htf-.&.fi n. n tr jtHE LANCASTEK DAILY rNTELUGENOEJS, THUKBDAY, APRIL 5. 1888 Bf tf- ?! Dally lnfl.tger.cer. i,awuabtk. apbil . DAtLT Mrmxrewcw publishes Ml the hMBWtn vea univea x roes up wj twnssibieheur. IMt-Tka Dally BdlUen of Tn Iirrmtti- HMM M liverea 07 camera in van cuy M nrreBBaiBK towns (or 10a. per week I VMii, M0 ft TCt W-50 ter six months JkS ler tkrwwien that We. per month. M WmMEtT Iimru.iaairem (Deuble Sheet) rage, only ILB0 per annum, in aa- wtshln their address changed Mtalee itate whero the paper U bow ler from 10 te cu.per line ItaMrUen. according te location. THU INXKLLIUSMU&u. Lancaster, Fa. It Mupbene connection The Changed Situation. &ne railroad situation In the West has very decidedly, ana se nns me all street situation. Tbe latter nas te be an accurate indication or tue ewtry's condition, Its prices being , Mtfly due te manipulation. But it leeks M though the people in control of .'tt railroads, who also control Wall street prices, bad concluded te yMd te the naturally prosperous con itttiena in the country. We expect te 'ihiarsoen of the accommodation of the nUread strike, which has new been rJiiWU te be remarkably under control, t iteCtlui llmtfaHnn nttlnli linq Iwnn Mill. sblyputtiponlt,te the read en wliUh it originated. jv The public is always very much in the -dark' as te the outcome of threatening at at Vtedea between great corporations and thir empleyes, since it is seldom possible te reason about them, the main-springs l" srf thst mnwmnnt tains' known enlv le tfcOM who incite them; these generally Jtwkig the railroad directors seeking te Tgjmm their pockets. ? mulMMBln(Ar 41.A nnimlrt te lnrivelv i'j?1 AUD1UUU3I1JUI til-IU VUUMbtJ e .... S- J M the mercy of the men who are mis ft! placed in charge of great corpora- i, seeking their own profit at the cost 4riMbelr trust. When the law lays a Afceavy hand upon uch practices, and 3s" v;wiu wwu,uui no uupi) iui uuiukhui'viu i mini of business nresneritv and calm. -t. m Commendable Zeal. $& ?M rm. 4afA .rnirlniAnf liaa licnlnvpfl MH4 ., foemmendable zeal in the case of Mrs. V." Leen Baldwin, whose husband was mur- r;fidred by Mexican bandits, and whose .pCftMOl Ol ?iw,wu ihu4bce $' cud li.Kl If mhIju liml lntl,A.I A mal-An itanl. j Mm ,-u.p-miU nan iminu ..uiwi-nu wf r V . . . . ...... a- .. i- t - 'JIM no immigration te ine region wuure -f Baldwin was kllkd, and had formally HMMMlAi1 r.rntjpHnn Af llfft ntlfl tirnn- .a-pAw Tf. urlll Ka rimam1nrai1 thnt. u?tinn if "s;-.. l. .. 'rrrr7: ::: , : :: K . HJCUi..Ul. UIOl UCUUuJelUU-UIUCllk, Ik nil. JSmnA that Mexico might with justice If M!t it en the JAtnn crreund tliat we aight have plausibly held against .4 China's claim of Indemnity for the mur- : rJaain Itlnftaa mlnarc! In 41in ni- Hnnt 3SST." -"."""'" "-. " j in we uninese treaty new awaiting rati- iSHeatinn. It is neL admitted that Chinamen It. w-miaIa rnifl lanrlflBa MnlAnv nNi nnMllA.1 te indemnity for less of life and property, cjuad the money granted is given solely If com humane considerations. ' Xfi-J-lm uiucicui-e uc.nwjii niB SAdChmese case iSBimply that Ameri 1'eans are invited and urged te operate in .f rasoete and lawless regions of Mexico, .IsuiA protection is assured, while Chinn- " Siaeri are net invited te our shores, but Ififare formally discouraged. A great many p Americans have suffered in Mexico at v-Tthe bands of outlaws, and in spite of ."premises it is weu Known mat tiiey go Wl pKtmO "" UU1UCI D.U.IX- Ul J.UCAICU Willi l& k !-. 4- . a k a Akf jpa nlndtn aP fAf-i --.-Iil. Aguieir uvea in meir nanus. The dim .aulty of procuring evidence has usually discouraged any effort te induce Mexico g te make geed her guarantee. It seems te Jrfisue very loeiisu iei n government te iYiPromlse what it is obviously nnable te - ,, ; yeiiuiui WllUUi j.ctvuuuuiu tAiiunsf, UUl ft? Cthat is net our concern. And as both -JSngland and Germany have collected jgMHUges in BlmUar cases, there seems te rifsT" "T . V ,7, . ,r ., It&avBwniw el aire. jjiuwiuh oviuence. -, eaereiary iiayarusaja luutuer ciuiin la i VnueKauiisnea, ana uas assured the lady I J Uui.t It will hA TltrnrniiHlv niiHliprl rff ' " rf r W -firanllng-Iiiceiise. vL, SuMIMI nf 1 llA IMlllailftlntltn tnrlrril Imva .Vw..w w.r... J-"t" ""' gv. g MM making a sensation in that town by rejectliig the majority of the applications Kfer license, rresunrib y they are eelect- .iUlA nMMliAliAr ntnnrta If flinf le IIiaI. I aMBtien, tbey are net very successfully ,."' aiMntlnir It tint tliln in nn nlmnat mum. Mry result In deciding se many cases in M..Vll llmA Al!nIH..l r .1.