a-v,wl Wi'T - - WCV.r: n -JBI'TCSTSWKJWCBrFA- AW" (?-' . '. v4 .V; -, .' . V'i t ymxtef . '-.- St y ; .srt VOLUME XIVNO. 216.-S.X PAGES. LANCASTER. PA., SATURDAY, MAY 12. 1888. SIX PAGES-PRICE TWO CENTS ,v 'OWP lb SEVEN ORATIONS BNJOVr.1) III A LftltaK AUDIENCE IN FOLTON OI'EttA HOCBR Z.A8T HIUHT. ethlan Literary Society of rnU lla aud Marshall Cellfg-e Celebrates III. Fircr-Thlrd Annlrsrearr The Bias UniUemil; Decorated. Though tbe iky was evercatl with clouds and rain wu falling Falten ball was crowded last evening te enjoy tba annlver aary whieh the Dlagnetblans bad fitly pre paied te celebrate. The committee of arrangement leat no opportunity, from the time et their appointment until the close of the pregramme, te make all a com plete success In be far as they oenld. The oemmlttoe consisted et A. T. Clay, chair man; O. E. Iitlllard, A. M. Sohaetl Sehaetl ncr, D. O. Iletrtck, C. N. OMbrlel, D. M. Wolfe and O. A. Eigies. Ji 8. Leiby, the president of the society, presided during the fulfillment et the pregramme. The musle for the oo eo oe caslonwas farnlshed by Prof. CarlTher- bahu'a orchestra, and It was very geed. The decorations, which were superin tended by Mr. J. 11. KleUer, were quite elaborate and greatly admired. The large audience present was quite attentive dur tag the speaking. Several times tij pre vailing sllenee aeeaed determined te" con vince one that there was none present but tbe speaker. Following the pregramme are brief extracts of the orations ,de ,de ,de llvored. Tim riteanAMMK. Musla-Mareb, " Fest," Wetdeuiann. I'rayur tuv. U.KlTln Unapt. M into -Selection, "Oadi and Kns," K. Boeitger. Batutotery "Islam," Atvllt Cenner, Jr., llBKornewn, Md. Musle tlornet sole (J. Harlmin), Geergs Hcfawnlkert. Oration " The Aim of Art tn Music," K. T. - linger, L.ancair, i-. Or.tlen-"TliB shield of Achilles," A. B. Itaumnn, '. vlr.e. Iowa Music Mireb, ' mnnbanser." H. Watrnnr. oration " Tne Coming ClvllIzUien," T. B. Apple, Lnncastcr, l'a oration ' 'I be White Czar of Muscevy, r, M. I.lne, Marquette, ob. M 1110 Clarienet sole, "8th Air " (Brepsart), Carl Thurbahn. Kulegv " KatsarWllhelm,"llarry II. Apple, Lint aster, l'a. aluslo-retponrrl, " Ths Baft," 8. Bohleppo Behleppo Bohleppe groll AnnlverBsrv Oration "The Coronation of the stuilent," Ifrea a. Uupley, J"., Martins bunr, l'a Miuto-Beleclten, "College Beng?," Tioe. M sea Honeaic'.len Dr.Thcs. O. Apple. Musla-Ualep, " xhe Wheeluun," X. Spring. " ISLAM." Atvlll Cenner, Jr : The germ of this rellKlen, originally n pretest against the bald polytheism or Arable, was planted In the fairest parte of Asia early tn the seventh century by the great prophet, Mohammed. Instead et being suppressed by the con stant opposition whieh It wet it increased and was carrled evor nil Syria, I'ersla, Con trol Asia and a large portion of Africa by the prophet and bis great hordes of warriors. He great has been Its growth that it bus beceme a formidable rival of Uhrlsttanty. It has become a question of the day, thus maktng the consideration of Its virtues and vlces necessary. Its Im portant virtues are neon in the changes wrought npm savage nations. By bring ing them te a moderate state of clvlllzitlen. By giving them a ode et laws, by uniting tribes Inte natleus, and nations into emplrea. By giving a new lite In general te the new convert, aud by Its laws of absttnenc. Its vice, en tbe ether hand, though, stand out brighter than these effi cient vlrtuw. Frem Its very existence until tbe present day it has been furthering Its Intorests by wars. It Is the promoter of slavery, casting all Inte slavery who are net willing te accept the faith. Polygamy is also encouraged aud practiced te a grett ex tent throughout overy country that acknowledges its Bwny. Its greatest and most cfl'ontlve Mn is Its neglect of woman. Thus rrhile Islam in tbe prosent age Is raising out or tbe mist and gloom et heathenism It is making it a hopeless nation with regard te ChrUlianty and all its blessings. 'TUB AIM OP ABT IN MUSIC." E. T. Hager: The speaker trae9d advance end suoweslen In art. Showed hew It all culminated in man, tbe oreature et Ged. Then spoke et the human voice as funds mental In musle which be termed tbe " 1 itest bnrn art," Each age baa lis own art. MubIe is tbe art of medern time. The general object of art was set forth. The talent for musle, the "queen et the art" often appears very early In life. Musle ao ae ao eompanlos ns through all the stages of life. Deelared It te be the most spiritual and purest art. Oae of the times when it la most ellectlve is en the eve of battle. His tory culminate! in song. Musle binds to gether the tribes and nations of the earth. Its aim is upward and beavenward. "THE SHIELD OP ACHILLES, " A. B. liAuman : After giving a descrip tion of the untold, en which was pictured the various labors and works of mankind, the speaker referred te tbe general signifi cance et emblems and thelr oUeet upon tbe minds and notions et tbe people. He then referred te tbe relative positions of tbe in dividual and etate as held during the time of Homer, comparing them te theso as held at the ( rts)et time ; te the general growth of man in power .from his unimportant rank at that time te the exalted position he held te-day ; te the loyalty and reverence of tbe Individual toward tbe state as ex hibited then,, and the loyalty due new. The ppsakcr closed by showing tbe general significance of such an emblem as tbe shield of Achilles which represents the unity et mankind throughout the world and with a short reference te the genina displayed by Hemer, the designer of the magnificent emblem. " TIIJ5 COMING CIVILIZATION." T. B. Appel : Men of old spoke et the advance et clvlllzitlen in eternal circles; we of te-day as a rhythmle march of rite and fall. Each people prrsslng forward te perfection, reach a height surpassing tbe depth of the decay of these proceeding tbem ; stamping themselves and their arts, en history before passing away te give place te another r Islng nailen. Te the men of tbe iuture is reserved te gather up these dropped threads of