tr tyvvp'y' f;;.' i"t;-, j- r;w-w- ,- y -..-) .i- ., r-i. -, i n. . s -Hi' V 4 " jfclWV'V d 'tlV, "' ' t ., s ' r " t"iJi.' "J - TiT' - - -,t 7 "& ' ' ,' " ,.. .,. ,.- rHB liANOASTER DAILY rNTEJuLiaENCEK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. 1888. nf t - ' .1 ICE BOUND. By W. CLARK BTTSSELL, 4?Aere "Xfts ITVfefc et& Orotreioft" "Jicfc' Courts, fn 'Afj Ware fl- law," ' ri Leiy Jfauct " JHe. (OOKTiaCBD.) CIIArTEIl XXIV. THE FRKNCIIVAV DIES. However, If I expected my Frenchman te kit very long silent, he seen undeceived me by Ixfrinnliig te complain In his tremu lous, aged voice of his weakness and aching limbs. " Til the terrlble eeM that has affected me," said he, whlle his head nodded nerv ously. "I feci the rheumatism in every bone. There is no wcaknen Ukotborheu Uketborheu Ukotberheu matic, Ihave heard, and 'tis true, 'tis true I It may lay me along yes, by the Virgin, tia rheumatism what elseP Here he was Inter rupted by a long fit of coughing, and when it as ended he turned te address me again, but looked at the bulkhead en my right, as if his vision could net Hz me. "But my capers nre net ever," he cried, setting up his rick ety, shrill threat; "no, nel Vive l'ameurl Vive la jeiet The sun is coming; the sun U the fountain of life; ay, men brave, there are seme shakes in these stout legs yetl" He ihoek his head with a due air of cunning and knewiugness, grinning very oddly; and then falling grave with a startling sudden ness, he began te drlbble out a piratical love story he had ence before favored me with, describing the charms of the woman with a horrid leer, his head nodding with the nerv ous affection of age all the time, whlle he looked blindly in my direction a hideous ana yet pitiful object I I could net say that his mind was gene, but he talked with many breaks for breath, and net very coherently, as though the office of his tongue was perfermed by habit rather than memory, se that he often went far astray, and babbled into scnteuccs that had no reference te w hat had geno before, though en the hele 1 managed te collect what he meant I w as sure he had net power enough of vision te obscrve me in the dim reddish light of the cook room, and .this being se he could net knew I was prwent mero partlcn larly as he could net hear me ; yet he persisted in his peer babble, which was a behavior in him that, mero than even the matter of his tpeech, persuaded me of his Imbecility. He made no refcrence te our situation,' and iu solemn truth I bellove his memory retained no mero than a few odds and ends of the evil story of his Ufollke bits of tar nished lace and a rusty button or two lying in the bottom of a dark chest that has long been emptied of the clothes It ence held. But my condition made such heavy de mands upon my thoughts that I had very much less attention te gi ve te this surprising phenomenon of senility than its uncommon merits deserved. It has puzzled every mem ber of the faculty that I have mentioned it te, the supposition being that, given the case of suspended animation, there is no waste, and the person would quit his stupor with the same powers nud aspect as be possessed when he entered It, though it lasted a thou sand years. But granting there is no waste, Time is always present, waiting te settle ac counts when the sleeper lifts his head. There may be an artificial iuterval, during which the victim might show as my pirate did but the poised lead of years is kovered en a sud den by the scythe and becomes superincum bent, and nith the weight comes the trans formation; and this theory, as the onlyeye witness of the marvelous thing, I will held and maintain w hile 1 have breath in my body te support it! I left him gabbling te himself sometimes grinning as if greatly dhcrted, sometimes lifting a trembling hand te help his ghostly recital by nn equally ghostly dumb thew and went en deck, satisfied that he was tee weak te get te the lire and moddle with it, tut sufficiently invigorated by his long night's rest te sit up without tumbling off the bench. This .time I carried with menn old per per spectlve glass I had noticed in the chest in my cabin the chest in which were the nauti cal instruments, charts nnd papers and leveled it along the coast of the island; but it was a peer glass, nnd I found I could man age nearly us well with the naked oye. There was no cbange of any kind, only that there was a fuibla diminution in the blew ing of the wind, and a corresponding decrease iu the height of the seas. The ice stretched in a considerable bed en cither hand the ship and ahead of her; the water frothed freely ever it, and