Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 07, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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L '
t The P&tly Intelligencer.
nAHUABTKB. AflttL 7. H8.
ftm Dirtr itrmxtesiicxa publishes all the
telegraphic news of the United rrcss up te
the Utett possible hour.
MEMS -Tbe Dally Jldttien of Tn limrU-l-siren
U aeltvcred by earners tn the city
anA surrounding towns for loc. per wee l
by mall, 15.00 ft yeari 1150 for six months;)
H.S for three months we. per month.
tn Wlt taTXLtloaHesn (Deuble Sheet)
Ctght rage, only LW per annum, in ad
ranee. subscribers wishing thrlr adaress changed
canst also state where ue paper Is new ler.
AeWtrUsemenbi from 10 te cts.pcr no
eice Insertion, according te location.
Lancaster, ra.
sT-Telephone Connection
Tkat Smelling Committee.
The Sonate committee inveatiffating
the federal departments of Philadelphia
have had ttielr work for their pains. They
showed nothing that indicated any laxity
of management of the Philadelphia pest
office, and were required te listen te the
wails of discharged Republicans, whose
accusations could net be substantiated.
When the committee get te the work of
Investigating Collector Cauwalarler, they
found mere than they had bargained for.
They learned that the office under Gen
ml llartranft, Mr. Cadwalader's prede
cessor, showed neglect and carelessness ,
that from the time the change was made
the receipts of the office had risen from
$12,000,000 te 113,000,000, with no appar
ent Increase in imports. The revenues
had increased fifty per cent, with no pro
portionate Increase in the business of the
pert, and the expenses had actually do de
creased. This information was net what Senater
Hale desired te obtain, but Mr. Cadwal
lader gave him mero of the same kind.
He told of night inspectors In the office
who never Inspected, and of convicted
criminals, who occupied secure .places
under his predecessor. He found no
Democrat in the office when he came in,
and he appointed no Itepubllcan te place.
The whole investigation has turned out
a complete flisce. Senater Mandereen,
one of the Itepubllcan members of the
committee, was forced te say of It : ' We
found nothing surprising or unexpected
in the facts brought te light. It was nat
ural and te be expected that the Demo
cratic officials should desire te gather
about them men of their own political
faith in whom they could have the most
perfect confidence, nnd I see no objection
te their doing S3. But what the com
mittee has done and what it desired te
de was te show that the present Demo
cratic administration does net practice
that civil service doctrine which it
preaches ; and I have no doubt that an
investigation of the administration of the
federal offices in the ether cities of the
Union would dlsclose the same condition
of affairs, which would be no special dis
credit te them."
Iteyal Alliances.
It would seem that even in royal fami
lies tbe fiction of regal superiority te the
feelings and passions of human beings can
net be maintained. The Crown Prince
of Denmark has Just sacrificed his right
of succession te tbe throne and a royal
income as hiir apparent by marrying
Miss Menck ; nnd new the daughter of
the Emperoret Germany .and Altxandcr,
the dethroned Prlnce of llulgarla, nre
ready te defy Bismarck and the allied
powers by alliance matrimonial.
If princes nnd princesses generally
catch the fever nr.d show themselves a
little less cold-blooded than diplomacy
demands, it will be a long step towards
the overthrew of royalty. Nations can
hardly afford te have regal figure-beads
that embarrass international questions by
acting in such nn absurdly human
fashion. Alexander, of llulgarla, proved
himself te be something exceptional in
the king line, but for the sake of Euro
pean peace, he was obliged te go out of
the business. New it he should become
' by marriage a member of the German
royal family, there mlht seen be a
pretty state of things In lWlln. Suppes
ing Ferdinand, the wealthy, should get
tired of Russian intrigue and feresake
his uncomfortable throne, could Emperor
Frederick threaten Sen-in-Law Alex
ander with Germany's displeasure in
case he should accept n call te
his old throne ? Would it net be mere
in accordance with the fitness of things
for the German empire te support a Ger
man prince married te the daughter of a
German emperor V They might beg and
entreat him te let Bulgaria alone, and se
avoid provoking llussla, but Alexander
is a man of strong will and would proba
bly fellow hla own judgment as he did
when he headed the revolutionary party
In opposition te his cousin, the czir. Fer
Alexander's father was an uncle of the
present Emperor et llussla, and be was
well supported by his imperial cousin In
the early days of his Bulgarian rule.
ba Bismarck opposes with nil his
might a mairlage that would strengthen
a prince who ha3 shown hinwlf a diple
mat and a soldier. It is practically an
admission by the greatest living cham-
plen of the divine right et kings, that te
be harmless a prince new-a-days must be
a cipher, lit only te lay corner-stones,
decorate ministers and prance about at
grand reviews. He must be carefully
married en his own level In order that
court etiquette and the standard et harm
less royal idiocy may be maintained.
Tax Itefunulng.
The Heuse of Beptesentatives has been
for four days in a dead-lock ever the pas-
sage of the dirpct tax bill, which Is a
measure te restore te twenty-nlne states
and territories seventeen million dollars
paid by them under nn act of Cengrei-s
passed in 1601, which authorized a
direct tax of twenty million dollars
te be levied annually upon the
real estate of the country. It was one of
the earliest devices te raise muLej , ai.d
was given up after ene year's collection
bad been mada frcm the twenty.nlne
states, tbe states net paying being " non
compatible in swampe, en stumpo;'er
in ether weids, be leg protected from the
collection by the Confederate army.
