trcw. u K ' ; r ' - "- r-M". B".'l V f'SB. " 3 J" Oc '. r HEJ IiANOASTEK DAILY mTELUGENCEK FREDAY. MABCH 30. 1668. HnK5?r,SfTSSOTWRK5 &: i"t , w "mi ,. Eftlty IntelligencT. A (CAM-, MAKCU 90, ISS. M .Y IIWMKM publishes All M HMtiHtU unite press p te ekafeAL - rhe Dally IdtUea ef tn Irrx is II ww te caMer. la the ctty MIMMMI MM tw c per week t vw ft ymtt pjb Mr hx menir.t Met see-per entn. .Y'XsrrauMnrc-s (Benble Sheet) ely H.H per annum, In aa .; .V .. . MM tkm IM tpaper U new ter- Mm 10 te et-.per MeerdlB te location. XsVlXXXLLlGBNCEH, Laneester. r. ,lilhOBe OenBeettOB m- . rz.- ' lr, . - lf. nerbAM the M -?- .. , ,- nrnimtln msterllv wane tutu g iw te w. -. . WlteUeuM of Representatives te pre- lik. the way of tariff leguwuen :u k iha MlMABunt nf ihn fren ltsL tn - - " w!r .:.: :.":.' ,j - in ihi luiiia mil inn n nm- . ill, ,. itr Inxllnn fi thlsvlfiW fetcciue there does net seem te be - Cftt utility in disturbing the Mtry with an attempt at legislation "'1at there is little or no chance et ac- &' jesptkhlng. We assume that the Mills 'bl, it pflraes the Heuse, will net pass & Hepublican Senate. Even If cut -Siliwa'.te. Its free list, It may net be ap- tTprered in the Senate ; but If net, the issue ilMlnthe country would be mere closely MRd," if net embarrassed with any ',fcer consideration than the propriety of akinf the free list as proposed. There twkl be another great advantage, in this Mne,intbefact that it would gencr- 'ffMjr relieve the industries of the country ft, 4 from apprehension ana enable inem te de j:;?.oeducted with mere confidence. They ;-fcr naturally uiniu ana incunea 10 jL of tariff legislation, and it would be very 3tnefic!al te them it the disputed quee. .rwiwaa coma de promptly seuieu. sV- "We de net ourselves see anything in SI: tli BToneaed chancres of the Mills bill iJTifcfcfc rrkti1il An cuarlAiia Intnrvln anvtnilniL. tUj)rvif TVWtMWMV MUViw 'UJMiJ WW wa,f - vtrfal interests that need protection, save Ifeigarleaf and sugar cane cultivation and 'a.fretbly the glass manufacture. The Iren 'kMtuatries will net generally be seriously ;v WMbled by the amount of the reduction 7fB tha duties ; it is net probable that the ?w i w-iitisuJt will -mi mi frt r1wttt if ffrtem CA.'?'"" ""v" " .- ww0 v.:'kWAfttifacturM. or afreet tba Drleea or y$t$&?l.f a- t.i.i. 1 fpreducts. which are severely re by home competition. This is be with steel rails, the price of which la new below that at which they could -;ta Imported even under the proposed re- dacuoneruuiy. , p. - In our Judgment a mistake has been made ! ?-t?-fev th TATiuvrft tn nn (hn and mMin vi ,r-K - - H .w ..H ...- fe committee in net putting coal and ores i W t&e tree list. We de net believe that ' these products of the earth, te be had for their digging, should have any mera pre--'tieUbn than Is afforded them bv their & J,!,5' proximity te the consumer ; and as raw b,hr jaaterlsls of manufacture they should be . if; made as cheap as nature makes them, te .; jwh iBuusiriea ei every portion or me mterials et manufacture, together with fS'MMhnece&carv articles nn nrn nnt tnnilA ititr -, . " : -. ' E3, Mn,put upon the free list, and! the & effort for tariff reform confined te it, it ''Mwsite us that the Democratic party d0-ltien,in which te make its appeal te P&SKtfce people it it Buffers defeat in Cengrc ss. :.f ElgBlflcant Trlsen Figures. r&. It is a common belief that illiteracy and ,i3l;--;intemDt ranee are thn frnllful nirpnfqrvf ??- ffrfmiA- anil xen hear fnviitantie flmf 41m ".-ii great Imlllenium, when there is no need Jf' of jails, will be reached when education ,;:.. a ubitcibsi, bdu me uriDK iruilic IS nuse- fiu; These theories will net bear scrutiny ejAi'O.-in. .1.- .i.ii.ti it .i , . . . JfOTa1- dihubucb lUHb ure lurnisneu -4i'tV.rftB thtt tM1n!lAnHnrIel nf 1m tnnnlra l?Mf;"Tlut tnnrk nf ftin Veitm nllintlnn, - jf.1 -l"-- w mv uwviu i.uiiciti'iaij' ab rmjaaeipmanasjust been published. Of ;.DC0 convicts received, 305 had at- 1 public school, DO attended private i'vl J n .-.i . . g4Peww, wiu iu uuu never nttenaeu any - uti. mwuuu jLueseure ugures wuicnare tne : !?'' rugnlar-reflultanta-ef-lnnulriea into thn .ilMlni.tttitnill ttvnAr1finiaD n9 41ia AHt.l. f- s??TC.aB - ...! Ittll. i I, -sjc "'j uu " uuiu jear wj year, P'Af&Md show that education in iUelf Is net ra ? in j uuiuui ui uiu.uiii.jr. xiie fgdi(lucUen may fairly be made thatedu. S.':& thtbeBtonnertunitIeafnrhAnmlncriirnr! V'ii. .Tlltll lnntr of thn lrln1r it. .Htkaa 113 were total abstainers, 217 A;3, moderate drinkers, 169 wereecca- ,vSwmfumuj 'uveiuyciaw uuu eniy u are ( mma as intemperate. It is true that .tUlAHnilA Wltlttf tA r.. -.1-. 