;;crt LW? PH&mZ&St:- -.-. y -,,x sr.i Rl? ir V ilfy (ntifilitncT. MMuMna. afbil w. tarn vaMatkaa all MM MiHMkmtiiiMUitMirMiipte Tiimi aaaiMi fcmir. BCMS-TM VBr HHMl erf In IBTSA miaai aellvared by earrieri la tt tty ' -Mi mmadln tewae for loe. M weekj Mr aaail. RN a yearj tt80 ler elxaneBtks ':' WLBter tkrsw months t We. pr nentk. In wur itmuieaacB (Deuble Sheet) 'ItMaariMn wishing teat Marat changed U' aawt also iUM whet VM paper la bow ter- S J fcMllBMIIBlB M. .A k Bft J M 1IA f iIRTlii"w'" "VW W IV M VW W UU FA-.Aaaai lrfc&M. AJWlAtltlV tfl iMAtlAM .". i TKI mtlLMRIIiaH. r C tueMter. r. PVi'iV9epkeB Connection il? Te Frrack CcMtltaUiaa. v.. jiue -ciwvu vunuiuiri ui uviiuutx una V' SMt Matnitm? frtr i.liA tltamiaalnn nt lin -i" 11 1. I ..! . IL. rA vsnrtalnn nf thn constitution. The clamor fMfit revision has become se fierce that the k friends of the republic begin te doubt h ,irbettjer It would iiet be well te run be- fKnthe wind like a snip ia gate, ana ?take the risk of going; te pieces en an un- :f3iMWB shore, rather than te keep beating Bj& about waiting for a lull in the tempest, ns, FJequet, In a speech that was warmly fe i u t . .. 3 .1 I . .1 . tit re BHiuueu uy ine conservative repuuii- 1.41 " -. .... . . rfBB' element ei me assemuiy ana re- with Impatience by the radical feX eemmunlsts, Imperialists and men- f.wmmmm, aeciarea mat ne rayerea revi- t eat preferred te wait for a time when i would net be the present danger of dictator or an emperor. This incident igNOM la enough te measure the vaatdis ! 4 ' tasea between our own rnminlle and that t France. Even In the days of enr ir)alt6nal Infancy we never felt se weak In ;-;,. fepalar support that such a speech by a ;;NH leader could have carried with it se ..-fjraTO an impression ei me a anger or a rkU. Ir'.Jje fm.1- .11. .ai - n &,il? jliub consuiuuen se generally con cen t ri-'denaned is nut se wretched an instrument ll.'Uit A. ..-.. . . J ;., ;us mat a less impetuous unu mere "seeerely democratic people might net Sj'tin aieng witn it in peace. xuere M&li' "a nrAalilenttal flrfiiK-liP-irt will, bj$ "alary of 1120,000 and some ijS&toiny-iwe lueU8n' men inrewn in 'MSi'tat bfflclal flrnnnnpn. Tin hnMa thn nntrnr trf appointment for ali offices, civil and ajuUtary, has supreme control of army i5r& J wim kue uuuuuu ei dium; ..mirajM me macniuery ei government. ?&w .council of state is composed of 28 ;: "neaieers seieciee: ny me assembly and 15 KfcrtfT&t'lIAl.- ..1.1 1 Ti . 11 . Tr " freajueuv. Jiieven minisiers pre- B.i. Viae ever me several aeparimentser me ?:'?- '.aDTBTnmenc. j.mra i. a nnnain nnn W "Chamber of Deputies, the former elected yfetey. the delegates of the communes for IlMrY tfltffcjl for fftBr yean by universal suffrage. There are ew senators receiving j,wu a year I aaa 685 deputies paid 11,000. '" Certatnlv men of flrsUclass nlillltv 4 could enlv be tenanted te enter these IfSbediea by the honor and the opportunity .. , ei greater advancement, or by pure pa- ; tnetum. xce president, is eligible for iKi, recuen, uuttne power reauy rests in ,w the hands of the assembly, which has overthrown ministries most Industriously. $&- une enter complaint of tbe system are hSi' . that It Is nnfc snfHrlnllv rtemni-rnlln n.l !&. the cities de net receive Just represents glr tkm In the Senate ; also that the presl. Wf& nbeuld be elected by the people. The mf& president can only dissolve the Chamber i of Deputies with the udvlce of the j,1 etenate. l'litllstlncs In America. wL- Matthew Arneld's trrent life work wiu k$$'uu overiurew or what he called Phills- v-.-ri. .. - ... .... ,ilnlsmtby which he meant that regula- sjin lien or me ami euucatien which made everything subordinate te immediate and apparent utility. He held that the mind should net be treated merely as the re ceptacle for facta which might be useful, but that durlug early years it should be ' broadened by carefully planned methods of school training. He laid himself open ' ,e ridicule by the extreme urgency with i& .wwen ne insisted upon the need of jS? iweetnesa and light for the regeneration ui miuieiy, uui uu uccempnsneu Ills el)- S.V' ,Jet and saved England from the " Phil. fettu iiUnes." J?rem the sudden rush of U i American educators towards sclentlilc ''' ttniV mnnlinl tmlutrir- Minn. nnr.n,.. n t... mi- danger that we tee will have a struggle m wlth the Philistines. The reaction from sjj3t m cjnieuie ciaaaicai training or n gener Hl$;jrfkn age should be checked before It 'Sv gees tee far, and though it may be well KwK.te "cognize and accept the true princl. )Me et both, te combine elementary F iOlence with the habits of work and fv' tbeusrht fflven bv thn old nvRtam and &S t direct mere carefully the develep- &? .Sunt of the active iinwnm In & boys and girls, yet we must remember a? 