, ' - r i-fi ..- - K-.' V-V-i v -rf -j-- vT- -TfSf) w;r. 4 " e J"T V" - ." - SlfJ . . . E? ' ;'ir'-l-i VVStk . f , v" P i- . THE LA3TOASTER DAILtY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY. APBIL 18, 1868. Pr0mW: . iZ 4& 15 a tv . 'W W t SSfe P s M .A 0 as. ii " Ji m !t m k' $4 ? iV H WflfllTION OPENED. -A mam new in motion en thb rrN- & CM MceaUy germtd Iteming Association te . . . ,..& ,..,. H '."$ MHH the Centennial-Werk Began 4'Ji at the Beat Hen le B Erected. ',:ijl4r Oorreapetiaenoeot ImLtteMHcau. I 1 Columbia, April is. Navigation dm oeened en tbe Pennsylvania canal i aenmhuf ei leaded beats bave been M ....itn at Rrnner'a oenl wham. Tbe 'if-fclileaWBtoleoelWMtUrtea this morning. 7VT.r ... . t tftA v.a. at ,1,1a: te 100 men at UUa T.WOMt UlU PB geu "S n.m r...l.a1 DannaiiliraliW llnnlnB BMO ajaaMoawMerxantted In llarruburg laat K Mtk uiii la oemnoted et beat cluba from ,f mMti. narrlabure. Bnnbnry, WilmlDB :y';'1tm and Oelntnbla. It baa been dlclded te .-"Xwuii.. i.lt. In ClnlnmhlK ilnrinar .tVuMeelebratlen et tbe centennial of tbia V VMM1 Tbe OelnmbU Canoe club win ;.; entartain tbememeira 01 tne Tuning ciuua '"A'J nade number of prliw will be awarded te ",tU tnt winner. The faller detail of tbe f-l'v, MMtu nave net vet been cempieiea. ' , Werk wea oemmenoed en Tueiday in 'i dlfglBKine rounaauena ler tnenoaieouBB 1:11 WBMOBWIU OB IUUWW UU VIWJpil T1U1 m"ss -?j -::r vr .. ,XW. The Metropolitan band will bold tbelr tt, '"A" m. n.l.l M..M, hat MM,. IiMIU J'W aula aTeelnc. and aheuldiiaveB large audi- 71 r amm iThs f-Muiit feu twiAn nntntrlfiv fnr Iho concert for aeme time paat and will render V'V,ekeeinuile. The Mtonnercher and Troop -tJlMaWHywlllaaalit, ij ,aaia nniaui nil, uamj a.ai,u - e- .''f, andlenee en Friday night when A pair of KJda " will be presented. "Mnldoen'a Flcnle" will be given en Betmrday nlgbt Theanpper ueldby the Salem Lutheran ehnreh waa largely patronized laat even !,. rhn vUltnm wera Qlvan an excellent j& iMpper. wblcb wUl again be held thla even jba J" 5 IlcaUi of alley, Charles W. Qreff, an eight-year-old son et Amea OreflT, llvlDg en North Hoeond atraet, died laat evening from croup. The funeral will be held en Thursday aiternoen at 2 o'clock. Tbe Columbia Bible society will bold Utelr second anniversary In the Methodist :Jiij Belaeepal ehnreh this evenlng. Kev. ?4$,ppumm Merrow, D. V., efPblladelphla,wlll p jijgpj swiivez an auurtsi". An oiecuen ui viuceia ;;-',: wu ua udiu. ;-S, ,". Befaoel beard will meet In regular session 'Jh J am Thursday evenlnsr. JeJm B. Yeke, of Erie, Is visiting In tOWB. Cblquesalunga trlbe Ne. SO, of Red Men, decided last nlgbt te parade In Yerk en IFeatCdtrnT eU. August 0. Nelte has elarted a blaeksmltb BBep In the rear of tbe livery stables at Fourth and Walnut streets A Mr. Charles Emery Bmllb, et the l'rtsa, Will deliver the annual addreaa te the grad Batlng class et tbe high school, en June 61b. Jehn McAfee, draymen, had trouble With bis horse en .Locust stroet, tbls morn mern Inf. The animal cemmenced kicking and 'would de nothing else, lie kicked off both hi shoes, It alforded great amusoment for the spectators. Fire in Yeik. Bayler's cigar manufactory In Yerk was destroyed by fire Tuesday evenlng, Includ ing 300,000 cigars and two cages of leaf to bacco, Insurance, 51,700. Aeptialt Illecka. All Ibe pregrexalvn eltles In the United States are paving tbelr streets wilb asphalt blocks. Philadelphia, Washington, Haiti Haiti mere and Chlosge last yesr laid a million blocks eacb. Thla material la rapidly tak ing the plaoe et artleles heretofore In gu eral use for tbe building of high way, and there Is no choepor pave ment in the rnarkeL Tbe blocks de net crack In cold woatber as cement does, or wear smooth and slippery as Bel gian blocks de, and they can be taken up for the Introduction of gen, seworer water glpee, and relald without damsge tn the locks'. In addition te forming tbe best etreet pavement known, they nre partleu. laxly valuable for sidewalks In the city, and garden paths in tbe country; driveways ler mills, ccal yards ; for paving court yards of mills and large buildings, they am un rivalled; tbey are extensively used ler gutters along macadamized and gravel reads la suburban villages, aud tbey are valuable for cellars, vats, eta Otter A lira, 321 North l'rlnce htrect, this city, nre sole