Tlfn WV&TGii E53I a r. Z JTHE liANCASTER DAILY ENTELILIGENCER, MONDAY. MARCII 26. 1868. s ICE BOUND. By W. CLARg RUSSELL, Auther of "Tht ltVrcfc of the arotrsner," "Jaek'MCevrttMpf 'jMy Watch lit- tow," "The LaJyilauil " ac (COXTI.USD.) CHAFTER VIL I AJt staiitlkd nr a mscevrnr. In this unwny posture, despite the lutense cold, I continued te sleep soundly during the prater part of the night I wns awakened by ft horrid dream of seme giant shape, stalk ing down the slops of Ice se selre and devour me, ami tat up trembling with horror that was net a little increased by my inability te recollect myself, and by my tberefure con ceiving the canvas that catered me te be the groping of the egru's hand eer my face. I puslicd the salt away and steed up, but had instantly te sit ngaln, my legs being ter ribly cramiied. A drink of Fplrits helped me; my bleed prcseutly Honed with brisk ness. The moon wns in the west; she hung large, red and distorted, and shed no light save her reflection, that wared In the ret under her like sevcral lengths of undulating, red het wire. I had no mind te lie down ngaln. The cold indeed was cruelly sharp, and the smoke sped from my mouth at every breath', as though I held a tobacco plpe betwixt my te th. I get ujxm the ice and stepped about it quickly, darting searching glances Inte the gloom te left and right of the setting neon; but all lay bare, bleak and black. It seemed as if the night had only just'do just'de ccended, se tardy was the dawn. Outslile the slanting wall of ice that made my haven, the swell sn ept past in a gurgling, bubbling, drowning sound, dismal and ghastly, as though in truth seme such egre as the mon ster I had dreatued of lay suffocating there. I welcomed the cold coloring of the east as if It hail been a ship, and watched the stars dy ing nnd the frozen shore darkening te the dim nnd sifting dawn behind it, against which the eutline of the cliffs ran in a broken streak of Ink. The rising of the sun gave me fresh life. I made up my mind te climb as high as I could, taUIng the ear ultli me te bone nsn. Ielo, that I might view the ice and the ocean round about, und form a judgment of the weather by the aspect of the sky, of which only the w estern part was visible from my iew strand, nut llrst 1 must brea k m y li St. I remember bitterly lamenting the lack of means te winke a fire, thnt I might obtain a warm meal and a het drink, and dry iny gloves, coat and breeches, te which the damp of the salt clung tenaciously. Had this ice been land, though the most desolate, gloomy, repulsive spot in the world, I had surely found something that would bum. I sat in the beat te cat my slender repast, nnd when it was ended I pulled the ear out of the cret ice, and found it w euld make me a geed pole te prebe my wny w ith and support myself by up the slope, The beat was new held by thtr most, which I shook and found very firm. I put an empty beer bottle in my lieekct, meaning te see if I could fill it, if the snow up above was sweet enough te be well tasted, and then with a llnal leek at the beat I started. Thoslepowas extremely craggy. Blocks of ice lay about, teme en top of the ethers, and I had sometimes te wnrlly valk fifty or sixty tiaccs round these blocks te ceme at a part of the sIejhj that was smooth. I had ceme te a stand te fetch a breath, nnd was me!ng en nfresh, when, having taken net half a dozen steps, I spied the figure of a man. He was in a sitting posture, his back ngeiiibt a rock that had concealed him. His head was bowed, and his knees drawn up te a level with his chin, and his naked hands w cre clasped upon his legs. His ntti ntti tude wns that of a person lest in thought very easy and calm. I stepped as if I liad been shot through the heart. Had it been a lenr or a sen lien, or nny crenture which my mind could instantly liave associated with this white and stirless desolation, I might ha ve been startled indeed; but no such amazement could have possessed me as I new felt. It never entered into my head te doubt that he was nlle, se natural was his attitude, as of ene lest in a mood of tender melancholy. I steed staring at him, myself motionless, for seme minutes, tee greatly astonished and thunderstruck te nete moie than that he was n man. Then I looked about me tosceif he had companions or for seme signs of a habitation, but the ice was everywhere naked. I IHed my ejes en him ngain. His hair wns nboe a feet long, black as ink, and