Wf"nlf JPHE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 1888. Bast) Ball Hews. The Association games etyesterdsy wera : At Falladelpbla, Athletic 12, Iialurnere 3 ; t Cincinnati. Cincinnati 8, Louisville 4 ( at Cleveland, Cleveland 7, Brooklyn 3. The League games resulted m fellows : At CdIosre, Bosten 20, Chicago 5 ; at I'ltU- tmrg celeven Inning), l'iilsburg 3, New Yerk 3 at Detroit, Detroit 11, Washington 6. Central Lesgun game were : At Wilkes barre, Jersey City 7, Wllkesbarre 2 ; at Horanten, Newark fl, Hcranten 4 ; at Elwlra, Kltnlrs 22, Allentown 11. Sometimes tba Alhletlei manage te get onto Kllrey. Yesterday waa one of theas times sud they made the terror otFUhtewn sick. Btevey bad a single, a double, triple and a borne ran. Cleveland la surprising everybody, and aa uvnevcil 1U IIUUD til IUV w.mwm clnbs bave any license te beat them new. Van Ueltren, the oraelt pitcher of tbe Chicago club, waa made sick yesterday. After the ball beesme wet be bad no con trol of It and tbe Bean eaters hit hltn twenty one times. Bam Tbompsen Is baek In right field for tbe Detroit and be get a home run yeater day. Hatdwln waa in tbe box for Detroit yesterday alter a long lay-eft" with aere arm. m a Oenrntd te Klllng Twe Women. A Hungarian named Fekatzcky waa ar rested at Pennllaven Junotlen, nearMaueh Chunk, en Tnehday, (or having murdered tbe two Hungarian women near new Phil adelpbla, a few daya age. He confessed his guilt, s.ylng that he had out off the old woman's bead with an aze and then shot tbe young one witb a gun. He aaya be get only f ISO In cash. Toe prisoner la young and waa well dressed. Killed 111. Urether. The two children of Cel. Jehn H. Wil liamson, of Kanev Bluffs, Oeergla, both boys, aged 0 and 0, years, were put te bed In tbe same room the ether night. The elder brother took a shotgun and killed the younger. When questioned he admit ted the killing, but nald, laugblnglv : " What's tbe geed of a brother, any way T" Often lltf re the Meridian or Lite Is reached, the teeth decay. In nine caies out el ten ihiy become, carious through neglect. The tlmely use et BOZODONT, arreit. the de structive cttects or Impurities which have been allowed te accumulate- upon the teeth. Children's tceth polished and Invigorated by tblj salutary botanic preservative, will remain sound and whtte until a rlpe old age, and fall ing teeth are rescutd by It from Increasing dl'apidatlen. F,M,WAw The topuhvlen or Lancaster Is about thirty thousand, and we would say at least one-halt nre troubled with some, affection or the Ihreat and Lungs, as these complaints are, according te statistic, mere numerous than ethers. We would advise all net te negleet the opportunity te call en thlr druggist and Ret a Iiottle et Kemp's lialsam ler tfe Threat and I.ungi. t'rlce fine and 1 1 00. Tilal t'tefree. Celd by all druggists. (4) Koptere cure guaranteed by Dr. J. 11 Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kase at once, no operatlon or delay from business, attested b thousands of euros after ethers tall, advice free, send for circular, marlO-lydAw dVKVlAL, A'UTJUJtH. lluchlen's Arnica Balve, "" Tna ItssT Salts in the world ler Cnts,HrnIses Beres, Ulcers, Bait Khnum, rover Beree,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln kruptlens, and positively euros I'lles, or no pay required. It Is guaranleep te give per fect satlstactlen, or money refunded. Price 98 centfl per box. rer sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Mes. 137 and 133 North Queen stniet, Lancaster. Pa. June271yd 11. U. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 139 Nerlh Queen Street, Lancaster, l'a., Is soiling ttillbOIl'S UOUUI1 CUUK as a guaruntoe te euro all hreat and lung troubles. ;8) Don't lis Falnl-Hearled. II you are In trouble leek up, held en, give the bl nen poed by. if you nre In pain, hive a liinenehs, have an ache et anv kind, go te the drugKlst and ask lilin for Thomai' Jicltcttic Oil. It will de you Boedevtry tlme. for sum by II. 11. Cochran, OrucKUt, 137audl3!4 North Queen street, Lancaster. Mether Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at ence and get a bottle of MBS, WINSLOW'SSOOTHINUSYBUP. It will re lieeo the peer llttle sufferer immediately de