3fQ&" T "MS T 1V! 5K? rg r 7.fT f' I'HE LAHClAS'llEi DAHiY INTEIiLIGBN'OErt. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1888. -, ijH- 4W i8OTim w '. r" -at i, say i & ?& a latf m & EK V f f Tha Dally Intelligencer. A.ANUABTEK, APBIL 13. ISS. ."!? m dailt irrLiJiart publishes all the ff- .X faMcTApniC new ui vue wmw v mAf tv tka latest nosslble hour. TIBMS-Ths Daily Edition of Th lirmu sifcxa la delivered by camera In the city and surrounding towns for 10c per woelc t by xeaii, 15.00 ft yeart n.50 ler six months KLB (or three months t Wc per month. fn WsraxLT larralxiaaKcsa (Deuble Sheet) ElfM Fftcet, only ILM per annnm, In ad vance. ubscrlber wishing their address changed snust also state where the paper la new tor ter wartesL MTerttaementa from 10 te M eta. per line Mh Insertion, according te location. THE 1NTELL1UENGEB, Lancaster, ra. Telephone connection The Power or qnsr. It Is surerlalnir and Amusing te Deme- K-antatn note that when Senater Quay fe' j i.a ! fnllntrvl liv n. trrent fit COB1BO H11U KU no . ....... j .- e----- ". . . ., 111 .. ,.1t fn nnl 11- crewa ei ipuuuiiu euin .j i' elui, who nearly tread en the great nan' heels in their efforts te evertake and have audience with htm. Recently Quay returned from PJerlila. At ence the publication of the fact was made, and it caused as much excitement among the politicians of Republican faith as Bight be expected te fellow the home coming of the emperor of Germany te Ch&rlettenburg. Whence this man's power comes or bow he holds it is surprising te Demo Deme crata who have been in the habit of owning their political consciences. The ramification of Quay's power through the Btate is seen even in the local contest for Congress, where his name is used te call spirits from the vasty deep te play havoc with the chances of one or ether of the local candidates. Cooper smiles serenely after an Interview with Quay and feels that bis calling and election te the Republican Btate committee are new made sure. All reads lead te Quay in Pennsylvania. Nothing be illustrates the boss-ridden element in the Republican party of Penn sylvania ns the complete political domin ion which the junior "cnater from this state new exercises. It probably exists nowhere else in the country, nnd is only possible in Pennsylvania because here the Republican party leader have de ' generated into a mere aggregation of place-hunters. The Rnttciiljcrgs. It is a curious spectacle that royally Affords te-day. A brace of Daltenbergs have set them all by the ears by the sim- pie and ancient plan of independent and bald proceedings in the matrimonial line. These princes were of no great account U such stock is valued, but tliere is something charmingly attractive in the confident assurance with which Henry and Alexander have undertaken te scramble up among the thrones nnd sceptres, the one by nlllance witli com mercial and naval England nnd the ether by aspiring te the hand of a princess of martial Germany. With the exception et Queen Victeria, the crowned heads give a unanimous shake of disapproval and disgust at their presumption, nnd though the eminent abilities of Alexan der seem te make his caee rather stronger than that of his brother when sulug for the hand of Beatrice, crowned heads don't take such trifles into consideration. A czar far geno in hereditary insanity could marry any princess in Europe with the smiling approval of the heads re ferred te, but for a brace et square headed German prlncelels te prcsume te out out the heirs apparent of various thrones by marrying members of the proudest royal houses in all Eurepe is a breath taking state of things. It Is new reported that Alexander lias consented te wait a little while ; and all things con cen sidered this is wise, for by it he will gain Popular sympathy for himself and friends, 'and te persist in the face of the threats et Bismarck and the fear of trouble with Russia would be te show a disregard for the welfare et Germany that could net be easily utened for. Besides he has found the support et his brother's mother-in-law rattier damaging in its ef fect upon the peeple of Germany, with whom he will probably be identllled in the future,wbatevcr happens in Bulgaria. They are net very enthusiastic in their admiration for the old lady who has en livened the monotony of royal life by the publication of "Lire in the Highlands,' and ether beets equally remarkable. Sew den's Crack. What is the matter with brother Sawden ? He found himself voting lene-witb the Republicans in the Heuse iniavoreflu&dlSr5,tax bill. He had bad "some Democratic company for n week ; and the Heuse had consequently been able te de nothing, the mass of the Democratic members refusing te ngree te the bill. Mr. Sewden's Democratic company left him in obedience te the de cision of the Democratic caucus ; but he would net move, having premised him eel te stick till the crack of deem; We are inclined te think that the crack has come for brother bewden ; and that bis constituents will net return him nga'u te Congress. We are sorry, because he bas.been generally n sound and sensible man. It hi3 judgment had been geed about the direct tax bill, he might have successfully defended before his con stituents his persistency in stick ing te it. Constituents like repiesenta tlves who stick when they are right ; but such representatives need te be sure that they are te. Tae direct tax bill, In pro pre posing te pay back a tax paid by the Northern states during the first year of the war, cannot be defended as a measure of justice, without holding that all the taxes paid by the North during the w.ir should be repaid ; which Mr. bewden would hardly claim. Law Fer Rich Hen. They have queer judicial ways in New Yerk. The Hollanders who werR i1cced by Gould and Sage have been trjiugtu have them indicted. One grand jury re fused te de it, en the ground that the l statute of limitation was u bar ; thus df- elding a disputed question of law ; for it 1 contended that the statute does net Jr, run from the date of the concealed crime. j. Then the ju-ige was asked te send the w. Cass sgiin btfere the grand jury: k4 Anil .z-fm.i lia rafiitnA iinnttmp I...1 ...An WW nMVM WW .(..UfeVJ, uuubuci JUUU MtW i upon, and he also has declined ; ?iven by both being that the Jn its Intprnrf Intlnn nf H ad that if these ful, the iCl mils n trustee who conceals his thcit te escape punishment for it, is a bad law. A rrehable Itcsnli. Senater Cenkllng's illness, from which he new seems likely te recover, as every one is pleased te believe, will have a very geed effect upon his political condition, if he survives with eutllclent physical and mental vigor te make It available. It will strongly tend te wash away from him political animosities, and If his period of convalescence lasts until near thotimeof the Chicago convention, it may serve te call te him the Republican presidential nomination, which is new wandering around disconsolately seeking a head upon which te repeBO. The Re publican party is in the condition well known te the Democratic party in the part ; it obviously needs te nominate its most available candidate ; the chances of election being against it. A man who has been In its foremost rank, and of whom everybody is saying nothing but geed new nnd te whom everyene is feeling kindly, because of his suffering nnd danger, would Reemlngly make n strong candidate for the party. There is nothing like sympathy te draw votes. Peeple are net very reasonable when their emotions are aroused. Of course Mr. Cenkllngisnn better or werse a man for It's illness ; but In softening the asperity and fixing the devotion of his friends, it will make him n mere ef fective man ; nnd is qulte likely te re re re stere him te politics, even though It does net call te him the Republican presiden tial nomination. Doubtless, he will be forsemo tlmenn Invalid; and probably he will need te deny himself the severe professional labor that he has been practising. Te n man of his temperament the only way te inoderato Ills labor will be te withdraw entirely from the sovere duties of the law and take up the less ex citing work of statesmanship. Tin: Philadelphia inquirer says Hint In this state, 0. 11. it Q. aland for Cameren, Ucaver and Quay. m -- m - Uuami it Henb have Just llnlaued the uynamltu gun oruerctl by tne Italian gev eminent ana liave Milpped It te Kert I,Hfn I,Hfn yettc, v ere It will be tosted by Captain Zilluak). This gun la te be tnaiiBKed cn cn tlrely by hydraulic mnolilnery and will be mounted en rii Iren bnse with a atene foun dation. If It provea aatlafactery, Italy will probably ordern number at ence ter har bor delenae, and will alae begin building dynamite cruUerH. Kzceptlng the Kngllah, the ItallAna are new Klvlng inore attention te their nnvy and coast dfclonsea than any ether nation, and It Is ovldent that tbey are dutonulned te be oennldorod the tnasteiH of the Mediterranean. 