WttmSkm MflT M r vj-i rfJ CSSSKM JCHE liAyOABTER DAILY INTELLIGENCIEIti THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1888. ICE BOUND. .aw.. ' By W. CLARK &PB8EIA, 4rtore "Tht Wreck efth Orosreaer." "Jack's Courtship," "W WatchVt. low," '-Tht Lady itaU "ill (COTlUD.) "Ah, te be amp cried he,"thliial801: but te keep my tale in countenance," he went en in a satirical, npolegctlo way, "let me call the year in which we railed for the BeutU tea 1751. What matten forty or Ufty years te the aUlpwreckcdl Is net en i y.?an epcn beat wUh no oclety but the Uovilstef memory, and no hops but the ulence at the bottom of the sea, an eternity! Ull me that pannikin, my friend. I thank you. Te preceed: We cruised aeme months in the Seuth sea, and took a number of ships. One was a privateer that had plundered British Indlaman intbe Southern ocean, and had entered the Seuth sea by New Helland. This fellow was full of fine clothe, and had seme silver in her. We took what wa wanted, and let her go with her peeple under batches, her yards square, her helm amid ships, and her cabin en fire Our maxim is: 'Ne witnesses!' That la the pirate'a philes- Our maxim it: JVb witnesses', ephy. Who gives us quarter unless it be te bong usl Hut te centinue: we did hand somely, but wcre a long tlme about It, and after careening nnd filling up with water twlxt San Carles and Chiloe we set sail for the Antilles. Llke your brig, we wcre blown south. The weather was ferocious. Oale after gale thundered down upon us, forcing us te fly befere it. We lest all reckoning of our position; for days, for weeks, sea and sky viere en eloped in clouds of snow, in the heart of which dreve our frozen schooner. We were nene of us of a nationality fit te en counter these regions; we carried most of us the curly hair of the sun, the chocolate check of the burning zone, and the ice chained the crew, crouching like Lasearn, below. We swept pest many vast icebergs, which would leap en a sudden out of the white whirl of thickness, often se clese aboard that the re coil of the surge striking against the mess would flood our decks. At all moments of the day and night we wcre prepared te feel the shock of the vessel crushing her bows against ene of theso stupendous hills. The cabin resounded with Salves and Aves, with im ocatlens te the saints, premises, curses, and litanies. The cold does net mokemen of the Spaniards, who are but indifferent sea men in temperate climes, and we were chiefly Spaniards, with consciences as red as your English flag." j -n He grinned, emptied the pannikin and stretched his hands te the fire te warm them, i "One morning, the w cather having cleared somewhat, we found ourselves surrounded by ice. A great chain floated ahead of us, ox ex tending far into the south. The gale blew dead en te this coast; we durst net haul the schooner te the wind, and our only chance lay In discovering seme bay where we might find shelter. Such a bay it was my geed' luck te spy, lying directly in a line with the ship's head. It was formed of a great steep of ice jutting a long way slantingly into the sea, the width between the point and the main being about a third of a mile. I seized the helm, and shouted te the men te heist the head of the mainsail that she might round te when I put the helm down. But the fel lows w cre in a panic terror, and steed gaping et what they regarded as their deem, calling upon the Virgin and all the saints for help nnd mercy. Inte this bay did we rush en top of a huge sea, Trontanevo and the cap tain and I swinging, with set teeth, at the tiller, that was hard a-lee. She came round, but with such way upon her that she took a long showing beach of ice, and ran up it te the dlstonce of half her en n length, and thcre ghe lay, with her rudder within touch of the wash of the water. The men, regarding the schooner as lest, and concluding that if she went te pieces her beats would be destroyed, and with them their only chance te escape from the ice, fell frantic, and lest tbeir wits altogether. They reared, 'Te the beats I te tbe beats I' The captal n endeavored te bring them back te their senses; he and I and the mate, and Jeam Barres, the boatswain a Portuguese went among them pistols in band, entreating, cursing, threatening. Tliiulc of the plunder in