WTt-WtWrfS-fr- E- tf:V jr . iS IiAyOABlD XAITY JKrELLIGENCER VyTEDXESDA Yt MAY 16. 1888. W ?& a7i 1 1 ,-4-r iW- F EL.. Sf Ut L- U B . Th Daily Intelligencer. y - , , , . 4AMIASTXK. MAT 16. ISSS. n baet innuttncn publishes all tbe I .'tlSK-TM Dally Idltlen of Tna Iioiui Iieiui S'j - wcm M flollTerofl by carriers In tbe city kr Ball. K.00 a vein H.M for nil months If " .4' L for three months bee. per month. 4r Wil raft, only IL50 per annum, In ad. ., ranee. r Itibaerlbert wishing thelr address changed ' t nt alM stale whero the paper li new ler- warded. " AdvartiaarncnU from 10 te 25 eta. per line v (Mil Insertion, according te location. 'fi TH INTKLLlUBNOKll, J. ' Lancaster, Pa. inwepnene connection Mr. Scott's Fgarts en Steel. We publish elsewhere the statistics and the argument made by the Hen. Wm. L. Scott upon the protection afforded the Iren and steel industry, the Edgar Thom Thom eon works at Braddock, near l'ittsburg, being mode the subject of his illustration. The detailed argument of Mr. Scott con firms our impression that his conclusions are apt te be sounder than his facts. "H'e find what seem te be clear errors and emissions in his calculations of the cost of the products of the Ldgnr Thomsen works. He makes the cost of ft ten of steel rails in 1SST te be S2G.70, of Which $4.00 is the labor cost. Hut this apparently includes only the cost of the skilled labor employed in converting the pig iron into steel, the steel into blooms and the blooms into rails ; te which should be added the ether labor of the yard, in handling and shipping the pro duct and unloading, storing and deliver ing the materials, together with the cost of the materials, outside tlie ceke and iron, that are consumed ; such as firebrick, sand and coal, or nat. iiral gas, used in the heating fur naces, and the lining of the con verters ; these are net found in II r. Scott's estimate, whl :h takes in appar ently nothing but the iron, the coke, and the skilled labor directly used in the ateel and rail manufacture ; net even in cluding the expenses of the offlce and tlie general administration j nnd emitting, as he admits, the cost of fuel for steam power, and the spegelelsen, the deteriora tion of the plant and the interest account. Adding such items of cost te Mr. Scott's figures It will be apparent that tbJere Is no extravagant margin of profit ,Ja the market price of Me.fit) per ten for jwei runs, ii is me experience of every 'manufacturer that exceptional items of AAftfcftslfl Tnrrrcili' In flincnm nF a........ .nl fi . t ""ft-'J w v.iu will, w.. e.uijr till- . flvcalatien of cost, nnd need always te gW provided for by nn nllowance $$& contingencies; and llr. Scott 'aaeded te make such an allewance in cs- & -lBamtlnr IIia nnvi. nf mil. tt i. a " . uiiu, am iiiu w ,-i Ytfy TlAriAnnA n Irn.i i..nt.rAA..K 1 i r""" " wn iimiiiiiuuiuiu DIIU KI1UWB himself hew it is that the best laid ex ex ex pectatlonef profit is often disappointed iin that business. We de net think it wise te seek te sustain an ni gameiitwith strained facts: thn luctlen of duty upon steel rnilH In tlm Mills bill, is warranted by the actual cost of steel, even though that cost should be tbe 'price of thirty dollars per ten, te which it has been reduced by home and net by foreign competition. That Mr. tfcett Included in lih oalcula ealcula oalcula t'en of labor cost only the skilled labor immediately employed, is appaient from the careful enumeration he makes of that labor, giving the total number of men employed at G7.1, whlle in a subsequent portion of his argument he allows 7,000 men as dally employed In the various industries at th&e weik. And he enumerates the great quantity of materials that are daily leaded and tin leaded there, belng 7,020 tens of ero, coke, limestone, pigiren, cinder, rails, coal, sand, bricks, melds, refractorlei, etc. JUr. Scott understands that the 300 teneyglven a3 the dally consumption of Cfml. Inrlnilpq nil r.t i, 1 . n.. , , .... ,. wlu llU( (lve Items ; which seems te ha nn eirer ; ineugu u it, did, that would aiTerd no occasion for wonder, and certainly none for complaint in a country which uses natural gas as a fuel, and which Mr. Scott thinks is thereby placed at such ad vantage as te be independent of the tariff. Mr. Scott falls further into manifest error In putting the cost of ceke per ten of iron at 72 cents; a fgure which he reaches by combining the ,100 