Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 14, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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III nme If Jwl, nnd lle la In Het
Water The Itcmnnce of IllJ Hatty
Hay remllarlllca f Tatiglrra, Hie
Putt of Morocco,
IIEUH 1 3 n rrxxl
deal et Intciest
Jum new In llm
Morocco troubie.
A nrotece of ii
United States
oeunl lias Ifcn
put In nrlaett y
tliomlnten.of Uie
suit nil of tbls
semetvliat nntl
nriutml lit 11a nee.
tlie slate elepartmcnt nt Washington arc
cngtujeel lu negotiations with n v low te
petting him out, The territory vvliereln
this act, se offenslve te the American jiee
pie, or at least te the consul, has taken
place. Is en the northwest coast of Africa.
Its situation U host fixcel In the intntlq of
theso who are net especially vcrstil In
geography by nellng that its coast line
begins about CeO miles east of Gibraltar,
en the southern fihoreof the Medltcrra
tiean sea, and extends southwesterly frfiin
Gibraltar about 7.r0 mllci mero en the
Atlantic ocean, giving it a roast line
of 1,000 miles. The Allan mountains,
lying nlieut COO mllca In the hit
rier, extend northwest and neuthwest,
nearly parallel with the roast. It Is
generally supposed that the cllmate of
Morocco 'Is no het that no ene but cop
per colored natlie'i can llve there, and
the sultan Is usually pictured with slaves
fanning him nnd holding something ever
him which leeks very lil;e n gigantic
feather duster, te screen him from the
Etui. But en tlie slope extending north
west en the Atlas mountains te the const,
the cllmate is tempernte and delightful
A pleasant sea breeze prevails during the
greater part of the year, anil the het
winds from the great desert, which forms
the interior of northern Africa, nre Inter
repted by the Atlas mountains. Kveti at
the city of Morocco the thermometer nevcr
rises above 95 degs and in winter doesn't
fall below 40 degs. Snow never falls
there, but up in the mountains there are
glaciers eer which the winds passing,
are pleasantly tempered, though some semo seme
times they make the nights tee cold for
comfort. If tlie United Slates were n
colony founding country. It might Ikj well
te pick n quarrel with the sultan of
.Morocco and ap
propriate the terri
tory, for under nn
enlightened gev-
ernmeut It
could be
made very
preductl ve.
Wheat, bar-
ley, millet, maize and ether cereals grew
well, and cotton, rlce und sugar caue
would succeed If prejierly cultivated.
Besides tliese llax, licinp and tobacco may
be raised.
Tlie present sultnu, SMI Mulal Hassan,
is an old fashluiieil Oriental despot, Hu
is C7 years old, though he has only reigned
since he was 40. Of ceurse he is a Moham
medan and u direct descendant of the
prophet, but the mothers In his fnmlly
liave always lx-en black slaves; conse
quently he is very dubky.
it may be interesting te Amei leans te
knew, lu view of the possible ditllculties
with this barbarian, that he has sluce thla
occasion completely reorganized his army,
and has armed ills infantry with Martini
Henry rifles, his cavalry with AYlnehes
tcrs, and has made purchases of Krupp
guns. He has uUe purchased machinery
for the manufacture of jruiis and cart
rldj;es, but his ambition in this matter
outstripped the mechanical skill of his
people, for they didn't knew hew te use
the machinery after they get It. The sul
tan's right hand man is Kald MucLeau, a
Scotchman, us his uame Indicates, and it
is he wheudxihisl tlie sultan in the reor
ganization of his uuny. In the event of a
war, if tlie United States bheuld net rulbe
her present regular army, bhe would Ikj
Bbeut evenly matched bv Mulal Hassan,
wheEIfrmi.tliIiitj ever '.50,000 Infuntry.
As te thonSAtef'BfHiMxtwe powers, sluce
neither has any worth fcpcakingef they
are nlr.e In this respect about etvtuly
The sultan having imitated I'lirepeans
in the matter of army and implements of
war, doesn't think It Itest te go any fur
ther Uurepean courts of juslice are net
se attractive te him If he wants a ploce
of property belonging te an of ids sub
jects he takes it, without any trouble,
whereas, if he had ceuits, it would be
necessary te cut off the heads of the judge
and jury us a preliminary te a valid eon
voyauce. As it is, when the owner ob
Jects it is only necessary te deeapitate
him, and a geed title Is eequlred. Tlie
consequence of tlie sultan's ability in this
respect is that his ilchest subjects en
dcaver te hide their vteulth or te becure
the protection of seme foreign consul or
te ally themselves in trade with seme
foreigner. Kacli foreign consul is entitled
by law te u certain number of pretege? or
clients among tlie sultan's native subjects,
Whose goods are thus protected from
It la under this sj stein of protection
that the present dispute bet v ecu the
United Slates and Morocco arises. Mr.
Lewis, the American consul at Tangier,
gets Inte a dispute with reference te his
native preteges, several of whom with
barbarous Moorish names w ere despoiled
of tlielr goods and ene of them thrown
into prison, The consul demands restltu
lien, which is denied or deluved, a Unites
States gunboat appears epku,n'''lv l'ttl..
liaroer and the war cloud duikens.
The ditilculty seems te lle rather In the
system of protecting consular preteges
than lu a question of tlie rights of un
American citizen. This sj stem has grown
up te be very widespread from n small le
ginning. Tlie treaty of Madild gave the
light te wholesale merchants te protect
i we native brokers lu every town in which
they trade It is expressly stipulated that
thete brokers should be employed lu the
wholesale trade, but thcre is really Httle
itfPlWr A
wwfflfcy J&a
Wj2y' "M &&
ii-liea or " wl'0'esal0 trade between America
HkhZlaiw '.i-Morocco, yet the protection system
no v cry widely spread, and it Is
nvuuw, VCTy juuej, abused. A
Mil BOJuld In March or April te
.Biaysicucoei which
iatfttse ta-atliM
. I kw
' .
necome unimportant In low of an early
readjustment of the system and a new
7 r!
m n ww n t
1 A .
p y-2i:s
tU 7
t r op moiiecco.
