.4 -vv JPHB IiANOASTBR DAILY INTELLIGBKCER, MONDAY. APRIL 16, 1888. ICE BOUND. By W. OLAKK RTJBBKLL, stutter e "Th TTrtck eflht OraivrnetV "Jack'l Ceurtthlp," 'fily Wateh B- low," Tl, Lady ifaad Etc (tOKTIVDBD.) "Never concern yourself about ray humor, Mr. Tuwrd," Mid T, preserving my deter mined air and coming close te him again. - "Hew U it tOTtand between tut I leave tba choice te you. If you wiU treat ma civilly you'll net find me wanting In every disposition te render our miserable itaU tel. arable; but If you insult me, use me inju riously, and act tba pirate ever me, who am an heneet man, by Ged, Mr. Tassard, I will kUlyeur Ha atoeped away from me and raited his hand in a peeture aa If te fend ma off, and cried, in a whining manner: "I lest my head this gunpowder business hath been a hel lish disappointment leek you, Mr. Redney, Cemal We will drink a can te our future amity t't, ' I answered coldly that I wanted no mere wine, and bade him beware of me; that he had gene far enough; that our hideous con dition had filled my soul with desperation and misery, and that I would net hare Tey life en this frown schooner made mere abom inable than it was by his swagger, lies and Insults; and I added, In a loud voice and in a menacing manner, that death had no terrors for me, and that I would dispatch him with aa little fear as I should meet my deem, whatever shape it took. I marched en deck, net a Utile astounded by the cowardice of the old rascal, and very well pleased with the marked impression my bearing and language had produced en him. Net that I suppneed for a moment that my bold comportment would save me from his knife or his pistol when he should think proper te make away with me. Ne. All I reckoned upon was cowing him into a clviler peeture of mind, and checking his agressiens and insolence. I stayed but a minute or two en deck. Buch was the cold that I de net knew I had ever felt it mere biting and bitter. I returned below and sat down. The Frenchman asked me no questions. He had his can in the even and his death's head in his great hand, and puffed out clouds of smoke of the color of his beard, and Indeed in the candle and fire light looked like a figure of old Time, with his long nose and bald head. I addressed one or two civil re marks te him, which he answered in a sub dued manner, discovering no resentment whatever that I could trace in his eyes or tha expression of his countenance; and being wishful te show that I bore no malic 1 talked of pirates and their usages, and asked If the Beca del Dragen fought under tha red or black flag. "Why, the black flag, certainly," said he; "but If we met with resistance it was our custom te haul It down and heist the red flag, te let our opponent knew we should give no quarter." "Where is your flag leckerf said I. "In my berth," be answered. "I should like te see tha black flag," I ex claimed; "'tis the one piece of bunting, I be lieve, I have never viewed." "I'll fetch it," said he, and taking the lan tern went aft very quietly, but with a cer tain stagger in his walk, which I should have put down te the wlne if It was net that his behavior was free from all symptoms of Inebriation. The change in him surprised me, but net se greatly as you might suppose; Indeed, it excited my suspicions rather than my wonder. Fear worked in him unques tionably; but what I seemed te see best was some malignant design which he hoped te conceal by an air of conciliation and a quality ef respectful bon hemle. He came back with a flag in his hand, nnd we spread It between us; it was black, with a yellow skull grinning in the middle; ever this an hour glass, and beneath a cress bones. "What consternation has this signal caused and does still cause!" said I, surveying it, while a hundred fancies of the barbarous scenes it had flown ever, the miserable cries for mercy that had swept up past it te the ear of Ged, crowded into my mind. "I think, Mr. Tassard," said I, "that our first step, should we ever find ourselves afloat lu this ship, must be te commit this and all ether flags of a like kind en beard te the deep. There Is evidence In this piece of drapery te hang an angel I" He 1st fall his end of the flag, nnd sat down suddenly. "Yes," he answered, sending n curious roll ing glance around the cook room, and at tha same time bringing his hand te the back of his head, "this Is, evidence te dangle even an henester man than you, sir. All flags but the ensign we resolve te sail under must go all flags, and nil the wearing apparel, and and but" here he muttered n curser "we arc fixed; there is te be no sailing." He shook his head and ceered his eyes. Tils manner was strange, and the stronger for his quietude I said te hira, "Are you ill." If he heard he did net heed me, but fell a muttering and crjing te himself. And new I did certainly remark a quality In