Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 03, 1888, Image 1

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' I
Tills Cltr, DMtrPKlK.
Will Ihiaiea Wlla Mjt ertha Affair Bar
t4ubtnd Appropriates Bem .Buses and
.tafa far Paris Uekrenn BU Alleged
tsrauteur laid te Be Hamad.
Mr. Emll Thern te, who baa basil M(i(d
In tbe millinery business for several years
pint at Nr. 20 North (1'ieen street, bta bean
misting nines Saturday and it la Mid cm
what appears te be geed authority that be
baa eloped with a young milliner named
Emma MlUeh, who with her mother re
side at Ne. 42 Campbell alley, and who
until two or three weeks age was employed
te the millinery establishment of Peter
Wrlkel, Ne. 3S North Queen street
Gossip has It that there was family trenble
canted by Tbortre's attentions te Miss
Alltfeb, otherwise Mrs. Charles Shoemaker,
for the lady in question la said te be mar
ried woman living apart from her husband
who is in Philadelphia, and that Mrs.
Shoemaker was here endeavoring te get a
In an interview this morning with Mrr.
Thenio one of the Intkluoemeer re
porters was Informed that Mr. Tborrre had
lelt Lancaster Saturday evening and had
net since been beard from ; abe does net
knew whether he went away with a
woman or net ; be did net take away
with blm all bla clothing, and he It it
behind a number et ether valuables ; he
took with hlin some of Mrs. Themio's
money, and some of his own, and raised a
considerable sum op a note endorsed by
Peter Weber, bit lather-in-law. Mrs.
Theu te says she does net believe
that .ber husband ia as black as
he has been painted by his enemies.
She says she marrled htm Ave years age
last Christina, and they have one child.
Mr. Thorns) was always a kind husband
and father, and they had very few disputes
even in business matters which were ear
rieil en in ber name. List fall they bought
from Jacob Leeb the property Neb, 20 and
28 North Queen street, then occupied by
theStamm Iirethers, and they Intended te
occupy it en the tirst ei April. Mr. Thern oe
wanted the title et the prepetty made
out In his name and he also wanted
the business te be run In bis nsme.
Mrs. Theatu, te secure her money,
was advised by ber counsel te in
slst en having a clear title te the property
in ber own name. She felt like yielding
te her huBDsnd's wishes, as he assured her
that his credit would be hurt It the busi
ness was run In her name, but a Taw weeks
age rutnets canie te her ears of Mr,
Themio's familiarity with Mr). Stco Stce
maker, (neoMltseb,) when she became se
far auspicious as te determine her te insist
en having the title le the property In her
own name.
Oa this rock they split, and Mr. Thern tu
disappeared as above stated. Whether be
v. en t east or west, Mrr. Tbemie does net
knew, tut she Tea's sure be will come back
again. If be went away with a woman, It
Is becauee he has been under ber malign
Influence, and the woman is mere te blame
then ha Mrs. Thomce says that Mr.
Thotrte comea of excellent family, bis
father and grandfather being wealthy
peeple In the same town In Poland in
wbleb her own father and grandfather
lived. She says also that Mr. Theaiu had
been expecting money from home for two
years past and bad been disappointed in
getting It.
The first that was known or Mr. Thern ue
in this city was when as a young man be
was In the employ at d I Her en t times el
Frank Rleker, L. Knapp and A. C. Kepler,
as a driver, and alterwards ai agent for the
sale el millinery goods. He became, ac
quainted with the Weber family at a party
at Mtoinerchor ball, and It was developed
that their ancestors were natives of the
same town. An Intimate acquaintance was
formed, and he and Miss Ii'zzle Weber
were married, as above stated, and lived
happily for five years. Uls midden dlsap
pearance la the talk et the town, and baa
greatly shocked a large circle et friends
and acquaintances.
Mrs. Tborrre has net yet determined
whether she will Invest her money In the
Leeb properly or continue in builneiB
where she cow Is.
Enter Celebration at the Lleitei kram.
- Last evening the Lancas er Ltederkranz
held their regular Easter concert and soci
able in the ball en Grant street. There was
a very large crowd present, as there always
is en occasions of this kind, -"Ibe concert
began at 0 o'clock, and it was excel
lent The pregramme was as follews:
K co nig Mydas ouverture, Ellenberg,
orchestra; Etoeget's Helmatb, KwUner,
Llederkranz; Die Waldraueble, Ellenberg,
orchestra; GrusaUeber Den Ocean, Kmllner,
Llederkranz; Hydrepathen waizsr, Gung'l,
orchestra; Smagermarccb, Becker, Lleder
kranz; Auf Dam Bare Overture, Hermann
orchestra. Dancing followed the concert,
and it was kept up until an early hour this
morning. These prctent had a delightful
TheTtam WH Nat rtlelen.
Klnzsr Bander, Jr, of Mecbanlcsburg,
hitched bis horae In front et Knapp's hotel
Meuday afternoon. When be returned for
bis team a few hours later lc was gene and
after a diligent seareh and the team could
net be found he reported the matter at the
station house. OOiesr Weaver was put en
the caw and be also made a diligent bc arch
for the missing team. Late In the evenlng
the horse was found In Knapp'sstable. Be
bad become untied, wandered oft, was
found by a pirty and placed In Knapp's
stables for site kceplnp. The team was re
turned te lis owner and Mr. Bender lelt
for home late In the evening.
Ceunllen for and Agalnat Whl.kjr.
Elgbty-twn counties and twenty towns
of rnore than 2,500 Inhabitants In Missouri
have voted. Forty-nine counties have
voted "dry" and thlrty-tbree "wet" The
Democratic counties voting dry" were 30;
Ilepubllcan, 13 Democratic oeuntlea vot
ing "wet," 22; Republican 11. Thirteen
of ibe twenty towns went "dry," seven
wet," Of the 13 "dry" 7 are Ilepubllcan
and 0 Democrat!!-. Of the 7 "wet" towns 6
are Democratic and 2 Republican.
Charted Wllb Fergtrr.
Christian K. Kline, who realdes near
Cress well, was arrested yesterday en a
cbargoef fergrry. It is alleged that the
accused put the name of Jacob Hess, a rich
larmer or the same neighborhood, te a note
ier f HO, en which be secured the money at
the Lancaster County bank, The bank
brings this suit before Alderman A, F,
Jtaf lac en tbe Suxiuehauna.
The raiting season Is new faitly opened
at Leck Haven and hundreds of ratts are
arriving:. The Heed la a favorable one for
leg-driving. The number et rails te come
lu this year 1 estimated at ever 1.000. In
cluding pine, oak and hemlock.