'Ihey have less prejudice against novel and foreign Inventions than the English, and havoehewn a readlneaa te rocegulzs n geed thing that will tell te their advantnite In cihe of war. Kngland haa juat launched a giant Ironclad r.t u coat e! (5,000,000, but Italy iBHROd that stage of naval architect tire no tne tlme bro, though Bhe did net go farther In mo'iater building than te turn out lovernl tliree million dollar ships, nnd alie la new building awlft torpode beats and crulHerr. Oar dynuinlte crulaer York Yerk town will be Isunehed en the -8th et thla month. It will have four guna fixed at an angle of 10 degroea In a parallel line, and they will have te be alined by steering the vessel. The voasel will carry thirty shells and each gun ean f.re two shots n mlnute. Till: Philadelphia Jlulletin la forty-eno years old and prints twenty-tlht Interest leg jiages lu honor thereof. A l'Aiu specimen of senatorial wisdom Ih the passage of a bill granting right of way through the Urew Indian reservation te the Hillings, Clark's Perk and Cook City railroad. This company and another known au the Kecky Ferk company, were rivals in the last Cengresi for this privilege and the latter was successful because the ether hill did net reach consideration In both Iieuscp. It waa understood that the successful read would be built, and If both bills had pssied probably n combination would hnve been (H'octed bofero work was begun, because they run parallel for 80 miles el their 120 mile lengtb, and have the Bunie object, namely, tbe opening of coal llelda nrnr the Yellowsteno Park, The Kecky Ferk company went right te work and bave graded and bridged -1(1 miles ready for the rails, when the ethor company which they supposed was dead, oemcj be be bo eoro CengreBH with n request for pormls permls pormls slen te build a parallel Hue. Hest.lt, their stock falls with their credlt, and having tied up their capital In the read they can hardly buy rails or pay for the completion et their enterprise. Ne ene bolievoa that both the reads will be built, and the whele thing la evidently u schome te dilvethe Ilecky Ferk poeplo a deal for the beneUt of their rivals. Tbe Honate passed the hill by 29 te 15, theie belng :i- absent and u number et pairs. Is'ew the Hillings read need net be pushed and the ether hardly will be until Its ewneis buy peace with stock or In seme ethor way. They can hardly allerd te let their property remain unproductive, and the ether uien who have ex pended lltlle or nothing can make their own terms, if both bills bad passed tbe same Congress, there would net be injustice, but lu this case 11)0 wrong Keema clear aud the cry e' opposing nionejily hypocritical. If this short read ever exhibited tendencies te monopoly It would be easy enough te build another, and ethors will reach Ihese coal fields in due tlme. A Hkhi.in correspondent of the New erk 'Jmca paints a very dark picture of Crown Prtnce William, of (Jurmany. A geed deal et it is mere guessing from his personal appearance. The lmtnaKluntive writer says that the old emperor nnd the dying emperer ' were linprotslve In the sense of a neble old uiastill, or of a huge, honest, shaggy, doep-chested bear hound. This young man suggests lus'ead the no tion of u peifectly bred sleuth bound, under whose smooth, dellcately stft ceu He muscles of steel, and In whose ineiith Htulster legacy of na.urc is the Inherent taste et human bleed. Net that his face Is sullen or savngu lu its exprostden. Its habitual cast In repose is culm, self pou peu sesbed, t-otnewhnt meditative, without wrinkles tither en the broa-er at the ends of the mouth. The yeg, tee, are grave, inteut, without belng seveic." This is certainly rather hard en the young man. Condemnation based en a guess at character from persenal appear ance is certainly net very logical, uud the correspondent seems te feel thl, for he brings forward te support his Judgment the ntHtement that nil vsexen, U-glUh at lu...... iu ue had an) baud in bringing up this man, held him In detestation and horror based en thegeneral Impression that he is cold, sellHh aud cruel, with great abilities, but without conscience or any aeftenlng virtues. All this must be taken with salt, for the writer shows Kngluh sympathies, and the prince is thoroughly German and net en the best of terme with the KnglUh empress, bis mother. Ol course this sketch of tbe cemlug ruler of Germany Is followed by a prophecy that he fully Intends te Inaugurate a policy cf conquest as seen as he reaches the throne, and no attention is paid te the manly aud wlie declaration he recently made of his horror at se criminal and foolish a policy. m m The New Yerk ludejitnitenl will only support Cleveland if Hlalne Is his orpen- r. wnat inconauttney i The lloaten J'eurnat makes this Reed point agalnit would-be literary pirate. 