the blacker may be for the contrast of the snow. His beard and mustache, which wereabu of thi3 rnen hue, fell te his girdle. He w ere it great j ellew (lapping hat, such as was in fashion among the Kpauiards and buccaneers of the Seuth sea; but ecr his cars, for the warmth of the protection, were squares of flannel tied under his beard by a very flnti red silk handkerchief; and this, with his hair and pale cheeks and black shaggy ejebrews, gave him a ternble and phastly npiearaiice. IYem his shoulders hung a iich thick cloak, lined with red, and the legs te the height of the knees wcre in cused in large beets. I continued surveying him with my heart beating fast. U cry instant I expected te see him turn his head and start te beheld me. I coughed loudly, holding my pole in readi ness for w hatcv er might befall, but he did net btir; I then holleaed, and was answered by the ochec3 of my own t oice among the iec!:s. His stillness persuaded me he was in one of thosedeep slumbers which fall upon n man in frozen places; for I could net per suade myself he was dead, se living was hls IKisture. This will net de, thought I; te I went clese te him and jieered Inte his fnee. I went close te him anil ptercd into his face. His ores wcre fixed; they resembled glass painted as eyes, the colors faded. He had a bread belt leund his waUt, and the hilt of a kind of cutlass lx-eiied from under his cloak; otherwise he was unarmed. I thought he breathed, anil tavmed te see a movement in his breast, and I tee' him by the shoulder, but in the hurry of my feelings I exerted mero strength than I'jas sensible of. I pushed him with the vloleuce of sudden trepidation, my hand slipjicd off his shoulder, and he fill en his side, exactly as a statue would, preserving his ioture us though, like a statue, he had been chiseled out of marble or stoue. J started back frightened by hli fall, le which my fear found a sort of llfe, but It was seen clear te me his rigidity was that of a man frezui te deatli. Ills very hair nud. Uard steed btllT, as before, as though they wire some exquisite counterfeit in ebony. )'erfectlysatUliudthathewa3dead,Istepied round te the ether sidoef him and su him up as I had found him. He was its heavy as if he had been nlie, and when I put his back te the rock hl iosture was exactly as It hud been that of ene deeply meditating. Who hed this man Uh.ii in life I Hew had he fallen Inte this pass) Hew long hed he been dead tuire, seated as I saw him These were sjicculatiens net te be resolved by conjecture. On looking at the rock against nblch he leaned, and observing Its curvature, it textmed te tue that it had feruuxl part of n cavoTeTcitlome large deep' hole of ice; and sPfP it w certain mat, had this body remained long unsheltered, it must hare been hidden by the snow. I concluded then that the unhappy man liad been cast away upon this ice whlle It was under bleaker heights tlian these paral lels, and that he had crawled into a hollow and perished in that melancholic sitting post ure. Thinking I might find something en his person te acquaint me with his story, or that would furnish tee with some Idea of the date of bl being; cost away, I pulled his cloak aside and searched his pockets. Ills legs wcre thickly cased in two or thrce pairs of breeches, the outer pair being of a dark green cloth. He also were a handsome red waistcoat, laced, and a stout coat of a kind of frieze. In his coat pocket I found a silver tobacco box, a small gloss flask fitted with a silver bend and half full of an amber colored liquor, bard froze; and in his waistcoat pocket a geld watch, shaped like en apple, the beck curiously chased and Inlaid with Jewels of eevcral kinds, forming a small letter M. Thi bands pointed te twenty minutes after three. A ley of a strange shape and a number of seals, trinkets, and the like were attached te the watch. These things, together with a knlfe, a key, a thick plain silver ring, and seme Spanish pieces in geld and silver wcre what I found en this man. Tbcre was nothing te tell me who he was, nor bow long he bad been en the UiUUU. The searching him was the most disagree able Jeb I ever undertook in my life. His Iren-liko rigidity made him seem te resist me, and the swaying of his beck against the rock te the motions of my hand was se full of llfe that twice I quitted him, frightened by it. On touching his naked hand by acci dent. 1 fllRmt-nrrvil hnf tUn fl1 r.9 U m,...l , uu uu