- f i ) w vuciu viiue unuwtu iui iuu exuuiina k" iliea. The judges have evidently under- t AtAV tiA miinli In nttatnnt Inn. 4 lir1.1.t f lapee brief Inquiry as te the character of .'the thousands of places applying for ylieense. They are inlluenced doubtless 'jpV ether information than that which k? mum get in open court : and information lyUies privately obtained is very apt te be IKW " H"""'J' itJ'V Hat II ArtntiKI In via llinl MmnA 1,I.11 ptWphla Judges are making law, in se lib- . jthem te withheld licenses for cause, as te : ) withheld them from respectable and rn- n ... . -. . peasiDie peraens iorne oilier reason than 4lp Atw. Man t.n 1MMM a. P-'ii BMded. The idea, nf t.lin liir-l, nanaa i. ' '." v"Waa that nlacp.s Tint nivilerl irM,l,i i,a ULerewded out by the high license and the iiibeiul nncl tVin nnnllnillnn. I mn.i.i i2 Z. .-j-r"v"Ku;i m .Luuuuci- t ram wer reduced one-half by this inllu nrt Jt setms that such nnDlicants ni willing te pay the fee and could se bondsmen. and who m man i f mM Wamj9i.h.m g, ,UfW WUUUSU1CU, ;fsjeed character, who had heretofore kept " tltann of imed TpnntA. elinnl.l !... i , , f -w -' -- .-r"w auvuni uam mil ,Mtir licenses granted as a matter of prajtn; anct inat the judges should net S"Mt up their own desire te limit drinkiDg iirsiuufl Bffainur f tin fHa natinn Ap .1.- i fl& .,. ... . ?l.oec!;o. - . p.r$.Au ima vroueie wim Morocco has a WT wy oek, mr a bids lair te put us J imposition of flghtlng for dignity, of jMperillag the lives of brave seamen and ftUkteg the lives of miserable barbarians 'Msmeae a nler lipaded Mnlinmm,v, a, I Sfet refuses te release a Meer who has - aiawbew a claim en our protection. And 'V aggravating part of the buslnwa la Mat we cannot gain anything very tang ible by hostilities. Perhaps we had bet Mr pocket the Insult for the present and mbm day land a force of marines and jMPtare a few deys and sultans. r national quarrels of late years havn Hma of a kind that could add te our MM imputation. Canada and Mexico; ' we looked down upon them ever our : uoet wea 01 u rotten navy and de- H COiatS I But if German v ilnn'f foatewatioutthe seizure of Samoa Bbe pay Aad a feemsm worthy of her steel, Rhede Island. llhede Island has gene Itepubllcan with a majority en the head of the ticket of 1,000 or 1,700, after one of the most desperate canvasses ever made by the Republican party. In 1SS1 for president, it gave Dlaine 0.C30 majority and two years later gave a Itepubllcan majority of 4,390. Last year the Democrats carried the stale for governor by n.esi votes, and captured the popular branch of the legis lature. The Republican victory en Wed. nesday was nothing te beast of. The Democratic lever is working and llhede Island may be put In the doubtful col umn for November next. The Memphis Sunday Ttmes,ia its Issue of April 1,1s nlled with plctuws of the men who nave made Memphis the enterprising city tbat It new is. The performance la very creditable te the Time, and URReeU that Geerge 8. Liandl, new of the 7mts, but formetly nfthe iNTKLf.iciKNcnit, haa net allowed,hls band te forget lta old time cun ning. m Siikiiman and Allisen are aald te hae formed an oflenslve and defensive alliance. It will he a rope of sand. Thk first issue of the Manhelm Monitor, the new paper of that progressive borough, is very creditable and, aa It carries the name of Mrv. Fannie R. Mtssemer at the top of Its second page, there is abundant evidence tbat this geed lady baa net mlstaken her call I til.. Tlie Urst Ukne abound In news and makes tbe llve suggestion that Man helm ought te have a semi-centennial cele bration en May 10, aa that date will be tbe filtlethannlvorsaryef tbe Incorporation of Manhelm as a borough. As a reanen for expecting sufllclent patronage, tbe Monitor notes that Lancaster county baa leaa papets in proportion te Its population, tban the counties