1 a K-tJwinswering of these inquiries, but it is rf-muie presume mat iney aroapprexi. fc Winttiy correct. They show that temper- In drinking is net a shield and gfcsckler In Itself againBt the disposition i w WMumis crime. ' A very sienlflcant faiturA in tim ve,t !?arfc the capacity of the convict te earn hln T':jp ;liTiag. Of the COO cenvlcls, only 69 had wig trades, and of these only CI had been or- vp, prantlced and served their terms ; 38 had - -equlred trades ether than by apprentice- ahlp, 10 had been apprenticed, but failed te serve their time, and 471 had no trade r? wnatever. Of the convicts nmipr "i ffe.7ef age, only one had been appren. ana served ana only six had ac P qmlrtd trades, while two had been nn. I" iSBtlced and ,eft and 100 had no trade Vl"01 ge wnatever Yet there were im10 ottl,e whole number (109) who j-" mnfm Ullteraie. All the rest had been te -.? OMlutAl . TtlA ilffliraa trraatallKI.. .1 it a .. 'r Bu.v .tiiMianiut; auUrV VUat IU0 man who has a trade and ceed iff metal training stands a better chance of & Q katplng out of Jail than the godless a .gfjWli who Lai a smattering of book . ;? wedge. t&. Hapless llatfdenfleld. . TJ&tJwaJitflet Iladdenfield, 2s'. J , !, F'ea en xnursaay nignt with a ; Mfbly excited crowd of citizens assem. I te pretest against what they called outrageous conduct of the rennsy! rennsy! ite railroad. This pleasant littln town hM keen built up by Philadelphia busi. wmrwm who were induced te make ;tar homes in that suburb by the low 'ftwia charged te and from the city, and r'tltt file et commutation and family va tickeU. On March l the fris of monthly and quarterly tickets JM advanced, and the commutation and Amity tiekeU were withdrawn, where law aauy lladdenflelders were com. I te sell their property at a crcat I, aa4(hoeef mere Independent cir- i Mrs railed a grsat bowl of Indignation expressed in resolutions et a town meeting. These amateur villagers are worthy of sympathy, liaised in city streets, they cannot realize the majestic supremacy of the railroad ae it Is maintained throughout the state and they even teem te be igner tint et the fact that they have been treated with peculiar and distinguished consideration in this matter of commuta tion and coupon tickets. They only lest them en the first of March, while ether railroad travelers suffered in this t way, about a year age and were, encouraged te believe that In some mysterious way tha-I inter-state commerce act was responsible for all their wee. HaddenOsld doubtless received peculiar consideration because it bad been nourished te precocious growth by low fares, and even' the soul less corporation recoiled from the munic ipal murder of this pet suburban town. The Indignant Philadelphlans of JInd JInd denfield blindly praise the "wise 'and lib eral management" that induced them te build their homes en Jersey 'soil, and naturally fail te appreciate the jewel rare, consistency, that compels the railroad king te annihilate capital invested In HaddenDeld town lets by the simple act of raising fares. m m A Hepelcsi 1'artr. There never was n time when the Ite publlcan party was in a mere hepelets condition te meet the advance of the fearless and determined Democracy. Blaine has declined; Sherman is mis trusted ; Allisen is thought of only be cause et his negative character. The party is without a policy and without a leader. The Democrats will accomplish tariff re form this year, and the Republicans will man nn ntatmctinniata te the onward march of the country. The, New Yetk IridepctuTcnt echoes the hopelessness of the Hepublican party when it says : la it te be Ulaine or nobody V " If se, it nobody. It will be worse; it will be net only defeat, but division and dLsgrace." Tiu: Ueulanger caieappcariite be entirely beyond tlie comprebenBlen of any but tbe French, lie la a oeldier, but net even lila moitentbutUsltefolloweracan argue Ibat he haa been proved te be a great soldier. He has given people te understand, by a great deal of talking and wrlllOR, that he rally Intends te be great soldier some day, and they seem te have taken the will for tbedeed. Doubtless they think It a pity that a man with sueU a, thirst for German gore should net have a cbanee te gratify if. lie baa posed befere France and the world ai the beau ideal of a French soldier, the Tery model for alt cultivators of military virtues In a nation that la training for a war of revenge. Suddenly this model sol dier la found guilty of a high military crime: lie baa .dlaobeyed orders and he does net deny