UMU i IVUIU1 IT upon the bones as you pull a glore off nnd en. I liad had enough of him, and walked eway feeling sick. I pushed onward, stepping warily" and probing cautiously at every step, and earn estly peering about me, for after such a sight as that dead man I was nover te knew what new wonder I might stumble upon. About a quarter of a mlle en my left that is, en my left whlle I kept my face te the slepfr there was the appearauce of a ravlne net dlj dlj ccrnible from where the beat lay. When I was within twenty feet of the summit of the cliff, the acclivity continuing gcntle te the very brew, but much broken, as I have sold. I noticed this hollow, and mero particularly n small collection of Ice forms, net nearly ad large ns the ether groups of this kind, but most dainty nnd lovely, novertholcss. They showed as the heads of trees might te my asccst, and when I had get a llttle higher I observed that" they we're formed upon" tha hither side of the hollow, as though the con vulsion which hed wrought that chasm had tossed up tbose oxquislte caprices of lea Hewev I was tee eager te vlew the pros pect from the top of the cliff te suder my admiration te detain me; in a few minutes I had gained the brew, nnd, clambering en te a mass of rock, I sent my cjfze around. j (TO BB C0HT1NUBU ) Don't t If a dealAr offers you a bottleef Sal vation till in n mutilated ordefaesa package don't liny It at any prlce -ttinay be a dangerous ana worthless itmnierflt. Insist upon get ting a fietect, unbroken ginulne package. Fieeul Ohaige Veur urugglstswill refund your money if Dr. Hull's cough Syrup does net give you satlmctlea and euro yourteugh. Prloj25centt Ten Can't Make a samaen Out of an attenuated dude, with meagre legs, pigeon chest and a slight cough, lint a man or a woman te whom constitutional vigor has been denied can get It te a cry considerable extent by the persistent use, la regularly pro portioned, alternated Uess, of America's chief tcnle, IlestetUr's Stnui icn Itinera, 'le the nerves and muscles of the stomach that Rental lnvlgerant Imparts tone, and te Its oiKTiitlena regularity. 'J lie prexlmute result Is thorough digestion and compute assimila tion of the feed, and Uie ultunate sequence, bleed fertile with the element of muscular tissue, a healthy appetite, nightly rist unim paired, and a tlisappcarame of the nervous symptom te which etiolated Itnalids are al ways subject, and which they are very prone. te take for the manifestations of serious organie aiseasu, and dose accordingly. In diseases of the kidneys unci bladder, ulways excessively weakening, and Ter constipation, fever and ague, and llyw ceaiplalut, use the Hitters, ' Knptnre cute guaranteed by Ur. J. 11 Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Kase atence, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures ufter ethers tall, odvlce tree, send for circular. mailO-ljdaw The face nnd lomeor of th worn in who takes New Sljle Mnegar miters Have no wrinkles. SPKOIAT. XOT1CEH. Four-Finh. Of our Ainerlcan poeplo are aflllcted with sick nttadnche In either Its nervous, bilious or congestive fenns, caused by Irregular habits, high living, etc., nnd no remedy has vor conqueied It until lr. Leslie's Special l'ruscrtptien wits discovered. Give It a trial. Boe advertisement In another column. (S) TIIK KKV. QKO. 11. TllAVKB.ef Bourbon, Indisays: "Iteih myself and wire ewe our lives te DUILUU'S CONSUMPTION CUKE. Ker sale by II. Jl. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 137 North (Juetm street. (6) Electric ulttrrs. This remedy Is becoming se well known and se popular as te neodne rpeclal mention. All who have used Klectrlc Hitter sins the same song of praise. A purer medicine does net exist, and it Is guaranteed te de all that Is claimed. K ectrle llitters will cure all diseases of the 1 Iver and Kidneys, will remove Plm ples. IJelU, Vult llbeum and ether affections caused by impure bleed. will dilve Malaria from the system and prevent as well ss cure all Malarial JTevers. Fer cum et Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Klecule Hitters -Kntlre satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1'ilcefuc.and l ej per bot tle at II. II. Cochran's Orug Stere. 5 Beck leu's Arnica Salva. Thx Rest Salv. In the world for Cuts, Uralses Seros. Ulcers, bait Bhum. rover Heres.Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all Skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranu-ep te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice J5 cents per box. rer sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 ana li) North (Juoen street, Lancaster, Pa. June'27 1yd SlIlLOirsctlUE will immediately relieve Croup, WboeptiK Cough and nrenchltls Fer sale by II. It Cochran, DruggUt, Ne. 117 North Queen street. (7) Is Cousuinpileu Incurauiii. Head the follewing: Mr. 0.11. Merris, Newark, Ark. says: "Was down with AbscUBSet Lungs, and friends and nhyslclaus pronounced me an lncuranle Consumptive. Jlegan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my thlnl bottle, and abl Uieversee the work en iny lartn. It U the Hneat inudldne eviir uiaeW Jesse Mlddlewnrt, Decatur, Ohie, ssys: "Had It net been for Dr. King's New nbcevery ler Consumption, 1 would have died or Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best el health " Try It, Sample bottles free at II II Cochran's Drug Stere, Ne. 137 and 139 NorthQueen street, Lancaster, Ta: (6) II. a Cochran, Nes. 137 und Si North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a., Is selling SHI LOU'S COUU11 UUUK us a guuiuntoe te ture all arut&i uuu iudk truuuies. ;g) Fer 3J jturi I have been troubled with catairh-bav tried a number of remedies without relief. A druggist here ru'eminended Ely's, Cieam Ualui. 1 have used only one bottle and 1 can say I teel tlsea new uaa. My caiarrh was chronic und very bad. 1 make this voluntary statement mat ethers msy knew of the Itilm.- J. W. Uathewsen, (Law yer) Tawtuckel, it. 1. 1 was troubled with cilarrh In my head te sn annoying extent ler tbrue years. Alter using tue boltluef Kly's Cream Ijalm I was ealtiely tuted Wm. J. Ulne, Victer, N. t. u!!7 2wdeed&w WHY WILL IOU COUGH when Bhlleh's Cure will give Immediate relief, l'rlca lu ctn, , W els, ana it. FeraalebyH.ll Cecbrun.Driig. gift. Ne. 137 North Queen street. (6) netea a nig iu lit. "Has magical pain killing nnd healing prop erties. Half et a ntty-cent bottle cureil me 01 rheumatism and a cold that had settled In my back. rel ss well u I tver did lninyiifu" otte J. Deesburv, proprietor Helland city .Vit, lIoJMed, Mich,, speaking ler Jnemcu' AdfCtrfa IUI rer le by u. U Cochran, druggin. l7 na M Neith queen street: Lancaster, Mether. Hettiars 1 1 Are yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the uxcrucKUng pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at once nnd get a bottle of MltS, WlNSLOW'SMOOTUINUSYUUr. It wUl re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon It ; there U no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever nsedlt,whe will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, nnd relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all caw and pleasant te the tase, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and beat lemale physicians and nurtes In the United Btates. Beld everywhere, 18 cents a bottle, myM-lyaw OR MEDICINAL-U8K. Duffy's Pare Halt Vhisky -FOR MEDICINAL USE. NO FUSEL OIL. rough In Ihireernlngi tickling In the threat difficult breathing) quleacncd pulseitbertaesa of breath t tlghtntsa in tbeernttj chUllnessln theevenlngi leyerlshneasi hick expneloraUeni erv one 01 these Is a symptom of consump tion! Mere than two-thirds of alt In death In Amettea are caused by consumption. It Is airaostlmpesilbletocurettln the last stages, but It can readily be checked It taken atlhe start. Physicians always recommend a pure stimulant, and for this purpose nothing has ever equaled Unity's I'nre Malt Whisky. , The celebrated physlclan.Uenry A. Melt-Th. I). F. C 8.. eava : - DufTt's Pure Malt Whtakv Is tree from I ual oil, adulterations nr foreign Impurities, and these qualities should re re cemmendlt te publle favor." (3) lAlNE'S OEIiBRY COMPOUND. PAINE'S POK- The Nervous, The Debilitated. '. The Aged. AKKliVKTONlC. Celery and Cocea, the nremInnt Inert dlents, are the best and talent -erve Tonic-. It s'rengthens and quints the nervous sy tern, curing nervous Wcaknesi, Hysterls, Sleeplessness, Ac. . AN ALTKUAT1VB. I It drives out tha posennus humors of the bleed purifying and enriching It; and BO overcoming tbose diseases resulting from ALAXATIVK. I Acting ml'dly but snrely en the bowels It cures natiltual eensllpailnn, and promotes "'"th.1 unuu. tv.kruuKtueas tneBiomace. and aids digestion. AOIUBKT10. In Its composition the best and most active diuretics of the Materia Medlca are com bined tcleutlflcally with ether effecttve remedies for dl.eases of the kidneys.1 It can be relied ea te glve quick relief ana speedy cure. Hundrodsef testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Bend for clieulars. air ing fuU particulars. , I'rlce, 11.00. Sold by OruggtsU. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, BUIlLINaiOJI.VT. lanlMvdAw.'I) pAUKEK'S HAIK HALSAM. Farter's Hair Balaam Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Pro motes a Luxuriant urewth. Nerer Palls te KMnfnm flruv Hull tr ! a.n,n. uresHculO. Diseases and Hair railing. 60e" PLORKSTINB CO 1.00 NK. The Mit rragnint and l nting rf Per fnmes. i5c. Druggists. ect31-umdUAThAw T7ALUABLE MEDICAL WORK. TRUTH, Or the SCIENCE OF LirE, A VALUABLE MED1UALW0UK, the only trne description of this time en Man hood. Nervous and Physical Debility, Prema ture Docllne, Errors of Youth, and he untold miseries consequent te same, as well as an ex posure of quacki and their se-called medical works,' by which they victimize thousands and by Ihelrexaggerailng disease, makes these peer sutrerers Insane. Every young man. middle-aged or old. should reau thUloelc It Is mere than wealth te them. Send two cent stamp for a copy. Address, ,, ... - UK TMOS.TIIEEL. fas North Fourth St, Philadelphia, Pa, E LY'S UKEAM BALM. OATAERH---HAY FEVEE. .ELY'S OBEAkt BALM euros Celd In Head Catarrh, Uoee Celd, Bay Fever, Deofnoss.Uead Deefnoss.Uead Deofness.Uead ache, Prlee M Cenu. KA8Y TO USE. Sly Bros,Owege.N.Y., U.S.A. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, TIME, PAIN, TUOUBLE, ' And Will Cure CATAEUU, by Using ELY'S CREAM BALM. A particle U applied te each nostril ana Is agreeable. Price 60 cents at drugglrta t b mall, registered, go cu. ELY BUOTUEUS, ,., .. 3i Greenwich St-.New Yeik. nevlMydAw MA11Y CA li HI A U K8. TD1LINN BKSNKMAW. '" GRAND EXHIBIT OF BABY CARRIAGES. ONE UUNDltKD ClrrEltKNT STi LIS. ALL NEW OOODP. Manufactured toenrown order by the lest lac Lories in tbn reuntry. Special attention g; ven te every department se as te secure ter vice rb well aa appearanee. Jtoheuan In the country can show as One a line of goods, KXl'KKSS WAGONS, WUEEIj BAKHOWH, DOLL CAnUlAOKS, VfiLOOII'KDES,, GIKL'STRICYLES, Ac. t OUK NEW STOCK OF "Alaska" Refrigerators NOW ON KXI1IU1TION. FLINN &BREHEH&N, Ne. 162 North Queen Btroet, LANCABTEU PA. JJAOJII.YJCJtr. "PATTEKNH, MODKLS, Ar. Central Machine Works. iV. I. CUMMINUS, I'rcu. COUNEU OF UUANT AND CilltlVri AN STS (Iteiref Court llouae. Jee, II. Huber's Old bUnd.) All kinds of f.lght Machine Werk, Patterns, Medels, iron and llrass Castings, Etc. Special attention given te devoleptng new Inventions and te the construction of bjviUaL ties In Machinery or Hardware. TEBitS BEABONABLK. BATlBr ACTION I UUAHANTEKD. deWtld I E I CELERY COMPOUND 1 resacea QLD HONESTY TOBACCO. FINZER'S Old Honesty! The Cliewcw et OLD HONESTY TOBA.CCO will seen Hnd that It lasts longer, taste, sweeter than ether tobac cos, ami will please you. Ask your dealer for It and insist en getting It. Genuine Has a Red H 1 in Tag en Every Plug. CLOTHINO. - .v TMMEN9E ASSOKTMENr. L Gansman & Ik, S. W. COIL H. QUEEN ft ORANGE ST?. IMMENSE A'UOllTMBNT'.NKWrjCATUUES EXCLUSIVE STYLES, SKUVICEABLEGOODd MASKED AT Reck Bettem Prices, GET THE UCB t FOU T11K MONEY. 12, 111, lis Suits te order, quality itrlcllv Ali-wool Casslmeres and Scotch Cheviots. IS. IIS, 11 suits te order In auipe Plaids and Checks, strictly All-wool. lis, 8 M Suits te order, host of All-wool Imported Worsted. a). W, Prlnce Albert Suits made te order. Trimmed and madeln elegant style ll.woel Uwslmere Pants te erder atsl. 1100 l te and IS ui. w ,1'.?I-.,?1,,'T "'" te order "I "'. 5 f e. sa oe, 17 oe, 8 de. 9 oe ' rorgleilnuconilrmmionsco our two win dows full et Newest Sprieg Goods Only. SBFUamomberromfortand sallsfa'tlen gees With every urthasu made. L. GANSMAN & BRO. H IKSH A BROTHKlt. IT 18 Wll II GUEAT PLEASURE WE Inform the Public As It Is our ene csm te keep our patrons well posted of the NEW HTYLK UIKIDS we have en band, since our last advertisement we bavn hae had hipped exnreaalya Fine LotetVPUINU PlkCK UOOD3, e that HIRSH a BROTHER Shall always kcepandtakn the lead te be the first bitngteg te Lancaster the NEWEST STYLES, LATEST DESIGNS, HOSTltEUENT FASHIONS, COATINGS, SUITINGS, TKOWH1UIING3, lMl'OUTED AND DOMESTIO SPUING PIECE GOODS. The make-upefrurgarmnnts cannot be sur passed. Every eire it taken by our experi enced cutters, that we Insure nud warrant a perfect nu This last anlval of SPRING PIEOE GOODS Are tha Finest and Newest Patterns ever seen, and from our great selection tbn prima are unquestionably low, as we can make Suits te Order from $15 Up. Ills worth while for one and all te comets Boen as possible, TO lirsh & Brether, THB ONE-FRIOB Merchant Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers, COIL N. QUEEN 8TUKET AND GENTUX 8UUAUE. LANCASTKU, PA. MVHWAl,. CUrErt7eil QDALllY MUSICAL BOXES. 