'that they are net men und women and Pjiaanet fully value and apply what they n-j w wugut. iu cnuunoea we are ;v, given almple statements of great religious .''m''- Initha Imf n.nillir U la nnln In.- .. ... ; -.HM-w, VM- M-V.....J iw U!J llUl nibUl ' 1' MMn-Un V.. l.Al.r..1l ....1 1 SywT ,i-uijr wim mcii urn vaiuti uuu llieau- p t tag is realized. fj a. euuureu cuu ue given a lair supply .of sound elempntnrv nrlsilnm nmi a f..... fyA itmYaaiie nuu ucciui inula m BCieUCO, & hlaterv and the nrts. thnt. with il, ii.e 'HVj."will be as much ns they can readilv tny without physical or mental injury. & j.r manual training is se applied as te )tirt Si .-. . - . . relieve me strain or mental labor it will undoubtedly have a geed effect ; trengthenlng net only the hand and eye, but encouraging mere even development and health of mind and body. Our young people de net impress one with an Idea of race advancement, and compared either Mentally or physielally with their grand, parents they surely suffer. Whatever ' change is made net a straw must lie Added te the back of the camel, but the burden lightened or adjusted mere easily. t . ' : Louisiana's Election. ' Tbe Louisiana election gives no com , fort te tbe Republicans. It was clajmtd that the Democrats would suffer from Mr. Cleveland' tariff utterances; that tbe sugar men would ceme down nnnn fe tbe Democracy with a trip-hammer blew r :. aaaasH-a. aaiiiiiii iiimks i iibb rn rw rnni ... l . yen; iccj nuav u iBletake it had made in daring te suggest uy curtailment of the duties en a Louls- .iana industry. It was predicted that the negrees would go with increased enthu. lasm with the Republican', and with the ; Millionaire carpet-bagger Warmoth at he head of the Republican ticket, sue- -m was certalu. Te help the Republican 1 wish it whs pointed out that tlm nm. i" Wet8 1uarrellDK among themselves IM Xw Orleans, and that the Democracy -67.T. """'' " usiate or incipient fe-J'r- ,.. .. ;, a tne rssuit. The Democrats la-1 gave the Deneerata a telW vote In the eennUea meat confidently counted en for Warmetb majorities. Thh Bphrata Hews Is a sew weekly pub pub lteatlen whleb, uadmr the proprletenblp of Hoever St Letsver, hw jnst made Ita bow te tbe public In that pref raietve town. Its aal aal utatery lamodetandproaln what aeema certainly wltbln the eitaclty of the new aspirants In the flsld of jurnaltitn, a geed newspaper. We with the proprietors all suoeesa. 1.1 r a Is mere aered en tbe rail In England than in tbla oennlry. Only eight passengers en railroad trains In all the United Kingdom for the year 1880 lest their Uvea from causes beyond their own control! and ent of 860 million paasengers conveyed, 616 was the whole number el tbe Injured. ' A mono tbe measure recently brought forward for the protection and civilisatien of the Indiana, none have appeared mere worthy of tbe support or men who con sider both sides of the Indian question tban tbe act te establish courts for tbs In dians. It may surprise some te learn that by this act Indians are for tbe first time definitely declared entitled te tbe fnll pro tection secured by tbe constitution te per sons who are net citizens of the United States. Tbe heathen Chinee or IiunKarlan, the genuine circus cannibal from tbe Conge, or any ether native of another part of the footstool, mlgbt claim tbe protection and exemption granted by enr constitution, but peer Le has found te his sorrow, and the satlataotlen of the frontier desperadoes with whom be baa dealing that he Is neither a foreigner nor a clilr.en. It has even been doelded In certain canoe that he was net a man In tbe eyes of the law. The act referred te gives lilin the power te make contracts and eiiKge In business nnder tbe reasonable restralnt of the agency ayatem. It extends the existing; lsws of the state or territory In which any reserva tion Is situated ever that reservation, and the lawa of Kansas evor the Indian terri tory, but tbe elvlllz9d trlbes having lawa and courts of their own nre especially ex empted from this act The United States court of eaeh circuit 1 te appoint court commissioners, learned In tlie law, oseh one of whom aball bave authority te hear