RWW tyr-fS TM 4 fti. ft" jfiaiJ LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENOER, TUESDAY, APRIL 10. 1888. wsnmwta: ICE BOUND. By W. CLARK RUSSELL, Auther of "Tin Wreck eftht Gresvener." "Jac acxi UeurltMp," "My Watch Dt- ...-., . ... winy aung .nic. (COKTIkCkD.) The breakfast was ready, and we fell te In hurry, tbe Frenchman cobbling like hog in bis eagerness te make an end. When we were flnUhed lib wrapped himself up In thrce or four coeU and cloaks, warming the under ones before folding them about him, and completing his preparations for the eicur eicur slen by swallowing half a pint of raw brandy. I bade him arm himself with a short headed spear te save his neck, and thus equipped we went en deck. lie steed steek still with his eyes shut en emerging through the hatch, crying out with a number of French oaths that he had been struck blind. This I did net believe, though I readily supposed that tbe glare made his eyeballs smart se as te cause him a geed deal of agony. Indeed, all along I had been sur prised that he should have found his sight se easily after having sat In blindness for forty, eight years, and It was net wonderful that the amazing brlllance en deck, smiting his sight en a sudden, should have caused him te cry out as if be had lest tbe use of his eye forever. I waited patiently, and In about ten min utes be was able te leek about him, and then It was net long befere he could soe without pain. He steed a mlnute gazing attbogle rles upon tbe rigging, and In that piercing light I noticed the unwholcsemo color of his face His cap hid tbe scar, and nothing of bis ceuntenance was te be seen but tbe checks, eyes and nose. He was much mera wrinkled than I bed supposed, and mo me thought the spirit of cruelty lay visible In every line. I had never seen eyes se full of cunning and treachery se expressive, I Kheuld say, of these qualities; yet they were no bigger than mere punctures. I was sen sible of a momentary f ear of the man net, let me say, an emotion of cowardice, but a sort of mixture of alarm and awe, such as a ghost might Inspire. This I put down te tbe searching light in which I watched him for a moment or two an Irradiation subtle enough te give the sharpest form te expres sion, te exquisitely dcllne every meaning that was distinguishable in bis graveyard physiognomy. I left him te stare and judge for himself of the pesture In which tbe long, hard gale had put the scboenor, and stepped ever te the two bodies. They wero shrouded in Ice from head te feet, as though tbey bad each man been packed In a glass case cun ningly wrought te their shapes. Their faces ncre hid by the crystal masks. TdsWd joined me. "Small cbance for your friends new," said I, "cten If you were agroeable te my pro posal te attempt te rovlve them." "Sel" cried he, touching the body of the mate with bis feet; "and this is tbe end of the irresistible Trontanevol for what con quests has Death robed him te bravely! See, the colors shlne in bim like fifty differ ent kinds of ribbons, roer fellow I he could net curl bis mustaches new, though the loveliest eyes in Eurepe were fixed fn pas sionate admiration en him. He'll never slit another threat, nor hicceugh Petrarch evor a geblctful, nor remenstrate with me for my humanity. Shall we toss the bodies ever the side!'' "They are your friends," seldi; "de as you please." "But we must empty their pockets first. Business before sentiment, Mr. Hedney." He stirred the figure ngaln with his feet. "Well, presently," said he, "this armor Mill want the hatchet. New, my friend, te view tbe work of the gale." The increased heel of the ship brought the larboard fore channel low, and we stepped without difficulty from it en te the Ice. The rent or fissure that I have befere spoken of went very deep jt was nearly two feet wlde in places; butHeugh the light poured bril liantly upon it, I could sce no bottom. "If only such another split as this would happen t'ether side," said the Frenchman, "I bellove this block would go adrift." " Well," said I, after musing a II ttle while, as 1 ran my eye ever the hollows, "I'll tell you what was In my mind Just new. Tbere is a great quantity of gunpowder in the held ten or a dozen barrels. By dropping large parcels of It into the crevices en the right there, and firing it with slew matches" He interrupted me with a cry: "By St. Feul, you hae itl What crevices have your We walked briskly round the vessel; and all about her beam and stai beard quarter 1 found, in addition te the seams I bad befere noticed, many great cracks and fissures, caused no doubt by the fall of the