rHE LANCASTER DAILY INTEIiLIGENCER, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1883. FCLLKR OH CHART. tVht following original peam wm read by Maivllte W. roller, the appointee el the pre! dent for chief J utlee, at te Chicago Mem will tneetlng (or Urant en Auguit ISM i Let dmm te trumpet pek The trumpet te the cinnenrer without, The cannon te the heaven from etch redoubt, Kach lowly valley and each letty peak, Ai te hll rest the great eemmHtet gee Inte the pleasant land of earned repeie. the great commander, when la beard no meie the senttl of war' alarms. The begle's stirring note, the clang of arms. Depreciation's tengne would whisper than Only geed fertnne gave te him success. When was there greatneas fortune did net bteMt Net In his battle wen, Though long the well fought flelda may keep their namet Hut In the wide world' aentecf duty done, The gallant eelaler fl ad tha meed of f-me BU lire no struggle for smbl Ien' prise, Blmply the duty done that next htm IK. And a with him of old. Immortal Captain of triumphant Reme, Whose eagle made the rounded glob their hemr. Hew the grand enl f f true herole mould Despised resentment and inch meaner thing, That pace might gather all beneath her wing. He lamentation hs'e, The weary here lay him flewr. te rest A tired Inlant at tbe mother' breast Without a care, without a thought of fear, Waking te greet upe-t the ether ehere The glerlau host of comrade gene bsfjre. Xaith te It kindred earth j The iplrlt te the fellowship of aeuli t A slowly time the mUhty icrell unroll Of waiting ares yet te hare thetr birth. Fame, faithful te the tatthfal, writes en high, HI j name a one that was net born te die. Sevan Pestlv Negatives. NeverRotebed with cold or damp fret. Never lean with the back upon anything that Is oeld, Never begins Journey until the break fast has been eaten, , Never take warm drinks and then Im mediately go eat Inte the cold. Never ride In an open carriage nr near the Window of a car for a moment after exercise; it Is dangerous te health or even life. Never emit regular bathing1, for, unless the'akln Is In regular condition, tbe oeld will oleso the pores and favor congestion or ether disease. Never stand still In cold water, especially after having taken a alight degree of exer cise. A Choice In Flats. Frem the Washington Ulobe. Fannie, with a rich needle for a husband, te Katherlne, who Is the wife of a peer, but brainy man. Where are you llvleg new, Katie, dear T Katherlne In a nice little flit en a quiet street Fannie In n flat nn a quiet stroet 7 Per feetly dreadful, isn't It dear ? Katherlne I can't say that it Is. If I had my choice, Fannie, dear, te live In a flat or live with a flat, I am sure I'd cheese the former. The Hemilinl Stan la Lancaster. As' well as tbe handsomest, and ether are invited te call en any druggist and get re a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam ler the 3 hreat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely npen Its merits and Is guaranteed te cure and rolleveall Chmnle and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption, Prlee M Cents and si. JanlJ lyd&w (1) Rupture eureguaranteed by Dr.J. B Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia, Base at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers tall, advice free, send for circular, marlO-lydAw bFeCIAL NOTICES. TUK UEV. QKO. 11. Tit AY KB, nf Bourbon Ind says: "Beth myself and wire ewe our lives te BUlLOU'a CONSUMPTION CUKKS. Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Me 137 North quean street. (S) llncklen's Arnica Balve. Tet Bvst Sjilvb In the world for Cuts, Bruise Beres, Ulcers, Belt Uhenm, Fever Beres.Tetter, Chapped lianas, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Kb guaranteep te give per feet sattstactlen, or money refunded. Price n cents per box. Fer sale by II. Ji. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 and LB North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 3une27-lyd Mothen Mothers 1 1 Mothers I II Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WIMSLOW'S SOOTHINUSYBUP. It Will re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de pend upon It; there is no mistake about It. There is net a motheron earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at oneo that it Will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and reltef and health te the child, operating like magic It is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the tase, and la the prescription of one of the eldost and best female physicians and nurses in the United State. Beld everywhere, S3 cents a bottle. mayfO-lydAw H. IS. Cochran, Nm. 137 and 139 Norih Qawn street, Lancaster, Fa., is selling HUIi.OH'S COUUIl CUIUS as a guarantee te cure all hreat and lung troubles. 8) Oar Candidate for Prctldtnt. lie will be nominated by the convention and will be deited by th people, because he will come the nttuest te fllllna their Ideal of a Chlet MuglstnU). Aleotrle Hitters has been gtVHn thu highest plscp, because no ether medicine has no well tilled the Idenl et a per feet ton'e and nlteratlve. Ihe people have endorsed Kluctrle titters and rely upon this gnat remedy in all troubles et Liver, btemach and Kidneys. Fer all MalarUl Fevers and dtseases caused by Malarial I'otsens, Klectrlc Itinera cannot be tee highly recommended. Alse cures Headache and constipation. Batls Batls factien guaiantecd or money refunded. Frlce ft'le , at U. II. Cochran, Drug Bte-e, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, I sefferiHt for mere than ten years with that dreadful disease cattrru,and u.cd every avail able medicine which was recommended te me. I cannot thank you eneush ler the relief which your Cream Italm has afreided me. Bmannel Meyers, Wlndeld, L. I.. N. Y. Fer fl I te tin years 1 was annoyed with revere pain in the head and discharges In te my threat from catarrh. My sense ex smell was much impaired, Bv th use of Kiy'a Cream Balm l have overcome these troubles. J. JI. Case, BU Dents Hetel, N. X. a23 JwdeedAw BlIILOII'S CUltK wUl immediately relieve Croup. Whoepln Cough and Urencbltls. Fer ale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne, 147 North (Jueeu street. (7) Iteduclug Ibe.Surplus. The disposition of the surplus In the U. B. treasury engages tee attention nt our states men, but 11 mera vital question has our atten tion, and that is the reduction el the Burp us Consumptives, Since tbe discovery and in troduction of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, there his been a marked de crease In the meit&llty from this dreaded dis ease, and it is possible te still lurther reduce the number et consumptive. Mew t by keeping constantly en hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and using according te directions, upen the appearance of the II rat symptoms, such as a Cough, a Celd, a Bere Threat, a Chest, or hide Pain. Taken thu early a cure Is guimnteed. Trial bottles tree at If. It. Cochran's drug store. 187 and 139 North Queen atrtet, Lancas ter, Pa. (4) JUST AS GOOD. Don't allow anyone te make you bolleve any Other remedy Is Just as geed ter sick headache as Dr. LeaHes Special Prescription, for it Is net true. This Is the only remedy In the world that strikes at the root et the disease and drtvestteat. Ulve ltatfial. """ "" A Baptist Minuter- Experience. "I am a llaptlat minister, and before I ever thought of being a clergyman 1 graduated in medicine, but left a lucrative practice for my present profession, forty years age. I was for many years a sufferer from quinsy. Thomai' Eelectrle Oil cured me. 1 as also troubled with hoarseness, and Thomai' EeUetrie Oil always relieved me. My wife and child had diphtheria, and Themat' Ecledrie Oil cured them, and if taken tn time It will cure seven times out of ten. lam confident It Is a cure for tbe most obstinate cold, or cough, and if any one will take a small teaspoon and half nil It with the oil, and then place the end of the spoon In one nostril and draw the CHI out of the spoon Inte the