and decide all cases wltbln a dlstrlet allotted teblm, whether between Indians or be tween Indians and wbltea ; oxeoptlns; only eapltal osser. lie will have the goneral powers of a surrogate or Juilue of probate In approving the wills of Indians and tbe aoeounts of trustees and administrators, and be will also bave tbe power of a Jus- tlce of tbe peaee or notary uudur tbe laws et tbe state or territory. These commissioners will try caes with out juries unless a jury Is demanded by either party ; but ettber parly may claim a Jury of six and whenever practicable Ibis Jury Is te be compose J half of each race. In any case where tbe matter in oeutrovorsy exceeds 20, or In which tbe party accused la liable te Infamous punlsbment, appeal may be taken te the United States district, court. Tbe act fixes tbe number ofcora efcora ofcera tnlsstonors te be appointed lnjiTTuTatrlct t1 "'" r-f"2' V-ouiulaleners' ciers, oeminiiungninKisiraifl, ana an oi ei tidal known as the " Nf-xt Friend " who la te be a kind of dlstrlet attorney. The magistrates and clerks are te be Indians, if couipetent red men can be found. Tnr. Philadelphia .S'unrfey Dispatch Is dlatrlbutlng flue portraits of lien. Hlmen Cameren. Tuny are printed from weed cuts. Enthusiasts get t sumo qtieer work. A. Viennese professor named Behmltt, a year or two alnoe, coiumeuood a " Hand book or rjaiioterte Players," the Idea of which was te gtve Illustrations of the out spread hands or noted plaulsts, with ex planatory text, peIntliiK out their verled characteristics, Ue did net complete bis task, but collected nufllclent mntenal te tirove bow IntercstluK tbe mllre I ullllinent of lila plan would Imve been te many. Among, the hands seJcetei! wrrothesoof Llfzttbat "rxteuded round the corner," and presented thn very rierfectlen of suppleness and llextbllity. Tbe Iren hand et Itublnateln, tboemuedlinont of museu. lar lerce, aa well as the " manly hand " el Hophte Menter, alee feuud a place In the oellootlou. In .trlkliit; contrast te these tbe diminutive bauds of Tauslg, .Tael and Jesetry were dealt with. All thfee facts are Interesting enough, but show netblug. As the Mutieal IltraUl says: "It does net fellow that anatomical perfection In the conformation of the hand necessarily Indi cates unusual planlatle pewerr. On tbe ether band many, possessed of roraarkable manipulative skill, endurance, and ether features of an admirable toehirlquo, have eltlmsy and unsuggestlve handf. PKRaONAIi. HUAKKsrnAltK's ehalr wai sold at auction en Thursday nt Iiinden ler 120. A. 8. Aiiell, who dlud In lUUIinore en Thursday, leaves nil etble estlmted a'.MO.. 000.000. ' 1'xt Hoenuy was hissed una made the recipient el se me overdue vgvs at a per per fnrmance In Amsterdam. N. Y.. t wiiinh some Irish Ame.'leana took oIIeiihc. SKOliETAnv Faihcuild ssya that the treatment of etferii ler the i-ale of bends next week under the terms of the olreular of the 17ih Instant will be tbe same as last year, exeVpt that the names of tbose oiler eiler oiler leg bends will be suppremed. Marriett Urieaius Is te go te Congress from Lancaster oeuuty. When be Inflstea his oratories bellows In the Cave of the Winds, as Den Piatt used te call tbe Heuse et Repreutatlvea, the galleries will fancy that old iElus hluiaelt lias been tleoted a rupreseutatlve. HarrUburg J'utriet. Majeii Wiuiam Uanoeoic Ci.aiiuk, who called the ex-ConteUerato soldiers of New Yerk together te de honor te tbe memory of Oeneral Oraet when the latter died, was a Confederate eflicer, and In said te bave been the first oilleor Oeueral GrBUt ptroled otter the aurnnJer Ht Apioimt Apieimt trx. Majer Clarke la n relation el tbe late Genera! llauoeck, It is stated. Kkv. Dii. Iires, who aeverrd bis een. neciten with Onrlst Kefermed cburcb, Itetblebeiii, home wecka uue, was Thurs day ro-eleetod n pastor of that church. Only 100 votes were cast, all belug in favor of lr. Loes. Over a hundred romeiiBtraniH refused te take any part lu tbe selection and stated that thev would appeul te (lliumi, which meeti at Hath en tbe 25th of May, L.OWD Lenpsalk's Bdvonttireua tun In the Arctic circle was a ulue days' wonder in Winnipeg during his stay there. On tyeunesuay miereHi waa again quickened by the return of Lonsdale's valet with the larger portion of tbe outfit. He parted company with Lensdale at Qreen Lake, north of Prince Albert, ewlug te the Im possibility of aeeurlng a sulllelent number of dogs te enable both te proceed with a new outfit. Lord