shoulder of tbe slepe. I pushed en farther yet, going down tbe ravine, as I have called It, until I came te the edge; and here I looked down from a height of seme twelre or fourteen feet se greatly had tbe ice sunk or been changed by the weather upon tbe ocean. I called te Tassard. He approached warily. I firmly bellove he feared 1 might be tempted te glve him a friendly sheve ever tbe edge. "Obscne this hollow," said I; "tbe. split there gees down te the water, and you may take it that the block is wholly disconnected en that side. New leek at tbe face of tbe ice," said I, pointing te tbe starboard or right hand side; "that crack gees as far as the tester quarter, and tbe weakness is carried en te past tbe bows by tbe ether rents. Mr. Tassard, if we could burst this body of ice by an explosion from Its moorings ahead of the bowsprit, w here it is all tee compact, this cradle with the schooner in it will go free of the parent body." He answered promptly, "Yes, It is the one and only plan. That crock te starboard Is Uke telling us what te de. It is well you came here. We should net have seen it from tbe top. This valley runs steep. Yeu must expect no mere than tbe surface te be liberated, for tbe feet of tbe cliff will go deep." "I desire no mere." "Will the bhip stand such a launch, suppos ing we bring it about P said he. I responded with ene of his own shrugs, and said, "Nothing Is certain. We have ene of two courses te cheese; te venture tills launch, or stay till the ice breaks up, and take our chouce of floating or of being tmashed." "Yeu are right!" be cxelaimed. "Here Is an oppeitunlty. If we wait, bergs may gather about this point and build us in. As te this Island dlsseh ing, we ere yet te knew which way 'tis beading. Suppese It should be traveling south, hcyl" He struck tbe ice nitb his spear, and we toiled up the slippery rocks with difllculty te the ship. We walked past the bows te tbe distance of the vessel's length. Here were many deep boles and cracks, and, as If we ncre te be taught hew these came about, even whUe we were viewing thorn, an car splitting crash of neise happened within twenty fathoms of us, a rock many tens in weight rolled ever and left a black gulf be bind It. Tbe Frenchman started, muttered and crossed himself. "Hely Virglnl" be cried, rolling hU eyes. "Let us return. The pow der barrel must have the first cbance." And he made for the schooner savagely striking the Ice with his spear, and growling curses te himself as be plowed and climbed and jumped bis wny along. CHAlTEIt XX. A MEIUIY EVENI.VO By tbe time we bad reached tbe bottom of the hollow, Tassard was blowing like a bellows with tbe uncommon exertion; and, swearing that he felt the cold penetrating his bones, and that he should be stupefied again If be did net mind, be climbed into tbe ship and disappeared. I loved him se llttle that secretly I very heartily wished that nature would make ewuy with him I mean that something it would be impossible in me te lay te my censcience should befall bim as becoming comatose again, and se lying like ene dead. Assuredly In such a case it was net this band that would have wasted a drop of brandy In returning an evil, white Uvercd, hectoring old rascal te a llfe that amelled foully with him and tbe like of him. I entered the ship, and found Tassard roast ing himself in tbe cook house. r,I have been surveying tbe ice," said I, drawing te the furnace, "and have ery little doubt that if we wisely bestow tbe powder in great quantities we shall succeed in dislocat ing tbe bed en which we are lying." 'OoedP be cried. "But after!" told L - - - "Whatl" "As much of this bed as may be dislodged will net be deep; icebergs, r of ceurse you knew, capsize in consequence of their becom ing t$ bjavy by lb? wasting e tts bulk ttfti 1 submerged. This block will make but small berg should we liberatelt, and I very much fear that the weight of this schooner will overset It the Instant we an launched." "Bedy of Moses P he cried, angrily, knit ting his brews, whereby he stretched the scar te half its usual width, "whatji te be done, then!" "She Is n full ship," mid I, "and weighty. If tbe liberated Ice be thin sbe may sit up en it and keep It under. We have a right te bopeln that direction, perhaps. Yet there Is another consideration. Sbe may leak like "Why!" he exclaimed. "Sbe took the Ice smoothly; she has net been strained; she was as tight as a bettle before she stranded; the coating of Ice will have cherished her; and a tout ship like this does net suffer from six months of lying up!" Six months, thought I. "Well, it may