Censul General W. It. I;wls is net yet
,T. lie Is a imtlve of riiiladclpliln, and
his family Is of the blue bloeiletl variety
Se when he felt in le e w 1th the daughter of
llenjamln P Dunne, a facial contortionist
nnd recitallenlst, his parents promptly sat
down en the match. He married her all
the same, and, being reduced te the neccs
sltyef BtipHirtlng hlmcelf, he became a
et nt Ien agent en the Pennsylvania rail
road. By and by his father began te re
lent, lint the young man wouldn't respond
te Uie parental overtures. Some time
later his case was brought te the atteu
lien of Secretary Unyard, end the result
was Ids appointment as cenjul nt Tan-
hnnifltlilnc Alieul Ills lrlrntn I.lfe ami
Ilia Heme nt Heme.
"Jnke Sharp" hns been a very familiar
name, In New Yerk esjieclally, for two or
thne jeara past almost tee familiar the
person referred te thought, hut the lien.
Jacob Sharp himself was a viry dlfTercut
jiersen In most respects from the wpular
Idea suggested by the iilcknarne. He prob
ably had no mero Idea of doing eny great
moral wrong when he brilied the aldermen
than when he lmught a plcce of land; he
simply considered that great public 1m
jirevcniint by which he would Ikj lncl
dentally enriched was prevented by
seme obstructionists, that they must be
bought liefore the improvement could be
made, that such was the custom of this
country and that the tiotem was se well
established that no ene would seriously
object. Hut just ut that time there hap
pened te 1h) a spasm of publie virtue; se
"Jnke" vi ns nabbed and gees Inte history
as the boss of the IkmhIIits.
Socially he w as a very pleasant man nnd
his domestics llfe was delightful. IIe was
reared en n farm, always liked the coun
try, alwavs Intended te retire te It when
he could get through his work in the city,
and had a nice place near Itome, Oneida
county, N. V , which he considered his
home. That Is the county leloved by
ltosceo Colliding, whose fnltli In the
"honest fanners of Oneida" is se touch
ing; nil deveted supporters
of Jacob Sharp and regard Ids recent
treatment by tlie city lawjers ns rank
persecution. Twe nnd n half miles north
west of itome Is the roomy frame dw oiling,
two statics high nnd with a mnusunl
reef, which Mr. Sharp's family find se
pleasant n retreat. Thirty jears ugn
Mr. Sharp paid
$'M un aero for
a large trait of
wiMidliind, rlilge and swamp, and lie
made it a very uttractlve plme indeed.
The general improvement of the leuntry
around has been cry grent-in thobame
j ears.
Jacob wns liern in Monlgemery county,
nnd spent his lilioed around Trey, Al
bany and Sehemstady In theso dajs,
fifty or sixty earn age, the lumber trade
was n gnat thing and j mmg Sharp nieu
acquired a reputation as a bold and skill
ful I aft siuau As such he made many
trips te New Yerk, and was Inspired by
the haiices he saw there te make money.
At length he saved enough te buy en his
own account nnd thereafter Ids llse was
rapid. Per uvvlitle he was in the mill;
business and "Jnke Sharp milk" hud a
high reputation for puilty, then be get
contracts for furnishing iumlier fertile
New Yolk wharves and seen transferred
his energies and abilities te the great
illy, lle married n very Intelligent lady,
ene of his daughters Is wife of the major
of Heme, and his family luiludes several
graudchlldicu. Such is tliu domestic Jake
Sharp, und se jxipular was he about his
home that his mlghbefti lme nothing
but denunciation for his opponents lu the
lie Fas n snluelierd, se tlie story run',
Uueeutli nuit uul, luit ullli u lljiuU.hic lieart,
AVIi, wlunlieKau lirr )eks iiIeiik tliunny,
Mlrela, Uie VIuk'h clillJ, deetit mill fair,
CtmlJ net hut full ii;ku tier uith ami er .
1 air lady I mat I leek ujkju jour fucur
Ami se his nnlcmi.i vanUli't, auJ llm uuiu,
timltli'U te life, an liy Uie liauil of Jove,
IkiurKiMuesl In llieuglit: levt all Ills fenm-i M If.
Tims, lu a trice, U-fore her Ix-aut) i-jk II,
lks'ame n 1k t 'Tin n lepeml el J,
W ril lu llie ihreuktii of Melirulml
-OllU rt V Knajni
IaiiT)rn lajeblui; fur Lllirln.
There Is another nml net it small elites
of l.twj era w he Industriously pcrme the
columns of the press In quest of upper
tunitles te ndvlse thu bringing of suits for
libel ngulnst n paper that iua hnve meu
t ieued somebody's naine in un uncompli
mentary way I knew of n icteut i.isc
wheic it puriigrnph sinike somewhat ills
i.irngingly of a friend of liilue The iicct
morning when he get te his oflleo hu
found n dozen notes from as many nt
terucjs 1) lug iqieu his desk. He opened
them, nnd each contained n ibp of the
paragraph in question nnd all urging him
te bring suit nnd ellering their services.
He bad net read the article, and knew
nothing of it until he opened the bids,
each and everyone of which pioueiiuecil
the paragraph an outrage. Before he
had read half of them be was boiling evir
vUth Indignation against the publisher
Visions of sweet revenge nnd heavy
damages fulrlv dimcLil before his aggra
vated ejes He Immediately determined
upeu bringing suit and came te me for ad
vice as te which 0 the bidders he should
sehct his wounded felmg
fill bis net ecrly plethoric pur-' I e
plained te him Hie glorious uncertainties
of the law nml dissuaded him from bis
contemplated course l'hllndelpliia News.