It. l'oeple outside of France conclude that it la all up with the nelay genera), that he can no longer renialn the Idel et military France, lie haa beeu guilty of an efTense for which In time et War many a man haa been abet. He will surely become an objret or the acorn even of the Paris mob. Net at all 11 e Is a bigger man than ever and be steps from the court-martial right te the head of tbe meat martial element of tbe people, lie baa the sympathy net only of tbe Fails mob and tbe doctors of Laen, but of almost the whole army and If, for the moment at least, a mere dangerous man than ever. - Tiik New Yerk Tribune says Velapuk will never be popular In Kentucky. It con tains no Hentence te take tbe place of that classic phrase, " I don't eare If 1 de." Net always did Senater Xngalla held McOlellan as an "ally et theUonfedoraoy." The North Topeka, Kanaan, Courier says, that In ISOI.Bonater (then plain Mr.)lngalla waa a candldate for lieutenant governor of Kansas en a platform of which the follow ing was a conspicuous plsnk : " That we hereby ratify tbe nomination et Geerge II. McUlellan, of New Jersey for ,'presldeut, and Geerge H. Poaaleten, et Ohie, for vloe president, and we pledge them our hearty support. "That we hereby ratify and adept the Chicago platform as understood and con strued by General Geerge l. McClellan in blH letter accepting the nomination et the Chicago convention for president of the "Unlted Stater." The Courier says of the result: "Mr. Ingalla, etandlng en this platform, waa de feated by the people et Kansas, rccelvlng 8,403 votes, against 12,091 received by bis .Republican competitor, James McOrew." - Tub recent blliztrd left a costly legacy te New Yerk In tbe shape et au expendi ture of (50,000 le cart tbe snow from tbe streets. The University of Pennsylvania la going te spend 7C0,000 for new buildings, a dormitory, a library, a chemical laboratory and a large public ball are among tbe con templated improvements, and the faculty will be fortunate U they get what they want for a million dollars. The trustees are about completing tbe purchase of what la known as the Ven Kanke library, of Oer. many, which la a rare collection of rich his his his loilcalwerk. The negotiations have been carried en by cable. This valuable collec tion of rare historical works la well-knewn te scholars of both Kurope and Amerlca, lUnke having gathered the meat Important pilvate collection in the world. Wk have recelved a Bet of I.emb prlre easayp, which have been forwarded at tbe instancoef tbe American Publle Health association at Concord, New Hampshire. At its twelfth annual meeting, held In St, Leuis, Missouri, In the autumn of 18SI, a public-spirited and philanthropic cltlun of Rochester, N. Y., Mr. Henry liemb, deeply impressed with tbe practical Importance of its deliberations, made a generous eiler of money, te be cxpended In prlzs for ap proved papers en certain spcoltle subjects, which should be suited, by thelr popular style, for tbe education of the general public, and yet contain a clear exposition or the meat advaneed views en the subjects selected. The final outcome of this generous eiler, and of the action of the several committees of award appointed by the as8oclatlen,was the publication of foer exceedingly valuable tiealiscs ou the following subjects: Ne. 1. Healthy Hemes and Feeds for the Working Classes. By Prof. Victer C. Vaughan, M. 1) Ann Arber, Michigan. Ne. 2. The Sanitary Conditions and Necessltiea of Bcboel-Uouaes and Scheel. Life. Uy U. F. Lincoln, M. D , Bosten, Mas. Ni 3. D.stufecileu uud ludtvltiual Pro phylaxis against lufoctleui Diseases, lly Geerge M. Sternberg, M. !., Mjar and Surgeon U. S. A. Ne. 4. The Preventable Causes ei Disease, Injury, and Death In American Manuioc Manuiec Manuioc teriesand Workshops, and tbe Rest Means and Appliance a for Proventlng and Avoid. Ing Them. By Geerge U. Ireland, Spring field, Maar. They are exesllent in matter and manner and must have a whoUseme allect when ever read. Mr. Lemb, of Rochester, N. Y offers two prises for the current year, en tbe following subject: "Prsctlcil Sinltary and Koenomlo Coeklnc Adapted le Persons et Moderate and Small Means;" first prlre GOO, second prize, f2G0, ' Cuius Maeek Is for Tem Cooper Ter Republican state chairman. They are two of 4 kind, I PKRSONAL. 