Charter ISitctlene le Michigan,
The charter eloctlena In Michigan en
Monday were rather encouraging te Irienda
of the administration, showing Democratic
gains iu a number of quarters.
Strajed from Heme,
A young child et Rebert Albright stayed
away from its borne en Fulton street th a
morning and was found near Centre Square,
It wi returned te Its patent,
Tan rnoressM ier meat.
Levi liu) la Oaaalpeteat la rtliea Heard
ad Peer Heard Circle.
Te the Bailers et the limittioasess!
Attar the meeting of the beard et prison
laspsetere, held Mareh 6th, 1863, there ap
peared la the newspapers et this city the
following advertisement Inviting pro
posals te furnish the oennty prison with
beer, vis :
caster County rrlsrm will motive propo
sals for furnishing the Prison with wool front
quarter Beet welshing- net leas than 14 ) pen n da
par quarter, contract te ran from April I,
188 . till Iieaeinberll lt Thebiaatebahaua:
ed te Ue Chairman of lb Beef cn-nudtica en
or before the nth day of at arch, J 889. Al I bt 1 a
te be at the disposal of the Beef Cemmlnee,
and security rati factory te the Coemlttee
most accompany the proposals, or they will
net be considered
lid w UALVtN CAITIB, Chairman.
New, It Is well te Inquire Inte the man
ner et awarding contracts by our honor
able (?) beard of prison Inspectors ; for, It
seems tbst Messrs. J. W. Rutt ct Ce. are
chosen favorites, (it being a firm wholly
represented by Mr. Levi Ssnsentg,) as they
secured the contraet te furnish the county
prison with beef at 16 25 per 100 ft for lull
front quarter, the meat te be el superior
quality, while the stitne guarantee fcr sup
plying same kind or quality of beef In
every respect was presented te the beard
by E. H. Tt lesler, batcher, at the rata of
5 71 per ewt, a difference of Oi cents, and he
agreed te receive no emolument or pay
therefer far the period et nine month,
until the close of the contraet and proof
"We have been taught and always under
stood that the county prison, the alms
house and heipltal were Institutions pro
vided for the proper care, keeping and
nourishment et these committed te their
charge; that they were net created or es
tablished te subserve the self-interests or
personal aggrandizement of certain ln
dividual, who have gained special promi
nence or notoriety in the community
through the cunning devices, the low
trading and bartering which characterize
the mere elty and county politician.
There is another subject for considera
tion, that of the award te Mr. Levi Sen
senlg (representing Rutt tfcOe.) without
inviting any proposals from ether dealers,
by the beard or peer director, for the sup
plying of the almshouse and hospital with
beef, allowing the magnificent competence
of $7 50 per ewt for the effal pieces of
meat," or rather meat et a mere common
grade than that required at the prison for
te 25 per ewt the remarkable difference of
tl 23 per ewt between the serving of the
two public and charitable (net te say po
litical) institutions for the Interests et the
peeple et Lineaster county.
The questlena new te be answered are :
Were the almshouse, Ihe hospital and
evuu the oeunty prison created and estab
lished for the control and benefit et grovel
ing, bartering politicians la trade 7
Ia it net time for the beard of peer direc
tors le be made te consider whether or net
there are no ether dealers in such commod
ities as beef and ether neceatarles of Hie for
the Institutions under their charge, te re
spectfully invite proposals for supplying
the same, whereby the interests of the pub pub
lle may be better subserved ether tbsn
these of private and political combination
Beity I'frieDS Borlemly liJnrrd, or Whom
Several Will Die.
A terrible riot took plaee In the Polish Pelish
Hnngsrlan quarters of Wllkesbarre, en
Sunday nlgbr. The foreigners celebrated
Easter by drinking immense quantities of
beer and whisky. Towards night they
get fighting among tbemselves and a big
riot ensued.
Stones, clubs and pistols were used In the
melee by women and children, and at mid
night nearly 100 men lay en the battle-field
all mere or less ir jured. The pellue were
summeued, but were notstrengenough and
were repulsed by the rioters
OlHcer Nelan was probably fatally In
jured In the ecu 111 e. He was struck en the
head with an Iren and bis skull fractured.
The whole police feice were called te the
scene and after a bard struggle they sue sue
eeeded In subduing the rioters and arrest
ing about forty et the number. The battle
between the Poles and Huns lssted from 7
In the evening until 8 In the morning. Five
persons were taken te the hospital with
their heads broken end bullet holes in their
bodies. Four et the number will certainly
die. Their names are Stanlbarl Unnnan Unnnan
sable, S. Scbweriz, Kroekle and Michael
The brewer who furnished the rioters
with wagon leads et beer la te be arrested.
Mere than fifty Buna and Poles were
picked out of the roadways and msde it
nice for their propeetlve home.
The scene where the rioting took place
resembled a battlefield, all red with bleed,
Meeting of turn Lleniutn Society.
The Lineman society met last Saturday
afternoon In the ante-room of their mu
seum In Y. M. O. A. ball, Dr. J. P. Wicket-sham
occupying the chair. Tee dona
tions te the museum consisted et a number
of ferns and messes from Benjamin Miller,
residing near Hmltbville. Dr. Rathven
donated specimens of winged ants and a
caterpillar found en February ICtb ; rather
early te be about with snow en the ground.
The donations te the library consisted of a
number of publications, among tbem being
the reports et the commissioners et educa
tion and agriculture ler 1835 0 ; proceedings
of the Academy of Natural SMencns, Phila
delphia, and of the California Historical
society. Tbe following were appointed as
chairmen of the various committees for the
enuing year; Mammolegy, Dr. M. L.
Davis; ornithology, C. A. Uelnltah ; bcr-
petolegy and lohthyelogy, D. U. Bausman ;
entomology, Dr. S. S, Ratbven ; botany,
Mrs. L. D. Zsll ; geology, Prof. J. S. Statu;
mineralogy, Prof. J, B. Kevlnski ; arcttoM arctteM arcttoM
egy, S M. Sener. The society then ad
journed te meet again en Saturday, May
26th, at 2:30 o'elock.
Gene te MTatblDgten.
A. L. G. Hay, F. A. Rupley, if. H. Apple,
Kelsen B. Royneldr, Walter A. Relcem),
Harry Dubba, A. B. Bausman and Eugene
McLean, students et Franklin and Mar
shall cellegp, left Monday morning for
Washington, D. C, te spend the week In
attendance en tbe triennial convention of
tbe Phi Kappa Pal fraternity.
