. New that house-cleaning time is here, send your old furniture te the Second-Hand Stere. Yeu can get as much for it as you will pay us for Naw Style Furniture. Step up-stairs at 31 Seuth Queen street, see our large stock and get the lowest prices in this city. Have a leek at these new patent brace chairs, same price as the old style and much stronger. OCHS a GIBBS, 31 Seuth Queen Street, Up-stairs. aprlllyd QUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT. HEINITSH'S 07 AND 20 8OTJTH.QUHHN8T., LANCABTElt, PA. If yen have anything te be reptlred, send It te us Wear prepared te atUudteit iiutte promptly. Reuphefetering of -All Kindf, Tour Old Hslr Mattress Made Over gqual te New, at Moderate I'rlce. A Full Line of NEW NOVgLTUB In Plplb, Tapestries, France Cretonnes (for lieuphol lieuphel sWrlDg) te select from. HEINITSH'S. IsT ) Bargains! wear bow ettering at Bargain prices, aad whi last out a rsw aay : All. Weel aabretAaTwd aland Cnrert....... 45a Plash Maau Trimming wandTSe Best Table Oil Cleth i e Ladles' ayrtagatocktnette Jackets. ...... .KM) Bstyraaki,7ee,tetmsrly...,.., ,.1 00 Btelrcarpefi... , te, IB and no Hlngaams..... , a, Maud se Table Linen......... , lB,.and.e Turkey Med Table Linen andje JMSsaaataei wnissure uoeot,..eH, sk, 10 and l Twe Haisralna la Black Bilk. .10 and UKe Khadamaat t.ei and I1J7K. worth tin Slid tice A110olerslaalIIKMorle tt.K Brown, Blue end BlaekChambray...,......BUe Bsstlndbre Bine Print te tMneh B.aek caahmere 7HandfOe Knotted PrlBaelJeBBtamann... tlWe Toilet Quilts tlOO Laaws' rest Celer Unse lOandUHe Bpaetal Bsnalas la Oanc Underwear for Ilea, Wetaea as a children. LAW0A8TMB, PA. Albatreea Cleths, Cream, Gelden Ecru, &e, &e. Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Ien FARM. HALL. BARGAINS I rOH BALM OH HINT. RKSIDRNOK ON TBE EAST BIDE of Duke street, between Orange and wmiuHifigiinii. iuij uue ui J.BTKINMAN, At this Offlce. miutd TnOR RENT-FROU APRIL L, 188, JO foreneoratermnf years, the Btraatrerg Kallread, with Ceal and Cumber Yard, vvire vvire bense. Locomotive aiid Cars all la geed and running order. The lease of this valuable property presents a rare opportunity te any party Oeslring te engage In a pleasant, ell established and preflubln business, rer con. dltlens, rent or ether Information apply te THUS, or UKNUY IIAUMU AUUNKK, mt-tfd Lancaster City, Fa. KXOURMONB. Da MILLER, TOUR1UT AND EMI- UUATIOX AUKNT, Issues Tleteta te all paru of the World, special Xzcnrslen te the WEST At one fare for the round trip. Grand select excursions te the Yesemlte Val'ey, Yellow, stone Bailrmal fark, Le Angeles, ean Fran. Cisco and Factae Geaat Point, with choice et route retnmlng and stay-ever privilege wast w" wm. . " ......w WB ..WM. .UW JU.mMJ ErinclpalKurepean cities, Faleatlne and the ely Land at very low rates. Fortnightly ex cursions from Baltlmer te Boaten, Montreal and down tbe at. Lawrenea. All InformaUen concerning any contemplated trip cheerfully slven tree by calling or addressing 1. e. Ml'.. LBB, Agent. Chicago. Ueck Islandand Paclflc U. It., Ne 1W North Queen street, Lancattrr, Fa, or Franalln Ileuse. aprtl-lmd COAL, WWS"IM1 "OATJMaARDNER'H OOaLPAinr, COAL DEALERS. ometK-No. 1 North QneenBtraet, and Ma dm North Prince street. Yasn: North Prince Street, near steading Depot, urltua LAMOABTBIl, PA B. a MARTIN. Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In all kinds 01 l.UMUKH AMU UUAU a"YSD Ne. ISO North Water and Prlne Street, abe ve Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lyd BUSINESS METHODH MADE PIjAIN. The system of Instruction at the LANCASTKU COMMXUCIAI. COLLtQg, Is se slmpls and plain that any young lfly or gentleman can easily master sJl the detalfs of abutlneta education. LIBKUAL TsTBMB. Kvenlng Sessions Tneadaya, Wednet and Fildavs. Full Information glyen by H.C WXlULKst, Lancaster COBunercui college, eetU-tM lAaeastar. Pa. DRY QOODO. rnBE PKOrLE'B OABH STORE. Special Drives IN- Summer Underwear ! AT THg PEOPLE'S CASH STORE, Ladles' Summer Merine, beat at bee 1 regu lar price, ese. Ladles' Balbrligan Veils at 60c 1 1 ita'.y told at?sc Ladles' Jeney Teitt, S3 te S3 cents. Ladle' Bleerelesa Uaute Vettt, tsa ; regular prlee, Me. Ladles' Ualf Bteeve Qtute Ves, Me 1 worth Ue. Children' GauteVetU, Id te SI Inch, at dif ferent pt lees. One case Ladles' Fancy Utlbrtf gan Uete at UKe per pair t told this toiaen at 35e. The goods are mil regular made, only one caae and no mere te be had at the price. ALlneef Infant's Cashmere Bhtrti, exes' lent In quality and a very scare sen I ale gen erally In the quality. Frem 8)0 np, aocerdtng te site. Gentlemen's Bummer Morlne Shirts and Drawers at 3Je apiece. Beld a'.nieit every where at Ma, A few of the Gennlne llalbrlggan Ehlria and Drawert left at 75e. Ne mere te be had at present at this price. Alse the best eec,TSc and II CO Unlaundrled Bhlrtt In thlt city. We ask a comparison. We are opening new thtnga in the Tailor itoem, of whleh we ask an Inspection. G. P. RATHVON, Ne. 25 East King St, LANCASTFH, PA. marlt-lyagw 3TAMM BROTHERS. Hate Yen Heard of It ? STAMM BROTHERS, 80 & 87 North Queen Street, HAVKMADgAN ASSIGNMENT IK OUDktt TO LOOK OUT FOlt A Cyclone of Bargains I WILL 8TB1KK TUIS TOWN Saturday; May 19th. Ill's ABBIONKtVBR ILK will sUrt andwUl continue until everything It told, t REMEMBER, E very tWDg Must Ba Sold. CLOSING OUT I HELLINa OFF 1 In order te dltpet the tuiplcien fmn the minds of the suspicious we win here say that Wis assignment waa made for tbe sole purpose e( dissolving the partnershlpexlstlngbelwi en CHAULKBhTAUM and J. HAHttlf BTAMM forever. ATA SHERIFF'S SALE Yeu could, net buy as cheap as you will be able le buy at the Great Assignee's Sale, -WlilOU IlgUlMB SATUEDAY, MAY 19. XVSUYIinur COM, rvkht day YOU bTAY AWAY " YOU LOSK." Glorious OjipoilQeiiies for Miking Meney Lancaster Flooded with Cheup Goods will be tbe result el this tia'e. DON'T KOKCJET. COMK EAKLY, BOSTON STORE (Bight Acress from the Pottefflce.) WH.r. nar kit, rq, Assignee. HVKKNHfAHa H IUU dt MAKT1M, CHINA HALL OLEABINQ SALE That lasts twelve months In tne year. The bestauallty ler the least money always te be had there. 