agents for l.aucauler county, Wacall attention te tbe uaventacnunl of Tinzer's Old Heneity l'lug Tobacco. It Is uadeelthe beitet iiuiloyTebaccoa.coinblnca with j)ur and aolected sweetenluKa, and will make a pleasant and lasting chew. Huch stealers who b&ve net It In stock will de well teglyelta place en their shelves, and theae who are net using tt are requested te gire It a Mir trial and be convinced of tbe auperlerlty, geed quality and reliability of rtnzer'a Old Honesty ring Tobacco. J, M. Westbaeffer, agent of the New England Mutual Accident association, psld U. Frank Bayler fitly dollars, Indemnity ler injury by burning of left hand, and alae Henry Ucerr terty dollars, Indemnity for Injury of right Band. Amusements. ' Ii Jntule lYack." On Thursday cetlu Oliver Byrea plays this popular drama at tbe opera heuie. 'Jhe Uosteu Ulete says : "There was a large audlence at the Heward AUio AUie AUio Mem last evenlng, when Oliver Jlyren opened a week's engagement In " The lnalde Track." The performance throughout was receded with favor, and many of the com pany wen diserved npplause. Mr. Oliver Byren was greeted heartily. HI tmporeeua lien of the victimized Harry was a eiy strong one, deserving Bpeclal mention. He waa ably supported by Muts Kate Byren, who was char acterized as the easy-going merchant, Jtrry SSeaddle." Held by th t Enemy, On Eaturday evening this drama will bepretonted In Fulton opera house Of it the New Yerk Telegram said : The piece Is a gem. 'these who would seea"war drama" devoid et unobjectionable bombastic and free from maudlin patriotism, and with out unp'ensaut and Ill-advised sectionalism, should certainly go te the Madisen fcquare theatre and enjoy "Held by theKnemy." It is a strong, healthful, tomrerato and mollify ing drsmatle story of the lute unhappy re re belllen. Muiit, FAc K teclable and musical enter tainment will ba given by the Cheral Boutety Of Christ church, We.tKluj street, en Thurs day evening. DKATllB 8iKa.-Aprll IB. b),s. nt Mountviiie. y. BartUt ficner, in the t,th ear et her ue. The relat'.t es and f i lends el the f imlly are re specif ally Invited te attend the funeral irem tbe residence of H. G. Gets, at MeuntvUle, en Thursday at 10 o'clock. Interment at Laucas ter cemetery. Boevse April 181b, 183S, In this city, Wal ter kuvune Hoever, youngest aeu et Hunry c. and Vlelette L. Hoever, a;ud two years. The relatives undlrlends of the faiillyare raspecUuUy Invited te attend the funeral, Mm the reildencs et hU purer ta, s'n ni VorthMetbcrryslroct, en Thursday alteruuuu at 2 o'clock. BrssxeiR-On the 17th lint., in thla city, Geerge r. eprenser.ln the IJlh yearet hit age. The leUtlves and trlends of the family are respectfully invited te attend tbe funeral from his late residence Ne, 31 Seuth Lime street, en Friday aiternoen at 2 o'clock. In termeetat Lancaster cemetery. TBerr.-On ibe nth Inst, In Lasdtsvllle, Fannie, wife of Jacob B. Trout. Tbe relative and friends of tbe family ate -respectfully Invited te attend the funeral trew the residence ether husband at Lsndli- Villa, en Saturday morning ate o'clock, eer- Vtaas at the meeting house at D 30. UJLHKHTa. 11 1L Lar-My,f77iJJuly,m. ClHcPredac aurae'l" VrnSiSriAS si1' ; '"-Market epntd. SSStiiZiiV! 'SPSS? A? fe. ., - , ----, a, u,j Jujy, snort uius-Mar, l7 20June, i; 25 1 Julr. I793H. r otestwa. WhPt-irrI1.73Ke; May, 8e, June, Slet JOeni-Aprll,5Het May, MJfct June, M'.ct Jnltf. RI1n. N uals-May, 82Ue Ju PerX-Ap II tit 15 1 Illl5t Jmy.l't M. .? '--. aw .. . v.. alls. .-, aty- uuat e'TVJ i 7m" May, II W U, June, l.ard April, 7 77Xt T. i; 81 1 June, Khert Bibs-April, 17 IJ Mar. 17 X i June, l7 51KJuly,7 4SK- Raw Serk Ibikit Saw :yemc :Anrll -'rI2J'J'tt?,"1i, r ine, R leaw 70 1 Cnparflne, ,"' BstrMia4ti't City jil!i.xtra,4ifiM, Minn. Whet extra, W.7B1 01 Wboat-Ne. j,4,tat.i35ei" Na , fle l5ci lle. , Bed, Winter. Mar, 010; J one Iej receipt, W) 1 aWpmanta. JW. corn-" a. MUML Canh, . 711720 1 May, Ciet June, Mc , reeaipu, n,tw t '"'.i -Ta lWhtUv BUtM, 4l4iHe irc,, fle, 1B J f : no April, K&0 1 leeetpte, M.OH) : ablp mnnta, 1,VI. Bye flull t State 75c Jiarley nominal. , roTkdulltNewMee.ailteSU75 Laraiteidyi April. 