head, by miffing as hard as they can, until the Oil fall ever Inte the threat, and jiractlce It twice a week, 1 don't care hew offensive their head may be, it will clean it out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and earache. It has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medi cine dubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt like recommending, and I am very anxious te see It tn every place, for 1 tell you that 1 would net be without It In my house for any consideration. I am new suffering with a pain like rheumatism In my right limb, and nothing relieves me like Thomai' JCcifC trie Oil." Br. K. F. Crane, Lerry, Pa. Fer sale by II. B. C hrun, druggist, 137 and 1W North Queen street, Lancaster. "My Grandfather" Cleck," Wat once a very popular long, but like many ether sentimental tunes tt deesu't wear well. Dr. Tnemai' Ecteclrie Oil will wear; It wilt wear away all aches, sprains, and pains, and repay Its purchaser a hundred (pjd. rersale by 11 U Cochran, druggist, U7 and II J North queen meet, lAOCMVtr. JTANDRAKE PILLS. Dr. Schenck's MANDRAKE PILLS, rTJKBLY VIQKTADLI AMD StaiCTLT BILIABLI. Thy act D1EK0TLT and PKOMPTLY en theLlveraadatesaach, restoring the eonstl eenstl pats erwana te healthy activity, and are a positive and perfectly afs cure for Constipa tion, Liver Complaint, tick Headache, Btlleu. ne, and all ether disease arising from a dis ordered condition of the Liver and Stomach. They at tke only reliable vegetable Liver Pill sold. THBT AM PBRF1CTLY HABMLBSS. T1IBY ABB PUBELT TIQETABLB. TUT THEM. Fer sale by all Druggists. Price B cents per box t S boxes for 81 cents 1 or sent by mail, postage free, en receipt of prlee. Dr. J. H. Schenck A Sen, Philadelphia. aprs-lydAw SOHKNCK'S MANDRAKE FILLS SOS SALS AT H.B COCHKAN'a imUQBTORE. Nes. 137 A l- North Queen at, Lancaster, Pa aptS-rmdAw lAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. PAINE'S The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NKkVB TONIC. Celery and Cocea, the prominent Inert dlents, are tbe best and safest ft er ve Tonic. It strengthens and anleU the ntrrnm sv. tern, curing Nervous Weakness, Uyitert. Sleeplessness, Ac. AN ALTERATIVE. It drives ent the poisonous humors of the bleed purifying and enriching it, and se overcoming these diseases resulting frcm impoverished bleed. A LAXATIVE. ' Acting mildly but surely en the bowels It cures habitual oenstlpauon, and promote arrgnlarhablt. Itstrongthens the stomach, and aids digestion. ' ADIUBETIC. In Its composition the nettand most active diuretics of the Materia Medica are com bined scientifically with ether effective remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied ea. te give quick relief and speedy euro. Hundreds of testimonials have been rocclved from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Bend ter circulars. Hiv ing fall particular. Prlee, H.00. Sold by Druggist. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, BUBLINQTON, VT. or- lanll-lvdAwll) PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND VOR SAta AT II. It. COCUBAN'S DttllQ STOBK, Ne. 137 A 139 North QueenBt., Lancaster.re, aprt 2mdAw H AIR VIQ OR. DresstheHair With Ayer's Hair Viger. IU cleanliness, ben. flctaleffdcta en the scalp, and lasting perfume oemmead it for uelveisal toilet use. it keeps the hair elt and silken, preserves Its color, prevent It from falling, and, if the hair has become weak or thin, promotes a new growth. ' Te restore the original color et my hair, which had turned prematurely gray, I used Ayer's Hair Viger with entire suceeu. I cheerfully testify te the Efficacy of tht preparation." Mr. P. H. Davldien, Alexandria, La. I was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair was falling ent and what re mained turned gray. I wat induced te try Ayer's Hair Viger, and la a few weeks the dis ease In my scalp disappeared and my hatrte sumed its original color."