pond upon it; there is no mistake about it. Thore Is net a lnother en earth who has evor used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bewels, and glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use in all ceses and pleasant te the tese, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United &y33-lydAw BIULOU'SCUllK will Immediately relieve Croup, Whoeplnif Cough and cirencbltts. ITer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Draggltt, Ne. 117 North Quaen street. (7) Hear lilui. "Ifenlnaw. I was nfllieted with sick head. aehe and g.ineral dunlluy, but Burdock li oed JtMcrt brought about an Immedlatn improve ment in mv general health. 1 csuslder thorn tbe best family medicine in the market " Adolp LaUez, ilufTUe. N. Y. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 a ad 1& North Queen street, Laneistfr. A Sound Legal Opinion. . llalnbridge Munday, Ksq., County Atty., Clay Ce., Tex., Tox.,'saye: "lluve usedKlectrlc Ultters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sailstled Klectrle Dltters saved his llte." Mr. D, I.WIlcoxsen, of Herse Cave, Ky., adds a Uke testimony, sajlng: He positively be lieves he would have died, had Is net been ter Xlectrlc Hitters. Thl great remedy will ward off, r s well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, LI verand BtomachDIserdersstands unequal ed rer sole by our agent, H. U. Cechran.druggtst 137 and 139 N. Queen ht, Luncastdr, fa. 6) Four-Fifths, Of our American poeplo are afflicted with sick headache In either Its nervous, bilious or congestlve forms, caused by Irregular habits, high living, etc., and no remedy has ever conquered It until Dr. Leslie's BiiccUl Prescription was discovered. Glve It a trial. Bee advertisement in another column. (3) WHY WILL YOU CuUOH when Bhtleh's Cure will glve Immediate relief. 1'rlcolOeu.. Wcts,anfil Fer sale by II. U Cechran.Dnin' gist, Ne 137 North Queen street, (0) en't Experiment. Yeu cannot afford te waste time In experi menting ben yeurlungs are In danger. Cen sumptien always seems at first only a cold. De net permit any dealer te I moose upon you with seme cheap linlftUen of Dr. King's New Dis covery rer Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine Because be can make mera profit he may tell you he his something Just as geed, or Just the same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is guaranteed te glve relief In all Threat, Lung and Chest affection.. 1 rial bottles free at U. B. Coch Cech ran's drugstore, 137 .and 139 N. Queen 8t , Lan caster, Fa, (6) I have been dcat In one ear ten years, and pirtlally dcat In tbe ether for two months i ntve eren treated iy ear specially doctors and received no bf neat. Having used Ely's Cream Balm fur about a month 1 find mvRHlf m-nmlv improved, and cm hear well and consider It a meet valuable remedv. 1 had alan niunl pa. tarrh, with dropping of mucus Inte my ihreat and pain ever my eyes, which troubles alie have entirely dl.upreared D. B. Yates. Ud per LUle Broeme Ce., N. Y. my7-2wdeed&w Put Viun HI. Feat. "Eet up In bed and coughed till the clothing was wet with perspiration, Mv wliu lutlsuu that I use TVieniai' JCeltelrle Otl. The Ilrst toaspeontul relieved ma, and two bottles have cared me. 1 can honestly recommend it " K. II I'uralns, Creele Centre, N . Fer sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and U9 Nertn Queen street, Lancaster. "llemr, bivset Heme." This song Is very geel In Its way. bnt If therelsuny sickness lu tbehoaseneldr If , home cannot Im always pleasant. We take eipr.cUl pleasure In recommending lluriteck Bleed Hitter; a bnnu llde and certain cure ler dyspepsia, and all dlseases or the liver and kldues. Fer eale by II li Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 13) North Queen .trout, Lancas ter. North 1'eIb Kxpeilllleur, Prise lights, lotteries, walking matches, and baboon ascens'ena are usually hmuuugs et the wersts-it. Dr. Thenuii' Kcleclrlc OH Is net a humbug, it Uu quick cure ter ucbes and spiulns, aid Is just h geed for lamene.s. Fer 1 ." " Cochran, dragglst, 137 and 13J North Quten street, Lincaster. The Dead Line ' Many old soldiers remember "the dead line" at Anoersenvllle. It was a mighty dangeiers neighborhood. Dyspepsia, bin