PlfiPi ,v " 7f F IV f " . rr i Tins liAN QAJ51TBIB PAHiY I3rEIXJGEK0JJJt. WEDNESDAY. MAY f). 18&8. p V W & ! 7f $T ? 4r.rf- Li . & E' E fe w ft rf ift Th Dally Intelligencer. 1.AMUA8TSU. MAY 0, ISSS. i ajitr nrrsiueiiecxa publishes nil the :V YWIfS-The Dally Edition of Tm lirrstt:- win U aellvered by canlers In the city '.VmMI swreundlng towns for 10c. per week t :u-. fcy atl, 16.00 a year: tije for six months, : 't .(MB ter three months t Me- per month. K In WkSMr lUTXtMasKcin (Den bio Sheet) ix , aisjai jraffes, eniy n.w poi uuuuui, in uu- t'lSy tnbterlbera wishing their address changed fcM HIH.'W. naust also state where the ."paper l new ler- wars en Adverusamenu from 10 te 2S eu.per line each Insertion, according te location. THK.INTELLIOKNCEU, Lancaster, ra, feTlephene connection The Chlf r Justice' Salary. The appointment of Melville W. Ful Icr, as chief Justice of the supreme court of the United States, again raises the question of the meagre pay given te an officer who in his eminent position mid onerous duties is exceeded by no jurist iu the world. The kind of man who prop erly fits into the chair of chief jusllce'is 1 hard te find. He must have rare legal versatility, great grasp of mind, find a t disposition te adapt himself te the ever .changing, upward growing condition of the most energetic pcople under the sun. 4 When such a man is found, conspicuous alike for integrity nnd ability, he should be well recompensed. But he is net. The head of the "United States supreme court is paid a salary of 110,000 a year, which is a mere bagatelle te the earnings of any of the eminent lawyers of the leading American cities. The acceptance of the position of chief justice involves a large pecuniary Bacri lice as a rule, for theso who are thought of for the placeire of such distinction as te derive grent revenues "from their pre fessien. This sacrifice should net be re quired. The chief justice of England is paid $10,000 a year. Ner h it needful te go across the ocean for an instance of liberality te judges. The supreme court judges of New Yerk get $17,600 a car; the superior court judges $15,000, and the common plca3 and general sessions? 12,000 each. It is a great wrong te give these judges mere than the chief justice of the su- preme court of the United States. This country is rich enough te pay its inter preters of the law a salary in proportion te the importance of the duties assigned te them. "With an overllowing treasury the present year would be n proper ene In which te make the change. Chrlsllnn Science. The se-called " GVm'sfimi Sc-fcnce " of faith cure Is at last receiving severe criti cism from medical men. Liberal and wise men of science have freely admitted the possibility of faith cures in certain cases, though assigning a different cause of recovery, and they have had very little te say against the harmless and often efficient labors of the " Christian scien tists " with patients suffering from dis eases of hysterical origin. The horrible -case of a fanatic who allowed her daugh ter and child te dle for want of simple J BiMsmieu, nits at last nreuseu me meajra. fraternity te a sense of duty IqJY' t ter, and vigorous pretests ,SJw?t crare cernaixQrnjittyrf-' " -'-TOiTli 1'""k;ie. "ViTOUiiDir can mero powerfully con tribute te the overthrew aud confine ment of "Christian Scientists" te the field of hysteria and Imagi native sicklies? than an expese of their methods and principles. The patient is required te bellove that he is net sick, that there is in reality no such thing as atckness, nnd en the perfection of his faith that he is well, his euro depends. Te appreciate the ferce given te this paradox one must endeavor toebscme his Intellect as far as possible, and escnpe from any glimmering or common sense. TheJhhail Jtt'jister Belects as a sample "A Prayer for Dyspeptics," published .recently in the JMical liukx, and said te be taken from the " Scheel of Primitive and Practical Christian Science." This prayer addressed te the " Hely lleality ' begins with a pretest of belief in the presence of that reality In every fibre nnd Atom and in the stomach of the patient. " We will net try te be such hypocrites and Infidels as every day of our lives te affirm our faith in Thee nnd then imme diately begin te tell hew sick we aie, for getting that Theu art everything, nnd Theu art net sick, nnd, therefore, that nothing In tills universe was ever sick, is new Bick, or can be sick." The