Tbe Pint Blind
The first Susquehanna shad of tbe season
was caught en Friday near Tucquan sta
tion, by Abraham Green, a colored man
who lives In that vicinity. There is very
little snow or I co remaining along tbe river
and fishermen anticipate an early and
auceasful season.
A II If Vain Acreant.
The reduction of tbe public debt during
Mareh amounted te 111,580,559. The total
amount el cab In the treasury la 530,451,
002. Mi. Jej'a Mew PealmaiUr.
Jacob W. Sbrile was appointed by tbe
president en Monday te be postmaster at
Mf. Jey.
New Market Master.
Ulram Busbeng will take charge et tbe
Central market beuse, tbe mayor having
appointed htm en Monday. Geerge Miller
has also been chosen lockup keeper.
Mrrlada el ehadlllet.
Kbadflles have made their appearance.
On Sunday ttey put their wings into work work
leg order and yesterday and te-day they
were observed disporting themselves in
ihe golden sunshine.
Traaaaellena In CMd Ooedt-filers raid by
L. T. liens I for Msw Creps statures
or Trad la Maw reik, Philadelphia
and Ottatr Distant Market
The local tobacco market baa been fairly
active the past week. There were large
deliveries of seed leaf at the warehouses,
especially en Friday and Saturday, and a
great deal of money changed bands,- Skllea
& Prey report receiving about 80,000 pounds
of baled leaf, mostly seed leaf. Other houses
received from 30,000 te 60,000 pounds.
The following transactions in old tobacco
are reported. D. A. Mayer sold 73 eases of
Hsvanaand seed, te manufacturer'; B. B.
Kendlg A Ce. benght 118 cases, and 200
eases asserted; Sklles A Frey sold 00 easts
mostly Havana.
Purchases el Heed Leaf.
L.T. Heusel baa bought tbe following
lets In the lower end et the oeunty : Frem
We. Cenner, a strictly fancy crop of IK
acres at 12, 3, 2 ; O. S. Uerr, 3 seres at 10, 0,
3, 2 ; Geerge Resgsn, 2 acres at 0, 3, 2 ;
Henry Miller, 1 acre at 9, 2 ; Thes. Cellins,
4 sores at 0, 3, 2 ; Albert Werth, 2 acres at
10Ji, 3, 2, and 1 aere at 12, 8, 2 ; Jehn Gray,
1 acre at 10, 3, 2 ; Davis Brown, 3 sores at
10, 3, 2 ; Aaren Charles, 2 acres at 8, 3, 2.
Mr. Hensel atse bought a geed many crops
at 6f and 0 cents through.
Mew Yerk Cigar Lsar Market.
Frem the U. S. Tobtceo Journal.
There waa a slight Improvement visible
in the market during tbe week owing no
doubt te the presence of quite a number of
out-ettown buyers. Tbe Improvement
manifested Itself principally in a livelier
demand for Sumatra, of which nearly flOO
bates were sold, 200 bales going in bulk te
a Western jobber. Although there Is a
geed-sized stock of Sumatra still en hand,
the better brands and lighter goods are be
ginning te thin out, and by the time tbe
spring trade If fully opened, when mer
chandise will be able te move unimpeded,
a scarcity of available tear even among Su
matra will be perceptible. Prlees for famous
brands are therefore already slightly en tbe
advance. There were also gobbled up In a
lump 60 casoset state seed wrappers at 35
eents. It is some time since seed leaf has
been sold exclusively under the denomina
tion of wrappers snd breusht such a price.
Whatever la moving et '80 Pennsylvania
B-eea by the name of B's and O's, and about
300 cases et this kind have ehawted hands
at an average price of 11 cents. 'SO Wiscon
sin Is shipped in Immense quantities abroad.
The Havana market remains as steady as
ever. The sales ran tip te nigh 500 bales.
Kemedles at 85 eents ; Vueltas at 5 cents te
Oana' Weekly Bf pert.
Sales et seed leaf tobaeoo reported for
the lNTKM.iQKNOKn by J. S. Cans' Sen,
tobaeoo broker, Ne. 131 Water street Mew
Yerk, for tbe week ending April 2, 1888 :
450 cases I860, Pennsylvania, 1020e ; 150
cases 18S0, Pennsylvania Havana, 10l2e ;
300 cases 8S1-'S5, Pennsylvania, 10Un;
200 cases 1880, Duteh, ttle; 250 esses 1880,
Wisconsin Havana, 8lie; 150 cues 1S80,
state Havana, ll20e; 150 cases sundries,
030. Total 1,050 cases.
Philadelphia CUar 1.1 mt Market.
This branch of the trade Is quiet In every
respect, especially with old leaf, and sales
are closely oenfinod te such grades of stock
as are needed te work up material In the
hands of cigar manufacturers, hence buy
ing is tedious and selling moderate in
amount The leal trade la going from bad
te worse se tar as domestic elgar leaf Is con
cerned. Tbere are aeme hopes that tbe
bottom has been reached and a favorable
reaction will Boen appear; as It Is, buyers
can have their own way,
Bumatra Is sold moderately, but lacks
the lire heretofore noticeable.
Havana moves and does net appear te be
Influenced se quickly by current clrcum clrcum
staneer. The Baltimore Market
The market for Marylsud Is without
ehange te netr. Receipts are lighter than
ever. The Inquiry for Ohie Is very limited,
and tbe market la firm and quiet Sales re
ported this week: 60 bhds Maryland, 41
In Illinois the '87 crop Is selllng'.alewly
at from 7 9.. for wrappers and binders
and 1 2c for fillers. The acreage for 1888
will bn much larger than 1887.
The Wisconsin tnarktt la dull; a few
sales made at 7 0 103. for wrappers, 4j. for
binders and 2c. ier fillers. There is a de
mand at low prlees, for old tobaeoo for er er
pert The Edgtrten Reporter advises
growers te held ler a rise.
In Cincinnati, Ohie, tbe cigar leif market
shows mere activity. In Mlamlsburg trade
la quiet. Little Dutch brings 7 te 10c.;
Spanish 10 te 12 cents.
xraae in me uonneeiicuv vauey remains
quiet Dealera don't want te pay mere
tnan 0 or Bogota, and farmers don't want te
take such peer prices, snd sre praying for
the remeval of ail tsxes en domestie cigara
and tobaecos and a prohibitory tarltt en
foreign tobacco. It is the old, old prayer :
"Lord help me te knock out the ether
Tbe San Francisce cigar manufacturers,
wbe use a great deal et Lancaster county
tobacco, are doing a geed busieesi. Skilled
clgsrmakers are getting geed wages.