1IEN11Y OAUTSClil A SONS, Ne, itau Chestnut Street, - Philadelphia. Vzamlnatlen will rfrnvn nnr ImtrnmHntji I lar superior u any ether make, net spunking 01 iue wennius trasn mat auennas in inu market, seen being of mero annoyance thin pleasure te tbslr owners. Old and liniwr liniwr lectly made amnie lleies carefully repaired by experiences! workmen from the unnutito unnutite unnutito tery In Switzerland, Lorrtspendenco solicited. Send stamp ler catalogue and prlce lut. neT2MydAir HANO AND OHQAN 1UWINO. It will pty veu In walk up one night of stairs te see hew nicely you can have j our Flane or Or&tn Repaired. Viz- ItestrtnglnKi Entire New Works put In. Cases ltevarnlabeu and Polished geed aa new. Tour yellow Olacelsred Ivoryser knys made perfectly white, by a newly disco veied precurs. This can all be done at Nea. 28 and 80 Hast Slog Btreet, Second JTloer, Over Stackheuse'i Shoe Stere. WM. H. MANBY & SON. nt-lyd Lancaster, Pa. r alack or rAomear. fc w p Mre UTBICH'M PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. A sale of Muslin Underwear. Several thousands of dollars worth bought at a sacrifice from a large New Yerk firm going out of business. They will be sold at about one-half or two thirds their regular price. These are the main features : Chemise 6 rows of needle work inserting, corded band, 50c. Chemise 3-inch wide needle work yoke, narrow embroidery all around, neck and sleeves, 50c Skirts 4-inch embroidery, 5 tucks, 75c. Skirts 12 inch embroidery, 7 tucks, Si. Drawers 6 tucks, 3-inch ex tra fine embroidery, worth 20c. a yard, price 69c. a pair. Drawers 2 rows of tucks with wide needlework edging, 25c. Night Gowns 6 rows of needlework inserting, edging all around, hubbard back, 98c. Lawn Aprons, 2 yards of lawn, wide hem, 10c. Corset Cevers, 15c; with embroidered edge, 19c. One case of White Victeria Lawn, at 8c. a yard, worth 10c. One case" 'of' White India Linen, at -9c. a yard, worth I2C. Universal Dress Patterns, 12 c. apiece. Ladies' Muslin Skirts, with 4 inch embroidery ruflle and tucks, only 50c. Skirts, with wide fine cm cm breidery, 15 wide tucks, 99c. Children's Cambric Dresses, 2 rows of needlework and wide needlework edge en bottom, 50c Infant's Leng Cambric Slips, embroidered yoke and tucks, only 50c. ASTRICH'S P. O. F., Lancaster. FUHN1TVKB. w IDMYKim YOUR WANTS -IN- FURNITURE Can be supplied at WIDMYER'S FUliNITUUK STORK TO YOUUCOMI'LKTESATISrACTlON. ATTUACT1VE UOJD3, ATTUACT1VK J'UICKS. Qlve yourself the satisfaction of seeing the Largest, Hest and Cheapest stock In the City. Oer. East King & Duka Sts. VIDlffYER'S COBIfEll, JXKW TU1NQH IN KUKN1TUHK AT rlDINITSfl'S New ANTIQUE OAK SUITS, all Complete, with Mstlresa una Spring. The ptlcewlll sur prise you. NATURAL CIIKKUV SUITS, all Complelo Very l'retty, Well Made and Uurable, OLIl BTANI1AUD WALNUT. We open Next Week, blx New Vallerns at Six New 1'ilcea. Beverat very low In price, but Keed menej-'s wertli all the tlme. Other New and Attractive Goods being shown all the tlme at Popular I'rlce. HEINITSH'S 237 AND 29 SOUTHIQUEBN 8T LANCACTEU, I'A. l'orsenal Attention Given te Unilertak Inir. fOlTlVAl.. Tj OK J UIIY COMMlHHIONKIt, II. T. 8I1ULTZ, Of Kllztlxthtnwn Itoreutih. Subject te the deilalouef the Uemocrulle Ceunif Cnnren Cnnren lien. inarS-ttdAw TTOU JUltY COMMIHHIONKH, GKOUGE OAKMSTETTEU, Fsventh Ward, city. Subject te Peinocratle ltulua. marlu-lyaAw C10B JUKYCOMMIHHIONKlt, EUW. AMIILEK, Of Dm mero Township. Subject te the de cision et the Deinocralle County Convention, matin dAwtaplS TfOK JUHY COMMISSIONEU, rilANKLIN CLAUK, Of Stresburir Township. Subject le tbn de cUlouef thu Uemocralle County Convention. iuarl'J-dAwittt3 F OK CONQKEBh. D. 7BANK B8BLBMAN. jr Bubiect te Kepubllcan Uules. aut-uaw TllVNKH&e TTAKNESB, TKUNKH, Ae. FOUND AT LAST. THE TRAVELER'S DELIGHT. A Vtry Handsome and Conveni ent U AG, made of Uie Finest Qual ity Brown drain Leather, and fur nished with Cleths, Hair and Teeth Urush, Seap Dish, Teeth Powder Dettle. Made frcmM2 te lis Inclifs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUU NEW LINE er: TRUNKS AND BAGS AT M. laberbush & Setfs SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK STORE. Ne. 30 Centre Square, ' LANOAHTKR. PA. Hemmmrvmmumimu weiids, QUili AND BKB -rax- ROCHESTER LAMP, BIxtyCanaie-Ltghti Beau them all. Anether Let of OH KAP a LOBES for Dm an Oil Steves, i PTTsl II PlBlffPinM t Sta'l'AL MOULUINO A BUBHEB CUBIIlO I WEATIiER STRIP j BeaUlhern alL'Thls strip ontwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold, atop rntUlntcef windows. Exclude Uw dost. Ksmp out snow and mln. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made in applying 1L Canoe Dtted anywbore-ne holes te bone; ready for nse. It will net split, warp or shrink a etu&Jpn strip Is the most prret. At tha etove, ueatur -ana Jiag -er-j Jehn P. Sehanin & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LAXOABTEB. PA. 8' TOVKMI HIOVKHM CALL AND EXAMINE. HESTER & HEBE'S took eri STOVES I " The fyleadiiT tnd " Bright Dliiaoed" U AVE MO B1VAL AS HEATEltH, rer we all like warm feet, and this can enl be enjoyed at a rULL Uabe HEATER. llave comfort and save money by bnylnga QoeU Heater atoneo, rathorthanspene;your money for a Cheap Btove, only te trade Helt for old Iren next year. We fhave suveral of these en hand that we can soil .very low, bav ins; taken them In trade-soiue having been used but .one or two years. AN Droit .COOK1NQ "IlieSpleBdia" and "MoBtenr IUbim" Never Fall te Olve BatUfacUen. Our Line of Sroallerand Cheaper Bteves 'and Manges Is Complete. 1 ' i -euDxiia reu rLUMinNe.t TIN EOOriNQ AND BPOUTINO UeCOlVO Prompt Attention. AWNO HAD STOCK UQZD.tB Ne. 40 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. (OppeslUk Court Heuse JIA TH. S' TAUFFKH A CO. THE CELEBRATED "Dimlap Hats" AND THE RENOWNED "Bosten Beauties." Correct In Myln, First In Quality, Llgbtln WelKbt und l'rltus Ouaiantucd. A BPECIALTY HADE Or YOUNG MEN'S HATS. We are prepared te show Yeung Hen the Newest f atursa and Largest Line lu the City, at the Very Lowesl Prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Trunk and Traveling Bags Stauffer & Ce., LKADINU HATTERS, 'i unfl 33 North Queen Street. CAlUilAUHt). C'lANDAKD WOKK. " EDV.EDGERLEY CAIUUAUE IlUlLUEIt,, 45 MARKET STREET, Bear Of PosteRlce, Lancaster. Pa, I have In Slees: and Build te Order Every Variety et the following styles! Coupe, Hug gits, CabrleletB, Carrlagits, victerias, Business Wagons. "T" CatU. atcCall Wsgeus. hurtles, Mrket Wagons, Vbuswut, Express Wagons. I employ inn best Mechanics, and have tacr ine le build correctly ny style of Oartlage desired. IhnOuallty, Btyieand rlulshet my work makes It decidedly the Cheapest lu the market, MOTTOs "Pair Dealing, Honest Wets: at Bettem Prices." Plosseglvemeacall, AsrRepatrlng promptly attended te. Prices lower than all ethers. One set of Workmen especially einolej ed ler that pur no ta. BU8INKSS MlITHODb'MADE PJjAIN. The system of Instruction at the LANCASTEU COMME11C1AL COLLXGE, Is se simple and plain that any young Mdy or puntleman can easily master all the detalfs of abualnes education, L1UE11AL TKIIUS. Evening Sessions Tuesdays. Wednct and fildays. nil information given by U.C. WKIULKU, Lancaster goaunereiai ceiiegs, ectW-ua Lancajter, l'a. ael TRA VSI.KHS UOIDM. RKA01NO t COLUMBIA RAILROAR .AXU BHANCUES. AND LEBAJrOlT-' AND LANCABTKB J01(X LIMB . UTC, en and aster bundat, wev. m TKA1NB LR ATS BKADINOJ a m and e 10 p mr vmmv" , v, thlckes at ja). ll je a m, and 610 p aa. s TKA1RBLEATECOLUMBIA. P Per Blading at 7J a rn.ift ....?.. K Wet Lebanon at lts and 1 40 n m. F TKA1N8 LEAVE QUARliTVILLE. nfe0r Inctr at 6.10 a m.andtsesw J2 I 5?,n :4 nd we p r r Fer Lebanon at UO and s. p m. LEAVE KINO BTKBKT ( Laneattsa? 1 ForLebanenat7am,lJand7:IAsa. .h' rerqnarrTvllleatO-Jlam.ii-05 us!U T.AVlrtlUIInfes BftinsiaiM . ' Mr .saTA.ii.tmiB. eiftui i lAlAOrKctfSjr.l j" rer iMMinir at 7:e a m, 1343 ana a 90j b. feiu. UAI..s s.ia. . . . - - fl .: is --"-ss; as.. I.'t'ssj ut leUiUd - sTnr litnannn ( TfllatM ifej . , , Fer Unarrrrf He at 9:3) a m,' 1: ana 8 v.avm P I'K a Msi i.s-a vn .vnssinsr Fer Lancaster at 7:12 am, li and7J0Bsm. Fer Quarry vllle at 7:13 a m and Vtst p ja, BUNDAYTBA1NB. . TRAINS LEAVE KEADINO roreuarryvtiloattoupm. TkAINS LEAVE (JUAHRTVILLB Fer LanoAfter. lb&nea -anaHeaainst atT-.ttifr am TltatlllTVlvviritrnaii ....a. .. Fer Eeadlng and Lebanon at kan ana Ml r n. ' assf. ' TBiiO Rt W IWII III TitAiMt) leave i'Uinee BT. (Laasaatar.l. . r Reading and Lebanon at 8:13 laisl ITnt fltisupwlll .. rur uuarnrvllle at t:U n m. TSllKa l.tivfc l.rnianw KJ. rer LanmaUtr Rt a m..Aiu.H ,", r?? rerQuarryrllleatiUpm. ' " "?ltiVSi Uen, Lancaster Junction, Manhelm. EeailBB -i, and Lebanon, sea tlma ublcs at all stAUeaa. ' nXMMHTLVlllli vm.niin 'W tj t BCUKDULE.