81'CCIALlNDUCkMNT8TO BHW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Bets. White Granite, tl 00. Dinner Bet, white Uranlte..tlAX Dinner BeU, Prlntea ti.TV. Ne goods misrepresented. AU Waret ex changed If aet satisfactory, at High &Martin, Wfl IK E AffT TONS STREET. . ..w, , I LAgCAJsTgK, PA, UROCKR1B8. Oa.88ARD'S MILD CORED ltUst AND BBEAKrAST BACON. jj Unequated for tenderneu'aad delleaey fcsf flavor, we gnaranteethat there ts aethjaj ss equal them In tiuallty In this mar set. tmhm uus ei we best lamtllet are new n J?5T-RU universal satisfaction. pSLIL'61 b.1 a Bologna nlcelyeitMML Prices reasonable. (JaeituK 1 aJSTV uw imii yunr neianenra. l.fhi tntlKKSEt :&:-$ Mrrnnnna .: -v-'vjy-'. -ij AT ,HJ,', ... . . .A.l w. a Reet r, navei ... ... .wiwt, vs. VW'9. Cor. East King ana. Duke SU. JSJ ". .( " Ohecfie ! Obeeee ! l-'tt.k (lltrtAAA W-. Six desen of the finest Kdam Tra.witSirl3 ueaa uneese tne maraet aireras sntranteedtekfep in the waimsst weather.'v Plneannle Cheeses In lam ana ntesle siasv.. Alse koqueiert Cheete lu one pens a giataj,' J Jsrs, . A a TABLE OILS. Mm TteadquaTtert rer line lable oil. A: OodlHeu s. Mettett't. Lateur'a ana 8. M ue'sZuccaOIls. Theteareths flnett eMa the market, and we are prepared te la them te you in large, medlm and small m IUU 1IOOM In firi.a llfvr ma llui.. hrdly thought this would pay te sell ta we are making It pay br selling two or tare -X'j as7s " imrxvia ei emi per veesr. tjeme ioek stsv, if,'. Taste ltand hevnurnwn InflirA it. Avmntt... .11 best Ohlcign lleef. ''Si t! llotelsandboardlrghansa. NnTlOaVWA" J win maae specie prices en se pound low. ,. na The Cerner GrecervMH rnn pistcivii ivn nuci' xii .'t.V -... . -.. ..w.,.0, ., . , T BOHSK'H. Hammend's Slug Shet. OVgR J.CO0,0T0 POUNDS OF BLUQ BHOTifiyJ UBKDINKIU1IT YKAUS. fM nsinvvnn rrawi sunaswe fi .- .w w ---, . g Kill the Petate Begs, Currant Wennr, Cntc','. Wetrn, Uabbage Worms, Lice, fleas, JStetlea;S and btrtped Uugs. t'V.?r A. Preventive or the Reee Be,;.J IT1S0UKAP. -trfJ BKTAILSATTIIIUTYOKKTSPOU AflVgl POUND PA0KAQR. jM gu iiriii iiau ruu ma balk or iTvjp Hundreds attest te Its value by coming for S .13 It each year. Beld Wholesale and Ketall, at 'V i t-)T rnovre ?jr&i j-j j iarWXa kj. -,;-, NO. 17 MABT KINO V ;.&;v Wholesale Agent for Ilimmend't Blag 8he."? R K1ST. SpDcItl Anneunwment! , 2.000 FANS! ,sj!k!e Mk i; . m w have ordered tf oe of the mestnevel raaa& ' ever made, and expect tbem In ler euurday "?,'; sTiee DUinouiien. imek out wr ueaa. -t(f."m tu nidi..,, ii it. I n rttraiifW.n.tl r.G aHX Acs uenj s.j.t uins ,'- j'r W.ba. nASM.fr ... .A mtnwt 11' WAmSeSM,1; wa can even fl nd s a decant advertisement, about bnatness belnir alew. Ssnuemnt. visitourpisee aaasst new wijr.', e things. It Is net a seeret, anA whea.way knew that you will benefit hy It, we mm 11 sai Is ae " V though we had done a gieat aet. Tana is. X. i,? occasion for oeraplalnt. lie nn BnlS AASmtf.r ana irT Ilnn't. alt end watt. PUSH. PULL. and. .