Pllladalpnla Will Have But Paw Saloons In
Comparlien With tbe Olden Day.
The liquor license court of Philadelphia
en Monday announced the decision In the
cases of applicants for liquor licenses In the
Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Twenty-sixth and
Tnirtleth wards. Of 613 applications In
these wards 212 were granted, 314 were re
fused, 10 were withdrawn and six remain
undispesed of. In these warda In 1887 tbere
were 830 licenses. Among tbe liquor
licenses rerussd was that of Andrew F.
Stevens, tbe caterer, who applied for a
license te soil liquor In the Academy of
Music. The action nf the court waa based
en tbe act or May 31, 1881, which provides
that no license shall be granted ier the sale
of liquors te tbe proprietors, lessees, keepers
or managers of any places of amusement.
Tbe surprise of the day waa tbe refusal of
a license te Steele's place, at Bread and
Chestnut streets, which was net applied ler
by Rebert Slnele but by bla bietber, David
W. Steele. It became tbe talk of the town
before night and tbe politicians and cilice cilice
helders wbe make tbe high art bar room
their rendtzvnun steed shout en the politi
cal rlaltoef Bread street, between Chestnut
street and Seuth Penn square and asked
each ether ever and ever again If It really
oeuld be true. Se far twelve of tbe thlrty-
ene wardM have been considered and where
tbere are 2.103 saloons new there will only
be 517 en June 1,
Urand Uaaile K. tl. E. Meet.
Philadelphia, April 3 The annual
aesaleu of tbe grand castle of Pennsylvania,
Knights of tbe Gelden Eagle, was com
menced this morning, In tbe hall or Temple
Castle, Ne, 101, Industrial ball, Bread
atroet above Vine. Grand Chief Cbas, H,
Husten, presided. Representatives are
present from 257 castles In the state.
The annual report et Grand Chief Hus Hus
eon was read snd referred te a committee et
which W. J, Strlckler, of Columbians chair
man. The report of the grand master of records
shows that there sre 257 castles in the state,
of whleh 82 were instituted during tbe
year; number Initiated during year 11,280;
admitted by card 155; reinstated 37; present
membership 20,016 ; amount paid for sink
benefits (30,782.00; for death benefits (7,697.
05. rerty leura' DeTolleu.
The services of the ferlv hours' devotion
win bee In at St Jeaanh'a hesnltal en ADrll
Senaier Rlddlcbtrger Doing Bla Utmost te
Uavs tte Fuhfitrs Treaty Openly
WAsntMOTOK, April 3. In the Senate
this morning a petition was presented and
referred te aend United States troops te
Chicago te protect tbe Uvea and property of
citizens against the Socialists el Illinois and
The resolution heretofore offered by Mr.
Klddlebergsr te suspend the rules and
permit the consideration of the fisheries
la open session waa taken ur.
Mr. Rlddleberger ssld he had given no
tice yesterday that he would call up the
resolution In order that these who were op
posed te It might absent themselves and
net draw upon tbe courage whleh they
lacked te vote for It He bad been de
feated for five years In tbe movement for
open sessions by the kind of tactics new
being adopted. '
Mr. Edmonds said that en that question
he desired te submit some obiervatlena te
tbe Senate which he did net at present eare
te submit te her majesty's ministers. He
therefore moved that tbe gallerles be
cleared and the doers closed. The motion
waa agreed te, and the Senate at 1 o'clock
went Inte executive aestlen.
The Heuse pissed a resolution te print
five thousand additional copleaef the tariff
bill and reports.
The speelal order tbe Senate direct tax
bill was then taken up for consideration
Many llalldlngsltutncd.
ROCKYILMC, Conn., April 3. Last night
fire destroyed the second Congregational
church with A. P. Dickinsen's hardware
store In the basement and damaged Fltch'a
block adjoining, containing Geerge Y.
Yeung ACq's furnishing, Sam'l Fitch A
Ce'a grocery, Snow A Doebler'a bardware
and three unoeoupled houses ; tbe resi
dence and office el E. T. Ide, dentist and
the residences of Dwlght Barnard, E. Wood
ruff, Frank Grant ; also aoeloty halls el
Hener and Masonic ledges. The tetsl less
is estimated at (75.000. Tbe pastor of the
church is 8. B. Ferbes, late Prohibition
candidate ler governor.
Arrested Fer Fraul.
TnGNTOx, N. J,, April 3 Daniel F.
Beatty, the organ and piano manufacturer
of Washington, N. J., was held In (2,000
ball te-day In the United States district
court en tbe charge of using the malls ler
fraudulent purposes. He will be tried at
next ter m.
Ob I
Washington, April .1 Mrs A. R. Ben
nett, of Kentucky, addreased the Heuie
committee en Judiciary te-day In favor of
woman suffrage. She Bald that If man had
as much control ever woman In heaven as
he hss en earth that she would resign her
commission In heaven and go te hell.
Umbrella Dealers Pall.
Ni:w Yeiik, April 3. Frederick A.
Maey and Frederick D. Maey, composing
the firm or F. A. Maey it Ce., umbrella
dealers, made an assignment te-day for tbe
benefit of creditors te Theodcre K. Maey,
giving preferences for (33,000.
A New Street Iialiway.
Uatuuhhuiiu, IV., April 3. A charter
was grsnted te-day te tbe West nd street
railway company et Lancaster, with a
capital stock of (20,000.
Hew tbe Police Will De Doty. Myer Etun
lei's.Flrit Court.
Mayer Edgerley will make acme changes
In the hours of, duty et police t Ulcers. Of
the eighteen patrolmen six will be en dety
during the day and twelve at night. Tbere
will be two men In tbe Slxtb, E'ghth and
Ninth and ene each In tbe ether wards. The
hours of duty for tbe day men will preba
bly be from 81a the morning until 8 In the
evening. Tbe men will have ene week'a
dsy duty and two weeks night duty.
Tbe mayor did net conNlder that ae many
men were needed for day duty en account
et each ward having a constable and these
oenstsblea will be en duty during tbe day
in their respeclive warda.
Chief Smellz will be en duty at tie sta
tion benss during the day. Bethsergeants
are en duty during tbe night One will
remain ou duly during the night One
will remain en duty at tbe station heuiie and
the ether will be oulalde looking after the
Rules for tbe police force have been pro
mulgated. They are similar te these in
force under previous administrations.
