. A. ' 7. ' THE LANCASTER DAXLY IELLIGENCEK. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1888. .Zr V" 3 M vr ft t& it- IZLI-. Ivv r'ji Zax KVV ? fc mk !' ?''-- LH!-: SAa m II t &. WATER, NOTHING BDT WATER tea .tBtt ir or a wemax i.nhate THK COIWET llOSl'lTAU or t Oi iX IMM Het Want reed Bcnsn Bht ) &. Mi Pem Net Ned lt-Net a Partlels of An) thing DilVitn l'twi Utr Lips Derlrf the fast Six tTetks. One of th9 meat remarkable ca ever rjff-Mewn in tea community it mat 01 raary j. t' '.i;Wldl, m Inmate etthe Lancaiier county 1-J "V a t. -..- .l- . . - ..-..... Ksf te-dav Mac oartlele of feed of any kind )?' -- i--i.- .''Btel,a rMM A Stair. A nlnl nf raa.r ftlirlflC .. "WSfca, aiaai T haa hunlmnlMmtMIIIDN ,w.'' " ""-7"r . ,ii... , i' '-! woman rxtnn te rasr. Bin u ""it" "rf !! t . ... !. anH mrtnn after ft WU rraaed potatoes. Finally aha began & !& lire upon netHUHt but bread and butter. abandoned tbeae ana tee 10 erscmrs & Mutetik wkiahabaate for a while. She -, ionkbeUi eftfecee finally and refused te take '?.- avavladaa of any oenaequenoo. On the Itlitaantri of laat May ahe waa taken te the .A-aeJlal where the baa alnoe been. t'''V, 'au,. retnmKit tn fit anil t first 7r it waa auppeaed that her stomach t'.' would net retain anything. It was seen r- found that this waa net the case, and It waa finally determined by Dr. Benaenlg and ths relatives that ahe should be fed by a kMm TMa waa nitnvtftit in ann am itir. jjr? .. ffAafkf tttttAvtv. It ti fnnnil nruvmaare In il'- Vain hiir At ftrat lint lteht fnnrl ifrvis) a-.- -. :."": :j.y r giren, out it waa grauuauy niaue mere Muuataiutiai. w i.w uiuuiin t.jv woman waa led in mis way. bee wan quite thin when Drat admitted te the In In atltutlen but Bhe grew much stouter and looked very well. At laat It waa thought that an appetite had been created ferher and that ahe ahe would cat of her own accord. It waa belleved that ahe would become feuncry after a lime. It waa thought beat te give her a trial without the une of the pump In order te ace what effect he r nksll nonce from feed would hare and with teme hope that ehe would tlnnlly become hungry enough te cat. It aeen that ahe la determined net te eat ami In order te aave her llfe force will again have te be rcaertcd te. Curing the alx wcokt wcekt that the woman has been fasting nheljae been taken te the table ttiroe ttmca cacti day with tbe ether lnmites and been com pelled te alt there during tbe dlnner hour. She hat been aaked and coaxed te cat at every meal, but ahe eoe-na determined te realat te the last evon ll It kllla her. When the woman wm firat admitted te the hoapltel It wat feand that although ahe pretended te re fuse all edibles, she would at tlmes man ( te get poaaevalen of little thlnga en the Bly, which ahe would eat. Hlnce aue begnn the preaent fast, It has been utterly lmpeealbja for lier te get anything except at the table and therone ene lias aeen tier take a bite. Bhe ban access te water Which ahe takes at tlmea of her own will and at ether times wheu osked. OI late aha has grown much thlnneraud pale. Bbe aeama te be In cenatanl fear that the pump will beused upon ber, and kcepa begging that It will net be allowed. The woman Is between SS nnd 40 yeara of age, with a husband dad ene child. When she first begin te abstain from feed ahe also refuaed te allow tbeoblldte have,nourlthment. When this waa learned the child was taken from her, Thereaaonfer this woman's Btrange con duct could nevcr be learned ; when Bikini concerning It she simply says that ahe don't want feed cud does net need it. Bhe baa sever given any ene mere satlslnctlen than this and seems te be poaseBaed of wonderful Will power. This morning whlle a re porter of tbe iNTELT.ieu.NCun was at the ttaepltal she was effered a small plcce el orange. Bhe placed It te her lips but Would net cat It and seen threw It nway. Bhe talks sensibly and seems te be rational en all subjects, but sbe scorns te faave n horror of feed or else Is very stubborn, ller case tea atrange ene and It Is likely that she will have te be forced te cat te provent deitb. A OAXAL HOATMAN INJUIIUI). SUM Knee Cap liruken Uj a fall Tim Sf oeuit Street liUltieieu Cliurch CIli m 1'Httur. Columbia, May 3, 1'atrJck UAvannugh, Captain of canal beats Hen. ISO and 157, el the l'enniylvanla canal company, met with a very severe aceldent, at Mantlceke, en Tuesday. He fell Inte the held of tbe beat breaking the knea cap of his left leg. The Injured man was brought te town lait evening en a canal beat and taken te his borne In WrlghUvllle. Called a Tailor. A congregational meeting held in the Besend Street Lutheran church last overl