err, literature, science, philosophy and government, and with a purer religion, and a broader humanity, atrengtbeu and perfect tbara, fulfill old faepesand dreams, make new discoveries, formulate newiruthP,and retch tbe highest snmmlt ever yet attained. "THE WHITE CZAR OP MUSCOVY." F. M. Line: Tbe law of development appears in the history of nations as well as in the history of tature. tfbwbere Is it as vividly Illustrated as In tbe history of Rus sia. Beglnulng in obscurity it moves for ward by careful steps until It becomes the most powerful empireln existence. Tbe great faoter in this grand develop ment ts Peter tbe Great, tbe first white czsr of Musoeyy. We see bis great executive ability shine forth all through his life. His policy was Btern, cruel and even barbarous. jet tbe aim or bin ll'e was reached ; That of raising his aubjeets te a higher plane. Hlnee tbe reign et tbe white czar the liber ties et tbe people are only in their submis sion. If free government always brings moral barp'.nesF,Kuula msy yet cast off the yoke of thraldem by tbe herculean eflerU .of a strong ruler. "KAISUR WILJIELM." H. H, Apple; in a short Introduction ttt speaker referred te the origin of the Qeraansaadtha high staff of civilization which they have attained. The cumins cumins Uea et thle civilization was Frederick William Leuis Ven Hohenzellern the meat thoroughly oharaetartsUo German et all the Oermaa monareha the "flower of the Germanic Idea." He next spoke of his blrtb, the least et all the heraea et kings, and his early aurreundlBga. Attar beleg appointed oemaaaader-lnohlet of the Prussian array and appointed three times regent et the kingdom, be ascended the throne as' William 1 of Prussia, crowning himself and referring te hi bsliet la "Divine Right" His long straggle In ewrylng eat the array reform resulted tn the humiliation and deleatet Napeleon and thesurrendsr.et Paris and et his becoming tbe first emperor of united Germany. In tbe 91 years of bis life he bad bnt one aim tbe consolidation of Germany. He possessed the most Im portant quality of a sovereign the power tedlscsverand appreelite fit oharaeters for the ehief administrative funotlenr. He summoned te his side a trio of chiefs In Bismarck, Ven Roen and Ven Moltke. Then giving a short outline of his oharaeler tbe speaker referred te his qualities bDth as a statesman and soldier, Heoenolnded with a description of his death seene. Hs was the first German em peror, a king et men, a soldier without fear or reproach, the noblest selpn of a great race et warriors and statesmen. "THE COneNATION OP TUB STUUKNT." Fred. A. Rupley : Tee society which eelebrates ber anniversary te-night borrows a seene from tbe mythology et bygone ages and engraves It as the insignia of her membership and the worthy ebject of her contemplation. Mlnerva, clad in ber hel met and tunic, sits In the foreground of an extended plain and Is seen In the set or placing a wreath of ber sacred olive en the brew of a devotee. In the near background Mercury appears about te alight upon tbe earth, Modernized, the scene Is that of wisdom orewnlng the student, while knowledge is at hand ready te be directed en a mission. The speaker pused from a study of the seal of the society te tbst et her history, from which be drew interenees as te ber futute progress. Eaeh participant In the pregramme waa kindly remembered by particular frlendr. Gilts of various kinds were received by all. The Nermal and Page Literary societies or the State Nermal ochnel at Mllleravllle, Pa, were each represented by a delegation et twelve of their members. IBB PACK LITEKAKY. An Oration by Hits Carrie Mjcrs D.bate and Vecal and Instrumental Mule. Killkusvillb, May 12. The exercises of the Page Literary society last evening were opened by tbe song "Autumn." The referred question, "Are tbe morals et America en tbe deellne?" was answered by Rev. J. B, Eienweln. The morals of America are net en the decline ; If any thing mars tbem It la foreign Immigration et contract labor. Miss Grace Wylle favored tbe society with a beautiful sela As an encere tbe lady Bang "Tbe Bird Frem O'er tbe Has." "That the United States is the leading nation of the world " was debated en the affirmative by Messrs. E. E. Dlxenand U. A, Evans ; en tbe neg ative by Messrs. Heward and B. E. Gabla The affirmative side portrayed in an ex haustive manner the wealth of our nation. America rises because the people sufTar net from immense taxes, are free and receive a free ednoatien. Although a diminutive navy, we are able te defend ourselves against tbe enoreaebments of any nation. The negative speakers claim that America is still aping after foreign nations and bas little originality. Our government Is no better than that of Franee or a tow ether nations. People are as free In meat ether nations as in ours. The regular speakers seemed te arouse an Interest in ethors, as was shown in general debate, An Instru mental sole by Miss Mary Menies was well appreciated by the audience. The recita tion "The Twe Runaways," humorous, was given by Mlsa Fannie McCrea. The ora tion, "Tbe age in which we llve," was given by Mlsa Carrie Myers. Men de net fill offiees because they are fit for them, but because tbey are thought proper by these having the elective power. The qaartette by Messrs. J. B. Esenweln, D. A. Lehman, J, K. Henoh and Jehn Dale was well given and was emphatically enoered. The Page Weekly waa filled with valuable Informa tion. Alter the critic's remarks tbe meet ing dosed with musle, " The Power of Leve, " by the Glee elub. SUOStJUItTIONS TO BE A3KKU. Lancastrian ts Aid In the Ilalldlng el a Rail, read te Safe Harber. Tbe railroad oemmlttee et the Beard of Trade, consisting et R. J. Housten, A. II. Peacock, H. C. Hlaymaker, Jehn Keller and, Jehn H. Baumgardner, together with ethor mem bera of the beard and several eltlzens, had a conferenoe In tbe Beard1 of Trade rooms Friday evening, with Mr. C. H. Da via, aecretary of the DUlervllle it Bate Harber railroad company, and bis counsel, Geerge Nan man, esq., te consider what action should be takeu te further