of Dnupbln, Lebanon, Cheater, Yerk, Behuylklll, Montgomery, Uuckp, Onmberland, Oclaware, Frankllr, Juniata, I'erry, and ethers In Ibis aeotlen of the atate. Montgomery county, for Instance, with a population of 00,000, has 29 weekly paperr, while IiSncaster oennty, with 13U, 000 Inhabitants, has only 21 weekly papers. We trust tbat the new Journal will get Its Bharoeltho newspaper patronage tbat la abroad. And new Morocco is defying the United States. Yeu may bark, but dent you dare te bile. Tjik Oregon Democratic atate convention heartily endorses tbe president's tariff re form message, and (Ilea thenamoef Urover Cleveland for president with Governer Fcnneyer, of Oregon, for vlce prcsldent. The 1'iiclfle coast Demecrats are moving en. Wi; publish te-day l'realdent Cleveland's reply te tbe Ill-considered pretest of the Motbedlst conference against the exoluslen of natlve languages in the education of In diana. In the Ural place the government does net compel tbem te roceivo all rollg rellg rollg leus Instruction in Kegllsb." The govern ment simply provides for an ordinary secular education and has nothing te de wlt'i religions teaching. It would be the height of felly te try te educate eavages te take care of themselves without giving tbem the language of tbe country by the laws of which they munt be protected and with whose cltlrens they muat cope. The only way tbat we can save tbe Indians from extermination is by teaching thorn te take care of themselves, te swim with tbe cur rent of civilization when It strikes thorn. It is el the very Urst Importance tbat they aheuld abandon their language,and the civ ilized Indiana bave taettly recognized It and made English the language or their national enngrcsi In the Indian territory. An Interpreter Is present te translate for these members who de net speak Ktigllali. Yet tbese Indiana have a lltorature and alphabet of tbclr own and therefere much mere reaten te cling te their natlve tengue than the lllltorate Ravages for whom the ministers prcaumed te apeak. Mentk Caiu.e, Kurope'a greatest gamb ling centre, has bad titty suicides during the lait quarter. A great deal of useless carrion are represented In these. t PEB30NAL. llitONROx UewAUii recently nimle the witty remark tbat he would rather be playwright than be president. Katii! Koenkv, the actress, new has a guardian, Mrs. Kinma Wloker, and her aieptather, l'at Hoenoy, may ue longer molest her. Tun l'lmmiKNT nu Wednesday Hlsncd the commtssleu of Medical lilr rotor Jehn M. llrowne as nurcoen general of the navy. I Tne appointee la well known in Lancaster. AlllH. UlIAUI.OirK llOHlWIUK lias Ju.t given (10,000 te the Uermantewn hospital. A geiitleirtsti. whose name la withheld, has given (0,000 le the same Institution for a laundry. M., momberot the Chamber el DeputlCH from the Vesgen, was en Wodnoa Wednoa Wodnea day elected president of the French Chatn Chatn ber. lie recetved 1C3 voter. M. Clemen ceau received tbe Miiiu number of vetes, but M. Mcllne was declared elected, owing t ) the fact that he was the elder. Tiik i.atk Mit. nni:.HTKK wnre until his death the style of bltrh white beaver hat In vegue In tbe year 1810, and bad his head coverings made toerdor from a special block. Kullltfd shirt besoms and waist bands, with Ibre frilling, after the gallant old iHBUlenB of a century age, he also at at fected, together with a luxuriance lu waist coats ili ai made hlui a marked figure en the streets of any city, He sliaved blmssif c esely overy day. WAXAtlAKKK'a. l'uu adkli uja, Thursaay, April ft, lbtfe. Tlie Spirit of Yeutli which comes with April is putting mere than usual life all thre' the store. The tide of life that flews about the counters would indicate that all the local world knows our story as told by the merchandise. Net se however. There is daily news. Items, te be told that make this col umn geed reading very geed. Toe geed for you te miss. Te-day geed family reading. Somewhere in that which fol fel lows men and women, boys and girls all find interest. And some points touch all. We arc pluming ourselves with a little honest pride about Boek Nnvs. It has taken a long step upward and forward. It is gaining recognition for lit erary originality, and