9 OS t May. ISC.t June, Melaaae firm i for 60 boiling iteck, iuc Turpentine flnu at 40e. Unafn nnlat 1 ami 2!U. Petroleum dnllt BeflneO in Caae. ).e. rrslghU dull 1 grain te Ulugew, Sa. llntter stnaly 1 Wettern Ureamarr, M2e. Obie rectory, UJ.81ZC 1 rancy Wbiui, ia ISO. ttggt dull t State, Uglie t Weitern, lsalfte. euaar ateaayi Ueflned Outleaf, Set U ranula- UA,1H0. Tl(Aar firm 1 Prime Cltv. i'i. Blce atrafly t Carolina, falriogeod, 1 Inn lt ttflv 1 Carolina. falrieKOOd. SKe Ceffee dull 1 fair carceea, ter Bte, lie Uraln and Prevision, rurntihed by B. K. Yundt, Breker. Cbjoaeo, April 18, 1 00 o'clock p. m. Wheat, com. Oat. Perk. Lard. April p Mny 0K w .Inn f 1h et. July iH ?. AuRuat bih 63! Ureemuer ..01 OU city. ,, cruceOll b Closing Prices - o'eipck p m. AT bout. Cem. Oau. Perk. Lard. April 79M Mfty.,,,i.,.,.,,.'74 June si July 82 . August HIVi Deember tll OH City. Crude Oil..,. weceipu Winter Wbeat Bprlng Wheat...... Oats Kye ,.,...... Barley , Head. Uccolpla-Heaa. rhtladelplila Prmlec Market. PniLlDstriiiA, April 18,-FIenr nnni sales l.beu liblH 1 Minn rami!?. n:rM y 1 Minn. uiKera. kj eeut w r enn'a. I17.'WI W)i Western de, si loot ee 1 UTattirn I'nf.tnla. SifUMSl ffl. Wheat-11.IH0 prll t s.Ue May and June. 23 Cem April, Mr; May, (Je. June. die. eats-April, il May, l.'He 1 1 June. He. Naw Yerk Btecks. NswYiiek, April IS, l)p. ui.-Meney closed at 2H per cent. 1 Exchange steady 1 posted rnts,tlMaHt actual rates, atsaisK far C0days,andtH7V.Ol 87K for demand. Uov Uev Uov ernmenU steady ; currency ,6'sHl bldi 1's coup, II 21U IK's de. ,4)1 07f bid. "THe stock -market- this morning opened nellTO and firm, with prices K te." per cent, higher ou buying of tbe leading stocks by commlulen heuaes Toward 11 o'clock a raid en Missouri, Kansaa A Texas weakened the entire Hat, aud prices doellned t telKper cent, by 12 o'clock, the latter tn Kansas A Texsh, The market at present Is du'l.. Hteea statkets. Quotallens by lleed, McUiann A Ce, bank OIK, Liaucuaier, 11, HIV Tene LIST, 11 A. M CanAda 1'o.cine ti. a. e. At 12 M. in. ti 17 MK i us ft UH MM 77t4 72 2lH liji 1WX 106 SCVJ Colerado Ceal flV central I'aoine 2u Canada Heu thorn iu; Chl.,Bt I.. A Vbg.... linn. A Ule (1... 11(0.1, A W.... 1! lvtw 2M Xrie.... Krle2nfls J or C K. A T.......,........,,,,,, IjO". A N... ...... ,... L. Shere... Alien, con MlBHenrl 1'acine 7j HockValley N.P it. 1: rtei iu N.Wmt 1(0 N. Y.0 IM-i NewBiiKlund S0 Kest lunmusee Uiuaha 37 Oregon -lnimortaUen.. 21. Ontario A W .. PaclileMall SJ). Ulcbinend Turiulnel tli Ht. 1'aiiL 7IJi Texas Paclde.... 21 Union Pacino MV, tvaiiiuncem .. WabiuliJ'ruI 1SI 2JW ''i 71K ie-:;. iujZ Westurn U Wcfll Shern Henda l'UILADMMUM MitT. I.Oli Vel H..N. l'.A PhUa I'd. It. II Heading.,... 1a1. Muv Huateuv. Pasa ... ..... l.A K.. .,,,, ,..,. N. Cent l'(ieplia I'aaa ........... Kdg. Uen's en I'Mla. Traction 71 6.H s 8 ttys 6V ais-i !8K MM 11 m wet CO NX W At) VHR TJHKMKKTa. jOAKlNU POWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never 'varies. A marvel el purity, atrungtb aud wcoleteuieiie.a. Mere economical thau thu ordinary klnda, and can net be sold In competition with the uiultltude of low test, short weliiht, alum or phosphate veuders Held only in cam, Uetl Hasina Pewdhb Ce , lue Wall Street, New erk. lylslydAw PLANTING POTATOES. Ker enlii. 10J liushels Burly Kojo at Ne 31 SOUTH QUKKK SIHKKP. Hp7-tld OUR l'RENOH BRANDY. AT SI OO A HOT1LE Cannet bn i qualed for tbe money, u guar anue lis tmriiy. llOlIHKU'd L1QUOUSTOUK, ii centre fiijuuru, Lancaster. AHOOIAHLK AND MUSICAL EN terliilnmunt will lia gl en by the Cheral Hecinty of i brlat l.runceltcal Lutheran chutch, wt hlng atrret, Tnutaday evening, April W.lSJS. Admission 10c. ltd. B""0RHALE A LARUKHIZKL HAlT ATOUATUUNK will be sold cheap. Ku quire at 11" NO. 80 .SOUTH LIME STUKKT. CAHHARD'S MILD CURED HAM ANDUUKAKKA'tTHAt.ON. Unequnled ler tenderuea. anil ,h'lr. y of IHvnr WiKUaran'eethiltfceic I, nethlurf te mjual lliern lu nusllty te thla luursut. 'luou 'lueu aauda et Ihu bul latulltus are nnw u.lng them, 'ihi-y Klve uuUc.rul mUtlactieu. Tiythem and tell your neighbor. f Dilcil lleet uud Uolegna nicely chinned. I'llceaituonable. UKOUOB lAMT. OW. BirNER, THAN SP hit LINK ANDGKNLUAL BIOUAGB WA KK110U2 k. Owing te the duicentlnuance el tbe a A. BJtiier Upeby the Heading u, 11. Ce ,of whleh I have been connected, that Company prtfer Dug te handle thetr own freight, I have estab ll.hed a 'lnimler Line and ueneral storage w arubeuse at the old C. A ttltner Line Uetxju und take thla method of seltclUng the diavage and aterage el lnerchaeta ana the public In guuurul. All goeda entrusted te my care will receive promet delivery at legular rstea. Prices ler storage will be reaaeuable. rcr. tonal attention will be given te tbe stonureef lurulture and all goods et that clsa requiring special cat e. Offleeuud Warehouaea'.theeld C. A, Hitutr Line uepet, Uarrisburg avenue and Mulbeny Streets. . Asrreiephene Coauectlen. 