31 3rr dW 4'W V5W WW . --rvV- 'S rHE IjANCASTER DAILY INTEULIQEKCET?, THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1888. BOMB. Thore Ilea a lttlle city ln the hlll While li a:h reef, dim U each dwelling'! deer. And pcace with perfict rest lu besom nlli. Thcre the pnre mid, the pity of Ike sea. Cernea aa a white soft hand, sod reaches o'er, And touches lis still fate most tenderly. Unstirred and calm, amid enr shining rears, Cot whereltlte, fsf-frem the clash and rear, With qutet distance blurred, as If through tears. O heart, that prayoatte for Ged te send Seme loving tnnsenger te go before. And lead the way te where thy longings end. He snre, bj very snre, that seen will come Ills kindest angel, and through that still deer Inte the Infinite Leve will lead thMi home. Kdimrd lien land HltUntfit JItbrtw Met' tengtr. rnr.fAniKe tiik boil. Toe Werk Kiulrl In l'ut It Inte Condition for SSf d. Tbe preparation of' the loll for the recep tion otwed Is mere Important than alter cultivation. It the ground be plowed, pul verized and harrowed net only will the Mil be rendered line, but the air and warmth will enter. The moisture la alie mere easily retalned In a hnely pulverized aetl, aad If oenttant cultivation be given te pre vent baking, much of the danger of drought may be avoided. Willi some crop the difference of a few days start, after the growing season shall have begun, la some times se marked as te show Its effect throughout the wholsseasen, and the better tint condition of the beII for the seed the fairer the chances for an early start It Is well known that after the passing of the spring rains and when May begins the pros pres pros pectsefa dry season areal ways geed, though droughts de net hsppen every year. The oapseity of the young plants for with standing the drought will depend upon the stage of their growth at the time. The greater the advance made and the larger and niorenutnoroin the roots the better the plants will be prepared for deriving moisture and parsing through a dry period. Te tiecure this healttiy growth and give the plants a geed start the soil should be made linn and friable by constant harrowing until every lump and clod shall have been broken. It should be In sueh a condition that even tbe smallest Heeds could be well covered and able te easily puBh through arter germinating. There Is also skill re quired In planting. Heme seeds will quick ly perish If covered tee deeply, and the depth will dopend en the fineness of the soil. Cern will push through quite a depth of covering, and se will nil large seedt, such as besnp, peas, eta, but the fine, small seeds of carrots, parsnips, letluoe, and tur nips need only eartu enough te hide them. On soils that easily bake tbe depth should be leas than that for soeds ln a light Bandy seli, for until the points shall liave appeared nensslstance can be elven in the way of loosening the soil. When ee6ds shall have been broad bread casted, and the soil shall bake befere the appoarance of the seeds, tbe lino-toethed harrow may be passed ever the field ; but, If net tee into In the eoaaen, It would be better te wait for a ralr. As an early start la half the progress, the cultivation should begin as Boen as the plants sball be large enough te be seen, and It will usually be found that this first early cultivation will Impart greater benefit te the growing orep than any ether work that may be bestowed during the season. The cultivation, how ever, is mero thoroughly done when the soil has been carefully prepared before seeding, and the labor bestewed in the beginning will save later en. New Is the time for cul tivating tbe crop and pushing the yenng plantp. Seasonable flint. Where the turkeys ream oil te long dis tances and fornge lu the weeds It Is a prac tice with seme te put a email bell en one of the fleck, June will be early enough te plant all kinds of beans. Nothing will be gained by getting tbe Eccd in bofero the weather shall have bcoemo warm. It Is claimed Hint ene fourth or the cows ln the United States de net pay the oest of their keep, the i-ause being the faliure of farmers and dairymen te preperly grade up their stock. Ver gapes in chirks mix a teaspoonful of v spirits of turpentlne with one and a-half pints of corn meal, scald, mix Inte a stlfi dough nnd feed te the chicks. Put a few drops of turpentine iu tlie drinking water also. The small netted cantaloupes are usually the best lUvered. They also ceme early. The Montreal nutmeg and Uackensack are dealrable large kinds, and the Casaba (a long melon) Is an excellent varlety ler family use. Wheat brnn, being light, apparently has but llttle