te"n?' pig iron and the S00 tens efTL.,' of.cekedailyjfega- ftt $ue J)or u q tbe total of 2,200 tens. Ceal may be worth but ei.10 per tea at the Edgar Thomsen works new, though last year It was sold at $2 at the mines , but certainly no ceke is used In the mak ing of steel rails, the blooms being heated by coal or gas. We de net think that Mr. Scott's 6ta tittles received as careful attention from him as he says that the Mills bill has io ie celved.else these inaccuracies would net have appeared in his speech, for he cer tainly has full knowledge of tlie subject. We believe generally in bis cenclusiui that the Mills bill suiliclently protects the iron and steel manufacturer; and we are net willing that this conclusion, which is sufficiently based upon facts, should appear te be prepped by anything else. Mr. Scott presents a striking picture In his statement that 10,000,0l'0 acres of cotton laud employ 1,025,000 wage workers, whila the 105 acres of the J:dgar Thomsen employ 7,500 ; the one Indus 1ry unprotected and the ether protected ; the latter produclng;the greater prent te the capital empleed. Hut the suggestion of the picture Eeems te be ducldedly favorable te protection, In the greater value of the protected acre of land in furnishing employment te population. Church Unity. Tae first day's tetilea of the Prot estant Episcopal convention of the diocese of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia en Tuesday was marked by n strongly f xprexed desire for church unity. When such a body raises voice for nny cause, the Christian world Is sure te listen, i'he Pennsylvania convention has promptly and with vigor repeated the call of the Heuse of Bishops in favor of this modi fication. That there mieht tia nn mU. Uke, no narrowing definition of the word church, the convention passed two reso rese reso Mem in ejulck succession, the first com wending the cause of church unity, and the second, addressed te the general as embly of the l'resbjteriau chuich about v te convene n Philadelphia congratulating that orgaulutlen upon a century of geed work, and begging its membera te jwlte with us la prayer for the psace and unity of the church." Who would have believed a century age that such a thing were posslble , and perhaps, the union hoped for may be nearer in the future than any of us new think It ran be ; and when It is accom plished will be found mera liberal in spirit and bread in scope than nny new planned by the churchmen in convention or assembly. There is a Htlle church that has been pointed te of late by eminent divines as fitted in a peculiar manner for accomp lishing the union of Protestant churches. The Moravian church has held from an cient times that Christian faith was the one tiling needful for Christian brother heed. It has the apostolic succession and a firm system of faith, but superier te all details it holds the simple acceptance of Christianity. Its missionaries have worked first for this one thing, caring llttle whether their converts became Meravians or professed the faith of some ether denomination. A'crr Yerk Democrats. TheNewYerk Democrats have had a harmonious and in all respects strong convention. They have presented the names of four distinguished citizens of the state for delegates at large te the St. Ixnils convention, and they endorsed the administrations of Cleveland and Hill with a vigor and enthusiasm which illus trated that every word of the endorse ment was meant. We print the planks of the platform that will attract spcclul attention as indicating tlie position w'alch the Democratic party takes against trusts and upon tlie revenue Nn w Yenit preHcntii nema very peculiar phaBen or lite, but perhapa noue inore ro re ro markable than tbe recent abduction of nn ageil nnd wealtliy husband from hh youth yeuth tut wife, Mr. Jehn li. Murray, n metaber et ene or the clty'ii eldest latnlllOR, has been spirited nway from a dove ted young wlfe and a luxurious home by an aged and tr. centrle rnnlden aliter. Mr. Murray la roventy yearn of Bge, totally ana Incurably blind, and anllcteU with all the lnilriuUlc lnilriuUlc et old nge. He Is In his frcend childhood and almeHt ready te gn te hi" long home. In Docembor, 189(1, he mnrrled Kellela Mnrlonne I.elai", a young woman of pro pre pro Hinneil rullurennd ofhandRemoappearnnco The inalilfiii nlfiter n Cew dnye age went te her brother'a Iiquhd, and partly by entrenty