An overflowing treasury has suggested
this bill for the return et the tax, which
Is plausibly based upon the ground that
iwas net collected from all the Mates;
Dunuejuausiblllty or this claim disap
pears when It Is considered that no ether
of the war taxes were collected from the
states In rebellion ; we had an Income tax
In the North, and we had stamp duties
and Luilness licenses te pay; which
should all be refunded upon the same
reason that is urged for the repayment of
Iho direct tax. The states In rebellion
paid none of these Imposts of ceulsa.
It is very clear that the real reason
animating the votes of a the large ma
jerly of the representatives who favor
this bill, is that their states get the
money nnd the United States has no use
for it ; but en the contrary seems te be
embarrassed by a plethoric treasury,
and In a condition te be thankful for
its depletion. Added te this, thore is In
ducement for the passage of the bill te
these members who want te preserve the
tariff duties. After It is passed, we are
told that the cotton tax will be refunded,
as a compensating gift te the Southern
states. But it would be better te
divide the surplus in the treasury
at one operation among all the states, if
It Is decided that the federal government
hasnouse for It. There is no need te
beat about the bush for excuses. It is
sufficient reason for the distribution that
the federal government does net need It.
But as te this there may be a difference of
opinion. The minority of the Heuse,
who are opposed te the grab, Heemste
think that the money will net burn the
government pocket if left there. And
their opinion Is very decided. They have
clung te it through four days of locked
business, nnd we are of the decided opin
ion that they nre right. Congress is
mero profitable te the country In these
days of Its idleness, than It weu'.d be
likelytebalf ompleyod In legislation. Ne
great harm at least'can bodeno whlle it is
thus tied up ; and that Is a great geed In
Tun Itklmoknekr will en Monday
present an oxbauslire review of the Ho He
publican political Rltuatlen In Lancaster
oeunly, which at this time, ene woekboforo
the Itepubllcan primary election, li looked
upon with absorbing Interest. This journal
baa gonteut ever ene hundred Inquiries,
covering all sections of tbe oeunly, and
embracing Democratic as well ns l'.ermb
llcan correspondents, and tliose will ac
curately reflect the political situation be far
a Iho writer ean lenrn It. Te make the
account as strictly Impartial as possible,
opposing mombera of the Republican
factions have been written te, and from the
roplleM ttiat liaye been pouring In, the re
turns promlae te bn most accurate and
reasonably conclusive. TholNTKi.i.ianN ThelNTKi.i.ianN TholNTKi.i.ianN
ei:n has no interest In any apedal candidate
en tbe opposition s'de, butla simply making
an carneit Journalistic aoareh ler the truth.
Tbe lines nre new pretty clesely drawn,
and aome light en prebable resulta is at
tainable. This the lNTi:r.i.i(ii:.NCi:u will
glvoltsreadorfl. It will glvolhe poeltlenB
el tbe loaderB In the congressional, aena-
terlal, legislative and rccorder racee, who
tbe township bosses are for, and everything
olseot moment pertaining te the Bltuatlen.
News dealers who wish extra oepioa et this
Isbue Hlieuld llle their ordera for the same
as early aa pesslliln.
New Yenit's Democratic Mate conven
tlen Is te be held In New Yerk city en
May 15, It la the flrattlme In hoveo years
that a Btate convention chese New Yerk
city for a plnce of meeting.
Tun Philadelphia J.ctlytr commentB
soverely and with Justice upon the law et
Harvard university and the ruling et a
commlttce of Harvard proreaaerrf which
prevented a woman from receiving n prlzs
which alie had wen by an esaay, The
chairman of the oemmltteo had vigorously
opposed the establishment et the Harvard
Annex en the ground that " women
had nellber the bratna nor the bodies te
ondure Bevere study." The oeninilttco
unanimously decided that an esaay entltted
11 The Keman Honate Under the Kmpire "
who se far bu potier te all the nthera as te
doservo the full reward for 100 known as
thp llowdeln prize aud net often glven.
The aeaied letter accompanying the essay
was found te contain the nnme of K. 11.
Pearson and It waa Boen learned that Iho
paper wat the work of Miss l'oarsen, of the
annex. Thla diacovery moved the prefea
aera te rule that the cesaylst could net rc rc rc
oeivo the (1C0 prlr.3 but might take the
annex prlre of 10, It the laws of tbe uni
versity are respoiiBlbte ler Ibis ruling they
are narrow nnd out et spirit Willi the ego
and should beat ones repealed, jfthocom jfthecom jfthocem
tnlttoo nre nlone responsible, wbleU H
hardly oredlble, they have ahewn n narrow
bigotry qnlte lrrocencllablo with the liberal
oulture a university ia supptHed te give. As
the J.eilper save, " It appeara lncredlblu
In this day that a prlza fairly wen by inerlt
outslde the pale should be refused te a
woman Bolely because she was a woman."
That thore Is net very mueh stability
about the French political aystem or stoad stead stoad
faatnesa In French statesmanship la shown
by the fact that alnce the overthrew of tbe
omplre In 1870 thore have been no less than
elgbteen promlera, and aa several have
been at the head el mero than ene ministry
the premiership of M. Floquet 14 the
twonly.feurth. Hoventeon yearaand seven
mentha have elapsed aince the fall of Napo Nape
loon 111, and the average llle of the minis minis
tries la only nlae months. in Bekhara they have a way or ex ex
ecutlug criminals tint Is swift, tcrrlbleand
sure. The grand vlrler wia murdered by
a natlvn nnd tbe nmoer ordered the inur
dsrer and an accomplice te be hurled Irem
a tower ISO feat high. With a drop Itke
that thore Is no dinger et bungling by tbe
Tin: Knlghta et the Get den Ksgloacted
wlusly lu ndeptlnga resolution at the soa sea soa
alen of their Grand Castle In Fhllailelphla,
prehlblllni; the use et liquors at picnics or
receptions glven bye aatles when the tuime
of tbe order is used.
r.niKlujAi, spring, though long dn'ayci,
was never brlghter or mere wo'cejic
KuNATen la getting Inte doeper
water every day. New be has the women
of the country as hla formldable opponent-.