this heldl Will you abandon it without an effort te saveftl What think you nre your chances for life in -open beats In this seal The schooner lies protected here; tbe weather will moderate presently, and w e may then be able te slide her oft.' But reason as we would, the cow ardly dogs refused te listen. They had breached a spirit cask aft, and passed the liquor along the decks while they heisted the Caace out of the bold and get the ether ts ever. The drink maddened, yet left them wild with fear tee. They would net wait te come at the treasure in the run the feels believed the ship would tumble te pieces as she steed but entered the forecastle and the eillcerb' cabins, and routed about for w hat ever money and trinkets they might stuff into their pockets without less et time; and then provisioning the beats, they celled te us te join them, but w e said, "Ne" en w hich they ran the beaU down te the water, tum bled Inte them, and pulled away reuud the point of ice. We lest sight et them then, and 1 hat e little doubt that they all per ished shortly afterward." He ceased. I w as anxious te hear mero. "Yeu liad been six months en the ice when the stupor fell upon your "Ay, about six months. The ice gathered about us and built us in. I recollect It was three days after we stranded that, going en deck, I saw the bay (as I term it) filled with ice. We drew up several plans te escape, but nene satisfied us. Besides, sir, we bad a treasure en beard which we had risked our necks te get, nnd we were prepared te go en imperiling our lics te sae It. 'Tnes natu ral. We had a great stere of coal forward nnd amidships, for we liad faced the Hern in coming, and knew what we had te expect in returning. We were also richly stocked with previsions ami drink of all sorts. Therowere but four of us, and we dealt with what we had as if we designed it should last us fifty years. But the cold was frightful; it was net in flesh and bleed te stand it One day we bad been locked up alieut five mouths Mendoza said he would get Uxn the rocks and take a view of the sea. He did net re turn. The ethers wcre tee weak te seek hlni, and they were half blind besides; I went, but tbe ice was full of caves and hollows, and the llke, and I could net find him, nor could I leek for him long, the cold being the hand of death itself up there. Tbe timewentby; Trentaneve went stone blind, and I had te put feed and drink into his hands that he might live. A w eek before the stupor cams upon me I want en deck and saw Jeam Bar Bar eos leaning at the rail. I called te bim, but lie made no reply. I oppreached and looked at him, and found him frozen. Then hap pened what I liave told you. We were in tbe cabin, the mate seated at the table, wait ing for me te lead and support him te the cook room, for he was se weak he could scarce carry his weight. A sudden falntness fctized me, and I sank down upon the bench opposite him, letting my head fall upon my arms. His cry startled me I looked up saw him, as I have said; but the cabin then turned black, my bead sank again, and I re - member no mere,' He paused, end then cried In French, "Thatiselll They aru dead Jules Tassard llvesl The devil is lejal te his ewnP and with that be lay back and bunt into laugh ter. l'AndtmVsaldl, "was In 1753." liliYeVLlw grcwerpd. rami tbi U iwi-. ) rsJ f eight and -forty Tr afterward, heyr and no teughed out again. "Iv talked se much," said be, "that, d'ye knew. I thlnkan-! ether nap will de me geed. What coals' have you found In the hlpP, - , I told him. K i "Geedl" be cried; "we ewWp ??., ves warm for seaw tlme te come, anyhow." 4. And, se saying, he pulled a rug unto bis nese and shut his eyes. te aa oeamnnre ) m Kept ere care guaranteed by Dr. J. B Mayer, SSI Arch street, Philadelphia. Eaeeateaee, be operation or delay from bnaineef, attested by tbenaands of enra after ethera tall, advice free, tend for circular, tnatle-ii daw Wkvk you have the blues, Use a dote ei Haw fctyle Vinegar Bitten te cure tbeie. Ttie ropalailea et Laanaater Is about thirty thousand, and we would tar at least one-ball are troubled with some affection of the ihreat and .Lungs, aa these oemplalnU are, aneerdlng te atatlatlea, mere numerous Una ether. vFa would adyta all net te neglect the opportunity te call en thMr drnavtatand get a bottle ( Kemna Balaam irawixinuiua i,nna. Prim Snn mil si rti lYtel m free, Beld by all druggists. (4) BPECJAL NOTlCXa. buileii'B CUBE will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and urencbltu. for llueen street. jue ujr u. d, vuuanui, iruggiar, HO. 117 J Werth 7 De It Wit Measure. Wangler liroe,drne;litt.et Waterloo, lows, "S'tS6 IS? 7I,h P'ea'ura say that Thom Them as' MclettrieOU glvee the best aatUfaetiea of any liniment we sell. Everybody who buys Will bare no ether. Thta nnMitiii ,- cure for all aches, aprilni, and pains. Fer sale by II. b. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS Werth. Qaeen street, Lancaster. H, B. Cochran, Nee. 1S7 and in North Queen COBUH CUBS a a guarantee te cure all hreatand lung troubles. ;8) Ver 30 years I hare been troubled with c.rb.nKr", ,rlca nnmber 0f remedies without relief. druggist here nx-nmmended Ely'a cream Balm. I have used only one bettieand i can sty I teelllana new Han. Mv catarrh was chrome aid vry bad. l make this voluntary statement that ethers miy ,eTAV?uecfal!- . ' I was troubled with citurrh In my bead te an annoying extent ter three years. Alter uslngnne'buitluet Kly's eream Balm I waa entirely cured -Wm. J. cilne, Victer. N. y. m27-2deedAw WHY .WILL YOU UuUUIt when Bhlleh's Cure will give Immediate relief. 1'rtce 10 ets. . itZ'-azr-rrzi. ??:"" ". :?::'"""""" ie. 1J7 Jterth Queen street. 16) A Sound Legal Opinion. Attv.. lectrle brnttiAr Jaundice, but was onredby timely nsoet this medicine. Am sailsaed Kleotrle Bitten saved ,C1T 1UW W1LII BlILIHrini IT.lVAt .Mil Mr. U. T.WIlcoxsen, of Herse Cave, Ky, i a like testimony, saying: Ue nesltlvely llevea he would faayu dled, had U net beet adds v be. Btrviiiu nil U)l, This great remedy will ward off, rg well as enre all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney. Liverand BtoniacblilserdorsstttUds uneqnaled E2r ie.!'yJ'ur aun'. " " Cechran.druggtat IWandlaaw. gaeen bU, Luncastdr. fa. ,") VI..IU. .(.. - UW WW. JW Ituckleu'a Arnica Halve. Tub Burr Balvb In the world for CnU.Brnlsea Sorts, Ulcers, bait Jh nui, rover Bores.Tetter. Chapped Hands, thilblalns, corns, and all Bkln hrupunns. and positively euros File, or no pay required, .ltlsgaarabteepteglyaner. root satlsiaetlen, or money rofunded. - Price cents per box. rer sale by IL B. Cochran; Urnggtst.Mes.U7 and 133 North Oneen street. Lancaster. Pa. JuneJ7.1yd rear-Fifths, Of our American people are afflicted with sick headache In ellber Its nerveus, bilious or cengcsUve forme, caused by Irregular habits, high living, eta, and no remedy has ever conquered it nntll Dr. Leslie's Bneclal i-rescnptinn waa aiscevered. Qlvelta trial. Bee advertisement In another column, (j) TIIK KKV. GEO. il.TIIAYKR.nf Ilnnrtw.n IndH says: "Beth mysHf and wile ewe our llves te BfltLOU'd CONBUMCT1UN CUBES. Fer sale by IL B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North queen street. (jj aietiiera aluUierall Meihersl,!! " Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tee tht If se, go at once and get a bottle of HUB. WINBLUW'BMOUTUINUSYBUP. H Will re lieve the peer lltlle sufferer Immediately de pend upon It t thore ts no mistake about It, There Is net a mother en earth who has ever need It, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowela, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the tase, and la the prescription of oueoi the eldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United 8tatcs. Beld everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. maym-lydaw Uen't Kxpartuient, Yeu cannot afford te waste time In oxnorl exnorl oxnerl mentlng when yenrlungs are In danger. Con sumption always seems at rlrst only a cold. De net permltany dealer te luipoae upon you with some cheap Imitation et Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, bat be suie yen get the genuine Beoansebe can make mere preflt he may tell you he his something 1 ust as geed, or J ust the same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is guaranteed te give relief In all Ihreat, Lung and Chest adoctlens. Trial bottles tree at Jl. B. Coch ran's drug store, W.and 139 N. uneen at . Lan caster, Pa. (6) Hew Much Will De It? Hew much of Themas' heltctrle Oil Is re quired te curat Only a vxry lltlle, A tow ureps will cure any kind et uchei