patient then prays for forgiveness for having talked about his headache or the lump in his stomach, and for having thought about medicine. He it-ks for help te believe " that it is silly te be sick, absurd te be ailing, wicked te be wailing, atheism and denial of Ged te say ' 1 am alck.' Help us te stoutly affirm with our hand in Your hand, with our eye lixed en Thee, that we have no dyspepsia, that we never had dyspepsia, that we will never have dyspepsia, that there is no such thing, that there never was any such thing, that there will never be such thing." It is hard te believe that a person whose mind is net impaired by disease can see anything but blasphemy in this miscalled "Christian Science,", and whenever it pretends te deal with cases requiring sur gical aid, the law should interfere. Right of Naturalized Cltiens. The state department has taken a very praiseworthy aud decided stand for the protection of naturalized citizens of the United SUtes who, en visiting 3'rance, were subjected te the enforced military duty required by Trance of naturalized citizens of Trench birth or American Iwa citizens of French pareutage, who any be discovered in France by the au thorities. There are four cases of citizens which the department has been considering for some time. Twe were born in France, one became naturalized here, one left France In his minority and became an American citlzw,and the fourth was born in this country of French parents. The French government set up the claim that citi zenship was conferred by parentage and net by the place of birth, and that the expatriation of the French citizen re quired the consent of the French govern ment. Te this Mr. liayard replied that the government of the United State l holds that the degree of naturalization granted by it te a French citizen Is net oje te Impbachment by the French gev- j rnment, either in IU executive or its j u- r . dlclal branch, and that, if it is alleged te have been imprevldently issued, the , temedy is by application te the depart, swet of state. And the head of the state department further said ' that If the subjection te forced military services of the citizens whose cases you lepertis based upon an assumption that they are net citizens of the United States, this department asks for their immediate release, aud for a proper compensation for the losses which they have received by such detention. It cannot be ndinltted that American citizens, net charged with any crime, should be detained n slngle day after their proofs of citizenship have been presented. Iu a case llke this the United States can never admit the propriety of submitting te the ordinary delays of ju dicial notion." It Is a very sensible nnd proper position te take. If American citizenship means anything, it ought te previde protection from any such wrongful assumptions as are here made. I.i rn'.M curtain runic down suddenly en llroker Hatch In New Yerk, and enforced the old lessen that the wegea of sin Is death. Tumi: la a conapieuous dlllorenoo be tween the con J net of Honaters Voerhoea and Jngalln, showing the wide mnrptn bo be bo tweon the conduct et a gentleman and one lacking gentlemanly lnttlncts, Honaler Yoerhoes, In the beat of paaslen, was led te refer te a brether mnater lu language un becoming te any legislative tribunal, and lila first reappoarance In the Honate wan the Hlgnal ler a manly apology, which fully oeverod the ellenae committed. Honater InRnllB, In tlioheatof sectional bitterneap, traduced tbe memories of two brave Union soldiers, who, belng dead, wero unable te upeak ler IhemRolveH. The cfrcnae wa groater than that of Voerlicr h. The latter apologized te the living. The fermer failed te tnake amenda for Injustice (e thu (lead. It Is ii great dlflorenco between thorn. (Ii.aditeni: la Bald te feel doapendont ever the prospects of home rule for Ireland. It la net crodlble. If he Bald se, It was be- cauae ei uynpepaia. Tin: dominant position of the IhigllRh moremtllo marine la Htrlklngly abewn In the report of our consul en the oemmorco of MndngaecAr. Frem the activity of the rrench navy In theso waters and the ad ad ad vautngoHHeenrod by thorn at the coal of a long war, ene would ospcet te llnd the 1'roneh flag prevailing In the pert of Trtmatae, but It appeara Hint from January i!l, 1BS7, te June 30 of thoHame year 1)1 veiiNela entered this perl, of which only II wero French and 05 nailed under the Knglliih flag. In the whole year end Ing