In a moment of mero than usually acrid
expression he eet bimielf egulnst woman
sullrege, en tbe ground that wemeu cannot
take part in war. Te which the New Yerk
Star reapendB : What war has there ever
been, bliice Andremache watcbed Hecter
scouring the windy plalna of Trey, In which
weraeu were not.caUBe and part 7 Te loaye
tbe confused campaigns of the classic peo
ples and the middle agea cut of the question,
recall the potency of women In the wais el
Franoe, Germany and Kegjand. It was le
avenge an insult or Frederick tbe Great
upen Madame de Mente-pun that 1,-miIh,
(lie w 'c 'jved, tl"i.lar d .nr ujHm ibe
Marquis et Drandcuburg aa the Klnj; el
I'nusla was thou called. It wnalnrt(foren(e
te Kugeule'a desire that Napeleon III, went
te war with King William In 1S70. But
tbcee instances ate net se pregnant et the
prref or woman' ute In war as the history
et the rebellion. Had Iho women cf the
Union net taken rart, dally, hourly, during
the civil war, we kheuld never have held
eneugh forces under arms te conquer the
Osk week mere aud the Itepubllcan tus.
pen be will be ever.
unit iarii.K ittteiiiKu.
HeOldn't kits her they told their ler i
In accents soft and low j
Hut her little brother behind tbe deer,
bbeuted, HaUagber, let Vrgi "
--vVnnJi''rcAerd Travt'.tr,
Or.y. (iF.enru: OnneK linn been mnde a
major general, vice (Jen. Terry, retired.
Ukwiiy Invinn, Mis Ellen Terry and
Jesef lielTinau arrived at (Southampton en
OAiierNAt. Maktin.:i.i.t, nn Intlmate
frlsntl of Pope Loe X 11 1, U deid In Heme,
afied klxty-one your.
AncmiiHiier Ryan, el I'hiladelplils,
was the subject of n reception by Iho
Uatholle club et that city en Friday even
ing. KATiinn Kknni'.ev and tlxtcen farmers
of county Cerk, have been convicted or at
tending National Loige meeting In a pre
claimed district, and soutencol te three
months Imprisonment
Kx-Hknateh Kescek Cen km no has
bee n confined te his home In New Yerk
with an abtceat In his right ear. lie la
quite 111 and suders great pain. Ills physl
clana have ordered complete test and
Ex-OoNenKssMAN Koiianten, In tbe
Her mi ten JlrpuLUcan, savii e( Chairman
Cooper : He has been chairman et the
ntate commlttre for eight years ; a very
large, roapectable and tnlluentlat element
In the party demands a change ; and we
nuoatlen whethertbe bast Interests of the
party In this slate de net very urgently re
quire that tbe change be made this year. "
Kx.riiiBRii'i' Knock Tayi.eii died en
Friday In I'nlladelphla. He wan lern In
Cumberland county, N. J., In 1818. He
studied law and was admitted te the I'blla
delpbla bar In 181 1. In 1870 he was elected
aherlfle! Philadelphia ceuuty by the Ite
publlcan', and at the cloae et hla term he
withdrew Irem cfllclal life. He leaves a
widow te whom he was inarrled Mix years
before ha becarue Attorney General of thu
United rita'.es, was c llertd a very exalted
cllcoen condition that he would dispense
Its vast patronage tn nerve certain pur pur pur
poses. " 1'atronsge I" exclaimed he,
irewclng fiercely at the Important states
man who had made thoellur, " patrenage
be I De you think that 1 have a herd of
nwlne te feed at the puhlla trough 7 " And
sohedldnotgottlioolllco. A. Y. Tribune,
Hknateii Ineam.h ha", been caught up
by ene of the clever delegates te tbe
woman's council In Washington In a nl-
quant slip. Tbe aena'nr, who mistakes bis
hopes ler hla momeiliH and his partisan
ship for pa'.rleilsm, alluded te the Ameri
can Eigle ns htm. " Mrs. Ltllle D.
lllake deelarea that kcowledgn of orultli erultli orultli
elngy would have taught the senator bet
ler ;that tbe "remain oagle Ih thu larger,
stronger and finer bird in a word, the em
blematic American eagle U a ben. "
DlTlrie tte Huip'ti!,
Frem the New Yerk Ileiald.
We understand very well that Congress
tncaca te divide the aurplu, but this ought
te be dene in a popular nnd preper way ;
aud the beat and most popular we knew of
la that et the Chicago Ltme Kiln elub,
which we roremmonded the otlier day.
We take leave te urgn It encn moreon the
attention of tbe IUIbulerliig Ileu'O et Kop Kep Kop
resontatlrca :
The chairman etthn committee en llnanre
tixprrs-cd his rendlncHt te report en Iho
'Hew Minll we us tlie durplua In the
trcanury 7" and reperted w fnllewH.
"1. Gin tuery city In de kentry n mlllyen
dellara te apstid in lli'i wnrkM.
'2. liny fe mill en bushels otpeanuta
an itlHtrlbute em free te nil.