1 aprlOUd C. W.U1TN1CB. 4 S2K 11.13 7.73 f2 s&u.n 7.77 4 IBM 11.22 7.82 i VS)i KiH .... tuu ai', H.'S 7 77 MM tty, 14. IS 7 11 61k ii UJti 7.sr tH H 1M , 8S. Car Leu. 8 8.1 87 (SO irnw ad rsMmMMtMvn. OTIOK THKKE WILL BK A Bneclal meeting w ie mran ana Decorator Union, Ne. 21. en Tnnraaay aven- mar. April 13lh ttnalflM. nf f mnOflAia A. 1L BSHLBMAM, Kan. Bee'y. IW A FINK LINK OF CHKW1NO ANI Bmnklag Tobaccer, Briar Pipe. Playing Cuidt, reker Chip", etc , J aat received, at . " ' KINW'B "YBLLOW ridHT" Cigar ft ter, n North Queen Street. D RMOORATIU KLKUTIONH, The Decaeeratte voter of thu CltyelLana iter are raauaateA te meat at thnlr retpec- llva wart thli WBDNISDAY BVKNiMU, APKII. laj. htKMn thakntiranf Tanfl S o'clock te place te nomination detente te the County Convention ana member 01 tbe county com cem com mtttee,te be voted ler BAXUUUAX iVB. INOTAPBII, 21.1SU. Th piaee 01 mesUng are a fellows ! riKST WAHU-boberHetl. bkimND WARD- wandlla' Hetel. TH1BU WARD KtTlnger' Hetel. reUKTIl WABD-Jenn Pent." Hetel. yi rTH WABD Urenn Tree Hetel, MXTH WABU Schiller Heuae, SBVRNTU WAKU-Kublman'a netel. KlUM rii ninu- sin win iieiei, NIMTII WAHD-Arneld llaa' Hetel. Uyorderot COUNTY COMMtl'TElC. ltd Jf ULTON OPERA UOUSK. SATURDAY, APBIL. 21, 1B80. TUBORKATBSTPI,AYOrTHl AOKI Mil. WILLIAM UILLBTTR'SAMKUIOAN JJBAMA, HELD BY THE ENEMY. PretenUdby the NEW YOBK CAST. A PHENOMENAL UUX. JW NlahU In New Yerk (Uadlaea S'tuare and titir Tbeatre ) . 1(0 Nlghu at Bosten Muieum. 71 Night la Ban sraucUce. 20) NUhl la Londen, Bng. PltlOES V, te A 1 CJJNJ". UKSKKVKUBBATH ....73 KN1 8. New en Sale at Opera Heme. au ltd TRH83Q00DS. NEW Dress Goods. NEW W11ITB GOOU3, NKW EMIIUOIDKUIIS, NEWH031EUY AND GLOVES, NKW PAUASOLS, MEW KIUOLOVKS. KVEKYTHINU NEW AT LOWEST CASH PRICES, GIYLER'S NEW STORE. Nes. 0 & 8 North Queen St., LANCABTKU, PA. initie lldA TOUVTN rnn gloves. Hep k Bre. A US. btl.LINU AUB.N1S IN LAN0AS1EU von Jouvin Kill TUK1JK3TG10VK3 lUl'UUTED, llAMlSttWIClt ANHQUAKANCEEP, SUtJUUUTlO COIOKUU K 11)3, OOOl). 60 CENTS. SILK Ul.OVKl AM) Ull'Ia. PARASOLS. Net) open, tbe LuadlnK teucb slid kuiilUh btleilertbla oeaaen. lieiu Svw lerkalauu-ttu-lureia and Huperteir- NOEL B1YLK1 COACHING l'AUABOl.S, PLA1USUKAHPAUA80L8, CUANGEAULK BUUAU PAUSBOLS, LACE COVKBKI) PAB ASOLS, MOUBN1NG PAKASOL8, With the Season's Novelties In Buttle, Geld and Oxyetzed Haudle. 3U.K, ULOUIA A MOUA1U UMUIltCLLAS. HAGER & BROTHER. 25-27 Went Kiiig Street. w ILl.lAilHON ,t b'OnrEK. -euu- Compass Always Points -1N- ONE DIRECTION. B2lSTQQAL.il. US! LOW PKI0ES UKNla'&mf FK1.1' DhUtnS.HW GENTS' BTYL1HH I.IOllT COLGUED UBKBBDKBUr, 1100. U01 1.1UUT COLORED ''LOTH Nobby btylci, 60J. UATJ, TUUNK.S, VALISES AND UA10UKL PUAIi'Kl.NaStl)Gla-. AWAl. - l.olcSile I'tlces te Kli1t L)-nllsln Furulablng Goedi, Uata.Capi, Straw Geeda. Beet and theea Williamson & Fester, Si, U, Hu .V 38 E. KIND ST., BRANCH STORE, HABBUUUIiQ, PA. Gloves ! nrnw ADVMnriaBttxxra. HOO K03E BU8I1ES- ltd W. 0. ITfBB. kw htoek ev canes. ALLBTYI.BB AND IXJWBST rRIOKS, UBMUTH'A C1U AB BTOKB, . ... - . "e. Ill Kat Klnjr Street. Br Xitabllthed, 1770. feb-WBUa O AL TAR OAMl'UOR AND N APTH A- Hue era two new produeu uaedlniteMng away fur and a'ethtng. A large atoaaef Ke Ke flnea camphor and Menulne Inaeet Powder, at HUBLBVM UBUUBTOBB, Ha M Waat Ktnk e treat. OUHOOI,UKN UONAND MIA QUE KIUA Ba CI A H are clear Havana, hand made, In bexc of Se and loer. UUUIII'I U1U1K OTUltK, HI Bast KlnjrtreeV KaUbllahed 1770, 123-WASKtia T O THE GOOD HOUSEWIFE. Before rleanlnir heuae set rrallev'a Dal matian insect Powder. It In a sure preventive el vermin. " Compretaed " Biflned Campber la tbe btat volatile el all the Campher, and tbe beat preventive of moth. We have It at the lowest price. Tar Paper, both black and white, Carbelle Dtalnfectant, nt andBeacn liters, and all the neee am yadjnneta te mak ing the spring benis eluanlng a permanaaja succra. ritAiLKra bast knp puakmacy, (Opposlte Kusteni Market.) M.W.KAW