there was a great jangling nnd flashing of broken pieces, but the hull was no longer heavily hit by them. 1 get into the main chains te view the body of the vessel, and noticed with satisfac tion that the constant pouring of the sea had thinned down the frozen Mieiv te the depth of at least a feet. This encouraged me te hope that the restless tides would bap te her keel at least nnd put her into a posture te be easily launched by the blew of a surge upon her bows that is if foituue continued te keep her head en. Te determine the hour jnd our position, I fetched a quadrant from my cabin, and was happilj just in time teeutch the sun crossing the meridian. My watch was half an hour fast, se I had lieeu out of my reckoning te the extent of thii t.v minutes ever since 1 had been cast away. I maJe our latitude te 1 W dogs. 8 mill's, south, and the computation was perhaps near enough. Tins business ended, I went te the cook house te prepure dinner, and the first object I saw wusTassard flat uien his face near the deer that opened into the cabin. He groaned when I picked him up which I managed without much exertion of strength, for be much had he shrunk that I dare say mero than half his weight lay in his clothes and set him upon his bench w ith his back te the dresser. I put my mouth te his ear and reared, "Are you hurti" His head nodded as if he understood me, but I question if he did. He was the cempletcst picture of old age that you could imagine. I fetched a couple of spears fiem the arms room, and, cutting them te his height, put ene in each hand, that he might keep himself prepped; nud while my own dinner was broiling I made him a unra of broth, with which I led him, for new that he had the sticks he would net let go of them. But iu any cose I doubt if his trembling hand could lune lifted tue spoon te his lips without capsizing the eon tents down his beard. With seme small Ueaef rallying the old villain, I mixed him a ery stilt bumper of brandy, which he supped down out of my hand with the utmost u Tdity. The draught seen worked in him, anil he began te mero his head about, seeking me In his blind way, and then cried, in his broken notes, "I have lest the m of my legs, nnd cannot walk. Mether of Ued, what shall I de! Oh, holy St. Antonie, w hat is te become of mol" I guessed from this that, impelled by habit or seme small spur of reason, he had risen te go en deck, and had fallen. He w ent en va va eoring pitifully, gazing with sufficient 6tead fastness te let me understand that his vision recch ed something of my eutline, though he would fli his eyes either te the left or right of me, as though he wns net able te see if he looked straight; nnd this, and his mournful cackle, and his nodding head, bowed form, prepped hands nud diminished face, made him as distressful and melancholy a picture of Time as ever mortal roan viewed. He broke off in his rambling te ask for mero brandy, taking it for granted that I was still in the cook room, for I never spokeand I filled a can for him, and as before held it te his mouth, which he opened wide a piece of behavior which went te show that seme of hi wits still hung loeso upon him. This was n strong dose, and, co-operating with the ether, seen seized held en his head, and pres ently he began te laugh te himself and talk, and even breke iuteasta6 or two seme French song, which he delivered in a veice like the squeaking of a rat, alternating with the grewliug of a terrier. I guess his stumbling upon this old French catch (which I took it te bufcrem seeing him feebly flourish ene of his sticks, na if inviting a chorus) put him upon sjieaking his own tongue altogether, for though he continued te chatter with all the volubility his breath would permit during the whole time I sat eating, net ene word of 1'nghshdid bespeak, and net ene word, therefore, did I under stand. Boeing hew it must be with him pres ently, I brought his mattress nnd rugs from his cabin, ami liad scarce laid them down when he let fall ene of his sticks and dropped ever. I grasped bim, and, partly lifting, partly fcauljng, & bJ") en, hjj VMi end covered nun up. la a tew minutca be was asleep. I trust I shall net be deemed Inhuman if I cenf ess that I heartily wished his end would coma If he went en living he premised te be an Intolerable burden te me, being- qulte helplcs. Besides, he was much tee old for this world, in which a manwhe reaches the age of 00 Is pointed te as a sort of wonder. Nothing worth recording happened that day. The wind slackened, and ttie loe trav eled se slew that at sundown I could net dis cover that we had made mero than a