srw mm$rw.&wj&,m - 'SSI' '-'- '" r-- n- "3 -J..J fttMlxgttM JDmfagW VOLmiE XXIV NO. 205. LANCASTER. PA., MONDAY, APRIL 30. 1888. PRICE TWO CENTO, BBpE&r, a MR. GLADSTONE'S REPLY. T1IK KXaLHU BTATEIHUf ANSWERS TUB SNEERS OF INOEItSOLL. A Powerful Argument In Behsll of the Oee- p.l at the Old and N.TUmiil casta It Net An Argramsnt The ftlj sterlet of Life and Death. Extract Irem North American Kevlew for aluy. The reply that of Mr. Ingeraell abounds In undemenatrated prepositions. They sp pear, however, te be delivered without any sense of a neeesslty that eltber experience or reasoning are required In order te Rive them title of acceptance. Thus, for ex ample, the system or Mr. Darwin te hurled against Christianity as a dart whleb oannet but be fatal. ' His discoveries, carried te their legiti mate conclusion, deitrey the oreeds and sacred scriptures of mankind." This wide sweeping preposition la Im posed upon us with no exposition of the hew or tbe why ; and the whole contro centro contre vetsyof belief one might suppose la te be determined, as If from St Petersburg, by series of ukases. It Is only advanced, indeed, te decor Ate the Introduction of Dar win's name In anr pert of tbe preposition, which 1 certainly should support and net corneal, that error and honesty are compat ible. On what ground, than, and for what rea en, la tbe system et Darwin fatal te scrip tures and te creeds T I de net enter Inte the quoallen wbetber It has pasted from the stage of working hypothesis Inte that of demonstration, but I assume, for the pur pose of the argument, all that In this re re spect the reply can dealt. Xt Is net possible te discover, from the random language of tbe reply, whether tbe scheme of Darwin Is te sweep away all theism or is te be content with extinguish ing revealed religion. 11 the latter lc meant, 1 should reply that tbe moral history of rasa, In Its principal stream, bat been dis tinctly an evolution from the first until new, and that tbe succinct though grand aoeount or the Creation In Genesis is singu larly accordant with tbe ssme idea, but Is wider than Darwinism, since It Includes in tbe grand progression the Inanimate world as well as the history of organisms. But as this could net be shown without much de tail the reply reduces me te the necessity et following Its own unsatisfactory example In tbe bald form of an assertion, that there Is no oelorable ground for assuming evolu tion and revelation te be at variance with one another. If, however, the meaning be that theism is swept away by Darwinism, I observe that, as before, we bnveenlyan unreasoned dogma or dlelum te deal with, and, dealing pei force with tbe unknown, we are tn dan ger et striking at a will of the wisp, Still, I venture en remarking that the doctrine et evolution lias acquired both pratse and dls- firalta which it does net deserve, It is auded In tbe skeptleal uamp because It Is supposed te get rid of the allecking Idea of what are termed sudden sets et creation ; and It Is as unjustly dispraised en tbe oppos ing Bide, because it Is thought te bridge ever the gap between man and the Inferior animals, and te give cinpbaMa te tbe rela tionship between tbein. Hut leug before the day of either Mr. Darwin or his grand father, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, this relation ship hart been slated, perhaps even mere emphstleslly by one whom, were tc net that I have small title te deal In uudemon uudemen atrated assertion, I should venture te call the most cautious, tbe most robust and the most comprehensive et our philosophers. One striking elTdct et tbe Darwinian theory of descent Ik, se far as I understand, te reduce tbe breath of all Intermediate distinctions in the scale et animated Ilia. It does net bring all creatures into a single lineage, but all d 1 vendues are te be traced baak, at some point In tbe scale and by stages indefinitely minute, te a common ancestry. All la done by step", netblng ey strides, leaps, or bounds; all from proto plasm up te Shakespeare, and, again, and trem primal night and obses up te proto plasm. I de net ask, and am Incompetent te judge, whether this Is among the things proved, but I take it se for the sake et ar gument ; and I ask, first, why and where by does this doctrine eliminate tbe Idea of creation 7 Dees tlie new philosophy teaeb that If tbe passage trem pure repthe te pure bird la achieved by a spring (he te speak) ever a chasm, tbls imrles and requires creation ; but It teat reptlle passes into blid, and rudiment Inte finish el bird, by a tLeusind slight and but Just discernible modifications, each one of tbeae is se small that they are net entitled te a name se lefty, may be set down te any cau90 or no cause, as we please. I should have buppoxed It miserably un philosophical te treat tbe distinction be tween creative and non-creative function as a simply quantitative distinction. As respects the subjective efiect en tbe buman mind, creation In small, wlien closely re garded, awakens reason te admiring won der; net leBs than creation In great ; and as regards that function itself te me It appear no less than ridiculous te heli that tbe broadly outllned and large advances of se called Mnsalsm are creatiun, but tbe refined and stealthy onward steps of Darwinism are only manufacture, and relegate the question et a cause into obscurity, Insig nificance or oblivion. But does net reason really require us te go farther, te turn tbe tables en tee adver sary, and te contend that evolution by bow much It binds mero closely together the myriad ranks of tbe living, aye, and or all ether orders, by se mueb tne mere consoli dates, enlarges and enhances tbe true argu. ment et deslicn, and the entire tbelstla position T If orders are net mutually re lated, It is easier te conceive of tbem as sent at haphazard Inte tbe world. We may, indeed, sufficiently draw an argument et design from each separate structure, but W bave no further title te build upon the rinsltten wbleh eaeh of them holds as towards any ether. But when tbe oonneo eonneo oenneo tlonbeC'veen these objects has been estab lished, and e established that tbe points et transition are Mmest as Indiscernible as tbe passage from day te night, then, Indeed, eaeh proceeding stage Is a propheey of tbe following, and eaeh succeeding one Is a memorial of tbe past, and