eq sues?, and llvur and kidney dl. ase are lull el nnrila lur theslos-.butiurifefA. mood JJutVrl Sreieer. tam remedy, bjld everywnere. rer .ale by H, B cechran, dregglst, 137 and 13i North Queen atreet, Lancasur. "" THE ItEV. OKJ 11. Til AVKB, of Bourbon Sorlft'lBa,.W.t.Cecl,' f OOD'S SARSAPAIULLA, Keep the We believe Reed's Barsaparllla Is tbe vary best medicine te take te keep the bleed pare ana te expel tbe germs of scrofula, salt rheum, ana ether potions which mum se much .offer, leg, ana sooner or later undermine the general health. By Its peculiar curative power, Heed's Barsaparllla strengthens the system while It eradiates disease. "Early last spring I waa very much run down, had nervens headache, felt miserable ana all that. I took iloed'a aarsaparllla ana was much benefitted by 1L 1 recommend it te tay frlnnds." Mas. J. M. tatlc, 1119 BucJId venue, Cleveland, Ohie. Heed's Sars&parilla M rer a flrst-class sprlDg medicine my wlte and 1 both tMnk very highly or lloed's Bar saparllla. We both took It last spring. It did ns a grat deal or geed ana we felt better through tbe het weather than ever before. It cured my wire of stck headache, from which she has suffered a great deal, and relieved me of a dlizy. tiled feeltng. I think every one ought te take something te purity the bleed before the het weather comes en, and we shall certainly take Heed's Barsaparllla tela spring." J. H. Pmabeu, Bupt. aranlte Bail way Ce., Cen cord H. II. H Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all drngg'sts. tl i six for as. Prepared i sela by all druggists. II t six for as. Prepared only by O. L HOOD A CO.. LeweU, I only by C. L HOOD A CO, Lewell, Mass. I Mass. 100 Deses On Dellar. HOOD'S HAKSA.HAK1LLA. FOR BALE AT H. Bea. 1ST ana 139 North queen BL, Lancaster, l'a. M ANDRAKK PILLS. Dr. Schenck's MANDRAKE PILLS, rUBBLT VKQETAULB AND BTBICTLT BKLIAULB. They act D1UKCTLY and PROMPTLY en the LI vor and Btemach, restoring the const 1. pated organs te healthy activity, and are a positive and perfectly safe cure for Constipa tion, Liver Complaint, Elck Headache, Bilious ness, and all ether diseases arising from a dis ordered condition el the Llver and Stomach. They are the only reliable vogetable Liver P Dlseld. TUKY AUK PKBrZCTLY HAUULKSS. THEY ABK PUBKLY YKGBTABLB. ZUY IDEM. Fer sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents per box ; 3 boxes for 3 cents ; or sent by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. H, tchenck A Ben, Philadelphia. aprt-lyflAw SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS VOR 8ALI AT 11.11 COOHUAN'3 DKUGBTOItE, Nes. 137 A lsg North Queen at, Lancaster, Pa aptSJmdftw pAlNE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S CUBES NKRVOU3 l'BOSTBATION, NKUVOUS HKADACUK, NKUBALQIA, NKUVOUS WEAKNK88, SrOMACH AND LIVKB D13- KABKS, BIIKUMAT1SU, DYSPEPSIA, and all AfftotlenB of the Kidneys, WEAK KERVE3. PAINK'S CKLKKY COMPOUND U a Nerve Tonic which never falls. Containing Colery and Cocea, these wonderful stimulants, ft specialy euros all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM. TAINE'S CKLKUY COMPOUND purities the bleed. It drives out the lactic acle, which causes Bheumatlsm. and restores the bleed "aking organs te a health v condition. Thn CELERY O0MFO1D VnK5"remedytOr9i!Sttsm. KIDNEY COMPLAIN.- PAINK'd CBLBBY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys te perlect health. This curatlva power, combined with Its nerve tonics. Is why it is the best remedy ter all kidney complaints . DYSPEPSIA. PAINE'S CKLKBY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach, and qnlets the nerves of the digestive organs. This is why it cures even the worse cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION. PAINE'S CKLKUY COMPOUND is net a catnaruc. n is a laxative, glvlni ng eayand natural action te the bowels. Kegularttv surely fellow. Its use. Uocemmondod by professional and business men. bend for book. Price, 11.00. Beld by Druggists. WBLL8, B1CUAUDSON A Ce, Proprietors. Burlington, Vt. (; PAINK'H CELERY COMPOUND VOR SALS AT ir. n. cecuiiAN'a duuq bteuk. Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen Bt, Lancaster. Pa. aprt-'imdAw "TALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE OF LIFE. A VALUABLE MEDICAL WOKK, the only true description of this time en Man heed. Nervous and Physical Debility, Proma Prema tnre Decline Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,' by which they victimize thousands, and by thelrexag iterating disease, makes these peer sufferers insane. Kvery young man, mtddle-aged or old. should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Bend two cent stamp for a copy. Address, DU.TH03.THKEL, 638 North Fourth BU, Philadelphia, Pa. 113-lyd LpLX'ri UrtfcAM Hi OATARRH--HAY FEVER. ELY'S CBKAM BALM cures Celd In Head catarrh, Bose Celd, Hay Fnver.Deafness, Head ache. prloe 60 cents. kajSY Te USE. Ely Bre's, Owego. N. Y U. B. A. YOU WILL BAVE MONEY, TIME, PAIN, And WUl Cure CATAHUH, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle is applied te each nostril and is agreeable, price 60 cents at druggists 1 by mall, registered, ee cu. ELY BBDtheus, Urtenwlch bl, New Yerk. nevlS-lyflAw XMPKOVKD DUUMS. CUSHIONED KAR CUBE FOB.THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Far Drum, perfectly restore bearing and perferin the work of the natural drum. Invisible com fortable and always in position. All cenver. satlen and even whlsptrs heard distinctly. 5Sn5fer Illustrated book with testimonials. FUKK. Addresa or call en F. II13COX, bS3 Broadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper. InnelO-lvdAwMWAF SAKK, MUHK AnFhpKKDY OUKlZ Uupture, Varicecele and Special DUeae or either sex. Why be humbuggbynnaek. when ou can And In Dr. Wright the only Bse. CUB Phvsieuw tn Philadelphia who makes a specialty et the above diseases, and CuhsS 3H.MT CtJSJW ODiBiimrsD. Advice Free dav andeven'.ng. Stranger, can be treated and ri. turn home same day. Offices private. DB.W.H. WBIOHT. Ill North Ninth Street, Above Kace. P. O. Bex 873 Philadelphia. Nll'lUK TO THKaPAiJtJKKH AND QUNNEBS.-AU persons are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any et the lands fit the OernwaU and Speedwell estates in Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or unln. dosed, either ter the purpose et sheeting or uaiimi u taw uu w nxuuy against ail trespassing en laid lands OealBned after this notice. enfeiced eflsnn- WM. COLBMAN FBHMAH. B.PXBUYALDBH, m' IDW, 0.FJU.BMAH, Atsermiyi w.ceitmaa'i Htu Bleed Pure Fer a goeA spring medicine wa confidently recommend Heed's Barsaparllla. By ita use the bleed la ratified, enriched and vitalised, that tired feeling la entirely overcome and the whole body given strength ana vigor. The appetite Is restored and sharpened, the diges tive organs are toned, ana the kidneys aaa liver Invigorate d. These who have never tried Heed's Bensv parllla should de ae this sptlng. It Is a thor oughly honest an a reliable preparation, purely vegetable, and contains no lnlurteu. Ingredi ent whatever. Thousands teetlfy te its pecu liar curative power. FuriflM the Bleed " 1 had erysipelas In the worst form, being nearly covered with blisters. Hy husband heard of Heed's Barsaparllla sad insisted en my taking It, though 1 had little faith. 1 had taken bnt a few doses, when 1 began te teal better, ana tn a week l was sure it waa doing me geed. I continued te take it according te directions and whan the first bottle was gene 1 was entirely well. 1 have net been troubled by erysipelas since." Mae. 1 jUcest, Brim fleld. Mass. H n. if yen deride te take Heed's aarsapa rllla de net be Induced te buy any ether. 100 Doces On Dellar. a OOCHRAN'b DRUG STORK, apri-tmdAw TOBACCO. e LD HONESTY. INOUB I'Ol'ULAB BE AND Old Honesty WUl be found a combination net always te be had, A FINK QUALITY OF PLUO TOUACCO'AT HBAtONABLlt FB1C4. Loek for the red H tin teff en eaeh plug, PIRST-OLASS ARTICLE -IN- Chewing Tobacco. DON'T FAIL TO QIVK OLD 'HONESTY A FA1B TBIAL. Askyonrdealorforlt. Don'ttakeanyether. JNO. FINZER ABROS. LOUISVTLLB, KY. m FURN1TVRB. Q0HS&GIBB& Our Advice. New that house-cleaning time is here, send your old furniture td the Second-Hand Stere. Yeu can get as much for it as you will pay us for New Style Furniture. Step up-stairs at 31 Seuth Queen street, see our large stock and get the lowest prices in this city. Have a leek at these new patent brace chairs, same price as the old style and much stronger. OCHS