quarter of a tnile of progress te the north sinconeon, though we had settled by half as much again that distance westward. I had net closed my eyes en the previous night, and was tired out when the evening arrived; and as no geed could comeof my keeping a watch, for the simple reason that it was net In my power te avert anything that might happen, I tumbled seme further covering ever the Frenchman, who had lain en the deck all the afternoon, sometimes deslnir, Mmctlme waking and talking te himself, and appearing en the whele very easy and comfortable, and went te my cabin. I slept sound the whele night through, and n waking went en deck before going te the cook house and lighting the furnace (as was my custom) se Impatient was I te observe our state, and te hear such news as the ocean had for me. It was after S a very curious day, somewhat darkseme, nnd a dead cahn, with a large, long swell out of the southeast. The sky was full of cleud9, with a steeping appearance in the hang of them that re minded you of the belly of a hammock; they were of a sallow brown, very uncom mon; seme of them round about sipped the aea line, and-their shadows, obliterating these parts of the cincture which they over hung, broke the continuity of the horizon as though there were valleys in the ocean there. A geed part of our bed of ice was gene at least a fourth of it; but the schooner still lay as strongly fixed as before. I hail ceme te the deck half expecting te find her afloat from the regular manner of her heaving, and was bitterly disappointed te discover her rooted as strongly iu ever in the ice, though the irritation softened when I noticed hew the bed had diminished. The mass, with the ship upon it, rese and sank, with the slug gish, squatting motion of a wr.ter legged ves sel. It was en odd sensation te my legs after their long rest from such cxercise! The heav ing satisfied me that the base of the bed did net go deep, but at the seme time it was all tee solid for me, I could net doubt; for, had the sheet been as thin as I had hoped it, it must have given under the weight of the schooner and released her. I went below and get about lighting the flre. The Frenchman lay very quiet, under as many clothes as would All a half dozen of sacks. It was bitterly cold sharper in the cook heuse than I had ever remembered it; and I could net conceive why this should be, until I recollected that I had forgotten te close the companion hatch bofero going te bed. I prepared seme broth for iny com panion, and dressed seme ham for myself, and ate my breakfast, supposing he would meanwhtle awnke. But after sitting seme time and observing that he did net stir, a suspicion flashed into my mind; I kneeled down, and, clearing his face, listened. He did net broathe. I brought the lantern te hlm;buthlscountenance had been se changed by his unparalleled emergence from a state of middle life into cxtrcrae eldj age he was se puckered,, hollowed, gaunt, his features se distorted by the great weight of bis years that I was net te knew him dead by merely viewing bim. I threw the clothes off him, listened at his mouth breathlessly, felt his hands, which were I rnl.l rtaml Im1nuti thought I. Oreat Father, 'tis thy willl And I rese very slowly and steed surveying the ilent figure with an emotion that owed its inspiration partly te the several miracles of vitality I hed beheld in him during our asso ciation, and te a bitter feeling of loneliness that swelled up in me. Dead UuUcdl thought I. Yes, I had feared nnd detested this man; but his quick transformation and silent, dark exit affected me, and I looked down upon him sadly. Yet, te be perfectly candid with you, I recollect that, though it occurred te me te test if life was out of him by bringing him close te the flre and chaflng him und giving hira brandy, I would net stir. Ne, I would net have moved a finger te recover him, even though I should have been able te de be by merely putting him te the f urnace. He was dead, and there was an end; nnd without further ado I carried him into the ferecastle nnd threw a hammock ever him, mid left him te He there till there should ceme clear water te the ship te sorve him for a travel. TO BS COHTIKUID.) Soused from Inaction. The precursor of their disease and destruction the kidneys and bladder, healthfully stimu lated and toned with Hestetter'a .stomach Bitters, actively resume their functions. Thus V.rlght's dlseasc.dlabctes, catarrh of fhe bladder, and cncurcsls are pmentcd. Fer irritating diuretics, and theso unmcdlcateil and flcry stimulants which, used ctn in moderation, exrltc both the renal and clcnl