-(Ua v.) s.B. Blina, Paster U. B. Church, St. Bernlce, Ind. "A few years age I suffered the entire less of my hair from the effects of tetter. I hoped that after a time nature would repair the lest, but 1 walled in vain. Many remedies were suggested, none, however, with such proof or merit as Ayer' Hair Viger, and I began te me it, A growth or hslr seen came ent oil ever my head, and grew te be a soft and heavy a I ever had, and of a natural cole-, and firmly jl."- J. U. Pratt, Spofford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Viger, rBSPABKD BV Dr. J. O. Ayer fe Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by Druggist and Pe.rumer. aisutem6 AYER'S BARSAPAKILLA. VOHSALB AT IT. R. COCHUA.VS DKUQ S WRK. Ne. 137 A 139 North Queen Bt , Lancaster, Pa. aprt 2uidAw ARE YOU CONSUMPTIVE? USE PARKER'S GINGER TONIO Without delay. A rare medicinal composi tion that cures when all else fall. Has cured the worst cases of cough, Weak Lungs. Asth ma, Indigestion, Inward Pains, Kxbaustien. tee. at Druggists. U1NDERC0U.N8. .The safest, surest and beat cure for Cerns, Butiten, Ac Steps all pain. Ensures com fort te tbe feet. Mtver falls te cure. 13 cents at ijrugglils. Ulacex A CO., H. Y. C7ALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE OF LIFE, A VALUABLE MEDICAL WORK, the only true description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, Errer of Youth, and tha untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works,' by which they victimise thousands, and by thelrexaggeratlng disease, makes these peer sufferers insane. Every young man, middle-aged or old. should read this book. It la mere than wealth te them. Send two cent tamp for a oepy. Address, DU.TROR.TIIEEL, 63S North Fourth BU, Philadelphia, Pa, fIS-lyd CJLY'H UrtKAM HALM, OATAERH-EAY FEVEE. riSKX'.? CREAM BALM cures Celd In Head TOU WILL BAVE MONET, TIME, PAIN. And WUl Cure CATARRH, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle 1 applied te each nostril and 1 agreeable. Price se cents atdrugiruui b mail, registered, go eta. e lt bretue uji nevlWydAw lBL.Newrk. QAFE, HURE AND SPEEDY CURE. O Rupture, Varicecele and Special Disease of either sex. Why be humbugged by quacks when you can And In Ur. Wright the only Usa ulab Phtsicuk In Philadelphia who makes a specialty of tbe above disease, and Ccaas TasKt Ccaas UOiumiD. Advice Free day ana evening, strangers can be treated and re turn home same day. Offices private. DR. W. H. VRIUHT. Ml North Ninth Street, Above Race. P. O. Bex (71 PhllaAalpbV mm compound, reit TOMAPOO. A FINS PIECE OF CHEWING TOBACCO IS 1NDEBD A LUZTJBT. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemes u near being a fine piece et PLUQ TOBACCO as it 1 'possible te make It, and is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DEALERS. We are: sure that ONE TRIAL wi 1 Convince Ten of IU Merits. JWLoek for the red B tin tag en each plsg ." J no. Finzer & Bre.'s, LOUISVILLE, ST (I) rURNJTUIt. CAVE MONEY 1H FURNITURE. We have met with great suc cess se far. Why ? Because we sell the cheapest styles at the lowest prices, When you are looking for Furniture of any kind don't forget that we are up stairs at 31 Seuth Queen Street, OCHS & GIBBS, aprlllyd jtew things in furniture : at HEINITSH'S New ANTIQUE OAK SUITS, all Complete, with Mattress and Spring. The prlee will sur prise you. MAWMMU 4UU1U& DULli3,IUl UUlUpiOW 1 01 y i tuny, it ui jaaea sua uurauiet OLD STANDARD WALNUT. We, Open Bex eer, bix New Pattern at Six Mew Prices. Several very low In price, but geed meney ' worth all the time. Hit... VI. . asu.ilu. ..