be as you say; but if she leaks, it will net be in our four arms te keep her free," He exclaimed, hotly, "Mr. Redney, If we are te escapowe must venture something. Te stay here means death In the end. I am persuaded that this ice is joined with soma vast main body for south, aud that it does net move. What is there, then, te wait feri There is promlse in your gunpowder proposal. If she capsizes, then the devil will get his own." And with a savage flourish of the pannikin he cut It te his lies and drained it. te ceram be ) Te reparation of Lancaster It about thirty-thousand, and we would sjiv at least one-half are troubled with some affection of the Threat and Lungs, as these complaint are, according; te statistics, mets numerous than ethers.' we would adyls all net te negleet the opportunity te call en thlr drngglst and roc a bottle et Kemp's Bslum ier me i nreai ana iiedii trice 6"c and II 00. Trial tit free. Beld by all druggists. (4) Te live a hundred yean." said Or. Walker, " take a bottle of Vinegar Bitters every year." SPECIAL NOTICES BHILOH'B COUGH ana Consumption euro Is told by ns en a guarantee. It cure Con sumption. Held by fl. 11. Cochran, druggist. Net. 137 and 139 North Queen Nt, Lancaster, Fa. (S) A Safe luvtstinsnt Is one whleh It guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or In ease of failure a return et paretiasn price. Un this sate plan seu en buy from our advettlsnd Druggist a bottle of Dr. Etna's New Discovery fur Consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring n liar In every cate, when u.ed for any affection of 'Ibreat, Lungs or Lbeat, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lueas, Hrenchltls. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, ele. etc. It Is plenantand agreeable te the taste, perfectly safe and can aiwaya be depended upon Trial bottle free at II. 11. Ce"hran't Drug Stere, Ne. 137 and 13J erth Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. (1) De It Klin Flratara. Wangler Hros.,dreKKlsts.ot Waterloo, Town, wrUe: "We ran with pleaure say that 77kom 77kem at' Kcleclric Of! gives the best satisfaction of any liniment we sell. Everybody who buys will have no ether. This remedy Is a certain euro for all achen, sprains, and pains, Fer sale by II. II Cochran, urngglst, 137 and 1S3 North Queen street, Lancaster. TUAT HACKING UOUGUcan be sequlekly cared by Shlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. Beld by II. U. Cochran druggist. Ne. 137 and 138 North QnfnL. Laneantar. Pa. (1) IJnekien's Arnica Balva. Th llssT8ALvalntheworldferCuta,nrulos Beres, Ulcers, salt Bhum, Fever 8eres,Tettcr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln Jtruptlans. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarenteep te glve per fect tatlstacllen, or money refunded. Price n eenta per box. for sale by II. B. Cochran, Drngglst, Net. 137 and 139 North Qneen street, Lancaster, fa. JuneCT 1yd COUGH, WHUOflMuCOUii M mid Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Bhlleh's Cure. Beld by K. B. Cochran, druggist. Net. 137 and 139 North Qneen St. Lancaster, Pa. (4) Mether Mothers 1 1 Mothers I.I I Are yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If te, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINBLUW'S SOUTHING SYUUP. It will re lieve the peer llttle sufferer Immediately de pend upon it; there It no mistake about It. There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the taae, and la the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, 28 cents a bettle. tnaySMydAw Meilt Wins. We deslre te say te our citizen, that ler for yfaru we have been soiling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, ISucklln's Arnica Salve and lertrle titters, and have nt-ver handled remedtes that sell as well or that have given such uni versal satlif etlen. We de net hetltate te auarantee them every time, and we Hand ready te refund tbe purchase price. If satisfac tory rvaults de net lnllew their me. Tbcae remedies have wen thnlr great popularity purely en tbelr merit. II. U, Cochran, Drug. fist. 137 and ISO North Queen street, Lancaa er. Pa. Ml BLBBPLKSb NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough, bhlleh's euro Is the remedy or you. Beld by II. B. Ceehran, druggist. Ne. 37 and 139 North Queen 8U Iucater. 