and but a trifle mere Is needed ter sprains and lameness. llheumttlsm Is net se leadtly affected ; an ounce and S'linetlmeslwoeuncesare required, Nemrdlclne, however, Is se sure te cuiewlth the me nnmber el applications rer ttie by 11. B. coehian, druggist, 137 and is North Uneen street, Lancaster. "Don't IJurry, aantlimee," Bald a man en bis way te be hanged, "there'll be mi lun till 1 get there." w e aiy te the dys peptic, uerveus. and debilitated, don't hurry thoughtlessly hir seme remedy et doubtful num. uncertain of relief, when you can Kt at '.?,?. urusuhils ler one dollar JBurUeek flood BUltrs aimeit sure te cure and certain te bentflu or sale by U.a. Cochran. druggist. U and 159 Neilh queen street. LancaVSl A Newspaper Editor. O. M Holcemb.ot Uloemvllle. Ohie, rises te exp ala: "Uadthatterrtb e disease for twenty years: couldn't tasle or until, and hraring was falling. Themas' Xcleetrie Oil cured me. 'ihese are fac s voluntarily glvxn ugalesta feruii-r prejudice of patent medicine." rer tale by U. B. Cochran, drugKlat, 137 and 189 North queen street, Lancaster. Gail tnt Keacara. There can be something hemic la a medi cine aa well as In Individuals. Burdock mood Bitters have effected many a gallant rescue among the suffering sick. Thousands have eseped the miseries of dyspepsit and nerv ous debility thieugh the use et tbls wenderfi 1 medicine it Is emphatically the beat stomach and bleed tonle In the world, rer sale by n B Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North queen street, Lancaster. Culled 10 Preach. We feel called upon te preach a few gospel facts facts Um aru worth knowing. We want everybody te enjoy all thills p sslbleinthls world, we want all these who ar suffering irem rheumatism, neuralgia, and all aehrs, sprains and pains te knew tntt Themas' Jfe leetrie Oil It an unfailing and splendid cure. nr gain by H.B. Cochran druggist. 137 and i:'J .North queen street, Lancaster. Prem Olcve anil, ODIi, Tenus a loiter flgned T. Walker, siylng siylng "Abeut sir months age commenced tiktug Jluri'eek Hloed Hitlers ter protracted ca(e of lumbago aud generul debility, and new am plea cd te stale have recovered my appetite and wentd strength. Petl better altogether." for sale by 11. II Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1.19 North qiiMn tnt, Lancaster J?01TWA.k. rpOK JURSf COMM1S3I0NKR, a. r. buultz, Blacksmith, Ninth Ward, formerly of Elisa beth 'iewnshlp. bulject te Deuinmailc rules. marZ0 2wd TDOH JUUY COMM1BS10NEK, II. T. SI1ULTZ, i !''I,U thtewn Borough. Subject te the decision et the Democratic County ienrt-11-U0D' mniMldAw "gOK JUKY COMMIHSIONKK, OKUUUK DAUUSTKriEH, Peventh Ward, city. Uulea. Bubject te Democratle marle-lydAw glOK JURY COMMISSIONER, KDW.AMI1LKB, Ot Drumnre Township. Bubjrct te the de- cuiunei tne uemociaue wenuty uenventlnn. marls dAwtap25 E OR JURY COMMISSIONER, ritANKLIN CLAltK, Of Btrasburg Township. Subject te the de cision et the Democratle County Couventlen. murlSOAwuai "POR UONURKSb. B. FBA.NK BBBLBMAU. Bubject te EepuWlcan Kolas. aatU-UdAn CIGHfcNCK'S MANDRAKE TILL?. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER Is that which keeps the Liver and stomach in a. healthy condition ; and nothing in the world can ee successfully de this as Mandrake, which, as In Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills, is a Never-Falling Rem edy for all Diseases of the Liver and Btemacb. Fer sale by all Druggists. Price S3 cU. par box t S boxes for 61 cti. ; or tent by mall, post pest ire iree. en receipt e( price. Dr.J.H.achenek Ben, rhllad'a. aprt-lyfl w pAlNK'8 CELERY COMPOUND rOl SALX AT R.n. rnntiRan'R nnnn arnnii- Nes. is; At 9 North queen Bt , Lancaster, Pa aprtumdaw . YKR'H CHERRY PEOIOR&U . Every' Household Shen'd have Ayer's Cherry recteral. it sayea thousands et lives anenslly, and Is peculiarly (ffloacleus In Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bere Three'. " Alter an extensive praottee et neatly one third et a century, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral ts my cure for recent colds and coughs. I pre scribe It, and believe It te be the very best ex pectorant new offered te the people." -Dr. Jehn C. Levis, Druggist, West Bildgewater, Pa. "Some years age Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of asthma alter the best medical kill had tailed te give me relief. A few weeks since, being again a little troubled with the disease. I was promptly Relieved By the samoBemedy. Igladlyoffertblstestlmeny for ttie benefit of all similarly stUlcted."