is also eclectic and practical takes Mr. Busy Man by the hand and says : " Allew me te introduce you te the noble companionship of geed literature." Mr. Book worm already knows and re spects it. 5 cents a number, 50 cents a year. '.thirteenth itreetentrance. De you want a headache ? If yes, just leek through our stock of fancy Surah Dres3 WANAUAKKIfS. Silks. If net, read en a little. We may help you get the silk and save your head. The prices go from 75c te $1.50, widths from 1 9 te 24 inches. The styles go through all primary colors with their com plements and contrasts, through all patterns, plaids and plains, flowers and figures, natural and conventional. If you want a surah dress pattern just idealize your notion, tell us what it is, and if human ingenuity 1ms been ahead of you, the stuff awaits your call. Any margin between your fancy and our fact wc can doubtless over come. There is no false witness in our $1 Black Surah. Yeu can tret it only here. Other Surahs plenty. These nowhere else. Pure dye, pure silk, and two years' experience. The Chinaman and cheap labor gives you real Shantung Pongee at $5 the piece of 19 te 20 yards. Yeu don't buy Chi nese land pounded into the fabric just geed honest nat ural silk. Ah Sin isn't in the transaction. WestTransept. Habit Cleths. Net for riding habits only, but for all sorts of ether dress uses. S grades. Read the roll. Only a sign board te lead you te the stock : ffl Inch at Mc, M colon M inch at lir, :n color M Inch at SI ", 111 oeIoih re Inch Kt l.50, 2.1 cnleiM til Inch at si W). 54 colon r2 Inch at, M co era M Inch at 12.51. l color 61 Inch at flB, se coleis Twe hundred and twenty eight varieties. Hepe you compre hend it. We are somewhat used te woolens, and yet it is rather much for us. WcbIeI SI Mn AUle, ricur Market slrcnl. Seme time since we gave our shirt factory a hard task. It was te produce Beys' Shirt Waists of better quality and neater fit than had before been made by anybody anywhere. It nas been clone. And tnere is only one competitor in all the land. By our own making we can sell exclusive styles at $1 each; otherwise equal quality would cost $1.50. A compe tent judge says that our 50 cent Shirt Waist, unlaundered percale, is worth $1. He is right as the world gees, but, after all, an article is worth what it will bring. We are sat isfied te take 50 cents, but the bargain you get is our satisfac tion. West of Chestnut street outrance. The maze of Millinery. Kaleidoscopic. Changed every hour in the parlor for trimmed bonnets, and among them net only women's, but misses' and children's also. But the chil dren's corner ask anybody in the Millinery store where it is ! Yeu speak somewhat con temptuously perhaps of this millinery business. But even the children's portion of it is enough te command the best there is in many an ambitious brain. Te grasp it is no mean attainment. It has been grasped here witness the stuff. Your girl, or small boy, your daugh ter of larger growth, whether your tastes be grave or gay, your purse lean or full, can be served for school or for dress with anything the civilised world produces for head-rig. Cleth helmets, straw Tarn O'Shanters, jockeys, sailors, fancy shapes and untrimmed from 40 cents te $3. But the buying crown tells the story. What mere ? Thirteenth ana Chestnut slreeta. The Men's Suspenders at 25 cents are as we said en Sat urday worth double, treble, and quadruple. If you don't believe don't buy. The be lievers are taking them off quick. Market street entrance, Slain AUle. Richness and style in Men's Neckwear, plaids, at 50 cents. We hesitate te say hew cheap this stuff is. You'll say it for us. Wel nf Olies' nut trcet entrance Odentine. De you knew it ? If net, you have yet te make acquaintance with the best and purest teeth-powder. 25 and 45 cents a bottle. Northeast et centre. Perfection Bustles, 40 cts. Hast of Chestnut street entrance A long chapter certainly, but tee short by far. Lets of things delayed for another day. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. H OOD'S BAHSAPAKlLIiA. Keep the Bleed Pure We bolievo lloed's SarsaparllU U the Try bait rnoalclne te take te keep the bleed pore ana tot 1 pel the Renntef scrofula, saltrnenm, and ether potions which cansu temnchSaffsr. lng, ana aoeseror later nnflorrulne thegenaral health. By Its peculiar curative pewer, lloed'a flitrsaparltla alrenalheni the system while It eradiates dlsrase. "JCarly last spring X was very much run down, had nervous headaehe, ftlt miserable and all that. I took lloed's Barsaparllla and was much benefllted by It. 1 recommend It te my friends." Maa J. M. TAtlea. lll Xucltd Avenue, Cleveland, Ohie, Heed's Sarsaparllla " rer a first-class rprlrs; medicine my wile and I both ttlnk very highly of Heed's Bar eapaiilln. We both took It last spring. It did us n Krat dost of Reed and we felt better through the het woather than ever before. It cured my wile of stck headache, from which she has suflered a great deal, and relieved me of a dl77y, tiled feeling. I think every one ought te lake something te purify the bleed before the het weather comes nn, and we shall certainly take lloed's Ranapailllalbls spring." J. II. l'KAnca.supt. Granite Hallway Ce. ton ten cord, H. II, Heed's Sarsaparilla. Beld by all drupK'stA. tl six for 15. Prepared only by J. 1. 1.UOD CO., Apothecarles. Lewell, Mass. 100 Ddbes One Dellar. TA1nV.S OEliKItyCOMl'OUNF .yen s m.k at . It. COCIIUAN'B DKUU BTOKB, Kts. 137 and 13J North Queen St, Lancaster, Pa. aprl imd&w ADAMS KXI'ilKSS COMl'AKY. I,ctir Frnin UieAMlstantIrerenian of the De livery Ileiarimiit A Sulject In Which Tlinnri Are Deeply Concerned, Abrmt flve yen's age 1 suirored join painful urination and great pain and weakness In the lower part of my back, pain in the limbs, bad toste in tbe mouth, disgust at feed, and great menial and bodily doprejston. I live at Ml Yerk street, J ersey City, and en arriving home ene night 1 found a copy of the tlidker Almanac that had been leftdurlng the day. 1 read the artlcle, " What Is the Disease that la Coming Upen Ust" It de scribed my symptoms and feelings better than 1 could 1ft had written a whole book. My trouble waa Indeed "like a thlef In the night," for It bad been stealing upon me un awares for years. I sent ler a bottle of Shaker Kxtrsct et Heets, or Belgel's Byrup, and before I had taken one-half of it 1 felt the welcome relief. In a few weeks 1 was like my old self. I enjoyed and digested my feed. My kidneys seen recovered tone and strength, and the urinary trouble vanished. 1 was well. Millions of peeple need some mcdtclne sim ply te acten the bowels. Te them 1 commend Bhaker Kxtract In the strengest possible terms. It is the gentlest, pleasantest, safest and surest purgative In this world. The most dollcate women and children may take It. Ofte point more: Ihaveall themore confldencoln this medlclne because It la prepared by the Shakers, linay claim te be n religious man myself and ad mlre the Shakers for thetrzeal, consistency and strict business Integrity. What they make may be trusted by tbe pub lic. W. II. HALL. Fer sale by all druggtits and by A, J. White, M Warren street, New Yerk, felZ4-lydAwTu.Tb&B AUK YOU CONS UillTl VET USK PARKER'S GINGER TONIO Without delay. A rare wodttlnel composi tion that cure j when all else falls. Has cured thu worst cases of Leugh, Weak Lungs, Asth ma, Indigestion, Inwaid l'utns, Kxhaustlen, te. ut Druggists HINDEItaOKNS. The safest, surest and bust euro for Cernr, Iliinlniit. Ae Hteps all pain. Knsures com tort te the feut. Ncver falls te cure. IS cents at Druggists. IUBUOX ft CO , N. Y. (2) rALllAHI.E MKIHUAIjWORK. TJRuT-Ei, Or the SU1KNCK Or T.IRK. A VALUABLE MKD1UALWOUK, tlie only tme description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and 1'hyslcal Debility, Prema ture Decline, Krrers of Youth, and ihe untold miseries conscnuent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacks and their se-called medical works, by which they vlctlmlza thousands, and by thulroxagKerullng disease, makes theso peer aunVrers Insane. Kvery young man, middle aged or old. should read this book. It Is mere than wealth te them. Bend two cent stump for a copy. Address, Dlt.TFTOB.THKKL, KM North reurth St, Philadelphia, Pa. .fli-lyd JULY'S DREAM FJAliM, OATAREH--HAY FEVER. ELY'S CUKAM HALM cures Celd In Head Catarrh, ltesu Celd, Hay Pnvor,lJea!nss, Head ache Prlce 60 Cents. KAS1 TO U.lfc. Ely