Tbe new mayor held his first csurt this
morning and the first man te appear before
blm was B. Frank Tayler, wbe clalmed te
oeme from Massachusetts. He was as dirty
a looking specimen as was ever accommo
dated in tbe station beuse. His sentence
was made 30 days at the workhouse te give
blm a chanoe te wash himself. The three
ether ledgers gave satUfaotery accounts of
themselves and were discharged.
Election el Veairjmcn,
At an election held Monday afternoon by
these qualified te vote, tbe following ves
trymen were chosen te serve St James
cbuicu for the ensuing year : Wm. A.
Atlee, Geerge Calder, Jr., P. F. Ksblemsn,
Gee. M. Franklin, Wm. A. Morten, Jehn
P. McCaskey, Samuel 11. Reynolds, Fran
cis Sbreder, Newton Llgbtuer, Dr. M. L.
Twelve vestrymen were le have been
chosen, but there was no election of two
of tbem owing te tie votes. Anether elec
tion for these two will be held MendBy
At a meeting et the congregation of St,
Jehn's Episcopal church, held Monday
evening, tbe following vestrymen were
chosen te serve the ensuing jear: Isaac
Dlller, J. M. W. OeUt, W. O Marshall,
Jehn I. Hartman, Jamen A. Miller, Adam
Greff, Merris Zwk.
The New Preurli L'klj'nel.
The new French cabinet la cillelally an
nounced as fellows : M. Floquet, president
et tbe council and minister tf the interior ;
M. Goblet, in nltter el IoieIkii atlalrs; M,
dn Freycinet, minister nf war; Admiral
Kranlz, mlnlster et marine; M. Rlcard,
uilnlaternf Juatlce; M. Peytral, minister of
finance ;M. tiockrey, mlnUter of education;
M. Leu bet, minister or public works; M.
Vlette, mlnlster el agriculture; M. Degrand,
minister of commerce.
The memberu of tbe new cabinet held a
meeting at the Kly see palacn, the conference
lasting five hours. The clllelal Journal will
net publish the names of the ministers to
morrow, no agreement having been ob
tained asyet regarding the pregramme le
be presented te the cbauiber. M, Floquet
tendered the II nance portfolio te M. hou heu
vler, but ten cffr waa dccilni-d In view el
tbe manner In which tbe ether portfolios bad
been distributed.
Will Anal Her Cte.
MlasMattern, el New Yerk, formeily of
this city, Is preparing te appeal her case
against Kusiall Sa,$e la wtiluti Rofcrce
Haines gave a doclslen against her a year
age. She charged Saga with making Im
proper account, and te have entered into
unauthorized transactions, and she claimed
bat he owed ber (7,000.
Lebanon's Chief of Police Dead
Jehn J. Fernwalt, chlel of police of Leb
anon, died en Monday, atter a brief lllneas,
aged forty years. Seventl weeks age he
contracted a cold whleh terminated In
I pneumonia. Chief Fernwalt was well
i known in this elty, te whleh he was a fre-
I quent vUlter en buslneas and socially,
They New Agree te Manilla the Cur.lrglen
Cempinya Ptelgnt General Maeater
Sieae'a Dealal et Bems Allegations
Pr tainted te tbe U. S. CoeiU
CnicAoe, April 3 Tbe regular union
switchmen et the Mleblgan Central yarda
did net report for duty this mernlnf. The
engineers were at their pests, however, and
took out their machines. When they saw
that the regular ewltehmtn were net at
work they ran their engines biek Inte the
round beuse and lelt them there. This
move comprised the whole switching force
of tbe yards.
1 P. m. The Mlehlgan Central empleyes
have decided te return te work, and te
handle Burlington cara and frelgbt.
tub nunLinuTON'a denial.
General Manage-, S'.oneef IheBurllngtep,
has tiled In tbe United States elrault oeurt
a general denial of the charges made by the
Chicago, Reek island it Pacific railroad,
General Manager Stene deelarea:
L That It is untrue that tbe Burlington
company began a ayatematle and damaging
reduction et rates In the territory common
tell snd the defendant and ether railways
he says the lowering of ratea was begun in
1887, and was Initiated by tbe defendant
and ether rail way a against the meit earnest
and long-eonttnued etfetta of the com
plainant te prevent the aamr.
2. The charge la utterly fatae that In Feb
ruary or Mareh, 1888, or at any ether date,
the complainant communicated te one or
mere of the managera et tbe railways In
such common territory Its purpose te pros
ecute a rate war until the officers of all such
railways should consent te abdlcate tbe
pewers placed in their hands by their stock
holders te an unlawful ttust et the kind
mentloned in the anawer, or any ether
3. The Biatement is absolutely fatso that
complainant determined te use the disaffec
tion of Its own empleyes te coerce Its com.
pelltera Inte sny scheme for the creation of
a great Wealern railway truat, and that In
the oxecutlou of such purpose it first com
pleted arrangements te secure the services of
all theenglneers and flremen out of employ
ment and then forced a strike en Its own
resd with the Intent et forcing strikes en
the lines of U competitors. In gross and
in detail aueh Insinuation is a reckless and
wanton Invention which has teen Injected
into a controversy without a single fsct te
wsrranter support It
4. Equally f also and rockless la the charge
that complainant has been In bad faith
crowding tratlle exchange en the defendant
with the purpoae or expectation of disabling
It In the operatlon of its read or stepping its
traffle altogether It was perfectly well
known when eatb was made te such accu
sation that tbe majority of tbe rallwaya en
tering Chicago had been freely and con
stantly exchanging trains .with complain
ant 6. Touching the statement thst ' late en
Thursday, the 22 1 of the current month, the
defendant completed arrangements whleh
enabled It te resume lis former relations
with complainant" this affiant says tbst
he has no knowledge or Information
as te the nature of aueh arrange
ments which emancipated tbe defendant
or tbe persons with whom sueh arrange
ments were oempleted. Bat neither
"early en Friday" or at any time prier te
the filling et the bill was any information
or notlce given tbe complainant that the
engineers and firemen of defendant had
given up control of lis traffle depart
ment or granted permission te the defend
ant te conduct Us business as a publle
oarrler according le law, or tbat the
defendant's polley of abselute non
intercourse as declared In tbe orders
snd loiters of Its agents was In any
respect altered. On ibe contrary this
affiant wasadvised by telegraph received
In Chicago at 6:03 p. m. en Saturday, March
21, from St Jeseph, Mr., tbat tbe engineers
et tbe delendsnt in tbat vicinity ssld tbe
general manager or defendsnt had no au
thority te liaue orders te resume tratlle re
lations with complainant.