1 :i. Hev Iieuk racea nn prlie lights ence a
week, wld Hdmlhliun froe.
"1 DlHtrlbute Waterbnry watches an
roller akatra froe te all, nn ilnnu chnrge no
body iHiflln for lomenailo."
The ir an ta a v ae t daya nie horengntn -
'I he happy mournful lujn;
' Th songs which tromhle en our lip
Ale half complaint, half praUu.
A tndnusatn tbe softened ulr,
And In the tender ebj.
A touch of hoailnelie overywhero ;
We woep, we unew net why,
Iho wind la f nil orm-ineifna;
It whlepura low nnd clear
The 8acna echoes et the p'sl,
And brluga the dead inula near.
The breath of budded hynclnthj
Is Lern y en Ita hicezn ;
The peiicn-trcn twigs nrnbtrung w.ihpln),
And murmureus with b-ai.
Hwlnir, robin, en tbn budded spruj s,
And stni your bllthi.'st tunei
llelp us across thesu lieniislck d.tys
Inte tbujey el Junnl
Kllmbtth Akert Athn.
What Constitutes n Family Modlclne.
A prcprntlen which is ndnplcd te the relict
nml euro of ailments te vlilch members et it
household nre meat subject, and wulcli ,s net
only alleged te de this, hut lias long and nn
JailliiRly precd Its nttillty teilnlt, iuureilly
dccrc tlie tltlenf nrtTinlile Kmnlly Mcdl Mcdl
clne. Amenp timo-linneicd preparation,
which cupcrleneu nnd tlie aniictluu of the
Ineillcnl irofeIen Inillenta an dc'cnlng e(
popular recard nnd rnnllilence, i llettctter'a
Stuinncli Hitters, n lneillrlnc mlaiited le tlie
nriMlcnllun of dyicpl.i, ronstlpntlen nnd
1iilUniMics,tiie tlirte most frreucutly occur eccur
rniK nilinenta that tu inanViiul. Dented
from n liotnnle p.irenlnRC, It is elllcient aa t ell
nspure and wliolraeiue. It relieve, ncneui
dlmiuletude nml hiuctltlty et the klilnv)s nnd
eeunlcracts n tendency te rlicumatliim. Ter
rcnewuiL' ll.'iKKlnir strencth nnd Imparting
appetite. It c.m lie linplicitly relieil iipun.
l'ecr mid ngue, rhcuuiutlam and demllty are
remedied by it.
Heme 1'euliili l'oeple
Allew a cough te run until It gats beyond the
rtuieli of iiiidlctiiii. "lhey eltrn iy, " Ob, it
will wenr away," hut In most rases It
-wenr. thum nwny. Ueuld they bu Induced te
try thu siieressful ninetclnu culled bump's
Uulsani, w htch we anil en a positive uuarantiHi
te cure, thry would ImmiHtlutely noe tbn ex
rullunt (Ulect rttter Uihtng thu Hrl dnsd
1'rlcn Ml coats and '. TVfef id frte At
DinggUU. )nlllydw
" Te llve a, hundred ycatf ," snld Dr. Walker,
' take n lntt!u of Vinegar Hitters overy year."
held In thu lollevtlug chinches en Sun
day, tn tlie morning ut le:ii, In the oenlng
ut7:IA. Hund.iy schiKil nt l:l"i p. in. When the
hour ladllleiiintlt U specially neted:
(Jiil'ucu or IJOD-Cermir et l'rlncii and Or
angu. l'reuchlng at 10.30 u in. niid7'ISp. in. by
ttn piuter. hililiatli HClioel at 1:11 p in.
Bt. .1 ohm's llarenuKU ((iuriimii) church, cor
ner Orange and Mulberry streets, Ituv. Jehn
Knotting, D. D. uuter. Divliie aurvtcea Ht
10.31 u. uu and 7.15 p. m. Sunday school ut 1:1.1
p. in.
bT. Jehn's I.ethkihw. l!cv. II. Y. Allemnn,
II. D.iuuuir. Mernliiir service ut 10JH) u. m.
Kvenliig servlcu lit ".te p. m. l.eeturu and
prayer ei vtcea en Wudneaday nvenlng at 7' '.0.
Yeung panpltt's ineellnK en rlduy uvunlng at
7:1. latechellcal lectures en Sabbiilh uvuiilng
at 7: S Mibbuth schools at Ht Jnutis nt HI
p. m and ut Uetwala Memerial chapul at 2
I in.
BneOKD Evamoklieai. ( Kngllh ), en Mul
berry stiiiut, iilmve Urungii- Trundling at
10.30 a. in. una ut 7:15 p in. by the pastor. Sun.
day school at t p. in.
Bt. l.t'KK'HltKruimKi MarlottnAvennn.Kev.
Win. F. Llchlllvr, niuiter. Dlvlnu suMce at
10.30 tt. m and at 7 15 p. in. Bumtay school nt i
p. in. SiTVtce In thu Citirmiui lamruage at iSO
p in , l'rel. K. U.Scliledl, eitlclutlug.
UniTan HnmiKiN im Uuiiist (Levknamt).
West Orange and Concord Btmeta-ltur J. II
Funk, pasuir t'reachtng at ie su a. in, and d5
p. tn. Sunday school ut 1 15 p m. ullve
llranch at e p. in In thu leclure room
Bt. fAVL's l(KreRHKO-I(uv. J. W.MrmiDKer.
patuir. Borvlcea at 10.30 a. m. and 7 is 11.111.
fundiiy school at I 5p in. l'raycriunlcoen
Woaneidny tivuul k hi 7: te.