M ARTJN BKOTHEKH. Tus Handsomest Nev STOUT elUes, Best Made and Ueit Progressive Styles of Men's and Bey's Clothing and Furnish and STYLISH, ing Goods that are Werthy of lour Dellar Are Qathered in Spring Arry en our Coun ts. We've net forgotten the plainer eltLer. Bl'IUNO-WEIOHT UNDKRWKAB In All Grades of Weel and Cotten Mixed, for 60c and 65c. We show two royal qualities. OLOllUNa-Eee our Children's S3.B0 and $3.00 Norfolk and Blouse Suits. Cheviots or Casalmeres, slltcbed together te stay. Men's 110 and IIS Suits, we've largely pro pre parod. You'll And Btrlpes and Plaids and Mix Mix turer.lnChtvlets, Cuslmeres and Worsteds. MARTIN BRO'S CLOTHINU AMD rUKNISUINU GOODS, 50 NOBTU QUKEN ST. UKMDVAI-Will move te Nes C6 and 88 NUItTHQUKftN HT., '11113 WEAK, BA'lUlt DAY, A1BIL21. 4MVBMMMIMTB. ULTON OPRRA IIOU8E. SriIIliKI N10IIT8.-KB Ueahy, Tatsdiy and WedsMdiy, April IB, 17 IB. TUTEIN, " 1 he " Beubrette. " The " Lyrle Sunbeam. Supported by UABIIY PKPPBB, the Tener Comedian, and a atreng company of Acter aud. Singer in rrank Tannehlll, jr.'s SAct 'Musical comedy, ontltled "STRUCK GAS;" OU, NAN'S ACBK LOT. TUTKIN "The" Beauttlul Boubret'e In Mirth. Patbe, Hengs, Imitations, Dancea.ele. HAltHV 1'KPPKH 'Abe Tener temedlan. In troducing hts apedal atyle et Ballad, the American "BIdu neeves " PRICKS 10. 20 and SO CENTS. UKHKUVKU HKATH 80 CENTS. New en aale at Opera HeuseOtnce. aplS-Std gtULTON OPERA HOUSE. University el" Pennsylvania GLEE CLUB AND SERENADE CLUB. J. S. UHOCK ll:. Manager. MONDAY, APBIL 23, at 8 p. m. A (tare Treat In College Glee Singing. A Pregramme Made Up Largely ct JeJly Cel- lege Songs (old and Mew.) THB SERENADE OLUB Is a Meat Delightful Novelty. A Charming Instrumental Combination Never Yet Presented by any ether UIoe Club. ADMISSION 33 A 60 CENTS. ItKSKUVKOBKArx 76 0BN18. T'ckcta at Opera Heuae, en and iittorThurs iitterThurs day, April l'J. nprU,16.17.18,19.20.21,23 JJULTON OPERA HOUSE. IHDRBDAyTaPRIL 19. 'lb Ftuuk, fascinating, Fashionable Favor ite, OLIVER BYRON, As HAItltY UBNUIGII, the Ltgbt-Ueartcd Daahlns l.nver.Huppertea by KATKUYKON, the Courteous, Cultured, charming, a? J KUUY TWAOULK, the Lame nag Merchant, In the Kemanltc Drama, INSIDE TRACK. '1 he characters In which they have wen the praise et the press In all tbe large cltlea of the United Btaes Tco Old Mill I The Londen neon i ana tbe ureateat, Grandest. Mea Thrillngly Ueallatle I Ire ecene ever produced en Aineriea's blann. The Famous lit BON Combination In their natural charsoteriza charseteriza charsoteriza liens. Thtslsppalllvely the Uvrena' last sd- pearance in " lnalde Track." A Brand New Play fnr Next Season. Asrl'Hlc.--2&0 and 73 Cents. Bcanrved Seats, 7'c. Mew en aalu at opera house othce. sprl6-ltd Vt.UTtttlU. H lRSH & BROTHER, Br euu Al) KltllSKMUNl' WttKU, or last uiviugaGoed Description el BOTS'iND CHILDREN'S CLOTH I NG. And the PatUlaotlen It Utvetotbe l'urcbssers Adds te the High elandlng et our Superior Quality of Goods AT SUCH- LOW PRICES. IhU week we will give tbe sentlemen an op portunity te Bleci CLOTHING from our Large and Heavy btenk, whleh la new com pute ler Spring saahlensand Patterns. And we are pleated te add that Clothing Is much cheaper new than for years pest. We havua Large Assortment et Men's Kine Checked Saek Suits at II SO. Men'a Latest Htyle Checked, Blocked aud Striped Suits at 13 00. Men's Flne Asserted Cut Corded Suit at 10 00. Men'a tlue Strlpel and Diagonal Suits at I7W. Men's riue Scotch Weel Tweed Stilts at IS te. AWThrmt Pnltn, tltlier tack or cutaway ceata. ate the beat value we have ever offered ter tbe money. Men' rine Aa.erted scotch Weel knits at tee. Thu A's I'tut Ultra Scotch Tweed Suits at 110 te. ess-Thesu Sulla, of which there la a large selection, cannot be bought ter tbe money In the usual way. We offer them much below their value The Flnu silk Woven cloth, the 1 Meat liu. ported Geeda, Most btyltah Cut uaruienls, alegant Fitting, nt 111. 118, lit, 115 This la a Pine Opportunity for getting Extra Value In Clothing ter j our money. 