a GIBBS, 3 1 Seuth Queen Street, - Up-stairs. J aprniyd QUR REPAIR DEPABTMBWT. HEINITSH'S 97 AND SO SOUTH.QUHBIN8T., LANCASTEB, PA. If you have anything te be reptlred, send It te us We are prepared te attend te ft quite promptly. Beupfcelstering of AW Kinds. Your Old Hair l a' tress Made Over Xqnal te New, at Moderate Price, A Full Linn el NEW NOVKLTIKSln Flush, Tapestries, French Cretonnes (ler Beuphel. storing) te select from. HEINITSH'S. w IDMYER'H. YOUR WANTS -IN- FURNITURE Can be supplied at WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE TO YOUBCOMPLETESATISFAGTIOH. ATTU ACTIVE GOODS, ATTBACTIVK PBICEU. Olvoyeurseir the satlj faction et seeing the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock in the City, Oer. East King & Duke Sta. VIDMYER'S C0B1TE11 COAU TAUM(JAKDNKK'H COMPANY, GOAL DEALERS. OmoivKe. 12a North QnesnStreet, and Ma 664 North Prince street. Vane -.North Prtuee Street, near steading aurtilta LAWOAftTMR. p B. MARTIN. Wholesale and Ileutl Dealer In all kinds of , WBBISn AND UUAL. ..WTabe Ne. North Water and Prine Btrtets, abg ye Lemen. Lancaster, nt-lyd MMM JJKXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSK. Mid-Spring Bargains! . ,; .2ir..5 Si--. .7 m ,Bmanyiningsweare new offering at nargai would suggest an early visit, as many or them wilt lut but a few day. : .AMH.ttt. ... ..& .... 1 Case Best Weachea Mn.lln.9c, worth... 120 .no 100 JVI.OU nuim Linn veiuri , M Doaen Morale Towels, til Llnnn UoedUnck Towels , kj I.enIBffli,.n,!in " ' "t H nd ISO BO Ues. Men's White nhlrta at fcM. wolih....7Je 1 Bala of the Best Unbleached Muslin, & worth..,,,. ga J.K51EPr,,"T 8,I,e best goods eUc J FJ i0"'" ..V4e 1 Let Marseilles guilt ije 1 Let Linen Damask lluteau C'overs ...50c Ooed A ssertment Curtain Set I ins. in cream ana figures, at..... 8, 10 and if Me Twe special curtain rnies uandue Mram- aevuiar jaaae note .....1IKO Lad lea' Unbleached i-nmoier Hese ..Se Stamped rtllew Shams, Ilncst Muslin, a pair e JJ Deaen Damask Towels Hie m voxeb super inmiii te weis FAHNESTOOK'S. NOB. 86 sll 87 HA8T KIHQ BT.. J)KS1RABLR SHADES DRESS GOODS. Metzger & Haughman Have newln Bteck from Latest Importation THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES DRESS GOODS , Henrietta and Gebelin Blue, Berpent Green, Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. T3ARD A MeKLROT. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, WHITE . ,Tb?..hS?p,!rim,ncln' ln t08 City or Lancaster, yard from 3 te W cents lea than regular prices. FLOUNC1NO atrs) cent 1 regntar price. 75 cents. FLUUNOINU at SUeents j regular price, 87Hrnnts. FLUUNCINU at 7ft cenu t regular price, llte. FLO UMKINU at II oe regular price, lift). FLOUNC1NU at II Mj regular priee, IL7J. nnSHSri., Inen,. .2a7Iei)r,a Lawns at 9.10. 1K. 15. te, M. si eent. An eitra quality nt mSaS?, iSwJAJi Ml !lJHh ,Tba Itreatest bargain ever rft red at SJe i werih fc. 5S22iiel2?i,Ju,w -' fcW1r,.lMHeUananp. A special drive at lJXc Ladles' , nji Llnens andyieteria Lawns at 9. 10. meto?I".Peel,i le7 PJ?cf '. en Vr en C"Uj Heme made ltatr Carpets, low priced and J?.e5!?.nL.ln'.rain jarPeU Matting, Feathers and Window Shades. Beat Table UU cloth, lllc Carpet Bag. taken ln exchange, and the highest prices paid for geed Rags. BTicosle"ZPn,e8Br8n0t 8h We Bre ,lllunea w'lh ,mil preflt,und you will flndeu bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn JJtWBI.Br. KOJ..L. LINE OF NEW GOODS NOW IN STOCK Bead and Twist Bangles, Mourning Jewelry in the fine grades of English Crape Stene, Water Pitchers and all grades Table Ware. Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Musical Bexes, Art Werk, Spectacles, and Opera Glasses. Repairing in all its branches. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, NQ4 West King Street. 1 y " - OAKfBT BARGAINS! OO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON. VELVET, BODY BRUSBBLB. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL OLOTHB, WINDOW SHADES, Ac. We bave the Largert and Beat Btoek ln tbe Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wirt Kin and Water Strata, Lancaster, Pa. BUMMBH HBHOKTS. T UK "ClIALrONTsT." Ocean Knd of Werth Carolina Avsnnn, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. K.E011KUT8 AHONB. spr3-4md ts VyKTHKRILL," ATLANTIC CITY. H. J . Ocean Knd Kentncky Avenns. Open February L te November 1. Iecs: BexVM. M.J.XCKKUT. naylO-Zmd A TliANTIO CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. LarvAst Most Convenient Hetel. lKntly rnrelnbed. Liberally Managed. Coach te and from Ueach and X rains. Orcbeatra Muale. CH A8. MeuLAUiC. 1'rep. W. X. Coenus). Cblel Clerk. IbbW-duid CAPON HfKlNGH AND HA.THH. ALKAINK L1T1IIA ANU bllfKKIOU IUON WATJtlta, UAStl'HUtUK COUNTY. W. 1 bis celebrated MnnnUla Ilesortferhoalth and pleasure, llatbs et any teinperalu'e : a snminer climate urmnrp&ssed: a cbannlnK summer home with lis many Improvement, atoermnodallnKfeUJKUesia.opena June 1. rer medical and ether ustlinuuy, send for circu lar. WM. 11 BALK, msjrKCtd J'roprleter. rOll UALB OR RBNT. RE8IDKN0K ON THK KAHT HIDK of Dnke street, between Orenge anil Cheslnnt, for renL Inaulreef A.J.bTKINMAV, mn-6td At tbts eincQ. XTOW READY. l'arues wlsbtns: te view tbe North I Hike street " drnen atene Krent" Houses, can (lb se by calling at the fourth house from New street, which is new complete ana open fur In spection from II a, m. te 10 p. in. (Ieel0-tfa KUYVlNKUKUsMH. TJKR RKNT-KROll APRIL L. 1B88, S foreneoratermnf years, the Btraaburg Itallread, with Ceal and Lumber Yard, Wsre- beuse. Locomotive at a Car. j all ln geed and running order. The lease of this valuable property presents a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage lit a pleasant, ' ell Mtabllshed and profitable business, rer eon dltlens, rent or ether Information apply te THUS. or ILXMUY Jl AUMUAUDNKK, mi-tfd Lancaster city, ra. n rtlccs, and 11. Weel Embroidered Stand Cerers 4Vs Pluth Sfantle Trimming....... tuand7Sa Best Table oil Cleth.... 7 e Ladles' Byrlng steckinette Jaekets S3 CO Smyrna Hugs. J&e, tetmsrly II 00 Rtsircarpeu 10, u and Me v.niaui... ,,,,, MUllia se Table Linen 18,11 and si Turkey Ked Table Linen .....toandSSe Hemnantaef Whtte Dress Uoeds,., gy, 10 and 12Xe Twe Batratns In lUack Bilk. Bhadama at tl.O) and I1J7K. worth II !S 1 aud urn All Celers In a I 'IlkMerlea frown. Bine and Black chambray sue Best indigo Blue Hints .Je scinch ll'aek Cashmere njiandroe Knotted Fringe Counterpanes ,..87ke Toilet gnllu ;.. IIU) Lad Irs' Fast Celer llnte lOandHke Special Bargains In Uanis Underwear ler en, women aaa unuaren, L.sVN0A8TBB, PA. IN- Albatross Oleths, Oream, Gelden Ectu, &e, &c. Opposite Fountain Inn. GOODS! sTach pattern contains 4f yards each 1K, 15, te, M. si eent. nti2Xc. nam Pure .', ' KALI -w 5fV "JtBQAINB I TO OaRRIAUBH. QTANDARD WORK. EDW.ED&ERLEY CAItlllAUK UUILDEK, N03. 40,42, 41,45 HAUICsVr HTUEKT, UCar et roateIUce, Lancaster, l'a, I have In Stock and Bulla te order Kvtiry Variety el the following styles: Coupe, !'" Rles, Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, uustiieas WKjena, "T" CarU, McCall Wagons. Burrles. Market Wagons, I'bwtens, Kzpress Wagenx. I employ the best Mechanics, and have iucll lues te build correctly ny atyle of Carriage desired. The Quality, Btyfe and rinlshei my work makes It decidedly the Cheapest In the market, MOTTO i Fair Dealing, Honest Werk at Bettem rrlces." l'leaae give me a call. asrKepalrlng promptly attended te. 1'rlces lower than all ethers. One set of Workmen especially amnies ed for that purpose. QVBBNHWARB. TJiaH A MARTIN. CHINA HALL. 0LEAKINQ SALE That lasts twelve months In tne year. Tbe beatquallty for the least money always te be had there. Bl'XCIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Bets. White Granite, riOO. OlunerBeu, Wblte Uranlle..IAi. Dinner Bets, l'rlnted in. Ne goods misrepresented. All Wares ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & Martin ) NO 16 EAST Sma STREET, LAN0A8TKK,I'A. ATTORNEYS, J UrHKRB. KAUKfMAN, ATTOUNKT-AT-LAW, NO. 2 BOOTH FUINOX BT., Lancaster, l'a. MS-lydAW HOOFS AA'JJ BHOKS. jQOOrSANDHUOKS. Soets and Shoes MUCH LOWER. The Important Act or our stere te-day if, that prlces are lewer thsn evor, and the rea son Is, that we hve entirely tee many shots. A few weeks sge 1 started the prlces down ward te move them oft. The public have fully apprectatea the fict. and thn feJ irntnnv. leg off very satisfactory te me. 8e ceme along for we fcaye lets of shoes ret. If yen