and partly by ferce managed Ie take the mlsorable old man away, In the proaenco of the protesting young wlfe. The latter new tidf) Biied out a writ of ImbesH corpus for the roeovoryof her sonlle husband, and the latter will be toaseit botween wlle nnd slater till bla few remaining days will end In deepest gloom. It is n nlckenlng anDotaelo nnd onferceH the lensen that thore are no feels llke unto old feels. Tjii: noeloty for the prevention of cruelty te milnmls Is going te build n hospital for hertOM, dogs and eats In New Yerk. Thore will be en nmbulance ready te rush out nnd gntber up damaged anlmnla be that they can be killed dtcuntly If uccoaaaryer saved tr posslble. At prcaent hnraen are eften put out of misery upon the atroeta and the society pre: etca te avoid this shock te the feelings ol'sensltlve poeplo by giving the nulmal u shock of oleotrlclty In the pri vacy of the hospital. There will also be n llfe saving truck for assisting horses out of cellars nnd sowers, for it aeums that New Yerk horses huve a trick et gettlng Inte such placeH, and as nobody wants horse a In a Rewer, they hnve te be 11 1 ted out. It sceniH that they aometlmos break n few legs in gutting Inte tliose rxcavatlens, and lu that case thelr market vnlue Ja regulated by the prJce of glue. JItit tlie hospital will make it qulte posslble te keep tliein In shnpe us horses by hangleg thorn te the celling In n sling. Tills plan might be well applied te human beings crlpplud by Jersoy llghtnltig. Notlne haa been glven that no hersui with tcarlet rover or contagious dleeasosnced apply for treatment at thlH hospital. Un an upper lloer there will boa ward for dogs aud cats. The noeloty voted f.ir.,iiX) te begin the building, which will cost ftlj.OOO. Altoe.vv'h city solicitor has romlercd an opinion that nu nldermnu may be also nelly nsaoaser. When ene man hns te be crewded Inte two oIHuek, It leeks ns If there nre tee many cilices In lllalr'H capllal. In ltepubllcan l.nucaster county, whero poll pell poll tlei is n buslneae, no tueh anomaly could be imagined. Tun theery that loresta nlwnya aid the inlnlitll receives n heavy blew from Dr. It. Ven l.odenfeld, who haa boeu studying the e lleet of the destruction of Australian roreslj upon the cllmatoer tlmtenuny tfcfejjce publlahes a uminary -of ulfl BrRUmenU innt AustrnllB.ls , Very dry country may l0J'iAretn the stuteuunt that In thn jiritorIer It only ralnH about oneo in threo yearK, but the doctor ahewa that tbe plants of the desert, trees shrubs and grasses, hnve means for Increasing the water supply fromdeopor layera of the soil, and for diminishing evaporation. The leaves of the eucalyptus, ter example, are closed when a dry wind is blowing be that no evaporation takea place. Ah long as wnter remains in the upper layeis of the soil the cphomerlo plants nourish ; but as seen as It is used up they dle because thelr roots de net extend doep enough. Often moisture is drawn te the surface layers by capillary Bttractlen, but the roeta of tiees absorb the wnter in the lower layera which would otherwise reach the surface In this way. He In the woedod parts of Australia theso plants nnd grnssss de net recur. A traoler through theso forests describe the foil ns consisting largely of red clay ns hard us rock mid without a slnglu blade et grass. Australia lias no rivers with large water sheds, aud the water runs oil be eiuickiy that it has hardly tlme te ponetrato the ground. When the troes nre cut down the grasB ut onee begins te grew. Then when rain fain It ruusell' mere slowly as the grasses hinder ita movements, nnd it penetrates the ground te the beneilt of the sp it where it fell. Toe humidity or the ulr la Increased by evaporation nnd rain lulls mero frequently. He In Australia the rain fall Is Increased by cutting down the trees, whlle In America and Kurope the oppeMto result 1ms been ebserved. Jiu ropertoutho expert of breadstulU for Apr'I shows that we have sent away from home only tT.B'.'U.Wl jn wheat, corn, barley and rye, and thelr meals and Hours. This is f 1,710 IV! less thau lu April of 1SS7. There la a slight increase In eats and wheat flour, as cempared with thoexpert ilgurca of April, lbb", but the expert et wheat in April of 1S6S was ?3 013 feta less than in the same mouth of lb.s7, Hnd corn Bhewaan expert ever a million Khert of the value of April ls87. In the four months ending April 30, ay or thlrty.flve