Lonsdale, be said, would proeeod northward In company with bla Indian and half-breed guides, and he had no doubt the lordly adventurer would ao ae ao cemplisb his trip successfully. , Staned Iiltusrlf te Heath. Peter O'Neal, who recently shot and killed his wife and shot himself, died in the Allegheny county Jll Thursday morn, leg. O'Neal was thought te be getting tetter, and was removed from tbe hospital KV,a,,0?Y.Cty,Jl1.1 a uplef weeks age. (Since that time he has refused te eat and hea grown gradually weaker. Hepeated etferta were made te force feed down his tbieit. r?i "i6y,wer0 0nly P"y suceeksluK lhe physicians asy that hed.ed from ex ex haustlen brought en by lack et neurlsb- Kllled tbe rrtacbrr. Edward Cessar, a colerod man of oon eon oen aldorablii weallb, returuwl te hl home at Sardts, Miss., unexpectedly en Wednesday night and found Kev. Hldney Hlbbler. pastor el the Methodist church and nrlncl pal of the school, M bis home. Net being satisfied wllh the mlnlater'a explanation, he shot and kllltd blm. ' CauDKxx get billleus nnleas you keep their bowels open with HewStrle VtnKrDtiter, agrssablywiUlte tka raak psrraisw of am er einary Hisses, is tsweaptlbls te tans who tnhalatba odor of BOZODOHT, a ehevicallr pare botasde aajaaet of the UMlet, wkleh Unas the areaMst favor ta thess ratart elrelsa where parseaat oemeMaess aad tbs sraeas which elevate the fonsei seclstr arakeieia esserved estssaa. Beslaeiarresttnattadaeay of negleeted or abased teeth, and reaaevlBg tartar and elbar impurities which eatuaa tham te become dim and liutreless It pntteesths breath and remedies canker la month. WAirifAUAKKR'S. raiLAtisLraiA, rriOay, AprU te, 1SST.2 Our quick prices en Dress Goods are talked about One tells another. The news spreads. It jsn't every day that quarter, third, even mere, can be saved en the stuff for a just-what-you-want gown. Meney-saving time here en things el every sort, Scotch Zephyr Ginghams. The boldest, richest plaids and stripes of all that canny cotton family. Selected long fibre cot ton ; precise spinning, thorough weaving, wonders of the dyers' art. The braes e' Bennie Doen never bloomed mere fresh and fair. Crown wearers, these Zephyrs ; 50 centers, every one ei them. But the knife has been at work. Just as rich and royal as ever, this season's patterns and every yard new, but the price is 3714c. Plaids, everpfaids, mixed plaids and stripes, and many jacquard patterns. 53 styles in all. Fer 37c ! Thrifty mammas will be stewing away yards and yards of these for another season. The 30-inch wick-striped and plaided Scotch Gingham at 25c is slipping out right merrily. Ne wonder ; imported te sell at 40c, and worth it. Fine Dress Pattern of Cash mere and Novely, $3. A dozen 'styles in Spring shades. 10 yards cashmere, 1 j4 yards nov elty in each pattern. Silk-and-wool Summer Chev iot. Fine wool and geed silk well put together. Mixtures of grays, brown, olives, navy blue, and terra cotta. 42 inches. 75c, from$i. Bleck Plaid Serge, with over ever plaid of quarter-inch broche blocks ; tan, ecru, and lead with olive, green, blue, red, brown. 40 inches. 50c, from 60. German Combination Suit ings. 40 inches. Reduced from 60 te 50c. Crewel Plaids. 4 colors. 40 inches. 50c, from 75. A Dress Goods bargain-list every day since Monday, a mere mention of each would fill the column. A few of yes terday's Blacks : mack Btriped Arranrcs, 1 styles, tee, treun CO Illack flabaalopet, like out OMhmere, f c, Irnm S3. Ulack BerfrA, stitpes andebeeks, 7 Je, from S3. Ulack Armnres, Mohair figures, "Se. trem 11. Uloek Feulii Serge, body for business, Oie, from 83. UUek CauielVHali; Serge, 7.0, trem ll. Illack Batln Mervellleux (wool), 43 In.. eoe, trem 73. The clean-up in Baby Clethes set the for-half-and-less lets humming yesterday. May last the week out. Meney does double work in some Bevs' Kilts and Big Girls' Dresses tee. 125 Gretchen Coats, sizes 4 te 12; best makes, Just in. Manufacturer's price, $7 te $12; ours $4, $5, $6. second Doer, Chestnut street tide. Tweele valers. 2,000 all-wool Jerseys. Well made, excellent shapes and styles. 1 hree colors, all sizes 75c each. Yeu have paid $2.50 ler like them. 1 he why in a nutshell a manufacturer s less Ten new styles imported ersevs 111st here. 2.2";. 