value, yet a ten of It contains forty-sevon pounds of nitrogen nnd evor sixty pounds of phoapherlu Beld, with a large proportion or potash. Use Paris green as seen as the potato beetle shall have appeared, and de net postpone tbe application, as delay would be favorable te tne beetles. They should be kept down from the Hist appearance. Get In your watermelens new. The old proverb Plant melons wlinn the apple trees are in blossom " 1 an excellent one te fellow. Whlle the melon seed Bheuld net go lu until the ground ahull liave become wnrin, yet the sooner the seeds can be get ln the better, If the early kinds be planted. The Hauiltemrat Lady In Lancaster Remarked te a trlend the ether day that she biixw Kemp's ltulaum ter the Threat and Lungs witi a bu potier remedy, aa It stepped. hnrceiiKh Instantly when ether had noeneet whatever. Be it reve this unci convlnce yen of lm merit, any druggist will gtveymi a Sam Sam ple li.rtUe J'rcc. Lurgu stzu 00c. una II uu. Itnptnre earn guaranteed by Dr. J. II Mayer , 831 Arch street, l'hlladelplita. Ease at once, no operatlon or delay from buslness, attested by thousands of cures after ethers tall, advice f ree, send for circular. marlO-lydAw MT.V1AL JtOTJUSS. SLKKl'LKBb NIOHTB, madn miserable by that uirrlliln cough. Bblleh's euro Is the remedy loryeu. Sold by H. U. Coehran, druggist. Ne. 137 and 133 North Oueun 8U Lancaster, Pa. (!) Unckleu's Arnica Salve. Tns IIbst Salvb ln the world for Cuts.Tlrutses Beres, Ulcers, Bait ithnum, Fever Bores.Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln Kruptlens. and positively cures I'lles, or no pay required. It Is gunrunteep te give per fect satisfaction, or money refundea. Price ?5 cents per box. rer sule by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 and 133 North Queen street, I.ancuMAr. Fa. June27-lyd COUGH, WHOOPING COUOH and Bronchitis immediately rolleved by Bhlleh's Cure. Beld by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 18J North Queen BU Lancaster, l'a. (4) Mether. Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Are yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sutTerlng and crytag with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth! If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINBLOW'SfcOOTHlNU SYRUP. It wUl re lieeo the peer little sutlerer Immediately de pend upon It ; there is no mistake about It. There is net a mother en earth who has ever nsed It, who will net tell yen at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic it is perfectly safe te use ln all caess and pleasant te the tase, and U the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses ln the United Btata. Beld everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. maySHydaw HHILOH'B COUGH and Consumption Cure Is sold by us en a gnarantoe. It euros Con sumption. Beld by H. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nee. 137 and IK) North Queen 8L, Lancaster, Fa. (3) Is Consumption Incurable. Head the following Jtr. C. II. Merris, Newark, Ark .says: "Was down with Abscess et Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incunmle Consumptive, Megan taklug Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my third bottle, and able toevorsee the work en my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever mud h." Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohie, says; "Had It net been for Dr Klnu's Saw liUcevery for Consumption, 1 would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In bent et health " Try It. Sample bottles free at II O. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North QuoenBtroet, Lancaster, l'a: ft) THAT HACKING GOUG11 can be sequtckly cured by Shlleb's Cure. We guarantee it. Beld SJtrT' CecJiTtL.n aruggtst. Nes. 137 and 138 North Queen BL. Lancaster, l'a. (1) fenlcg Wild Oats. Hew many waste their time and resource! In foolish experiments, with nasty weithlrss medicines thul can nuvnroe thein a bit of geed. If you are lc and want help get a-re-putabte remedy of vatablUbxd merit. The cu rative virtues et Uurdeck mood liitttn have never been questioned. Ter an enfeebled cir culation or a weak stomach they are splendid y or sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 131 and 2 Ninth Queen street, Lancaster, Tk Mystery Absut Baking rswdsr. Te the great mm of people the composition of these pesdtr It unknown, and practically the only means which the pnblle have had et obtaining any knowledge et their composi tion has been the unsupported statements of rival manufacturers, eaeh one trying te outdo the ether ia stating the quantity aad quality of the horrible Ingredients te