the build ing of the read. Tbe oemmlttee through their chairman, Mr. Housten, proposed that the railroad authorities should as seen as possible as certain tbe probable cost of right of way for tbe read from Dlllervllle te Bare Har Har eor, and take options from tbe owners of tbe land through whlah it will pass, ssld options net te expire within a vear : the cost of this part of tbe werK te be borne by voluntary subscriptions et citizens of Lan caster. The preposition of the committee was favorably received, and several subscrip tions of $10 each were at once made. A committee consisting et Dr. J. P. Wlckersbam and Geerge N. Reynolds was appointed te solicit further subscriptions for said purpose. A Child Urlnks Liulinant. On Wednesday morning last Charles, tbe two-year-old son of Harry J. Ltnd, paper-banger, residing at Ne. 40 Seuth Duke street, swallowed nesrly bait et the contents et a bottle of Hull's liniment and suffered greatly from tbe etreets thereof. He bas new fully recovered and la doing well. It seems tbe mother had been using tbe liniment te seethe pain in tbe Jaw and piacea tbe bottle under her pillow, when the boy awoke about 3 a. m., and getting held el It, drank the liniment. It la a great surprise te many that he was net strangled, m Tax Depllcate round. Twe weeks age te-day Jehn If. Eckmau, tax collector of Providence township, leat bis tax duplicate while In this city en busi ness. It was found by Henry Wltmer, of East Petersburg, who took it te bis borne without examlng it When hedid examine it he saw what it was and left tbe book at tbe commlsslenera' te-day, It being his first visit te tbe city since be found tbe book, m Paid the Costs. Charles Rewe, arrested for drunken and disorderly conduet, bad a hearing before Alderman Bpunlertbta morning and was dismissed en payment of coats. Hai'jen Death or a Herse. A valiuele herse belonging te Jehn fbieci, baker, corner of East King and Lime Btreet, was suddenly taken with oelio lut night, and dlM se hour alter-WWdi ka'Hdaus democracy. SQUIRE MAOER, Of LITTLE BHITAIW, REBUS BIX OCT OF THE PARTY. A Sharp Letter la Which a Lewer End Deal' eetatCTIilrdjrsttia "InulilcsacsrV! Tariff Position sail Exeoiutevnlcatcstka Chief et'.lhe PeaBSflTaata ProttetieaUt. WniTH Reek, Msy 10. KaireRs or the iNTBLLiasNcin After aeareful reading of your editorial la your Issue of tbe 7th, and with alt doe deference te the opinion of tbe leading paper of tbe Democracy of LmcsstM county, 1 am con strained te writer my tlioepUena te this opinion, and think tbe sentiment of enr party as expressed and distinctly deelared at our convention en 25 Ih nit. will bear me out In the assumption that I express their opinions ranch mere closely than yen In your artlele "Pennsylvania and the tarlfl." I de met mean te assume that you In tended te convey the Impression that you were expressing tbe opinion of all or nearly all of yenr readers In this artlele, but If allowed te pass unchallenged, that Is nndenbtedly the Impression the reading et It wenld leave en tbe mind of any one unacquainted with tbe real sentiment of Lancaster county Democracy. We would net willingly dednet anything from the meed of praise dne te Bamnel Jt Randall In years long past l when the friends of Democrats in Congress were few we admit that Randall waa enr able and willing champion, but the remembranee of this fact makes us regret all the mere that se able a man should In bis latter days allow himself te be se Influenced by what be conceives te be tbe Interests et bis own district as te directly antagenise tbe de clared policy of his party en the great and leading, and It might almost be said, tbe only lssue between the great parties of to day. And mere than this, he cannot plead the exeuse that be cots thus ever In defer ence te tbe desires et his own state, for be afterwards nsed and bad te nse all the arts of persuasion and diplomacy known te the ablest et our politicians te prevent the state convention In Harrisburg from condemning his course In combining with the enemy and voting ent the enacting elause of tbe Morrison tariff bill. And yet, further, we find blm se far forgetful et bis record made In his better days as the areb enemy et ex travagance lu appropriation and et every thing that bore even a semblanee te lavish expenditure of publle money, as te go In cheek by jowl again with the enemy In tbe grandest raid that waa ever planned en the United States treasury, and voting net only once against his party, bnt even te tbe extent of direct and open opposition te tbe veto of the honored bead et that party ; all of this be did when he supported the Indi gent pension bill, and for no ether purpose than that the surplus might be removed, and thus remove one et tbe strong argu ments for a roduetlonof the tarlft This Is ble rcoerd In tbe past, and we need net wait for bis vote en the Mills bill te knew bis record te-day. We all knew the ebaracter of the tarlll bill he Introduced in this Con Cen grew. What further de we want T It we knew nothing further than tbe fact that tbe Republicans el bis dlttrlet are suf ficiently well satisfied with his services te their party that tbey will net allow an ac knowledged member of tbelr own party te run against him ter Congress, why in this fact we surely have sufUelent evidence that he is net the, man we should send te St Leuis as one of four who are te voice our sentiments en tbe tariff. Yeu rightfully say "we settled down long age upon tbe policy of a tariff for revenue with Incidental protection ." And I fain would ask when has Randall by word or deed in any shape or term given any Indloatlens of agreeing with thin policy T On the contrary, bas be net fought for protection pure and simple at all times ? Again you say "It the states have decided views upon questions tbey should send representatives te maintain 'them." New in almost every county convention 'that bas be far elected delegates te Harris burg resolutions bave been passed heartily indorsing Cleveland and bis tarlll policy, and, If we miatakonet, when that conven tion assemblea tbore