June !H) only eight American flhlps onterod thla pert. The Kngllab a hips, bow bow ever, wero only small trading vessels. We have a large trnde with Madagascar, but carrled chltlly under otbei flags. Tiinni: Is n hunt new for the original ltlalne man, It Is an eaay search. He la new In Italy, and his front nnme Is James a. Tin: proaldent hns votecd a bill providing for the ale of cer tain Indian landN In Kan sas. Heme lltty years nge certaln tribe In New Yorkehtalnod land In WIsoenHln upon which they propesod te llve, but by u treaty airreed te glve It up for n .tract In Kanaati. Frem thla Kansas tract they wero, -- nil kllled or driven by theVwh:M ,,?, tiers te buy he and.rnn!lU l"0,.801 ' paying the mew "ppralaed valuation, p-c-u-fvef the surviving Indian. It Van proposed In the net "voteod te soil te the occupants who failed te purchase under the law of '73 all" f0 poracre nnd the proildent pretests that he can bee no juatlce lu per mitting thla pnrchaae at a leea rate than the nolghbers of theso settlers paid llve years age. The occupancy upon these lands of the aotllers Roeking rollef, and of the granters, Is baaed upon wrong, vlolenco and oppression. A continuation of the wrong ful oxclualen of theso Indiana from their Sands should net lnure te the bonetUot the wrongdeore. The Idea. U tee provalent that, ai ugnlnBt theso who by omlgratlen and HO'.tlmuent upon our frontier cxtend our olvlll7atlen and prosperity, tbe rights of the Indians are of but llttle oenaequonco. Hut It must be absolutery true that no dovelop develop dovelep ment Is gonulne or valuable baaed upon the vlolenco and oruelty of Individuals or the ralthlORsncsH et n goverumont." Mini in an Itepubllcana aie said te be oiger for Alger for prosldenk l'crhaps A Iger la most oager. Tun propesod organlr.llen of n nnval reserve la agltntlnc the beuI et the New Yerk toy Bailer, lie thinks it would be qulte delightful te go out In bia yacht nnd ihke n miie training in line summer weather an a sailor of the naval roseno. He might wear plenly of brass buttons, and fly (iinutltlCHef bunting, nnd burn barreU et powder 5 coming back te New Yerk m the mllltlmnen med te return from their pienica In the days when our Btnte troerw existed for their own nnuiBomenf. Hecrc Inry Whitney will speedily rob thelr dream or Ha remance If hla naval resorve Is oalab ealab lUheit, nnd will doubtless work hla roseno men at hard as Clenerul Ilartrauft baa worked the 1'ennsylvanlH seldlera. 'i'hore iagoedBtull for seaman In our yachting Heet, hew ever, aud the nnval roservo will help te make It readily avallable when wanted, wblle onceuraglng the bulldlnc of ploaaute cralt that may be used In naval wurfare. Jlr. J"itA-u It. HiocmeN'd faineua sketch, "The Lady or the Tifier," has been dramall73d and la new drawing crowds te WHlluek's theatre, New Yerk. The answer t;;veti by the dramatist te this fas cinating rlddle la net of a very satisfactory kind. Thore la a very complicated plot involving many chnraoter, bealdca fhe Hpartan king and hla daughter and an un un un fortuuute Kuueral, who Is te choeso betwoen the lady aud tiger. The tiger la poisoned aud the king, te hive his dignity, allows a spinster or severe temper te occupy the den, tbe ether cell being held by the beau tiful l'eralan. The goueral opens the first deer and en finding the spinster turns In despair te the ether deer, intending te let out the tiger, but the king, in alarm lest It should be discovered that there was no tiger, spriuga into the arena and marries bin; oil-hand te the hot-teiupercd and un attractive lady. Critics say that the play will eventually fail, becauae all Interest Hags alter the tiger baa been poisoned, but a mere serious fault Beems te be that we are net told what beoameof thejbeautlful Per Blan and in iact the final end of nil the charaetera is still In doubt. The drama Bcems te need another act filled with slaugh ter iu erder that a sense el romantle fltnua may be satUUud. PEHSONAL. llev, Himen Oahuiien waa thoguest nt the Cameren club'a twenty tlfth nunlver sary bamiuet nt l'hlladelphla, ou Tuetday evunlng. lie rcfcpeniled te a teaut. ili:v. Jamki 1L CenuuiAN has realcned fie presidency of heten Hall collei-e In Houth Urangp, N. .1 , and hm ncctpt. 