everl ing te conslder the election of a pastor. It Waa decided te extend a unanimous call te Rev. WUUs B. Uluman, of Ueblcsktll, New Yerk. Ilev. Ulnman proached In the town church a few weeki ego, and met the entire approval of tbe congregation. He ia a fine speaker and would be well iltted te became pastor of this church. Around the lUllremd' Messrs. Charles E. Pegh, B. M. Provest, Themas Oucker 'and ether ofllclels et the Pennsylvania railroad wero In town yoator yeator yoater day. The party were looking at the Inter eett et the company at this plase and tben left for Alteena. Conductor Jehn 8, Bnyder and Assistant Train Master Milten McFarlan, hnve wnde aa exchange in positions. Mr. McFarlan Is running ever the read as conductor, and Mr. Bnyder Is dispatcher at uight In the east yards.. The Pennsylvania railroad company are making extensive repairs at the sand Wharf at tbe Busquebanna river. The high water would wash away the wharr, caus ing considerable damage and te prevent tbla the oempnuy are building a new wharf. Tbe wharf will be constructed of cinder, built in such e manner that the high water Will net cause any damage. A Cocaine Main. A cooking main took place last cvenlng In tbe village In Silver Springs, about three miles from town, between birds from Mid dletewn and Silver Springs. The Middle town men had live fine birds and the country boys presented the same number. Plve battles were fought and the cocks of the visitors wen three battles. Considera ble money changed hands and It Is rumeied that another battle will take place en Whit Monday. rreuiaua ether Nole. Hen. O. C. KtuUman ana his daughter Helen went te Philadelphia this morning. Mr. Kauffman will attend the eeuleu of aupreme ceur'. Miss Bsdle Cowden, a sister of Mrr. Jas. A. Meyers, has returned te town from a Visit of one year te Kngland and ether places In Europe Mies Anna Wilsen, of I'arkcsburg, la the guest of the Misses Pmkerlen. The Methedlat church and chapel Bun day schools will observe Children's Day, ob Sunday, June 10th. The exercises will consist of musics responsive loadings, X Jeseph Yellels had a racket this morn tug at the heuse of Carsen Devan, en Tew Hill, ending In Yellets hitting Deven's wife. Devan and Jee then had a " set-te," und Jee breke Devan' wooden leg and bit him la the hand. Jee was sued for assault and battery before Sqitlre Kveuf, and gees te Jail for a trial at court. The Columbia Canoe club fave decided lopurehMe uniforms and a committee will leek after the matter. Several new mem bers have been elected. Several new beats wm arrive anertly and a double paper shell Mat baa been ordered from K. Waters, Trey, Mew Yerk. ' ..The Central National bank will be open far business en next Monday mernlnir. The centennial oemmitui me)t, t.n PtU day Bight lu the opera beuse wu,lur"' The funeral of Miss Susan Bensenig was held en Wednesday tltorneon. The funeral of Michael F, Lambirth was held this morning, from the Balem Luth eran chut cb. Wedding tela Morning, m This morning Samuel Shtead, son et Frederick Shresd, et the Centennial sa loon, was married te Miss Msggle Danz, daughter of William Dsnr, of Ne. 020 High stroet. The ceremeny took plsce In 8L Jeseph's church and It was perfermed by Itev. Father Gretemycr. After the wed ding there was a reception at the residency et the bride's parent. The newly msrrled couple leave at :li for Phlladelphls. A Mew Stere. EJwsrd B. Khrlsman, a well-known young man of this city, has opened a new stere at Ne. 1S4 North Queen street, wbere he Intends keeping en hand at all times a full line or fruits and stoek of the 11 nest cigars in the market, lly strict attention te business he hopes te merit a share et the public's patronage. Jno. K WeUierlll, of the Wllllmantle Cotten ceinpny, 1 1 In town looking alter the Interests of the coinp-iey he se ably represents. Arantumenta. 771 Btnry't MlnilrtU Te-niffM.-Ttati ever.. tng 111 lleury's minstrels, wne are making thctr oleventh tour of tbe country, will appear In ulten opera house. The company Includes Tem Dennelly, Fred Wilsen, Jehn Phillips, Jehn Doltcero. Shelvey Brethers. Uelmore and Wltaen, and many ethers. The Beeth llend Dally Jltglitrr sayst"Mnite hall waa crowded te 1U ntmestcapaclly Tuesday night, thi oceulon bfilng the appearance of HI Henry's celebrated minstrels. It was ene of Ue finest entcrtalnments of the kind ever given in this city. The Jokes and cemicalities were all new and retresfalng. 1 be entlre show was first-class, and the Immense audlpnce was kept in rentlnuil laughter from the first rais ing of Ihecnrtnln te tbe final tall." Ferepaugh'i Clreut and Wild HVi.