'Ibe stock Is se la go ana extensive tbtt you cannot help but be suited and well pleased by CALLING UPOS Hirsli & Brether, THU ONE-PRIOB Olethlera and Furnishers, COB. N. QUEEN BTKEBT AND UEMl'RK agUABE, LANCASTEB, PA, DKT OOOB3. VMA4MA rjWK PKOPLK'B CASH 8TORB. The People's Cash Stere Ne. 25 East King St. JUST BECK1VEO AMD HEADY OB IN- SP10TION AM EXCELLENT AS. BOKTMENTOr Nottiegkam Lacfl Gertains A165C,7JC,1JW,1 60 te 11.60, A full Line of Chtntt 11 and Spanish Lace rleunclngeatall prices. A Fine AssortraentofPlqneandBwlsiriounc AssertraentofPlqneandBwlsiriounc AssortraentefPlqneandBwlsiriounc Ings and Allover Embroideries. The Best sac, tee, 7Se and 11.00 Corsets In the city. Ladles', Misses' and Children's Black Hosiery at all prices. Lac lea' aid children's Muslin Underwear at Unusually Lew Prlcei. full Line et Ladles' Summer Merine and Gauze Underwear from 25c te 60c. AWUEMEHUKB-Any of tbe above rten rten Hened goedsupon comparison will be found te be as low In price, if net lower, as In any In the city. Gee. f. Eathven, 25 EAST SING STREET. marlt-lyOAw J. B. MARTIN A CO. FOB tlidBOUGU WOBK GET YOUB Carpets CLEANED AT THE Lancaster Steam Carpet Works. Capacity el Works increased tbls reason le 7,(00 yards ler day. Ne Injury dene te the ttneat Carcets Hand besting doe net clean, and will rutn them. BUam does net onter the Carpets, as many suppose, but simply runs the engine and ma chinery. Yeu are welcome te vuit Iho works and Inspect the machines. Yeu will then see that your Carpets -cannot help but be thor oughly cleaned and net damaged. If we Injure your Carpet tn any way, no matter hew worn or old It la, we will give you a new one. Prices Reduced And are new as low or lower than hand beating. Freight p none way ou Carpets outside of el ty. carpets cleaned without regard te weather. LKA,K OKUKhS AT Oer. West Bllnc; & Prlnoe UIb LANCASTKB, l'A ABF-OB AT WOUKS-COltNEUOr CUUBCH AMD DUKE 8TBKETS. TBAU AXD VOFFMK8. lUBE TEAS AND COFFEES. Grand Opening I Ottlzans of Lancaster, Loek te Your Interest. THE People's Tea Ce. HAVE OPENED A BRANCH STORE AT 41 WEST KI1T& STREET, FOB THE DtSTUIBTTIONOP l'are Tcu aid Fresh Reis((d Coffees. tfr Coffees BUASl'KK. Dliect from our own 8TKAM A cordial Invitation Ii extended te Ihs pub lic te call and examine our geel and mode of doing business. Handsome Presents, consisting of Glaus ware. Btene Ware, Majolica Ware, Bisque Vases, eta, etc , given awsy ,FBKK . Sugar sold at redners' prices. We have a Line et Specialties that weaie Seiling at Bettem Prices. A Handsome Imported Mirror given away free te all purchasers of Teas and coffees, our opening week. Goods delivered te all paru of the city PBEK OrCUABGE. WREMaMlllCH 'illK Nl H1IKK.-. 41 WEST (Between Cooper KING Houae and Hetel.) STREET. Serrel Herse Chas. B. Walley cprltJ-Ud anagcr. F R MAKING SOAP. CAUSTIjfsODA. TUBKE ANU riVE POUND FANCY BT.r TLKS, AT J. a HOUGHTON A CO, Cbeepect Drug store in the City, Bes, w ana M Wt King iUeet. J.B.M1RTINK0., DMT BOOD KTKW YORK STORE. MEff SPRING COLORS AT THE New Yerk Stere. Every day brings some addition te our won derful collection el new shade In All-Weel Henriettas. Light, Medium and Dark Shads in Gebelin, Saga, Mahogany, serpent, Tan, Blata,te. ever te piece te obeose from and every one of tnesn scrc and vary desirable. Excellent qualities, u inches wide, 75e and tUwa yard. The most popular Dress Bilks is the Satin Rhadama, Because of 1U goad wearing qualities and DriKnt insire. new aaaaea in ainhaiin. mk. aeKuy, eerpant, no, aupwier quality, 81 IBCiHi WlWifl w m lUU. AtiAi BILK BATIK BH AD AM AS, 20 Inches wlde,7He a yard BLACK BILK SATIN BHADAMAB.OSfi. SI .00 I1.S6, 81.00 a yard. We Open Te-day a Special Drive in Black" Freneh Cashmeres. All-Weel, 3d inches wise, at 88c a yard, All-Weel, 40 Inches wide, at 17He a yard 1 hitherto sold at 60e. xeu will be astonished at such a quality and width for this extrely low prices. Black Bilk Warp Henriettas Of the liMt known manufacture, at 75c, 1 00, 11.23,11 .50 te 12 00 a yard. WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 Si 10 HA8T KINO BT. s AMU BKOTHEKH. Claries SUmm ud J. Harry SUmrn. Stamm Brethers1 NEW STORE, NOS. 35 4 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Bight Acress i rea PosteQlce. , TTKRE ARE A FEW DUOPS IN PHICES That will last for a few days only. QSJ PIECES NEW SPRING. SAXONY CHICK SUITING?, All-wool, S3 inches, dropped from J7Xc a yard te 23a ay aid. IK PIECES NKW SPR1NO LAMBS WOOL CHICK BUlTlNUf , All-wool, .13 inehes, dropped from 37Kc a yard te 23e a sard. TO PIECES LAD1K8' CLOTH MIXTUBE8, All-wool, 83 lncbe wide, dropped fremca yard te 160 a yard. These are