bis voice that was new te my ear; it was net, as be had said, a labor or thickness of utterance, but ft dryness and parchedness of old age, with many breakc from high te low notes, and a lean noise of dribbling threading every word. lie sweated and talked and muttered but this was from sheer terror; he did net swoon, but sat with a steep, often pressing his brews and gazing about him like one whose senses are all abroad. ' "Gracious mother of nil nngelsl" he ox ex claimed, crossing himself several times, but with a feeble, met agitated hand, and speak ing in French and English, and sometimes interjecting an invocation in Italian or Spanish, though I give you what he said in my own tongue "surely I am dying. Oh lord, bewfrightful te diel Oh holy Virgin, be merciful te met I shall go te hell. Oh Jesu, I am past forgiveness 1 Fer the love of heaven, Mr. Kednoy, some brandyl Ob, that some saint would interpose for mel Only a few years longer grant me a few years longer I beseech for that time that I may repent I" and he extended one quivering hand for the brandy (of which a draught steed melted in the eten), and mnde the sign of the cress upon bis breast with the ether, while he continued te whine out in his cracked pipes the wildest appeals for mercy, saying a vast deal that I durst net venture te set down, se plentiful and awful were his clamors for time that ha might repent, though he never lapsed into blasphemy, but en the contrary discovered an agony of religious horror. I was much astonished and puzzled by this Illness that had come upon him, for, though he talked of darkness nnd faintneas and of dying, he continued te sit up en his bench and te take pulls at the can of brandy I had handed te him. It might be, indeed, that a sudden faintness had terrified him nearly out of his senses with a prospect of approaching death; but that would net account for the peculiar note and appearance of age that had entered his figure, face and voice. Then an extraordinary fancy occurred te me: Had the whole weight of the unhappy wretch's years suddenly descended upon him! Or, if net wholly arrived, might net these indi cations in him mark the first stage of a gradually increasing pressure! The heat, the vivacity, the fierceness, spirits and temper of the life I bad been Instrumental in restoring te him probably Illustrated bis character as it was eight and forty years since; they had leurished artificially from the moment of his awakening down te the present hour, but new the hand of Time was upon this man, whose age was above! 100. Ha might be de caying and wasting, even as he sat there, into such an Intellectual condition and physical aspect as he would pesssss and submit te bail he come without a break into bis present age I I was fascinated by the mystery of his vi tality, and breathlessly watched him, as if I expected te witness seme harlequin change in bis face, and mark the transformation of bis polished brew into the lean austerity of wrinkles. Ills voice sank into a mere whis per at last, and then, ceasing te speak alto getber, he dropped his chin en te his besom, and began te swing from side te side, catch ing himself from falling with seteral para lytic starts, but without lifting his head or opening his eyes, that I could see, and mani festing every symptom of extreme drowsi ness. I get up and laid my hand en his shoulder, en which he turned his face and viewed me with one eye closed, the ether scarce open "Hew are you feeling newr said I "SIkdt vxt tleenv." he answsreJ- "ril put your mattress Inte your ham mock," laid I, "and the best thing you can de U te go aid turn in properly and get a leng night's rest, and te-morrow morning you'll feel yourself at hearty at ever." He mumbled tern answer, which I Inter preted te signify "Very well;" se I shoul dered his mattress and slung lantern in his cabin, and then returned te help him te bed. He sat reeling en tha bench, bis chin en his breast, catching himself up aa before with little sharp, terrified recoveries, and I was forced te put my hand en him again te make him understand I had come back. He then made aa if te rise, but trembled se violently that he sank down again with a groan, and I was obliged te put my whole strength te the lifting of him te get him en te his legs. He leaned heavily upon me, breathing hard, steeping very much and trembling. When wa get te his cabin I perceived that he would never be able te climb into his hammock, nor had I the power te heist a man of his bulk se high. Te end the perplexity, I cut the ham mock down and laid it en the deck, and cov ering him with a heap of clothes, unhung the lantern, wished him geed night, closed the deer and returned te the furnace. te aa oesmcso ) Sensed from Inaction. The precursor of their disease and destruction the kidneys and bladder, healthfully stlmu lalsd and toned with Hestetter't Stomach Bitters, actively resume their functions. 