2.ce. $3, and $3.50. You'll enjoy a leek at them. Second fleer, Chestnut street side. Take ele vator. If you are thinking of China ware the time te act has come. Upset prices are only half the story. We have spread out a few of the sorts. An object lessen in ceramics. A school of results in the potter's art. A grouping of helpful, hand some things that tell of table jys- lake Dinner Sets: eighty one distinct patterns; 135 sets of Limoges, Carlsbad, Stafford shire, Trenten, Baltimore, and whatnot mere. $15 te $130. Nine big table? filled with them ; each set with a name card. 1 60 Decorated Tea Sets, 48 styles. $4.75 te $iS. 55 styles of Chamber Sets in l65 colorings. $5.75 te $65. We believe such a showing of these things has never before been made in this country. Never a better time te see what is going en in Crocker)', fine China, and Glassware. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia, JWOMDXRFtTIi AHALYSia, A Mtnpla Pnyalcal Trouble Shown te be tb " Bfldanlac of the aad." What Is a cough T It is aa Irritation of ths threat and long. What eauaas tit Congestion. Step the ceniestkm. Ue IrrttaMsa ssi i as, aa tbs conch Is cured. Buthowtestoptbseoaesa Men tan, there Is jnst where physletans bave always been pnisled. Bat tt asset be chaeksa, or pneumonia, quick oeasaaipUOB otsesas ter rtble pulmonary dtteaaewllt fellow. Seme doe ters 1ts cot liver oil, ethers eoeih symps, het the most adraneed prescribe stimulants. Jfa tare mutt be assisted, rare whisky .will de U. Bee what physicians sari Prof. Austin flint, of Believes (Hew YertJ College, ssys 1 " The judicious use of alcoholic stimulants la one of the striking characteristics or progress In the practice of med Ictna during thelsst half century." Professer Henry A- atott,ef Hew Tork. says I The parity of Daffy's furs Malt Whisky (aa simple analytical tests will readily convince a physician or an expert) should certainly rec ommend It te the highest pnblle favor." Dr. Wm. T. Cetter, Bute Chemist of Conneo Cenneo Connee tlcnt, says I Daffy's Pure Malt Whisky con Ulna no deleterious or lej arieus qualities, and Its absolute parity, as wall aa scientific mode of manufacture, must commend It te general nse and favor." Daffy's Pare Malt Whisky Is a certain core and preventive of congestion, and should be kept In every family, it Is sold by all flrug gUts and dealer. Be sure and secure the gen uine. (1) TOBAOae. A FINK PIECE OF CHEWING TOBACCO IS INDBBDAI.UXimr. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemes aa near being a One pleee of Fi.UQ TOBACCO at It Is .'Possible te make It, and Is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DKALKRS. We are) sure that ONE TRIAL will Convince Ten of Its Merits. -3i-Loek fortheredHttntageneachplug.st Jno. Finzer & Bre.'s, I.OUI8V1LLE, IT C8) UAHLIOUT COltPANY. Q.ABUGHT COMPANY. WELSBAOH mOAHDESCEST GASLIGHT COMPANY of PENNSYLVANIA 123 SOTJXH TWELFTH BT., PUILADBLPU1A. TI1IB COMPANY offers ft limited amount et the full paid Capital stock of tbe PUILADKL PUILADKL PUIAWELSUACHCO.,parvalue S1C0, at U0 per share, payable In two Instalments. By tbe terms of a guarantee, which will be explained te Intending Investors, the actual risk will probably net exceed 12.00 per share, while large profits are reasonably sure. The wenderful system of lighting is new en exhibition at 122SOUTU TWKlitTU BTKKKT, rem 8 te 10 p, m., where the Subscription lloek s open. A. O. GRANGER, President. SAMUEL T. BODINB. Sccretaryand Troasurer. Heard of Dlroetore. GsOROSl'UILtBR, William Weed, Taexts Deliu, Wm. M.BiRaiiLT, Jehn O.lliuiHNn, A. O. Uuamish, Wm. a. Wahekn, W. W. UlBBS, Randal Uoseak, ItOBT. GLKHDIHaiKU, T. J. MoNraexinr, A. It Uicsar. Advisory Commltteo of Stockholders, nSMSTC. flISSOK, Lsmcsl Cerriir, Wm.T. Oastss, J. K. Qiliiheuan, O P.llILraSSTEIN, J. II. ALTBMUS, Jambs A. WmasT, U. 11. Uocsten, T. WlSTAB BBOWH, William U rock is. Clatter raxxca, Tnems Cechrak, A. e. IH'MrasiTs, MORTOW MeMlOBABL, 1. V. Wiixiamse, Watks MaeVbabh apis-lwd tOK a ALU OK HUNT. RK8iDkN0EbN THE KA8T SIDE . of Duke street, between Orange and Chestnut, for rout. Inquire of . . A.J.STEINMAN, red At this Office. OW ltKADY. Parties wishing te view the North Duke street Ureen stone rrent" Houses, can de se by celling at the fourth house train New street, which is new cemplete and open for In spection trem 9 a. in. te 10 p. in. declO-tfd ELUVIN UnKRMAN. jCTOK KKNT-FROM APKIL 1, 1888, Ai foreneorateruinf years, the Btrasbnrg Railroad, with Coul and Lumber Yard, Ware house, Locomotive abdUars f all In geed aud running erder. The lease of this valuable properly presents a rare opportunity te any Vials autMeg te engage In a pleasant, well stabllshed and prentable