-k. U. Hassler. Kdlter Argus, Table Beck, Nebr. " Fer children stlllcted with colds, coughs, sere threat, or croup, t de net knew of any remedy which a 111 give mere speedy relief man Ayera cnerry pectoral. I have found It, also, Invaluable In caes of whooping cough " Ann Lovejoy, 1231 Wa.hlngten street, lloj llej lloj ten, Mass. ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved remark ably effective in crenp and Is tnvalutbla as a family medicine." D. M. Itry.nt, chloepee Palls, Mass. Ayer's Oherry Pectoral, 1'SirAxsD nr Dr. J. O. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by all Druggists. Uos.tseo. Prlce 11.00; six bnt-ap2-l;dAw JAINE'M CELKRY COMPOUND ren si La at H. B COCHRAN'S DKUO 8TOBK. Ner. 137 X 139 North queen St., Lancaster. Pa. npr2indAw pAINE'S CELKRY COMPOUND. PAINE'S rea- The Nervous, The Debilitated, The Aged. A NK&VX TONIC. Celery and Cnena, the prominent Ingre dients, are the best aud safest fterveTenicr. It strengthens and quiets the nervous sys tem, curing a or vena Weakness, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, Ac. AN ALTKBAT1VS. It drives out the poisonous humors of the bleed purifying and enriching It, and se overcoming these diseases resullleg from Impoverished bleed A LAXATIVE. Actlngtnlldly bntanrelyen the bowels it cures habitual constipation, and promotes aregular habit. It strengtheea the stomach, and aids digestion. A D1UBKTIC. In Its composition the bestand mestactlva diuretics of the Materia Medlca are com bined tcleutlflcally with eth-r effective lemedles ler diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied en te give quick relief and speedy care. Hundrodser te tlraenlaU have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable bentnt. Bend for circulars, gly. lng full parucularg. " Price, II 00. Beld by Druggists. WKLIS, RICHIRDSON & CO., Prep's, BUBLINQ70N, YT. lanll lvdA 111 JA.INE'S CELERY COMPODNO -FOR SALS AT- H. It. COCHItAN'3 DKUO STOBK, Nes. 137 189 North Qutenbt,, Lancaster, Ps. aprl-KmdAw DUMPHREYS' prOMEOPATHIO s PEC1KICS. Dtt. IiyuiMIHKYV Boe of All licenses, Ueth and Ueld Binding, 111 Pagfs. with Hleel Jnjvlug. MAILED r.ICK. Aadresa, P.O. List of Principal Nrw! Cures. Price. 1. ravxRs.rougestlen, InlUinuiiitlnna Vi 4. "um. norm sever, worm Colle iU . Cbvine lk)Lie. erlcethlnv of Infant, a i. DlABRIIIKA.Of Chtldren nr A1I11II. !...... .... m." -.... ""-rr S. DTaswTMKr. Orlnlnir. lllllnn. f'nlla. .iui.bha uuHaye, emiurig .... Cocees, Colds, BrenrhttU , NauHALnu, loethacho. Patwiche Hbauaehk, Rlek Headache, Vertigo , Dvsi'sraiA. Bilious Hieiuach 7. , Buri'hKSSSDer 1'AiMvnr. fmntu ... ...V5 a SS .' IB .3S .1t .ii .te .10 M M .Ml .te . " iiii, ilmi rrnnme reneiii , IS. Cseur. Cough, Dlffleult Breathing 14. Bait rtusca, Krysipelar. Kruptteu , IS Hrkumatium, Bhnumatlu aliis , 1H. ravsBASB Aoua, Chills, Malaria , 7. ph.... Bund or iedin......:::::::::; 19. (.atari it. Inflnepza. Oeld In the Head.., 9). Wuoenao Lecon, Violent Coughs Si GxbbralDbbilitv, Physical Weakness V7. KlbitKY DlSBAKa (M. NBBVOCa ItKBILlTV SO. llBiaABrWKllH.Ba V.iil.. UM II U) Si' DissasiscftuxBkabt, PalpltaUn... II U) te "y uggi, or ni postpaid ren re ceipt et Cilee. IiULiPllKKYH' alcuIClNK L.0 , 109 Pulton Bt , N. Y. Tu,1h,BAw(2) SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. Bupture. Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by qnacks when en can And In Dr. Wilgbt the only Usu ulab euYiioiAirlnl'bllad-lphtawhe make a specialty et the above diseases, and Ccass Imsl :trisUOAaATaD. Advice free day ana evening. Strangers nan be treated and re turn home same day. offlees private. . DB. W. H. WBIOUT, til North Ninth Btreet, Above ttace P O. Bex 873 PhUadelrhla. lebMlydAw lui' ATTUKNKYH. TUrUEIt 8. KAUFFMAN, ATTOUNlCr-AT-LAW, NO. 1 BOUTU PltlNCK ST., Lancaster, l'a liS-lydAw C1U8UMAN8 MENTHOL INHALER . .nexeellent remedy ler Catarrh. Celd n the Head and Hay rever Applied by Inha lation through the nostrils. Fer sale at UUBLatKB DBUOBIOBK, MaM Watt sling Street. CELERY COMPOUND, tobacco. iwiie a nvaHAAiai