First UureuMKU uuuituii. Uev. J. M. Tltzul,
D. I pastor, eei vices to-mniretvut IthSj a.
in. and 7:15 p, in, Bunday teliiMil at I IS p in.
Bennen In the evening en the "Immortality
rRaSBTTKRtAN Mkmekial CauncH, Seuth
(Juuuu utruut, Thomea 'Jhoiiipen, pastor
bervlcvs lueinlug aud evunlng at the muni
hours. Bunday school nt 115 p. in. leunx
people's meeting ut e 5 p. in. l'raytr aim
leacbun mealing tivnnlnx.
St. BTKniKH's (KareiiMxu) Cuvncu t'OLivaa
CiiAi-m.. Dlvlne servlcu ut 10.30 a. in. burmeu
by ltev. Dr.J.ll, DublK. iuu
I'bksbytimiam er Ice at the niual hour
inoriiliiKandeenlng. l'machluu by ihuiiia.
tor.Kev.J. V.MUchril, li. li. K y mupAs
BT. l'AUL'8 M.E. CHUKuu-Chirles ltead, pa,.
ter.-1'rtttchlug at 1U:30 a in and 7 31 p. m by
1 he pastor bunday school ut 1 is p. m. ou .5
peeplH'am-etlngMitlp m. TcuiperanceiutK-t
lug Monday kt T 30 p in. CU.a uiuiIik rn
'uesday, -ihuraday and Kiidiy .iveulim .
I'rayer meetlug ou Wodnesday oveulug nt
CuristLctiikrahUuvrcii West Klngstruut.
K. L. lleud, pu-ter. I'ttmcblng at luau a. m,
and 7:'ri p. m, Bunday school ut ' IS p. m.
First llAi-riaT. survlcva ut thu rvgular hnu's
mernliig and eveulng bv the pastor, ltuv, J.
H Folweil, Sunday school ut ts p. in.
TruittIiCtukran-Usual BHivlce,memtnr,
alUirniHin and iivmtnif, conducted by the ih.
ler. Feat Kailer eennen tu morning. "St.
1'aulRt A hana'lnt-vtinlnK, (Juaituny tnot tnet tnot
Inget Buuday school teanhura aasorlnilen la
afinruemi N eatry meeting en Monday even
lnr. Atds-clty en Wednesday.
Meravu,-J. Mux llurn, n. D pastor, 10.W
a, m. i-luny and seriuent 2 p. m. suuUuy
oteal i 7i 6 1 m , Kvanlng serv ca.
Orach 1,uthbrah, Cerner el North Qaeen
and James stretit. Uev.C. Elvln tleupi.pas.
ter. Uinal serrlceaatlOSO a.rn. aafl 7:Ub. an.
Bnnflny school at l:ts p m. raster's adult
cims will lie resumed at ( p. m. Usual nld
week setvlers en WedneaOav avenlear ItataA
uifeiln-; et Urace xnllden tliarsday ernlBv.
r-MT M. K. Cnoaeu. Her. J.K.T.arT, pu.
ter. dim rneeUngs. 9 a. in. a. tn. and
"ilS.preachlDK by pastor. 1:43 p. m.. Bandar
ichoel (monthly mUilenary mntln). TJ P.
m. MeikIsj-, elus meaUejtP, 7 JO p. m, Tne
0r. bMlni'-s meeting-. 7J0 p. m., Wednes-
a prayer lneuitng. an m, 'xnuraeay, lee
tnre by kr. Unncaii
ireger, of lireuklyn.
8 p. in.. Thariany. pastor a clars. 7:30 p. m,.
rrldav. veune neenlaa mmtlni.
no a
Wkhtbrn M. K. Cbcrch he prraeMng.
rrnyer tnrettni( en TaesdayevenlnK unlit fur-
laer nuiicp. runuu sonnei wl 3 p. in.
HAST HI'S OX 1. t.
, chcrcu.-Sunday tcboet
at 1 p. in.
1'HitADELruiA, Saturday, April 7, 1886V.
The hum ei business in the
store is as cheery as a grass
hopper's song in June. Life
everywhere, bustle everywhere.
In the star-sprinkled, shadow-slanting
Chintzes; in the
flower-sprinkled Sateens ; in
the prism-liued Ginghams ; in
the crinkly, wrinkly Seersuck
ers and Crazies ; in the cling
intr Cashmeres, in the bird-
bright Challis at every coun
ter, in every department.
Misses' Costumes for street,
school, or home. Simple, ele
gant, economical.
Hcend fleer, Chestnut strcet front. Takeeje
Headgear that suits the child.
The common way is te make
the child suit the headgear.
There is no busier, brighter
corner of the store than that
where the Hats and Bennets
for the little ones are gathered.
We have had little Bright
Eyes in mind as well as her
Thirteenth and Chestnut streets.
New Gloves for Women.
Frem Trefeusse. New mode,
new mahogany, new gray, new
tan shades. All self-embroidered,
and very handsome.
New Fewne's Gloves for
Men. 1 we buttons, new tans,
finely embroidered, $1.50.
Chestnut stroet Btde, west of Main Alile.
Twe or three wee-bit pencil
strokes in a Boek. Net much,
you say. True, but one corner
of the biggest retail Boek busi
ness in this country has been
built en just these quarter-inch
marks. Whether an edition de
luxe or the cheapest paper
cover, tne price ngures are
plain in every Boek we have.
Ne haggling. One price for
nil, and that the least possible.