special "Dreps" and will last for a few day only. H ERE'S MORS GOOD NEWS FOBCAKKFOL BUYJCHS. Our goods are nice and low In price, peep'e. If they will, can have the best anc je otstressed with an enormous bill : All WE TFLLTH.E8K FACTS IN FUNNY ways because It Is Impossible te help feeling geed natured ever the favorable out look for a big season's business. THE PROSPNCT 18 PLEASING TO Seller and Buyer alike, and why should net everybody be happy when we have the Bargains te make yen laugh T YOU WILL FIND US STRAIGHT up and down about tbe quality and merits of our bargains. We offer igoeda with out mlaropreaentatlen, and having named the lowest living price te the customer, we don't tease htm te buy unless he f tela It hi best in terest te de se. IT IS NOT A SIGN OF HARD TIMES te find us selling off enr stock of nice goods at such close ngures,but an .indication of healthy bualneas growth In 'the right direc tion. We are largely Increasing our sales by tbe close profit By stem, find beneflttlng our selves as well as the public by this move. -I J5T PIEOES ALL-WOOL BLACK CASUMKUK, Forty tnchej wide, dropped from 15c a yard, te S5e a yard, PIECES (EVERY PIECE WAR ranted) BLACK DKESS SILKS, Dropped from 11.23 a yard te 11.(0 a yard. -CTEARLY 250 REMNANTS OF BLACK CABUMKBKS, Dropped from Bcgular Prlcea te about Hall their values. PJQ PIECES fil'KINU BKEBBUCUKBS, Dropped from 10c a yard te 6c a yard. ioepieues PINK AMEBIC AN BATKEN, Dropped from HXc a yard te loe a yard; w E ARE UNLOADING OUB IMMKN3K Dress Goods DEPARTMENT. Ladles will Bne It te tbetr advantage t call at once as the "Drep "Bale will last but a few days only STAHH BROTHERS, Nea. 35 and 37 North Qneen Btreet. B3STON BTOHE-Acress from Poitefflce tyjiyjfa and liquebb. Q ROFF SPRING DISTILLERY. OLD GEOFF SPRING DISTILLERY Oi East Orange Street. 8T0BE-63 NORTH QUEEN BT, LANCABTKU, PA. Atsrlilghest price paid for. Kye. A.H.SHKAFFEU, PrepOewir. sprM-lyd GEO. FLICK, TAX1DEBM1ST, Ne. 15 West Oerman atreet, Laneisier, r Blrda and Anlmela atuOed tn a superior man- neratreaaenable prices. all-lwd ASKEW OB MK. AT N03. 184 AND 23 WIST KING STBJtBT. HOOTS AXD BllOl N' KW SHOJB BXORB. Our Opening Day Is Pt f1 we,,, the atteatlonefthelaaleeto enr flu Dongola Mutten Shee fee 11 ;, tn .T" "VJ Ce. Bens Te ib wiaus B, e. D, m. aad be, wmek ter styU and wear cannot be exeelled. W also have the same style shoe In a cheape ms-esa at 1.58, the ether at sun. MavTfaUiiMace. ford Tie In Patent Leather, Deiigete and Patent Leather Tip open Ulpnew In all itf le of Tee and Heels. A Child's Bpilng Heel Shee la , for 47 cent. Fer Gentlsmen our tu& and M.00 Shee la Butten, Lacs and Congress, Piatn Bread Te or opera Tee and Tip cannot be beat for wear. Shoes for Werktngmen et every description all te be had at the New Cash Shee Stere, UABBLH FRONT. ft SWILKEY, 24 NertkQuecR Street. mr224ma IOOTS AND SHOES. A Rare Chance, b PERCENT RIDDCTION -FKOM- March 31st te April 30tb, ON ALL BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, 4c, Bought at Our Stere. THE REASONS Why we have offered this reduction are : 1st. Boeauie we have been In the habit e flvlng away from Twenty-nve uBeventy-flve ellar Werth of Cards and Cbrome every Xaster, and we think It will be the same te us and mere advantageous te the Purchaser te 8et that amount (the cost et the cards) off el jelr Purchases. 2d. Because we feel oenfldont that It we can In this way Introduce the lines of geed we are new running into mera famine, at the B rices we are new selling (te say nothing of 10 B Per Cent. lied notion) win be greatly te our advantage as weU as te the advantage of the Purchaser. This offer l net te New Patrons only, but te all of enrBegnlar customer as well t but bear In mind we only mke this offer from this BATUBOAY, MAltUU 81st, te MONDAY, APBIL 30th, 1BS8, Inclusive. REMEMBER, We have our Goods marked In Plain Figures and net In Letters or Characters. We Mean Jnst What We Say ! We will give the Purchaser Five Cent off of every Hellar s Werth of Geed Purchased at our store during said time or s per cent. off of alt amounts lss than ene Dellar AWBmeiiiber This Bale commences THIS BATUBOAY, MAltUU Slat and Knd MON DAY, APBIL SOtb. OUB MOTI03 ABE '. " Quick Sales and Small Profit," AND " Heuesir Is tbe Ileal Policy." 