'i the ;octerhlp or t. Mary's church in Kllm beth, N. J, I'uksiek.nt, CitAni.i: It. MiUenm.v : Secretary, 1'. (I. Metzgar j dlroctera, Jehn H. Hmall, Michael Huhail, (loergo 1'. Hmyer, (loergoH. llllimeyer, Johulluui Jehulluui pbrey and Ilarry ICeysar, are the new oil!, cers of the Yerk .t i'eachbottem railroad. Mits. Anna Biiu-K, the young patient of Dr. Ii. Webster 1'ex, who se heroically underwent the raluful operation nt the (lermantewn hospital, l'hlladelphla, baa beyond all question roeo prod in adegree the vision en her right oye. Dr. i'ex la from Unmmelstewn, Dauphin county. Mr. Gr.APHTONK rarely opens a parcel without uutying net culling tbe string, tying it carol ully up, and putting it away ler luture use In a drawer which la reserved ler the purpose. Ilia papers and documents are alie kept In aornpnleua order by hlm aelf. se that he can lay hla hand en any one of tbetn at a moment's notlee. it la te thla habit of doing te mueh of hla work for him self that the mastery of detail, whlote Mr. Gladstone shows en every tubjeet with which he grapples, Is in a great measure due. Bit. IUiina no, who resigned the presi dency of Columbia college en Monday, well deaorves the rest wbleh he has earned alter sixty years of aetlve work, a an edu edu cater. He graduated from Yale in 1828 and at oneo began hla life work aa a teacher of young men. As an Inatruoter at Hartferd, a tutor at Yale, teacher of the deaf and dumb, and a professor and president of two Southern universities he was eminently uceeMfuU Bat his crowning work baa been done In making Columbia college one of the leading universities of this country, a m Chfteiltil Cen venation lnoneof tLoplcajanteitftinenltlfiofllfo. But a Uncut talker, whose "genu of thought" drop lrem lips which dlacleM yellow teeth ROlng te rack ana mln, makes leaa Impression than he or she otherwise would. Hear thin In mind, converaallenallits, and lend added ferce te your utterances by keeping your Ualh whlte and pure with SOZODOKT, whole some and meat thorough of teeth prepara tions, which romevos tartar, renders the gnma healthy and purlflea the breath. if.M.WAw BMOIAL NOTJUKIT. V-W-vww.- Frem Sjraeoie, N. Y. "1 fel tweak and languid: had palpitation of the heart and numbness of the llmna. Jfur tinek. Jlloett Jlilleri h ive cerl airily relieved inn. They are most excellent." Mr. .I.M. Wrlht. Kersnln by II. Jl. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 133 North Quuen atreet, .Lancaster. Kicked Out. , Hew many people thorn are who are strug gling te rlse la tills world that nre klcknd down nun out by envleni rivals. Tlmmat' JCo JCe leclrle 0(( never " kicked nut" Its patrons. It a true blun. Ter threat, nrraallnnr, aitlnrm nnd ratarrh Itltnsertuln nnd rapid euro rer sain by II. Ii Ceclirun druggist, 137 and m .North (JufKin street, J-nnceaUir. Neme tilteng Blluitcd Weman Cnnregulate tbclr hunhinds amazingly fast, slimild they notde their duty. Jlunleck Rlned JUIlrr$ aie n geed regulator et the circulation. 'J hey are cxclmtlveiy abloed tonle, nnd eon een eon eenuentlyatrlkoat trm root of many surleua idlinunta. 1'er sain (Jechian, drug gist, 117 und ii1! North (juenn Htieiil, I nncnsler- M'ANNMitMtKH'H. nit.ADii.riiii, Wednesday, May e, lsss. What the types tell from day te day is only a murmur of what is going en here. News, geed news, store news enough te fill the paper. Hints must serve you. We point te a geed tiling here and there ; net a word of the thousand ether just as geed things scattered all about. Yeu take them for granted. Women's and Children's I Iesiery at about hall price. Women's and Children's Dresses and Wraps for about half price. They stand for a hundred ether about half-price things Underwear. Dress S t u ff s.. r l. 1-t .. . n.v- 'l -u"wry wiut.Awjfr-'-TOi here, butwctlgirt try te hang each 6ne up en a print-peg for you. One means dozens, whatever the sort. Twe hall-strange faces in the billowy Challis black grounds with white figures. A little let just here; Choice, scarce; they'll go out humming when you run across them. We want them te go ; the worry is where te turn for mere. Northwest et centre. A couple of Dress Stuffs at random : Plaid with polka dots. New est colorings sleet, gebelin, serpent, terra-cotta. 75c from Camel's-hair Carrcaux in visible checks a dozen timely colors 75c te Ji. Dollars have shrunk just like that almost anywhere you step. Southeast of centre. Everything for Baby. The brightest, freshest, newest things always. Bargain lets, tee, whenever we can scrape them together. We keep the corners of the stock dug out, and that every new and then puts in your way te save a pretty penny. Te-day there are Caps, Dresses, Coats and Slips. Let two items signify for all : 35 Coats, made te sell at $5 ; sizes 2, 3, .;, shall go at $2.50. 