1 want te knew iruennral lladfan Vaa the author of Jleautlful a Net MtisMiNNtis Pa iiseNala a young woman who ran away from Plttaburg te Hew Yerk and who bai been rp'tureed after passing through the bands cf tbe New Yerk, peller, and the Interviews of the roparterr. Hhe acorns te have learned oraetlilng en her tour; and one of her dlacoverlea I that ."all men arn liar, particularly Mew Yerk reperter;" which atreng atatement come dangoreualy near te the truth. PERSONAL. 1!ouj,anei:ii praotleally oenfoascsj that bla eyes are llied en the chief magistracy of Kranoe. Mns. Hknmiv Ahmitt IIhewn Is te marry Themas Learning, of the Philadel phia bar. llisiier Uewi: lias sold his Heading mansion te Aareu Wllhelin, and wlllaoen leave that city. Hen. Wim.tan D. KKi.i.r.r, ei Pennsyl vania, waa 74 years old Thursday. A icr icr aenal friend placed en his desk In the uouaeei iispresentaiives.ietnarK me eveni, a uugnlllcent basket of roses and lilies. 1'jiir.ir F. Fny, ter many years a well known merehant In Philadelphia, died there en Tuesday. He was born at Yerk, Pa , in 1823, and went te that city In ldIO, when heemraged In buslncaa wild Menar. Hhellner it Z.iegler, an old notion linn, and later with Kneedler A. Ce., wbolesile dry goods merchants. TneCeilllMt hlupKier nullt. Iho latest IlrllUh Ironclad, the Nile, just launched at Pembroke dockyard, Is the meat powerful In all the world. Tbe only ethers comparable with It are the llrltlah ahlp Trafalgar, built from nearly the same plans, and the Italian Deria, Lautla and and Moreslnl, and thtae nre net superior te It, unlesi posalble In spend, a point yet te be detormlned. Tbe Nile may bn briefly described as a twin screw steamer, .115 feet long and 73 bread and el 27 1 'J feet draught. Her displacement is 11,(I0 tena and her Indlcated horae-powor 12.000. Il is ex pected that sbe will steam nlnoteon miles an hour, and her 1)00 tens of coal will take her 0,000 miles at mero than halt speed. Her eztemal steel armor Is from four loon te twenty lnches In thickness. Her of- lonsive weapons comprise rnumixiy-fioven-ton guns In turrets, eight tlve-lnch In the box battery, and six tlilriy-alx peunder and elKht elx-pounder qulek-llrlng Runs. There will also be eight torpedo tubes, for each of which three Whitehead torpedoes will be carrled. Hhn is divided Inte lt!0 water-tlgbt compartments, and her pumps lievn n mtnarltv nf a OOO tnna nn linur. Htin can dlsobarROsliiiuilatieously C,0IU pounds of she', Including four muMles of 1 2S0 each. J'"lnally, her total cost will be about f 6,000, 000 tbe most cxpenalve ahlp ever built, it Is an interesting circumstance that the launching of this huge flithllng machine has left net another warsblpen the ways In any llrltlah yard ; a state et ellalrs net seen befere by this generation. A Child LitceiaKil by lug Themas M alone, tbe llve-year old son el ene of the residents of litigby Jack's lleach, J or soy city, toddled from Ills parenta' carml beat te piny in the muddy read. Four large dogs owned by the man after whom the licneh was iiamed miw tbe child, and ene of them, n big bloodhound, pounced upon the boy. The ether tliree dogs follewod, and still ethors vore attracted te the i-jvet, and at ene tlme six degi were en top or the ilofeuaoleHs boy. He was llially rescued, but his face and body worn terri bly lacerated. He may recover. The dogs were atturward shot by the police. TUB lllltDS MUST KNOW. 1Xa birds must knewr. Whowlaely tli)K Will slngns they The common air has generous, wlngi, Heiikh umtu their nay. NomCMengar te run liufore, Dnvltlng plan ; Ne uiontle-i et thu place or hour Te any man; Ne walling till smnu sound belrus A listening ear; Ne dlirerent voice, no new delayj, If steps draw near. " What bird Is thatr Its 85ng la geed." And eager eyes 00 peerlng through the dusky wecd In Rlad surprUe. Theu lite at lilgliL, when by his tire Ihutrtvellerslti; WntcUIng thu flames g'ew brlgldcr, higher, Thosweot Beng lilts 1 y sn'vtclies through his we.n y brain 'J'obelphlni rest. W lien next he geea that read agclti, An umpty nutt On lcatlass bough will make him sigh, "Ah, me