Tim I. Illlnc (lf Mm,,
There arc 1, 100,000,000 ptspl. living en
the planet which we iuhublt Ami jet
there is new mid then n nun who won
ders what the rest of lib will de when he
dies. There are people lu "society who
honestly think that all the world eleses
its eyes when they lie down te sleep.
There are men who fear te aet according
te their own convictions, became iieihnp
teuerseus in a crowd of 1,100 000,000
will laugh nt them. Why, if a man could
eulyieallze every moment what bus
tllng, bus)-, fussy, imjiertniit little atom
he Is in all this great unt hill of import
ant, fussy Uttle atoms, every day he
would legard himself less, and think tot ill
Icmb of the ether molecules lu thu corral
llebertj, HurdetteJu Nety Yerk Star,
. .......f W i .7 J
y i
. -
-ii. ft
Ills; InilnrrtiicnU Oflrrnl Ilia llatelmll
Clnbi t7 Hi" Hrlf-eulM f I lie Auecla
Hen Tlie Stncli Talked of Hnlarr Unr Unr
Hen Wlilch Is Hie Slrenffrtl Nine?
Which Is thn strengegt tesm In the
American nssodatlenT is a question often
heard In baseball circle's, and It is ene ex
tremely dlulcult te answer. During the
past few seasons the St. Louts Drowns
were considered the best club In the coun
try, and It was very easy for eny ene te
pick tlicm out as sum winners long before
tlie season was well under way, as tlie
men who made up tlie ether seven dubs
were unable te cempete with Ven der
Ahe's boss lilnn. This jeir, hewevei, tlie
Association has followed lu the footsteps
of its elder brother, tlie league, In ills
tiibutiug fowef tlie plnjersef a chain
pleuslilp clult te seme of tlie weaker or er
ganl7nt Ions se its le prolong the iuleiest
throughout tlie season.
The Chicago sold tlielr crack ballery
In lBffl, and new Ven der Alie did a RH-at
thing when Im parted with live et hU
champions Of course, he weakens his
nine, but In splte of that It is en a pir
with theso of ether clubs Of the live
men who were sold three will net be serl
eusly missed, as their places nie aheady
filleil by ethers, who, by many, aie re
gardeil tlie superiors of tlie old players.
Caruthers and Welch did great weik
while with tlie St. Iiuls club, and It may
be many a day bofero Pivsldent Ven dec
Alie will I) able te fill their positions
Hut as he has about a dozen cells te try,
half of whom are pitchers, no ene knows
but there may be stmie star plav era among
the number,
Thn St Iieuts club is nun h stronger in
tlie infield this year linn last (ileaseu
was very weak at abort step and his place
has Iksmi filled by MiOurr Manager
Cemlskey is uuelher Ansen, and has the
reputation of getting mero work out of
the men than all the ether Association
malingers put together, mid thus the club
ran be depended upon te make n liillllaut
The Brooklyn managers have worked
very hard te get together a championship
team, nnd the material they secured from
the Metropolitan club is ludeid excellent
In Mays and Ilelbcrt they have a power
fill buttery. Besides Ilelbcrt, though a
trlfie old, Is a great ceurher te any
pitcher, and his tricks and signs go te
win many a game. Orr has proved him
self a tower of strength ut first base,
lK'sldes being a strong batter, nnd Had
ford and O'Brien need no introduction te
levers of baseball. The former Is n
veteran, and the latter, though but lit lle
mero than u e-elt, shewisl weik lu the"
fielding, batting nnd bnse tunning line
last year which was positively billllnut
Of the three plajers secured from tlie
nemruT nrimr.rt eAiiiTiints
1 1.ItltV.
lhewns, Caruthers Is undoubtedly the
liest. Pout last jcar show ed signs of
losing Ids effectiveness, but while
lu California during the whiter
he showed up lu great form under
the three strike rule lliisheng is
n gnat atrher, but sluce he levelved
an injury te his hand in tlie eaily part of
last v ear, he bus fullen oil very much In
his work, especially in the matter of
throwing te baseH The llroeklju elub
lias n long list of pitchers, comprising
Caruthers, Pouts:, Teny, Muvs, Hughes
and Cunningham. All, with the ecvp
tieu of Cunningham, nre cvpencni'ed
men. The weak spot lu the llroeklju
team Is nt sce-end base Mcl'lellnn can
net be replant! at present, unless ene of
I---" ,...v.. .. ..............
place and shows tip well lu
iespect, hew ever, the HroeUjns
the ether plujers Is substituted in hii
ene oilier
lis are bet
ter oil thuli ever, and that Is in it reliable
manager, who can keep the men winking
together lu JMieloulgle tlicv have se
cuivd it ninii wboue superior It would be
dltlkult te find
The (luclnuath will present a very
at lung teuiu Their Inlieldcrs and out
fielders me first class, and, as the men
hnveplajeel together n number of ve.irs,
the chances of the CinciimuUs eairyiiig
oil the H'unaut leek eceptleually iitsj
In pitchers tee, tliey am well elT. KImer
Smith and Mulhiue will be the star twhl
era, and lu addition te these there i.te
Si'rad, Hart and Vlaii te call en The
latter was sought after bv evit a elezeu of
the leading elubs, but he pivfeiusl tin
Tlie llaltlmeri's and Iiuisvilles havu
Impievetl their plujlug strength uImi by
signing additional men The hitter nliie
haj been weuk ut Hint babeever siui'e it
vius ergnnired, but Manager Kellj has at
last secured a first biisemau who Is luukid
upon as a crack. His uame is Smith and
he Is u si footer. Hefkerand Kerins can
new lay oil when the) uie net liy
in tlie bes. mid bedilud the bat ies)tt
lvely, and thus seture i-.t, vtldeh liny
badly ncttlee! lust jear.
The Athletic and Clnvidand elub-, have
nddesl a long list of new talent te their
teams, but asitalwavs takes seme time
for jilting platers te dove-lop, very little
eunbosuidef them. The dial which thu
Athletics made in stfiulng Welch and
(ileaseu frtiiu the llmwns, giving in ex
change Milligan und MiOurr, is consld censld
cretl it piHir business tiuiiMictleii Wilch
Is n great plater, but (ileaseu is undo unde
ulablj' vte'.ik ut the bat uiul lu the held.