QLD.UONESTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty! Tlia Chewers of OLD nONESTY TOBACCO will seen find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter than ether tobac tebac tobac ces, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist en getting It, Genuine Has a Red H 'iln Tat en Every.Plugv BOOIS AD eJIOJtti. B OOTS AND HHOES. A Rare Chance, ' b PER GENT REDUCTION -rneM- March 31st te April 30tb, ON ALL BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, te, Bought at OnrSteie. THE REASONS W hy we bare offered this reduction nre : it Becauae we have ben In the habit e fiui5Lw"JL,0l,LT"'"nt"B va w 8eventy.fl re UOllara Werth of Cards and Chremea every Ksiter. and we think it will be the same te us and mere advantageous le the Purchaser te ggfhS amount (the cost et the cards) off of , w?,0,,MLw" 'H,, oenfldent that It we can ln this way Introduce the lines of goods we are new running Inte mere families, at the Pi!ltS,iW2 ST" " selling (tessy nothing of the B l'er. Cent. Induction) win be greatly te pur advantage as well aa te the advantage of inn rnrchaser. This offer is net te New Patrons only, bnt te all of enr Regular customers as well t but bear LlV.!nm!.wS l!7 ,m-k this offer irem tbls SSfVal&TS"- UO!,UAY' ' REMEMBER, We have our floods marked In Plain Figures and net In Letters or Chiraeters. We Mean MtJtiat We Say! Wa will give the Purchaser Tlve Cents off of every Hellar's Werth et uoeds l'urchaaed at our etere during said time or B per cent, off of allanienntslas than one Dellar srKmember This Bala commences Tills M&?2StfA iAh!luu 8,,t "a Kna' UON- i 0UUM0IT03AURI "t(hilck Sales aid Bmalt Prent," AND " Honesty Is the Itest Policy." d The Leaden of Lew Prices in Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 EABT KINO STREET, L.A.N- OA8TBB, PA. matsa im 1 rURNTTURIf. w IDMYEK'B. YOUR WANTS IN- FURNITURE Can be supplied at WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORK TO YOUUCOMPLETK SATISFACTION. ATTBACT1VK OOJI)?, ATTKACTIVK PUICKS. Hive yenrself the satisfaction of seeing the Largest, Hest and Cheapest Bleck In the City. Oer. Bast Kin? & Duke Sta. VIDMTER'S CORUEB, N EW THINOH IN FUUNITUKK -AT- REINITSIi'S New ANTIQUE OAK BUITB, all Complete, with Mattress and Spring, 1 he prlce will sur prise you. NATUltAL CHKUUV SUITS, all Complete Very I'rutty, Well Made aud Humble. OLD BTANDAUD WALNUT. We open text Week, biz New Patterns at Biz New Prices. Several very low In price, but geed money's worth all the time. Other New and Attractive Goods shown all the time at Popular Prices. being HEINITSH'S 87 AMD 20 SOUTHJQTJBBN ST., LANCASTKB, PA. Personal Attention O Wen te Untlertak lng. NKOKWBA It. EVEKY EVENING KXUJ'.PT QVEN SUNDAY. BILK HANUEKHCHlgrS AND UUJrrLIBS AT XUISMAN'B. CELLULOID ANDLINKN cellaus and currs AT KKIBHAN'S. MKDICATJCD UNDXUSII1UTS AND DHAWKKS AT KUISUAM'S. Don't terget te leek at our NKCKTIKS AT KBUMAN'S Man wxsTxiNO btkht. TO ECKERT, BM1 wa.ivAiAvwOMV B ARDAK0EI1ROY. BARD & 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Oar ExpwsN in Net Higk Is. We .. Ti zlSf" IIn1 BrJfn X nose, regular mae, Kn "rtjfsli H nese, regular mae, I pair for sue, worth e per Seamless Hem Ter ate, beat goods in the oily at the price 1 Ladles le a, 1 1 pair for Ste 1 bargeinaln Children' Hese, aa deg. Men's CSil'".. ""IU """ rer iw, mai saeai in i ue out it im pnes I i.aaics' regular siaan iiai bnggmn HO S. 1 tialr fOTMn I hralnln f'hllilran'a Un. gniln, S.n'i llamallfxIiAA Hanll, ?"!!! nl.y'yeA!i worth 16e tMdea. Ladles Handkerchlefsrwlth embroidered silk flower m.ii if "ii S ""t?"' wis anu uianaau at less than cost. One case Kemnan ta or uieacned f!5Si,SS,'r.0' T?t,1'.r.,rJ0J?i "I0-- 5Lew Drsa Hlnghams only ine. New American Salines at :???,."." JDe Il of Bleached Turkish Towels, site ITzasTi for fflc, worth 2Je each. One "" eaaiiiiar ranuvri ra SNtnillllW, wfc. aw luunai EraeeeMiKisif, maeKBlia warn mi,, .laihi. .. r""!."