millions of dollars worth of breadstutlj were exported, about nlnetcen mllllers less than in the s me third nf 17 O this rthiitemmhilens were fchlpied from New Yerk, Hau Fran Fran ciseo coming next with f7,W3,012, then Baltlmore with about live hundred thou sand les, and JJosten with some live mil lions lesi-, Philadelphia and New OrleanB eamlng last w 1th only about a million and u miru unu a miiueu and u eiuarler, rospco respco rospce tlrely, whlle about n dczen ethor ports make up a million and a (pjcrter between thorn. It seems a little strauge that New Orleans should rank the lowest et tbe great ports in the value of breadstulla exported. The liguresglven ferSiu Francisce, Include tbe shlpments from the harbor or Wllllim ette, or I'eitlaud, Oregon, which sems destined te rival New Ycrk as a shipping pert for American grain and Heur, Maye Hewitt, of New Yerk, sugRMta that the electric light com pan lea rettulng te bury their wires be mandamuaed. This la proper medicine Tiik state sanitary convention, which be gins at f.ewlaburg en May 17, premise te be rteh in Uovelepmonta for the geed of the state PERSONAL. Miss Maiiearetta Oamkhem, daugh tr nf tbe senator, ia te marry a NbWark, N. J., nan, Clarke by name. , Uf'AUS 8rnKCKRi.s, tbe sugar king of Philadelphia, nearly cauied the breate of the caabler of tbe Fourth street national bank te depart en Tuesday, when he shoved deposit of H 10,000 ever tbe counter. JIei.va A. Lockwood, of Washington, for president, and Aldred It. Ixjve, et Phil adelphia, for vice president, were the nomi nations made by tbe national convention of thn Kqual Rights party which met In Des Moines, Iowa, en Tuesday. Wat,tkk Quintjn OnKHiiAM, who baa prominence aa a candidate ter the presi dency of the Unlted Htate, waa born In leg cabin March 17, 1832, near Laneavllle, In Harrison county, Ind. It la said that his mother, new nearly ninety yean of age, allll Uvea In that cabin, new a comfortable atrueture, In which ahe la made aa happy aa a tiueen by the loving care et her honored en, The Boisterous Atlnntle Ia a terror te timid Teyngrm, dcnrccly Ictaen nreeunt of the peril of tlm dirp llinn tlie almost certainty et tea elikni'M Ilia licit curative of ct.i Je mtt it Hosteller's .Stomach Jlltlcr. which te.tlcK tl.e atninnrli at enre and Iirevpnta Itaillttiirlinnrc 'In nil trnulcrannd euilsti, v hctlicr liy rra nr Inml, It prcucnta a linppy medium liclwi-cn tlie iiiiim-euh or In. nllcctunl rcnnrcp nf llin mcillclue clieU, nnd the prnlilciniitlcnl licnellt ilcrltnlilc from nn ItmiU'illcntcl nlielinlir Ultniil.int, nu matter linwpiire. '1 lie Jnrnnjtel a rnllreul ear often produces atnmiirlilc ill-orders akin te that rnuicd by tlie relllnir et n lilp. I'er thin the Hitters In niireniit mill rertniti rvineily 'llie me nl lirncUsh uiilcc, juitii tiliulj en lung nrnRealn tlm tt i.., IncMlnUy hreailn dl. (ircluraef Ilia stumncli and lniuela, llnMctK r'n htnmacli Illllera tnlxcil villi lmiire usler iiulllllOH lUlinpurlliea Kiimliirly it fount r acta nnlnrinl and oilier iirejnillciiil Imliipiiiea of cllmntoerntmi)plierc, an uvllii lliei Heels el cxiiomire nnd f menu. Vt-u It ter kidney cemiilnlutt, rlicuniutiaui nnd debility. M1WWAI.. TJHKUMATISM. "Try Ayer's Pills" rorll)ieiimntlilii,NnutlilKl,i,iriatleul Blophen 1,-inslnjr, or Yenkers, li, 1 aajst " ltecein. niandea ns u euro for clnonle Vea.lv ones, Ayf-r'a l'llla have roltevod ina from that trou ble unil iilae Irnm (lout. II every victim et this dlroase would heed only threo werda of mlnr, 1 could I, finish (lout Irem the land. Theae words would lui-' Try Ayer's l'llla.' " "lly the une of Ajur's l'llla nlen, 1 cured myaelf ierinanuntly or rliuinniUlim which hud troubled me aevarnl mouths. Theso l'llla nrnntnnrohnriiileaaniid iitrcctna', and, 1 bo be bo Itevo, would prevuaapcclllc In nil cusfer In clplent Rheumatism. Nomedtclnn could have aorvea me In botler atead."-0. O. lte;k, Cerner Avojellej 1'arlih, I.u. t). K. ilepkln', Nevada City, writes : ' 1 liave iiaid Ayer's l'llla ler slxtoeu yeais. nnd 1 tuink they nre tlie lieal l'llla In the world. We koepnliei or them In thnheuas nit tlie tlnm. 1 huy hive cured inn et alck hnad iche nnd mm rulKin Blnca tnkleir Ayer's I'liir, l have been frex irnm thnse rnmplntnts." .,!!,1 hVi" UUI'vea reni bnnent rrnm Ayer's l'llla. JTIve vniira niee 1 wnsUikrn snllmilh rlieumntlAin that t -win iinnble tndenny work Henk three linxca of Ajer'a fills nnd was on en on tlrely cured, "Incethnt tlme 1 am naver with, e it n box or tliose pllla "-l'eiur Chrlstonuen, Uliornued, Wis. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. I'KRPAUKD nr Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewoll, Mrbp. Held by all Dealers In Modlclne. lnaylltesn AYKH'H HAHSAI'AKIMiA. rOllHAI.H AT ir. 11 CUtlllKAN'a UllUO HTOltH. Nes. 117 A 13) North ytioen Hi , Lancaster. 1M. upN 'iiud.l w ' 1'AltAtSOIJI. R." lV II. P arnsels. A Large and varied assortment R cady for your inspection A-t R. B. & II.'s S tore, i.j East KingslrceU -- O ur prices tlvi 'lowest I'ine the largest S tock entirely new and stylish. cnr3 8md UI.AXHWAHfc J. . MA.KTIN.vUO. QUEENSWARE DEPARTMENT. r.trtic8'Ceniinencinjr hoiiseKcoplng will s.ive inoiiey hy citlliitir en us niul t'x.imin ingourfiteck befere purclmsing elsewhere. wiiiti: dinxj:uskts Of the Heat Ihiglish Iromteneware, w.urauti'il nottesutfrtcocr.ick front licit, ami in tlie Sqiim e or Ovul Sh.ipei. llest Quality White JJlnner Sets, at l.sti, n m, eio.eo ami JU.eO a set. Second Quality White J)InniT fcete, at $3.gu, $ 1.09, jo.'te ami $s 60 a set. Foity.feur 1'iece White Tea Sets, lit the best uuullty, at il.u'iaset. Second (Itiiillty, $ 0J. DECOItATKl) DINWr.K Siri'S. Jf you visit our Qtieensware Itoemyou will s.iy you never ga7ed upon se many pretty decorations in dinner sets. 12.1; piece Decorated Dinner .Sets, from eis.oetowsoo. 115 Celd Hand Dinner Silts at f 1 1 00 n set. 11 "i piece IhiBlish Print Dinner Sets, $7.B0 te ei'J.OO a net. "0 Seta of 101 pieces Celd Jtand and Haiid.l'ainted Dinner Sets at iW.'ji), worth ?lb.00 a set. ciiamiu:u SKI'S Of all kinds. Ten piece Decorated Chamber Sets, at$L'.7rja bet. lUre bar gain. Xe Reeds uiUiepiesented, and all Reeds net satisfactory we want you te return. a MARTIN & WA It It AM A KBtVa. Philadelphia, Wednesday, May 16, 1888. Our announcements gather fresh interest daily. Spring sales rise as the days lengthen. Our plans are te make days busier. We de it by increasing the points of interest. JOHN A lawn with field sports, a babbling brook, a country read, a pond with swimming fish, the whole a sort of lete champetre, may shortly be found in the North Gallery, second fleer. It will be a part of the Summer Occasion te which we will seen invite you. Exact language is used in our statements about goods. Please remember It. The fol lowing brief resume of broken prices in Dress Goods, quoted from our talk of the last two days, refers only te large lets and complete assortments of entirely new goods. The broken lets and broken prices go te the Dress Goods Remnant counter. Ne need te advertise a spot of the store already se well known te you. Hundreds of bargains leave there daily. BoetchFiirahZophyrOlngham', 32 Inch. 21 stylea SA con tii t worn 40. Eoetcb Zepbvr UlmckeU (tlnUnin, 20 Inch 23cenlft were 40. Wcol-anC-Cetton l'Jaia Hulltnir, 31 Inch UXcnnla; -wnin!l Weel Check ana Orurnlaia Hulllnir, IS va va rletlt n or color St con tii t were 45. Weel Diagonals In plain colero, il Inch - 2tcenU weremw. German l'lata Heine, lnch- tiucantsi woie75. French Weel Cherien utrlpna. 40 inch WcenUt worn 75. Frunih l'ruiiulle tileth, 40 Inch WJccnla; woreR). l'latn Weel HutllnRt, SO Inch Inch Ce centH ( were 75. Baxeny Bummer otievlot fiecnntai wore75. Kicnch KelK" Hlald., 40 Inch UJrenlHt worefl, rrench IlelK" Checks, 40 Inch UlcentH. Uerman Fanny Combination I'lilds, tllnc h 7S centu 1 were l.l. (Ionian Fancy l'lalfls, 40 Inch COcenU; worell. Al'-wool HonrleltiM, 4Mnrh 7centB; wprell. Mlxcrt Sultlngn, m Inch ilcenla 1 woieH7). Mack All-wool llentluttns, 4S Inch 75c, 85c, II ( were (.':, l,l 55. A'.lmtresn, full ltnoel colern 5J cvuls ; were Ul, White Goods : Teulon Lawns, ten styles BtenlH. Whlte 1'IqueH, cinbrollerod II t woreli, htte l'iqudH.avcrjKO width 0 Incbes vscenuii weiessanrt 4 Whlte l'iijiie rieunrlnif., l'i junlsdesr II teuynd All-wool Twilled Mixtures. Quick at $i ; what will they be at 75c ? In grays and browns, some in illuminated effects. 50 inches. Changeable Mixtures. Silk-and-wool. A blueish, a red dish, a garnetish, 75c. They've been $1.25. Silk and Illuminated Stripes en Beige Ground. A rich, striking stuff in gray or brown. $ lrem $1.25. 41 inches, Silk-and-wool Plaid. The pTaid formed by graduated clus ter stripes. Rich, quiet. In a dozen of the most modest of prevailing Spring shades. 