7,1'BrlhlJ', l, diabetes, catarrh of tha Pi!?.er,5? ""uresis art prevented. Fer irritating diuretics, and these un medicated and Aery stimulants which, used even te moderation, excite both the renal and vesical organs, this Is the best passible seb.tltuu. It Is of be tanle composition, and se congenial te the stomach the digestive processes efwhlchlt rm!aMW?eT.ndYtiXre.?fet!a i: -.:;'. ----- , umisuewi a rejru.nr healthy flew et"blle Inte the proper channels. till emnia frnm fha lA.,l.t - j i" s nf. rSKAn;;... V .V""'..' Y.'L "","?" Iti. Vu .". '7..Vii.""W'"i ?. P?! cempliinU. " rer mKKlu Huptur care guaranteed by Dr. J U Mayer 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Ease at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers till, advice tree, send for circular, maile-lydAw Cmildrih get billions unless you kenp their bowels open with New Style Vinegar Bluer. Tba UemaUest saae In Lancaster. swell aa tha handsomest, and ethers are Invited te eall en anv druggist and get r a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam ler tf!e Threat and Lungs, a remedy teat Is selling entirely upon Its merits and is guaranteed te cure and rclleveall . hronte and Acute Coughs, Asthma, and ; "" . Janlil-lydAw tj) HPECIAL JtOTIOeS. HHILOH'S CUKKwliriiDmedlatelv relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and uronebltls Ker salebyll u Cochran, Druggist. Ne, W Werth Queen street (7) A. Weman's Dlsrevery. "Anether wonderful discovery has been made nnd that tee by a lady In this country. Disease fastened Its clutches upon ber, and for seven years she withstood the seveiest tcs's, but hoi vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. She bought a bottle of Dr. King's sew DLcovery ler Con sumption, and w as se much re laved en taking first dose that she slept all night and with one battle has been tnlioculeusly cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther ut 'fhus writes W. O. Uamrlck Ce , of Shelby, N. C. Get h free trial bettla at Coehran's Drug Store, 137 and 1S9 North Queen street. Lancaster. Pa. (2) H. O. Cochran, Nee. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., Is Beiling HlIIl-OIl'S COUUII CUltB as a guarantee te euro all hrent and luug troubles. ;8) The Verdict Unanimous, W. D. Suit, Druggist, lilppus, Ind , testtfles : "I can recommend Kloctrle Bitters as the very bent remedy, uvery bottle sold has given n-Hef la every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' stand lag." Abraham Hare, Belleville, Ohie, affirms : " The best selling medicine t have ever han dled In my 20 years' experience, Is Kloctrle Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unani mous that Klectric Bitters de cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidney or Blend. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's Drug Stent. 137 and 13 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. (2) WHY WILL YOU CwUUU when Sblleh'a Cure will gie Immediate relief. Price 10 ets. , SO eta .and tl Fer oale by II. II. Cochran, Urusr gist. Ne. 137 North Queeu street. (6) I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering In my head, wss very dear at times, aa dlscharges irem my ears, nnd was unable te breath through my noae. llolere the second bottleef Ely's Cream Halm was exhausted I was cured, and te-day enjey sound health.- C. J. Cerbln, Field Manager Philadelphia Pub lishing lleuse. Pa. lam en my Boeend bottle et Kit's Cream Balm, being a sufferer fietn cstarth s'uce 1 m eblid, but with this medicinal am being cured. Wm. L. Dayton, Brooklyn. a2wdeedftw TUB BKV. KO. U. 1 1I A.YKB. of Bourbon. Indsays. "Beth mjenir and wlfe ewe our lives te SIllLOH'd CONHUMi-TlON uUKEt, Fer salu by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 137 North Queen street (S) llackieu's Arnica tMtre. Ina BsstBalvsIii the world for Cuts, Bruises Serue, Ulctirs, holt hh um, Fover Serus,Ttter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, corns, aud all Sklu eruption, und pexltlvely eums I'lles, or no pay requlrL It is gnarautenp te glvu per per feet satlsiactleii, or money ruiuuded. I'rlce 25 centfl per box. Fer sain hy 11. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ned. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. I unn27 1yd Mether. Mether 1 1 Metheti!;!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying wlththn exciuclatlng pain of cutting teeth T It se, go at once nnd get a botlle of MU3. WINSLOW'dhOOTUlNUBYUUP. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately do de do peud upon It; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who wUl net tell you at oneo that It will regulate the bowels, and give, rest te the mother, and rellef and health te the child, operating llke magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the tiise, and Is the prescription of one el the eldest and beat female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold every whero, 2oeenta a bottle. maySJ-lydaw AN UNFOKTUNATK PBUSOn The most unfortunate nursen In th wnr.rt u one afflicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved at once by uslngDr. Leslie's bpeclal Prescription. Boe odverusemeut In another oelumn. (4) Honesty the Hut Policy. In advertising a medicine It Is best te he honest; dtceptien will never de: tha people won't stand It Let tne truth be known that Burdock Hloeit BUttri cure scrofula, and all oruptlensol thu skin. This medicine Is sold everywhere by drugxlsts. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 13! and 13J North Queen street, Lancaster. A. Werd el Cautleu, llallread men, mechanics, commercial trav el ere, bait) ijailiiU. lannera, and ethors who labor out of doers, ai pecullarly llable te ac cident und Injury Thomai' ICclcetrlc Oil for hrulsts bums, bites and sprains, U one el the 'Ilnest applications yet dil?ed. remale by II. a. Cochran, druKKM, 137 and 1 0 .Seiili Queen street, Lancaster. uuu't say Kneugh. "I cannot speak tee highly of Burdock Bleed IHttert, lhey hxve lieeu a ureal blenslng te me. Ouru'l nil) ill bllieunnnss and dyspepsia Hum which I had suffema for year " Mr. J Mar.h, Hank of Toiento, Onu Fer sale by 11. 11 Cochran, druggUt, 137 and 131 North Queen street, Lancaster. Net a Gate. Net a case of rheumatism, net a cue of neu. ralgla, net a case of lameness, net a cuhe of ilu or Hprnln net one has failed te go when attacledby Themat' JCelectrie Oil ter sale by tl. B Cochran, druggist, Ul and 139 North Qunen etrnnt. I.Hncjit-r " What (Mft He cured Must tie Kudured." This old adgu drns net signify that we must suffer the miseries of dyspepsia, when a wedlclne with the cuntlve prepertlet of iJur iJur iteck Bleed Bilter 1 Is avail, bio. It Is one of thu most substantial nnd reliable remedies sold 10 day. rnr salu bv If. II. Cochran, flrntr. gist, 137 and 139 Neith Queen street, Lancas ter. ' Spent F1I17 Dollars In doctoring for rhnumttlsm before I tried Theviat' Kelictrle Oil Used a Wcent bottle et this medicine, and get out In one week. Fer burns and sprains it Is excellent." Jas. Durhaui, rast Piwbrute, N. Y. or sale by II B. Cochran, druggist, 187 aud 139 North Queen street, Lanciute r. De It Hlth Pleasure. Wangler Ures .druggists.et Waterloo, lows, write "We ran with pleasure say that Iftem cm' Hclcttrxc Oxl gives the beat satin fact Ien of any Unlinent we sell. Everybody who buys will ha e no ether. This rowedy Is a certain cure for all achus, sprains, and pains Fer sale by II B Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster , ACOll F. SUBAFKKK'H PURE RYE WHISKY. (Ul OWN DISTILLATION.) NO. 16CENTUK BQUA11I. COHENCK'8 MANDRAKE FILLS. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER Is that which keep the Liver and Stomach in a healthy condition ; and nothing in the world can se successfully de this as Mandrake, whieh, as in Dr, Schenck's Mandrake Pills, is a Never-Falling Rem edy for all DlEf nf e of th Liver and Stomach. Fer sale bv all Druggists Prien 96 eU. per box 1 3 boxes forftJet". 1 or sent bv mall, post age free, 1 n iveeliit ul 111 loe. Dr. J. H.Scbnuek A Sen. Phllad'a, aprft-lydAw SUHENCK'S MANDKA.KK P1LLH FOR SALS AT 11 II COCHU&.V4 IIKDIl STORK, Nes 137 A 1 9 North Quaen (3t , Lncsster, Pa api&tmdftw YER'HIMLLS. Common Sense In the treatmentofsllghtallmenta would save a vast amount of sloknesi and misery. ONK OF AVKU'S FILLS, taken after dinner, will assist Dlgeatten 1 taken at night, will relieve constipation; taken at any time, will correct Irregularities of the Btemach and Bowels, stimulates the Liver, and enra Slet Hesdache. Ayer's Pills, aa all knew who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant te lake, and alwaya prompt aud satisfactory In their results. " I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all ethers, having leng proved their value as a CATHARTIC for mrself and family." J. T. Hess, Lelths vllle, Pa. Ayer'a Pills have been In use In my fsmtly upwards of twenty years, and have com pletely verified all that Is claimed for them " " Themas r. Adams, San Diege, Taxav "I'hava used Ayrr'i Pills In my family for seven or eight yerra. Whenever I have an attack of headache, te which I am very sub ject, I take a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly relieved- I nnd them equally beneficial In colds ; and In my family, they are used for bilious complain U and elder dla turbances wltbanohgeodyoffeotthat we rarely, 11 ever, have te call a physician." n.Voul n.Veul lleme, Hetel Teullleme, Saratoga Springs, N. V. AYER'S PILLS, TRXTXKtD T Dr. J. O. Ayer Bz Oe Lewell, Maaa. Beld by all Dealers lnMcdlelne. aprieteM AYER'S PILLS. TOR SAL AT H. B COCHKAM'a DUUd STORK, Nes. 137 A 139 North