New Beeks as fast as they
tumble from the presses. A
table crowded with them.
Remnants of editions and
Beeks that limp for any cause
get te a counter by themselves,
with the prices shrunk beyond
recognition. A few sets of
popular Cyclepaedias arc there
te-day :
Publishers' Our
price. price.
App'eten's Cyclermdla, IS vels.,
half moierco IU'2.00 11800
App'nten's Cyclepia Jin, la vels.
in il llidnz. sht 1M00 41.00
Applnleti'd CycletuuJU, 1J vels.
and Indez, sheep 102.00 7000
The International Cyclopedia,
19, vels , cloth 45 W 55 0)
llm International Cycloptulle,
IS vels , sheep CO 00 37.00
Tlie Inlernnlleiitl f'yclepu'dla,
15 vels., hull morcc:e ,510 42 M
All the Spring 1 Iats Men's,
Beys' and net one that we don't
knew the worth of. We want
the Hat trade that comes of
wise cheesing and fair dealing.
Beys' Hats, 50c te $1.25 ;
Derby Hats, $1.10 te 4 ; Silk
Hats from $4.-
Tlilrtf enlli and Market streets
Bisque Jugs. Odd Celers
quaint ana lancy shapes. 250
of them at 25c te $2.50
quarter price.
Itosemont, northwest of oentre.
The trouble with an easy
Slipper is that it's likely te
sprawl about soft and slumpy.
Just as well have ease with
neatness if you say se.
1 Iere's a let of Ladies' Kid,
Geat, and Gleve Kid Heuse
Slippers, hand-sewed, geed te
wear, trim as a dress shoe, and
about as easy as a moccasin.
First class in every way, and
90c a pair,
money's worth
ever had in
That Men's hand-sewed calf
Congress Shee (imitation laced)
at $4 is the same that some
ether dealers are asking $5 for.
Werth the $5 ; but maybe you
think 1 worth saving.
Market stroet front, weatet Main Alile.
Deichler & Schaum,
Manufaoiureraand Ilntler In rUKNITUBK
nr- KVKKV lln'OKlr'neT, have removed te
37 SOUTH g(lKKNHlUga.T,lbredenibnw
tbbtr Old Stand. uiar.l-Sn-dSAW
On nach Tuesday durl-g April special low
rains mid bet! accommodations.
ferlurtbur Information, Mans, Ttmn-Tables,
010 , writuer cull mi 11, a. U1104S,
rasaenger AgtnilCblcage Nerlhwe tern Kail
Jy Company, 21 Centra Square, Lancaiter
' spJ-lmoedAw
Keep the Bleed Pure
We believe Heed's Sarsapartlla Is tbe vary
best medicine te take te keep the blecd para
and te expel the germsef scrofula, saltrhenm,
and ether potions which cause setnucb suffer
ing; and sooner or later undermine Ibe general
health. By It peculiar curative power, flood's
Sumparlll strengthens ibe system while It
eradiates disease
' Early last spring I waa very much run
down, had nervena headache, ftlt miserable
and all that, I took Heed's BarsaparUla and
was mueh benefltted by IU I recommend It
te my frl-nds." Mia J. M, Tat te. 1119 Xuclld
Avenue, Cleveland, Ohie.
Heed's Sarsaparllla
"reraflrat-clajseprirg medicine my wile
and 1 both think very highly of Heed's Bar
aaparllla. We both took It last spring. It did
ns a grat deal or geed and we felt better
through tbe het weather than ever before. It
cured my wife of stck headache, from which
she has suffered a great deal, and relieved me
of a dizzy, tiled feeling. I think every one
ought te take something te parity the bleed
before the het weather cornea en, and wa shall
certainly take Heed's Barsapatlllatbls spring."
J. U. rAaea,8npt, Granite Hallway Ce , Con
cord, N. U.
Heed's Sarsaparilla
Beld by all Orurg'sts. l j six for IS. Prepared
only ey u. l. tuuu co. Apothecaries,
Lewell, Mass.
100 Doeea One Dellar.
les. 137 and 133 North (jueen HL, Lancaster, I'a.
ea UK,
People's Prices.
Marked at People's Prices.
The beat Interests of our customers haa been
talon Inte cnnst-i-rutten In the selection et
our ateck. We have lauen care te prepare a
Grand Assortment
reu. THE
Beys' & Children's Department.
LowPleoa Pre vail Here.
Myers & Eathfen,
Wry the( U1MWKI.L 81UUT- IKOeach,
tst-othe halt dezun.
China Mattings!
Ofourewn lmpnitatinn nre here and en dis
play. The patterns and the quality are supe
rior te these Imported list saaten and the
prices lower.
Damask Mattings.
Carpet Patterns In
blue, Straw, lied and
Check China Mattings
At the v. ry lowest pilcis and a very large
stock te select fiein.
Certicencs and Lineleums.
Cortlcene will give totter wear for a fleer
covering than any material known, and the
dealrable pitteina are all here.
Twenty patterns In Linoleum at
Soeaequaioyuid ; worth '.5c.
1 pleudld qu vllty at i',c a squire yard.
Table Oil Cleths
In llarbleand I'-incy 1'itUorea ut 253 a yard,
IVi yards wlde.
On account of building the fOUTHKllN
uAltuKr, 1 will remove my
te Tim
Kertbeatt Cor. Seuth Qaeen md Gemu ikttlt,
Whtre 1 cin be found at any limp,
Day erMjjbt,
My many frtendaandcu'tninss will ploa-e
take uoilce et my chauge of removal.