41 inches. A spanking seller at $1.75; te-day $1.25. Silk - and - wool Stripes en Solid Celer Grounds. Stripes bordered by contrasting vine design. 1 lalf a dozen color ings. 41 inches. $1 irem French Sateens. There is witchery in the blended tints, the odd figures, the soft and sheeny finish, Half sisters te Silk. It doesn't seem possible te overdo them. Always origi nal. Always full of sparkle and life. We barely mentioned yester day a little army of new styles just out of the Custom Heuse. We've had a better leek at them since. Se shall you. Follow ing en the heels of hundreds of hundreds of ethers new this season, and yet scarcely two alike. And they are in the colors most te your mind : Hiilphur and black gebelin and whlte KU'tinund cieiun navy anil whlui Kttiuelund crtani lnuck unit whlle and a dozen ether just as wel JOHN SKVKWKAR' Ai) WKSl' KINO. llA.N'lM'AINTKU NKUlvTlUS AT KU1SMAVH. TJOYS'BIMC KNI) SUSt'EKUKlH, 25UKNTS, ATKKUMAN-S. Nnxt loer te Bayler's Photo Gallery. Ol KN K.VKtn KKN1M), KU13MAVS, (lilts riyun'acid Eland ) ASKEW 011 ur, AY NOS, Ut AND 2J0 WKtiT UINU STUKKT. arj-iya WANAMAKKll'B. WANAMAKER. come combinations. Patterns that have never been here before : sprigs and sprays dotted plaids scraggly leaves random scashclls cluster color dots Buds and blossoms and ragged bits of brightness scattered higgledy-piggledy, but peeping with surprise prettiness from every fold. West el Main Alile, north or centre. Toe many Parasols. Net here but with the makers. And se it came about that a very unusual opportunity ri pened. We are but the inter mediary between the makers and you. Arn't these prices a revelation ? Selling Our Jirtce r(r ,.. , .. . ld'eritij. Ce ilnu. inn children s Par una .75 .a ion lllack unu blHck simtus 4- Inch Laaint'U achin 1300 Uli lO024tnch Twllied (JeiicMnif, wlric, marine blue, llghc brown 2je ia 130 W Inch Couching, plain cel. eis, with doiiele twill or self. colors, wlne, black, navy, mm, two brown. 3(0 1 Jft 125 21 Inch email Flatd couch ing, live combinations, in cluding black and whim.... 3 50 2 00 SO Baxeny Lace Cevers, tight and durk ecru SCO 2(0 iraBsxeny I.ace Cevers, btlge aiidcreani 37s jsj 71 Large rnlka Dots, cardinal and elack bluuand b'ack .. 5 CO 3 25 35 21 Inch Conching Blrlpes, black and black, black and cardinal r.00 325 :00 221ncn Coaching, ratliu Francal.o.wevon whttoedge, teu colors je 350 This will give you an idea of wnat we are doing, lhere is net a Parasol named in this list that has ever been shown be. fore. But the list is only a part. We take many Parasols in our regular stock and cut the price in half. Taken all-in-all, this will be the most notable sale of Para sols we have ever made. Chestnut street aide, west of Main Alale, High time te say something of the light-weight Dress Blacks. Yeu knew in a gen eral way that they are here. Any seasonable stuff, black or colors, is always here. But what have the makers been up te? Let's rummage a little. Mostly familiar faces, some a little strange. The. new charm is in the brightness, cleanness, freshness mere than anything else. Silk-and-wool " Iren Frame " I Iernani. All-silk Grenadine, open mesh. Twisted Silk Grenadine. All-silk Crepe de Chine. All-wool Veiling. All-wool Albatross. All-wool Veiling with Mohair checks. All-wool Grenadine, double width. Plaid or striped wool Gren adine, double width. All-wool Camel's-hair Gren adine. All-wool Challis. All-wool Batiste. All-wool Tamise. And of each sort from three te fifteen pieces. Yeu won't have a dream of thin Dress Blacks for summer that can't be real ized at that counter. Ecceud circle, southeast of cen'.re. Again mere room for Challis, the soft, foamy Challis. Finest wool, perfect weaving, perfect printing. Yeu have had te dig them out from heaps of creamy Cashmeres and piles of shim mering Printed Mehairs. New they've half a counter te them selves. Sixty or seventy styles, 30 inches wide, 50 and 60c. Southwest of centre, next Hutu Alsle. WANAMAKER. MAUJuxjtjir. p.VTTKKNS, MODlfL,H, An. Central Machine Works, COUNEIl or UUANl' ANDCUUISTIAN STUKK18, (Uear of Court Heuse). LANCASTKIt, PA. Knglnes, Heller?, Machinery and llepalitng, Patterns, Drawings, Iren and llrass Castings, etc. lk'st equipped Murhlne and Pattern llhep In the city ler light m erk -4oed Werk, Promptness. Ueasnnable Charges. decJ.ua WU KiyHEK, DI5NT1HT. Paitlcular attention given te filling andproiervluu the nutural tmth. 