business. Fer con ditions, rent or ether Information apply te TIIOS.erUKNUYllAIJMUARbNKU, rnt-tfd Lancaster City, Pa. OR RKNT. A three-story Jlrt.proef Warehouse suit able for tobacco or manufacturing purposes, situated en KaatU rant streeU lnuulrent 29 KAST KINO STKKKT. Terms reasonable. Possession Immediately, mar oedtfd ' UllllO SALE. CONTRACTORS' rLANT will be sold at publle sale en WEDNESDAY. APRlt.iS.i8-8,ateemeriiet, fa, 4 Ratliead i:arts. W Seu c&rt Uarnets, l et of Wsgeu, Car and Deit Ilarneee, SO Dump Cars. 3 feet gauge, Several Sets Ulacksmlih Toels. Let el Octagon Uast Steel, Let et steel Sledgus, . I.otel Crew liars, Let of t'leks, Shovels, etc., etc. bale te cemmence at le o'elock a. m. Terms eash. XUWARI) SfeUOVKRN. ,,,.. J. J. IITZI'ATUIOK ttpl2W.lll.lg.t0.21d HVjViM AND LIQ UOHH, Q.KOFF HPR1NU lllMTlIiLKR Y. OLD QBOFF SPRINQ DISTILLERY East Orange Street. 81X)BK-63 NORTH QUEEN BT., LAXGABTKU, 1A. UtKhest tir.ice'peld fer;uye. , s.a.B.bhkastkb, Proprietor, ROOD'S MAFAsUliLA. -.-) pv Health and Strength If yen fleet Urea. weak, wen eat. or ran ektwa from hart work, by Impoverished con dition of the Meed or low state of thn system, yen should take Heet's rarsapartlla. The peculiar toning, purifying, and vitalising qualities of tblssueeeeefal asedlttne are seen felt throughout the entire system, expelling disease, and giving qalek, healthy action te every organ. It tones the stesaanb, ercates an appetite, and rensee tbe liver and kidneys. Thousands who have taken It with benefit, testily that Heed's Barsaparilla "makes the weak strong." Heed's Barsaparilla I have taken net quite a bottle of Heed's Sanaparllla, and mast say It is eaa of the best medicine for giving an appetite, purifying the bleed, and regulating the digestive organs, that I ever heard of. It did me a great deal of geed." Mas. N. A. Stablbv, canaatet. If. T. " I took Heed's Sanaparllla for less of appe tite, dyspepsia, and general languor. It did men vast amount of geed, and 1 have no heal taney in recommending it." J. W. Wrua Wrua rean, Qulney, 111. "I had salt rheum ea my left arm three years, suflering terribly. I took Heed's Sar sapsrilla, and the salt rheum has entirely dis appeared." H.ht. Mills, 71 Preach ax, Lewell, Mass. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by sll druggists. II j six for M. rrepared I Beld by all druggists, n t six for as. Prepared only by O. L MOOD CO., Apothecaries, only by c. I. HOOD CO, Apotteearlos. Lewell, Haas. I Lewell, Mass. 100 Dotes On Dellar. I 100 Deeea On Dellar. HOOD'S HAR8APARIIiLA FOR BALE AT H. B. Mes. Ii7 and 1 North queen St, Lancaster, Pa. P ALACK or rAametr. AWTRIOH'H PALACE OF FASHION, 13 Ea$t King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Our line of Children's Lace Caps is open and ready te be looked at. Our first display of them will be made in a lew days and will be very attractive. Loek for it ! Our assortment this year is twice as large as any previous season ; comprising upwards of one hundred different styles; all new, as we did net carry any ever from last season. People who deal with us knew that we state nothing but facts. We will try and give you an idea of what we have. Shirred Caps, very fine, at 15c, much nicer at 20c, and a special bargain at 25 c. We would like you te see them; finer styles are 37, 50, 75c and- higher. Embroidered Caps, these which last year were sold for 25c we sell for 20c this year. Wa have a special style for 25c, they are as nice as our 50c. caps last year ; come and be surprised. At 37 and 50c we sell an elegant Embroidered Cap, and se en up te $2 apiece. Normandie Caps, fine Swiss, full ruche, 37c. Normandie, with embroidered crown, 87c. 1 Special styles of our own de sign, at 50, 75c and $1. Toboggan Lace, Swiss and Embroidered Caps. Very handsome Embroidered Tarn O'Shanter Caps, at $1. Baker Caps. White Wing Caps. Infant's Lace, embroidered and Swiss Caps, 37, 50, 75c and $1. Revere Embroidery Caps, in all styles. Infant's Split Zephyr Jackets, hand-knit, 37, 50, 75c and $1. I n f ant's Merine Hubbard short and long Cloaks ; an im mense variety at special low prices. 