be found In all powders except their own. A careful investigation el the subject dli dli eleset the fact that there are practically three classes of baking powders, which may be ap preprtately named as follews: The Alum, Cream et Tartar, and Phesphatlc, All baking powders censtat et soda mlxedwlt soma kind of dry acid, and varying proportions of starch or flour i the difference being mainly ta the character of add used. The Alum powders consist of burnt alum with the requisite soda and starch, and are the eheanest of all. In fset, It Is generally are te assume that any powder offered at a very low price, or tn balk. Is an alum powder. There appears te be some difference of opinion as te the hat mfnt results likely te fellow the use of alum baking powders, the majority of physicians, howerer, ceademntng them. It Is certainly safe te avoid their use. The Cream Tartar Powders are made by sim ply mixing together ordinary cream of tartar, soda and starek. These powders leave in the bread tartrate of soda and petaisa, and scientists have qnestlened the advisability of their IntrodueUon Inte our every-day feed. They surely de net add any desirable Ingre dient te our feed whether their use be posi tively harmful or net. rhesphatlc baking powders are the Inven tion of Prof.Hersford, of Cambridge, formerly Professer of Chemistry ln Harvard University. It was well known thst the llfe-sustalnlng properties of wheat were due te the phes phates contained therein, It having been proven by actual experiment that wheat de prived of Its phosphates would net sustain lire, and It was also well known that In the production of flne white flour nearly all of these phejphates were removed, thui depriv ing the 11 our practically of all the nutritious qualities possessed by the wheat. Tbe Profes Profes eor conceived the Idea of restoring these phejphates te the feed by the means el a bak ing powder. Ills Invention oenstited of pro ducing a dry acid suitable te uae in place of ordinary cream tartar, which wenld leave ln the bread the nutritious phosphates. The Hum ford Yeast Powder se well known ln this sec tion is made by his precew , and Is highly com mended by all scientists. JiTANDRAKE PILLS. Dr. Schenck's MANDRAKE PILLS, FUKKLY VKQKTAHLK AND BTUICTI.Y BKLIAI1LK. Ihey act D1UKCTLY and PROMPTLY en the Liver and Stomach, restoring the oonstl eonstl oenstl pated organs te healthy activity, and are a positive and porfeotly safe cure for Constipa tion, Liver Complaint, Etck Headache, Bilious ness, and all ether diseases arising from a dis ordered condition of the Liver and Stomach. They are the only reliable vegetable Liver P1H sold. 1 TUKYAUB PKB1-KCTLY HAUMLKSS. THEY AKE PU1UCLY VldKTAULK. TUT THKM. rer saleby all Druggists. Price 15 cents per box ; 3 boxes for CS cents ; or sent by mall, postage free, en receipt of price. Dr. J. U. Bchenck A Ben, Philadelphia. aprS-lyd&w SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS ea SALS AT It. II. COOUKAN'd DltUG RTOKK, Nes. 137 A 149 North Qucen BL, Lancaster, Ta apr5-2md&w H AIR BALSAM. l'ABKEll'3 HAlIt BALSAM Kcaulltten, Cleanve and presorves tbe hair. Keeps U soft and nllken. Promote" u Inxurl antKrewth. Always restores Kray hair te Its original color. Prevents hair falling nd Dan druff. Cure) scalp diseases, 60?. at druggists. HlNDKIt COKNB Safest, surest nnd bet curd for Cerns, Bun ions, etc. Bteps all pain. Never falls te cure. 150. at druggists. MA rh(3) YER'H SARSAPARILLA. The Old Doctors Drew bleed, modern doctors cleanse It ; bence the increased demand for Alteratives, It Is new well known that most diseases are due, net te ever-abundance, but te Impurity et the mood ; and It Is equally well attested that no bleed medicine Is se tnlcacleus as Ayer's tar saparllla. ' One of my children bad a large sero break nut en the leg. We applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sere would shortly heal. But It grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative medi cine was necessary. Ayer's Barsaparllla being Recommended abeve all ethers, we used It with marvelous results The sores bruit-d, and binlth and strength rapidly returned." J. J. Armstrong, Welmer.Texas. " I And Ayer's Paraaparllla te be an admira ble remedy for the cure of bleed dlaeasrs. I pretciibe It. and It does the work every time." K. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas, " We have sold Ayer's Parsaparllla here for ever thirty years and alwnrs recommend It when asked te name the btal bleed purtfler." W. T. McLean, Dragglst, Augusta, Ohie. " Ayer's medicines continue te be the stand ard remrdles ln spite of all competition." T. W. Ulchmend, Bear Lake, Mlih. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rRKrinie Br Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Maae. PUcn II ; six bottles, 15. Werth $5 a bottle. may7U13 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. FOB SALS AT If. B. COCHUAN'B DltUG STOHK, Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen Hi., Lancaster, Pa. apri-'JindAw TOLY'S CREAM BALM. OATARRH--JLAY FEVER. XLY'S CKEAM BALM cures Celd In Head Catarrh, Uose Celd, Hay rover, De-itneas, Head ache. Price M CenU. KABY TO USE. Aly lira's, Owego. N. Y., U. 8, A. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, TIME, PAIN, TUOUBLK, And WUl Cure CATAUUU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle Is applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price W cents at druggist t by mail, registered, eu cis. &ii uuuiusiu, 234 Greenwich BL, New Yerk. nevlMydftv yALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE OF LIKE, A VALUABLE MEDICAL WOllK, the only true description of this time en Man Man Man heed. Nervous and Physical Debility, Promo Premo Prome ture Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,! by which they vlcUmlte thousands, and by thelrexagejeraUng dUoese, makes these peer sufferers Insane. .Every young man, mlddlo-agederold. should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Bend two cent stamp for a copy. Address. DB7TH09.THEEL. 533 North fourth BL, .rhlladblphla. Pa. fl3-lyd SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. Kupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by quacks when you can find ln Dr. Wright the only Uao Uae uiai ParmeiA in Philadelphia who makes a specialty et the above diseases, and Curss THsvt rcaas GCAaAjrrssD. Advice Free day and evening. Btrsngers can be treated and re turn home same day. Offices private. DU.W. U. WItlGHT, Ml North Ninth 8 true t. Above itaee, p. e. box 671 Philadelphia. bK-lyOAw TOBACCO. s TAN DAB D CHEWING TOBACCO. DOYOUCHEW? -THEN GET- THE BEST WHICH 18- Finzer's Old Honesty. Oenulna Has s Bed H Tin Tab en Bvery Plug, OLD HONESTY u acknowledged te be the PUREST and MOST LASTING piece of BTANDAKD CHEWING TOBACCO en the market Trying It Is a better test than any Ulk about lu a 1 ve It a fair trial. -YOURDEALEKHA9 1T."W nevls-lydAw OROOKRtBB. OABSARD'S MILD CURED 11AM AND IIUKAKTAST BACON. Unequaled for tenderness and dellctcy of flavor. We cuaranteethat there la nothing te equal them fn quality tn this market. 3hou 3heu tauds of the best families are new using them. They give universal satisfaction, iry them and tell your neighbors. W Dried Beet and Bologna nicely chipped. Prlees reasonable. UKOUU K W I am T. AT BURSK'a HONEY I MONEY) HONEY! Geed comb Heney, a Jeb let, selling at 12kc and lSe, pound frames. FINE TABLE OILS. Alexis Oodtllet, no finer In the market ; mall, medium and large bottles. DUHKEE'3 SALAD DRESSING, Nothing finer for Lettuen Worcestershire, Alpine, Prince of Wales, aed ether brands of Baucesfer Pish, Game, Meat, Ac. ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. ltlchnrds A Bebbin's and Andersen's Brands the latter at SOe a can. VINE FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Vanilla, Lemen, Pineapple, Nectarine, Ac. OALirOBNIAUAMS, only 100 V ft. BURSK'S, NO. 17 HA8T KINO BTRHET. SW Telopheno. , Q.IVEN AWAY AT REIST'S. TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) EVE, Sample Cans (enough for an ordinary family) of UUCK1NS AUO.'a UANNKII SOUPS Toms Toms tee. Meck Turtle, Ox Tall. Chicken, Beet and Consomme. Theeo Soups are famous thn world ever. Serve the aenp het-need no ether preparation. Distribution at 7 o'elook. Yen are expected te ask for It, otherwise you will net get It. One Can only for each family. Please note : READ ALT ,0 YOU FULLY UNDEBSTAND. A FEW SPECIALTIES FIRST, AND A eURPRlSX AFTERWARDS. NOTF-BenelnssSardlnes.Baratavla8hr1mps, Vienna Canned Bauasge, Canned Belngns, Deviled Ham, Petted Chicken, Tuikey, Duck, Ham, Tongue, Beef, eti, etc. Anchovies In oil. finest crescent Olives, finest Muahroems ln bottles, and a hundred ether nice things. A BOLD STRIKE. A DKriANT OFFER, UNPARALLELED TEA, COFFEE AND SUGAR BOLD AT COST. COehests of Tea th's day marked down te IS, te, 2.1, 33, 40, M and W cts Hi ler flnet Gun powder, usually se'd for II oe fa. we de It ler glory and give you the prent. Remember, some time age we told you wa were sharing our profits ln our Free Gift Distribution, be you new doubt what we then told you t This Is no scheme, It Is a straight transaction, and It Is optional tn ns whether teu buy or net We simply advise and instruct. Yeu must act. $5.00 OFFER Te any one