1 have an the latest Improvements for delug nice nerk at a ery roaenublu cost. Having yi ars nf ex porteuce te the lutve cities lain saie te give the host el satlsfacuen and eavu you uiunev. best artltlclal teeth only u 00 per set. maris-lya WaMNUUltl 11UKN8T, CLOTH1NQ, ta AH M YKK8 4 RA.THFOK. Clothing te Order. THEN03B1E3TSTLYE3 SPRING GOODS CAN UK FOUND HXKK. Our Suits te Order fee $18.00 AND $20.00 Are Bandsome and AUnctlra. We are right nn top with the lit and en th bottom with prices. This Is an acknowlcge fact. HEN'S PANTALOONS, TO ORDER, At $5.50 and $6. DXCIDXD BAUUA1N8 MANDSOMKINBTYIiK AND XXCKLMMT IN FINISH. Wear the " Cromwell " Shirt li Yeu want the Best-riltlng flhlrt. Myers & Eathfen, IiKAUlNQ CLOTH! EU?, NO. 12 EAST KINO ST.. LAACABTKR FA. N EW Sl'lUNd CLOTHING. L. GANSHAN & BRO. NEW SPRING SUITS. AIUKKflTHAVlNUTO YOU n K 1X00 TO U 0) en cAuiisuir new uuuuiir or us. KertOOO, rinoCasslmero Suit. Koriseo. AH-Weel worsted Suits. Always heretolero Held for 113.00. Fer 110 00. Ail-Weel Cutaway and Sacks, Always herotetoro sold f jr llii 00. Youths' and Bey's fiultB at M 50, 15.00, C. 00, 8O0and'.0 00' Chlhlien'a Sulta at tlie, i oe, 3 oe.lioo and ti.00. Custom Depaitment. Iktlncetl Prices, large Assortment. Hutu te Oidor, strictly All-Weel, at I12,H, tl3. 120 IK, 115 and 27. Thn Patterns nre Ooed, thn Kit Is Terfcct, and the Making Kqual t j the Kineat , L lliiDsman I Bre., S. W.OOIW8R NORTH QUEEN & ORANOE SIS. LANOASTKlt, PA. H1 USll BHOTHER. -OUit- $8.00 and $10 Blue Are Arkniwledged by All Grand Army Men Te be Unsurpassed by Any In Lancaster or Vicinity. In Fit, Making, Trimming, AND CHEAPNESS OF FllICE THEY CANNOT UK APPltOACIIKD, T1IEV AUK WAltlCANrKll Indigo Blue I NOT TO FADE, And have TWO 8 KT3 OT HUTTONS, BLACK ikMlUUAXU AllMY. Their IHMKNSK SALE OUItlMl the PAST MONTH It u pulllcluntlKUurantee luey are the most popular cults uiiumg ihu G.A. R. WCU1IX AND SEE THEM AT'C Hirsh & Brether, THE ONB.PRIOB Clothiers & Furnishers, COlt. N. QUKBN STltdKT AND UENTUK 80IIAIIK. I.ANKAHTKIC PA HUHStUrVMlffHtMV UUIlllt. Sal,L aU MrTtT " .-- -TU1C- ROCHESTER LAMP. Btity Candle-Llght i lau Umm all. AunUer Let Of CUEAP GLOBKS let dai an OUSteyua. THE ' PERFECTION " GRIND ARM SUITS i !-J L BIOULUINO A EC BBU CTJSUIO.V WEATHERSTRIP Beats thein alL This strip outwears all ethers, Koena out tbe cold, step ruttllnn of windows. Xxclude the dusu Keep out snow and rain. Anyone can apply It un waste or dlrtraade In applying tt. Can be fitted anywhere-ne heles te bera, ready for nse. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the Steve, Hater and Uange Stere. -or- Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens, 4 SOUTH QUEEN S'. LANOASTB1I, PA. UKOOKRIKX CAHSARD'S MILD CURED HAM .. AN DBKKAKrABT BACON, unequaled for tenderness and etlctcy of "T.ri.. Wejinarantoelhat there Is nethtna; te equal them In quality In this martet. Iben aands of the host families am new using them. FniLR'I" nlwaj satisfaction, ary them DdMill your nelKhber. PtSSL ?Kf,.ana Ue,0?ntt hllr chlppefl. 1-tlOBs reatenable. wkekuk W I iVt. AT BUKHK'a Tomatoes in Glass. 0JtoW2Oe,tt0rirT0mat0e8 ,n G"l! r8auce fr KeacnJ;ai"0rn,AprtCOUIa qnrt ctn reil'a Bjaar corn, 2 cans Mr Me, u rarv rheap. This U net old or sented Cern;Sut fresh. pwkiFd lau Fall. We have tee mSch tern, and thus olTer It at this low prlee. Touiateps, j cam rer 23a. i his Is lower than they euiiht te be sold, but we want te mera Kvuperated rrntts rcdncc d In plce. Csllleruia Kvaiierated Aprlceu ati8. Se ana S3 cental. CaltiornlaKTaremtcd PoachesatlSandSe ft. Pruntlasat2B,sfur23e. Prnnw, 6 & I for Ma ; butter, Its 250, French Prunes, K. for SSc, FLOUU-Plllsbury.Leyan's, GretTi and Mil. lera. oatmeal, A vens, Cracked Wheat, Fatlnata bnl, farinese cornnieal, ete . at BURSK'S, NO. 17 HAST KINO BTRMTT. tsy Telephone. xy a. KEisr.t co's FIME GROCERIES, Oar. East King and Duke Str eft's. COFFEES. Ceffeea are leltlnR fast. Onr !5e Royal Ceflea ha te equal. J usi received another lresh let this tnerntiiK. Mecba.Java and Lagnayra are very fine Try a tatnpie pound. ' We weie asked by a prominent gentleman theotherday why our Cutrees were superior in quality toetber uenees. Alter explaining the method etrriwtlnn te htm, he left the store ronmrklnmhiUheiTnlter liucouve a wellaa yj2.r.ireS?rl?.B w"1 be purenasedatihls place. TKA8 w have them te suit everybody from Soe tn oeo per ft, 'j tie very flnt-st Garden