-Bterlcs of Wcstern wariire have a strange and abiDrb Inglntorcstferall; but when theso scenes are reproduced by theso who In real Hie hnve pnrtlclpited In the exciting and eavage war war war taroef the frontler, that Interest exceeds all bound. It U evldent tint no stagoencem pnpsed by brick walls Is large enough te per mit the proper presentation of a spectacular tnt ltnry drama. Nothing smnller than the ttupondeui canvas covered ampblthf atre of the (treat KorepnUKhand " Wild West" coin- btnedshewa, wbteh exhibits In Lancaster en next Tuesday, Is large enough ler the pur pur pur poje. Dr. W. r. Carver, the lameus scout and deid shot, nnd scores of Indians, cow-boys and soldiers parllclpateln the Kioatscennsul frontler llfe und broader warfare. A settler's cuinpen the prairie, n Virginia rcel en horse herse back.lasROIng the butrale en the plains, and au attack by Indians en the everland mall coach, atn picturesquely Illustrated, and then fellows teallstle, dramatic, and Intensely thiilllng portrayals of the Mountain Mcttdeir Mntsncre and Custer's List Itnlly. Many of the Blenx Indians who participate In these thrilling inlmle battles were at the Custur massacre, ni.d their presoneo here among civ ilized people, nnd repreductlng scenes In their own lives, adds an Interest and realism te tbe exhibition ihu no meie ucter could ever hepti te produce upon the atage. VKATJIH. Kip.cnsin May 2, ItUS, In this r.tty, Anselm Klichnur, In thu JVeuly-sosend yoarel.hls age. The relatives nnd frlendaef the fav lly are respectfully invited te (attend tbe funeral, from tbe rtaldonce nf his .son-in-law, William IIoeunlnKer, Ne. 408 North l'rlnoe street, en Saturday morning at 8 30 o'clock. Illiluntun nt HL Antheny's chureh. Intormeut at Ht. Joseph'o cametery. MAKKxra. New Yerk market. . Nsw Tenir, May 8 Fleur mnrknt du'lt rine,r210ft'2:.1i bitperflne, (140O3I0: Minn Kitru,llKif510t City Mill. Kxlra,HU50tWi Minn. Whent extra, 85Q5 10. ' Wheat Ne. l. Kd. Htate. BCSTK" t Ne. 1, de 07K I Ne- 2. Wed. Winter, iny, DlXei June, UJHc: recelpts, none i blpuicnlii.J,(MO. corn NO. v, Mtxtd, cash, C9f70ci May, CAet June, Kte ; recelpu, lS.tOJ : shipments, 2,0.fl. Oata-Ne.1. Whltn, BtAte, 4ltet No.S,de, 40OUK t de May, Kltie t June, 3 ;.n j receipts, Cl.uuu ( BlilpimniUi. SOiie. Uyudullf Btate 75c. Jlarlny nemluul. fork dull Old Mess, 111 23OH60; neK, 15ff 13 3). l.urd-May. tl 3 1 June, 13 S3 j July, I) 40. M onuses II nil ; for 60 boiling Blues, 70c. Turpentine- sUiady at Via. llesfn steady nt SI 2'Q1 22K- J'etroleum dulls Uenned lu Cases, UKc. rnilKblsnull t grain te Liverpool, HU. llutier steudy Wustern (Jieamery. W021e. CJheuse eay ; Wwtrn riat, llKUUa t Ohie Factory, llKO5ie I Fancy Whlte, ViQ I'Ze. Kirff" steady j Btntn, 15XC13ie j Wostern vy.Qzin. uuvnr dull ; ltoMned Cutlenf, 8c; Granula Granula Granula tol,7e. Tnllew steady; l'rlme City, 4Ji;e. Utro ijnletjciirelliimfalrlOKiKXl. BJe Oeffue nrui ; Fair Cuivees, ler ltle, U)ie. CIiIcake t'ruiluce etarfeet, Ciuoieo, May 8, 0.30 p. in. Mnrketopenod. Whom Muy, ble t Juue, 8JJ40 ; July, WJc.; Atir., f-iyic Cern May, 53J.0; June, 1&X July, KKC! Aug.MXa UutH May.S.Ke t June. Zli. July, 3'.';e.; Aug.,2i;e I'ntk May, 113 05; June, 113 70; July, 113 80. J.avd May, 8 05 ; June, 1310 j :July,J310t Aug. 1813 , ''"rt Hlbs-JutTc, 7 57. ; July, 17 13 ; Aug., 17 3J. cLoeiwa. Wheat May, 81; ; June, BIJie ; July, 83Je i Auk ,8le. com May, 67c; June, w;.e; July, MHe; Au., &HJu. Outs-May, 32ie; June, 3:0 Ju'r, 8JK0.; Aug,Sjc I'erk-May. 111(13; June, 113 73; Ju'y, I3 85; Au , IIS MiX. L-trd-Hny, M 10; June, 18 13; July, I817K1 Auk., 18 23. ' MuirtUlliB-iiiy, 733; June l73:K;July, 1743; Aug, 17 K. Ursln anil V rorliteus. rarnlibiHt liy b. K. Vundt, llroker. CUIOAUO, May 3, 1 uu o'cleck: p. m. Whtint. i:nrn Oikta. l'tirtr. Ijird. amy mx rr.i; my IK 8 13 8.13 June tyc July 8 AUKUSt nv Deceniber sM f' m)4 is te H 1S.H7 2-H 13.97 8 17 b.VS Oil city, crudu Oil 80X Closing l'rlci'a-2 o'clock p. m nuai. corn. uatn. fork. I urn. Miy SIS' (7 S'.V. IS 83 8 10 June t: K S-t 13 73 MIS July H.jJ fi6, MW 11.81 8 4 AllKUit 84 K)i W1 13 VI b'il Dt-uamber Mi Oil Ulty. CiudiiOll. 