! miaiaiHoeiggtajsoouar-a wortneverreiaueaoveranyennntert weexcent fS?JV,,?PiE?a.0K!c,ItM!M''tMt,ellr radesatii.il.MandflOcU. Nag i7"l','4Mel?l,,uP',u'-we"'tr,i,,M.t,lns 'rr ""Ks taken in exchange W,nraa?wn,l'2i,,.!p,'.,n.n.tnr,," t -a . M. Dde BUdei at 75c, worth Siee. fc5i-,i!f.5?r0,n"u,Ul.,new,l,lamnnl tkis season of the jear It has canted the ?l. ieS!.pl.lfe.V? a.'l:,v,10?iWe re prepared te f nrnlsh the btst goods at the same low prlco prlce prlco pteflu expenses are net high, and we are satisfied with small bard & 33 and 36 Seuth Queen Street, JjTEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. MATTINGS ! Te-day we open our tew stock of CHINA MATTINGS which we have Just received through our Importer. They are fresh from the Flowery Kingdom with the scent of the Ocean Waves still upon them. The assortment is large, the designs beautiful and the prices low. Here they are : Tlaln White and Ked and White Check, 12, 15, 20,25 and 31 cents per yard. Fancy Styles, 15, 10, 18, 20, 2J, 25, 35 and 37t cents per yard. If you are Interested In Mattings call In and leek them ever ; It will pay you. 3-Our Great Sale of Brussels, Ingrain and Itag Carpets is still going en with New Bargains for each day. FAHNESTOCK'S, 36 at 37 BAST KINO BT. LA.NOA.STBR. PA. ' JJAROAINH IN OARPET8. DON'T - TOE - BARGAINS - AT - Metzger & Haughman's NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, Opposite the JKWKLKY, v..v... I have this day admitted my Sen, GODFR1EDZ. RHOADS, te a Partnership in the Watch and Jewelry Business at Ne. 4 West King Street. H. Z. RHOADS. OAUPBT BAHOAINH I -GO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL .reRj WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSBBL8, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTIW, WINDOW BUADX8, &c. We bave tbe Lnrgeat nnd Bast Stock In the City. H S. SHIRK & SONS, Cerner Wast King and Wiltr Struts, LanctaUr. Pi MOVtMBVMJriMMlMU tlUUIl. e .hh AND HKK -Till- ROCHESTER LAMP, suty CanOJs-Llgbti Ba&U them alL Anotlter Let of CUKAreLOUKS lerttu hn OUBUivas. THB PBRFEOTION " MCXAi, MOULDINO BUBIIIB CDSUION WBATRER STRIP IleaU them all. Thli atrip eatweara all ctheri. Eeerneuttha oeia. Bup ratUlux el wlnaewt. Kxclaaa the dust. Keep out mew and rain. Anyone can apply It de wute or dirt made in applying 11. uan ee eiuw anyi where de hole Ui bera, ready for naa. 11 Will net split, rarp ersnrtnk a oninlen itnp U tna ineat rxirmei. stera; At tna Stere, Heater and Hange -or- Jehn P. Sehanm & Sens, 34 BOOTH QUEEN ST LAMOASTCaVrA. - MAVllINBKr, pATTEKNB, MODKLH, Ac. Central Machine Works, COKNKtt or UUANTANUCUBIBIIAN BTBKKTB, (Bear of Court Heuse). L ANCASTtU, I' A. Xnglnci Itellera, Machinery and Itepulrlag, fatturnnf UrawleKi Ireu and lints UuUdk, ete. Heat equipped Uarhine and rattern Shep In the city for light work. avuoed Werk-, i'reinplnei. Keaannable Charge. 0tc3-Ud sjBOiaa, MpELROY, Oppeelte Fountain Inn. Art Satisfied With Oar Small Prellif. i pair for sue, worth Soe per pair t Men's 4 pair ,aiseiixse,xierx3c, wenn m r Stripes, geed washing color', riaiOSOT Btnpes, geed 1 Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Ira. FORGET IN CAPETS Cooper Heuse, - .A... Xt, BALLS. I BAUOAIHS I 1 JIAnrOAll BJA OKU. L.IMN JSKKMKMAN, GRAND EXHIBIT or BABY CARRIAGES. ONE HUNDUKl) OI rrilCENT STYLES. ALL NEW U00U7. Hanutactnrnd te ear own erdnr bythnbAat lacuirlus in thn renntry. Special atlrntlen giren te every department se aa te eeturj ber vice aa well an appearance. Jtoneuau la the country can show m One a line of goedi. EXPItESS WAOONS, WHEEIj HAKHOWS, dell caiuuaqes, veloeipedeh, GIHL'BTKICYLES.Ac. OUUNEWBXOCK or "Alaska" Refrigerators MOW ON EXUIUITIO.V. FLINN i MENEMAN, Ne. 162 North Queen Btreet, LANOAHTKK PA. IT I F1HUEK, OKNIIBI'. l'artlcular attention given te filling and preiervlng the natural ulh. 1 have ail the laUat Improvements for doing nice work at a very ruaaenable coat, llavtngyearaef ex. perlenee la the large clUea I am anre te give the beat of aaUafactlen and aave you uieuey. beat artlOclal teeth only l&CO per aet. marlt-iyd Ne. H MOBlU QUEEN ST. TJtA VBLBRB OV1DB. READING A COLUMBIA RAILROAn .-, ANU BKANUIIXS. AND LRHANOk AKD LANOABTEB JOINr LIMB kt B. 05 ARSA?TICB 8UHDAT. NOV. SSL nXKAlNS LEAVE UEADINO. a mne"4 Linct- - AI"l.AVBCOLtJIIBIa: - Fer Heading at 7J a m ,ian Ma ; . Eer Lebanon at u and s n St" P . TBAINS LEAVE QUAKBTTlxi.a. pfn? Lnetar tn,an4X!eS rer Lebanon at we and e-ap m. LEAVE KING BXBEEI 1 1 ancaater 1 Fer QnanyvUle at 9-Jt a m. 8-os and M n m. LEAVE I'BINOE BTlltET (LaneaaXeM Jer Lebanon at 7 07 a in, i-: and 7: 'p ni. '-i ii i r r ifwr 11 riu hmt u viu-.irrTnieiw.i am, 1:1s and 8 09 n at . TKAIKS LEAVE LEBANON rer Lancaater at7:ii am, law and 7 SO p m. rer 'QnarryytUe at 7:1. a m and lug p &. BCNDAT TBAINS. TBAINS LEAVE BEAOINO S?I nter at 7) a m and WO p m. rer Onarry vIMn at 4-eup tn. IHA1NS LEAVE dUAItHTVILLE a m iAnCMtar Lebanon and Heading at 7sW rer Beading and Lebanon at .1 a m and Mi 'oiQeanrTiilaatBWriTn. .turias- 'MfalA'" -rJ"tfi5 8?: iV?"'J '-jj 4-Wpnv " " ua aaat f or viaarryrii le at S:4S p TO. Je? SnfflwwJTAWa ? M P auAina -.KAVat LETIAHON Fer MnnMUnn it ii.i..i. u ...... .