organs, this Is the bent possible substitute. IC is of botanic eomjienlilon, and se congenial te the stomach the digestive processes of wtilchiC helps In no ordinary degree, that It Is promptly assimilated by the system, and Its tonic effects are speedily felt. Net only docs It remedy inactivity of the kidneys, but renews a regular habit of body, promotes a due secretion and healthy flew of bile Inte the proper channels, and expels from the circulation acrid princi ples preductite of rheumatism ami gout. It Is also the leading epcclfle for malarial Ileptare cure guaranteed by Dr. J. 11 Mayer 811 Arch street, Philadelphia, Kase at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousand of cures after ethers tall, advice free, tend for circular, mat 10-1 j d w Chilprin get blllleus unless yen keep thtlr bowels open with New Style Vinegar Bitters. HPEOIAL KOTWKS. SUILOll'S CURB will Immediately rellxve Croup, w hnepin Cough and ilrenchltls for sale by It B Cochran, Druggist, Me. 147 North (Jueen street. (7) A Weman's Discovery. " Anotber wonderful dlscoverv has been made snd that tee by a lady In this country. Disease fastened IU clutches upon her, and for seven tears sue withstood the sevoieat tes's, but her vllal organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. She bought a bottle of Dr, King's Mew llbcevery ter Con sumption, and was semuchre.leved en taking Ant dose that sha slept all night and with oue bottle has been miraculously cured. Her namets Mrs. Luther uta" 'Jhus writes vr. u llainrlck A Ce , of Shelby, N. C. Oetaftee JUllAbe,UH ttt Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and lsa North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. (2) H. U. Cochran, Mes. 137 and 133 Nonh Qnwn Ki .r UUBm a gnaiantoe te euro all nreatand lung troubles. ;) The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druagl.t, Bfppus, Ind , testifies "1 can lecninmend Kleetile Hitters as the very bem remedy, tvery botUeseld has given rvhef In every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured or Uheumatlsm of 10 years' stand ing " Abraham Hare, Ilellevllle, Ohie, affirms 11 lhe best selling medicine I have ever han dled In my 20 years' experience, la Kloctrle Kilters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanl unanl mens that Electric Uitfru de cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidney or Blend, for rale at II IV. Cochran's Drug Stere. 137 and VSi Mnrth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. () BuckUn's Arnica Salve. Tet Bbst Balvi tn the world for Cnta.Iirulses Beem, Ulcers, ealt hhnin. JTever bores.Tetter, Chapped Uands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin eruptions, and positively euros 1'Ues. or no pay require!, ItUKUaranteeptegtvaper. feet satisfaction, or money refunded. lrtce ts cents per box. ter sale by 11. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. U7 aad 1 Herth Queen street, LaMiQMter, ra, junl7 1yd 1rVfal IwCUENCK'S MANDHAKK I'I1,M. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER Ti that which keeps the Liver nnd Stomach in a healthy condition ; nnd nothing in the world enn se successfully de this aa Mandrake, which, ns lu Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Rills, Is n Never-Falllnfr Rem rdy for all Dircnfef of th Liver nnd Stomach. rer sain by nil Druggtgtd. 1'rlee 2". rts. per box 3 boxes for 03 cts. : or tent by limll, pot pet kw free, f n icelt el prlce. Dr. J . It.Schnnek A Sen, j-hllad'a. nprS-lyCAw SOUKNUIC'S MANDUAKE TILLS FOR SULK AT n.n cennuAN'-tnitua RTOKK, Nes. m 1 1 Menn Queen bt , Lsucasier, l'a aptiiiudAw lAlNK'H GKIjKHY COMPOUND PAINE'S 1 IJItKS NKUVOUd ritOSTItTION, NKIIVOUS IIKAUACIIK, NKUHALUIA, NKUVOU8 WKAKNKBS, StUMACII AND LtVJtK D1S- KASKS, UHKUMATJBU, DYSPKIMIA, and all Affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVE 3. rAINK'SCKLKHVCOMI'OUN'D l n Nervn Tonle which never falls Containing Celnry and Cocea, theso wonderful stliniiluniH, it speclaly cures all cm veus dlsoideis,' RHEUMATISM. SPAINK'8 CKLKUY COUl'OUND purifies the bleed, ltdrlvus out the Inctl.ianle, which eau'es tiheiiiniitlmn. nud restores tlm bleed making organs te a heulthy a mention. The true reincuy ler Kheiini aisin. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PAINK'. CKLKltY COMPOUND quickly restores the Mvur and kidneys te pnilnet health, aiilsrurntlviipener. ceinblnid with lta nerve tenlcx, Is why It la the best rutin dy lerall kldnuy ceuipUluts. DYePEPfilA. l'AINK'S OKLK.UY COJU'OITHK strength, ens the stomach, anil intuts them rvusef the digestive organ. 