will be resolutions long and strong te tbe same purpose, What mere than this can be asked T II we wait fur unanimity It is possible we will never get that, In view or tbe rapidity with whieh the .Keystone Democrats are wheeling Inte line with tbelr party and tbelr president en thla question. But because we are net unani mous shall we therefore send a man te mis represent us en the question of questien1 that shall come up at that convention 7 The spirit et our party and enr country demands that the majority of the Demo crats of this state elect the delegates-at-large, and if tbey elect a man who un doubtedly reprcsenta a very small miner ity, pray, by wbat token think you that tbey then will knew that he does net rep resent a majority T Yeu say "en the eve of a national cenven tien Its aotlen (en a party poltey) must be awaited" ; 1 fain would ask, are the Demo crats et Pennsylvania oentent that Randall shall be placed among the foremost in our national convention te formulate a poltey for their party T I knew the Democrats el Lancaster county are net, and It tbe aotlen of the state central committee en the day they elected tbe new chslrman meana any thing these et tbe state are net. If our state convention shall sit down en Cleveland's message, vote te Instruct our representa tives in Congress te strike out the enact ing clauae of the Mills bill, declare for free whisky and free tobteoo, demand that the surplus be squsndered by tbe most extravagant means known te lobbyists, wby by all means I esy send Randall te St. Leuis ; no mau In the party Is belter fit te advccite such a platform, but If tbey propose te voice tbe sentiments and Instructions et tbelr constituents ns un mistakably pronounced by enr oeunty conventions tbey will surely net commit sueb a felly. Ne convention is expected te formulate a polley FalUfactery In all particulars te all Democrats, but every convention is ex pected te pu forth a platform Batlafaotery te a large rnxjerlty et its adherents ; but bow in tbe name of all that's sensible can any convention knew what Is the will of the majority et this common wealth if they send tbe ohamplen of a yny small minority te represent them T But there is one feature In this matter te which you have net given due thought, 1 think, and that Is giving tbe minority a representative among tbe delegates at-large. It Is the beast of our party that tbe voice of tbe minority shall always be heard, and that tbe volee of Its members from every section shall have due weight, but the sim plest student of our constitution knows tbat tbe election of congressmen by districts makes ample prevision for this, and you surely knew tbat the delegates-st-Iarge are, like tbe senators and oengroasmen-at-large, elected te represent the sentiments and opinions et tbe majority of tbe state and net phases and schools of opinions' fennd only in sections and limited districts. Therefore Randall has no business at Ht Leuis ss a delegate at-large, bat it tbe members of bis own congressional district cheese te sand him tn titnrnunl the nhun of opinion In tbat district well and geed, but neither Randall nor bis friends have a tight te expect that the Democracy of this state shall dignity their Kopnbliean opinions by giving te their representative the force and weight of a representative et the opinions of the state. Ills net necessary nor demanded that Randall should be read outet the party, bnt It Is most emphatically demuided that he ahall net be put forward by our state convention as n representative et the opin ions of the majority of this station the only real Issue that will come up before the St. Lenls convention. Tbe attention of the nine delegates from this oeunty need net ba ealled te this faet, for If there was any one thought or objeet en whieh all mem bers et our late county convention were bent and determined it waa Its determina tien te approve of Cleveland and his tariff policy, and te alt down en anything that savored of Randalltsra ; and they wilt make shertshrirt et any man tbat stands In the way or attempts te thwart that determina tion. D. F. Maekb. .lUNEf)UAKTKK81EmOtS COURT. Tba Itadr Mania trial en the List Fer Trial en Wednesday, Juns 0, District Attorney Weaver te-day Issued his trial list for the adjourned quarter ses sions court, beginning Monday, June 4, ever which Judge Livingston will preside, The following are the cases for trial t Monday-, June !. (loe. U. Kairetb, Jehn Arndt, Cenrad Helbein, false pre tense ; I. Heward Miller Samuel P. Miller, larceny ( Wm. P. Llnvltle, malicious mis chief; Sarah Betle eU al., Urlas 8 teffy, re ceiving stolen goods ; Rlehard Uelllg, Victer Slick et. at, Isaaa McCarty, felo nious entry ; Harry Gretf, attempt te Tavlsh ; Abraham L Denllnger, tornleatlon and bastardy ; Clayten Wenger, assault and battery. Tuesday, June 5 Jacob G. Miller, Samuel Derwnrl, Casslus Towson, embez zlement ; J. G. Uurtner, J. L L. Lied, Reuben Fetterly, fale pretense : D. D. Bnrkholder, a. N. Withers, Levi D. Wels ner, violating liquor law ; T. F. Bradea baugb, Involuntary manslaughter ; Simp eon Ruth, fornication and bastardy : James B.. Jeffries et. el.. laresny ; Tayler K. Hair, mallcleuM mlachief, Wednesday, June 0. Annie Ktlngter, concealing death of bastard child ; Kdwln Hseker, fatso pretense ; Herace W. Blems derfer et. al., conspiracy ; Jehn W. Rudy, murder. Saturday, June 0 William Gllgnre, Jehn Kline, desortleu ; Richard Heillg, Tayler K. Balr, surety. The Water Wern Improvement. At a roeont meeting of se we rage, drainage and water works Improvements committee, a BUb-commtttee, consisting of Messrs. Beard, Baumgardner and Rebrer, te wbem was added the mayor ex ofileo, were ap pointed te hurry up the work whieh falls under the supervision of the committee. On Friday morning the committee visited tbe new water works, and found the new works progressing fairly well. In a short tlme the 3,000,000 gallon pump will be taken down from tbe old works and oenvorted by Mr. Worthington into a 5.000,000 gallon pump. By. the tlme the alterations are made, which will take about