1'a. (?) Hew Mech Will De It? Hew much of ThemaS heleclrie Oil Is re quired te cure T Only a vary little. A few ureps will cure any kind et axbe; and buta trifle mere Is needed ler sprains and lameness. Hheumatlsin Is net se readily affected; an ounce and sometimes two ounces are required. Ne medicine, however, Is se sure te cute with the i ainu number e t applications for sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and LI9 Nerm Viueen street, Lancaster. "Don't Hurry, Ganlltmeu," Bald a man en his way te be hanged, " there'll be no tun till 1 net there." teesiy te the dys- feptlc, nervous, and debilitated, don't hurry boeghtlessly ler some remedy et doubtful mtrli. uncertain of relief, when you can gut at the druggists. ler one dollar .Burdock Bleed Bittert almost sure te cure and certain te bent 11 u rer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 131 anil 1'9 Neith Queen street, Lancaster, A Newspaper Editor. O. M. Holeomb, of lilenmvllle, Ohie, rises te exp.aln: Hadthatterrlb e disease for twenty years ; couldn't taste or unell, and hearing was falling. Themat' Kcltclric Oil cuied me. 'these are facts voluntarily given ttKn.luta former prejudice of patent medicine." Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster. GalUnl ltescues. There can be something hemic In a medi cine as well as In Individuals. Jlurdeek Bleed Bitlert have effected many a gallant rescue among tbe saffertng sick. Thousands have esctped the miseries of dyspepsia and nerv ous debility through the nse et this wenderfrl medicine, it Is emphatically the best stomach and bleed tonte In the world, rer sale by It. a Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Called le l'reach. We teel called upon te preach a few gospel facts facts thataie worth knowing. Wu want everybody te enjoy all thit la p.salblein this world, we wantall these who ar suffering trem rheumatism, neuralgia, and all sches, sprains and pains te knew init Themat' Ba learic Oil Una unfailing and splendid cure, rer salu by 11. B. Cochran druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. I was troubled with chronle catarrh and atheilng In my head, was very dear at limes, at dlarhargea irem my furs, and was unable te breath thioegh my nete. Belora the second bet loot Kly's Cream Balm was nxeauslcd 1 was cured, nnd te-duy enjoy tennd health.- C. J, Cerbln, rield Uauagur Philadelphia Pub lishing Heuse, l'a. inn en mytccend lieltle el Kit's Cream Balm, being a sufferer (loin citarrh s'ncu I was a cbl d, but with this medlclne 1 am being cured. Wm. L. Dayton, Brooklyn. h'J iwdeOftAw JUST AS GOOD. Don't allow anyone te make you bellove any ether remedy Is Just as geed for sick huadache as Dr. Lcslln'a bpuclel Prescription, for 11 Is net true. This U thu only remedy In the world that strikes at the root et the dlseate and drives It out. Give It a trial. Frem Cleveland, OOle, Temes a letter signed T. Walker, snylng "About six months age commenced itklug Burifeek Bleed Bittert ter protracted cat e of lumbago aud general debility, and new am pleated le state have recovered my appetlie and wentHd strength, I'eel belter altegmber." for sale by II. B Cochran, druggUt, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, UUMUKH KKHOKTU. A TL.ANTIO U1TV, N.J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (repular Winter or summer) Largest Hetel. Most Convenient. Alegantly jui nlshed. Llberully Managed. OfKKALL 111K YKAU. CIIA8. MuULAUK, Prep. W. K. Cecurah, Chlel Clerk. febmind A TLANTIO CITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (rermerly Hetel Ashland.) JWNOtY:ul'KN.-Sa UErUKMSIlED. UKMODXI.KD. liKNOVATKD. JeiTu rLANIGKS, .IB. mail-lma-lr,ipr,July,Ang. CCUKNCK'S MANDKAKE FILLS. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER Is tbat which keeps the Liver and Stomach In a healthy condition ; and nothing In the world can be successfully de this as Mandrake, which, as In "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, Is a Never-Falllng Rem edy for all Disrates of th Liver and Stomach. Fer sale by a' I Druggists. Price 23 cts. pr box; 3 boxes for 63 cU. j or tentby mall, post age tree, rn recelut el prlea. Dr. J . M. Scbenck a Ben, Phllad'a. aprft-lydaw sc (JUKNOK'8 MANDRAKE PILLS rOR SALI AT jt ii rnnuKiN'a dkughtehk. Net. 137 Ala North Queen bt, Lancaster, Pa apt5 rmdSw YQK'H HAUMAI'AKILLA. HIGH PRESSURE Living chartctcrlset these modern dayt. 1 be result Is a fearful increase of Brain and Heart Dlsoaies-General Debility, Insomnia, Paral ysis and Insanity Chloral and Merphia aug ment the evil. The medlclne best adapted te de permanent geed Is yer's Barsaparllla. It purines, eniich't, and vitalizes the bleed, and thus strengthens tvery function and fieulty et the body. " I have used Ayer's Barsaparllla, In my fam 11 y, for years. I have leund 11 Invaluable at A CURE for Nervous Deblllty caused by an Inactive liver and a low state et the bloel."