Fer a geed sprirg medicine wa confidently
recommend Heed's Barstptrllla. lly Its use
the bleed Is purified, enriched and vitalized,
thtt tired feeling la entirety overcome, and
the w hole bely given Strang th and vigor. 1 he
appetite ts restored and lharpened, the diges
tive organs art) toned, and the kldneja and
liver invigorated.
These who have never tried Heed's Earta Earta Earta
parlllashonldde se thla spring. It Is a thor
oughly honest an d reliable preparation, purely
vegetable, and contains no Inlurlena Ingredi
ent whatever. Thousands testify te Its pxn
liar curaUve pewer.
Purifies the Bleed
" t had erysipelas in the worst form, being
nearly covered with blisters. My husband
heard of Heed's BarsaparUla nd Insisted en
my taking It, though I had little faith, 1 had
taken but a few dotes, when X began te feel
better, and In a week I waa aura lt-wat doing
me geed. I continued te take It according te
directions and when the first bottle waa gene
I was entirely weU. 1 have net been troubled
by erysipelas since." U. I Hacek, Brim
field, Mass.
N. 11. If yen deride te take Heed's Saraapv
rill de net be Induced te bny any ether.
Beld by all druggists. II t six for IS. Prepired
only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries,
Lewell, Mass.
100 Dosea One Dellar.
(NoztDeorto Savier's Photograph Gallery.)
rr up a ifompiuie oieca ui
Make Your Selection
Assortment is Largest
17e per pair.
3iC. 60c, 75J.
JAC and 5)3.
Large At sertment at Lew friers.
Williamson & Fester,
32. 34, 3G k 38 . RING ST.,
i)uv Htiuvn.
Ne. 25 East King St.
Our Byatem el buying and selling aaLes It
poailble ter us te sell ou
A 11 In. Camel's Hair Suiting at S7H cents
worth 60 cents.
A SI In. Cleth Suiting In Checks, Felld Celers
and Minutes, at 60u ; seM te-day
in soma houses at ,5 5.
A 46 la. All-Wre! Henrietta Cleth In all the de
sirable shades at 75c.
A 401 j. AU-Woot Dob-lge, Henrietta llnlab, at
C0a; usually sold at 71c.
A341n. All-Weel French Caahmere In doal'a deal'a
bid bhadei at 3Jc ; never sela any
where at lets thin 60c.
A Hlk and Weel Black Henrletu at II 00;
generally a'Jld atl'26.
A Kul' Line or C-l Habit Cletha at E9e t sold to
day In fhlladnlphlaand thla city
at II 00 pur yard.
A Full I.lnnel Ladles' and Children's Mublln
Underwear at lower prtcua than
prevail elaewhere.
A Line et White Goods ler completeness,
cheapness aud style that Hunequaled
by mat of any house In the city.
A Linn of I.afllM' Jackets It Blaek and Celers
thtt la unsurpassed by lhatet any
house lu this city.
Hemmber, we will net be undersold en a
single Item by any one In this or any
e. her town or city.
Merchant Tailoring
Gee. j?. Rathven,
(Next Oner te Lancaster County Bank )
SOLUIKIta who were disabled from wounds
Injury, rupture, expesuru, piles, deafness, or
who were, lu consequence of their military ser
vices, Incat acttated for manual labor, whetber
from wounds or disease, are entitled te pen
atlves of soldiers who died of disabilities con
tracted in the service, are entitled te pension,
and by Act of congress of Jan. , 18S7, soldiers
of the Mexican War are also entitled te pen
IN CKKABK. Thousands ofpensteners are en
titled te a higher rating. Ne fee unle-s success
tnl. Can refer te many succeaatul claimants.
Soldiers. It wtll cost you nothing te write me,
and it may result greatly te your advantage.
M. 11. MULL, Pens., Att'y,
Veaansvllla, Lancaster County, Pa,
The People s Gash Stere
ran balk or KKtrr.
.of Dnke etrtet, beta can Orange and
Chestnut, for rent, lnqnlienf
raltKa AtthlsOOlee.
....-USfwJahlni-tn view the North nnke
!? ..9?B"n. BtpneTrenv' Ueneee. can de se
or cmiiina- me renrih hrmse rrem Hew
street, which Is new com
sempiete and open for In
te ion is.
apeciien irem a a. m,
, .A e-ate-y flrt.proer Warehouse tnlt
able for tobacco or mauufacturtna- nnroeaea.
situated en kaat emnt street. Inqnfra at
Terms reasonable. I'ostcsaten immediately.
.mi iur ena or ft iflrm m inii, uin Dirmannrg
Hsllread, with Ceal and Lumber Tard, Wsr Wsr
heuae, l,ocemotlve ai.d Cars j all In geed and
running order. The lease of this valnab'e
property presents a rare opportunity tn any
priy nmnna in nn- in piutu
nttabltshed and profitable business.
e In aDleasKnt. veil
a bnatntAfL for con
ditiens, renter ether Icforrnntlen apply te
mS-tfd Lancaster City, 7a.
The Keysteie Flaulng Mill,
with a geed run of tiade. Is offered for sale, en
the most reasonable terms A geed chance for
a young man wishing te engage In business
Apply te . 0. 81UHOIB, gt,
ten w. Charlette ht, Lancaster, Fa
Order of the Honorable . II Llvlng-ten,
Judgoef the Court et Common Pleai. of the
county of Lancaster, will be se.d at public sue
at the publle heus' of Frederick Walts, corner
of Cbeitnutand ChrlsUan slrvels, lu the city
et Lancaster,
Oa BATt'BDAT, Till SlST 1)AT O Ar-.1L, 18c8,
the following property, viz : .