Bre's, Owego. N. Y , U. S, A. YOU WILL BAVK MONKV, TIMK, PAIN, TUOUULK, And Will euro CATAllllH, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle is applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price M oenta at druggist : by n,at), rnKlsteied, 10 rts. ELY BHOTHEUB, 23S Greenwich St., New Yerk. nevlVlyd&w DIPHTHERIA, MEASLES, SCARLET ITKVKU, And ether zymodle diseases lurk lnthnat lnthnat lnthnat mosphure and hover ever every household at this season of the year when thorough entl entl latlen Is Impracllcible en account of the se verity of the weather. Frequent fumigation et apartments with UKAHUUY'S HYDiO NAPHTHOL PAB'l I LLKB purines 1he atmos phere, duatrej s dlseuse germs, and thoroughly dlslutects all carpet, bedding and drapery, while impart lux a delightful aromatic odor that 1 3 notinluileus te silver, brass or ether metals. Cellars, closets, allies. Aa, should be made hea'thy by burning therelnSHAUUnV'S HULfrlUlt CANDI.K8. which are pule, cleanly and sale. Fer tbe toilet, bath, lava tory and nurserv, BKAliUKVi ItlDUO NAPHTHOL BOAl' should he used exclu sively. WDen't forget HKNSON'S TLASTEKS r.r aches and pains ITS (3) tOLDKN BPECIFIO. DRUNKENNESS Oil TUB L1UUOII HAltlT POSITIVELY CI1KKD BY ADMINlBTEBtNG DK HAINUB' OIILDKN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of oetroo or tea with out tbe knowledge of the person taking it ; Is absolutely harmless, and will eflecl a perma nent and speedy curu, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been mode temperate men who have taken Gelden ,8pe- Clue in uiuirciuiiw wnauui imiirKuuwu-ugti, and te-day belleva they quit drtnklngef thutr own inHi win. uiinvAuf ails, loe sys tem eucu Impregnated with the be comes an utter impossibility for the liquor nnnutlte te exist. Fer sain by Oil AS. A. LOCH Kit, Druggist, Ne e East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. aprlS-IjrdTu.'lhAB HUMMKli KKHOKTS. ATLANTIC U1TV, N. J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (Popular Winter or Buinmer ) Largest Hetel. Most Convenient. AlegunUy ur nlshud. Liberally Managed. OPEN ALL THE MCA 11. CHAR. MuULADE. Prep. W. K. CiKimiH. Chief Clerk, feb22-6ind A TLiANTlU C1TV, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (tern erly Hetel Ashland,) 4rNOW;ePEN.- KEFIJKNI8IIED. BKMODELKD. HKNOVATKD, JdsTn FLAN1UEN, .la, marl 4md-Mar,Api,July,Aug, BUH1NENS MKTHODS'MADE PliAlN. The system of Instruction at the LANCABTKU COMMKUOIAL COLLKQK, Is se simple and plain thit any yeumrl'df or guntlemau can easily inkster all the details of abuslness edacatlun. LiiiEiiAL Trims. Evening 3tlens Tuesdays, Wednes and Fridays, i nil Information given by H.O. WJUDLKK, l.ftnrAMtAr rvitnmArr.l&l fnllAA-a. MUB-Ud LaneMtsV, Fa. Fer a geed spring medicine we confidently recommend lloed's Sarstpartlla. By lta use the bleed la purlflid, enriched and vitalised, thit tired feeling Is entirely overcome, and the whole bely given strength and vigor. The appetite Is restored and sharpened, the diges tive organs are toned, and the kidneys and liver Invigorated. These who have never tried lloed'a Barsa parllla should de ae this spilng, 1 1 Is a thor oughly honest and rell&blepreparallen, purely vegetable, and contains no Inturleua Ingredi ent whatever. Thousands testify te lta pecu liar curative pewer. Purines the Bleed " 1 had erysipelas in the worst form, being nearly covered with blisters. My husband heard of Heed's Sarsaparllla and Insisted en my taking It, though I had little faith, lead taken bat a few dotes, when I began te feel better, and in a week t was aure it waa doing me geed. 1 continued te take it according te directions and when tbe first bottle was genB t waa entirely well. I have net been troubled by eryatpetaa since." Mas. L B&oeir, Brim field, Mass. N. B. If yen declde te take Heed's Barsapa rllla de net be Induced te buy any ether. Beld by all druggists, f 1 1 six for 5. Frepircd only by C. I. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. 