Mcflnrr, en the oilier hand, can play all
around tlie ex St. ut short field
Milllg.m's services will also Ui missed,
but net se much us theso of Mcliarr Tlie
new diiveteis of tlie club nre in fuvoref
jeung blend, and think that the team,
iindi-r the watchful eje of Mtiuiigi r
eharnlg, will K-cupy it geed plure in the
laie v lii'ii the season closes
ery little enn Utsald about the Kansas
(it) team, ns nil the management hud was
the pkk of the phtjers the ether clubs did
net want With but liltle mero than
eustetTs te wink with, the niaiiiigenn nt
will have hard work te muUe it geed
showing Mill baseball feim Is subject
te the strangest kind of vuilatlelis.
The Aliieiie-un usaoti.itleu delegates
liuM) done evcijtldng In their power te
in ike this season surpass its pre'dee'esbers,
audit is their intention te kiepupwlth
the J-eiigue in nveiy respe-ct. lk-side-s
equulilng the plating strength of tlie
elubs us much us possible, they have ulse
increased the ndmkssieu tallll te fifty
cents, and te spur tlie pl.i)crs te make
ihtlr beat efleits they hav e eilereel money
j piues te Iw uwurded te theclubs that will
tinbli first second and third at the end of
lliefeeasciu As this meuev will be dis-
tilbutcil among the players, ovary man
will thereby be encouraged te play ball
fur fill that It Is worth. Finally the As As As
soclatlen has four of the liest umpires In
the bur.lness, and this will preve a strong
financial attraction. It Is true Association
players are net se well off as theso In the
licague, bocause the Utter get mero pay
and nre net obliged te work en Sundays,
but in a very thert ttuie Association play-
Olllt. K1UT7- e'iimkv.
It.MireilIi. WVAJLlt. OMUSO.V.
rs will stand ns well as their brethren.
Thus fnr the Association is n flnn bollevcr
In tlie $2,000 salary rule, and It can be
said that most of the clubs are living up
le It At present the Uroeklyn club is
about the highest Balaricel ene in the or
ganization. Caruthers alene will receive
$5,li00 for tlie season's weirk, the highest
figure ever paid te nny professional ball
plujer. Tlie Loulsvllle club is the lowest
salaried team, and yet it has a capital let
of ball tesscrs. llamsey, for Instance, Is
considered ene of the best pitchers in the
country, end yet he ilees net rocelve half
the salary Caruthers commands. Tlie
brotherhood players are opposed te the
limit Bulary rule, and the Ieagne mag
nates are also opposed te It, and If the
pin) era lu the Association comblne and
form an organization similar te tlie League
brotherhood, It would undoubtedly be
done nway with At all events the com
mittee of the Iicague brotherhood, con
sisting of Ward, Hiinien, Brouthers and
Irwin, mean te push tlie matter through
and the subject will be agitateel at length
I ie fore the next meeting of the Association.
Tlie league clubs, with the exception of
the Washlngtens, have made big prepara
tions during the past w Inter, and have
adddetl a deal of new material te their
teams Tlie Chlcages and New Yorks
have gobbled up all the leading plaj'crs In
the miner leagues, and if the new men
keep up the pace they set in the smaller
clubs thi-y will preve valuable acquisi
tions. The race for the pennant will be
hotly contested between the Dctreits,
Philadelphlas, Chlcages, Dosten and New
Yorks. The tw e former vt 111 present the
same' teams us lust season, and as the men
are experienced in ene another's playing,
no tlme villi be vtasted except in the
weaker clubs, such en Washington and
Who Una Wen Ne One KiietTf, but Ills
mnrck la III.
The peace of Purope has just escaped
niptuie Twe levers wished te be joined
in tlie holy binds of wedlock. Tlie ejueen
of Pughuid, tlie czar of Kussla, the em
peror und empress and the chancellor of
(lermuny, vv ere nil interested. Prlnce Alex
ander, it handsome and accomplished man
of middle age, who was driven from the
throne of Midgut It by Kiisslau influence,
love-sand Is levetl by Victeria, a pretty
girl of sa) 'J2, end daughter of the em
peror of Ucrmiuy.
Tlie most natural thing In the world for
levers is te want te marry; but thcre were
objections te tlie match between Alexan
der and Victeria ether than settlements,
family religion and want of general suita
bility. It net a question its te hew
tliey would live, or whether the prince or
princess would marry out of his or her
elivle It was a question of stute policy,
of olTense te the Hussien bear. Alevxun-
eler was obnoxious te thy ear for having
eceuplitl the liiilgarhui throne te which
he wes ele'Ctetl if the young prince and
e king wi'ie permitti'd te marry into tlie
Impeiiul fiimll) of (lermany, the ciar
would lake It as an unfriendly act en
the part of the (lei man empire.
There was a long st niggle.
The eniK rer ut last j leldetl te Bismarck,
le the e'tii, te the iuteiests of state, and
bacillus d the hciut of his daughter.
That's ene sterj' The ether Is that the
marriage) Is eul) postponed, nnd that Bis
niurelc has Ihs.ii practlciillj defeuttd. The
lien chancellor is quite ill, whichever
steij' la tiue.
Tb Stklu a Stalwart Knee.
The people from Benares te north el
IV'lhi are much mero stalwart and maul)
than me the Ileugalcse, but they in theii
turn are greatlj inferior te the men el
the Piiujib. This weed menus and ex
presses the country ljlng between the
lite great brandies of thu Indus. In this
country Is n inegulllecnt race of men.
The Sikh soldiers in the army nre the
handsomest body of men I have ever seen,
and iiidted I have never seen any Kuro Kure
pean or American who etiiue anything
like being a perfect model of innnlj
beauty as several officers I have seen In
the native bIMi cavalry Today we wit
nessed the practice of a native leglment
at cempnii) target sheeting.