500 boxes of Tourist Ruch ,n& 6 yards te a box, put up in fancy colored boxes, with our name, sold for advertisement, at ue a box. Dress Patterns ier ladies' and children, at 1 2c apiece. ASTRICH'S P. O. F., Lancaster. HATS. N EW COLOUS IN HATS. Stauffer&Ce, LEADING HATTERS, Have Just received a bis; assortment of new colors and fancy shades and shapes In these celebrated, light weight, easy fitting "BOSTON BEAUTIES," Weight Just 9X Ounces. Tbe correct and latest styles in Ue world- ronewntd "Dunlap Hats." A full line or HOYS' and OHILDRKN'8 Hew Spring Styles In cletb, rur and straw Hats. Straw and Harvest Hats Of Every Vt scripllen at the Lewest Prices. Trunks and Traveling Bags AT lllQ INDUCEMENTS. Stauffer & Ce., 81 and 83 North Qnren Street. G RKAT SACRIFICE 1 SLATE MANTELS ATLKS8TUAN COST I ! During April and May the Cheapest Blate Mantals ever ettered In Lancaster can be pur chased at NO.ttSOUTUQUKKNST. The Stockton hand being limited, the entire let will piebably be sold before the expiration of the time speelded. Te secure a Bargain call seen at Benth Queen Bticet Marble Works, I'KAUSONB. QBUQEK.Bupt. apie-lindTu,Tb,BAlmw 'vy "-Tl Tim IStrmnsaniiiaslii i reliable tenle and bleed pertaeri nnesiq br nearly everybody. Heed's aenepetlil u peeuluuly adapted for that paies ana be comes snore pepalar every yea. Try It this sering. . . " When I took Heed's Ssrsaparilla nese In my stomach leftt the dnllnese In my head, and tbe gloomy, despondent feeling dis appeared, I began te get stronger, my bleed gained better circulation, the coldness In ay hands and feet left me, and inv kidney a de net bother me as before." O. W. UcU, Attorney. at-Law, htUIersburg, O. If aka the Weak Streng " A year age 1 suffered from Indigestion, had terrible headaches, very little appetite 1 1 n tact, seemed completely broken down. On taking Heed's Sanaparllla I began te Improve, and new I have a geed appetite, and any health Is excellent compared te what It was. I am bet ter In spirits, am net troubled with cold teet or hands, and am entirely cured of Indiges tion," atiBBia HASKine, Kewburg, Orange County, H. T. reeling languid and dlisy, having no ap petite and no ambition te work, I took Heed's Ssrsaparilla, with the beet results, as a health Invigorate and for general debility t think it snperler te anything else." A. A. Brass, Utlea,H.T. OOCHRAN'h DRTJO 8TORE, aprt-2mdw BOOTS AND BIIOKtt. N KW HHOK STORE. Popular Shoes. A LADIES' riHE DOHOOt.A BUTrON. with Patent Tip and Light riextble eeles, Very Stylish and Comfortable, 12.60. A NEW LIGHT FKONT LAOE SHOE for Ladles' wear. Hipper loxeo, Flexible Selea and ratent Tip, 12 fiO. A Special Let of SHOE DUELING. Ur Price, S5e ; we are aelllnc tt at iuc. Kegu -; A gentleman 's Ornulne UAND-WEI.TEI) BBOB for IS 76, mada et Superior CalfRMn, nertand Light. In appearance equal te our better greds i bave them in button, Lnceand Congress I Tip and Plain Tee. H SWILKEY (MEW CASH STOUE.)' Ve. 24 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA. martiSmd OOTS AND SHOES. A Bare Chance, b PER CENT REDUCTION -meM Mareh 31st te April 30tb, ON ALL BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, &c, Bought at Our Store. THE REASONS Why we bave offered this reduction are t 1st. iJeoause we have been in the habit e Ilvlng away from Twenty-Ove te Snventy.flve lellars Werth of Cards and Cbromes every Easter, and we think it will be the same te us and mere advantageous te the Purchaser te Set that amount (the coat et tbe cards) off of bnlr Purchases. 2d. Kecanse we feel confident that it we can In this way Introduce the lines nf goods wn are new running into mere families, at the Sricec we are new selling (te say nothing of le fi Per Cent.Keduollen) will be greatly te our advantage aa well as te tbe advantage of the Purchaser. This offer Is net te New Tatrens only, but te all of enr BOHUlar customers a well i but bear In mind we only m.ke this offer iretn this Al.sfes'.ve!81' l? UDAr- REMEMBER, We have our Goods marked In riain Figures and net In LottenerO'hiraoters. We Mean Jnst What We Say ! We will glve tlie Purchaser Five Cents off of every Dellar's Werth of weed Purchased at our etore during said time or 5 per cent, off of all amounts l.eus tban one Dellar aw-Hnmeiaber ThU Bale commences THIS BATURDAY, MAItGU Slst and Ends MON DAY, Al'UIL SOth. OUUMOTX03 AltKt " Quick Halts nd Small Prellts," AND " lleueafy Is the Rest roller." tf (S EffiERT, The Leaders of Lew Prices In Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 BAST KINO STREET, LAN CASTER, PA. mam-lmd THAU AND ceprjsxv. pURE TEAS AND COFFEES. Grand Opening I Citizens of Lancaster, Loek te Your Interest. THE People's Tea Ce. HAVE OPENED A BRANCH STORE AT 41 WEST HIM STREET, roil the nisTiiiBTTioNer Pare Tc&s and Fresh Roasted Coffee?. V .It' - FR n- CeOes Direct from our own STEAM KUA8TKK. A cordial Invltat'enli extended te th pub pub leo te call and examine our goels aud mode of doing UoBlneBS. Handsome Presents, censtating of (las war mono Ware. Majollea Ware, llUque Vases, eta, etc., given aRy,rilKh, Bugar sold at reQnis' prices. we have a Line ct Specialties that we are eoUleg at lloitem Prices, A Handsome Imported Mirror given away freetentl purcbobersel Teas aud Coffees, our epeulug week. Uoeds delivered te allparts of the city FUKE ercuAUOK. -HEMK.MBKIl TUtC NUMHKl!.