tbrougbeut the Immeasurable series, every single member of it Is a witness te all tbe rest. Te tbis very partial treatment 01 h great subject I mnst at present confine myself; and I proceed te another et the notions, as confident as they seem te be crude, which tbe reply has drawn Inte Its wide casting net:! "Why should Ged demand a sacrifice from man? Why Bbeuld the Infinlte Bsk anytblng from tbe flniteT Should tbe sun beg of tbe glow worm, and should the momentary spark excite the envyef the source of light?" Tbls Is one et the cases in which happy or sbewy illustration Is, in the replyjoelere me, set te carry with a rush the position Which argument would have te approach mere laboriously and mere slowly. Tbe case of tbe glow worm with tbe sun cannot but move a reader's pity, It seems se very iard. But let us suppose for a moment that thtf glow worm was se constituted, and se related te tbe sun that an Interaction be tween t.'ieru was a fundamental condition of Its healiVi and life ; that tbe glow worm must, by tbe law of Its nature, like the moon, reflect upon tbe sun, sccerdlng te Its atrengtb and measure, tbe light which it receives, and that only by a process invelv. Ina that reflection It own store of vitality could be upheld T It will be said that this Is a very large petHIe te Impert Inte the dnv wnrm'a ease. Yes. but It is the very petltle which la absolutely requisite la order te make It parallel te the case et tbe Obristian. The argument whleh the reply has te destroy is and must be tbe Obristian argument, and net soma figure of straw, fabricated at will. Although the reply Is net care'ul te sup ply us with whys, it does net hesitate te ask for them ; i' Why sbenld an Infinitely wise and - nnwh-lul Ged destroy tbe geed and pre Larva tbO vile T Why should lie treat all iik har and in another world make an feflnlt). dlflereuce T Why should your Ged allow His werfcblpr8ri Ul" adorers, te be Seyedby HUnoenlesT Why should He allow the honest, tha loving, the noble te perish at tbe stake V fte upholders et belief or el nveUUen cannot and de net seek te dray that tha methods of divine government, as they are exhibited by experience, present te us many and varied moral problems, insoluble by our understanding. Their existence may net nod should net be dissembled. But neither should they be exaggerated. New exaggeration by mere suggestion la tbe fault, tbe glaring fault, or these queries. One who had no knowledge et mundane affairs beyond tbe conception they inslnnate wenld assume that, as a rule, evil baa tbe upperhend In the management of the world, la this the grave philosophical oeaoluslon of a careful observer, or Is It a or ado, hasty and esrelese overstatement 7 It la net difflealt te conceive hew, in times of smdnees and of storm, when tbe Buffering soul can dlsesrn no light at any point et the borlsen, place Is found for such en idea of Ufa. It w, of course, opposed te tbe Apes tolle dtolsratlen that godllntae bath the premise et tbe life that new is, but I am net te expect inch e declaration te be ac cepted aa current coin, even of the meanest value, by tbe author of tbe reply. Yet I wilt offer two observations founded en experi ence in support et It, one taken from a limi ted, another from a larger and mere open sphere. Jehn Wesley in tbe full prime of his mission warned tbe convert whom be was making among English laborers or a spirit ual danger that lay far ahead. It was that, becoming godly, they wenld become careful, and, becoming careful, they would be come wealthy. It was a Just and sober forecast, and ft represented' with truth tbe general rule of life, altbeupb It be a rule perplexed with exceptions. But ir this be tee narrow a sphere or observation, let us take a wider one, tbe widest el all. It Is comprised in the brier statement tbat Christendom rnlea the world, and rules It, perhaps It should be added, by the posses sion or a vast eurplus of material aa well as moral force. Therefore ihe assertions car ried by Implication in tbe queries of the reply, whleb are general, are because general untrue, although they might have been true wltbln these prudent limitations wbleh tbe method of this reply appears es pecially te eschew. Taking, then, these challenges as they ought te bave been given, 1 admit that great believers, who bave been also great masters of wisdom and knowledge, are net able te explain tbe Inequalities of adjust ment between human beings and tbe con ditions In wbleh they bave been set down te work out their destiny. The climax et these Inequalities la perhaps te be round In tbe fact tbat, whereas rational belief viewed at large, rounds tbe providential govern ment or tbe world upon the hypothesis or free agency, there are se many cases In whleh tbe overbearing mastery of circum stance appears te red uee It te extinction or paralysis. New in one sense, without doubt these difficulties ate matter for our legitimate and necessary cogni zance. It Is a duty Incumbent upon, us respectively, acoerdlng te our means and opportunities, te decide for eurselve, by the use of the faculty of reason given us, tbe great questions et natural and revealed religion. They are te be decided aoeordlng te tne evldonee; and If we cannot trim the evidence Inte a con sistent whole, then according tolhebalanee of the evidence. We are net entitled, either for or against belief, te set up In this province any rule of investigation, except aueb as common sense teaabes us te use In tbe ordinary oenduct of lire. As In ordi nary conduct, se in considering the basis of belief, we are bound te leek at tbe evidence as a whole. We bave no right te demand demonstrative proofs or the re moval or all conflicting elements, either In the sphere ei in the ether. What guides us suifieient In matters of common praetlce has the very same authority te guide us in matters of speculation; mere properly, per haps, te be called the praetlce or the soul. By Its contempt for authority the reply seema te cut oil from us alt knowledge tbat Is net at first hand ; but then also It seems te assume an original and first band knowledge or all possible kinds or things. I will take an instance, all the easier te deal with because It Is outside tbe Immediate sphere of con troversy. In ene of these pleees et flue writing with which the reply abounds It la determined