30 cream - colored Coats ; sizes 2, 3, 4. Seme of the fin est novelties of the season, at about twe.thirds. 4 te 9, were 6 tei.i. T if w Second iloer, near .lunlper nnd Chestnut nil eels corner. Take ele aters. New that printed Mehairs are really handsome there is a brilliant future for them. Snowy surface sprinkled with blossoms. Pat for panels, trains, waist decorations, and entire cos tumes. Northerner centre. The trading world is full of surprises. Here is one, a big one in Ties, One el the best makers of men's Ties in Lon Len Lon eon sent us a sample Four-in-Hand Scarf, with bits of pat terns and a cable cede. In less than an hour our acceptance was with him, and the goods were at once shipped en a fast new mi our counters and are rade in one of street windows. en dress pa our Chestnut They are of extra quality China Silk, alike en both sides. Celer-grounds navy, white, and an indescrib able blue, handsomely printed in polka dots and odd designs ; also plain white. The price is the surprise 37 j4 c ! You'll wonder when you see the goods. Ubentnut street entrance only. The toughest and most flexi ble of all the stiffish leathers gees into &" Welts." Peer stock won't make geed Welt leather. But why net Welt prOOD'B 8AR8A.PAH1LLA, Keep the we believe noed'i Hannparllla Is the vary beat medicine te take te keep the bleed pore and te expel the gennsef scrofula, saltrlieum, and ether poUens which cause ae ranch suffer. Ing, and soeneror later undermine the general health. By IU peculiar curative power, Heed's Huranparltla strengthens the system while It eradiates disease. ' Jtarlr last iprlna; 1 waa very much run down, had nervous headache, lei t misers, bio and nil that. I took Heed's Sarsaparilla and waa much bonefittod by It. I recommend It te my fiiendi." Haa. J. M. Tatlc. 1119 Buclld Avenne, Cleveland, Ohie. i Heed's Sarsaparilla "Veraflnt-clMaapnec medicine my wile and I both tblnk very highly et HoeAki Bar aaparllla. We both took It last spring. It did us a grat deal of geed and we felt better through the het weather than evor before. It cured my wife of sick headache, from which abe haa aunered a great deal, and relieved me of a dlir.y, tlted feeling. 1 think every one ought te take something te purify tbe bleed bofero the het weather oemos en, and we shall cerlalnly take Uoed'aBarsapartllatbls spring." 3. 11. 1'iAaea, Bupt. Grant te Kail way Ce , Con cord N. II, Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all drnggtsta. H atx for (B. Prepared i Beld by all druggists. II six for 15. Propired euly by C. I. IIOOU CO Lewell, only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. Mass. 100 Dosea One Dellar. I 100 Deses One Dellar, i' j-j -,.-..---...-.- ....- TIOOD'8 HAUHAPARIMA. FOH SAIjK -a-a. ea. 137 ana jet North qneen St., Ijvncastcr, ra. WANAMAKKR'a. leather tinner? for the whole Shee Happy thought. First fruit, Seashore Oxfords of rus set Welt. Neatest, strongest, hardiest of all the light, cheap Outing Shoes, $1.75. Softer, dressier : coffee-colored Geat Oxfords, hand sewed, $3.50. A better get up and a mere stylish Shee than you commonly get for consider ably mere. Ne such 3 shoe for men as the "Wanamaker Wearwcll." Calf-vamp, kid top, smooth in sole. Congress and lace. War ranted. Sent anywhere for $3. Say whether your feet is wide or medium. Market stroet front, west of Main Alsle. JOHN WANAMAKER, Phllndelphla. J-AI.AUH or VAHHlOIf. AHTRICn'H PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. An extraordinary geed ad- vcrtisement. One that will pay you te read. The biggest hit we ever made. Meney thrown away by us. Yeu can come and pick it up if you are wide awake. What is it going te be this time ? Anether cheap sale ? Yes ! Our great sale of Underwear has commenced. The immense crowd which has attended this sale compels us te limit it te the hours be tween 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. each clay. Please take notice ! This will be, beyond a doubt, the best thing you ever heard of. Why? First On account of the quantity. Second The price. Third The assortment. Fourth The time of the year. Quantity Five hundred doz en by actual count. Come in Monday and see them. Price One-half the let at 25c each, the ether at 50c apiece. Your choice as te styles and quality. The Assortment Night gowns, Skirts, Chemise, drawers, Corset Cevers