-Hi? mustbe,aUN. cater fir the wants cf yea', mialnmfira. fllrr itaem a larcra and vail.?; stock, nlee and fresh, te select irons. & S largely, ne shrewd, but net trleky. Taaejfc fa advantage or aanasome aisceunts, ana seu ?;- ?onrgeodsJustln the sirae wanner as yeas- . vsKM.M-njB .. f a (vnc AHeitaBiLAattaa f liatVD ' t vusasjsjsA isien-e jwis juut vuasusBsjsrsiv hav the benent of your gam in bnyleg, asd', you will seen dlsoevar that tbey will katran hew te appreciate your generosity. All tM; takes money. Youaie expected te aava ta,v Heavy buyers visit large tteret. Large stores are easily located . W by. said one man te aev.i ether, I aecldenUy get down West King sueatw en ahuntier a grocery, "t struea it." asmji. -Affl wnen stetinsiue s "BiueB." zcb,sviiitss7v .ni 'unit." I was smtaed. Theu (rut ugnt i wss ?.? H an auction room alHrat,bntwben I dtsoever4;Vi; "A the large armyef busy salesmen shcellng thatav-f ,' & cash sales ever tbe wires, the lour Immense ' X eleotne fans, suspenaea irem tna eeiueg, hj . constant motion, an electric meter, theAiaPl . Uht and ether attraotleus. I was seen . ce---,t vincpd tbat 1 wtt In tne largett grocery tereK I evertaw. 1 Inquired, aud was told It wmVfi " ItklBl'B. I made a note of it, Itlt i -.ife. Dele UTVm1aa1a ft Detail f!aaat?s' neisi, nuuioauea nemu uitvi i( -fl J Car. W. Klag aa4 Prlact St.s SW Loek for the large nnvai arenatl the -t&OT entire ireni anu siue ei tnia iuuisuh snasw,- Heuse, f.5;fN QlFr WOUT HAYINtJ. -m& DanVadA Hnlrlep nf !i ha wLS t MB V ' iayaubw uvtuwa vi muhbi P-rzSi Q1VH AWAY TO-MOBUOW (BATUUDAY), aCATW, pj,' O rl ADILT'C V?. VL.fAIrUiW ?$". Wholesale and Retail Tea and CclTat Bti:f ' llundHBOUTUQUKKN BT. ; atwssaa NOTE A KK W OP CLARKE'S PK1CE9. Coffees, fresh retsted dally at our tere.lX,l J,5' 15. If, 20. Ill, W, 21 aud ti ceuUV ft. ChtOM 'blr-1 with each aud every pound. VS-M xry uiarsie's new v,rup aeas, siaeeb us vus4 -h"v. ltr. Lewistin I'llce. :m:'. Baker'a or Unnkel Brether'a Chocolate, lSe a ?4rl rake. Haknr'a or ltnnkal Uretber1 Cocea. ti Ken't Cocea, Me. Nelsen's ortexe't Gelatine, 'S'SJ McLelshUelatlnr, loe. celburn'sKngllshatni. gill. lard. 12a a can. We havu lu stock 1 hurber. .. Xii Whyland A C" 't llrst Jtxtracu. try them t te jW W! botUes Geed Exiracti for ISe. Sugar Curn. 7c. Vivl a Can, Or lour CSUB iur js. nnntraii,tfj,iwn ttv,.. ... .A. n,. U., enrn rl1nfvt1 In tU A f An. xn.w HTAUCUKB and ae Al'n- w knew we have' t?e the largest and beststocgel the above goesa .riaWJJ lu the city. Jiisttninr, iunury ptarou.sefi.' vT5'i . . ivA..iniini1 I'ackairea ler 1A?. beantwa ff-.'V cakes for be : eleven cake for Ma j twenty SV' tour cakm ter sec. or you can buy live cake of F noSpliluaTWuuuiDiaii'uiu(ie uwiivwa ,: a.....k .H.u..rt fnl Mink, fn, WA f i. yLOUK.-KelIer rieur from tae a nuarter, K-& up. Don't fall tetiy our Kite Cake yieuranat -"Jv. Martha Waablna-ten Creamery Muttered fleer ,i.,-i and beauretocuilersend ler a Shawl bUag ft.f-' te-morrow, or you will miss It, ? - j jfy. J a,i a r-MAt 1 b. ULAIC1D WHOLISAtKAHnKKTAILTKAAMD tfarfj " ...ir.-l.-K KTI1I1K Sii m.u nrmTR enniis Rrnsar. -Itu .. uu .. -, " " -558 A Jew Doer from Centre equare, JJ "TELEPllONK, S "I5 jyjCCKWJlAH1 Gi Ai WEST KINO. IIAMD-PAINTXO NECKTU3 it iii9Uiwa " . TDOYS' SILK END BUSPKNDXttl, 0KNTS, AT BIktAfl :$ Next Doer te Sayler't Photo Gallery. e PEN EVXUY KVKNIKO, KglSAlAJi. . (ktlst flynn't Old Bland ) rjKCOMMKNDKD BY KMINGNX VUYSICIANi TheJiBest'i-T-enic, A Concentrated Liquid Extract of Malt and, - Heps, rer sale only at t J. O. UOUQHTON CO Mea.) and l West lngU0t. .ya K' 1 m .t; : 'Q!', ifl VLXfr , m-4 3KH .svsj"f. m?. t--a i iAff &8 .5 v?' Si M j- a