Twe Tobacco Presses, 9 pair of Platform
Bcale s, SO.Tobacce Cases, S 'lobacce Tracks, 2
Tongs and Heeks, 8 Steves and Pipe, 0 Ouu
U'ankett, 3 Tobacco Sprtnklers. 1 Cleck, 1 eefa
alotef Carpet, 2 Writing lietks.S (ill Lamp,
a let of Sundries t alto 5 pieces Sz Scantling
and M0 Tobacco Laths.
Bale te commence at 10K o'clock a. m , when
attendance will be given by
tptS-ThASts Auctioneer.
peamvK public sale.
Ok rniDiv, 57in Day of Aran., A. I). 1883.
thennderstgnrd, surviving partner of the firm
of Ilus'el Jt Khnlrayer, will expose te publle
saie at me uoeper iien-e, iren jiing sirrin,
Lancaster city, the lollewlng real e.tate, te
Ne 1. All that certain two story Brick Dwell.
Ing Heme, with a two-story brick back build
ing, frame shed, wagrn shed, corn crib and
ether necesaary outbuildings, well with pump
therein, hydrants, etc, and let nt giennd
thereto blnnglnir, situated Ma 651, en the
Boutheastslde or slanerstreBt, Lancaster city,
containing tn front en said Maner street
feet, mere or less, and extending in depth 30
feet, mere or less, te Lafayette street, afljoln afljeln afljoln
leg property of Wagner, We. 2, and ethers.
Ne a. All thatcenalnone-story Brick JUwell
lng Heus", with a one-story frame back build
ing attarhPri, frame barn and ether outbuild
ings ; well of water with pnmp, etc., and let of
ground thereto belerglcg. situated no 620, en
the southeast side of Maner street, Lancaster
city, centatnlutc in fronton said Maner street
31 feet, mero or. lets, and extending In depth
2S0 feet, mero or leas, 'e Lafayettn street, ad
joining property of Sirs. Jehn Oeerr, Ne. 1,
and ethers.
no. a All these certain four two-story Brick
Dwelling Houses, with two story back build
ings attached and ether improvements
thereon erected nnd let or ground thereto be
longing, situate Mes 421, 1?3, 42) and 427, en the
past slue et Cherry alley, between Lemen and
James streets, In the city of Lancaster, con
taining In front en sa'dCheriy alley W feet,
one Inch, and extending In depth 112X leet,
mere or lets, ten 12 lent common alley, adjoin
ing property of Jehn Morcer, publle td.ey and
Ne. 4. All these certain two two story Brick
Dwelling neuses, wun iwo-siery dsek uuua uuua
Ingsattachedandether Improvements thereon
eiected, and let et ground thereto belonging,
situate Mes. 43J and 433, en the east side of
Uberry alley, between Lemen and Jamts
streets. In tbe city of Lancaster, containing In
front en raid ('.berry alley :t) toot, 0 Incht, and
extending in depth 112X leet, mere or less, te
a 11 feet wide common alley, adjoining prop
erty of Jehn W. Mnater, J. B. Myers aud oth eth
ers. These properties will be sold as num.
bered, or separately, as may be deemed most
Sale te common co at "X o'clock p. m., when
attendance will be glv.n and terms made
known by UKO.
Jexl L. HAiNis, Auct. apit-U.W.Sts
Can be supplied at
Give yourself the ratiifnctten of Bcelng tbe
Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock In the City.
Oer. Bast Kin? & Duke Sta.
New ANTIQUE OAl SUITS, all Complete,
with Mattress and Spring. The pilce will sur
prise you,
NATUUAL CHKltllY SUITS, all Complete
Very Pretty, Well Made and Durable,
ext Week, Mx New Patterns at Six New
Pilces. Beverul very low In price, but geed
money's worth all the time.
Oth'r New and Attractive GoeOs belng
shown all the time at Popular Price.
Pergenal Attention Given te Undertak
T). P.aiid C. w littnerterdraylnguiiil hauling
has beendUtelved by mutual agieement. All
bills outstanding we request tn be pnsented
fnr payment or payment made, aa ih ciae
maybe D.P. A U. W. BITit.
The Hither Fan rielght Line, semany yrara
relied upon, and sellbentlly patronized by our
merchuiU, la one or tbe talnga et the pant.
'1 he New Management of the Philadelphia A
Beading Ballread deem It be,t te dlecontleUH
Individual lines i therefore hav-d given me no
tice todlacentlunoon flnitdayet April i re
spectfully oak a continuation of lh 1 bcral
patronage, for fie Phlladelrhlit A Beading
railroad ; by se doing 1 will cnutlnui leg ve
personal attention te gr-ed delivery upd mm
tnl baudllnget such irelght at way ceie te
Being an equal partner lu thla line alnce
January W2 up tntbullinn of brother C A
BUner'adeitih, and appointed mausgir by tbe
company at that time, 1 take th opportunity
tnetlermy blucere thanks te the public for
their support
D. P. BITNFB, Ma-sger,
Becegnlzed Drsyman for Phlladelph a A Bead
ing Kali read ( umpany.
Ennrselle lien tesnllclt erde's for our
Nnraery btect. I'ermanunt employment and
geed pay. satisfaction guaranteed te ens.
omen and agxnts write for terms. B u.
CH4BK(,0,llWB0Ulh Peen iquare, Phil
adspaia,p. mar23-ctecd