83 Closing TMlces-.l SO o'clock p in, Wheat. Cern. Out, l'erk, J.nrd May B-i or axyi J3 , B ll June Vl July 83. August Hii Duumubur tCVi U city. Crucoeil & ZiX ! tU 8 17 B( 8S 13 11 h 11 U ttji 13-W E0), ecelpta. CarLeu. Wlnter Wheat 7 Spring Wheat 7 cru is ew 10J uy Parley Ueceipta liem , .ib.iOj Bteca ninrkaia. (juota'lensby Uoed, McQrunn A Ce., bank, era, LtiuciiBter, l'u. XBW YOKK LIST. 11 X. M. 12 at. Canada 1'actflc c. e. en ', Colurude Cunt Central l'aclfle '.',' Canada Southern 6ii; ki UM,lt UAl'bg .. ; Den.A Ule U.... .... " 3r M. iK te BiVi Siti 61 H , B 1 U) Oil. 14 1 7'. Mi 80 i & M, 111 Wi & mi 14i vy. net. Litir 13. -K III 7. lif MJi UJ Wf 44f no;' 1U7 lei as 77 trie . V.'i . ?4? Kne2nda mtj Jur (J. hj K.a t Len, A a L. Bhern Mich Cen Missouri rutin c HockVnlley N.l- K. 1". l'ref .. N.Wrsl N.1.C New Knuland 14 i" ?i,H I it'. in:; "'i kttSt leuniMSeu Kik fJrenen 'lmnsnerLatlini.' SAvi Ontario A V lw 1'acineMall S7 Ulehmena 'lenuinM 2S, t. l'aui ;,;;.; Texas Jacinc... Union I'ucinc ..,, Wubash Cem..,..., Wubasbl'rel WeBtum U ,, West bhare Ihinds miLAOSLruu list, l-eh. Vul II., N.Y.& l'hlla I's, li. 11 It aiding l-eh. Nav UeatenV, Pus " A J...................... N.ceut..................... l'tpeplea l'ejis , Ud. (ion's t-........ .................. Phlla.TncUen,M 27 va Hi 31 UK Si 317-1 .... f ZI .... .... ... .... ..,, .... 114 K MX Wtf ett KewTek Stocks. Ksw Ten, May 8, 1 p. wMeney closed at 2 per cnt-t JCxchange steady Ksted rates, II fGXcH f8Kl sclnal rates 14 MS 4 8f,Jforredaysandl f0 SSJi for demand Uovernment. closed steafly currency 8's, tl bid :'s cenp., II 2CJi I W de, II 07 bid. The sleck' market this morning opened firm and HOK Per cent, higher, but alter the first tow sties an attack en the Gould stocks weakened ths entire lilt, and by 11 o'clock prlees declined i te ?H for cent. Toward neon the market became firmer and nbuylng by the early settlers caused a recovery et te lit per cent. At ItSO the market It firmer. tJCW ADVRK TJHKMRNTH. Qblz-FAMUIONKD, ilUl' VUKSfX rUTMAlUQOhD, Only Se. Each, ltfi W.C.I'TFIta. WKIKEIi'8 FASHIONABLE MIL llnery nnd Trimming stere, Ne. t3 North Queen titrent, contains all the Aewrst and l.,tst Nevcltlea of the toasen. l'rlces rea sonable, call and see ear ew Uoeds. npnft tfd WANTKD-A COMl'MTliNT IjADV te lake full charge of a well establlihta Millinery atore. Address It "W.," AT THIB OFFICE. ABSIONKU KSTATK OK JOHN U lllnkley nnd wife, el Lancaster city, Lanantcr county, The unflcrslRned auditor, appointed tndlstrlbute the tialanceratnalnlng lu th bands C. u. llerr,asslgnr et Jehn I.. Illnklevand wife, te and among thoe lexallv entitled In the some, will U for that purpose en Thursday, June II, 1334. at 2 o'clock p. in., a.m.lnthi j.lbrary lloem el thnCouitlleusr,' In the City of Lancaster, wonre nil p-rsens Interested in said dlsttlhiitlnn mtynttend, CHUI-.TUl'llKU IIAUKlt, rnay3 4tdTh Auditor, QONOEKTTO N1QUTI COMMEUCIAL HOTEL 1 Ocns A Rsxtita 1'roptletor'. UKAND ITALIAN liUAr.TKTI'X. One of the bnst quartettes that ever ap- pennd In this city, will appenr Kvery KventiiK This Week. Come and hear them, Chantrn el pregramme every night mars 3 mil I3KNNHTfIiVANlAHrATKHANITAltY e:eNVKNTION. A Banltnry Convention will be he'd at Lew. Isliiirg, the sent nt llucknHI linlvetvllv, en 11IUH3IY arid ritlll AY. Mv IS and tit, 18 8, under ihe ausplUKH et thu htntn lleatd el Health, opening nt 2 p in , Triiittdny. Tbe convention will sit In MuMellnll, 'Ilietieud l miners for drtpgnles will be tlin linker 1 1 en n Tlin attendance of tioaltbefllcorsand mnuibers ofleoal beards el heultli Is especially Oeilrud. 'J he t-eoslens will tin epen te the pule He, and ladles urn particularly in Hed, u sub Jeotiet thodcepeit lnUrnt te brud of fsm ties na well iih of cnrneiaMnna will imdi.. ctusrd. Application torrffluced tallread lates should tie iiinile te J)r William n. Atkinson, Ne. 14U0 l'lne street, l'hl adelphla. HV OIU)Hi;e TIIKIHtAltn IlKVJiutn Lbb, Bec. inayJOwdlbii; R Kl'OItT OK Till: (lONDITiON OK Urn Northern ntlennl Ilink- nt I nnma. ter, In thiiMtitoet l'unnsvlvaiilu, at tte close of business, Apill te lfM : ncsei.-nrns. Lean nnd discounts U. S. lleinlnnuu l'rellilumH Iteiil I'Rlule 'urn nt fxp"(iB0 and tixes puld,. 1'reinlutns paid UO'Oive, laih In vault itudduu from lUuks , $113f83 4 f O.OiJi) 00 IM.SV0 00 4.0VJ 31 b.wuie 87,1 M 33 Total ma nam m. Capital stock pId In Bui plus ntxl undivided pielltt iruiiliitlen .. ., Deposits . tliV, W C3 $ 100,000 00 ,. 2J.I3I M ,, 43 Olie (O .. 11.4 90177 I 43JW0O3 K. J, IIYDIt, Ciisfller, ltd TITILI) WKSTHUOWa. THR GREAT FOREPATr&H -AND- SHOWS. HOIll UN1TKD will nxhlblt Afternoon and Kvenlng, ut The Largest, thoUldestComblsatlanot Menagerie, Museum, Circui?, mppoDneMB. And only ene with thu M lid Wrst Kxhlbltlnp Cntnlilnid. All Umutlrrllw mom et t lie Wild West, ub cxhlblted In New Yerk und 1'hlladuU plilu. CUSTER BATTLE MOUNTAIN MKA DOW MASBAOItK. Itobbery or the Overland Mall, Kmlgrant and oet I, lie, cowboys, Huoklnglfees. 