7MAJOU (1RNXRAI. AJ.VIIB1) B. TsnRV sm written a letter te we s""1"-" "" MklBg te be retired en aoeoant of 111 health. EMrnneR FnaeEBicic's aoeesaloa te the threat will lead te the erection of an independent Prussian Protestant blsboprle of Jerusalem. Jessrn Zbntmateii, the well-known maker of microscope, pnotegrapblo lense, opt'eal Instrnmcntr, Ae., died In Philadel phia en Wednesday, aged G2 years. Themas Bkavkr, of I)snvllle.hssenered In build Melbedlsl church at I.swlsburg, 1., If the congregation ralaed 10,000. The oSer baa been accepted and the money secured. Gke, A. Smith, f.sq , lately of Fulton oenhty, in tbts state, tut new of Kogflta Kegflta vllle, Tennessee, and a brother of the late Henry O. Smith, of the lNTK!.i,iaunnp.n, was In town ever nlgbt, tbe gneat et A. J. Stelaman, esq. Jasen Hall la a much-married and mueb-dlvnrced deaceu who Uvea in Lewis county, Ky, He baa been married four lime, twice te the same woman,- and has figured aa principal Id three divorce cases. RixeHDitn Smvthr, of New Yerk, has received "personal" note saying, "when a; decision favorable te Jay Gould is ren dered, 1260,000 .In f 1,000 bills will be left at yenr residence." The writing was In a business hand, but thore was no signature )M. J. Finneean, an ex-Ostholle priest, was sent te the county workhouse, Pitts burg, for a term of thirty days. A few years age he presided ever parishes In Nashville, Knexvltle and Memphis, Tenn. When be graduated twenty years sa;e be received the fconers or bis das. His ap petite for liquor ruined him, RosceKfJoNKLiNo, In private conversa tion with a friend the etbr evening, made a very significant statement concerning the talk about bis being a presidential candi date. ' I see that thore la talk of bringing yourname boferetho Kepubllcan national convention aa a candidate for the presidency, Mr. Cenkllng," said the friend. "I hope there Is aemetbing in It, becitise 1 think you would make aatreng candidate." "My dear air," said tbe ex-teuater, after a moment's pause, "that Is sheer nonsense. Why, you might ai well set a cerpse up In a window te lock nt a funeral precession go by as te nominate me for the oillce of pieal- oent ei tue uuneu maies Itnv. JeHBru J. Hr.Kicrini, the Camden clerKjmsn wtie has been inarrjliin poeplo tn Uamden N. J,, without Using authorized te perierm tue ceremony, is a very onier enier prlaing gentletnan. He wm depened from the ministry In the ICplccnf b! church lu 16S3 because he was entirely tee uuslness like In bis spiritual emu a. Mr. Hleeper had a letterhead printed, with adlstamef a portion et tbe city of Ujimlen at the top. A dotted line leading from the lerrlca te hta heuae showed marrying couples where they could go te have tbe twain made one for a consideration. Fer a time Kev. Mr. Sleeper did a reusing; lil business It waa a prelty cold day when he didn't lob a five dollar bill for his servicer. He Is a dnrk eyed, pleasant mannered man,nnd tbe wind blows tbrei)(ih ahaudsomeaotofobeatnut whiskers, that adorn the lower part et his Ues. Tim itKaumui. LAND. There's a beauttml Innd tbat lies te tha west OI the far-famed valley et tears, Where tbe Krluti Uu'. are born are Jodeucly ptest Te tlie hearts of rorrewful years, And are bernu Tilth a nolfieluss, in niureless tread Down the valley, acrem the ntraufl, BlralKhtoatethoeea, wlure the biri s of tbe decp, Fleat by te the lieautlful Land. Tbe dtp of the wnter Is heard In tbe nltfht, And the (trio's tint He en the panrtj In thelr naaea wee, through the elilmmcilng llKht, t lfacli out thelr weird, shadowy hands, Ana beckon the vesiels le oame te them th'-re, And call te the mystical band That drifts e'er tbe sea. le a welcoming air blown selt from the beautiful l.iinil. ThnrRllaolnthe wenclerfnl sllonce of death, With faces, snow-whtte, te tbe west, And Illy hands kissed by the splce-Udeii breath, Tbat straps from the sweet land et rent, They heed net u tneau from the grny, misty valei They sea net a beckoning hand, ,Uut sweetly they sleep In the harKOs a-6ull Fer the beaulltul, rest-ntlrd nnd i'Vem the Jmllannpells AVifJ. m 1'cuiii Kvety I'etnt nr His CempiM comes the orders for BO7.0DONT. MuverhaB such a demand arisen for any article of the toilet. Its most constant patrons are among tbosexhorntohoaamlrea. Cloed leeks con cen con cillate, beauty rusclnatOB. White teeth de 111010 tn iiugruent personal oeinollnvsi than nny ethor laclal cbaractorlatle. Tha ladies knew this, ana either te ronder the charm lusting or te picure It ween wanting, apply ISO.ODONT.lhomeatetrectlveof teeth rrep rrep nratlens. Usottsystemattcully. f.U.W " Who, did yen say. Is te he thn ncit rrcsl rrcsl flent?" Oh I I don't knew ntut flnn't eare. l'ir. net lceKlns for l'rcsldenu-l'm loektnir mrnbottleot UulvatleuUU, ttkUlsnulnevcrv tlme." 24 cents Onoerourmoit ejtlmaWe cltlzen.i may be tuanklnt Jer ihe lntmdticttnn et