can ceme In befere Saturday it will be much inore pleas ant for you te avoid the ruah et Saturday In our store Hut ceme wlionevcr yonesn, our store Is epen every ovenlng until 8 o'clock. D. P. STACKIOUSE, 83 & 30 BAST KINO, BT., LANCASTEIt, l'A. aWlyd&w N KW HUOK STORK. tVILKEY'S OLID KUVICEAnLE U1IUUL AUKS. Wp have thorn, which for slyln and wear can. net bnexcelleilln hnnl and tprlnir lircl, with and without tole irathnr tlp, ler children atut muses' wrar, ler beva In liuium and lac, aud tne prlces jeii will rind te be Just tight. A large line of Oxford mlssaa'nnd children's wear, fox plain tee and llpj. tins (or Indira, l'utent leuihtr, .lLl0J, 8el,a lther Pher, a'rs lteS, at 11.00 1 the same style cf aheu ler men ut i.i An raay Sllpper for tender feet N one of gleve kta aud bund turnuil, very ceinfiirtable. fl. SWILKEY, (One l'rice te All CaU Utere) Ve. 24 Nerlh Queen Street. LANOASIXIC, l'A, martJJmd F IRKKTOKVKRYONK A PAIR OF SHOES FREE 10 EVERYONE Who can prove that the Men's Ilnttnn, Lace and Congress tSeamlets) Dress Bhoe we are soiling fur 12.00 Is net made of Oonulne L'alf Bkln, We lake This Offer As the public generally are under tha Impres sion that a shoe of this description cannot be bought for less thsn 82.80. THE REASONS WHY We can sell this Bhoe ler 13.00, nre, bocause we buy thorn ln Large (juautlttcs, Httlctly for Cach. and aull for Own, and Bllck te our motto i 'QUICK SALES AND HULL PROFITS.' This Is net the Only Bhoe we nre soiling at n Ilargaln, but our Whele Line of Heets and Shoes are marked Down te liotlem l'rlees. Ladles' and Mtsaes' Kid Opera Bllppers.CO cents, regular price 75 cents. Ladles' 1'atent LnatherTlp Lace Lew Bboes, 73 cents, regular prloe, f 1 00, Ladles' Pebble llutten Shoes, 05 cenLs, regu lar price, 81 w. Men's Lace and Congress Bewed Dress Bboes, 81 23, Men's, Heys' and Youths' Lace Shoes, 81 09. Child's drain llutten Selnr Tip Shoes, 8 te 10X, Iioels or Spring lluels, 89 cenU Misses', IL10. TiTfJle.Yrice CstBh HenBe, d The Leadors of Lew I'rlces ln r oets & Shoes, NO. 3 BABT KING BTREBT, LA.N- OABTBB, PA. nrest-lma JIAJir VAAIIJAUBd. F LINN HHKNKMAN, 100 Different Patterns or- BABY CARRIAGES -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN. "Alaska" Mrigerateis HAVB NO KQUAL. FLINN & BRENEMAN, He 152 North Queen Btroet, LANUASTXU l'A. MVHWAL. GUI'KRIOR iUAL113f MUSICAL BOXES. HKNUY OAUT8C1UABON8, Ne. 1030 Chestnut Street, l'hllailf Iphla. Jlxamlnatlen will prove our instruments farsupertorte any ether make, net apMiklng of the worthless trash that abeunib) In the market, seen being of mere annoyaneit than pleasure te thtilr owners. Old sud Imimr fecUy made Muale llexes caremlly repaired by exiwrtenced workmen from the uianulae. tery In Switzerland. Correspondence sellclUJd. Send stamp for catalegue and J(!':(Uw FREY ECKK TRA VBLBRS UV1DM. TJEAD1NQ A; COLUMBIA R. R, Arraegeninnt of I'aaieecrer Train en, an4r-J alUr,bUNDAY,MAY13,18J8. NOUTUWARn. T-iirj. Qnarryvllle King Street, Lane.. Lanraiter Ohlcktf Marietta Junction. Columbia Arrlveatt H, .. 0 41 i. 7S0 ,. 7 40 .. 7 ., IM ..731 k M uuauing. O M sounnvAue. T nAMA lleadlng w Arrrlveat MartettaJnncllen. Cblcklns Columbia nncaster. ........ RtncP MflVUll l.nnn A. . 7.M A W. .. 001 .. 9 34 .. 9tt .. 9'.0 .. fl.ln Cjuarryvllle ..10.1SJ BUN DAY. Iave Ouarrvvllleat710a tn. a. m r i nz .-. 12 4.1 s::a u no uMTA iim si, 12 SO iff A V. f.TSV JJ a.x. r. wSM 1160 .ii v.K. .XebJS ins -m 2 01 BW& 1.4S sTC 1.51 M$S 33 ll,,t KinK Mw et, Lane, at 8.0J n. m., and ! .5 p. m, , v llnmllnir, 10 10 a. m, and 8.15p.m. Leave; Heading, at 7 20 a. m , and 4 p. m. Arrlvu at Ktn street, Line, nt 9 Ma. m and S.Mp.m. auarryviile.ntBiiV m. "-i" ..v .wTr'.n.r.(!02B.,,cl w "easing with train t t' And frmn Phi nilptnhtn tt..M..t.M.,--lri.1 Alloptewn and New Yerk, .via. iieund MtSOLSj uouie. vi& ItanOVer. UCttVlburir. rmilnrlnlr nnil 11.1 uL'K mere. &$ AtManhelm'with trains te and from Leba "jff. Atfancatnr Jnnn'lnn. with rin. ''-i': from Lancimcr, Onnrtjvlle. and Chlcklra. 'vU' A. M. wiLsON bunenntendent. ' X.EUANON ,t LANOA8TER JOiNT B-S L.IXK KAILUOAU. -ir AlHnmlnjint nl 1)a... . n. . . . TDffl .....nvu..