- ..s Vsuri ADW HUH Jtbt-rtrtVUVU UWU1 UWBf inewn oil me ume a- repui&r X'lieaj. HEINITSH'S -87 AND 20 BOUTH.QUBBN8T., LANCASTER, PA. ' Personal Attention Glvonte Undertak leg-. w IDMYER'a YOUR VANTS in : FURNITURE Can be supplied at WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. ATTRACTIVE GOODS, ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Give yourself the satisfaction of seeing the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock in the City. Oer. Bast Kin? & Duke Sta. WIDMYER'S CORffEU MOBMBWHMWIMHIMV Hfirln. QADIi AND SEE -THE ROCHESTER LAMP. sixty Candle-Light 1 Beats them alL Anether Let of CHEAP qlebbs for Oas as Oil stoves. XHB "PHBFBOTION" MS.TAL MOULDING RUBBER CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beats them alL This strip outwear all etberr. Keeps out tha cold, step rattling of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out mew and rain. Anyone can apply tt-ne waste or dirt made In applying it. Can be fitted anywher-e holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink cushion strip is the most Krfent. At the Steve, Heats? and Sang we; -OF- Jehn P. ScLianm & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. COAL -DAUMOARDNER'H COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. BS.0NpN1.!re,Qnen8treet'Rna Ma V abm : North i'rtnee street, near iinr Depot, anr istrti LAwnAnTBR. PA B, B. MARTIN. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kind of liUMUKK &NU l-UALu Yaru-Ne. iw North water and Prince Street, above Lemen Lancaster. nt-lyd NOTICE TO THEHPAB8ERS AND . GUNNEUA.-A11 persona are hereby for. iddeu te trespass en any of the lands of tha Cornwall and Speedwell estates in Lebanon or Lancaster oeunUes. whether inclesed or uuln SriTf ithr for tie purpose of shoeUug or "J? U Uw wUl berlgldly enfofeed 5inii"irpaln en said and of the un designed attssr this nntlea. WM. COLEMAN FREXMAF, fr "BROy A1.DEN, . JDW, O. FBIBMAN, AHanara ja skWeUmABt Bsaf mm N EXT DOOR YO COURT HOUSE. DRAPERY nennecieanlng susgests tbe Brritiigtagef ths furniture, the Edditg; of new bits of coloring ben iimd there, new Tidlee, new Table nd Stand Cevers, new Mantle Draperies, new Window Draperies, new liureau Scarfs, new Wash Stand Cevers and desas of ether arUclea that go te make home bright and attractive. We have epeaed thte week a new line of these decorating meds, oesaistlDg et Plush and felt MB,5nP7 'vri.u,sh .F'u nd Itaw Silk Table and Stand Cevers 5 Plush and ether Tidies; Embroidered Flane and Table Cevera : Laes Curtains, Curtain roles, 5wSeV.hMndn,CretenMrlnR"lf'd Mate; Window Bfaadea and Shade Pulte ; Stair Reds and Buttens, and a hundred and one ether articles of beauty and small cost. We would like te give you the prices et all these were lt possible, but they are tee varied ; you must call and see them. The newest arrivals, however, are a let of very pretty.Scrlms at tbe very low prices of 8, 10, 12J and IS cents, and a new assortment of Curtain Poles at 35, 45, fiG, 05 and 75 cents. FAHNESTOOK'S, HO0. 80 87 IaR KINO BT lARDAMeEtiROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 36 Seuth Qaen BtrMt, Opposite Fountain Inn. OIL CLOTH-If ymt want the best Fleer ou Cleth tn tbe city for theneney Just leek through tha stock, all bought before the advanewta price, and aU -weli seasoned. Yeu will find taat an oil leth well seasoned will last twice as long as one that is J nst trash from tha factory. . OAfBFsm-ingtmla carpet at tee t its regular prlee, Ms. Ingrata farpet at We 1 IU regular vrlee.sie. Ingrain Carpets at 11,40, 45 and SO Cents t twa goods In the Cltr at the prlee. Bag bestsieas at Uw price arer sold. Carpet Bags uksn la asebsnge. WINDOW aHADBiwe are selling qnanUtl et Window shade, with Spring Fixtures, at 490 1 best coeda at Bea : beat Dade at T&ei tha nrlena ant Inw. ,lu wn ennld nnt Mil tha amount we fle.1 HOURRT-The Greatest Bargains In Hosiery ever offered. Ladles' ltalbrlggan, solid colors ?.B.M?Pahe?:rr(Jiar made, two pair for cents 1 never sold leas than tee per pair. Men's half-hose, unbleached, at 100 1 worth ISe. Men'shaif-hesa In solid colors, nnbleaebed British ?! B,n2w, ,t!1PS?' I.D" made, two pairs ler aje, jnst hall prlee. These are only a few of the bargains tn Hosiery, come and see for yourself. Jnst opened, one bale et yard wide Muslin, for covering tobaeeo beds, at De per yard t regu arpriee,ee. An Elegant Line of Drrss (jlnghatns and Bernckers. in plain, plaid or itnpes, at loe per yard. PeslUvly the best patterns In Tells d Nerd, In the city, atllWe. lb best