I Last spring Just here 1 heard, In passing by. That rare bird sing 1" Hut whlle heslns-". remomberlng Hew sneet llm s ing, The llttlB bird, en tlrnltss wliiK, Is berne along In olheralr, nnd ether men, With weary feet, On ether reads, thu slinplu strain Ale tlndliig sweet, The birds must knew. Who wliely legs Wlllelrtgas theyj The coxinen air Ins generous wings, Songs umUe their way. llilen Hunt A Mrlm!leu Velra ought te t accompanied by un agrrcuhle breath. Welds waited by a pleasant ene, es pecially If proceeding from it roseato delicate ly chlsulled mouth, dllht nnd unchtln the male listener, Muru thlj, damra and ilomol ilemol ilomel Bolles, and ese SOZODO.ST which eudews the teeth with tie whlleuess and hardueis et ala baster, leuders lUbby, cankered, colerlus gums linn ui.il iunk, and gives a realthler glow te pule, renghHnrd lips. The breath bc bc bc oeuuis as sweut as a ueseguy through Its li llu llu enes. K,M,WAw Hl'KVIAt. NOT1QKU. Honesty the Het 1'eliry. .11 H . Vl'l IISIIIK Ik II1I1U1C1IUI Jl. 14 1)031 ODO hecei-t; decoptlen will I.eMir de; the ieeilu Won't stand 11 Let tne truth be known tntt Jtuntnek lHoed Jlittrrt euro scretul I, nod all oiiiilleiin et the Bkln. This medlelne U sold evoiywheroby druggists. Ker side by II. II. Coehran, drugglsl, 137 und IS) urth Queen street, Lancaster. In a'vi'rllslni; n uinaiclne It U beit in he A Went or Caution, ltallrnad men, mechanics, commercial tnv tnv elnrn. lm,M InOlt.t,, fanners, itnil nilxirs who labor oulet doers, a peeultHily linb.ti le au clitent and Injury. 7'Aninai' Keleclrye Oil ler liruUes, burns, bllesiiiid uprjlie, lioneol the lliKstiipplleatleits yei ilnvUi'd. formle by II. It. cechiuu, drugglat, 1J7 and 1 9 North Queen Htrnut, l.uncaaiur. Can't Say Kneugli. "I cannot speak tee highly of liurtleek. flood llittcri , they have tiunn u at em blclng te mi. Cjureil me n( biliousness and (l)ipsla irem which 1 had sutlenid ler yuuri " ilr. J Mar.h, I'uiik of Terente, (Hiu r'er salu by II. ll Cochran, drugKlet, 137 and lil Noun (Jiieen atienU l.nneaHter. WAXAXAJWlPa. 1'uiLAUKLi'uu, l'rlday, Apill 1J, lsss. Pick blindfold in the Dress Goods and you will net go out of the way in prices. Nene of them arc wrong. We knew the market, we knew the stuffs. II there is a price slump or sag anywhere, we hear of it as seen as anybody sooner than al most anybody else, no matter in what corner of the world the slumping or sagging may be. We get many an interesting let of goods for you in that way ; and we knew that all our prices are pitched in the lowest possi ble key. Colored silk-warp Henrietta. Weel filling as fine as the silk. Geed apart ; better together. The silk gives strength te the wool; the wool lends softness te the silk. A bloom, a life, a sprightliness te the fabric that could come in no ether way. A H OOD'H HAKSAI'ARILTjA. Health and Ifyeu feel tired, weak, worn out. or ran down from hard work, by lmpererUked con dition of the bleed or low atata et tbs system, yen aheula Uke Heed's taraaparllla, Tba pccntlar toning, purifying;, and vltalttleg qualities of this aacccaafiit medicine ara seen felt throughout the entire ayitem, expelling dlioaae, and giving qulelr, haalthy action te every organ. 11 tonei the stomach, creates an appetlte, and ronaea the liver and kldneyi. Theusanfls who have taken It with benefit, testify that Heed's Saraaparllla "makea the weak atreng." Heed's Earaaparula "I have taken net quite a bottle of flood's Banapartlla, and must say it la one of the beat medicines for giving an appetite, purifying the bleed, and regulating thedlgesllve organs, that t ever heard of. It dtd me a great deal of geed." Mas. N. A. ETAiair, Canaateta, N. Y. " 1 took Heed's Sariaparllla for less et appe tite, dyapepata, and general langner. It did inn a vast amount of geed, and 1 have no hesi tancy In recommending It." J. W. Willb Willb reRD, Qulncy, 111. "I had aalt rheum en my left arm three years, fullering terribly. I took Heed's Bar aaptrllla, and the salt rheum has entirely dU appeared." If, M. Mills, 71 ITreaeh SU, Lewell, Mass. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drngg'ats. II i alx forts. Prepared eiily by O. I. HOOD A CO. Apothecartes, Lewell, Mass. 100 Doaes One Dellar. H" 001V8 HAKHAPAKILTiA. FOK HALK jes. i3i ana i.w norm iiiiwiiDUiuiacHier, WANAMAKBH'B. Summery stuff, close but net clinging. A shake and the dust flies. Mere than two dozen of the most-asked-for shades. $1.25 and $1.50. Northeast of centre. Summer Blan kets and Spreads. Baby's size or any size. Thin ones kept en are better than thick ones kicked off. Old-fashioned Dimity, such as your mothers and grand mothers set store by like heavy muslin with light cord clusters. Crib size te extra big, 70c te $1.35. It's the lightness of Dimity that wins. Mere's something new ; just as light as Dimity and mere sightly. Honey Heney Honey cemby blocks and stripes mixed in with pretty designs. Deuble bed size only, $i. Heney-comb Spreads, Mar seilles patterns, 70c, 90c, $1, 1.10, $1.15, $1.25, $1.40, $1.50 each. Marseilles Spreads, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3.50, up te $10.50. Summer Blankets as light as flannel, but woolly; heavier than they seem. Crib size, $2.25 and $3.25 a pair; single bed, $2.65 te $4.50 ; double bed, S3. 50 te $8.50 ; extra size, $4.50 te $S.50. Che esc-cloth Comfertables. Filled with clean carded cotton. Te creep under or te soften a mattress with. Never amiss in the short nights. White, with colored tufts, $1.75; colored, with colored tufts, $2 ; fancy figured (new style), $2. Near Woinen's Walling lloeui. Tough, bang-about Blankets far wrapping ice, 50c up, white and gray. Near Woinen's Walling lloem. Linen Sheetings and Pillow Casings. Loek as much as you like or as little. Here is the place te see in half an hour hew far a dollar will go in the Linens el every land. Southwest et contra. These Women's Kid, Silk, and 8-button Meusquetaire Gloves arc still fingering a tune en one string of prices the lowest half and less. and mere. Chestnut stroet side, west of Main Aisle. A roomful of refrigerators. The ice-man will seen be knocking. llaiemunt, northwest et centre. Mere than 5,000 of the Ex celsior Cooking Crocks sold since we told you of them the ether day. The smaller sizes went almost as fast as we could pass them out. We have been watching and waiting for mere of these smaller sizes. Here te-day. Plenty. Porcelain crock in a block-tin jacket. Easy te clean, acid proof. Dees the work of a farina kettle, and costs but a trifle : 2 quart size 25c 3 quart size 35c 4 quart size 45c 5 quart size 65c lluscmeut, north of centre. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. K I'M SI Kit HKHOKTH. A TIjANT'U CITY, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (Popular Winter or Bummer) Largest Hetel. Most Convenient. JUegantly fur nished. Liberally Managed. OPKN ALL T11K YKAIt. OHAH. MutiLADK, Prep. W. E. CeciiRAH.Chlef Clerk. ful)."Miiud A TLANTiU 01TY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (roricerly Hetel Ashland.) arNOW:ul'E,-n KKr'lIlN'lSHKl). UKMODKLKD. JtKNOVATKD. JOS. It rLANIUEN, .la. marl 4uid-Mar,Apr,July,Aug. NOTIOK TO TKKMfAHHKKH AND UUNNKUS.-AH persons are hereby for. ldden te trespass en any or the lands t if the Cornwall and Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or uaLu. closed, either for the purpose of ahoettug or Ashing, aa the law will be rigidly enfoieed airalnst all trearwuslng en said lands of t til un designed arter Ihla notice. WM. COLKMAN rUKKMAX, U-VKUUVALUKN, lUff, 0. raUMUAH. Attorneys tot K.w.Cc4amaB'i Hlti Strength All this aeaten. as spring appreachef , a geed reliable tonic and bleed partner la needed by nearly everybody. Heed's Sariaparllla U peculiarly adapted for that purpose and be comes mere popular every year. Try It this spring. " When I took Heed's Sariaparllla f 1 a nets In tny stomach left the dnllneta In my head, and the gloomy, deapendent feeling dis appeared. I began te get atrenger, my bleed gained better circulation, the coldness In my handa and feet left me, and my ktdneja de net bether me aa before." O. W. lieu., Attorney-at-Lw, MUIeraburg, O. Make the Weak Streng " A year age I Buffered from Indigestion, had terrible headaehea, very Ilttleappetltei In fact, seemed completely broken down. On taking Heed's Baraaparllla I began te Improve, and new I have a geed appetite, and my health la excellent compared te what It waa. I am bet ter In spirits, am net troubled with cold feet or handa, and am entirely cured of Indiges tion," Miaata Mankiku, .Xewbarg, Orange County, H. Y. " reeling languid and dlcxy, having no ap ap petleo and noambltlen te work, I took Heed's araaparlUa, with the beat results. Aa a health Invlgorater and for general debility I think It auperler te anything elte." A. A. Uiksb, UUea,K.T. Beld by all druggists. II t alx for IS. Prepired only by O. I, HOOD A CO, Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. 