who will produce a better Cortee for tha money than we are sell! ng at aec ft Yeu mnst be an excellent judge te dlatlngulsh It from Java. Tbe Berry is large, hsndsnma and dnnks well, (jet a fa, have It matched and make IVne Dried Beef, 3Xe f Flcnle Hams. 10a It t fines White Clever Heney ln combs, 18c ft ; UU and 16e by the box ; fresh Tea crackers, a ft 2Je ; carload of Molasses, light as honey, loe qt. Reist, Wholesales Retail Grocer, Cor. W. KlDf and Prince 81., (Nsxt Deem te tbb beubl Heaaa Uetsl.) IT'S COMING, AND WHEN IT GETS here, ovtrybedy will ruth te see It, t PAWS SHOW, In the meantime Ring the Bell. Beat the Drum, Teet the Hern and Jein the crowd'eud ceme te CLARKE'S TO-MORROW, Fer Teas, Ceir.ws and Groceries. TheQuaf lty, (luantlty, Prlees are Just what will suit you, and our assortment se large that It will datzle you. Coffees ! Coffees! Coffees I The poet Pepe pays ttlbnte te Coffce in the following lines : "Frem stlver spouts Iho grateful liquors glide. While China's earth rcetlves the smoking tide : At ence they gratify their seme and t stte. And frequent cups prolong the rich repast I Coffee, which makes the politician wise, And see through all things with his half-shnt eyes." An Arabian rajs; "Ah, Coffee I thou dls- Eellestlhe cures of the gnat; tbeu brlngest ack tbme who wuuder from the pubs of knewledKH Urtef cunnet exist where It grows sorrow humbles Itself before Its pow ers." Sidney Bmlth says- "If you want te Im prove your understanding, drink Coffee." It win pay ynu te buy your coffee of us. As we roast It every day. wh guarantee It te be ;e per cent strenier and richer than coffee that has been roasted and en hand ler some time. New te convince you that what we say Is true, we urge you te buy your next let el col cel lee of us. Leme and ate ns roast It fresh every dav at our store, and sell at old prtets, 13W, IS, ia, W. V2, 23 and '& Cents. And If the coffee ts net whst we claim It te be we will cheerfully take It back and relund you the money. IKautlful Presents given with Teas, Coffees and Baking Powder. A NEW LIST OF BARGAINS TO-MORROW. COME AND ASK TO BEE TUEM. SAMUELCLARKE'S WUOLBBALK AND RETAILTEAAND COrEE STORE, 13 and 14 SOUTH QUEEN BTRBHT. A Few Deers lrem Centre Square . r HVHWAL, OUPERIOR qUALHY MUSICAL BOXES. HENRY GAUT8CUI SONS, Ne. icoe Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Examination will prove our Instruments far suporlerto any ether make, net speaking of the worthless trash thst abounds ln the market, seen being of mere annoyance than pleasure te their owners. Old and imper fectly made Music Bexes caretully repaired by experienced workmen from thu manufac tory lnSwiuerland. Correspondence solicited, end stamp ter eataiegus and price Hat. aMTfaWyOAW Mt QUEAP MATTINOB AT ME1ZUER & HAUQHMAN'M. MATTINGS CHEAP MATTINaS,llltc. MATTlIiU8tlSe, MATlIXdS, ISc. MATTING S, tSc. MATTINGS, SO. MATTINGS, SSc. MATTINGS, tee. AT Metzger & laughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. B AHDAMeKLROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Peuntaln Inn. .v. lAdl' Game Vesta at , 40 and 50 cut Ladles' Summer Merine VesU at Mj. worth toe: this l the greatest bargain ever effred. Men's Ralbrlggan an Uauie Underwear at , S7K and SO cts. Mn's Bummer Merine Underwear, 880. Men's Jean Drawers, a and 15e. Chil dren's tiau se Vests, long or short sleever, In all sixes, at lowest prices ever sold. DRESS GOODS-Drcss Goods from 5s up. An elegant line In all tha new shades at HXc, PJ,.,"!' I Henrietta Cleths in all the new shades, yard wide, at SSe, Mew Dress ulnghatns. Cable Cordr.TelleduMorde and ratines. STAMPED GOODS-New designs In Stamped Pillow Shams at Wa and S60 per pair. Have new In stock some or IhedMlgns we were out or, some et thn beat sellnra. Htamped Aprons, one yard long, only Be. Tidies from 60 up. Splashers from loe up. Table Scans, Mc, sue, 80s and up. M ATTINOB-Mattlng at 12X. , and M eenl s. Special low Prices. STICK A PIN HEBE-As thts Is heusecleanlng Uer, should you need Fleer Oil Cleth, In any width, or window ehades with spring Fixtures, or goods by the yard, tr natures separate, or Paper Window bhader, we sell the best goods In the uty for the money. I10S1BK V We sell the best Stockings for the money ever told. MCSLIN-lbaloef Unbleached Muslin Remnant, 1 yard wide, 6Vc, worth 801 another let of Stevens I.lnen Crash at 8c, I egnlar price, 100. The best White ehiris at Me, 71e and i.euu ever sold linen besom, reinforced front and back. Bustles from de tip an extra ehtap Buttle allec. ...M.K,.AOTMerT,IIB::u TO" need Feathsrs we will soil you, the best Feathers lower than you can buy them anywhere tlse In the city. bard & Mcelrey, 33 ana 35 seutn Queen street, JKWXLRY. A FULL LINE OF NEW GOODS NOW IN STOCK. Bead and Twist Bangles, Mourning Jewelry in the fine grades of English Crape Stene, Water Pitchers and all grades Table Ware. Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Musical Bexes, Art Werk, Spectacles, and Opera Glasses. Repairing in all its branches. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS. Ne. 4 West King Street. BTOajC CSTOOlC FAKM. EMLETREE STOCK EAM. STOltJI KING, 210!, Ilr Jlappj Medlnm, lire or 09 from 2:l!lr te 2t!J0. .. "The most preline reservoir of apeedtheteyerllved." Hay horse, foaled 1S31 Dam Topsy Tayler, by Alexander's Nerman, aire of Lula,S.UV. llmtherln bleed in 2d dam by Heward's Mr Charles (thoroughbred), NORM AN MKDIUM, 2.20. sd dam by Bmlth'a Messenger, son of Dill's Messenger. STORM K1NU stands 16 hands, weighs l,'e ts, and Is a vary sxeut-bullt horse, with a grf at deal of style and OnUh. He bu never been defeated tn thn snow ring, taking flve nrsl pre miums ever seme et the beat her.es ln tbe country, storm King should enter the fcJOllstet any time. HI HENRY, 4214, lij Mambrlne Dudley, record 2.101. . Dam Virginia, by Volunteer, aire of Ht.Jullen,2.11. Virginia ts sis- Bay home, foaled 18-. ter te Uambetta (sire et Velmer, Ui), and Hlorenoe, grandson or Epaulette, t:l. 2d dam Nell (dam of Hateman, S 22), by llambletenlan, 10. Sd dam dam of tlate, 1 80, by Shark, son of American Jtellpsi. Ill 11 ENRY stands l'Ji hands Has taken. nve first premiums In the show ring. Was twice Judgea by the " Bca'e of t'eints " and as a two-year old scored Ui points, which has never been equaled. Many ueUid horsemen have pronounced htm the meat elegant young horse ln the country. Terms for Storm King and HI Henry, M. (heuld mare net prove In foal, the lame mare or any ether can be returned free In ISM. apr5-3mdih,rA8 DAN'L Q. ENQLE, Marietta, Pa, OAXPMT BAKOA1NH 1 SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY DRDSSBLS. Tapestry, Iagrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BKADXB, Ac. We bave the Largest and Beat Btoek In the City, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wist King ixA Wittr Strut"., L&ncuUr, Pa. COilPLKXION TO WD Kit COMPLEXION POWDEH. LADIES WUO.VALUK A RRr'lNKD COilI'LKilON MUBT UBK POZZONI'S UKDI0ATKD COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. Removes all pimples, freckles and 01s 01s 01s colerations, and mikes ihe akin delicately soft and beautiful, ltcentalns nollme, white, lead or arsenic. In threu shades, pink or flish, white and brunette. TOR SALK BY All DruffglatB and Faney Goods Dealeis fSverywhera. JOTUKWARK Or IMITATIONS".- apwe 1yd StJiCK'WJCAH' AQ. WEST KING. HAND-1'AINTXD NKCKTHa AT ERISMAN'S. TJOY8'HIt.ICKND SUSl'KNDKin, 2SCKNTS, ATXR13MANS. Next Doer te Bayler's I'hote tiallery. Ol EN KVEU1 KVKNINO, KRISUAN'S, (Mlssriynn's Old Eland.) NOTICE TO THE8PABSERH AND UUNNKRH. All persons are hereby for bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell estates ln Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or uuln uuln desed, either for the purpose of sheeting or ftsbtng, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trea pasting en said lands of the un designed alter this notice. WM. COLEMAM rRKKMAJT. U. VUU1X ALDBN, " BDW. O, rsUUMAJf, Attcrasys tec R,WelBin.'i Ka ffJf, Opposite Fountain Ien. FAJtST. BALIA 's'' - BAKQA1NH I TO- - aUMUJtK HKHORTH. T UK "CUAI,y0NTK." Ocean Knd of North Carolina Avenun, . ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. X.ROI1KRTB A SONS. apr3-1md (( lXTKTHEKIt.D," ATLANTIC OITV. M. .T . Ocean Knd Kentucky Avenue. Oien February 1, te November 1. Leck RexKOu. U.J.XCKKRT. tr.ayl0 2md A TLANTIO U1TY, N. J, THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Largnst Most Convenient Hetel. Elegantly rnrnUbBd. Llberully Managed. Ccttchteaud from Reach and Trains, orchestra M natc CIIAB. MeULADK, 1'rep. W. K. Coeiouw. Chief Clerk. lebn-eiiid CAPON 81'KINOH AND IIATHH. ALKAINR I.1T11IA AND 8UJ-KK10H IRON Yf ATlLtUi, UAMl'SHlltK COUNTV. W. Thts celebrated Mountain Resort for health and pleasure. Hatha of any temperaluie ; a summer climate unsurpassed; a charming summer home with Its many Improvements, accommodating tJ0 guests, opens J nne 1. for medical and ether testimony, send for circu lar. Wa, U. 8A1.K, may7-Ctd Proprietor. UUXKXaWAKM. rrieu A MAKTIN. CHINA HALL. OLEaRINQ SALE That lasts twelve months In tne year. The best quality ler the least money always te be had there. SPECIAL INDUCKMBNTS TO NEW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Bets. White Granite, Koe. Dinner Bets, White Urnlte..t.