three weeks, the new pump house will be ready te re ceive It, and tt will be placed thereln. By that time, the new main from tbe new water works te the city reservoirs wilt be finished and the city supplied with water by tbe 15,000 COO pump, and then the 0,000, 000 gallon pump will be removed te the new works. Changs of Schedule. On and alter Sunday, May 131b, there will be a new scuoduleon the Quarryvllla branch of the Readlug railroad. In ac cordance with the wishes et the Beard of Trade, tbe company has decided te put en a train, whieh will loave Quarryvllle at a later time than'the one which new arrives at King street at half-past seven o'clock. Tbe new train will leave Quarryvllle at 0:25 a. m. Toe ether trains from Quarry vllle will arrive at Klngstreet at 7:30 a. m., 3:40 and 0:51 p. m. The trains te Quarry vllle from King street will loave at 0:30 a. m., 3:05 and H:20 p. m, The train which new arrives at King fltrcet from Lebanon at 8:35 a. m. will run through te Qutrry vllle, making two traina te tbat town in tbe morning, A new tciiodule goon Inte tiled en the Pennsylvania railroad Sunday oveulng at 820. Afterthat Harrisburg Express will be a" Sunday train also, and it will leave here every morning In tbe week at 8:10 and return at 7:50, Western Express will be due at 11:10 p. m. Instead of 11:10. Tbe Lntlieran Mlntitsrlmu. The Lutheran miuisterlumef Pmnsylva nia will held Its 11 1st annual session in Trinity Lutheran obureb, this city, during the closing woek of this month commenc ing en the 23d Inst. The territory of tbe synod embraces all the counties of the state et Pennsylvania cast of the Susquehanna river. There are evor 250 ministers and 200 lay members In the mlnlsterlum, of whom net lees than 350 will be present at this session. Fourteon young men will be ordained te the elllce of the ministry, and much ether work of au Interesting charac ter will be transacted. Twe Slay Walks To-merrotr, The annual May walk of the Lloderkrsez will take place te-morrow morning. Tbe aoeloty wlll.me3t at their hall al 5 o'clock and walk te Telia Hale, where breakfast will be takeu. The Mtuanercher will hIhe take their May walk to-metrow, meeting at their hall at 5 o'clock and breakfasting at Keapp's Villa. A Hummer llotiae Dntreycri. Jonas Nlsaley'a summer heuse adjoining his dwelllng nenr Masenvllle, Maner town ship, was burned ThursJay afternoon. An even, while, In use ler baking, became over heated and Ignited woodwork near it Tbe groatest ellert was inade te aave the struc ture, but It was Hoen in ruins. Buretjr of llin fiaes. Harry Gallagher, eharged en oath of Jehn Uagelganx, with aurety of tbe peaoe, entered ball with Alderman McConemy for his appearanoe at oeurt te answer tbe charge. It will be remembored tbat Galla gher a few days age sued Hagelgans for larceny. Rl(lit Out el Kltteu Nurceed. County Superintendent Iireeht rceently paid bis annual visit te Scboeneck for tbe purpose of holding a publle examination of teachers. Or the. eleven persons who en tered the elass eight were suecessful In procuring certificates, Was Permsrlr a Policeman. Jehn B. Brandt, who was killed at Lea man Place en Friday, was net the son el Abram ilrandt,er Mlddlotewn. His parents reside at Mechanlcsburfr, Cumberland county, Mr. Brandt was several years age a member of tbe Harrisburg police force. TheTlgsr Onl lit ttlOO.OCO. Tbe New Yerk Jftralu'a Denver, CeL, special savs that Charlie Plersen, a well known sporting man. leu ever f 100,000 at one atttlng early yesterday morning. 'This Is tbe hesvlest gimblieg ever known In that part et the country. Mers Meary Fer 8heu-rs' dsptere. William Shewers, tbe escaped Lebanon oeunty murderer, Is still et large, and the reward for bis recevery has been raised from ?200 te f 100. Tbe county commie sieners have resolved te build a new jail and bave advertised ler proposals for a Its, READY FOR I1IS DEATH. TUB BLaTRR OP A L11TI.B OtUL ENDS HU CAREER ON TUB aalXOWi. ' The Culprit Heartily Joins la Staging a Hymn and Hara His Last Statemsat Bead by His Bplrtaat Advtaer-Ha Dies In- staat'y Attsr tha Trap ts Sprang. CntoAeo, May 11 Zephyr Davis, (ool (eol (oel ord), who en February 27, precisely 75 days age, murdered little twelve-year-e'.d Mag gie Gaughan, was hanged In the north cor ridor el the oeunty Jail at 11:25 this morning, The condemned lad was restless during the Eight, and towards daylight waa given a strong opiate, the (fleet of whieh was manifest tn his drowsy appearance when be arose and dressed at seven o'elook. He partook et a hearty breakfast of mutton chops, potatoes, bananas, toast and tea and was then taken te tbe library; where he waa oleseted with his spiritual adviser, Rev. Wm. Hendersen, for several hours. Be mounted the aosffeld bravely throwing away a hair-eeasnmed elgarette as be eaugbt sight of the noose. Aebspter from the Bible was read by tbe divine, and Davie then Joined In singing "Jesus, Lever or My Seul," bis volee echoing through the oerrldora. He knelt and reeled his head upon a ehalA-whlle a fervent prayer waa offered up In his behalf and frequently Interrupted the minister with cries of "Amen." The prayer ever, be steed np firm and erect white Dr. Hender Hender eon read bis last statement, In whieh he expressed hie sincere sorrow for all the wrongs be bad committed, lnoludteg tbe murder, and begged the pardon of her par ents. It went en te say tbat he would give all be bad In the world te undo wbat be bad done, but It oenld net be se, and be waa willing te pay the penalty. He bad found forgiveness with Ged and he asked forgiveness from bis fellowmen. He bad never gene te school, sad what ednoatien he bad be pleked up. Te all tbe boys with whom be bad asaoelated he would say : "Try te de right." He hoped te meet them all in heaven, and was new ready te go. Tbe oendemnod man nodded his head when the reading was finished and stepped forward, without a quiver te the noeie. He was pinioned, the white cap and ahrend were adjusted, Sheriff Matsen raised bis band, and tbe drop fell. Death waa instantaneous, net tbe slightest contor tion of