100 Deaee One Dellar, AT H. B. COOII KAN'S DKUO HTORK, i'wu apri-zreasw TOBACCO. A KINK FIECJE OF CHEWING TOBACCO 18 1NDIEDALUXITUY. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Cemeaaa near being a flne ploce of PLUO TOI1A0CO as It Is possible te make It, and la known aa a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DKALKUS. We aroiaurethatONBTHlAL wl.l Convince Yeu of Its Merits. -Loek for the red II Un tag en each plcg.-fce. J no. Finzer & Bre.'s, LOU1SWLLK, KY IS) fUltXlTVltK. XnUHlTUUE. FURNITURE. We have sold you Furniture in this store for the late Gee. B. Schaum for many years. Have opened for ourselves with an en tire new stock at the very lowest prices. Call and see our goods. Don't forget the number, 31 Seuth Quhkn Street. OCHS & GIBBS. aprll-lyd -nriDMYKH'H. YOUR WANTS -1N- FURNITURE Can be supplied at WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE TO YOUU COM PLKTE SATISFACTION. ATTUACTIVE OOJD3, ATritAClIVK rillCKS. Hv yourself the sattifactlen of eeetng the Largest, beat and Cheapest Stock In thu City. Cor. Bast Kins & Duke Sts. WIDMYER'S COMER "VTEW THINGS IN FURNITURE AT HEINITSH'S New ANT1QUK OAK SUITS, all Complete with Mattress and Spring. The price will sur prise you. NATUUAL CIIKIIUV bUlTS, all Complete Very Pretty, Well Made and Durable. OLD BTANDAUD WALNUT. We open Next Week, tli New Patterns at Six New 1'rlcus. Several very low In price, but geed money's worth all the time. Other New and Attractive Goods being ebewn all the time at Popular Prices. HEINITSH'S 97 AND 29 S0UTH;QTJEEN8T., LANCASTEU, PA. a- Personal Attention Utveu te Undertak ing. BUSINESS METHODS MADE PLAIN. The system of Instruction at the LANCA3Ta.il COMMKltCIAI, COLLKQX, Is se simple and plain that any young la a y or gentleman can easily Ukster all the details of abuslceM education, L1HKU4.L TKKMS. Evening sessions Tueadays, Wednet and nldaya. uU Information given by H.UWKUILEU, Lancaster Commercial college, oetU-Ud Laneaaur, la. SOOTS A If D eneKB. N KW BHOK BTORB. Oar Oping Day Is Past But would call the attention of the ladles te our One Uongela Butten Shoe fur 1197, In Opera, Eqnare and Common Be use Tee In widths U, O, I, X, and KV, whlea ler style and wear cannot be -excelled. We alae have the same style shoe In a cheaper grade one at 11.55, the ether at 11.10. Have a fall line of Ox ford Ties In Patent Leather, Uongela and Fatent Leather Tips Opsra Slippers In all atvlf a of Tees and Heels. A Child's Spring Uesl Shee In sixes S te S, for 17 cents. Fer OenUmen enr tl-te and tloe Shee In Butten, Lace and Cengjesi, Plain Bread Tee or Opera Tee and Tip cannot be beat for wear. Shots for Werklngmen of every description all te be had at the New Cash Shee Stere, MARDLB FB.CST. H SWILKEY, 24 North Queen Street. marH-Smd B OOTS AND SHOES. A Rare Chance, b FEE CENT REDUCTION -rueM- March 31st te April 30th, ON ALL BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, &c. Bought at Our Stere. THE REASONS Why we have offered this reduction are : 1st. Uocaute we have been In the habit e giving away tromTwanty-flve te Seventy-five Dollars Werth of Cards and Chremes every Easter, and we think It will be the same te us and mere advantageous te the Purchaser te get that amount (the coat of the cards) off of their l'urchases. 2d. Ifecause we feel confident that It we can In this way Introduce the lines nf goeda we are new running Inte mere families, at the H"'?8.6 are nnw selling (te say nothing of the 6 Per Cent. Ueductlen) will be greatly te our advantage as well as te the advantage of tb Purchaser. This offer is net te New Patrons only, but te all of our Regular customers as well ; but bear iP-SUyS 1'7 .mke this offer from thla SATURDAY, MAUUH Stat, te MONDAY. REMEMBER, We have nur doeda marked In Plain Figures and net In Lottera or Characters. We Mean Jnst Vbat We Say 1 We will glve the Turchaser rive Cents off of every Dellar's Werth of Goods Purchased at ourbtero during said time or 5 per cent, off of all amounts Less than one Hellar arit-meinber This Sale Lommencea THIS SATUItllAY, MAltiiU 31st and Ends MON DAY, Al'KlL 80th. OUUMOTT03AKK: " Quick Sales and Email PreflbV AND ' Heuesly is the Uest roller." S The Leaders of Lew Prices In Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 BA3T KING STREET, LAN CASTER, PA. mar29-lm1 GASLIOllT CO All' A XI'. Q.AaLiaHT COMPANY. WELSBACH IICA1TDES0ET GASLIGHT COMPANY of PENNSYLYANIA 123 SOUIH TWELPIH ST., PHILADELPHIA. THIS COMPANY offers a limited amount of tbe full patd Capital Stock or the PHIL AD KL KL PUIAWELSUACHCO.parvalne tUO, at 130 per share, payable In two lnstalmen's. Uy the terms of a guarantee, which will be ezplalned te Intending Investors, the actual risk wilt probably net exceed l.'