ebittr by a back banded stroke that Sbakeapeare la " by far tbe greatest et thehuimn race. " 1 dj net fl entitled te assert that be i net ; but bow vast Bnd complex a question Is here determined for us In tbls airy manner 1 Has tbe writer of tbe reply really weighed tbe force and measured tbe sweep of his own words 1 It Is my fault or my mlsfortune te re mark In this reply an inaccuracy of refer ence which would of Itself Bufilue te render it remarkable. Christ, we are told, de nounced the chosen people of Ged ss "a gen eration et vipers." This phrase is applied by tbe Baptist te tbe crowd wbe came te seek baptism from him ; but It 1 only ap plied by our Lord te scribes or pharlsees, who are se commonly plaoed by Him in oentrast with the people. The error la re peated in the mention et whlted sepul chers. Take again the version or tbe story or Ananias and Stppblra, We are told that tbe apostles conceived the Idea " et baying all things in common." In the narrative there la no statement, no suggestion or tbe kind ; It Is a pure Inter polation. Motives et a reasonable prudence are stated as matter or fact te bave influ enced tbe offending couple another pure Interpolation. After tbe catastrophe of Ananias " tbe apostles sent for bis wife " a third Interpolation. I refer only te these points as exhibitions of an habltusl and dangerous Inaccuracy, and without any at tempt at present te discuss the case, In wbleh tbe judgments of Qed are exhibited en their severer side, and In which I can. net, like tbe reply, undertake summarily te determine for whatcauses tbe Almighty should or should net take Ufa or delegate tbe power te take It. Again, we bave tbese words given as a quotation from the Bible : "They wbe believe and are baptized shall be saved, and they wbe bellved net Bball be damned ; and tbese shall go away Inte everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and nis angeis." Tbe seoend clause thus reads as If appli cable te tbe persons mentioned In the first tbst Is te say, te these who reject the tidings or the Gospel. But instead or Its being a continuous passage tbe latter seotlen Is brought out or another gospel (St. Mat thew's) and another connection ; and It la really written, net el these who de net be Hove, but of these wbe refuse te perform cilices et charity te their neighbor in bis need. It would be wrong te eall tbls in tentional misrepresentation ; but can It be called lesa than somewhat reckless negli gence ? -A llelsctlTe Flue Uanei s a fire. Tbls morning about 3 o'clock the In habitants of Gorden vllle were awakened by an alarm et fire. The blaze was found te be In Uersbey Jc Brether's store. After an hour's work tbe flames were extinguished, A great amount of Beet had collected in the flue, and had very nearly closed It. There bad been no fire In tbe beater since Thursday last, and It is supposed tbat it was smeuldei tog since then. The pipe of tbe beater did net fit up Inte the flue, and when this started It burned en until It bad burned a girder, of considerable thickness, eh at tbe end. But little damage was done. A roan sleeping In an adjoining tenement discovered It and gave the alarm. Lilt et Letters. Tbe following Is a Hat of unclaimed let ters remaining in tbe poatelfice at Lancas ter, ter tbe week ending Mendsy, April 30, 1SS3: Ladies' LUt.iUn. Wm. Kendlg, Ida Miere, Mrs. Anna Stephenaec, Mrs. Lucy Swlnkey. Cent's Litt James Y, Berden, A. J. Clark, J, H. Diffenderfer, Lawrence Se ever, J. W. Harden. Rebert Johnsten, W. F, Llcbtan, Iganl Margiey, J. Meiirer. J. A. Seblillng, Wm. Shreder & Sen. Killed llira.elt Became Ha Was Pnnl.hsd. At Greve City, Pa, en Saturday evening, after being punished by bis mother for disobedience, tbe 12-year-old son of Charles Snyder left tbe house threatening te bang himself. Mrs. Snyder paid no attention tn his threat, but later, becoming alarmed at bis prolonged ebeenee, she went te tbe stable and found tbe boy hanging by a rope attached te the rafters. Assistance was ceiled, bat srrlTed tee lite. CflURCH DEDICATION. TUB SEfcvYlGES HELD AT LlNDlsVILLK ON BATURDAT AND SCNDAT. Impressive Osrtnuratcs Held by tha Church of Oed Congregation Sermons bjrSsvsral Kldsrs, AmergTbtm Rev, Vrtc., et Lancaster Sluaetlal Statement. Landisvills, April 80. The botbelef the Church or Ued at Lindlsvllle having been remodeled, dedloatery services were conducted en Saturday evening and en Sunday. On Saturday evening tbe bethel waa well filled and services were opened by Elder Nloedemne. The sermon waa preached by Elder Leng, from Cel. II1., 4: "When Christ, who is evor lire, aball ap pear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." His reason for using tbls text was that when the old bethel was dedicated In 1813, tbe Mlllerltes, a class of Adventlsts, were in high expectancy awaiting Christ's' second coming about that lime snd leflu enclng the ohurehes, but were mistaken In tbe time, hence this theme. The sermon was an able one. The collection at tbls service wae quite liberal; (32 being lilted. Sunday morning the wtather waa fine, only somewhat dry and dusty. The services opened by a prayer servlee con ducted by Elder Leck weed. The opening anthem, " Ob, Hew Levely Is Zlen," waa aung by Prel. A. II. Krelder and his elass. Next was prayer by Elder Leng. Tbe morning sermon was preached by Elder Price, from Luke vl. Tbe subjeet et tbe discourse waa giving. Tbe Jewish three modes of measurement, and tbe sirs et tbe molten sea was explained. The sermon throughout waa Interspersed with anec dotes bearing en the subject. The large audience was moved te tears and the ser men tnade a deep impression. A statement of all collections and expen ditures waa thou read. The total expenses were70U5; total collections up te Satur day last, f013 65 ; leaving an Indebtedness et 187.50, or whleh 132 was collected Satur day evening, and (129 en Sunday morning. Among the persons who gave $10 were E. Hershey, H. M. Msyer, A. H, bong, Mrs. A. Hess and Mrs. L. Stebman. Sunday afternoon's services consisted el children's meeting opened by the regular superintendent et the Sunday school; opening hymn, "Trusting only Thee"; prayer by Elder Leng, followed by a hymn 11 Jesus Is geed te me." Recitations were given by a number of tbe children and ad dressee, Interspered by music, were de livered by Ststers Lydla