the muscles being apparent Be tween three and four hundred men wit nessed the hanging. Green, the employer of both Davis and his victim, occupied a front seat. i m M. E. MISSION WORK. Pregrtsa Made in Afilea as Shown by lbs Its ports el Bishop Xsyier. New Yere, Msy 12. Bishop Fester, et Bosten, opened te-dsy's session of the Methodist Kpisoepal conference In tbe Metropolitan opera heuse. Bishop Tayler, of the Afrlean tn lesion, was Intredneed and read a lengthy paper en tbe results of bis work In distant lands since 1884. He eald the Llberians bad beoeme thrifty and bis success among them was wonderful. Bishop Tayler took a long time te explain bis position towards the general conferences, It being elalmed that he waa net entitled te a seat among the bishops. The gist of his address waa te the effect that be had net been guilty et any disloyalty, and there lore Is entitled te a volee la tbe body. The following exhibit of statistics et the oon eon oen ferenoesot 1831 and 1888 shows tbe progress et mission work t Hsl. Number of rait Hembnr 2,tu Nuuioerel 1'rebittlnner lt'J 'Numberef Lecal frvaebers f) NumbcroreffloorssnilTeachurs, SCI H umber of UoLelars , -lli 1ES3 2,811 1S1 CO 87d I.3W Alter Bishop Tayler bad resd his report Rev. Geerge W. Oue, of Reek Island conference, moved tbat the report be re ferred te a committee, consisting of two delegates from eaeh oenferenoe dis trict, one mtntster and ene layman, and three at large. A discussion arose, soma maintaining tbe matter should be referred te tbe oemmtttee en episcopacy, Dr. "Neely, el Philadelphia, moved as a substitute that that pan of the report of Bishop Tayler, which refers te the eplsoepaoy bj referred te the oemmlttee en eplsoepaoy, and tbst part which refers te bis work be referred te te the committee en missions. This sub stitute was adopted and tbe motion as amended prevailed. There were several commissioners appointed by tbe general oenferenoe of ISSi, and the question of where the expenses el these commissioners were te come from caused a geed deal et debate. It wsa finally settled thst tbe ex penses should be paid ent of tbe book con cern. It being alter 1 o'elook, tbe oonfer eonfer oenfer enoe adjourned. ill Us Vautd bj in Uoes. Washington, Msy 12. The Heuse bas passed the bill authorizing the department of Justice te transfer te the city et Utlca all tbe title te certain rooms in tbe oily hall formerly nsed by U. H- oeurts. The Heuso has passed Senate bill grant ing te tbe Fert Smith fc El Pase railroad oempany right of way through tbe Indian territory ; also Hense bill authorizing the construction of a bridge seresa the Red river of tbe North by tbe Rslny Lake River it Southwestern railroad oempany. Tarin debate bas been resumed. An Ohie Town Osts a Poblle IlnllalOR-. WsbiiiNCiTON, May 12 On April 20, the bill ler tbe erection of a a publle build' leg, at Portsmouth, Ohie, was presented te tbe president, and net having been re turned by him te tbe Heuse of Congress In wbleh it originated within the ten days prescribed by the constitution, It has become a law without bis approval. The president bas approved tbe Joint resolution spproprl sppreprl atlng 130.000 for the International exhibi tion in Brussels, Belgium. A Grand Jerr'a Hembtliill, Baltimore, May 12 With the submis sion of its report te-dsy tbe grand Jury threw a bombshell Inte the criminal oeurf. It severely criticizes the orfielsl conduet of States Attorney Chas. G, Kerr and In effect says tbat be Is incompetent, tbat his office is maladmlnlstered and tbat law In his bands Is a farce. Tbe report Is par ticularly aeyere en Kerr for bis wholesale nelle pretequi of violations of the Sunday liquor law. Kerr aska for an Investiga tion. The grand Jury's report ereated a tremendous sensation and meets with gen tnX approval- llena I'urcluscs. Washington, May 12. The government accepted tbe following bends te-day; Reglalered Is, f 210,500 at 127; 11,100 at 120; coupon l'a 110,400 at 127 ; 2,500 at 120;; ; registered 4'a f2Sd,600 at 108 ; f50 at 107.85 ; 1100 at 107 ; coupon 4's 112,200 at 108; 116,000 at 107. TeAt acceptances, 1091,700. Ileatb efau Asad llankar. Piiiladkli'iiia, May 12 Caleb Cepe, an old aed well known citizen, preslden et tbe Philadelphia Saving Fund, died thla morning, aged 91 years. BBS .M WMAWMMM 1MUMVATIUHM. PWahhinoten, D. 0., Mty 12 -Fer Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer sey : Light rains followed by fair weather, cooler proceeded by stationary temperature, winds becoming fresh te brisk nenh westerly, TO FORM A nOtlinOF TKADE. The nnslBtet'Mcn of Mennt Jey Urganlz Ing Tenipesswy rjfflcers Cbesrn. A preliminary meeting te organizing a beard of trade In this place was held In tbe council chamber last evening, and there was a geed attendance, all of whom are In hearty aymrathy with the movement. The meeting was called te order at 7 o'elock by Councilman Jonas E. Rlner, when a tem porary organization wast ffeetedas fellows i President, ex-Burgess BenJ. M. Greider; secretary, Ames Z. Myers. After some Interebarges of opinion en the subject a motion was made and seconded tbat a com mittee et lour two from each ward be appointed te wait ea these c!t!ze:s who ate likely te take an luterest in the move msnt and notify them et the projeel. The committee named were: Weet ward, Hen). E. Htestand, Samuel S. Heffman; Bast ward, Wm. Dlerelf, Jonas E. Kisser, en motion the secretary was appointed a oemmlttee toeommunlnate with the bearda et trade from ether places as te the rules for the governing et said bodle. The meeting adjourned te meet en Wednesday evening, May 21 In tbe oiunell ehamber when a permanent organlzttten will be effected and work In earnest will be begun. There Is no town In this oeunty outside of Lancaster city and Columbia tbat bas greater advantages for manufacturing. Mount Jey Is situated In the heart of one of the Holiest farming districts In the state; la located en the main line et tbe Pennsyl vania railroad, baa an abundant water sup ply, a gas works and ether ad vantages. Its sanitary conditions ste of the beat. . THREE