The eilllcers en horseback nre simply
supeib, ufoet nil show ene universal de
fect among the entire people of India an
almost total absence of calf te the leg
Hveu lu Punjab men nnd women hnve
none. lean s.i) this of the women lie
cause up here there nre two things quite,
antipodal te our customs. Men wear
what seem te be skirts and the women nil
wear trousers nml very tight ernes, tee,
below the knee The ether singular thing
is tine sees hundreds of men vtltb lienrds
d)id n brilliant red. A gray bearded man
Is rarely seen from Ijihore te Peshawer,
for they take en n bright Vermillion, evi
dently net for tlie purpose of cence'allng
lue, but ns it sort of beautlller. The men
of lMinJtli proved themselves brave by
giving Kimlnud mere trouble) te subdue
them than perhaps nil Uie bubinie of
India. Hut whin ence they acknowl
edged the supremacy et their new rulers,
like brave men they have shown llieni
selves true. They have none of the ser
vile demeanor of the Bengalee They
leek it foreigner straight In the fine re
sjicctfully, but with tin apparent con-scleiisne-ss
of their own dlgnlt) Carter
iliuriseu's Letter In Chicago .Mall.
Iililu'l Unite lln.l, i.iiual.
Teluiccunist Customer The figure of
the Indian is nil right mill true te utiliuc,
but I don't understand why jeu put that
bottle of i mil in his hand.
Sign Scnlptei Becken j-ou've never
seen u lite Injun, bass, Tid lilts.
A Serteli limit-nil)-.
Silicon ltussiau law forbids the use of
ccl imatieu points in ti new spajier article,
one is at a les te see hew call be properly
interpreteel therein n Muscovite's out
burst u hen he steps en n tuck Bosten
.ale liscuffekcunnisclil is tlie home of a
man who Is tteiklng in the Scliujlkill
coal mines. He has a thoroughly uu
thraclte name,
A Strnnse filnle or Thine Within a Dny'a
.Tenrnfjr or tlie UnlUil Slate Half Wild
JVaiiU nnel Town Itenstn Tnl.lnf le
Tales of briRnndnge In Cuba during the
past few years hnve reached New Yerk
from time te time, but the true situation
Is net known save te theso who llve en the
Island itself, and it hns liccome se familiar
te these as te have liltle novelty. It Is
largely the result of the present almost
bankrupt condition of the ence proud nnd
wealthy Quecn of thn Antilles. Poverty
Is new almost universal save among the
planters and mci chants In the cities, and,
unable te obtain n livelihood save by the
prccnrleus nnd scarcely remunerative oc
cupations et cock fighting and lottery
ticket selling, which appear te the tourist
te be the main occupations et the Cubans,
many of the halt wild iicasants of the In
terior and roughs of the towns hnve taken
te brigandage. They nre most numerous
in the central part of tlie island, between
Matanzes en the north nnd Clcnfueges en
the south, making their lairs in the woeels
nnd hills of the center et tbe Island and
operating en the reads every place where
thcre is nny chnuce of wealthy persons
The eastern end of tire island has been
singularly free from bandits, nnd travel
through Its still virgin forests nnd lefty
volcanic mountains Is comparatively safe.
The Gunrdka Clvlle, ns the Spanish
reldlery is called, make periodical incur
sions from Mulanas nnd ether cities
against the bandits, but ns n rule tliese
raids hnve Httle result, it is mero than
hinted that thcre is an understanding be
tween the soldiers nnd tlie bandits. The
Spanish government is nlwnj's behind
hand In its payment et Its Cuban soldiers'
wages, and there Is n general impression
that tlie soldiers make up for deferred or
unpaid wages by n Ehnre in the ransom
paid by seme wealthy planter for his re
lease from captivity. Net that tlie
(iunrdla Civile nre always unfaithful!
A lll!i:.l)i:i) 1UNDIT CHIEF.
"Matugas," said our Informant, "Is
new the bandit chief most feared. Jie is
a mulatto and rules his followers abso
lutely. He changes ids location con
stantly and has been rather quiet of late,
but w e mny hear of him at nny time, lle
has placed n prlce of $50,000 en tlie per
sona of the Messrs. Stewart, who own the
well knew n sugar plantation, 'It Caro
lina,' near this city, nnd these gentlemen
hnve been obliged te use much caution in
going te and from their plantation en
their visits te the city."
"Tell us about Scner Casanova," we
"Well, Scner Casanova was driving
through the back country ene nfternoen
in n velnnte, ever n rough nnd lonely
read, w hen the bandits suddenly nppeareil
from the cheppnrul. They surrounded
the vnlunte se quickly that he could de
nothing but surrender nt ence. They
ordered him te mount it mule, nnd nt his
protestations that he was sulferliig from
iv bladder complaint nml that it would
kill him te ride they only laughed. They
carried him oil ten Uttle hut in the moun
tain nnd kept hlin there rt week. The old
gentleman, from the complaint above
described, could only subsist en milk, nnd
ns the bnneUts could net furnish this he
nearlj died befere he was ransomed."
4'Hevr did they ransom lilin?"
"The bandits hud n nole conveyed
secretly te his friends demanding
$8,000 for Ids ransom within n week.
Tills his friends lalseil and sent by n
trusted messenger le it pUce ngrcetl upon.
Seuer Casanova wan produced, the money
paid ever nnd tlie baudll w he received it
disappeared ns suddenly ns if tlie eartli
had swallowed him. Casanova says that
he was net treated badly duilng his short
captivity, but Imagine ids state et mind
nnd susiicuse during the days he was a
"Hns no concerted action been taken te
apprehend tliese baudits throughout the
"Ne. Itisnseit et local option with
different places whether they can elrlve
them nwny or net. We're nil growing se
peer, however, thnt unless j-eur geed nnd
great Unele Sam will pity and annex us
the bandits will seen suppress themselves
for vvuut of prey.
itCAD tiicvi a irerrnni:.