and Lawn Aprons. The Time Just in the height of the season, just when you need them most, when each piece is worth from 50c te $1, we offer them te you at 25c apiece, and the cream of the let at 50c. Yeu must come ! Yeu cannot afford te miss this chance. Don't threw your money away by staying away ! Come early, as thecrewd will be big. ASTRICH'S P. O. F., Lancaster. TJKCOMMKNDKU JtY KMINKMT PHYSICIANS The "Best "Tonic, a Concimlmted Liquid Kxtrart of Unit and llepj, rer sale enl at J. O. UOUQHTON A CO , Noh. -) and 21 Weal King sUitel 0ICK SlTRQlTKIHKMA lUXAL COMl-ANl, I'uknkk LuiiMiTee ami Davis Stiikicth, llALTIHOKa, aluy A, ItiSx VrimOKIH UKRKHV QIVKN THAT --;i a general moetlntr et the Utorkhelders et this ceinpiuy will lieheldut thoeillcoln Haiti innie, en MUNllAY, tm llth day et MA, It, ut 1 o'clock p. in., for ilie election of till. ter and uiuuuvur Inr thu nusulng your. 'Ihe trannier books will be clnsed Ireui Mon day, the 7th Instant, until alter the election, lly order, UUbJCUrD. UttOWN, wasum Treasurer. Bleed Pure rer a geed sprlnc medicine we confidently recommend lloed'a Sarsaparilla. by Its use the bleed is purlOed, enriched and vltalUed, Hut tired feeling Is entirely ovorceme, and the whole body given strength and vigor. The appetite Is restored and sharpened, th diges tive organ are toned, and the kidney and llver Invigorated. Theie who have never tried 11 cod's Sarsa parilla should de ae this aptlng. It Is a thor oughly honest and reliable preparation, purely vegetable, and contain no inlurlen IngTfcdl ent whatever. Thousands testify te Its pecu liar curative power. Purifies the Bleed " 1 had erysipelas In the worst form, being aarly covered with blisters. My husband heard or lloed'a Barsaparllla and Insisted en my taking It, though 1 had IllUe faith. 1 had taken but a few doses, when I began te leal better, aud In a week I was sura It was doing me geed. 1 continued te take It according te direction and when the first bottle was geno I waa entirely well. I have net been troubled by erysipelas since." Mrs. L Bacev, Brim Held, Mass. N. II. If you derlile te take lloed'a Baraapa rllla de net be Induced te buy any ether. . . . - - - AT H. H. COCHRAN'S DRUO STORE, apri 2mdft w rOR BALK OR RHNT. RKHtDKNCK ON of Unke street. THK EAST HIDK between Oramre and iueaiuui, ier rent, mnutd Inquire of A.J.8TKINMAN, At this Office. NOW KKADV. l'artlea wishing te view the North Dnke troet"GroonHtonu Frent" Houses, can de se by calling at the fourth housn.frem New street, which Is new complete and onen for In spection from 9 a. tn. te 10 p. m. declO-tfd KDWIN KI1KKHAN. TOR RKNT. M! A three-story lire-proof Wnrehouse nlt able for tobneoo or manufacturing purpeses. situated en Kast Urnnt street. Imintre at S KAST KINO 8TIIKKT. Terms reasonable, l'oseesslou liuuiodlalely, inar3 cedtfd EOR KUNT-PROM. APRIL. 1, 1888, for one or a term of yenra, the Strestiurg ltallread, with Ceal and Lumber Yard, Ware house, Locomotive nLd Oars: all In geed and miming erder. The loase of this valuable properly prusenta a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage fn a pleasunt, well established and profitable buslnuss. for con ditions, rent or ether Information apply te THUS, or UKNltY 1IAUMU AUUNKK, mB-tra Lancaster city, ra. COMPJ.KX10K rO WDKR. rOMl'liEXlON POWDEK. LADIES WIIO.VAl.UK A IIHK1NK1) COMI'I.KXION MUST U8K POZZONTS COMPLEXION POWJDER, It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the skin. Removes all pimples, lrerkles and Ols Ols Ols coleratlnns, and mnkes the skin delicately soft and beauttf ill. ltcentntns no llme, whlte, lead or arsenic. In three shades, pink or flesh, whlte and brunette. rOU SALE BY All Druggists arid. Faney Goods Doalers Everywhere -IIKWAllK Of 1UITATIONS.-E aprtu lvd QUKHN8WARR. TX1UU t MARTIN, CHINA HALL. CLEARING! SALE That fasts twelve months In tne year. The bee til null ty for the money always te be had thore. Hl'KCIAL INDUCKMKNTS TO NEW HOUSEKEEPERS! ToaSeta. Whlte Orantte Ken. Dinner Bets, Whlte Urnlte..t.M. Dinner Seta, l'rtnted I3.TJ. Ne Reeds misrepresented. All wares ox ex ox ehangud It net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, LANUASTICICPA. HUM it Kit RESORTS. T UK "CUALt'ONTK" Ocean Knd of North Cnrnllnn Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. K. KOlIKItTS A SONS. prJ-lmd A TLANTIO CITY, N. J, THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Largest Mett Convenient Hetel. Kleguntly Furnished. Liberally Managed. Coach te and from lleuch and Trains, orchestra Unsle. CliAB. MuULAUiC, 1'IOp. W. K. Cih'ura N. Chief Clerk. tet2 j-Amd C Al'ON Hl'KlNUSANi) itATllS. ALKA1NK L1TIIIA AND Stll'KltlOU 1UO.N WATUKS, llAMl'SUtUK COUNTY. W. VA. this celobrated Mountain Kesert for health and pltusuie. ilaths et nny tempemtuie ; u summer cllmatn iinsnrpassed: a charming summer home with Its many improvement, accommodating Me guestx, ejiens .1 une 1. Ker medluil and ether tcbtimmiy, seud for circu lar. IVM, 11. 