Grewn OoienKut coo per ft. hpectal price in original packages. Our Teas are solected with great cate and will pleane the purchaser. Alexis Uodlllett's, Mettelln and Labeur's Flne 'table Oils In stock, Bttlctly fresh. Alse a large, fresh nsoitinentef Alexis Uocllletl's Canned and Bottled Uoedi. They are fine. Fleur! Fleur I Fleur! Have you tried It T Only !5e per sick for a Full UeHer (.round Fleur. Guaranteed te answerthe purjiose or higher ptlced Fleurs. Plllsbury, Levuu A eons, UretTs and Man helm Hours In stock. rNew Cards te all purchasers Geed de livered prompt te all puts et the city, letc letc letc phone connection. W. A. REIST & CO., Grocers, (Formerly lilnkley's. A UEQULAnHNAl. Saturday's Snap AT CLARKE'S. Pleur ! Eleur I Fleur ! Wohavetheplcasuroof Introducing te the peeple of Lancaster an onttiely new Flenr manu tactnred en the 1 atest I m pre ved system, nnd would request all 1 evers of geed, sweet bread te gtve It a trial, COLUMBIA ROLLER TROCEiS FLOUR. We also have In stork the Great rillsbnry Fleur, Levan's liest Heller Greand, iup"rln iup"rln tlve Patent Hungarian Procem, geed baker, 7oe par quarter. Ulngtlch's J(X Fleur, We. per quarter, Clarke's AA Mler Fleur, 49e, QUARTER. SOMETIIlNa NKW, SKLr"-llAI91NU. KICK CAKE FLOUll-Thls Fleur cemca ready for use. Ne salt, no soda or baking pow der te be added 1 ry a eack and have ter sup per snme of thn most doltcteus cakes yen ever eat t only 13e a sack Havn you ti led Masen's Supor'er gea Wafers wlthjhef? If mt, de net fill te try them at once, only ltc fit, A Regular Snap. B B5 Luundry Starch nnd 5 cakes Seap for 28c: 4 cans bUEur (;nrii, Me t aunii Strlnv licans best you eer ca, 25c; e !U Primus una i ti l)ats ler 2.1c, and ene thousand big eye openers tee numerous te mention, S. CLARKE'S WHOLK8A1.K AVD RETAIL TKA AND COKFKKBTOUK, 13 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, TKI.EPHONK CONNECTION. IJ AKOAINH AT REIST'B. REISTI Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Cor. West King fi 1'rlnce Sts. TIIK LAUUK3T STOltlC I TUK HEAVIEST STOCK I 11UYOFU3 AND SAVK MONKV1 12 Cases of l'ruccs (19,000 ftj),S andtajfer 803 Dexcs of Halslnp, new, 3 lis SSc. te Bexes Newl'iunlla iittsac. 0 Hags Figs, tiew,2fti2Sa 10 Itexes New KvaperaUd Apple?, 2 tts. SRc. 75 llexvs I.i tnens 13c per d"2 10 crauig Wh Ih Olevnr Hener, "8i 2 00 fts Flue Mlxfd caudles, 2 Ur, 23c. SVUOOoceanuts, 4 for'ie. 40) Its propured C'cce'inut, l'e ft. 100 Barrels CrackniB 4 and S Its '. 5c. SO llucfcels et Jelly, (i h '.'.Ie. HOliexts ChfOie. 4 amis tti?.1a 1 LaskUulduu's Finest Piunch Mu9lard, 15c per qua' t SO kegs Pickled Trlpe, 11.25 keg. Hest Urled HfCfln iheciiy, ujc ft. Finest I. Ilium only 10c & Anether Carload of fait 200 ft bags, f 5c ; 10 ft bags, 753 ; 5 and 10 bag lets. 70 and 80c. Cailrad Letsat f pedal I'rlctu. lielsl'j Ixiyal Fleur, 60c qr. SO blls Table Melusse, light as lrney, 10c qt, 100 dcz UreciiH, UK.lMf, 20 and 21 routs 50 boxes Large cikes Laundry Seap 2 ter 5c. 15 boxes Pure Whit" Castile "enp, 15c ft. 10 boxes Tar Seap, selling fast, 8c cake. Teas and Ooffees, 1 Iilnk of It I Geed Tea at He 11 ; belli r at 10, is, HO, S5. 40, tO U& CofTee at l.'X. 15. 20, 2J, 2.1; 9S and C0 Flnf st Java and Mecha lira can't go amiss tut ur toffees. Loet u.theni, and te tempted. Reist, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, Cor. Yi. KIdb and Prince Sts., (NBXT DOOa TO TBS SOREIL llORil liOTSL.) XXCL'JiSIOXX DH. MILLEK, TOUIUHT ASD KMI- UHATIOV AUKNT. I.siies TIOeU te all parts of the Weild fcpucUl Excursion leirni WEST At ene fare for the round trip Grand aelect excurslrns te the leseinlta Vat ey. Yellow. stene aailenal f ark, Les Angeles, Ban 1'run 1'run Cisce and PaclHe Coast Pelntii, with choice vl routes reiurnlng and st ay-ever privileges wett of Chicago, circular tours trem Sew 1 erk te firlnclpaTHnrepcan cities, PaluBllne and tbe lely Land ut very low rates. Fortnightly ex cursions trem llalllmerd te llosten, Mentr ml Hnd down tbe Mt. Lawrenct. All Information cnucernlng any contemplated trip cheerfully ulven ire) by calling or addressing 1). ti. Ml ' LKH, Agent, Chicago. Iteck Islaun and Pari lle K. It., Mi lJ-i North ()uteu fctniel, Lancaster, l'iH or Franklin lieu.u. aprtl-lmd pECOMMENDKD UY EMINUNT PHYSICIANS The "Best "Tonic, a Concentrated Liquid Kxtract of Malt and Heps. Fer sale only at J. V. HOUGHTON A CO., Mm. v and ti West King lUeeU nrf1- r - U-J. .v iU,