Moeorsetlntheelty. The best Te Corset In tbe city. Th beet 11.00 Corset in the ielty. rscATHEBs-Weare headquarter in Lanositer for the best Feathers, te fully satisfy yourself en that point please call en n and eaaulne and compare price. Ten will And our price lowest for the beat geed. Special Bargain In iMen1 Cheviot ShtrU at SSe and J7Kc Bpedal Bargains In Msn's Summer rants and Overalls at see 1 worth 750. bard & Mcelrey, (CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, - Opposite Fountain Irn. QUBAP Ma'TTINUS AT METZaUR & UAUQUMAN'a MATTINGS CHEAP 2UTTIIfaa,Ulte. NATTIUGS, ISe, MAT1MGS, JSc. . MATTWQS, tSc. MATTINGS, SO. MATTINGSt 35c. MATTINGB, iOc. Metzger & Hauglunan's ' NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the Cooper Heuse. JEWSLHT. Z. RHOADS&SON. . DIAMONDSI A large assortment of Diamonds and ether precious stones new in stock; which we will mount up te order. Circlet, the newest style, rings in Diamonds, Rubjes, Opals, etc. A full line of Geld, Silver and Steel Spectacles. Repairing in all its branches. H. Z. RHOyDS & SON, Ne. 4 West King Street. STOOX 'S' TOCK FARM. EMLETREE ST0I1U KLNG, 2101, Kay horse, foaled 1892. 11 ret her in blend in NORM AH AlKDIUM. 2-20. BIORM h 1NO stands ,6 hands, weighs l.MO in, tnd is a very stout-built horse, with a grrat deal of style and finish. lie has never been defeated in the show ring, taktns five fl rstr re alums ever soma of the best her.es in the country, uterut King should enter the 2:X)lltat any time. Ill IIEKRY, 4214, Iir Mgmbrlne Dnalcy, record S.10I. . Dam Virginia, by VelunWef. slreer H. Jnllsn.v'iUW. Virginia Is sis- Bay horse, fealed 1934. ter te Uambetta (tire et Velmer, iiWM, and t lorenee, graudsen of Kpaulette, .19. td d.m Nell (dam of Jiateman, 2 231, by nambletentsn, 10 hd dam dam of i Plate, IW, by Hhart, son or Amerlean tCetlps. Hill RNUY stand "a hand Us taken five first premiums In fine show ring. Was twice ludgse by the " Scale of f elnt " and as a two-year old aceied m4 points, whlrh has never been rqnaied. Many noted horsemen have pronounced him thu must alrganl young horse lu the country. Terms for Storm King and III Henry, E0. heuld mare net prove in foal, tha tame mare or any ether ran be returned free lu 18t. api-iimdih.rAa DN'U Q. ENQLE, Mariett. Pa. CAMP JIT BAKOAINH I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL -FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL VLOTIIB, WINDOW BIIADX8, etc. We have tbe Largeart and Beet Btoek In the Olty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wast King ind WiUr 8tmt8, Lanctsttr, Pl OaUBIAOES. ITANDAitD WOHK. EDW.EDGERLEY UARRIAUE 1IUILQEB, MOS.40,42,44SMAUKKT BTUCKT, Bear Ol fostefQce, 1-ancasler, fa, I have in Btecsr and Uulld te Order K very Tarlely of the following style i Coupe. Mug rles, Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, business Wagen, "T" Caru, McCall Wagons, burrtes, Market Wagons, lbaun, Express Wagons. 1 employ the best Mechanics, and have facil ities te build correctly any style of Carriage desired. Tbe Quality, Btyle and finish ei my work makes lt decidedly the cheapest in the market, MOTTO : Fair DeaHng, Honest Werk at Bettem Price.'! Please give me a call. 4BrttpAtilng promptly attended tn. Price lower than all ethers. One set of Workmen especially emnleted for that purpose. MVH1VAL. OOJeBrUOK QUAL11Y MUSICAL BOXES. HBMEY QAUT8CUI A BONB, KO.1S80 Chestnut Street, PMladelphU.. giaminatlen will prove our Instruments far superior te any ether make, net speaking of the worthless trash thst abounds in the market, seen being of mere annoyance than ileasuie te their owner. Old and imper imper eetlymade Mustc Deze carelully repaired by experienced workmen from the manufae. tery UiBwiueriand. Correspondence solicited. Bead stamp ler catalogue and price list. ROVlfrljaAw sjeuB. GOODS I LsVHOASTsW.PA. FA.RU. STOCK EAEM. By lieppj Medlam, lire or 80 from 2:181 te 2t30. " The most nrollfle mutrrntr or anaad mat Avar lived .' Item Topsy Tayler, by Alexander's