&a, Dinner eels, Printed i,n. Ne goods mlarepresented. All Wares ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & Martin J NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, LAHCAITBR, PA. ULOTMNU, ASKEW OR UK. AT NOS. 134 AND 23S WIST KINO BTlttKT. 0171yd .TTKACTIVKPIUUKH. ATTItiCTlVK I'lltCES Spend A Mement With Us. oi.enu.NU and run- NISItlNUQOODS. SKLKCT10N3 LARUR. A step terwnrd In nt and make. A step for ward In Heys' and Children's Clothing, Rear ln mind yen get a geed pick et patterns In Men's ButU at 7.O0, i oe, $3 en, ',e, lit, (II, f '.S, 117, 1J. A geed pick et patterns ln I.lttle Heys' Suits at It, tw, w, , s( w, 7, , 9. A geed pick of patterns of llig Heys' Suits atH,WJ!,,o,7,t8,ffllne hi, in, m. The quality for the price 1 1 keeping the sa'csmcn and making a big business. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing ami Furnishing Goods, M NORTH QHKKN HT M YKK8A KATUFON, RELIABLE! In tin Manufacture of our Clothing we have used every otTert te mase tliein THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. Everybody's Interests have bein taken Inte consideration. Prices that will suit everyone, and Workmanship and Material thatwlllmeet every demand. OUR DRESS SUITS are I'erfnrt In Fit, fUyllafiln appearance, and Lew Aneugb In Price te sultany body's pur se. OUR 3U3INESS SUITS, Streng In Materlat and fnwlng and Dressy ln Appearance, nnd at lluslness Men'd l'rtces. Youth's Beys' and Children's Clothing Inst as Well Made, Just as Porfect ln lit, and just as Lew ln Pnce. Hey of the MainTtictnrers. Myers & Eatbfen, UBLIAULK ULOTHIKItS, no. ia bast Knra st., LANCASTKR PA. mHE QKEAT 4-PAW SI0 With lis Orcat Attractions, Is here, 80 ARE Hirsh c& Brether WITH Til Kill framensB 5(eck and Imtnesss Va'itfy or Clothieg & FurnishiDg Goods At their Colebratod and Acknowledged LOW PRICES. We have soma new hinaneme goods in our BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT AS WELL AS IN THE Children's Clothieg Department. INO0R Men's Clotting Department WE ARE BHOWINli 200 DIBTINOr BTYLBB ln Bulls at prices ferHnltsat100,!i.&9,t3 0 IS oe te 120 oe. Pants, 7ie te 4 oe a Pair. BOYS SUITS, Prices li.te te 112. Age, 10 te IP, Leng Pants. CHILDREN'S SUITS, Prices, 11.01 te t9.00. Short Pant Suits. -Cell and inspect our stock, as wlknre pleased tosbewourgoods, knowing thatrthe low prices sell the goods. Hirsh & Brether, THE ONB-PRIOE Clothiers & Furnishers, COR. N. QUEEN 8THKET AND CENTRE 8UHARK. LANUABTKH, PA. HATH. TOOK ATHTAUFKEK & CO.'S WIN- UOWS. IhoLeadieg Hatters STAUEPEU&CO. Are making the Finest Display ln Lancaster in their Elegant Llnu of STRAW HATS, BOIT POCKET HATH, LIQIIT-WEIQIIT STirrilATH, CHILUREN'S UOiillS, Ac. All tbe New and fancy Shades and Prices tbe Leweit. A Child's Nlce Dress straw Hat, 15, 21 and 33 Cents. a Rey's Nlce Dress Sttaw Uat, ts, JJ and M Cents A Man's Nlce Dreia Straw Hat from 2ie up. Allmdesef aeung Men's Seft rur Pecaut II au at 740. Leadlnir Shades of Teung lien's Stiff Hats at II Ul and Upwards. btraw Hats Cheaper than Everliefere. Trunks and Traveling Bags ATliOITOil PK1CK3. Stauffer&Ce. NOS. Jl A S3 WOKIll QUEEN ST. TRA TJBLBRa UVIDH. TKAUINO fc COLUMBIA RAII,HOAt A r.V.ftfll' jinftnuiiftQ, Anu JjBHAJIUSr AND LANCASTER JOINT LINE . b. ON AND AFTER SURDAT, NOV. 90, TRAINS LEAVE BKADINO. a ISISS " " n""10' Fer bMeklM i at jae, ii- a m, and 6.10 p . TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBIA. R-?ft5alng,lt.7.:M "": and 3:40 nm. rer Lebanon at 12.30 and 8.40 p m. TRAINS LEAVE QUAERTVILLE. prer Lancaster at 6.40 a m, and ie and Ml tS ?!55,n ate:t0 m and kse p m. rer Lebanon at M and e.ap m. - L;AV. ku,q "SEET (Lancaster l Fer Lebanon at 7:00 a. m. 12.S5 and Tiltrim Fer Qnary vtlle at Wl a m, m V s p . LEAVE PRINCE BTREET (Incstef 1 Fer Reading at 7:40 a m.lMJ ana 8.50 pm.' Fer Lebanon at 7.07 a m, U:4Jand7it3p ta, Feryuarryviileat9:20am, 1:18 ands.Opa TRAINS LEAVE LEBANON Fer Lancaster at 7:12 am, 12.30 and 7.30 peg. rer UnarryrUle at 7:12 a m and 12:30 p m, BUWDAT TRAINS. TRAINS LEAVE BEADING Fer Lancaster at 7:20 am and 4.-O0pm. s w. wuauy.i'iuM I.WII III. jf iitaifl. uaavs iUAItsrviIiI,S Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and Beading at Ml i tn. TRAINS LEAVE KtNQ ST. (Lancaster,! M Fer Reading and Lebanon at 8:05 am anulis,J ii in.a iLT.ii rer Onarryvltle at tt:W p m. ,M TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE ST. (lAneMtsWilS iwpn: - m Vt UHtlf VlltQ Bat) U,tl IJ IQ, J, ru.IHItv.vLi wn..M Fer Lancaster at 7:M a m and 3,45 p m. Fer connection at Columbia, Marietta Jane itfw Hen, Lancaster JunoUen, Manhetm, KeadjaE Sm and Lebanon, see tlmn tables at all stations. '' 'a A M UT I I W fatal u.u& . . V2 m ii isNUii ouininaiyunaeii.e jj MNWMTlaV A rrf 1 A. Uat.rsj..... i schedule. la effect tram Jane 1VV 41 IS 8 Trains tsivs LaweasTnand leave and ar- Q ' ....