Ferney, editress or The Sunbeam, and Amelia Hess. Elder Price gave a part of his personal experience. Rev. Price's address was followed by a re sponsive song entitled " The OveicoDiers. " While tbe bymn ' Pennies Dropping " was sung a collection was lifted amount Ingte $0.79. The benediction was pro nounced by Eld or Price. The Sunday evening servlces began at C o'clock, consisting et prayer and song, and experience meeting for about thirty min uter. Atter ringing a bymn Elder Lock Leck Lock weed read for his evening lesseu Matthew xvll. Elder Nioedemus led In an earnest prayer, after which Mr. A. B. Krelder'ecliBs rendered an anthem entitled "Ob, Hew Levoly Is Zlen." Elder J. B. Leck weed, of ML Jey, preached the aermen, basing bis remarks en Matthew xviL, C: "While he yet spake a brlgbtcleud overshadowed tbem, and avolcecamefroui out tbe cloud, tbls is my belcved Seu In whom 1 am well pleased; bear ye Ulm." His closing remarks were deep, polnted and practical, especially directed te tbe members el tbe chureb, Impressing tbem Kfwlth a sense el their great responsibility. Tbe collection was tsken and amounted In cash and pledges te 31.33. A. B. Kieider'a class sang an antbeui during tbe passing of tbe basket?, entitled " Ou Fer tbe Wings of a Dove." Tbe dedicatory prayer waa offered by Elder Leck weed, and tbe class song, " New the Day Is Over," closed the Impressive dedicatory exercises. Among tbe gilts presented te tbe church were three Hue pulpit chairs by tbe or ganist, Mr. Fred Jae-lng; tbe pulpit by Brether Wouerbolt ; the watncesllng by Brether Kurtz, an, and tbe large front windows by Sister Nlcedemur, Tbe sis ters collected tbe funds for the carter, mat ting, lamps, &u. The house was thus made free el all Incumbrances. MINHTBH3 COWMir SUICIDE. One SheuU fllui.eit lu rue l'ulplt el Ills Cuurcli. Rev. Edgar L. Herinance, late pastor of tbe Presbyterian chureb In the village el White Plains, N. V., shot bltmeir while in tbe pulpit el tbe church en Sunday. Mr. Uermauce'a resignation waa asked ler some months aee in consequence or tbe dissatis faction arising between himself and fleck ever bis salary. His wife is thedaughter of ex-Prealdent Woelaey, of Ysle college. Mr. Hermance'a family steed very high In the social circles of Whlte Plains, and bis financial standing was unquestioned. Shortly before he shot hlmselt Mr, Hcr mancewas sitting wltbln tbe chancel con versing with the sexton, Jehn Blakely, and appeared perfectly rational. Hardly bad Blakely clesed tbe church deer en leaving when he was startled by the report of a pistol shot, and rushing back Inte tbe ehurcb he found tbe pastor stretched prone upon tbe fleer of the pulpit. He waa bleeding ptelusely trem a bullet nole In bla right temple. Clese beslde hltu lay smoking a 82 calibre revolver. At tbe time et tbe sheeting Mrs. Uermance waa teaching a Sunday school class In the new chapel wltbln a lew feet of her husband. Mr. Hermsnce died st 7:40 p. rn. Cor Cor oner Tice was notified seen alter the shoot sheet ing and reached White Plains Just btlore tbe pastor expired. The doctors probed ler tbe bullet, but were unable te extract It. Kev. Charles l King, pastor of Miller Avenue Methodist Episcopal eburcb, Ce. lumeus, u., wiiiie in a nt ei aenrium Sun day nlgbt,cut his threMl Irem ear te ear arid died instantly. He bad been sick with typhoid fever for some weeks past, and during the temporary absence of tbe nurse be secured a razjr and took bis life. The Atu.rlcn Society. Saturday evening tbe American Club Ne. l,of this clty,held a meeting ler tbe purpose et electing permenent elHcers. Tbe result waa as fellows : Presldnat, William if. Inman ; vice president, Daniel S, Miller ; financial secretary, J, U. Morien ; cor responding secretary,IsaaoLeng; treasurer, J, G. Geedman ; auditors, H. Luckenbacb, W. T. Wylle, R'chard Kautz. After transacting some ether business el miner Importance, tbe society adjourned te meet at tbe call of the president when tbe enrollment committee will be appointed. A Lancattcr Heg Cau.cs Trouble, from tbe l'ttladelpbla Kecore. Tbe dangers et buying a deg are coming home te Mr. Edward Robins, an editor of tbe Ledger, Recently be paid 120 te a deg fancier for a pretty Skye terrier, but with. In a few days tbe coachman of a friend of tbe family claimed the animal, aud tbe lat ter tbewed every sign of recognition. Se Mr. Robins bought tbe deg again and de manded restitution from tbe dealer. He refused te give back tbe money and brought a woman irem Lancaster wbe said she raised the deg, but tbe little animal would net corieborate the statement. Tne case may go te court. A Ship Sleks With Thirteen I'enenrt. The ship Smyrna was sunk In a collision with Iho steamer Mote off tbe Isle or Wight en Sunday, Thirteen persons were drowned, CAPTAIN JAME A. BIOftOLTZ. Bis Dsath OemtsBasdenlj at His Ueass In Downingtown. Capt, James Armstrong Elohelte, of Downingtown, died suddenly at his home In that borough en Saturday, April 2Stb, aged 55 yeara. Capt. Klohelia waa bera in Lancaster county, but apent tbe greater part el hla life In Downingtown. He waa a son et Harry ElohelU, proprietor for many yeara or tbe Railroad hotel, Downingtown, et which old time travelers used te say was "tbe only plaoe en the read where one oeuld get a square meal or a geed drink." Harry Elohelts was a brother of Eloheltx the famous portrait and historical painter el Lancaster, fifty yeara of age, whose sons Henry C. and Rebert L. are attll with us. Capt James A. Elohelts when the war broke out raited a company for tbe nine month's service in tbe vlelnlty el Downingtown, and was assigned te the 121th regiment, Pa Vels. He was In several engagements and distinguished himself, receiving the compliments of hla superior olliears at the battloef Antletarr, At the expiration el bis servloe he returned home and seen afterwards raised another com pany and went te the front. Capt. Elch Elch elts'a brother Geerge also raised a com. pany for service during the war, and en his return home waa elected treasurer of Cbester county. Deoeasod was a bachelor, has been tn ill health for same years, bnt bis sudden death was unexpected by hla relatives. Ease Ball Nawa. Tbe Lengue gamea el ball en Baturday were: At New Yerk, New Yerk 14, Phlla. delphla 1 ; at Boaten, Bosten 4, Washington 3 (ten tnnlngv) ; at Pittsburg, Pittsburg 