"One place, hew ever, has rid Itself of
the pest, nnd in tills way. Ven knew it
Is very rarely that n Cuban becomes nn
officer in the Spanish nrnij-. The position
Is net considered worthy of nmbltlen by n
Cuban, nnd will net be as long ns the two
iieeplcs dislike entli ether as they de new.
But In this place a son of it well known
Cubsn fnmlly wns an officer In tlie Ciuurdhi
Clvlle. He pursued and caught n body et
Imudlts, Cubans like himself. Then he
reml them it lecture in tills wise:
" 'Yeu knew me nnd veu kuew I under-
stnnd jour position. IsjmputhlVa with
j-eur poverty and knew the wretched gov
ernment has made jour calling possible,
but I de net BjiiipalhUe with jour law
lessness. I'll release jeu new only ou
your solemn oath that you'll leave tills
district nt once, if I hear of any of jeu
here ngnln I'll shetvjnu no mercy.' He
meant what he s ild, nnd that district wns
troubled lie mere."
"Hew are these bandits nrmcelf"
"Very iioerly ns it lule. They hnve old
fashioned muskets nnd new nnd then n
ritle. It is net their weapons, but their
familiarity with tlie country nnd its hid
ing plates mid the fact they have
relatives and f i lends nnd sj mpathizers lu
most of the villages, and even lu the
cities, that make them at nil formidable
with the wretches! soldiery we hav e. A
squid of I'liitetl States cnvulrj' could
prehuhlj rid the island of them in two
mouths' tlme "
"Dex's net their presonce make it tinsafe
for Americans te visit Cubaf"
"Net In the least. Tliese bandits de
net Interfeie with the railroad trains, en
which n squad of seldleis ulwnjs traved,
mere ns it matter of form than nuj thing
else, and the bandits nre net te be feaied
en the lieateu line's of travel. Besides,
they de net lie lu wait for n tourist. They
generally learn or knew nil about their
man, Ids wealth nnd whether his friends
will or will net be likelj te random lilm,
liefore they prep ire te capture- him They
would net be likelj te iiltaik n traveler
simply en the chance of teeming a roll of
bills and n watch They have also,
strunge te s.ij', it high regnnl for Ameri
cans. I.lke all Cubans, they leek te tlie
United States as a possible protector nnel
ruler some duj", nnd, perhnps, tee, they've
heard of six shoeteis and Yankee pluck.
An American consular agent was caught
by baudits seme time age, and ns seen as
he announced his position they releasetl
him Immediately and apologizes! for what
they said was n mistake." Cuba Cor.
New Yolk World.
KxcrcUe fur Heart l)Uene.
The mistake Is frequently made of nil
vising subjects of heart disease te keep
absolutely quiet This is nil wrong.
Kxerclse in moderation is beneficial, nnd
protracts Ihe course et tbe dUcase. The
muscular substance of the heart, like all
ether muscles, neetls exercise, nnd must
have It, otherwlbe it cannot keep up its
nutrition te the highest point possible.
Indeed, Profe-sser Oeitel gws se far ns tc
recommend mountain climbing as the best
form of exercise for these cases It may
be that this is going a little tee fur, but
theie can lie no question as te the benefits
te be had fre.n moderate exercise in this
class of eases. (J lobe Democrat.
Milking 1'repcr Allowance.
Mr. Ilolvverthy Believe me, Clara, jeu
have no reason te be jealous, I have been
devoteellj-'lrue te j en 1 1 no ns as the
nveelle le the pole.
Miss Viissar I tnke it then that I am
te make proper nllownnce for magnttie
variations. Tew n Topics.
llrtl for I lie riij-lm er.
Engineers en the Great Northern rail
way, Hiiglaud, nre given nt least nine
hours' re't between oue ilaj's labor mid
another, as it precaution ngalr.6t accident.
Chicago Herald.
Keep the
We bCllcrfl Itned'a Riraanatltl I. .V. ...
best tnedfclne te lake, te keep the blrxet pure,
and te expel the gcriuief icrefu,Jtrlieum,
tid ether poljens wblch canto somnchiurfer semnchiurfer
Inn, and oeeror later unocrmlnethegoneral
boellh. By IU peculiar curative piwer, llned'a
SKttapsritla urengthtm I he sralem while It
crurllaUs dlif me.
M Karly last ptIdb I was very much ran
down, bad nervous hradaete, felt miserable
and all that. I took Heed's SariKruirllla and
was much benefitted by lu 1 recommend It
te my irUndi." Mas .1. M. Tatlcb, 1119 Euclid
Avenue, Cleveland, Ohie.
Heed's Sarsaparilla
U." Fer a flrit-'claaraptlrg medicine my wt8
and 1 both tblnk very highly nf lloed'a Par
saparllla. We both took It last uprlng. It did
b a irrat deal of iroed and we hit better
through the het weathnr than ever befem. It
cured my wlie of itck headaehe, from which
alie has sultercd a great deal, and rellttved me
of a dlwy. tiled feeling. I think every ene
enghv te take something le partly the bleed
bofero the het woaltier comes nn, and we shall
certainly take Heed's 8arapatlllalhlsiprliig."
J. Il.rjuncs.8upl Oranlte Hallway uu, ton ten
cord, N. H
only liv G l iicnVV ?i, a.K f0"
liwmi mm. CO' -Plnccar'e.
J-owell. Mass.
100 Dosen One Dellar.
"'"""- 'vxwjm urmf svwMSaMS. AIW
-.. ui anuionerin viaeeu hu, utneaater, ra.
rtwr Frem the AaalaUnl reremati of the De
livery Drpartmrnt A Suljact In Whlth
Tlieutanda Are Deeply Oenctrned.
About llve yearg age I sulTered faem painful
urination and great pain and weaknesa In tbe
lewe r part of my back, pain In the limbs, bad
tOBle In the mouth, illsguat at feed, and great
mental and bodily depression.