'I nil Is why It cults even the wet se cams of D ppepsla. OONBUPATIOf. PAINK'3 CKI.KKY COMf'Ot'N'D Is net n cathartic, it Is a laiutlvu, giving taynl natural action te thj buwuls ueguluilty ltcoemmonded by professional nud business men. tend for book. Price, UO. Sold by Druggists. WKLLS, JIICIIAIIDSON A Ce, 1'ropilUers. lltirllnglen, Vt. ("), PAINK'8 ORUCUY COMPOUND FOB flt AT n. it. reciiuAN's Ditue steiik, Nes. 1.17 A lsa North qutenbt., Lancaster ln. apr-2iudAw J A YRU'8 1'ILLS. Common Sense In thotreatmentersllgtitnlhiionln would save a vast amount of slekmwH and misery. O.VK OK AYKtt'H 111,1 S, taken after dinner, will astlst Dictation j tiken at nLjht, will relnvn Constipation j taken nt any time, will ceriect Irregularities et Ihu Stomach and lievrelr, stimulates the l.lver, and cnreSlc'c HeiiUchn. Ayer' all knew lie-nsa thcm.aiea mild cathartic, pieisanl te tnke, end nlwnjg prompt and satl sf icleiy in their results. "I cin recoiuneml Ayer's I'llls nbove nil ethers, having long nieved their value as a CATHARTIC for nrssclf and family.' . T, Hess, Iclths. vine, Pa. Ayer's Pills have been in nsn In my fimlly upwards of twin ty jt-ars, and have corn plot ly erlflud all that U claimed for thorn " " lhemas r. Adam', San Diege, 'iuxai. "I have used Avrr's I'llls in my family for seven or eight yerrs. Whunover 1 have an attack of hadache, te which 1 tun very sub sub Ject, I take a dein et Ajcr's I'llls and am always promptly rcllevt d. I find thorn t anally benedclal In colds ; and In my Jumlly, thpy arousedforhllloiHcoinjilatnUand elncr dis turbances wlthsachgnedeifect that we jarcly. It ever, hvQlDalltt.ph5.slclanJi-atr-Veul. lleuie, Hetel Voullleine, Sarnteg Springs. N.Y. AYER'S PILLS, 1 RM'AKKU 11 V Dr. J. O. Ayer fc Ce., Loweli, Meet. He'd fry all Dealers lu Mcdlclne. aprlGte2j AYKK'S I'IbU VOItSALB AT II. II COf'IIKAVn KUUH StVlltK, Nes. 137,1 UJ Neilh llOien St , lantusier, l'f, apM-iuid&w ' TTALUAHLK MKIUCAIj WORK. TRUTH, Or the SC1KWOK OK T.IKK. A VALUAHLK MKDILALWOUK, the only trae description of this lline en Man. heed. Nhi-veus and Physical liability, I'rtnim. tore Decline, h.rroiaef "leuth. and ihnunte'd miseries consequent te saine, as well us an x x x posureef quatka and thelr he railed inodleul works, by which they vlctlmlzu thousands and by thiilrexat!eerallngdlsiuM, makes thuse peer sniTerers Insane Kvury jenng man, mtCdle-ttKederrih!,fhnu!d roan this bonk. Jt Is mere than uiallh tn ueiu. Bund two cunt stamp for u copy, a d d i , . . Kit THtPt.TIIKKL, 3i l J,ertn r"urUi -, rhliaduljihiit, Pa. E LY'H UliEAM HALM. OATARRH---HAY FEVER. KLY'3 CKKAM HALM cures Celd In Head Lutarib, Uihe oelfl. Hay Kvtir,lni!n..,.a, Head ache. Prlce M Ccuta. KA3Y TO UdK. Itly IJre's, Owoke. N. U. S, A. YOU WILL BAVK MONT.Y, T1MH. PAIN, TUOUULK, ' And Will Cure CATAKUU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle Is applied te each nostril and li agrecAble. Price W cents at drnifirt.ta i by maU, reKlflteiul, met. KLY llUOTlieitS, , laoreenwlcnSL,uwerlt. nevlMydAw XM 1' It OVK1) ITsUMOMSD KAlt UliUM'4. CURB FOR THE DEAF. Peek's l'atnt Imprevud (lusblencd Kar Drums )erl(ctly Ithleiii hearing and pi-rlrm the work of the natural drum, luvl.lblecnm. fji tabid und alw:in In poeltleu. All conver sation and uven wlilcp, r heard dUtluitly, fund for tllnalrated biKik Willi t-Ntliiiniilnl. KKK. Aililrm- or cull en ". IIItceX, iUI llreuray, hew erfc. ilenllnn thUpapnr lunulu-lidAwM.rt'AF VJAl'K, MURK AM) Hl'KRDY OURK. " kj Kupturu, arlcecelfi und Special l)lwaes of either tux. Why be humlmgved by quacks when you ran find in Dr. vvilght the only Itto Itte clar t'iimutANln PhlladHphlawhe makmt a specialty et the unoye dlieunes, and CJl'Km Tuimt CuKseOUAiuhTsau. Advlcu Kreeday and even'.ng strangers euu butrcatedand r. turn home name day, ejllces private, ..... IIU.W. H. WIUUHT, '.f1 NnIta Ninth Street, Above Uace, M&lTMSfj I'MludelrbV CELERY OOMPODND. max B AROA1N8 IN CARPETS. DON'T -THE- BARGAINS -AT- Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite ths fi ARD eY MeKLROY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. OIL CLOTH-If yen want the best Fleer oil cloth In the city for the money Just leek thrnuKh t ha stock, all beuirht before ths advanea In nrlce. and all welfafuuennd. Vne will And that n Oil Meth well seasoned will isst twice at lone m one that Is J nst fresh from the laeterjr. ealtPBTS-inRtata carpet at toot lta regular prlce. Me. Ingrain carpet at J&e IU regular price, Sle. lngTalii Carpels at 31, 40, 43 and 51 Cents i beat goods la the city at the price. Mag carpeu at ISe worth Xe nag carpet at Sua ; na ai tne price ever sold. Carpet Baga taken In exensnge. uew H