.te per share, while large preflts nre reasonably sure. The wonderful system of lighting Is new en exhibition at 121SOUTH TWELFTH TIIKKT, from S te 10 p. m , where the Subscription Heek la open. A. O. GRANGER, I'resldent. BAMUSL T. BODINE, Secretary and Treasurer. Lleurd of Directors. QlCliUB I'UILLIIR, William Voed, Themas Delaw, WM. M.eiHQBaLT, JOUX U.ltEJU'O, A. O. Obamibii, Wm. U. Wabebn, W. W. GIBBS. ltAMOALMOSOAS, UOLT OLNDlt(KIa, T. J. MovreoMBRT, A. 11 BICIIKV, Advisory Commltteo of Stockbelderu. HbhrtC. Giiwex, Lbmcxl CerriK, Wm. T. CARTBll, J. E. aiLLlKaiiAV, C. P. UBLrBNBTBlIf, J.U. ALTBMCS, Jambj A. Wriebt, U. 11. Hocsten, T. Wistar Brown, William 11 heck i, Clayies fBKICCH, 11I0M18 COCBRAK, A. U. HUMruRXTS, MORTOX MeMlCUABL, I. V. WlLLIAMBOH, Wathb MaoVbaeii aplJ.lwd 1IOXDB. TNVESTMKNT COMPANY. 7e INTEREST THEU. S. UNI) AND INVESTMENT COMPANY eilers a limited number of Ha first Mortgage epereenl. 10 jear (Jold bends at W, netting 7 Eur cent, lntrar (geld) Hud fives a sleck ONUS OIT 1500 WITH EACH ll.UO UON II. Value of Pennsylvania property ever.lfi,000,000 Ilended Issue.... Liueux) Annual Interest Charges UMjuO Estimated Income i Ceal, Iren, alines, etc tWI.tCO Parties wishing lati inrettmenu at a liberal rate et Interest, Address OHA8, A. FENN, Treasurer. Bfl Broadway and 6 Wall Street, New Yerk. Uiar7-3nioedAJtw ATTOltXMTS. T V rilKK H. KAUKKMAN, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, NO.'J SOUTH I'BINCE ST., Lancaster, Pa. lat-lyitaw FREY mm M U KISllKK, DEN 11HT. Particular attention given te filling and preiervlng the natural tenth. 1 have ail the ltst Improvements fordeing nice work at a very reasonable cost. HavlDg years of ex perience in the large cities 1 am sere le give (ha best of satisfaction and save you money, bait artificial teeth only W oe per aet. marlt-lyd Ne. M HOHXU. QUN BT. DRT GOODS. B ARQA1N8 AT GIVLER'S NEW STORE. NKW SOCK or OABPKn, MATflfCJB AND OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW 8IIAEIMOS, 'KINOES. SHADE rULL', NXTOBBS, BrAIBHODS.PAPKE LININOS, MTABLK OILCLOTHS, 23a. AUH9KA OOLD MEDAL AND IMPROVED OABFET 8WKBPKBS. ALSO IXTBA LABQI 8IZB QBAND BWKIl'BB FOB CUUItCHKH AMD HALLS. BEST QUALITY BTBAMBD rXAIUKBS. UODSirCltNISUINQ DBY GOODS AT LOW. EST CASH l'BICtS, AT JOHN S. GIVLEE'S NEW STORE, Neb. 6 & 8 North Queen St., LANCASTEU. PA. mirlOlrdAw N EW YORK STORE. Wash Dress Goods. 3he Ileturn of Spring brings many New Combinations of iirhjht Cheery Celers te giace the season. m HUNDBKDSOr NEW STYLES IK BTBtrBD AND PLAID 8EEBEUiKEB9 COBDEO DBE83 QINQUAU, TOILS DUNOUD, SCOTCH GINQUAMS, WASH FONOEI8, WAM8UTTA rillNTA, CENTUBY CLOTHS. ONE CASK New Spring Seersuckers. AT 80 A YABD. COBUKD DBESS GINUIIAMS, lOe a Yard ; Begular Prloe, 120. Our ImportatlenorritKNCII SATEENS, In Beautiful Designs and Colorings, specially eelecud teaupply the wantael our customers. AMKBICAN SATEENS, Ola Superior Quality, in the Latest trench Designs, 12X0 a Yatd. Fpeclal Drive In FINE AMKBICAN SATEENS, Only lOe a Yard. WATT & SHAN D 6, 8 & 10 EABT KING ST. New Yerk Stere. s TAMM BROTHEH3. Stamm Brethers, K03. 35 4 37 NORTH QUEEN ST., Bight Acress from Foslctlle. OPEN THIS WEEK An Entire New Line et RIBBONS AT POPULAB PBICES. T ADIES'.SPRINO HOSIERY, rANCYBEQULAB MADE, 25CENTS Al'AIH. T AD1ES' REUULAR MADE BALBBIOQAN HOUSE, 12K CENTS APAIt. TAD1ES' REGULAR MADE riST BLACK II03E, JICEHTS APAlU. T ADIt.S' LISLE TUBEAD HOSE, S7XCKNT3 A PA1U. X ATEST HTYI.E "BUSTLES" AT LOW PBICES. (UILDKEN'S REOULAK MADE BIBBED HOSE, rAST BACK, 12X CENTS Al'AIB, At STAMM BKOTHEBJ. rUILDREN'S RIBBED ROSE, LISLE TUBEAD, Ke. A PA1B. Theso are special value, jyjEN's balbrioean Hest:, UKQUL4.lt MADE, UKCKNTSAPAIB. VTEN'S BALHRiauAN H03E, BEQULABMADE, KXTBA QUALITY, 3 V A1BS FOB CO CENT?. Ty.TKN'8 FANCY ROSE, BEQULaB MADE, NEW SHADES, 25 CENT3 Al'AIB. jy-KN'S SUSPENDERS, Fancy with Drawer Supporters, 2i CENTS A 1'AIU OPRINU WRAPil, 1'IVK, 11LUE, BEIUE and BED, We. Each! Always sold for 11(0 SPECIAL BARGAINS is JERSEYS. w E WOULD LIKE YOU Te See Our Spring A tractions In Dress Goods. "VTEW STORE. STAMM BROTHERS, Nes. 35 and 37 North Queen Street. NEW STORE, V) ell Lighted. Acreia from Postem.-e. BOSTON STORE