7, Chicago 4 it Indianapolis, Detroit 1, In dianapolis 0. The Association games en Saturdsy were : At Philadelphia, Athlotle 5, Brooklyn 0 ; at Baltimore, Cleveland 5, Baltimore 4 ; at A Louisville, Loulsvllle 0, Cincinnati 4 ; at ltausas uity, at. Jjeuis Kansas uiij (ground tee wet) The Central League opened their season en Saturday and the games were: At Easten, Easten 15, ElmtraS; atAllentewn, Allentown 0, Bingbamten 2 ; at Newark, Newark 10, Soranten 1 ; at Jersey City, Jersey City 15, Wllkesbarre 0. In tbe game In Brooklyn en Saturday, the home team had but one bit ell Weyblng, tbe Athletics' young plteber. The Philadelphia elub is last In the League race and 11 It does net begin te brace up sbertly the Athletics will be the favor ites of the Quaker City, Beyle Bnd Geissln pitched flne games in Indianapolis en Saturday, and but five hits were made oil each. The enlylrun In the game was made by Big Sam Thompson, el tbe Dotrelta, who knoekod tbe ball out or the let In tbe eighth Inning and ran all the way around tbe bases. Among the players en the Jersey City nine tbls year are Jim Knowles, Jee Ger hard!, Chick " HofTerd, Jaek Hlland and Harry Pyle. In Saturday's game Knowles had a home run, a triple and a double, Tem O'Brien bad a double and two triple.. Scranton seems able te support a club In thoCentral League, The town had 4.000 penple en Saturday, whlle Allentown had only 800. Tbe games nt ball played yesterday were; At Brooklyn : Athletics 3, Brooklyn 2 at Louisville : Cincinnati 8, Louisville 3. Charles J, l-'ergusen, tbe famous pitcher et tbe Philadelphia base ball club, died at bair-raat ten o'clock, Sunday night, of typhoid fever. He bad been HI for three weeks. Fergnson was one of the best pitchers in the League, and his less will be greatly telt by the Philadelphia people. He was born at Charlettevllle, Vs., and first came Inte prominence as tbe pitcher et tbe Richmond Eastern League club, which wen the pennant In 1881. He died at Capt. Irwin's beuse, surrounded by his many frlendB, including tbe members et the club. HIS EODT rOCNU IN THE HIVEB. Philip Wail ut.cevtrtd by Twe lleja A Verdict ul Accidental Ilrewnlng. Philip Wall, an olght-year-old son of Geerge Wall, formerly a resident or this city but new et Marietta, disappeared from bis home en Saturdsy, April 14, Seareh was tnade for tbe boy everywhere, but no tritce el him could be found until Sundsy. He was last aeen en a raft In the Susque hanna river, and the general Impression was tbat be had fallen Inte the river. Sundsy aftornoen Jehn Ensmlnger and Jehn Vogle, two boys, were playing along the bank of tbe river, when tbey eaw a strange object In the water. It was found te be the body of tbe missing boy and was brought te the shore. Deputy Corener Jacob Tnums im paneled a jury composed of 1. S. Gelar, H. G. Beattle, Geerge J. Llndsey, A, B. Wil liams, P. O. Peck and Frank J. Mack, and they rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. Tbe body was taken te tbe borne et the boy's rather, and the funeral tcelt place this atternoen. Tbe place wbere tbe body was round waa about 109 yards from the plaee where tbe boy was last seen en a raft The river waa very high when the boy fell Inte the river, yet tbe body was net taken far away. The hat of tbe boy was net found, although persons wbe supposed blm te have been' drowned kept looking for lr. Tbat waa the only part et his clothing missing, and In bis pockets were his marbles and ether playthings tbat he bad when he left home. Miner folic Gates. Themas Flannegan was found helpletsly drunk en Church street,en Saturday night, by Constable Sbaub. As he had work te go te Alderman Barr made his punishment light 24 hours in Jail. Mary A, Law, Jesse Uatrls and William A. Rens were arrested en Saturday night by Censtables Sbaub and Merrleger. They were under the lnlluonee of liquor en Rockland street, and disturbed the neigh borhood with tbelr disorderly conduct. Alderman A. F, Dennelly will dispose of tbe cases te-morrow qtgbt. Dick Redman and Adam Overly and Ned Jacksen, el FacgleyBVllle, were beard be fore Alderman Deen en Saturday evening en charges of drunkeu and disorderly con duct. Redman get 5 days, Jacksen paid costs and Overly was discharged for want of evidence. Fer being drunk and disorderly, Julius Lechler was sent te Jail for 21 hours by Alderman Dean. Ureas Actions Helered,, Merris Glpple Uvea en Hast Strawberry street and en Sundsy afternoon Israel Sal Sal lenstein and Cbarles Livingstone, fellow Hebrews, went te bis beuse and raised a row. They were prosecuted before Alder man A. V, Dennelly ler disorderly oenduct and surety et tbe peace and entered ball for a hearing. After Livingstone waa released he went betere Alderman Barr and entered suits et assault and battery and surety of the peace against Glpple. Censtable Merrlnger ar rested him and be gave ball for a hearing te morrow evening. Us Will Net Of, Jehn Merlsrty, a trsmp from Lxncaiter county, was taken te the Yerk oeusty almshouBe en Saturday, alter having at tempted suicide niar Hanover, Yerk county, by cultleK his threat, wrlsle and abdomen. The Yerk Daily says be will recover, Oa.elliie Anil ulia.t'y Death, Gasoline wax poured from a full can Inte the tank of a gasoline stove at tbe house of James McLnugbln, Topeka, Kansas, en Friday, Mrs. McLsughln wss dangerously burned by tbe explosion which followed, and her six-year-old daughter Mary, and Annie Evans, a hired girl recently from EegUnd, were burned, te dealt.. SUPERINTENDENT JONES FIRM TUK KS1UUTS MAKB A PROPOSITION HE WOOL!) NOT ACOKPT. The Bead of the Bjgar Thomsen Itesl Works Tails Than te O te Wetk and Then Details Wenld Xalatltfacteitl Ar- raagsd HaU MMnlnar Btaits. Braddock, Fa, April 30. The only ehange in the situation at the Edgar Thom Thom eon steel works te-day seems detrimental te the Knights, About 200 men, mostly nungarlans,how nungarlans,hew ever, who arrived yesterday and lastnlgbt, were at the works early this morn morn leg epplylng for work, riupr. Jenes says several of tbem are skilled workmen. The machinery in the rail mill Is la lull operation, bnt up te neon net a bloom bad passed through the rolls. Fire wss started in tbe converters at 0 o'clock this morning, and the first blew will occur about 8 tbls afternoon. Superintendent Jenes pos itively asserted tbat rails