Alias-we are selling quantities of Window shades, wllh Spring rixtures, atioeibcstgeodsatsosi best Dade at 73ej ths prices are low, else we could net sell the amount we ne.1 HOSIERY The Greatest IUrgatns In Hoslery everefferea. Ladles' llalbrlggan, solid eolera or striped hose, regular made, two pair for tft cents i never sold lets than sea per pair, lien's half-hose, unbleached, at loot worth 15e. Men's half-hes in solid colors, unbleached Itrltlsh or narrow stripes, rullregulsrmade, twepalrs terc,Juithalt prlee. These are only a few of the liirsalns In Hosiery. Cemn and see for yeartelr. .1 list openee. one bale et yard wlde Muslin, for covering tobaceo beds, at 3e nor yard I regn. Inr price, fc. An Klpgant i.lnenf DrraiUlnghams and Heersuekers, In plain, piafd or stripes, atlocperyard. Prsttlvily the best patterns In Totle de Nerd, In the city, atllWe. 1 ha beat tOe rerset In the city. The best 7.V l oraet In the oily. The best 11.00 Corset In the Totty. FKATHKIls-Wearn headquarters In Laneaiter for the beat reathers. te fully satisfy ynursnlf en that point please call en us and exunlne and compare prices. Yen will And our pi Ice lowest for the best goods. special Bargain In Men's Cheviot fihtrts at SSc and 37Ke. Sreclat lUrgalnt In Men's Bummer l'ante and Overalls at 8tc;wertn 7ie. bard & Mcelrey, (CHKAP DUrGOODB STOUR.) 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, N KXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. Specialties Among the New Arrivals In Ingrain Carpets, nre two lets of Bnveral pieces each, In Beautiful Designs, that we have marked l!oe and 33c. These prices de net repre sent the quality, they are worth 10c a yard mere. We have just opened several pieces mere of tho?e Weel Ingrain Carpels at eOc, In New Patterns. Alse, among the New things, are several qualities of .lule Car pets (just as geed, It net better, than llag) at 25c, 30e and .18c. And New Rag Carpet at 38e, 40e, 453 and 60.. Our large sales of this" Bensen have left lets of ltemnants of both Hag and Ingrain Carpets of every grade, which we will Bell very cheap, as we need the room. The Bargains In Tapestry Carpets are moving rapidly ; If Interested, de net miss them. We have te-day a full line et Iteady-Msde Window Shades, at 40n and 60c, as well ns a full line et Shading, Shade Pulls, Lace Curtains, Curtain Teles, &c , &e. Carpet and Curtain Werk Promptly and Neatly Dene. China Mattings nt 12, 16, 10, 18, 20, 26, 31 and 37 cents, FAHNESTOCK'3, NOB, 35 c 37 BAST KING ST.. JKWKLUY. i' 53ff I have this day admitted my Sen, GODFRIEDZ. RHOADS, te a Partnership in the Watch and Jewelry Business at Ne. 4 West King Street. H. Z. RHOADS. OAHPMT HAKOA.INH 1 -GO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS. Tapestryt Iagraln, Damask and Venetian. Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL VLOTU8, WINDOW 8HADM8, Ac. We have the Largest and Best Stock In the City. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Comar West King iud Wafer Strata, Lanc&stir, Pi. l'AHASOLH. VU1V KKAUY. PARASOLS. lielng In want of mero emce room, we Imve found It ncicesiary te encroach somewhat upon our former Blere ipace, una thorale e, eh Inn toeur llmluul qaaruirg, un&blu te huve 11 letmiil ODenlni; as heretofore. This B&aaen's coedguio new jeady, and we kindly request our pilrens and the pnb'le generally teei uinlnu our line. The New und Latest btyles In Ilandli a, Tens and Materials. R. B. & H., Ke.HKaht King Street. aprSSind QUKKNHWAKB. rjriUH A MAKTJN. CHINA HALL. 0LEABM3 SALK Thit lasts twelve months In tne year, 'J ha lirmliiuailty ler Uieleast money always te be had there. fil-KCIALINDUCKMENTBlO HEW HOUSEKEEPERS! Tiuifleu. WhltoOrunlle, nce. llinnerttets, Whlui Urtnlle MM. Dinner fcetn, l'rtnlen U.lrJ. Ne koeOs mlsrppresntd. All Wares ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & lartin ) NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, LAXCABTKB. iA. wd os. FORGET IN CARPETS Cooper Beuse. worth 37ke. Hag Carpeta at We, tie. tee and up i Opposite Fountain Inn. in Carpets. LANCASTER, PA. II ALLS. BA.UQAINH I TC 11 a m. N EW COI.ORH IN HATH. Stauffer&Ce, LEADING IUTTEB8, Have Jnst rfcnlvnd a till assortment of new colors aud fancy sbiitPS and shapes In these celebrated, light weight, asy filling "BOSTON BEAUTIES," Weight J nst 3K Ounces, The co rectend latrst styles In Ue world renown, d "Dirnlap lats." A fnl'llneer IIOYH'and (JUII.DURN'4 New Spring htyles In cletli, fur and eiraw Half , Straw and Harvest Hats Of Every Ui scrlptlen at the Lewest Trices. Trunks and Traveling Bags. AT UIU INDUCBMKNTS. Stauffer & Ce., 31 and 83 Xerth Qeeea