-Henry Bacen, Xenta, Ohie. Fer lome time I have been troubled with heart disease. I never round anything te help me until I began using Ayer't Barsaparllla. 1 have only used this medlclne six months, but It hat relieved me from my trouble, and ena bled me te resume work." J. V. Caixanelt, Perry, III. " I have been apractlclngpbyalelan forever half a century, and during that time 1 have never found se powerful and reliable an alter ative and bleed purifier as yer's Barsapa rllla." Dr. U. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1'RtrARSU nr Dr. J. O. Ayer 5s Oe Lewoll, Maes. Pi Ice tl ; si r bottles, U. Werth 5 a betue. aprsteis AYER'S SAKSAPAKILLA. VOR BALI AT IT. B. COCHKAM'a DIIUO SrOKK. Net. 117 & 139 North Queen Bt., Lancaster, Pa. apr 'iuidaw B UMPHREYS' jionicepaiiuc tcirnuarj ppeciucn, rer Horses, Cattle. Sheep. Derr. Hogs, Poul try. 10) bai.k hook On Treatment of Animals and chart Sent rree. CUBES rovers. Congestion, Inflammation. A.A.-Bplnal Meningitis, Milk rever. B.1I strains, Lameness, Uheumatlsm. U C Distemper, Nasal Dlsehaigcs. D.n.-BeU or urubs, Worms. X.K Coughs, Heaves. Pneumonia, r.r.-Collcerjrlpo, Bellyache. -.U.- Miscarriage, Hemorrhages 11. ti. Urinary and Kidney Dmeasrs. I.I. Kruptlve Disrates, Mange. J, K. Diseases et Digestion. BTAUI.K CASK, with Bprc'fles. Manual, witch Uasel Oil and MedlenUd 17.00 PHICK, Blnule Bettle (ever M) doses) te BOLDBVOUUGQISTAi OR SNT PKKI'AID UN KHKIPT Or PKICB. Humphreys' Med. Ce., 119 Fulton St., N. Y. , ,r. .3.-in.a Humphreys' Homeopathic Specllle 'e 28. In iibe 80 years. The only sncnerslul remedy for Nervous Deblllty, Vital Weakness and Prostration from over-wrra or oilier causes. tloerMir vial, or6vlalaandlarge vial powder, for IS 00. Beinnr Decue.stb, or sent postpaid en re ceipt et prien UUMPUUKYA' MKDICI1K CO . he. W rulten Street, M. Y. mar271ydAwTu,'lbaS s EABURY'3 SOAP. KVKHY eeabnry'sHydronaphthnl'eap, for promptly eurlng al skin and FAMILY scalp diseases aurh as eczema, ringworm, tetter, blotches, black SHOULD spots, batbr's Itch, dandruff, scaly eruptions or rengbress, 1IA.VK tailing hair, etc, etc. HI. nighty medicated, sweetly scented and T11KSK disinfects all sinks, basins, tubs, etc , through which U pases. GOODS. Hydrnnaphthel Paaillles. for purifying sick rooms. closets and 21 CKNTH apartments where disease genua lurk. When butned la such AT places they Impart a most de lightful odor, which Is refresh DUUQU1H rilng te the sick and agreeable te all ether occupants. Mead's Cern and Buulen i'latters quickly redure lnllammailen and seen euro corns and bunions, thereby bringing relief and comlert te thousands of snOerara. BKAHUItY A JOHKB'IN, Sole Manufacturer", Mew Ynrlr. ( ) JftUl-iyibA3 TpLY'B (JKKAM BALM. OATABRH--HAY FEVER. KLY'S CUKAM UALM cures Celd In Head Catarrh, ltese Celd, Hay Fver.Ueafnes,llead. ache. Piles 60 Cent. MABY TO U3K. JUy Bra's, Owego. N. Y., U.S.A. , YOU WILL SAVIt MONEY, TIUK, PAIN, TBOUBLK, And Will Cure CATAUUU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle Is applied te each nostril and it agreeable. Price V) eents at drugRirta i by maU, registered, GO cte. ELY BUOTUKUS, 211 Greenwich St., New Yerk, nevlS-lydftw -CTALUABLK MEDICAL WOKK. TRUTH, Or the B01KVCK or I. IKK, A VALUAULE MKUICALWOUK, the only true description of this lime en Man hood. Nervous and rhyslcal Debility, 1'reina 1'reina ture Decline, Krreis n Veutb, and the untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quackaand their se-called medical works,' by which they victimize thousands, and by tbelrexaKuerallng disease, makes these peer sufferers Inaane. Kvery young man, mlUdlo-eged or old. should reae, this book. It la mere than wealth u uein. Send two ceut stamp (or a copy. Address, I) It THOS.THKKL, 038 North Fourth Bt, 1-hlladuIphUt, l'a. (131yd SAKK, 8UKK AND 81'EKDY COItE. llupture. Varicecele and Special Diseases ofelthursex. Why be huwbuirged by quarks when jeu can And In Dr. Wilnht the only Uso Use ulab fnTsieuH In Philadelphia who makes a specialty et the buevh diseases, and Cuass 1ms! Cpbks uvukawtisd. Advice free day andeven'.ng; Strangers can betreatedand re turn home same day. unices private. UU.W.U. WHIOIIT, til North Ninth btreet. Above Uace. P O. Ilex G7i 1'hUadulphla. (ebO-lydftw r M 1 K O V E D C'USUIONED EAH -a- D DLUM3. OUBE FOR 1HS3 DEAF. l'eck's Patent Improved Cushioned Jar Drains perfectly resuue brarlng and inrleriu the work of the natural drum. Invisible com. lertable and always In position. All cenver. satleu and even heard dlitlnctly. hend (or Illustrated book with testimonial,, ruKK. Addres or call en t. HlaCOI, e3 llreadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper. Jun10-lya4wM,rY4f MM JEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. Ladies' Spring Jackets ! As the present mild weather will cause the laying off et Heavy Wlntfr Gar ments we have filled our Cleak Department with an excellent assortment et Ladies' Light Weight Jackets and Wraps suited te this season, consisting of CHECKED JACKETS, DIAGONAL JACKETS, S rOCKINETTE JACKETS In lllack, Gebelin, Mahogany and Mede. The prices of these goods are 92,00, (ftOO, (4.00, $5.00, (0.00, 17.00, fS.OO, (10.00 and (12.60, according te quality. Wealsohaveaifeodassflrtmrntnf Ladles' Spring Wraps, together with a ful line et Ladles' and Children's JEHSEYS. FAHNESTOCK'S, 3S 37 BA8T KINO BT.. L.ANOA8TBR, PA. B ARQAINS IN OAHPKTH. DON'T FORGET -THE- BARGAINS -AT- Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite th? T AKD A MeBliKOY. bard & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. OIL CLOTlI-ir yen want the best Xloer oil Cleth In the city ter the money Jmt leek through the stock, all bought betore the advance In price, and all wall seasoned. Yeu will Hed that an oil leth well seasoned will last twice as Ions; as one that tsjnst trash from thelactury, oaftrKTS-lnKnilnCarrHitatreci Its regular price. Ma. Ingrain carpet at Met IK regular price, 310. Ingrain Carpets atSI, 40, i and Sj Cents tvi goeda In theclty attheprlce. Hag Carpets at I3e i worth Se Hag carpet at Sue i worth JJXe. Hag Carpou at 0c, llle, We aud up : bostjmeda at the prlee ever sold. Carpet Bags taken In sehuine. WIN UOWMIIAUKt We are selling quaetltl-s et Wludew Bhades, with Sprint! rixtnres, at 0e i best goods at tej; best Dade at 75e the prices urn low, else we could net sell the amount we ne.1 UOslKltY The Greatest Bargains In Hotlery ever effernl. Ladles' llallirlggan, solid oelors or striped hose, regular made, two pair (or S6 eents j never sold less than VD3 per pair. Men's half-hose, nnblaaebed.atl0e ; worth 153. Men'ahalf-tesitln solid oelors unbleaehed British or narrow stripes, rullregnlar made, two pairs ler SSc, Just hall price. These aie only a few el the bargains In Hosiery. Come and see for yoarselt. J ust opened, ene bale el yttid wlde alunlln, (or covering tobacco beds, at .le pnr yard i regu lar price, le. An Kligant Line of IrrrsiU Ingham sand Beursnckert, in plain, plaid or stripes, at lOe per yard. rcsltlvly the brat patterns In Tnlle de Werd, In the city, attlhe. the best t0a ersetln the city. Tbobat7e( nrsetln the city. The best Sl.00 Corset In the city.' FKATllKUt Wnarn headquarters In LanetsUir for thu liest raathera. ie fully satisfy yourselfon that point pluaae cull en us and cxiwlue and oeinptro prices. Yeu will find our price lowest f jr ine beat Keeda. Bpeclal Bttraalnln Men'a Cheviot Bhltts at 2Se and 3e. Br-etlal Birgalnsln lien's Eummer 1'auta and Overalls it Sec ; worth 75e. bard & Mcelrey, (UHKAf OIIY Q 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, JKWtCLKY. I have this day admitted my Sen, GODFR1ED Z. RHOADS, te a Partnership in the Watch and Jewelry Business at Ne. 4 West King Street. H. Z. RHOADS. CAKPMT BAKUA1NB I UO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL .FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian. Rag and Cbaln Carpets, OIL 0L0TII8, WINDOW tillADXS, Ox. We have the Largest and Beet H S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner West King tnd Wafer Strata, Lancuttr, Pa. W1NK8 AKD I.JUUOKH. "I ACOBTBHkAFKKH'M" PURE RYE WHISKY. tl&Y OWN DISTILLATION.) NO. 15CKNTUK SQUAUB. G V.OYV HPR1NO DISTIL.UKKY. OLD GEOFF 8PKHJQ DISTILLERY -ON- East Orange Street. 8T0BE-3 NORTH QUEKN BT., J.ANCASTKU, l'A. smitxhest prlce'pald (or Ilyo. A.lI.8UKArsEU, l'rbprlbVr. aprtf-lyd XKCKWKAH. OEMOVAL. E. J. ERISMAN WILL UK rOUNI) AT NO. 42 WEST KING ST. (Next Doer te Esyler's Photograph Oal'ery,) With a Complete Bleck of THE LATE3T HPK1NQ STYI..EU Or GENl'd FOUNISHINQ GOODS. WANTED-H0NE3T. TUMI'KH.VTK, Knemetlc Men te solicit erfleis (or our Ner'ery btoek. I'ermaueut employment and geed pay. Batlslactleu guaranteed te cua. emera and agenia. write (or terms. It (1. CllaBK CO, H30 Seuth I'enn Hjuare, i-hll. adelphla, l'a. marrJ-etoed" SOBS, STItlPED JACKETS, l'LALN JACKETS, IN CARPETS Cooper Heuse. 001)8 STOUK ) Opposite Fountain Inn. UA.LLB. BARUAISH I Btoek In the Olty. PAKAHQI.U. A Hl'KCIAL. NOTIOE -KOlt THK- LADIES! We will very shortly open (or your laipco laipce laipco tten a large line of Parasols and Sed Umbrellas. Wa'thfef the Announcement. R. B. eZ H., Ne. 14 Ktht King Street. aprS Smd MUUWAL. UUPKltlOU QUALllV MUSICAL BOXES. HKNEY O AUTSCUI SONS, Ne. 1030 Chestnut SUeet, . 