Ur. null's cough Byrup.tur Its tlmnlyiiaehHs eaved his llle. t or lticlple nt consumption it Is u certaln rempfly. Prien f 5 cants. SPECIAL XOTlChU, e Net Move Illiuilly. Ge carefully tn purehasliiK wodlc.lne. Many aa vurtlea r-medlrs e.n work irmat Injury nre wero than none. iJuriieck Jlloett JUitiri nre parely u veretalile rri'iiunulea jtm Ninall. eat chlia can take them. They mil dliuuse ana euro tlie natlentlu a tufe una klnaiv ay, rnr sale hy II. II Cochran, aru 1st, 137 ana m MorthQuecustirvt, l.uncajlcr. Dipend Upen It. Mether Ehlpten's prophesies and Louisiana elections am very uncertain thlnus. but 7ietnu,' Kclectrie Vlt can he depended unen ulways. It euros uchns and pains el every de scription. Fer sale hy II. tl. Cochrun. uruir Klst, 137 and 13 North Queen strcet. .Lancas ter. Hint Hate KHilence. "nrien unahle te otlena bujlnefs, belnir subject te serious disorder et the kid- 'i1'; ,AllST a. '.?;" "'K et sickness trled Xurtteek Meed HUtcri and was ti-lluvea by half hottle." Mr. K. Turner, et Kecbestnr. II. 11. Cochran, UruKKlst, j una 13J Nenh Dueon atroet, Luncasuir. WHY VII.L YOU OUUUll when fihllnh's Cure will Klve Immediate relief. 1'rlce loots 60 cts , ana il. Per sale by It. u. Cochrun. Urui! gist. Ne, 1S7 North Uueeu stroet. ' (d) Bleiber Olutnera 1 1 ateilieral II '"" Are you disturbed at night ana broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the ezcruclatlng pain of cutting teethT If se, go at ence nnd get a bettle of MKB WINBLOWflBOOTIUNUBYUUP. It will it lleve tbe peer lUUe sufferer lmmeaiately ao ae pend upon It i theru Is no jnlstahe about tt. Thore Is net a mother en earth who has ever nseait,whe will net tell you at ence that tt will. regulate the bowets, andglve rest te the mother, ana relief ana health te the child operating llke uiagte. It is iwrlecUy sute te nse In all ceses and pleasant te the taae, and Is the prescription ofenoottho eldeut ana beat lomelo physicians and nurtcs In the United Htates. sela every where, U cenu a bettle. umyffMydaw lieu't Kinerluient. en cannot afford te waste Ume In oinorl einorl oinerl moutlng when yearlungs are In aanger. Con sumption .ulwuyafoeuja at UrBt only Scold. De ..v I'V.....i,m.. uwjv, WiUipUMllipOIl -OU With somecheup Imitation et Dr. King's New Dls. covery for Consumption, Cough ana Colds, but bosure you get the gonulue ikicausohe can inake morn urnfit hn mnv t..n vn ... ..." semethlngiust us goed.orjtist the sumo. Don't ',. cl)C5!,,vca; bul Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is KUuranl&a te give relief in all 'lhreal, Luug una Chest uttcctlens. Trial bottles Jroe at Jl. II. Cech. ran's drug store, 137 .und ISi) N. Uueeu Bt . Lan caster, Pa. (C. De It Ultn f iMsure. Wanglpr Pres.. druggists, et Watorloe, lows, Ju? vi.w2 IBi1 VxR ,'l"ure 8y that TOem. "'p''''e OH gives the beat eatltlaotleu et or y linlment we sell. Kverybeay who buys will have no ether. This reuiedylsa certaln liVu,"n lltrTanValtlfrf "7 W 0Jlh A Clers)mau'a Icailoieny. W. K. OliTerd, pastor M.K. church. Ilethwell. Ont.was ler two years a sum,rer with dj! pepsla In lis worst lerm, nutll as he states ' IIih beciuie an aetual burden." Tbree bettlua et Burdock Jiloeit mutri cured him. and te Jells us In a recent letter that he considers li tbe host faintly medlclue new botero thaceiin. tlyler Oyejieiisln una liver ceuiplnlut. rer sale by Jl. U. Coehiun, druggl.t, 137 and Ktt North Oueenstroet, LancasiSr. LENTKN HKAKON UOOJJM. fait ana ameked Klh, Ktn Whlte Kat Mackerel. CpdtUh. BmoOed 'llallbut. cinnea Balmon and Lobular, Bardlnes. etc.. Macaroni. "J inS' "", ", yetk -' banned ,v!i.r .k. ' ffe" and aeen couipero with the finest In the market. itvcrea' 'vor u w,Ul trtttl etaer' Qoea fl- GKOUQKWlaNT. Ne. iu we,t King street. WAJfAKAKMRt. raeAHSLraxa, Friday, atarek W, uss. New that the clouds have rolled by, the store seems brighter than ever it could hardly seem mere handsome. The Easier display is at its best. But a few days mere and it will be a memory a memory you'll net care te be without. The Crofters' Cottage, with its quaint picture of Shetland peasant life, delighted all who saw it yesterday. Seme changes last night will make your seeing easier today. i I Twe pinks pf perfection : a brace of price blossoms from a wilderness of bloom just out of the Custom Heuse. One let of Sicilicnne Wraps, back and front beaded by hand, with sleeves of cut jet en a silk twist, fringed, and with jabot of lace and ribbon trimmings. And all for $7 ; another you may like as well, $6.50. One let of ever 500 stylish checked, all-wool, tailor-made Stockinet Jackets. Just