Street. NKOKWKAH, R KMOVAU E. J. ERISMAN WILL 11 K rOUNO AT NO.' 42 WEST KIG ST. (Next Doer tn eayler's I'holegrapn Qallery.) With a complete Bleck of TUB LATEST HPKINQ STYLES or GENT'd FUBNISUWG GOODS QROOKRIBB. V RNTRN Hriunu .'ifTr.TTe M-i aalt and smeaed rish. rina Whiij. v.. Mackerel, Codfish, BBtekSSriiVllbnt. cm.m rrnlta ana, eiWei IJS Pick?M n0'jwToMwlUiatrlaleraor. Goods de- ..OKpitaiCWIANT, Ne. IIS West King Street. AT BUHSK'a Ouiied Goods! Cincd Goods I WK U4VC TOO MAT AND AUK BOUND TO SELL. ofler Special Inducements for K1FTMH DAYS, te Reduce Stoek. Will sell you rnlls A Sen's OciorireCorn at 8c. or two cans at ISc. y.uart 9!"1" Tomatoes at 9a, or 3 for 28c .f 1?" "S"11 ec, or 3 cans for tsa. Harrow l at l'eas at 9a. or 3 cans for 5e .,Ji'JLpi5. In. 0n, "aaeed from e te ISe. fHraw berries framine te tm a can. rinest Cjjiiernla Aprloeta, quart cans. We. Onr stock of Srarerated uern is r.rariy out. put wb bate a supply of the Finest unncd Cern In the market Dew Drep add rails. sWUlV US A CALU-W BURSK'S, WO. 17 SsYBT KINQ 8TRBBT. F RKSU QROOBIUKH. Jnst received, another one of these ten risks or positively New francs, and are sell. Ing them for 5 and I pound for 3Vs. Thev are fine and can be scen displayed at the front pan of store. Alse finest Kronen f runes ler 3 and 8 pound for Sic. New Large Stemless raisins sold cheap by the pound or box. feedless Katslns, cnrrin ' New atewlng flgr.3 pounds for air. l'ornellar. SeRars. Teas aid Coffees. OnrBUOAHR are Strictly rnra and we sell price aid quality, rursacn. Havnyeu any wiii tui'vp. Aa 10 pinase overyeooy, in nu any II net, I If It come at once and try a sample round) does net Dlaasa vnn linttnr than hit mn bought elsewhere, let ns knew nnd we will kindly refund the money. We de this be cause we knew them te tie rure, slrst-Olsss ureds.and resstad ovenly. Loek for our dis play of uoeds and Frlces, VLUUlt.Uoed tteiW around Fleur, that will de all erdlnanr baking, for We. Fine Heller rieur ter end , and the Best Heller I're- P,R,is?l, ft1'0 i'l'Dunr and Niagara falls irnil Heller u round tn stock. CllKKHK-llurOeck's rinest Full Cream Cheesoatlse Uoed Cheese, 3 pounds for a. A Fresh Supply of Bwellzer and Llmberger. Neulchatel Choeso only 6e. Alse Kdamund Datehhead. Just received, another Fresh. Let of Helmes A Oentts Oat Meal and uraham Wafers, kxtra B9afA?S,.w.ft,er.'1'n,n I also llenU Hard Water, OAtTttTIO SODA, In 8 and 5 pound koltles! fill weight guaranteed also Lye Hall and Iianner Lie. "OlvensaTrlal Order, floods Doliverod Free te All l'aru el the City. W. A. BBI9T Jk CO., Qroepra, Cemer East King and Duke Sti, LancntUr. at rs tfd TJEMKMIIKR CLARKE'S NKWNUMIIKU3, 12 and 14 Seuth Queen Streets AND COMK FOlt TIIK KOLLO WINO 1IAUUAIN8: N. T. State Full Cream Choeso, very chftAp. Flneat Imported Uwlsi Choeso ni r iouua..?Se J.lmberger ubeose , i&e Neucbatel Cream Chnese cheap. Dutohheaderkdam Uhecte 73We rincapple Uheeie tiia ORAOKBRS I x. Family Crackers 0 fts f calleped Crackers and 2 fti llalat us... .e , Prunts and "iRi dates ivi 5 I" K!"" an2 ?tgaeruaiRrch Mj l s Hlee and 1 ft Macaroni ise 3 fts l'runellas -a0 I ft cenae and WH Mixed Tea ."'...Isse Bfts starch andftSean.. i vne 3 Tapioca KnflSqts KvaperaudApples.avi Helier rienr per quarter ........;.49e soapTbeapi 3 Pieces Kloetrlc Seap lta 6 fleoesaiarBeap,..., we II rtecesHex Soup 2.i0 a rieeea Queen Toilet Boap sse 8 Pieces htslngsun Boap ...,sse orieoMOIelnuitoep avj oelioxesllluolngand3 Ko-Ke Seap 29) fl Pieces Miller's Jlerax -ae " Save te wrappers of lieui soap and get a lUOprosent. 8 fts Coffee i and 1 Tea i.oe 5.s tiest Hr.en Coiree ..11 Oil 3 , geed Ureencoiree.... 710 OANNED GOODS I 8 Cans Marrowfat Feaa ;se J'an,.Cernvi:: J Cans Ueaus (String) gse SftCansl'lePeachei Me 8 ft Cans Table reaches M...SBe 3 ft cans Apricot me 3 ft Cana Orated or Sll'ed Pineapples 2fle Catsup and riekles, per bettlu,... 100 AaTCut this out and bring It along TO CLARKE'S Mew T and Coffee Stere, - la and 14 SOUTH QUBHN BTRHBT. LANCABTalt, PA., And Ask t3 Boe thn Uoem Full of Hanflsome l'restnu. F RKE DISTItlBUTION. REIST'S Greatest of AH Free Distributions TO MOHHO W, HATUKDAY, AVltlL llTir, Commencing at 2H O'clock In the Afternoon. Xndlng at 10 O'clock In the Evening. ACME SOAP! What Is It 7 The host Lnunilry Roup en the Msiket. We have Uiken held nf IL in mil earnest, and will iioaitlvelyglvo a bar (net a sample cake), but an original cake, with a Ann CJiid thrown In, te all grown people who will visit our store We told you In last week's Issue te watch our Advertisement. New we again remind you of It. Loek out ler Next Week. FACTS ! It li a fact