1'hUadelphla. s'zamlnatlen will prove our Instruments (arauperlorte any ether make, net speaking e( the worthless trash that abounds In the market, seen being of mera annoyanea than pleaauie te their owners. Old and lmpur lectiymade Mule Uexes caretnlly repaired by ezperiuncwl workmen Irem the re an n fac tory lu Switzerland. CorrespendenousollclUMl. Send slump ler catalogue and prlce luu nerst-iyfUtw "W u K18HEK, DENTIST, w I'anlcular attention given te filling' and pretervlug the natural tatth. 1 have ail the Jattat Improvement fordeing nice work at a very reakeuab: cost, llavlngyearaelex- fxuleuce in tbe large cities I am sure te glve he beatet satisfaction and save yen money, best arilOclaJ teelhenly 18.00 per set. uiiulO-lya NO.U NOB1U QUBIN BT. CLOTllJXa, tc. A SKEW. ASKEW OK MIC. AT NOS. 131 AKD SW WISTKlNO STRUT. QLOIHINQ JDEPAKTMKNT. HASER & BROTHER. Olethlng Department ! 8PX0I AL ATTKNTION Directed te mm NKW live of MKN'SiiU. BINKBS AND DltBSS SUlTi. Fer $8.00" -Writ Made, Back lulls. Durable Cats. Paw 501 f. iYi-Wfllt Serviceable Cbevtnis, XOr IPlUiUU Ca. and Jllue Han. Suits. ICutaway and 8a.ks, All- Pnw C 1 0 Anl Newest Stylrs In rhnvlets, rOreltO.UUI Hair Line Cass. Specially rrtw C1A nni Adapted (or nlder men. 0l iPliUUJ (Cutaaway and Sacks.) HAGER & BROTHER, 35 & 27 WEST KINO ST. s I'HINQ 1IAHOAINH. SPEIM BARaAINS AT L. (iiinsiiiaii A Bre. CAPITAL UAKOAINS IN Men's, fieyb' and Children's CLOTHINGI Men's Business SulU at til SO, 11.03 5 00 and S0.IO. Men's AlI-Woel Casilinere Suits at5 Ce, 17 CO, W.ue and te 00. Men's All-Weel Cheviot Bulls at 11 60, 7 50, sSMandnw. Men's All-Weel Weritld RHUS at 17 00, 3 00, D.CO. 10. lit, 115 and lit. l'eys' Scheel Sel's atn M, II 75, 11.10, it re. Heys' All-Weel Worsted SulU at W, 10 W, 1700,18 00,19.00.110 00. Children's Bulla at 11.73, 12.10, $3.50,11.00, (5.C0. Children's Pants (Tem alie, up A large assortment of KngllsU Eti Ipe PanU at II te, $3 00,11(0, 13(0 15 te. Yeu ean't afford te miss a peep at our Cus tom Department. Ihose 111, in and 111 All Weel Cast Imt re Suits te erder are fast sellers and SO per ctnt, lewer than el sew here. L. GANSHAN & BRO. M YKRSA KATUfON. People's Prices. -euu CLOTHING -IS' MaTked at People's PricB?. THE STYLES AUK JUST WHAT TIIK l'JCOl'LK WANT, HANDSOME, WKLLMAUK ANDOrUUUAliLK COI.OU9. Thebest Interests of eurcustnmers bat been taken Inte ronaldratleii in the selection el our stock. We have taken care te prepare a Grand Assortment reu THK Boyi' & Children's Department, Lew Prloes Pr evall Hore. Myers & EatlLfen, NO. 12 EAST KLNQ ST., LANCASTKB PA. -Try the CltOM WKLL BHIHT-11.(0 eacb, 15. W the half desen. liVKKXHWAitR. k V H IOH A MARTIN. CHINA HALL. 0LEARINQ SALE That lasts twelve months In tee year. The br.tquailty for the least money ulwuys te be had there. Hl'KCIAL INDUCEMENTS TO BBW HOUSEKEEPEES! TnaSeU. White Oranlte rire. Dinner sets, White Uranlte..4Ai. Dinner beu, l'rlnted 14.70. Ne goods ml.represonted. All Wares ex changed If net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO. 15 EAST KINQ STREET, LANOASTKK. PA. MACHINKHY. pATTEKHH, MODKLS, de. Central Machine Works, COliNEH OF OUANTANDCUUIST1AN BTIlKKril, (Ber e( Court Heuse). L ANCASTJCIt, l'A. Knglnes, Bollerv, Machinery and Uepatrlng, falturus, Drawleg, lien and liruss Csstlugs, etc. tiest equipped Machine and Pattern Shep In the clly ler light work. .ki ssruoed Werk, Vremptness, Ue!"?19 Chara-ea. 0CUd Shl anoesniss. "J T KNTEN HRAHON QOOUS. 'X. KA Palt and Smoked rish. Una White TsA Mackerel. Cedflsh, Smoked Halibut, OaasaM Salmen and Lebstsr, sardines, etc , afaeareaA Onlatlnn, line New Yerk ChM, CbdmI pur stock of Oerre. and Teaaoeaptm wMft-'t us nnesv in the market. . irr .," JJTS" .tu u wiu a inaieraer. woesmj . ' - OKOROK WIAMT, yr "0.113 West Kln strei. . T BUKafaVB. !?! iv,J 4 EASTER GOODS I: 8i m BANANAS, OBANQKS, JM T4 K ASTXHJIX8TS IN OKIE, OBAKGI AKD BED, CII0COL1TK KQOS, CnOCOLATB BABBITS, ''ft . :js tKKSU KQQS.AO. ) 4WA FULL LINB OF FRESH OBOCIBIB'.vfi ' IS &i BURSK'S, iuK "jr NO. 17 BAST KIKQ BTzXWsT. TD8T REOKIVED. a& NEW GOODS JUSl RECEIVED. " iiuiiirawjuvu)t untemn huu irnimtKi wnteriu T& uwu w vm Him wBinr min nnn exixm VvK 1JH , uuiru ira maw .. b i.iif"itMMii vaM .