will be made te-day. Three locomotives In the transpef tatlen department were put at work te-day. The Knights held a protracted conference last night, at whleh Jeseph Walters end William Bennett were appointed te oenfer with Supt. Jenes te-day. The three are yet in secret oenfer inee. Later. The committee requested Supt. Jenes te remove the Ironclad agreement and the Knlgbta would go te work imme diately. Tbls Mr. Jenes refused te de, saying that the Knights must first go te work, after wbleh the details would be satisfactorily at ranged. OPrOSINQ TUB TABIFff DILI,. Mr. Qroavener, of Ohie,- Takes the Fleer Against It-lillis lotredDcad. Washington, April 80. In tbe Henso the cell of states for the Introduction or bills for reference was dispensed with, members being permitted te file their measures at the elerk's desk. The Heuse went Inte oammitteeef the whole en the tariff bill, and Mr. Qroavener, el Ohie, took the flaer in opposition te the bill. In the Senate te-dsy Mr. Stewart intro duced a resolution el Inquiry aa te the amount of silver bullion offered te tbe treasury department monthly slnee the pas sage ei the coinage act of 1878, tbe prleea asked, and names of sellers. Tbe Senste adopted a resolution calling for Information aa te appointments made in tbe Interior de partment ether than under tbe civil service grades and the promotion of empleyes se appointed. A resolution calling for Information as te the appointments and removals made In tbe New Yerk custom beuse under tbe present administration, went ever under objeetlon. The unearned land grant forfeiture bill was then taken np for farther discussion. Dtlls lutredue.d In Hoasennd Senate. Mr, Stewart, of Nevada, In the Senate to day introduced a bill te Increase tbe monthly coinage el silver te lour million dollars. Sonster Frye te day Introduced a proposed amendment te tbe posteffloe appropriation bill, appropriating 1400,000 for Seuth and Central American mail subsidies te ocean steamers of American ownership and con struction. By reeraest Mr. Masen, or Illinois, to day Introduced a bill in tbe Heuse estab lishing co-operative coal mining assocta assecta assocta llens. It creates a permanent national beard el coal nflne commissioners, oemposed or five men of various political creeds snd diversified professions, wbe shall aerve terms of five y ears eaeh and who shall have control of all anthracite coal mines by pur chase or condemnation under the eminent domain lawa et the United States and the mines shall be owned and leased by tbe United States te sueh persons and en sueh terms ss the beard shall agree and " for the purpese et stimulating In dustry removing discontent and strikes and abolishing corporate greed and unjust oppression and regulating the cost et one of tbe mast stspte artlelts ne cessary for tbe oemfort or tbe peo ple ; te elevate labor, the commissioners shall operate all et the mines en tbe co operative basis." The bill Is verylengtby and gives tbe details of operating tbe mines in every respect. I'abtie Building Ellis Brponed Favorably, Washington, April 3a The Senate public buildings and grounds oemmltteo te-day autherised favorable reports en the bills for publle buildings at the following peints: Menree, La.; Fert Dedge, lows; Dever, N. H.; Sterling, Ills.; St. Paul, Minn.; Bedells, Me.; Asbevllle, N. C; Atchison, Ks.; Wilmington, Del.; Emperia, Kr,;Dulutb, Minn.; Wsterbnry, Conn.; Indlanopells, led.; Lyncbburgand Peters bug, Vs. The committee heard Hen. Timethy Campbell, et New Yerk, in favor of an appropriation for 13,000,000 te buy a site ter public building In New Yerk city. The Uends Te-Day Washington, April 80. The bends offered te Ihe government te-day were ss fellows; Registered 4s, 2,676,000 st 120U; fll.OOO at 104; $3,000, at 126: oeu pens 4t, 180,000 at 12G; registered 4, f 11,000 at VJJ:, Total, 12,718,000. Tbe Carpenter's Sulk. Sometime age the carpenters wbe be long te tbe union in this elty decided te atk f2 per day Instead at IL75 for work en and after the first et May. Seme of tbe bosses agreed te pay tbe increase while ethers refuse te de se. As te-morrow will be tbe first el May, a number or men, wbe had been refuasd an Increase, struck tbls morning. There are ever three hundred carpenters In this elty, and ever one hun dred are members of tbe union. A Bl'Sttt Firs. At neon te-day tbere was an alarm or fire from box 10, located at West King snd Water streets. The fire was found te be In tbe reef of Jehn Cenlln's beuse, st Ne. 28 North Water street. The shingle reef had a amall bole burned In It The firemen re sponded promptly and were seen en tbe ground. They extinguished the flames with buckets of water. The damage was slight and there waa no Inauraner. Tee fire is supposed te bave been caused by a spark from an engine en tbe Quarry vllle railroad. Te Impact Pests. Dr. J. S. Smith, et Admiral Reynolds Pest 405, G, A. R., department of Penn sylvania, will lnspeet Potts 517 G. A. K. Ephrata, and 621 G. A. R. Lltliz. In the Semicema. Near Rlohmend, Ky., en Friday, Arch Steliz, a farmer, committed suicide by taking poison. His brother William, upon aeelng tbe corpte,teok the remainder et tbe poison and lett a note sayleg he wished both te be burled In tbe same celli e. An Old Mae Hen Over. Tbls afternoon an old msn, wbe was crossing East King street at Centre Square, waa atruck, knocked down snd run ever by a countryman's horse snd buggy. He was but slightly injured and waa able te walk away. The driver of tbe team did net step te see wast barm he bed done, PELL INTO A IIROI KETTLE. Milts Snsrli Sesidtd by Lye aed Canatlc soda At Millet's Sesp Works. This morning a terrible scalding seel dent, In which a young man made a narrow escape trem losing his lire, occurred at the Miller sesp works, in the southern part et the oily. The name or Ihe Injured young man la Miles Shorts, who ler a number of years has been employed at the factory. Between 7 and-8-o'clock he Was standing en a beard across the top of a large kettle filled with nlgre, whleh Is oem posed tf lye and caustic soda, and was sesldtng het. He wss engsged in removing a covering ter the kettle, which was above, when suddenly the beard en whleh he was standing broke, The kettle was about 15 leet deep, but there waa only lour rest or the mixture in It Inte this the young man fell en his lett