Menaan. slrtefLula,.ll. 3d dam by Heward's Mr Charles (thoroughbred). T Sd daui by smith's Messenger, son of Dill's He.senger. BALLS. BAKGAIMH I ABPUALT blocks 8PHALT PAVING KLOOK. Asphalt Bleck Ce.. Omce-tOl Chestnut at, Phlla , Pa. Werk-ilrldgptirt,i'a, A Camden, MAMUrAClUUKUSOr Standard AsphaltPaing Blocks PI ZES 4x3x11 AMD 4Xl)zlX In general use ferstreetpavlng,sldewlks, gar den paths, mill yard and driveway, guttm, cellar vat and sua wall. Advantages; MelsMess. austlesi, strictly sanitary, practi cally ludnstructlble an-i eheap. tot prlcts and further information, address: B. S. OSTER & BRO., Agents fcr Lancaster Ce.. l North Prince ft , lAncaster, 1'a. tel-flrad ATTOMNXTB. T UTHERS. KAUFFMAN, ATXOBNKT-AT-LAW, MO. 2 BOUTH PUIMCK BT LancatUr, 1'a. m-ly(IAw Wl K18HKR, DENTIST. Particular attention given te filling and pretervlng the natural tneth. 1 have ail the latest Improvements for doing nice work at a vry reasonable cost. liavlegyearstif ex perience tn tbe large cities lam sure te gtve the best of satisfaction and save you muney. best artificial teeth ODlyaj 00 per set. " maril-lya Ma ti yIU QUIIN BT. cLernisa. QRBATK8T BAKQAIKS. L. Gansman & Bre. B.W. CORNER NORTH QUBHN & OBANOB BT3. it lSTitcritAOK reu TUR GREATEST BAE&AINS or kfen'e.Beye' and Ohtldien'e CLOTHING! We have bought enormous quantities of goods in the piece at a heavy discount for eash, frcm the largest manufacturer In th , land, and we are thu enabled te seli Bpilug Overcoat, Butt and Trousers retail at whole sale prices. All-Weel Msn's Bnlts, late't style, perfect . fitting, at t, t 110, 111, 111 and 118, All-Weel Bey Bull, latest style, period fltu ag. at M M, M, it, V, te, tie. AU Weel Trousers, latest stjle and perfect ntUng, at II. W, 13, IXH 4, t te, is. i It Is net the price that make our goods se I very low. It's the superb qualities we new WlHAIIUQ ptlBtJ, sr n e are prepared for a large trade. L. GANSMAN & BRO. M THKH k KATUKON. DEPUTATION. Tlie .Eeputfttleu we liave gained for First Clan Clothing serves us well la placing before the public our Ilanihome Stock of Spring Clothing. It'a encour aging te us te hear our customers foil us that our clothing gives such geed satis faction; te hear mothers tell us they never had better made clothes, and that the quality has been all that was claimed for them. These are the things that make steady, confident and permanent customers of nearly every buyer. Accept our invitation te call and leek at our goods and prices, and tell us where be mueh ean be had for the money as here. Myers & Eathfen, LKADINU 0L0TIIIEU9, NO. 12 BAST KING ST., LANGABTBR PA. TUY.THE CROMWELL SHIRT. I1.C0 KACII ( 13.33 HAL DOZEN. -,,.'.,1, a-, , jf xss TJtUHKH. mR OKK& E Haueruush & Sen. TRUNKS. Our stock of Trunks and lines is new com' plate. We call special attention te our make of Ladles' Drew Trunk. Uundsouie and convenient. Repairing of all TrunkB and Bags a Specialty, AT !M, Haberlmsli & Sen's SADDLE, HAHNKSB, AMD TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, I.ANOAHTKU. PA. JIATH. T UKPiiAUKTOUUY. THE BIGGEST Strnw iidt EMPORIUM IN LANCASTER. STAITffllR&CO, Slanfl B8 North Qneen Mrert. F OU MAKING HOAP. CAUSTIC SODA. THBEE AND riVK l'OUND rANCV KBT TLISB. AT J. C.HOOaHTONACO? Clieapest Drag Stere In the CI I, MesTlOandMWestlUnitsUueU TKArXLKRB OU1DB. a i ---.-.----, i-----i ii ii, i. i ja Uunuiiiu a. wiruu main AAlbKU&p Jj ,AND BKANCIIK9, AJfD LKBAHDaVj ' w,Mwwa. MJB M.M. OR AND As-TICK BUM DAT, WOT. SB. TUaiNB LK AVS JIKADING. am?n("M netr at7:a. ---. -. ... i, u. rn,ni,,.m...... ieiZurftH0! n.TL. vriV.r' " Bno p T-f - I-nrhnr.-iV-VUMBlA. y or LebShe-n at 'iS ane It w p" "M Pm V . prer incaster at IM a m,andJ0aAfe4 "JBeadlnjtateoamandtsepm. Wr roJJfnenatt-JOande'pin. ,',' rsr.;r ?? ? !? i .-....,,uie.irm,j.m ullMtx liavjc rniHCK btkikt n.-...r:"v ?or Reading at 7:0am. mi anas Mb. Jw ' rer JWJDanen at 7.07 a m, ltts and 7ip m. Fer Uuarrvvtlle at i a m. i-ui uh?. TBAIRSLAVBI.KBARON &1 Jer lABcaater at 7:12 a m, 11-30 and 7 M v m. ffi 9 for Qnarnmila at 7:12 a m and usa n i. . Hb v3 . -. , BUNDATTBAIRS. AUatilO unarjb A5AU1AU rer tjr.nrtir at 7.20 m ana em p a. eruarryviiatl.