1 llve nt 211 Yerk street, Jersey City, and en
nnlvlng hoire one night I found a tepy of the
thnker Almnnae that had been lertdutlngthe
day. I rend the article, " What U the
Dlseaee that li Coming Upen VbV It do de
tcrlbed my symptoms and fcellngg bettur
than I could If 1 had written a whole book.
My trouble was Indeed "like a thief In the
night," for It bad been stealing npen me un
awares for yearn, l seutlorabetUeof Shaker
Kztract el ltoets, or Selgel's Syrup, and before
I had taken one-half et HI felt the welcome
relief. In a few weeks l was like my old self.
1 enjoyed and digested my feed. My kidneys
seen recovered tone and strength, and the
urinary trouble vanished. I was well.
Millions of peeple need tome medicine lim
ply te act en the bowels. Te them 1 commend
Shaker Kxtract In the strongest possible
tonus. It is the gentlest, pleoanntest, safest
and suiest purgatlve In this world Tim most
delicate women and children may take It. One
point mero i I hnvealt thamnre confidence In
this medicine because It Is prepared by the
Shaker?,. Imay claim te be a religions man
myself and admlre the "lukers for their zeal,
consistency nnd strict busluess Integrity.
What they make may be trusted by the public-
W. 11. IIALU
rorsnle by all drnggtM nnd by A .1. Whtle,
M'VVarren stieet. New erk.
fob:i lydAwTu.lhftS
rKVKll, '
And ether zymedla dlsoases lurk In tbe at at at
mospbero and hever ever every bousuheld at
this season of tbe year when thorough venti
lation Is Impracticable en ncceuut of the so se
verily of the weather. Frequent fumigation
et apartments with UKAllUKY'S im.iO
NAl'U'l IIOL i'ABTILLKS purifies the atmon atmen atmon
phere, ilefatreys dltoase germn, and thoroughly
dlslntects all carpet", bedding and drapery,
whlle imparting a delightful aromatic odor
that Is notinlurleos te stlver, basser otter
metals. Cellar, closets, attics. An., should tie
made hea thy by burning therein anAlillllY'S
HULI'IIUU CANDLKS. which nre pure.
cleanly and sale, rer the toilet, bath, lava
tory and nursery, SKAIIUUY'd HYDUO
NAI'HXIIOL BUAf should LeUBCd exclu
sively. Don't forget IIENSON'3 PLASTKKS fcr
aches and rains -g (;)
Homeopathic Veterinary h'neclllca.
rer Hotbes, Cattle. Sheep. Deis. Hogs, l'eul-
try. 103 l'AuK hook
On Treatment of Animals and chart Sontrieo.
CUIIK3 Fevnrs. Convention, Inflimma'leu.
A.A. Spinal Meningitis, Milk rver.
11.11 hvrulnn, Uameness, ItheumatHm.
O.U. L)l9lomper, Nusul lllseharKes.
D.D.-ltets or erabs, Worms.
K.K Coughs, Heaver. I'niiuinenla.
".K.-CoIleer()rlpea, llellyarhe.
-.el.- MUcarrlager, llnmerrbuges.
II H. Urinary and Kinney limutises.
I.I.- Ktuptlvii llHtiixiM. Maugu.
J.K. Ulseitses et IJIgestleil,
BTAI'I.R CASK, with Spec'ncs. Manual,
witch lMzel Oil and MedlenUd i7.nn
rillCb, bliKle Uotlle (ever OOdeaua) tu
HObll 1IY DltUUUIST-e. "It
llutnphreys' Med. Ce., 1(D Pulton St., N. V.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific Ne '28.
In use SO years. 1 he enlv gneiepsf til remedy
for Nriveus Iteblltty. Vital vVeitttness and
I'rnairattnt lrem ever-work or etlmrruuses.
IIU)ihi vial, or ftvlutsaud large vial powder,
fur 1 5 em. '
Soieuv Duren tTs, cr sent postpaid ou ic ic
celptei i.i lc
Ne. il rulten Street, N. Y.
Uiar27 ly 14 wTu.ThAS
11 A 11 Y CM li HI A UK.1.
Al.b NKW (1001)8.
Mitnuletured tnnnrnwn order by thebeqt
lueuirli-H in thn remntiy. Speiitt itttentlen
gven teKveiy iliipuilnii'iit se .in le secure bor ber
vice as ll as itppi ttmiien.
Miluiimi In tlie country ean hIiew as line a
llnoel gCMlds.
fflIKP.1, IIAItltOWH,
(lIHI.'.s.TKICYhUS, .vc.
" A laska " Eef rigerateis
mm i mmmm,
Ne 163 MertU Queen Btroet,
OTM).Vltl) WOHK.
t'AKKi.viii: uuu,:n:it,, 11.11. 4SMAUKKT 81UKKT, Kear el
1'oatelllce, l.nneaiiteir. l'a,
1 leive In stock aim itultd te urder Every
Vnrletj el ll-e telliittlng vtyltw - Ceuihi, ling.
uli-a, Calirlettils, Carrlii.w, IcKulaii, llualnens
VVaei.(i,"-I"Cuit, Hi Cull vvugniiH. cuiiles,
Mitrkwt Hsbeii.. I'lui.teiifi, Kxpiesa tVugens.
I Slfcliti.les und IhivhIhcI1-Itti-stiibntld
rern-etly nny Blyle of Citrrluge
dehtreul. 'I bi ynallly. Mvleutiil rlnlnhel my
wink makes It dee Idedlythei Cheaiieal lu the
MutT't " Kalr t'eallng, lloneat Werk at
luiitnin 1'rlcej." 1'limm kiv nie iill
4rhepililiigpieinptly utteiidud te Trtrea
lewi-riiuii uil utbtini. One eet el Werkiueu
-)eclallyeiunle)i)a lertliat pnrpoxe.