Queen si , Lancaster, Fa. aprl SuidAw JAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PAINE'S CUBKB NKttVOUB PROSTRATION, NERVOUS IIKADACUB, NEURALGIA, NERVOUS WKAKNKHS, SIOMACII AND LIVER DIS EASES, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, and all Afreotlens el the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES. PAINK'S OELKUY COMPOUND Is a Nerve Tonle which never falls. Containing Celery and Cocea, these wonderful stimulants, ft speelaly euros all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM. PAINK'S CELERY COMPOUND purifies tha bleed. It drives out the lactic ado, which causes uheumatlsm, and restores the bleed making organs te a healthy oendltlon. The true rumedy for Rheumatism. KID NET COMPLAINTS. PAIN KM CELERY COMPOUND quickly rueteies the liver and kidneys te perfect health. 1 his ourattve power, combined with Its nerve tonics, Is why 11 Is the host remedy ter all kidney complaints . DYttPBPSIA. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND strength ens the stomach, ami nnleta the nerves of the dutostlve organs. Ihls Is why Iteurei even the worse cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION. PAINK'S CELERY COMPOUND Is net a cathartic it la a laiatlve, giving easy and natural action te tha bowels Regularity turely fellows Its use. Reoemmended by professional and business men. bend for book. Prlee, $10. Beld by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON A Ce., Proprietors. Uurllngten, Vt. (!) PAINE'S OKLKKY COMPOUND TOR SALS AT It. II. COCHRAN'S imUO STORK, Nes 1.17& 1S North (Juecnht., Lancaster, Pa. nprl 'luidkw rALUABLE MEDICAL. WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE Or LIITK. A VALUABLE MKD1CALWORK, the only true description et this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical DubLtty, Prema ture Decline, Errors of leuth, and lhn untold miseries consentient te sainti, as well as an ex posure of quarks and their se called medical works, by which they victimize thousands and by H-i'lrexiiKKtinulugdlafcOKf, makes these peer gufTfrera Insane Every young man, Hilfldle-auuri or old. should read tuts besk. It Is mera than wealth te trum. Bend two cent stamp for a copy. Addmss, Oil TMOH.THKKL. 681 North fourth St. t hlladolphle, Pa. flUyd PILY'H 1KKA.M HALM. eatahrh--5at fevek. ELY'S CREAM RALM curea Celd In Head Cauirrh, Rese Celd, Hay rtiver, D(utneM,llead acbe. Prlee SO Cunta. EASY TO USE. Ely lira's, Owego. N. Y., U. B, A. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, TIME, PAIN, TROUULE, And will Cure CATARRH, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle Is appltedte each nostril and 11 fjruoulile. Price 60 cents at drugirtsti 1 by tuaU, registered, GO CU. ELY IIUOTHERS, saUroenwlchBL.New Yerk. nevlS-lydAw XMHKOVED CUHUIONED EAK DhUM. CURB KOR THE DBAF. Pack's Patent Improved Cushioned far Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum, lnvlilble oem fertable and always In position. All cenyer. satlen and even nhlsp, r tuard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, rilCK. Adilrts- or call en r. HliCOl, 833 Ureail way, New Yerk. Mention this paper tunelO-lvd&wM.WAF ATTUKMSTH. Trviiik rh7k aufjFman, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NO. 2 SOUTH PRINCE ST., Lancaster, Pa. Ifc-lytAw CELERY COMPOUND, UAIJI DON'T -THK- BAR6A INS -AT- Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Oppeplte the IJA.KD A MeKLROY. bard & Mcelrey, S3 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, OIL CLOTll-lf you want the best fleer oil Cleth In the city for the money Just leek through the stock, all bought before the advance In price, aud all wnll aencd. Yeu will find that an oil 1 leth well aeasoned will Isst twice as long as 0110 that Is lust fresh from the factory, OARPETS-IngralnUarpftatseat its regular price, Mil. Ingrain arpet at 'Se 1 Ita regular price, tle. Ingrain Carpets at.1l, 4", 43and SI Cnts 1 t't goedi 1 1 the city at the pi ice ua Carpet at fflc i worth .Ve Hagiarpet atw t worlh37Xe Rag Carpets at iOe, 4Be, tee and up 1 best g"efl at the prien ever sold I arpet Kags taken In eieh'mce. WINDOW SUADK9 Wh are srlltnic qitantltls of Window Shades, with Spring fixtures, at 40e ; best gneds at (03 i best Dade at 75e 1 tha prices are low, elsu we could net sell the aranntitw Ae. IIOSIRRY Tha Greatest Bargains lu Hosiery ever ettered. Ladles' llalbrlggan, solid colors or striped hesn. regular made, two pair for S5 emits 1 never sold less than S0e per pair. Mnn'a hUf-heee, uublaaehed, atlOet werui ISO Men's half-toss In solid colors unblraehed llrltish or narrow stripes, full rrgnlartnade, twepalts tor2.ie,Just hallprlce. These arc only a few of the bargains In Hosiery. Cem and see foryearsnlf Just opened, one bale et yard wide Muslin, for covering tobacco beds, at Se per yard I regu lar price, (e. An Elegant Line or Drrsi