nUItatAHIES IN MILLERSV1LLE. The Knights efth Jimmy lleth netrn ou lbs Uttia Town Ber Bmeksra. Last night burglars were operating In the qnlet little town et Mllleravllle, where they broke Inte no less than three plaees of bust neaa. As yet tbere are no traces te the thieves, but there are net a tew people who think tbst tbey were Lancaster men, 'The elgar store et H. B. Greblnger was first entered. Tbe burglars forced the lock, and, upon getting In, stele eight hundred elgar, which were packed In boxes. In the same building with Mr, Greblnger Is tbe barber shop of Frank Ren a. This waa also foreod open and quite a number of geed rasera and ether tools were taken. The thieves next vlaited the Black Herse botel, kept by Ames Ueak, which la lu the same neighborhood. Uete they first bored belea In the shutter, with tbe idea that tbey would be enabled te slip back the belt This requlred tee much work hewever end tbey finally forced tbe ahutters with a Jimmy. They stolealltho ehange In the diawer, amounting te some thing like a dollar, alter wbleh they drank considerable liquor and toeK thelr de parture, i m i A Tumor Humored from a llane. J. M. Eekert, of Gap, Is tbe owner of a valuable horse upon whose rlghMereleg, Just below the shoulder, a tumor rfegan te grew four or five years age, and continued te Inerease in size until It became as large as a man's hat. The herse was brought te thla city and placed In eye of Dr. S. K. Weber,1 veterinary surgeon. A day cr two age, assisted by Dr. Obarles T. Uentner, et Bryn Mawr, he removed the tumor, wbleh was found te weigh eleven pounds. It Is wbst 1b known te tbe profession ss a biometoma, or bloed-vessol tumor, baying mauy large bleed vesaela runntng through It. Eight or nine arteries and some Urge veins bad te be ligatured te prevent tbe horse from bleeding te deatb. The horse was thrown down and put under tbe lotluenee of chloroform during the operation. Te day the horse la doing very well, though rather wenk from the severity of the operation. I'est Inipaoileu Tbls Evfinlug. ELiZAiiKTuren-N, May 12 Jehn M. Geed Pest, Ne. C02, G. A. R , of this place, will be Inapeeted by IV IL Fasnaeut, of Lancaster, this evening. All members are requosted te attend ut tha hour of moot meet ing. , ( Mrs. Merris and daughter, of Hmlaburjr, are tbe guests of her sister, Mrs. Ames Baney, el this place. Alenzo Ceble, of UlghpIre, was visiting town en Thursday. A Eaffee klatselt will be bold by the Wil ling Workers' society et the Relermed ohureb, at tbe resldence of Daniel Balmer this ovenlnjf. The twenty-first annual convention of the East Pennsylvania eldership of the Church of Ged will beheld at this place, commencing en tbe 22 J el May te tbe 25th. f Tk A Hum MIOH...K.nl.l ft... ut. tMuuu n,uiuw, tiiej'Mruiv & uiui, nu. is visiting relative In town. Sudden Ileatb el Jebn 1. dumpr Jehn Q. Guinpf, aged 03 years, residing en Maner atreet, died suddenly shortly be fore midnight en Friday, He bad been In geed health and retired at bis usnal hour. He complained of great pain In the region of the heart botween 11 and 12 o'elock and Dr, McCermlck was sent for but befere his arrival Mr. Gumpf died, Corener Uena man waa notified and accompanied by Dr, McCermlck aa his physician held an In quest tbla morning, The verdict of tbe Jury was deatb resulted from organle dis ease of tbe heart. Tbe jurors were Wm. Gsbie, Peter Krantz, Leven R. Rete, Geerge Kranlr, Philip Mlshllch and Henry Kll Han. Improvements te lie Mae In tbe Opera Heuse Ansgentet Mr. Procter, who tskes tbe managment et Fulton opera bouae next season, Is In town. He announces tbat tbe new management will begin te make Im provements In the beuae about the 1st of June. The front will be redecorated and In tbe lobby new Meering will be laid with a aeml-clrcular box clllce in the middle, Every particle et Nconery will be entirely new. Scenic artists are new at work get ting everything lu readiness for Ibis beuae and by the opening el tbe season thore will net be a vestige of the old aeenery left. A Hey's rinftrs Creshed, A four-year-old grandson of Mrs. Barten, of Norwood, a station en the Biltlmere Central railroad, bad bis fiogers crushed this morning at tbe depot. Mrs. Barten snd the child were passengers en the Niagara express west and the llttle fellow had his fingers caught between tbe deer of tbe car and jam, and badly squeezed. As there was no tlme ler a physician te be sent for Dr. Craig, of Columbia, was telegraphed te dress the boy's wounded fingers. Their destination Is Yerk. False Vietense Case Dlsmlsted. Gerhart Kramer, of Columbia, was heard by Alderman Halbaeh thla morning, en a charge et obtaining goods by falne and fraudulent representations from Jeseph H. Huber, of this city. The testimony failed te make out a ease and tbe alderman dis missed it- After tbe bearing Mr. Kramer paid te Mr, Huber the amount be owed blm. A l'lckpecket Dlicbarged. Mosea Beaklu, tbe mau who was picked np en circus day whtle trying te rob a woman of her pockotbeok, has been dlr dlr eharged by Alderman Deen. Tbe alder man could de nothing but let blm go, be cause tbe lady whom the aecused dealred te make bis victim could net be found. Olsea a Feuslcn. Jehn McNamer, et Unicorn, has been pMttdaf Melen, LAST DAY OF THE RA! 1 .j.fij Till: I'KDESTUIANS STRCOatTNa nHBSV r I'cmrieN or the gate RECEirw.ft LUtlctroed la tbe Lead and Attempt!' M Hi salt tbe Reeord-Mertmae and ansrreraiJM Have an Exdllng Btntk-The eats'' Reeitpta BiUsaaecd at e,eev. W' New Yerk, May 12.