side. He caught held et the ateam pipe and tried te crawl up It, but waa finally rescued byFrank Sharp and JebnScheuIng, two fellow empleyes. He was at once taken te the home of hla father, Henry Sherts, the well known police ctfieer of tbe Fourth Ne. 414 Seuth Queen street. Dr. H. E. Muhlenberg was sent ler st onee and he gave tbe young man his sttentlen. It was found that both legs, as tar up as the calves, and his lelt band and forearm were terribly acaldedjCauslng great pain. Tbe Injuries are very sarleua and cause a great shook te the system, but the young msn is net believed te be In a crltleal condition. Had the kettle been full when the accident occurred the young msn would undoubtedly have been fatally scalded. Bhertr. Is about 25 years of age, and Is a valuable hand at the faotery. He la un married and makes his home with his father. Fer some years he has been a hesemsn, attached te engtne Ne. 4 of the city tire department. Btcsnd WotketUoinmon fleas. The seoend week et the April common pleas court was opened st 10 o'clock this morning, with Judge Patterson presiding In the upper court room and Judge Liv ingston in the lower room, or the 20 cases en the list 11 were de clared ready for trial, 15 were continued and 3 settled. The tavern license of 7 Undorcuiler, cf tbe Mb Vernen hotel, Ephrata township, wss transferred te H. L. Miller. Christian Msltern, city, was granted a renewal et bis soldier's license te peddle goods In the county et Lancaster, Abrahams. Kurlz, Carnarvon, was ap pointed guardian of the miner child of Jehn S. Kurtz, deceased. Rev. H. A. Brlekensteln, LItllz, wss ap pointed guardian of tbe miner children el Susan Uuber, deceased, late of Watwlck township. Judge Patterson filed an opinion denying a new trial In the case et William Hill for the H. S. Stauffer vs. the KltUnnlng Fire Insurance company. There were no eases ready for trial tbls morning and the Jurers were discharged until 2:30 o'elcok. Hey Injured by a llaea Halt' I' layer. Mir.LKRsViLLK, Pa, April 30 Saturday aftornoen a game of base ball was played en the school grounds between tbe Nermal Scheel club and a elub from F. &. M. college. The Franklin and Marshall boys wen the game. The se are was 23 te 11. During tbe game Chsrles Spsyd, boy about 11 yeara old, waa severely Injured by one of tbe plsyers trying te catch a foul. The player did net see the boy and running ever him knocked blm senselese. He was however seen restored te consciousness and carried home, where we understand he Is mending rapidly. Next Sunday C)L Btln, of Kentucky, will lecture In the school chapel. He oemes Jiyjhe InvlUtlpnetjLhe Y. W. C. T. U. The lecture will be glven In the afternoon at 3.16. Tiia Herse Still at It. Saturday evening Andrew Den), censta bleef Maner township, hired a horse snd buggy et Benjamin Hlrsb, liveryman of tbe City hotel, te take a drive In the coun try. He stepped at laaae Uelny's hotel at Graeft's Landing and tied the horse te a pest. The animal became restless and slip ping the; bridle started for home. He ran up the big hill at tbe furnace and thence In Seuth Queen street. On tbe way the buggy struck against a tree and was broken te pieces. Tbe horse became lcese from the vehicle and, with a part of the harness cling ing te blm, ran te bis stable. On Seuth Queen street Officer Sliertz tried te step the anions! snd In sn doing he was knocked down but net Injured. A Ueraulileg Jurer. Among tbe Jurers euipsnelled te serve this week was Jacob Becker, farmer, Rapbe township. He Is a tnember of Iho River Brethren denomination and one of the arti cles or their faith prevents suy of tbslr members from serving as jurors. If any de serve they are expelled irem church fel lowship. A motion was made te excuse Mr. Becker tbls morning, but the court de clined te excuse blm. Becker did net put In appearance and It la net probable tbat be will. The usual fine for defaulting Jurers wll bs Imposed and tbls fine tbe church will pay. A Strang Bird. A new bird, which la called tbe Ameri can Cress Bill, baa mode Its appearance in lr.rge numbers in the vicinity of Li tin. They are something lsrger tban tbe spar row and are very tame. Tbe males are brown with red backs and breasts, and tbe femalea are entirely el brown. The birds are new coming uerlb, and they usually make tbelr habitations In tbe mountains et this state and New Yerk. A Torrid Ware, The exceptionally cold weather for torne weska past was followed en Friday by a het wave which raised tbe mercury te 76 en Saturday te B0" and en Sunday te 60 and te-day bids fair te be aa warm. We are apt te think these sudden changes un precedented, but tbey are uet. According te Henry Demuth'a register, tbe closing days et April 18SI steed as fellnwii : April 27tb, 94 ; 28th, 86 ; 29th, 60 ; 30tb, 82. Preliminary Injunction Granted. Jebn S, llelser, et Stevens, East Cocallce township, through his attorney, A. J. Kterly, this morning filed a bill lu equity against Samuel E. Lied, tbe owner of prep erty adjoining his. The allegation Is that Lied Is about arching ever, filling up and destroying, a well et water whleh Helser has the right te use. The court granted a preliminary Injunction reatraining Lied from making the proposed alterations. band Amputated. On Saturdsy, Dr. Albright, assisted by Drs. Beardman, Dlller and Selgler, am putated the hand of Harry Myers, et Cbureh street It will be remembered tbat about two weeks ego Mr, Myers, who was employed st Burger's plaulng mill, bed several fingers of bis band out eti. The amputation was made necessary for fear of blecd poisoning orseeandary hemorrhages. m Sued Per Dasr rtlen. Jehn Frank was heard by Alderman Fordney en Saturday, en a cbaiBe of de de aerllen, and was required te enter ball for his appearance at tbe next term of the court He Is 82 years old snd bis wife, who breujjht tbe salt, 83 y w old. THE NEW CEIEF JUSTICE. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND APPOINTS HM, TILLE W. POLLER, OP ILL1NOI ', Skttch et the Democrat Who Will Pill tas Obalr el the Late Morrison R, Wane. A Prominent Lawyer, of Chicago, Agterrtriy-Uirse tears, Washington, April SU The president te-day tent te the Senate tbe noaiuUea of MellvllleW. Fuller, of Illinois, tebeeatef Justice cf tbe Vnlted States; David IT. Burke, or New Yerk, te be consul at Bahias Frsnela Gress, or New Yerk, te be esatetMt appraiser of merchandise in the district et New Yerk, and a number of army promo tions. Cspt. WsllaeeF. Randelph, 6tharUt, lery,tobemsjerof the Id artillery ; LtetU OeU Henry W. Uloasen, 6th artillery, te be colonel 4th artillery; M.J or Klehard Loder, 31 artillery, te be lleut colonel, 4th artillery t lit Lieut. BerJ. K. Roberts, 6th artillery, te be cap tain 6th artillery ; Seoend Lieut Henry O. Catbaugh 6'.b artillery te be first lleut; Seoend Lieut Jehn S. Malley, 2d Infantry, te be first .lleut ; Lieut Cot Kdwln C. Masen, 4th infantry te be oel. 8i Iniantry ; Majer Frederlek Mean 25th Infantry te be lleut. oel. 4 '.h Infantry ; 1st lleut, Jeseph W. Duncan, 2 1st Infantry te be captain; Capt. Evan Mills, 21st In fantry, te be major 25th Infantry ; Jes. S. Jouett, Iste 1st lleut. lit cavalry te be first lleut 10th cavalry. When the nomination et Mellvllle W. Fuller, aa chief Justice et tbe United States, reached the Senate, by a singular colnel celnel dence, Minister Phelps and Senster Gray were sitting together en one of the aefse, The nomination was Immediately mode the subjeet et general whlspored conversation, and as far aa could be ascertained, the com ment waa entirely favorable te the selection trem every standpoint, Mr. Fuller's quali fications and fitness being reoegnizMt en the Republican side of tbe chsmber, while the polltleal wisdom et tbe appointment fa oenceded by tbe Democrats who oppose! the selection of Mln later Phelps, Melville W. Fuller is a native or the state or Maine. He la in his Ufty-flfth year a KiMiuaig v, wvnuviu wuvOi iimm -v' utiea nor seugni an tmee, ana is rseeE l nlz3d lesder et the Chlcsn-e bar. end be ?&':;, held a high place In tbe councils et the) 1g' Democratic party. Early In the admlnis 5 trsuen ei sir. uieveiana na was samcterssii- or the solicitor generalship and subsequently "rX positions ou the etvll eervlce commlsstee), ' lijr-M Inter-state commerce commission and f&i PaolUe railroad commission, all or wueh j; ,,-?. he declined, ue baa been nata mine Bign. rvf" eat regard by tbe prcaldent and nsaDMaVl generally Indorsed by Western Dameetntr. V In personal appearance, Mr. iuier ):, unusually handsome; bis hslr and &! mouBtseho are attvery and bis featsarea dear cut and Intelligent In stature 1st sj,5v short and alight, compared with bis tufmMi associates en the supreme ben en. iT.r-n-y Fuller Is a man el high sohelsstlo,as well mm l . ....I..n.nnfa .till BU an firAtA lllO H ... , ,....,.. n,n him tha tltla nf !k '; MiOUM a,u ,. .. -. . Ohauncey m, uspew ui ue ni. mm petltlca be Is bust described as an Oad-fl? 3 BOhOOI uemecraw axe waw iujri m -v, Ing during the war ; la a believer In an ; voesto e( simple government He te,, mnmher of tha Protestant Episcopal chitreav' 'si j andhss been prominently Identified wrtar that organisatien snd oensplouous la ssw, -m trials. He is well known In Waahlngtemfi .. . n.aniltlnnnr halnrn tha innrams OOBUL "'' Many Indians Slanihtared, i Noealks, Ariz., April be. usnena ,at Guerra, commander of tbe first ttlUtetyS zjiie or Senere, telegraphs the governor ' under date or Apru ze tnai Aiteur. j esaa .Av.a -l..ltn illli terianl fnrMI. hail m. nhaTB 't'J battle with YsfiallcdlsnsentheTeJtbantpa fm ti1 -..." - , jr, j mountains, killing twenty-one ana weund-;.av i,.nn. who was taken prisoner. ?!; J tn annlhar dlaiutfih. dated ADril 27. tb;''..A ..1.....I ..n. . II Vaalarrfav (lanlaln Aiat'u.Sl KWBIM.kjm, wwm.. j -r.. a,... ,a i.mM. of the Mexlean home guard, ever. m took a party et Yaqul Indians and had Jjr fight with them, killing seven ana espiar-ij inir fourteen prisoner, mostly women end ( children, aud a let et guns and ammtuil- J; J. linn II Dv'hKI Heme Violation et the Bendiy Law. tf sV CeLiiunus. Ohie. Aerll 30. DlspatOMS J from all ever Ohie show tbst In the aassller .4$j towns the new Sunday law was fairly well tj&rjj enforced and in some instances absolutely, ,4 although in a few cases there appeared te H iu a hu-kr rinnr entrance te theaalOOBVB tvf while the front deer end blinds were ssis t Un.lnnnaM. Pirtamfiuth. Z tnSS TlilA. I $1 Urbane, Steubenvllle, ClrelevlUe, Lefaa,,, ,i?J LiBUeaaiBiT ua uuuwi. . .. w-y law wm enforced in spirit it net in latter. r$M .. .... a. nlk.. AIM tlbJ. . 'S.-l'l In Columbus there was no attempt at est- g fercement. All saloons ei tne eny were wlde open and no sort et attention wag paid te the Owens law. I i A Weman and Uer Urandeen star asred, ' Colebado Spnisas, lows, April 30. Mrs, Kearney, an' aged lady possessed or emv sidersbfe property, and her grandson, Eddie Hand, eight years of age, were found murdered yesterday en Mrs. Keerney'a ranch, near Edgerteu, nine miles Irem here. In tbe stable tbe body of Un, Kearney was found doubled up in a corner In a badly decomposed condition, and 'lb body of the boy was found jammed Inte a feed box, alaoeadly decomposed. ltefus te Obey. Loxpek, April 30. A meeting of Eeg Mali and Irish leaders of tbe Liberal and Nationalist parties of Parliament waa held te-day at Aderahet, at which the pef'a decree 'against the plan of campaign" atd boycotting in Ireland was discussed, Tha decree waa strongly condemned and It waa resolved te found a home rule bran eh et tta National leaitue which should contribute nothing te "Peter's Penee." liloedr Battle H.twe.n Police and Cenvttlf. Alexandria, April 80. Yesterdsy a party or eseaped prisoners took possession - . Y. . ... .... ,1.1. .kl.W or a mosque in uamauuuui, um iuw .j Tbepollee surreundea tne mosque ansa a .laanm-atnnnnflict ensued. Fllteen OOaVlsM vera killed and two wounded. ThepOaaea H lett four men, killed and wounded. 'M Bla Elcctleu Valid. Dunn, April 30. The election et Mr. T. Boxten, M. P., te the office of lord msyer has been declared valid by tha unauimeus vote of the Judges of the oeurl el queen's bench. A Yacautrk'lllid. lUniusiiune, April SO. Gov. Besver bappeluted Gee. W. Flowers protheae- . laryef Westmoreland county, vice Jeb Chamberlain, deesased, Te Arrest a I'lleit. Dublin, April 30. One bunded menct the Stxtliih rills curpi started for Qweedeta to-dey te arrest soother priest WBAKUMM UfUitVAMlUra, PWasniNQTON, D. C., April 30 Fes Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer sey t Fair weather, followed by rale, oelder, light te Ueeh variable wind 1 v3! m m a. ?s .1. . Q.z-'i v- & a , i f ', -5.