-in erect from jm ulV' Trains mavi LAtraAarai and laavaaM ar. A i3 HT -t Philadelphia as fellows I ' V lHWM WESTWARD. ractneEipressf..., flaws Expressf Wav pAAaAMaa-t PhUadelphla. Laacaanir, tZ t u:i p. m. i:Wa.m. 4:80 a.m. T4na.nt. St2! &A asjea, as. rii" iM:i Mad train vUMt Jeyj aaaauxrainf..,. "tarara Express.... Hanover Aeoera,... rastLtnef rmdarlck Aoeom . . . LancaslarAcoem.... Harrtaburg Aocemt. vlaOelumbl 71U A m. via Celnmbll UAOsum. via Columbia mat Jey, KIP p. SB. M", vuiDiuuia jaoeom 4:40 p.m. B-AOp m. fcMp.m. Leave Lanes st sr. ffclOa.Bn. Ma.m. Mna.Br. 12uup.m. fcOJp.m. Harrlsbnrg Express Western J atxpi UMOaTaa. &' arrlva sir j BABTWAKD raua. Express! nil. c'l 4a. sa. J . SB a. sa. . H Harrtabarg Express. 10a.a, Jli ll:4a.a. MA MwiuMwr Aceum ar, Columbia Accem.... ewiun aupress.. rnuaeeinhta Aoeom BnadayHau. Day Expresat , A-sftp.m. (U4ep. rr. gBpx.a "arnatinrs: Aoeom. a x w a , " y : aa. and arrive at Iiaiailat atBTSt n. bl ' Taa i iaarutta AfMonmeOaUoa 1MVM Oetut. S' S bla at tite ata. and reaehesltarMua Maxjetu atfcpj p. m. and arrives at eainSS ! with VaMVttBtBE.a.BB v. .9 'JE."' L"1 "eavee a sas ana arnvaa as ana, . jv . j The Vera AeoemmodaUon leaves Mmamf at ):ie ana arrives at Lancaster at e aasi-'A. . necurgwlth Harrtsburg Expreasat ttMa. m.-Z? ? -XEassI I an I sa I I sa suss.ibb lai aiaW I lssaa sbsbsbi stssBssa- .vfi nnAllfllET lit, lnnsaata at TAe p. ra.. wui ran tkreurt te Frtttxw '' v flstlsisBKi. .a aa t safl .rr. -. avjtS L iiKnorerAceommooauon, wuxrj&rmva : . uuiuiBt :iuplxxu ArriTf at ifsinnaawr m i. uicuunircunff who uayszpraw Ranerar AcoeinmuOauon. watt, mmmm .(. l.asnnasifatsav ssrltli "- - - - .a, m L III 4L. " A(LASBBI BBtj w ui aha uuviia a? amaajmt -Tir:;rvnwryr'S!swss Vmsi, l.lnst isit smsi a sb a.aai t wwiiwyw wvwHiiiiwwa.mjawTuwjrarssi' pt .& bnrs, MUJoy.KlltalwttawnajidkldaiatewB. 'J 1 I Aaenly trains which ran dally. Ob Baa lis; iy. IM Mall train rnna rw wh of unlauaiktZ3ri! t Ji k. rrinrr Tinnnrsi rssimnur 111 g t, uin. a. riHjii wennmi MnrnMrM. WJkKVM mm ,i.i -m "-2!. 8 fKOlAL. UfATriUDO . - - 4, .A, ar aa aa ssaasissaaw j, tnr Vinnitni atiA f1nl1rA .mm w.111 h. mU " great reduotlen In Alse Blgta. Wal-4-tham, Aurera, ler which lam sela sgaaLaBSlw. ether flrst-elass Watches. Best Watea aMt' Jawalrynepalring. HpX)Ucle,Byelaaisaa4S, ununivmii, correct una eauy. py ts"..': graph only place tn the city, - ($ uvviQ waean, , Me. 1WK N. Queen Bt, oppeslta City HetaL Near Penn'a Depot. , N KW JKWKIiKX HTORK. WATCH E& t nnia hi ni.a -'rj Our Hteck of WATCHES U New aad Ceat-'"Wj ,1 loin, nvury v.aae anu uevemens UHaraattaasi.T. iy us also by the Manufacturer, 'Wgf''? ssVfiTANDAUDMAKKBBOLD 0X&T.5k iHV Our Benatr Dnnartment fa fltti fine tools necessary te the repatraMarf I roost cetnpllratca WnUhes, Clocks, twttf,- &t$ Ac, Mr. 4.U1 being a finished inechaBtautlvMS mis aepartment nis personal attenuea. , t" CIIARLES-GILL, m uv.wp viva arrn-mni & W HilWAilAAlUUAAUlUA,, lv LAN0A8TEU, PA. DK0 KU1UKD11AKUA1NH, WK OFFEU AT rUESKNT Decided Bargains & ix- WATCHES. Our Heaviest "nltd Sliver Cues. 4 aal B eunce, we will sell at prtce of it gular s eunea casn. ritud with Klgln. Walttjam, Hampdaa or Keystone movements. CALL AND GET PUICI8. JOS. UEE8BU, my lernter partner, Is sgsia with me. WALTER C. HEEE, Ne. 101 North Quean Street, LANCABTEU. PA. nl-tM HUitMKlt ltKHOHTH. TITKTHEKILIj," ATLANTIC CITV, N.J.. Ocean End Kentucky Avenne. Open February 1. te November 1. LOCK Bex l'JJO. M.J.ICKKBT. ttttrl-3inaMar.,June1Julr. A TliANXlO 01XY, H, J. THE MANSION. ATLANTIC C1TT, N. J. (Popular Winter or Summer) Largest Hetel. Most convenient. AleganUy aor aer nUhud. Liberally Managed. OPEN ALL THE YEAH. OITA. MctiLADR, Prep. W. E. Cecuea. Chief Clerk. febXS-ewd A TLANT10 OITY, N. J. HOTEL NORMANDIE, (Poricerly Hetel Ashland.) AWNOW:ePEN.tJB UErUUNlSHED. -EM0D1.D. KKNOVATED. JO'. H.KLANIOEK, Ja. tnarl-tma-Uar,Apr,July,Aug. ,1 ACOB K. BUEAFKK'M PURE RYE WHISKY. (MY OWN DISTILLATION.) MO, 13CENIEE BQUAHB. 4 Ji& .Jtf I, .$ , .Tl . v , M eri, w-"l! ' i v j t.v ! & g" &p .-. TL " . i- iV?C -t jr AJi r 41 s 'a -7 ' 1 V f i: 4Y & jr dta. ' , Wl yfs.i 4i m w 'm ti.