that we give you half of our profits In these srea Mill IHitrtivitlens. It Is a fact that we have the largest Utocery Blere In the tlty. It Is a fact that we buy In large quantities and ran sell cheap. It Is a fact lhat we employ Irani 21 te 71 polite and attentive salesmen -net boys-en our busy days. It Is a fact that wAhnve the ncateit and Cleanest slore In the city. It Is a fact that we always llve up te our premises. It Is a fact that you can get goods nlce and fresh. Jt Is a fact that wears positively headquar ters for Uiocerluj, Reist,Wtielesale& Retail Grocer, Cer. YT. Kins; gad l'rluce Bts., (Narr Deea te ths SeaaiL lieaaa IIetsl.) COAL. TT U.MAKT1U, WlOLKSiH AVD Ut All OIAiSk l All Kinds of Lumber and Oea JsVTAaet Na 139 North Water md rnnca Btreeta. above Lemen. Lancaster. nMvd OAUMQAKDNEK'a OOMPANY. GOAL DEALERS. YAasa: Nerm rnnce sueet, near Heading anriatM I.ANOAKTkK. PA QOALI COAL! PRIOB OF COAL BEDUOED ATQ.BKNKBASONJ COU. 1'IiINCK A WALNUT STB, TKA VMLMRB O VIDM. - - - - -- ----linjjT-j -"- KKAiiinu a uuijublbia kailjiOAf ,.ANU BSARUUM. AND LkBAJWft AND LAMOASTjU JOlstT UM . B,. , OK AND AFTElt SUNDAT. NOV. SL j TRAINS LK ATM BXADINU. aJn?,.,,ultBC-te'-. J Fer QnarTTVtlle at 7.-9A. 1 1 HO m. m. ins ! " , "or Chleklsa at 7:a, a m, and 8:10 .!! " F5rneV.VlM?Sa,SSyra.,:",,,,, 41 iins biAYI QUAUtTVILLR. A . pm LMC-te' SS.MMMMH;, KIf?5?,nM:Mt'SP. V?.& uiunnanti'cggsnail3ltav . LBAVH KtNB BTUK1 T"ssatnr 1 -if lm Heading at 1M a m. ltuis ana i-afi. Ml rnr iirsBtinn iMm m- -- t. ;i r. SKBl'JB.'JiPPiMMiift, .- n , 1EAV PK1NCH BTRB1T (UisSsS' J2E ?1tn t.7i42. m 1WS 8-J a. t J?i3 Fer Lebanon at 7.07 a tn, 113 and V.Mnjm, h&l wuMiiiiiiaMKJiKDi,!: aaai.svsj BJ IMlflO K1 UUU1IUS Fer Lancaster at 7:11 a m, itse and 7 M 1 Fer QnatrFTtU at 703a an ana 1 . BUWDATTBAIK8. . TBAINSLBAVS BEADING Fer Lancaster at 7.-30 a a ana 4.-00 p sa. Fer QuarryvHln at IKb a. .uinii uaaia iivaasi miiba m. "- -"w- - - flwi TKAINB I.KAV KIKO BT. CtUieMtinl uc Avwuix uia xiODftnen ai 8;w iniia Ml m jf auv sTir nnaupwllU at b.a u. - - "sa w TIIIOHb UDVII m THAI tall l.fcivi tiiffaisiM) et r.. rnr UaMilili. JZm VliZfiZJ' tt IV?"? ai ' - asms Ji A1 ftaMp tfl rer muuimue at B;tt p nt rer LaneMter at 1:U a m ana J.tfl p m. - vm " a w aaae stiwV D m. ; -Tw;it.v-r"-iV!7r jl tlen, Lancaster Junouen. Manhltn!iisflSg &? and Lebanon, see time tables at allsUueaa. A . .i. mueun oueennteaeeat WArcntsM. "''VVi 3PKOIAU WATCHES for Farmers and Railroaders will haaniAai'V great reduction In prices. Alse Blgta. WsaV.Yt Uiam, Aurera, ter which 1 am sela uutus 'S lAt wlrsittlalsiss UTaliiKaa ua wasr? sw Ti "V graph only place tn the cllv. LODI3 WBBKR. He. IRK N. Queen St. opposite City Hettf, i Near Penn'a Denet. Q.lLti-JKWKLEK, Ae. GrlLL. J1WELIR AND OP1IOIAK. v wriri If venrurM trAnfils -mm itia.Aj v itL. ix', mediately '"" .3 ira nse OT I-HUl'kK GLASSES BMMMB!; .'j sight, gtvea comfort and PlesiursT '" -S' J . ..Tr'.'KKS. ??VU".5 '" i"w .I1" ' !; ww. na sn sew nsis is bsm.." v." . . n uuuiiur, uvinw a ruusssa .......T .......-.. . WS ., -i7.'- e-ST T T? uu unsBu in aviai JsTJ4 ..nwai - jj- A Vntl MnnAf Wnlahaa nu.b. Tat. . Silverware. """ .--" CHARLES B. QILL., NO. 10 WK3T KIRQ BT..LANOABTIB. nti$& MA TiKOIDKD BARGAINS. '$' WK OFFBK AT FRKSKNT 0 Decided Bargains -IN- WATCHES. Our: Heaviest Solid Bllver Cases. mK M '11 ounce, we will soil at price et it-gular S aatfti'v ease. ritua with Klgln. Wttltham, Hampen t, or Keystone movements. "ir-" CALL AND Q ET PUICU. Kl .& .InS ItKKHBIt n fm..l. I. -.-3 witiinb; -.. ----v : ;i WALTER tt.HSHK' P rtV Ne. 101 North Quean Stntt,: J ."VBB5 LANCASTKU. PA. 1.ISa'S'3 . ""-IK' BILKS. ' '" 1 mvi, -ajSSZS S ILK. . Kri n"-$j vftft.' M. Habertmsli & Sen. SILK! Keep en hand all Shades of Baddleni' 'n Silks, Nickel and Brass Blngs for Dnst "t; BSaTS. PINKING A SPECIALTY; cutwu uiuviuuj, aiyiem 01 srlBBF, g$ -AT- Iff TTflhQpT.nQ'h Xr Snti'a m aias aawmui UUUU W MVAA Bm SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Oentre Squart, -M LANCASTBE. PA. HUMilKlt RKHOHTtL W A TLANTIO CITY, N. J, THR MAMSIAM TLAMTIU CITT. X Ja Vi ireputar vrinier or eummw Larywi - ?.5 ffnlAl. Uriar rnnvAtilnnt. MlaBAntl sfntw $S uiaueu i-imurauy Mansucea, mtia Uniif suit " - wJ W I ri.. f1t.ur Mark uhKIAi.fil J V. A TLANTIO Oliy, N. J. " HOTEL NORMANDIE, -"r """-""-"-' ra UBFUUNISUKD. . JtBHODMLID. V-H? fru tr wr. AW.lwu .'4 lnatllmd-Mar.Apr.July.Aua. i AXTOKXMXn. '; T UniEKH. KAUFMAN, ATTORN K r-AT-LA W, NO. a BOUTU rsUNCK BT., LaaeasUu-. l'a. HygAsf M.T 1 ' A 11 pJi if. fii a h: m .rax; tvm Qcfi.. '.. V&lV Ltl ,VS mi TK! i-. a .C .Vfi ;l-m A, 'VAfTtlA mi & n ri 4, M1T3 ! f fx3 iM