-..i. ... mriuuHtir i inin. en, ana alter, EUJIDAV, MAT 13, llrtS. NOliTlIWAUD. .. Leavn a M. p.m. r. v Snndar. m, r.u. Onnrryvllle (irt King btroet, Lane.. usi tbi 4 05 861 MS iiranuwr,,,, 707 1241 Bit Manheim JS1 in it 4.41 CernwBll 7.6'j l ij 0 5r Arilrnnt 'J.17 Lebanon 8.11 .S3 710 W 853 ' 4!S OlIUAlltVAUU. Lrave a m. r m. r r Lebanon 711 i2:n) 7m Cornwall.,.., 7V7 1245 7.4(1 A M 7.85 P.JL 844 4(4J BIS 54J 4 10 Manhelm 7.M 1,M 816 M.40 i.ancaaier. 82 143 842 Arrlvu nt iil.12 Klnir HtrnnL f.ntin . ft UK lu DbJ 3 S3 8.60 iw MMi!;,,!.,N' 8l,pU ." - Kauieaa. ... ....., u.lll i. is u. PHNNHTliVANlA RAILROAD B BCItKDULX. ln affect from May M, t Trains hats LiweAsria and leavean uw.'d rlve rnlladelnhtft fellows i WA - !. .. C frfl WKBTWAKD. root He Btxpreast,,,,, News Express!..., ,.. Way Passengerf..... Mall tralnvlaMLJevi I'hUadelphlA. lUncastec,- ' ii;np. m. 4:a)a. in. 4:30 a.m. 9in m B.18a.aa, eana-sm. MalMallTralnt via Columbia 7:40 a.m. via CelumbU 9:88 a, m, 0-Jea.xa. thS8a.xu niagara express.... Hanover Acoem,... mma juiaej.... ,, rreaencKACcem.... Lancaster Accem ... . Uarrtsburg Accem.. oelumbla Accem.... Barrlsbnrj Kxprea ( ffsstam Kzpress... ABTTVABD. Pliua. Express) rast Line) Ilarrlsbnrg Kxprea ) Lancaster Accem at, Columbia Acoem..,, Seashore Kinross.... via Columbia 2:10 fa. a3i",J via lit. joy, K80SLXa.f. suDpm. :40 p.m. 5.53 p m. B-.60p.m. Leave Lancaster. 2a.m. e .-05 a.m. 1:10 a.m. 8:65 a. nu 8:00 a, m. 11-Jwp.m. 2.08 p. m, 8:00 p.m. :4ft p.m. e.ift p, m. KtSkxt aV saa W 7:40 KmwK ,70 RSf 11.10 p WUiA" W !. .. - I'S MT. .z;r" s f jl vUMtJt'4fe. Philadelphia Accem. ESKB' eunaay nan Day Rxpress) Uarrtsburg Accem Pt'sUI SB. T - (WW p. xa, 0W Vila l,...l.. A A...M.HHj.a.. .A u . .u"T rtiDnrg at 8:10 p.m. and arrlyes at Luusatsx" . m, rae p. m. j jd Xhe Manetu Aeoemmodatton leaTMOOtn?;tl uw m iu . in. ana macnei jttanevuaS4BS. 5; Alse, leaves Oelumbla at 11:48 a. m, and fc5 mS M Ml.Mn. Hawaii. . ,...n ..A . "AT" "3" " -."," "-IIIIIW ;ui RUli ;. MiVmT nnrUrg with HarrUbnnr Express at 8:10 a. 1 !lSi2l,.M ? re aa Arrives at celumbsftvi 3 i Mia 1 also, leaves at 8:88 and arrives at mmr3! 1 The Yerk Accommodation leavea MarMMstU at 1:10 and arrives at Lancaster at Rtfn .''.' J Tna BrPAAAlHAt lAnmMm1stMi wan smh. Z nesting at Lancaster with Fast Line, want. -iTi at we n. m., wui run threngh te Frederick. t& P1 VrstrlAriftar irnnrnmniiallnn .- . r Oelumbla at l2e,and reaches LaneMter at vm'h i , Hanover Accommodation, Cast, leaves OattZc '3 urn out at 4:iu p. m. Arrives at LaneasUr M '". $ I p. m connecting with Day Express. y-..! Hanover Accommodation, west, oenneeMy.r i m.. vlll mn OiimiFflilnlf.HM.. ! mmm: 1 -.-- .n.iiiiin -'-F.tJ' i Bnndny. -t,i Fa. Lint, west, en Bnnday, when Bignf, ' wttl step at Downlngtewn.CoatesvUl FsAssw ? bnnr. ML Joy.Ellaabethtewn and Mlddletews. A- trheenly trains which run dally. OnSuSJr.'tli'a tha Mau train wst runs by way of CelumbiW - Jt U. WOOD, (ieneral l'assenser AmXm OHAB. E. PUUU Oeneral Manager. TR UiVKV. - ! 1" Aiiii ri n f -)iir-ir"ii-.-i WViri rn-iivi n iW-WVWifin raj T!'- T RUNKH. , T3 M. Hal)erbusli & Seil; TRUNKS. uunuumu Arunas ana uagg is new COat-j-j 1VDft. We call apedal attentien te enr make.-f 01 AJtaw." Aiujim. uanuHuie ana ftft convenient. , Bepairlogef all Trunks and Bags W a Specialty, AT M. laterbusli & Sen's SADDLE, lLAIiNESS, -AND- TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LAN0A8TK11. PA. VOlU'r.KXIOX I'O WDBR. QOMI'LKXION TOWDER. LADIES WUO VALUK A RK.HVKt) COlll'LKilOK MUST UHK POZZONI'S MKDICATD COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transiarency te th skin, llomevtsnll pluiplss. Iiecklus upd 01 01 01 coleratlntis, and tnkes tbe kln delicately aettundbuaulllul. ltcnnlalns no lime, white, ItoilerarsHiila In three abades, fink or fleth, while and brunotte. FOU BALK BY All Druggists and Faney Qoeda DoalerB Bvery where. J-DKWAKE Or IMITATIONS.- sprtelyd BUSINESS METIlODb MADE PliAlN. The system of tnatructlen at tha LANOASTEU COMMKUUIAL COLLKQK, Is be simple and plain' that any young lay or gentleman can easily master all the detallf of abustueas education, LU1KUAL TEUUS. Kvenlng Sessions Tuesdays, IVednei and Fildays. k uU information given by H.O. WKIULKU, Lancaster Ceiumsrelal culiuga, OcUMld Lancaster, V. . ,; $ ?A i-,. . 8 St? i B'f m. . Jki -lM vjs SS , -ft MS i -i