- A In bulk t alaetha aoestfrencn Prunes itft3 UAjRlNB-LarffG and Few natitnt,Siffer ae. rpccini price in ihix tail ititiallflllWlflUI. Ulatiaea fttask, ttM " And liennv Dew. which am centldeMd faf nnppt tn thn market i alie a large Miertmat & vi uium umuuii 3i i UOTTLKU UOODS-The Bonewned Ondlli " ' let's rrnnchtioeds, consisting of Peas, LlesaST ' uu ninK umiii, euuuuuwu Mid na.linwM( i excelled for purity and strength, OodllleVaKV ,i uuuu Ubi nuuneu amuid Vila Wfliru cannot BSI tJ- riis nuit'u ,.nnnb H .". Q'iean ullves In Kpts, pta and qta. Iheyar IV m nn. Cmase III ok well's Whole and Mind' V m .. Ill Ifl HHBAS Slaa ta aad mMt twa " 'J. i ivkivsi vuiuuwni, vuwwvuww BllU Taill HJ OQlnm. XxXxa Whlt Clevor Heney ia 1 Hjt I'lckles, Cuuliflewnr, Cboar-Chew and Whim combs. I'.iiKr cemnt. ev. cerrKKH-Oar rotreoa re reaita by 4J,; Renowned Hepe MllKNew Yerk, and a Ull.'5 will oenvinoo you that they are net barttwcA ) whlchglves It that bitter taitn. but arereasteSl'r' evenly and retain thMrflne flavor. , ' -v. SHTLoek at our display en Saturday. vgj: 2 i rv W. A. REIST & C0 !' m at Cor. East King Bna Duke St. . rlrj Q.IVEK AWAY1 QIVKN AWAY I TO-MOttttOW (3A1UKDAY) APBILT. i- . BomMhlnKKNTIllKLYnowlntbowmyol BemMhlnKKNTIllKLYnowlntbowmyol BomMhlnKKNTIllKLYnewlntbowmyol ralendar. Ne ene should fall te ask let e.y Will also a!vn a Panel fhote te tbOM WSwi nave nei yet receivwi ene. , -u, s seiiiai-wni inn 1-ncn-Meur.ieweiOfw.M . and II SOUTH qUKBNBT. Jjg'g' Finest Imperled hwles Cheese prr pound. .Her l.lmberger Dheeie ..USf Neuebatel Cream Cbeese ehean - . liutehhitadnrKdam cheese....... rintapple Cheese ORAOKBRS I teii rf 1 lis t-calleped Cracker, and 3 Bl Kt,l.Us....TMf 1 a lriin. m .nS 1 Ik.fliLtMa . Saa 3 tsrias and ipkas Cornstarch Ma a a ltlee and IB i Macaroni., .......... Kf3 a Via f-ruDeiiaa...... .........,.. 1 n Ceft and i Ml sod Tea ft B. Starch ane 6 Mean a araia a aajrrfBv F i 'V a a. Tapioca and S tits Kvaperated Apple muuuit iiuur pvt ijuiu uer &, SOAP I SOAP I 1 1'leces Klectrle Seap , , 0 t'leens star Seap , It rieees Uez Seap , n fleets Queen Toilet Seap....... e riners niiiDsauaeiMp.tu. .....a 0 Pieces Olelnu Heap ......fl sine iiezearuuemKanaa no-no soap., B l'lecea MlHer'a Heraz ,.,.. sr hvh 1 wratiuers or ueaz Sesn and shs. ., lUOpreatnt. -,f ?j a Itii CotTce snd 1 It Tea.... ......Mft.. r M neli, ireii i.vnixi ........(... wai 1 ft As Uoed UrceuCetTee... 7Mifi va.NHEu uuuua I Sj s Cans Marrowfat rntt ..........sstiMt , scans Tomatoes .....,. tt scans Cern .............a- x cans Ileans (String) , .".JSsy SBiCansl'lePeaehe ...,...I4 j'i a m uiui Amuiwt rpwun.ii ... ..........Vl.t; a s cans Acricnis .....wti: S k Cant Oraied or silted Pineapples. ...;...Mf ' Catsup and Ftekles, per bottle. .,...VSJ' A !fc jtsrCutthlsontandhrlnkltalenaf . SSV TO &A CLARKE'S New Ttt and CeffM Eten. v'i: IB and 14 SOUTH QUBBN BTIUsWvl LANCASTKU, l'A., vJ And Ask te Bea thn Koera Full el HsnaiOMlj I'lcsenu. G IVEN AWAY rtrA At REIST'S m 1,000 MOItK OF THOSK 1IEATJTIFUL, &;-!i Dal DUS r cii it? i riiuiue AO-mgrruw v euiurunjr t jctw. DI8TBII1UTION AT 7 0'CLOC.J W STUCK ! trade get the advantage of ns last satardsy.Vj such a throng of people. It was acempla'j'-t;sS surpn.e re na. we vvntiwoiucaittue,aas. will guard against It In the future. ' , s TUIUir 111 IV NlrVT UllflfsT 1. 6JS lUIlm Ui Ud I1UA1 nuuga aV Head our advertisements cnrelnlly from b h,' Dlnnlniytji -nA. HmnnLhlnu new In mUa taOPi V$ ou. wntnketbotmubleof reminding yew e( C'? It you must remember. Teiiyeunriauassusa tt-m bring them with you. Wedea't want tn seJl.jT'Ta vnu auy buuu.1 euiui nuu .- u( uimmw mt cp? go and relate what you have seen te yewr VJ', nearest grocer don't leave him t we den's ex ,- pectari wenvaaiw uuy ui ui i uen't Bvsy ''f away en this account, but whenever yen da -J .Hllh W IU..U VU.ll. IU f t'Ul UIMllUilt ,11. e: z us flrs. cbanre. Wh are gettlng new trie , j"-'! nwrtxri ilflv W i, want t M.itvnii utinAmfinv. i1 Loek for Bargains Te-morrow.;' -. Come during the day and make your par chaws and we will ruve a little mere tine get ting them out. sTOUB AIM IS TO PLKASK t ReistJWheIesale& Retail Grocer, Cor. W. KIbk SBdPrlBC SU.( (NIXT DOOB TO TBI BOIASt. QOMI Hern.) CaRRIAUKU. OTANDAKD WORK. EDW.EDGERLEY UAiiiiiAur. uuiiiuui) N09. 40, 42, 4 V MAttKKT STItVBT, i'ostemce, Lancaster. I'm I have In Stock and Dalld te rBvery i$i Variety of tbe following siv terlas. BuslnSM uuivi mr aaan vj uitn. i:iinnciiHiB. uarriajiv. . Wagons, 'T" Car". Mjmll Waicnns. eurrki," u.vkMt WHirnn.. PhsnTnn.. KxDtvaa Waannm. I employ tn It A Mechaelc. and have iacl j lues lO DQliu cerrvcuir my aiyifi til cariiag 3-. ' desired. The Ouallty. style and Finish et my 'l wars niniTTT 1. uvwuvw; m.v vumv . m jy market. v HOTvn i Fair Dealing, Honest Werk at ' Bettem rrtces." Pleareglveueaeall. ,,if' :1 arltepalrlng promptly attended te. Priests fViS tower man ail etnurs. una set 01 wwsibs Mpel4iiy emplej M (or that purpes, 11 1 V9 i'T