-..-...-. nm ,...,,mFT Cr-JnW lsnuvu WESTWARD. Paolfle Kxnrtwst.. ehlladnlphla. Lancasur( fM lnf.rn.t- TVS u.7 p. m. 4-10 a. m. :) a. m. T.fl0s.m. News Ezpressi Way Pasaengert Mall tratnvlaMt. Joyt 6.-2B a. ta. -ij v?m. nw - e, 1 . . aii ft M " 5? . fla ssaaiianunr.. Niagara Express.. vlaColnmble 7:40 a.m. MBS. M. UMIUVIMT ACCUUi..,, via celnmbla raaiLinef Frederick Accem .... Lsneastar Acoem. . . . Uarrtabnrg Accem.. Oelnmbla Accem.... llanisburg Express, Western Ezpressi . . . EASTWARD. Faita. Express! rastLlnel...... u:be a. m. VU Columbia! 2:10 p. la. vlaMt. Jey, tsep. I KIOpaBl. 1:40 p.m. -.5e p m. .Mp.m. Leave Lancaster. X-20S.BU 6n a. m. 8:10 a.m. rflam fcoe a. m, 11:53 p.m. .-e5p. m. 1:00 p.m. 4:4a p.m. 6:43 p.m. KWP. 1 7:40 p. 7-MP.I ll.ni . ) at "&$ Phil a. 4.'4fis,M. 8n a, m . 1030 a. as. flaMUef lu. . tlarrtsbnrg Express. Lancaster Accem ar, uoinmeia Accem... Seashore Exnresa... Phlladelphta Accem. fcoep.,- fy snnday Man. Day Express) Uarrtabnrg Aocetn.. M0P.SS, M nn-ifcBB,,ea i Tne Lancaster Accommodation leaves tUg-i'i ' rlatiurg at :lep.m. ana arrives at limutmm at p. m. ?v The Marietta AoeeinmodnUon leaves Cl.: bis, at 6:40 a. tn. and reaches MsJlettaMssss,; -i "T. "ui'H'Hi jxiie m. ui. m wnm in., reaenina- nanetta at 12:01 ana s. I Marietta at MS b. m. and arrives at oeli et sse i also, leaves at S:36 and arrives at Tha Yerk Aoeemmndatlon Imtm Mb at 1:10 and amvea at Lancaster at sas necttrg with Harrlsbnrg Express at ItUiw as" "" imunu acnnsmmaueii, wasm si necving at Lancaster with Fast Line, wi at -10 n. ra.. will run thnra vh te Frsflsrwar The Frederlek AcoemmodaUon,sst, Mafet -, CeinmbU at UJB.ana reaches Laneastse M IfMl ' p. in. f t')p Hanover Accommodation, East, leaves OelW s? SKi-"' uuiuin ui, i:wp.in. airiTt ki uaei-awr ww r.i 4,im p. m., connecting with Day Express. . .' i H..MM. MMMIhlrflllM .ll .1 II. .MilaM X 4i ..H.....V. .w.w .....w.rafc..j. .. wa, MMmnj r at Lancaster with Niagara Express at mtv tn. will run through te Hanover, Oslly, tmttft snrday. JA ' rest unp, west, en Bnneay.WBara wUl step at De wnlna-town.Ceatea villa 1 burg, ML Joy.Ellsabethtewn andMlddleteww.t . trneeniv trains wiuca run aaiiT. uwamthaasi the Mall train wast runs by way of Unssbsfc tS 4Bka nVWa UDU(M sT gesrVUK77 CHAB. E. PUQ1I General Manager. ft lsVgarat ! IJ.j...imBi A. 'J?. Y!& WAWOMMM. a ' a-wsSwsSi iPEOIAIa, WATCHES for rarmers and Railroaders will be aabteaja 6nticuuuun ia nnees. ajse xigia, ws tarn, Aurera, ler which I am sole si lint m ether flrst-class Watches. Beat WattuVME Jewelry Repairing, "rtrrlns, rrrirlassnsssm OpUosXUeoda. correet time dall vTbTuS. grapu eniy piece in the city. iS&'iS rnma hibu-u kW:M mv w au v v aaeaaun. Me. XSdH N. Queen st, opposite City Hetel, Near renn'a Deneu G lLL-JEWKliER, At, G-ILL. J3.1itf JEWELER AND OPTIOLUfJ ,11 xm If your ryes trouble you attend te tkesslEW t mediately. .- ft 4 The use of PROPER nr.AR.iRn sight, gives Comfert and Pleasure. ' - -1 Lancaster has Ions- felt thaneedefaBPsTtf CI At. OPTICIAN. Waarannw llnm an M mm.'- 3 ure Your Eyes, ritQlaases with the PRBCi-svi. -w. w.wm, uT.ua) at m au VHanja , complete Outfit of Test Lenses Hequleet r Perfect Measurements. Tf a Satisfaction QUARANTEKD In SVEST !:'.? STANCE. r&TlA A run Line of watches, Clocks, Jewelry IM afl OHARTLHS S. OII.T.. Kf'i . , WO.10 VVK8T K1HQ ST., LAKOASTlg, F W ATOUE3 AND JEWELRY. TO BU1T YOUU1ELP WHEN BUTISQ A'M """" . 43 WatchJ 00 WUERX YOU SEE TUB LargeDt Stock, BeBt, Variely., Tjittftsr. Kt.vlAq. Aa-weOnarantcoyeutbUiu well as Iew,vJ eL 1'iires. Pnr all kinds of Repairing yen will find ug WJ a w uuuu eabiBiUUlluu, WAITER C. HEBBsl Ne. 101 North Quean Stretjt, M (Cerner of orange.) 1 (Cerner of orange.) LANCASTER. PA. EMM w AT0UE8. WATCHES. ?i WATCHES -AT- ZAHM'S CORNERc! . i Lewer new than at any time since Watciee have been mace. A full and complete stock et all srradea. All cuaranteed. NOW Is the time te buy at low cash figures. &, The Arundel TiaUrd Spectacki Beld only at " Zshm's Cerner." The largest line or Spectacles In the cltr. :A mmmiex in BiockevervnumhereflensenuulH. ,"; In Geld, bllvnr. Metel, aud Steel IfrauMrt, ..1 with every facility for proper ad uitment. il Watch, Cleck and Jawslry Reptlrlsg Given Bpeclal attention and all work war ranted. Call and examine our stock. ERNEST ZAHlrV ZAHM'S CORNER, ,, LANCASTKP.PA, aprtl-linaaw s $ sn m T'K mm iVl m tta. -T VI ? m gii ."i i . JS: 21 1 Hi"- :jM s?