100 Doseb One Dellar, UltOCKHIKS. LENTEN SEASON OOOliS. Halt and Rnieaed rish, Wlne White Fat Mackerel. Codfish, Bmeked Halibut, Canned Salmen and Lebster, Hardlnes, etc , Macaroni, tielailne, Ann New ierlr Cheese, Canned fruits and Vegetab'es, olives and Pickle. Onr stock of Coffees and leaa compare with the finest in the market. Please laver ns with a trial order. Goods do lt vered. OROHGRWIANT, Ne. IM West King Street. , T BUKSK'S. EASTER GOODS! BANANA), OUANUFS, JCA8TKIINKST3 IS OIIKEN, OBANOK AND UK I), CHOCOLATK EUUS, CHOCOI.ATK It VDUIT3, nil 8ii K.aaB,.ie. CTA PULL LINK OrTEKSIl UHOCK1UK3. BURSK'S, NO. 17 BA8T KING STREET. Q.1VEN AWAY At REISTS Te-morrow (Saturday) Evenieg-, 1,000 CAKES OS THAT FANCY TlttNflPAKKNT GLYO KU1NE TOILET SOAP. Yeu Hast Ask for' It. Yeu never saw Us equal. This may be the last chance. WKG1VKIT A3 AN KASTKIt Girr. Distribution will begin at 7 o'clock sharp. KAS1KU HAMS Frem de Hi up te 15e Q, Boe display In 2d win dow, west side. DUIEDBKKF Frem 3e ft up te 10c ft. Yen nover saw the like. Think e( It 1 only 12)e ft. riCNICHAUS Frem 7c ft up te Ke ft. Just what you want forKaster, only luc ft. CALirOUNlAKVAPOUATKU rilUlT. See display in 3d window, west side : Kgg Plums, tilted Plum. Pears. Paied and Un paged Peaches, A pi loots Alse Prnnellas, evaporated Apples und ether domestic fruits. WHITE CASTILE BOAP. Bee display In 4th window, west sldn. The finest soup you ever used and only 15c ft. TARLK 8AI.T. PoertHplay In 5th window, west side. Bus. lai;s.60c: k Km, llii. I'e t Pic. liuis I5c. and "own te Se llag. It Is the finest and purest B lit cfn the market. CHKHHK. HO Kote Cheese-geed as most yen pny lie a ft for. We will Bell It te you at 4 and A ft for S5e. 2,00 C03 OANUTS Large and geed j orery Nat guaranteed, 4 for is cents J9"Loek for Bargains. Reist, Wholesaled Retail Grocer, Cor. W. Kin; and Prince Sis., (NBZT llOOB TO THB 80RRSL HOKSB UOTSL ) QUJCKMiH'AKJt. priau A MARTIN. CHINA HALL. CLEARING SALE Thtt lasts twelve months In the year. The hnsteuailly for thu least money always te be had there. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO BOT HOUSEKEEPERS! Tea Sets. Wht te Granite, r2.C0. Dinner Bets, White Urinlle..!! M. Dinner tieu, Printed I8.79. Ne goods mlsrcpHsxnted. All Wares ox ex changed it net satisfactory, at High & Martin, NO IBEASrKINaSTREET, LANCASTER, PA. CAllKIAUKU. STANDARD WORK. RDYf. EDGERLEY UAIIUIAUE 1JUILOE11, N03. (0,41,41, 45 MABKKT STllttKT, Bear of Poaterllco, Lancaster, Pa, I have in Stock and Build te order Every Variety of tbe following styles t Coupe. Bug. eles, Cabriolets, Carriages, Victorias, Business Wagons, "VCaru, McCall Wsgeus. Hurries, Market Wagons, Phn'tene, Express Wagons. 1 employ the best Mechanics and have lacll ltlea te build correctly ny style of Carriage desired. '1 he Quality, Btyle and Finish 01 my work makes it decidedly the cheapest in the market, MOTl'O: "Fair Dealing, Honest Werk at Bettem Prices." Please give me a cell. aarliepilrlng promptly attended te. Prices lower than all ethers. One set of Werku-en especially emplej ed ler that purpose. E OltMAKlNUSOAr. CAUSTIC SODA. IK TI1KKK AND FIVE POUND FANCY kKT- TLKB, AT J. O. HOUGHTON A CO., Cheapest Drugstore In the City, hea. W ana H West King street. BUT VOOM. G IVLER'8 NKW STORE. GIYLER'S NEW STORE NOW OPEN. Kverythlng New In DRKSS OOOOS. Kmbreiderei and Braided Robes. Melrer, ailka and Satint. DryOoeds. Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Em broideries. Buttens In the newest Styles and Colen at All Prices. Come and see Oar Goods, compare OUB Prleea. JOHN S. GIVLER, Neb. 6 & 8 North Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. marlO-lidftw CORING DRESS GOODS. NEW Spring Dress Goods ! WATT &SH AND UAVK NOW OPKVKO KVKKYTUINU DK BIUABLK IN BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS At the Lewest feasible Prices Ever Known KewKhadeslnAH-Si'k SATIN UH A DAM A3 at "Seayard. Anether Full Line of these Vlegant COT. OKKO SATIN HU ADAH AS, ll 00 a yard usual prlce.ll 25. COLOBED 8UBAH BILKS, 2l Inches Wide. 50c a yard. New Hhades In Seft SUB AU BILK?, 2a Inches wide, 75e a yard. The Famous UABKKLL'3 BI.ACK DKK9B, aiLKS. warranted neither te crock, shllt or crack, are the best value In any rnarkel, at lto,ll.2i,tlteayaid. Krcellent Value in All Bilk BLACK SATIN UUADAU AS at 75c, 11.00,$! 