Tbe foregoing la signed and sworn le by
Henry B. Stene, general manager et tbe
Burlington, and will be presented te tbe
United States oeurt at 3:30 p. m. this after
Velkalteh Uanged for Ihe Uaratrel Btanli-
laus Bleakt
Wli-KKStiAiuiK, IV, April 3. Adam
Velkavlich, the murderer, was bsnged at
11:21 o'clock te-day. lie died of strangula
tion alter hanging 10 minutes.
A big crowd surrounded tbe prison this
morning for tbe purpose of witnessing tbe
execution of Adam Velkavlich, but Sheriff
Search only admitted about 200 people. The
banging waa announced te take place at
11 JO Rollgleua services were held in the
cell of the condemned man for nearly two
hours and at 11 o'clock Volkavlteh said
tbat be was ready. Uls arms were seen
bound and the march te the yard waa begun
Uls spiritual advisers supported blm en
either Bide, prayers being said en the way.
The prisoner was then pinioned, the noeso
adjuatedand at list the trap was sprunf.
Death resulted from strangulation alter tbe
body had been hanging 10 minutes.
The crime for which Adam Velkavlich
was banged te-day was a cold-blooded and
brutal one. A stranger with plenty of
meney, giving bis name as Stanislaus
Bleakl appeared in Ihe village et Miner's
Mills, about three miles from here, en
Angust 7, 1887. He took up bis abode with
Velkavlich. On tbe night of tbe crime tbe
latter persuaded Bleskl te take a walk
with biin toward Plttsten. When about
a mile and s-half above Miner's Mills
Velkavlich shot Bleskl three times in
tbe bead. He then robbed his victim el
bis watch, chain, coat and money and lelt
Blcskl lying ou tbe ground meaning with
pain. Bleskl was found by some trainmen
and moved te Miner's Mills where he died
en the following dsy. Tbe murderer lied
te Jersey City where he was arrested en
August 21. He pleaded self-defense, but
tbe evldence was conclusive as te tbe
murder belng for tbe purpose of robbery
and Velkavlich was sentenced te be
Trie lltycuit In Court,
PiTTsnune, April 3. The boycott by
the Knights of Laber agalnat tbe laundry
of Brace Brethers which has been wsged
se llercely for seme six or seven month,
bss aitsumed tuch a vigorous aspect tbat
tbe firm applied te the court for an Injunc
tion against the committee. This morning
a preliminary Injunction was grsnted. It
Is said Ben. Butler, Reger A. l'ryer and
Daniel Voeihoes, will defend the boy
otter lu the suit against tbem.
Knocked Out lu Ten lliunds.
New Yeitif, April 3, Mike Brown, of
Philadelphia, and Jack Yeung, et New
Yerk, fought ten rounds nesr New
Brighten, S. I , this morning for a purse of
(250. Brown was knocked out In tbe tenth
A Hele la the Slrrct
Jn front of tbe court home there is an
ugly big bole In tbe street, and If repairs
are net shortly made tbere will be an acc!
A Largely Attended and Very Intareitlog Intareitleg
Meeting en Saturday Krtnlng.
MiLLEnsviLLK, April 3 A large and
attentive audience gathered In the chapel
Saturday evening te hear the exercises of
the Nermal society for the first meeting of
the present soheol sosslen.
Neatly printed pregrammes were dis
tributed through the audience. These pro pre
grammes contained the rollewlog order of
Munle-" While All is Uuhe9." by Gtoe Club
Address by retlrlna- pmatdunt.
inauguration of omeir.
Oration "tttand Upright," hv K It. riot",
Kaay-"The lyrauny of rastalen," Ml is
Urace lirewiter.
Piane Sole mbrnte Htcln.
u"Jte-,'Beselyed that alia Is somefmes
l?.,t,nj!?ri " AltlrinMlvei Harry N. Ilerr.
Mils Sdtlh Caatavant lUrry IMckel. Nn-
d0wrd"nwn,.CU,d'' "" V,,, UhtK,0S'
tXsmtt?HnuiS!uw ttsB8ex U'0Mn"'"
kecitatlnn-" II ddy'a Trials Among the Van
trees," Mlaa Ann llarr.
Violin solo-Jehn ureenawalt
Heading" 1 h Meruul Uevlew," T. Q.
Crltle'a Ilemarks-MIti llertha Herring.
Mtule Hy UlcuClub.
All the exerelaea wtrs well rendered and
reflected credit upon the society te whleh
the members belong.
well prepared. Beth contained many choice
thoughts and wholesome truths.
The most entertaining and humorous
exercise was Miss Barr'a recitation. Her
rleh Irish brogue and vigorous actions de
lighted the audience.
The muilc was oxceltent, several pieces
being encored,
Hems from Ihe Lewer Em.
Hiram E. Hertlng has traded his farm or
45 acres, In West Lampeter township, with
Iaaae Miller ier ene or 15S acres In Eait
Drumore township. Mr. Hertlng valued
his rarin at (12,000 and Mr. Miller his at
(15,800. Tbe fermer paid ihe difference.
Mr. Hertlng Is tbe owner of the fineit herds
of Helateln cattle In the oennty.
On Saturday at the sale of tbe personal
property of Mary Ann Wright, nar Kirks
Mills, msny old relics were sold. Among
tbe artlelea sold were several leta et linen
spun ever 00 years age by Hannah Weed
and her daughter Ellzibetb, who was tbe
wlfe of Nathan Haines. This linen was
spun in the old fulling mill built a hundred
years age and operated by James Peeples,
grandfather of Dr. J. A. Poeplot,
A Deuble serenade,
Jehn Wcstenberger was married en Sun
day night te Mlis Meme Saudere, daughter
of Jehn Sanders, of Locust street On the
same evening Adam Heek was united In
marriage te Mlas Msggle Rete, daughter of
William Rete. Last evening there was a
double serenade. The eastern end friends
of Ibe two couples secured a band et inusle
and gave tbem a lively serenade. Altor Alter
wards the boys were entertalned with a
royal set out at Bender's hotel by the bride
grooms. Dlamlracd tue Uaae.
Harry iiluh, charged en oath of Petei
Butti with keeping a vicious deg, (de
scribed as a Siberian bloodhound) had a
hearing before Alderman Deen a few days
sge and tbe alderman reserved his decision
until Monday evening, when he dismissed
the oue en payment et costs by Mr. Ulrsb.