200 Sai ages, Scouts nnd Soldiers. ADM FOUKl'AUOIt. Ji.'b, Jreat0-I!orse Hiruliick Art; lUendln,"anly Kquluu uver InUKht te Walk n Hepe j KouieTsaa't I'ecs; Dancing, righting. Clown, Musical, Cjuadillln and ryintnlu Klepliiiitn;togelherwltli A. Kite paugli, Jr.'s, Latest touuuUeti, " Kcllpse," the 'A'inppxu llorse. -iii the emhlned " WILD WKST " anil Keitl'.l'M till I'AllADK ntlOa,iii.,eiithdny et tixhlliltleu hern. Positively tlm MiMt Ito Ite markublu l'roceaslenal UlsHuy ever seen en tlm Btreetief an Ainerlciu city. Twe Com Cem pletu rerferinances D illy, at usual hours. Ad mission, te cunts children, under nine, vs cents. lOCOeeiits. Uhean Ueund'irli) Kieur. kleiisiiuull Linus of 'nuvel. Ter the accem modatien ei i no puoiie wne would avoid the crowds en the ground, reserved nuat ilcknin cnii be seemed ut I1IH3I1 llltO.'.i CLOTlllNO HTOItK. NOUT1I QUHKN S'l ItKKl' AM) UKN. TKKB()UAUK.nn thday of exhibition only, at the usual flight advuuee. AUTAT COLUMUIA, Mi.10. lr 5,1,5a It. MAKTINACO. LANCASTER STEAM Carpet Cleaning WORKS. NE1V SIACIHSEltY ! KEVIMi;ilOTK.UHSTS. We have added the Latest Improved Car put Cltuulug Machinery, iindhntjoue of thu best plauu In tlm .tali1, wKh u capacity of (.imj yiuus peruay. Carpets 'thoroughly Cleaned and Aired llrlghteued In Celer, nnd returned uaiue dav without tujury. 1( u Injure your carpet, no matter hew old or worn, we will replace it with a new one. hleaut doss net enter the carpet', inorely drives the machinery. ou nre welcome te cull at the works any time and Judge rer jour. self, und jear verdict will be the mmu as many ethers who hnve seen the machinery : That it dees net lujure the carpet at all, and htiud-beatliig does. Hand beating costs Just as much and dees net clean ; und en ft no car. pels doe i thorn a positive lejury, NEW PRICES. 1NQUAIM, .. BODY llltUB"LL3 ANDTAf L8TU18.8, Jc. Carjicts boaten by hand de net get the tono teno tone vallng and airing they should luve. lly our machinery they ure thoroughly aired nnd purlncd. A thing very necescuiy atter being en thu fleer lu a ilose room ter e leui? u time This pietess alone Is weith all the cost of cleaning. Carpets taken up, cleaned and rrlnia same day ; and If necessary, and a duy's notice Pe Blveii, can be icluld wlihluu couple of hours alter bulng taken up. -rnlghtpaldoue way en carrots out of the city, r-pcclal Dlsceuuta te Churches Ledge ltoems, Motels, A e. BK.VD OltDXllS TO J. B. MARTIN d CO. WUST KINO AND l'UINCK ST3. CUUU0U AND DUKK BXfl. (rhlxfl Fleur,) WIOWtT mm ADrmmtiaummata. m. . -. . . ...... -.--..--- "--ri-r--riTiieiail1riJ1,ii. ,t TJOTIOE. JL1 LAKCASTSnC0CrTTKATlO1ttI.nA3IX, I -. . a a . MSy 1,1888. ( 9The Beard of Directors hare tela day eic elared a Dividend of Five pr cent., payable en demand x. u, man ah an, mayi-std Cashier. pUBHUHALKOK Oecfecti ener's SupplieB, CH EOCTBT QCSSK IratST, , Of Ien Crf am Freezers, Csks BUnds, "aueers. Bncens, Fine Upright Engine and Beiler IteTsa), all psrtalntng te a eenfe'tlmery irade. Alse two Delivery Wagons and heavy Uarneia. Bale at 1 o'clock rrTday Afternoon. . H. M.DANCKACO. Are. F. IlstrgiiL. Anct. mt2tara,Th QPENINQOKANEW Frait ard Clgir Slore. The undersigned begs leave te Infermthn publla that ki will open tonight at Ne. lM Nonh Queen atreet, a new Fruit and cigar store i where will be kept frnlt of all klnda and ths choicest brands of clg-a'S. The patron age or the public, la respectfully solicited. ltd k-Dtr.B. CMItltlMAJ. OTIOH TO JlUlIiDKRS AND CON CON trncters. Healed proposals for making alterations te the City Il-lt will be received upte wrdnciday, May 9, l8Hat7p re. Plana and spactflcatlens can te seen at its Mayer's oftlce Ths comenittee reserves the right te relect any or all bids. All blda must be ac companied by;a certified check et tte as a for fer for feltute and a warranty rfgerd fall het bid dels. By order et I'reperty Crmmtttee. JtD W. t. BUI NTO !, Chairman. myJtd . maast King street. UH1NK8S MK PHODh MADE PLullN, The system of Instruction at the LANCASTKU COMMEUCIAL COLLKQX. Is se slmple and plain that any young la v or gentlnmnn ran easily master all the details of abuslness education. LIBKIIAT, TRBM9. Kvenlng Sessions Tuesdays, Wednes hhu mimuym. i uu luinrmsumi fllTen Dy II.C.WXIIILKB. Lancaster Commercial CeUegs, Unnulnr, l'. LU ectlS-tfd Wl'ltINO, 18i8. Fine Tailoring. This Is te Inform my. customers that lam new prepared te ehew them an Assortment of Bprlng milting ana Trwserlng that cannot be surpassed. The Latest Novelties in Bprlng Overceating et my own Importation and confined styles, H. GERHART, FINE IMI'OllTlNQTAILOlt. NO.taNOUTU UUKKN BT LANOABTKlt, l'A. DB. MII.LEK, TOUK1ST ANO EMI- HIIATIOS AOKNT. lsus Tloirets te nil parts of the World, tpeelal Excursion te thu WEST At ene fsre for the round trip. Grand select eicumlrns