8ALK, niayT-'iltd l'roprleter. WJNRUAA1) J.1UUORN. JIOR 1IOUCHE 8KC, 1'11'Xll HKIDSIKCK, l'OMUlCIlYSlCO, AndU.U. UUUM KXTltA OUY, -IIO TO - KKIUAKT'SOLI) WINKSTOKK, Ne. 2) KAST KINU BTUKRT. 81'KCIAL (1UEAT WK9TEIIN, TIIK K1NK3T AJlKltlOANOUAMPAdNlt IN THK MAltKKT. OUH OWN HUAND. BKIUAUT'SOLU WINKSTOKK. NO. ? KAST KINO 8T11KKT. rOUTAYLOU'ttlitlBll WHISKY, IN 1IOTT1.K8, 81'KCIAL 1UTOKTAT10N, ae te UKlUAUT'aOLU WINK 8TOUK, NO. ) KAST KINO BTUKKT. "01l THK 1IKST llltANDY, WHISKY, WINK AND OIN, Kir., OO TO UK1UAUT'3 0LU WINK 8T011K, NO.I3KAST KINO 8TKKKT iJIOXVil. TNVKSTMENT COMPANY. 7 INTEREST THK U.S. LAND AND 1NK8TMKNT COMPANY eilers n limited number of lis First UortgHtre U IMir cent. 10 j car Ueld Henda at IU, liettlng7 pur cent, lnlen'Ht (geld) and git us u stock llUNUS or I'Ol Willi KACH il.lie HON I). Value et Pennsylvania preiwirty over.ffl.oo.fKO ltended Issue l.ioiue Annual lnurest Charges ui,dU) Kstlumted Income t Ceal, Iren, Mines, etc SftO.trc forties wishing mte liivcituiuuu at a llberul mlu el lnteiest. Address OHA8. A. FBNN, TrcriBurer, Broadway and 6 Wall Street, New York-tuar4meodA3tw !-- FUItKITURB. "VUUS A GIBBS. 31 Up-Stairs. Wc are se busy that we arc compelled te keep open every evening. If you have no time during the day call in the even ing, and see our New Stock. Get our low prices before you buy elsewhere. OCHS & GIBBS, 31 Seuth Queen Street, Up-Stairs. atfrniya N KW TH1NUH IN FURNITURE AT rlEINITSH'S New ANTIQUK OAK SUITS, all Complete, with Mattress and Spring. The price will sur prise you. NATUUAL OHKUUY SUITS, nil complete Very 1'retty, Well Made and Durable, OLD BTANDAED WALNUT. We open Rex oea-, six New l'atterns at Six New l'rlcea. Several very low In price, but geed money'a worth all the time. Other New and Attractive Goods belng ahewn all the tline at Popular l'rlcea. HEINITSH'S 87 AND 29 BOUTHIQUBBN BT., LANCASTKU, PA. l'oreenal Attention 01 von te Undertak lng. TtriDMYER'a YOUR WANTS -IN- FURNITURE Can be anpplled at WIDMYER'S FUllNlTUltE STOltR "-TO WyBCOMrLOTKSATISFACTION. ATTUACTIVK 0001)3, ATTltACTIVB I'lllCKS. Give yourself the aatlsfactlen of seeing: lha Lericcst, Hest and Cheapest Stock In the City. Oer. East Kins & Duke Sts. WIDMYER'S COMER. lUlOCRRlKS. jmiNK UROCEKIK& W. A. REIST&CO., DKALEUS IN Fine Groceries ! Oer. East Kins and Duke Streets, LANCASTER, TA. Coffees, Teas and Sugars. Itenfler, enr Cetrees are roasted by the rf newned Hepe Mill?, or New Yerk, and are roasted nlce and evenly, no Injurious Color Celor Coler liiK Mutter being used. We limply ask you te try u sample pound of It, and It you are net pleasea de net worry or hesltatu what you should de, hut let us knew and we will refund your money as willingly as we received it. We de net claim Cetrees te be our only oliject In selling, but we want It te be one of them, and thatslrst-class. TBAB-Hnve you tiled our Teas? If net, de net hesltatu In trying It Wn want you te knew that we are mahing the above arilcles n specially In quality und pilce. .Special prices lu original packages. We have oxpiessly Jer rumliy Use, the Flnesttiardun Grewn Oolenp, Imperial aud Japan Teas lu 10-pound Jfiuicy Cartoons; coine and ask te see them, bum bum nier Is here and Iced Tea will taste nicely. PU0AU8 We nlmply say that the Sngar mutktjt Is firm and nny lerauln se torsemo time. Wu tmvn a nlce luHertment ler fi, 5K. 6. eKnnd 7c. Urauiilulcd 8c: special pnee en hbl.let. MOLAH3K8-Justrocelved,15harrolaofthat IlKht-as-heney Molajsesal tne old price; It has itdvancea stnre we bought. Alse, 111 bar rels el that 1'uruMutrer Syrup, nice ana light 5 Itustdte sell for UXc; wureducid ltte lUc. farmers, hrlnf? your cans and Jugs and have them rilled, at the old price. , l'KIINKS AND UALSINS are cheap, .lust think I New Prunes at (.'e. or 4 tMlorifte: nnrllestand Klnest French Prunes only lie V &. f'lne French Prunes 40a te t'te per Jar; they are 1 arpe Fleshy Fruit. New Large teal sins, sa.3 for :e. Canned and Bottled Goods, WCHKAP.