ulnghami and Seersuckers. In plain, plaid or strip a, at lOe per yard. PrstUvslr the bust patterns In Tolle de Nnrd. In the city, at l'JLc. The best Me t'erset in the city. The best 75e I'erset In the city. The best (1.00 Corset In the etty. rsaTUUs-Wears headquarters tn Lanetster for the best reamers. '10 fully satisfy yourself en that point please call en ut and examine and compare prices. Yeu will find our price lowest for the best goods. Special Bargain lu Men's Cheviot Shirts at 96a and ITXc Bpeclal Bargains In Men's Summer Tanti and Overalls it 60c ; worth 75c. bard & Mcelrey, (CHEAP DRY 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, N EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING NEW TRICOTS SO Inches wide, at 25, 37 i and CO cents. Cashmeres at 10, 2T, IS, 25, 87t and 60 cents. Henriettas, 40 Inches wide, 60a and 11.00. Weel Checks, 86 inches wide, S7c : made te sell at 60c. French Sateens, Newest Styles, Rest Make, S7fe. American Sateens, Beautiful Styles, French Finish, 12fc and 15c. New Dress Ging hams in variety, at lOe and 12ie. KID GLOVES The best 4-button Kid Gleve in the market at 60c. The best 4-button Embroidered Back Kid Gleve sold at 76e. The best 4-butteu Guaranteed Kid Gleve at $1.00 ; in all sites and New Spring Shades. All-Weel Cashmere Shawls in Scarlet, Cream and Mede, at II, 00, ll.87i and 12.00. A fine selection of Ladies Spring Jackets and Wraps. Just received, aj full line of the Newest Style Bustles at 12, 17, 26, 60 nnd 76 cents. Ask te see them. FAHNESTOCK'S, 30 A 87 BAST KINO BT L ANOABTHB, PA. JEWBLRT, I have this day admitted my Sen, GODFRIEDZ. RHOADS, te a Partnership in the Watch and Jewelry Business at Ne. 4 West King Street. H. Z. RHOADS. OARPBT H BAKOA1NS I -HO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL - FOK WILTQN, VELVKST, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL (JLOTHS, WINDOW MJAMXS, Ac. We bftve tha Largeat and Biet Htoek tn the Otty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Oerner Wast King ted Wtur Strata, Ltncutar, Pa. J1ATU. V-KW COLOlW IN 11A.TB. Stauffer&Ce, LEADING HATTEItN, Hte Jmt rtealYiWl a bl asertrrnt of new cel rim and faney hides and tiartei In ttune celebrated, light weight, ny flttluu "BOSTON BEAUTIES," Welfrht J nit SX Ounce. The co' reel und IkUit itylea In Ite wer!C nnewnid "Dunlap Hats." Aral linn of BOYS' ana C'IILDIlKN'8 New Bpr.ng Stylet In cloth, mr and straw Ilatf. Straw and Harvest Hats Of Krery UdcrlptlonaltbeLeweairrluaa Trunks and Traveling Bags. AT UIO INUUOHUKNTH Stauffer & Ce., Bl and 83 North Queen hlreet. MAVUINBKY. pA.TTKIlN7MODlfLH, Aa Central Machine Works, co us eh or QUANT AND CUUlSTI AN STBKKTS, (Uaaref Court IIeuw). LANCAtTEH, I'A KnglnM, Oellen, Machinery ana llepalrlng, ratturna, UrawlDK Iren and IJriut CullnK etc. licit eqnlppea Machine and I'attern llhep tn tLa city ler light work Wttoed Wurlr, l'remptuesi. Ueaaenatile Churn fi. flues tia rr U KIHUKK, DKriBT. W Particular attention glren te filling and preiervlnif the natural teeth. 1 have all thefaust Improvement for doing nice work at a Tery reasonable coat, liavlugyearaef ex perience In the large cltlea 1 am ante te give the beat of aa tie fiction and aave ru tneuvy, beat artiaelal teeth only as OU pr aet. marlllyd Ku. NUIUH qUAKN rT. a)U0D. FORGET IN CARPETS Ooepor Heuse. Opposite Fountain Inn. GOODS STORE ) Opposite Fountain Irn IS CALLED THINGS IN DRESS STUFFS. HALLO. - A. 4 - . BAKOA.INB 1 Tl - OaRRIAUBH. QTANDARD WOKK. EDW.EDGERLEY UAKItlAUK IIUILDEK, NOS. 40, tl, 4 15 M AUK KT BTIlKKT, Hear Ot l'oitefnoe, l.anciutflr, l'a, I have In Stock and liulld te order Kvery Variety of the following itylea: Coupe, Hug. glua, Cabrleleta, Carrlagei. Victeria, lluilneaa Ten, "T" Caiu, MeC'all 'dTagnna, Hurrlei, Market Wagena, I'hmtena, Kzpreai Wagena. I employ lue beat Mecbanlca. and have facll llli te build correctly any atyle of Carriage deklred, 1 he Quality, Style and irinlah et uiy work makes It decidedly the Choupeit tn the market, MOTTO : " ralr Ueallng, Iteneit Werk at Uottein frlcm." I'lense gl te me a call Wltepalrlng promptly attended te. I'licea lower than all ethers. One aet of Workmen specially emolejed for that purpose. FOITWAL. COH J UKV COMMISSION KK, U. r. SUULTZ, lllaeksmltb. Ninth Ward, formerly of Ellsa beih Township, uubjeet te Domeciallorulou. mar2SlwdAw WOK JUHV COMM1HSIONKK, II.T. SUULT, Of Kllxibrthtewn Iloreugh. Subject te the decision of the Democratic County Conten tion. mare-tfdAw Ti'OK JUUY COS1MI88IONKK, UKOUUK UAUMSTKTTKU, Seventh Ward, city. Subject te Pemecratlc ltulee. marlO-lydAw POR JUKYCOMMIHSIONEH, SOW. AM11LEU, Of Drumore Tewnablp, Subjoet te the da da da clslonef the Oomecrallo County Cen ventlnu, marla-dAwtapyj' WOK JUKY UOMMIHSIONKK, rilANKLIN CLAUIt, Ot Strasburg Tewnahlp. Subject te the de cision of the Democratic, County Couventleo, marlXlAwtaa' yVAN'H