25, ll be a yard. COLOBED MOIBK SILKP, BLACK OUCUK9B 81LK9, BLaCK SATIN LUSCOlt, FBKNCU FAILLK BILKS, AT LOWK9T CITY PBI KB. SPKCIAL-OneCase ALL-WOOL FUBNCU DKilKlGEB at 33c a yard. New Yerk Stere, e, 8 & 10 BAST KINO 8T. wjLtimmm. QPKOIAIi. WATCHES for Farmers and Ballreaders will be sold at great reduction In prices. Alse Elgin, Wal tham, Aurera, ter which 1 am sole agent, and ether first-class Watehes. Best Watch and Jewelry ttepalnng. Spectacles, Eyeglasses and OptlcaJGoed". Correct time daily, by tele tele grapeonly place in the city. LODI3 WBBEB, Ne. 159X N. Queen St , opposite City Hetel, Near Penn'a Deneu N KW JEWKIiKT STORE. GILL, Jeweler. Have inst Uccelved a Large and Select Line et WAlCHEalnGeld, bllver and Nlckel, ter which we glve a written guarantee te ail buy ers. Bliix MAKES BOLD ON LY. Spoons, Knives and Ferks. In (1817) Segers Bre.' Standard. CLOCKS. Uave Just reeelved this line and weuU ln vlle an Inspection before buying, it will te te your advantage te buy here. CHARLES S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KING BT LANCA8TEU, PA D KOIDED BAEQAINS. WK OrEU AT PBESKNT Decided Bargains -IS- WATCHES. Our Heaviest Solid Silver Cases, 4 and 5 ounce, we will sell at price of icgulur eunce case Fitted with Elgin, Walttmin, Hampden or Keyttene movements. CALL AND GET PllICKS. JOS. KEKSEK,my tern er par .nor, Is again with me. WALTER C. HERE, Ne. 101 North Quean Street, LANCASTEB. PA. ni-Ud R KMOVAL. ON APRIL 3d, On account of building the SOUTH It UN Alini:r, 1 will remove my UNDERTAKING E3TABLI3HMBNr Nerlbeait Cor. Seuth Quetn tad Genua Streets, Where I can be found at any time, Day or Night, My many friends and cutemrs will plea'.e take notice of my change of removal. LEVEIMJR. ROTE. uiSl-lwdiltw cteTHJira. a. 0rtit JNEORMATION. Te these about Ordering pilng Clethes. If yen want te save Mosey and be Pleased, GOTO ASKEW'S. 077-1M TMMENSE ASSORTMENT. L 6re S. W. COR. N. QUEEN i ORANGE STSL IMMENSE ASSOlirMKNT, NEW FKATUBES 1XCLUS1VB STYLUS, BKKVICBABLE GOODS MASKED AT Reck Bettem Prices. GET THE MOST FOB THE MONEY. 12, ill, iir BulU toerdsr. quality Itrietly All-wool Casslmeres and Scotch Cheviot. IS, 15, u Butt te order in B tripe Plaids and Checks, strictly All-wool. ' is, ais , sulta te order, beat of AU-wool Imported Wonted. MO. VO, l?5 Prince Albert Bulls made te order. Trimmed and made In elegant atila 1100 OTaSSf18 MU te 0n,M alW- v&3!'&. STfl!" te ertM at 500 Fer glorious oendrmaUon see our two win win dewa full of Newest Spring Goods Only. aapltemember comfort and sallsfacUen gees w lth every purcbase made. L. GANSMAN & BRO. M YEK8 k KATHFON. Ease and Comfert. IN ADDITION TO THE FULL VALUE GIVEN IN OV& CLOTHING We 'have looked well after the Ease and Comfert of our Patrons in giving them Grace ful and JEssy-Pltllng clothing, at POPULAR PRICES. If yen are hard te fit, glve ns a trial. It yen are hard te ploase, taae a leek at OUR SOPERB STOCK OF- Spring Clothing. If yen don't knew what te buy for Spring, leek through our styles and you'll surely And something te your taste. If you are en a tour of lmpectten, we'll net boie you te buy. There's no need of It ; the assortment Itself will make a purchaser of you. Myers & Rathfon, LEADING CLOTU1KBS, ' NO. 12 BAST KING ST.. LANCASTEB, PA. WSeli Agency fe7the PEBFECT FIT TING LltOSlWKLL S11IUT-IU0 each, 15.00 the half dozen. H IKSH & BROTHER. SPECIAL BARGAINS -IS- Spring Clothing, FURNISHING G00D3 -AND- Merchant Tailoring. WE QUOTE A FEW OF OUB SPECIALTIES : 3,000 Children's Suits from $1.03 all grades te $8 00. Beys' Eulta from $2.60 te $12.00. Man's Sulta from S4.EO te $20 00. 1 800 Fairs Knee Pan's, 20, 25, 35, 46, 60, 65, 76 cent', 91.00, $1.60. WE SOLICIT YODR PATRONAGE. lirsh & Brether, One-Priee Heusp, COU. N. qUKKN 8TUK.ET AND OENTltX BUnABE. LANCABTEB, PA. MUSICAL. GUl'ErtlOR QUAL11Y MUSICAL BOXES. UENBY GAUTSCUI A SONS, Ne. 1C80 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. examination will prove our Instruments far superlorte any ether make, net speaking of the worthless trash tbst abounds In the market, seen tlng of mera annoyanee than pleasure te thelr owners. Old and Imper fectly made isusle Bexes carefully repaired by experienced workmen from the manntss manntss tery InBwiUerland. Correspondence solicited, bend stamp ter catalogue and price list. BOTM-iydaw Gansman J