-m We only Keep what w can llecemmend. Olve Us a 'Hint order. Telephene Conneetlon.' Krco Uellvery W. A. HEIST & CO.. Grocers. mr All OrAers l'mmptly Filled. OO At" TAUM(ARDNKR'B OOMPANY, COAL DEALERS. Orvioa'-Ne. 12J North QuconStreet, and Ne. SC4 North frlnce street. Yibmi: North I'rlnce Btroet, near ucadtng Denet, auir istfd LANOABTKU, l'A B 1L MARTIN. Wholesnln nnd Itetall Donler In all kinds of IjUMliKH Al UOALi. Yakd-Ne. IW North Wntcr and I'rlnc Btrnuts, above Louien Lancaster. uS lrd JiXCl'RMOXH. DH. MlIiljKIl, TOURIST ANU EMI- (JltATAOK AOKNT. Ifsues aictets te Till pails of the World, bpecUl Kxcurslen te the WEST At one fure for the round trip Grand select excursions te the losemlte Valley, lellew. stone enllnnal I ark, Les Angeles, Ban Iran. Cisco and Pacific Coast t'etuts, with cliolceot routes relurnlng and slay-overptlvllegns west of Chicago, circular teura from New jorkte prlnclpaTKuropean cities, I'alestlne and tha llely iMtia at very low rates. Fortnightly ex ex curnlens from Ilaltlmers te llosten. Montreal and down the BL Lwrenea. All Information concerning any contemplated trip cheerfully nlven litxi by calling or adaresslug l. f. Mil LKlt, Agent, Chicago. Ueck Islaua and 1'aclfle U. U.. no l."i North queen street, Lancaster, ra., or rr&ualin Ueuse. aprai-lmd BOOTS A XD BllOB. lAMAAKH, IOOT8 AND BHOES. D. P. STACKHOFSE. Beets and Shoes. Thanklniryoualllerthe quick response In coming In last week te aee our low price, and for many complimentary remarks which Were made e the cenvcnlencea-llght and nneral adaptation of my store ; and the heat of all waa thnexcecdlngly lowirleeswhloh alwaya haa tieen the main aprlna: of toy large business New I have leta of BOOT and OUOKS yet Thirty Thousand Dollars worth of BOOTS and BIIOKS meaha something. I did net bay them te keep, nor te let apell en the shelf ir low prices will move them t en they go, ler X am bound te soil. If you have net been dealing wllhna come In and leek around and get ac quainted 1 It don't matter whether yen pur chase or net, we will try and use yen welt, D. K STACKHOUSE, 98 & 80 BAET KINO, BT., LANCASTKU. PA. aTOlydAw N KW BUOK HTORE. S e VILKFA'H OLID HRVICEABLE GHOOL HOES. We have them, which for style and wear can not be excelled in heel and spring heel, with and without sole leather tips, for children and nil-ses' wear, for bevs In button and lace, and tae prlces you will Hud te be Juat tight. A large line of Oxford tles for ladles, misses' and children's we&r. Patent lealher, fexplaln tee and lips. A Bey's Solid Leather Shee, sizes 1 te 5, at 11.00; the same style of Hhoe ter men at II Xk. An easy Sllpper for lender feet Is one of glove klu and hand turned, very comfortable. rl. SWILKDY, (One Price te All cash Mere) Ve. 24 North Queen Street LANCASTKU, l'A. mnr22-3md F KKK TO KVEKYONE. A PAIR OF SHOES FREE TO EVERYONE Who can prove that the Men's Butten, Lace and Congress (Seamless) Dress Shee we are soiling for $:.oe Is net made of Qonulne Calf Bkln. We lake This Offer As the public generally are under the Impres sion that a shoe of this description cannot be bought for less thin tVH. THE BMSOHS WHY We can sell this Shoe ler ? J.00, arc, because we buy them In Large Quantities, Strictly for Cafh, and sell for Cash, and sttek te our motto; 11 QUICK SILKS AND NULL PROFIT!' This Is net the Only Shoe we are sel'lngata Bargain, but our Whele Line of Beets and Shoes are marked Oewn te Bettem 1'rlccs. Ladles' and Mlsses' Kid Opera Bllppers, 50 cents, regular price 7R cents. Ladle s' Patent Leather TI p Lace Lew Shoes, 75 cenU, regular price, fl CO. Ladles' Pebble Butten Bhecs, 95 cents, regu lar prlee, 11.00. Men's Lace and Congresa Sewed Dress Shoes, 11.25. Men's, Beys' and Youths' Lace Shoes, II 00. Child's Grain Butten Selar lip bhoes, 8 te 10X, lleels or Spring Meels, 83 cents; Misses', lOO. The Cne-Vrice (Vhli Heuse, t I The Leadera of Lew Prlces In Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 BAST KINO STREET, LAN CASTER, PA. matSQ-lmd TR UKKB. - - T HUNKS. M. Haberbusli & Sen. TRUNKS- Our stock of Trunks and Hags la new com plete. We cell special attention te our make of Ladles' Dress Trunks. Uandsome and convenient. Repairiagef all Trunks and Bags a Specialty, AT M. Haberlmsli & Sen's SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCASTKU. PA. , ATTURXXYH. TUTHEHB. KAUi'FMAN, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW, NO. 2 BOOTU 1'UINCK ST., Lancaster, 1'a. r-iytw FRET fflRT