Vraitleg Prleudf.
Augustus Weldle, James Stewarl, Jacob
Wlldy and Jehn McCloakey, et Phila
delphia, spent the Easter holidays in this
Jehn J. McKelvy, formerly ut this city,
but new el Wilmington, Daleware, Is vlalt
Ing lelaltvea In this elty.
Yeung Men's Demoentlle Olnb
The regular monthly meeting of the
Yeung Men's Democratic club will be held
In their elub room, Tuesday eveulng, April
3 J, at 8 o'clock. In addition te the regular
business Ihe question of Joining the national
and stste leagues el Domecratlo clubs will
be aoted upon and a marching club will be
Made Aialgaimmtr.
The following assignments have been
filed In the recorder's office since Monday
neon : laaae Mast and wife, Cwrnarven, le
Jehn S. Mast ; Geerge Spreeber, Breck
nock, te Jehn Brlndle; Benjamin Sicily
and wife, et Adamstown, te E, Billing
felt and Jacob Miller and wife, Kaat Co Ce
calico te R. R. Bllzar, et Epbrata.
Uncontcleus All Afternoon,
Jesse Orell, wbe Is employed at Krtldcr's
liquor store, en East King street, was
taken slek yesterdsy stternenn from an at
tack et Indigestion, and until 7 o'clock last
evening be waa unconscious. Alter he bad
been taken te bla home en Beaver street he
grew better and le day Is all right.
Cut Her Hand,
Miss Bessie Fex, daughter et Samuel
Fex, tbe truck man, met with a palnlul
aeeldeut yesterday. She was cleaning a
glass diah which breke In her hand, cutting
it very badly. Dr. S. T. Davis attended her.
Twe of m Kind.
This morning Reuben llutten and Ed,
Rice, who were arroated en Saturday,
were heard bofero Alderman Deen en tbe
charge of belng drunk and dlaerderly. It
waa shown by Officer Sherlz, wbe arrested
tbem, tbst both were very drunk snd tbe
accused admitted if. llutten get 10 days
llivenue laxra.
The Internal rovenue office began te Issue
taxes en liquor and cigars yesterday, which
can be bad until May lit Then, ere 10,000
payers of this kind of taxes in the district
and tbe first ene was issued te J. Rutter
IIcsp, of Gap, yeaterday.
lleg-.ii iiu-liieia.
The new savings bank at Sfb Harber
began Imalneas this morning, whoa It re
ceived Its first deposit
Will Conduct Hetel.
William Welue, son or ex-Plsen keeper
Jehn P. Wolfe, bas lilted up the hotel at
Sbenk's Ferry in geed style and will coc cec
duct it in the future.
There will be n coneort or vesU and in
strumental munle at the First Baptist
eburch te-night by Borao of the best talent
In tbe city.
Tbe Democrats Make a Strerii.
At the Bridgeport, , Conn., election en
Monday the Democrats made a sweep.
Thfllr candidate Jer mayor has a majority et
1,450, while the Republicans list year had
a majority el 400.
28 Herara Smothered.
Uiiicaoe, April 3. Fire In a basement
atable adjoining tbe Adam houte, at Lake
atreet and Michigan avenue, early this
morning smothered 23 horses and caused a
less of about fu.COO.
A Carll.Ie &7u Kutla Ills tile.
A. K. Shelter, a prsmlnent citizen of Car
lisle, committed auiolde yeaierday bybaug
tng. siiruss iauivATivnt.
PWAsiuuaieir, D. C, April 3 -Fer
Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
aeys Fair weather, light te fresh
northeasterly winds bTWmlng, variable,
colder Wednesday morning tollewel by
wnv the nnoTHBttrieoD or locomo
An Etatntlte Offleer eltke Knlghta el Laber
Uwclarae Tbat Ilia Order Ia Preventing tte
Brotherhood Gaining Victory Ofer Ihs
Bar llngtpn Old Scores Balaa; Paid.
AMSTBneAM, N. Y., April a Thorns
B. McOulre, el the general executive beard
H-uiguis or Laber, has been in tewa ter 19 i H fit
rtait week. Meetlnv him lut uialu.a'i vR-i'S
United Press ropertor asked What .M
VOU think nf thn rallt-nart Irnnhlli In ta ''H
West T i
il Tha n n .. n .nin... ... -.... n .!$
ma.u v. .. (V Vt DUKIUVDII Hill TlIkUMI
beat en," McGnlre replied, "and there la ae
uaeln their prolonging the conflict It fcHa
k. tr-i-i... . . .. .. . . . -wax
ue jvuikiiib ei juauer wne nave Deaieti
them. Our people have been getting evea
with the Brotherhood ter Its course In the
Seutbwestand Resdlngstrlkes. We would
have beaten the red In the southwest had
It net been ter the Brotherhood, Fer a
number of days net a wheel turned en the
read. The Brotherhood treated us In the
same way during tbe Reading strike.
Powderly's letter le Arthur at the epening:
of the O. B. A Q. strike was a scorcher, by -the
11 It did net seem te have the efleet of
keeping the Knlghta from helping tbe
oempsny desplte Mr. Powderly's appeal te
tbem te remain neutral," Bald the re
porter. 11 Ne, It was a request, net an order. Hsd
It been an order none of our men would
have taken an engine. The Brotherhood
can new aee the result et holding aloof
from the Knights or Laber. Their motto
hss been "Ne entangling alliances. 1
gueas tbat they see new that an entangling
alllarjce ' wenld have been a geed thing for
tbem In this struggle."
"De you think that their defeat in thle
strike will be a fatal blew te the Brother
hood T"
" Ne, I will net ssy that Laber organ! ergan! organ!
zttlens cannot be killed. They have oeate
te stay. This may be a geed thing for tbe
Brotherhood. It may teach them a utefal
lessen. 1 think that the end will be
the Brotherhood will either come Inte
Knights of Laber or will enter Inte ae
kind et a contract with them."
Te Inreiilgats the - Q Strike.
Washington. AerllS Tha Heuse ees
mlttee en commerce hss agreed te Mr. Ab f'
derten's substitute te Mr. White's reaelu C:
., .-.a . . ., a - ...,1 i?e'
lien previuiug ier an luvesugauea of sash-v
Chicago, uurungwn is nuiney raureaa Mw;'
strike, Dy a special committee ei uve te ae fc.