-ff 41 WEST KING STRbET. (Uetween Cooper Heme and Serrel Herse Hetel.) Ohas. H. Walley, sr-iWa Mausger, mmoeamrm fXCSKflD'a MILD OUKU x asu saasaraJT uves, unequaled for tenderness aad ftlleaay a anal them In uulltv la tkta ui. nviuManitviHHHinHi ands of the best CamUiee an new uU tbaaa. They give uatversal s.tlsfactlea. Irrtkaat andtell yewr neighbors. ar Driest Beet aad Bologna nicely eilsssl rrieaa reasonable. UBOKUB WIi IglRBHH GR00KRIK8. falihSl,SiliTa,T H"w Prunes. anfl ars4l i nV.l7 a." pound. for a Tbsjt an tbeutetj1iatfi5slv tfacarn, Ttm 4C8t Onr BUOAMS an Btrtctly PuraaawaU tbem cbrap TKAS te pleua enbeaVta price and quality, rerrmm. Hswwisav el our Improved Roasted CeCtwatliwL coreeatonceandtry a Sample Pevad t Mtt does net please yea better tbaawhatyea bought elsewhere, let us knew and we wtu klcdly rotund the taenay.. We de this a. caueweknew them te ba Pure, Irst-CDsM 4reds.and rotated evenly-.Xoek for ear la. play ufuneds and Price. , Ki-OUB-Qoed Keller Ground Fleur, liiat will de all ordinary baking, for aoe Fine Heller rieur for ., and the Beat Heller Pro Pre cess, C9fti also Plllsbnry and itlaaaraaTaila run Reller ureund In Bleck. UHKK8K-Bnrdeek'a Finest Fnll Craaa Cheese at 18e Uoed Cheese, I pounds for It. A. Fresh Supply of Bwelteer and Llmberger. Neufchatei Cheese only ae. Alse Xdaaaaasl DnUhhead. Jnst received, another Fresh Let of Helasea A Ceuttauat Meal and -raham Wafers, Bztra fAS. 7l'lVXb,a also Bents Bard Water, CAUsrie BODA.ln s and 5 pound kettles, Ji,i-Wi,ni uaranteed also LyaBalla aad jsanner L) e. sisratvens a Trial Order. Qoeds Delivered Free te All Parts et the city. " W. A. RBI3T Sd CO., Oroeera, Cerner Kaat Elng and Duke Bts , Laneasbr. arrt tfd vlethinu. ae. "J" --- --.----H n- lri1j TLf1 I MPOKTANT CONSIDERATION. L. GaDsman Era. Ad Important Considentien. WB H AVE THE FINEST GOODS. THK BKST eravaBTTiUNa.TBK stilb. But the Priecs are $1.00 te V re Lewer than the same quality or goods are sold for anywhere else. Loek at Our Window Exhibit Every Iky, We Boldly Hark Our Priers tn Plain Figures. Anyone can see who takes the trouble te leek. ..?.?w Spring Trousers te Order at II 00, HBO 3.( 0. M.0I, 17 00, H.l 0, IS 00. New spring eults te Older at juoe.iii.oo, New Spring Suits te Order, Fine Quality Imported worsted, at oe, sd.oe, ia,0e, 7.00. ALL WELL HADE, COT IN THE LATEST STYLE. . ' TRIMMED TASTEFULLY. Everything warranted te give sattsfaetlen. Yeu ean afford te buy without giving them a leek. It will save you money. L. GANSMAN & BRO. M YKBS 4 RATHFON. Spring Clothing! TUEEE'S NO END TO THE ASBOaTMENT OF SPRING SUITS TO BE FOUND HEBE. Every Conceivable Style and Pattern TAKEN IN TUB ASSORTMENT Men's Ruslness Suits ...I 8 Men's Business Snlu 110 Men's Business Suits ill Men's business Suits , t'l Men's Dress Butts 114 Men's Dress Suits 115 Men's Dress Suits , Ill Men's Dress Suits Ill Men's Dress Salts no Men's Dress Suits ..23 Men's Drets Suits ,..25 Men's HxtraPauts, Every Style 12Alel ALABGEAND HANDSOME STOCK OF Youths', Beys' and Children's Clothing AT PEOPLE'S PRICES. lyers & Rathfon, NO. 12 BAST KING ST., LANUABTlll PA. QVKBNSWARJC. jmoiTeTM 'akti n. " CHINA HALL. CLEARING SALE That lasts twelve months In the year. The ltt quality ier the least money alwuys te be had there. SPECIAL INDUCKM R.V1 8 TO NEW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Sets. White Granite, K.0O. DlunerSets, White Granite.. IJW. Dinner Bets, Printed 13.79. Ne goods misrepresented. All Wares ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO 15 EAST KING STREET, LANUAHTKKsPA VOAU B, li, MAKTlt., waeMuulB ae sstaii tuut l All KlndB of Lumber and CJea', JSy-TBOi Nu. UO North Water u0 Priecri Btnvits. abeve Lemen. Lancwter nWvd TJAUMUAKUNKK'H COetPAWV. COAL DEALERS. Owiob:-Ne. 1BJ North Queeustreet, tnd Ne. Mt North Prtnce streeU YABDSi North Prince Street, near Heading Depot, anr isli m LANOASTBIUPS PJUALI (JOAIil PRIOE OP GOAL REDUCED ATO.SENKRABONB COR. PRINCE A WALNUT BT0. janlMM 4