fleuk! USE LEVAN'S FLOUR. . It JtwayiUlvei Satisfaction M.TliAl bait XTKrV BllOK BtORK. Oni Opening Day Is. Past But wnnld call ttie attention et the If ales te enr flte Dongola Hutten Snoe for tl 97. In OpiraJ fqnarn Hnd Common Smim -ion In width H, O, Ti B, and KV, whleU ler, style and Wear cannot be excelled, , We alaohnve the aattie nlylp she In a cheaper grade one at 11.58, tne ether at tl.50. Have a fall line et Ox ford Tie fn Talent Leather, Dorigela and Patent Leather Ting epra Slippers In all style a of Teea find Heela. A Child's frpilng lieul Shee In elieaBteS, for 17 een'a. Fer Gentlemen enr fl-M and 1100 Shee In Ontten, Laen aud Congress, Flaln IJread Tee or Opera Tee and Tip cannot be beat for wear. She a for Working men of every description Ml te be had at the New Cash Shee Stere, lfARBLB FRONT. fl. SWILKEY, tl North Qneen Street. niftrM lind h OOTH ANDbllOKH A Rare Ghance, b PER CENT RKDOOTION -raeM- Mareh 31st te April 30tb, ON ALL BOOTS, SHOES, ROBBERS, &c, Uevht at Our Stere. THE REASONS hy we have offered thta reduction are: let. lkoeue we have been In the habit e Si v In 7 away Irem Twenty.nve UiB-renly-flve hellars Werth of Cards and Chrouies every Easter, and we think It will be the sninn te ua and tnere advantageeua te the I'urohaaerte Ret that amount (the cost el the cardsl off of liclr I'nrohaies. d. Ileeaiise we feel confident that II we can In this wav Introduce, the lines of goods we are new tunning Inte mere families, at the rj1't".we ?."' .nn,'r l''ngtesay nothing nf I he S IVr Cent. Reduction) will bogreatly te our advantage as well as te the advantage of This offer is net te New l'atreni only, but te all of our llegular eustnmers as well i but liear in mind we only nuke this offer from thu ttiVKjfeaiai' REMEMBER, We have enr Oneds marked In Flaln Figures nnd net tn Lotlerg or Characters. We Mean Jnst What We Say 1 Wt will glve the r urchaser Flve Cants off of every Dollars Werth of Uoeds Purchased at enr Stere during said time or S per cent, off of all amounts Less than (inn Dellar -Bmember-ThH Hale eminences THIS SATURDAY, MAR'JII sist and Ends MON DAY, Al'ltlb 30th. OUU MOTTOS AllKl " Quick HhUh fiBd Hmall PrefltJ!," AND 11 Heneslr Is the Best roller." The Leaders et Lew Trices In Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 BAST KINO BTRBET, LAN CASTER, PA. marJO-l-nt UARhianr ceuPANr. QABMUHT UOMl'ANY. WELSBiLOH HT0AITDES0SHT GASLIGHT COMPANY of PENNSYLVANIA 123 BOUIH TWELFTH BT., riULADRLI'UIA. Til Is COM PAN V offers a limited amount e: the full paid Capital Stock of the 1'UlLADKL. I'lllA WELSUACII CO, par value I1C0, at 30 per shale, payable In two Instalments. By the terms of a guarantee, which will be explained te Intending Investors, the actual risk will probably net exceed t?.Q0 per share, while large profits are reasonably sure. The wonderful system of lighting Is new en exhibition at 111SOUTHTWELFT1I STUEKT, from 8 te 10 p. m , where the Subscription Heek Is open. A. O. GRANGER, President. B AMU ML T. BOD1NH, Secretary and Treasurer. Beard of Directors. Uieitas PaiLiaa, wllu weed, Themas Delah, wm, M.SiaeasLr, JOIIK O.ltsiDIKl, A. O. Qramssii, Wm. O, Wauds. W. W. OlSBS. Randal MeaaAR, Hest QLinDiHiiise, T J. MORlaOMERT, A. 11 Uicasr. Advisory Committee of Stockholders, IIhbbt caisson, Lsmuel Corrin, Wu T. Cabtkk, J. K. QllLIHOHAM, O I. llaLrsMSTBin, J. II, ALTXMOe. Jambs A. Wbieut, II. II. IIocstes, T. WlSTAB IlBOWR, William Ubecbis, Clattei rRBSOU, aeAS COOBBAB, A. O. HCMrBRBTS, Monre i MoUiehabl, I. V. WlLMAMSUR, Watkx MaoVbaeh apli-lwd HUM M Ml RJCHOH TH. A TLANTIO OXTY, N, J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIU CITY, N.J. (Popular Winter or Hummer ) Largett Hetel. Meat Convenient. Elegantly tar nished. Liberally Managed. Ol'KN ALL TI1K YKAR. Oil AS. MeULADK, Prep. W. K. Cechbam, Chief Clerk. febmmd A TLANTIO OITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (Kerrcerly Hetel Ashland.) rNow:ePEN.-c RErURNIHIllCD. KKUOUE1.ED. UENOVATEU. JOS. It rLANlOEN, .IB. marl-4md. Mar, Apr.July, Aug. ilCUWAL. OUl'BrtieH QUAM'l Y MUSICAL BOXES. HENRY UAUTSCUIABONS, Ne. 1UJ0 Chestnut Street, . PhUodelphla Kxamlnatlen will prove ear Instruments farsuperlorie any ethor make, net speaking et the worthlesa trash that abounds In the market, toen being of mere annoyance than nliuuure te their owners. Old and lmper fectly made Music Uexes earelully repaired by expenencul workmen from thu manufac tory InSwiUerland, Comspendencesoltcllod. Bind stamp ler catolcgue and price Hat. neT2Hydw FREY d ECKERT, rOH BALB OH RB1TT. T3 EH IDE NOE ON THE KART MTtV ' It M llHb. .,AA U.b&MB .. A t ' Chestnut, for rent. Inquirer ' Z-i,j alMltd AtthtoOinlee, j-j , "V"OW READY. ..t,e tthlngte view tha K ertk DmM !S5ii,.Br86,ll,lelia '"nf neuses, can e M rLSMU.".?. ln" 'enrth honse freai Mew inr.iAS t.n2" pie ana open ter uu.