the thing for Spring and Summer. Yeu shall have them at &2.e each ; but you'll wonder that they are net $4 or $5. They cost mere than our price te the overburdened manufacturer. Other beautiful flowers with these "pinks" at $7, $8.50, $10, $12, $15, $17.50, $20, $25, $30, $35, and se en up te $100. Every day fresh novelties among the Jackets Bccend fl jer, Chestnut street tide. Twe ele-1 vaters. Vc are goiner te make an Easter bargain in Men's Scarfs that will be a surprise te a great many people. Ne Scarfs of equal value or equal beauty were ever sold for like money. Yeu will say se when you see them. There is a windewful en Market street and one en Chestnut street. The price is lieth ends cf Iho store. Hew does Alfred Wright cage the spirit of llewers in his perfumes? That's his secret. Ever se many people would like le knew ; ever se many perfumers would like te knew. Ne use. It's a secret that doesn't leak out. Until it does, Mary Stuart, White Rese, Vio let, Jockey Club, Stephanotis, Heliotrope, and all the ether favorite Alfred Wright per fumes are likely te remain the most delicate made in America. We keep the successful odors of famous perfumers wherever they hail from ; but, ten te one, when you loose the stepper of the one that pleases you most its fragrant breath will tell of Alfred Wright. Contreof the Stere, -JMe one who-was at the me morial meeting in the Academy of Music en Saturday last will seen forget the heroic bust of the late Kaiser Wilhelm. Mas sive, grand, worthy of its sub ject. A work that should net be allowed te at once disappear in a private collection. We have given it a place in the store where it can be seen for a little time. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. AIUBJCAL. CUl'KtUOlt QUAL11Y MUSICAL BOXES. 11KNUY QAUTSCIH A BONS, Ne, 1030 Chestnut Btreet, . Philadelphia. rf J,?Sllnatlen m vP"ve our Instruments jar superior te any ethor inake. net spooking mrktwhl,E!? tras.h tht abounds' In the !X....82en.,I?,.D"' cr mero anneyance than ? u,.r "wners. Old and lmpor lmper lmpor lectlymado Muate Boies caretully repaired by eipenencwl workmen trein the mannluo mannlue mannluo tery in Bwitieriand. Correspondence sollclted. Sena stamp lorcauieguo ana price list. neviJ-lydAw piANO AND OHQAN TUttlNQ. -.Vi J".1" p.y yea ,0 wa,k ut one night of sbilrs te sue hew nicely you cau have j our riane or Organ Bepalred. Viz ; itestrlnRtng. KnllreNew Works put In. I usia lfevurnl.hed ana Polished ts geed as new. lour yehew oiscelsred Ivoryserkiiva iiadeperl;ct1ywbltfl,by a newly otscevelld precei-s. This cau all be done at "U,"""J"IU Neb. 20 and SO East King Street, Second Fleer, Over ataokheuse'a Bhee store. WM. H. MANBY & SON. 111 la lAncaiter, Pa. Q.1'.OKFHPR1NO DI8T1LLKRY. OLD QROFF SPBINGf DISTILLERY ON East Orange Street. 8T0RE-C3 MOUTH QUEEN BT., , liANCASTBU, PA. Mrlllgbest prlce'pald fer;iIye. A.B.BUBArrut, Proprietor, pr-lya DUFFY'S FORMULA. Certain Cure ter tin Firs Htagta of ConeumptlOB. 1U maJnlngredtWtaareraw beef arifl Unfff's Pure Malt Wfeisiyand It sttsaatates the ener gtes add builds ap the titsvet m be ether set eaUBs dtaeevsry Ju vr doss. V 1 am a PresbyUrlan clergyman and a Dec ter of Dlvlstiy.bnt I atnaet afraid te rceon rceen tnendDdrly'sMalt Wh'skyandDnffy'arensala as the purest and most cdletent preparations as'a tned.ctne I knew of, and my czpeilsnee la a Urge ene." ' HEV. B. HILLS, , Meads Ctratrn. Kaaaa. Ilnrry'sPermnlata for sale by all druggists and dealers. Pries, 11 0) pee bottle. Durrrj malt whisky co., (S) Jtecbsater. M, X. MMD1VAX, IA1NK-H OELRBY COMPOUND. PAINE'S MKUVOUa PKOSTIIATION, NKBVOUS HBAUACUK.JlKUaAl.aiA, NERVOUS WKAKNKBS. SfOHACH AND L1VK D18 ' CASKS, BIIBUMATIBM, DYSPKPB1A, I ana all Affcetlens of the Kidneys. T7UAK. M1RVB3. PAINK'S CRLKKY COMPOUND U a Narve , Tonle which never falls. Containing Celery 1 and Cocea, tbesa wonderful stimulants, ft , epeclaly cures alt nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM. 'PAIIfB'A CBL-ttY COMPOUND purines ' the bleed. Itdrlvesljut the lsctlasclc, which eausea uheumattsm, and restores the bleed making organs tn a healthy oenaltloo. The ' true romeay ler Uheurauism. DNBY COM PLAINTS. ' PAINB'J OBI.KUY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver ana kidneys te perfect ' health. Tblieurallva power, combined with lu netva tonics. Is why it Is the best remedy v ler all kidney complaints . DYfiPaFSIA. PAINK'S CBT.BUY TOMPOUND strength- ens the stomach, and unlets the nerves of I the digestive ergnnj. Tnls Is why Itcnres ' even the worse eases of D spepgla. OON81IPATIOW. PAINE'S CKLKUY COMPOUND Is net a cathartic' it Is a laiatlve, giving tavyand natural action te the bowels, uegularlly surely loUews Its use. Becommenaod. by professional ana business i men. tend for hook. i Price, lixe. Beld by Druggists. WKLL3, UIUHAltllSON ft Ce, Proprietors. , Burlington, Vt. . (C) rALUABLU MEDICAL, WOKK. , TRUTH, Or the BCiBvcE or XIKE. a valuable MKDIUALWOUK, the only true descrl ntlen of this time en Man. heed. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Decline, Errors of Youth, and ibn untold mlsertes conseqnent te same, as well as an ex ex ex posure of quacics and their se-called medleal works,' by which they victimize thousands, and by tholrexago-eratlng disease, make these peer sulTerers Insane. . Every young man, mtedle-ageil or old. should reaa this book. It Is mero than wealth te thorn. Sena two cent stamp for a copy. Address. DltTTITOS.TnSEL, KM North fourth Bt, Philadelphia, Pa. ' Myd :TfJIiY'H UUKAM HAL.M. eatareh-Say fever. ELY'S CUEAM u.vlm cures Celd tn Head Catarrh, UoseCold, II ay Paver, Deafness, Uoad Uead Uoad ache. Price 60 Cents. KABY TO USB. Kly Ure's, Owego. N. V., U. S, A. YOU WILL SAVE .MONEY, TIME, PAIN. TliOUHLE, And Will Cure CATAUUB, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. . Apirtlcle ts applied te each nostril ana ! sgrueuble. Price 60 cants at druggist i by nail, registered, m cts. KLY imeTIIKUS, a Greenwich BL, New YerB. nevlS-lyd&w SAFE, BUBK AND Sl'EKDY CDItB. Jtupture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by qnacks when jeu can find in Or. W light the only Kso Kse clab Puysiem In Philadelphia who makes a specla'iy nt the ntiove diseases, and Ctmia fluiul mass euaiuntssd. Advice Free day ana evening Strangers can be treated and re turn home same day. unices private DB. W. U. WltlUIIT, (41 North Ninth Street, Above Uace, P. O. ltex C73 Philadelphia. fehs.lydAw TfKUKWSAl e PKN EVKRY KVENINQ KXOICPT BUN DAY. 01LT HANUKKUClIIKra AND MUrfLEUS AT BUISMAN'S. CELLULOID ANDLINEN cellaks and curra AT KBISMAH'8. MEDICATED UNDKUSlilllTSAND DUAWKU3 AT KUISMAU'S. Don't forget te leek at our NECKTIES AT EUISMAH'S KO. 17 WKHTKINO BTHRKT. MAVIUXJCKr. PATTERNS, MOmn8&c. Central Machine Works. tV. 1. t'UMMIXBS, rrcii. COUNKU OK UUANT AND CUUIBT1ANSTB (Uoiref Court Heuse. Jes, II. Uuber'a Old stand.) All kinds of Light Machine Werk, Patterns, Medols, Iren and Ilress Castings, Klc Special attention given te developing new Inventions and te thn construction of Special ties In Machinery or Hardware. TKUMS UEAUONAULE. BATlSr ACTION (IIIAKANTKKI). dnexttd COAU JS rt.MAKTitt, ncuuu aD istau biai.ii is All Kinds of Lumber and Oea'. swtabd: no. oe North waurind Prtaea Btmnts. abo-Te Lemen. Lancaster. nMvd r. 'OAUMUAltUNKH'a COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orsie: Na 129 North QueenStreet, ana Ne. U4 North Prince street. Yad: North Prlnoe Street, near tteadlng' Depot, nirisifa LANCAHTEIt. PA reu ceAiii Piice of Ceal Reduced AT G. SENER & SONS, OU, I'iilXCK ft WALNUT STB. Janlu-tfd F OKMAKlNUSOAf. CAUSTIC SODA. THUKK AND P1VE POUND rANCV KKT- II.Kj4 AT J. O. UOUUIITON A CO., Cheapest Drug Stere In the City, MM. 10 ana U West King stmt. I I CUBES i TOBACCO. & '.', .Vf A JT1NK F1KOKOF e V TOBffCCO 18 1NDBBDALUXUBT. FlNZliR'S Old Honesty. Cemes as near being a fl ee piece ei PLUG TOBACCO at It Istpesslbla te makalt, anatsknewnasa STANDARD BRAND AMONO DBALBB9. We are; sure tkatONBTBIAL wUl Cen vine Ten of IU Merits. 4srLnek ferthe red UUnUgeneaekplBf.-Wi J no, Finzer 8c Bre.'s, LOUISVILLE, KY tt) 001 B ADD tltOXS N: KW 8HOR BTORB. WILL BE READY! -TBE- NEW SHOE STORE AT TBE MABBLE IllORT, NO. 24 NORTH QUEEN ST., , Will ba open SATURDAY. MABCH II, and be ready te Display the finest anrt Cheapest Lines or BoeU ana Shoes ever exhlbiud in this marker, all tha Latest Styles bought dl rtct irem the manufacturers. We would call Sonratuntlen te our Ladles' ana Gents' Vine hoc., and te the Formers ana Werklngmen, tn this class et goods we have a great variety atlewflgurte. On our opening day we Invite tbe publle te give ns a call aud examine for themselves, our Goods are all Marked In Plain Figures. One Price te All and ratr Dealing will be Our Motte. All goods will be sold en these merits and will be as recom mended, call en opening Day. fl. SWILKEY, 24 North Qnwn Street. mar2J-Jmd b OOIS AND fcHOEH. A Rare Chance, 5 PERCENT REDUCTION -FBOM- March 31st te April 30tb, ON ALL BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, &C, Bought at Our Btere. THE REASONS Why we have offered this reduction are: 1st. Because we have been tn the habit of giving away irem Twenty-nve teBeventy-rlva Dollars Werth or Carts and Cbromes uery Easter, and we think It will be the same te ns and mero advantageous te the Purchaser te et that amount (the cost et the cards) off of lelr Purchases. 