'the Leadeta et Lew Price la Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 BAST KING BTRBBT, LA.K- OASTBR, PA, tnnra-lml irOK tfALJV OP. KBNT. RE8ID ENCE ONTBE EAST SIDE of Duke street, bet fen Orange and Chestnut, for rent. Inquire of A.J.BTKINMAW, ml24td At this Offlce. N( OW READY. Parties wishing te view the North Dnka street " Green Btene rrent" Houses, can de se by calling at the fourth house from New street, which is new complete and open for In- peouen irem v a. m. le tu p ni. declO-tfd KI1WI.H KBEBUAN FOR RRNT. A three-story II re-proof Warehouse -ult able for tobacco or manufacturing purposes, situated en East Grant street. Inquire at 29 BAST KING nTKkJCT. Terms reasonable. Possession Immediately. tnaia eedtf d -SJtOR RENT FROM APRIL L 1888, XI foreneoratermof ycara, the Btresburg BaUread, with coal and Lumber Yard, Ware house, I.ocemotlvo atdCars ; all In geed and running order. The lease of this valuable property presents a rare opportunity te any party desiring te engage In a pleasant, well eatabllgbed and profitable business. Fer con ditions, rent or ether Information apply te THOS. or HKNK Y B AUMGABUNEB, m&-tfd Lancaster City, Pa. UBLIO SALE. CONlltACTOUS' PLANT will be sold at publte sale en WEDNESDAY, APBIL 23, 188, at (Somerset, Pa, Vi Batlread uarts, 60 Bets Cart Harness, Let of Wagen, Car and Plew Harness, 20 Dump Cars. 3 leet gauge. several t)et Bl&cksmlih Toels, Letct Octagon cast Steel, Let et Bteel Sledges, Let of Crew Bars, Let of Plekr, tthovel?, etc., etc Bale te commence at 10 o'clock a in Terms cash. KDWABI) VCGOVBBN, J. J. IITZPAI'UICB apU.14.1C,li),;e 21d pOSlTlVE PUBLIC SALE. On rRiDAT, 57th Dar or ArRiL, A. l. 1 Wl theunderalgned, surviving partueret the firm of Busael A Shuimyer, will expose te public sale at the Cooper Uense, West King street, Lancaster city, tbe following real estate, te Witt Ne 1. All that certain two story Ilrlck Dwell ing Heuse, with a two story brick back build ing, frame shed, wagon shed, corn crib and ether neceatary outbuildings, weU with pump therein, hydrants, etc., and let nt grji'nd thereto belonging, situated Ne. 521, ou the southeast side of Manerstrect, Lancaster city, containing tn trout en said Maner street xl feet, mere or less, and extending In depth 23U leet, mere or leap, w iiiayevie mrcut, kujuiu kujuiu Iek property of Wagner, Ne. 2, and ethers Ne 2. All thatcertatnone-atory Brick Dwell ing Heuse, with a one story frame back build ing attar hed, frame barn and othereutbulld Ings ; well et water with pump, etc , and let of ground thereto belonging, situated Ne 6.16, ou the southeast side of Maner street, Lancaster rlty, containing tn fronton said Maner street 81 feet, mera or less, and extending In depth 239 feet, mere or less, te Lafayette btreet, aa aa Jeln'ng property of Mrs Jehn Deerr, Ne. 1, and ether. se. A All thoae certain fourtwe story Brick Dwelling lloeses, with two story baclcbulld Ings attached and ether Improvements tberoen erected and let of ground thereto be bo be lenging, situate Nes 121. 123. 123 aud 417, en the east slue et Cherry alley, between Lemen and James streets, tn the city et Lancaster, con cen talntng In front en said Cherry alley 61 f est, one Inch, snd extending In depth H2X feet, mere or less, te a 11 let common alley, adjoin ing property of Jehn Mercer, pubile adley and Ne'. All these certain two two story Brick Dwelling Upuses. with two-story baek build build build fnaaattaohfdandetberlmprovements thereon eieeted, andlotet grennd thereto belonging. Situate Kes. 481 and AM, en the east etde et Cherry alley, between Lemen and Jamts street., In tbe city or Lancaster, containing In front en said Cherry alley 2(i loot, tt Inches, and extending In depth 111K leet, mere or leaa. te a 12 feet wide common alley, adje nlng prop erty of Jehn w. Mnaer, J. ft My era and oth eth ers. These properties will be told as num bered, or separately, as luay be deemed most advantageous. sal toeommecce at "X o'c'eck p m , when attendance will be gtvn and terms made known by uKO.BllULMYkB. jeslL.1Uinss.AucL aerl-M.w.su s PRINO, 188?. Fine Tailoring. This Is te Inform ray customers that lam new prepared tn show them an Assortment of spring Bulling ana Trew.ertng that cannot be surpassed. The Latest Novelties In Spring Overceating el my own Importation and confined styles. H CERHART, FINE IMPORTING TAILOB. "O.4.N0BTH QUBBM BT LANCASTEB, PA. Fill d ECKERT