-' J wI..-".: v " n, i..r. .r"""i ,riDnm j ana r,wf r.i w "ia""'r ouneuon, aanhelm. Ueadlnat 1Jli and Lebanon, ana time tallica at all aUueX. ' &t . m.wilsen. Bunenntnndant. S0UEDOLB.-UI effect from ji.'v.ISi 1SBS. V M, fmlni mm . . n- atrhllaflwlphlaaj follewai MS: . aB-aawe aiapwuram aiiu inn.vii fana Baat -. W8TWABI. Paclfle Eiprcwaf..., 2?wiExpraMf War PaaaenreH.... iMttlVS .LMkYflt Philadelphia. Uneaaifr,. " la.sa. A iinrp. m. jna,m. aesum. 710 a.m. fcXa. la. 8:30 a. n, MI a, u' uatrata1al(LJ0Tt u,aaauinue Niagara Eipreaa Hanover Aeeem raatUnet rradertek Aeeem ... , UanoaaurAceotn... Harrtabnrg Aeeem.. Oeinmbta Aocetn... Harrtiburg Exprea Waatara Expreaat.. BABTWABD. naceimnbu 7:40 a.m. MBavaa, , .tea.aL via CelnmbU a ii!0ea.m. .eup.ja. . SIS"-1"' B.S9p.a, 7 JOB. aa. via Celnmbla naatt. Jey '40p.m. R-.Mp in. 8:Mp.ta. Leave Lancaiter, 20 a, m. SMSa.m. S:10a.K. 8.M a. tn. 9:00 a. n, lMp.m. fcesp. m. Se p. m, :4Ap,m. 11:40 a. M.r niia. Expreut natLinel.. .......... Harrtaburg Exprec. I-Mia, SH i:a,mt. ? B.UM m mm . . f.T J lfca.. ."m MucMuir jfcoeom ar. Uelnnbla Accem,... Saaahera Expreaa .... faUadalphla Aocem, nadayalall. Xarrlabnrg Acoem.. VUattJB: ': Illtte,-. -,, a:ia n. atE. ? 2 Mop. ta. lV3 B:4 b. m. v, '3 S.90 n. aa. & i n:n p. m, m-4an. m. i,-'. ancaaujr Aecomniedatlqn iearcaitar ? ! bnrjatiMOp.tn.and arnrea at Lam V-SMIu Tae atanetu Aeeoainiedatiim ihtm nniwir Wa at B.M a. ra. and raachea MartettaMt.v 1T-1 Aiae laavaa Ceiambla at Him a. m. and Stata. in. klnjp MarlAtfA 1.nf MA e.ka v W.i? 'TWiSgJ'-i at T .i-ll."i,.,iriT"." ""1R HW HartettaatMHp. m. and arrlvea at imiual aWJaftScaaiSrlt fiW? SfSSPS SJ -tjncMter with raaTLln watt, J; ft-' at WS 1. W.. will ren tknmili tn rnulurlxv ",'SU.,S, ri-V.rTViyr"??! !?! VhSi WaaaiaaaSaaw. A IT.i 7 ". T"" . fi p. ill. "ii-' 'SJ'J WP.in. Arrlvea at LancMtar tt'S - "t""wiuiig wun uay sxpieaa. aejm Bnnday. ' ' "e.. .THJJStE5Hl??. ?. ta,i,'V,!t?f 1 . VI' 1 AWWmDKXOWlLIJGaWlVlilft-rt'M.M. - awtll.AM.a -.JLZ.7-TT--?mZZr-. ""r."-"'i BBOr MU alOT,Kllfmtht9wxiandMlt1dlRtnw . fa ML JlW.ICllKaVfinlhtrmawTi anl aallMilla.Awaw . Aft, atM triuiu which run aallr. eaSaUiAilv K Vwast runa brwaTef talaKafX. J: J-WpOD. General P aaaenger Aiaat'T . M- -1 vnnn. . fiiwn wnral Manual", - Slflffiij TRVNKB&e JXAUNESS, THUNK8, Ae. FOUND AT LAST, THE TRAVELER'S DELIGHT . .. . ..; A Very irandserrn and Cenveni- VW$ ent BAG, made of the Finest Qual ity Brown Grain Leather, ml fur. nlshed with Cleths, Hair r nl Teeth Brush, Seap Dish, Teeth Powder Bettle. Made fremlS te 10 Inches. CALL AND EXAMINE ODB NEW LINEll s,.i fe TRUNKS A lm RAftcS .w "-3&j AT M&i M.Eal)8rbusii& Sen's. ;i SADDLE, UABKE59. -AND- -rF?TTML,r q-t-ath- "s WAAA WM, Ne. 30 Oentre Square, 'iM LANOASTEB. FA. JIATS. TEW I1ATS KOK EA8TEK. "Dunlap Hats" AND TUX KKNOWNKD " BOSTON JEAUTIES.' Correct In "tyle, rirat In Onallty, LlgLtln eIjht and 1'rUe Quaianlbed. A 81ECIALTY UADE Or YOUNG MEN'S HATS. We are prepared te ahew Yeung Mentha Newe.t, frettiuatand LnrKeatLlnulntheClty at the Very Lewuat rrlcea. SPECIAL UABOAIKU IN Trunks and Traveling Bagp. Stauffer & Ce.; LEADING 1IATTEUS, 31 and 83 Serth Qneea Street. COAL, T H. M AitTJII, wsetaaAU ave satAa bsaus rat All Kinds of Lumber and Ce'. ESrYABat Ha HO North water macs StnMta. ahnvn Lmen. Laneaater. nMv4 TOAUMQAlUJNKH'a (XMTAJNY, GOAL DEALERSi Omar Na IS North QaeenStreet, and Ne. aM North frlnee ttreeu rABDe: erui rnnea sueet, Baaracaarag aaa?llM LAwnaaTER. 7A e All I CO All I Price of Ceil Reduced -AT- G. SENER a SONS, COB. PBINOB Jt WALNUT SIS. JUllD-tfd !&& n i V A3 M 1 V tJ! VfJ? . .ffl 4 Vi M w .jSs t il I'l l 7W-. fs' ;.7j 1 1 iff) w . lliv.! "Vs & m: 1 ,r& n !&, ' i a.s rtfi. 3:te3 . " Kt? r I ITA': . :.. ...JSii? .. ,?$.e& TL-!l(,fJX i '4m . l.l.5T wiva W' M ' Tftj inl "-"ASS flZfWM w .jil i -s ,j v -v m