te the Yesemlta Val ey, Yellow stone national t ark, Les Angeles, Han Fran clicn and 1'nrllla coast 1'elntB, with cboieoof routes returning und stay-ever privileges west of (JlilcaRO. ell cular tours Irnm New Yerk te principal Hurepean cities, 1'olesttne and the Hely Land nt very low rates, fortnightly ex cursions Irein Haltlmeri te Bosten, Montreal and down the SL Lawrence. All Information cnncernlugany contemplated trip cheerfully slvnn IreHbvcalllPKeraddrnaalnir I). M. mil. LBlt, AKent, Chicago. Keck Islaua nnd 1'aclflc It. it. Ne 1M North queen street, Lancaster, l'a., or i'ranklln Ilouse. apill-lmd G RE AT BACIUl'lOE I SLATE MANTELS ATLE83TIIAN COST 1 1 During April an A Muy tbe Cheapest 8!ate M.uit'ilsover etfcitd m Lancaster euu bepur- uuutacvAUb NO. 25 80UT1I QUEEN BT. Thestock'en hand being limited, tlm entire let will pretiably tin sold ucluie thoexptratton of the time spec-mud. Tu sccuru u lUrguln call cenn at Houth Onecn Stzeet Mirble Works, I'KAUSONE. GUUaEIt,Bupt. aplO-lmdlu.lh.uAlmir A BTKlOIl'a PALACE OF FASHION, 1 3 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. White Hats are open te-day. We are ready for het summer trade in spite of the cool wave. We have put a May pole in our window. Bring the children down te see it. It leeks se pretty te see the many little dells dancing around the festooned pole, each holding a ribbon string in their tiny little hands. Always in for it, te offer at tractions and bargains. This week it is Torchon Laces. The best bargains at iec a yard. Ne such laces ever sold less than i S te 20c. Handmade Linen as fine as Valenciennes Lace, te 1 inch wide. Just in time for Fancy Rib bons. Upwards el three hun dred pieces. Ne. 1 6. Fancy Ribbons, new, heavy, all-silk gres grain, Moiree, best colors, at 25c a yard. If you can get as geed anywhere else at less" than 50c we will give you ours. Come and see if it is net as we say. Fans are expected in te-day. We will advertise them later. Remember that we have them cheap ! Seme special jobs in Chil dren's long Slips. Cambric with embroidery edgings. In serting at 75c, sold everywhere else at from $1 te $1.25. One case of Gauze Balbrig gan Vests, short sleeves, silk stitched, silk bound, and pearl buttons. 39c worth fully 75c, sizes 26 te 38. A few items in Parasols, 24 inch twilled silk, $1.25. 24-inch Gleria, $1.50, Para gen lrame. 24-inch GeM Knob, 1,75, Gleria Silk, Paragon frame. Satin Parasols, lined and lace trimmed, pure silk, Spanish lace, 4 inches wide, only $1.85, would cost as much at the manufac turers te day. When they are sold they cannot be duplicated. Our next grade is $2.50, sold everywhere at $3.25 te $3 50. Read our advertisement and keep yourself posted. ASTRICH'S P. O. F., Lancaster. NBW ADVXR T1RKMRKT8. G KOUKHYHIOHE KOH BALK AT A -- ain ..,.. . .." .j. aiaiiu ill M'nu t and the two beasts for rent bean Call at Maand&ItTIilliDBT, f aff.lwd Oelnmbls. l'a. NOTIUK THE WATKBDUFUOATK Is new In ths bands of the City Tress urer. for eelb-ctlnn of wair rents. An abate ment of 6 per cent, will bi made for prompt paymens nrttea henr : 8.-00 s. rn. te 12.-10 u , and 1 telas 01 p.m. dally en Monday, Wed nesflay ana Saturday the office will be open In the evening from 7.00 te :' p. m. J.II.HATItrON, apmtfdtt Llty Treasurer. TK THK UMVK DHES8INO FOK Ladles' and Children's Shoes-put en a Finn, belt finish, frenth Hlacklng-f, 8, 10 and IS cents a ber, at UUHLET'rt DRUOBTOBK, Ne. K West King 8UTOL J AOOB F. SUKAFFKK'H PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) MO. 1SCKNTUK BQUAHK. 8YLUM -or- lancaster Cemmandery, Ne. 13, K.T. LAacAsTna Fa., Mays, 1(83. All nembera of the Cemmandery who In. tend going te l'lttsbnrg te attend the ESth Annual Conclave el the Grand Cemmandary of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania aud who have net yet responded te the circular, are requested te send tn thelr names at one. This ts necef sary tn erder that geed quarters can be seonred for all who go. lly order of OKOUGKH. IlOTIIKBMBt, imminent Commander. HcaaS. Gaba, Itecerder. It LANCASTEU COUNTY NATIONAL HANK, MAY SI. 1831. r.cseuKcxs. Leans nnd Discounts s etlftTirtf U.S. r our per cent bends (par vulue) SO.one 00 Han klnghntM0H"0 ether iral estate 45,u21 vrt Current Kxpencs and laves puld.. S.tui 54 Checks and Other Cush Items 1,0:3 90 llcsci-ve, lawful money lu vault I ana Usances due by Hanks...... j 232.071 83 Total jl.sifMTln t.tAsatTirs. Capital Stock ra'd In Hurplus Kuiiil Undivided Profits , Circulation Dividends Unpaid Individual Deposits Due teHauks , 800,000 00 ISI',000 00 67 317 14 45,(lO 10 6OI00 719 C6 7S 8,9 '3 VJ Total SI.3I1.M7 16 F. n. SRENEMAN, Cashier, J. L. Mrrzetn, ) I'ATinti hi: n alt. Directors. Lawts llALnr, ) ltd BKPOUTOFTnKCONDITIONOFrnK Pcltex XA.TIOKAL iukk, of Lancas caster, In the Hlate or i'einmyivaula, at the clese of business April te, 184 : Itr.SOUl'.CES. Leans nnddlsceunts 377 B71 7S U. b. liends te sccuru circulation .... f 0,000 00 Due from nppteved leserve lUfents.. 