2d. Because we feel confident that It we can in this way Introduce tha lines of goods we are new running Inte mero families, at the firlces we are new selling (te say nothing el he 8 Per Cent. Ueductlent will be irre&Uv tn our advantage as well as te the advantage of This offer u net te New Patrons only, bnt te all of our ltegular customers as well ; but bear in mind we, only in. ke, this offer from this BATUUOAY, MAKUU 31st, te MONDAY, APitlli 30th, 1838, Inclusive. REMEMBER, We have our Ooeds marked In Plain Figures and net In Letters or Uh .rasters. We lean M What We Say 1 We will give the Purchaser Vive Cents off of every Dellar's Werth of uoeds'Purrhased at our btere dnrtng said time or B per cent off of ail amounts boss uui una ueuar -H member This Bale commences TBI8 BATUKUAY, MAKJ1I 31st and Ends MON DAY, aPBIL 30th. OUBMOTI03AIIE: "Quick gales at d Small Fronts," AND " Honesty is the Vest Policy." d The Leaders et Lew Prices in Beets & Shoes, NO. 3 BAST KING BTRBST, LAN CASTER, FA. marattl 1SA1IY CAHU1AU Jtd. Jf L1JMN m UKnnaMAN, GRAND EXHIBIT or BABY CARRIAGES. ONE HUNDUKD DirriUENT 8TVLI8. ALT. NIW UOOUf. Manufactured te our own order by the best Isoterles in the country. Bpeclal attention given te every department se as te secure ser vice as well as appraranen. hohense lu the ceantry can show as fine a line el goods. EXPRESS WAGONS, WHEKL BARUOWS, DOLL OARHIAOES, VELOOIPEDES.I GIHL'S TEIOYLES, Aa OUUNKW STOCK Or "Alaska" Eefrigeraters NOW ON KXHIU1TION. mm & Trbnemah, Ne 163 North Queen Btreet, LANOASTKB PA. jACOU F. HHEAFFER'H PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) MO. 15 CINTSH BqUAllK. FRET ECKERT BUT mOBBB. JKW BIORE. )l 'S. lOIWBTORip. NOW OPN CLEAN NEW STOCK. Dry Goedff Drut Qoedp, Whin Goods. KmbreMerlft, Black and Mourning Goods, Hosiery, U loves. Notions, , , Underwear. Carptti, Ctf Clelhi, carpet HweepeM, Ae. Come and ?ee Our Gecds ard Compare Prices. JOHS SrGIVLER, Net. 6 & 8 North Queen Bt, (Next Doer te Leng's Drag Stere,) ... .AWCASTEB, PA. tairltt-ljdAw gPRlNQ QLOVEa iw Spring -AT TUB- NewTerk Stere. We offer THIS WKBK Extraordinary Value in Ladles' Meusquetalre f UMDUBSSKD KID ULOVKS, Klgbt-Butien Length, Light ana Dark Bhader, BOe a pair only half pries. L VDIliS' KID. GLOVKP, riyc-Butten, Pinked Tep, BpiiegBhadts. BOe a pair. I LADIKB' KID GLOVRS, rour-Butten, Btltehed Backs, Tan and Ksster Shades, 71c a pair, LADIKB' KID OLOVE8, .roar-Butten,- Kmbreldered Back, Excellent uauir,Lwa pair. A mil Line of the Celebrated CKNTXMICUI KtD QLOVK9, in riack and Celers. MBvr SPIttNO LISLE TBBKAD GLOVES. 1K, 17 and 25 Cents a pair. Ladles' Blark and Colored TArKKTA SILK ULUVKS, "Plain or BUtched Backs, 16 Cents a pair. LADIES' PURR 8ILK GLOVES, 2J. 37K and 50 CenU a pair. LADIES' BILK GLOVES, raney Stitched Bnrk, Colored Banl Tep. rine Quality, 75 j and I.0J a pair. Anether Case of the Famous RALRHIGQAN HOdK, Uegalar Made, 2Xe a pair. BCHOPPKtt'J PAST BLACK IIOSE,Elbbed. S5 Cents a pair. LADIES' PINE BLACK HOSE, Guaranteed Abielntely rant In Celer, and will " neither stain nor fade, !7Xe at d We a pair. WATT&SHAND i ' 6, 8 and 10 East Eing Street. JTOTIOE. j DON'T r All, TO SKK STAMM BKOTIlEaS' GUAND OPENING BATU11DAY, MAUCU31. BOSTON STOKE, Nes 35 and 37 NOKT11 QUEEN STBEET. - Q.OTO I STAMM BBOTIIEBS' GUAM) OPENING, SATURDAY, M AHCU 31, AND GST B AUG A IN 8, NCS.35and37NOKTII QUEEN STUEBT. TITHY NOT 7RY STAMM BltimiEBS POU LATIST STYLES IN DRES4 GO')Dt, S5and37KOUTBQUEENSTUEET. "TVON'T MISS THE GUAND OPENING AT 1UB- BOSTON BIOEE, Nes. (5 and 37 NOUtU QUEEN STREET, SATUUDAY, MAUCB31, BOSTONSTOBE. B ARQA1NS FOR EVERBdDY AT- TUECHVND OPENING or BTAMM BUOTUEU3, !5 and 37 N. QUEfi ( ST. BOSTON BTOUE. OEE TBE BIGGEST WINDOWS IN TUE CITY AT STAMM BUO t UEES, S3 A 57 NOUTU QUEEN STREET. BO3T0N tTOUE.OPEMNGSATUlIDAY, MAUOU 31. Gl RAND OPEN-NO or BTAMM BBOTUEUS' NEW STOBK, 3 and 37 North Queen St., BATUUDAV, MABCH31. BOSTON BTOUE. CTAMM BROTHERS OPEN IN TBE1B NEW STOUE, NOi. 31 and 37 NOBTU QUEEN STBEET, SATUUDAY, MABCH 31, Come at. a see Bargains. TTOTIOE. DONTrAlLTOBEE STAMU UUOTHEU3' GUAND OPENING, SATURDAY, MAUCU31, BOSTON STOUE, Nes.35and37NOUTIl QUEEN STREET. T.OTO BTAMM BUOTilEBB' GUAND OPENING, BATUUDAV, MARCH 31, AND GIT BARGAINS, Nes. 35 and 37 NOUTU QUEEN ST It KET. TH7HY NOT TRY STAMM BROTHERS' FOR LATEST STYLES IN DBES3 GOODS, 35 and 37 NORTH QUEEN BXBIET. Gloves ! -vi - - BteJ-.!!