-AI 7 e'eteeklldjj ' J uiuiuiug iun were aueui euu peept) ami raauisen aqusre Garden. Theyw enthusiastic, and In every wavend te Incite the contestants then en the I te quicken their pace. After oeasMa veiling? and ntenntns nl hanrfa Kar 'ktki.i'Ti ceeuea in cringing en a brush BelwMss Noremae and Guerrere, Tha syaBpsV thlzers of eaeh urged them smtnttt all aorta et enceuraalna- ------ - The brush ended In vlotery for Net-ssBeViC" nuu Kepi me iesa turongeout BB4 prsj-r vauicu uuerrere irem passing bios. At a - wuvn uiumuuu was oae EQIIB BBH laps ahead of Albert'a record ler the I neur ana six miles and seven laps I uizsrs. At 0 M uuifuit mi iue ixjniMlsniSlM v.tr.,t1 -II .. . LLSi were en the track except Nera3 1 mac. There will be six men te Uke a share of the gate money If old Heg Bee: , uau pemmy remain en tbe track. The gaw receipts will be about 20.000. Of thle'MK- per eent. gees te the walkers and -'50 pwll i w.. w- -m.w u uu un iu ue winner asp;-- I.ltttnwnml hrnakM tha lannt.1 In .Jlllu 4't-": winning the raee he will get an extra ILMtH : ettered by the management. Thla wenld, make his winnings f 0,000. ,,- fi The second man takes 20 tier eent i ta uiru ij per uent. , we leunn e percent, t-? firth 4 pur eent, and sixth three peei eent. It only Ave men make ta necessary G25 miles, tbe shares et t!Ta first, second and third men remain itts? same, the fourth man gets 10 per cent, 'a4 the fifth 5. By the offlelsl time IJtUeweest made bis 672 miles In 130 hours, 40 iasrte and 30 secendr. H'ifji At the same time Gnorrere watlSraJie and two laps behind the leader. AlltB men were en the track and alngseeNr t iu e oiecK witn me exception of UOMSBW uugnes was plodding along evidently sBV termineu te gei a snare ei the gate i iierty entered earnestly Inte the. ter second place this mernlns The, of Little weed's achievement el bwastttar thai best record quickly spread, and by MM the attendance in tbe garden had greatly inoreasse. T6.' New Yerk, May 11. 0 a. m. memi'Ib' the walking match t , HM -'i T.llllaarnn,! MV nn-...n t1 . -"-- ' ''5 531 1 Hughes, 475 1 Gelden, 488 j Nerasa, 00 j Campans, 432. , 12 p. m. score t Llttlewoed, 581 ; GastMew 501; Herly, 641; Gelden, 400 1 Neisjm. 505 ; Hughes, 485 ; Dampens, 851, - &v ' Llttlewoed is three miles ahead of HM record. Mi?, 2:00 p. m Soere: Llttlewoed, 68,1 Guerrere, 605, S ; Herty, 547 ; M fsMBt, eia ; ueiaen, bt ; uugnes, 4U1 ; uamnesM. : 300. , aiCT; Llttlewoed Is one mile and three" iaw ahaul of tba riwnrrt. 'i'"-- r: ... . i ,:.v-' ,n,. .r-yz..a u p. iu. uiiiisniAiu, uiu uuernsrvsesafi ;-; ueriy, oei; noremae, en; u olden, , uuguve, ivej waupaua, eiu. Te albtati as aettysBant, Washihotew, May 12 The HeaetBtiW Itar art airs oemmlttee has ordered m Mvev able report en tbe bill appropriating tsB,M : for tbe expenses et tbe annlverwy eeisV brailen of tbe battle of Gettyebargtht July. It Is believed thst the prsAeaeat '. will atteud, and as an Introduction tefeM own remarks will deliver Presldeat'XJs. coin's speech en tbe battlefield, '-. Six Oen-rai. AOVcted, j"1fc, Washington, Msy 12 Mr. SplBeta's,;" report accompanying n bill autherising N president te retire ex-army officers stew tat civil life as were promoted for geesAV dnnt tn th etedn nf milnp'auualieMi the rank and pay of major 'general wHt (l show tbat it will street bnt six el sMfaay erala of tbe war. The names of Qawwai Rosecrane, Shenck, Palmer and Basil are): Included. Wages ler Convict, sijjjjiH! ' WAsniNQTON, May 12, The esttvM labor bill Introduced In the Heuse tsja by Mr. Hepkins, of Illinois, provide tea United States oenvlots shall be pM '; their labor at tbe same rste as that seti i' tbe locality where the convlet la laprlaaaiay. The convict ts te work but eight JusBMB dav. An appropriation of one million ste' . lars Is triads te earry tbe bill Inte eeeet tsV be expended by secretary of the deyaetw -ment et labor. s8 i.,Sw . -- " -- , - -,w .. .w vw I II A pawed a geed night. Ufa aleep wm ? f-A-,l.te- Tllas aastaamtltca la maa TM Wet, ti?- -a a .aia ..a ..- j j t '.'. .Xi. IWSisJeUKs A-AISS as) bj wa ha 0 A BWU, 4UV , MsBBW Mi . Tbs Emperor Worse "Eggs f ToeMnlntr en tha no fa or In tha ehmlr. w wK'J BiuiMN, May 12. The emperer U mmmMM ima smiiernaen. tin annflrinv rrnrn tui vm-r" - . ... - - - - tSlSi "i (1 imul eaufnl lint e-i ttisa aie-iel. Again Convicted aud Sentence. Duni.ifr, May 12. Mr. Jebn DUlea BB..V- tried today en a third charge under tM.j"t a nrlmea act of Ineltincr tenants net 'te sasaV Ji'l : their rents and was senteneed te six' l.&i months' Imprisonment without hard labor.' '$& in is senteuce anu tuaimoei aix ibemm , w-. be received yesterday are te run oeneor-"?& rently. ,7jp AVUAT THE WIKK- BUIXO TO-DAY. v, Cjfajsil Londen, May 12 Tbe race for the great -afei liihllAnhHndlcannr 3 000 enlnnu unafAjJ irwluv hv Mlntlne-. sJl TviirAWAT-nr.TH. Miv 12 Tlmm t-.", U dan, a grata dealer, awoke thla morning tel-jj UUU U1B WHO, i'l A., UW11U BiOOtl pOW j- ujr uiiuu uuaiMUK-jrtmr-uiueuu, crmaeTf frM uying in a crauie. -xne wua naa poiaeaea .,;,' had been interested in Christian aolsnee. ' . tV" court here this meraing, Mrs. AbbyH. j',3 Cerner, of West Medford, the " UhrlsteMT&'i scientist." wsb arralaned en a chare elfrc "IM uiAuuAiitwwni way . iu wg uitum, i i . manaiaugnter in causing tne aeain 01 ut. ..',t daughter by net procuring proper medleal IWm .. . -. .. .. t .i5: 1" Uwlng te the absence et an Important wH-.'a'-." neaa the ease was continued until thelaLm mat. one waa neiu in ie,vw uenue. , .'-??-'S Cuattawoeoa. Tena, Msy M2xwnK?:i?U!Xi .law n.tiiv. iA)iri T. Nnrrla arMa! & Wm. Powell st the Ceal City mines, tn'vi-: Georgia, where he is serving a short eee-v tence ler a Hgbt enenap. i-ewen is wasaiesajva uininmmuiunu "iiiiukt mmi -- .k.. k& the murder of Detective Hulligsa at B,S venns,ume,in leei. r . - "-",m Ce., operating an establishment for can- uJsk ment yesterday. Wm. T. Celeman, bead of tbe firm who sasigeed a few dsys age, ie "'; the or loci pel creditor. Tbe Luskee estW.jH ninr frttiraisinii vhiiwibuid-h uiauv eniA eBawesssMSM . vns nervlssald te be the largest in the werle. A3 Htz Mere Drs rer Osbats, , ' Washington, May 12. Tbe Democratie ! ' members of tbe ways and means com- , mtttee bsve Just determined that the . general debate en the tarlll Mil " ahall continue until and close el Saturday next, the 19'.b Instant. The nasi speeches will be made by Representative Re Id, of Maine, and Speaker Carlisle. It Is known that this extension was asked for by tbe Republican members of tbe committee and la supposed tbat the extension waa granted under tbe assurance tbat the Anal TQM M tM WU WWW 1MWJ BtJ I .m Th&i FA t?