-(WBia. W TkAlrfs LKAVK 0UAKRTTILLB K a,5.u.,,.r- .. ?&! ter Beadinjr and Lebanon at ih . WT.r Wk S t PJpH W. SB - mmmm -mm Ter Onurrvvfltn kkam . iFJ,2 4 TKAIN rnr II . - 'v.r'uaiasia KAiNB i.KAVje I'Ui.Neit ST. (Uneaster.l or neaaing ana Leoanen at 8:U a at tM '2' IfllHM fur vjaarryvllle at S:ts p rn. e urai,iMsg Jer Lancaster at 7 At a m and S.iS p a. rvuieat.Apm. ' ,- j ovlen at Columbia, Marlstta'J ate v, iter JuncUen.ManhetS'swkfiBtX; uen, i.aneaamr nrt tj)h..nn ai ..., --e """.' "' staue. .,nii aupennieneent. ; ROOTS A&'D SjreiCS. - -- 1 1 -i -i -in i r r ii ii ., . . ... B OOVH ANI SHOES. lAAAfVVVws D. P. STACEHOUSE. Beets and Shoes. TIiankinicyouMlierthe quick roipenwl-vI coming In Iwt week te see our low prteet. and lW . u..w uuwmiiueii,ai iVUilURI V? SAllMsi WGIV fZi -J mA.dil Aft IhA rnntrAnfAnnftfl1lrt ! ..a M 3 adaptation or ray store ; and the beat of all wm $$ thnexcoeoingly low prices which always htm W tiaan 4ra rt sin m hSm m A u - , ""iO aja -.. . . iruu! ui uij- tun DusiDssai .x New I have lets ofBOOTe and BUOBayet Jft Thirty Thousand Dollars worth of BOOTS aat . BIIOKH means temethlng. Ididnetbnjrtftsca -eg? te keep, nor te let spoil entueahelf If lea g;' price will move them i off thev ma. mrlMi; I bound tetnll. If vouhave net been AaaisaarMia?! with us come la and leek around and gat a';. iiuuutni iv uua nHier wnetner you war-r:;' chasoeruoMro wUltryanduseyeuwell. Wr- j v RTAnirwnra-BS; jii .. a ai m. jliih i n i in im' F. A. WAXlUlXilUUWJJji, 98 t& 30 HA6T KINO, BT " fP , LANQASTBB, F A. lUftiflln - !ri 4 : N BW SUOK HTOrtB. PeDular Shoes. . W' A l.itlllfai VIV ntwnnr a wvssaisifcsr-SA i with ratent Up and Light Flexible eeWS M Tuiy Diyinunuu Luiaioriaeio, Situ. Tsf?! ' &s , Sii INT T,OB BHOBfarai Ladles' Wear. Hlpnr ozeu, JiextuieBOMB , andl'atentTlp,fj2.t( u. "? A SnAAl.1 1.il. Af fllin nitvfiiifn isa.... lr l'rltu, 23c ) woareelUDKltatlOc. ' 7T . A Qentlemnn' Oonnlne HAKU.WBLTBD vS" BIfOK for ma, mads et Superior CajrakiaV-'' Beftand Llaht. In annHar&niui minti um,'. batter Reeds t havn them. In Butten. IAeesjaAW.i's uengrttas; Tip and t lain Tee. - av& H. SWILKEYJ lW VADU BTUttE.) Ve. 21 North Qneen BtreeL ' LAXCABTBB, 1'A. tnaWMald F REETOEVKUYONK. A PAIR OF RTTOTI! -imtf v,n mn '- 'MM rttKB IU K.MIUBK M mi. -. v.. .,.. u .- .... .-r.'r-- and congress (Hcaeile) Drer Shee wear Va , sslllng for ItW is net made et Oenulae Calf "w" j Bkin. iS; j We lake This Offerl vwlS-U. 1 ...v w.- ... ... ... ,m. sieu that a shoe et this description eanuetb fi-Fs beucht for less thin 150. rU i THE EEASOIS WHY We can sell this Shee ler 12.00, are. because ws buy them In Lane (Quantities, Stiletly for Ch, and sell for Cesh, and (tick te out motto t "QUICK SALES AKD HULL PROFITi Tbli la net the Only Shee we are celling at a Barit&ln, but our Whele Line of Beets and Hhoea are marked Down te Bettem Prices. Ladlei' and aUtses' Kid Opera Slippers, 69 cents, rfgular prlca 73 cents. Ladles' 1'a tent Leather Tip Lace Lew Shoes, 73 cants, regular price, tl 00. Ladles' I'ebble Butten Shoes, 03 cents, regu lar price, ll.Ou. Men' Lace and Congress Sewed Dress Bhees, 11.23. Hen's, Bey' and Ten ths' Lace Shoes, II 09, Child' Qraln Butten Selar lip Shee, ate 10K, Heel or Spring Heels, 8) cent i MUses', llte. The Oie-l'rlce Cafeh Uoeit. (6 The Leader of Lew Price in Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 EAST KINO STREET, LAW- OASTEB, PA. . rnarSMml MAVBINMUr. JATTKKNS, AIODIfXJS, e. Central Machine Works, cebreu or QUANT AND CHWSTIAK UTllKKTS, (Bear of Court Heuse), -L-ANCA5TBB, PA. Engines. Rellers, Machinery and Uepalrlng, Patterns, Drawing!, iron and Brns tastings, eta. Best equipped Manhlne and Pattern tH hop In tbe city ler ligut work. r Asrtioed Wen, Premplnes. Beatenabla Charges, dec I Id M ECKERT. if f tfv .. . it". ??: M i A4' 3 Ui i -V- 'd '"' JSftl M va i ibf wp $fi .11 "H W.5S ;. S"t lSi w& ! , t ii a "- -