The resolution deolsres thst the locemo-'p
tout, and thst the clslm of resumption et :
IUUUUUUIKU HIV wuibik, euciiugMje ft ;?
uuincy is a irauuuient pretense ana a grot ;,--
linnnAl.tnn finnn the nnhlln. nlau-lnt In Imi-ti
mlnAnt rMfil hnlh Ufa t.ti.1 nrnrwirtv. Pfc. y.
.r .... f. f-.-- --raw.
committee is uirceteu te go te tne scene ei . '5
the strike, call ter witnesses and pspetBjgj
H.1 InvnatlfiBlA at-ifl aai-iirlaln -atrial la neAee.V! ,
sary In the way et lcglalallen te prettet'w.
Intor-atate commerce.
Lima, Ohie, April 8. Last evealagr,
Patriek Hughes, Vtxe Gallagher aaar.'
Jamea Stockey were slsbbed te death la a --iil
right with nave urewuer ana WDiiassy,.tv
Geln, colored. Orowder and GelnswereH!
passing Manning's saloon, en Main street, 5,;.--
when a quarret ecsueu. iiugnea' neari.i,
h,n a miarrAl Anmieii. Mtie-haa.' fttaaupk . W
was cuv iu iwu wnu reur auu UMiegner rk ;
& i . ,... - ..... . i..ii.k...-!rv..
auu Dtwavr wwe jevativ mhuw. amw v ,
meat Intense excitement was caused by thei'v.. 1
murder and the police were unable te keep
the streets clesr. A mob formed andibe.-Ati
various police stations and tbe oeunty Jail gat
ABii welialfaiH Itut I It a titiirrlsvava car aa Pea enaa Jtli, '
found. It was learned late last night tha j-lg.,1
tbe authorities naa arrested in sin scea yjyi
alter trie muruer ana naa ineia in urging, NRk)j
rearing mob violence. j, MciKjj
Te What tbe PbrsK-Wue Certify.
Vra Yfinir. A mil a. Juatlca PiUnirasai ""'
In the aupretne court apeclal terra tala
lUUIIIlUjI uauwvu jstu ntwtwwj kmw g1 ,
tbe reports or the physicians regardiag tBifr :
condition et J aeen enarpa nsaitn. UT.-Sj
Allred L. LoemlV report is as fellows i,.
i This la te certify tbat Mr. Jacob Sharn laV
M. kin l..t wal.k. ...... .mlll...f?'t '
COuuuuu lu uie Md Tti ikura uepuma,j..
hie heart and kldnevs. I resard blot af"?
very aerleusly ill." $T,
Tne report aigneu uy uia jt uru joe jj- -
and Geerge D. Fowler, wulle considerably 'fr;
longer than Dr. L )eml', corroborates b'B-
alatnment i3r -
After tbe reports bad been read theergu-'S.
ment upon the motion ioracnanteeiveaB)e:us ..a
was poaipenta until wcueesaay, Apm 4i.
. ..- . n-.'-tf
An Iasane ffiiuua'i Aela, ;vM
Nkw YenK, April 3. Tillle Slpp, eged
35 years, the wue ei jeun nipp, a uwnvaafr;
baker living at rte. jej ehi iiimainav--rv,
threw her twelve-year-old seu from tbOMj
window of ber spartments en Ujefeurta .:.
HOOr lUIS merniUK vu tue jam. eaw ueesvT-ra
Jumped from the winuew ana isnaea ,"j
within a low feet el where her boy lsr.:& J
Beth are probably fatally Injured and are .'ft S
new in the Harlem besuitaL The wemaB"3
i UUUUUUHn.. tswmuM Vffl
i.MilnnKlAjllw 1H.nn TL..
They Bought Fer a Girl. fJJii
MmsKAreLis, April S. EdwardMartkivlgj
and Gus Lasher, two teleuraph operators of Sy,
7... ... . J .. -Vf.-r'r:r--i5T;-i
wanted te marry her. They quarreled aujel'spa
agreed te ngbt It out under prlzsrlngrule. ,, &df
ft ..-. ... .li...n ...H a.rlvf vutaMfftV rf'V-K
A IDIDIVV W i,uiwvu, mum ..j jvfmj ,,-
morning, In the presence of about CO people '
the affair waa decided. After fifteen round.. j?J
Martin relused te race his man longer aa,i,saw-5
agreed te give up the girl. p
ate te.anrtfa.B.e U nstsv nA
--""'- "- .
ToLerto. iiif., April 3, a. me mm Mgg
If.. 1M.ntiri fTtaalirnv a.t Vint rhMa. aaAllaaat Jt
PHir, WUOOj'VI aut,avTJ -wan- -,aeww ansa &?.
. a! Intern, 1 r.'eIiVlr vrattaUPsiaW ?
tL.L.......4 ,. ... a.ll jj
merula (( me uuuse iuu umu wmg wmi wvi SI
Ilk r,l sl1 sanH than ekatr An ft rea fttM 'Hl
",,u tu" " -"- .""""; "- ---
house was savee, out tne uare, mm nxmjv
v.ln.kU hnrmum a lnt nr ImnlamasU.K?'
wagon, buggies, and 1,000 butbela ef cerag
was burned. 2 X.
Mtxwei.'a l.aat nope.
St. Leuia, April 3. The refuwl of taajV,
United States supreme court yesterday te A
grant a rehearing In the Maxwell ease bM J
Hung him Inte a slough of despond. There a
iu nn hnnn nnw axeflnt In the eovemeraaa i,-:-S
In I. nnt hAllAVAil hA B-Ill IntflrfAffl. i
... . ...-. rr
Klchl uuudrael Man Strike. V-m
i'iviniti. Anrii 3. Elubt hnsdrea li -S
empleyes of Hall's Leck and Safe works .
wenteui ou a iuud uwu -. . ,-j
the Arm had discharged several el thel $
number and hired non-union
men wbe
work below the scale or wage?.
Silly Maieua 8tlka. , J'M
New Yerk, Aprils. SUty mssaiuieai,
i. rj l.i. lnhn TTalnln. a OOCtrafitOr Cat 'i
of Mount Vernen, N. Y struck this aeif.-M
lng for U 60 per day and nine hours wm$!t
after April 1 en every aay except esiuraanM
a . .a S--I1 -. Anle BtteKt hAlirsk. ,
when they shall work only eight hours.
Ilreak In Oil r;lee.
Nkw Y'enic, April 3 OU open
at Slit this morning. Tb
lmmeJlately gave 7J'Ae.,,'a .
break of 0 eents a bau ' '.tf v.l ,
J P. m. bad leej-gr ftlr we.ther, light U)
,saeiuiy sesiWiy,
si S