-uu 1UWIN IHIRSll. -u "CIO ft KKNT KRC1M iPmr. 1 C !ornneoratiriiicf years, the iMrimS Halltea.1. with coal and EnSrer TardfwSli? honsej locomotive aid Cars 1 all tncoeAsSl running order. The lease et thu irsJeaK prewrty presenu a rnrv nnmrtunuVteajw v . .v.ia!.r,""i. te enKH " Plaaanu waft S!f b,L,na Bna Profitable bualness. fW m m dlUenh. rent or ether In formation apnlT te tne-tfd Lancaster Cttv,7. ' 1031T1VE PUBLIC BALK. Ok Fbieat, riTM DAT or ArxtL, A, D. lli" . the undersigned, surviving partneref the trsB Jssii of Rnstel A Shnlmyer, will expose te publle P,y kkie at ine cooper uense, west fling street, Lancaster etty, the following real estate, te . Ne 1. All that certain two story Brick Dwell. In Heme, with a two-story brick baek ball. ing, frame shed, wagon shed, corn erlbaaH ether necessary outbuildings, weU with passw therein, hydrants, etc, and let nf greaM 'hereto bt-lnnglng. situated Ne. 6M, ea tks) southeast aide of Maner streu Lancaster efty, oenialnlng in front en said Maner street l feat, mere or less, and extending In depth M feet, mere or less, te Lafayette street, aajets le property of Wagt.er, Ne. 3, and ethers. Nn i Alllhatcertalnnno-stery BrlekDwell. Ing IIeub", with a one-story frame back build. In atta-hil, frame barn and otheroutbulIS etheroutbulIS othereutbulIS intra well of water with pump, etn, and let of frnund thereto buliK at K altuated e KILem thn southeast ille of Mai or s tret, Lancutir "Ity, tentalt,tn Intrant ou said Maner strsft -11 feet, mere or leva, and extending lndeptk '.1W feet, n,ere or Irss. e l.sf.iyette street, M. Jein nn preiwrty of Mrs Jehn Deerr, Ne. I. and ethers. Ne.a All these certain four two-itery Brtefc Mwelllng Houses, with two story back build Ings attaehed and ether Improvements thereon erected and let of ground thereto be longing, sltuite Nes 4!1, 4?S. m and tt, en the east side of cherry alley, bttween Lemen and James streets. In the city nf Laa caster, con tatnlng In front en sa'dCheny atlevMfest, one Inch, and extending In d-tpth lt9K feet; mere or lets, Wall fent common alley aoinla aeinla ing property of Jehn Mercer, pubile alley and ethers Ne. 4. All these certain two two story Brie Dwelling llniisea, with twi-stery baek build Ings attached andether Improvements thereea oieeted, and let et ground thereto belonging, situate Nes. 411 and 433 en the taat side of Cherry alley, between Lemnu and James streets. In the city of I ancasier, cnntalnlncln front en raid riherry alley V8 leet, 9 Inchns, ab nxtendlng In depth 1UH "'nt, mere or less, te an fret wide common alley, adjonlngprep. nrtyef Jehn w. Muster, J. II Myers and oth eth nra. These properties will be sold aa nam bnred, or separately, as nay be deemed most advantageous. Bale toeommanoe at 7K 0'0'oek p. m., when attendance will be given and inrmi made known by UEU.HIIUI.WYKR. Jebl L. llAinss, Auet. Dit-M. W.8U CPKUIAL. WATCHES for rarmers and Railroaders will he sold at great reduction In nrfecs. Alse Elgin, Wal. tham, Aurera, ter which I am sole agent, and ethor first-class Watches. Rest Watch and "w"l7L,,PIll,1K Bpoetclos,Eyeglaeesd OptlcalOeniW. Correct time dally, by Us graph only place tn the city. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. 1MK N. Uneen BL, opposite City Hetel, Near I'enn'a Depot. G .ILL-JEWELER, Ae. GILL. JH3WELKR. AND OPJIOIAN. If your eyes trouble yen attend te them U. mediately. The ute et proper glasses Restores Bight, gtves Comfert and Pleasure. Lancaster has long felt the need of ft API. CIAtiOPllUlAN. We ate new Here te Men. ure Your Eyes, rit Qlassus with the PRECI SION or AN OOO1.11 r, having a full and ''empletn Outfit of Test Lenses Required ut Perfect Measurements SaMsfactlan GUARANTEED tn EVERY In. MTANUK. A Fnll Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry And silverware. OBARLBS B. QILL, NO.10 WEBT KlKO BT., LANQaSTEB, FA D KU1DED BARQAINB. WE OrrSR AT PRESHNT Decided Bargains -IN- WATCHES. Our lleavlest solid Silver Cases, 4 and 5 ounce, we will sell at prlce of t gnlar S eucea case ritu-d with Elgin Waltham, Hampden or Keystone mevements. CALL AND GET PltlOIS, JOS. REE8EU, my former partner, is agalxi witu me. WALTER C. HEBE, Ne. 101 North Queaa Street, LANCASTER. FA. nl-tM tlLKS. s ILK. M. Haberliusli & Sen. SILK! Keep en band all Shadea of BaddltHB' Bllke, Nlckdl and Braea Rings for Dust Bags, PINKING A SPECIALTY. Fifteen Different Styles or-Pink . AT M. Haberlmsli & Sen's SADDLE, HaBNESB; AND TRUNK rTORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER. FA, anOaLTAHOAMPUOKAK.'.n'e Court. aT A" K o'e?5iTfeg Xldermw Dwrn g.rs a flnei Campher amjj Frank. Hampey, charged, wltf ,; ?- ..! Jl.n..,..ltf MIMllnnl And . jian and disorderly conduct end cruelly beating a berafv ler I agalDkt htm wr dUmteKd, ea sla pqUtg j. A a: '. -2- rfS '$:& M, .M1 'ij.fl & a " J5S '. e. -sV AiaraT repril.. $ tde cevias ,:"-: V -"