TLha, AT
Cbeaiwal Drug Stere In Iho City,
Mes. l and U WimI King sUeel,
Bleed Pure
'or a geed apt-lra; medicine we confidently
recemnienl lineVa Sataipiillla. Uy ttt Di
tbe bleed la purified, Clinched nod TllAtlt'd.
tint tlri-a frellng la nnllrnly overcome. and
the wiiela le1y given ttrenglh and vigor. 1 ha
appetllolat-uiteitd and rl.arienid, the diges
tive ergsna are tened, and the hldnejs atd
liver InvlgeraUd.
Tfcee who have never tried Heed's Barta Barta Barta
parlllaahonldde se this sptlng. It la a thor
oughly honest andi-ulUblepreparat ion. purely
vegetable, and centatua no Inlurlena ingredi
ent whatever. 1 Jieustncla testify tells pet u
liar curative power.
Purines tbe Bleed
" I bad errnlpelas In the went form, being
nrnrly coveted with bllatnra. My hnaband
heard of Heed's Bars&jiatilla nd lntlated en
my taking II, though 1 had littles faith. 1 had
taken bnt a few Oef cj. when 1 began te feel
bet'er, and In a week I was Hire It was doing
me geed. 1 continued te take It according te
dlrrcllena and when the first bntlle was gene.
1 was entirely well t have net been troubled
by erytlpelat ilnee." Mm. L Uaces, llrlm
fleld. Mans.
N 11. If you doelde le take Heed's Sartapa Sartapa Sartapa
rllladonetlHi induced te buy any ether.
8 ,uuar'8-1''ts IHMrferW. l'repered
only "7 O. 1 HOOU A CO , ApeUecarlea,
Lewell, Mass.
I lOO Doeed One Dellar
L. Gansman l Ere.
An Important Consideration.
Hat Ihfil'rlcea irejl fe teVfO Lewer thun the
same qua'lty of goods are sold for
anynheiu elte.
L:ok at Our Window Exhibit Evt-ry Dy.
Wolleld'j Maik Our I'rlrrs In IM tin Klgnrea
Auyenu cm si hn takes the
ireublu te leek.
New Spilng Treuser le Order at f I 00, l.!n
tw e. tfl e i, 7 ou, i i e, -) e.
New Hptiag stills te elder at lUCO.tll.Oi),
Mew Spring Suits n Order, rine Quality
Imported We riled, ut JU 00, ir.'.OO, Ji'ilm, f 17 00
Kverthlng warranleil te glve Fattaracllen.
Yeu ctn ulleiil le liny vtbheiit giving them a
leek. It will cave you money.
A Dellghtful Siirprlse for Beya and
Hirsh & Brether.
Sold ein if ever, was ceen Riich a Splendid As
sortment of Latest Styles
Suits for Eoys and Children.
I'emprlalpg thn I atcst Nnveltles.tlie I'rettl
est Little .I.iclcnU and I'ants beautifully
lirilded, whlcli uiiiiiik the suit mero ornamen
tal nnil adds lieiinty te tlie child.
Our nnei uiient U m Inrgi) lfat vvnca"net
dR4ci1ljenll the si YLKi uud 1'lttCKS, but te
coiiimuiice, we hav u
A iiUKoyianittvefChrdronB Pretty Fancy
Suits trein tell S.
A Ooed Vanity otehllilren's t het Iced fancy
Suits Irenill SOuill 75
a Finn seli-ctlen nl Chlldren'-i I'lald Fancy
Suits from lrem tl W) te I!
One 1'iiHoet l.litiilieu'tt maided I ancy Suits
from 12 tn toil 7A.
large AR4eitment of Children's CKKY,
lilteww, HLIIK. srilll'KI) J' and As As
eorted Celers Fanev Suits lrem ia W) te $J 50.
A UODd Supply of the l.aU.nt Nevi'illiia. Ilev
Klnest Cletln all c .Inrx and putterns, stlk
sewed, from 1 7.r. II 00 (I M, 15 00 te 17 no
All thote stilts are LeiiutiiuUy tlulsht-d, the
children are delighted uud tee parentB
Come anil see our Assortment, w e have net
space U;numrrteth in nil; we can only (junte
aiewpilcei, lieglnnlngnlth
Geed ftrnng cults, useerted patterns, from
1260, lfO.3 5. 110'.
Fine Wetl OHs-lmnrn fillip, aenertnd pit
terns, from f I Mi, . en, f 5 :e, i) te te tin e.)
We UmiraiiuiH a I'ene et nt. and nvnry gar
ment Is w irranteil as miireHentiid
"iwl" jour tiuinle ehoe- lrem this grand
selection, and be well pleubtd by
Hirsh & Brether,
Olethlera ani Furnishers,
nnnK0jruumnimi wuiiri-.
rlVI.L ANU HKK " "
sixtyCandle-Llghti lleati them alb
Anether Let et C11ICAP Ol.OliES ferOaa an
Oil stove.
lUiata thorn elL'Thls attip outwears all ether ,
Ketepa eul thu cold, step rattling of window,
jtxclude the dust. Keep eul enew and rain.
Anyone con apply it uewaata or dirt made
luupplylugtt. Can lie ntled anywhere no
hnleui te bore, ready for uee. It will net apllu
warn or ihrlnh a cushion strip U the meat
twrfect. At ihe Steve, Utvtter and Uanget
Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens.
Hupliire V ulcer.ileanil specinl Utaeasea
of ellber.ux. Whrbe huiiibugned by quacks
when lOiiran rind In Or Wilght the only Uau
ulr nvsie an In l'M'tul-lphiit he nutkea a
Miltiy nt Uie anevrt dlheaat-g. and Ccris
'Hunt eniw i.UiiiiNTauu. Advice Free day
una Slntngers can batreatedand le
turn home auiuu duy. Miltcea prlvate.
211 North Ninth Street, Aheve Itace,
P. e. box uts PhUadeiphla.