77,4010 Due from ether National Hanks ratfiira Heal Lstntc, Furniture nnd Fixture.. 81,000 CO Current expenses und tuxes paid 4 t-3t 10 Premium puld 7,tNO 00 Checks and ether cash Items 21,301 in Hills of ether banks '.IVMOO Fractional paper currency, nickels andcents 1,'sl f8 Specie SJ.2I4 a I.cgnl tender note 14,W0 te Ilcileniptien ftindwlth U.P.Trsasurur (5 percent, of circulation) 5,?50 00 Total s V77.70J 21 LIAIIILITIUS. Capital stock paid In $200,000 00 Surplus Fund 0u,0"0 00 Undivided 1'ieflts J8t-7S7 National Hunk Notes Outstanding.... 4J,tx0 00 Dividends unpiild 610 00 Individual depesltssubtect te check. 600.7S') 18 iicumuii rcriiucnicg 01 deposit 4.7CS an Due te ether National Hunks SL.ttl) 14 Duoleaialu ltauluund Hunkers 0,933 01 Total f 977.761 til Stale 0 renmulvanta. Count) 0 Lancajfer, 11.: I, Jehn C. Carter, cashier, of the above named liank, de elcmnly swear that the above statement, in true te the best of my knowl edge and belief. JUlla C. CAbTKK, Cashier. 8ubrrlbefl nnd sworn te before me this 3d day efiluylsbj. JKUKUIAU itiru, Netury Public, .t It HITMUK. UAMUKL uuerr, JuilM D. bldl.K!'. Dlreoters. Cerrect Attest- KnrOttT OFTIIE CONDITION OFTIIH Funnel. ' Nutlenal Hunk, ut Lancaster, li tlin htte of l'eim-vlvanlu, ut thu clese of butlncis, April 30. IbSS : KKSOUItCES. Leans and discounts Jl,C03,f 47 81 Overdialt, seemed and unsecured 01 fit U. H. Jlends te secure cltciilmien... TO te) 01 U.H Hends toseeuiodepo-lts 100 0 0 CO Dae from approved rusei vu agents ltiO.OIs 97 Due from ether National Hunks.... 64X49.T4 Due from State banknand bankers. 4IK fin lt.alestute, wnd safe deposit vault,. 40,000 10 Current expenses a dtuxt-gpald , litis (8 Check, and ether cash Items n.U'j 76 HlllBiif ether lianlis S5.5UI te fractional pap-r curruucy.nlckels, and canto..... n M Speclu SMiii Lenal umCer notes ,B,ilVi 00 ltedemptleu fund with U. 8. Treu. utcr ( 0 percent, of cliculatleu). . 2,2:0 00 Total tl.7f.7,t?i 2 L1ADIL1T1EL Capital stock paid In t 4'0,X) 00 Uuipluslund 24'HOilH) Undivided profits CI OTti la Natlnual Hunk notes outstanding . il.e 0 10 DWldxnds unpild 1 M) en lndlvldualdepnstls.suliloittieheck 730t,JZ 4 Demand cuitlllcutts of deposit n.n . Untied Htates depe,ltn 101 A' 2 00 DeposltsetU. h. Dlebu 8lif Ulcers 6 4ISUO Due toether National lliiifs 77,5:7117 DueteatUullAUksbudbankers.... 'JJt 00 Total fl 7r7 B71 21 a ei'nnji'Iiaii(a, County of Ixtucatter, tt. I, C. A. ren Dt-rsmlth Luxhlur of the abovo abevo above nauiod bank, de solemnly swear tlm the above statement. Is true te the bostet my knowledge und belli t O. A. FOJf DEItSMITH, Cashier. Bubsclbed and sworn te bsiore m this 3d day of May, IS. UfiAt. K. LONu, hetary 1'ubllc. Correct-Attest: tv. D.si'itEnriKii, J I'. WtCKKKiltAal, J011NU. WAUS-Kb, Dlrtotera. "JTKW AT Sivler's Hew Stere, Bumtnur Merine lUlbilggan and Oauzq L'n derwea'. Men'a and Heys Laundrlr d and Unlaundrled Shirts at bOc. T.c, tl.l 0 and tl.' i Fljurel l'oicile bhlrt. all with two cellars and curTs, f0;, 77c and tl CO. Fancy Cheviot and iriannel Shirts, JJc, 503 tetiW. irull Kegular MaCe Uelbrlecan and Fancy Hese 15c a pair, All-Linen Cellars '1 for I3c. All-l.tnen CurTs, 15e : rull Ltnoet Ntckweir, Handket chiefs. The best make of Suapeudrs In tbe city. rull Lines of Uenfs Cutr Uuttens, Cellar Buttens and Seirf l'lns, Kverythtng In rurulshlng Goods at Lewest fash Prices. rlt will pay you te ceme and scoeur goods. JOHI S. GIVLER, Ne?. 6 & 8 North Queen St., LA.NCASTEU, l'A. lnarlO UOJtw HVaHHMKTM. F UL.TON OPEKA HOUSK. THTJR3DAT, MAY 3d. On bleh occa.len will appear the rameut, Oilglnal and Only HI HENirtY'S rOPULAU-VUKMIUM MINSTRELS. Who will entertain you with one of the very Hst, Clejnist. UflKhtest aud Mel Nevel Ln. ter Hlnments lu the Minstrel Line, by a re fined uud carefully selected company of 83 Legitimate Mur Features S3 UeuiembertbeDsyand Date, TIIUH8DAV, XI A 1 ad,4itid our sj.ccUl Lew Admlstlen, 25, 35 and 60 Oenle. -av-l'.esetvtd Scats ea Eale at Opera lleuia Oder, mtta KRWAD VXRT18KMKMTH. EBTATK CJF MK4. ALICE If. BARRT 'a'. of Lancaster etty,de..a. Letters testsmerury en mler-estate hiving bees granted te the undersigned, all perseaaln. drbted theree are rqnrsted te make lmme. dlatnae'tlement, and these having claims tt demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing tn l.aicauer elly. . ..,. JOUN J.lltZPA'lBlCK. mayS-ftldTb executer. N KW YORK STORE. Gauze Underwear ! WATT &SH AND llave opened for Inspecttnn an Immense aatertment of L.ditg1, Otntltmen's ud Children's Summer Underwear. ladirv BALnmaeAN vests ixmg and onero eiceves, 'JJ ana ze cm cacn. LADtKS' WHITE OAUZK VEST8, Leng and Short Sleeves, 23. S3, 87Hnd SO eta each. LADIES' JEB3KT WAISTS, S3, 41 acd SO eents each. LADIES' LISLE TI1KKAD VK3T8, All CelOl f 75 cent eaeb. LADIES' SILK JERSKT VESTS, Faaey Colera, ll 25 each. QENT'S llALniliaOAN UNDEBWEAU, Leng and Short Sloeves, 2Je oath. GENT'S riNK GAUZE UNDERWEAR, IS. 37 and CO cents each. QENT'3 FREVCH I1ALBRIOQAN FUIETS AND DIIAWEBS, U) and 73 cents each. CUILDBEK'3 OAUZE UNDEltWEAK at 6, 8, 10, ltx cents each, CUILDUEN'fl BUMMKR UNDEKWEAU In all (li e and qualltl g At Lewest Prices, AT TUX New Yerk Stere. - - -'. 1 ' VLOTttlhU, ASKEW Oil ME. AT NOS. 131 AND JM WST KINO BTUKET. 027-ira T AD1ES AKD BOYS. ALONG STEP AHEAD. Ladies and Seys, Wn've taken a long step ahead te please the Ladles and Ot the Heys. Wo've placed the qual ties en the top round and the prices en the bottom Vhen you'ie shopping we offer you a comtnrta cemtnrta comtnrta b!e room te rent awhile and seu the stales. Seblnir Is bellevlnR, they Riv.Rnd tlint'gjust what brings us the quota et lady buyers. A leiix atji ahead in Heys' and Children's Clothing Most beautiful stylesandsuch gen oreus vurlaty. Wespi-n or prienngaln as we heard abidy say, "Se many Halts te llke and ae cheap." Hey' cults, alies 4 yerg te lft, tn fast colors, Norfolk and I'leated Tunic btyles, UW-alx I'ntterns. Choice designs In pin stripes and neat checks, Krey and brown ml led coloring, strictly wool, t.60 ana I7 At.en, Uanneckburn cheviets. Drpken plaids, and ae many, bard te tell which Is best. Ceat and Vest SnltB, with knee pants, for HoyslOtelS years. Be our Heys' doublekneo, denble heel and tee Fast IIIa.uk Hew. HeyB' Waists at 21e p'eated front nnd bick. Garnet's percales at 5ue aud fan color blues ut ,3e. It's the place te get the blggt at dollars weith. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Ml NOitTH 4UKKNUV. M EROHANT TAILORING I HAGER & BROTHER. GletWng Department! POINTS IN OUU CLOTHING. Styles Fit Finish Prices The Newest. Perfect Fitting, - The Best. - The Lewest. HAGER & BROTHER, no & 27 WEST KING ST. "rrr-iLLiAMSON & festek. Snmmer Weight All Weel FOR GENTLEMEN. SKLELECTION Or TKN l'Ol'ULAIi 8TTLSS. l'KICE J3S0. Tte Largest Asseitmcnttt Ladies' and Gent's Beets And Shoes A'l LOWEST PiUOS?. WJIHamsen & Fester, 32.3i,3G&38E.jaKUSTM LANCASTKlf, PA. BRANCH STORE, UABUISUUSO, PA, w DRT GOODS. i . , ... SPRING Wraps and Jackets ! NOW OPEN. Full Lines and Newest Styles. LADIIB' BBAUBD LACK WKAPS, LADIES' BTOOS.1KKTTZ JACKETS, LADIES' COBKSCKEW JACKETS. D1160NAL CLOTH JACKETS AND JEBSEY WAISTS. CKEAH AND COLOBED OASHMEBK SHAWLS. BLACK CASDMEBE AND MEUINO LON'G AND EQUAIIE SHAWLS. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 West King Street. B OdTON BIORK. Stamm Brethers' NEW STORE, NOS. 35 4 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Bight Acress from rotlefflca. SUBKLT YOU OUGHT TO TAKE A IBW MOMENTS TO LOOK AT OUB ATTKACTIONS, WUIOII MEAKSMONEYSAVED.MONXY MADE. BIG BAKGA1NSAND BEDUCED rincKs. err gees the rueriTs. take advantage, HUBRY UP, EL8B YOU WILL EKGKK.T YOUB SLOWNESS. SPRING DRESS GOODS 13 TUK GBEAT ATTEACTION. lext Cemes Embroideries. Swiss, Cambric ana Nainsoek: FLOUNCIJSTGS reu Ladies aed Childrea at I'leuieg Frieu. RIBBONS In Great Assortment at Our Always Popular Lew Prlees. UPKOlAIi INDUOKMKNTa IS BLACK HBNBIETTAS AND BLACK CASIIMIltEj. Special Attention glren te Fine Black Ne vel- tlOa. XJONT MISS THIS CHANCK. NEARLY 303 KINE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS Frem the best mabera In the world will tm offered for a short time only at It, I' anil 14 npleea lets tti tn the rt uiar price. Your lault 11 you miss this seldom offering. JKKSEYSI JEKSBYHI Oar 1'epnlar Lines of JEK9BYS Is pleastnffall. Yeu can t J ways be pleated. Prlees are Lew. pOSlEKY AND GLOVES IN IMMENSE VARIETY AtQalckSelllnir PrlcfS. BOSTON STORE Kes. 35 ud 37 North Queen" SI, Bight Acress from 1'ostcOce. wriiELiaurrsrsTeuK imtheciiv. I'ARAHOLS. Thit we are Headquarters for Umbrellas and Parasols Heine thi only Manufacturers In thlstec, tlen we aie able te offer you our Goods at Prices which we Guarantee te be Lewer than the same grade can ba pnrchued elsewhere. Our line of Pa asels and Sun Umbrellas Is En tirely Hew. We Have Ue Old Stock. R. B. & H., Ne. 14 East King Street. asrt JmO, ; tf t4. i&Je-dwr n - -